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Describe the importance of accounting history to the development of accounting
Accounting history is a study of the heritage of accounting and its contribution to accounting
pedagogy, policy and practice.
With regards to accounting practice, accounting history could provide a better assessment of
the existing practices by a comparison with the methods used in the past. This calls for more
accounting history inquiry. It is a tool for a historiography of accounting to provide important
knowledge contributing to a better conduct of accounting research, practice and inquiry.
Explain the importance of history to accounting pedagogy, policy and practice.
Accounting history is a study of the heritage of accounting and its contribution to accounting
pedagogy, policy and practice.
With regards to pedagogy, accounting history can be very helpful to a better understanding
and appreciation of the field of accounting and its evolution as a social science. Its meant to educate
the accounting professional members to appreciate their intellectual heritage. Accounting history
needs to be documented and incorporated by members who have the historical skills in order to
analyze and interpret historical developments in accounting thought and practice.
With regards to policy perspective, accounting history is instrumental to a better
understanding of the accounting problems and their institutional contexts as well as the formulation
of public policy.
With regards to accounting practice, accounting history could provide a better assessment of
the existing practices by a comparison with the methods used in the past. This calls for more
accounting history inquiry. It is a tool for a historiography of accounting to provide important
knowledge contributing to a better conduct of accounting research, practice and inquiry.
Describe the notable characteristics of the management contribution phase.
Describe the Professional Contribution Phase (1959-1973) and its impact on the
development of
accounting principles and practices in the USA.
In this phase, professional bodies played a significant role in developing principles.
The professionals, AICPA took lead role in GAAP formulation through collaborative efforts
between the Accounting Principle Board (APB) and Accounting Research Divisions (ARD).
The APB issued various Opinions. However, it was criticized for ad hoc opinions and failure to
solve problems of accounting for business combinations and goodwill.
The dependence of associations and agencies also had the following outcomes
Authority of Statements were not clear-cut
They do not rely on established theoretical framework
Availability of alternative accounting treatment
Abuses of annual reporting were also noted in this phase.
Describe what it means by the politicization of the standard setting process.
The politicization of accounting standards is a situation created by the generally accepted view
that accounting numbers affect economic behaviour and consequently, that accounting rules should
be established in the political arena. According to Horngren, setting of standards is a social decision.
Because standards place restrictions on behaviour; therefore, they must be accepted by the
affected parties. Acceptance may be forced or voluntary, or some of both. In a democratic society,
getting acceptance is an exceedingly complicated process that required skilful marketing in a political
In relation to the objective of providing information, the type of information and the users
of that
information, discuss the differences between Islamic and conventional accounting.
Objective of
Providing Information
To enable users to ensure that
Islamic organizations (whether
business, government or NFP)
abide by the principles of the
Shariah or Islamic Law in its
dealing and enables the
assessment of whether the
objectives of the organizations
are being met.
Have to adhere to certain
Shariah principles and rules and
also try to achieve certain socioeconomic
objectives encouraged
by Islam.
To permit informed decisions
whose ultimate purpose is to
efficiently allocate scarce
resources available to their most
efficient (and profitable) uses by
providing information efficiency
in the market (FASB, 1978)
Users use the information to
make the appropriate buy, sell or
hold decisions on their
b) Discuss how zakat system acted as the impetus for the development of Islamic
accounting in
the early Islamic state.
Zakat is an obligation of Muslims to give a specific amount of their wealth with certain
conditions and requirements to beneficiaries called Al-Mustahiqqin. The concept of Zakat
exemplifies Islams strong concern with social and economic justice. It serves as an equitable
redistribution of wealth and income, which is enforced through moral obligation and fiscal
measures. As many have argued, however, the redistributive economic impact of Zakat
depends on how it is administered, especially with regard to collection and distribution.
Management of Zakat is financially self-sustaining. Those who collect and distribute Zakat Al-
Mal are paid from Zakat proceeds. Zakat collectors are among the Zakat Al-Mal beneficiaries
in Islam.
a) Discuss the differences in the concept of accountability from both Islamic and
accounting perspectives.
Islamic Accountability
Islamic accountability or accountability to God is discharged through accountability to
It is the primary objective of Islamic Accounting.
Islamic accountability premised on both the accountor (Muslim organizations) and the
accountee (Owners) having dual accountabilities.
Islamic accountability is defined by Hameed (2000) as being premised on both Islamic or
Muslim organization and owners with dual accountability.
Primary accountability: The concept of Khilafa whereby a man is a trustee of Allahs
Secondary accountability: A contract between an owner or investor and a manager
Based on Islamic accountability, subsidiary objectives can be determined such as Shariah
compliance, assessment and distribution of Zakat, equitable distribution of wealth among
stakeholders, the creation of a cooperation environment and solidarity among the
Conventional Accountability
Conventional accountability is as a form of principal agent relationship.
The agent (accountor) is accountable to the principle (accountee)
Accountor is supposed to take certain actions in managing resources given to him to meet
certain objectives and to account to his principal by giving information about his actions
to him
Describe Adala (Justice) and Ihsan (Benevolence) as was discussed by the scholars.
