Lista Verbelor Regulate

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Lista verbelor regulate Irregular Verbs List

Lista cu verbe neregulate ale limbii engleze in tabelul urmtor:

Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare

accept a accepta accepted accepted Conjugare to accept
achieve a obine achieved achieved Conjugare to achieve
act a aciona acted acted Conjugare to act
admire a admira admired admired Conjugare to admire
advise a sftui advised advised Conjugare to advise
affect a afecta affected affected Conjugare to affect
agree a accepta agreed agreed Conjugare to agree
amaze a uimi amazed amazed Conjugare to amaze
amuse a amuza amused amused Conjugare to amuse
answer a rspunde answered answered Conjugare to answer
appear a apare appeared appeared Conjugare to appear
arrange a aranja arranged arranged Conjugare to arrange
arrive ajunge arrived arrived Conjugare to arrive
ask a cere asked asked Conjugare to ask
attack atac attacked attacked Conjugare to attack
bake a coace baked baked Conjugare to bake
behave a se comporta behaved behaved Conjugare to behave
believe a crede believed believed Conjugare to believe
belong a aparine belonged belonged Conjugare to belong
blame a mustra blamed blamed Conjugare to blame
borrow a mprumuta borrowed borrowed Conjugare to borrow
bother a deranja bothered bothered Conjugare to bother
call a telefona called called Conjugare to call
cancel a anula canceled canceled Conjugare to cancel
carry a transporta carried carried Conjugare to carry
cause a cauza caused caused Conjugare to cause
celebrate a srbtori celebrated celebrated Conjugare to celebrate
change a schimba changed changed Conjugare to change
chase a urmri chased chased Conjugare to chase
chat a tifsui chated chated Conjugare to chat
check verifica checked checked Conjugare to check
clean a cura cleaned cleaned Conjugare to clean
clear a goli cleared cleared Conjugare to clear
Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare
climb a escalada climbed climbed Conjugare to climb
close a nchide closed closed Conjugare to close
compare a compara compared compared Conjugare to compare
compete a concura competed competed Conjugare to compete
complete a completa completed completed Conjugare to complete
contain a conine contained contained Conjugare to contain
continue a continua continued continued Conjugare to continue
cook a gti cooked cooked Conjugare to cook
correct a corecta corrected corrected Conjugare to correct
cough a tui coughed coughed Conjugare to cough
count a numra counted counted Conjugare to count
crash a distruge crashed crashed Conjugare to crash
create a crea created created Conjugare to create
cross a traversa crossed crossed Conjugare to cross
curse a blestema cursed cursed Conjugare to curse
damage a deteriora damaged damaged Conjugare to damage
dance a dansa danced danced Conjugare to dance
date a data dated dated Conjugare to date
decide a decide decided decided Conjugare to decide
deliver a livra delivered delivered Conjugare to deliver
depend a depinde depended depended Conjugare to depend
describe a descrie described described Conjugare to describe
design a proiecta designed designed Conjugare to design
destroy a distruge destroied destroied Conjugare to destroy
dicrease a scdea dicreased dicreased Conjugare to dicrease
die a muri died died Conjugare to die
discover a descoperi discovered discovered Conjugare to discover
discuss a discuta discussed discussed Conjugare to discuss
disturb a deranja disturbed disturbed Conjugare to disturb
dress a mbrca dressed dressed Conjugare to dress
dry a usca dried dried Conjugare to dry
eliminate a elimina eliminated eliminated Conjugare to eliminate
end a termina ended ended Conjugare to end
enjoy a savura enjoied enjoied Conjugare to enjoy
entertain a distra entertained entertained Conjugare to entertain
excuse a scuza excused excused Conjugare to excuse
exercise a exersa exercised exercised Conjugare to exercise
Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare
exhibit a expune exhibitted exhibitted Conjugare to exhibit
expect a atepta expected expected Conjugare to expect
express a exprima expressed expressed Conjugare to express
fill a umple filled filled Conjugare to fill
film a filma filmed filmed Conjugare to film
fish a pescui fished fished Conjugare to fish
fix a repara fixed fixed Conjugare to fix
follow a urma followed followed Conjugare to follow
fry a prji fried fried Conjugare to fry
greet a ntmpina greeted greeted Conjugare to greet
guess a ghici guessed guessed Conjugare to guess
hail a chema hailed hailed Conjugare to hail
handle a manipula handled handled Conjugare to handle
hate a ur hated hated Conjugare to hate
help a ajuta helped helped Conjugare to help
hope a spera hoped hoped Conjugare to hope
hunt a vna hunted hunted Conjugare to hunt
identify a identifica identified identified Conjugare to identify
ignore a ignora ignored ignored Conjugare to ignore
imagine a imagina imagined imagined Conjugare to imagine
impress a impresiona impressed impressed Conjugare to impress
improve a mbunti improved improved Conjugare to improve
include a include included included Conjugare to include
increase a crete increased increased Conjugare to increase
introduce a introduce introduced introduced Conjugare to introduce
invite a invita invited invited Conjugare to invite
jog a zdruncina joged joged Conjugare to jog
join a uni joined joined Conjugare to join
jump a sri jumped jumped Conjugare to jump
knock a bate knocked knocked Conjugare to knock
label a eticheta labeled labeled Conjugare to label
land a ateriza landed landed Conjugare to land
last a dura lasted lasted Conjugare to last
like a place liked liked Conjugare to like
