Vibration Analysis of Siemens v94 Gas Turbine

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Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration, 2014, Vol. 2, No.

1, 1-10
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Science and Education Publishing

Vibration Analysis of Gas Turbine SIEMENS 162MW-

V94.2 Related to Iran Power Plant Industry in Fars
Omid Ali Zargar*

Department of mechanical engineering - Jawaharlal Nehru technological university Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Andra Pradesh India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received April 27, 2014; Revised May 12, 2014; Accepted May 12, 2014
Abstract Vibration analysis of most critical equipment is considered as one of the most challenging activities in
preventive maintenance. Utilities are heart of the process in big industrial plants like petrochemical zones. Vibration
analysis methods and condition monitoring systems of these kind of equipment are developed too much in recent
years. On the other hand, there are too much operation factors like inlet and outlet pressures and temperatures that
should be monitored. In this paper some of the most effective concepts and techniques related to gas turbine
vibration analysis are discussed. In addition, a gas turbine SIEMENS 162MW- V94.2 vibration case history related
to Iran power industry in Fars province is explained. Vibration monitoring system and machinery technical
specification are introduced. Besides, absolute and relative vibration trends, turbine and compressor orbits, fast
Fourier transform (FFT) in absolute vibrations, vibration modal analysis, turbine and compressor start up and shut
down conditions, bode diagrams for relative vibrations, Nyquist diagrams and waterfall or three-dimensional FFT
diagrams in startup and trip conditions are discussed with relative graphs. Furthermore, Split Resonance in gas
turbines discussed in details. Moreover, some updated vibration monitoring system, blade manufacturing technique
and modern damping mechanism are discussed in this paper.
Keywords: gas turbine, turbine compressor, vibration data collector, utility, condition monitoring, non-contact
probe, Relative Vibration, Absolute Vibration, Split Resonance, time wave form (TWF), fast Fourier transform (FFT)
Cite This Article: Omid Ali Zargar, Vibration Analysis of Gas Turbine SIEMENS 162MW- V94.2 Related
to Iran Power Plant Industry in Fars Province. Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration, vol. 2, no. 1 (2014):
1-10. doi: 10.12691/jmdv-2-1-1.

current probes are measured the relative vibrations. The

1. Introduction basic principles of Eddy current probes are discussed in [1].

There are two set of probes in gas turbines. The shaft

relative vibrations (micrometer peak to peak) are
measured by none contact probes. The condition
monitoring systems of these kinds of probes are usually
Bently Nevada. Besides, Absolute Vibration (mm/s RMS)
are measured by contact probes. Both systems equipped
with alert and danger facilities in process main board sub
The gas turbine is tripped in danger condition. The
parallel condition monitoring system can reduce the risks
Figure 1. None contact probe connection main board in substation
like probe installation mistakes. This method could
increase system reliability.
The condition monitoring (CM) group data collectors
like Easy viber and Vibro 60 are connected with these
kinds of board facilities. Data collector software like
spectra pro and XMS options are adjusted for gas turbine
specification properly. Vibration data and trends like time
wave form (TWF), fast Fourier transform (FFT) and
phase values are measured. These kind of data support the
gas turbine vibration analysis. The regular and close
monitoring helps the CM group to have better evaluations
and make more efficient decisions. None contacted Eddy Figure 2. Typical relative vibration monitoring system
2 Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration

