BCG Report Africa May 2017

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Financing in
Sub-Saharan Africa
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the worlds
leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-
profit sectors in all regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical
challenges, and transform their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into
the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client
organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more
capable organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with
85 offices in 48 countries. For more information, please visit

This report is a joint effort of BCG and the Africa Finance Corporation, focusing on the climate for
infrastructure investment in Sub-Saharan Africa. The key chapters of the report cover the
logistical, financial, and sociopolitical challenges of infrastructure investment in the region; key
considerations and strategies for governments to take into account in pursuing such investments;
and corresponding considerations and strategies for private investors to weigh in doing the same.
The remaining material in the report consists of ten case studies of major infrastructure projects
in the region, and appendixes containing lists of resources and projects for reference.



May 2017 | The Boston Consulting Group






The growing private sector role in infrastructure investment globally
Private investment in emerging countries
Private infrastructure investing in Africa
The evolution of private infrastructure investment in Africa


Limited public-sector capabilities
Insufficient political will
Policy uncertainty
Weak regulatory environments
Technical skill shortages
Financial complexity, long gestation periods, and added costs


A changed approach and mindset
Priority actions for governments


The winning approach
An integrated project life-cycle approach and deep local market know-how
Community engagement as a priority
Best practices for project development
Best practices for project implementation
Conclusion: The road ahead

2 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Case Study 1: Donor Power: Power Africa Initiative
Case Study 2: The One-Stop Shop: BNETD, Cte dIvoire
Case Study 3: Privatizing Power in Nigeria
Case Study 4: Creating the Market: Cenpower Kpone IPP, Ghana
Case Study 5: Good Idea, Poor Alignment: The Lekki-Epe Expressway,
Lagos, Nigeria
Case Study 6: Infrastructure Projects Transforming a Region:
Lake Turkana Wind Power, Kenya
Case Study 7: Persistence and Community Engagement: Henri Konan Bdi
Case Study 8: Mitigating Risks: Azura-Edo IPP, Nigeria
Case Study 9: Missing the Target: Rift Valley Railways, Kenya
Case Study 10: Infrastructure as Byproduct: Moatize IPP, Mozambique

Appendix 1: AFC Profile
Appendix 2: Checklists
Appendix 3: Country Attractiveness Ranking
Appendix 4: Key Players
Appendix 5: List of Deals



The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 3


T he tenth anniversary of the Africa Finance Corporation

provides an opportunity to reflect on its journey so far and to look
ahead to its future and to the future of infrastructure development in
Sub-Saharan Africa.

The World Banks just-released report Africa Pulse points out that
closing the infrastructure gap in Sub-Saharan Africa would increase per
capita GDP by 2.6% a year. Analysts have estimated that the total
financing requirements is about $92 billion per annum. Only about half
of this amount can be raised from domestic revenues, DFIs, PPPs, natural-
resource-backed contracts, bilaterals, and the like. PPPs have made a
significant contribution to infrastructure development in the region, but
they are not a panacea. They remain complex both in negotiation and

Although further financing innovations are needed, financing is not the

only obstacle or evenfor some countriesthe most important one. Two
other impediments need to be overcome: policies and execution. On these
two fronts, much remains to be done.

Nevertheless, remarkable progress has been made over the past ten years
in developing and completing infrastructure projects that involve joint
financing by public entities and private investors, especially in the
domains of IT and transport. Several countries have completed or are on
the verge of completing major railway projects of a transformational
character, such as the Addis-Djibouti high-speed rail and the Mombasa
Nairobi standard-gauge railway.

I am convinced that, given the right policies, similar progress is possible in

two areas that are have been slower to advance: supplying reliable,
affordable, accessible power; and meeting the needs of rapid

In the relatively few years of its existence so far, the AFC has carved out a
niche for itself as a reliable partner in infrastructure development. Its
contributions are widespread and continue to grow. In my previous
assignments, I took great pleasure in seeing the AFC rise in stature and
financial muscle as a results-oriented institution with a clear mission.

For this impressive journey and for the AFCs achievements over the past
decade, I commend the organizations board, management, and staff.

4 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

T he following individuals contributed to this report, as key staff
and partners at the Africa Finance Corporation, as analysts at The
Boston Consulting Group, or as experts from the broader infrastructure
investment community:

Adesola Adeduntan, non-executive board member, AFC; Taiwo Adeniji,

senior director, investment, AFC; Adesegun Akin-Olugbade, executive
director & chief operating officer, AFC; Sarah Alade, former chair of the
board, AFC; Andrew Alli, president & chief executive officer, AFC; Oliver
Andrews, executive director & chief investment officer, AFC; Reuel Andrews,
head of transport & logistics, AFC; Ayotunde Anjorin, director & chief
financial officer, AFC; Solomon Asamoah, former vice president, African
Development Bank; Innocent Aziegbe, senior associate, credit
administration, portfolio & operational risk, AFC; Batchi Baldeh, director,
power business, AFC; Ozwald Boateng, founder, Made In Africa Foundation;
Babajide Bola, vice president, treasury, AFC; Jeffrey Chua, senior partner &
managing director, BCG; Jacques du Preez, head, Gauteng customer dealing,
foreign exchange product house, Rand Merchant Bank; Alain Ebobiss,
chief executive officer, Africa50; Louis Edozien, permanent secretary,
Nigerian Ministry of Power; Roger Ellender, former senior vice president,
risk assurance, AFC; Michael Galatis, customer dealing, foreign exchange,
Rand Merchant Bank; Tariye Gbadegesin, head of heavy industries and
telecommunications, AFC; Mario Gonsalves, principal, BCG; Sanjeev Gupta,
executive director, financial services, AFC; Ato Gyasi, senior director,
investments group, AFC; Adam Ikdal, senior partner & managing director,
BCG; Osam Iyahen, director, natural resources business, AFC; David
Johnson, senior vice president & chief risk officer, AFC; Andrew Johnstone,
chief executive officer, Climate Fund Managers; Jan Justus, principal, BCG;
David Ladipo, chief executive officer, Azura Power West Africa; Martin
Mainz, regional director, DEG Invest; Henry Morris, senior vice president &
head, FIs & syndications, AFC; Pardon Muzenda, head of global markets,
Rand Merchant Bank; Romain Neyrand, chief financial officer, Socoprim;
Opuiyo Oforiokuma, chief executive officer & managing director, ARM
infrastructure Fund; Takeshi Oikawa, principal, BCG; Ponmile Osibo,
manager, research & training, African Private Equity and Venture Capital
Association; Ibrahim Sagna, senior vice president, advisory, AFC; Alain
Saraka, vice president, credit risk, AFC; Lucy Savage, vice president,
communications, AFC; Pearl Sebakeng, international finance, Development
Bank of Southern Africa; Ini Urua, senior vice president, Eastern & Southern
Africa coverage, AFC; Alwyn Wessels, chief investment officer, Harith.

And a special thank you for the contribution of Kinga Plawik - A BCG
associate from our Warsaw office, as well as to the broader AFC team
for their relentless efforts on the ground work in order to make this
report possible.

We would also like to thank Wiebe Boer, a Principal at the Boston Consulting
Group at the time who was involved in this report since its conception.

Finally, we also wish to acknowledge the work done by the AFC Steering
Committee for this report Andrew Alli (AFC CEO), Adesegun Akin-
Olugbade (AFC COO & General Counsel) and Oliver Andrews (AFC Chief
Investment Officer) - for all their support and valuable insights, as well as
complete around the clock availability to the team.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 5


T he World Bank estimates a global investment gap of $1 trillion

annually in infrastructure development, and Africa faces especially
sharp challenges in this area. For example, statistics reveal that two-thirds of
Africans have no access to power, and the road access rate in Africa is only
34%, compared with 50% in other parts of the developing world. Overall, the
nations of Sub-Saharan Africa lose as much as 2.1% of GDP annually to
inadequate infrastructurea circumstance that is at once daunting and
correctable through appropriate investment and collaborative action.

Estimates of Sub-Saharan Africas annual infrastructure gap put it at

around $100 billion. Every dollar of that gap represents a drag on Africas
development and a diminution of its potential. Unless and until it
acquires the modern transport systems, power generation capacity, and
other basic infrastructure that it needs, it will lag behind not only the
developed world but other emerging regions as well. Yet Africa presents a
huge market opportunity. It has 52 cities with population of one million
or more and has an extremely low current level of intraregional trade. Its
urban population is expected to increase by 50% by 2030. The purchasing
power of Africas middle class is growing. In a decade, the continent will
have the largest workforce in the world, along with 60% of the worlds
uncultivated arable land and abundant energy resources ranging from
hydrocarbons to renewable. The continent is home to four of the worlds
ten fastest-growing economies.

Africas governments recognize the infrastructure problem, but they have

neither the financial resources nor the technical ability needed to close
the gap by themselves. Private capital and expertise must be mobilized,
tooand that is the focus of this report. Collaboratively developed by the
Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) and The Boston Consulting Group
(BCG), the report draws on the experience and best-practice advice of
experts from both the private sector and the public sector.

International private capitalespecially foreign direct investmenthas

much to gain by broadening its investment in African infrastructure.

6 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Successful projects are likely to generate a higher return on investment
than similar projects in other regions, but to succeed in Africa, investors
must adapt to an environment that presents a number of challenges
related to government and financial markets:

Government: Complications include limited public-sector capabilities

to develop strategic foresight and planning, insufficient political will,
policy uncertainty, weak regulatory environments and law enforcement,
and a shortage of people who have the needed technical skills.

Financial markets: Narrow financial markets, higher actual and

provisional risks, longer project durations, significant cost overruns,
and currency mismatches make financing issues more complex.

In addition, Africa often fails to attract first-tier international private

investors in infrastructure projects, and a number of the second- and
third-tier investors that tend to be more active in the continent lack some
capabilities themselves.

Financial systems, too, need upgrading. Only the banking sectors of South
Africa and (to a lesser extent) Nigeria currently offer financial markets
sound enough to be tapped for infrastructure projectsalthough, in a
similar vein, Kenya has developed a framework for infrastructure bonds.

That money is not flowing freely into Africa in pursuit of higher expected
returns reflects these challenges, which must be addressed if the
infrastructure gap is to close. Indeed, these challenges have resulted in
relatively few projects reaching a bankable stage.

African governments are attempting to address these deficiencies. Of the

49 Sub-Saharan countries, 42 now have enacted legislation to provide a
regulatory framework for private investment in infrastructure. South
Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, and Mauritius offer good examples of
advanced and robust regulatory contexts.

But this is merely a start. Most African countries regulatory frameworks

remain limited, piecemeal, and untested. Going forward, governments on
the continent should take several steps to improve the situation:

Understand and nurture the idea that increased private investor

involvement in the infrastructure space is the best way to achieve
intensive jobs creation and to incentivize funding and skill

Establish a solid legal and regulatory framework, and guarantee its

enforcement and stability both within the relevant sector and more

Within the sector: Clarify specific standards and relative laws.

More generally: Clarify and develop fiscal incentives, and

facilitate provisions that promote dispute settlement and licensing.

Enhance individuals capabilities with training, and build effective

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 7

institutional capabilities in specialized public-private partnership
(PPP) units.

Formulate an integrated infrastructure plan, and create a steady

pipeline of new projects across the following segments:

Basic infrastructure that is difficult to make economically profitable

should be the responsibility of governments and development

Infrastructure that is financially viable with appropriate tariffs in

place should be the responsibility of private investment via
concessions or PPPs.

Infrastructure that is marginally profitable, but not enough to

justify a purely private investment should be handled either
through the use of PPPs or via O&M contracts.

Develop domestic capital and debt markets that provide lower

financing costs and longer tenures. Such markets also increase
investors access to local currency financing for infrastructure
projects, pursuing ideas such as issuing infrastructure bonds for
the retail market that are backed by some level of governmental
guarantee. Strong financial markets also support refinancing to
reach an optimal capital structure and to revolve the existing debt

Insist on transparency, enforce anti-corruption standards, and

strengthen anti-waste capabilities.

Ensure that government follows up on projects through the end of

construction and on into ongoing operation, recognizing that its work
does not endand in many respects only beginswith the
concession agreements.

Private investors, too, have much to learn. They must understand the
challenges that are distinct to infrastructural investment in Africa, and
they must develop the patience, resilience, and risk appetite that the
environment demands. They should also recognize that the most
successful investors possess an entrepreneur and engineer mentality and
engage fully with projects on the groundfrom concept to bankable
project and throughout execution. Engaging with and earning the
confidence of host communities is another requirement.

Private investors who invest in infrastructure projects in Africa need four

key attributes:

A mindset and expectations that reflect the distinctive realities of the

African investing environmentin particular, persistence and
resilience, a long-term view of project success, and appropriate risk

Deep knowledge of each target market and each particular

environment, as well as of local dynamics.

8 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

An entrepreneur/engineer outlook rather than a more hands-off
financier-type viewpoint, with an integrated end-to-end view of
projects and a willingness to acquire in-house capabilities for its
different stages and to get involved from initial concept to feasibility,
bankability, and eventually construction and operations; alternatively,
a willingness to recognize and reward work done by third parties.

Awareness of community engagement as a core priority, not an add-on.

Many projects that include private investors run into severe challenges
because of an initial lack of fairness and balance between the parties to
the contract An infrastructure project that involves both public and
private sectors should be crafted in a way that it is not skewed toward
either party, and it should include built-in revision clauses in case the
context changes in an unforeseen way.

In this respect, certain institutions such as AFC, with its shareholder

profile of 58% private investors and 42% public investors, can be of great
help in mediating fair contractual balances. Moreover, the dynamism and
flexibility of this type of organization structure is more in line with private
sector trends than with traditional (and typically more bureaucratic)
development financial institutions.

Finally, governments and private investors must work together toward

certain goals:

Best practice sharing, templates, and standardization.

More, smaller, quicker deals.

More innovation, such as issuing infrastructure bonds in local

currencies and using the platform approach to deals.

Increased regional investment opportunities in key corridors.

The creation of a pan-African industry association.

A stronger focus by governments and development-oriented investors

on basic infrastructures and new frontiers, while more-traditional
private investors pursue relatively well-trodden profitable areas.

There is also a pan-African aspect to this endeavor. An all-African association

could assist in the exchange of experience and strategies in infrastructure
investment, favoring know-how building, best practices, and templates.
Meanwhile, regional and cross-border projects could be of particular value to
nations handicapped by small size or geographical disadvantages, such as
Africas 15 landlocked countries lack of coastal territory.

The challenge is huge, but so are the opportunitiesa winning

proposition for those who get it right. For private investors, there is
money to be made; for governments, the possibility of transformative
social and economic development. And the biggest winners will be the
almost one billion citizens of Sub-Saharan Africa, whose life prospects
stand to change for the better.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 9


E merging economies like those in

Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly
exposed to the global megatrends of growing
The growing private sector role in
infrastructure investment globally
The global infrastructure investment gap is
populations, economic growth, and rapid large and growing. Excluding information and
urbanization, which create an ever-increasing communications technology (ICT) infrastruc-
need for infrastructure planning and ture, which is traditionally profitable and
development. And with governments privately funded, current estimates based on
increasingly strained for resources, there is a OECD data and BCG analysis indicate that
growing role for the private sector as an the world needs around $4 trillion in infra-
investor in profitable initiatives. Private structure investment per year. But currently
infrastructure investment is on the rise annual total spending amounts to only
globally, but in this region it visibly lags around $3 trillion, with $1 trillion of that
behind such investment elsewhere. amount invested in Asia. (See Exhibit 1.)

