A Comprehensive MATLAB Simulink PV System Simulator PDF
A Comprehensive MATLAB Simulink PV System Simulator PDF
A Comprehensive MATLAB Simulink PV System Simulator PDF
Received 4 January 2011; received in revised form 24 May 2011; accepted 6 June 2011
Available online 5 July 2011
This paper proposes a comprehensive MATLAB Simulink simulator for photovoltaic (PV) system. The simulator utilizes a new two-
diode model to represent the PV cell. This model is known to have better accuracy at low irradiance level that allows for a more accurate
prediction of PV system performance during partial shading condition. To reduce computational time, only four parameters are
extracted for the model. The values of Rp and Rs are computed by an ecient iteration method. Furthermore, all the inputs to the sim-
ulators are information available on standard PV module datasheet. The simulator supports a large array combination that can be inter-
faced to MPPT algorithms and power electronic converters. The accurateness of the simulator is veried by applying the model to ve PV
modules of dierent types (multi-crystalline, mono-crystalline, and thin-lm) from various manufacturers. It is envisaged that the pro-
posed work can be very useful for PV professionals who require simple, fast, and accurate PV simulator to design their systems. The
developed simulator is freely available for download.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: PV module; Partial shading; Bypass diode; Blocking diode; Simulator; MATLAB Simulink
0038-092X/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2218 K. Ishaque et al. / Solar Energy 85 (2011) 22172227
computational methods are proposed (Hovinen, 1994; values of Rp and Rs are estimated by an ecient iteration
Gow and Manning, 1999; Chowdhury et al., 2007), but method. The accurateness of the model is compared with
in all of these techniques, new coecients are introduced two other modeling methods namely the Rs- and Rp-model.
into the equations, increasing the computing burdens. An In addition, the proposed work supports large array simu-
alternative approach to describe the two-diode model is lation that can be interfaced with MPPT algorithms and
by investigating its physical characteristics such as the elec- actual power electronic converters. This allows for the
tron diusion coecient, minority carriers lifetime, intrin- designer to evaluate the overall system performance when
sic carrier density, and other semiconductor parameters interacting with other components within the systems. It
(Hyvarinen and Karila, 2003; Nishioka et al., 2003, 2007; is envisaged that the proposed work can be very useful
Kurobe and Matsunami, 2005). While these models are for PV professionals who require fast and accurate PV sim-
useful to understand the behavior of the cell, information ulator to design their system.
about these parameters is not always available in commer-
cial PV datasheets. 2. PV module modeling
A comprehensive PV system simulator should fulll the
following criteria: (1) it should be fast, yet can accurately 2.1. Modeling using the two-diode model
predict the IV and PV characteristic curves, including
partial shading condition. (2) It should be a exible tool The two diode model is depicted in Fig. 1. The output
to develop and validate the PV system design, inclusive current of the module can be described as (Chih-Tang
of the power converter and MPPT control. Although exist- et al., 1957)
ing software packages like P-Spice, PV-DesignPro, Solar-
Pro, PVcad, and PVsyst are available in the market, they V IRS
I I PV I o1 exp 1
are relatively expensive, unnecessarily complex and rarely a1 V T 1
support the interfacing of the PV arrays with power con- V IRs V IRs
verters (Ishaque et al., 2011b). I o2 exp 1 1
a2 V T 2 Rp
Over the years, several researchers have studied the
characteristics of PV modules under partial shading condi- where IPV is the current generated by the incidence of light.
tions. In (Alonso-Garca et al., 2006), an experimental Io1 and Io2 are the reverse saturation currents of diode 1
study was carried out but was limited to module-level shad- and diode 2, respectively. The Io2 term is introduced to
ing. The eect of shading on the output of the PV modules compensate for the recombination loss in the depletion re-
and the changes in their IV characteristics was investi- gion as described in (Chih-Tang et al., 1957). Other vari-
gated by (Kawamura et al., 2003). A numerical algorithm ables are dened as follows: VT 1,2 (= Ns kT/q) is the
was proposed by (Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1996) to sim- thermal voltage of the PV module having Ns cells con-
ulate the complex shading characteristics of the arrays nected in series, q is the electron charge
whereby every element (each cell of the module, bypass (1.60217646 1019 C), k is the Boltzmann constant
diode, blocking diode, etc.) was represented by a mathe- (1.3806503 1023 J/K), and T is the temperature of the
matical expression. The results were attractive but the sim- pn junction in K. Variables a1 and a2 represent the diode
ulation was considerably complex, thus limiting its ability ideality constants; a1 and a2 represent the diusion and
to predict the performance of larger systems. A MATLAB recombination current component, respectively. Typically,
based modeling to study the eects of partial shading based three points at Standard Test Conditions (STC) (Isc, 0),
on the single diode model was proposed in (Patel and (Vmp, Imp) and (Voc, 0) are provided by the manufacturers
Agarwal, 2008). Although the model is relatively simple, datasheet. An accurate estimation of these points for other
it exhibits serious deciencies when subjected to high tem- conditions is the main goal of every modeling technique.
