Smart Metering System For Electrical Power Distribution

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Er. Suraj Shivapori

CMD, M.P.M.K.V.V. Co. Ltd. Bhopal.
Er. Avinash Kumar Tiwari
Addl. S.E. Meter Testing Dn.I,
M.P.M.K.V.V. Co. Ltd. Bhopal.
Er. K.S. Rajput
Addl. S.E., Meter Testing Dn.II
M.P.M.K.V.V. Co. Ltd. Bhopal

INTRODUCTION communication, (GSM) along with modems for

telemetering (Remote Metering) have also been
In the present scenario, the use of advanced used (The remote metering through GSM
technologies such as digital metering, use of IT in modems is done for 9 Nos. HT consumers at
metering etc. has become extremely necessary to Mandideep, Industrial Area of M.P.M.K.V.V. Co.
achieve greater efficiency, theft reduction to Ltd. Bhopal). The latest development which is
reduce AT & C losses and to improve revenue under consideration for implementation is
collection. The utilities and planners should now installation of Prepaid Meters for LT consumers.
focus on best use of IT Technology to develop a
full ‘smart’ system, which is capable of offering
long term benefits and comprehensive solutions in In addition to above as per the present
addition to theft reduction. requirement with the introduction of New
Availability based tarriff, now the Company’s aim
Table 1 compares different metering/IT will be to get developed a low cost fully intelligent
technology in terms of their capabilities. Digital smart meter, through which in addition to
meters have now become the norm for India. Automatic meter reading other monitoring such as
These improve accuracy, but still a lot is required load and voltage monitoring in the consumer’s
to be done to make best use of these meters by premises could also be done, remotely, from the
switching over to Automatic meter reading for control room of the utility. It is proposed that the
instantaneous bill generation and quick revenue latest IT technology in meters,for metering, billing
realization. In the next phase the concept of load and payment for such remotely scattered large
control/management according to power number of retail customers, like the
availability can be implemented by using these communication towers, repeater stations,
meters. branches of Banks, railway stations etc. may be
employed by using the required modem and by
Fundamentally Information Technology is a using the proper communication links. This will
means of creating, transmitting, analyzing and reduce the problems of metering, reading, bill
storing information. The use of IT in Metering distribution and consequent payments by
started with the advent of Static (Electronic) generating all the bills at one place and timely
Energy meters. These meters are sending them to concerned organization’s paying
microprocessors based. The programmability of centres. This arrangement will benefit the utility as
microprocessor has enabled the meter well as the concerned institutions. With the
manufacturers to incorporate various features implementation of these IT interventions wide
like Tamper data, Import-Export metering, Time ranging benefits may be availed even in a
of day metering, load pattern analysis in these BIMARU State like Madhya Pradesh.
meters. The meters were made communicable.
Various data can be gathered through
communication Port (Optical Port) by a hand held 1.0 Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)
device known as M.R.I.(Meter Reading
Instrument). These data could be transported to It is a process of digitally “noting” the
the base computers at the utilities for onward energy meter readings. This process eliminates
processing and interpretation. the traditional “paper and pen” and the errors
associated with manual reading/ recording/
The advancement in Electronics and IT have processing of the meter data. Automatic Meter
enabled the utilities in transmitting information reading also makes the data recording fast and
over the power lines themselves using Power line saves on time and hence complies with the
carier communications (PLCC). Further the other definition of automation.
networking options such as low power or high
power radio links (Presently used in DTR metering The AMR can be further classified based
in MP MK VV Co. Ltd.), telephone lines, mobile on the distance between the meter reading station

Page 1
and the target meter. Firstly the local-AMR h) There will be improved vigilance as
wherein a meter man goes to read the meter with demand/overdrawl of the consumer
a hand held device (MRI) for collecting the will be readily available and any
readings. Secondly, Remote AMR in which the tamper recording will immediately
meter is dialed from the central office using come into notice.
appropriate Modems to collect the meter reading i) There will be quick detection of any
from a distance. The pre-qualifier to both the defect in the meter.
AMR’s is the communication ability of the energy j) Consumers complaints on A/C of
meter. Meter reading/billing will be avoided.

