Unit 6 Financial Statements Analysis and Interpretation
Unit 6 Financial Statements Analysis and Interpretation
Unit 6 Financial Statements Analysis and Interpretation
Financial Statements:
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Unit Objectives
6.2 Relationship between Analysis and Interpretation
6.3 Steps Involved in the Financial Statements Analysis
6.4 Techniques of Financial Analysis
6.5 Ratio Analysis
6.6 Classification of Ratios
6.7 Profitability Ratios
6.8 Turnover Ratios
6.9 Financial Ratios
6.10 Advantages of Ratio Analysis
6.11 Limitations of Accounting Ratios
6.12 Computation of Ratios
6.12.1 Computation of Items of Financial Statements
6.12.2 Critical Analysis of Financial Statements
6.13 Key Terms
6.14 Summary
6.15 Answers to Check Your Progress
6.16 Questions and Exercises
6.17 Practical Problems
6.18 Further Reading
In the preceding two units, we have explained the preparation and presentation of financial
statements. Financial statements are prepared with the objective of knowing the profit-
ability and financial soundness of the business. This requires proper analysis and interpre-
tation of financial statements. This aspect has been discussed in detail in this unit.
as on.......
Particulars Rs
Cash in Hand ....
Cash at Bank ....
Bills Receivable ....
Book Debts (less provision for bad debts) ....
Marketable Trade Investments ....
Liquid Assets (1) ....
Inventories (stock of raw materials, finished goods, etc.) ....
Prepaid Expenses ....
Current Assets (2) ....
Bills Payable ....
Trade Creditors ....
Outstanding Expenses ....
Bank Overdraft ....
Other Liabilities Payable within a year ....
Current Liabilities (3) ....
Provision for Tax ....
Proposed Dividends ....
Other Provisions ....
Provisions (4) ....
Current Liabilities and Provisions (3) + (4) = (5) ....
Net Working Capital ....
[Current Assets Current Liabilities and Provisions (2) (5)] (6) ....
Goodwill at cost* ....
Land and Building ....
Plant and Machinery ....
Loose Tools ....
Furniture and Fixtures ....
Investments in Subsidiaries ....
Patents, Copyright, etc.** ....
Fixed Assets (7) ....
Capital Employed (6) + (7) = (8) ....
Other Assets: (9) ....
Investment in Government Securities, Unquoted Investments, etc. ....
Other Investments (non-trading) ....
Advances to Directors ....
Companys Net Assets (8) + (9) = (10) ....
Debentures ....
Other Long-term Loans (payable after a year) ....
Long-term Loans (11) ....
Shareholders Net Worth (10) (11) = (12) ....
(or total tangible net worth) ....
(Contd.) Self-Instructional Material 165
Financial Statements: Preference Share Capital (13) ....
Analysis and Interpretation Equity Shareholders Net Worth (12) (13) = (14) ....
Equity Shareholders Net Worth is represented by: ....
Equity Share Capital ....
Forfeited Shares ....
NOTES Reserves ....
Surplus ....
Equity Shareholders Claims ....
Less: Accumulated Losses .... ....
Miscellaneous Expenditure
(such as preliminary expenses, discount on issue of shares or
debentures not written off) .... ....
Equity Shareholders Net Worth ....
* Goodwill to be included only when it has been paid for and has the value.
** Patents, Copyrights, etc., should be shown only when they have the value. In case these
assets are valueless, they should not be included here but should be written off against
shareholders' claims with other losses.
The process of methodical classification of the data will be clear with the
help of the following illustration:
Illustration 6.1. Below is the Balance Sheet of Prospective Ltd. as on 31
March, 1996, together with the Profit and Loss Account.
as on 31 March, 1996 (Rs in thousands)
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Equity Share Capital 500 Trade Investments 200
Dividend Equilisation Reserve 70 Patents 30
General Reserve 110 Land and Building (at cost) 320
Profit and Loss A/c 190 Plant and Machinery (at cost) 650
6 per cent Debentures 250 Cash at Bank 88
Bank Overdraft 150 Stock:
Staff Provident Fund 80 Materials 90
Creditors 210 Finished goods 160
Unpaid Dividend 10 Work-in-progress 60 310
Proposed Dividend 60 Sundry Debtors 230
Provision for Taxation 170 Less: Provision for
Provision for Depreciation 250 doubtful debts 8 222
Bills Receivable 30
Staff provident fund investment 80
Deposits with Customs Authorities 20
Advance for Purchase of Machinery 60
Preliminary Expenses 30
2,050 2,050
Prospective Limited
as on 31 March, 1996 (Rs in thousands)
Cash at Bank 88
Book Debts (net) 222
Bills Receivable 30
Liquid Assets (1) 340
Deposit with Customs 30
Materials 90
Finished goods 160
Work-in-progress 60 310
Current Assets (2) 680
Bank Overdraft 150
Creditors 210
Unpaid Dividend 10
Current Liabilities (3) 370
Proposed Dividend 60
Provision for Taxation 170
Current Liabilities and Provisions (4) 600
Net Working Capital (2) (4) = (5) 80
Land and Building (at cost) 320
Plant and Machinery (at cost) 650
Patents 30
Fixed Assets 1,000
Less: Provision for Depreciation (6) 250
Net Fixed Assets 750
Advance against Machinery 60
Trade Investments 200
Total Fixed Investment (7) 1,010
Staff Provident Funds Investments 80
Less: Staff Provident Funds 80 Nil
Total Capital employed (8) 1,090
Less: 6 per cent Debentures (9) 250
Shareholders' Funds (10) 840
Represented by:
Equity Share Capital 500
General Reserve 110
Dividend Equalisation Reserve 70
Profit and Loss A/c (Less: Preliminary Expenses) 160
Comparative Common-size
Trend Funds Flow Cash Flow CVP Ratio
Financial Financial
Percentages Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Statements Statements
Comparative Financial Statements can be prepared for more than two periods
or on more than two dates. However, it becomes very cumbersome to study the
trend with more than two periods data. Trend percentages are more useful in such
cases. The technique of computing trend percentage has been discussed later in
the chapter.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has explained the utility
of preparing the Comparative Financial Statements as follows:
The presentation of comparative financial statements in annual and other reports
enhances the usefulness of such reports and brings out more clearly the nature
and trend of current changes affecting the enterprise. Such presentation emphasises
the fact that statement for a series of periods is far more significant than those
of single period and that the accounts of one period are but an instalment of what
is essentially a continuous history. In any one year, it is ordinarily desired that the
Balance Sheet, the Income Statement and the Surplus Statement be given for one
or more preceding years as well as for the current year.
The utility of preparing the Comparative Financial Statements has also been realized
in our country. The Companies Act, 1956, provides that companies should give figures
for different items for the previous period, together with current period figures in
their Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.
The above statement shows that though in absolute terms, the cost of goods sold has
gone up, the percentage of its cost to sales remains constant at 75%. This is the reason
why the Gross Profit continues at 25% of the sales. Similarly, in absolute terms the
amount of administration expenses remains the same but as a percentage to sales it has
come down by 5%. Selling expenses have increased by .25%. This all leads to net
increase in net profit by .25% (i.e., from 18.75% to 19%).
Common-size Income Statement
As on 31st December, 1997 and 1998
(Figures in percentage)
1997 1998
% %
Assets 100 100
Current Assets:
Cash 7.70 9.21
Debtors 15.38 19.74
Stock 15.38 19.74
Total Current Assets 38.46 48.69
Fixed Assets:
Building 23.07 17.76
Plant 23.07 17.76
Furniture 7.70 9.21
Land 7.70 6.68
Total Fixed Assets 61.54 51.31
Total Assets 100 100
Current Liabilities:
Bills Pyable 3.84 4.93
Sundry Creditors 11.54 13.16
Taxes Payable 7.69 9.86
Total Current Liabilities 23.07 27.95
Long-term Liabilities:
6% Debentures 7.69 9.86
Capital & Reserves:
6% Preferences Share Capital 23.10 19.72
Equity Share Capital 30.76 26.32
Reserves 15.38 16.15
Total Shareholders Funds 69.24 62.19
Total Liabilities and Capital 100 100 Self-Instructional Material 171
Financial Statements: Interpretation. The percentage of current assets to total assets was 38.46
Analysis and Interpretation in 1997. It has gone up to 48.69 in 1998. Similarly the percentage of current liabilities
to total liabilities (including capital) has also gone up from 23.07 in 1997 to 27.95
in 1998. Thus, the proportion of current assets has increased by a higher percentage
(about 10) as compared to increase in the proportion of current liabilities
NOTES (about 5). This has improved the working capital position of the company. There
has been a slight deterioration in the debt-equity ratio though it continues to be
very sound. The proportion of shareholders funds in the total liabilities has come
down from 69.24% to 62.19% while that of the debenture-holders has gone up
from 7.69% to 9.86%.