Adala (Justice)
Allah commanded the maintenance of justice under all circumstances and in all aspects of life (Al-
Quran 6:152, 5:9)
The Prophet (pbuh) has also reiterated the maintenance of justice and has sternly opposed
against indulgence in injustice.
The Quran commands Muslims to be just and truthful while bearing witness and while deciding a
disputed matter, which is not only among them but also when dealing with their enemies.
Muslims are not allowed to exploit others and also may not let others exploit them. (Ahmad,
There are certain safeguards guidelines provided by the Quran. Ahmad then proposes some
principles for safeguarding the rights such as; (1) writing of a contract; (2) witnesses; and
(3) the principle individual responsibility.
Ihsan (Benevolence)
Ihsan means good behaviour or an act which benefits other persons without any obligation.
Siddiqi (1979) views Ihsan as being even more important in social life than justice.
If justice is the corner stone of society, Ihsan is its beauty and perfection.
If justice saves society from undesirable things and bitterness, Ihsan makes life sweet and
Ahmad (1995) outlines certain manners that would support the practice of Ihsan. There are:
1) Leniency
The foundation of Ihsan
Can be expressed in term of politeness, forgiveness, removing of other peoples hardship
and providing help.
2) Service Motives
Means Islamic business organizations should consider others needs and interest, provide
help and spend on others, recommend and support a good cause to others
Through involvement in business activity, a Muslim should intend to provide a needed
service to the community and humanity at large.
3) Consciousness of Allah and His prescribed priorities
Engagements in business should not become a hindrance to remembering Allah and
complying with His commands (Al-Quran 24:37)
The believers are asked to recognize and observe the priorities determined by the Quran,
such as;
i. to prefer the great and everlasting rewards of the Hereafter to the finite benefits of
the present world
ii. to prefer that which is morally pure to that which is impure
iii. to prefer what is lawful to that which is not
i) Discuss why the provision of a fair Zakat base is required and determined in Islamic
Under the Islamic world, in order to account for the provision for Zakat, most important
consideration is the pleasure of God and accountability to Him. This accountability has
manifested in the form of how one can account for his/her Zakat obligations properly since
Muslims cannot segregate a worship activity from a non worship activity. Zakat is a religious
obligation and hence a faithful Muslim would not cheat on Zakat. The recipients are well
defined in Quran, and most motivates the Zakat payers as they realize that it will mostly used
for the poor and the destitute
Define accounting theory and state the main purpose of accounting theory.
Accounting theory is defined as ...logical reasoning in the form of a set of broad principles that
(1) provide a general framework of reference by which accounting practice can be evaluated and
(2) guide the development of new practices and procedures.
The main purpose of accounting theory is to explain current accounting practice.
Explain any three (3) criticisms associated with descriptive pragmatic approach of
construction of
accounting theory.
i. The descriptive pragmatic approach does not include an analytical judgement of the quality of
an accountants action; there is no assessment of whether the accountant reports in the way
he/she should
ii. This approach does not provide accounting techniques to be challenged, hence it does not allow
for change
iii. The descriptive pragmatic approach focuses attention on accountants behaviour, not on
measuring the attributes of the firm, such as assets, liabilities and profit (not concern with
semantics of accounting phenomena)
b) i) Comment on the main issues generally discussed by normative theorists during this
Agency Theory
A contract where one party (the principal) engage another party (agent) to perform some
service on the principals behalf.
The principal delegated some decision-making authority to the agent
Both the principal and the agent are utility maximizes and there is no reason to believe
that the agent will always act in the principals best interest.
Agency problem: problem of inducing an agent to behave as if he/she were maximizing
the principals welfare.
Agency cost: dollar equivalent of the reduction in welfare experienced by the principal
owing to the divergence of the principals and the agents interests.
Monitoring costs: The cost of monitoring the agents behaviour
Bonding costs: The costs of establishing and complying mechanism to guarantee that
the agents will compensate the principal if they act in a manner contrary to the
principals interest
Residual costs: The wealth effect of the fact that, even with monitoring and bonding
expenditure, actions taken by an agent will sometimes differ from those that would
maximize the principals interests (wealth)
The solutions of practising accountants are related to the requirements of the business world
They have developed and been handed down over a number of centuries
It is a pragmatic approach to solve the problems of accounting
There is no logical assessment of the observed actions (not deductive)
These theories do no generate change within accounting-does not allow change (or change
occurs slowly)
Concentrated on pragmatics and ignores the measurement issues (semantics)
Derived accounting procedures and principles are not challenged (we perpetuate current
Theory is more about accountants than accounting.
b) The Conventional Accounting practice of Historical Cost does not fulfil the elements of
good theory. Comment on this statement.
Traditionally, HCA is largely a syntactic theory, but only to the extent of its reliance on
Logical processing of inputs through verification of vouchers, invoices and journals
Ultimately, it is a pragmatic theory (Descriptive Pragmatic Approach) handed down by
generations of accountants...A pragmatic theory is one that is useful and has real-world
implications. HCA has not been rejected for alternate valuation bases.
c) Explain how the supporters of Historical Cost Accounting defense the criticisms by
normative theorists.
The supporters of Historical Cost Accounting defense the criticisms of normative theories from
the following arguments:
They argue that there is no requirement that accounting outputs should have any
semantic content or be subject to falsification rules.