This report, developed collaboratively by the The public sector finances two-thirds of the
AFC and BCG, focuses on private investment $3 trillion investment, but that percentage is
in power and transport infrastructure in Sub- likely to fall as strains on public budgets
Saharan Africa. It is intended as a resource for increase and private infrastructure
governments and investors that are interested investment becomes more widely accepted.
in investing in African infrastructure, and to In some places, such as Western Europe,
that end it attempts to accomplish three where the public contribution to funding is
things: down to 40%, the private sector is now the
largest investor in infrastructure.
Identify what makes investing in
infrastructure in Africa both challenging and Of the $50 trillion needed globally for
highly rewarding. infrastructure through 2030, around 80% is
needed for core infrastructure: 47% (around
Recommend best practices for governments $23.5 trillion) for transport infrastructure,
and for private investors, drawn from years including roads, rail, ports, and airports; 25%
of industry experience by the AFC and other (around $12.5 trillion) in power projects; and
key players in the field. 10% (around $5.0 trillion) in water projects.

Highlight past projects, analyze empirical We expect the rest of the world to follow
evidence, and identify lessons learned. Western Europes lead in relying increasingly

10 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Exhibit 1 | Infrastructure Presents a Major Investment Opportunity Worldwide
$billions $billions

Private Public
3,003 1,113 3,003
3,000 3,000
18% Social
10% Water & Waste
2,000 882 2,000
25% Electricity
1,000 1,000 5%
18% 4% Airports
153 164 Rail
134 73 20% Road
0 0
Total Asia Western North Latin Central Middle Oceania Global
Europe America America & East East &
Europe Africa
37% 29% 16% 5% 5% 4% 2%

Notes: Monetary figures are in US dollars. Coverage extends to 69 countries, equal to approximately 96% of World GDP. There is some possibility
of overestimation of private participation, particularly in Western Europe, due to the classification methodologies used by different sources. The
largest economies without data on public investments are Japan, Korea, Netherlands, and Turkey.
Source: IHS Global Insight; World Economic Forum; World Bank, International Monetary Fund; European Investment Bank; Vnesheconombank;
Morgan Stanley; Deutsche Bank; ICBC; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Rosstat; US Census; Programa Nacional de Infraestructura
Mexicano; press research; BCG analysis.

on private sector investment to bridge the Concession of existing infrastructure

infrastructure gap. Governments are likely to primarily in the form of operation and
encourage this result through various maintenance agreements under which
regulations permitting private participation, private operators maintain infrastructure
as well as through greater political will and and earn revenue.
more stability going forward. The models for
private participation vary from country to Projects developed and built by the
country, but five are most widespread (see government, and then sold or
Exhibit 2): concessioned.

Exhibit 2 | The Range of Ways the Private Sector Can Invest in Infrastructure

Public Public-Private Partnership Private

Restructuring and Management Lease/aermage Concession Joint venture Full divestiture/
corporatization and operating Build-operate -transfer Partial privatization
Civil works contract: contracts Design-build-operate divestiture 100% private
design -bid-build and Design-build-nance - commitment
design -build operate
Service contracts
Transmission Rift Valley Railways Azura-Edo IPP

Company of Nigeria Lekki Concession Company Lake Turkana

Henri Konan Bdi Bridge Wind Power
Kpono IPP
Mix of public and private ownership and Private ownership
Public ownership and nance
nance and nance

Public operations Private operations

Focus of the report Extent of private sector participation

Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 11

The build-operate-transfer model, in Overall, Sub-Saharan Africa has a very
which the private sector builds and modest presence and level of experience in
operates an asset that becomes public this area, with only $77 billion in PPP
sector property after an agreed period. projects, compared to $124 billion in Turkey
alone, or $658 billion in South America (with
A mix of public and private ownership Brazil alone representing $433 billion). These
and finance, usually with private numbers highlight Africas enormous
operations co-owned. potential for growth going forward.

Assets that are 100% private-sector-owned The cases of Brazil and Turkey are
and -operated in perpetuity (as is the case particularly enlightening with regard to what
with most ICT investments). can be achieved when governments cater to
the needs of private investors in order to
boost their share in infrastructure
Private investment in emerging investments. (See the sidebar Emerging
countries markets to learn from: The story of Brazil
In most emerging economies, public budgets and Turkey for a description of these two
and skills are insufficient by themselves to case studies).
deliver the infrastructure projects needed to
sustain economic and demographic growth.
Among low- and middle-income countries, Private infrastructure investing
three of the four BRIC nationsBrazil, India, in Africa
and China, but not Russiahave the greatest Although there has undoubtedly been
cumulative experience of public-private progress in recent years, private investment in
partnership projects and most the capital infrastructure in Africa remains weak and
invested. (See Exhibit 3.) Most countries in underdeveloped compared to such investment
Asia and South America already have in other emerging regions. Estimates of the
substantial private investment in annual infrastructure investment gap put it at
infrastructure, as well as substantial project around $100 billion. Power accounts for 40%
development and execution experience. of total spending needs, followed by water
supply, sanitation, and transport.

Exhibit 3 | Private Investment Experience in Emerging Economies


47 Turkey
India China 41
33 Asia and
Philippines Pacic
South and 41
Central Thailand
Brazil 77
America Colombia # PPP projects Cumulative investment
(19912015) (in $billions)
31 Sub- >100 2011- 2015
27 30- 100 2006- 2010
Chile Africa 10- 29 2001- 2005
Argentina <10 1991- 2000

Note: Infrastructure efforts counted include electricity, transport, and ICT projects. Subcategories of projects include management and lease
contracts, brownfield projects, greenfield projects (excluding merchant contracts) and divestiture.
Source: The World Bank and Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), Private Participation in Infrastructure Database, 2016, http://

12 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


Brazil and Turkey are among the top five In contrast, Turkeys experience included a
emerging market economies for private mix of new investment and privatization of
sector infrastructure investment over the existing infrastructure. Private investment
past 20 years. Both offer models for any in infrastructure, which rarely exceeded $1
nation looking to unlock such investment. billion per annum before 2007, skyrocketed
In Brazil, private sector investment in in 2008, for several reasons.
transport and electricity infrastructure has
topped $300 billion since 1995. The country First, Turkey undertook several large-scale
has received more investment than any privatization projects, including power
other emerging nation; Turkey has received plants valued at more than $5 billion,
$115 billion. deregulating the generation sector and
enabling a cost recovering tariff system.
In the 1990s, Brazils government began Second, the Ministry of Development
reducing public investment in drafted an umbrella law in 2007 to govern
infrastructure and making privatization an public-private partnerships. Although not
economic priority. Initially focused on yet enacted, this law led to the creation of
state-owned companies, the process soon a dedicated PPP department within the
incorporated public enterprises that were Ministry of Development, enhancing the
responsible for infrastructure. Legislation in governments capacity to execute PPP
1995 created comprehensive rules contracts across sectors and across
governing public service concessions, ministries, concentrating knowledge and
opening key sectors of infrastructure facilitating coordination. These changes
(including telecommunications, electrical and other reforms resulted in the signing
power, and transportation) to private of more than 124 PPP contracts, with a
investment. projected investment value of over $43
billion for the 2008 to 2013 period
These policy changes, coupled with an around $9 billion per year, about nine
aggressive public corporate financing times greater than the historical values
program, caused investment to flow into before reform.
Brazil, although investors initially focused
on the known quantities of privatized Both countries have recently suffered
enterprises and existing infrastructure. political turbulence, but they still offer
From 1995 to 1999, greenfield projects valuable lessons. In Brazil, investors were
accounted for less than 4% of private sector drawn initially by the privatization of
infrastructure investment in electricity and existing industries, with more risky
transportation infrastructure. greenfield projects arriving later. Although
privatization led to some investment in
Private investment flowed more slowly Turkey, the driving forces there were
after 2000, but it also changed direction. improved coordination, incentives, and
Since 2002, more than two-thirds of the significant reform. In both countries,
private sector projects each year in improvements in the investment
transportation and electricity infrastructure environment reduced uncertainty and
have been greenfield. Concessions have not strengthened investor confidence.
completely filled the investment gap left by
public spending cuts, but they have
significantly reduced infrastructure gaps in
the power and transport sectors.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 13

Current levels of private investment suggest One explanation is the difficulty involved in
that the addressable annual investment gap creating adequate commercial returns from
for privately financeable infrastructure in most long-distance, intercity, and rural road
Africa is $12.6 billion annually, but the World and rail networks. But urban roads and
Bank estimates that cost escalations could railways, bridges, and port and airport
result in a need for twice that amount. infrastructure offer more opportunities,
particularly when supported by government
Although there is a funding gap for all types incentives, than the number of deals made
of infrastructure in Africa, including social would suggest. The problem is not the
infrastructure, this report concentrates on absence of potentially profitable deal
types of core infrastructure for whichgiven opportunities or, as the example of ICT
an appropriately enabling regulatory demonstrates, capital.
environment and, in many cases, additional
public incentivesprivate investors can Infrastructure investment in Africa has the
indeed play a meaningful role in partnership potential to be highly profitable. Returns
with government. (See Exhibit 4.) This there, on average, are likely to be significantly
excludes ICT infrastructure and infrastructure higher than in Europe, for example, where

Exhibit 4 | Infrastructure Sectors That Are the Focus of This Report

Focus of this report

Mining Urban
and rail

ICT Power Power

generation Water and
transmission sanitation
and distribution

Potential for private investment

Source: BCG analysis.

associated with mining, which are almost overvalued assets have squeezed the value of
completely driven by the private sector. investments. Many transformational projects
have enormous economic potential across the
In Sub-Saharan Africa, private investment in continentprojects valued at $50 million or
core power and transport infrastructure has above were worth $324 billion in 2016. With
been limited to only $51 billion over the last the right approach and mindset, private
25 years. That figure is very low considering investment in African infrastructure can be
the scale of the opportunity and the levels of highly remunerative and can play a
private investment in core infrastructure in significant role in transforming the continent
other parts of the world. Although for the better. Now is the time for the private
investment in power generation has spread sector to turn to Africa.
across a reasonable number of projects and
countries, relatively few transport sector
transactions have occurred. (See Exhibit 5.)

14 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Exhibit 5 | Private Investment in Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa, 19902015

Investments Number of projects
120 225
28.1 150 97
52.3 32.5
21.6 10.4
23.6 75 48
10 54
5.4 0.2
4.2 4.6 80 25 5
10.4 2.7 0.6 11 18 0 13 2 14 2
2.0 2.0
2.7 0.3 4.0 0.3 0.5 29 29 8 4
1.4 0 9 1 3 8 2 2
6 7
ICT Electricity Ports Railways Airports Roads ICT Electricity Ports Railways Airports Roads

2011 - 2015 2006 - 2010 2001 - 2005 1990 - 2000

Source: The World Bank and Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) Private Participation in Infrastructure Database, 2016.

The evolution of private infra- Regulatory environments have improved

structure investment in Africa across Africa, making it increasingly possible
The environment for private investment in for private investors to participate in infra-
infrastructure is changing. Governments are structure projects. Whereas in the past only a
becoming more receptive to private invest- few countries had enacted legislation to
ment, a larger number of private investors permit private investment in infrastructure,
have emerged, and the private sector has today a steadily expanding number have
been responding more enthusiastically to experience with PPP projects. As shown in the
opportunities. (See Exhibit 6.) Older players sidebar The importance of understanding
in the field have remarked on this change Africas diversity, 42 of Sub-Saharan Africas
and on the international investor communi- 49 countries have enabling legislation. And 37
tys growing interest in African infrastructure. of those 42 have had some deal flow.

Exhibit 6 | Major Players in Africas Changing Infrastructure Landscape


Public Public
AfDB AfDB CDC Public Sector Pension
Afexim Trade Afrexim Infra European DFIs
European DFIs Africa50 NSIA

Blended Blended
Harith/PADF (SSA Only)

Private Private

ACTIS Abraaj ARM Citadel ECP Impala

ECP ACA BlackRhino Denham Capital GE Africa TPG & Satya
Africa Capital Alliance Actis Carlyle DPI Helios (Infra)
(Infra) Local commercial banks

Source: AFC/BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 15


While some generalizations are possible, it associated demonstration effects, along

is essential to remember how diverse with macro-economic stability, are
Sub-Saharan Africa is. This can create real issues, and the number of highly
differences for infrastructure investors. successful deals remains limited.
Countries have many differences in legal
traditions, regulatory environment, levels of Zambia, Ghana, and Kenya have a
political stability, human capacity, financial decent balance of enabling
sector maturity, historical background, environments and economic
cultures, languages, natural resources, opportunity and thus find themselves
climate, geography, and so on. The somewhere in the middle. They offer
resulting complex mix of variables can great opportunities, have improving
significantly affect a countrys regulatory environments, and are
attractiveness to private investors. growing in public and private sector
(See the following exhibit.) capacity, but successful investment in
these countries can still require a lot
We used a mix of enabling environment of effort.
and economic opportunity metrics to
assess each Sub-Saharan country for Cte dIvoire, Cape Verde, Gabon,
infrastructure investment attractiveness. and The Gambia have enjoyed deal
(See Appendix 3.) flow and their governments have been
relatively attractive project partners on
We reached a number of conclusions on a deal-by-deal basis, but they lack
the basis of that data: strong enabling environments or
significant economic opportunity.
South Africa is well ahead of the other
countries in terms of regulatory Elsewhere in Africa little is happening:
environment, financing availability,
precedents, and the capacity of the public Comoros, Equatorial Guinea,
and private sectors to get deals done. Lesotho, Mauritania, Niger, and
South Sudan currently lack the
Rwanda, Botswana, and Mauritius enabling regulatory framework for
have strong regulatory environments for private power and transport
infrastructure investment, but are infrastructure investment.
relatively small markets.
The Democratic Republic of the
Nigeria, Tanzania, and Ethiopia have Congo has no structured regulatory
regulatory environments with sufficient framework for private investment in
economic opportunity to be attractive infrastructure, but sector ministries
to investors. Nigeria, the biggest country negotiate one-off deals using their own
economically and demographically, has guidelines, in particular in the mining,
a mixed record of private investment in power, and cement sectors.
infrastructure. Only South Africa has
completed more PPP infrastructure
deals over the past 25 years than
Nigeria has, but Nigerias regulatory
environment still has room for
improvement: government capacity,
political will, and policies with

16 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

DIVERSITY (continued)

Enabling Legislation and Deal Flow for Private Infrastructure

Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa

The most attractive countries for

private infrastructure investment
in Sub-Saharan Africa (based on
enabling environment and
economic opportunity) are
Nigeria Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda,
South Africa, and Zambia.