CM engineers. Nowadays new lubricants are introduced to

lubrication world. An environmental friendly palm-grease
has already been formulated from modified RBDPO
(Refined Bleach Deodorized Palm Oil) as base oil and
lithium soap as thickener. Such palm-grease is dedicated
for general application and equipment working in different
industries (such as oil and petrochemical industries). This
type of lubricants are improved the machine performance.
Besides, these lubricants are usually used for high speed
machines. Tribology performance, especially the anti-
wear property of this lubricant are considerably improved
Figure 3. Typical Eddy Current Probe System (CMSS 68) The signal processing methods are developed too much
Gas turbines vibration monitoring systems are usually in recent years. One of the alternative statistical analysis is
equipped with some contact piezoelectric probes. known as I-kaz Multi Level method. This method was
Absolute vibrations in mm/s RMS are measured. The originally developed base on I-kaz TM but with higher
absolute and relative vibration data are compared. Fake order of signal decomposition. The new I-kaz Multi Level
trips are distinguished easily by this method. Probe method was proven very sensitive and detects very well in
installation mistakes are usually caused such fake trips. amplitude and frequency changes of a measured signal.
Typical gas turbine condition monitoring contact probes Nowadays high speed machines TWF and FFT are
shown in Figure 4. achieved with more resolutions[12].
Gas turbine systems are usually equipped with some Robust real-time surveillance and secure system, for
vibration indicators. These indicators are usually installed critical oil pipeline infrastructures, with combination of
in main board substations. The absolute and relative conventional network and wireless sensor network along
vibration data and trends are presented [2]. Besides, the with microwave network shows significant improvement
basic principles of piezoelectric probes discussed in [3]. with eleven times more efficient to conventional systems
by reducing leakage and loss reporting time to control
center. This system will be more efficient to detect any
threats in real time and can report to central control room
without any further delay. These techniques are recently
developed for gas turbine condition monitoring specially
in remote areas [13].
Different maintenance strategies such as corrective,
time based, preventive, condition-based and predictive
maintenance are used for different equipment. New fuzzy
multi criteria model is introduced and it is used for the
optimization decision making of the complex systems.
Maintenance strategies have been modeled with
Figure 4. CA303 and CE136 Accelerometer consideration of several fuzzy parameters. Different
Misalignment and unbalance is the most cause of machine parts with respect to introduced criteria may need
machine vibration. An unbalanced rotor always cause different maintenance policies. Suitable maintenance
more vibration and generates excessive force in the policies can be selected [14].
bearing area and reduces the life of the machine. Several modern vibration monitoring systems are
Understanding and practicing the fundamentals of rotating recently developed in USA for gas turbines. The vibration
shaft parameters is the first step in reducing unnecessary monitoring system acquires vibration data from an engine
vibration, reducing maintenance costs and increasing and processes the data with advanced algorithms to
machine uptime. Misalignment and unbalance have determine engine component health, both in a diagnostic
unique characteristics in FFT, TWF or phase behavior of and prognostic fashion. The method includes the steps of
machine. Vibration analysis could predict unexpected shut measuring an operating parameter and a corresponding set
down in industrial plants [4]. of vibration amplitudes for a plurality of rotating
Some successful vibration analysis case reports components during a period of operation and normalizing
discussed in [5,6,7,8]. Besides, field balance of gas turbine the set of measured vibration amplitudes based on
utilities discussed in [9]. In addition, the shaft crack is one established amplitude limits.
of the most challenging concepts in most critical According to one embodiment, the method comprises,
equipment fault diagnosis. The shaft crack characteristics receiving engine data from the turbine engine while in
are unique. The guidelines is identified in different ways. service, where the engine data include vibration data
This fault is distinguished with different techniques. measured by one or more sensors disposed on the turbine
Moreover, some parametric study has been conducted to engine. The method further comprises receiving user input
discuss the effect of the crack location and material through a user interface, processing the vibration data in
gradient on both the natural frequencies and the response to the user input and displaying the processed
corresponding mode shapes [10]. vibration data through the user interface.
The journal bearing wear is considered as an important The processed data being displayed as a function of a
factor in preventive maintenance. This factor is affected time parameter. According to another embodiment, the
by lubrication. The oil sample locations care identified by method comprises, receiving engine data from the
Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration 3

plurality of turbine engines while in service, where the Gas Turbine Combustion chamber features are
engine data include vibration data measured by a plurality represented in Figure 6.
of sensors disposed on the turbine engines. The method The blading system is SI3D. the blades are described as
further includes receiving user input through a user vane #1 and vane #2.
interface, processing the vibration data in response to the
user input and displaying the processed vibration data
through the user interface. The processed data being
displayed as a function of a time parameter associated
with at least one of the turbine engines.
According to still another embodiment, the system
comprises a general data module configured to receive
periodic data from a controller of a turbine engine. The
periodic data representing operational states of the turbine
engine, a vibration data module configured to receive
vibration data from a measurement module associated Figure 7. Some SI3D Blading Samples
with the turbine engine and generate a functional
relationship between the vibration data and a time Main rotor and typical blades related to gas turbine
parameter according to user input. SIEMENS162MW- V94.2 are shown in Figure 8. In
The vibration data including information about addition, blades design features plot is shown in Figure 9.
vibration of the turbine engine provided by a plurality of
sensors associated with the turbine engine. The database
configured to store periodic and vibration data. This
method provide the historical data in response to the user
input. Historical data module configured to retrieve the
periodic and vibration data from the database. Some
display device configured to display periodic, vibration,
and historical data[15].

