Psidium Guajava Guava A Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications 2167 0412.1000104

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Barbalho et al.

, Med Aromat Plants 2012, 1:4

Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Review Article
Research Article OpenAccess
Open Access

Psidium Guajava (Guava): A Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications

Sandra M. Barbalho1,2*, Flvia M. V. Farinazzi-Machado2, Ricardo de Alvares Goulart3, Anna Cludia Saad Brunnati2, Alda Maria Machado
Bueno Ottoboni4 and Cludia Cristina Teixeira Nicolau4
Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Marlia (UNIMAR), Av. Higino Muzzi Filho 1001, Marlia 15525-902, SP, Brazil.
Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Faculty of Food Technology of Marlia, Av. Castro Alves, 62, Marlia 17506-000, SP, Brazil.
School of Medicine - FAMEMA, Av. Monte Carmelo, 800 Marlia, SP CEP 17519-030, SP, Brazil.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Food Technology of Marlia (FATEC), Av. Castro Alves, 62, Marlia 17506-000, SP, Brazil.

Chronic degenerative diseases have reached epidemic proportions in industrialized and developing countries. Many
studies have shown that plant can be helpful to prevent or treat diseases. Psidium guajava is a small medicinal tree that
is native to South America and Brazil is among the worlds top producers and most of the countrys production is destined
for the food industry. It is popularly known as guava and has been used traditionally as a medicinal plant throughout
the world for a number of ailments. The aim of this review is to present some chemical compounds in P. guajava and
their pharmacological effects. The main constituents of guava leaves are phenolic compounds, isoflavonoids, gallic
acid, catechin, epicathechin, rutin, naringenin, kaempferol. The pulp is rich in ascorbic acid, carotenoids (lycopene,
-carotene and -cryptoxanthin). The seeds, skin and barks possess glycosids, carotenoids and phenolic compounds.
All parts of the plant have been used for different purposes: hepatoprotection, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-
spasmodic, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, anti-hyperglycemic, analgesic, endothelial progenitor cells, anti-stomachache
and anti-diarrhea. P. guajava has many effects on health and that it should be researched more extensively in clinical
trials. Furthermore leaves, seeds and peel are treated as wastes by the food processing industry and are discarded, so
their use may reduce the disposal of these parts of guava as pollutants.

Keywords: Psidium guajava; Anti-inflammatory; Antioxidant; Can- The high cost of pharmaceutical medications conduces to the
cer; Diabetes; Dyslipidemia search for alternative medicines to treat many ailments. In view of this,
studies are necessary to confirm the effects of medicinal plants. The
Introduction aim of this review is to show that several studies have demonstrated the
Industrialization has led to many modifications in the lifestyle of presence of many different chemical compounds in P. guajava and their
the worlds populations, giving rise to increase the indices of several pharmacological effects.
diseases, including chronic degenerative diseases such as insulin Medical Properties and Composition of Guava Pulp
resistance, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and
cardiovascular diseases, reducing the quality of life and increasing costs on The main constituents of guava are vitamins, tanins, phenolic
hospitalizations, medications and other public health interventions [1,2]. compounds, flavonoids, essential oils, sesquiterpene alcohols and
triterpenoid acids. These and other compounds are related to many
Studies have demonstrated that the consumption of fruits,
health effects of guava [10].
vegetables and seeds can be helpful to prevent the risk factors of many
diseases due to the bioactive compounds. Many plants have been used Some authors have found high concentrations of carotenoids
for the purpose of reducing risk factors associated with the occurrence (beta-carotene, lycopene, and beta-cryptoxanthin), vitamin C and
of chronic disorders and for many other purposes [3-8]. polyphenols in guava pulp [18-20]. Lycopene has been correlated with
Psidium guajava L. is a small medicinal tree that is native to South the prevention of cardiovascular damage because of its positive effects
America. It is popularly known as guava (family Myrtaceae) and has on dyslipidemia [21,22]. Ascorbic acid is recognized for its important
been used traditionally as a medicinal plant throughout the world for antioxidant effects [23-25].
a number of ailments. There are two most common varieties of guava: Shu et al. [26] isolated nine triterpenoids from guava fruit: ursolic
the red (P. guajava var. pomifera) and the white (P. guajava var. pyrifera) acid; 1beta, 3beta-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid; 2alpha,3beta-dihy-
[9,10]. droxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid; 3beta,19alpha-dihydroxyurs-12en-28-oic
All parts of this tree, including fruits, leaves, bark, and roots, have acid; 19a-hydroxylurs-12-en-28-oic acid-3-O-alpha-L-arabinopyrano-
been used for treating stomachache and diarrhea in many countries.
Leaves, pulp and seeds are used to treat respiratory and gastrointestinal
disorders, and as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, as a cough *Corresponding author: Dr Sandra Maria Barbalho, Av. Sampio Vidal, 300 Bairro
Barbosa, Marlia, So Paulo, Brazil, Tel: 0055 14 9655-3190 or 0055 14 34133487;
sedative, anti-diarrheic, in the management of hypertension, obesity E-mail: [email protected]
and in the control of diabetes mellitus. It also possesses anticancer
ReceivedApril 20, 2012; Accepted May 15, 2012; Published May 28, 2012
properties [11]. The seeds are used as antimicrobial, gastrointestinal,
anti-allergic and anticarcinogenic activity [12-15]. Citation: SM Barbalho, Farinazzi-Machado FMV, de Alvares Goulart R, Brun-
nati ACS, Otoboni AM, et al (2012) Psidium Guajava (Guava): A Plant of Mul-
Brazil is among the worlds top producers of guava and most of tipurpose Medicinal Applications. Med Aromat Plants 1:104. doi:10.4172/2167-
the countrys production is destined for the food industry to produce
candies, juices, jams and frozen pulp. As result of the fruit process there Copyright: 2012 SM Barbalho, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
is a discard of the leaves, seeds, part of the peel and pulp fraction not unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
separated in the physical depulping process [9,10,16,17]. original author and source are credited.

