Dental MCQ

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The predominant site for calcium absorption is:-

a. kidney b. liver

c. small intestine d. urinary bladder

2. The renal threshold for calcium is approximately:-

a. 4mg/dl b. 7mg/dl

c. 11mg/dl d. 13mg/dl

3. Hypocalcemia is said to exist when serum calcium is:-

a. less than 5.5mg/dl b. less than 6.5mg/dl

c. less than 7.5mg/dl d. less than 8.5mg/dl

4. All are clinical features of low concentrations of calcium ions Except:-

a. Hyperirritability b. Muscle rigor

c. Tetany d. Laryngospasm

5.Which of the following element replace calcium in the inorganic structure of bone?

a. Rubidium b. Iron

c. Lead d. Sodium

6. All increases absorption of intestinal calcium ions Except:-

a. Vitamin D b. Ascorbic acid

c. Hyperacidity d. Oxalic acid

7. Normal inorganic phosphate level of blood in adult ranges from:-

a. 1-3mg/dl b. 2-4mg/dl

c. 5-7mg/dl d. 8-11mg/dl

8 . Recommended daily dietary calcium intake for adults is:-

a. 360mg b. 500mg

c. 800mg d. 1200mg

9.Primary route of excretion of calcium and phosphorus respectively is:-

a. Urine & feces b. Feces & urine

c. Sweat & urine d. Sweat & feces

10. A metabolic bone disease that is characterised by deficiency of tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphate is termed as:-

a. Hypophosphatemia b. Vitamin D resistant rickets c. Hyperphosphatemia d. Hypophosphatasia

11. Which form of Hypophosphatasia reveals “Beaten Copper” appearance radiographically:-

a. Peripheral Hypophosphatasia b). Infantile Hyphophosphatasia

c. Childhood Hypophosphatasia d). Adult Hypophosphatasia

12. Magnesium is required in which of the following reactions?

a. ATPase b. Dismutase c. Aldolase d. Phosphatase

13. Dystrophic calcification is seen in:-

a. Atheromatous plaque b. Gastric mucosa

c. Normal tissue d. Lungs

14.Which of the following is false regarding metastatic calcification:-

a. Most commonly seen in Kidneys and lungs. b. Psammoma bodies & infaracts are present.

c. Calcium metabolism is deranged & shows hypercalcemia

d. Excess absorption of calcium ions leading to Hypervitaminosis

15. Scleroderma & Dermatocytosis is a type of:-

a. Metastatic calcification b. Dystrophic calcification c. Calcinosis d. All of the above

16. Dystrophic calcification is seen in:-

a. Milk alkali Syndrome b. Hyperparathyroidism c. Liquefaction necrosis d. Vitamin A


17. Average amount of potassium should present in the diet is:-

a. 4gm b. 5.7gm c. 6.5gm d. 8.5gm

18. Symptoms of Hypokalemia includes All, Except:-

a. Irritability & muscle weaknes b. Kidney failure with release of potassium

c. Cardiomegaly & cardiac arrest d. Changes in ECG with inverted T wave

19. Hypothyroidism is associated with:-

a. Cretinism b. Hashimotos thyroiditis c. Myxedema d. Grave’s disease

20. All are true about Hyperthyroidism Except :-

a. Occular invovlement, most striking feature.

b.T4 levels are low & TSH levels are normal or borderline.

c. Diffuse thyroid enlargement & increased systolic with decreased diastolic pressure.

d. Thyroid storm, may occur if uncontrolled.

21. Wilson’s disease is due to abnormal metabolism of:-

a. Copper b. Lead

c. Iron d. Zinc

22. Adult human contains copper in the range of:-

a. 50-70mg b. 75-120mg

c. 100-150mg d. 150-180mg

23. “Steely” or “Kinky” hair syndrome is associated with:-

a. Bismuth b. Chromium

c. Copper d. Zinc

24. Copper deficiency produces which form of anaemia:-

a. Macrocytic hypochromic anaemia b. Microcytic hypochromic anaemia

c. Hereditary Sphereocytosis d. Thalassemia

25. Which element is termed as “One way substance” for its excretion from alimentary canal or by the kidneys:-

a. Sodium b. Potassium

c. Iron d. Chlorine

26. “Bronze Diabetes” & “Bantu Siderosis” are associated with which of the following element?
a. Lead b. Iron

c. Copper d. Zinc

27. Earliest sign of Iron Deficiency Anaemia is :-

a. Increase in Iron binding capacity. b. Decrease in serum ferritin level.

c. Decrease in serum Iron level. d. All of the above.

