5090 s03 Ir 3

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

BIOLOGY 5090/03
Paper 3 Practical Test
May/June 2003

1 hour 15 minutes

Great care should be taken that any confidential information given does not reach
the candidates either directly or indirectly.

Instructions for preparing apparatus

These instructions give details of the apparatus required by each candidate for each experiment in this
paper. A summary of the questions that will be presented to the candidates is included, where appropriate,
to allow the Biology teacher to test the apparatus appropriately. No access to the question paper is
permitted in advance of the examination session.

If a candidate breaks any of the apparatus, or loses any of the material supplied, the matter should be
rectified and a note made in the Supervisor’s Report.

If arrangements are made for different sessions for different groups of candidates, care must be taken to
ensure that the different groups of candidates are effectively isolated so that no information passes
between them.

Supervisors are advised to remind candidates that all substances in the examination should be treated with
caution. Pipette fillers and safety goggles should be used where necessary.

In accordance with the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations, operative in the
UK, a hazard appraisal of the examination has been carried out.

The following codes are used where relevant.

C = corrosive substance F = highly flammable substance

H = harmful of irritating substance O = oxidising substance
T = toxic substance

If you have any problems or queries regarding these Instructions, please contact CIE
by e-mail: [email protected],
by phone: +44 1223 553554,
by fax: +44 1223 553558,
stating the Centre number, the nature of the query and the syllabus number quoted above.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

SP (SLC/KN) S41692/2
© CIE 2003 [Turn over

Each candidate must be provided with the following apparatus and materials.

To be supplied by the Centre

Question 1

(i) Three large test-tubes, 2.5 cm in diameter, labelled T1, T2 and T3, set up as shown in the

T1 to contain 2 cm depth of hydrogencarbonate indicator solution that has been acidified by

the addition of 1 drop of 1M hydrochloric acid. The solution should turn yellow. A fresh leaf
should be suspended above the solution by trapping the petiole with a rubber bung. The test-
tube should then be covered with aluminium foil and labelled T1.
T2 to contain 2 cm depth of hydrogencarbonate indicator solution that has been made
[C] alkaline by the addition of 1 drop of 1M sodium hydroxide. The solution should turn
red/purple. A fresh leaf should be suspended above the solution by trapping the petiole with a
rubber bung. The test-tube should be labelled T2.
The leaves in tubes T1 and T2 should be of the same species and similar size, shape and
T3 to contain 2 cm depth of hydrogencarbonate indicator solution. The solution should be

Hydrogencarbonate indicator solution may be purchased ready-made or made up as follows.

• Dissolve 0.2 g thymol blue and 0.1 g cresol red powders in 20 cm3 of ethanol.
• Dissolve 0.84 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate in 900 cm3 of deionised water.
• Add the alcoholic solution to the hydrogencarbonate solution and make up the volume to
1 litre with deionised water.
• Shortly before use, dilute the appropriate amount of this solution 10 times i.e. add nine
times its volume of deionised water.

Note Before use, the solution must be brought into equilibrium by bubbling atmospheric air
through the solution until it has turned orange/red. This should be done using a filter pump or
an aquarium pump. This may take several hours.

(ii) A large test-tube, 2.5 cm in diameter, with a rack or means of support.

(iii) A drinking straw.


(iv) Two leaves, labelled L1 and L2.

L1 should be taken from a healthy, well watered plant that has been kept in complete
darkness for at least 5 days to ensure complete de-starching. The leaf should then be
[F] immediately prepared for a starch test by being placed in boiling water and then in hot alcohol
to decolourise it. Once white, the leaf should be labelled L1.
L2 should be taken from a healthy, well watered plant, that has been kept in bright light for at
least 12 hours in order to produce starch. The leaf should then be immediately prepared for a
[F] starch test by being placed in boiling water and then in hot alcohol to decolourise it. Once
white, the leaf should be labelled L2.

[F] Note These leaves can be prepared in advance and stored in 70% alcohol.
You are advised to carry out sample starch tests with some of the leaves well in advance of
the examination session.

(v) Iodine solution with dropper, labelled as such.

(vi) A white tile.

Question 2

(i) Fruit S1 which should be a winged fruit from a tree such as Acer (maple), Fraxinus (ash),
Ailanthus (tree of heaven) or Tipuana (tipu). Please ensure that the winged fruit used is
identified on the back page of the first candidate’s script.

(ii) A hand lens.

(iii) A ruler.

(iv) A microscope slide with cover slip and a mounted needle.

(v) A grape, not seedless variety, labelled S2. If grapes cannot be obtained, substitute a similar
fruit, with sweet flesh enclosing one or a few seeds.

(vi) Benedict’s solution with dropper, labelled as such.

(vii) A test-tube with a rack or a means of support.

(viii) A water-bath for Benedict’s test.

(ix) Access to water.

(x) A paper towel.

The Supervisor’s Report is to be filled in on the back page of the first candidate’s script. Please
ensure that this is done.




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