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Product Data Sheet

Edition 19/04/2006
Identification no. CA-24

Integral Waterproofing Admixture for Concrete & Mortar

Product Sika-1 is a normal setting waterproofer, the action of which is to block the
Description capillaries and pores in concrete and mortar. While blocking the passage of

water it allows the structure to breathe, thus considerably reducing the possibility
of condensation. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions.
Uses Sika-1 is the basis of the internationally known Sika Structural Waterproofing
System, which is completely suited to most types of brick and concrete structures
subjected to water pressure and dampness both internal and external sources.
Sika renderings are applied in two, three or four coats depending on the water
pressure being dealt with and the structure involved. The standard rendering,
however, normally consists of three coats.
Test Standards Sika-1 complies with the requirements of BS 6920 (certified by Water Quality
Centre, Thames Water, U.K.) and is approved by the Drinking Water Inspectorate
for contact with potable water.
Certificate Sika-1 and Sika Waterproofing Systems are certified by the British Board of
Agreement (BBA Certificate 95/3174).

Product Data
Type Specially Selected Chemical Composition
Form Yellow Liquid
Packaging 5lt. and 25lt. pails, 200 lt. drums and 1000 lt. flow bins
Storage Condition Store in a dry area between 5C and 35C. Protect from direct sunlight
Shelf life 12 months minimum from production date if stored properly in original unopened

Technical Data
Density Approximately 1.0 kg/lt.
Freezing Point 00 C
Chloride content Nil (EN 934-2)

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Application Details
Dosage Wall renderings and floor toppings, subjected to heavy water pressure
(exceeding 3 metre water head)
Wall rendering (min. 3 coats) 25 mm thick 1 litre for 1.3 - 1.5 m2
Floor topping (min. 3 coats) 38 mm thick 1 litre for 1.0 - 1.3 m2
Wall rendering or dampness, subjected to water pressure (< 3m)
Wall rendering (min 3 coats) 20 mm thick 1 litre for 1.8 - 2.4 m2
Dampness (min 2 coats) 13 mm thick 1 litre for 2.6 - 3.0 m2
General Waterproofer
3.0 litres per 100 kg of cement
Watertight concrete
9 litres of Sika-1 per m3 concrete or
7 litres of Sika-1 plus 2 litres of appropriate Sikament or Plastiment admixtures
(added separately to the mix)
Trial mixes should always be conducted to establish the exact water requirements
per mix.
Substrate Preparation All surfaces must be 100% roughened, either by hacking or, for new concrete,
by using Sika Rugasol treated shutters and then wire brushed and thoroughly
washed down. Immediately prior to application, the substrate must be soaked
with clean water, however, no standing water or puddles should be present.
All fixtures must be removed. Any cracks, porous patches and generally defective
areas should be cut out and made good with Sika Repair Mortars as the work
proceeds. Infiltration of water must be stopped with Sika-4a (see separate Data
Sheet) or the water table must be lowered.
Mixes For all uses with mortar, dilute one part Sika-1 with 10 parts clean water
(with wet sand 1:8, with dry sand 1:12). Stir the mixture often and use within 12
For watertight concrete, Sika-1 can be added neat provided that the concrete
is well mixed to achieve a homogeneous consistency.
Sika-1 is a yellow liquid and the solution must be free from lumps before use.
To ensure this, first mix equal quantities of Sika-1 and water slowly, stirring all
the time.
The cement sand ratios given below are by volume. The use of sand, Grade M
according to BS, is recommended.
General waterproofing The addition of Sika-1 to mortar for external rendering will increase the water
rendering mortar tightness without impeding the breathing of the walls, thus reducing the risk of
condensation and damage due to frost and efflorescence. Sika-1 can be used
to advantage in all types of mortar.
Sika-1: Water = 1:10, use 3 litres Sika-1 per 100 kg of cement.
Permeability reducing Sika-1 can be used to produce watertight concrete. The concrete should
agent for concrete contain a minimum of 350 kg cement per m3 concrete and a w/c ratio of < 0.45.
The standard dosage of Sika-1 in concrete is 9 litres per m3. Sika-1 can
be used in conjunction with selected Sikament or Plastiment admixtures at a
dosage of 2 litres per m3 with Sika-1 being added separately to the mix at a rate
of 7 litres per m3 . In ready mix plants, no dilution is required and the admixture
can be added neat.
Dosage: 9 litres Sika-1 per m3 or 7 litres Sika-1 plus 2 litres per m3 of
selected Sikament or Plastiment

