Cra Yogurt RMN

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Food Chemistry 82 (2003) 155160

Water-holding capacity and structure of hydrocolloid-gels,

WPC-gels and yogurts characterised by means of NMR
R. Hinrichs*, J. Gotz, H. Weisser
Lehrstuhl fur Brauereianlagen und Lebensmittel-Verpackungstechnik, Technische Universitat Munchen,
Weihenstephaner Steig 22, 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany

The objective of this work is to illustrate the possibilities of NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) for characterising gels. As model
food systems, carrageenan-gels/solutions and whey protein gels are studied. The water-holding capacity of gels including sol-gel
transitions is investigated. Pore systems of gels are characterised by analysed diusion experiments. Yogurt is used as an example of
a complex food, and is treated with a special wash-out-test. This test allows conclusions concerning the trend to syneresis and the
structure of the system. It is shown that NMR provides a powerful tool for tackling practice-relevant problems, such as syneresis,
sandy mouth-feel or increased yield and to improve or develop appropriate processes.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Water-holding capacity; Hydrocolloid-gels; WPC-gels; Yogurt; NMR

1. Introduction capacity of hydrocolloid-gels are demonstrated. Gen-

erally there are four possibilities for characterising gels
The bonding-type of water and the mobility of water by means of NMR:
molecules are relevant in food process technology with
regard to yield, sensory evaluation, stability (in physical  Determination of characteristic viscosities of
terms), texture and processing. Hydrocolloids are used hydrocolloid-systems by means of T2 relaxation
for the production of many dairy products (e.g. jellied times
products, desserts and puddings, yogurt, cocoa and ice-  Characterisation of the water-holding capacity of
cream) in order to modify the properties of the product gels including sol-gel transitions, phase-separation
in a predetermined manner. Thus, for example, the and syneresis
viscosity can be increased, gel-structures can be created  Detection of the denaturation of proteins
or the physical stability can be lengthened.  Analysis of the pore system of gels with diusion
The problem is that foods are multi-phase systems, experiments.
such as suspensions, emulsions and foams. Interactions
of ingredients are of great practical importance. In this work, gels were studied by means of T2
Hydrocolloids, for example, might have negative eects relaxation times and diusion experiments.
due to possible interactions with milk-proteins. Mis-
cibility, complex coacervation or incompatibility, which
eventually lead, for example, to syneresis or sandy 2. Material and methods
mouth-feel can occur.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is already 2.1. Material
applied in food technology for process and quality con-
trol, research and development. In the present work the As model food systems carrageenan gels/solutions
possibilities of NMR for characterising, both qualita- and whey protein gels were studied. Carrageenan gels
tively and quantitatively, the structure and water-holding were made of a commercial hybrid-carrageenan (kappa-
and iota-monomers) used in dairy-products, pure kappa-
* Corresponding author. carrageenan (Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc., USA),
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Hinrichs). pure iota-carrageenan (Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc.,
0308-8146/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
156 R. Hinrichs et al. / Food Chemistry 82 (2003) 155160

USA) and pure lambda-carrageenan (Aldrich Chemical For all T2-experiments, a low-resolution NMR spec-
Company, Inc., USA). 3 w/w-% carrageenan gels were trometer system, MINISPEC mq20 (Bruker Analytik
dispersed in distilled water and stirred for 20 min at GmbH, Rheinstetten, Germany), was used. The reso-
70  C. The whey protein concentrate (WPC) gels were nance frequency of 1H is 20 MHz. The diusion experi-
made of 15 w/w-% whey protein powder (Bayerische ments were performed in a magnet SWB 200 (Bruker
Milchindustrie eG, Landshut, Germany) dispersed in Analytik GmbH, Rheinstetten, Germany). The static
distilled water and heated for 10 min at 85  C in order magnetic eld B0 is 4.7 Tesla which corresponds to a
to denature the whey proteins. One WPC-solution was proton frequency of 200.13 MHz.
adjusted to pH 9.5 with NaOH; another one was adjus-
ted to pH 5.4 with HCl. 200 mg resp. 2000 mg CaCl2
were added to two WPC-solutions in order to reinforce 3. Results and discussion
the gelling.
Yogurt was used as an example of a complex food. 3.1. Water-holding capacity
Table 1 shows the studied recipes.
The water-holding capacity is determined by many
2.2. Methods dierent measuring methods, which are based on dier-
ent measuring principles and conditions. Most of the
The gels and solutions were studied by means of methods are destructive and the microstructure is
NMR. In NMR the magnetisation M ~ is proportional to
the proton density N in the material and inversly pro-
portional to the absolute temperature T. By means of
the temporal development of the proton density (1H) it
is possible to specify the moisture per volume and, with
the help of the relaxation times (T1, T2), the bonding-
type of water (free or immobilised water). If it is possible
to dierentiate between several phases, the volume frac-
tion and bonding-type of a phase can be determined.
Yogurt was treated with a special wash-out-test. For
this test, yogurt was put in special glass-tubes (Fig. 1).
T2-experiments were performed with yogurt. The water,
in open tubes was substituted with D2O by opening the
screw and putting D2O onto the specimen. Afterwards,
the T2-experiment was performed again. This test
allowed conclusions about the trend to syneresis and the
structure of the system.
Self-diusion coecients and restricted diusion can
be determined using pulsed gradients. It is possible to
derive, from these, a characteristic pore length. Fig. 1. Wash-out-test NMR-glass-tube.

