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The standard treatment for acute appendicitis is appendectomy. However, initial antibiotic therapy is being studied as an alternative, especially for uncomplicated cases.

The standard treatment options for acute appendicitis are appendectomy, which can be performed either open or laparoscopically. Initial antibiotic therapy followed by appendectomy for non-responders is being studied as an alternative for uncomplicated cases.

Some reasons why appendectomy is still recommended over initial antibiotic therapy include: it can generally be performed with low morbidity; preoperative imaging cannot rule out complicated disease; patients with fecaliths on imaging often have complicated appendicitis; and patients risk progression of symptoms or developing complicated appendicitis with initial antibiotic therapy alone.

Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

Official reprint from UpToDate 2017 UpToDate

Management of acute appendicitis in adults

Authors: Douglas Smink, MD, MPH, David I Soybel, MD

Section Editor: Martin Weiser, MD
Deputy Editor: Wenliang Chen, MD, PhD

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Aug 2017. | This topic last updated: Jun 26, 2017.

INTRODUCTION The goal of management of acute appendicitis is early diagnosis and prompt
operative intervention. However, this goal is not always easily accomplished since many patients do not
seek medical attention in a timely manner and the diagnosis of appendicitis can be difficult [1]. Many
surgeons use an aggressive approach, accepting a certain number of negative appendectomies,
traditionally 15 percent, although the use of advanced abdominal imaging appears to have reduced the
negative appendectomy rate to less than 10 percent [2].

The management of appendicitis in adults will be reviewed here. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis
of appendicitis, appendicitis in pregnancy, and the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of abdominal pain
in general are discussed separately. (See "Acute appendicitis in adults: Clinical manifestations and
differential diagnosis" and "Acute appendicitis in pregnancy" and "Evaluation of the adult with abdominal
pain" and "Causes of abdominal pain in adults".)

ROLE OF NONOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Appendectomy remains the standard of care for

most patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. An alternative strategy is antibiotic therapy, with
appendectomy reserved for those who do not respond to this treatment or those who develop complicated
appendicitis. Some theorize that perforated and nonperforated appendicitis could have different patterns
and pathological processes [3]. There may be a subset of patients who will respond to nonoperative
management and for whom the risk of recurrent acute appendicitis are less than the potential risks
associated with appendectomy. However, given that the subset of patients least likely to fail initial
nonoperative management (37 percent in the meta-analysis below) has not been definitively determined,
we continue to recommend appendectomy as the preferred treatment for those with acute appendicitis,
complicated or uncomplicated, for the following reasons:

Appendectomy can generally be performed with low morbidity and very low mortality.

Preoperative abdominal computed tomography (CT) interpreted as uncomplicated appendicitis

cannot exclude the possibility of complicated disease. In one trial, among patients in the
appendectomy arm, 20 percent had complicated appendicitis identified at the time of surgery [4].

Patients with fecaliths on imaging had a high rate of complicated appendicitis (up to 40 percent).
Thus, for those with a fecalith identified on radiographic imaging (eg, plain abdominal films or CT
scan), we recommend against nonoperative management [4-6].

Patients treated nonoperatively are at risk for progression of symptoms or developing complicated

Patients treated nonoperatively have an appreciable rate of recurrent appendicitis (15 to 25 percent)

Nonoperative management poses a greater risk in certain patients, particularly elderly and

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Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

immunocompromised patients, since the severity of the disease can be underestimated, and because
the risk of unexpected lesions in the appendix, such as carcinoid and carcinoma, increases with age
[7-11]. (See 'Special considerations' below.)

Our recommendation is in line with treatment guidelines from the American College of Surgeons, the
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, and the World Society of Emergency Surgery [12]. All three
societies recommend appendectomy (either laparoscopic or open) as the treatment of choice for

For a small minority of patients with either prior history of surgical complications or severe phobia to
appendectomy, a nonoperative approach could be offered as an alternative to immediate surgery [13].

Several European trials randomly assigned adult patients with a diagnosis of acute uncomplicated
appendicitis to either initial appendectomy or initial antibiotic therapy. After receiving either intravenous or
oral antibiotics in the hospital for two days, patients assigned to initial antibiotics were either discharged
home with an additional seven days of oral antibiotics, or taken to surgery for lack of clinical improvement
(crossover) [4,14-18].

Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses based upon these trials compared the safety and efficacy
of antibiotic treatment versus appendectomy for the primary treatment of uncomplicated, acute
appendicitis [19-23]. Patients treated with antibiotics had fewer major (4.9 versus 8.4 percent) or minor
(2.2 versus 12.5 percent) complications compared with those who underwent surgery. For every 100
patients who were treated with antibiotics initially, 92 did not require surgery during the first month, but 23
experienced recurrent appendicitis within the first year [22]. The specific findings of the trials are as

Most patients assigned to the antibiotic-first approach were able to avoid appendectomy initially,
although up to 53 percent of patients crossed over to surgery within the first 48 hours of antibiotic

Patients in the antibiotic-first group had favorable clinical outcomes (including reduction in white-cell
count [15], avoidance of peritonitis [4], and general symptom reduction [14,16,17]).

As compared with the appendectomy group, patients in the antibiotic-first group had lower or similar
pain scores [4,14,15], required fewer doses of narcotics [15], and had a quicker return to work

As compared with the appendectomy group, the rate of perforation was not higher in the antibiotic-
first group.

After initial treatment success, 10 to 37 percent of the patients in the antibiotic-first group eventually
required appendectomy for recurrent appendicitis or symptoms of abdominal pain (mean time to
appendectomy, 4.2 to 7 months [4,15,16]). A separate, observational study showed an overall
recurrence rate of 13.8 percent in 159 patients treated initially with antibiotics then followed for two
years [24].

However, serious questions remain regarding the efficacy of using antibiotics as the primary treatment for
appendicitis. As examples:

Does antibiotic treatment increase hospital utilization, and therefore cost, both during the initial phase
of treatment and for recurrences?

Does the success in avoiding immediate surgery justify the fear and burden of potential recurrence or
missed appendiceal neoplasm (especially in older adults)?