A role of accounting is to allocate the HC of resource usage against revenue using the
matching concept to determine the surplus secured from economic activity.
The criticism of double-think can be argued because diversity within accounting
techniques exists only since it is demanded.
In turn, the reason it is demanded is that different accounting techniques are needed to
account for different business situations.
Moreover, different political and regulatory costs affect each firm. Since firms seek to
minimize all costs, they will choose different accounting techniques.
How does contracting theory describe the reason for the existence of the firm?
Under contracting theory, the firm serves as the legal nexus (connection) of contractual relationships
among suppliers and customers, for instance consumers will be able to buy his products for
consumption from the firm instead of producing himself as this is cheaper. In other words, the
existence of the firm helps reduce the cost of factors of production such as the existence of the firm is
that they are an efficient means of organizing activity because they reduce contracting costs.
c) Describe the meaning of relevance and reliability, as the two main qualitative
of financial information in the IASB Framework.
b) Describe the recognition criteria for assets and liabilities set out by the IASB
The recognition criteria for assets and liabilities set out by the IASB Framework are as
1. There must be an expected future benefit.
2. The reporting entity must control the resource giving rise to these future economic
3. The transactions or other event giving rise to the reporting entitys control over the future
economic benefits must have occurred.
1. An expected future disposition or transfer of economic benefits to other entities.
2. A present obligation
3. A past transaction or other event must have created the obligation.
Describe how a conceptual framework can contribute towards financial reporting and
of standards.
A CF can contribute towards financial reporting and developments of standards by:
Guiding accounting bodies in establishing accounting standards
Providing frame of reference in revolving accounting questions if there is no specific promulgated
Increasing compatibility by reducing the number of alternative accounting methods
Determining the bounds of judgement in preparing financial statements.
a) It has been argued that the development of a CF would lead to improved financial
and this improved reporting would provide benefits to financial statement readers as it
would enable them to make more informed resource allocation decisions.
Discuss the views that support the argument.
The benefits associated with having a Conceptual Framework are:
i. Accounting standards should be more consistent and logical as they are developed from
an orderly set of concepts. Thus with CF, the accounting standards will be developed on
the basis of agreed principles.
ii. The development of accounting standards should be more economical because the
concepts developed will guide the standard-setters in their decision making.
iii. When accounting concepts cover a particular issue, there might be a reduce need for
developing additional accounting standards.
iv. CFs have had the effect of emphasizing the decision usefulness role of financial
reports, rather than just restricting concern to issues associated with stewardship.
v. Become fundamental principles which then do not have to be repeated in accounting
vi. Enable comparability between companies in same industry and with past performances.
b) Discuss the opinions put worth which argue that the conceptual frameworks are used
as a
means of legitimising standard-setting bodies.
Hines (1991, p. 328) states that Conceptual Frameworks (CF) presume, legitimise and
reproduce the assumption of an objective world and such they play a part in constituting
the social world... CF provide social legitimacy to the accounting profession.
Since the objectivity assumption is the central premise of our society... a fundamental
form of social power accrues to those who are able to trade on the objectivity
Legitimacy is achieved by tapping into central proposition because accounts generated
around this preposition are perceived as normal.
It is perhaps not surprising or anomalous then that CF projects continue to be undertaken
which rely on information qualities such as representational faithfulness, neutrality,
reliability, etc..., which presume a concrete, objective world, even though past CF have
not succeeded in generating Accounting Standards which achieve these qualities.
The very talk, predicted on the assumption of an objective world to which accountants
have privileged access via their measurement expertise, serves to construct a perceived
legitimacy for the professions power and autonomy.
if we accept Hines argument, we would perhaps reject the notion that the profession was
attempting to uncover any truths or ideas, and, rather, we would consider that the
development of CF was a political action to ensure the survival of the profession.
b) Discuss why a trade-off between the two characteristics (relevance and reliability) is
necessary in certain circumstances.
It appears that the IASB Framework gives greater prominence to reliability and relevance
then to understandability and comparability.
In balancing relevance and reliability Information might be relevant but so unreliable in
nature or representation that its recognition may be potentially misleading.
The potential constraints on producing relevant and reliable information: timeliness and
balancing costs and benefits.
There will be a trade-off between being able to produce information quickly (and thereby
enhancing the relevance of the information) and measuring this information accurately
(and thereby reliably), as the production of accurate information often requires
corroboration that occurs sometime later.
In these circumstances, it is a matter of judgement as how to balance relevance and
reliability (that is, how long to wait against the extent of reliability required).
That is, the longer we take to ensure information is reliable (perhaps through various
forms of auditing), the less relevant the information becomes.
Discuss four (4) reasons that support the need to regulate financial accounting practices.
Discuss the differences between the free-market and regulatory approaches to the
development of
theories of regulation for accounting and auditing.
Free-Market Approach
Has basic assumption that accounting information is an economic good similar to other goods or
It is subject to the forces of demand and supply i.e. demanded by interested users and supplied
by companies in the form of financial statements
Through the interaction between these two market forces, equilibrium is reached which results in
the production of information at an optimal price.
Whenever a piece of information is demanded, the market will generate the information if the
price offered is right.