perature variations. Moreover, it does not account for the Although greater accuracy can be achieved using this
open circuit voltage coecient, KV (Ishaque et al., 2011a). model (compared to the single diode model), it requires
Considering the importance of this issue, this paper pro- the computation of seven parameters, namely IPV, Io1,
poses a fast, accurate, and comprehensive PV system simu- Io2, Rp, Rs, a1, and a2. To simplify, several researchers
lator using the MATLAB Simulink environment. The assumed a1 = 1 and a2 = 2. The values are chosen based
availability of the simulator in the MATLAB platform is on the approximations of the SchokleyReadHall
seen as an advantage from the perspective of researchers
and practitioners alike as this software has almost become I
a de-facto standard in various engineering discipline. An +
ID1 ID2 Rs
important contribution of this work is the application of
the two-diode model that is known to have better accuracy, V
especially at low irradiance level. It allows for a more accu-
rate prediction of PV system performance during partial
shading conditions. To reduce computational time, the
model parameters extraction is reduced to four while the Fig. 1. Two diode model of PV cell.
K. Ishaque et al. / Solar Energy 85 (2011) 22172227 2219
recombination in the space charge layer in the photodiode 2.2.3. Determination of Rp and Rs values
(Chih-Tang et al., 1957). Although this assumption is From Eq. (5), the expression for Rp at maximum power
widely used but not always true (Keith et al., 2000). point (MPP) can be rearranged and rewritten as:
V mp I mp Rs
Rp n h i o
2.2. Extraction of model parameters V mp I mp Rs V mp I mp Rs P max;E
I PV I o exp VT
exp p1V T
2 V mp
Table 1
STC specications for the modules used in the experiments.
Parameter Multi-crystalline Mono-crystalline Thin-lm
Siemens Kyocera Shell Shell Shell
SM55 KG200GT S36 SP-70 ST40
Isc 3.45 A 8.21 A 2.3 A 4.7 A 2.68 A
Voc 21.7 V 32.9 V 21.4 V 21.4 V 23.3 V
Imp 3.15 A 7.61 A 2.18 A 4.25 A 2.41 A
Vmp 17.4 V 26.3 V 16.5 V 16.5 V 16.6 V
Kv 77 mV/C 123 mV/C 76 mV/C 76 mV/C 100 mV/C
Ki 1.2 mA/C 3.18 mA/C 1 mA/C 2 mA/C 0.35 mA/C
Ns 36 54 36 36 42
K. Ishaque et al. / Solar Energy 85 (2011) 22172227 2221
Table 2
Parameters for the proposed two-diode model.
Parameter Multi-crystalline Mono-crystalline Thin-lm
Siemens Kyocera Shell Shell Shell
SM55 KG200GT S36 SP-70 ST40
Isc 3.45 A 8.21 A 2.3 A 4.7 A 2.68 A
Voc 21.7 V 32.9 V 21.4 V 21.4 V 23.3 V
Imp 3.15 A 7.61 A 2.16 A 4.24 A 2.41 A
Vmp 17.4 V 26.3 V 16.7 V 16.5 V 16.6 V
Io 2.232 1010 A 4.218 1010 A 2.059 1010 A 4.206 1010 A 1.13 109 A
IPV 3.45 A 8.21 A 2.3 A 4.7 A 2.68 A
Rp 144.3 X 160.5 X 806.4 X 91 X 263.3 X
Rs 0.47 X 0.32 X 0.89 X 0.51 1.6 X
Proposed Two-diode Model Rp-Model Experimental Data Rs-model when subjected to temperature changes. The
KC200GT PV module tested here for analysis. As can be
KC200GT Multi-Crystalline PV M odule seen in Fig. 5, the curves IV computed by the two-diode
8 model t accurately to the experimental data for all tem-
Sun=1 perature conditions. In contrast, at higher temperature,
results from the Rs-model deviate from the measured val-
6 ues quite signicantly.