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Although high-risk patients (eg, older adults, immunocompromised, patients with medical
comorbidities) could potentially benefit the most from nonsurgical treatment of appendicitis, they were
excluded from all trials cited above. Thus, the efficacy of the antibiotic-first approach to management
of appendicitis in this group of patients remains unknown. (See 'Special considerations' below.)

Large multicenter randomized trials in the US are needed before the antibiotic-first approach could be
considered comparable to appendectomy. Thus, we reiterate that the antibiotic-first approach should only
be offered to selected patients (eg, poor surgical candidates, patients who refuse surgery) after a careful
explanation of the risks. In general, appendectomy is still considered the standard of care in the treatment
of acute uncomplicated appendicitis [25].


Laparotomy versus laparoscopy An appendectomy is performed by the conventional open

laparotomy approach or by laparoscopy. The laparoscopic approach is used to perform an estimated 58
percent of all appendectomies in the United States [26-29]. The operative approach in patients with a
suspected appendicitis depends upon the confidence in the diagnosis, history of prior surgery, the
patient's age, gender, and body habitus, and the skills of the surgeon.

Randomized trials and prospective and retrospective observational studies evaluating laparoscopic and
open techniques have been performed to assess outcomes [28-31]. The pertinent findings include:

A trend analysis of prospectively collected data on 7446 patients undergoing a laparoscopic

appendectomy found that complication rates have significantly decreased over a decade of
observation [29]. For procedures performed at the end of the study period compared with procedures
performed at the beginning, there were significant reductions in the following outcomes:

Conversion from a laparoscopic to an open procedure (2.2 to 1.2 percent)

Intraoperative complications (3.1 to 0.7 percent)

Surgical postoperative complications (6.1 to 1.9 percent)

General postoperative complications (4.9 to 1.5 percent)

Rate of reoperation (3.4 to 0.7 percent)

Duration of hospital stay (4.9 to 3.5 days)

A meta-analysis of 56 randomized trials and 11 studies compared the outcomes of approximately

6000 adults and children with suspected acute appendicitis undergoing either laparoscopic
appendectomy or conventional open laparotomy [30]. There were both significantly better and worse
outcomes for the laparoscopic approach compared with the conventional open laparotomy. There
were no significant differences for adult outcomes compared with children.

The significantly better outcomes with the laparoscopic approach included:

A lower rate of wound infections (odds ratio [OR] 0.43, 95% CI 0.34-0.54)

Less pain on postoperative day 1 by the VAS pain score (8 mm, CI 5-11 mm)

Shorter duration of hospital stay (1.1 days, CI 0.7-1.5 days)

Shorter duration for return of bowel function (no data provided)

The significantly worse outcomes for the laparoscopic approach included:

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A higher rate of an intra-abdominal abscess (OR 1.77, CI 1.14-2.76)

A longer operative time (10 minutes, CI 6-15 minutes)

Higher operative and in-hospital costs

Outcome data on 235,473 patients with suspected acute appendicitis undergoing a laparoscopic or
open appendectomy between 2000 and 2005 were obtained from the US Nationwide Inpatient
Sample [27]. The frequency of laparoscopic appendectomies increased from 32 to 58 percent over
the study time period. The proportion of patients with uncomplicated appendicitis was significantly
higher in the laparoscopic group (76 versus 69 percent).

Patients undergoing a laparoscopic appendectomy for uncomplicated (eg, nonperforated, no

abscess) acute appendicitis were significantly more likely to have a shorter mean hospital stay
(1.5 versus 1.8 days), higher rates of intraoperative complications (OR 2.61, CI 2.23-3.05), and
higher costs (22 percent) compared with patients treated by an open appendectomy.

For patients with complicated appendicitis, defined as an appendiceal perforation or abscess,

laparoscopic approach was significantly associated with a shorter mean hospital stay (3.5 versus
4.2 days), higher rates of intraoperative complications (OR 1.61, CI 1.33-1.94), and higher
hospital costs (9 percent) compared to patients undergoing an open appendectomy for
complicated appendicitis.

Although laparoscopic appendectomy has gained widespread acceptance, these data show that there are
benefits and limitations to the laparoscopic approach. As a result, the choice of laparoscopic or open
appendectomy is best decided by the surgeon based on personal experience, institutional capabilities,
severity of disease, body habitus, and other factors. There are clinical settings when laparoscopy may be
the preferred approach. These include:

An uncertain diagnosis The laparoscopic approach provides an advantage in patients in whom the
diagnosis is uncertain since it permits inspection of other abdominal organs. This benefit may be
greater for women of childbearing age, who traditionally have had higher negative appendectomy
rates, and in whom laparoscopy may reveal other causes of pelvic pathology [32-35]. In a study of
181 women who underwent laparoscopy for suspected acute appendicitis, 86 (48 percent) were
diagnosed with a gynecologic disorder as the etiology of the symptoms [35].

Obese patients Laparoscopic appendectomy is useful in the overweight or obese patient, since
exposure of the right lower quadrant during open appendectomy may require larger, morbidity-prone
incisions [36-38]. In a retrospective review of 13,330 obese patients undergoing a primary
appendectomy for confirmed appendicitis, the laparoscopic approach (n = 10,409 patients) was
associated with a 57 percent reduction in overall morbidity compared with an open appendectomy
(5.23 versus 13.49 percent, odds ratio [OR] 0.43, 95% CI 0.36-0.52) [38]. In addition, the mortality
rate was also significantly lower for the patients undergoing a laparoscopic appendectomy (0.11
versus 0.58 percent, OR 0.47, 0.32-0.65).

Elderly patients Elderly patients may benefit significantly from a laparoscopic approach, as hospital
stay is shorter and discharge rates to home are higher in this population than with an open
appendectomy. In a retrospective review based upon outcome data from the North Carolina Hospital
Association Patient Data System on 29,244 appendectomies performed in adults, 2,722 were
performed in elderly patients (defined as age >65 years) [39]. Among the elderly patients,
laparoscopic appendectomy had the following benefits compared with elderly patients undergoing an
open appendectomy:

For uncomplicated appendicitis, laparoscopic appendectomy was associated with the following

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significant benefits: shorter length of hospital stay (4.6 versus 7.3 days), higher rate of discharge
to home rather than a step-down facility (91 versus 79 percent), fewer complications (13 versus
22 percent), and lower mortality rate (0.4 versus 2.1 percent).