Proponents of this view argue that mandatory standards are undesirable because they tend to
overproduce standards in view of the fact that the cost of production of information is not borne
by users.
Regulatory Approach
Critics of the free-market argue that the theory is unworkable because the market mechanisms
will not be able to achieve a socially optimal equilibrium price for accounting information for the
following reasons:
Accounting information being public good create free-rider problem. Only regulatory
intervention can persuade firms to produce the information necessary to meet real demand
and to ensure en efficient capital market.
A firm has a monopoly on the supply of information about itself and therefore, the tendency
will be for them to under-produce and sell at high price.
Gain high degree of legitimacy and forms part of tradition and legal framework. However, this
may be hampered by high compliance costs, bureaucratic, political influence and a need for
enforcement for compliance.
Able to create a level of disclosure necessary and adequate for decision making in the hope to
provide protection of investors and public interest.
To review the performance of MASB
To be responsible for financing arrangements
and operations of MASB
To approve MASB budget
To maintain proper accounts and prepare
annual statements of accounts of FRF
To perform such other functions as prescribe
by MOF
Issue new accounting standards as
approved accounting standards
Issue statements of principles for
financial reporting
Sponsor/undertake development of
possible accounting standards
Conduct public consultation as necessary
Determine scope and application of
accounting standards.
c) Why would free market advocates argue that the regulation of financial reporting will
to an oversupply of accounting rules and standards?
Free-market advocates argue that if the users of financial accounting information are not
required to pay for the information then they will tend to overstate their demands and
needs for information in an effort to encourage regulators to mandate additional
Free-market advocates believe this creates unnecessary costs for organizations as they
will end up producing information that people would not demand if they knew they
would have to actually pay for it.
Free-market advocates argue that accounting information should be treated like other
goods, and forces of supply and demand should be left to operate freely to determine the
optimum amount of information to supply.
a) Discuss two potential failures of standard-setting under private interest theory that
give rise to the public interest theory.
The theory suggests that public interest approach is required to answer the demand of the
public for correction of market failures. The potential failures that give rise to public interest
theory are:
1) Lack of competition (company monopoly the industry)
2) Barriers to entry (newly incorporated company has difficulty to enter the market)
3) Imperfect information gaps, where the buyers cannot get access or unable to obtain any
information regarding the sellers or certain market signals.
These factors would all lead to the under-supply and over-pricing of accounting information.
Information asymmetry and market failure are factors that limit the production of the right
amount of information which has resulted in pressure on regulatory authorities to intervene.
The government is assumed to be a neutral party who intervenes to protect the public interest
and has greater enforcement powers.
For example, government intervention into the accounting standard process in Australia
started with the establishment of the Australian Standard Review Board (ASRB) in 1984. This
establishment is because of failures in the market for accounting information, evidenced by
the significant number of corporate collapses, even after auditors had certified the accounts as
true and fair view. These collapses would be deemed to indicate that there were serious
violations of competitive conditions.
It would be seen that the violations stemmed from information asymmetries between the
suppliers (corporate management and accounting professionals) and the external users of the
financial statements (investors), who have no idea what kind of accounting information do
they need to know and unable to determine the value of the accounting information they had
c) What are the advantages if the responsibility of standard setting is given to a public
such as the MASB instead?
Accounting depends in large part on public confidence. Therefore, the critical issues are
not solely technical but should take into consideration social and political influence.
Greater autonomy with better availability of resources.
Increased independence
Broader representation and responsive to the needs and viewpoints of the entire
economic community, not just the public accounting profession.
There are numerous conflicts between the various interest groups. In the light of this,
compromise is necessary.
Over the years, accountants have been unable to establish uniformity and acceptability
that in itself indicates rule-setting is primarily consensual in nature.
a) i) In the context of historical cost, state the objective of accounting, and the concepts
capital and profit.
Objective of Accounting
The stewardship objective of HCA emphasises a conservative contractual relationship
between a firm and those who provide resources to it by making management
accountable for the input of assets to operations and the subsequent outputs on the net
value of equity from operations. Thus, the income statement is the key communication
According to conventional theorist, owners and creditors are primarily concerned about
what management has done with the funds entrusted to them, thus determining the net
worth of the owners is not important (thus, not a relevant measure)
Capital and Profit
In HCA, to determine the profit, the accounting entity must first retain the same amount
of capital (assets minus liabilities) that it had at the beginning of the period- where all
assets and liabilities are valued at their historical purchase cost. Thus, income is the
increment in HC capital at the end of the accounting period.
Income statement is the most important financial statement, since it reveals the results of
the operations of the business. The balance sheet is not of great significance; it serves
merely as a connecting link joining successive [income statement] into a composite
picture of the income stream.
ii) Explain the concept of value in use and value in exchange within the argument of the
measurement systems.
Value in Use (VIU)
A VIU approach uses an external investor or a production-oriented entity as the
relevant benchmark. Such an investor (firm) rarely focuses on current liquidation values but is
interested in the prospects for future cash flows, which are more accurately predicted by
operating earnings than current cash flow. So what is required is a measure of income that
matches the CC of assets inputs against outputs. This approach concentrates on obtaining the
most efficient results from asset in use and does not consider adaptability as an option.