Med Aromat Plants

ISSN: 2167-0412 MAP an open access journal Volume 1 Issue 4 1000104
Citation: SM Barbalho, Farinazzi-Machado FMV, de Alvares Goulart R, Brunnati ACS, Otoboni AM, et al (2012) Psidium Guajava (Guava): A
Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications. Med Aromat Plants 1:104. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000104

Page 2 of 6

side; 3beta, 23-dihydroxy urs-12-en-28-oic acid; 3beta, 19alpha, 23be- droxybenzophenone 4-O-(6-O-galloyl)-beta-D: -glucopyranoside (1,
ta-tri-hydroxylurs-12-en-28-oic acid; 2alpha, 3beta,19alpha, 23beta- guavinoside A); 2,4,6-trihydroxy-3,5-dimethylbenzophenone 4-O-(6-
tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid and 3alpha,19alpha,23,24-tetrahy- O-galloyl)-beta-D: -glucopyranoside (2, guavinoside B), and quercetin
droxyurs -12-en-28-oic acid. Ursolic acid and other triterpenoids are 3-O-(5-O-galloyl)-alpha-L: -arabinofuranoside (3, guavinoside C).
associated with anti-cancer properties [27].
Kim et al. [52] related that the guava leaves contain ascorbic acid,
Shu et al. [28] found three benzophenone glycosides in ripe edible citric acid, acetic acid, epicatechin, xanthine, protocatechuic acid,
fruits of P. guajava L: 2, 6-dihydroxy-3, 5-dimethyl-4-O-beta-D- glutamic acid, asparagine, malonic acid, trans-aconitic acid, maleic acid
glucopyranosyl-benzophenone; 2, 6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-4-O-(6-O- and cis-aconitic acid.
galloyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-benzophenone and 2, 6-dihydroxy-3,
Ghosh et al. [53] isolated two terpenoids from the leaf extract of
5 - d i m e t hy l - 4 - O - ( 6 - O - g a l l oy l - b e t a - D - g l u c o py r a n o s y l ) -
P. guajava (betulinic acid and lupeol) and reported their potential
benzophenone. Benzophenone glycosides have inhibitory effect on
antimicrobial and phytotoxic activities. Betulinic acid and lupeol can
triglycerides accumulation [29].
be used in the treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular desease, obesity
Thuaytong and Anprung [30] found antioxidant activity in guava and atherosclerosis [54].
and the major constituents identified in white and red guavas were
Shao et al. [55] isolated two terpenoids from guava leaves:
ascorbic acid, gallic acid, catechin equivalents, cinnamyl alcohol, ethyl
Psiguadials A and B, two novel sesquiterpenoid-diphenylmethane
benzoate, -caryophyllene, (E)-3-hexenyl acetate and -bisabolene.
meroterpenoids with unusual skeletons, along with a pair of known
The antioxidant properties of the guava pulp can be related to anti-
epimers, psidial A and guajadial.
cancer effects [15].
Shu et al. [56] identified one diphenylmethane, one benzophenone,
Studies with humans have found that the consumption of guava for
and eight flavonoids from guava fresh leaves(2,6-dihydroxy-3-
a period of 12 weeks reduced blood pressure by 8%, total cholesterol
levels by 9%, triacylglycerides by almost 8%, and induced an 8%
diphenylmethane; 2,6-dihydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-4-O-(6-O-galloyl--
increase in the levels of HDL-c [31,32].
D-glucopyranosyl)-benzophenone; kaempferol; quercetin; quercitrin;
Farinazzi et al. [33] showed that animals treated with guava pulp isoquercitrin; guaijaverin; avicularin; hyperoside and reynoutrin.
juice had significantly lower body weight, glycemia, cholesterol and Guaijaverin has high potential antiplaque agent by inhibiting the
triglycerides levels and significantly augmented the levels of HDL-c growth of the Streptococcus mutans. Avicularin and guaijaverin work as
when compared to the animals from the control group. urease inhibitors (against Helicobacter pylori urease) [57,58].
Lyophilized pulp of P. guajava in diabetic rats induces to significant Shao et al. [59] isolated four new triterpenoids, psiguanins A-D (1-
hypoglycemic effects probably due to its antioxidant activity of 4), and with 13 known compounds from the leaves of guava.
compounds present in the pulp [14].
Guava aqueous leaf extract showed anti-trypanosomal properties
Medical Properties and Composition of Guava Leaves in rats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei [60].

