Pantellerite Rock Sovite Rock

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Pantellerite Rock Sovite Rock

Texture: Eutaxitic Texture: Granular, Poikiloblastic

Color: Dark Greenish - Grey Color: Black, Brown, Colourless, Green, Grey, Pink, and White

Hardness: 6-7 Hardness: 3

Fracture: Sub-conchoidal Fracture: Conchoidal

Streak: Unknown Streak: White

Luster: Earthy Luster: Sub vitreous to Dull

Cleavage: Conchoidal Cleavage: Not Available

Toughness: 2 Toughness: 1

Specific Gravity: Not Available Specific Gravity: 2.86-2.87

Transparency: Translucent to Opaque Transparency: Opaque

Pantellerite is a fine-grained, hard rock which is a type of Sovites are formed due to low degrees of partial melting of
metasomatite, essentially altered basalt. It forms with or without rocks. They are Available in lots of colors, generally rough to touch, is
crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks or on the one of the oldest rock. Sovite is a coarse-grained variety of carbonatite
surface as extrusive rocks. It High Fe content. Pantellerite is a peralkaline which belongs to intrusive igneous rock.
rhyolite. It has a higher iron and lower aluminium composition than
Blueschist Rock Appinite Rock
Texture: Foliated Texture: Porphyritic

Color: Blue, Bluish - Grey, Purple, Shades of Blue Color: Black, Bluish - Grey, Brown, Dark Greenish - Grey, Green, Grey

Hardness: 3.5-4 Hardness: 5-6

Fracture: Conchoidal Fracture: Conchoidal

Streak: White to Grey Streak: White

Luster: Dull Luster: Sub vitreous to Dull

Cleavage: Slaty Cleavage: Conchoidal

Toughness: 1.5 Toughness: Not Available

Specific Gravity: 3-3.2 Specific Gravity: 2.86-2.87

Transparency: Opaque Transparency: Translucent to Opaque

Blueschist forms due to the metamorphism of basalt and other The formation of Appinite takes place deep beneath the
rocks with similar composition at high pressures and low temperatures Earths surface at around 150 to 450 kms, and are erupted rapidly and
and approximately corresponding to a depth of 15 to 30 kilometers and violently. They are always found as volcanic pipes over deep
200 to 500 C. It Has High structural resistance against erosion and continental crust, Host rock for Diamond, Is one of the oldest rock,
climate, Very fine grained rock. Blueschist is a metamorphic rock which Surfaces are often shiny. Appinite is an igneous rock in which the
is generally blue in color and is formed under conditions of high pressure crystals are so fine grained that individual minerals cannot be easily
and low temperature. distinguished.
Vogesite Rock Minette Rock
Texture: Porphyritic Texture: Porphyritic

Color: Black, Bluish - Grey, Brown, Dark Greenish - Grey, Green, Grey Color: Black, Bluish - Grey, Brown, Dark Greenish - Grey, Green, Grey

Hardness: 5-6 Hardness: 5-6

Fracture: Conchoidal Fracture: Conchoidal

Streak: White Streak: White

Luster: Sub vitreous to Dull Luster: Sub vitreous to Dull

Cleavage: Conchoidal Cleavage: Conchoidal

Toughness: Not Available Toughness: Not Available

Specific Gravity: 2.86-2.87 Specific Gravity: 2.86-2.87

Transparency: Translucent to Opaque Transparency: Translucent to Opaque

Vogesite formation takes place deep beneath the Earths Minette formation takes place deep beneath the Earths
surface at around 150 to 450 kilometres, and are erupted rapidly and surface at around 150 to 450 kms, and are erupted rapidly and
violently. It is Always found as volcanic pipes over deep continental violently. It is always found as volcanic pipes over deep continental
crust, Host rock for Diamond, Is one of the oldest rock, Surfaces are crust, Host rock for Diamond, Is one of the oldest rock, Surfaces are
often shiny. Vogesite is a porphyritic alkaline igneous rock and is a often shiny. Minette is a variety of Lamprophyre and is porphyritic
variety of Lamprophyre which is dominated by essential amphibole, alkaline igneous rock which is mainly dominated by biotite and
usually hornblende, and potassic feldspar. potassic feldspar.
Theralite Rock Epidosite Rock
Texture: Phaneritic Texture: Glassy, Massive, Porphyritic, Scoriaceous, Vesicular

Color: Dark Grey to Black Color: Black, Brown, Light to Dark Grey

Hardness: 7 Hardness: 6

Fracture: Uneven, Splintery or Conchoidal Fracture: Conchoidal

Streak: White Streak: White to Grey

Luster: Waxy and Dull Luster: Not Available

Cleavage: Non-Existent Cleavage: Not Available

Toughness: 1.5 Toughness: 2.3

Specific Gravity: 2.5-2.8 Specific Gravity: 2.8-3

Transparency: Translucent to Opaque Transparency: Opaque

Epidosite is a fine-grained, hard rock which is a type of

Theralite is a fine-grained, hard rock which is a type of metasomatite, essentially altered basalt. It forms with or without
metasomatite, essentially altered basalt. It forms with or without crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks or on the
crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks or on the surface as extrusive rocks. It Has High structural resistance against
surface as extrusive rocks. It is Smooth to touch. Theralite is a plutonic erosion and climate, Very fine grained rock. Epidosite is a highly altered
hylocrystalline igneous rock consisting of augite, olivine, calcic epidote and quartz bearing rock which is a type of metasomatite,
plagioclase and nepheline. essentially altered basalt.

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