The History of Establisment Abbasiyah Dynasty and The Administration

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A. The Origin of Abbasiyah Dynasty

Government of Abbasiyah Dynasty succesfully established after the

emergence of the rebellion undertaken by the descendants of al-abbas and orther

oppenents of the Dynasty Umyyah in Damaskus, fecklessnes overcome the mass

uprising that lead to the fall of the dynasty descendant prolonged Umayyah in

year 150 M/132H. With defeated marwan II.1

The name Abbasiyah Dynasty taken from name of one the prophet uncle

Muhammad SAW. Called by Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muthallib bin Hasyim. The

Abbasid feel more entitled that the son of the Islamic caliphate umayyah is over,

because they are descendants of a branch that is descents Hasyim closer to the

prophet Muhammad SAW.2

The idea to take over the leadership apparently based on the view that the

leadership race shouldnt be help by the family that was no relationship with

relative prophet Muhammad, because the only people authority leader in prophet

family hands. But, the order hand cant be ruled factor tribes competitions for

Didin Saefuddin, Zaman Kemasan Islam (Jakarta : Grasindo, edition 1, 2002), p. 27
. M. Abdul Karim, Sejarah Pemikiran Dan Peradaban Islam (Yogyakarta : Pustaka
Book, 2003), p. 3


supremacy between the Bani Hasyim and Bani Umayyah, especially the Bani

Hasyim for this on the part of the emphasis. 3

B. The Establishment of Abbasiyah Dynasty

Process establishment Abbasiyah Dynasty, the start from the stage of

preparation and planning done by Ali bin Abbas. A mujtahid who lived during the

caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz (717- 720 M) preparations ali is doing propaganda

against muslim (mainly for bani hasyim).4

Propaganda Muhammad bin Ali received overwhelming response from the

public due to several factors are the increasing disillusionment of the dynasty

descendent mawali group umayyah because during this dynasty in power they are

placed in the position of two classes in the social system while the Arabs occupied

the noble class, tractions of unity between Arab and tribal fanatics birth Arab

between north Arabic and south Arabic, the incidence disappointment religious

groups against government because they want the secular state leaders who have

the knowledge and integrity of qualified religious, opposition group demanding

their right to power ever seized by the descendant umayyah because they arent

easy to forget the incident.

Before the overthrow umayyah dynasty, the abbot family envisioned by

setting a strong strategy and preparation are also strong support from the

community. Therefore, its indispensable nature thinking and strategies that can

take into account circumstances of the propagandas movement.

Didin Saefuddin, op.cit., p. 28
Muh. Asnawi, Sejarah Kebudayan Islam (Semarang : CV. Aneka Ilmu, 2009), p. 4

Ali bin Abdullah bin Al-Abbas then replaced his son Muhammad bin ali for

during his period. In business Abbasiyah Dynasty founded increasing am

extending movement between are the Al-Humaymah city as central development

on organization, kufa as city of operator, and khurasan as a practical movement

center, after Muhammad bin Ali passed away he was replaced by his son ibrahim

Al-Iman, for deffend its territory. He raised the commander Abu Muslim Al

Khurasan and wins at fight for khurasan and achieves victory. After his passed

away the struggle was continued by his brother Abu Abbas bin Muhammad bin

Ali. He want to embraces the power from another family of Bani Hasyim and the

Alawiyin never got the attention and ostracized by Dynasty Umayyah.

By doing Bani Hasyim and Alawiyyin the movement of Abu Abbas to be

complete strength that was afraid by Bani Umayyah, seing of his position

increasingly cornered eventually Marwan Bin Muhammad. The last ruler of Bani

Umayyah escapes his past leading to the Egyptian precisely in Fustad. Thats

where he has killed on the year 132H/750M. The murder of last caliph the

Umayyah descendant marks a new era in history of Islamic rule, and then to move

the hands of new ruling domain which rulers for hasyim descent of descent abbas

then his dynasty called by Abbasiyah Dynasty.

C. Politic Character and Political Leadership Style

The style leadership of Abbasiyah Dynasty looks just repeats the dynasty

previously political complexion governing Abbasiyah Dynasty according to


marshal G.D hodgson: absolutism is the absolute power in hands of the caliph

and is not limited5

Style as this seems influenced by roman and Persian, there is truth in the

theory a first advanced civilization will be followed by a new civilization that s

still low, case the caliph Abbasiyah Dynasty imitating roman and Persian political

sense. Because roman power much earlier existed and developed since BC well as

Persian, while the new Abbasiyah turn up when the age of two kingdoms are

already hundreds of years earlier.