Guava leaf extract has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, Rahim et al. [61] evaluated the effects of aqueous mixture and water
hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. These effects are probably soluble methanol extract from guava leaves and bark against multi-
due to the presence of phenolic compounds [11,34-39]. drug-resistant Vibrio cholera and found strong antibacterial activity.
They concluded that this plant offers potential for controlling epidemics
Jimnez-Escrig et al. [40], Wang et al. [41] and Haida et al. [10] of cholera.
reported the presence of higher amounts of phenolic compounds with
antioxidant activity in the leaves of white (Psidium guajava var. pyrifera Birdi et al. [62] and Birdi et al. [63] related that P. guajava leaves
L.) and red guava (Psidium guajava var. pomifera L.) when compared have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action (as antigiardial and
with other vegetable species. Wu et al [42], Melo et al. [43] and Chen et antirotaviral activity) that could be effective in controlling diarrhea due
al. [27] found gallic acid, catechins, epicatechins, rutin, naringenin and to a wide range of pathogens. The antimicrobial activity can be linked to
kaempferol in the leaves. the presence of flavonoids extracted from guava leaves [64,65].

Studies have shown that gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin inhibit Deguchi and Miyazaki [66] reported that guava leaves infusion not
pancreatic cholesterol esterase, which decreases cholesterol levels. only reduced postprandial glycemia and improved hyperinsulinemia in
Catechins are important as a preventive treatment for diabetes type 2 murine models but also contributed to reduce hypercholesterolemia,
hypertriglyceridemia and hypoadiponectinemia in the animals of their
and obesity. Quercetin has been associated to decreased mortality from
heart disease and decreased incidence of stroke. Quercetin presents
hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant activity. Rutin is effective in the Rutin and kaempferol found in guava leaves are compounds related
inhibition of triglyceride accumulation in adipocytes. Naringenin and to the decrease of HMG-CoA reductase activity in hepatic tissue and
kaempferol can promote moderate cytostatic activity against all cell improve lipid profiles [67]. Akinmoladun et al. [68] studied methanol
lines and kaempferol can be useful as anti cancer [44-49]. extracts of some fruits, including P. guajava, and demonstrated that
there is a good correlation between total phenolic contents and reductive
Fu et al. [50] elucidated the structure of three novel sesquiterpe-
potential and a fair correlation between total phenolic contents and
noid-based meroterpenoids of psidials A-C found in guava leaves.
lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity.
Matsuzak et al. [51] isolated two new benzophenone galloyl glycosides,
guavinosides A and B, and a quercetin galloyl glycoside, guavinoside Several studies have shown that aqueous extract of Psidium guajava
C as well as five known quercetin glycosides from guava leaves. The contains components with LDL-c antiglycation activity, suggesting its
structures of the novel glycosides were elucidated to be 2,4,6-trihy- contribution to the prevention of neurodegenerative and cardiovascular