Comparative Utility of Common Size Financial Statements. The comparative
common-size financial statements show the percentage of each item to the total
in each period but not variations in respective items from period to period. In other
words, common-size financial statements when read horizontally do not give information
about the trend of individual items but the trend of their relationship to total. Observation
of these trends is not very useful because there are no definite norms for the
proportion of each item to total. For example, if it is established that inventory should
be 30% of total assets, the computation of various ratios to total assets would be
very useful. But since there are no such established standard proportions, calculation
of percentages of different items of assets or liabilities to total assets or total liabilities
is not of much use. On account of this reason common size financial statements
are not much useful for financial analysis. However, common size financial statements
are useful for studying the comparative financial position of two or more businesses.
However, to make such comparison really meaningful, it is necessary that the financial
statements of all such companies should be prepared on the same pattern, e.g.,
all the companies should be more or less of the same age, they should be following
the same accounting practices, the method of depreciation on fixed assets should
be the same.
(c) Trend Percentages
Trend percentages are immensely helpful in making a comparative study of the
financial statements for several years. The method of calculating trend percentages
involves the calculation of percentage relationship that each item bears to the same
item in the base year. Any year may be taken as the base year. It is usually the
earliest year. Any intervening year may also be taken as the base year. Each item
of base year is taken as 100 and on that basis the percentages for each of the
items of each of the years are calculated. These percentages can also be taken
as Index Number showing relative changes in the financial data resulting with the
passage of time.
The method of trend percentages is a useful analytical device for the management
since by substituting percentages for large amounts, the brevity and readability are
achieved. However, trend percentages are not calculated for all of the items in
the financial statements. They are usually calculated only for major items since
the purpose is to highlight important changes.
While calculating trend percentages care should be taken regarding the following
1. The accounting principles and practices followed should be constant throughout
the period for which analysis is made. In the absence of such consistency,
the comparability will be adversely affected.
2. The base year should be carefully selected. It should be normal year and
be representative of the items shown in the statement.
3. Trend percentages should be calculated only for items having logical
relationship with one another.
4. Trend percentages should be studied after considering the absolute figures
on which they are based; otherwise, they may give misleading results.
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For example, one expense may increase from Rs. 100 to Rs. 200 while Financial Statements:
Analysis and Interpretation
the other expense may increase from Rs. 10,000 o Rs. 15,000. In the
first case trend percentage will show 100% increase while in the second
case it will show 50% increase. This is misleading because in the first
case the change though 100% is not at all significant in real terms as NOTES
compared to the other. Similarly, unnecessary doubts may be created when
the trend percentages show 100% increase in debt while only 50% increase
in equity. This doubt can be removed if absolute figures are seen, e.g.,
the amount of debt may increase from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 40,000 while
that of equity from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 1,50,000.
5. The figures for the current year should also be adjusted in the light of
price level changes as compared to the base year before calculating the
trend percentages. In case this is not done, the trend percentages may
make the whole comparison meaningless. For example, if prices in the
year 1998 have increased by 100% as compared to 1997, the increase
in sales in 1998 by 60% as compared to 1997 will give misleading results.
Figures of 1998 must be adjusted on account of rise in prices before calculating
the trend percentages.
Illustration 6.4. From the following data relating to the assets side of the
Balance Sheet of Kamdhenu Ltd. for the period 31st Dec., 1995 to 31st December,
1998, you are required to calculate the trend percentage taking 1995 as the base
(Rupees in thousands)
Comparative Balance Sheet
As on December 31, 1995-98
Assets December 31 Trend percentages
(Rs. in thousands) Base Year 1995
1995 1996 1997 1998 1995 1996 1997 1998
Current Assets:
Cash 100 120 80 140 100 120 80 140
Debtors 200 250 325 400 100 125 163 200
= 40 per cent
Net Operating Profit = Net Profit + Provision for Tax Income from Investments
+ Interest on Debentures
= Rs 1,00,000 + Rs 1,00,000 Rs 10,000 + Rs 10,000
= Rs 2,00,000
Capital employed = Fixed Assets + Current Assets Provision for Tax
= Rs 4,50,000 + Rs 1,50,000 Rs 1,00,000
= Rs 5,00,000
or Share Capital + Reserves + Debentures + Profit and Loss
A/c Balance Investments in Government Securities
= Rs 3,00,000 + Rs 1,00,000 + Rs 1,00,000 +
Rs 1,00,000 Rs 1,00,000
= Rs 5,00,000
Return on Investment (ROI) can be computed for computing the return for
different purposes. Some of the ratios that are calculated are as follows:
(i) Return of Shareholders Funds. In case it is desired to work out the profitability
of the company from the shareholders point of view, it should be computed as
Net Profit after Interest and Tax
Shareholders' Fund
The term Net Profit here means Net Income after Interest and Tax. It is
different from the Net Operating Profit which is used for computing the Return
on Total Capital Employed in the business.This is because the shareholders are
interested in Total Income after Tax including Net-Non-operating Income (i.e., Non-
operating Income Non- operating Expenses).
Taking the figures from Illustration 6.2, the Return on Shareholders' Funds
will be computed as follows:
Rs 1,00,000
100 20 per cent
Rs 5,00,000
(ii) Return on Equity Shareholders Funds. The profitability from the point
of view of the equity shareholders will be judged after taking into account the amount
of dividend payable to the Preference Shareholders. The Return on Equity
Shareholders Funds will, therefore, be computed on the following basis:
Net Profit after Interest, Tax and Preference Dividend
Equity Shareholders Fund
Taking figure from the Illustration 6.2, the Return on Equity Shareholders funds
will be computed as follows:
Rs 90,000
100 23 per cent
Rs 3,90,000
= = Rs 10 per share
Diluted Earnings Per Share (DEPS). Diluted earnings per share are calculated
when there are potential equity shares in the capital structures of the enterprise. A
potential equity share is a financial instrument or other contract (e.g. Convertible
Debentures, Convertible Preference Shares, Option Warrants etc.) that entitles or may
entitle its holder to equity shares. The diluted earnings per share are calculated as follows:
Adjusted Net Profit (or Loss) for the Period Attributable to Equity Shareholders
Adjusted Weighted Average Number of Shares
= Rs 3.06 per share
3. Price Earning Ratio (PER). This ratio indicates the number of times the
earning per share is covered by its market price. This is calculated according to
the following formula:
Market Price Per Equity Share
Earning Per Share
For example, the market price of a share is Rs 30 and earning per share
is Rs 5, the price earning ratio would be 6 (i.e., 30 5). It means the market
value of every one rupee of earning is six times or Rs 6. The ratio is useful in
financial forecasting. It also help in knowing whether the shares of a company
are under or overvalued. For example, if the earning per share of AB Limited is
Rs 20, its market price Rs 140 and earning ratio of similar companies is 8, it means
that the market value of a share of AB Limited should be Rs 160 (i.e., 8 20).
The share of AB Limited is, therefore, undervalued in the market by Rs 20. In
case the price earning ratio of similar companies is only 6, the value of share of
AB Limited should have been Rs 120 (6 20), thus the share is overvalued by
Rs 20.
180 Self-Instructional Material
Significance. Price-earning ratio helps the investor in deciding whether to buy Financial Statements:
Analysis and Interpretation
or not to buy the shares of a company at a particular market price.