28. Best test for assessment of Iron status is:-

a. Transferrin b. Ferritin

c. Serum Iron d. Haemoglobin

29. Highest concentration of zinc is present in:-

a. Skin & prostate b. Liver & kidney

c. Bones & teeth d. Nails & lungs

30. Zinc is found to be increased in which of the following conditions:-

a. Diabetes Mellitus b. Leukaemia

c. Acute Viral Hepatitis d. Pregnancy & lactation

31. A condition with a transient period of psychosis followed by irreversible parkinsonism seen with :-

a. Selenium b. Chromium c. Manganese d. Copper

32. Which of the following is the important constituent & integral part of vitamin B12 :-

a. Manganese b. Chromium c. Selenium d. Cobalt

33.Which of the following is true regarding Chromium:-

a. Obtained in diet by cooking foods in stainless steel utensil

b. Have a role in carbohydrate & lipid metabolism

c. Acts as etiology for gestational & maturity onset diabetes

d. All of the above

34. Characteristic “Garlicky Breath” is an early sign of toxicity of:-

a. Chromium b. Selenium c. Magnesium d. Molybdenum

35. Selenium along with Vitamin E performs which of the following as important function:-

a. Maintains structural integrity of biological membranes.

b. Prevents lipid peroxidation & free radicals.

c. Causes exudative diathesis and myopathies.

d. Prevents Hepatic necrosis & muscular dystrophy.

36. In drinking water, the recommended concentration of fluoride is:

a. 0.25-0.75ppm b. 1ppm c. 2ppm d. 3.8ppm

37. “Crippling Fluorosis” is characterized by:-

a. Blockage of blood vessels b. Chipping of teeth

c. Calcification of blood vessels d. Rigid Spine

38. Rich Natural source of Fluoride is:-

a. Spinach b. Carrots c. Tea Leaves d. Butter

39. Fluorine in trace elements prevents dental caries :-

a.<2ppm b.<4ppm. c.<6ppm. d.<8ppm.

40. Absorption of Iron is promoted by :-

a. Phytate, oxalate, high phosphates b. Ascorbic acid, cysteine, acidity & peptides

c. Ceruloplasmin, apoferritin & transferrin d. None of the above

41 An advanced condition wherein an individual cannot able to perform daily routine work due to stiff joints termed as :-

a. Skeletal Fluorosis b. Genu Vulgam

c. Wilson’s disease d. Osteomalacia

42. Hypophosphatasia is due to deficiency of:-

a. Acid Phosphate b. Phosphenolethanol amine

c. 1 alpha hydroxylase d. Alkaline Phosphate

43. In which of the following conditions, metastatic calcification occurs :-

a. Hypovitaminosis D b. Hyperthyroidism

c. Hyperparathyroidism. d. Hyperpituitarism

44. Optimum calcium levels in the body are :-

a. 8-9mg/dl b. 9-11mg/dl c. 11-13mg/dl d. 13-15mg/dl

45. The most common component of protein synthesis is:-

a. Ribosomes b. Mitochondria

c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum d. Rough ER

46. Binding of protein to DNA is regulated by :-

a. Copper b. Zinc c. Selenium d. Iron

47. Hypernatremia associated with following Except :-

a. Cushing’s syndrome b. Steroid therapy

c. Diabetes Insipidus d. Addison’s disease

48. Kwashiorkar is primarily due to :-

a. Due to calorie deficiency in the body b. Insufficient intake of protein

c. Early & abrupt weaning with artificial feeding in infants d. Both a & c

49. The major difference between Kwashiorkar & Marasmus is :-

a. Presence or absence of decreased concentration of plasma albumin

b. Presence or absence of edema c. Both of the above

d. Neither of the above

50. Oral manifestations like bright reddening of tongue, with loss of papillae, fissuring of lips & circumoral pigmentation
mainly s/o:-

a. Protein energy malnutrition b. Marasmus

c. Marasmic Kwashiorkar d. Kwashiorkar

51. Amyloidosis is best demonstrated by:-

a. Methyl violet stain b. Secondary fluoroscence c. Congo red stain d. Green birefringence

