The Scienc of Reading and Dyslexia

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Dyslexia - a knol by Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D.



What is dyslexia?
The Basic Facts About Dyslexia
The Cognitive Basis of Dyslexia
Making a Hidden Disability Visible
Translating Research into Practice
What to Look for in Diagnosing Dyslexia
Essentials of Dyslexia Management:
I. Teaching Reading and Remediating Reading Difficulties
Adult Outcome of Dyslexia
Looking to the Future


What is dyslexia?

Developmental dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in reading.

Unexpected refers to children and adults who appear to have all the factors
necessary to become good readers: intelligence, motivation, and exposure to
reasonable reading instruction - and yet struggle to read. Here, for ease of
communication. We will refer to developmental dyslexia as simply dyslexia;
it is also referred to as specific reading disability.

Dyslexia, first described over a century ago by a British physician, is the most common
and most carefully studied of the learning disabilities, affecting 80% of all individuals identified
as learning disabled.

The Basic Facts About Dyslexia

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Who and how many are affected?

Similar to hypertension and obesity, dyslexia occurs in gradations. In other words, within
the population, reading ability and reading disability occur along a continuum with dyslexia
occurring in varying degrees of severity. Dyslexia is perhaps the most common neurobehavioral
disorder affecting children, with prevalence rates ranging from 5-20%. Support for the high
prevalence of dyslexia comes from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP) data which indicate that only 31% of fourth graders are performing at or above
proficient reading levels. Sometimes, lower prevalence rates are noted; these typically refer to the
number of children with dyslexia receiving services in public schools. Differences in prevalence
rates based on testing every child in a class for a reading problem compared to data based on the
number of children receiving special education services were exemplified by the findings of the
Connecticut Longitudinal Study (CLS). The CLS, based on a population representative of all
children attending public kindergarten in Connecticut, assessed reading and intelligence in each
child in the study and found that one in five children was dyslexic. This figure contrasts sharply
with data based solely on numbers of children receiving special educational services, which is
much smaller, about 5%. Clearly, many struggling readers are not identified by their schools.

Dyslexia affects just about as many girls as boys. It is used to be thought that dyslexia
affected primarily boys, and as a result, mainly boys were identified; girls who were sitting
quietly at their desks and not reading - tended to be overlooked. This reflects what is referred to
as selection bias. For example, in the CLS, not only was each child individually tested, but the
researchers also obtained data on which children were identified by their schools as having a
specific reading disability. While comparable numbers of boys and girls were found to be
dyslexic when each child was tested, four to five times as many boys compared to girls were
identified by schools. Why? The data showed that teachers tended to refer for further evaluation
boys who were more active and impulsive. In contrast, girls - who were not learning to read, but
who were perceived as behaving more properly - were not identified by their schools as having
a reading problem. It seems teachers often incorporate a norm for behavior for both boys and
il h i i l f il A l b h b b h i h hi h d f
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girls that is more typical of girls. As a result, boys who may be behaving on the higher end of
normal rambunctious behavior for boys, are considered to be behaving poorly and referred for
further evaluation.

Does dyslexia ever go away?

Dyslexia does not

resolve over time.
Longitudinal studies indicate
that dyslexia is a persistent,
chronic condition; it does not
represent a transient
"developmental lag. The
image on the left shows the
trajectory of reading skills
over time in good and poor
readers. The vertical axis on
the left is the reading achievement score from the Woodcock-Johnson reading test, and the
horizontal axis is the age in years. Both good (upper curve) and poor readers (lower curve)
improve their reading scores as they get older, but the gap between the dyslexic and the
non-impaired readers remains.

The proven persistence of dyslexia is a critical finding: children who present with reading
difficulties early on must be helped immediately rather than waiting in the belief that the reading
difficulties are temporary or that they will be outgrown. While dyslexia is not cured, it can be
helped greatly by early and effective, scientifically-based reading interventions. (See below:
Teaching Reading and Remediating Reading Difficulties)

The Cognitive Basis of Dyslexia

Why do otherwise bright, motivated children struggle to learn to read?

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Dyslexia reflects a very specific difficulty with reading and has nothing to do with
intelligence. In fact, understanding ideas and concepts are often at a very high level in dyslexia as
are other higher-level reasoning skills. Dyslexia is a localized problem, one involving the sounds,
and not the meaning, of spoken language. Consideration of the differences between spoken and
written language provides a helpful understanding of why some bright children struggle to read.