Enabling legislation and deal ow
Zambia Enabling legislation with deal ow
Mauritius Enabling legislation but no deal ow
No enabling legislation
South Africa No enabling legislation but deal ow

Source: BCG analysis.

Furthermore, efforts like the US-government- (approximately $4.2/MW) to construct 64

led Power Africa initiative can contribute to IPPs projected to generate 3,922MW of
facilitating more private investment in this renewable power (approximately $3.6/MW).
space. (See Case Study 1.) The first projects are already operational.

Established players also point to improving To achieve critical mass and balance sheet
transparency, which makes it easier for strength more quicklyin order to facilitate
investors to engage in the field. There is still a access to capital markets and to protect
long way to go, but governments are slowly against cost overruns and skills shortages
making regulatory changes while building investors have begun using a platform model
their own capacity to negotiate deals. to help design infrastructure project deals.
The AFC is currently using this approach in
Thanks to better planning and organization, the power and transport sectors. Under this
projects increasingly come to the market in model, investors have established
the form of multiple-project programs, as independent companies that incorporate a
opposed to individual projects, enabling the number of power or transport assets owned
scaling of investment. South Africas by the partners; these companies then do
Renewable Energy Independent Power deals in their respective sectors using their
Producer Procurement Programme own balance sheets. A recent example is the
(REIPPPP), which aims to accelerate private merger of power assets between AFC and
investment in renewable energy, illustrates Harith into a single joint venture.
how effective these efforts can be. The first Traditionally, investors have undertaken
wave of competitive bids in 2011 led to the power projects in Africa one by one, each
selection of 28 bidders offering 1,416MW project requiring unique structures and
(megawatts) of power generation for a total financing. This new merging of resources will
investment of nearly $6 billion. The program create an independent pan-African power
continued to grow, and by 2014 it had yielded company that can execute deals more
total commitments of $14 billion efficiently. Instead of raising funds project by

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 17

project, the company will have its own that in the past has thwarted potentially
balance sheet and will eventually build a profitable deals. Recognizing that this stage is
credit rating against which to borrow, critical to unlocking the bankability of
enabling it to undertake power projects much projects on the continent, AFC has
more quickly, using economies of scale. collaborated with key industry players to
Project development in Africa has become a launch Africa Infrastructure Development
separate element in the project life cycle. Association (AfIDA), a network of developers,
Entrepreneurs can build a low-capital- financiers, and lawyers that will advocate to
intensive business around project remove infrastructure bottlenecks and bolster
development, filling a public sector skill gap Africas project pipeline.

18 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


S uccessful private investment in

infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa
depends on the ability of investors,
In view of these challenges, investors must
take a more integrated approach to project
life cycles, assure political buy-in and ongoing
governments, and other stakeholders to local negotiation skills, and accept longer
recognize the challenges that make this maturation periods and higher uncertainty.
unique investment climate different and
distinctive. It is critical to avoid treating Most key players believe that the levels of
Africa as a homogenous region, recognize the public sector capacity, political will, policy
differences between individual countries, and certainty, and regulatory environment in Sub-
at times even between individual regions of a Saharan Africa are below the levels that are
single country. On the other hand, African usual elsewhere, and that this translates into
countries with sufficient regulatory greater political and regulatory risks.
frameworks in place do share some
challenges that distinguish them from other
emerging markets and the rest of the world. Limited public-sector capacity
Governments in Sub-Saharan Africa are short
The most pressing challenges facing on human and financial capacity, and many
infrastructure investment in sub-Saharan public institutions cannot fund deals, develop
Africa are: projects, and enforce legislation. This leads to
delays in approval for projects that, some
Limited public sector capabilities, experts say, can take twice as long as in other
insufficient political will, policy regions. It also hampers project development.
uncertainty, and weak regulatory In other parts of the emerging world
environments. particularly in the Gulf regiongovernments
act as project developers, and private
A shortage of available people who investors come in when the project is ready
possess needed technical skills. to be executed. In Africa, private investors
often must act as project developers, adding
Financing complexities attributable to 10% to 15% to the project costs and
narrow financial markets, higher actual lengthening the project life cycle. On the
and provisional risks, longer project other hand, if governments organize the
durations, significant cost overruns, and sector within a more market-oriented policy
currency mismatches. framework, entrepreneurs can more easily
step in and build low-capital-intensive

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 19

businesses around project development detailed work to be done throughout the
opportunities. whole life cycle of the infrastructure, and
governments need to be active drivers of this
There are exceptions, howevernotably the essential work, relentlessly pushing forward,
Bureau National dEtudes Techniques et de coordinating operations, and removing
Dveloppement (BNETD) in Cte dIvoire, obstacles.
the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating
Committee (PICC) in South Africa, and the The Nigerian governments endeavor to
Rwanda Development Board (RDB) in privatize the power sector serves as an
Rwanda. (See Case Study 2.) example of a well-intended effort that has
thus far yielded very mixed results. (See Case
Other countries can follow these models, but Study 3.)
with one caution: governments creating
BNETD-style one-stop shops must ensure that
such bodies do not themselves become a Policy uncertainty
bottleneck. The establishment of well- The vital role of the public sector and the
functioning government organizations lengthy time frame of infrastructure projects
dedicated expressly to coordinating and can make policy discontinuity a serious
accelerating infrastructure projects sends a challenge. It is always possible that the
strong signal of public sector interest and policies, regulations, and political will
may increase the chances of project success. undergirding a project will change when a
new administration comes into power or
even when a new minister or other public
Insufficient political will official takes office within the same
Corruption, lack of transparency, and deal- administration.
blocking entrenched interests still afflict
Africa. Even when nations want to attract Fortunately, Africa has seen some project
private investment, mindsets can take time to success stories, such as the Cenpower Kpone
shift. Today governments widely recognize IPP deal in Ghana, which survived four
the need to enable private investment in the changes of minister. (See Case Study 4.) More
sectors of power, roads, railways, and bridges, common, however, are situations where a
but this awareness typically does not apply to change in the governing system creates major
other types of transport infrastructure such problems for an ongoing project. For
as seaports and airports. The inconsistency example, a port expansion project in a West
on this point reflects the scale of some of the African country was abandoned following
projects in these sectors and the difficulty of delays and disruption associated with
making all of them profitable (especially in multiple changes of the director of the port
roads and railways), but it also signals management authority. Prospective investors
resistance by local stakeholders to losing should approach this environment aware of
access to the opportunities the projects offer the risks, while looking to success stories for
for rent seeking and other forms of income lessons in how to improve their odds of
(especially in ports and airports). success, despite an environment rife with
uncertainty. One way of limiting the risks of
Another issue involves political will and the changes in governance and people is to
need for adequate coordination between assure buy-in at several levels in the
different ministries: governments often think organizations, instead of focusing exclusively
that, once they sign the PPPs or similar on the head figures.
agreements, their role is finished and they
have no further responsibility for its success.
Things never turn out as planned, but Weak regulatory environments
governments ultimately remain responsible African regulatory environments have
for delivering infrastructure to their people, improved in recent years, with the enactment
even when a PPP is present. Making things of many basic laws designed to permit
happen on the ground requires difficult, private investment in infrastructure, but

20 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

there is still a long way to go. Strengthening in the more engineering aspects of the
and enforcing the laws can take a long time. projects) with a significant opportunity in
Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo, vocational education. India, when faced with
for example, still lack the legal framework a similar skills gap, established an ambitious
needed for private sector investment in some program to provide technical training to tens
forms of infrastructure outside individually of millions of people in specific vocational
negotiated one-off government deals. Nigeria fields, eventually spawning an entire
has such laws in place, but the country took technical training industry. Similar solutions
four years to pass a regulation liberalizing the may help African countries attract
power sector, and another eight years passed infrastructure investment and may create
before privatization took placewith additional benefits along the way.
decidedly mixed results.

Consequently, private investors may find Financial complexity, long

themselves in the role of guinea pigs, needing gestation periods, and added costs
to co-develop legal agreements with the Africa is particularly handicapped by narrow
government to implement projects. The Lekki financial markets and (all too often) weak
Concession Company (LCC) deal is one underlying currencies. Aside from those in
example where this happened. (See Case Nigeria and South Africa, most commercial
Study 5.) Ghanas successful Cenpower deal banks in the region lack the financial muscle
served as a blueprint for similar projects not and institutional experience to finance major
just within the country but throughout the infrastructure deals. Pension funds and
entire region. insurance resourceshuge pools of capital
for infrastructure investment in other
This process helps governments develop regionsare rarely used outside South Africa.
templates and build internal capabilities for
future deals, enabling more rapid project Many African financial markets have an
completion. Investor confidence grows as excess of private savings that the banking
governments complete more deals and sector cannot transform into productive
develop regulatory stability. Governments can credits. Tapping into these savings via
proactively build these capabilities to attract infrastructure bond vehicles, with some kind
investment, and prospective investors can of governmental guarantee to back them,
look to past success stories for insight into could bring in large pools of domestic
how best to proceed within a specific country. financing for these projects, helping at the
same time to bridge the financing gap and
currency mismatches in many of them.
Technical skill shortages
African projects are hampered by the limited In light of the huge differences in financial
pool of people who have the right technical capacity of individual countries, such local
skills, ranging from highly trained engineers, currency pools are extremely important
financiers, and lawyers to construction potential sources of investment. Africa has more
workers with basic technical and vocational than 40 different currencies. Most are volatile
skills. Exacerbating this problem is a long- and not exchangeable, even with other African
term tendency to award public infrastructure countries. Most investors provide capital in
contracts to non-African companies, limiting foreign currency, but take their revenue in local
skill and technology transfer. The tendency currencies, creating a substantial currency
leads to higher project costs, puts a premium mismatch that often involves a very high risk.
on local talent, necessitates importing Hedging mechanisms or guarantees provided by
immigrant talent to fill gaps as needed, and governments seeking to attract foreign
imposes extra costs for training local investment in infrastructure may eliminate this
employees. currency risk for private investors by
transferring the risk to the government, but
This shortage of technical skills presents unfortunately such risk transfers impose a
governments and the private sector (at least substantial burden on the finances of the

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 21

guaranteeing government. Developing an Developers usually assess project costs and
appropriate framework to tap into local timelines in Africa at 20% to 30% higher than
financing, especially to cover some local costs, in developed economies. Some experts
will enhance the projects viability and reckon it at closer to 60%, which is another
sustainability. very important factor in African project costs
and therefore in private investors higher
Africas low current level of infrastructure expected internal rates of return (IRRs).
development also means that the secondary
infrastructure market is quite limited. As a A final disincentive to invest is the significant
result, private investors are much likelier to upfront capital cost of feasibility studies,
be involved in greenfield projects, which are impact assessments, and other activities not
riskier and less profitable than brownfield or usually borne by private investors elsewhere.
secondary investment. But when private The need to take on such development costs,
investment increases, developmental financial which can amount to 5% to 15% of total
institutions (DFIs) and development-focused project cost, is an additional factor in the
investors can prioritize greenfield projects African cost premium.
while fully private investors can buy out DFIs
from operational assets. By taking on these development costs and
creating environments that lower other
A project gestation period of seven to ten relevant overcosts, governments may unlock
years is typical in Africa, compared with three much more private investment in their
to five years elsewhere. All infrastructure countries. Also, over the past few years, funds
investment requires a long-term view, but from development partners have evolved to
players in Africa especially need patient offer financial products such as grants or
capital and must be prepared for time and guarantees that can be used to cover these
cost overruns as well as constant ongoing early costsalthough as yet this resource
renegotiation of contracts. remains underexploited.

22 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


G overnments role in private

infrastructure development inevitably
differs from the private sectors. Typical private
special social responsibility of governments.
They need to own the difficult parts of
community engagement, such as relocation
investors aim to make profits, whereas of people, and to ensure that communities
governments want to improve the well-being of understand and firmly own the investment.
their citizens through additional infrastructure.
Government provides funding for much Governments must also acknowledge that
infrastructure on its own as a public good. But private investors need to see a return on
limited government resources make using their investment. The two sides may differ
private sector capital for infrastructure that may on the questions of how high this return
yield commercial returns a wise strategic move. should be and how far private investors
should be protected from risk, but the
Emerging best practices for the public sector crucial point remains the same: while
center on creating an environment that helps government may focus on beneficial social
infrastructure investors operate successfully. impact, the private investor will expect
Making this environment a reality may monetary reward. Governments should also
require a change in approach and mindset strategically negotiate private investor
toward policy making and execution. participation, not only as a source of
financing, but also as a potential source of
expertise and enhanced efficiency.
A changed approach and mindset
Private investors often complain of The precise role that the private sector
governments lacking the political will to should play in infrastructure development in
drive private investment in infrastructure. any particular instance depends on the
So it should be a priority to demonstrate potential profitability of that project.
such will from the very top, creating an
enabling environment to ensure policy Governments should adopt a general
alignment and stability. subsidiarity approach to infrastructure
investment, leavingwhen appropriate
Governments also need to take a holistic profitable investments to private initiative,
approach to the task of identifying roles and and freeing up as many public resources as
responsibilities. This means recognizing the possible for needed but generally
different roles of private investors and the nonprofitable investments. Such an approach
public sector. One crucial difference is the would involve the following policy priorities:

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 23

Invest in projects, such as rural roads and So far, regional projects have yielded rather
long-distance passenger rail services, from tepid results, but these should improve if
which the private sector cannot hope to governments focus on enabling cooperation
turn a profit, prioritizing those with the and facilitating the private sector in its efforts
greatest social and economic benefits. to handle the execution.

Adopt state-of-the-art public tendering

and data disclosure practices to ensure Priority actions for governments
transparency along the entire project Governments should take the following steps:
chain from project origination to
preparation to implementation. This will Understand and nurture the idea that
increase the number and size of willing increased private investor involvement in
and available financial pools. the infrastructure space is necessary and
useful, for financing and skill-set reasons.
Provide the right enabling environment
and appropriate strategic subsidies (tax Establish a solid legal framework, and
incentives, sovereign guarantees, or free guarantee its enforcement and stability.
land, for example) for projects that may
be profitable with some government Enhance individuals capabilities with
support, such as power generation, busy training, and build institutional
expressways, strategic bridges, and urban capabilities in specialized PPP units.
rail systems.
Formulate an integrated infrastructure
Create an enabling and stable plan, and create a steady pipeline of new
environment to encourage investors to projects across the following segments:
invest in infrastructure projects that are
profitable without government subsidies, Basic infrastructure that is very difficult
as is usually the case with ICT-related to make economically profitable should
infrastructure investments. be the responsibility of governments
and development partners.
Concentrate the negotiation and
execution capabilities that private Infrastructure that is economically
investors need from government in a profitable with suitable tariffs in place
one-stop shop. should be funded by direct private
investment via concessions or PPPs.
Governments also need to strengthen
regional collaborations. Regional free trade Infrastructure that is marginally profitable,
agreements, connecting markets across the but not enough to justify a purely private
continent, and multination projects would investment should be handled via PPPs.
benefit many countries, especially the small
and the landlocked. Develop domestic capital and debt markets
to increase investors access to local currency
Regional and continent-wide infrastructure financing for infrastructure projects.
strategies and programs offer one way of
approaching the issue. Examples of such Insist on transparency, enforce anti-
initiatives are the Mtwara Development Project corruption standards, and strengthen
(a collaboration by Tanzania, Mozambique, anti-waste capabilities.
Malawi, and Zambia to provide road, rail, and
waterway access from the surrounding region to Ensure that government follows up on
the port of Mtwara in Tanzania) and the projects through the end of construction
Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (a joint and on into ongoing operation,
effort by Mozambique, Swaziland, and South recognizing that its work does not end
Africa to develop the regions primary and in many respects only beginswith
connecting transportation route). the concession agreements.