4. Gross Profit Ratio. This ratio expresses relationship between gross profit
and net-sales. Its formula is:
Gross Profit NOTES
Net Sales
Illustration 6.9. Calculate the Gross Profit Ratio from the following figures:
Sales Rs 1,00,000 Purchases Rs 60,000
Sales Returns 10,000 Purchases Returns 15,000
Opening Stock 20,000 Closing Stock 5,000
Gross Profit
Gross Profit Ratio = 100
Net Sales
Net Sales Cost of goods sold
= 100
Net Sales
Rs 90,000 Rs 60,000
= 100
Rs 90,000
Rs 30,000 1
= 100 = 33 %
Rs 90,000 3
Significance. This ratio indicates the degree to which the selling price of goods
per unit may decline without resulting in losses from operations to the firm. It also
helps in ascertaining whether the average percentage of mark up on the goods
is maintained.
There is no norm for judging the Gross Profit Ratio, therefore, the evaluation
of the business on its basis is a matter of judgement. However, the gross profits
should be adequate to cover operating expenses and to provide for fixed charges,
dividends and building up of reserves.
5. Net Profit Ratio. This ratio indicates net margin earned on a sale of Rs
100. It is calculated as follows:
Factory Overheads
(iii) Factory Overhead to Sales = 100
Net Sales
Similarly, percentage of other operating costs such a administration and selling
costs to sales can be computed.
Significance. This ratio is the test of the operational efficiency with which
the business is being carried. The operating ratio should be low enough to leave
a portion of sales to give a fair return to the investors.
A comparison of the operating ratio will indicate whether the cost component
is high or low in the figure of sales. In case the comparison shows that there
is increase in this ratio, the reason for such increase should be found out and
management be advised to check the increased.
7. Fixed Charges Cover. The ratio is very important from the lenders point
of view. It indicates whether the business would earn sufficient profits to pay periodically
the interest charges. The higher the number, the more secure the lender is in respect
of his periodical interest income. It is calculated as follows:
Income before Interest and Tax
Interest Charges
This ratio is also called as Debt Service Ratio.
The standard for this ratio for an industrial company is that interest charges
should be covered six to seven times.
Illustration 6.11. The operating profit of A Ltd. after charging interest on
debentures and tax is a sum of Rs 10,000. The amount of interest charged is Rs
2,000 and the provision for tax has been made of Rs 4,000.
Calculate the interest charges cover ratio.
182 Self-Instructional Material
Solution: Financial Statements:
Net Profit before Interest and Tax Analysis and Interpretation
Interest Charges Cover =
Interest Charges
Rs 16,000
= = 8 times NOTES
Rs 2,000
In case it is desired to compute the fixed dividend cover it can be computed
on the following basis:
Net Profit after Interest and Tax
Fixed Dividend Cover =
Preference Dividend
In the above illustration if the amount of Preference Dividend payable is a
sum of Rs 1,000, the fixed dividend cover will be computed as follows:
Rs 10,000
= = 10 times
Rs 1,000
8. Debt Service Coverage Ratio. The interest coverage ratio, as explained
above, does not tell us anything about the ability of a company to make payment
of principal amount also on time. For this purpose debt service coverage ratio is
calculated as follows:
Net Profit before Interest and Tax
Debt Service Coverage Ratio=
Principal Payment Instalment
Interest +
I-tax Rate
The principle payment instalment is adjusted for tax effects since such payment
is not deductible from net profit for tax purposes.
Illustration 6.12. Net profit before interest and tax Rs 50,000. 10% Debentures
(payable in 10 year in equal instalments) Rs 1,00,000.
Tax Rate 50%
Calculate the Debt Service Coverage Ratio.
Net Profit before Interest and Tax
Debt Service Coverage Ratio =
Principal Payment Instalment
Interest +
I-tax Rate
The ratio comes to 1.67. It means net profit before interest and tax covers
adequately both interest and principal repayment instalment. Some accountants prefer
to compute the Debt Service Coverage Ratio as under:
Cash Profit available for Debts Service
Interest + Principal Payment Instalment
Cash Profit available for debt service is computed by adding to Net Profit
items like depreciation, interest on debt and amortisation of items like goodwill,
preliminary expenses, etc.
However, the former seems to be a better method since by giving the tax
effect, it puts the two items interest and principal payment instalment on the same
The higher the ratio, better it is.
9. Payout Ratio. This ratio indicates what proportion of earning per share
has been used for paying dividend. The ratio can be calculated as follows:
Dividend per Equity Share
Earning per Equity Share Self-Instructional Material 183
Financial Statements: A complementary of this ratio is Retained Earning Ratio. It is calculated as
Analysis and Interpretation
Retained Earning per Equity Share
Earning per Equity Share
Retained Earnings
= 100
Total Earning
Illustration 6.13. Compute the Payout Ratio and the Retained Earning Ratio
from the following data:
Net Profit Rs 10,000 No. of Equity Shares 3,000
Provision for Tax 5,000 Dividend per Equity ShareRe 0.40
Preference Dividend 2,000
Dividend per Equity Share
Payout Ratio = 100
Earning per Equity Share
Re 0.40
= 100 = 40 per cent
Re 1
Retained Earnings
Retained Earning Ratio = 100
Total Earning
Rs 1,8000
= 100 = 60 per cent
Rs 3,000
Retained Earning per share
= 100
Total Earning per share
Re .60
= 100 = 60 per cent
Re 1
Significance. The payout ratio and the retained earnings ratio are indicators
of the amount of earnings that have been ploughed back in the business. The lower
the payout ratio, the higher will be the amount of earnings ploughed back in the
business and vice versa. Similarly, the lower the retained earnings ratio, the lower
will be the amount of earnings ploughed back into the business and vice versa.
A lower payout ratio or a higher retained earnings ratio means a stronger financial
position of the company.
10. Dividend Yield Ratio. This ratio is particularly useful for those investors
who are interested only in dividend income. The ratio is calculated by comparing
the rate of dividend per share with market value. Its formula can be put as follows:
Dividend per share
Market Price per share
For example, if a company declares dividend at 20 per cent on its shares,
each having a paid-up value of Rs 8 and market price of Rs 25, the dividend yield
ratio will be calculated as follows:
Dividend per Share = 8 = Rs 1.60
184 Self-Instructional Material
Dividend per Share 1.6 Financial Statements:
Dividend Yield Ratio = 100 = 100 = 6.4% Analysis and Interpretation
Market Price per Share 25
Significance. The ratio helps an intending investor in knowing the effective
return he is going to get on the proposed investment. For example, in the above
case, though the company is paying a dividend of 20 per cent on its shares, a NOTES
person who purchases the shares of the company from the market will get only
an effective return of 6.4 per cent. Therefore, he can decide whether he should
opt for this investment or not.
Net Sales
Land Buildings to Turnover
Land and Buildings (Net)
Working Capital Turnover Ratio. This ratio indicates whether or not working
capital has been effectively utilised in making sales. The ratio is calculated as follows:
Net Sales
Working Capital
Working capital turnover ratio may take different forms for different purposes.
Some of them are being explained below:
(i) Debtors Turnover Ratio (Debtors Velocity). Debtors constitute an important
constituent of current assets and therefore the quality of debtors to a great extent
determines a firms liquidity. Two ratios are used by financial analysts to judge
the liquidity of a firm. They are (i) Debtors turnover ratio, and (ii) Debt collection
period ratio.
The debtors turnover ratio is calculated as under:
Credit Sales
Average Accounts Receivable
The term Accounts Receivable includes Trade Debtors and Bills Receivable.
Illustration 6.16. Calculate the Debtors Turnover Ratio from the following
The average inventory may also be calculated on the basis of the average
of inventory at the beginning and at the end of the accounting period.
Self-Instructional Material 189
Financial Statements: Inventory at the beginning of the accounting period +
Analysis and Interpretation
Inventory at the end of the accounting period
Average Inventory =
NOTES Illustration 6.19. Following is the Trading Account of Skylarks Ltd. Calculate
the Stock Turnover Ratio:
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
To Opening Stock 40,000 By Sales 2,00,000
To Purchases 1,00,000 By Closing Stock 20,000
To Carriage 10,000
To Gross Profit 70,000
2,20,000 2,20,000
Cost of Sales Rs 1,30,000
Stock Turnover Ratio = = = 4.33 times.