Med Aromat Plants

ISSN: 2167-0412 MAP an open access journal Volume 1 Issue 4 1000104
Citation: SM Barbalho, Farinazzi-Machado FMV, de Alvares Goulart R, Brunnati ACS, Otoboni AM, et al (2012) Psidium Guajava (Guava): A
Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications. Med Aromat Plants 1:104. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000104

Page 3 of 6

diseases [69,70]. Other studies have found cardioprotective effects and aggregation of sickle cell hemoglobin molecule. This molecule is a
of aqueous extract of P. guajava in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion product of a defective genetic code of hemoglobin molecule and is prone
injury in isolated rat hearts, primarily through their radical-scavenging to deoxygenation-induced polymerization and has low insolubility. The
actions [71]. development of chemical modification agents that reduce the tendency
of sickle cell hemoglobin molecule to aggregate represents an important
Ojewole [72] identified the presence of phenolic compounds in the
chemotherapeutic goal [82].
leaves demonstrating their hypoglycemic and hypotensive effects on
diabetic rats treated with aqueous leaf extract. Soman et al. [73] reported Guava extract leaves can be responsible for membrane stabilizing
a decline in the levels of glycated hemoglobin and fructosamines, as effect on sickle erythrocytes that are susceptible to endogenous free
well as a significant reduction in the glycemic levels of diabetic rats radical-mediated oxidative damage. This effect can be attributed to the
treated with guava leaf extract. Singh and Marar [74] studied the effects flavonoids, triterpenoids and host of other secondary plant metabolites
of Psidium guajava leaves on the inhibition of the activity intestinal [83].
glycosidases related with postprandial hyperglycemia, suggesting its use
Chen et al. [80] found that aqueous extract of guava budding leaves
for the treatment of individuals with type 2 diabetes.Other studies have
possess anti-prostate cancer activity in a cell line model and concluded
demonstrated that guava leaf and peel extracts also had hypoglycemic
they are promising anti-androgen-sensitive prostate cancer agent.
effects on experimental models drug-induced to severe conditions of
diabetes [17,75,76] . Han et al. [84] studied the effects of P. guajava ethyl acetate extract
on atopic dermatitis and found that it inhibits chemokine expression in
Wu et al. [42] found that the phenolic compounds, gallic acid,
keratinocytes what suggests this extract can have possible therapeutic
catechins and quercetins in guava leaves inhibited the glycation of
application in atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory skin diseases.
proteins suggesting its use for the prevention of diabetes complications.
The Psiguadials A, B and guajadial isolated by Shao et al. [55] exhibited Methanol extracts of the leaves can also be useful in the treatment
potent inhibitory effects on the growth of human hepatoma cells. of gastric ulcer disorders possibly due to the presence of volatile oil,
Kim et al. [52] related that the guava leaves contain compounds that flavonoids and saponins [85].
promote free radical scavenging activity showing promising antioxidant
Methanolic extract of guava leaves can exhibit wound healing
effects and this property can be explained by the presence of tannins
Dutta and Das [77] identified significant anti-inflammatory activity and flavonoids [86,87].
of the ethanol extract of guava leaves in experimental models, while
Guava leaves extract also can show anti cough effects as shown by
Kawakami et al. [78] observed the antiproliferative activity of the
Jaiarj et al [88].
leaves through inhibition of the catalytic activity of prostaglandin
endoperoxide H synthases involved in the inflammatory process. Guava Medical Properties and Composition of Guava Discard-
budding leaves aqueous extract possesses an extremely high content of
ed Products
polyphenolic and isoflavonoids and suppresses the cell migration and
the angiogenesis. In view of this, clinically it has the potential to be used As told before, the fruit process results in the discard of the leaves,
as an adjuvant anti-cancer chemopreventive [79,80]. Matsuzak et al. [51] seeds, part of the peel and pulp. Some studies showed the presence of
isolated phenolic glycosides from guava leaves and showed significant total phenolic compounds in the agroindustrial wastes (seeds, skin and
inhibitory activity against histamine release from rat peritoneal mast pulp) of guava, confirming its antioxidant activity [16,32,72].
cells, and nitric oxide production from a murine macrophage-like cell
Leaves, seeds and peels of fruits have significant proportions of
bioactive compounds with beneficial physiological and metabolic
Roy and Das [81] studied the hepatoprotective activity of different properties. Its antioxidants can control body weight and biochemical
extracts of P. guajava (petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, variables like glycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension and other risks of
methanol and aqueous) in acute experimental liver injury induced cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidant properties of the guava seeds
by carbon tetrachloride and paracetamol. The effects were compared extracts can be associated to anti-cancer effects on both hematological
with a known hepatoprotective agent and observed that the best effects and solid neoplasms and the antioxidant properties of the guava peel
came from guava methanolic leaf extract that significantly reduced the can be related to anti-cancer effects. [5,15,89-91]
elevated serum levels of enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine
Castro-Vargas et al. [92] and Ojewole [72] extracted and identified
aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase) and bilirubin.
significant levels of carotenoids and total phenolic compounds
P. guajava leaves exhibit high capacity to reduced polymerization from guava seeds. Seeds exhibit antimicrobial, gastrointestinal and