24 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nurture private investment participation, aim of making the process simpler, faster,
establish a solid legal framework, and more transparent, and more standardized as
guarantee its enforcement and stability. real-world experience accumulates.
Governments should be clear and stable
from their top officials to their rank-and-file Finally, reliable and quick law enforcement is
local administratorsin their attitude toward as important as a complete and adequate
and speech regarding the need for private legislative and regulating context. Without
investment participation in their adequate enforcement, even the best context
infrastructure programs. becomes useless. Often, adequate
enforcement goes hand in hand with stability
Private infrastructure investors also need a and strong political willingness, and these are
solid legal framework to enable and support very powerful magnets for foreign
their activities, but the necessary structure investment.
may not be in place, and the framework that
does exist may be inadequate or outdated. Enhance individual capabilities with training,
For example, in South Africa, Transnet has a and build institutional capacity in specialized
monopoly on ports, precluding private PPP units. The public sector needs to grow
operators from entering the market. in-house capabilities and know-how. While
Similarly, in Nigeria, private investment in attracting high-quality staff through attractive
railways remains difficult because of colonial- pay and career prospects, it should also provide
era legislation and an operating framework on-the-job training to build capacity
that established the Nigeria Railway particularly engineering, financial, legal, and
Corporation as the only entity permitted to transaction skills. One effective device is a
develop and operate rail systems. The AFC is twinning requirement under which every
currently working in an advisory role with foreign specialist participating in a given
Nigerias Federal Ministry of Transport on a project is matched with an African counterpart
novel project to open up this sector to private who provides local knowledge while
investment. Some other countries lack any simultaneously accumulating skills and
enabling legislation for private investment in experience that the government or local
power and transport infrastructure. service providers can use in-house.

Countries that have begun improving Development partners can provide technical
conditions for private investment can learn support and capacity, but governments must
from each other, adapting solutions to local make sure that the support helps develop
conditions. domestic talents so that they dont have to rely
on foreign experts in perpetuity. The AFC has
For large infrastructure projects, frequent built a team of highly technically skilled
policy reversals tend to be more damaging Africans, many of whom have extensive
than non-existent legislation. Governments experience outside Africa. The growing
should set a course and stick with it, educated and ambitious African diaspora
enshrining policies beyond election cycles so represents another pool of talents to tap into.
that they cannot be easily changed when
officials move on to other posts or a new Institutional capabilities are another priority.
administration comes to power. Governments should establish one-stop shops
for investors along the lines of those
Once legislation is in place, a government pioneered in Rwanda, South Africa, Cte
should identify a pioneering project to dIvoire, and Gabon. These entities combine
illuminate the path toward private executive authority with financial and human
investmentshowing how deals can be done, capacity, enabling them to improve and
how laws should be interpreted, and how the accelerate decision making and help
new policy works in reality. The government disseminate standardized tools and
should also accumulate know-how and knowledge. The roles and responsibilities of
templates of successful approaches to the other agencies involved in infrastructure
various aspects of investment deals, with the especially PPPsshould be clearly defined.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 25

Governments also need to share best practices have the financial muscle and internal
and legal and regulatory documents among capability to finance large, transformative
themselves. A well-constructed deal in Ghana infrastructure projects. Small banks have
may ease the process for future deals in that neither. But Africa has seen some
country, but it will not make any immediate improvement in this area. For example, the
difference elsewhere. An Africa-wide sourcing of over $2 billion in debt from
infrastructure investment industry association Nigerian banks to fund power privatization
could make a real difference here. One model would have been unthinkable just a decade
is the AFCs Africa Infrastructure earlier. This aspect is particularly important
Development Association (AfIDA)an to help overcome weak currency mismatches
initiative that fosters continuous dialogue in many projects.
among members, standardizes project
development documentation, develops More specifically, governments should
market benchmarks, enables knowledge support the creation of instruments that
transfer, shares best practices, creates enable projects to tap debt markets (bonds
templates, leads and facilitates independent and project bonds) and enable private
research, and serves as a policy advocacy operators to access capital (equity raising)
forum for the industry. The African and manage risk (hedging instruments and
Development Banks Africa Legal Support other derivatives). Building capital market
Facility, which takes a regional approach to instruments will also permit long-term
negotiating with investors, offers a Pan- investors (such as pension managers and
African model for addressing gaps in public insurance companies) to take positions in the
sector capacity. infrastructure market without being locked in
to a projects capital structure.
Formulate an integrated infrastructure plan
and a steady project pipeline. Most African To create a vibrant secondary market,
countries would benefit from having a national governments could allow passive equity
master plan for involving private investors in investors to exit after a period of time and
developing their economies, offering coherent resell their position to a non-operating equity
strategy rather than ad hoc attempts at provider (to prevent a disruption in
privatization. Where possible, the scope of operations). Governments could accomplish
such a plan should be both regional and this by creating a convertible share that DFIs,
continent-wide. Solid planning with clear MDBs (multilateral development banks) or
priorities in place would give investors a clear others could buy to free equity investors after
view of both short- and long-term a certain amount of time. DFIs/MDBs could
opportunities. These plans and strategies finance specific tranches in the capital
should be homegrown and should enlist the structure of PPPs without entering the
best resources the continent has to offer, project within the special-purpose vehicle
especially in terms of talented human capital. (SPV). Hence, they could resell their position
in the capital structurean innovative
To tackle this task, governments should build propositionbut not carry the burden of the
very strong, small, centralized technical teams full investment to operations.
that are fully empowered by the highest
levels of the governmental hierarchy to take Governments also need to raise more
action. A good example of this may be the domestic revenue and diversify their income
Centre de Promotion des Investissements sources. Taxes are not effective everywhere,
(CEPICI) in Cte dIvoire. and a means must be found to mobilize long-
term savings to finance extended
Develop domestic capital and debt markets development projects in infrastructure.
to increase access to local currency financing Regulatory change is needed to enable
for infrastructure projects. To unlock pension and insurance funds to invest more
infrastructure investment, African countries broadly in infrastructure. A broader mix of
need to develop their financial markets. In financial instruments would spread risks
particular the continent needs banks that across a broader group of investors.

26 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Governments and private investors should The public sector should also improve access
aim for fresh approaches to infrastructure to local-currency long-term financing. This
investment. Governments need to be more could be done through issuance of risk-
creative in attracting investment and guaranteed infrastructure bonds and through
organizing project financing, and private currency hedging/convertibility schemes,
investors should use their expertise and facilitating access to investment opportunities
international experience to approach while developing domestic capital and
investment in innovative and localized ways. banking markets.

India, for example, is piloting Infrastructure Insist on transparency, enforce anti-

Investment Trusts, a listed vehicle that lets corruption standards, and strengthen anti-
investors gain access to project portfolios. A waste capabilities. More than anything, the
similar vehicle might be South African/ public sector needs to counter corruption and
Nigerian listed but comprise assets from vested interests that hinder the enactment of
across the continent, freeing up investor regulations and the implementation of
capital and enabling wholesale and retail infrastructure projects.
investors to gain exposure to infrastructures.
Procurement and public tendering remain
Probably the innovation with the greatest areas with huge potential for misconduct, so
impact on infrastructure investment has been promoting their integrity and transparency is
Indias Toll-Operate-Toll (TOT) model: a priority. Greater transparency is also
government builds and operates toll roads to needed in areas such as the choice of
prove their viability before passing them projects, technologies, contractors, and even
through to the private sector. African countries policies. Transparency would bring an
could use DFI or MDB concessional debt to increase in the number and size of available
finance such a model before taking it PPP. financial pools through the involvement of a
broader group of stronger investors.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 27


T his chapter presents the emerging best

practices for private investors, based on the
practical experience of important players in
Overarching every other consideration is the
need to grasp African realities, and to have
this understanding inform expectations.
the field. We start with the mindset needed Armed with such understanding, a smart,
before working through practices related to patient investor can expect to be involved in
specific stages of the project life cycle. profitable deals that have a transformational
impact on the communities and countries in
which they are located.
The winning approach
Private-sector investors in African
infrastructure projects need four key An integrated project life-cycle
attributes: approach and deep local market
A mindset and expectations that reflect Investors in African projects need an
the distinctive realities of the African integrated approach, starting as sponsors,
investing environmentin particular, taking the project to bankability, closing the
persistence and resilience, a long-term financing, and then supervising and
view of project success, and appropriate controlling the execution. At every stage,
risk tolerance. they must have a deep understanding of the
characteristics and dynamics of local
Deep local knowledge of each target environments and well-honed negotiation
market and each local environment, as skills to address problems. The value of this
well as of local dynamics. approach is quite evident in the Cenpower
deal example (Case Study 4).
An entrepreneur/engineer outlook rather
than a more hands-off financier-type Projects that lack an integrated end-to-end
viewpoint with an integrated end-to-end approach and in-house skills are much
view of the project and a willingness to likelier to be derailed.
acquire in-house capabilities for its
different stages. Persistence and resilience are crucial during
the projects life cycle and across different
Awareness of community engagement as a sectors and countries. Investors must be
core priority, not an add-on. willing to be field-builders and take on a
pioneering and sponsoring role, even though

28 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

doing so may add cost and time to a deal and This is illustrated by the contrasting outcomes
demand entrepreneurial characteristics. of the Henri Konan Bdi Bridge project in
Some work will take a long time, there will Abidjan, Cte DIvoire, and the LCC Lekki-
be unforeseen difficulties, and not Epe Expressway toll road project in Lagos,
everything will go according to plan. Nigeria. In Abidjan, the bridge promoters
Investors who fail to recognize this reality with the government taking the lead
and who lack the resilience and political successfully made the case for tolls by
influence to overcome problems are unlikely emphasizing the public benefits they would
to prosper. Maintaining a long-term view, bring. (See Case Study 7.) The failure of the
buttressed by effective problem-solving skills government in Lagos to engage in the same
on the ground, is essential. way resulted in anti-toll protests whose long-
term outcome was that, five years after
Experience shows that investors who are completion of the project, only one of three
willing to get close to an assettravelling to toll stations was operational and the
the site, walking it, and getting to know what government had bought out the concessions
is happening on the groundare likeliest to equity and debt holders (Case Study 5).
succeed. Combining this entrepreneur/
engineer approach with an entrepreneurial
mindset and a willingness (especially among Best practices for project
project leaders) to take risks brings rewards, development
enabling investors and project developers to For this critical, lengthy, and risky stage, the
benefit as equity participants and not just as following best practices have emerged:
debt providers. But it demands different skills
and attitudes toward risk. Accommodate shifts in timing.

Find a champion in the government.

Community engagement as a
priority Set up co-funding of feasibility studies
A sure way to torpedo a project is to fail and other development expenses.
either to take communities into account or to
engage them adequately. As the Turkana Work with the right combination of
Wind Power deal in Kenya shows, partners.
engagement should be a priority from the
outset. (See Case Study 6.) A locally Maintain precise documentation, and aim
influential promoter is a major advantage for balanced deals.
and should engage with community leaders
before a project starts, always emphasizing Attempt to secure financial closure within
that the local community is a partner in the one administration.
project and not just an empty palm to be
paid off. Whenever possible, investors should Set clear rules of engagement for
employ people from the community, training discussion of financial stability.
them as needed, and should seek ways to
illustrate the community benefits of a Accommodate shifts in timing. Flexibility is
successful project. Aligning incentives with as important as planning. Many projects
the investors success is critical. face cost and schedule overruns, so it is
essential to allow for shifts in timing.
Engagement goes beyond the immediate host Excessive penalties for schedule overruns
community if the infrastructure is to benefit may be counterproductive, making projects
a larger population. New tolls or higher unviable.
tariffs should not be introduced without
attendant public relations and marketing Find a champion in the government. Strong
campaigns. Communities must be persuaded government support is a common thread in
of the benefit of paying, particularly where successful projects. Such support may come
previous provision was cheaper or free. from a senior, influential, committed person

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 29

who believes in the project and is willing to through careful planning to deal with some
champion it publicly and privately. important areas of risk, planners attracted a
diverse and highly suitable set of investors.
Set up co-funding of feasibility and other
needed studies. Reliable feasibility studies A dedicated project team composed of
are crucial but costly. Collaborative financing people with varied backgrounds and
mitigates the risk to each investor and experience is as important as the right
ensures proper levels of engagement. Such combination of investors. The team should
funding can come from donors interested in include skilled professionals with technical
the developmental aspect of infrastructure. expertise in specific fields as well as finance
and investment experts. Diverse, technically
Project developers will also need an competent teams bring the contacts and
environmental and social impact assessment localized technical knowledge that are
(ESIA), adequate lawyer support, and crucial in Africa, particularly in navigating
mediation assistance to enable a final the public sector.
agreement and a signable contract between
parties for concessions and PPPs, and all of Maintain precise documentation, and aim for
these efforts require the marshaling of balanced deals. Incomplete documentation is
appreciable amounts of money. a common problem. Extensively drafted legal
agreements must be fully discussed and
Work with the right combination of partners. understood. At the same time, investors
Any project needs high-quality partners should avoid overbaking these agreements.
with the right mindset, motivation, and mix Demanding too many concessions from the
of capacity and experience. A deep review government may lead to delays or to a feeling
of sponsors is essential at this stage because on the governments side that the investment
is vital to know exactly who is behind the team is asking for too much.
deal and what their participation means for
the project. The concession agreement for the Lekki-Epe
Expressway (Case Study 5), for example,
The most successful projects enlist a strategic stipulated compensation for every other
combination of investors who play different commercial transport corridor within a
roles in the project: some with local clout, 10-kilometer radius. In practice, this provision
some with very patient capital, some who can obliged the government to compensate
fill gaps in different types of funding investors for almost any other planned
requirements (debt, mezzanine, or equity) transport system development in the city.
and take higher risks, strategic investors with
technical expertise, banks with strength to Another counterproductive agreement was
hold debt, and others. The Cenpower deal the 2006 concession deal between Sheltam, a
(Case Study 4) neatly illustrates the needed South African engineering company, and the
mix. Cenpower Limited was a well-connected Joint Railway Commission of Kenya and
and committed local promoter; InfraCo was a Uganda to operate the Rift Valley Railways
developmentally focused infrastructure (RVR). (See Case Study 9.) The inclusion of
project development entity; the AFC was unachievable performance targets set the
flexible, had a developmental view, and could concessionaire up for failure.
fill funding gaps; both the African
Infrastructure Investment Fund and the Attempt to secure financial closure within one
Dutch bank FMO had a development political administration. Securing project
orientation and long-term view; and financing and commercial terms under the
Sumitomo, a Japanese company, provided same administration and with the same group
equipment and technical support. of officials eliminates the risks associated
with changes of government. The specific
The Azura-Edo IPP in Nigeria provides circumstances differ between countries, but
another example of assembling a good set of many have a specific political window during
partners. (See Case Study 8.) For this project, which a project is more likely to close with

30 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

minimal impact occasioned by regulatory Plan the handover from construction to
changes or transitions of key officials. operation well in advance. A comprehensive
handover plan reduces the risk of delays and
Set clear rules of engagement for discussion confusion in the transition between phases
of financial stability. The uncertainty and and fosters a smooth transition to revenue-
unpredictability inherent in any long-term generating activity. All partiesthose
project, particularly in Africa, establishing rules responsible for construction and operation and
of engagement for any renegotiationand its those overseeing the projectneed to know
trigger pointsover the course of a project is what will happen once the work is finished.
essential. Such a mechanism might have The handover should be a transparent process
prevented many of the problems afflicting that permits work to continue uninterrupted
the Lekki-Epe Expressway and RVR during the transition and leads to a prompt
concession deals (Case Studies 5 and 9). startup of the next phase.