Value in Exchange (VIE)
EPA as a VIE approach takes the viewpoint of an internal manager or creditor who has
to make decisions related to the liquidity of the firm and current spending power; that is, the
short-term performance of the firm is more important. This approach is particularly important
for firms with liquidity problems (high-debt firms), or firms engaged in tradeable goods and
which are able to quickly adapt their operations to market conditions (such as mutual funds
that invest in tradaeble bonds or shares)
b) In current cost accounting, it is argued that with regard to profit, management often
two decisions. They are holding decisions (whether to hold or sell the assets) and
decisions (how to use and finance the entitys operations).
Explain the view which proposes that holding gains should be a component of profit.
A firm benefits from the increase in the price of its assets because, otherwise, a greater
cash outflow would be necessary if it were to purchase them now. The cost saving is a
component of income, it represents an opportunity gain
Revsine offers another explanation of a cost saving:
A cost saving measures a firms cash position advantage relative to other firms in the
industry that were not fortunate to hold the given asset while its price rose. When these
other firms do buy the asset, they will have to do so at higher prices.
As a consequence, their cash outflow will exceed the cash outflow of the firm which
experienced the cost saving.
The appreciation of value is an actual economic phenomenon that could be realised if the
firm were to sell the asset
Revsine suggests that the inclusion of holding gains as profit may also be justifies on the
ground that the changes in the CC of the given asset reflect changes in the future cash
flows expected to be generated from the use of the asset.
Holding gains qualify as profit because the price increases on which they are based are a
reflection of greater future earning power.
Including holding gains as a component of profit reflects a financial capital view.
Any amount at the end of the period that exceeds the amount invested at the beginning
of the period, excluding additional investments by and distributions to owners, is profit.
Therefore, holding gains are part of profit.
a) Provide four (4) criticisms against the use of historical accounting as a basis for
income and
capital measurement systems.
i. No consideration of price level changes
Financial statements prepared under HCA are merely statement of historical facts.
Changes in the value of money as a result of changes in general level of price are not
taken into account. Hence, they fail to give true and fair picture of the state of affairs of
the organization.
ii. Unrealistic fixed assets values
In HCA, fixed assets are recorded and presented at the price at which they are acquired.
Changes in the market value of such assets are ignored.
iii. Insufficient provision for depreciation
In HCA, depreciation is charged on the basis of HC of fixed assets, not at the price at
which the same assets are acquired. The provision made by way of depreciation charge
on the original cost will not be sufficient for the replacement of assets.
iv. Unrealistic profit
Income statement prepared under HCA does not reveal true profit. Revenues are
recorded on current value basis whereas expenses are recorded at HC. Profits are overstated
during the period of inflation.
v. Fails to present a fair value of financial position
Non-monetary items like inventory, building, land etc. are shown at HC, not at current
value. During inflation, non-monetary items are understated. Thus, balance sheet fails
to present a fair value financial position.
b) Discuss why the advocates of historical cost accounting reject current cost
accounting. Give
two (2) reasons to support your answer.
The advocates of HCA reject CCA because:
CCA violates the conservatism principle that a gain should be recognized at the time a
non-monetary asset is disposed of.
CCA lacks objectivity because in most instances the CC to be used is not based on actual
transactions in which the firm is a participant.
CCA violates the traditional realization principle. If the firm intends to use the asset, as
opposed to selling it, changes in its market price are irrelevant.
A fixed asset is not more valuable to a firm simply because its CC has risen. Its value lies in
its service potential, not in its market (exchangeable) value.
The basis of determining the increase in cost is very subjective. If there is no reliable
second-hand market, then the basis for determining the CC of a fixed asset used by the
firm must be the new asset expected to replace the old.
c) Assuming that you are in favour of exit price accounting, Provide two (2) reasons to
the view.
a) How will CCA based on physical capital maintenance help managers to make better
allocation decisions?
1. CCA is concern about expectation of future events. For example, if the price of raw
materials is higher than previous price and expected to increase, the company needs to
alter its future raw material prices and review budget and financial resources for the
2. Shareholders, stockholders, creditors and other stakeholders are also interested on the CC
of the corporations and the evaluation by outsiders based on CCA provides the means for
successful functioning of the economy. Therefore resources will be allocated more
3. Since CC reflects changes in the future cash flow expected to be generated from the use of
the asset, therefore, an increase in the value of land will justify it to be accordingly put for
better or more productive use.
4. Right dividend policy based on CCA will retain funds for profitable reinvestment. Wrong
dividend policy means it is paid out of capital maintenance adjustment and capital would
not have been maintained.
b) i) Discuss the reasons for the different opinions among the three people mentioned
above in
relation to issues involving measurement and valuation of fixed or non-current assets.
The above discussion highlight the fact that can have two important componentsvalue
in use, emphasis on a long term approach and value in exchange, which concentrate on
a short-term approach to valuation.
It also highlights the inherent problem with measurement concept of an asset.
Malaysian Proposed Framework allows some flexibility and states that: A number of different
measurement bases are employed to different degrees and in varying combinations in
financial statements. They include the following:
i. Historical Cost (HC)
ii. Current Cost
iii. Realisable/ Exit Value
iv. Present Value
The accountant is referring to the HC where assets are recorded at the amount of cash
equivalents paid or the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them at the time of
their acquisition less depreciation or net book value.