Compound Effects Reference

Leaves Phenolic compounds, isoflavonoids, gallic Hepatoprotection, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, Ryu et al.[11]; Metwally et al.[13]; Roy et al.[34]; Ojewole
acid, catechin, epicathechin, rutin, naringenin, anti-spasmodic, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, anti- [35]; Nair and Chanda [36]; Hui-Yin and Gowdhin [37];
kaempferol hyperglycemic, analgesic Peng et al. [79]; Chen et al. [80]
Pulp Ascorbic acid, carotecoids (lycopene, Antioxidant, anti-hyperglycemic, Anti-neoplasic Huang et al [14]; Bomtempo et al. [15]; Oliveira et al. [18];
-carotene, -cryptoxanthin Thuaitong and Anprung [30]
Seed Glycosids; Carotenoids, phenolic compounds Antimicrobial Pelegrini et al. [12]; Castro-Vargas et al. [92]
Skin Phenolic compounds Endothelial progenitor cells and improvement of Nascimento et al.[16]; Felice et al. [90]
their intestinal absorption
Bark Phenolic compounds Strong antibacterial activity (against multi-drug- Ryu et al. [11]; Rahin et al. [61]
resistant Vibrio cholera); stomachache and diarrhea
Table 1: Some compounds in guava leaves, pulp, seed, skin and bark and their pharmacological effects.

Med Aromat Plants

ISSN: 2167-0412 MAP an open access journal Volume 1 Issue 4 1000104
Citation: SM Barbalho, Farinazzi-Machado FMV, de Alvares Goulart R, Brunnati ACS, Otoboni AM, et al (2012) Psidium Guajava (Guava): A
Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications. Med Aromat Plants 1:104. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000104

Page 4 of 6

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Author Disclosure Statement
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Med Aromat Plants

ISSN: 2167-0412 MAP an open access journal Volume 1 Issue 4 1000104
Citation: SM Barbalho, Farinazzi-Machado FMV, de Alvares Goulart R, Brunnati ACS, Otoboni AM, et al (2012) Psidium Guajava (Guava): A
Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications. Med Aromat Plants 1:104. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000104

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Med Aromat Plants

ISSN: 2167-0412 MAP an open access journal Volume 1 Issue 4 1000104
Citation: SM Barbalho, Farinazzi-Machado FMV, de Alvares Goulart R, Brunnati ACS, Otoboni AM, et al (2012) Psidium Guajava (Guava): A
Plant of Multipurpose Medicinal Applications. Med Aromat Plants 1:104. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000104

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ISSN: 2167-0412 MAP an open access journal Volume 1 Issue 4 1000104

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