First, let us consider spoken language. We, as humans, have been speaking for hundreds of
thousands years; speaking is part of the human condition. Everyone learns to speak, speaking is
natural; simply place a baby in a spoken language environment and that child will learn to speak.
No need to develop a spoken language curriculum for babies.

Reading is different, it is a relatively recent invention of man and many societies still rely
on speaking, rather than reading. In contrast to speaking, which is natural and spontaneous,
reading is artificial and must be taught.

The question is: what must be learned in order to transform the printed letters on the page
to words that have meaning? Today, science has provided the answer: the letters must be
connected to something that already has inherent meaning the sounds of spoken language. And
so, in order to learn to read, children must learn how to link the printed letters on the page to the
sounds of spoken language. To do this, a child must first develop the awareness that spoken
words can be pulled apart into their constituent parts; for example, that the word, mat is made up
of three underlying sounds mmm, aaaa, t. For about 60-70% of children, this awareness
develops readily by the age of about six years. In contrast, another 30- 40% experience difficulty
noticing these basic sounds, called phonemes, that make up all spoken and written words.

Try it yourself, for example, can you say the word steak without the t sound? Answer:
sake. To do this, you had to pull apart the sounds-- sss t aaa k -- that make up steak
and pull out the t sound and then push the remaining sounds back together so that sake
remains. These sounds, called phonemes (defined as the smallest unit of speech that distinguishes
one word from another) are the basic building block of all spoken and written words. In English,
there are forty-four phonemes.

In speaking a person automatically goes to his/her internal dictionary and retrieves the

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In speaking, a person automatically goes to his/her internal dictionary and retrieves the
appropriate phonemes that make up a word, orders them correctly, and then utters the word. For
most people, the phonemes are clear and crisp, but for reasons yet unknown, in people with
dyslexia, the phonemes are less clear; they are fuzzy and less distinct. And this has important
implications for both speaking and reading. In speaking, people with dyslexia sometimes retrieve
a phoneme that sounds similar to the one they intended; the result is that a dyslexic sometimes
intends to say one word but ends up saying a word that sounds similar. For example, a child who
is dyslexic was at a ballgame where she became thirsty and asked her mother to take her to the
confession stand. Of course, she meant, concession stand but pulled out -- not the exact
sound -- but one that was very similar to the sound she intended.

This difficulty in spoken language is common in dyslexia; its practical significance is that
it provides a clue that a child may be at-risk for dyslexia, even before she is expected to read.
Such word confusions are important clues for parents and teachers to be aware of, and to
recognize that they are sound-based and not meaning-based mistakes. The person who is dyslexic
knows the word s/he wants to say, but just has trouble pulling the correct sound out of his/her
internal dictionary. Even in adults, such sound-based or phonological confusions (derived from
the Greek word phone meaning sound) are often a clue that a person may be dyslexic.

In reading, the importance of being able to pull apart the sounds of spoken words and
isolate individual sounds is that the individual sounds of spoken words represent the links, the
Velcro, on which to connect the letters in words. If a child (or adult) cannot isolate the individual
sounds, he does not have anything with which to link the letters in a word. And so, the
fundamental steps in learning to read are:

Developing the awareness that a spoken word can be pulled apart into smaller
units or phonemes; technically, this is referred to as phonemic awareness. Keep in
mind that this basic first step in learning to read involves spoken language.

Linking each letter in a word to the individual sound it represents. This is

referred to as phonics

Once children appreciate that the printed word has the same number and sequence of

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sounds as the spoken word, they have mastered the alphabetic principle and are ready to read. It
is important to remember that all children, the very best readers, the poorest readers, and all those
in-between, must take the very same steps to becoming a reader. The difference, of course, is in
the time and effort that it takes.

In summary, in order to read, a child has to develop the insight that spoken words can be
pulled apart into the elemental particles of speech (phonemes) and that the letters in a written
word represent these sounds. Accumulating evidence indicates that this difficulty with the sounds
of spoken language is largely missing in dyslexic children and presents a persisting difficulty in
adults who are dyslexic. A quote that captures this relationship between spoken and written
language comes from Bloomfield, who wrote writing is not language, but merely a way of
recording [spoken] language by visible marks.

Making a Hidden Disability Visible

Imaging reading and dyslexia

Dyslexia is a hidden disability; people who have it are often bright and have no outward
signs of a problem. If a person has a broken arm, it is visible to all. If a person is dyslexic, how
can you look within his or her brain to see the root of the problem? For many, many years, this
presented a significant problem for those who are dyslexic. Because their reading difficulty is by
definition, unexpected, and they seemed to have all the cognitive equipment necessary to be good
readers, dyslexic children were often undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or worse, accused of not trying
hard enough or of being not motivated or of being stupid. Since people who are dyslexic have
no outward visible signs of their difficulty, many even questioned the very existence of dyslexia.