Create adequate maintenance plans, and

Best practices for project ensure their execution. Project leaders need
implementation to ensure that a maintenance plan has been
Although a project that is well structured drawn up, agreed upon, and implemented.
during the development stage poses less risk Without one, even a successfully constructed
during the implementation stage, the latter asset can deteriorate rapidly. Responsibility
phase is still critical to project success. can have various owners, depending on the
contractual arrangement, but in any case
The following best practices should help adequate follow-up and control mechanisms
investors avoid some common mistakes: need to be established.

Ensure structured management by Avoid charging users for partially completed

establishing clear milestones and deadlines, projects. Although it may make sense
and a project management office (PMO) financially to deliver some projects in stages
with direct access to decision makers. and to start collecting revenue before
delivering the final product, this should be
Plan the handover from construction to done with caution. The example of the Lekki-
operation well in advance. Epe Expressway (Case Study 2) illustrates the
risks of charging for a partially delivered
Create adequate maintenance plans, and project. Tolls will draw intensified resistance if
ensure their execution. users must spend considerable time in traffic
because parts of the project are incomplete.
Avoid charging users for partially
completed projects.
Conclusion: The road ahead
Ensure structured management by Although Sub-Saharan Africa is rich in
establishing clear milestones and deadlines, opportunities, it cannot fully unlock its
and a PMO with direct access to decision potential unless it closes its significant
makers. Reliable, structured project infrastructure gap. Closing this gap and
management is essential for asset accelerating social and economic growth and
construction, with clearly defined milestones development will certainly take time.
and deadlines, and with a dedicated PMO to
make smooth collaboration much likelier. Owing to limited public sector finances and
Yet surprisingly many projects have lacked a technical capacity, the private sector must
structured plan divided into appropriate enlarge its role in developing, funding, and
stages and marked by helpful checkpoints. operating profitable aspects of infrastructure.
Having quick, smooth access to top Both governments and investors can help
governmental decision makers is also unlock the continents potential by adopting
crucial, especially for problem solving in the best practices and learning from the
unforeseen situations. experiences described in this document.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 31

The region has nearly a billion people and by The public officials and private investors who
2030 will have the worlds largest and can make deals happen and invigorate the
youngest labor force. With a stronger sector will be the architects of Africas future,
infrastructure base, this can be the and the projects they create will be the
generation that fulfills Africas potential. foundation on which that future will be built.

32 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


T he following ten case studies, drawn

from high-profile deals completed over
the past decade, offer real-life illustrations of
These case histories represent a range of
different sectors, geographies, and investors.
(See the exhibit below.) Three are drawn
the challenges of infrastructure investment in from the transport sector, four from power
Africa. Some supply examples of best generation, and the final three illustrate
practices, others serve as cautionary tales different models of government support for
regarding what can go wrong, and still others private investment. Each offers a unique set
are a mix of the two. of insights into the challenges of
infrastructure investing in Africa.

Case Study Map

1 Henri Konan Bdi Bridge, Cte d'Ivoire

2 Lekki-Epe Expressway, Nigeria

3 Rift Valley Railways (RVR), Kenya


8 10 10 9 10 4 Cenpower Kpone IPP, Ghana
10 1 4 2 5
6 5 Azura-Edo IPP, Nigeria
3 10
3 6 Lake Turkana Wind Power, Kenya
7 Moatize IPP, Mozambique

8 BNETD, Cte d'Ivoire

9 Power sector transformation, Nigeria

10 Power Africa initiative1

Source: BCG analysis.

The map shows six initial target countries.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 33

Case Study 1 | Donor Power: The Power Africa Initiatives record so far is
Power Africa Initiative mixed. A recent Financial Times article said
Ultimately, the solution to Africas infrastruc- that only 374MW from six sizable power
ture deficit must be African-owned and projects is up and running so far. Power
African-driven, but efforts like former Africa and similar programs will not solve the
President Obamas Power Africa Initiativea infrastructure gap in Africa on their own, but
partnership between the US government, they may help to place infrastructure issues
African governments, African and US private at the center of the African development
sector companies, international organiza- agenda. President Obamas focus on the issue
tions, and NGOsstill have a role to play. contributed to the inclusion of access to
energy in the United Nations Sustainable
Power Africa succeeded AGOA and PEPFAR, Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Nor is
the Africa programs of presidents Clinton and Power Africa dependent on its creator.
George W. Bush and is the largest Passage of the bipartisan Electrify Africa Act
undertaking in recent years to address in early 2016 guaranteed the initiatives
Africas infrastructure gap. After setting an continuation into the post-Obama era.
initial goal of doubling access to electricity in
Sub-Saharan Africa, President Obama tripled
the goal in 2014. Power Africa now aims to Case Study 2 | The One-Stop
generate 30,000MW of power and to add 60 Shop: BNETD, Cte dIvoire
million new connections to people across Cte dIvoires Bureau National dEtudes
Sub-Saharan Africa. Mr. Obama also pledged Techniques et de Dveloppement (BNETD) is
to increase support $300 million per year. a pioneering African example of a one-stop
This ambitious goal represents a huge shop devoted to infrastructure investment.
increase from to Sub-Saharan Africas current An early post-colonial initiative founded in
power generation of a mere 80,000MW, more 1960 to foster national economic
than half of it in South Africa. development, it has since evolved and
expanded in both responsibilities and
Power Africa takes different approaches to its geographic coverage.
power generation and access expansion
targets. It focuses on deals to increase BNETD serves as the governments one-stop
generation, owing some early victories to shop to support infrastructure investment
projects that already exist, and now and development, including those with
emphasizes generating new deals and ensuring private investment, while also providing
that existing projects are completed. As of July broader technical, project management,
2015 it had backed projects that reached audit, and consulting services to Ivorian
financial close in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, government agencies. BNETD also provides
Rwanda, and Tanzania and are expected to technical and project management services in
generate over 4,000MW, more than 60% of this Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Cameroon, Benin,
from privatized companies in Nigeria as of July and other African countries.
2015. It is also tracking projects that should
generate over 24,000MW. The initiative has a It has developed its own project portfolio and
significant focus on renewable energy partnerships with important pan-African
generation, with approximately 13,000MW of infrastructure players such as the AfDB and
tracked projects generated by natural gas and the AFC. BNETD has been involved in
6,700MW by hydroelectric. numerous infrastructure projects including
Henri Konan Bdi Bridge (using its expertise
The initiative pursues access goals through a to clear many potential obstacles to progress)
combination of grid-expansion projects and Flix Houphout Boigny Airport,
off-grid solutions. Its Off the Grid sub- Yamoussoukro Highway, and Maria Gleta
initiative focusing on small-scale energy Thermal Power Plant in Benin.
solutions has attracted more than 40
investors and partners that have committed BNETD is among Africas most experienced
$1 billion to it over the next five years. infrastructural players, drawing on its human

34 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

capital, technical expertise, and 50 years of Plans for fresh capacity were already in place
operation. One element in its success has through the 2004 National Integrated Power
been the quality of its leaders, many of Project (NIPP) proposal for construction of
whom have risen to national and ten new power plants.
international prominence. Philippe Serey-
Eiffel, the great great grandson of the Eiffel Two actions further bolstered the privatization
Tower architect, worked for BNETD from effort: the creation of a transitional board to
1973 until 1994, the last four as its head, and oversee the holding and successor companies,
is now President Ouattaras advisor on and a multiyear tariff order to help determine
economic affairs and infrastructure. Tidjane electricity prices and provide transparency for
Thiam, CEO of the BNETD from 1994 to 1998 consumers. The transmission company set up a
and chairman of BNETD and Minister of marketing operations department to manage
Planning from 1998 to 1999, is now CEO of the wholesale market, with a bulk trader
Credit Suisse. Other prominent former established to purchase and resell electricity
BNETD CEOs are Antoine Cesareo, Ahoua from generation companies to distribution
Don Mello, Adou Antoine, and Pascal Kra companies.
Koffi. The emphasis on highly skilled, capable
leadership is a best practice in itself, and has By 2013 the sector was almost fully privatized,
contributed to the BNETDs success in driving with only transmission remaining under
major infrastructure projects in Cte dIvoire. government ownership. More than $2 billion,
most funded by loans from Nigerian banks, had
BNETDs expansion strategy for the near been spent on the privatized assets. Numerous
future focuses on diversifying its portfolio, new players, ranging from successful
reducing its dependency on Cte dIvoire businessman from other sectors to retired
government projects by strengthening military officers, had entered the market.
activities across Africa, and raising industry
standards. It aims to share its knowledge and The transition has not been easy. The
experience with other African countriesa privatized generation and distribution
much-needed approach on the continent. companies have faced such problems as
unreliable gas supply, limited capacity of the
transmission grid, payment delays from the
Case Study 3 | Privatizing Power bulk trader, lack of payment to the
in Nigeria distribution companies by end users, and
Formerly a government-owned monopoly, difficulty in servicing dollar-denominated
Nigerias power generation and transmission debts and costs. Recent moves by the federal
sector has undergone a transformation into a legislature to roll back the end-user cost-
liberalized, almost completely privatized reflective tariff increases that the regulator set
sector in less than 15 years. Recognizing that in February 2016 have not been helpful either.
the state monopoly could not meet Nigerias
growing demand for electricity, its As of 2015, more than $8 billion had been
government initiated reform through the 2001 spent on the NIPP, and the plants are in the
National Electric Power Policy, followed by process of being sold to private investors. The
the 2005 Electric Power Sector Reform Act. projects second phase emphasizes both
generation and transmission. Power purchase
The 2005 Act provided the legal framework agreements signed in 2016 with 12 solar
for privatization. It created a holding producers will contribute a cumulative
company to assume the assets, liabilities, and 975MW of power. While many of the 120
employees of the existing state-owned licenses issued by the regulator to private
company and introduced a mechanism for its companies have yet to be fully used, they
division into 19 successor companiesone offer clear evidence of private interest in the
handling transmission, seven generation, and electricity sector.
eleven distribution. Most crucially, it
established a sector regulator, the Nigeria The wider population has not yet seen any
Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC). improvement, but as more generated power

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 35

comes on stream, further investments occur InfraCo. Other investors included the African
in transmission and distribution, and overall Infrastructure Investment Fund, FMO (the
human capacity grows in the space, there is Dutch DFI), and Sumitomo, which came in as
hope for a brighter future. both an investor and a technical partner.

As a trailblazing infrastructure investment

Case Study 4 | Creating the Mar- project, Kpone IPP faced and surmounted a
ket: Cenpower Kpone IPP, Ghana number of hurdles. One example was its
Cenpower IPP, the first licensed private IPP provision of a $93 million Fuel Finance
in Ghana, offers a best-practice example of Facility, supplied by a group of DFIs as
how to play a pioneering role for the sector insurance against the fuel-supply risks
and how to engage with government through associated with the Ghanaian power sector.
multiple political transitions. It also offers
lessons for private investors and governments The project also showed the importance of
in the areas of regulation, community relying on strict legal agreements backed by
engagement, and international investing. legislation, as opposed to government
contracts backed by trust and familiarity
Cenpower Kpone IPP, a $900 million, 350MW between government agencies. The
combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power agreements developed for the Cenpower deal
plant, will have a significant and immediate have become templates for other power
impact in Ghana when it begins operation transactions in Ghana.
later this year.
This project also demonstrated that changes
Cenpower was formed in 2001 following the in the government or its supervising officials
deregulation of power generation in Ghana need not derail a deal. Ghana went through
and was converted in 2003 into a wholly four Ministers of Power during the course of
Ghanaian vehicle to develop the Kpone IPP the project, but continuity at other key
as project promoter. It acquired vital rights cabinet posts and the fact that Cenpower
and did initial developmentacquiring the proactively positioned the project as a
site and right-of-way, securing the generation priority minimized disruption.
license, carrying out initial environmental
studies, securing the environmental permit, Cenpower also made a priority of good
securing and renegotiating the power community relations. It issued regular project
purchase agreement (PPA), securing updates, promised that local workers would
government consent and support, and not be laid off, and emphasized benefits to
providing the necessary local presence the community such as a promise that 60% of
before forming a partnership in 2005 with the 700 on-site workers would be local
InfraCo. Its partner was responsible for residents. It also avoided interfering with or
handling the projects EPC, fuel supply, ESIA, playing on local political dynamics, which
and insurance, and it helped source a enabled it to remain a neutral player,
strategic investor and secure O&M and long- maintain its focus, and create a cordial
term services agreements. working environment.