52. :Secondary amyloidosis is seen in-

a. Osteoarthritis b. TB hip joint c. Rhuematoid arthritis d. All of the above

53. Red or brown colouration of teeth is seen in:-

a. Fluorosis b. Amyloidosis c. Porphyria d. Dystrophic calcification

54. Calcification of soft tissue without any disturbances of calcium metabolism is called:-

a. Ionotropic calcification b. Calcium induced calcification

c. Metastatic calcification d. Dystropic calcification

55. Hurler syndrome is:-

a. Mucopolysaccharide type I b. Mucopolysaccharide type II

c. Mucopolysaccharide type III d. Mucopolysaccharide type IV

56. Congenital porphyria shows all except:-

a. Primary/ permanent teeth may show red or brownish discolouration

b. First sign is usually the excretion of red urine

c. Under polarized light it shows green birefriengence

d. A vesicle or bullous eruption may seen on face & hands

57. Hepatic porphyria also a multisystem disorder consist of all classes except :-

a. Acute tntermittent porphyria b. Erythropoietic uroporphyria

c. Porphyria cutanea tarda d. Hereditary coproporphyria

58. “Gargoyle cells” are seen in :-

a. Gaucher’s disease b. Hurler syndrome

c. Letterer- siwe disease d. Urbach-wieth syndrome

59. “Crumpled skin cytoplasm” is seen in :-

a. Niemann pick disease b. Kwashiorkar

c. Gaucher’s disease d. Von- gierke’s disease

60. Corneal clouding with hepatosplenomegaly and elevated level of mucopolysaccharide in the urine suggestive of:-

a. Lipid proteinosis b. Scheie syndrome

c. Hurler syndrome d. Niemann pick disease

61. Lipid proteinosis is mainly characterized by :-

a. Congenital absence of teeth & enamel hypoplasia.

b. Inability of infants to cry at birth with hoarseness

c. Deposition of PAS positive, diastase-resistant material

d. Short neck, spinal abnormality with clawhand.

62. Gaucher’s disease is due to :-

a. Disturbance in protein metabolism b. Deficiency of sphingomyelinase

c. Mucopolysaccharide metabolism disturbance d. Deficiency of glucocerebrosidase

63. “Erlenmeyer flask deformity” radiographically is:-

a. Juvenile Gaucher disease b. Chronic Gaucher disease

c. Infantile Gaucher disease d. Norrbottanian Gaucher

64. “Flag sign” with an alternate light & dark bands are seen in:-

a. Niemann- pick disease b. Kwashiorkar c. Gaucher disease d. Hurler syndrome

65. Teratogenicity is caused by::-

a. Vitamin E b. Vitamin K c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin A

66. Niemann pick disease is due to:-

a. Ceramidase deficiency b. Sphingomyelinase deficiency

c. Phosphatase deficiency d. Glucocerbrosidase deficiency

67. Fat soluble vitamins are all Except:-

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin D c. Vitamin K d. Vitamin B

68. Epithelial integrity is maintained by:-

a. Vitamin C b. Vitamin D

c. Vitamin A d. Vitamin B2

69. Vitamin deficiency causes the following E xcept:-

a. Myopia b. Night Blindness

c. Bitot spot d. Corneal dryness

70. Xeropthalmia is caused by deficiency of:-

a. Vitamin K b. Vitamin D

c. Vitamin A d. Vitamin C
71. Coenzyme A contains which of the following vitamin:-

