Game Notes For Sixth Fleet

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by Frederick Georgian

The purpose of these notes is to elucidate The mainstays for escorting CV's or submar- corridor enables your planes to return to
workable tactics and strategies for Sixth ines are the DD's and DE's. Some of these base. The two should resemble a horseshoe.
Fleet. Sixth Fleet is an easy game because have terrible ECM's and are very vulnerable The curved part should have the principal air
each decision isn't compounded by many should they ever be surrounded. target and the bulk of the heavy bombers.
peripheral effects. What makes the game Extending from the airbases to the air target
Generally, their assets are that they have
exacting, however, is that there are many. should be mainly fighters which may not
adequate anti-air and hence can be used to
decisions. The person who wins can take necessarily be participating in any attack.
help cordon off enemy planes. Because of
pride in having found the proper mix of The fighters' primary duty is to prevent
their numbers, they are the ones to carry the
tactics while exploiting his opponent's enemy aircraft from flying behind friendly
brunt of the fighting. Lastly, there are
mistakes. These notes are divided into three aircraft and cutting their return to base.
enough of them so that they can plug holes
parts. The first part concerns the units and a
when the lines get a little thin. Their On any air wave, don't be concerned if a
basic understanding of their capabilities.
combined use with other units will be covered large portion of your planes are just
The second part is about tactics: How units
under Tactics. screening out enemy aircraft. The point to
are best combined and what happens when
Air Units: keep in mind is that there are enough planes
they are not. The third part deals with the
The air units are by far the most fragile due for both duties and the screening planes are
less concrete, but important, decisions of very important. As you become more
to the fact that they must return to base. In
strategy: In which directions should one experienced you'll find ways to use your
some cases if many planes are cut off from
move his units on a broad plan. planes more economically.
their base, an entire air wing may be lost.
THE UNITS AND THEIR CAPABILITIES The planes' low ECM makes them vulner- Another consideration is naval surface units.
This part takes a critical look at the units able to attacks, but sometimes one must risk There are friendly units which normally may
beyond the rules and consists of observations his planes in order to gain an advantage. The not be able to withstand combat due to their
from actual play. If a particular aspect of a fact that bombers lack adequate anti-air low ECM and/or low defense strength. These
unit is not mentioned, it may be considered strength means that they should have fighter units can still provide very useful service by
of less than critical importance. protection. screening enemy planes. This service often
Planes nevertheless are very powerful. Their frees many planes for other useful airstrikes.
The Submarines (SS, SSN, and SSGN): great range allowance permits them to Figure 1 shows the use of aircraft and naval
Their chief vulnerability is from the air. outflank, to cut retreats, or to contain other units for air perimeter duty. Roughly half of
Without fear of being attacked, planes have enemy units. The Russian bombers have the Soviet planes are flying missions while
the opportunity to fly over, to strike, or to cut tremendous anti-surface strengths, but the other half are on their airbases to be
off a submarine's retreat. Hence, submarines perhaps an equal, if not more important ready for use on the next turn. In this case,
are useless for any sort of air perimeter asset is the bombers' defense strength (see there is no air target, but the Russian planes
defense. Tactics under "Might"). are flying for the sake of preserving airspace.
The submarines' strengths are numerous. After understanding the units, they must be Notice that if the USA planes try to surround
The fact that submarines can move from combined into workable teams. This next and attack Soviet planes over Greece they
Zone of Control to another Zone of Control section on tactics illustrates the cooperation can always retreat via hex "R". The Russian
makes them very difficult to trap. Once of friendly units. Player is also using his naval units to help
trapped, however, submarines have good screen out USA planes along the Turkish
protection (in large part due to their high coast. Notice that the Russian M-2l on the
electronic counter measure (ECM) allow- At the heart of actual play are precise tactics. Turkish coast could be surrounded and
ance). Submarines have very powerful anti- The following section discusses a particular trapped if US planes maneuver to the hexes
surface strengths and are very fast. The fact tactic. marked "A". If then the Russian M-2l failed
that the submarines have one of the highest Aircraft: to eliminate either US plane, it would be
Victory Points reflects their value. Since aircraft cannot spend two consecutive eliminated because it is not permitted to
turns away from an airbase, they must move directly from one enemy Zone of
The Surface Ships: Control to another. The reader should study
continually return to their base; if they can't,
Though submarines are powerful work the picture to understand why this plane
they are lost and hence are very fragile. If
horses, they need support. Their best support could be trapped while the Soviet planes over
the beginner is in any doubt as to what to do
is from surface units, though an air- Greece would be safe.