2.2 Benefits of AMR to the consumers:

2.0 Meter reading, a retro spection a) Consumers can budget their expenditure
on electricity by regularly keeping a watch
Meter readings is the feedback loop for the utility’s on it.
efficient operation and besides completing the b) The reading date for each month can be
revenue cycle, the meter reading provides vital fixed. The consumption period will neither
data for the following utility operations. expand nor shrink on a/c of variation of
size of calendar month or due to any
i. Billing other reason.
ii. Energy Audit c) Total transperancy in Meter reading/billing
iii. Tariff formulation is ensured.
iv. Electricity regulator d) The bills through e.mail are available to
v. Load research the consumers for their connections which
vi. Grouping of feeder is not possible in manual bill distribution.
e) Improved service quality,more choices
We have switched over to intelligent and faster response time will eliminate
electronic meters to avail its benefits. Now it is consumer complaints and result in
needed to change the meter reading process. customer satisfaction.

2.1 Benefits of A.M.R. to the utility: 2.3 Cost associated with manual meter
a) The time to access the site & time to reading
read the meter manually will be
curtailed. The cost headings associated with meter
b) Meter readings will be accurate and readings are indicated in Table-2.
human errors while reading, recording
and data entry are eliminated. 2.4 Problems with AMR:
c) The accessibility obstacles to meter i. Adoption of new technology may
on account of location (Rural/Indoor) take time.
will be eliminated. ii. Physical site checking will be
d) Meter reading cost i.e. Number of reduced.
Meter readers and These problems are meagre as compared to the
transportation/travel related cost will huge benefits those are likely to occur.
be reduced.
e) Risk/otherwise the insurance cost will 3.0 The Remote Meter reading set up
be minimized.
f) There will be a saving on seals and 3.1 R M R Block Diagram :
stationeries. A typical Remote Meter Reading (RMR) set-up
g) The cash flow will be improved due to can be conceptualized using the following block
faster meter reading, bill preparation diagram.
and distribution. There will be faster
meter reading to cash realization.


1 2 3 4 5
Electronic Media Data Media Host PC at
Energy Interface Communication Interface Meter reading
Meter Device Media Device Station with
(In PSTN/GSM/ (Out station) Compatible
station CDMA Software
Page 2
3.2 Electronic Energy Meter : 3.7.2 Wireless in local loop (WLL), which
includes Global system for Mobile communication
The basic pre requisite for RMR is the ability of (GSM) or code division Multiple access or CDMA .
the Electronic Energy Meter to communicate 3.7.3 Dedicated radio link which includes
electronically. For mission specific applications it Low Power Radio (L.P.R.) and High Power Radio
is advisable to have the energy meter which (H.P.R.) based AMR.
power from auxiliary power and would also 3.7.4 Fibre optic/coaxial cable.
communicate during power outages. 3.7.5 Power line communication and
3.3 Media Interface Device (In-Station)
The communication media is choosen after
Media Interface device is a two port intelligent analysis of its :
device which processes; stores and communicate i. Cost
the data stream, based on individual network ii. Availability
needs connected at either ends of it. The iii. Reliability
selection of this block depend upon the iv. Immunity to environmental/ man made
communication media selected. disturbances
v. Secrecy and ease of interface.
3.4 Data Communication Media : 4.0 Financial Modelling and justification of
Communication media consists of complex sub- The utilities should also consider
elements like the local-loops on either side, series consumer value, life cycle costs and balance
of intelligent switches, trunk-lines based on sheet issues in addition to current cost of labor
varieties of components like micro-wave, fiber while working out benefits of AMR. They should
optics or VSATS. There are two broad also analyse how consumer’s view modernization
classifications of communication media as circuit and what they are willing to pay for it. Most
switch communication network and packet switch financial modal today computes either the
communication network. While most of legacy payback period or return on investment of RMR
applications work on the circuit switch network, scheme. Both of these approaches are
the packet switch network is emerging rapidly, inappropriate. Pay back period is not proper
which is where the communication technology is because it takes a long time to install RMR
heading towards. System throughout to get the initial feeler. The
aim of the utilities are normally not to earn more
3.5 Media Interface Device (Out station) profit than allowed rate of return on investment.
Few of financial models for AMR/RMR which are
It is functionally same as explained in 3.3 above. considered are detailed below.
It may be possible that in typical RMR setup the 4.1 Current Cost Model: In this to
“instation” media interface device, may be PSTN workout Payback-period, the increment at cost of
and the “Outstation” side being GSM compatible, RMR is divided by the annual cost of manual
based on choice. It is advisable to power the reading. If it is assumed that the annual Meter
media interface device from the meter voltage reading cost of a consumer is Rs.2000.00 and
circuit (110V or 240Volts). For suspected incremental cost for implementing RMR is Rs.
customers it is also suggested to have a battery 10,000/- then the payback period will workout to
back up for the Media interface device. be 5 years.
A more accurate current cost model is
3.6 Host PC with RMR Software : difficult to work out as in it all the utilities functions
are to be analysed for finding the real values
The heart of the meter reading station is the which can be delivered by RMR. The data
software installed in the host PC for RMR. The collection and inferring real benefits in Rupees is
software has facility to dial the target number, the real challenge. This figure again differs from
establish a data call, collect the meter reading and one utility to other.
close the session. The modern version of software 4.2 Life Cycle Cost Model: The
can be programmed for a meter reading schedule underlying assumption is that AMR must have
to dial and collect the target meter reading at the more value than stated in the current cost model.
specified date and time. The aforesaid capability The reason being, the fixed investment on RMR
fully automates the meter reading process. equipment in today’s Rupee is offsetting recurring
labor cost which will inflate over the life of the
3.7 Various communication media equipment. It is argued that labor rate will not
available for RMR: The various communication remain constant over the Next few years. This
media those can be used for RMR are : model requires detailed analysis showing relative
3.7.1 Public Switch Telephone Network costs of manual and AMR over the life of the
(PSTN) . program.

