Hypochlorite Leaching of Gold Ore

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The document discusses hypochlorite leaching as an alternative to cyanidation for gold extraction. Hypochlorite leaching of gold depends on factors like hypochlorite concentration, hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride and temperature. Pressure oxidation in an autoclave can successfully treat refractory gold ores at low reagent levels with rapid and complete gold extraction in one stage.

Some alternative non-cyanide lixiviants discussed are thiourea, thiosulphate, chlorine and hypochlorite, which may reduce environmental sensitivity compared to cyanide.

The dissolution of gold in a hypochlorite solution depends not only on the concentration of the hypochlorite but also on other variables, such as hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride and temperature.

Chapter 8


W.T.Yen, R.A.Pindred and M.P.Lam

Mining Engineering, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

ABSTRACT with aqueous solution of chlorine. Ross

(1902) reported that chlorine consumption
Cyanide is a conventional lixiviant for was 3 - 10 kilograms per tonne of ore and
gold extraction but its' toxicity is a major the gold extraction was 90 - 98 per cent
concern for the environmentalist There are MacArthur and Forrest introduced the
many alternative non-cyanide lixiviants, such cyanidation process in 1887. Cyanide
as thiourea, thiosulphate, chlorine an'd consumption was generally low at 0.5 to 1
hypochlorite etc., which may reduce kilogram per tonne of ore and resulted in
environmental sensitivity. This paper will the same relative amount of gold extraction.
discuss the leaching characteristics of gold in The more expensive chlorination method
hypochlorite leaching solutions. The was displaced and quickly forgotten It was
dissolution of gold in a hypochlorite solution suggested by Putnam in 1944 that the
not only depends on the concentration of chlorination process merited reappraisal.
the hypochlorite but also on other variables, Walker (1956) developed a process at
such as hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride Kalgurgli Ore Treatment Company for the
and temperature. The dissolution rate of treatment of zinc Merrill slimes by
gold in hypochlorite solution is much faster chlorination followed by reprecipitation
than other lixiviants. Due to the interference using sodium sulphite. A similar process
of impurities, gold extraction from an ore was conducted by Finkelstein et al. (1966) in
under ambient conditions requires large South Africa for the treatment of Merrill
quantities of reagents. However, refractory slimes and gravity gold concentrates with
gold ores may be successfully pressure chlorine leaching. A very high purity gold
oxidized in an autoclave at reasonably low product at 999.9 parts per thousand was
reagent levels. Gold extraction to the produced.
pressure oxidation leach solution is rapid
and complete in one stage, thus eliminating Schneiner et al. (1971) and Guay et al.
the need for further cyanidation. (1961, 1973) have pre-treated Carlin-type
carbonaceous refractory gold ore in Nevada
with hypochlorite followed by cyanidation.
INTRODUCTION Gold extraction was improved from 6 - 32 %
to more than 90%. The reagent requirement
More than a century ago, gold ores were in the pretreatment stage was initially 15 kg
treated by roasting and subsequent leaching of chlorine per tonne of ore and then

increased to 50 kg per tonne. Highly Tests were conducted using 50 mg of the

refractory ores might require over 100 kg per precipitate per 1000 rnl of leach solution.
tonne to yield more than 83 per cent gold by
cyanidation. Sawyer and Hendrix (1988) had As well, a free milling and a refractory
investigated the effect of sodium gold ore were used in this study. The
hypochlorite on the gold extraction from a chemical composition of the two ores is
carbonaceous ore in Nevada by heap shown below:
leaching. Extractions of greater than 70 per
cent were attained from three ores. When
the hypochlorite pretreatment was followed Free Milling Ore Refractorv Ore
by cyanidation greater than 85 per cent gold
extraction was achieved.