link a lega linked linked Conjugare to link
list a nota pe o list listed listed Conjugare to list
listen a asculta listened listened Conjugare to listen
Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare
live a tri lived lived Conjugare to live
locate a localiza located located Conjugare to locate
look a privi looked looked Conjugare to look
love a iubi loved loved Conjugare to love
manage a administra managed managed Conjugare to manage
mark a marca marked marked Conjugare to mark
match a egala matched matched Conjugare to match
measure a msura measured measured Conjugare to measure
mention a meniona mentioned mentioned Conjugare to mention
miss a pierde missed missed Conjugare to miss
move a muta moved moved Conjugare to move
name a numi named named Conjugare to name
need a pretinde needed needed Conjugare to need
note a nota noted noted Conjugare to note
notice a observa noticed noticed Conjugare to notice
number a numra numbered numbered Conjugare to number
offer a oferi offered offered Conjugare to offer
open a deschide opened opened Conjugare to open
order a comanda ordered ordered Conjugare to order
organize a organiza organized organized Conjugare to organize
pack a mpacheta packed packed Conjugare to pack
paint a picta painted painted Conjugare to paint
pamper a rsfa pampered pampered Conjugare to pamper
pardon a scuza pardoned pardoned Conjugare to pardon
park a parca parked parked Conjugare to park
participate a participa participated participated Conjugare to participate
pass a trece passed passed Conjugare to pass
perform a ndeplini performed performed Conjugare to perform
persuade a convinge persuaded persuaded Conjugare to persuade
pick a scobi picked picked Conjugare to pick
plan a plnui planed planed Conjugare to plan
play a juca plaied plaied Conjugare to play
please a satisface pleased pleased Conjugare to please
practice a practica practiced practiced Conjugare to practice
predict a prezice predicted predicted Conjugare to predict
prefer a prefera prefered prefered Conjugare to prefer
present a prezenta presented presented Conjugare to present
Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare
program a programa programmed programmed Conjugare to program
protect a proteja protected protected Conjugare to protect
provide a furniza provided provided Conjugare to provide
purchase a achiziiona purchased purchased Conjugare to purchase
push a apsa pushed pushed Conjugare to push
receive a primi received received Conjugare to receive
recommend a recomanda recommended recommended Conjugare to recommend
relate a relata related related Conjugare to relate
relax a se relaxa relaxed relaxed Conjugare to relax
release a elibera released released Conjugare to release
remember a reine remembered remembered Conjugare to remember
repair a repara repaired repaired Conjugare to repair
repeat a repeta repeated repeated Conjugare to repeat
resist a rezista resisted resisted Conjugare to resist
rest a se odihni rested rested Conjugare to rest
return a reveni returned returned Conjugare to return
review a revizui reviewed reviewed Conjugare to review
sail a naviga sailed sailed Conjugare to sail
scan a scanda scaned scaned Conjugare to scan
scare a speria scared scared Conjugare to scare
share a mpri shared shared Conjugare to share
shop a face cumprturi shopped shopped Conjugare to shop
shout a striga shouted shouted Conjugare to shout
skate a patina skated skated Conjugare to skate
ski a schia skied skied Conjugare to ski
slow a ncetini slowed slowed Conjugare to slow
sneeze a strnuta sneezed sneezed Conjugare to sneeze
snow a presra snowed snowed Conjugare to snow
solve a rezolva solved solved Conjugare to solve
start a ncepe started started Conjugare to start
step a pi stepped stepped Conjugare to step
stop a opri stopped stopped Conjugare to stop
stress a sublinia stressed stressed Conjugare to stress
study a studia studied studied Conjugare to study
substitute a substitui substituted substituted Conjugare to substitute
suggest a sugera suggested suggested Conjugare to suggest
surprise a surprinde surprised surprised Conjugare to surprise
Infinitiv Traducere Trecut simplu Participiu trecut Conjugare
talk a vorbi talked talked Conjugare to talk
taste a gusta tasted tasted Conjugare to taste
terrorize a teroriza terrorized terrorized Conjugare to terrorize
thank a mulumi thanked thanked Conjugare to thank
touch a atinge touched touched Conjugare to touch
travel a cltori traveled traveled Conjugare to travel
try a ncerca tried tried Conjugare to try
tune a regla tuned tuned Conjugare to tune
turn a ntoarce turned turned Conjugare to turn
underline a sublinia underlined underlined Conjugare to underline
use a folosi used used Conjugare to use
vary a varia varied varied Conjugare to vary
wait a atepta waited waited Conjugare to wait
walk a umbla walked walked Conjugare to walk
want a vrea wanted wanted Conjugare to want
warn a avertiza warned warned Conjugare to warn
wash a spla washed washed Conjugare to wash
watch a urmri watched watched Conjugare to watch
water a uda watered watered Conjugare to water
welcome a saluta welcomed welcomed Conjugare to welcome
wish a dori wished wished Conjugare to wish
witness a mrturisi witnessed witnessed Conjugare to witness
work a lucra worked worked Conjugare to work
worry a ngrijora worried worried Conjugare to worry
wrestle a lupta wrestled wrestled Conjugare to wrestle

Exercitii cu verbe regulate

Traducere verbe regulate in romana
Traducere verbe regulate in engleza
Bingo cu verbe regulate in engleza

Linkuri asematoare cu verbele regulate

Lista verbelor neregulate in engleza
Lista adjective in engleza

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