In the 21st century,

with the advent of functional
brain imaging, this has all
changed. In our laboratory,
one of the very first to image
dyslexia, we have now
imaged several thousand

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imaged several thousand

children and adults as they
read or attempt to read.
Functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) is
similar to MRI; if you have ever had an MRI for a headache or knee injury, fMRI and MRI use a
similar scanner. fMRI, shown in the image above, uses somewhat more sophisticated hardware
and software that allow it to capture brain changes (mainly blood flow) as a person performs a
specific cognitive task, for example, reading. The young woman in the image is looking through
a prism at words projected on a screen and presses buttons to indicate that she is able to read the
words. This technology has revolutionized our understanding of reading and dyslexia.

Data using fMRI from

laboratories around the world
indicate three neural systems for
reading (shown in the image on the
left). These are all located in the left
side of the brain: one in the front of
the brain (shown in green, in the
region of the inferior frontal gyrus
[Brocas area]) and two in the back
of the brain (one in the parieto-
temporal region, shown in red, and a
second in the occipito-temporal region, shown in yellow). The latter system (found behind the
ear in the area where children often have swollen glands) is of particular importance for skilled,
fluent reading and is termed the visual word-form area (VWFA).

Neural systems in dyslexia

In dyslexic readers, converging evidence from many laboratories around the world has
demonstrated a neural signature for dyslexia, that is, a disruption of the two neural systems in
the back of the brain observed during reading (shown in the image below).

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In nonimpaired readers, three

systems are evident, one anterior in
the area of the inferior frontal gyrus
(shown in green) and two posterior,
the top system around the parieto-
temporal region (shown in red) and
the bottom system around the
occipito-temporal region (shown in
yellow). In dyslexic readers, the
anterior system is slightly
overactivated compared to
non-impaired readers; in contrast, the two posterior systems are underactivated. This pattern of
underactivation in left posterior reading systems is referred to as the neural signature for
dyslexia. Brain imaging now provides visible evidence of the reality of dyslexia; dyslexia is no
longer a hidden disability.

Imaging also reveals compensatory overactivation in other parts of the reading

system. The compensatory neural systems allow a dyslexic person to read more accurately.
However, the critical visual word-form area remains disrupted and difficulties with rapid, fluent,
automatic reading persist. The dyslexic continues to read slowly.

Neurobiological evidence is beginning to emerge indicating that many dyslexics are not
able to make good use of sound-symbol linkages as they mature, and instead, they come to rely
on memorized words. A recent fMRI study also demonstrates the importance of memory systems
in dyslexic readers. Together, these recent neurobiological findings suggest that as dyslexic
children mature, neural systems supporting word memorization develop, rather than the systems
supporting sound-symbol linkages and automatic reading that are observed in typical readers.

Functional imaging has been helpful in demonstrating that the neural systems for reading
are malleable, and that the disruption in these systems in young struggling readers can be
modified by an effective reading intervention (see below: Teaching Reading and Remediating

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Reading Difficulties). Compared to struggling readers who received other types of intervention,
children who received an experimental intervention (which focused on evidence-based
application of the alphabetic principle) not only improved their reading but, compared to
pre-intervention brain imaging, demonstrated increased activation in the neural systems for
reading. These data have important implications for public policy regarding teaching children to
read: the provision of an evidence-based reading intervention at an early age improves reading
and facilitates the development of those neural systems necessary for reading.

Translating Research into Practice

What to Look for in Diagnosing Dyslexia

Clues to a Diagnosis of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is more than simply a score on a reading test. Reflecting the core sound-based
phonological deficit, a range of downstream effects is observed in spoken as well as in written
language. Phonological processing is critical to both spoken and written language. While most
attention has centered on the print difficulties, spoken language is also affected. The ability to
notice, manipulate, and retrieve individual sounds (phonemes) has an important function in
speaking, for example, a person must retrieve phonemes from his/her internal dictionary lexicon
and serial order them correctly in order to utter the spoken word. Thus, it should not be surprising
that problems with spoken language, albeit more subtle than those in reading, are often observed.