In 2010, the AFC acquired a controlling

interest in the project and took on the role of Case Study 5 | Good Idea, Poor
lead developer. It renegotiated the PPA to Alignment: The Lekki-Epe
ensure bankability and led the negotiation of Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria
the government consent and support The Lekki-Epe Expressway Toll Road
agreement, the finalization of the Concession project in Lagos, Nigeria, was a
interconnection agreement, coordination of much-needed upgrade to a road that linked a
debt fundraising, and day-to-day fast-growing commercial and residential axis
management and operation of the project to the rest of the city. The concession deal for
company from 2010 and of the financial close the road was ahead of its time, had a strong
in 2014. In September 2014, it bought out and influential local promoter, and was

36 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

structured under new legislation at the Lagos part because different political parties
state level rather than under federal law. But controlled the federal and state governments.
the project fell victim to a lack of clear Construction delays followed. When tolling
coordination between the government and began in 2010, some residents affected by the
the concessionaire on the mitigants put in project were unhappy. Some argued that
place to address the risks of the pioneering tolling should not commence before the
deal. The government also underestimated entire 49.4-kilometer first phase of the
the importance of community and public project had been completed. Although the
engagement, which resulted in challenges government had approved the plan to
during the life of the project. The road was introduce tolls, but in the absence of an
constructed, but ultimately the state adequate community engagement program,
government bought out the 30-year the tolls led to street protests. To defuse the
concession earlier than planned. In the end, situation, the state government delayed
the deal was still a win-win, as the primary tolling, promising to cover the investors loss
equity investors exited within their preferred of income as stipulated in the concession
target deal timeline, and the community agreement.
benefited from the infrastructure
improvement. In 2012, LCC planned to introduce a second
toll, 10 kilometers away from the first, but
The goal was to upgrade the Lekki-Epe this plan never became operational. To
Expressway, constructed in 1983 to connect insulate drivers from the additional tolling
Lekki and Epe to the rest of Lagos state, cost, the state government instead agreed to
widening it from its original four-lane design pay full compensation to the LCC. Rising
to a six-lane highway. In 2006, under the construction costs and questions about where
authority of the 2004 Lagos state Roads Law, a third toll plaza would be located soon
Lagos state introduced its first public-private created a gap in the projects economics. The
partnership to undertake the project. following year, the state government bought
back the concession it had granted only seven
The Lekki Concession Company (LCC), a years earlier. A further factor in the decision
specially created subsidiary of Asset and was the governments obligation to cover
Resource Management Company (ARM), was costs caused by diverted traffic related to
the projects lead sponsor and originator. The other transport infrastructure projects
concession was conceived as a build-operate- undertaken within the 10-kilometer radius.
transfer toll road concession. The plan was
for LCC to upgrade the expressway, hold the Lagos states approach to infrastructure
concession for 30 years, earn back its development was innovative: It attracted
investment through tolls, and then return the private investment and created a PPP office, as
expressway to state control in good condition. required by law, in 2011. But the outcome of
The state government underwrote the project the LCC project and of contracts for the Lagos
with debt funding worth about 10% of the Blue Line, in which the government again
total project cost, demonstrating the states eventually took on costs directly to resolve
commitment and connecting it financially to persistent difficulties, may make prospective
the project, thereby mitigating risks. The state investors in future projects uneasy. On the
government also included a standard other hand, government capacity has
contractual provision promising increased, and lessons learned from previous
compensation should other transport projects experiences will benefit future investors.
within a 10-kilometer radius of the Lekki-Epe
Expressway affect LCC toll revenue. The Lekki-Epe Expressway project offers
several lessons. LCC painstakingly built in
The project struggled from the start. A delay cover for anticipated risksa best practice
of nearly two years resulted from challenges anywhere in the world. But the governments
in securing a sovereign guarantee in case negotiation capacity was limited at the time,
Lagos state failed to meet its obligations, a and negotiators did not fully appreciate the
guarantee that proved difficult to obtainin long-term commitments that it would have to

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 37

deliver on even though private investors were Case Study 6 | Infrastructure
taking the lead. As a result, Lagos state did Projects Transforming a Region:
not fully understand its ongoing Lake Turkana Wind Power, Kenya
responsibilities under the agreements it Turkana Wind Powerthe largest-ever
signed, making it difficult for government to private investment in Kenya and the largest
meet them, especially in a complicated wind farm project in Africais a best-
political climate. practice example of large-scale investing in
renewable energy, community engagement,
The state government also failed to anticipate and opening up an impoverished region
the degree of popular resistance to tolling, through a single transaction.
and consequently it did not launch a full-
scale public engagement campaign prior to Located in Loiyangalani District, Marsabit
introducing them. The federal governments County, the $690 million plant is expected to
abolition of toll gates in 2003 had fueled a go on line in June 2017 and have a significant
widely shared perception that road tolls were economic impact on Kenyas impoverished
unlawful. Alternate routes created by the northwest. It will provide 310MW of reliable,
government were hardly viable, which, in low-cost wind power that Kenya Power and
effect, made the tolls compulsory. Lighting Company (KPLC) will buy at a fixed
price over a 20-year period, in accordance
The public showed far less resistance to with the PPA. Thanks to Kenyas strong
tolling at the Lekki-Ikoyi Link Bridge, the first enabling environment and existing
suspension bridge in Sub-Saharan Africa. regulations for private investment in power
This bridge, located a short distance from the generation, the deal went through without
Lekki-Epe Expressway, was wholly state- legislative delays.
government-funded. Analysis indicated that it
would not be profitable, particularly since the The project involves numerous players. Its
government wanted an iconic landmark promoter is the Lake Turkana Wind Power
structure, entailing extra costs. But resistance (LTWP) consortium, comprising KP&P Africa
to tolling appears to have been less, despite B.V. and Aldwych International as co-
long queues at the bridges toll plaza, for developers, along with Investment Fund for
several reasons. First, the bridge serves as an Developing Countries, Vestas Eastern Africa
alternative route linking two relatively Limited, Finnish Fund for Industrial
affluent areas that previously had no direct Cooperation Ltd, KLP Norfund Investments
connection. Second, the state had learned AS, and Sandpiper Limited.
from the challenges encountered in the
Lekki-Epe Expressway project to devote Through its Power Africa fund, African
greater attention to public and behind-the- infrastructure fund manager Harith General
scenes community engagement throughout Partners has committed $70 million to the
the process. And third, the tolling experience project. As the mandated lead arranger and
from the Lekki-Epe Expressway may have senior co-lender, African Development Bank
taken some of the sting out of the anti-toll is providing a long-term senior loan of $150
debate, making this project easier to sustain. million and leads a syndicate of banks that
includes Standard Bank, Nedbank, European
Investors must build provisions for Investment Bank, DEG, and Proparco. Project
anticipated riskssuch as income losses contractors include Vestas Wind Systems A/S,
into their contracts. But on their side, Siemens, SECO, Rongxin Power Electronic,
governments must fully understand the and Civicon Limited.
implications of these provisions, shoring up
any unexpected income losses to the To promote its aim of supplying the national
investors that arise from the sociopolitical grid with clean and affordable energy, the
environment or from external events project has used an array of strategies to
including unexpected reactions of the engage effectively with the local community.
community to terms of the contractfor These have included public meetings and
which the investors are not responsible. workshops with specific groups, such as

38 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

vulnerable people; surveys and diverse and strong investment group, and of
questionnaires of affected parties; and pursuing a sound policy of community and
brochures, leaflets, posters, nontechnical public engagement. Conflict, including civil
summary documents, and performance war, held up this project for more than a
reports. Special visual representations decade. But a partnership involving the
(photographs, diagrams, and models) were original promoter, the finance community,
prepared for public meetings and face-to-face and the government brought it to completion.
sessions with local residents, especially in Effective community engagement has ensured
locales where project leaders anticipated low that the bridge, despite charging tolls, is used
rates of literacy or a limited understanding of fairly intensively and has significantly im-
the predominant language. proved traffic flows in Abidjan.

The LTWP consortium also established a The bridge first appeared in development
charityWinds of Change Foundation plans in 1952. But not until 1997 did the
(WoC)to improve the lives of people in the government of Cte dIvoire create the regula-
surrounding community. Initiatives aimed at tory framework for private road concessions,
improving education and quality of life have signing an agreement with Socoprim, a
included a solar-powered reverse osmosis subsidiary of the Bouygues Group, to construct
system in Sarima village, improved equipment and operate the bridge. The deal was closed
for the Burri-Aramia dispensary, and support and work was ready to commence in 1999 but
for 23 schools in the form of teaching the project halted when a military coup
materials and refurbished classrooms. occurred, leading to nearly a decade of
political unrest and civil war. The project
Improved regional integration is another remained suspended until the return of peace
benefit, through connection of the and stability in 2011. Construction began in
landlocked Great Rift Valley region to the 2011, with an agreement for a 30-year opera-
rest of the country over the improved tion period, after which the bridge will become
infrastructure linked to the wind farm, government property. Construction was
including a road, fiber-optic cable, and completed in 2014 and the bridge began
electric power. One example is the upgrade operating that same year.
of the $36 million, 207-kilometer C77 public
road from Laisamis to Sarima, which has Recognizing that the novelty of the project
opened up the area, reduced travel times to and the postconflict environment made the
Loiyangalani and Laisamis, and allowed project risky, the government asked lenders
easier access to Lake Turkana. how to provide them the needed comfort to
participate in the project. This resulted in the
Nevertheless, delays by the Kenyan governments making two additions to the
government in guaranteeing adequate original concession agreement: a sizable
transmission connection to the grid have subsidy of 50 billion CFA francs
hindered the LTWP project. These delays (approximately $81million), and a minimum
have been costly for the investors, and they revenue guarantee during the loan
raise the issue of risk associated with repayment period.
noncompliance by governments with regard
to their responsibilities in adjacent Bouygues Group, as the anchor investor of
infrastructures that are key to enabling the Socoprim, led the project throughout as the
investment to generate its expected returns. main sponsor. It carried out the construction,
organized the operation phase and staff
training, and now provides assistance with
Case Study 7 | Persistence and Com- infrastructure management (especially
munity Engagement: Henri Konan tolling) and maintenance. Among the other
Bdi Bridge, Abidjan, Cte dIvoire investors and lenders were the Africa Finance
The construction and tolling of the Henri Corporation (AFC), African Development
Konan Bdi Bridge in Abidjan, Cte dIvoire, Bank, FMO, Pan African Infrastructure
offers a best-practice example of assembling a Development Fund, Banque Ouest Africaine

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 39

de Dveloppement (BOAD), Banque issues. The project built capacity and
dInvestissement et de Dveloppement de la provided jobs in the local community by
CEDEAO (BIDC), and Banque Marocaine du investing heavily in training in civil
Commerce Extrieur (BMCE). engineering and other key skills, which were
previously lacking, and the government took
AFC committed $55 million, including loan full responsibility for compensating and
facilities and equity investment, and played a resettling nearly 2,500 people displaced by
role as lead arranger of the mezzanine the bridges construction.
tranche of the financing. The government of
Cte dIvoire contributed 50 billion CFA Ultimately, the rewards justified the risks.
francs and has a 18.65% holding with two The project is now viewed as one of the most
board seats. The World Banks Multilateral successful infrastructure projects funded by
Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) private investment in Sub-Saharan Africa.
provided $145 million in insurance coverage The government of Cte dIvoire was
for equity investments and loans. rewarded with a significant socioeconomic
and environmental benefit to the people of
The negotiating process, which proved crucial Abidjan. Traffic congestion has been reduced
to this deals success, was balanced for all sides. by the creation of an alternative to the
Also, the need for a bridge never became a Houphout-Boigny and Charles de Gaulle
political issue. All parties recognized that it was bridges. Travel times for commuters between
a necessity, and the result was a consistent Riviera and Marcory have been reduced from
political consensus in its favor. two hours to 15 minutes. All of this is
estimated to have saved 90,000 tons of CO2
Even so, a few tense moments occurred along annually, and the evident success of the
the way. When the bridge was completed in bridge has led to discussion of other
December 2014, the government requested a congestion-reducing projects for Abidjan such
toll-free period. This raised the possibility of as urban rail.
challenges similar to those experienced by
the Lekki Construction Company (Case Study
2). Furthermore, though the government was Case Study 8 | Mitigating Risks:
supposed to publish the tolls in the official Azura-Edo IPP, Nigeria
gazette immediately, they were not published Azura IPP, the first fully privately funded
until September 2015. When the government power-generation company in Nigeria, offers
held a press conference to announce the toll a best-practice example of putting together a
amounts, it stated prices that were lower than complex group of investors, some of which
the parties had contractually agreed to had not previously invested in power, and
charge. Each of these actions caused concerns derisking the deal sufficiently to make those
among the investors, but all parties were able investors feel comfortable. The process was
to work through them. so effective that the $876 million deal was
closed in December 2015, with construction
To ensure that the project would be accepted beginning in earnest in 2016, despite
by the community, serious effort went into uncertainty in the Nigerian economy as a
explaining why the bridge was needed, and whole, and in its power sector in particular.
in particular why tolls would be charged. This
countered arguments that, since it was partly Phase 1 of the plant, located in Edo state
funded by tax money, the bridge should be near Benin City, is an open-cycle gas turbine
free. Today, recognizing that taking the tolled power station that will be able to generate
bridge saves considerable time, even public 450MW. It was designed to enable conversion
transport taxis and vans now use the bridge into a combined gas turbine power plant,
(which they did not do in the beginning), with a potential total capacity of 1,500MW.
despite the availability of other routes.
This is the first project of Azura Power
Investors followed World Bank guidelines on Holdings Ltd, a company that aspires to
community engagement and environmental develop, finance, acquire, and operate

40 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

independent power plants and power-related Uganda, was one of the first cross-border,
assets in West Africa. The company financed private-sector infrastructure deals in Africa. A
the project by raising $190 million equity plus plan for upgrading aging rail networks built
$686 million in debt. Amaya Capital is the during the colonial period, RVR was enabled
lead equity sponsor and developer, backed by by the Kenyan Railway Act of 2004 and by
additional investment from American Capital parallel Ugandan legislation. The new laws
Energy and Infrastructure, Aldwych created a Joint Railway Commission, which
International, African Infrastructure included as members the managing directors
Investment Fund 2, ARM-Harith of both national railway systems as well as
Infrastructure Fund (ARMHIF), and the Edo senior civil servants from the two nations, to
state government. The bulk of debt financing oversee the concession and to measure
came from 15 investors including DFIs and performance against agreed metrics. The
international banks such as IFC, OPIC, KFW countries designated Kenya Railways as the
Bankengruppe, Standard Chartered Bank, concession regulator.
and Rand Merchant Bank. The Central Bank
of Nigeria Power & Aviation Intervention In 2006, Kenya and Uganda signed separate
Fund provided local financing for the project concession agreements, promising
via the Bank of Industry and FCMB. compensation to RVR if either government
introduced new railway infrastructure
Azura anticipated several risksrelated to projects. The concession was awarded to a
gas supplies, infrastructure, local support, consortium led by Sheltam Railway, a South
partnerships along the value chain, and African company with experience in
investor trustand addressed each in its managing railway systems for that countrys
project design. mines. Sheltams partners included
TransCentury, one of Kenyas leading private
To ensure access to gas, the project team built equity firms, and the Government of Uganda,
close to Nigerias main gas trunkline. The fulfilling the requirement that each country
location also had direct routes to Koko Port, own at least 15% of the concession company.
with roads and bridges capable of delivering
heavy equipment and access to the grid. A The winning consortium signed a 25-year
strong partnership with Edo state supplied concession agreement, with an option to
not only the land needed, but also the means renew for another ten years, mandating it to
to work closely with local communities. A rehabilitate and manage the entire railway
power purchase agreement with the Nigerian infrastructure. This encompassed 2,350
Bulk Electricity Trader (NBET) secured the kilometers of track from Mombasa, Kenya, on
plants ability to operate in the market, and a the East African coast to Kampala, Uganda,
combination of partial risk guarantees from via the Kenyan cities of Nairobi and Kisumu;
the World Bank and political risk insurance the branch lines; rolling stock; workshops; all
from the Multilateral Investment Guarantee equipment; and the railway staff. The
Agency (MIGA), totalling $492 million, concession fee for the government was an
enhanced investor trust. attractive 11.1% of revenues.