Sun=0.8 Fig. 6 shows the performance of the three models for the
Voc and Pmp when subjected to variations in module tem-
I (A)
Sun=0.6 perature. There is no signicant dierence between the Rp
and the two-diode models. However, the Rs model exhibits
poor performance for both Voc and Pmp calculations.
2 KC200GT Multi-Crystallline PV Module
Proposed Two-Diode Model
1 8
1000 800 600 400 200
Solar Irradiance (W/m2) 6
(a) Proposed Two-diode Model
I (A)
Experimental Data
Relative Error @ Pmp(%)
6 4
o o
4 75oC 50 C 25 C
2 2
1000 800 600 400 200
Solar Irradiance (W/m 2) 0
0 10 20 30
(b) V (V)
Fig. 4. Relative error for Voc and Pmp, for Rs, Rp and the proposed two- Fig. 5. IV curves of Rs and proposed two-diode model of the KC200GT
diode model for KC200GT PV module. PV module for several temperature levels.
2222 K. Ishaque et al. / Solar Energy 85 (2011) 22172227
Relative Error @ Voc (%)
1 0
50 25 0 -25
50 25 0 -25
3 40
50 25 0 -25
25 50 75 Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)
Rs Model Rp Model Proposed 2-D Model
Fig. 6. Relative error for Voc and Pmp, for Rs, Rp and the proposed two- 40
diode model for KC200GT PV module.
ven that the two diode model is superior to that of single (b)
diode model with Rs and Rp. This justies its usage in the
proposed simulator. Fig. 7. Relative error for Pmp of Rs, Rp and the proposed two-diode model
for S36 (multi-crystalline), SP70 (mono-crystalline) and ST40 (thin lm)
(a) for irradiance variation and (b) temperature variation.
3.4. Computational time
8 2 0 1
4. PV simulator development < V IRs N ss
N pp
I N pp I PV I o 4exp @ A
4.1. Large array conguration : V T N ss
0 1 39 0 1
In a PV power generation, a centralized inverter topol- V IRs NNppss = V IRs NNppss
exp @ A 25 @ A 8
ogy is utilized due to economic reasons. A single (central- P 1V T N ss ; Rp NNppss
ized) inverter is connected to a large number of PV
modules, typically, in a series parallel conguration. This
topology is known as the seriesparallel (SP) topology as where I PV ; I 0 ; Rp ; Rs ; p are the parameters of an individual
shown in Fig. 8. PV module. Note that Nss and Npp are series and parallel
Based on Fig. 8, a modied equation for the current for PV modules, respectively in a given SP array. Using the
the SP conguration can be written as: large array conguration described above, a generalized
simulation tool is developed in MATLAB Simulink. The
structure of the simulator is shown in Fig. 9. The simulator
is able to cater for any number Nss Npp array, where Nss
and Npp represent the number of series and parallel mod-
ules for each group, respectively. The simulator has the
capability of showing the eects of shading, temperature,
and diodes (bypass and blocking).
For illustration, an example of large array simulation
with partial shading condition is shown here. Fig. 10 shows
a PV array composed of four groups namely, groups A, B,
C, and D. Each group can be congured for a dierent
shading and temperature conditions.
Fig. 11 depicts the mask implementation of group A. It
has been developed by based on Eq. (8). To simulate the
Fig. 8. Series parallel combination in PV array. shading eects of PV array, role of bypass diode is very
Group A BL_di 1
Sun_A Irradiance + + v Switch
- - PV_Data
Pattern A Blocking To Workspace
Group B
Current Diode
Sun_B Irradiance
1 Pattern B Group C
s Current
In1 + + i
- - Volt
Sun_C Irradiance
Pattern C
Group D I-V Curve of PV Simulator
Volt Add
Sun_D Irradiance
Shading Pattern D
P-V Curve of PV Simulator
Fig. 13. (a) IV curves, (b) PV curves for SM55 from PV simulator for parameters in Fig. 11.
Fig. 14. (a) IV curves, (b) PV curves for SM55 of PV simulator with and without blocking diode.
pattern, and the array conguration (Patel and Agarwal, circuit current, it becomes reversed biased and a small leak-
2008). age current ows through the diode. Besides removing the
current imbalance condition, blocking diode prevents the
module from loading the battery at night by avoiding cur-
5.2. Eect of blocking diode rent ow from the battery through the PV array.
Array Power (W)
800 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Current (A)
PV Array
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
200 4000
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Local Maxima
Array Voltage (V)
(b) 0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 15. Simulation and experimental results (a) IV characteristics and Fig. 17. (a and b) Output voltage and current from the PV array, (c) PV
(b) PV characteristics. array power (solid line) and dcdc converter power (dash line).
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