Clues to spoken language difficulties in dyslexia: (source Overcoming Dyslexia, S.Shaywitz, Knopf, 2003, pp.122-123;

late speaking


difficulties with word retrieval

needing time to summon an oral response

confusing words that sound alike for example saying recession when the

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confusing words that sound alike, for example, saying recession when the
individual meant to say, reception

pausing or hesitating often when speaking

using lots of ums during speaking, lack of glibness

using imprecise language, for example, stuff, things, instead of the proper
name of an object

underestimation of knowledge, if based solely on (glibness) of oral response

As reflected in the spoken language difficulties in dyslexia noted above, it is apparent that
dyslexics are not glib, particularly when put on the spot for a quick response. Keep in mind: this
is not a matter of knowing the answer. Rather, the problem - when the person knows the answer -
is in pulling the word out and saying it, that is, in retrieving the spoken word instantly. Glibness
should not be taken as a measure of understanding, especially in a person who is dyslexic.

A range of difficulties is noted in reading at all ages. Awareness of these signs is important
and may lead to earlier and more accurate diagnosis of dyslexia in children and adults. Specific
clues to dyslexia noted in reading are listed below.

Clues to Reading Difficulties in Dyslexia: (source Overcoming Dyslexia, S.Shaywitz, Knopf, 2003, pp.123-124;

Slow progress in acquiring reading skills

Lack a strategy to read new, unknown words trouble sounding out

unfamiliar words

Inability to read small, so-called function words such as that, an, in

Terrific fear of reading aloud; avoidance of oral reading

Oral reading filled with mispronunciations, omissions, substitutions

Oral reading that is choppy and sounds like reading a foreign language

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Reliance on context to discern the meaning of what is read

Disproportionate poor performance on multiple choice tests

Slow reading

Reading is tiring

Inability to finish tests on time doesnt finish or rushes and makes careless
errors; final test grade does not reflect persons knowledge of the topic

Disastrous spelling

Homework that never seems to end; parents recruited as reader

Messy handwriting despite what may be an excellent facility at word


Extreme difficulty learning a foreign language

Avoidance of reading for pleasure which seems too exhausting

Reading effortful, demands extra attention and concentration to read

Requires quiet environment to concentrate on reading

Reading accuracy improves over time, though it continues to lack fluency and
remains laborious and slow

Lowered self-esteem with pain that is not always visible to others

Development of anxiety, especially in test-taking situations

History of problems in reading, spelling, foreign language learning in family


The lack of reading fluency brings with it a need to read manually (a process consuming
great effort and time), rather than automatically; the cost of such reading, in addition to reading

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slowly, is a tremendous drain on attentional resources. This is often observed in the classroom
when struggling readers are asked to read quietly, deplete their attentional resources as they
struggle with the print, and, as a consequence, appear to be daydreaming or not attending to the
assigned reading. An additional cost to the person is that non-fluent or manual reading is very
tiring to the person.

Sea of Strengths Model of Dyslexia

In contrast to the
spoken language and reading
difficulties in dyslexia, other
abilities, particularly higher
level cognitive abilities
including thinking, reasoning,
vocabulary, and problem
solving are usually intact.
This conceptual model of
dyslexia has been referred to
as a Sea of Strengths Model
of Dyslexia (shown in image above). This model considers dyslexia to be an encapsulated or
circumscribed weakness in decoding surrounded by a range of higher level cognitive strength. In
diagnosing dyslexia, the goal is to identify both the strengths and the weakness and in managing
dyslexia, the weakness is remediated and the strengths are acknowledged and facilitated. A
critical component of managing dyslexia, as discussed below, is to ensure that people who are
dyslexic are able to access their strengths and this is most commonly achieved through the
provision of accommodations such as extra time on examinations.

How dyslexics think

A d b d l i i h di I f d l i i
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As noted above, dyslexia is more than a score on a reading test. In fact, dyslexia is more
than just a reading difficulty, it is a way of thinking and of being. Differences in brain
organization not only give rise to slow reading, they also generate a different way of thinking.
Intact higher level abilities offer an explanation of why reading comprehension is often
appreciably above single word reading accuracy and fluency in dyslexia. Often strong
vocabularies and strong conceptual skills enable a dyslexic to figure out a word or the gist of a
paragraph even when that person cannot decipher the specific word on the page.

Dyslexics tend to be top-down rather than bottom-up thinkers; that is, they learn from
getting the big picture or the overall idea or meaning first, and then fill in the specific details.
People who are dyslexic learn best through meaning, by understanding the overall concept or
main idea rather than through rote memorization of isolated facts.

Strong visualization skills are also an asset to those who are dyslexic.