Average Stock 30,000
Significance of the ratio. As already stated, the inventory turnover ratio signifies
the liquidity of the inventory. A high inventory turnover ratio indicates brisk sales.
The ratio is, therefore, a measure to discover the possible trouble in the form of
overstocking or overvaluation. The stock position is known as the graveyard of
the balance sheet. If the sales are quick such a position would not arise unless
the stocks consist of unsaleable items. A low inventory turnover ratio results in
blocking of funds in inventory which may ultimately result in heavy losses due
to inventory becoming obsolete or deteriorating in quality.
Fixed Assets
Long-term Funds
The ratio should not be more than 1. If it is less than 1, it shows that a
part of the working capital has been financed through long-term funds. This is
desirable to some extent because a part of working capital termed as core working
capital is more or less of a fixed nature. The ideal ratio is 0.67.
Fixed assets include net fixed assets (i.e., original costdepreciation to date)
and trade investments including shares in subsidiaries. Long-term funds include
share capital, reserves and long-term loans.
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Illustration 6.20. From the following compute the Fixed Assets Ratio: Financial Statements:
Analysis and Interpretation
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Share Capital 1,00,000 Furniture 25,000
Reserves 50,000 Trade Debtors 50,000
12 per cent Debentures 1,00,000 Cash Balance 30,000
Trade Creditors 50,000 Bills Payable 10,000
Plant and Machinery 1,00,000 Stock 40,000
Land and Buildings 1,00,000
Fixed Assets 2,25,000
Fixed Assets Ratio = = = 0.9
Long-term Funds 2,50,000
2. Current Ratio. This ratio is an indicator of the firms commitment to meet
its short-term liabilities. It is expressed as follows:
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Current assets include cash and other assets convertible or meant to be converted
into cash during the operating cycle of the business (which is of not more than
a year). Current liabilities mean liabilities payable within a years time either out
of existing current assets or by creation of new current liabilities. A list of items
included in current assets and current liabilities has already been given in the pro
forma analysis balance sheet in the preceding pages.
Book debts outstanding for more than six months and loose tools should not
be included in current assets. Prepaid expenses should be taken into current assets.
A general rule of thumb for the current ratio is 2:1.
Illustration 6.21. From the following compute the Current Ratio:
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Sundry Debtors 40,000 Sundry Creditors 20,000
Prepaid expenses 20,000 Debentures 1,00,000
Short-term investments 10,000 Inventories 20,000
Loose Tools 5,000 Outstanding Expenses 20,000
Bills Payable 10,000
Current Assets Rs 90,000
Current Ratio = = = 1.8
Current Liabilities 50,000
An ideal current ratio is 2. The ratio of 2 is considered as a safe margin
of solvency due to the fact that if the current assets are reduced to half, i.e.,
1 instead of 2, then too, the creditors will be able to get their payments in full.
However, a business having seasonal trading activity may show a lower current
ratio at certain period in the year. A very high current ratio is also not desirable
since it means less efficient use of funds. This is because a high current ratio
means excessive dependence on long-term sources of raising funds. Long-term liabilities
are costlier than current liabilities and therefore, this will result in considerably lowering
down the profitability of the concern.
It is to be noted that the mere fact that current ratio is quite high does not
means that the company will be in a position to meet adequately its short-term
liabilities. In fact the current ratio should be seen in relation to the components
of the current assets and their liquidity. If a large portion of the current assets
comprise obsolete stocks or debtors outstanding for a long time, the company may
fail if the current ratio is higher than 2.
Self-Instructional Material 191
Financial Statements: The Current Ratio can also be manipulated very easily. This may be done
Analysis and Interpretation
either by postponing certain pressing payments or postponing purchase of inventories
or making payment of certain current liabilities. Consider the following
NOTES Example 1. Rs
Current Assets: Sundry Debtors 40,000
Inventories 60,000
Cash in Hand 1,00,000
Current Liabilities: Sundry Creditors 80,000
Bills Payable 20,000
Current Ratio = = 3.
In case the creditors are paid to the extent of Rs 50,000 out of cash in hand,
the current ratio will be as follows:
Current Ratio = = 3.
Example 2. A business has current assets of Rs 30,000 including stock of
goods of Rs 5,000. Its current liabilities are of Rs 15,000. The current ratio is
2. However, if the business should have maintained a stock of Rs 15,000, the current
ratio would have been as follows:
30,000 10,000 40,000
15,000 10,000 * 25,000
*Presuming that the goods are purchased on credit.
Significance. The current ratio is an index of the concerns financial stability
since it shows the extent of the working capital which is the amount by which
the current assets exceed the current liabilities. As stated earlier a higher current
ratio would indicate inadequate employment of funds while a poor current ratio is
a danger signal to the management. It shows that the business is trading beyond
its resources.
3. Liquidity Ratio. This ratio is also termed as acid test ratio or quick
ratio. This ratio is ascertained by comparing the liquid assets (i.e., assets which
are immediately convertible into cash without much loss) to current liabilities Prepaid
expenses and stock are not taken as liquid assets. The ratio may be expressed
as under:
Liquid Assets
Current Liabilities
On the basis of figures given in the Illustration 1.15 the Liquidity Ratio will
be computed as under:
Liquid Assets Rs 90,000 Rs 40,000 Rs 50,000
= = = = 1.
Current Liabilities Rs 50,000 Rs 50,000
Some accountants prefer the term Liquid Liabilities for Current Liabilities for
the purpose of ascertaining this ratio. Liquid liabilities mean liabilities which are payable
within a short period. The bank overdraft (if it becomes a permanent mode of financing)
and cash credit facilities will be excluded from current liabilities in such a case:
Liquid Assets
Liquid Liabilities
192 Self-Instructional Material
The ratio is also an indicator of short-term solvency of the company. Financial Statements:
Analysis and Interpretation
A comparison of the current ratio to quick ratio shall indicate the inventory
hold-ups. For example, if two units have the same current ratio but different liquidity
ratios, it indicates over-stocking by the concern having low liquidity ratio as compared
to the concern which has a higher liquidity ratio. NOTES
A general rule of thumb for liquidity ratio is 1:1.
4. Debt-equity Ratio. The debt-equity ratio is determined to ascertain the
soundness of the long-term financial policies of the company. It is also known as
External-internal equity ratio. It may be calculated as follows:
External equities
Debt-equity Ratio =
Internal equities
The term external equities refers to total outside liabilities and the term internal
equities refers to shareholders funds or the tangible net worth (as used in the
proforma balance sheet given in the preceding pages). In case the ratio is 1 (i.e.,
outsiders funds are equal to shareholders funds), it is considered to be quite satisfactory.
Total Long-term debt
(i) Debt-equity Ratio =
Total Long-term funds
Shareholders funds
(ii) Debt-equity Ratio =
Total Long-term funds
Total Long-term debt
(iii) Debt-equity Ratio =
Shareholders funds
Method (iii) is most popular.
Ratios (i) and (ii) give the proportion of long-term debt/shareholders funds
in total long-term funds (including borrowed as well as owned funds). While Ratio
(iii) indicates the proportion between shareholders funds (i.e., tangible net worth),
and the total long-term borrowed funds.
Ratios (i) and (ii) may be taken as ideal if they are 0.5 each while the ratio
(iii) may be taken as ideal if it is 1. In other words, the investor may take debt-
equity ratio as quite satisfactory if shareholders funds are equal to borrowed funds.
However, a lower ratio, say 2/3rds, borrowed funds and 1/3rd owned funds may
also not be considered as unsatisfactory if the business needs heavy investment
in fixed assets and has an assured return on its investment, e.g., in case of public
utility concerns.
It is to be noted that preference shares redeemable within a period of 12
years from the date of their issue should be taken as a part of debt.
Illustration 6.22. From the following figures calculate the Debt-Equity Ratio:
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
Preference Share capital 1,00,000 Unsecured Loans 50,000
Equity Share Capital 2,00,000 Creditors 40,000
Capital Reserves 50,000 Bills Payable 20,000
Profit and Loss A/c 50,000 Provision for Taxes 10,000
12 per cent Mortgage Debenture 1,00,000 Provision for Dividends 20,000
The debt-equity ratio may be calculated according to any of the following
methods depending on the purpose for which the information is required.