For a perforated appendix, laparoscopic appendectomy was associated with the following
significant benefits: shorter length of hospital stay (6.8 versus 9.0 days), higher rate of discharge
to home (87 versus 71 percent), and equivalent mortality rates (0.37 versus 0.15 percent).

Disease severity score A scoring system has been proposed to assist in comparing outcomes and
therapeutic modalities based upon the operative findings [40]. This scoring system of acute appendicitis

Grade 1 Inflamed
Grade 2 Gangrenous
Grade 3 Perforated with localized free fluid
Grade 4 Perforated with regional abscess
Grade 5 Perforated with diffuse peritonitis

PREOPERATIVE PREPARATION Patients with acute appendicitis require adequate hydration with
intravenous fluids, correction of electrolyte abnormalities, and perioperative antibiotics [41]. The patient's
vital signs and urine output should be closely monitored. A Foley catheter may be required in severely
dehydrated patients. However, once the decision has been made to perform an operation for acute
appendicitis, the patient should proceed to the operating room with as little delay as possible to minimize
the chance of progression to perforation.

Antibiotics Prophylactic antibiotics are important for preventing wound infection and intra-abdominal
abscess following appendectomy [41]. The flora of the appendix reflects that of the colon and includes
gram-negative aerobes and anaerobes. Patients should receive prophylactic antibiotics within a 60-minute
"window" before the initial incision [42,43]. The selection of antibiotics is summarized here and discussed
in more detail separately. (See "Antimicrobial prophylaxis for prevention of surgical site infection in

Acute appendicitis In patients with acute non-perforated appendicitis, a single preoperative

antibiotic dose for surgical wound prophylaxis is adequate. Guidelines established by the Medical Letter
and the Surgical Care Improvement Project suggest the following options for colorectal procedures: a
single dose of cefoxitin (1 to 2 g IV), ampicillin/sulbactam (3 g IV), the combination of cefazolin (2 g if
<120 kg or 3 g if 120 kg IV) PLUS metronidazole (500 mg IV), or, in patients allergic to penicillins and
cephalosporins, clindamycin PLUS one of the following: ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, gentamicin, or
aztreonam (table 1) [44,45]. Postoperative antibiotics are unnecessary [46]. (See "Antimicrobial
prophylaxis for prevention of surgical site infection in adults" and "Control measures to prevent surgical
site infection following gastrointestinal procedures in adults", section on 'Gastroduodenal procedures'.)

Perforated appendicitis In patients with perforated appendicitis, the antibiotic regimen should
consist of empiric broad-spectrum therapy with activity against gram-negative rods and anaerobic
organisms pending culture results [47,48]. As initial choice of an antibiotic, we suggest either
monotherapy with a beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor (piperacillin-tazobactam or ticarcillin-
clavulanate) or the combination of a third-generation cephalosporin PLUS metronidazole (eg, ceftriaxone
plus metronidazole). Alternative regimens are shown in a table (table 2).

Regardless of the initial empiric regimen, the therapeutic regimen should be revisited once culture and
susceptibility results are available. Recovery of more than one organism should suggest polymicrobial
infection including anaerobes, even if no anaerobes are isolated in culture. In such circumstances,
anaerobic coverage should be continued. Combination therapy with a second or third generation

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cephalosporin or a fluoroquinolone plus metronidazole is adequate for most patients.

The duration of antibiotic therapy in such patients is discussed elsewhere. (See "Antimicrobial approach
to intra-abdominal infections in adults", section on 'Duration of therapy'.)


Patient preparation In the laparoscopic approach, an orogastric tube is typically placed to

decompress the stomach. The bladder can be decompressed either with a Foley catheter, or by having
the patient void immediately prior to entering the operating room.

Patient positioning The patient is positioned supine on the operating room table with the left arm
tucked. The video monitor is placed at the patient's right side, because once pneumoperitoneum is
performed, the surgeon and assistant both stand on the patient's left.

Port placement Various port placements have been advocated for laparoscopic appendectomy. These
methods share the principle of triangulation of instrument ports and the appendix to ensure adequate
visualization and exposure. In one method, pneumoperitoneum is obtained through a 12 mm periumbilical
port, through which the laparoscope is inserted and exploratory laparoscopy performed. The other two
ports are placed under direct vision: a 5 mm port in the left lower quadrant and a 5 mm suprapubic port in
the midline. If a 5 mm laparoscope is used, it can be placed through the left lower quadrant trocar, and the
umbilical 12 mm trocar can be used for a stapler. Most staplers require a 12 mm port (figure 1).

When the appendix is located in the retrocecal position, good triangulation of instruments can also be
achieved with a 12 mm port placed in the upper midline. This port allows instruments or the laparoscope
to be positioned for access to the gutter between the right colon and the abdominal wall. If the suspicion
for open conversion is high, all midline incisions should be oriented vertically so they can easily be
incorporated into a lower midline incision.

An alternative abdominal access method to triangulation of instrument ports is the umbilical single-incision
appendectomy [49,50]. Large, prospective studies are needed to determine if any clinical advantage
exists with this approach.

Mobilization and resection Once the diseased appendix is identified, any adhesions to surrounding
structures can be lysed with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. If a retrocecal appendix is
encountered, division of the lateral peritoneal attachments of the cecum to the abdominal wall often
improves visualization. Care must be taken to avoid underlying retroperitoneal structures, specifically the
right ureter and iliac vessels.

The appendix or mesoappendix can be gently grasped with a Babcock clamp and retracted anteriorly. The
appendiceal artery is identified and divided between hemostatic clips, using an ultrasonic scalpel, a
laparoscopic gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) stapler or other vessel ligation device. The appendix is
cleared to its attachment with the cecum, and the appendiceal base is divided using a laparoscopic
gastrointestinal anastomosis stapler (GIA) stapler, taking care not to leave a significant stump [51]. It is
sometimes necessary to include part of the cecum within the stapler to ensure that the staples are placed
in healthy, uninfected tissue.

