Grays News Week 5 17

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3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of October 3 October 7

memory verse spelling words
"A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully 1. lies 8. reply 15. nearby

trained will be like his teacher." 2. tiny 9. apply 16. bicycles

Luke 6:40 3. lives 10. pliers 17. brighter
4. blind 11. fright 18. childhood

student of the week for honesty 5. shine 12. skyline 19. very
6. tired 13. buying 20. shoes
Bryan Potyondy
7. tried 14. mighty

This Week in Class:
Equipping the Disciples

Math: Multiplication and division. Time Test
Grammar Test on Friday covering verbs in the present, past, and future and
0's-2's Wed. and Fri.
for subject verb agreement in the present tense.

Reading: Teammates, main idea and summary, Multiplication Timed Tests 0-2s start on Wednesday. Students will have one
and half minutes to complete 30 problems.

Reading Grades this year will be based on reading tests which are

Language: Verbs: past, present, future, and
every other Wednesday and reading assignments. Consequently, your child can be a
subject verb agreement. Test on Friday
fluent reader and yet not receive an "A" on every assignment if they do not follow
directions on the reading assignment. From now on in reading, students will be

Science: Scientific Process
responsible for gaining information from the text they read and producing an

Writing: Subject and Predicates, Combining accurate assignment based on the information.
sentences with verbs Ultra Fun Run is on Friday at the Middle School. Everyone is welcome to come
and cheer on your runner. Our race starts at 11:00am. I am also running and trying to
possess, responded, leagues, earn money for our school. If you want to sponsor me,
series, tremendous, standard, challenge, click on this link.
compete, opponent, equal AR progress reports are going home in the Tuesday folders this week. Please
make sure that your child is reading and taking tests. They will be given a grade in the
Progress reports went home last weekend. If grade book based on the percentage of their goal met. You can log on to this link with your child's username which is
you did not receive one in an email, please let me
their entire first and last name without any spaces for example: stacygray. Their
know so we can figure out the problem.
password is the same as their Google password which starts with the first three
letters of their last name (I believe they all have memorized this). The great thing
parent helpers 1st week for about logging on is that you can set up email notifications that will notify you when your
Mon-WEdnesday child takes a test and what score they received.

Homework and Stuff

monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

Library P.E. Chapel 9:00 P.E. Bible Verse Test

Computer Lab 0's-2's Timed Test Spelling Test
Verb Test

0's-2's Timed tests
Bubble Fun Activities
Multiplication Menu Multiplication Menu Multiplication Menu Multiplication Menu Turn in signed pretest,
Math pg. 84 Sticky Note Connections Sticky note Connections Sticky note Connections Multiplication menu

Math pg. 86 Spelling workbook pgs. Spelling pre-test SIGNED Turn in Sticky note Connections
Sticky Note
19-20 Verb Worksheet
Practice for verb test
with Boom Cards

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