Page 3
With all the assumptions modelled and period of 10 years are computed for RMR
appropriate factors included, a number of decision alternative, using telephone, GSM, CDMA
criteria are computed in a life cycle cost analysis. or other commercial network.
Break even period and ROI are some of the
common parameters calculated. The input and output diagram has no
4.3 Revenue Based Model : numeric value in Rupees, yet it provides the
RMR not only affects operating cost but snapshot of increased value of with increased
also has the capability to increase revenue. It is investment which is important for technocrats to
even possible to use RMR to promote variable understand.
pricing or seasonal tariffs. There are several Value RMR
possible sources of revenue earning as follows,
Output Automation
the combinations of which are expected to have a
positive impact on the total revenue collected. Speed
i. Elimination of billing errors, reduced Accuracy
estimation and regular bills would improve Access
cash flow.
Electronic database
ii. Electronic monitoring will reduce the rate
of theft rate due to meter tempering. connectivity
iii. Detailed network flow data analysis would Saving on
serve to identify other non-metered points transportation
on the network. and other travel
iv. Automatic meter reading would quickly expenses
identify and locate meters which have
gone defective, enabling the utility for Equipment/ Network
their early replacement.
Cost Software
v. Variable pricing may be used to increase
consumption in off-peak periods, raising (Input) Network
overall demand. RMR can be used for recurring cost
dynamic selling of power at opportunistic
The modeling based on revenue, requires
either heavy reliance on assumptions or 4.5.1 The model requires four annualized
an increase in rates. inputs and three fixed cost inputs which are easy
to obtain rationally.
4.4 Cash Flow Model: 4.5.2 Annual Costs:
Cash flow model considers the timing of Annual input includes annual revenue and
money flowing from the consumer to the annual meter reading cost averaged over the
utility. In a macro view, crores of Rupees number of consumers being moved to RMR. The
of the utility cash remains in the pocket of real cost should include the entire meter reading
the consumers, until payments are sent. expenses directly or indirectly associated with
Key parameters in a cash flow model are meter reading divided by total number of meters.
ready to bill cycle, receivables and days-
sales outstanding besides unbilled Annual cost is:
revenue. For weeks the utilities money
remains with the consumers after Annual Cost Discription
delivering services, increase the capital heading
cost and also poises a limit on investment
and restricts the utility’s operation. Cash
is no less important to utilities as to any Read Cost Average yearly cost
other entrepreneur. If cash is not collected per consumer
from one group of consumers in a timely Average Revenue Average yearly
fashion, the burden be borne by the revenue yielded
remaining which is socially not correct. per consumer
4.5 The Combined business model for
RMR: The proposed model is realistic and
simple to provide straight forward Inflation Average inflation rate
explanation to technocrats. The model
tries to picture out distinct relationship Interest rate Average interest rate
between level of investment and level of
value. A simple cause and effect diagram
provides one word describing each of the
attributes. The present benefits over a