2. Experimental Details
The case history about vibration and operation behavior
of gas turbine SIEMENS 162MW- V94.2 Related to Iran
Figure 8. Typical blades related to gas turbine SIEMENS162MW-
Power Plant Industry in Fars Province is explained in this
part. Gas turbine technical specifications are briefly
discussed. Gas Turbine Features are represented in Figure 5.

Figure 9. Blades design features plot

Figure 5. SIEMENS V94.2 Gas Turbine Features
Employing wet compression system available in market
since 2003.

Figure 6. V94.2 Gas Turbine Combustion chamber features Figure 10. wet compression process
4 Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration

Machinery features and basic principles related to gas introduction to TBCs-complex, multi-layer evolving
turbine SIEMENS162MW- V94.2 are determined. systems is presented, where these fascinating systems
Vibration analysis will discussed in details in the next touch on several known phenomena in materials science
stage. Before, it is worthy to discuss some new and and engineering [17].
interesting patent and innovation in gas turbine world [16]. Facilitates removal of the patent pending lateral
Turbine blade for industrial gas turbine is used which generator from between the turbines for maintenance or
includes a blade substrate formed of a single-crystal heat- repair already investigated by several gas turbine
resistant alloy containing C: 0.06 to 0.08%, B: 0.016 to manufacturers [18].
0.035%, Hf: 0.2 to 0.3%, Cr: 6.9 to 7.3%, Mo: 0.7 to 1.0%, Energy efficiency is one of the main objectives for the
W: 7.0 to 9.0%, Re: 1.2 to 1.6%, Ta: 8.5 to 9.5%, Nb: 0.6 development of new power plant technology in order to
to 1.0%, Al: 4.9 to 5.2%, Co: 0.8 to 1.2%, and the reduce fuel consumption and emissions. In response to the
remainder substantially consisting of Ni with reference to increasing, worldwide need for reliable, low cost and
mass, and includes a diffusion barrier layer, a metal layer, environmentally compatible generation. New Siemens
a bond coat, and a top coat, these layers and coats being SGT5-8000H Gas Turbine recently introduced by
stacked in this order on a surface of the blade substrate, Siemens Company.
the metal layer having a thickness of 5 to 30 m. The SGT5-8000 H will have a net power output of at
Therefore, the turbine blade can be provided which has least 340 MW and will be optimized for the combined
a thermal barrier coating formed without loss of a function cycle process with a net power output of more than 530
of the diffusion barrier layer [15]. MW and a efficiency over 60%. A major benefit for the
Damper system recently developed in gas turbine world. customer is the high efficiency of 60%. Efficiency not
The damper includes a width dimension, a height only plays an important role with respect to environmental
dimension, and a length dimension, and a forward plate aspects, but also for the profitability of the power plant.
and an automatic fine tuning (AFT) plate. The AFT plate As fuel is the largest single cost item for running a
is larger than the forward plate along the width and height power plant, an increase of two percentage points can save
dimension and includes an upper portion extending in the the operator millions of Euros over the entire life cycle of
height dimension, the upper portion having a non- a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 530 MW
symmetric configuration. The damper further includes a [19].
longitudinal structure extending in the length dimension
and connecting the forward plate and the AFT plate. The
damper includes a width dimension, a height dimension, 3. Results and Discussion
and a length dimension, and a forward plate.
The damper includes an AFT plate including a larger In this part a case history related to Gas Turbine
area than the forward plate along the width and height SIEMENS V94.2 is explained. This gas turbine is related
dimension, an upper portion having an upper point that is to Iran Power Plant Industry in Fars Province and is in
offset with respect to a central axis of the AFT plate main operation board high vibration.
extending in the height dimension, and a rectangular- Case history
shaped discourager extending AFT in the length Duration: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 to Friday, May 4,
dimension from the AFT plate. The damper also includes 2012.
a longitudinal structure extending in the length dimension After facing some problems in gas turbine Fars utility
and connecting the forward plate and the AFT plate. startup period, the gas turbine was tripped in 1000 RPM.
The turbine rotor assembly includes a turbine rotor The trip was because of high amounts of vibrations. The
having a plurality of turbine blade slots, and a plurality of vibration groups were take part a session for analyzing the
turbine blades having an airfoil, a platform, and a root balancing condition of rotor and gas turbine foundation.
structure, the root structure of each turbine blade shaped to Both the balancing and foundation maintenance data
be received in a corresponding turbine blade slot of the was in good conditions then vibration groups decided to
turbine rotor. The turbine rotor assembly also includes an close monitoring the gas turbine. Further investigations in
under-platform gap formed adjacent and below the maintenance history showed that gas turbine middle shaft
platforms of adjacent turbine blades, and an under- was falling during machinery maintenance actions and
platform cavity formed between an outer radial surface of installed after repair in machinery workshop. There was a
the rotor and adjacent turbine blade root structures, and strong hypothesis that this may the main root of all
below adjacent turbine blade platforms. The turbine rotor vibration problems in this machine. The vibration analysis
assembly further includes a turbine damper located within of hypothesis are discussed.
at least one of the under-platform cavities, the turbine Besides, other possibilities are mentioned. First, the
damper including a width dimension, a height dimension, electronic group checked the absolute and relative
and a length dimension. The damper further includes a conditioners to adjust the related options with technical
forward plate sized to provide a forward flow gap into the documents. Then the analyzer group readjust all the
under platform cavity and the under-platform gap, and an adaptation numbers in turning gear condition with
AFT plate sized to cover a portion of the under platform technical document. After that, all the relative vibrations
cavity and a portion of the under-platform gap [15]. in turbine, compressor and generator were monitored in
Gas-turbine engines used in transportation, energy, and 600 RPM in the next stage.
defense sectors rely on high-temperature thermal-barrier The operation condition were not agree to continue
coatings (TBCs) for improved efficiencies and power. The increasing RPM then in the next day the gas turbine first
promise of still higher efficiencies and other benefits is start up to 600 RPM then process were decided to reduce
driving TBCs research and development worldwide. An the RPM up to 450 and after one hour they were increased
Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration 5