a. Niacin b. Pyridoxine

c. Biotin d. Pantothenic acid

72. Rhodopsin deficiency chiefly associated with:-

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin E

c. Rickets d. Scurvy

73. Daily Vitamin A intake is:-

a. 1000 I.U b. 2000 I.U c. 3000 I.U d. 4000I.U

74 The function of vitamin A is/ are related to which of the following:-

a. Retinol b. Retinal

c. Retinoic acid d. All of the above

75. Vitamin also acting as hormone is:-

a. Vitamin K b. Vitamin E

c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin C

76. Untrue for vitamin D is:-

a. Active form of it is calcitriol

b. Increases calcium absorption from intestines

c. Deficiency results in rickets

d. Decreases phosphate reabsorption from kidneys

77. A patient having chronic renal failure & bone pain have deficiency of:-

a. Vitamin B3 b. Vitamin D c. Vitamin K d. Vitamin B6

78. Refractory rickets is an synonym of:-

a. Myopia b. Night Blindness c. Bitot spot d. Corneal dryness

79. Xeropthalmia is caused by deficiency of:-

a. Vitamin D resistant rickets b. Adult rickets

c. Osteomalacia d. Renal rickets

80. “Rachitic Rosary” is characteristic of:-

a. Beriberi b. Rickets

c. Scurvy d. Pellagra
81. Term tocopherol is given to:-S

a. Vitamin K b. Vitamin B6 c. Vitamin E d. Scurvy

82. Hypophosphatasia shows most severe manifestations for survival with:-

a. Infantile type b. Perinatal type c. Childhood type d. Adult type

83. Untrue for Hypophosphatasia:-

a. Shows reduced levels of alkaline phosphatase

b. Involves stress fractures as presenting signs in feet's bones

c. Shows large pulp horns extending till DE junction

d. mainly primary lower anteriors invovled

84. Maximum content of vitamin E is found in:-

a. Cod liver oil b. Wheat germ oil c. Fish liver oil d. Liver

85. Untrue about manifestations of vitamin E deficiency is :-

a. Hemolytic anemia b. Posterior column abnormalities

c. Cerebellar ataxia d. Autonomic Dysfunction

86. Antisterility vitamin is associated with:-

a. Vitamin K b. Vitamin D

c. Vitamin E d. Biotin

87. Vitamin D deficiency causes:-

a. widening of predentin b. defective calcification

c. microdontia d. interglobular dentin formation

88. Vitamin k deficiency is indicated by:-

a. low platelet count b. increased prothrombin time

c. decreased prothrombim time d. none of the above

89. Factors associated with vitamin K are :-

a. II, VII, IX, X b. III, X, XII

c. V, VIII, IX d. II, IV, VIII

90. Absorption of vitamin K requires normal absorption of:-

a. fat b. amino acid

c. calcium d. glucose
91. Vitamin synthesized by intestinal bacteria is:-

a. Vitamin B b. Vitamin K c. Vitamin E d. Vitamin D

92. Vitamin K antagonizes:-

a. Corticosteroids b. Thrombin formation

c. Bishydroxy coumarin d. production of clotting factors

93. Vitamin K:-

a. helps in prothrombin formation b. inhibition of antithrombin

c. prevention of capillary fragility d. stimulation of hematopoiesis

94. Vitamin C present in largest amount in :-

a. eyes b. kidneys c. testes d. adrenal cortex

95. Average daily dose of vitamin C is:-

a. 30-40mg b. 50-60mg

c. 60-100mg d. 100-120mgs

96. Poorest source of vitamin C is:-

a. milk b. cabbage c. citrus d. radish

97. Collagen formation is affected in deficiency of:-

a. Vitamin B2 b. Vitamin D

c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin K

98. Vitamin C & Vitamin K invovled in:-

a. defective collagen synthesis

b. post translational modifications

c. antioxidant mechanisms

d. microsomal hydroxylation reactions

99. Vitamin C deficiency causes all Except :-

a. defective collagen synthesis b. pigeon chest

c. soft swollen gums d. subcutaneous hemorrhage

100. Scurvy is the result of deficiency of:-

a. Vitamin K b. Vitamin E

c. Vitamin B d. Vitamin C
101. Ascorbic acid is :-

a. reducing agent b. decreases iron absorption

c. harmless in high doses d. required for enzyme oxidase

102. Beriberi is due to deficiency of:-

a. vitamin B12 b. vitamin B6