The appendix is then removed through the umbilical port, using a specimen bag to avoid the risk of wound

The operative field is inspected for hemostasis and irrigated with saline if needed and then the fascial
defect and skin incisions are closed.


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Incision The patient should be reexamined after the induction of general anesthesia, as this allows
deep palpation of the abdomen. If a mass representing the inflamed appendix can be palpated, the
incision can be located over the mass. If no appendiceal mass is detected, the incision should be
centered over McBurney's point, one-third of the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the
umbilicus. A curvilinear incision in a skin fold allows for an excellent cosmetic result.

It is important not to make the incision too medial or too lateral. An incision placed too medial opens onto
the anterior rectus sheath, rather than the desired oblique muscles, while an incision placed too lateral
may be lateral to the abdominal cavity. Some surgeons prefer a transverse incision, however, because it
is easily extended to increased exposure if needed (figure 2).

Mobilization and resection The dissection begins through the subcutaneous tissue to the external
oblique fascia, which is sharply incised lateral to the rectus sheath. Using a muscle-splitting technique, the
external oblique is bluntly separated in the direction of the muscle fibers; the internal oblique and
transversus abdominus muscles are bluntly separated in a similar fashion. The peritoneum is sharply
entered, avoiding injury to the underlying intestine.

The surgeon can often locate the appendix by sweeping a finger laterally to medially in the right paracolic
gutter. Thin adhesions between the appendix and surrounding structures may generally be freed with
blunt dissection; occasionally, sharp dissection is required for more dense adhesions. If the appendix
cannot be identified through palpation, it can be located by following the teniae coli to its origin at the
cecal base.

Once identified and freed from adhesions, the appendix is delivered through the incision. The
mesoappendix may be grasped with a Babcock clamp, taking care not to tear the appendiceal wall and
cause spillage of enteric contents. The appendiceal artery, which runs in the mesoappendix, is divided
between hemostats and tied with 3-0 absorbable suture.

A non-absorbable purse-string suture is placed in the cecal wall around the appendix. After crushing the
appendiceal base with a Kelly clamp, the appendix is doubly tied with 2-0 absorbable suture. The
appendix is excised with a scalpel, and the remaining stump is cauterized to prevent a mucocele. The
appendiceal stump is typically inverted into the cecum while the purse-string suture is tightened, although
the usefulness of this is debatable [52-56].The surgical bed is then irrigated with saline.

Closure The incision is closed in layers with running 2-0 absorbable suture, beginning with the
peritoneum, followed by the transversus abdominus, internal oblique, and external oblique. Irrigation is
performed at each layer. To improve analgesia and limit postoperative narcotic requirements, the external
oblique fascia may be infused with local anesthetic. Scarpa's fascia is closed with interrupted 3-0
absorbable suture, followed by a subcuticular closure or staples for the skin. In nonperforated
appendicitis, the skin may be closed primarily with a low likelihood of wound infection.

Postoperative management With both the open and laparoscopic approaches, most patients are
discharged within 24 to 48 hours of surgery. Patients may be started on a clear liquid diet post-operatively
and advanced to regular diet as tolerated. Antibiotics are not required postoperatively in nonperforated

PERFORATED APPENDICITIS The time course of progression of appendicitis to necrosis and

perforation varies among patients. Approximately 20 percent of patients with perforated appendicitis
present within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms [57]. Although perforation is a major concern when
evaluating a patient with more than 24 hours of symptoms, perforation can develop more rapidly and
should always be considered.

Patients with perforated appendicitis may appear acutely ill and have significant dehydration and
electrolyte abnormalities, particularly if fever and vomiting have been present for a considerable time. The

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pain usually localizes to the right lower quadrant if the perforation has been walled off by surrounding
intra-abdominal structures such as the omentum, or can be diffuse if generalized peritonitis ensues.

Other unusual presentations of appendiceal perforation can occur, such as retroperitoneal abscess
formation due to perforation of a retrocecal appendix or liver abscess formation due to hematogenous
spread of infection through the portal venous system. An enterocutaneous fistula can result from an
intraperitoneal abscess that fistulizes to the skin. Appendiceal perforation can result in a small bowel
obstruction, manifested by bilious vomiting and obstipation. High fevers and jaundice can be seen with
pylephlebitis (septic portal vein thrombosis) and can be confused with cholangitis.

The management of appendiceal perforation will depend on the nature of the perforation. A free
perforation can cause intraperitoneal dissemination of pus and fecal material. Urgent laparotomy is
necessary for free perforation with appendectomy and irrigation and drainage of the peritoneal cavity.
These patients are typically quite ill and may be septic. The diagnosis is not always appreciated before
exploration and a midline incision is prudent. If the diagnosis of perforated appendicitis is certain, a right
lower quadrant incision can be used.

For management of a contained perforation, nonoperative treatment is an option. (See 'Staged approach'
below.) Treatment should be individualized for each patient, based on the clinical situation and the
hospital's capabilities.

Incision Operative technique is similar in appendectomies for perforated or nonperforated appendicitis.

In an open appendectomy for perforation, a larger incision may be needed to provide adequate exposure
for drainage of abscesses, enteric contents, and purulent material. In some instances, a lower midline
incision is preferable to a right lower quadrant incision. In both open and laparoscopic approaches, the
goal is to remove any infected material and drain all abscess cavities. Copious irrigation is used to reduce
the likelihood of postoperative abscess formation. Once the appendix and infected material have been
removed, the muscle layers of the open incision are closed as previously described.

Drains Peritoneal drains are not necessary, as they do not reduce the incidence of wound infection or
abscess after appendectomy for perforated appendicitis [58,59]. A systematic review identified five trials
examining the use of drains after emergency appendectomy [60]. There were no significant differences
between the groups for intraperitoneal abscess or wound infection. The length of hospital stay was
significantly longer for the drainage compared with no drainage.