Sheltam made only limited investments,

Case Study 9 | Missing the Target: however, and the consortium struggled with
Rift Valley Railways, Kenya demanding performance targets from the
The Rift Valley Railways (RVR) project shows start. The consortium eventually returned the
what can happen if the company operating a MombasaNairobiKisumu passenger service
concession lacks the experience and capital concession to government, while retaining
needed to meet aggressive performance the more profitable cargo concession. In 2010
targets, in the event of changes of ownership Sheltam was bought out by Citadel Capital
or conflicts between shareholders. (now Qalaa Holdings), an Egyptian private
equity firm with a broad vision for investing
RVR, a consortium created in 2005 to manage in and linking water and rail transport
the state-owned railways of Kenya and networks across Africa. Relations between

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 41

Citadel and TransCentury, which had backed and to supply energy to the national grid.
Helios Capitals losing bid to invest in the Operating on low-grade coal from the mine,
concession, were poor. the project illustrates how to increase
national energy output by attracting
Over the ensuing years, RVRs debt was investment from companies that require
refinanced and TransCentury tried to buy out significant power to operate.
Citadel. But instead, in 2014, Citadel bought The Moatize coal mine in the Tete province of
out TransCentury. Today, Citadel holds 85% Mozambique is the fourth largest in the world.
of RVR, and Bomi Holdingsa Ugandan In 2011 its 95% owner Vale announced plans
investment firmowns the remaining 15%. to increase production to 22 million megatons
There is no longer any Kenyan ownership. annually, including 5 megatons of thermal
Meanwhile, numerous changes have occurred coal, by 2015. The company needed an extra
in management agreements, with South power plant to make this expansion possible.
African, Australian, and Brazilian companies
providing management services at different In 2014, the Mozambican government granted
times during the concession period. a 25-year concession for construction of a
270MW, coal-fired power plant to a
Citadel has invested more than $305 million consortium led and majority-owned by ACWA
in RVR, including money to repair damaged Power, a Saudi developer, investor, owner, and
tracks between Mombasa and Nairobi and to operator of power-generation companies. Vale
rehabilitate tracks in northern Uganda. Its of Brazil and Mitsui of Japan also hold sizable
management thinks that RVR can reduce shares in the project and will serve as
transport costs in the region by 50% and sponsors. A Mozambican state-owned utility
within five years grow RVRs cargo business and another investor hold minority stakes.
from the current 1 million tons to 5 million
tons in a total existing market of 16 million The Moatize plant will make smart use of
tons. The concession now has more stability, byproducts to introduce efficiencies. While
but fresh competition looms: the Kenyan exporting higher-grade coal, it will use lower-
government recently awarded a contract to a grade thermal coal to power the plant,
Chinese company to construct a new minimizing fuel transportation costs.
standard-gauge railway. RVR still has a long Similarly, although the mine will use most of
way to go. the power generated by the plant, ACWA
plans to sell the extra electricity it generates
Investors should be cautious in appraising to the grid, and to this end it has entered into
their investment capabilities and the needs two power-purchase agreements: one with
for investment from a concession granted, as Vales Mozambique subsidiary for 220MW,
well as in assessing different shareholders and another with Mozambiques state-owned
alignments and dynamics. Lack of investment utility for 50MW megawatts. The lesson for
muscle in due time, coupled with a volatile companies in sectors (such as mining) that
and nonaligned shareholder group, can badly require huge amounts of power is that hidden
hinder any potentially attractive project. gains are possible in countries with the right
enabling environment in place.

Case Study 10 | Infrastructure as

Byproduct: Moatize IPP,
Moatize IPP is a coal-powered plant
constructed to power the Moatize coal mine

42 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 43

44 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

T hese planning checklists itemize steps that project

developers, investors, policy makers, and regulators need to take
in preparing for a major infrastructure investment project.

Project developers
Technical aspects Governance aspects
Bankable Feasibility studies carried Governance structure designed
out Does it comply with regulation
Technical Studies carried out Does it include clear roles and
Economic and market studies responsibilities
carried out Construction phase planned
Demand forecasting, if Project Management Oce
appropriate, carried out included
Financial analysis conducted Clear milestones and deadlines
Is the business case robust and set
sophisticated? Handover plan created from
Environmental compatibility construction to operation
assessment carried out Comprehensive operation and
Environmental impact assessment maintenance plan created
carried out
Socioeconomic cost benet analysis
carried out
Buy-in and leadership of high level
political champions secured
Project-supporter identied in
the government

Community engagement Regulatory/contractual aspects

Community engagement plan Existing regulation interpreted
developed together with government
Clear value proposition for the representatives
community developed and Necessary legal agreements put in
shared place
Community engagement Power-related
channels selected Power Purchase
Community liaison ocer Agreements
designated Infrastructure-related
Primary community Concession documentation
representative identied ...
Community employment Are all contractual counterparts
opportunities and skill gaps credible?
identied Do they all understand their
Training plan for skill gaps contractual obligations?
developed Are they well positioned to deliver
Community recruitment on their contractual obligations?
process signed o
Public engagement plan developed
Clear messaging developed
around purpose and value of the
project to the larger population

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 45

Investors (Debt, Mezz, Equity)
Are the Sponsor & project team Clear investment strategy created
credible? Does it dene the focus sector?
Investor team & independent Does it stipulate the desired
advisor assembled return prole?
Is it a competent, diverse group Does it include and exit plan?
of professionals? In-house technical expertise
Concessions/Permits/Licenses: Are ensured
all key ones in place? Is it enough to accurately assess
Mix of dierent players arranged opportunities and risks of the
Can they ll specic niches in project?
the project? Analyses, studies and
Do they have clearly dened documentation thoroughly analyzed
roles and responsibilities in the Financial modelling completed
project? Extensive KYC completed
Legal agreements discussed and in Site visits completed
place All necessary permits secured
Are they extensive and
Are they understood by all
Are the counterparts credible
and able to deliver on their
Complete nancial engineering and
structuring ensured
Is the project fully funded?

Policy makers
Long term planning Enabling environment for
private investment
Consistent policy plan created
Does it outline a steady Legislation enabling private
infrastructure project pipeline? investment in infrastructure
Does it leverage other countries' created
experience? Does it encourage private
Can the policy be stable in the investment in infrastructure?
long term? Does it clearly dene the roles,
A centralized infrastructure responsibilities and rights of
development agency in the country various parties?
established Does it allow unambiguous
Strategic subsidies created for interpretation by regulators?
projects that require government Required time to obtain approvals
support minimized
Competitive, transparent tender
Cooperation with other players processes dened
Arm's length relations with
Clear understanding of the proles
of the key appointments for the

46 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Capabilities and scope Cooperation with other
Necessary in-house capabilities to
apply the policy ensured Ongoing engagement with relevant
Legal policy makers
Public relations
Processes to allow for policy
implementation well dened
Transparent, fair code of conduct
Skilled, competent team assembled
to cooperate with investors on an
equal footing
Templates developed for
Clear guidelines for investors to
Clear understanding or the scope of
the regulatory role

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 47


Rank Index Country (%) Rank Index Country (%)

1 100,00 South Africa 32 61,12 Republic of the Congo
2 89,60 Nigeria 33 59,86 Gabon
Tier 1 3 78,50 Mauritius 34 59,66 Chad
4 74,88 Rwanda 35 58,99 Zimbabwe
5 71,61 Tanzania 36 58,98 Djibouti
Tier 6
6 71,55 Botswana 37 57,57 So Tom and Prncipe
7 70,98 Ghana 38 54,62 Liberia
Tier 2 8 70,72 Ethiopia 39 53,47 C. African Republic
9 70,57 Kenya 40 52,87 Guinea-Bissau
10 70,11 Zambia 41 50,54 Eritrea
11 69,38 Uganda 49 26,63 Somalia
12 69,07 Seychelles 42 43,08 Lesotho
Tier 3 13 68,66 Mozambique 43 41,44 Mauritania
No 44 40,70 Niger
14 67,96 Namibia
15 67,77 Sudan environ- 45 38,54 Dem. Rep. of the Congo
16 67,05 Cte d'Ivoire 46 31,88 Comoros
17 66,73 Sierra Leone 47 31,40 Equatorial Guinea
Tier 4 18 66,66 Burundi 48 29,56 South Sudan
19 66,45 Senegal
20 65,02 Burkina Faso
21 64,09 Guinea
22 63,83 Mali
23 63,82 Gambia
24 63,50 Malawi
25 62,75 Swaziland
Tier 5 26 62,71 Madagascar
27 62,66 Angola
28 62,51 Cape Verde
29 62,42 Benin
30 62,21 Togo
31 61,57 Cameroon

48 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


T his appendix lists contact information for key players in five

categories of infrastructure investment: noncommercial banks
and institutions, private equity funds, international commercial banks,
local commercial banks, and developers and construction companies.

Noncommercial banks and institutions

Alle Abricotiers
Quartier Hippodrome
Casablanca 2000
E-mail: [email protected]

African Development Bank Group

Immeuble du Centre de commerce International dAbidjan CCIA
Avenue Jean-Paul II
01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01
Cte dIvoire
Phone: +225 20 26 10 20

Development Bank of Southern Africa

Headway Hill
1258 Lever Road, Midrand
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 313 3500
E-mail: [email protected]

European Development Finance Institutions

Rue de la Loi, 81A
B-1040, Brussels
Phone: +
E-mail: [email protected]

Industrial Development Corporation

19 Fredman Drive, Sandown
Sandton 2146, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 269 3000

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 49

International Finance Corporation
14 Fricker Road
Illovo 2196, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 731 3000
E-mail: [email protected]

Netherlands Development Finance Company

Regent Place, 2nd Floor
Cradock Ave
Rosebank 2196, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 507 2500
E-mail: [email protected]

151, Rue Saint Honor
75001 Paris
Phone: + 33 1 53 44 31 08
E-mail: [email protected]

West African Development Bank (BOAD)

68, Avenue de la Libration
BP 1172, Lome
Phone: +228 22 21 42 44
E-mail: [email protected]

The World Bank

01 BP. 1850
Abidjan 01
Cte dIvoire
Phone: +225 22 400 400

Private equity funds

The Abraaj Group
2nd Floor, Norfolk Towers
68 Kijabe Street
Phone: +254 20 22 28 870

2 More London Riverside
London SE1 2JT
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7234 5000
E-mail: [email protected]

50 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

African Capital Alliance: Capital Alliance Nigeria Limited
8th Floor, C & C Towers
Plot 1684, Sanusi Fafunwa Street
Victoria Island, Lagos
Phone: +234 1 277 7000
E-mail: [email protected]

African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM)

Old Mutual Square, 93 Grayston Drive
Sandton, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 217 1000
Email: [email protected]

Black Rhino Group

37 High Street
Melrose Arch, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 (0) 10 594 9805
E-mail: [email protected]

Carlyle Group
3 Melrose Boulevard
Melrose Arch
Melrose North 2196, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 034 2000

Denham Capital Management

7th Floor Brettenham House
Lancaster Place, London
WC2E 7EN, England
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7420 6700

Development Partners International

Jubilee House
2 Jubilee Place
SW3 3TQ, London
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 207 349 5030
E-mail: [email protected]

Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund

36 Hans Strijdom Avenue, Foreshore
Cape Town, 8001
South Africa
Phone: +27 (021) 416 2000

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 51

Emerging Capital Partners
8th Floor, The Forum Building
2 Maude Street,
Sandton 2196, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 685 0830

EQT Partners
Hovslagargatan 3
SE-111 48, Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 506 55 300

1 Chislehurston
34 Impala Road
Sandton 2196, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 384 4000
E-mail: [email protected]

Qalaa Holdings SAE

1089 Corniche El-Nil
Four Seasons Nile Plaza Office Building
11519, Garden City, Cairo
Phone: +20 (2) 2791-4440
E-mail: [email protected]

Satya Capital LLP

35 Portman Square
London, W1H 6LR
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7535 5080
E-mail: [email protected]

Table Rock Capital

150 California St
Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 415 274 0803

International commercial banks

1 Churchill Place
London, ENG E14 5HP
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7116 1000

52 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

DEG Invest
Kmmergasse 22
50676 Kln
Phone: + 49 0221 4986-0
E-mail: [email protected]

The Export-Import Bank of China

No. 30, Fuxingmen Nei Street
100031, Xicheng District
Phone: +86 10 8357 9988

100 Grayston Drive Sandown
Sandton 2196, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 286 7000

Standard Chartered Bank

1 Basinghall Avenue
London, EC2V 5DD
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7885 8888

Local commercial banks

African Export-Import Bank
72 (B) El-Maahad El-Eshteraky Street, Heliopolis
Cairo 11341
Phone: +20 22 45 15 201
E-mail: [email protected]

Attijariwafa Bank
Boulevard Moulay Youssef 11141
Casablanca 20000
Tel: +212 522-224169
E-mail: [email protected]

Nedbank Group Limited

135 Rivonia Road
Sandton, 2196
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 29 44 444

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 53

NSIA Group
Rue A 43 Plateau
01 BP 1393
Abidjan, 01
Cte dIvoire
Phone: +225 20 31 98 00
E-mail: [email protected]

Rand Merchant Bank

1 Merchant Place
Cnr Fredman Drive & Rivonia Road
Sandton 2196
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 282 8000
E-mail: [email protected]

Standard Bank Group

5 Simmonds Street
2001 Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 636 9111
E-mail: [email protected]

Developers and construction companies

ACWA Power Africa Holdings (Pty) Ltd
7th Floor, 90 Grayston Building,
90 Grayston Drive
Sandton, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 722 4100

Aeroports de Paris
291 boulevard Raspail
75014 Paris
Phone: +33 1 70 36 39 50

Ascendi Group
Av. Cceres Monteiro, N 10 2 Dir
Arquiparque II Edificio A
1495-192 Algs
Phone: +351 218 436 650
E-mail: [email protected]

Bouygues Construction Challenger

1, avenue Eugne Freyssinet Guyancourt
78061 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Phone: +33(0)1 30 60 33 00

54 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

China Civil Engineering and Construction Company
North cellular No. 4
Haidian District, Beijing
Phone: 010--63263392
E-mail: [email protected]

China Railway Construction Corporation

NO.40 Fuxing Road
Beijing 100855
Phone: 8610--51888114

Route dAneho 01
BP 3662 Lom
Phone: +228 22 23 74 00
E-mail: [email protected]

3-7 place de lEurope
78140 Vlizy-Villacoublay
Phone: +33 01 34 65 89 89

Fortstraat 27
8400 Oostende
Phone: +32 (0)59 32 65 91
E-mail: [email protected]

Eskom Holdings
Megawatt Park, Maxwell Drive Sunninghill
Sandton, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 800 8111

GE South Africa (Pty) Ltd

130 Gazelle Avenue
Corporate Park South
Midrand, 1685
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 237 0000

Helios Towers Africa

10th Floor
5 Merchant Square West
London W2 1AS
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 207 871 3670

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 55

KBR Ventures
Kellogg Brown & Root South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Block 8, Fourways Office Park, Center of Roos Street & Fourways
Fourways, Gauteng 2000, Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 361 0300
E-mail: [email protected]

Mota-Engil Group
Rua do Rego Lameiro, N 38
4300-454 Porto
Phone: +351 225 190 300
E-mail: [email protected]

Via A1 - Av. Talatona
Condomnio Belas Business Park
Torre Bengo - 7 andar, Luanda
Phone: +244 222 67 8000

SDC Investimentos
Rua de Santos Pousada, 220
4000-478 Porto
Phone. +351 22 242 10 60
E-mail: [email protected]

455 Ren-Lvesque Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1Z3
Phone: +1 514 393 1000

56 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


T he following table lists details of 171 infrastructure

investment dealsinvolving private equity investment and not
subsequently canceledthat were closed in 29 African countries
between 2006 and 2015. The sources used in compiling this table were
World Bank PPI and the AFC.