External Equities 2, 40,000
(i) Debt-equity Ratio = 0.6
Internal Equities 4,00,000
Self-Instructional Material 193
Financial Statements:
Total Long-term Debt * 1,50,000
Analysis and Interpretation
(ii) Debt-equity Ratio = 0.27
Total Long-term Liabilities 5,50,000
Shareholders Funds 4,00,000
(iii) Debt-equity Ratio = 0.73
NOTES Total Long-term Funds 5,50,000
Total Long-term Debt 1,50,000
(iv) Debt-equity Ratio = 0.73
Shareholders Fund 4, 40,000
* Unsecured loan has been taken as a long-term loan.
Significance. The ratio indicates the proportion of owners stake in the busi-
ness. Excessive liabilities tend to cause insolvency. The ratio indicates the extent
to which the firm depends upon outsiders for its existence. The ratio provides a
margin of safety to the creditors. It tells the owners the extent to which they can
gain the benefits of maintaining control with a limited investment.
5. Proprietary Ratio. It is a variant of debt-equity ratio. It establishes relationship
between the proprietors or shareholders funds and the total tangible assets. It may
be expressed as under:
Shareholders Funds
Total Tangible Assets
Illustration 6.23. From the following calculate the proprietary ratio:
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Preference Share Capital 1,00,000 Fixed assets 2,00,000
Equity Share Capital 2,00,000 Current assets 1,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 50,000 Goodwill 50,000
Debentures 1,00,000 Investments 1,50,000
Creditors 50,000
5,00,000 5,00,000
Shareholders Funds Rs 3,00,000
Proprietary Ratio = = = 0.67 or 67 per cent
Total Tangible Assets Rs 4,50,000
Significance. This ratio focuses the attention on the general financial strength
of the business enterprise. The ratio is of particular importance to the creditors
who can find out the proportion of shareholders funds in the total assets employed
in the business. A high proprietary ratio will indicate a relatively little danger to
the creditors, etc., in the event of forced reorganisation or winding up of the company.
A low proprietary ratio indicates greater risk to the creditors since in the event
of losses a part of their money may be lost besides loss to the proprietors of the
business. The higher the ratio, the better it is. A ratio below 50 per cent may
be alarming for the creditors since they may have to lose heavily in the event of
companys liquidation on account of heavy losses.
Batty J. Management Accounting (1978), p. 413.
Self-Instructional Material 195
Financial Statements: Standards. In our country, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has
Analysis and Interpretation
established Accounting Standards Board of formulation of requisite accounting
standards. The Accounting Standards Board has already issued twenty-three accounting
Standards, including AS 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies. The standard has become
NOTES mandatory in respect of accounts for periods commencing on or after 1 April, 1991.
3. Ratios alone are not adequate. Ratios are only indicators, they cannot
be taken as final regarding a good or bad financial position of the business. Other
things also have to be seen. For example, a high current ratio does not necessarily
mean that the concern has a good liquid position in case current assets mostly
comprise outdated stocks. It has been correctly observed, No ratio may be regarded
as good or bad inter se. It may be an indication that a firm is weak or strong
but it must never be taken as proof of either one. Ratios may be linked to rail-
roads. They tell the analysist, stop, look and listen.
4. Window dressing. The term window dressing means manipulation of
accounts in a way so as to conceal vital facts and present the financial statements
in a way to show a better position than what it actually is. On account of such
a situation, the presence of particular ratio may not be a definite indicator of
good or bad management. For example, a high stock turnover ratio is generally
considered to be an indication of operational efficiency of the business. But this
might have been achieved by unwarranted price reductions or failure to maintain
proper stock of goods.
Similarly, the current ratio may be improved just before the Balance Sheet
date by postponing replenishment of inventory. For example, if a company has got
current assets of Rs 4,000 with current liabilities of Rs 2,000, the current ratio
is 2, which is quite satisfactory. In case the company purchases goods of Rs 2,000
on credit, the current assets would go up to Rs 6,000 and current liabilities to Rs
4,000, thus reducing the current ratio to 1.5. The company may, therefore, postpone
Check Your Progress
the purchases for early next year so that its current ratio continues to remain at
4. Which accounting ratio will be 2 on the Balance Sheet date. Similarly, in order to improve the current ratio, the
useful in indicating the
following symptoms?
company may pay off certain pressing current liabilities before the Balance Sheet
(a) Low capacity utilisation.
date. For example, if in the above case the company pays current liabilities of Rs
(b) Falling demand for the 1,000, the current liabilities would stand reduced to Rs 1,000, current assets would
product in the market. stand reduced to Rs 3,000 but the current ratio would go up to 3.
(c) Inability to pay interest. 5. Problem of price level changes. Financial analysis based on accounting
(d) Borrowing for short-term ratios will give misleading results if the effects of changes in price level are not
and investing in long-term
assets. taken into account. For example, two companies set up in different years, having
(e) Large inventory accumu- plant and machinery of different ages, cannot be compared on the basis of traditional
lation in anticipation of accounting statements. This is because the depreciation charged on plant and
price rise in future. machinery in case of an old company would be at a much lower figure as compared
(f) Inefficient collection of to the company which has been set up recently. The financial statements of
the companies should, therefore, be adjusted keeping in view the price level changes
(g) Inability to pay dues to
financial institutions. if a meaningful comparison is to made through accounting ratios. The techniques
(h) Return of shareholders of current purchasing power and current cost accounting are quite helpful in this
funds being much higher respect.
than the overall return on
investments. 6. No fixed standards. No fixed standards can be laid down for ideal ratios.
(i) Liquidity crisis. For example, current ratio is generally considered to be ideal if current assets
(j) Increase in average credit are twice the current liabilities. However, in case of those concerns which have
period to maintain sales in adequate arrangements with their bankers for providing funds when they require,
view of falling demand. it may be perfectly ideal if current assets are equal to or slightly more than current
196 Self-Instructional Material
It may, therefore, be concluded that ratio analysis, if done mechanically, is Financial Statements:
Analysis and Interpretation
not only misleading but also dangerous. It is indeed a double-edged sword which
requires a great deal of understanding and sensitivity of the management process
rather than mechanical financial skill. It has rightly been observed, The ratio analysis
is an aid to management in taking correct decisions, but as a mechanical substitute NOTES
for thinking and judgement, it is worse than useless. The ratios, if discriminately
calculated and wisely interpreted, can be a useful tool of financial analysis.1
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Share Capital: Fixed Assets 2,50,000
Equity Share Capital 1,00,000 Stock of Raw Materials 1,50,000
Preference Share Capital 1,00,000 Stock of Finished Goods 1,00,000
Reserves 1,00,000 Sundry Debtors 1,00,000
Debentures 2,00,000 Bank balance 50,000
Sundry Creditors 1,00,000
Bills Payable 50,000
6,50,000 6,50,000
Sales 10,00,000
Less: Cost of Sales:
Raw Materials consumed
(Opening Stock + Purchases Closing Stock) 2,00,000
Direct sages 2,00,000
Manufacturing Expenses 1,00,000
Cost of Production 5,00,000
Add: Opening Stock of Finished Goods 1,00,000
Hunt, Williams and Donaldson, Basic Business Finance (1971), p. 116.
Self-Instructional Material 197
Financial Statements: Rs
Analysis and Interpretation
Less: Closing Stock of Finished Goods 1,00,000
Cost of goods sold 5,00,000
Gross Profit 5,00,000
Less: Operating Expenses:
NOTES Administration Expenses 50,000
Selling and Distribution Expenses 50,000 1,00,000
Net Operating Profit: 4,00,000
Add: Non-trading Income:
Profit on Sale of Shares 50,000
Less: Non-trading Expenses or Losses:
Loss on sale of Plant 55,000
Income before Interest and Tax 3,95,000
Less: Interest on Debentures 10,000
Net Profit before Tax 3,85,000
(i) Gross Profit Ratio:
Gross profit 5,00,000
100 100 50 per cent
Sales 10,00,000
(ii) Overall Profitability Ratio:
Operating profit 4,00,000
100 100 80 per cent
Capital employed 5,00,000
(iii) Current Ratio:
Current Assets 4,00,000
Current Liabilities 5,00,000
(iv) Debt-Equity Ratio:
External Equities 3,50,000
Internal Equities 3,00,000
Total Long = term Debt 2,00,000
= 0.40
Total Long = term Funds 5,00,000
198 Self-Instructional Material
Or Financial Statements:
Analysis and Interpretation
Total Long-term Debt 2,00,000
= 0.67
Total Long-term Funds 3,00,000
(v ) Stock Turnover Ratio: NOTES
(a ) As regards average total inventory
Cost of goods sold 5,00,000
= 2.5
Average inventory* 2,00,000
(* of raw material as well as finished goods).