Sika-1 rendering to resist Prepare the surface as previously mentioned.

moisture and dampness above Apply the first coat of a mortar (cement: sand = 1:1) waterproofed with Sika-1
ground level at not less than 6 mm thick, taking care to cover the whole surface. Mix to a
sloppy consistency and cast on vigorously.
Apply the second coat of Sika-1 mortar at not less than 6 mm, as soon as the
previous coat has stiffened sufficiently (usually after 4-5 hrs.). The second coat
should be a mortar (cement: sand = 1: 2.5) applied with a wood float finish.
Sika-1 : Water = 1 : 10

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Rendering to resist Sika-1 can be used in basements, vaults, swimming pools, tanks etc.
water pressure Prepare the surface as previously mentioned.
First day :
Apply the first coat of Sika-1 mortar (cement: sand = 1:1) at not less than 6 mm
thick, taking care to cover the surface completely. Mix to a sloppy consistency
and cast on vigorously.
For the second coat, mix mortar (cement: sand = 1:1.5) with Sika-1. Apply
at not less than 6 mm thick as soon as the first coat has stiffened sufficiently
(usually after 4-5 hrs.). On completion, apply a splatter coat of the same mortar,
mixed to a sloppy consistency, over the whole surface to form a key for the third
Second day
Apply the third coat of Sika-1 mortar (cement: sand = 1:1.5) at not less than 6
mm thick. This final coat should be finished with a wood float.
Optional - high water pressure
Where a fourth coat rendering against high water pressure is required, an
additional coat (cement: sand = 1:1.5) of Sika-1 mortar is applied with a
following splatter key coat on the second day, thus extending the process by
one day.
Lap joints
To ensure water tightness, careful attention should be paid to all joints in the
work. Each coat should be stepped back 100 mm from the finishing line of the
previous coat to avoid butt joints.(see diagram)
Dilution of Sika-1 : Water = 1 : 10
Sika-1 waterproof Preparatory work
floor topping As for rendering, the surface must be roughened, wire brushed and thoroughly
washed down. Sand must be both clean and sharp. It should be graded from 3
mm down except for the main floor coat where it is preferable to use 4.76 mm
The same Sika-1 mortar (Cement : Sand = 1:1) as for bonding coat (see below),
but of sloppy, brushable consistency, must be vigorously applied by brush or
broom and laid in strips and not walked on before applying the bond coat.
Bonding Coat
Sika-1 mortar (cement: sand = 1:1) mixed to a plastic consistency and spread
with a trowel to not less than 10 mm thick, laid in strips and not walked on before
applying the main floor coat.
Main Floor Coat
Sika-1 mortar (cement: sand = 1:2.5-3.0), preferably using 4.76 mm graded
sand, should be laid, in a semi-dry state while the bonding coat is still wet, to
a thickness of not less than 28 mm, i.e. a minimum total thickness of 38 mm.
The surface must be tamped vigorously until moisture rises from the underlying
coats to the surface.
Lap Joints
To ensure water tightness, careful attention must be paid to all joints in the work.
The edge of each strip of bonding coat must be covered by the next strip (see
diagram). After a prolonged interruption in the work the exposed area of the
bonding coat must be carefully hacked and cleaned, wetted, treated with grout
and then covered with a fresh layer of bonding coat.
Wall / Floor Angle
The first and second coats of the wall rendering are carried down and out onto
the floor 200 mm and 100 mm respectively. Before laying the floor topping these
exposed strips should be prepared and treated as in figure 1. The cove in the
main floor coat, formed with cove trowel or bottle, helps to strengthen the joint
between the wall rendering and the floor topping.
Dilution of Sika-1: Water = 1 : 10 as for renderings