Many investigators, Eisele at al. (1970,

1974), Heinen et al. (1974), Hager and Hill
(1970), Landsberg and Hoatson (1970), James
and Hager (1978), demonstrated that gold
could be extracted from ores by high
temperature chlorination, with the products
evaporating as auric chloride (Au2Cl,)at
200C to 350"C, as aurous chloride (Au2C12)at
650C and forming a vapour phase complex, A standard bottle rolls method was used
AuFeCL, at low temperature regime. Palmer to leach the free milling ore. The leach
at al. (1988) pretreated sulphide minerals by solution was removed for assay every 2 - 6
roasting at 500C - 800C until oxidation was hours to a total retention time of 20 - 24
complete. This was followed by chlorination hours. A two litre Parr autoclave was used
at 300C. Gold extraction depended on the to treat the refractory ore with the
source of the samples and ranged from 75% hypochlorite leach solution with 680 kPa
to 98%. oxygen over pressure at 2100C for 90
minutes. After separating the autoclave
Lichty (1988), Demoupoulos (1989) and pregnant solution, the filter cake was
Yen (1989) extracted gold from refractory washed with a hot 10 % hydrochloric acid
ores by pressure oxidation in a solution solution.
containing chlorine, which was produced by
decomposing calcium chloride, sodium The sodium hypochlorite used in this
chloride or hypochlorite in an acidic investigation was in solution form and
conditions and elevated temperature. Those contained 6 % available chlorine. Calcium
processes are simpler and more effective hypochlorite was a granular particle
than others and much less environmentally containing 50 O/o available chlorine. AU other
sensitive than conventional processes. This reagents used were technical grade.
paper will present the leaching
characteristics of gold metal and gold ores in
hypochlorite solutions containing REACTION CHEMISTRY
hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride.
The reactions between gold and
hypochlorite leach solutions containing
EXPERIMENTAL hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride are
demonstrated below:
Three sources of gold were used in this
investigation. An artificial gold precipitate
with a grade of 95% Au was supplied by
BDH Chemicals Limited, Poole, England.

0.5 % sodium hypochlorite solution, less than

30 % of gold is dissolved in one hour. As
Overall reaction of equations (I), (2)and the concentration of sodium hypochlorite
(3)can be summarized as follows: increases the rate of gold dissolution
increases. In a 2 % sodium hypochlorite
solution, 88 % of the gold is dissolved in 20
minutes and more than 91 % of the gold
dissolved in one hour. If the concentration
It is obvious that both hydrochloric acid of hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride is
and sodium chloride have affected the gold increased in the hypochlorite solution, the
dissolution in hypochlorite solution. rate of gold dissolution will further increase.
With 5 % HCl and 2 g/L NaCl, 55 % of the
gold is dissolved in a 0.5 % NaOCl solution
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in one hour and 95 % of the gold dissolved
in a 2 % NaOCl solution in 30 minutes.
Gold Precipitate
Fig. 2 shows the effect of hydrochloric
The dissolution of gold in dilute acid concentration on gold extraction from
hypochlorite solution is very slow. With the the gold precipitate sample. The
addition of hydrochloric acid and sodium concentration of sodium hypochlorite and
chloride to the hypochlorite solution, the
gold dissolution rate will increase to 20 - 100
mg/cm2/hr, which is 10 - 50 times the rate of
gold dissolution in a cyanide solution. Fig. 1

0.5 Z HCI

30 v V - v 0.5 9. NaOCl oT I I 1 I I I I I
20 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
T i e (minutes)

Fig. 2. Effect of HCl Concentraction on Cold

0 1 1 I I I Extrsction from an AuPPT:
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.5 9. NaOCI: 2 g/L NaCl
Time (minutes)

Fig. 1. Effect of Hypochlorite Concentration

on Cold Extraction from an A u PPT: sodium chloride was maintained at 0.5 %
1 9. HCl. 1 g/L NaCl
and 2 g/L respectively while the hydrochloric
acid level varied. In a 0.5 % hydrochloric
acid solution, 28 % of the gold was extracted
shows the gold dissolution in various in one hour. Gold extraction increased to 33
solution concentrations of sodium % in a 1 % HCl solution and to 60 % in a 2
hypochlorite containing 1 % hydrochloric % HCI solution in the same 1 hour span.
acid and 1 g/Lsodium chloride. The rate of Hiskey and Atluri (1988)reviewed an Eh-pH
gold dissolution is fast initially and then diagram for the Au-Cl-H20 system, which
slows down after about 30 minutes. In a indicated that the A u a complex is the only

species stable in the region of pH below 2. sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
The amount of hydrochloric acid required to High concentrations of sodium chloride may
maintain a pH below 2 depends upon the reverse the reaction equation (4). Hiskey
concentration of hypochlorite in solution. and Atluri (1988)explained that the existence
Equation (1)shows that sodium hydroxide is of AuCli in an aqueous solution containing
produced when gold is reacted with sodium M CI- is not possible as suggested by the
hypochlorite. Hydrochloric acid is required disproportionate equilibrium:
to neutralize the hydroxide and maintain the
pH below 2

Chloride ions also play an important role By increasing the concentration to about
in gold dissolution in the hypochlorite 0.1 M C1; the chloride activity becomes
solution. Fig. 3 shows the effect of sodium sufficient enough to stabilize the AuCli
complex. Again, the acidity is shown to be
important in maintaining the dissolved gold
in solution.