(b ) As regards average inventory of raw materials:
Cost of goods sold 5,00,000
= 5
Average inventory of finished goods 1,00,000
(c) As regards average inventory of finished goods:
Cost of goods sold 5,00,000
Average inventory of finished goods 1,00,000
(vi) Liquidity Ratio:
Liquid Assets 1,50,000
Current Liabilities 1,50,000
Illustration 6.25. The Balance Sheet of Y Ltd. stood as follows as on:
(Rs in lakhs)
Liabilities 31.3.95 31.3.94 Assets 31.3.95 31.3.94
Capital 250 250 Fixed Assets 400 300
Reserves 116 100 Less: Depreciation 140 100
Loans 100 120 260 200
Creditors and Other Investments 40 30
Current Liabilities 129 25 Stock 120 100
Debtors 70 50
Cash/Bank 20 20
Other Current Assets 25 25
Misc. Expenditure 60 70
595 495 595 495
You are given the following information for the year 199495:
Sales 600
PBIT 150
Interest 24
Provision for tax 60
Proposed dividend 50
All the figures given above are rupees in lakhs.
From the above particulars calculate for the year 199495:
(a ) Return on Capital Employed Ratio.
(b ) Stock Turnover Ratio.
(c ) Return on Net Worth Ratio.
(d ) Current Ratio.
(e) Proprietary Ratio.
Working Notes:
(i) Average capital employed (Rs in lakhs)
31.3.1995 31.3.1994
Working Notes:
If Current Liabilities = 1
Current Assets= 2.5
It means the difference or Working Capital = 1.5
Working Capital is 1.5 = Rs 3,00,000
Therefore, Current Assets = Rs 5,00,000
Current Liabilities = Rs 2,00,000
As Liquidity Ratio = 1.5
And Current Liabilities = Rs 2,00,000
Therefore, the Liquid Assets
(bank and debtors) (2,00,000 1.5) = Rs 3,00,000
Stock (5,00,000 3,00,000, i.e.,
current assets liquid assets) = Rs 2,00,000
Cost of Sales (as stock turnover ratio is 6) = Rs 12,00,000
Sales (as G.P. ratio is 20 per cent,
12,00,000 12,00,000 = Rs 15,00,000
Fixed Assets are Rs 12,00,000/2 since fixed assets
turnover ratio is 2 = Rs 6,00,000
Debtors are Rs 15,00,000/6 since debt collection
period is 2 months = Rs 2,50,000
6,00,00 1
Shareholders Net Worth = Rs 7,50,000
Out of Shareholders' Net Worth Reserves and Surplus = Rs 2,50,000
Therefore, share capital = Rs 5,00,000
Illustration 6.27. The following extracts of financial information relate to Curious Ltd.:
as on 31st December (Rs in lakhs)
Particulars 1995 1994
Share Capital 10 10
Reserve and Surplus 30 10
Loan Fund 60 70
100 90
Fixed Assets (Net) 30 30
Current Assets:
Stocks 30 20
Debtors 30 30
Cash and Bank balances 10 20
(Contd .)
Self-Instructional Material 201
Financial Statements: Other Current Assets 30 10
Analysis and Interpretation 100 80
Less: Current Liabilities 30 20
Net Working Capital 70 60
Total Assets 100 90
NOTES Sales (Rs in lakhs) 270 300
(a ) Calculate, for the two years Debt Equity Ratio, Quick Ratio and Working
Capital Turnover Ratio; and
(b ) Find the sales volume that should have been generated in 1995 if the Company
were to have maintained its Working Capital Turnover Ratio.
(a) (i) Debt Equity Ratio
1995 1994
Debt Loan Funds 60 70
= = =
Equity Share Capital + Reserves 40 20
(ii) Quick Ratio
Quick Assets 30 10 30 20
= =
Current Liabilities 30 20
= 1.33 : 1 2.5 : 1
(iii) Working Capital Turnover Ratio
Sales 270 300
= =
Working Capital 70 60
= 3.86 times 5 times
(b) Sales volume to be maintained
Required Sales
Sales required for 1995 = Rs 350 lakhs.
Illustration 6.28. With the following ratios and further information given
below, prepare a Trading Account. Profit and Loss Account and a Balance Sheet
of Shri Narain:
(i) Gross Profit Ratio 25 per cent (vi) Fixed Assets/Capital 5/4
(ii) Net Profit/Sales 20 per cent(vii) Fixed Assets/Total
(iii) Stock-turnover Ratio 10 Current Assets 5/7
(iv) Net Profit/Capital 1/5 (viii) Fixed Assets Rs 10,00,000
(v ) Capital to Total (ix) Closing Stock Rs 1,00,000
Liabilities 1/2
for the year ended ...
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
To Opening Stock 20,000 By Sales 8,00,000
To Purchases (balancing figure) 6,80,000 By Closing Stock 1,00,000
To Gross Profit c/d 2,00,000
9,00,000 9,00,000
To Expenses 40,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,00,000
To Net Profit 1,60,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
Working Notes:
1. Fixed Assets are Rs 10,00,000
Fixed Assets Capital = 5 4
Capital = 10,00,000 4 5 = Rs 8,00,000.
2. Capital is 1/2 of Total Liabilities
Liabilities = 8,00,000 2 = Rs 16,00,000.
3. Net Profit is 1/5 of Capital
Net Profit = 8,00,000 1/5 = Rs 1,60,000.
4. Net Profit is 20 per cent of Sales
Sales = 1,60,000 100 20 = Rs 8,00,000
5. Gross Profit Ratio is 25 per cent of Sales
Gross Profit = Rs 2,00,000.
6. Stock Turnover Ratio (i.e., Cost of Sales/Average Inventory) is 10
Cost of Sales = Sales Gross Profit
= Rs 8,00,000 2,00,000 = Rs 6,00,000
Average Inventory is Rs 6,00,000
7. Closing Stock is Rs 1,00,000.
Average Inventory is Rs 60,000.
Opening Stock is Rs 20,000
8. Fixed Assets are Rs 10,00,000.
Fixed Assets/Total Current Assets = 5 7
Total Current assets are 10,00,000 7/5 Rs 14,00,000
Stock is Rs 1,00,000
Other Current Assets are Rs 13,00,000.
Illustration 6.29. From the following particulars prepare the Balance Sheet
of Shri Mohan Ram & Co. Ltd.
Current Ratio 2
Working Capital Rs 4,00,000
Capital Block to Current Assets 3:2
Fixed Assets to Turnover 1:3
Sales Cash/Credit 1:2
Stock Velocity 2 Months
Creditors Velocity 2 Months
Debtors Velocity 3 Months
Capital Block:
Net profit 10% of Turnover
Reserve 2.5% of Turnover 1:2
Debentures/Share Capital
Gross Profit Ratio 25% (to Sales)
You find that the total sales amounted to Rs 6,00,000 in the first year and
Rs 5,00,000 in the second year.
Examine the above details and give a step-by-step analysis in a manner which
indicates the overall efficiency of the business and its financial position.
