May2010 Fletcher GFA Newsletter

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THE FLETCHERS Joel, Megan, Rylee, Asa & Jenna

Serving as Home Team Missionaries with Gospel for Asia

April/May 2010

It’s never a dull moment around our house! Our trip to Texas. The kids (and Mom and Dad) couldn't be more
Arizona was wonderful. Thank you for praying for safe happy. Jenna, Asa, and Rylee love to explore the outdoors
travels and fruitful times with friends. We had both. We — from digging in the dirt to climbing trees to swinging at
added more than 3,500 miles to our van, met with dozens of the park. We recently took a day-trip to nearby Turner Falls
friends and supporters, and were encouraged by God's to enjoy the scenery and streams. That was just before we
outpouring of love! Megan uploaded lots of pictures to our celebrated Rylee's 6th birthday and her loosing her first
blog, so go check them out. tooth!

Just after we returned, we celebrated Easter. Our kids were This spring we have been blessed to have the kids enrolled
looking forward to the egg hunts, but they seemed equally in gymnastics and dance classes through our Recreation
excited (much to our joy) by the daily candle-lighting and Center. Rylee has been taking Saturday ballet and tap
Bible readings we did focused on Jesus' death and classes while Jenna and Asa tumble every Friday. It has
resurrection. It was a somber week to have them start to been wonderful to have a structured way for them to get
understand the great sacrifice Christ made for us, but their some energy out and learn some new skills.
joy at His resurrection reminds us regularly of the joy we all
School will be out in just four more weeks, so we're looking
have because He is risen!
ahead to summer. We will be in Texas for the duration, so if
Since our last newsletter springtime has arrived in you're looking for a good vacation spot come see us!

THE FLETCHERS Email: joel.megan [at]

Joel: 214/300.5700
Megan: 972/897.6064 (new#)
Don’t get too excited, our family of 5 isn’t Udyan Venkatesan wasn't always a Gospel for Asia-supported
pastor. In fact, he wasn't even a Christian. He was raised in a
growing to 6...but the Web Marketing Team
place dominated by worship of false gods and goddesses. The
has, at least temporarily.
home he grew up in had various shrines to deities that he and
We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the his family regularly worshiped.
people that make up our team. His parents worked as laborers to take care of him and his six
Clara Serrano siblings. But one day, his parents fell ill and had to stop
Joined staff: August 2008 working. Udyan and his siblings were left with no one to care
Moved from: Las Vegas, NV for them.
Role: Analytics, reporting, Facebook & He and some of his siblings had to quit school because there
Twitter wasn't enough money to pay their school fees. They moved to
Favorite Verse: Psalm 46:10 another village where two of his brothers found jobs as
Clara loves God, enjoys cooking and laborers.
likes to fellowship over coffee.
Days went by, and Udyan and his family were still stuck in the
Cari Poweziak same situation. But then Udyan met
Joined staff: February 2010 Kishore, a Bible college student, and
Moved from: Carpentersville, IL heard the Gospel message for the
Role: Assisting with Social Media, first time. Kishore invited him to a
Content Management (blogs), & Web church service, and when he
Video. attended, Udyan felt immense peace
Favorite Verse: 2 Cor. 5:17 flood his heart for the first time in
Cari is married with two children, Josiah (6) and his life. He decided he would start
Harmony (10). Joe, Cari’s husband serves in our attending church regularly.
Church Relations Dept. His family members fought against
Casey Short him in his decision, but Udyan
Joined staff: July 2008 continued to go. It didn't take long
Moved from: Edmond, OK for him to fall in love with Christ and
Role: Strategy, special projects, misc. give his life to his Savior.
Pastor Udyan’s family
Casey, with his wife Summer and son Udyan's family started to see the worshipped idols like this
Colton, moved down from Oklahoma to change in his life, and God's before discovering Jesus Christ.
fight the good fight. blessings spilled over into their lives,
softening their hearts. They all eventually came to know the
Lord as their Savior, too, and were delivered from the
Uriah Bartlett
bondage of witchcraft and evil spirits. They stopped going to
Summer Intern: April-May 2010
temples and cleared their home of idols.
Moved from: Turners Falls, MA
Role: Analytics, Social Media strategy Later, Udyan enrolled in a Bible college where he learned more
and policy development, research, about God's Word and trusting Him. During his time, he
sounding board. struggled with physical hardships and multiple battles with
Uriah recently received a degree in sickness, but each time, the Lord heard his pleas and healed
Marketing Management from Grove City him.
College and enjoys cliff jumping. Udyan joined the mobile team ministry upon graduation. Later
Alley Wessner he became the pastor of the church he now leads, which has
School of Discipleship Student: about 110 believers.
August 2009-July 2010. Today Udyan is committed to serving the Lord and helping
Moved from: Chester Springs, PA others see past the idols to the God who died for them.
Role: Web Video Production - “Why
Do I…” videos - coming to
Stories like this one illustrate the crucial role
soon! that we, Megan and Joel, along with you, our
Favorite Verses: 2 Timothy 1:7, faithful prayer and financial supporters, serve.
Romans 8:28 & 10:14 Together, we are helping provide the resources
Alley will be joining staff after she to train and equip Bible college students and
completes her year as a School of Discipleship student. pastors in some of the world’s most unreached
She will return home to raise her support. Pray she areas. Thank you for partnering with us!
returns quickly!

Joel Fletcher
Joined staff: November 2007
Moved from: Harrisburg, PA PLEASE PRAY
Role: Web Marketing Team Leader.
Megan’s shoulder: Megan injured her shoulder two years
Responsible for managing the people,
ago and has been going through some painful physical therapy
resources and projects of web
recently. Pray for a quick recovery and complete healing.
Joel is married, as you know, to Megan, and is the
proud father to Rylee(6), Asa(4) and Jenna(4).

1800 Golden Trail Ct  Carrollton, TX 75010

(972) 300-7777
Donations to our staff account should be made payable to GFA with Fletchers #6199 in the memo
OR you can give online at (Staff Designation #6199).

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