the RPM little by little up to 990 RPM gradually. In this Absolute vibrations were increased and relative
stage Gas turbine trip occurred because of high amount of vibrations were decreased simultaneously! This increasing
absolute vibrations. As we checked all the trend of in absolute vibration in turbine side was 17.5 mm/s RMS
vibration monitoring data it was clear that the gas turbine that caused vibration trip in 990 RPM.
did not have any problem up to 750 RPM. The absolute and relative vibrations were decreased
In addition, there was an acceptable adaptation between slightly in the same manner in trip period. Furthermore,
all monitoring systems in process board and CM vibration All journals temperature monitoring trends was normal
trends in both absolute and relative monitoring systems. and in range during this period. The decreasing relative
Unfortunately, after 750 RPM the related vibrations were vibration with increasing in absolute vibration never seen
increasing gradually. In addition, the absolute vibrations in other gas turbines by the vibration groups and seem to
were increased dramatically after 940 RPM but relative be a new vibration behavior!
vibrations were decreased slightly.

Figure 11. Absolute and relative vibration trends from control monitoring system process main board

Because of low frequency condition, the absolute slow roll in CM texts and will help us in shaft centerline
sensors cannot help in vibration analysis but there is some analysis.
valuable information in relative sensors data that called

Figure 12. Turbine and compressor orbit OCE and CE in turning gear condition
Table 1. Shaft position by 9-volt initial installation Vibrations in 750 RPM should be focused because of
Y X the higher amplitudes. Besides, The FFT in 600 RPM is
-40 -75
-45 115
shown in Figure 14.