c. vitamin B2 d. vitamin B1

103. “Wernickes-korsakoff syndrome” associated with :-

a. vitamin C b. vitamin B1

c. vitamin D d. vitamin k

104. Magenta coloured tongue is seen in deficiency of:-

a. pantothenic acid b. riboflavin

c. biotin d. folic acid

105. anti- neuritic vitamin is referred to:-

a. riboflavin b. thiamine

c. niacin d. choline

106. Encephalomalacia occurs due to :-

a. vitamin B complex b. vitamin D

c. vitamin E d. vitamin K

107. anti-oxidant vitamins are all Except:-

a. vitamin A b. vitamin E

c. vitamin B d. vitamin C

108. In riboflavin deficiency, which papillae shows magenta colour :-

a. circumvallate papillae b. fungiform papillae

c. filiform papillae d. foliate papillae

109. The structure of flavoprotein is:-

a. vitamin B6 b. vitamin B1

c. vitamin B2 d. vitamin B7

110. Angular cheilosis is frequently associated with:-

a. thiamine b. niacin c. folic acid d. riboflavin

111. Casal’s necklace is seen in :-

a. riboflavin deficiency b. niacin deficiency

c. biotin deficiency d. thiamine deficiency

112. Niacin & Riboflavin helps in:-

a. redox reactions b. transamination reactions

c. methyl group transfer d. amine group transfer

113. Pellagra is the result of deficiency of :-

a. vitamin D b. thiamine

c. niacin d. riboflavin

114. Vitamin causing glossitis, dementia & gastrointestinal problems is:-

a. vitamin K b. Niacin

c. vitamin B2 d. vitamin B7

115. Dementia, diarrhea & dermatitis seen in deficiency of:-

a. thiamine b. pantothenic acid

c. niacin d. riboflavin

116. Vincent's infection involving gingiva, tongue & oral mucosa is sequel to:-

a. beriberi b. riboflavin deficiency

c. pellagra d. pernicious anemia

117. Vitamin B6 usually referred as:-

a. pantothenic acid b. folic acid

c. biotin d. pyridoxine

118. Presence of scaly, greasy dermatitis & eventual alopecia is the result of:-

a. pyridoxine deficiency b. pantothenic acid deficiency

c. biotin deficiency d. folic acid deficiency

119. Malonyl aciduria is seen in deficiency of:-

a. riboflavin b. vitamin B12 c. pyridoxine d. biotin

120. Vitamin most indispensable during mitosis is:-

a. ascorbic acid b. pantothenic acid

c. folic acid d. aspartic acid

121. Most common form of vitamin B12:-

a. cyanacobalmine b. methyl B12

c. hydroxy B12 d. pernicious anemia

122. Wound delaying factors is/are:-

a. Ascorbic acid deficiency b. folic acid deficiency

c. infections d. both a & c

123. Vitamin associated with one carbon transfer is:-

a. ascorbic acid b. folic acid

c. thiamine d. vitamin K

124. “Burning feet syndrome” usually seen with:-

a. vitamin B6 b. vitamin B2

c. vitamin B12 d. vitamin B5

125. Hunter’s glossitis is seen as a result of:-

a. vitamin B7 b. vitamin B12

c. vitamin B5 d. vitamin B2

126. Drug used in treatment of leukemia is:-

a. aminopterin only b. methotrexate only

c. both of the above d. any other than these

127. Anti-egg white factor also referred as :-

a. vitamin B5 b. vitamin B12

c. vitamin B2 d. vitamin B7

128. Heat labile vitamins are all Except:-

a. vitamin C b. niacin

c. biotin d. folic acid

129. Vitamin that is associated with neonatal jaundice is:-

a. vitamin D b. vitamin K

c. folic acid d. pyridoxine

130. FIGLU excretion test is to estimate deficiency of:-

a. vitamin K b. Folic acid c. vitamin B12 d. retinoic acid

131. Mineral present in vitamin B12 is:-

a. cobalt b. chromium

c. selenium d. magnesium

132. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the :-

a. stomach b. proximal ileum

c. terminal ileum d. lower jejunum

133. Vitamin B12 is:-

a. intrinsic factor of castle b. cyanocobalamine

c. fat soluble of vitamin d. extrinsic factor of castle

134. Consumption of raw egg white in the diet may result in the deficiency of:-

a. Riboflavin b. vitamin A c. Biotin d. pyridoxine

135. Peripheral neuropathy due to deficiency of vitamin is seen with:-

a. Vitamin E b. Vitamin A c. Panthothenic acid d. Pyridoxine

136. The posterior lobe of pituitary gland develops from:-

