Writing An Informal Leter (Practice)
Writing An Informal Leter (Practice)
Writing An Informal Leter (Practice)
The picture below shows what you and your family members celebrating Chinese New Year. Based
on the picture given, write about the celebration to your pen pal.
Dear _____________,
On the New Year eve, our family members and close relatives will gather for a
________________. It is a chance for family members to meet and greet while strenghtening
the family bonding. Here we enjoy a variety of dishes specially cooked with love. After the
hearty meal, the children will light up the New Year mood by playing firecrackes. The loud
cracking of firecrackers and colourful fireworks sparks the beginning of the New Year.
To me, the New Year is the most awaited day. I always enjoy and celebrate the day in
a positive note. After wearing my new clothes, we do prayers together and get blessings from
elderly people. We say Kung Hai Fat Choi to our relatives or wish them have a good year.
In return, we receive Hongbao is a red packet containing money. Then we go and visit
friends and relatives. We organise open house to celebrate the auspicious day the others. Only
on this day, we get to see the lion dance performance at my house as this is believed to bring
in good fortune to the family.
There are some taboo that you should avoid doing on the New Year day such as we
are not allowed to sweep or clean the house, to wash our hair and prohibited from using foul
language as this will drain away the good luck of the year. This is only the start of the
Chinese New Year celebrations which stretch on for a period of fifteen days. On the fifteenth
day which is known as Chap Goh Mei, another grand dinner is held to mark the end of the
festival. I always enjoy myself greatly during the Chinese New Year.
Thats the whole explanation of how my family n I celebrate the Chinese New Year.
Hopefully, next year you can join us to celebrate this auspicious day. Please send my regards
to your family. Take care and will write to you more after the celebration. Bye.
Your friend,
Chong Fatt