with his aircraft, then a safe rule to follow is
submarine combination shouldn't be
don't commit them. If you don't know what Enemy naval units must also be reckoned
ignored. A valuable ship in terms of Victory
to do with the planes, then don't feel you with. If they are not pinned and if they are
Points and offensive power is the aircraft
have to commit them. The chances are that within your air umbrella, the enemy surface
carrier (CV). The CV is vulnerable to surface
they are far more threatening at their units may be deployed to cut off your
units unless its planes are flying CAP or
airbases than on the loose roaming about. aircraft. An example and a possible situation
unless it is being escorted by submarines or
The reason is that your opponent will not is in the Northern Aegean. At the start of the
other surface units. The CV's assets are
know where or when your planes will strike game, Greek and Turkish units may try and
tremendous because of its unique ability to
and hence you have an element of surprise to deploy their ships to contain the Soviet
function as a movable airbase. By itself, the
commit them en masse should you have to. aircraft to their bases in Bulgaria.
CV is also a good submarine hunter. The
high ECM allowance gives the CV good Gradually, you will get itchy or decide that The point to remember about aircraft is that
defensive protection should it ever get an enemy unit is a suitable target for an air they have good air ranges and good anti-
caught, but it is best to keep it unpinned and strike. That's when you must think of the air surface capabilities. An aircraft's vulner-
mobile throughout the game. A CV should target and the air corridor, which together abilities are that they usually have low
only be committed to an attack when it will comprise the air umbrella. Basically, the air defense strength, low ECM, and that they
guarantee the destruction of the enemy. target is the striking punch and the air must return to their bases. One can cover up
their weaknesses by setting up an air corridor Player combat phase, the 1100 must retreat DO. Against either T-22, the 1100 is
to insure the aircrafts' return and by stacking because it has insufficient might against the surrounded and cannot retreat into an enemy
as much as possible for a collectively stronger Russian tighter. The combat diHerence is a Zone of Control, it is eliminated. Since there
defense. negative number. By itself, the rule is is only one T -22, the other answer is to use
nothing more than a rule, but let's look at two T-16's or any other two units, but place
Might: two advanced examples. them such that they are two hexes apart from
Another tactic for the alert player is the each other and two hexes away from the
The same units are employed - a Russian
"might" tactic, which is due to rule 8.24. To DO's rear. Notice that in this case the unit's
T-22 is adjacent to the USA 11 (eleven) DO
paraphrase rule 8.24, if the attacker must Zone of Control cut off the DO's retreat even
on the high seas, except that this time, the
attack a particular unit and if the difference though those units' Zones of Control don't
Russian attempts to cut the DO's retreat by
of the attacker's strength is a negative, then extend into the DO's hex. That's all right
maneuvering a Russian T-16 adjacent to the
the attacker must retreat. Before loopholes in because the DO must retreat any way;
D's rear. The result is that the DO iv still
the English are found, let's look at various remember it lacks sufficient might against
be a viable unit. The DO can fulfill its
examples when "might" is sufficient and the Russian T-22, but the DO cannot retreat
mandatory attack requirement by attacking
insufficient. Not only will it help clarify the because all surrounding hexes are under
the T-16. Against the T-16, the DO has
rule, but also reveal a valuable tactic. enemy Zones of Control. The result is that
sufficient might. How then can the Russian
the DO is eliminated.
