BR N-1594 D - Non Destructive Testing - Ultrasonic

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N-1594 REV.



This Standard replaces and cancels the previous revision .

n Indication of clause, item, table or figure, which has its contents been altered
with respect to the previous revision
The Responsible CONTEC Subcommittee provides guidance on the
interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The
Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is fully responsible for
adopting and applying the clauses thereof.
Mandatory Requirement: a provision established as being the most adequate
CONTEC and which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision
Comisso de Normas is taken not to follow the requirement ("non-conformity" to this Standard) it
Tcnicas shall be based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be
approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this
Standard. It is characterized by the verb forms "shall", "it is necessary...", "is
required to...", "it is required that...", "is to...", "has to...", "only ... is
permitted", and other equivalent expressions having an imperative nature.
Recommended Practice (nonmandatory) a provision that may be adopted
under the conditions of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention
to) the possibility of there being a more adequate alternative (not written in
this Standard) to the particular application. The alternative adopted shall be
approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this
Standard. It is characterized by the verbal form "should" and equivalent
expressions such as "it is recommended that..." and "ought to..." (verbs of a
nonmandatory nature). It is indicated by the expression: [Recommended
SC - 27 Practice].
Copies of the registered "non-conformities" to this Standard that may
Non-Destructive Testing
contribute to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the Responsible
CONTEC Subcommittee.
Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the Responsible
CONTEC Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and
revision of the Standard, the clause(s) to be revised, the proposed text, and
technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated
during the work for alteration of this Standard.
The present Standard is exclusive ownership of PETRLEO
BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the company,
and any copy for external use or disclosure, without previous
express authorization, implies unlawful act pursuant the relevant
legislation through which the applicable responsibilities shall be
imputed. The external circulation shall be regulated by a specific
clause of Secrecy and Confidentiality, pursuant the terms of the
intellectual and industrial property law.

PETROBRAS technical standards are prepared by Working Groups GTs
(consisting of PETROBRAS specialists and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries specialists), are commented by Local
Representatives (representatives of the Industrial Units, Engineering Projects, Technical Divisions and
PETROBRAS Subsidiaries), are approved by Responsible Subcommittees SCs (consisting of specialists belonging
to the same speciality, representing the various PETROBRAS Departments and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries), and
approved by CONTEC General Assembly (consisting of representatives of the Superintendencies of the
PETROBRAS Departments and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries that use PETROBRAS technical standards). A
PETROBRAS technical standard is subjected to revision at any time by the Responsible Subcommittee and must be
reviewed every five years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS technical standards are prepared
in accordance with standard PETROBRAS N - 1. For complete information about PETROBRAS standards
see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog.


N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98


N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98


This Standard is the English version (issued in AUG/98) of Standard PETROBRAS N-1594
REV. D AUG/98.


1.1 This Standard establishes the required conditions and recommended practices for
nondestructive testing by ultrasonic method.

n 1.2 This Standard is applied to thickness measurement and plate and weld inspections by
manual and semi-automatic apparatus, using the pulse-echo technique.

n 1.3 This Standard is applied to nondestructive testing by ultrasonic method beginning with its
date of issuance.

n 1.4 This Standard contains mandatory requirements and recommended practices.


The following documents are referenced in the text and contain valid rules for this standard.

PETROBRAS N-1590 - Ensaio No-Destrutivo - Qualificao de Pessoal;

PETROBRAS N-1738 - Descontinuidades em Juntas Soldadas, Fundidos, Forjados
e Laminados;
ASME - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V;
DIN 54120 - Nondestructive Testing - Calibration Block 1 and Its Use
for the Adjustment and Control of Ultrasonic Echo
ISO 7963 - Welds in Steel - Calibration Block No 2 for Ultrasonic
Examination of Welds;
ABNT NBR ISO 9001 - Garantia da Qualidade em Projetos, Desenvolvimento,
Produo, Instalao e Servios Associados;
BS 2704 - Calibration Blocks for Use in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection;
BS 4331-Part 1 - Methods for Assessing Performance Characteristics of
Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Equipment - 1978 (1989);
BS 4331-Part 3 - Methods for Assessing the Performance Characteristics of
Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Equipment 1974 (1987);
ASTM E 317 - Standard Practice for Evaluating Performance
Characteristics of Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Testing Systems
Without the Use of Electronic Measurement Instruments.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98


3.1 Couplant

Any substance (usually liquid or pasty) used between the search unit and the test surface, to
transmit ultrasonic energy vibrations through the mean.