a. rathke’ pouch b. Floor of IV ventricle

c. Floor of III ventricle d. Sella tursica

137. Which of the following hormone is released from posterior pituitary:-

a. ACTH b. Antidiuretic hormone

c. luiteinizing hormone d. growth hormone

138. Hypopituitarism due to pituitary infarction in the postpartum woman results in:-

a. cushing syndrome b. simmond disease

c. hurler syndrome d. sheehan syndrome

139. Gigantism is due to hypersecretion of growth hormone seen in:-

a. infancy/ early childhood b. adults

c. childhood before fusion of epiphysis of bone with shaft

d. all of the above

140. Enlargement of bone's specially mandible, kyphosis & bull dog scalp, these are characteristics features of :-

a. acromicria b. dwarfism

c. gigantism d. acromegaly
141. Due to markedly low basal metabolic rate, simmond’s disease represents which of the following condition:-

a. hyperpituitarism b. hypopituitarism

c. hyperthyrodism d. panhypopituitarism

142. Not true about T3 & T4:-

a. T3 more potent than T4 b. T4binds to prealbumin

c. Absorption of T4 is more d. T4 concentration more

143. In children, hypothyroidism causes:-

a. acromegaly b. cretinism

c. high TSH level d. increased risk of infections

144. Features of hypopthyroidism doesnot include:-

a. obesity b. hypertension c. gigantism d. acromegaly

145. Acromegaly is a disorder of:-

a. excess thyroxine secretion b. excess FSH secretn

c. excess growth hormone secretion d. excess ACTH scretn

146. Hypothyroidism should be treated with daily administration of which of the following thyroid hormone

a. Thyroid extracts b. Thyroglobulin c. Thyroxine d. Triidothyronine

147. Hormone increasing the sensitvity of heart to epinephrine is:-

a. parathyroid b. insulin c. glucagon d. thyroid

148. Following are all true about primary thyrotoxicosis features except:-

a. intolerance to heat b. CVS symptoms

c. exophthalmia d. CNS symptoms

149. Which of the following is not a feature of myxoedema:-

a. husky voice b. swelling of face

c. non-pitting edema d. retarded reproductive system

150. Simmond’s disease:-

a. hyposecretion of all anterior pituitary hormone

b. hypersecretion of all posterior oituitary hormones

c. deficiency of cortisol

d. deficiency of somatomedian
151. Which of the following is associated with a low concentration of ionized calcium in the serum:-

a. Hypothyroidism b. pagets disease of bone

c. rickets d. tetany

152. Trousseau’s sign & Chvostek’s sign are positive in:-

a. hyperparathyroidism b. hypothyroidism

c. hyperparathyroidism d. hyperthyroidism

153. If hyperparathyroidism is present, then:-

a. serum calcium level increases above normal

b. serum calcium level remains constant

c. serum calcium level decreases below normal

d. excretion of serum calcium level increases

154. Ground glass appearance is seen in:-

a. hyperparthyroidism b. fibrous dysplasia

c. osteopetrosis d. condensing osteitis

155.All of the following causes osteoporosis, except:-

a. hyperparathyroidism b. steroid use c. fluorosis d. thyrotoxicosis

156. Hypervitaminosis D shows :-

a. albuminuria b. hypocalcemia c. hyperphosphatemia d. hypercalcemia

157. All can cause skeletal maturity retardation, except:-

a. chronic renal failure b. hypothyroidism

c. protein energy malnutrition d. congenital adrenal hyperplasia

158. A progressive increase in length and in mandibular interdental spacing in an adult patient is characteristic of:-

a. periodontosis b. hypothyroidism c. hyperpituitarism d. hypoadrenalism

159. A child with low level of intelligence and delayed milestones is probably suffering from:-

a. hyperthyroidism b. hypothyroidism

c. hyperpituitarism d. hypoparathyroid

160. Osteitis fibrosa cystica caused due to:-

a. hyperparathyroidism b. hypoparathyroidism

c. hypothyroidism d. none of the above

161. Common causes of hyperparathyroidism is/ are:-

a. carcinoma of parathyroid glands b. hyperplasia of parathyroid glands.