Closure Skin closure techniques include primary closure, loose partial closure, and closure with
secondary intention. Because of wound infection rates ranging from 30-50 percent with primary closure of
grossly contaminated wounds, many advocate delayed primary or secondary closure [61,62]. However, a
cost-utility analysis of contaminated appendectomy wounds showed primary closure to be the most cost-
effective method of wound management [63].

Our technique of skin closure is interrupted permanent sutures or staples every 2 cm with loose wound
packing in between. Removal of the packing in 48 hours often leaves an excellent cosmetic result with an
acceptable incidence of wound infection. If heavy fecal contamination is present, the skin is often left open
to close secondarily.

Postoperative management Postoperatively, these patients often have an ileus, and diet should only
be advanced as the clinical situation warrants. Patients may be discharged once they tolerate a regular
diet, usually in five to seven days.

The duration of antibiotic therapy in such patients is discussed elsewhere. (See "Antimicrobial approach
to intra-abdominal infections in adults", section on 'Duration of therapy'.)

Staged approach Patients who present 24 to 72 hours after the onset of symptoms usually undergo

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immediate appendectomy. In contrast, patients who present with a longer duration of symptoms (more
than five days) and have findings localized to the right lower quadrant should be treated initially with
antibiotics, intravenous fluids, and bowel rest. These patients will often have a palpable mass on physical
examination; a computed tomography (CT) scan may reveal a phlegmon or abscess. Fortunately, many of
these patients will respond to nonoperative management since the appendiceal process has already been

Immediate surgery in patients with a long duration of symptoms and phlegmon formation is associated
with increased morbidity, due to dense adhesions and inflammation. Under these circumstances,
appendectomy often requires extensive dissection and may lead to injury of adjacent structures.
Complications such as a postoperative abscess, or enterocutaneous fistula may ensue, necessitating an
ileocolectomy or cecostomy. Because of these potential complications, a nonoperative approach can be
considered if the patient is not ill-appearing [64-67].

If imaging studies demonstrate an abscess cavity, CT- or ultrasound-guided drainage can often be
performed percutaneously or transrectally [67-69]. Studies suggest that this approach to appendiceal
abscesses results in fewer complications and shorter overall length of stay [66,70,71]. Percutaneous
drainage, generally with CT guidance, is a temporizing treatment option for perforated appendicitis.
Patients who are clinically healthy but have a well-circumscribed abscess, or those who appear too sick to
withstand an operation, are ideally suited to undergo percutaneous drainage. This allows inflammation to
subside, sometimes negating the need for extended bowel resection, such as ileocecectomy.

In a retrospective study of 98 patients who underwent percutaneous drainage of appendiceal abscesses,

79 percent achieved complete resolution, defined as clinical recovery, resolution on imaging, and drain
removal without recurrence [72]. The success rate was higher with lower-grade abscesses, transgluteal
approach (91 percent), and CT-guided drainage (83 percent) as opposed to higher-grade abscesses,
other abdominal approaches (79 percent), and ultrasound-guided drainage (64 percent). In that study, 81
percent of patients underwent appendectomy after the resolution of the abscess.

Nonoperative management includes intravenous antibiotics and fluids as well as bowel rest. Patients
should be closely monitored in the hospital during this time. Treatment failure, as evidenced by bowel
obstruction, sepsis, or persistent pain, fever, or leukocytosis, requires immediate appendectomy. If fever,
tenderness, and leukocytosis improve, diet can be slowly advanced, usually within three to five days.
Patients are discharged home when clinical parameters have normalized.

The duration of antibiotic therapy in such patients is discussed elsewhere. (See "Antimicrobial approach
to intra-abdominal infections in adults", section on 'Duration of therapy'.)

Interval appendectomy Using the initial nonoperative approach outlined above, more than 80 percent
of patients who present with a "walled-off" appendiceal process can be spared an appendectomy at the
time of initial presentation. Traditionally, an interval appendectomy has been recommended for these
patients six to eight weeks after presentation for two primary reasons [73]:

To prevent recurrence of appendicitis [14,74].

To exclude neoplasms (such as carcinoid, adenocarcinoma, mucinous cystadenoma, and

cystadenocarcinomas) [7,75,76], especially in older adults who have higher incidences of
appendiceal neoplasm [77]. Older patients should also have a colonoscopy or barium enema to rule
out cecal pathology. (See "Cancer of the appendix and pseudomyxoma peritonei".)

The need for interval appendectomy is debated, with some studies suggesting that interval appendectomy
is unnecessary [78,79]. In a retrospective review of 1012 patients treated nonoperatively for acute
appendicitis, 864 patients did not undergo an interval appendectomy [79]. Of those 864 patients, 39 (4.5
percent) required an appendectomy at a median follow-up of four years. A meta-analysis of 61

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observational studies in which an appendiceal abscess or phlegmon was present in 3.8 percent of
patients with appendicitis found that immediate surgery was associated with higher morbidity than
nonsurgical treatment [78]. After successful nonsurgical treatment, a malignant disease was detected in
1.2 percent of cases and an important benign disease in 0.7 percent. Recurrent appendicitis developed in
7.4 percent of cases (95% CI 3.7-11.1).

For these reasons, it is our practice is to recommend interval appendectomy for most adult patients.
Colonoscopy should be considered prior to appendectomy in patients over 50 who have not had a recent

COMPLICATIONS The most common complication following appendectomy is infection (either a

simple wound infection or an intraabdominal abscess). Both occur typically in patients with perforated
appendicitis; they are very rare in those with simple appendicitis. Thorough irrigation and broad spectrum
antibiotics are used to minimize the incidence of postoperative infections. The practice of delayed primary
closure has not been established to be beneficial [80]. Thus, we recommend primary closure of the wound
following open appendectomy.

The rate of surgical site infections for a laparoscopic appendectomy compared with an open
appendectomy was evaluated in a retrospective review of 39,950 patients identified from the American
College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database [81].

Incisional infections Patients undergoing a laparoscopic appendectomy (n = 30,575) had

significantly fewer incisional infections (1.7 versus 5.2 percent) compared with patients undergoing an
open appendectomy (n = 9375). The protective effect of a laparoscopic appendectomy was greatest
for patients with Class IV wounds (n = 8652, OR 3.03, 95% CI 2.44-3.85) but was also significant for
patients with wound class II and II (n = 31,298, OR 2.44, 95% CI 2.04-2.94) (table 3).