All of the above tests were conducted at

22C. As solution temperature increases, the
gold dissolution rate dso increases within
limit. Fig. 4 shows the effect of temperature
on gold extraction from the gold precipitate
dissolved in a solution containing 0.5 %
NaOC1,5 % HC1 and 1 g/L NaCl. 82 % of
9 2.0g/L
1 0 g/L
the gold was extracted in one hour at 27"C,
v 0 5 g/L NaCl 92 % at 43C and 97 % at 55C. Further
r 0 g/L NaCI increasing the solution temperature to 70C
or higherresulted in decreased gold
0 1 I I 1 extraction. This may be due to the greatly
0 20 40 60 ao loo I 20 140 decreased chlorine dissolubility in water at
Time (mmutes)
higher temperature.
Fig. 3. Effect of NaCl Concentraction on Gold
Extraction from an Au PPT:
5 X HCI: 1 X NaOCl

chloride concentration on gold extraction

from the gold precipitate sample. Without
any sodium chloride, 62 % of the gold will
be extracted in a solution containing 1 %
sodium hypochlorite and 5 % hydrochloric
acid in one hour. If 0.5 - 2.0 g/L of sodium
chloride is present in the same solution, 80 %
of the gold will be extracted under the same
conditions. The gold extraction rate is
0 55 degree C
43 degree C
v 27 degree C
initially very rapid. After 30 minutes a
plateau is reached and extended time
beyond this results in only a minimal - 0 ' '
increase in gold extraction Increasing the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (minutes)
concentration of sodium chloride further did
not improve conditions for gold dissolution Fig. 4. Effect of Temperature on Gold
Extraction from a n Au PFT:
but rather resulted in a decrease in gold 0.5 X NaOC1: 5% HCI: I g/L NaCl
extraction Equation (2)shows that sodium
chloride is produced by the neutralization of

Free Milling Gold Ore kg/t and 18 kg/t of available chlorine, which
is equivalent to 7.5 % and 15 % sodium
The free milling gold ore used in this hypochlorite solution respectively (6 %
study contains sulphide minerals, such as available chlorine), the gold extraction was
chalcopyrite and pyrite. Conventional less than 50 % for the retention time of 18
cyanidation resulted in 95 % of the gold hours. Using 45 kg/t available chlorine, 95 %
being extracted under strong leaching of the gold was extracted in 18 hours. If the
conditions, i.e., a grind of 90 % minus 200 available chlorine was doubled up to 90 kg/t,
mesh, leach with 1 g 5 NaCN at pH 11.0 for 98 % of gold was extracted in 6 hours.
24 hours. The reagent consumptions are 2
kg/t NaCN and 1.8 kg/t CaO. The Fig. 6 shows the effect of hydrochloric
hypochlorite solution tests reported in this acid concentration on gold extraction from
paper were performed on a standard bottle the ore sample. Other reagent
roll machine. In each case, 250 grams of concentrations were 45 kg/t of sodium
sample was slurried with 500 ml of the hypochlorite and 20 g5 sodium chloride.
appropriate hypochlorite solution. Initially, When the hydrochloric acid concentration
the optimum leaching conditions for the was reduced by one half to 10 % H a , the
gold precipitate (2 % NaOCl, 1 % HCl and 1 gold extraction was reduced about 10 %, i.e.,
g5 NaCl) was used to leach the ore sample. 86 % gold extraction at 18 hours retention
Gold extraction from the ore was very poor time. A further reduction of the
because the hypochlorite and hydrochloric hydrochloric acid concentration to 5 % HCl
acid were consumed by sulphide and resulted in gold extraction of less than 70 %.
gangue minerals. Thus, higher reagent
concentrations are required for the ore

Fig. 5 shows the effect of sodium

hypochlorite concentration on gold
extraction from a free milling ore. The
concentration of 20 % hydrochloric acid and
20 g 5 sodium chloride was maintained for
each test. When the ore was leached with 9

P" 1;
1 ,/5 % HCl

0 I l l I l , , I I
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 I8 20
Time (hours)

Fig. 6 . Effect of HCI Concentraction on Gold

Extraction from An Ore Sample
45 kg/t NsOC1; 20 g/L NsCl

The effect of sodium chloride

concentration on gold extraction from an
ore is shown in Fig. 7. In a solution
O d " " l ' ~ " ~ containing 80 kg/t sodium hypochlorite and
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (hours)
20 % hydrochloric acid, 80 % of the gold was
extracted from the ore in 24 hours retention
Fig. 5. Effect of NaOCl Concentraction on Gold time without any addition of sodium
Extraction from An Ore Sample:
20 X HC1: 20 g/L NaC1
chloride. About 97 % of the gold was

extracted under the same conditions by 2.4 kg/t available chlorine solution This
adding some sodium chloride, either 20 kg/t resulted in 93 % gold and silver extraction in
or 40 kg/t. one stage oxidation