3.2 Sensitivity Adjustment

Corrections made in the gain level, to adjust the scanning sensitivity, and thereafter evaluate
discontinuities and make up for coupling differences, sound attenuation, found between the
material to be tested and the reference block.

3.3 Standard Block

Piece of material having a specified chemical composition, heat treatment, geometric shape,
and surface finish, by means of which the ultrasonic equipment may be checked and calibrated
for testing of materials having similar sound propagation characteristics.

n 3.4 Reference Block

Piece of the same material or group of material, significant dimensions, and form as those of
the particular object being tested and having same surface treatment. It may or may not contain
natural or artificial discontinuity.

n 3.5 Sensitivity Calibration

Determination of the gain in dB required for the signal produced by a standard reflector to
reach a given amplitude.

3.6 Plate

A plate with a thickness equal to or greater than 4,5 mm.

n 3.7 Manual Ultrasonic

Testing which the search unit movement and the position transference occur without help of
mechanical devices.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

n 3.8 Semi-Automatic Ultrasonic

The search unit movement is manually effectuate and position transference occur with help of
mechanical devices.

n 3.9 Automatic Ultrasonic

The search unit movement and the position transference occur with help of mechanical devices.

n 3.10 Computer System of Ultrasonic

Is the system that the acquisition and datas treatment are made with computation auxiliary.


General requirements shall be in accordance with ASME Section V, article V, and with the
following additional information and exceptions to that Standard.

4.1 Recording of Results

4.1.1 Test results shall be recorded by means of an identification and traceability system that
allows the correlation between the tested area and the report and vice versa.

4.1.2 The system description for recording results should be released to include in the
inspection procedure, at PETROBRAS criteria, if the responsible (PETROBRAS department
or responsible firm) presents a system meeting subclause 4.1.1 in its Quality System.
[Recommended Practice]

4.1.3 The terminology used to designate the discontinuities shall be in accordance with
PETROBRAS N-1738 Standard.

4.2 Materials

The materials to be inspected shall be classified, as shown in the list below, according to their
acoustic characteristics.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98


Group Material Description

Carbon Steel and low alloy steels with alloy element
contents up to 6%.
2 Austenitic stainless steels.
3 Aluminum and its alloys
Note: Other materials shall be considered individually as a group. In
this case its composition shall be briefly described. Ex.: Steel
with 9% Cr and 1% Mo.

n 4.3 Apparatus

4.3.1 For thickness measurement, a device with a digital display shall be used with a
measurement accuracy of 0,1 mm. The use of a device which is different from the one
described shall require PETROBRAS prior approval.

n 4.3.2 For plate and weld inspection shall be used an adequate apparatus for detection, sizing,
interpretation and results valuation.

4.4 Checking of Apparatus

4.4.1 The apparatus and the testing materials shall be in conformity with ABNT NBR
ISO 9001 requirement.

4.4.2 Checking of Standard and Reference Blocks The integrity, surface roughness, and dimensions shall be in accordance with the
specific standards (Ex.: DIN 54120; BS 2704; ASTM A 609; ASME Section V;
PETROBRAS N-1594 standard). In case there are no specific requirements, Standard
BS 4331 Part. 3, Appendix B, shall be used. The time intervals between checks of the blocks depend on the frequency and
conditions of use. Is recommended that the interval does not exceed 24 months.
[Recommended Practice]

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

n 4.4.3 Checking of Devices and Search Units

The checking to be carried out, as well as the methods, tolerances, and time intervals shall be
in accordance with TABLE 2:


Minimum Time Interval

US - Semi-
Item to be Checked Method Tolerance US - Manual Automatic
(Notes 3 e 4) and
(Notes 3 e 4)
BS-4331 Part 1 Weekly Weekly
- Horizontal linearity /BS-4331 Part 1 item 5 (NOTE 1)
item 5
- Control/gain linearity BS-4331 Part 1 Daily Daily
/BS-4331 Part 1
item 7 (NOTE 1)
item 7
- Exit point of Sound BS 4331 Part 1 BS 4331 Part 1 Daily Weekly
Beam item 8 item 8
- Real Search Unit Angle BS 4331 Part 1 2 Daily Weekly
item 9
- Sound Beam Profile BS 4331 Part 3 1 in the angle Weekly Monthly
(NOTE 2) item 6 of divergence of (Note 2)
the beam
- Sound Beam Alignment BS 4331 Part 3 2 Monthly Monthly
item 13
- Resolution BS 4331 Part 3 BS 4331 Part 3 Yearly Yearly
items 14 e 15 items 14 e 15
1) The use of devices exceeding the tolerance is not permitted;
2) Checking of the ultrasonic beam profile is only required when the height of the
discontinuities is sized;
3) The specified time interval is established for normal working conditions. Such
interval may be altered by mutual agreement with the inspection, according to the
frequency of usage of the equipment; [Recommended Practice]
4) Any repair or maintenance in the apparatus shall require a new check, regardless of
the time interval established.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

4.5 Couplant

The couplant shall have good surface wetting characteristics, being either liquid or pasty. An
oily couplant is not allowed when it affects surface preparation (cleaning) for performance of
another nondestructive test.

n 4.6 Surface Preparation

n 4.6.1 The test surface shall be suitable so as to allow ultrasonic inspection at the indicated
sensitivity. If necessary, the surfaces may be ground, blasted, brushed, scraped, or prepared
otherwise for testing. The method to be used in the surface preparation shall be mentioned.

Note: The reference block shall have on the contact surface of the search unit and on the
opposite surface, the same surface treatment that the piece in testing.

4.6.2 The surface preparation tools of austenitic stainless steels and nickel alloys shall only be
used for such materials and meet the following requirements:

a) they shall be made of stainless steel or covered with this material;

b) the cutting and grinding tools shall have a nylon or similar core.


5.1 Thickness Measurement

n 5.1.1 Inspection Procedure This inspection procedure shall contain the following items, in the indicated sequence:

a) objective;
b) reference standards;
c) material, range of thickness to be measured (ex.: carbon steel, thickness of 25 mm
to 30 mm);
d) device, type, manufacturer and model;
e) search unit, type, dimensions, and frequency and thickness and temperature
ranges, mentioning manufacturer and model;
f) calibration method;
g) surface condition, preparation technique and surface temperature;
h) couplant, mentioning temperature range;

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

i) supplementary requirements;
j) system adopted for recording results;
l) form for report containing recorded results.

Note: Items c), d), e), f), g), and h) are mentioned in ASME Section V. The name of the issuing entity (PETROBRAS department or responsible firm) shall be
included in the procedure, which shall be numbered and contain indication of the revision.

n 5.1.2 Calibration Method

Calibration shall be performed on a standard block. The device is considered calibrated for
thickness measurement within a range of 25% of the thickness of the standard block (ex.: if
calibration is done on a standard block 100 mm thickness, the device is calibrated to measure a
thickness ranging from 75 mm to 125 mm). For device which have V-Path compensation
inner system, the recommendations of the manufacturer shall be followed. Calibration shall be
performed daily at:

a) each time services begin;

b) each phase which shall not exceed one hour of service;
c) each time services are restarted after each interruption.

5.1.3 Standard Block

It shall be made of material of the same group of the piece to be measured and its thickness
shall be within 0,05 mm of the nominal thickness.