Shamsher Sterling Limited
Overall Performance: The following ratios throw light on the comparative performance
of the company over two years:
First Year Second Year
1. Net Margin Ratio (Profit as given,
Less: Commission to the manager) 10 per cent 4 per cent
2. Capital Turnover Ratio
3.53 2.94
Capital employed
3. Return on capital employed 5.29 per cent 11.76 per cent
The following ratios have been found out on further analysis of capital turnover ratio:
(a ) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
4.29 3.12
Fixed Assets
(b ) Stock Turnover
20.00 8.33
Closing Stock
(c) Debt Collection Period 18 days 44 days
An examination of the ratios given above makes it clear that the overall per-
formance of the company is much poorer in the second year as compared to the
first year. The analysis brings out the following facts:
(1) The operating ratio has increased from 90 per cent to 96 per cent. This
has resulted in decline of the net profit ratio to 4 per cent from 10 per
cent. One important reason of this decline is the rise in the commission
Self-Instructional Material 207
Financial Statements: paid to the Manager by 200 per cent. There seems to be no justification
Analysis and Interpretation
for such an increase. In case the commission paid to the Manager is
not considered, while calculating net-margin, it has still declined to 10 per
cent from 11.67 per cent on sales. This fall may be either due to:
NOTES (i) Lower selling prices (ii) Higher prices for materials, etc., (iii) Inefficiency
of the management.
The last reason seems to be most probable, because normally the selling
price of the articles can be adjusted to cover rise in the costs of the
(2) There has been an all-round decline in utilisation of the resources, as evi-
denced by capital turnover ratio. Even if it is assumed that there has
been a fall in the fixed assets turnover ratios because the fixed assets were
added towards the end of the year and, therefore, they could not properly
be utilised, there seems little justification for a very sharp fall in the stock
turnover ratio. On the same basis, there is no justification for increase
in the debt collection period. These two ratios are very disturbing and
they immediately raise the question regarding the reliability of the two
figures of stocks and sundry debtors. The fall in sales but increase in
inventories and debt collection period are indicators that the unsaleable
items have been included in the stocks and the sundry debtors include
doubtful debts. If that is true, the profit figure in the second year seems
to be unreliable. Actually, there may be a loss. The management should,
therefore, investigate thoroughly to determine the truth.
(3) The sharp fall in the quantum of sales has raised one more adverse possibility.
The company might be operating extremely close to the break-even point.
This may ultimately result in losses to the company if the sales decrease
still further. The management should, therefore, see that the sales are
augmented and the costs are reduced by full utilisation of the present facilities
and resources available at the disposal of the company.
Financial Position. The following ratios reveal the financial position of the
First Year Second Year
(i) Debt Equity Ratio:
Debt/Debt + Equity 34.8 per cent 34.8 per cent
Check Your Progress (ii) Fixed assets including Goodwill/
5. Indicate the important Long-term funds .87 .95
accounting ratios that would (iii) Current Ratio
be used by each of the
Current Assets/Current liabilities 1.43 1.09
(iv) Stock/Working capital 1.00 6.00
(i) A long-term creditor
interested in determining ( v ) Sundry debtors/Working capital 1.00 6.00
whether his claims are
adequately secured;
The company has a precarious financial position so far as short-term solvency
is concerned. The decline in the current ratio gives a partial indication of the danger
(ii) A Bank who has been
approached by a company which faces the company. The company has no cash balances. The bank can call
for short-term loan/ upon the company to adjust its overdrafts at any time. The inventories seems to
overdraft; and contain unsaleable items. The debtors include doubtful debts. Thus, there seems
(iii) A shareholder who is to be a little chance of the company meeting adequately its short-term immediate
examining his portfolio and liabilities. A small pressure from short-term creditors may put the whole work of
who is to decide whether he
should hold or sell his
the company in jeopardy. This shows that the decisions of the management regarding
shares in a company. the following matters are not judicious:
In this unit, you have learned that:
Accounting ratio is a mathematical relationship expressed between two inter-
connected accounting figures. It may be expressed in times or percentage.
Ratios are useful only when they are given in a comparative form. Moreover,
ratios are only indicators. They cannot be taken as final regarding the good or
bad financial position of the business. Other things also have to be seen. Self-Instructional Material 209
Financial Statements: No fixed standards can be laid down for ideal ratios. Moreover, a particular
Analysis and Interpretation
ratio may be calculated in more than one way without violating any basic prin-
ciple of accounting. It is, therefore, advisable for a student to give the basis for
computing a particular ratio.
NOTES While making inter-firm (comparison of one firm with another) or intra-firm (com-
parison within the firm itself) comparison on the basis of accounting ratios, it must
be seen that the different firms or departments, which are being compared, have
the same accounting policies and adopt the same accounting procedures.
Computation of Ratios
1. From the following statements of X Ltd. for the year ending 31 March 1997, you are required
to rearrange the items for purposes of financial analysis and calculate the following ratios:
(i) Current Ratio, (ii) Quick Ratio, (iii) Operating Ratio, (iv) Stock Turnover Ratio, (v) Fixed
Assets Turnover Ratio, (vi) Debtors Turnover Ratio, and (vii) Net Profit to Capital employed.
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Share Capital: Land and Buildings 5,00,000
Issued and fully paid up 50,000 Plant and Machinery 2,00,000
Equity shares of Rs 10 each 5,00,000 Stock 1,50,000
General Reserve 4,00,000 Sundry Debtors 2,50,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,50,000 Cash and Bank balances 1,50,000
Sundry Creditors 2,00,000
12,50,000 12,50,000
[Ans. (i) 2.75, (ii) 2, (iii) 0.82, (iv) 5.75, (v) 18/7 = 2.6 or 11.5/7,
(vi) 7.2, i.e., 51 days, (vii) 30 per cent]
2. The following data has been abstracted from the annual accounts of a Company:
Share Capital Rs Lakhs
20,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each 200.00
General Reserve 156.00
Investment Allowance Reserve 50.00
Share Capital Rs Lakhs
15% Long-term Loan 300.00
Profit before Tax 140.00
Provision for Tax 84.00
Proposed Dividends 10.00
Calculate from the above the following details:
(i) Return on Capital Employed, and
(ii) Return on Net Worth. [Ans. (i) 26.4%, (ii) 14%]
3. From the following, calculate the basic earnings per share:
Profit for the year ending 31.12.2001 after Interest
Tex and Preference Dividend Rs 18,500
No. of Equity Shares as on 01.01.2001 18,800 of Rs. 10 each fully paid up
No. of Equity Shares issued on 31.10.2001 600 of Rs 10 each, Rs 5 paid
Partly paid shares are entitled to participate in the dividend to the extent of the amount paid.
(Ans. Weighted Average number of Shares 1,850
and Basic Earnings per Share Rs. 10)
Self-Instructional Material 211
Financial Statements: 4. From the following, calculate:
Analysis and Interpretation (a) Basic Earnings per Share; and
(b) Diluted Earnings per Share
Net profit for the year ending 31.12.2001 Rs 10,00,000
No. of Equity Shares Outstanding on 31.12.2001 5,00,000
NOTES 12% Convertible Debentures of Rs 100/- each 1,00,000
Each debenture is convertible to 10 equity shares. The company is in 30% tax bracket.
[Ans. (a ) Rs 2 per share and (b) Rs 1.27 per share]
5. From the following annual statements of Pioneer Ltd. calculate the following ratios: (a) Gross
Profit Ratio, (b) Current Ratio; (c) Liquid Ratio; (d ) Debt-equity Ratio; and (e) Return on Investment
for the year ended 31st December, 1994
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
To Materials consumed: By Sales 85,000
Opening Stock 9,050 By Profit on sale of investments 600
Purchases 54,525 By interest on investments 300
Closing Stock 14,000 49,575
To Carriage Inwards 1,425
To Office Expenses 15,000
To Sales Expenses 3,000
To Financial Expenses 1,500
To Loss on Sale of Assets 400
To Net Profit 15,000
85,900 85,900
as on 31st December, 1994
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Share capital: Fixed Assets:
2,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 Buildings 15,000
each-fully paid 20,000 Plant 8,000 23,000
Reserves 9,000 Current Assets:
Profit and Loss A/c 6,000 Stock-in-trade 14,000
Bank Overdraft 3,000 Debtors 7,000
Sundry Creditors: Bills Receivable 1,000
for expenses 2,000 Bank Balances 3,000
for other 8,000 10,000 25,000
48,000 48,000
[Ans. (a) 40%, (b) 1.92, (c) 0.84, (d ) (i) 13,000/35,000 = 0.271,
(ii) 13,000/49,000 = 0.271, (e) 15,000/35,000 = 42.85%]
6. The following it the condensed form of balance sheets of XYZ Limited for the three years ended
31st December, 1992, 31st December, 1993 and 31st December, 1994.