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Figure 1
Key to Diagram
1. Structure: Surface hacked or roughened, wire-brushed and washed down. See Sika-4a Data Sheet for stopping
water infiltrations.
2. Corner Filler: Mortar (cement: sand = 1:1-2) with Sika 1, after careful cleaning of the angle.
3. First Day: First coat, Mortar (cement: sand = 1:1) with Sika 1.
Second coat, Mortar (cement: sand = 1:1.5) with Sika 1, followed by a splatter coat as before.
4. Second Day: Third coat, Mortar (cement: sand = 1:1.5) with Sika 1 followed by a splatter coat to form a key .
5. Third Day: Fourth coat, Mortar (cement: sand = 1:2.5) with Sika 1.
6. Grout: Mortar (cement: sand = 1:1), same as for bonding coat, but of sloppy consistency, applied with a brush
onto a hacked surface after thoroughly wetting.
7. Bonding Coat: Mortar (cement: sand = 1:1), 10 mm thick
8. Main Floor Coat: Mortar (cement: sand = 1:2.5-3.0), preferably using 4.76 mm sand not less than 28 mm thick,
vigorously tamped.
9. Cove: Rounded with coving tool or bottle.
10. Detail: Lap joints to be formed in grout and bonding coats.

Curing Fresh concrete must be cured properly, especially at high temperatures in order
to prevent plastic and drying shrinkage. Use Sika Antisol products as a curing
agent or apply wet hessian.
Compatibility Sika-1 can be combined with Sika-Aer and Sikament and Platiment admixtures.
It is also compatible with sulfate resistant cement. Please consult our Technical
Services Department.
Cleaning Clean all equipment and tools with water immediately after use.

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Remarks 1. Expansion joints can be formed within the rendering where any movement
is anticipated, by using Sikaflex Sealants or Sikadur Combiflex Membrane.
These materials are also suitable for the joints formed in watertight terraces,
flat roofs and paving etc.

2. An application of Purigo 5S to the completed rendering (after 14 days) will

increase the surface hardness and resistance to alkaline and slightly acidic
solutions. Where higher chemical resistance is required then the use of an
epoxy coating from our Sikagard or Sikafloor range may be recommended.

3. For the success of Sika-1 rendering it is essential that care is taken to

explicitly adhere to the instructions, particularly surface preparation and the
choice of the sand. The use of fresh Portland Cement is essential.

4. Curing: Sika-1 renderings and floor screeds must be kept moistened for a
minimum of 7 days after application to prevent rapid drying out.

5. Finishes: Consult our Technical Department for full information on coatings,

plasters etc.

6. Additives: Do not mix Plasticizers, lime etc. with Sika-1 mortars.

7. Keying: Always key-in the next coat of mortar with a splatter coat, never
scratch the previous coat to form a key as this may let dampness through.
Always lap coats, never butt join coats.

8. Sand: The correct choice of sand is vital; only washed and well graded sharp
sand may be used. The basic sand required is 3 mm down, (4.5mm down for
main floor coat). All dry mixed sand: cement should be sieved prior to use.

9. Sika waterproofing systems must not be applied to weak or friable surfaces

or to structures not suitable to withstand any developed hydrostatic pressure
or other loadings. Should there be any doubts this should be checked by a
structural engineer.

10. The use of a specialist waterproofing contractor should be considered for

anything other than simple applications. Contact Sikas Technical Services
Department for further advice and information.

11. Ensure associated Sika products and construction materials also have
Drinking Water Inspectorate Approval, when used in structures where such
compliance is required.

12. Sika Ferrogard 901 Corrosion Inhibitor, can be used in watertight, reinforced
concrete at the rate of 2-4% by weight of cement, depending on exposure, to
prolong the service life of the structure.
Notes All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests.
Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of
chemical products, users should refer to the most recent Material Safety Data
Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related

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Legal note
The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application
and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sikas current
knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and
applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sikas recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are
such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular
purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be
inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or
from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the products
suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to
change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and
delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on


Sika Gulf B.S.C (c)

Bldg. 925, Road 115, Sitra Area 601
P.O. Box 15776
Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain
TEl.:+973 17738 188
Fax:+973 17732 476
E-mail:[email protected]
Web: http//

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