Organ space infections In contrast, a multivariate analysis found that patients undergoing a
laparoscopic appendectomy were significantly more likely to have an organ space infection (OR 1.44,
95% CI 1.21-1.73). The deleterious association was reported for wound class II or III (OR 1.67, 95%
CI 1.18-2.46) and wound class IV (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.11-1.68) (table 3).

An uncommon complication is pylephlebitis, which refers to thrombosis and infection within the portal
venous system. It can occur following any intraabdominal infection. This complication has become
exceedingly rare in the modern era of antibiotics, but should be considered in patients with fever and
abnormal liver function tests. (See "Pylephlebitis".)


Normal appendix The diagnosis of appendicitis can be uncertain. In some historical studies, more
than 15 percent of patients with suspected appendicitis have a normal appendix at laparotomy, with higher
percentages in infants, the elderly and young women [82]. However, the use of imaging studies appears
to have reduced the negative appendectomy rate to less than 10 percent [2].

If an uninflamed appendix is encountered at appendectomy, it is important to search for other causes of

the patient's symptoms, including terminal ileitis, cecal or sigmoid diverticulitis or a perforating colon
carcinoma, Meckel's diverticulitis, mesenteric adenitis, or uterine, fallopian, or ovarian pathology in a
female. If necessary, the right lower quadrant incision may be extended medially to afford exposure to left-
sided pelvic organs.

Even if the appendix appears normal, early intramural or serosal inflammatory changes can sometimes be
found in subsequent microscopic evaluation [83,84]. Accordingly, the normal appearing appendix should
be removed. Moreover, if right lower quadrant pain recurs, appendicitis can be excluded from the
differential diagnosis [85-87].

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Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

Elderly patients One in every 2000 adults over age 65 will develop appendicitis annually, making
appendicitis an important cause of abdominal pain in this age group. The elderly tend to have a
diminished inflammatory response, resulting in a less remarkable history and physical examination [88].
For these reasons, older patients often delay seeking medical care and as a result, they have a
considerably higher rate of perforation at the time of presentation [89,90]. These patients may have
cardiac, pulmonary, and renal conditions with resulting morbidity and mortality from perforation. In one
series, the mortality from perforated appendicitis in patients over age 80 was 21 percent [91]. In addition,
diverticulitis and colonic neoplasms are more common in this age group and can mimic appendicitis.
Elderly patients can also have a redundant sigmoid colon that can cause right-sided pain from sigmoid
disease. Accordingly, prompt CT scanning can improve diagnostic accuracy in this population [92].

Laparoscopic appendectomy can be used successfully in the elderly population and results in shorter
hospitalization for older patients with both perforated and nonperforated appendicitis [39,93]. A study of
2722 appendectomies in patients over 65 years of age demonstrated a significantly shorter length of stay
(4.6 versus 7.3 days) and a higher rate of discharge to home (91.4 versus 78.9 percent), fewer
complications (13.0 versus 22.4 percent), and a lower mortality rate (0.4 versus 2.1 percent) than with
open operation [39]. It is notable that this study showed fewer complications with laparoscopic
appendectomy than open operation, which differs from other large population based studies [26,27].

Immunocompromised patients Immunocompromised patients are increasingly common in surgical

practice and include organ transplant patients and those receiving immunosuppressive therapy for
autoimmune diseases, cancer and AIDS. Although certain causes of abdominal pain are specific to the
immunocompromised state, appendicitis remains a concern [94,95]. (See "Surgical issues in HIV

The immunocompromised are susceptible to infection, and their immune response is blunted due to
immunosuppressive medication or disease. As a result, they may not exhibit the typical signs and
symptoms of appendicitis, and may have only mild tenderness on examination. In addition, laboratory and
radiological tests may not show the expected level of inflammation. An expanded differential diagnosis
includes but is not limited to opportunistic (mycobacterial) and viral (cytomegalovirus) infections, fungal
infections, secondary malignancies (lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma), and typhlitis. Because of the
broad differential diagnoses, there is often delay in reaching a diagnosis and presentation to surgical
evaluation, which can increase the risk of perforation [94,96].

CT is particularly useful in this patient population, as it may not only diagnose appendicitis, but may
eliminate or diagnose other potential causes for the patient's symptoms. If appendicitis is strongly
suspected, operation should not be delayed, as there is no specific contraindication to operation in
immunocompromised patients.

Children Appendicitis in children is discussed in detail separately. (See "Acute appendicitis in children:
Diagnostic imaging" and "Acute appendicitis in children: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis" and "Acute
appendicitis in children: Management".)

Pregnancy Pregnancy poses unique challenges in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Acute appendicitis in
pregnancy is discussed in detail separately. (See "Acute appendicitis in pregnancy".)

Appendiceal neoplasms Neoplasms of the appendix are rare, occurring in less than one percent of
appendectomies. Patients may present with symptoms of appendicitis, a palpable mass, intussusception,
urologic symptoms, or an incidentally discovered mass on abdominal imaging or at laparotomy for another
purpose. It is not uncommon for patients with an appendiceal neoplasm to have acute appendicitis as well
[97]. Typically, the diagnosis is not appreciated until laparotomy or pathologic evaluation of the
appendectomy specimen. The most common appendiceal tumors include cystic neoplasms, carcinoid
tumors, adenocarcinoma, and metastases. Other tumors have been reported but are extremely rare, such

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Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

as lymphoma, stromal tumors (leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma), and Kaposi's sarcoma [76].

Primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix Standard treatment is right hemicolectomy and

reoperation is recommended if the diagnosis is made on pathologic evaluation of an appendectomy
specimen. This is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Cancer of the appendix and pseudomyxoma

Cystic neoplasms and pseudomyxoma peritonei Sometimes referred to as mucoceles,

mucinous neoplasms of the appendix include a spectrum of diseases including simple cyst, mucinous
cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, and pseudomyxoma peritonei. If there is any preoperative
suspicion of an appendiceal tumor, care must be taken to avoid spillage of mucin-secreting cells
throughout the abdomen. These tumors are discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Cancer of the appendix
and pseudomyxoma peritonei".)