The managing director is talking about exit price where assets are carried at the
amount or cash equivalents that could currently be obtained by selling the asset in an orderly
Both accountant and the managing director ignored the concept of the value in use.
To the Production Manager, an asset that is held rather that sold must be worth more to its
owner than its exit price or HC. What important are the value of the assets to the business
(value in use) and not the value in exchange.
ii) Discuss how the differences in the valuation of assets namely, Historical Cost, Exit
Price and
Current Cost, affect the calculation of depreciation and its representation in the financial
Using HC, depreciation expense will be charged to income statement on a yearly basis
and the net book value will be reflected in the balance sheet. After all of the original cost is
allocated, the book value will apparently become nil.
Under exit price, they will be no allocation cost and the increase or decrease in value
will be reflected in the balance sheet.
Under CCA, the revaluation will be done and reflected in the capital reserve account
and the depreciation allocation will be reflected in the income statement accordingly after
taking into account the revaluation.
b) Explain how each of the different measurement systems stated above (historical cost,
price and current cost accounting) affects the accounting for depreciable fixed assets in
income statement and the balance sheet.
c) Both historical and current cost advocates accuse exit price proponents of ignoring
concept of value in use.
Discuss the concept of value in use.
Both HCA and CCA advocates accuse EPA proponents of ignoring the concept of value in
Solomon argues that the value to the owner/firm is the relevant perspective.
An asset that is held rather than sold out must be worth more to its owner than its EP,
otherwise it would be sold.
The failure to recognize that an asset that is not for sale does not directly cause its owner
to suffer if its EP drops.
Some assets are highly specific to a particular business and may be an excellent investment
for the firm.
Because no alternative use exists for the asset outside the business, their resale value may
be zero.
But the assets would not have been bought if the firm thought the purchase would incur a
a) i) Explain the weaknesses of historical cost accounting in providing information for
Profit and assets under HC have no prospective information but rather they are entirely
retrospective information.
It adopts financial capital concept. However, capital is regarded as the nominal dollar
investment in the firm rather than purchasing power of investment.
It overstates profit in time of rising prices because it offsets HC against current (inflated)
revenue. As such, if dividend exceeds real profit, it could lead to the unwitting reduction
of capital.
HC may be more reliable than current price but it is less relevant for decision making
ii) Discuss the effect on profit if a historical financial statement is replaced by current
financial statement during the period of rising prices.
The actual performance of the business should be based on what actually happen in the
current period.
The profit for instance, must be calculated based on the CC information.
Income statements show the actual profit during the current period unlike the HC income
statement, which overstates profit in time of rising prices because it offsets HC against
current (inflated) revenue.
The balance sheet reflects the current market value of financial position.
The fixed assets reflect the market value of assets unlike HC which show the residual value
of assets.
b) Discuss to what extent the modified historical cost accounting weakens the concept of
providing reliable information but is able to give useful and relevant information instead.
HC is now usually modified in its application by revaluation of fixed assets such as land
and building. The compromised of modified HC has produced balance sheet with different
valuation of assets book value, amortised value and revaluation value.
Adoption different measurement bases for some assets on a discretional basis would
play havoc with the concept of producing a balance sheet as a faithful and reliable document.
The resulting hybrid offers an assortment of values, which must be surely undermining the
concept being upheld.
On the other hand, the compromised position (modified historical cost) able to
provide useful and relevant information and gives some comfort to those who prefer
intangibles, particularly brands, to be revalued rather than subject to a process of
amortization. The users of information still need to use their expertise or experts to properly
revalue the performance and financial position based on the available data and market
a) What are the criticisms of current cost accounting from advocates of historical cost?
How do
proponents of current cost defend these criticisms?
i. Recognition Principle
Advocates of HCA argue that CCA violates the conservatism principle that a gain
should be recognized at the time a non-monetary asset is disposed of.
Proponents of CC point out that the unrealized holding gains represent actual
economic phenomena occurring in the current period and therefore should be
HC theorists argue that because the firm intends to use non-current assets, rather
than sell them, changes in the market price of those assets are irrelevant for profits.
Supporters of CCA argue that the determination of periodic profit should be based on
what actually happens in the current period (i.e. change in the market price of the
assets) and not on what might occur (i.e. the intentions of the company)
ii. Objectivity of Current Cost
The advocates of HCA argue that CCA lacks objectivity because in most instances the
CC to be used is not based on actual transactions in which the firm is a participant.
CCA advocates however argue that objectivity is relative. Even under conventional
accounting today, some figures are more objectivity determined than others. The
important criterion is whether or not CCA meet a certain minimum level of objectivity.
For items whose market prices are relatively easy to obtain, the objectivity of their CC
would be acceptable to accountants.
b) What are the benefits and shortcomings of separating out the holding gains (or
losses) in
profit determination?
The benefits of separating out the holding gains (or losses) in profit determination:
Holding a certain composition of assets and liabilities will enhance the firms market
position. Managers and other want to know if these holding activities are successful.
Under HCA, gains are recorded only when the assets are disposed of. Thus, determining
whether managements holding activities are successful or not is virtually impossible
unless assets are bought and sold in the same period. So, when comparing firms we may
be misled as to which firm is more efficient. Therefore, the separation of holding gains
and operating profit gives credit to the appropriate managers.