Absolutism tradition expropriation happens since forming early days and

Abbasiyah Dynasty developing. One of symbol absolutism is presence of

executioner every time. Who always ready with a sword to execute those people

who refused orders and the willingness f the caliph.

The image absolutisme is also strengthened by the actions of ruling Abbasiyah

Dynasty kill almost all the Bani Umayyah since the early daya of their power and

eliminate the whole of their political enemies in later period.

In trems concentration of power in caliph hands. Abbasiyah Dynasty early in

fact continues the tradition of Bani Umayyah. When the Umayyah inherited

biokrasi roman and sansaniah, Abbasiyah Dynasty descendant inherited tradition,

practices, and expertise while Umayyah administration staff. However, both are

equally influence. By imperial power of two perversions model, especially in the

. Marshall G.D Hodgson, The Venture Of Islam, Conscience And History In A World
Civilization (Chicago : 1974), p. 281

organization of administration and state ceremonies, the most prominent examples

is in during khulafahurrasyidin period unknown the future of guard rulers. But

since umayyah and abbasiyah Dynasty. Every caliph gets tight escort of guards

who deliberately prepared to save live caliph.

Of course, when compared with kulafahurrasyidin government, the models

applied by Abbasiyah Dynasty contains weaknesses and event conflict with spirit

of shura were developed, if at time of kulafahurrasyidin The leader chosen by

people on the basis ability and religious authority. So during the Abbasiyah a

leader appointed on the basis descent, the impact this monarchy models certainly

nourish pattern authoritarian leadership, absolute, and dictator.

This pattern in the flow of culture fosters corrupt or irregularities in the use of

power, and this are evident in the course of the leadership since the Umayyah

Dynasty until Abbasiyah Dynasty. Because of that for administration developed

by prophet and khulafaurasyidin seems to have shifted from the valves of Islam. If

such what patterns developed governance bani abbas this can at conceive of

representation of Islam governance or not.

So, the answer is the government khulafahurrasyidin closest to principles

applied by Islam, while the dynasty abbsiyah in practice away from the principle

of Islamic government.

D. Governance, Jurisdiction, and Duration of dynasty abbsiyah


In politically in the early abbsid caliph ruling dynasty in her aspect, that is

spiritual and temporal aspect. The spiritual power oriented in religious which the

caliph serves as vice of god on the earth. While the temporal power oriented in

worldly, where he acted as an authority in the government.

The caliph more handed the assignment to the vizier. He also set a judge or

qadi chosen from scholar foremost. Their duties include the Muslim community to

apply civil law. State law, and customary law. The vizier in charge in coordinating

and supervising all agencies. The vizier in this example is chief aide of caliph he

is entitled to appoint and discharged the official government. Heads of regions

and the judge.

Technically, affairs government in Abbasiyah Dynasty is dividing in the three

parts: firstly, a part of archives (diwan ar-rasail). Second, the tax section (diwan

al-kharaj). And the last, the financial department to hire a soldier, court officials

and retired, affairs bureau army (diwan al-jaysh) is the important part. Each

section is also divided into other sub- section, the section are supervised by

another part. The finance department supervised by (diwan al-azimma). The

archival section supervised by (diwan al-tawai).While the state secretariat

supervised by chief of judiciary.

In Abbasiyah empire is very extensive. Covering the Bani Umayyah area.

They are Saudi Arabia, the north Yaman, Oman, The United State Arab, Quwait,

Irak, Iran, Jordania, Palestine(Israel), Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia , Al-Jazzier,

Morocco, Spain, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and only one area wasnt able to seize the

Abbasiyah Dynasty thats Constantinople were in control of Bani Umayyah II.

Abbasiyah Dynasty divided the area in the form of province, respectively headed

by an amir.

However, the extent of the territory of Islam raises the problems, that

difficultly of communication between central and local government. Especially,

the governors who lead th provincial areas often take their own policies without

knowledge caliph in the center.

And in the reign of dynasty abbsiyah Historians was divided it into five

periods. They are:

1. The first period (132-232H/750-874M) is called the first period Persian


2. The second period (232-334H/874-945M) is called the first period Turki


3. The third period (334-447H/945-1055M) is Abbasiyah Dynasty under rule

buwaih dynasty.

4. The fourth period (447-590H/1055-1194M) is dynasty Abbsiyah under

rule Seljuk dyansty or usually called by the second Turki influence.

5. The last period (590-656H/1194-1258M) dynasty abbsiyah freed from

another dynasty but the power only effective in the city of Baghdad the

division is based on whether there is dominant influence external in

dynasty abbsiyah government.6

Didin Saefuddin, op.cit., p. 72-73

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