Carcinoid tumor of the appendix As noted above, appendicitis can uncommonly be caused by a
carcinoid that obstructs the appendiceal lumen. Simple appendectomy is sufficient in most cases of
appendiceal carcinoid while right hemicolectomy is indicated if the tumor is >2 cm in diameter or if the
adjacent mesenteric nodes are involved. Management of carcinoid tumors is discussed elsewhere in
detail. (See "Cancer of the appendix and pseudomyxoma peritonei" and "Clinical characteristics of
carcinoid tumors".)

Chronic appendicitis Chronic appendicitis refers to the pathologic finding of chronic inflammation or
fibrosis of the appendix found in a subset of patients undergoing appendectomy [98,99]. These patients
are clinically characterized by prolonged (>7 days) right lower quadrant pain that may be intermittent and
a normal white blood cell count. Most patients have resolution of pain with appendectomy. Chronic
appendicitis may be present in 14 to 30 percent of adults undergoing appendectomy [98,99] but is much
rarer in children.

Recurrent appendicitis can occur but is also rare in children; such cases may be caused by a carcinoid
tumor or a retained foreign body (eg, fecalith) in the lumen of the appendix [100]. Stump appendicitis is a
form of recurrent appendicitis that is related to incomplete appendectomy that leaves an excessively long
stump after open or laparoscopic surgery. (See "Acute appendicitis in children: Management", section on

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The
Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at
the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have
about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer
short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated,
and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for
patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail
these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by
searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

Basics topics (see "Patient education: Appendicitis in adults (The Basics)")

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Surgery remains the gold standard for the treatment of

The preoperative preparation for appendectomy includes intravenous hydration, correction of

electrolyte abnormalities, and perioperative antibiotics. (See 'Preoperative preparation' above.)

12 de 20 19/09/2017 20:47
Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

Both open and laparoscopic approaches to appendectomy are appropriate for all patients. Patients
treated with a laparoscopic appendectomy have significantly fewer wound infections, less pain, and a
shorter duration of hospital stay, but higher rates of readmission, intra-abdominal abscess formation,
and higher hospital costs. (See 'Surgical outcomes' above.)

An appendectomy rather than medical management with antibiotics alone is the gold standard for
patients with a history and clinical findings, and radiographic images, consistent with appendicitis.
Although some patients do well with antibiotic therapy alone, they are at risk of recurrent appendicitis.
(See 'Role of nonoperative management' above.)

A temporizing nonoperative approach with antibiotics, hydration, bowel rest, and percutaneous image
guided abscess drainage is used as needed for patients with over five days of symptoms and an
imaging study that reveals the formation of a phlegmon or an abscess. (See 'Staged approach'

Following a temporizing, nonoperative management for appendiceal abscess or phlegmon, an

elective appendectomy is performed for most patients, typically six to eight weeks following initial
presentation. (See 'Interval appendectomy' above.)

If a normal appearing appendix is identified during surgical exploration for right lower abdominal pain,
an appendectomy should be performed. It is important to search for other causes of the patient's
symptoms, including terminal ileitis, cecal or sigmoid diverticulitis or a perforating colon carcinoma,
Meckel's diverticulitis, mesenteric adenitis, or uterine, fallopian, or ovarian pathology in a female.
(See 'Normal appendix' above.)

Use of UpToDate is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement.

Topic 1383 Version 47.0

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Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate


Antimicrobial prophylaxis for gastrointestinal surgery in adults

Nature of Common Recommended Usual adult Redose

operation pathogens antimicrobials dose* interval

Gastroduodenal surgery

Procedures Enteric gram- Cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours

involving entry negative bacilli, 120 kg: 3 g IV
into lumen of gram-positive cocci

Procedures not Enteric gram- High risk only: <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours
involving entry negative bacilli, cefazolin 120 kg: 3 g IV
into lumen of gram-positive cocci
tract (selective

Biliary tract surgery (including pancreatic procedures)

Open procedure Enteric gram- Cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours

or laparoscopic negative bacilli, 120 kg: 3 g IV
procedure (high enterococci,
risk) clostridia OR cefotetan 2 g IV Six hours

OR cefoxitin 2 g IV Two hours

OR ampicillin- 3 g IV Two hours


Laparoscopic N/A None None None

procedure (low


Enteric gram- Cefoxitin 2 g IV Two hours

negative bacilli,
OR cefotetan 2 g IV Six hours
enterococci OR cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours
120 kg: 3 g IV

PLUS metronidazole 500 mg IV N/A

Small intestine surgery

Nonobstructed Enteric gram- Cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours

negative bacilli, 120 kg: 3 g IV
gram-positive cocci

Obstructed Enteric gram- Cefoxitin 2 g IV Two hours

negative bacilli,
OR cefotetan 2 g IV Six hours
enterococci OR cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours
120 kg: 3 g IV

PLUS metronidazole 500 mg IV N/A

Hernia repair

Aerobic gram- Cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours

positive organisms 120 kg: 3 g IV

Colorectal surgery

Enteric gram- Parenteral:

14 de 20 19/09/2017 20:47
Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

negative bacilli,
anaerobes, Cefoxitin 2 g IV Two hours
OR cefotetan 2 g IV Six hours

OR cefazolin <120 kg: 2 g IV Four hours

120 kg: 3 g IV

PLUS 500 mg IV N/A


OR ampicillin- 3 g IV (based on Two hours

sulbactam ,** combination)

Oral (used in conjunction with mechanical bowel preparation):