The shortcomings of separating out the holding gains (or losses) in profit determination:
Confuse the valuation of management decision.
Hinders the allocation of resources in the economy
a) Discuss the criticisms of historical cost accounting when it is applied in times of rising
In a time of rising prices, HCA can cause the following outcomes:
If prices of different assets acquired in different periods are simply added together, then
the total figure can be quite meaningless, lie adding together different currencies. The
final figure will generally understate the current market value of the assets.
Tied to the above point, if assets are understated, then this will in turn mean that the net
book value of the entity (assets less liabilities) is understated. This could perhaps, lead to
the owners selling an entity for less than it is actually worth (although clearly the owners
should consider other information about the value of the organization before determining
how much to sell it for).
When HCA is used, depreciation and cost of goods sold are based on HC which means
that profits are effectively overstated in times of rising prices (because expenses through
depreciation are understated). Because dividends in turn can be paid up out of profits,
the actual operating capacity of the firm might be eroded because too much has been
distributed to the owner and not enough has been retained certain assets whose
replacement costs have increased.
HCA distorts the current years operating results because it includes in current year
income holding gains that might have accrued over a number of periods.
b) Chamber (1966) sees the business firm as an adaptive entity and has presented a
comprehensive proposal for the use of exit price.
i) Explain the concept of adaptive behaviour of the firm as implied by (1966)
The concept of adaptive behaviour as defined by Chamber implies a continual attempt by a
firm to adjust to the competitive business environment for the sake of survival. To continue in
business, a firm must be able to engage in market transactions, and this is revealed by its
financial position. This related to the firms capability as an adaptive entity engaged in buying
and selling goods and services. The survival of the firm depends on the amount of cash it can
command. Adaptive behaviour, therefore calls for knowledge of the cash and current cash
equivalents of the firms net assets at any particular time. That time must be the present.
ii) Assume that you are in favour of exit price accounting, give reasons for your support.
All the values in the financial statements are additive, where they refer to one
characteristic which is cash and cash equivalent.
Thomas argues that in EPA, the financial statements are allocation-free. Thus, there is no
problem concerning the allocation of costs.
EPA involves references to real-world examples because, it is argued, every figure refers to
a present, actual market price. Any increases and decreases in values as determined in the
market, as well as items purchased, sold or paid.
EPA are objective because they are market determined. If there is no market price, then
the item is stated at zero.
A measure of risk
EPA can be an indication of the financial risk of purchasing an asset. For example, if a firm
purchases an asset and its exit value differs significantly from its entry price, then the asset
is a risky proposition. This financial information indicates that the purchase of such an asset
should be a long-term proposition whereby economic value is recovered by value in use.
ii) Explain why managers would manipulate their companies accounts. Give three (3)
to support your answer.
ii. Explain two (2) factors that motivate managers to engage in creative accounting.
b) In your opinion, should managers practice earnings management? Why or why not?
The Good Side of Earnings Management
When a contract imposes strict or incomplete terms on a manger; it can provide an
option of flexibility, where it excludes a managers opportunistic (self-interested)
EM can be a device to unblock communication to outsiders or market. By using the
financial statements to communicate the financial health of the firm, EM can be used to
inform outsiders or market of managements inside information as per their exercised
expertise. The market cannot unravel this EM since it is based on inside information
about sustainable earning power. However, the market can use the EM to infer what this
inside information is.
For a contracting perspective EM can be good is related to the efficient contracting versus
opportunistic forms of positive accounting theory. It is desirable to give managers some
ability to manage earnings in the face of incomplete and rigid contracts.
The Bad Side of Earnings Management
EM reduces the reliability of financial statement. The managers change reported earnings
for reasons that are not clear.
EM that makes the company look better than it really is may result in disappointing for
the single investor and potentially leads to a welfare loss in society when the resource
allocation is distorted.
Firms that engaged in excessive EM will have to carry the burden of a tarnished
reputation. This may affect its ability to attract future investors. The image of accounting
profession will also be tarnished, which in turn may affect the credibility of the
The opportunistic EM from opportunistic manager behaviour when they use EM for
instance, to maximize their bonuses. Another example is when managers want to raise
new share capital, they will use EM to maximize the proceeds from the new issue. This
will benefit the current shareholders at the expense of the new shareholders.
b) Discuss the following earnings management patterns that managers may engage in:
i) Taking a bath
It can take place during periods of organizational stress or reorganization, including the hiring
of a new CEO. If a firm must report a loss, management might want to report a large one and
it has little to lose at this point. This will enhance the probability of future costs.
ii) Income minimization
Such a pattern may be chosen by a politically visible firm during periods of high profitability.
Policies that suggest income minimization include rapid write offs of capital assets and
intangibles, expensing of advertising and R&D expenditures, successful-efforts accounting for
oil and gas exploration costs, and so on.
iii) Income maximization
Managers may engage in a pattern of maximization of reported net income for bonus
purposes, providing this does not put them above the cap. Firms that are close to debt
covenant violations may also to maximize income.
iv) Income smoothing
Managers have an incentive to smooth income sufficiently that it remains between the bogey
and cap. Otherwise, earnings may be temporarily or permanently lost for bonus purposes.