5.1.4 Inspection Procedure Qualification

It shall be performed by taking five readings on standard blocks with thickness within the range
in which the device is considered calibrated. The procedure is considered qualified if the
deviation of each of the reading is equal to or smaller than 0,2 mm, with respect to the

n 5.1.5 Inspection Procedure Revision and/or Requalification Whenever any of the variables mentioned in are altered, a revision of the
procedure shall be issued.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98 For temperatures higher than or equal to 50, whenever any of the variable c), d), e),
f), g) and h) mentioned in are altered, the procedure shall be requalified.

5.1. Recording
6 of Results A report shall be issued containing the following information:

a) name of the issuing entity (PETROBRAS department or responsible firm);

b) numerical identification;
c) identification of piece, equipment, or piping;
d) number and revision of procedure;
e) device and search unit identifications including the series number;
f) temperature of the piece;
g) record of results;
h) standards and/or values of reference for interpreting the results;
i) report indicating acceptance, rejection, or recommendation of additional tests;
j) date;
l) identification and signature of the responsible inspector.

5. Plate
2 Inspection

5.2. Inspection
1 Procedure

n The inspection procedure shall contain the following items, in the indicated sequence:

a) objective;
b) reference standards;
c) material and range of thickness to be tested (ex.: carbon steel, thickness of 25 mm
to 30 mm);
d) device, type, manufacturer and model;
e) search unit, type, dimensions, and frequency, mentioning manufacturer and
f) method and frequency of checking of apparatus;
g) calibration method;
h) surface condition and preparation technique;
i) couplant;
j) scanning technique;
l) supplementary requirements;
m) criteria for recording and acceptance of discontinuities;
n) sizing method of discontinuities;
o) system adopted for recording results;
p) form for report containing recorded results.

Note: Items c), d), e), g), h), i), and j) are mentioned in ASME Section V.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98 The procedure shall have the name of the issuing entity (PETROBRAS department or
responsible firm), which shall be numbered and contain indication of the revision. The requirements of the manufacture standard of the product shall prevail in case they
differ from those mentioned in 5.2.2 and 5.2.6.

5.2.2 Search Units

Search units shall be as follows:

a) straight beam type (longitudinal waves);

b) diameter ranging from 10 mm to 30 mm or square with 10 mm to 25 mm on each
side. A transducer may also be used with a minimum active area of 25 mm2;
c) frequency within the range of 2 MHz to 4 MHz, except in special cases which
shall be previously approved upon by PETROBRAS.

n 5.2.3 Calibration Method It shall be in accordance with the manufacture standard.

n Calibration of the distance scale shall be performed by means of standard block VI
and/or V2, as per DIN 54120, and ISO 7963 and on a daily basis at:

a) each time services begin;

b) each phase which shall not exceed one hour of service;
c) each time services are restarted after each interruption.

5.2.4 Scanning Technique The plate surface shall be marked according to one of the three options of the
TABLE 3, given below:


Search Unit Distance between Scanning

Type of Scanning
Diameter (mm) Lines (mm)
perpendicular lines to each other 15 100
forming a square graticule > 15 230
Parallel lines transverse to the largest < 15 40
axis of the plate > 15 100
parallel lines to the largest axis 15 30
of the plate > 15 75

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

5.2.5 Criteria for Recording and Acceptance

The criteria for recording and acceptance of discontinuities shall be in accordance with the
reference standards and design specifications.

5.2.6 Inspection Procedure Qualification It shall be done in a standard containing flat discontinuities located in the middle of the
thickness of the standard. The standard shall have a thickness within 25% of the thickness of the piece,
equipment or piping to be tested and the procedure shall be considered qualified if the
reflectors considered in the standard are property detected and evaluated.

5.2.7 Inspection Procedure Revision and/or Requalification Whenever any of variables mentioned in are altered, a revision of the
procedure shall be issued. Whenever any of the variables c), d), e), f) and g) mentioned in 5.2.1 are altered, the
procedure shall be requalified.