Making a diagnosis of dyslexia

Dyslexia is a clinical diagnosis, best made by an experienced clinician who knows the
individual, has taken a careful history, observed the child or young adult reading, and
administered a battery of tests that assess the childs intelligence, academic skills including
reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension, spelling, mathematics (which is often high), and
language skills, particularly phonological processing (getting to the sounds of spoken language).
The uneven peaks and valleys of cognitive and academic functioning both contribute to the
clinical picture of dyslexia: a weakness in phonologically-based skills in the context of stronger
cognitive and academic skills in non-reading related areas.

The critical element is the unexpected nature of the reading difficulty, that is, it is
unexpected in relation to a persons age, intelligence, education, and professional status. And so,
if a person has an IQ in the superior range or is a physician or an engineer and has a reading
accuracy score in the so-called average range, there is a disparity between that individuals
ability, education or training, and his/her reading achievement that person is dyslexic. Just
recently in our laboratory using longitudinal data from the CLS our research team has been able

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recently, in our laboratory, using longitudinal data from the CLS, our research team has been able
to demonstrate that in good readers, intelligence and reading are linked and mutually influence
one another over time. However, and critically, in the case of dyslexia, intelligence and reading
go their separate ways, are not linked, and do not influence one another. This finding provides
important empirical evidence to support the definition of dyslexia as an unexpected difficulty in
reading. This dissociation in dyslexia between intelligence and reading also provides strong
evidence for the findings of low reading achievement in the presence of strong intellectual
abilities in people who are dyslexia.

As children mature compensation often occurs, resulting in relatively accurate, but not
fluent, reading. Awareness of this developmental pattern is critically important for the diagnosis
in older children, young adults, and beyond. The consequence is that such dyslexic older children
may appear to perform reasonably well on a test of word reading or decoding accuracy; on these
tests credit is given irrespective of how long it takes for the individual to respond or if there are
initial errors in reading that are then corrected. Accordingly, tests of reading fluency how
quickly and accurately -- individual words and passages are read aloud and tests assessing
reading rate are keystones of an assessment for, and an accurate diagnosis of, dyslexia.

What do you do if you suspect a reading problem in your child?

Do not wait!! We now know that reading difficulties are persistent. Teachers and parents,
too, often rationalize: its just a developmental lag; shell outgrow it; hes a boy. Early on, in
preschool or kindergarten, a child - who has difficulty learning the names of the letters and then
the sounds associated with each letter or letter group, and doesnt seem to be able to learn how to
sound out words - should be considered at-risk and assessed for a possible reading problem. At
this early stage, often a speech and language pathologist is extremely helpful in assessing the
spoken language skills that represent the foundation for learning to read. As a child matures and
seems to be struggling with reading and exhibiting the difficulties in spoken and/or written
language noted above, that child should receive a full evaluation for the possibility of dyslexia.
Children learn about three thousand new words a year; in the US, children tend to be identified as
dyslexic in third grade or often, much later. This means that these struggling readers are already

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behind in learning ten thousand or so words; a terrible burden to place on a child especially
when there are highly effective reading interventions now available.

Other considerations in making a diagnosis of dyslexia:

As in other important medical conditions, the history is critical and should be given
prominence in the diagnostic formulation. Observing the person read and administering tests are
ancillary and helpful. Since vision and hearing are critical for reading, children and adults who
are experiencing difficulty in reading should have their hearing and vision checked. There are no
laboratory tests other than cognitive, language, and reading, that are necessary to make a
diagnosis of dyslexia. While brain imaging is a very helpful research tool, it is not yet reliable
enough when used on individuals (rather than with groups) to be used as a diagnostic tool.
Similarly, while there is research exploring possible genetic links to dyslexia, this is still in its
early stages and there are currently no reliable genetic tests for dyslexia. Most likely, there are
several genes governing the reading process and much more work to be done. An additional
consideration in making the diagnosis is the role of attention. Attention is critical for learning to
read as part of the reading process itself. Struggling readers require large amounts of attention,
sometimes more than they can provide. In addition, there is a significant overlap or high
co-morbidity between the occurrence of dyslexia and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). Both frequently occur in the same individual. Consequently, a consideration of the
possibility of an accompanying ADHD should also be considered in those diagnosed with
dyslexia; similarly, dyslexia should be considered as a possible additional diagnosis in those
diagnosed as ADHD.

