Revenue Regulations No. 9-2001

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August 3, 2001


SUBJECT : Electronic Filing of Tax Returns and Payment of Taxes

TO : All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned


Section 1. SCOPE. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 244 of the National Internal
Revenue Code of 1997 (Tax Code), in relation to Section 27 of Republic Act No. 8792,
otherwise known as the "Electronic Commerce Act," these Regulations are hereby
promulgated to regulate the electronic filing of tax returns and payment of taxes.

Section 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS. For purposes of these Regulations, the terms

herein provided are defined as follows:

2.1 Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS or System) refers to the
system developed and maintained by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
for electronically filing tax returns, including attachments, if any, and paying
taxes due thereon, specifically through the internet.

2.2 Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) refers to any bank as certified by the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) which has satisfied the criteria on
accreditation and is actually accredited to collect internal revenue taxes.

2.3 e-Filing means the process of electronically filing returns including

attachments, if any, specifically through the internet.

2.4 e-Payment means the process of electronically paying a tax liability

through the internet banking facilities of AABs.

2.5 Large Taxpayer refers to a taxpayer who has been classified and duly
notified by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) for having satisfied
any or a combination of set criteria as prescribed in Revenue Regulations No.
1-98 or any amendatory regulations. This includes all large taxpayers under
the jurisdiction of the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS) and Large Taxpayers
District Office/s (LTDO).

2.6 Non-Large Taxpayer refers to a taxpayer whose tax payments and

financial conditions do not satisfy the set criteria as per Revenue Regulations
No. 1-98 or any amendatory regulations and/or have not been classified and
notified as a Large Taxpayer by the CIR.

2.7 Due Date the date prescribed by law or regulations within which to file a
particular return and pay the tax due thereon.

2.8 Electronic Signature refers to the methodology or procedures prescribed

by the BIR through the EFPS, employed by an individual taxpayer, or by an
officer/s of a corporate taxpayer who is required by the Tax Code or
appropriate regulations to affix his/their signature to such return, who files a
return and pays taxes through the EFPS, with the intention of authenticating,
approving, and attesting to the truth and correctness of such return. In the
case of a corporate taxpayer, the electronic signature shall be deemed to be
the signature singly, and collectively, of both the authorized corporate
officer/s that are required by the Tax Code or appropriate regulations to file
and swear to the truth and correctness of such return and who are named in
the Board Resolution or equivalent document submitted by the taxpayer to
the BIR pursuant to Section 1(d) of Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC)
No. 24-2001 dated May 28, 2001. The CIR is authorized to modify, change
or revoke such method or procedure with prior notice to the taxpayers.

2.9 Filing Reference Number refers to the control number issued by the EFPS
to acknowledge that a tax return, including attachments, has been
successfully filed electronically. This shall serve as evidence of the fact of
filing and the date of filing of the return.

2.10 Confirmation Number - refers to the control number issued by the AAB to
the taxpayer and BIR to acknowledge that the taxpayers account has been
successfully debited electronically in payment of his tax liability. Such
Confirmation Number shall be considered the equivalent of a bank validation
and official receipt issued by the AAB and shall further serve as evidence of
the fact of payment of the taxpayers liability to the extent of the amount
reflected in the Confirmation Number, and the date of payment by the

2.11Acknowledgment Number refers to the control number issued by the BIR

to the taxpayer to confirm that tax payment has been credited to the account
of the government.

2.12 Return refers initially to any of the following electronic returns produced by
the EFPS:

a. 1601C Monthly Remittance Return of Income Taxes Withheld on

b. 1601E Monthly Remittance Return of Creditable Income Taxes
Withheld (Expanded)
c. 1602 Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld
d. 1603 Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld on Fringe
Benefits Paid to Employees other than Rank and File
e. 1700 Annual Income Tax Return
f. 1702 Annual Income Tax Return for Corporations and Partnerships
g. 1702Q Quarterly Income Tax Return for Corporations and
h. 2200A Excise Tax Return for Alcohol Products
i. 2200P Excise Tax Return for Petroleum Products
j. 2200T Excise Tax Return for Tobacco Products
k. 2550M Monthly Value-Added Tax Declaration
l. 2550Q Quarterly Value-Added Tax Return
m. 2551 Percentage Tax Return.