5.2.8 Recording of Results

n A report shall be issued containing the following information:

a) name of the issuing entity (PETROBRAS department or responsible firm);

b) numerical identification;
c) identification of piece, equipment, or piping;
d) number and revision of procedure;
e) surface condition;
f) record of results, including thickness of the material, device and search unit used,
including the series number, marking, and position of the defect with respect to
one of the sides;
g) standards and/or values of reference for interpreting the results;
h) report indicating acceptance or recommendation of additional test;
i) date;
j) identification, signature, and level of the responsible inspector;

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

Note: Items c), d), e), h), i), and j) are mentioned in ASME Section V.

n 5.3 Weld Inspection

n 5.3.1 Inspection Procedure

n The inspection procedure shall contain the following items, in the indicated sequence:

a) objective;
b) reference standards;
c) material (base metal and filler metal) and thickness;
d) drawing containing dimensional details of the weld;
e) device, type, manufacturer, and model;
f) search unit, type, dimensions, angle, frequency and thickness range used,
mentioning manufacturer and model;
g) technique to be used (ex.: direct contact method, pulse-echo technique);
h) method and frequency of checking apparatus;
i) calibration method;
j) sensitivity adjustment of the device;
l) surface condition and preparation technique;
m) couplant;
n) scanning technique;
o) supplementary requirements (if any);
p) criteria for recording and acceptance of discontinuities;
q) sizing method of discontinuities;
r) system adopted for recording results;
s) form for report containing recorded results;
t) final cleaning.

Notes: 1) Items c), d), e), g), i), l), m), n), r), and t) are mentioned in ASME Section V.
2) In the case of an automated inspection, included in the procedure the items T-522
m) and n) of ASME Section V standard. The procedure shall have the name of the issuing entity (PETROBRAS department or
responsible firm), which shall be numbered and contain indication of the revision.

n 5.3.2 Search Units Search units shall be in accordance with the design or equipment construction

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

n When the automatic and semi-automatic system is used, search units. Search units shall not produce excessive grass so as to allow easy identification of
an echo with a height of 10% of the total screen height, in its area of use.

n The search unit angle shall be chosen meeting the following requirements:

a) it shall be compatible with the dimensional detail of the weld;

b) it shall be compatible with the type of discontinuity to be detected;
c) the following angles are recommended for the butt joint:
- 60 and 70 for thickness up to 15 mm;
- 60 and 70 or 45 and 60 for thickness between 15 mm and 25 mm;
- 45 and 60 or 45 and 70 for thickness between 25 mm and 40 mm;
- 45 and 60 for thickness above 40 mm;
d) for joints with a complex geometry use item a) and b) above.

5.3.3 Calibration Method

n The calibration method shall be in accordance with the standard of design or
equipment construction. If, in tracing the reference curve, the last points are below 20% of screen height, a new
curve shall be constructed from these points referred to as auxiliary reference curve.

5.3.4 Sensitivity Adjustment Correction, due to transfer loss, for straight beam and dual crystal search units, shall
be done as follows:

a) maximize a bottom echo of the reference block and with the aid of the gain
control, set it at 80% of full screen height of the device;
b) with the same gain, place the search unit over the piece to be examined;
c) check the difference in the height of the echo in decibels, this difference being
referred to as transfer loss (PT), which shall be added or reduced in the primary
gain (GP);
d) the resulting gain is referred to as corrected gain (GC = GP PT).

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98 Correction, due to transfer loss, for angle beam search units, shall be done as follows:

a) with the reference block, pilot the curve shown on FIGURE A-1 in ANNEX A,
with two search units having the same angle, frequency, type and manufacturer,
used on the testing, one is the emitter and the other the receiver;
b) the search units shall be positioned as shown on FIGURE A-1 in ANNEX A, so
as to obtain the signal E/R1 being the signal maximized and placed at 80% of
screen height;
c) without altering the gain, signals of positions E/R2 and E/R3 shall mark on the
d) connect points E/R1 to E/R3 obtaining a curve on the screen;
e) with the same gain, position the search units over the piece to be examined
(see FIGURE A-1 in ANNEX A) in the E/P1 position and, if the height of the
echo of this position is equal to the height of the curve (paragraph b), corrections
are not required;
f) if there are differences, adjust the height found on the material of the piece to the
same height of the curve (paragraph b) and note the number of the decibels (PT)
which shall be added or reduced in the primary gain;
g) the resulting gain is referred to as corrected gain (GC = GP PT). The gain for scanning shall be the corrected gain plus 6 dB. To evaluate the discontinuities, the gain shall be the corrected gain, without the added
6 dB.