Furthermore, if managers are risk-averse, they will prefer a less variable bonus stream, and
hence may want to smooth net income.
a) Discuss four (4) factors that could possibly contribute to the recent growth of
ii) Explain why Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Framework is needed for
reporting assurance. Give three (3) reasons to support your answer.
Sustainability reports based on the GRI Reporting Framework representation disclose
outcomes and results that occurred within the reporting period in the context of the
organizations commitment, strategy, and management approach.
The GRI Reporting Framework contains general and sector-specific content that has been
agreed by a wide range of stakeholders around the world to be generally applicable for
reporting an organizations sustainability performance.
The GRI Reporting Guidelines offer Reporting Principles, Standards Disclosures and an
implementation Manual for the preparation of sustainability reports by organizations,
regardless of their size, sector or location.
a) Explain in what way do the fulfilment of the social contracts leads to organizational
Social Contract Theory attempt to show that individual and social group rights and liberties
are founded on mutually advantageous agreements which are made between members of
society (Rawls, 1999).
Within the context of organizational interaction with society, Legitimacy Theory has
emerged, asserting that organizations continually seek to ensure that they operate within
the bounds and norms of their respective societies, that is, they attempt to ensure that their
activities are perceived by outside parties as being legitimate (Deegan, 2000, p.253)
Organizations exist in a particular society when they are considered to be legitimate. Indeed
society confers upon the organization the state of legitimacy, defined as a condition or
status which exists when an entitys value system is congruent with the value system off the
larger social system of which the entity is a part (Lindblom, 1994)
Legitimacy theory itself relies upon the concept of a social contract which is used to define
an arrangement between an organization and members of society.
Under legitimacy theory, it is considered that an organizations survival will be threatened if
society perceives that the organization has breached its social contract. Organizational
legitimacy is, therefore, considered to be a resource on which an organization depends for its
According to Shocker and Sethi (1973, 1974), a social contract is conceived to exist between
the organization and the public at large, not just its owners.
Legitimacy theory suggests that, where there is a severe breach of a social contract by an
organization-where there is a serious failure to comply with societal expectations, the
community may revoke its contract to continue operations.
In such circumstances, the costs of the organization continuing to operate can be perceived
to be greater than its benefits to society as an ongoing entity.
If this is the case, the social contract with that organization may be terminated.
On the other hand, organizations that are perceived to be honouring social contracts are
regarded as providing benefits to society in excess of costs and remain constantly poised to
continue to enhance their performance.
To increase/gain customer loyalty
To increase companys image as credible and reliable business partner for suppliers and customers
To improve employee productivity
For better community relationship
To help organization hire and retain people they want
1. Sustainability- Concern with the effect which action taken in the present has upon the options
available in the future. It implies that society must not use no more of a resources that can be
2. Accountability- Concern with an organization recognizing that its actions affect the external
environment, and therefore assuming responsibility for the effects of its actions
3. Transparency- The enterprise shall clearly, accurately, and comprehensively declare its policy,
decisions, and activities, including known and potential effects on environment and society.
Moreover, such information shall be available to affected persons, or those who are likely to be
affected materially by the enterprise.
b) How does corporate social and environmental reporting contribute to the increase in
shareholders wealth?
CSR reporting is an approach to give businesses the opportunity to express their
commitment to their society. Setting goals and managing a companys performance under a
holistic economic, environmental and social perspective is a key to long term local and
international business success.
CSR could also improve the quality of information available to fund managers and
investors. Shareholders and potential shareholders can exercise effective control only if they
have clear and meaningful information about the main drivers of a companys past and future
CSR reporting will enable them to make a proper assessment not only of past
performance but also of the directors view on the companys future prospects and its
approach to managing all those factors-environmental performance, employee issues,
relations with suppliers, customers and local communities-which are crucial to the companys
future success and reputation.
It will take a complete change of focus for investors and managers to supplement
traditional financial information with more CSR data. An increase in disclosure can surely help
to bring these non-tangible benefits, which can have positive financial implications, to the
notice if investors.
Were introduced to prevent auditor independence problems by restricting auditors provision of
non-audit service to their clients.
Even if there is no actual independence impairment to prevent,
these regulations could help auditors and their clients avoid problems caused by perceived
independence impairments.
The introduction of SOX following the collapse of the Enron Corporation and the audit firm Arthur
Andersen can be viewed through the lens of the public interest.
In US prior to SOX, audit firms reviewed each other under a system of peer reviews administered
by the AICPA.
This process involved gathering information on audit firms quality control procedures by reviewing
staff and inspecting documentation.
It was criticised this review process was not sufficiently rigorous and reviewers would be unlikely to
detect important deficiencies.
It was suggested that staff could be trained to answer a reviewers question and documents could
be produced which showed a more thorough audit than actually took place.
Since 2004, the Public Company Accounting and Oversight Board (PCAOB), which was established
under the SOX legislation, have conducted independent inspections of audit firms.
Another key provision in SOX is a restriction on the provision of certain consulting (non-audit)
services by audit firms to their clients.
The financial statements auditor is banned from providing consulting services to their clients,
except for some specific exceptions with the prior approval of the clients Audit Committee.