First example: Assuming both units are on eliminate the DO? There are two answers.
the high seas, a Russian T-22 is adjacent to Assuming that there were two T-22's, the As mentioned before, the Russian T-22 is a
the USA 11 (eleven) DO. If it were the USA's simplest way is to use them to surround the formidable bomber because of its anti-

Figure 1
surface strength and because of its defense A common occurence of the use of the pin is Submarines are difficult to destroy princi-
strength. Here's another example of how its on the first turn. This creates a double pally because of their ECM and also because
defense strength can be used offensively. advantage for the Soviets: (1) the NATO of their defensive strength. There are two
Suppose the Russian T-22 is adjacent to a forces are dispersed and (2) the Russians ways to combat a submarine - one, by
NATO A-6, and it's the NATO combat move first. Hence the Soviets can pick completely surrounding it, or, two, by the
phase. What is the result? The answer is attacks which will be favorable for them and loose net method.
that since the A-6 must fight the T-22, and pin to temporarily harass the superior NATO By far, the quicker way to eliminate a
since the A-6 lacks sufficient might, the A-6 units. The Soviets can usually survive the submarine is by surounding it. The best way
must retreat, but aircraft are prohibited from NATO's first attack and then themselves to surround a submarine is with anti-
retreating, rule 9.51, and, therefore, the A-6 attack and eliminate many pinned NATO submarine aircraft. By this manner, and
is eliminated. units in the subsequent Russian combat assuming the submarine has no anti-aircraft
phase. escort, the planes can attack with impunity.
Figure 1 illustrates the might tactic. In the Furthermore, the submarine is unable to
NATO combat phase, the Greek 29DD must Another occurence of the pin is during move out of such a position because all six
attack the Russian 16SSGN. Because the normal play. Suppose there was a lone Soviet
hexes contain a plane and, hence, the s~
SSGN is in restricted water its defense is DD being hunted by a NATO stack marine cannot stack with an enemy plane.
doubled. Because the Greek 29DD lacks consisting of a DD and an SSN. NATO
The next best way is a mixture of both ships
sufficient attack strength to combat the would immediately move his DD to pin the and planes. The ships are there mainly for
SSGN's modified defense strength, the DD Russian DD. The SSN with its faster pinning the submarine's escape. The worst is
must retreat. Since the DD would have to movemnt allowance would maneuver to the
completely surrounding with five good units
retreat into either of the two M-23's Zones of Soviet DD's rear to surround and eliminate
and one poor naval unit, i.e., with an ECM of
Cntrol, which would be prohibited, the DD it. The principal here is to use one unit to pin 2. In this case, many naval units are used
would be eliminated in its own combat the enemy while other units surround to
trying to attack the submarine, but, invari-
phase. destroy the enemy.
ably, the subrnai ine successfully escapes by
Pinning can also be used defensively. always attacking the weakest naval unit, i.e.,
Notice that had the M-23 been placed Suppose the Soviets have taken possession of with the ECM of 2. By retreating the weak
adjacent to the Greek DD, the DD would still the Aegean but find that the Crete-Turkish unit, the submarine advances after it and
be alive. Why? The answer is because the DD flank is wide open and NATO may rush it. If during its movement phase moves another
could have fulfilled its mandatory attack Soviets lack sufficient naval units, their hex to permit it to escape any detrimental
during its combat phase by attacking the aircraft can be used temporarily. They could NATO combat result. Then, during the
M-23 with sufficient might instead of be dispatched to one hex beyond NATO NATO movement phase, all the ships try
attacking the SSGN without sufficient might, units so that (1) NATO will not gain the again to surround the submarine only to see
Whether or not the DD's attack on the M-23 benefit of the combat phase, and (2) NATO it escape once again. Hence, it is best to
is successful or not is another matter. Also it will be halted to one hex per movement phase surround submarines with aircraft.
would be another matter if in this illustration because the planes will pin them. One final word about anti-submarine air-
it were the Russian combat phase. The SSGN craft. Although some may dispute this
would have to attack the Greek DD and Submarines: exception, it is best to mass the anti-
would do so according to the rules of combat. Submarines are a major factor in the game submarine aircraft in one big attack, even if
and for that reason warrant a special tactics it means that the 50/50 aircraft wave attack
One might ask how NATO could have section. The following points should be kept cannot be adhered to. The reasons are as
countered the might tactic in order to save in mind when using submarines: follows: One, submarines should be des-
the llDD or the Greek 29DD. In both cases,
1) Submarines are very powerful against troyed immediately, because a delay of a turn
the NATO Player could have prevented the
anti-surface combat and other submarines may mean that the enemy can recover his
loss of his units had he been cognizant of his
and, hence, should be used as aggressively as isolated submarine; two; a single mass attack
pieces' strengths and weaknesses. Had the
possible. concentrated on a single submarine should
NATO Player stacked his 11DD or the Greek
2) Submarines should have some anti-air be enough for the submarine to go glub-glub;
DD with any other DD, his units would have
escort to discourage being attacked from and, three, the planes have immunity from a
been immune to the might attack. If a T-22
aircraft. submarine's attack whereas a ship will
were adjacent to the stack of DD's, then the
always be attacked.