Figure 13. FFT Absolute vibrations turbine side in 600 RPM (horizontal, vertical and axial)
6 Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration

750 RPM approximately is beginning of the first gas vibration data in this condition can help too much for the
turbine SIEMENS162MW- V94.2 critical speed and the gas turbine vibration analysis.

Figure 14. Relative vibrations FFT turbine 1, turbine 2, compressor and OCE in 750 RPM

Figure 15. Orbits turbine, compressor, OCE and CE in 750 RPM

The gas turbine vibration modal analysis is shown in the phase values and their trends in different locations
Figure 17. Vibration modal analysis is obtained by using (points).
Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration 7

Figure 16. Vibration modal analysis 1X (left is related to turbine side)

Vibration monitoring system in operation main board addition, CM vibration graphs indicated the same
showed that the relative vibration decreased suddenly information.
when absolute vibration caused gas turbine trip. In

Figure 17. Turbine and compressor start up and shut down condition (trip position are indicated by cursor)

Figure 18. Turbine relative vibrations Bode diagrams

Figure 19. Compressor relative vibrations Bode diagrams

8 Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration

The reason of this phenomena could be discovered by mode of vibration was disappeared and was replaced by
drawing bode diagrams for relative vibration sensors in another mode of vibration in 90 sensor.
both turbine and compressor. This phenomena was caused high amount of vibrations
As shown in above bode diagrams, overall amplitude in turbine side and was occurred after increasing RPM.
vibration was decreased in one sensor and was increased Besides, this phenomena are indicated in gas turbine
in other sensor simultaneously! Nyquist diagrams and is called Split Resonance. Split
This increasing behavior is related to a turbine side Resonance may cause Backward whirl between 940 to 980
mode of vibration for 940 RPM in 30 sensor but this RPM in both turbine and compressor journals [20].

Figure 20. Turbine and compressor relative vibrations Nyquist diagrams

Finally, turbine and compressor relative vibrations obtained (for startup and trip). These diagrams were
waterfall or three-dimensional FFT diagrams were developed some hypothesis in gas turbine fault diagnosis.

Figure 21. Turbine and compressor three-dimensional FFT diagrams for startup and trip (waterfall graphs)

In this part, most critical equipment rotor faults is turbine. Small amount of these kinds of faults usually are
compared with the vibration evidences in mentioned gas existed in normal behavior of industrial rotors but high
Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration 9

amounts of these faults may cause trip in all somewhat 4. Current and Future Development
most critical equipment.
The piezoelectric layers are used for sensors and The process parameters like inlet and outlet pressure
actuators. Micro vibrations, generally defined as low and temperature trends should be monitored and make
amplitude vibrations at frequencies up to 1 kHz. An sure that all parameters are in the gas turbine technical
adaptive inverse dynamics control was used to suppress document ranges. In addition, changing in load and RPM
the vibration of a simply supported panel. These kinds of should be monitored accurately. These kinds of process
techniques can effectively utilize in most critical abnormalities sometime cause serious mechanical
equipment condition monitoring systems [21]. problems.
In addition, stochastic identification technique is Besides, the condition monitoring groups should have
proposed to estimate both the parameters and order of provide good trends of different vibration data and graphs
multi-input and multi-output vibrating structural systems. like absolute and relative over all vibrations, FFT, TWF
In complex machinery systems like gas turbine hundreds and phase characteristics in different points and directions.
of parts may originate hundreds of frequency vibration is Furthermore, vibration analysts should have good
such a complex condition time modeling systems like understanding and back ground about machinery
vibration modal analysis. These techniques are utilized in characteristics of gas turbine.
fault diagnosis and sometime cause some partial After comparing the vibration trends and data with
modification to improve the machine performance and machinery and process evidences for different main
machine vibration behavior [22]. machine faults like wear, misalignment, Oil whip/whirl,
Sub harmonic vibrations existed specially in higher shaft crack, looseness and unbalance, the vibration
RPM of gas turbine but trip was in low RPM and wear analysts could recommend optimal maintenance action on
could not be a main problem. Angular misalignment are gas turbine or any other most critical equipment.
based on axial vibrations and there was no high axial
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