5.3. Scanning
5 Technique The area covered by the angle beam search unit shall be sufficient to ensure that the
scanning process shall cover the entire weld and an additional 20 mm of the metal base on each
side of the weld, along the cross section, with the sound beam inciding as perpendicularly as
possible to the connection zone (See FIGURE A-2 in ANNEX A). When possible, the test
shall be performed from both sides of the weld, on the same surface. The physical limits of the
area to be covered by search unit shall be marked, by means of paint, pencil, scriber, magnetic
tape or any other adequate means.

5.3. Criteria
6 for Recording and Acceptance The criteria for recording and acceptance of discontinuities shall be in accordance with
the reference standards.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98 When the criteria are not defined by reference standards, the following ones shall be

a) all longitudinal discontinuities shall be recorded with respect to the weld having a
- greater than the 50% curve or
- greater than the 20% curve and longer than 20 mm;
b) all discontinuities transverse shall be recorded to the weld having a reflectivity
greater than the 20% curve;
c) discontinuities recorded with a longitudinal position with respect to the weld are
considered defects and shall be repaired if:
- they have a reflectivity greater than the reference curve or
- they have a reflectivity between the 50% and 100% curves (50% curve
reflectivity < 100% curve) and a length greater than 2/3 of the thickness or
15 mm, whichever is greater, or have a reflectivity between 20% and 50%
curves (20% curve reflectivity < 50% curve) and a length greater than 1.5 of
the thickness or 25 mm, whichever is greater;
d) discontinuities recorded with transverse position to the weld, that is, which have
been detected by parallel scanning or approximately parallel to the longitudinal
direction of the weld, are considered defects and shall be repaired. The length of the recordable discontinuities shall be determined by the 6 dB fall
method at the ends of the discontinuities and, when the height of the discontinuities is required
through the most suitable method, applicable to the characteristics of discontinuities.

5.3. Inspection
7 Procedure Qualification It shall be performed on the standard and reference blocks utilized for calibration of
the device, and the procedure is considered qualified if the calibration can be performed in
compliance with the provisions in

n For semi-automated and additionally automated systems to the established on item, the procedure shall present satisfactory result in test block representative of the piece
to be tested, containing natural and artificial discontinuities.

n 5.3. Inspection
8 Procedure Revision and/or Requalification

n For Manual Ultrasonic, whenever any of the variables mentioned in are altered,
a revision of the procedure shall be issued. Whenever any of variables c), e), f), g), h), and i) mentioned in are altered, the
procedure shall be requalified.

N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98

n For the semi-automatic/ automatic ultrasonic shall be realized an analysis to check the
necessity of requalify the procedure in order to change any of the variables not mentioned in

n 5.3.9 Recording of Results

n A report shall be issued, containing the following information:

a) name of the issuing entity (PETROBRAS department or responsible firm);

b) numerical identification;
c) identification of piece, type, grade, diameter, thickness;
d) number and revision of procedure;
e) device and search units used, series number;
f) record of results:
- response level;
- location with respect to the longitudinal direction of the weld;
- sketch of the approximate location in the cross section of the weld;
- identification and length of the discontinuity;
- search unit used to detect the discontinuity;
- detection surface;
g) standards and/or values of reference for interpreting results;
h) report indicating acceptance, rejection, or recommendation of additional tests;
i) date;
j) identification, signature and level of the responsible inspector.

Note: Items c), d), e), i), and j) are mentioned in ASME Section V standard.



N-1594 REV. D ENGLISH AUG / 98



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