(Rupees in Lakhs)
Particulars 31.12.92 31.12.93 31.12.94
Current Assets:
Cash in hand and at Bank 5.00 10.00 20.00
Stock: Raw Materials 12.00 18.00 20.00
Finished Products and Process Stock 30.00 35.00 25.00
Stores and Spares 3.00 4.00 5.00
Debtors 40.00 50.00 50.00
Fixed assets 90.00 110.00 120.00
Total 180.00 227.00 240.00
Current Liabilities 20.00 32.00 30.00
Debentures Secured 60.00 60.00 60.00
Unsecured Loans-Banks 15.00 40.00 45.00
Reserves and Surplus 30.00 32.50 38.75
Profit and Loss A/c before providing
On 31 December, 1998, the current assets consisted only of Stock, Debtors and Bank Balance, Liabilities
consisted of Share Capital and Current Liabilities and Assets consisted of Fixed Assets and Current
Rs Rs
[Ans. Gross Profit 1,87,500 Stock 12,500
Net Profit 1,20,000 Bank balance 2,62,500
Current Assets 4,50,000 Fixed Assets 8,00,000
Current Liabilities 2,50,000 Balance Sheet total 12,50,000]
Debtors 75,000
10. Based on the following information of the financial ratios prepare Balance Sheet of Star Enterprises
Ltd., as on December 31, 1995. Explain your working and assumptions:
Current Ratio 25
Liquidity Ratio 1.5
Net Working Capital Rs 6,00,000
Stock Turnover Ratio 5
Ratio of Gross Profit to Sales 20%
Turnover Ratio to Net Fixed Assets 2
Average Debt Collection Period 2.4 months
Fixed assets to Net Worth 0.80
Long-term debt to Capital and Reserve 7/25
[Ans. Fixed Assets Rs 10,00,000; Current Assets Rs 10,00,000;
Share Capital and ReservesRs 12,50,000; Long-term DepositsRs 3,50,000;
214 Self-Instructional Material Current LiabilitiesRs 4,00,000]
11. From the following information, prepare a summarised balance sheet as on 31st March, 1997: Financial Statements:
(i) Working Capital Rs Analysis and Interpretation
(ii) Reserves and Surplus 1,20,000
(iii) Bank Overdraft 80,000
(iv) Assets (fixed)-Proprietary Ratio 20,000
( v ) Current Ratio 0.75
(vi) Liquidity Ratio 2.5
[Ans. Current Liabilities Rs 80,000; Current Assets Rs 2,00,000, Fixed
Assets Rs 3,60,000; Stock Rs 1,10,000; Balance Sheet Total Rs 5,60,000]
12. Following are the ratios relating to the trading activities of an Organisation:
Debtors Velocity 3 Months
Stock Velocity 6 Months
Creditors Velocity 2 Months
Gross Profit Ratio 20%
Gross profit for the year ended 31st December, 1996 was Rs 5,00,000. Stock at the end of
1996 was Rs 20,000 more than what it was at the beginning of the year. Bills Payable and
Receivable were Rs 36,667 and Rs 60,000 respectively.
You are to ascertain the figures of:
(a ) Sales;
(b ) Sundry Debtors;
(c) Sundry Creditors; and
(d ) Stock.
[Ans. (a) Rs 25,00,000; (b) 5,65,000; (c) Rs 3,00,000; and (d ) Rs 10,10,000]
13. From the following information, relating to a limited company, prepare a Statement of Proprietors
(i) Current Ratio 2
(ii) Liquid Ratio 1.5
(iii) Fixed Assets/Proprietary Funds 3/4
(iv) Working Capital Rs 75,000
( v ) Reserves and Surplus 50,000
(vi) Bank Overdraft 10,000
There were no long-term loans or fictitious assets.
All working must form part of your answer.
[Ans. Proprietors Funds: Sources Rs 3,00,000; Applications: (a ) Fixed
Assets Rs 2,25,000, (b) Working Capital Rs 75,000]
14. From the following information relating to Wise Limited, you are required to prepare its summarised
Balance Sheet:
(a ) Current Ratio 2.5
(b ) Acid Test Ratio 1.5
(c) Gross Profit/Sales Ratio 0.2
(d ) Net Working Capital/Net Worth Ratio 0.3
(e) Sales/Net Fixed Assets Ratio 2.0
(f) Sales/Net Worth Ratio 1.5
(g ) Sales/Debtors Ratio 6.0
(h ) Reserves/Capital Ratio 1.0
(i) Net Worth/Long-term Loan Ratio 20.0
(j) Stock Velocity 2 Months
( k ) Paid up Share Capital Rs 10 lakhs
[Ans. In Rs Lakhs: Fixed Assets Rs l5, Stock 4, Debtors Rs 5, Other Current
Assets Re 1, Reserves Rs 10, Long-term Loans Re 1
and Current liabilities Rs 4]
as on 30th June, 1990
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Net Worth: Fixed Assets
Share capital Current Assets:
Reserve and Surplus Cash
10% Debentures Stock
Sundry Creditors 60,000 35,000
[Ans. Gross Profit Ratio 14 per cent, Net Profit Ratio (after considering interest
on bank overdraft): 7.56 per cent, ROI 13.53 per cent, Stock Turnover
Ratio 8.6, Debt Collection Period 24 days, Fixed Assets Turnover 2.3,
Fixed Assets Ratio .76, Debt-equity ratio 70/1000 = 0.7, Current ratio 2.3]
17. The following items appear in the accounts at 31 December, 1996 of Operations Ltd.:
Cash 48,600
Land and Buildings at Cost 8,00,000
Deposits and Payments in Advance 62,000
Stock 2,72,800
Trade Creditors 4,05,750
General Reserve 1,00,000
Debtors 5,23,000
Bills Receivable 22,600
Plant and Machinery at cost less depreciation 5,44,000
Debenturesrepayable 2000 (secured) 2,50,000
Bank Overdraft 52,000
Ordinary Stock, Rs 10 units 10,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c balance 2,17,000
Proposed ordinary stock Dividend for 1996, net 86,250
Trade Investments 20,000
Advance payment of Tax 1,00,000
Provision for Taxation 2,64,000
Bills Payable 18,000
Net sales for the year 1996 21,82,400
Net Profit for the year 1996 before taxation and dividends 3,27,830
The values of all fixed assets reflect current price levels and adequate depreciation has
been provided.
You are required:
(i) to arrange the above items in the form of a financial statement to show the following
accounting ratios, which should be stated: (a) return on capital employed; (b) stock: fixed
assets; (c) current assets: current liabilities; (d) sales: debtors and bills receivable;
(ii) to indicate briefly the significance of these ratios and how they may be used to compare
the efficiency of the business with others in the same industry.
[Ans. Ratios (a) ROI on shareholders funds in 24.9 per cent,
(b) 1 : 4.93, (c) 1.25 : 1, (d ) 4 : 1]
[Hint. Working Capital Rs 2,03,000; Shareholders Equity Rs 13,17,000]
at year end
NOTES Liabilities 1st Year 2nd year Assets 1st Year 2nd Year
Rs Rs Rs Rs
Equity Capital 1,00,000 1,00,000 Fixed Assets 2,08,000 1,98,000
Reserve 10,000 20,000 Stock 30,000 60,000
Profit & Loss A/c 14,000 2,000 Book Debts 40,000 80,000
Loan 1,10,000 80,000 Cash at Bank 30,000 2,000
Bank Overdraft 20,000
Creditors 30,000 90,000
Provision for Taxation 34,000 13,000
Proposed Dividend 10,000 15,000
3,08,000 3,40,000 3,08,000 3,40,000
Sales amounted to Rs 6,00,000 in the first year and Rs 5,00,000 in the second year. Examine
in detail from the point of (i) Profitability, (ii) Solvency and (iii) Sales. Make such other
computations as seem expedient to you and write on overall internal analysis of this company.
[Ans. 1st Year 2nd Year
Net Profit Ratio 11.73% 6.16%
ROI (based on Capital at end) 30.08% 15.25%
Current Ratio 1.35 1.03
Stock Turnover 20 8.33
Debtors Turnover 15 6.25]
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