Financial Total
closure Investment
# Country year Project name Sector ($ millions)
1 2007 Luanda Container Terminal Transport 53
2 2009 Luapasso Mini Hydropower Plant Energy 120
3 2009 Container Terminal Cotonou Port Transport 489
4 2013 Benin Electricity Distribution Company Energy 32.25
5 Botswana 2011 KSE Orapa and Mmashoro IPP Energy 104
6 2009 Dibamba Power Plant Energy 126
7 2010 Kribi Power Plant Energy 342
8 Cape Verde 2010 Electra Cabeolica Wind Project Energy 80
9 2008 Pointe-Noire Container Terminal Transport 735
10 2008 Pointe-Noire Container Terminal Transport n.a.
Republic of
11 2010 Brazzaville, Pointe Noire and Ollombo Airports Transport n.a.
12 2014 Henri Konan Bdi Bridge Transport 365
Cte dIvoire
13 2015 Singrobo Hydro Power Plant Energy 120
14 Djibouti 2007 Doraleh Container Terminal Transport 396
15 Ethiopia 2014 Daewoo Aysha Wind Farm Energy 120
16 2011 CODER FE II SHPP Energy 234
17 2012 CODER Ngounie Imperatrice SHPP Energy 124
18 2006 National Water and Electricity Company Energy n.a.
Gambia, The
Management Contract
19 2007 Osagyefo Power Barge Energy 100
20 2007 Sunon-Asogli Gas Fired Power Plant Energy 200
21 2011 Sunon-Asogli Gas Fired Power Plant Energy 360
22 2009 Tema Osonor Plant Limited Energy 140
23 2013 Takoradi 2 Thermal Power Expansion Energy 440
24 2014 Kpone Independent Power Project Energy 900
25 Guinea 2009 Port of Conakry Concession Transport 159
26 2006 Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited Energy 108.8
27 2006 Kenya Power and Lighting Company Manage- Energy n.a.
ment Contract
28 2006 Kenya-Uganda Railways Transport 404
29 2008 Mumias Power Plant Energy 50
30 2008 Rabai Power Plant Energy 155

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 57

Financial Total
closure Investment
# Country year Project name Sector ($ millions)
31 2012 Thika Thermal Power Project Energy 112
32 2012 Triumph HFO Power Plant Energy 140
33 Kenya 2013 Aeolus - Ngong Wind Project Energy 171
34 (cont.) 2013 Kwale Sugar Plantation Energy 200
35 2014 Aldwych Lake Turkana Wind Farm Energy 635
36 2014 GEL Heavy Fuel Oil Fired Power Plant Energy 95.5
37 2009 Buchanan Biomass Plant Energy 170
38 2009 Kakata Power Plant Energy 170
39 2010 Liberia Electricity Corporation Management Energy n.a.
40 2010 Port of Monrovia Transport 120
41 2010 Port of Monrovia Transport 25
42 Madagascar 2007 Hydelec Madagascar S.A. Energy 17.8
43 2009 Terminal 2, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Transport n.a.
Mauritius International Airport
44 2014 Suzlon Plaine Sophie Wind Farm Energy 69.5
45 2013 Kuvaninga Energia Power Plant Energy 98.67
46 2014 Ressano Garcia Gas-Fired Plant Energy 250
47 2006 Calabar New Port, Terminal B Transport 53.82
48 2006 Central Railway Transport 5.82
49 2006 Murtala Muhammed Terminal Two Transport 200
50 2006 PTML Lagos Ro/Ro Terminal Transport 60
51 2006 PTML Lagos Ro/Ro Terminal Transport 40
52 2006 Warri Old, Terminal B Concession Transport 2.5
53 2007 Egbin Power Plant Energy 280
54 Nigeria 2008 Lekki-Epe Expressway Transport 382
55 2011 Bullnose Port Facilities Transport 124.4
56 2013 KEPCO Egbin Power Plant Energy 407.3
57 2013 Lekki Deep Seaport Transport 1500
58 2013 Onne Port Expansion, Phase 4B Transport 2900
59 2013 Kainji Hydroelectric Generation Energy 170
60 2013 Ughelli Power Plc Energy 215
61 2015 Azura-Edo Gas-Fired Power Plant Phase 1 Energy 880
62 2010 Gisenyi Methane Gas Plant Energy 16
63 2011 KivuWatt Energy 142
64 Rwanda 2012 Rwanda Mountain Tea Giciye SHPP Energy 12
65 2014 Agahozo-Shalom Youth PV Solar Plant Energy 24.1
66 2015 Akanyaru Valley Peat-Fired Power Project Energy 320
67 2008 Dakar Seaport Transport 134
68 2009 Dakar Diamniadio Toll Road Transport 264
69 2010 Saint-Louis - Dagana - Podor Rural Electrification Energy 22
70 2012 Blaise Diagne International Airport Transport n.a.
71 2013 Dakar Port Terminal Transport 132
72 2014 Senegal Thermal Facility Energy 172
73 2014 Tobene IPP Energy 164
74 2015 Cap des Biches Oil-Fired Power Plant Energy 114.15

58 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Financial Total
closure Investment
# Country year Project name Sector ($ millions)
75 Senegal 2015 Dakar-Diamniadio Toll Road Extension Transport 134.5
76 (cont.) 2015 Taiba NDiaye Wind Farm Energy 288
77 2010 Port of Freetown Container Terminal Transport 130
Sierra Leone
78 2011 Addax Biomass Plant Energy 30
79 Somalia 2013 Aden Adde Airport Transport 10
80 2006 Darling Wind Farm Energy 9.9
81 2006 Gautrain Light Rail Concession Transport 3483
82 2009 Bakwena Toll Road Transport 160
83 2011 Beitbridge Border Post Transport 97
84 2012 Abengoa KaXu Solar I CSP Solar Plant Energy 844
85 2012 Abengoa Khi Solar I CSP Solar Plant Energy 430
86 2012 ACED Cookhouse Wind Farm Energy 300
87 2012 Biotherm - Aries Solar PV Energy 34
88 2012 Biotherm - Dassiesklip Wind Energy 68
89 2012 Dreunberg Solar PV Energy n.a.
90 2012 Gestamp Karoo Wind Farm Energy 185
91 2012 Inspired RustMo1 Solar Plant Energy 25
92 2012 Jeffrey's Bay Wind Farm Energy 296
93 2012 Kathu Solar Plant Energy 394
94 2012 Konkoonsies Solar PV Energy 34
95 2012 Mainstream De Aar Solar Plant Energy 150
96 2012 Mainstream Droogfontein Solar Plant Energy 150
97 2012 MEMC Soutpan Solar Plant Energy 180
98 2012 MEMC Wiktop Solar Plant Energy 195
99 2012 Metro Wind Van Staadens Wind Farm Energy 50
South Africa
100 2012 Mulilo De Aar Solar Plant Energy 35
101 2012 Old Mutual - Greefspan Solar PV Energy 48
102 2012 Old Mutual - Herbert Solar PV Energy 96
103 2012 Old Mutual Hopefield Wind Farm Energy 173
104 2012 Scatec Kalkbuilt Solar Plant Energy 259
105 2012 Soitec CPV Solar Plant Energy 150
106 2012 Solar Capital De Aar Solar Plant Energy 259
107 2012 Solar Capital De Aar3 PV Energy n.a.
108 2012 SolarReserve Lesedi Solar Plant Energy 294
109 2012 SolarReserve Letsatsi Solar Plant Energy 280
110 2012 Standard Bank Kouga Oyster Bay Wind Farm Energy 222
111 2012 Sumitomo Dorper Wind Farm Energy 258
112 2012 Witkop Solar Power Plant Energy 184.7
113 2013 ACWA - Bokport CSP Energy n.a.
114 2013 Amakhala Emoyeni Wind Farm Energy 410.38
115 2013 Avon OCGT Energy 654.1
116 2013 Bokpoort CSP Plant Energy 382.47
117 2013 Chaba Wind Farm Energy 36.25
118 2013 Dedisa OCGT Energy 327
119 2013 Gouda Wind Farm Energy 271.71

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 59

Financial Total
closure Investment
# Country year Project name Sector ($ millions)
120 2013 Grassridge Wind Energy 109.4
121 2013 Jasper Solar PV Energy n.a.
122 2013 Linde Solar PV Plant Energy 386.1
123 2013 Neusberg Hydro Electric Plant Energy 56
124 2013 Sishen Solar PV Energy 238.8
125 2013 Waainek Wind Farm Energy 46.39
126 2013 West Coast One Wind Farm Energy 213.4
127 2014 Mulilo Prieska Copperton Solar Plant Energy 70
128 2015 Adams Solar PV 2 Energy 109.6
129 2015 Gibson Bay Wind Farm Energy 173.9
130 2015 Johannesburg Landfill Gas to Electricity Energy 26
131 2015 Karoshoek Solar One CSP Energy 688.4
South Africa
132 2015 Khobab Wind Farm Energy 281
133 2015 Loeriesfontein 2 Wind Farm Energy 281
134 2015 Mulilo De Aar 1 Wind Farm Energy 180
135 2015 Mulilo De Aar 2 Wind Farm Energy 252.5
136 2015 Mulilo Prieska Solar PV Plant Energy 58.75
137 2015 Nojoli Wind Farm Energy 265.9
138 2015 Noupoort Mainstream Wind Energy 160
139 2015 Paleisheuwel Solar PV Energy 109.6
140 2015 Pulida Solar PV Plant Energy 265.9
141 2015 Second Mulilo-Sonnedix Prieska Solar PV Plant Energy 133
142 2015 Tom Burke Solar Park Energy 87.7
143 2015 Upington Solar PV Energy n.a.
144 2015 Xina Solar One CSP Energy 900
145 Sudan 2006 Juba Port Concession Transport 30
146 2007 Tanzania Railways Transport 134
147 2011 Symbion Rental Ubungo Power Plant Energy 129.4
148 2008 Centrale Thermique de Lome Energy 196
149 2011 Lome Container Terminal Transport 495
150 2006 Kakira Cogeneration Plant Energy 43
151 2006 Kenya-Uganda Railways Transport 404
152 2007 Bujagali Hydro Project Energy 860
153 2008 Bugoye Hydro Electric Power Project Energy 35
154 2008 ECO Ishasha Mini Hydropower Plant Energy 14
155 2008 Mpanga Hydro Power Project Energy 23
156 2008 Namanve Power Plant Energy 88
157 2009 Buseruka Hydropower Plant Energy 27
158 2009 Kinyara Cogeneration Plant Energy 29
159 2009 Kinyara Cogeneration Plant Energy 30
160 2009 Tororo Power Station Energy 32
161 2009 Tororo Power Station Energy n.a.
162 2009 Tororo Power Station Energy n.a.
163 2009 Tororo Power Station Energy n.a.
164 2012 SAEMS Nyamwamba SHPP Energy 34

60 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Financial Total
closure Investment
# Country year Project name Sector ($ millions)
165 Uganda 2015 Rwimi Hydroelectric Power Plant Energy 30
166 (cont.) 2015 Siti Small Hydro Power Plant Energy 15.4
167 2010 Sinohydro Kafue Gorge Lower HPP Energy 1500
168 2011 TATA Itezhi-Tezhi HPP Energy 230
169 Zambia 2012 Itezhi-Tezhi Power Corporation Transmission Energy 110
170 2015 Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant- Phase-I Energy 830
171 Zimbabwe 2011 Beitbridge Border Post Transport 97

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 61


From BCG

Luis Gravito is a Senior partner of BCG and Jared Haddon is the Sector Manager of the
the leader of our Lagos office where Infrastructure Sector at BCG and is based out
infrastructures area priority for our practice. of Singapore. Prior to joining BCG, Jared
He has more than 25 years of strategy and worked in the Public-Private Partnership
complex transformation consulting Solutions Group at the World Bank in
experience across Europe, South America and Singapore and Washington DC. Before
Africa, both for governments as well as for concentrating his work mainly on PPPs, Jared
large private corporations. spent several years working on general
infrastructure policy topics and transport
Mr. Gravito can be contacted at: infrastructure at the World Bank.
[email protected]
Mr. Haddon can be contacted at:
[email protected]

From AFC

Andrew Alli is CEO of Africa Finance Alice Usanase is the Special Assistant &
Corporation and responsible for the overall Chief of Staff to the CEO of Africa Finance
strategy and operations of the Corporation. Corporation, responsible for Corporate and
The Executive Management under his Strategy Planning. Prior to joining AFC, Ms.
leadership has undertaken over US$4.6 Usanase worked within the Financial and
billion in investments across Africa. Until his Private Sector Development Group of the
appointment, he was a partner at Travant World Bank and the Trade and
Capital having previously served in the Competitiveness Unit of IFC.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) as
Country Head for Southern Africa. Ms. Usanase can be contacted at:
[email protected]
Mr. Alli can be contacted at:
[email protected]

62 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa


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Long-Term Project Solutions for African Sponsors. 2011. AFC.

Bank for International Settlements. Understanding the Challenges for

Infrastructure Finance. August 2014. Bank for International

Bayliss, Kate. Private Sector Participation in African Infrastructure. May

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CG/LA. Strategic 100: 2016 Global Infrastructure Report. 2015. CG/LA.

CMS Cameron McKenna. How Is Infrastructure Investment Changing in

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Collier, Paul. Building an African Infrastructure. December 2011. IMF.

Deloitte. Addressing Africas Infrastructure Challenges. 2013. Deloitte.

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Ernst & Young. Infrastructure Investments: An Attractive Option to Help

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Estache, Antonio. Africas Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities.
February 2006. IMF.

Foster, Vivien; Briceno-Garmendia, Cecilia. Africas Infrastructure: A

Time for Transformation. 2010. Africa Development Forum. World

Gutman, Jeffrey; Amadou, Sy; and Chattopadhyay, Soumya. Financing

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Washington: Brookings Institution.

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KPMG. Construction and Infrastructure: Africa. 2015. KPMG.

McKinsey & Company. A Risk-Management Approach to a Successful

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Africas Infrastructure for Enhanced Competitiveness. 2013. Geneva:
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Managing Transnational Infrastructure Programmes in Africa
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World Economic Forum. Impact Investing: A Primer for Family Offices.

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February 2014. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

64 | Infrastructure Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Approach to Project Acceleration. May 2013. Geneva: World Economic

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World Economic Forum. Strategic Infrastructure: Steps to Prioritize and

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Geneva: World Economic Forum.

The Boston Consulting Group Africa Finance Corporation | 65

The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved.

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