Page 4
4.5.3 Fixed Cost expensive) and to consumers, who might be
Fixed Cost Description receiving specialized pricing or might simply be
able to receive more reliable and better quality
power. To summarize an IT vision for India’s
Installation Cost Average installation cost of
power sector needs to be considered carefully
RMR options E.g. modems, with long term goals. The biggest requirement for
upfront money for telecom long term benefits is a vision for how such a
company etc. system would allow consumer demand

4.5.4 Decision to Install R.M.R. 1) Tongia Rahul: “What IT can and
The above inputs can be fed to a cannot do for the Power sector
spreadsheet to derive the business case. The and Distribution Sector and
final outcome i.e. if ratio of MMR/RMR is >1.0; Distribution in India”.
one should immediately go for installation of the 2) Nimare Rajesh : “Automatic Meter
system. For cases MMR/RMR=1.0, it is balance Reading(AMR)”
bias, which can be made to tilt on the side “Go” 3) (DRUM) Training lecture under
should the utility believe in automation. the Ministry of Power on
Automatic Reading (AMR)
module.asp? training id = 40 &
The recently developed prepaid meters typeid=6
for LT consumers are under consideration for 4) Oxxio uses smart utility metering
installation in, some selected LT consumers. technology to give more control
These meters have advantage of better revenue and options to customers. Paper
Management by increased cash flow, reduction/ published on 11th July 2006.
elimination of billing cycle. The customer
satisfaction will also increase owing to budget
control and ease of bill payment. Flexible tariff,
Load monitoring, Load limiting and load
management can be implemented by using these
keyboard based meters. These meters can also
ensure future proof integrated solution, enabling
telephone, Internet and Web based vending.

Further now with the introduction of

Power availability based tariff, the utilities should
aim to develop and install fully intelligent smart
meters which are capable to micro monitor and
control every KWH across the system, in addition
to automated remote meter reading. These
meters should be made capable of monitoring
load, voltage profile with additional capabilities like
remote connect/disconnect and local level
feedback for grid disturbances and accounting
discrepancies, by using latest IT technology. In
addition, such a system could offer consumers
higher availability and quality of power, increasing
their satisfaction and willingness to pay. If a full IT
system is employed then instead of merely theft
reduction, we could expect significant operational
and cost improvements, in the power sector,
especially if coupled to consumption equipment
(appliances and Heating / Ventilation/ Air
conditioning-HVAC systems). The demand side
management could also be done through such a
system by shifting the loads to off peak periods
and there could be significant savings for the
utility ( who could avoid new peak capacity,
especially from newer plants those are more

Page 5

Accuracy Theft Communications Control Capabilities


Electro- Low(has
Mechanical threshold
Meter issues for Poor Expensive add-on nil
low usage)

Digital(Solid Historical
State) High Node only External Limited usages reads
Built in (on-chip) only

Next Gen. High * Can do much more Full Real-Time

Meter Arbitrarily (network than Automated Meter (connect/dis- control;
(Proposed) high level) Reading (AMR) connect); DSM
signaling to

Meter Reading : Cost drivers

Cost heading Sub cost headings

Man Power Cost Salaries

Risk and insurance

Bill Generation and Data punching,distribution of
distribution Cost bills, consequent delay.
Transportation cost Cost of ownership (Vehicle)

Variable cost (Fuel)

Opportunity Cost Better deployment else where

Vigilance compromised

Customer service

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