c. adenomas of parathyroid glands d. all of the above

162. “ Pepper pot” skull is usually seen associated with:-

a. hyperthyroidism b. Addison's disease

c. prim. hyperparathyroidism d. sec. hyperparathyroidism

163. Hypercalcemia associated with malignancy is most often mediated by:-

a. parathyroid hormone b. PT Hormone related protein

c. interleukin 6 d. calcitonin

164. Following are all the important features of tetany except:-

a. Troissier’s sign b. chvostek’s sign

c. carpopedal spasm d. trousseau’s sign

165. Abnormal pigment of skin & mucus membrane with generalized systemic symptoms of decreased blood pressure is
seen in:-

a. Albright’s syndrome b. Grinspan’s syndrome

c. Addison's disease d. Von recklinghausen’s disease

166. Excess of cortisol causes:-

a. Conn’s syndrome b. Cushing syndrome

c. Addison's syndrome d. Albright syndrome

167. Acute septicemia, petechial hemorrhages & pupura of skin & oral mucosa s/o:-

a. Androgenital syndrome b. Adaptation syndrome

c. Waterhouse- Friderischen syndrome d. Addison's disease

168. “Buffalo Hump” seen in:-

a. Simmond’s disease b. Cushing syndrome

c. Addison’s disease d. Von- recklinghausen’s disease

169. All are seen in cushing syndrome, except:-

a. truncal obesity b. hypertension

c. poor wound healing d. hypoglycemia

170. Cortisol levels are maximum during:-

a. early morning b. sleep c. evening d. no change

171. Blood coagulation is impaired in:-

a. tetany b. rickets c. hyperparathyroidism d. none

172.Cretinism involves all, except:-

a. pot belly b. idiotic look

c. stunted growth d. normal intelligence

173. A 5Oyr old obese c/o several recent abscess in the gingiva with loosening of teeth, itching of skin & polyuria s/o :-

a. Scurvy b. Diabetes Insipidus

c. Diabetes Mellitus d. Cushing syndrome

174. Bronze discolouration of oral mucosa may be formed due to:-

a. amalgam tatoo b. melanoma

c. lentigo d. Addison’s disease

175. Progeria is also termed as:-

a. Heerfordt’s syndrome b. Hutchinson- Gilford syndrome

c. Fanconi’s syndrome d. Eagle syndrome

176. Progeria involves all, except:-

a. has high pitch, squeaky voice b. hypoplastic mandible

c. develops infertility & gynaecomastia d. shows alopecia

177.Canker sores also termed as:-

a. cancrum oris b. primary herpetic stomatitis

c. recurrent apthous stomatitis d. hepes zoster

178. Recurrent apthous major heals by :-

a. Scarring b. without scarring

c. Keloid formation d. little scarring

179. Gingival involvement would be unusual in:-

a. pemphigoid b. recurrent apthae

c. primary herpes d. pyogenic granuloma

180. Oral ulcers occurring in groups, persisting for 6wks & leave scars on leaving are:-

a. recurrent apthous major b. recurrent apthous minor

c. recurrent hepetiform d. recurrent herpetic gingivostomatitis

181. Sutton’s disease is a synonym of:-

a. recurrent minor ulcer b. recurrent major ulcer

c. herpetiform ulcer d. fever blister

182. “Antischkow cells” are present in histologically in:-

a. cancer chemotherapy b. recurrent apthous stomatitis c. megaloblastic anemia d. all of the above