Essentials of Dyslexia Management:

I. Teaching Reading and Remediating Reading Difficulties

All children must take the same steps in learning to read. Accordingly, the basic
components of reading that must be mastered are shared by all readers: good readers and

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struggling ones. What and how to most effectively teach reading now has a scientific basis. In
1998, Congress, concerned about what seemed to be a growing epidemic of reading difficulties in
children, mandated that a National Reading Panel (NRP) be appointed to carefully review and
assess the scientific data on teaching children to read. One of us (SS) was honored to serve on the
NRP and in April, 2000, presented the Report of the NRP to the US Congress. Basically, the
Panel found that the most effective, evidence-based approach to teaching reading must include
five critical components:

Phonemic awareness: the ability to be aware of, notice, or manipulate the

sounds of spoken language

Phonics: learning to link letters to the sounds they represent

Fluency: the ability to read both accurately and rapidly, and with good

Vocabulary: to understand the meaning of words read

Comprehension: to understand and discern the meaning of connected text

Furthermore, these components are most effectively taught in an explicit, systematic

approach. For struggling readers, it is critical that, in addition to an evidence-based approach:

instruction is intense, that is, in small groups not greater than 4-5 students;

sufficient time is devoted to teaching reading and language-related skills, for

example, sixty to ninety minutes, optimally, each day;

support services are provided to children until they become not only accurate,
but also fluent for most words at their grade level;

accommodations are provided to permit dyslexic students to demonstrate their


Just as for other important conditions that affect the health and welfare of children where we
expect physicians to prescribe the most effective proven treatments today in education science

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expect physicians to prescribe the most effective, proven treatments, today, in education, science
has progressed so that it is now possible, and indeed, mandatory, that children be taught reading
by evidence-based, proven methods. Such evidence-based approaches have been found to be
highly effective for improving reading in children who are dyslexic. Interventions focused at
word decoding and single word identification levels have had the most consistent evidence and
have been shown to be the most effective, particularly in prevention and early childhood studies.
Fluency and comprehension focused interventions have had less investigation, but have still
shown some, albeit more variable, effects on reading outcomes in these students. Programs that
systematically integrate multiple-focused interventions are considered to be the most effective,
although their specific sequencing, degree of overlap, and level of focus on each component
during each phase are still open to critical investigation. There is no single program that is head
and shoulders above other evidence-based programs. Up-dates on the most recent evidence
evaluating the efficacy of reading programs are found on the What Works Clearing House Web
site ( of the Institute for Educational Sciences of the US Department of

II. Providing Accommodations

Accommodations that Help Level the Playing Field

A complete education for a dyslexic student includes evidence-based reading interventions

and accommodations. As noted above, intervention data, while promising, have yet to indicate
closing the gap in the ability to read words fluently in children beyond the first few grades.
Accordingly, although dyslexic children will improve their accuracy, lack of fluency (slow,
effortful reading) continues to be a concern at all grade levels, increasingly so as children move
up into middle and high school and then into postsecondary education.

Accommodations are of three general types:

1) those that by-pass the reading difficulty by providing information through an auditory

2) those that provide compensatory assistive technologies; and,

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3) those that provide additional time so that the dysfluent reader can demonstrate his/her

First, beginning quite early in their schooling, dyslexic readers require alternative modes
of acquiring information so that their vocabulary and fund of knowledge more closely reflect
their intellectual level than their impaired reading ability. Access to recorded materials, for
example, from Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic (, whether they are based on
the school curriculum or reflect what peers are reading for pleasure, are a necessity for such
children if they are to keep up with their classmates and with their own intellectual curiosity and
interests. Next, assistive technology, computers with both print-to-speech as well as speech-
to-print software, provide further compensation for oft-noted difficulties with handwriting,
spelling, and lack of fluency.

The Scientific Basis for the Necessity for Accommodations for Dyslexia

A major advance has

been the convergence of
behavioral and neuroimaging
data providing evidence for
the critical need for extra-time
on examinations for dyslexic
students, particularly as they
progress towards high school
graduation and beyond. Thus,
behavioral data indicating the
persistence of dysfluent
reading are now supported by neurobiological data. The image above shows cut-away views of
the brain in non-impaired readers (left) and dyslexic readers (right). As noted earlier when
describing the neural signature of dyslexia, in dyslexic readers the posterior reading systems,
especially the left occipto-temporal (word-form) region responsible for fluent, rapid reading, is

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disrupted in dyslexic children and adults. Other compensatory systems, in the frontal regions on
both left and right hemispheres (shown in green), and the right hemisphere homologue of the
word form area develop, and these systems support increased accuracy over time. However, the
word-form region does not develop and compensatory pathways do not provide fluent or
automatic reading. Accordingly, if such students are to demonstrate the full range of their
knowledge, providing additional time on examinations is a necessity to compensate for the lack
of availability of the efficient word-form area and to level the playing field.