I ! In this study, sodium hypochlorite was

replaced by calcium hypochlorite and the
- reagent requirement was greatly reduced.
Fig. 8 shows the effect of calcium
hypochlorite on gold extraction from a
refractory ore. A 250 grams sample was
slurried with 1000 ml of leach solution
containing 3 % HCl and 2 kg/t NaCl.
Calcium hypochlorite was added and
pressure oxidation was carried out at 21PC
0 40 kg/t NaCl
for 90 minutes. After liquid and solid
20 kg/t NaCl - separation, the filter cake was washed with a
v 0 kg/t NaCl hot 10 % HCl solution Results indicated
that 92 % of the gold and 98 % of the silver
0 1 1 I I I I I were extracted with 5 kg/t Ca(OCl)2,or 25
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 kg/t of available chlorine. Also, 95 % of the
Time (hours) gold and 99 % of the silver were extracted
Fig. 7, Effect of NaCl Concentraction on Gold with 10 kg/t Ca(OC1)2,or 5 kg/t of available
Extraction frorn An Ore Sample: chlorine.
80 kg/t NaOCI: 20 % HCl

Refractory Gold Ore

The refractory gold ore used in this

investigation is a flotation concentrate
containing complex sulphide minerals, such
as chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite.
Only 10 % of the gold could be extracted by
conventional cyanidation. When the ore
was pretreated by pressure oxidation
followed by neutralization and cyanidation,
95 % of the gold was extracted. Two
drawbacks of this process are: (1) very large
quantities of lime are required for
neutralization and pulp density is difficult to
control; (2) silver extraction is very low.
Even the hot lime conditioning method FYg. 8. Effect of Calcium Hypochlorite on Cold
could not make much improvement on the Extraction frorn a Refractory Ore:
silver extraction. 3 X HCI; 2 Kg/t NaCl

Yen and Pindred (1989) had added

sodium hypochlorite to the autoclave during Fig. 9 shows the effect of hydrochloric
the pressure oxidation of the ore. In a acid concentration on gold extraction from a
solution containing 120 kg/t chlorine, 98 % refractory ore in a leaching solution
of the gold and 87 % of the silver were containing 2 kg/t Ca(OC1)2and 2 kg/t NaC1.
extracted in one stage. In order to reduce Without any addition of hydrochloric acid,
the amount of sodium hypochlorite required, only 37 % of the gold was extracted. Gold
3 % HC1 and 10 g/L NaCl were added in a extraction was increased with increasing

hydrochloric acid concentration 82 % of the Extracting gold from an ore required

gold was extracted with 3 % HCl. Silver more reagents and longer retention time
extraction under those conditions was because sulphide and gangue minerals
mediocre but can be improved by further consumed sodium hypochlorite and
extraction with HCmaCl solution About hydrochloric add. In a leach solution
98% - 99 % overall silver extraction was containing 20 % HCl and 20 g/L NaCl, 97 %
achieved by leaching the autoclave residue of the gold was extracted in 6 hours with 90
with 10 g/L NaCl and 10 % HCl solution at kg/t available chlorine and 95 % of the gold
80C for one hour. The effect of sodium was extracted in 18 hours with 45 kg/t
chloride on gold extraction under these available chlorine.
conditions was not distinguished and is not
described in detail here. For a refractory ore, pretreatment is
required in order to expose the gold surface
to the leach solution An acidic hypochlorite
solution can be added to the autoclave for
pressure oxidation and extraction of the gold
at the same time. It required 50 % sodium
hypochlorite or 120 kg/t available chlorine to
extract 97 % of the gold from the ore. When
3 % HCl and 10 g/L NaCl was added to the
leach solution, the same amount of gold
could be extracted with 24 kg/t available
chlorine under the same conditions.
However, the reagent requirement may be
further reduced by replacing sodium
hypochlorite with calcium hypochlorite. In a
leach solution containing 10 kg/t Ca(OCl), or
5 kg/t available chlorine, 3 % HCl and 2 kg/t
20 1 , I
0 1 2 3 4 NaC1,95 % of the gold was extracted in 90
9. HCI minutes oxidation at 2 1 K . Silver extraction
was 98 % under the same conditions. This
Fig. 9. Effect of HCl Concentraction on Cold
Extraction from a Refractory Ore: silver extraction can not be achieved by
2 kg/t Ca(OCl),; 2 kg/t NaCl conventional pressure oxidation and

Leaching pure gold with an acidic sodium
hypochlorite solution has been demonstrated The authors are grateful for the financial
to be effective. The initial rate of gold assistant from the Natural Sciences and
dissolution was extremely rapid. In a Engineering Research Council of Canada
leaching solution containing 1 @ NaCl, 1 % (NSERC) which made this study possible.
HCl and 2 % NaOC1, nearly 90 % of the
gold was extracted in only 30 minutes.
Additions of hydrochloric acid will reduce REFERENCES
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