Neomycin PLUS
base or

IV: intravenous.
* Parenteral prophylactic antimicrobials can be given as a single IV dose begun within 60 minutes before the
procedure. If vancomycin or a fluoroquinolone is used, the infusion should be started within 60 to 120 minutes before
the initial incision to have adequate tissue levels at the time of incision and to minimize the possibility of an infusion
reaction close to the time of induction of anesthesia.
For prolonged procedures (>3 hours) or those with major blood loss or in patients with extensive burns, additional
intraoperative doses should be given at intervals one to two times the half-life of the drug.
For patients allergic to penicillins and cephalosporins, clindamycin (900 mg) or vancomycin (15 mg/kg IV; not to
exceed 2 g) with either gentamicin (5 mg/kg IV), ciprofloxacin (400 mg IV), levofloxacin (500 mg IV), or aztreonam
(2 g IV) is a reasonable alternative. Metronidazole (500 mg IV) plus an aminoglycoside or fluoroquinolone are also
acceptable alternative regimens, although metronidazole plus aztreonam should not be used, since this regimen does
not have aerobic gram-positive activity.
Morbid obesity, gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction, decreased gastric acidity or GI motility, gastric bleeding,
malignancy or perforation, or immunosuppression.
Factors that indicate high risk may include age >70 years, pregnancy, acute cholecystitis, nonfunctioning gall
bladder, obstructive jaundice, common bile duct stones, immunosuppression.
Cefotetan, cefoxitin, and ampicillin-sulbactam are reasonable alternatives.
For a ruptured viscus, therapy is often continued for approximately five days.
Use of ertapenem or other carbapenems not recommended due to concerns of resistance.
** Due to increasing resistance of Escherichia coli to fluoroquinolones and ampicillin-sulbactam, local sensitivity
profiles should be reviewed prior to use.
In addition to mechanical bowel preparation, the following oral antibiotic regimen is administered. 1 g of neomycin
plus 1 g of erythromycin base at 1 PM, 2 PM, and 11 PM, or 2 g of neomycin plus 2 g of metronidazole at 7 PM and 11
PM the day before an 8 AM operation. Issues related to mechanical bowel preparation are discussed further
separately. Refer to UpToDate topic on overview of colon resection.

Data from:
1. Antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgery. Med Lett Drugs Ther 2016; 58:63.
2. Bratzler DW, Dellinger EP, Olsen KM, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery.
Surg Infec (Larchmt) 2013; 14:73.

Graphic 65369 Version 31.0

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Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

Empiric antibiotic therapy for gram-negative and anaerobic pathogens

Regimen Dose (adult)*

First choice

Monotherapy with a beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor:

Ampicillin-sulbactam 3 g IV every six hours

Piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375 or 4.5 g IV every six hours

Ticarcillin-clavulanate 3.1 g IV every four hours

Combination third generation cephalosporin PLUS metronidazole:

Ceftriaxone plus 1 g IV every 24 hours or 2 g IV every 12 hours for CNS


Metronidazole 500 mg IV every eight hours

Alternative empiric regimens

Combination fluoroquinolone PLUS metronidazole:

Ciprofloxacin or 400 mg IV every 12 hours

Levofloxacin plus 500 or 750 mg IV once daily

Metronidazole 500 mg IV every eight hours

Monotherapy with a carbapenem :

Imipenem-cilastatin 500 mg IV every six hours

Meropenem 1 g IV every eight hours

Doripenem 500 mg IV every eight hours

Ertapenem 1 g IV once daily

* Antibiotic doses should be adjusted appropriately for patients with renal insufficiency or other dose-related
E coli resistance to Ampicillin-sulbactam is emerging in some areas; check local susceptibility data.
Some clinicians use 4.5 g every eight hours for empiric therapy since the percent time above the MIC is similar
between the regimens for most pathogens; however, this regimen is NOT recommended for nosocomial pneumonia or
Pseudomonas coverage. Please refer to UpToDate topics on the "Treatment of hospital-acquired, ventilator-associated,
and healthcare-associated pneumonia in adults" and "Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections".
Fluoroquinolones are generally avoided in pregnant women due to potential fetal toxicity.
Use carbapenems cautiously in patients with immediate-type hypersensitivity to beta-lactams.
Ertapenem lacks activity against Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas and is not an appropriate choice for severe or
nosocomial infection.

Graphic 67894 Version 15.0

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Laparoscopic appendectomy

Illustration by Jenny Wang.

Graphic 78264 Version 5.0

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Open appendectomy

Graphic 53185 Version 1.0

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Surgical wound classification

Class I/Clean
An uninfected operative wound in which no inflammation is encountered and the respiratory, alimentary, genital,
or uninfected urinary tract is not entered. In addition, clean wounds are primarily closed and, if necessary,
drained with closed drainage. Operative incisional wounds that follow nonpenetrating (blunt) trauma should be
included in this category if they meet the criteria.

Class II/Clean-Contaminated
An operative wound in which the respiratory, alimentary, genital, or urinary tracts are entered under controlled
conditions and without unusual contamination. Specifically, operations involving the biliary tract, appendix,
vagina, and oropharynx are included in this category, provided no evidence of infection or major break in
technique is encountered.

Class III/Contaminated
Open, fresh, accidental wounds. In addition, operations with major breaks in sterile technique (eg, open cardiac
massage) or gross spillage from the gastrointestinal tract, and incisions in which acute, nonpurulent
inflammation is encountered are included in this category.

Class IV/Dirty-Infected
Old traumatic wounds with retained devitalized tissue and those that involve existing clinical infection or
perforated viscera. This definition suggests that the organisms causing postoperative infection were present in
the operative field before the operation.

Garner JS. CDC guideline for prevention of surgical wound infections, 1985. Supercedes guideline for prevention of
surgical wound infections published in 1982. (Originally published in 1995). Revised. Infect Control 1986; 7:193.
Simmons BP. Guideline for prevention of surgical wound infections. Infect Control 1982; 3:185.

Graphic 51272 Version 2.0

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Management of acute appendicitis in adults - UpToDate

Contributor Disclosures
Douglas Smink, MD, MPH Nothing to disclose David I Soybel, MD Nothing to disclose Martin Weiser,
MD Nothing to disclose Wenliang Chen, MD, PhD Nothing to disclose

Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found, these are
addressed by vetting through a multi-level review process, and through requirements for references to be
provided to support the content. Appropriately referenced content is required of all authors and must
conform to UpToDate standards of evidence.

Conflict of interest policy

20 de 20 19/09/2017 20:47

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