How much extra time is best determined by the students own experience of trial and error
over the years. Currently, there are no quantitative data available to serve as a reliable metric for
gauging the specific amount of time needed by a student. Since longitudinal data, both behavioral
and imaging, indicate persistence of the reading difficulty, requiring that students in
postsecondary settings be tested every three or five years is not consistent with scientific
knowledge. Furthermore, it is extremely expensive and even problematic.

As students progress through school to higher grades, and compensate in reading accuracy,
simple reading measures of word identification fail to capture difficulties in fluent reading and so
are often misleading. In addition, since such non-automatic readers must call upon attentional
resources during reading, they are highly susceptible to noise and distractions. Study and
test-taking in quiet, separate rooms allow these dysfluent readers to concentrate and make
maximum use of their often strained attentional resources.

People who are dyslexic are entitled to protection from discrimination under the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Here are some helpful things to know about

In making assessments of an individual who is dyslexic for purposes of

providing accommodations under the ADA, that persons reading must be compared
with others of comparable education, intelligence, and professional status.

Studies have shown that providing accommodations provides no special

advantage to dyslexic individuals, it just levels the playing field. It is important to
know that non-dyslexic readers do not show a significant increase in test scores

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know that non dyslexic readers do not show a significant increase in test scores
with extra time, while people who are dyslexic show a highly significant increase in
scores. (Image 6; link to ADA Congressional testimony).

A Blue Ribbon Panel convened to determine the necessity for flagging tests
taken with accommodations determined that such flagging was not appropriate.
(See link to for full report of the Panel).

Dyslexia is life-long; there is no necessity and it is, in fact, inappropriate to

require repeated testing after a person is diagnosed as dyslexic.

In summary, given that dyslexia represents a disparity between an individuals reading and
intellectual abilities; accommodations are critical to assure fairness and equity. Contemporary
management of dyslexia provides evidence-based accommodations; these include: access to
recorded materials; computers and print-to-speech software; additional time on examinations,
with amount of time determined by the students experience. Tests are often inadequate proxies,
the reality of life experience in dyslexia provides the most valid evidence for a persons need for
accommodations. In addition, it is inappropriate to assess a dyslexic persons knowledge based
on his/her performance on an oral examination in which that individual is under pressure to
provide a quick or glib response. Accommodations are provided based on a students history,
observations of his/her reading aloud, and test results; once a student is diagnosed as dyslexic,
the evidence indicates this is a persistent, life-long difficulty. With provision of such
accommodations, dyslexic students are entering and succeeding in a range of professions
including journalism, literary writing, science, medicine, law, and education.

Adult Outcome of Dyslexia

Over time, reading accuracy improves so that dyslexic readers are able to read, albeit
slowly and with great effort. In contrast, dyslexic readers continue to lack fluency. The basic
phonologic difficulty persists; spoken language difficulties remain.

Problems in speaking in adult dyslexics: (source S. Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, Knopf, 2003, pp.125-126;

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Mispronunciation of names of people and places

Difficulty remembering names of people and places

Confusion of names that sounds alike

Struggle to retrieve words, It was on the tip of my tongue

Lack of glibness, especially if put on the spot

Spoken vocabulary smaller than listening vocabulary

Hesitation to say aloud words that may be mispronounced

Problems in reading in adult dyslexics: (source S. Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, Knopf,

2003, pp.125-126;

Childhood history of reading and spelling difficulties

Word reading more accurate, but still effortful

Lack of fluency

Embarrassment caused by oral reading: avoidance of Bible study group,

reading at Passover seders, or delivering a written speech

Trouble reading and mispronouncing uncommon or strange words such as

peoples names, names of streets or locations, food dishes on the menu

Substitution of made-up words, during reading, for words that cannot be

pronounced, for example, metropolitan becomes mitan

Extreme fatigue from reading

Slow reading of most material: books, manuals, subtitles to foreign films

Penalized by multiple choice tests

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Penalized by multiple choice tests

Unusually long hours spent reading school or work materials

Frequent sacrifice of social life for studying

Preference for books with figures, charts, or graphics

Preference for books with fewer words per page or with lots of white showing
on the page

Disinclination to read for pleasure

Spelling remains disastrous; in written work, preference for less complicated

words that are easier to spell

Particularly poor performance on rote, clerical tasks

Strengths in higher level thinking processes.