combined anti-air strengths of both DD's 3) Submarines are effective for pinning
would have been sufficient to have a positive Whether planes or naval units are used, the
enemy units because at any time submarines
combat differential. In this case, the DD's following point should be kept in mind:
can break contact.
could attack with sufficient might and may surround the submarine with the minimum
4) Submarines should always be kept moving power to effect a retreat and trust to
eliminate the T-22.
even if they are pinning enemy units. Never probability. For example, assume the
In conclusion, stacking can usually foil the let submarines get surrounded. Move them Russian 15SSGN is the desired target for a
might attack. If a unit is not stacked and from one Zone of Control to another Zone of US attack on the high seas. The US needs
isolated, then an alert enemy should man- Control to keep the enemy unit pinned while only to surround the SSGN with a minimum
euver whatever forces to employ the might avoiding being surrounded. attacking strength of fifteen with such units
tactic. The idea is to surround and to let the 5) Submarines are excellent units to place on as the 13SSN. The point is, because of the
enemy unit attack with insufficient might top of a stack of friendly units when they are high ECM of the Soviet 15SSGN, an attack
against your units. Because he will have being attacked by enemy units. This stacking of plus forty would increase NATO's chance
insufficient might, he must retreat and, if he order often causes the enemy to use some of of a retreat result by one sixth. To get those
is surrounded, he will be eliminated. his more powerful units in order to get odds is going to demand quite an expendi-
Pinning: sufficient might to attack the submarine ture of units which may be best used
first. After that attack, weaker enemy units elsewhere. Hence, surround submarines with
Because of rule 5.26, units may become
then get inferior attacking odds on friendly minimum odds and don't overkill, because
pinned (unable to move) for several turns.
units further down the stack. those units should be attacking other units.
This is good if you have superior forces and
can overwhelm a pinned unit which normally 6) Submarines are very difficult to eliminate The other method for attacking Soviet
might have escaped, or bad if you are the one and should be used to strike at the enemy's submarines is called the loose net. This
trying to escape. Therefore the first rule to aircraft carrier. A destroyed aircraft carrier method isn't the most effective because not all
keep in mind is don't bunch up and don't is a serious loss of naval and air units, and is that many units are used, which is a situation
charge into an attack without a purpose. worth the loss of a submarine. that often arises.

Figure 2 is a picture of what the loose net The Soviet Player should try to because they can move through Zones of
looks like in action. In the Soviet turn, the eliminate all NATO units in the Aegean as Control. So if the Russian defenses aren't all
submarine moved to pin and to attack the quickly as possible. Once this is accom- that tight and if NATO has trouble pushing
US's 800 for the Russian's subsequent turn. plished, the Soviet Player should turn his Soviet units back he should try to infiltrate
On the NATO movement phase, units 900 thoughts to defending his geographical with his submarines. However, don't send
and lOOO moved to hexes marked with an gains. them where they'll get trapped and des-
"A". The loose net is now set and the Soviet If possible, the Soviet Player should push troyed.
lSSSGN must try to escape. Assuming the NATO away from the Aegean. Any units The idea is to get through the defenses and
Soviet submarine's attack was unsuccessful, returning from the high seas could help then break into the middle of the Aegean and
now whether the submarine moves to' either sandwich trapped NATO units. The idea is cause the Soviets to dispatch many units to
hex M or hex E. the submarine may suffer to create a cushion of empty hexes so that eliminate the submarines thereby weakening
the consequences of a concentric attack by when NATO starts attacking the Aegean theuir defenses.