In determining a taxpayers compliance with a particular tax liability, it is the
information in the return, and not the form of such return, that governs.

The Commissioner is authorized, from time to time, and as the system and
operational requirements may so need, to expand or reduce the list of returns
that can be filed electronically through the EFPS.

Section 3. VOLUNTARY COVERAGE. Large Taxpayers and Non-Large Taxpayers

shall have the option to avail of the EFPS in filing their returns and paying the taxes due

Section 4. ENROLLMENT FOR SYSTEM USAGE. Taxpayers who would like to avail
of the EFPS shall enroll in the EFPS in accordance with the provisions of RMC No. 24-
2001. Taxpayers registered with the Integrated Tax System (ITS) with e-mail account
and internet access may enroll in the EFPS.

In addition, a taxpayer who will e-pay shall enroll with any AAB where he intends
to pay through the bank debit system. However, Large Taxpayers enrollment shall be
limited only to the AABs authorized to serve them and who are capable to accept e-
payments, until such time that private banks are allowed by the Monetary Board of the
BSP to open accounts with the Bureau of Treasury and, provided, that such private
banks are e-banking capable.

Section 5. RETURNS COVERED BY ENROLLMENT. A taxpayer enrolled with the

EFPS shall file the applicable returns enumerated in Section 2.12 hereof via the EFPS.

Section 6. SECURITY OF INFORMATION. The identity, authority and capability of the

taxpayer transacting with the BIR using the EFPS is handled by the enrollment and log-
on facilities of the EFPS. The transmission of data is secured through encryption and
the use of technology provided by Verisign and Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Section 7. TIME OF FILING OF RETURN. To erase any doubt and to ensure receipt
by the BIR before midnight of the due date set by applicable laws and regulations for the
filing of a return and the payment of the corresponding tax, the electronic return shall be
filed on or before 10:00 p.m. of the due date provided under applicable laws, regulations
and other issuances of the BIR, including these Regulations.


8.1 Large Taxpayers. (a) Large Taxpayers who will e-pay shall enroll with any
AAB authorized to serve them and who are capable to accept e-payments,
until such time that private banks are allowed by the Monetary Board of the
BSP to open accounts with the Bureau of Treasury and, provided, that such
private banks are e-banking capable. E-payments (when available as
provided in Section 4 of these Regulations) shall be made within the day the
return was electronically filed following the pay-as-you-file principle.

(b) For Large Taxpayers who intend to pay their taxes manually, the same
shall be made at the AABs servicing the aforesaid taxpayers located at the
Ground Floor of the BIR National Office Building with respect to Large
Taxpayers registered with the LTS or at the premises of the AABs servicing
the said taxpayers located within the respective territorial jurisdiction of the
LTDOs with respect to Large Taxpayers registered with the LTDOs. Manual
payments shall be made within banking hours of the day when the return was
electronically filed following the pay-as-you-file principle.

8.2 Non-Large Taxpayers. (a) For Non-Large Taxpayers who intend to e-pay,
electronic payment shall be made through the internet banking facilities of
any AAB. This shall constitute an exception to the general rule that the return
shall be filed with, and the tax paid, to the AAB within the territorial jurisdiction
of the Revenue District Office where the taxpayer is required to register. E-
payments shall be made within the day the return was electronically filed,
subject to the provisions on installment payment in the Tax Code of 1997,
following the pay-as-you-file principle.

(b) For Non-Large Taxpayers who intend to make manual payment, the same
may be made only with the AABs within the territorial jurisdiction of the
Revenue District Office where the taxpayer is required to register. In places
where there is no AAB, the payment shall be made with the Revenue District
Officer, Collection Agent, or duly authorized Treasurer of the city or
municipality under the jurisdiction of the Revenue District Office in which the
Non-Large Taxpayer is required to register. Manual payments shall be made
within banking hours of the day when the return was electronically filed,
subject to the provisions on installment payment in the Tax Code of 1997,
following the pay-as-you-file principle.



