07 - Fronts and Masses
07 - Fronts and Masses
07 - Fronts and Masses
These air masses _________ ____________ and interact with each other as they move. The boundary
between two different air masses is called a __________, and an approaching front usually means a
___________ in weather.
When contrasting air masses make contact, an abrupt zone or boundary is formed. This boundary is
called a front and usually is accompanied by rather abrupt changes in temperature, humidity, and air
pressure. These fronts are precise enough that they can be plotted on a map and their movements
observed with great accuracy.
Warm Front:
When a mass of warm air moves into a region of cold air, the warm air overrides the cold air mass,
forcing the cold air to retreat. This situation is called a warm front. The relatively lighter warm air
mass forms a gentle slope over the denser cold air mass and moves forward at about 15 miles per
hour. Warm fronts may be preceded by several days of high altitude cirrus clouds. The frontal surface
has a gentle slope, rising only about one half mile vertically for each 100 miles of horizontal distance.
Along the front, the warm, moist air rises, is cooled and forms an extensive system of stratus clouds.
At the lower level the rain producing nimbostratus clouds are prevalent. Higher in altitude are the
altocumulus and altostratus. The ice crystal cirrus clouds are found at heights of 20,000 to 40,000 feet.
Warm fronts are characterized by several days of rain.
Cold Front:
A cold air mass moving into a warm air mass produces a frontal surface which is more vertical than that
of a warm front. This situation produces a cold front. The slope may have a one mile rise vertically for
an 80-100 mile horizontal distance. Cold air masses advance rapidly (up to 30 miles per hour) and
force the warm air mass upward where it becomes cooled. The movement of the air mass may be
rapid enough to produce large, towering cumulonimbus clouds. The precipitation associated with a
cold front usually exists in a narrow band, is heavy, but is brief in duration. When the frontal system
passes, the weather usually clears rapidly.
Stationary Fronts:
Stationary fronts exhibit little or no movement. The weather conditions are similar to those which
accompany a warm front. Some light precipitation may fall.
Occluded Front:
When a warm air mass becomes trapped between two masses of cold air an occluded front results.
The trough of warm air above the two cold air masses may rise or descend, depending on the
temperature of the trailing air mass. Occluded fronts are usually accompanied by severe weather
Follow-Up Questions:
4. Label the types of air masses (cold/warm) and the types of clouds formed in each of the
diagrams below.