the US units from hexes A. Here's the defenses, any retreats can be made while still
question for the readers: Suppose the US keeping NATO out of the Aegean. For Campaign Game Strategy:
900 moved to hex A, but the US 2000 unit example, if the Soviets had cleared Crete, The strategy for the campaign game is
moved to hex M, by mistake. What would the Soviet units could be set up in the short similar, i.e., the focus is still on the Aegean,
Russian submarine do? Take a few minutes stretches of sea between Crete and Greece but there are additional considerations
to look at the problem. The answer is, and between Crete and Turkey. The last line In this case, the Soviets want to infllcf'as
assuming the submarine's attack was unsuc- of defense should be when the Soviets are set
cessful. the submarine could escape to hex E much damage as possible. The Aegean is not
up on restricted water hexes while NATO as imperative, but getting it quickly means
during its movement phase. Notice that, must fight from high seas hexes. Any further that those Soviet units can join the other
moving from one Zone of Control to another, Soviet retreat would mean losing the Aegean. forces battling in the Mediterranean. The
the submarine expends its entire movement
NATO's basic strategy is that he must go all Soviets should try to clear the eastern
allowance. The submarine could retreat to
out for the Aegean. NATO does not have all Mediterranean and then set up a defense
hex R and continue its operations again or
that much time and must plan attacks wisely. from Greece to Northern Africa. The
elsewhere. The reason is that hex R is not
For the first few turns, NATO has a difficult following two reasons are given: First,
under the US's Zone of Control. When the
time trying to unpin his units from Soviet though a good NATO Player will be able to
loose net method is used, setting the trap is
attacks. When NATO does have a sizeable regain the eastern Mediterranean, if the
critical and hastily throwing units into an
force, he should note how much time he has. Soviets are stubborn enough, NATO may
attack may permit the enemy to escape.
Generally, he should head for the Aegean never reach the Aegean; and, two, NATO is
immediately because much time will be going to need a lot of units to outflank the
consumed trying to batter the enemy Soviets in the eastern Mediterranean. Hence,
In either the first scenario or the campaign any NATO units caught and eliminated in
defenses. If NATO chases a few scattered
game, startegic decisions are somewhat the eastern Mediterranean make NATO's
units on the high seas, he may not have
directed and limited to the battle for the job much harder, especially when one
enough time to win the Aegean. Nevertheless,
Aegean. But in either case there are slight considers the enormous amount of Black Sea
whenever the opportunity presents itself, he
variations. First let us look at Soviet strategy reinforcements entering the game after turn
should surround and destroy valuable Soviet
for the first scenario. ten.
units on the high seas. One dead Soviet at
Basically, the Russians should inflict as
that point would mean one less Russian In this scenario, NATO has quite a bit of
much damage as possible on the high seas
trying to defend the Aegean. time, and it should be used with the following
before they set up their defenses around the
Aegean. Soviet units which start on the high When the time limit approaches, a NATO two considerations: One, NATO must be a
seas should make one attack on the NATO consideration is that he might try and slip a bit conservative. NATO doesn't get all that
units which can be surrounded and destroyed submarine into the Aegean through the much support from the British and French
quickly. Then they should start heading for Russian defenses. Submarines are ideal and, hence, the units with which NATO
the Aegean while attacking other NATO this would mean fewer Soviet units to defend starts the game are the basic fighting force
units on the way. In other words, the Soviets the Aegean. Soviet units in the Aegean throughout the game. Two, because NATO
should not remain attacking in the high seas should prevent NATO units from uniting has a lot of time, he should sweep and
because Soviet units may be eliminated. and then proceed to eliminate them piece- eliminate any Russian units, even those
isolated around Corsica. They are gifts, so
grab them. Then start a steady sweeping
push to clear the Soviets from west to east
and back to the Aegean; then pound away.

All in all, the above may seem an exhaustive
account of Sixth Fleet. It hardly is. For
example, what happens when the Middle
East airforces are used, when is it best for the
Soviets to violate Yugoslavian air neutrality,
or what are the effects of air supremacy? The
above questions are posed to emphasize the
number of unanswered questions in this
article. The article. attempts to give the
reader an understanding of his units,
possible tactics, and suggested strategies.
Obviously, the reader must determine when
and how best to use the suggestions given. It
is sincerely hoped that much of the
frustration of the game has been removed
and much of the fun of the game has been
enhanced .

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