High learning capability

Noticeable improvement when given additional time on multiple choice tests

Noticeable excellence when focused on a highly specialized area such as

medicine, law, public policy, finance, architecture, basic science

Excellence at writing if content and not spelling is important

Noticeable articulateness in expression of ideas and feelings

Exceptional empathy and warmth and feeling for others

Success in areas not dependent on rote memory

Talent for high level conceptualization

Ability to come up with original insights

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Big picture thinkers

Inclination to think out-of-the-box

Noticeable resilience and ability to adapt

Reflecting these strengths, dyslexics are often high level conceptualizers who manifest out-of-
the-box thinking and are frequently the ones who provide new insights. As a person who is
dyslexic progresses and is able to specialize in an area, s/he may become relatively automatic in
reading the vocabulary recurring in that area. Dyslexics are often represented at the higher levels
of a range of professions and are frequently found as leaders in such diverse areas as science,
medicine, law, business, writing/literature, poetry.

Dyslexic writers and playwrights: John Irving, Stephen J. Cannell, Wendy


Dyslexic financiers or entrepreneurs: Charles Schwab, Sir Richard Branson, John

Chambers (Cisco Systems), William Hewlett, Paul Orfalea (Kinkos), Ingvar
Kamrad (IKEA), Ted Turner

As Charles Schwab recalls,

Even though I couldnt read quickly, I could imagine things much faster than
some other people who were stuck thinking sequentially. That helped me in
solving complex business problems. I could visualize how things would look at
the end of the tunnel.

Overcoming Dyslexia, S. Shaywitz, 2003, p. 357.

Dyslexic scientists: Nobel laureates: Albert Einstein, Nils Bohr, Barry Benacerraf;

Dyslexic physicians: Harvey Cushing father of neurosurgery; Helen Taussig

helped develop Blalock-Taussig operation for blue babies; leading psychiatrist,
Dr. Jack Barchas; Dr. Delos Cosgrove, led the Department of Cardio-Thoracic

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g p
Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic to Iinternational prominence and has at least 20
patents for advances in valvular surgery. Dr. Cosgrove is now CEO of the
Cleveland Clinic.

Looking to the Future

There is now evidence of both the weakness and the strengths associated with dyslexia.
The weaknesses have been well elaborated and described; the strengths are often overlooked. To
illuminate and focus attention on the strengths associated with dyslexia and to inform society
about the newest knowledge of dyslexia, the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity (with the
tag-line: slow reader, out-of-the-box thinker) has now been established at Yale University
(Website: The mission of the Center is to use the power and authority
of modern science to transform dyslexia from a liability to a strength, so that his or her strengths
rather than weaknesses come to define a dyslexic persons life. The Center is actively involved in
large scale dissemination and education initiatives - to produce a paradigm shift and advance
societal attitudes about dyslexia. These efforts are targeting K-12 as well as higher education,
medicine, business, law, policy, the media, and other innovative, scholarly initiatives to better
identify dyslexia and to define the link between dyslexia and creativity.


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Books about Dyslexia

Shaywitz, S. (2003). Overcoming Dyslexia: A new and complete science-based program

for reading problems at any level. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf.

Report of the National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching Children to Read: An Evidence
Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and its Implications for
Reading Instruction (Vol. NIH Pub. No. 00-4754): U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development.


1. Shaywitz, S., Morris, R., & Shaywitz, B. (2008). The education of dyslexic children
from childhood to young adulthood. Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 451-475.

2. Shaywitz, S. E. (1996). Dyslexia. Scientific American, 275(5), 98-104.

3. Shaywitz S, Shaywitz B. Dyslexia (specific reading disability). Biol Psychiatry 2005;57:


4. Dehaene, S., Cohen, L., Sigman, M., & Vinckier, F. (2005). The neural code for written
words: a proposal. Trends in cognitive sciences, 9(7), 335-341.

5. Shaywitz, B., Skudlarski, P., Holahan, J., Marchione, K., Constable, R., Fulbright, R., et
al. (2007). Age-related changes in reading systems of dyslexic children. Annals of
Neurology 61 363-370

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Neurology, 61, 363-370.

6. Paulesu E, Demonet J-F, Fazio F, McCrory E, Chanoine V, et al. 2001. Dyslexia-cultural

diversity and biological unity. Science 291:2165--67

7. Marzola E, Shepherd M. 2005. Assessment of Reading Difficulties. In Multisensory

Teaching of Basic Language Skills, J.R. Birsh, Editor, Paul H Brookes, Baltimore, MD:
pp. 171-185.

8. Reynolds, C.R. (2008). RTI, Neuroscience, and Sense: Chaos in the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Learning Disabilities, in Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning
Disabilities in the Era of RTI: Recommendations for Diagnosis and Intervention, E.
Fletcher-Janzen and C.R. Reynolds (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ.

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