Table 1
Recipes and processing of studied yogurts

Yogurt Milk pretreatment Heat treatment Hydrocolloid Fermentation

P Pasteurised, 30 min, 90 C Lactobacillus delbruckii
homogenised ssp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius
ssp. thermophilus
PC Pasteurised, 30 min, 90  C Kappa-carrageenan Lactobacillus delbruckii
homogenised ssp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius
ssp. thermophilus
R Raw milk 30 min, 65  C Lactobacillus delbruckii
ssp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius
ssp. thermophilus
RC Raw milk 30 min, 65  C Kappa-carrageenan Lactobacillus delbruckii
ssp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus salivarius
ssp. thermophilus
M (Merchandise) Unidentied Unidentied Unidentied Unidentied
R. Hinrichs et al. / Food Chemistry 82 (2003) 155160 157

mainly ignored. In contrast, NMR is non-destructive gels can be described by the dierent properties of the
and considers the microstructure. Fig. 2 shows the relaxa- gels. The relaxation times, T2, of the solutions are
tion times T2 of 3 w/w-% carrageenan in distilled water. analogous to their voluminosity. The voluminosity
The larger the T2, the larger the mobility. Carrageenan means the amount of bound/immobilised water. In
solutions therefore show, higher relaxation times than gels, in contrast to solutions it is not rheometrically
carrageenan-gels. The dierent relaxation times of the determinable.

Fig. 2. Relaxation times T2 of 3 w/w-% carrageenan in distilled water.

Fig. 3. Temperature-prole of 3 w/w-% hybrid-carrageenan in distilled water.

158 R. Hinrichs et al. / Food Chemistry 82 (2003) 155160

Fig. 4. Diusion experiments of whey protein solutions.

To dierentiate between gelling carrageenans and able. By means of the pore size it is possible to draw
only viscosity-increasing carrageenans, it is possible to conclusions about the microbiological stability of the
look at the temperature-prole of the hydrocolloids specimen. The permeability inuences important pro-
(Fig. 3). In this prole, four phases can be proven. The duct-properties in food technology, such as syneresis
mobility of the phases increases from phase 1 to phase and ltration behaviour.
4. If the carrageenan is able to form a gel, like kappa-
carrageenan, iota-caarrageenan or the used hybrid-type,
a hysteresis can be observed in phases 24. Phase 1, 3.3. Inuence of recipe and processing on water-holding
which is the solid and immobilised phase, does not seem in yogurt
to be involved in the gelling process. Lambda-carragee-
nan, which is only viscosity-increasing, shows no hys- The inuence of the recipe and processing on water-
teresis in its temperature-prole. holding, and determination by means of NMR, was
NMR allows determination of the water-holding shown for dierent yogurts. The results of the combi-
capacity, and the voluminosity and dierentiation nation of wash-out-test and T2 relaxation times are
between gelling agents and viscosity-increasing hydro- shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that, depending on recipe
colloids. and processing, the distribution of the ratio of the pha-
ses is dierent. The samples also show dierences
3.2. Diusion experiments between the yogurts in the water content after washing
out the capillary water. The high standard deviations
The diusion experiments of whey protein gels in indicate an inhomogeneous structure.
Fig. 4 show that it is possible to dierentiate between The results help to identify the structure of the gel
diusion in bulk uid and in pore matrix. From the matrix and the phases which should be modied by
inexion point, the characteristic pore length is calcul- processing or additives in order to prevent syneresis.
R. Hinrichs et al. / Food Chemistry 82 (2003) 155160 159

Fig. 5. Water-holding of yogurts as a function of the recipe and the processing to recipe and processing: ratio of phases (a) before and (b) after
160 R. Hinrichs et al. / Food Chemistry 82 (2003) 155160

4. Conclusions Acknowledgements

NMR oers microscopic information about the The authors are grateful for the nancial support of
structure of gels, and helps to quantify the inuences of the Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technolo-
ingredients and processing and to characterise the gie (BMWi) in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller
water-holding capacity of gels. The advantages of Forschungsvereinigungen Otto von Guericke e. V.
applications of NMR in food technology are: (AiF) within the project AiF-FV-Nr. 12779 N (Struktur
und Wasserbindung in Mischgelen aus Milchproteinen
 Short measuring times, little or no preparation und HydrokolloidenMessmethodik und Einuss von
 On-line measurement possible: viscosity, water- Prozessparametern).
holding capacity, denaturation
 More information about microstructure than Further reading
other methods (e. g. rheology).
Harz, H.-P. (1987). Untersuchungen zum Gefrierverhalten ussiger
Overall, therefore, NMR provides a powerful tool for Lebensmittel im Hinblick auf das Gefrierlagern, Gefriertrocknen
und Gefrierkonzentrieren. PhD thesis, Universitat, Karlsruhe.
tackling practice-relevant problems, such as syneresis, Liebenspacher, F. (1991). Untersuchungen uber Wassersorption und
sandy mouth-feel or increased yield and for improving den Wassertransport in Packstoen auf Zellulosebasis. PhD thesis,
or developing appropriate processes. Technische Universitat, Munchen.

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