183. Conjunctivitis, urethritis, mucocutaneous lesions & arthritis are clinical features of :-

a. Behcet’s syndrome b. Hodgkin’s disease

c. Reiter’s syndrome d. Ehler - danlos syndrome

184. Erythema multiforme is seen in:-

a. Sutton’s disease b. Trotter’s syndrome

c. Behcet’s syndrome d. Eagle’s syndrome

185. Presence of which is not a contraindication to the use of corticosteroids?:-

a. peptic ulcer b. herpes simplex

c. apthous ulcer d. latent tuberculosis

186.Vesiculobullous lesion affecting skin, oral mucosa, eyes & genitalia is:-

a. cicatrical pemphigoid b. Reiter syndrome

c. Steven johnson syndrome d. all of the above

187. Which of the following is not true for recurrent apthous stomatitis:-

a. no history of prodormal symptoms b. rhagades formation seen

c. precipitated commonly in stress d. mostly involving labial mucosa

188. Reiter syndrome is caused by:-

a. plasma pneumonia like organism b. coxsackie virus A 16

c. paramyxovirus d. coxsackie virus A10

189. Psoriasis form of lesions with monro”s abscess are seen in:-

a. Sarcoidosis b. Infectious mononucleosis

c. Wegner’s granulomatosis d. Plummer vinson syndrome

190. Kveim slitzbach test is used to diagnose:-

a. scurvy b. wegner granulomatosis

c. sarcoidosis d. plummer vinson syndrome

191. In sarcoidosis lesions on lip are small papular nodules or plaques may show resemblance with:-

a. apthous ulcer b. fever blisters

c. tuberculous ulcer d. actinomycosis

192. All are true about Heerfordt’s syndrome, except:-

a. shows firm painless parotid enlargement with submaxillary and lacrimal gland occasionally

b. synonym is lethal granuloma

c. shows presence of eye lesions also

d. shows unilateral/ bilateral 7 th nerve paralysis

193. Disease appearing clinically as midline lethal granuloma are all, except:-

a. wegner granulomatosis b. actinomycosis

c. candidiasis d. scarlet fever

194. Best treatment for midline lethal granuloma is :-

a. high dose radiotherapy b. chemotherapy

c. steroid therapy d. if needed, surgery

195. An individual having superficial ulceration of palate or nasal septum, ultimately leading to necrosis & suggestive
sequestration of nasal, palate and malar bones represent:-

a. granuloma inguinale b. wegner granulomatosis

c. midline lethal granuloma d. none of the above

196. Which of the following is not a feature of wegner’s granulomatosis:-

a. involves vascular, renal and respiratory systems

b. strawberry gingivitis is seen

c. cyclophosphamide & prednisolone are given

d. pus formation is also present, though not characteristic feature

1 c 11 c 21 a 31 c 41 b
2 b 12 d 22 c 32 d 42 d
3 d 13 a 23 c 33 d 43 c
4 b 14 b 24 b 34 b 44 c
5 c 15 c 25 c 35 d 45 a
6 d 16 c 26 c 36 c 46 b
7 c 17 a 27 b 37 b 47 d
8 d 18 b 28 b 38 c 48 b
9 b 19 d 29 a 39 a 49 c
10 c 20 b 30 d 40 b 50 d

51 d 61 b 71 d 81 d 91 b
52 c 62 d 72 a 82 b 92 c
53 c 63 b 73 a 83 c 93 a
54 d 64 b 74 d 84 b 94 d
55 a 65 d 75 c 85 d 95 b
56 c 66 b 76 d 86 c 96 a
57 b 67 d 77 b 87 a 97 c
58 b 68 c 78 a 88 b 98 b
59 b 69 a 79 b 89 a 99 b
60 c 70 c 80 c 90 a 100 dsss
101 a 111 b 121 b 131 a 141 b
102 d 112 a 122 d 132 c 142 b
103 b 113 c 123 b 133 d 143 b
104 b 114 b 124 d 134 c 144 d
105 b 115 c 125 b 135 d 145 c
106 c 116 c 126 c 136 c 146 c
107 c 117 d 127 d 137 b 147 d
108 b 118 c 128 b 138 d 148 b
109 c 119 b 129 b 139 c 149 d
110 d 120 c 130 b 140 d 150 a

151 d 161 d 171 a 181 b 191 b
152 c 162 c 172 d 182 d 192 b
153 a 163 b 173 c 183 a 193 d
154 a 164 d 174 d 184 c 194 a
155 c 165 c 175 b 185 c 195 c
156 d 166 b 176 c 186 d
157 d 167 c 177 c 187 b
158 c 168 b 178 a 188 a
159 b 169 d 179 b 189 d
160 a 170 a 180 a 190 c

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