9.1 e-Filing and e-Payment - The return is deemed filed, on the date appearing
in, and after a Filing Reference Number is generated and issued to the
taxpayer via the EFPS. The tax due thereon is deemed paid after a
Confirmation Number is issued to the taxpayer and to the BIR by the AAB. In
addition, an Acknowledgement Number shall be issued by the BIR to the
taxpayer to confirm that the tax payment has been credited to the account of
the government.

9.2 e-Filing and Manual Payment The return is deemed filed, on the date
appearing in, and after a Filing Reference Number is issued to the taxpayer
via the EFPS. The print-out of the Filing Reference Number shall be
presented to the AABs for manual payment of the tax due thereon. The
payment thereof is received upon validation of the document containing the
Filing Reference Number generated by the EFPS and the issuance of an
Official Receipt by the AAB.

9.3 Date of Receipt of Return The receipt of the return occurs at the time it
enters the EFPS and shall be evidenced by the date indicated in the Filing
Reference Number.


electronic signature, as defined in these Regulations, gives rise to the following

10.1 That the electronic signature is the signature of the individual taxpayer, or in
the case of a corporate taxpayer, the signature singly and collectively, of both
the authorized corporate officer/s that are required by the Tax Code or
appropriate regulations to file and swear to the truth and correctness of such
return and who are named in the Board Resolution or equivalent document
submitted by the taxpayer to the BIR pursuant to Section 1(d) of RMC No. 24-
2001 dated May 28, 2001; and

10.2 That the electronic signature was affixed by the above-mentioned

taxpayer/person/s with the intention of signing, approving, and swearing to
the truth and correctness of such return.

Section 11. AVAILABILITY OF RETURNS. The electronic copies of the returns in their
original format e-filed by a taxpayer can be accessed by him/it via the EFPS for a period
of two (2) months from filing thereof. After this period, a taxpayer may secure a
certification from the BIR containing the information supplied by him in the return which
he/it e-filed via the EFPS.

Section 12. EVIDENCE OF CONTENTS OF RETURN. In cases of disputes regarding

the contents of returns filed via the EFPS, the contents shown/stored in the ITS Server
of the BIR shall govern.


The paper copy of the audited financial statements shall be filed within fifteen (15) days
from the date of filing of BIR Form No. 1702. The taxpayer is required to file four (4)
copies of the audited financial statements (FS).

The audited FS shall be filed with the LTS or the LTDO as the case may be, in
the case of Large Taxpayers, and with their respective Revenue District Offices, in the
case of Non-Large Taxpayers.


The certificate of withholding tax shall be filed within fifteen (15) days from the date of
filing of any of the following BIR Form Nos.: a) 1702; b) 1702Q; c) 2550M; d) 2550Q;
and e) 2551. The taxpayer is required to file three (3) copies of the certificate of
withholding tax (CWT).

With respect to BIR Form No. 1700, in cases where such form is required to be
filed, the certificate of withholding tax shall be filed in triplicate by the taxpayer when
required by the BIR.

The certificate of withholding tax of income payments made to a Large Taxpayer

shall be filed with the LTS or the LTDO as the case may be, in the case of Large
Taxpayers, and with their respective Revenue District Offices, in the case of Non-Large

Section 15. TRANSITORY PROVISION. Taxpayers enrolled in the EFPS shall, with
respect to their filing of every applicable return for the first time via the EFPS, be subject
to parallel filing, that is, the taxpayer who e-files shall still manually file the return;
provided, that, this transitory provision shall be effective only until December 31, 2001.

Section 16. PENALTY CLAUSE. Any violation of the provisions of these Regulations
shall be punishable under the pertinent provision/s of the Tax Code of 1997.

Section 17. REPEALING CLAUSE. With respect to a taxpayer availing of the EFPS,
any revenue issuance inconsistent herewith, including any requirement for the filing of a
paper-based return, is hereby amended accordingly.

Section 18. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. These regulations shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after publication in any newspaper of general circulation.

(Original Signed)
Secretary of Finance

Recommending approval:

(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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