Exam Preparation and Planning

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Exam Preparation and Planning

1. Foreword
2. Before your exams
3. During your exams
4. After your exams
5. Further reading

1. Foreword
University examinations take place in the first few weeks of the Summer term.
These exams are designed to allow you to demonstrate the knowledge and
understanding of a topic that you have developed over the preceding
weeks/months/terms of a module. As such, exams represent the climax of a
much longer process of learning. The purpose of this leaflet is to give you
some hints, tips and information about how, and when, you might choose to
prepare for your examinations academically, mentally, practically and
physically. The advice is arranged chronologically, both sides of the exam
period. This leaflet does not cover the topic of revision, which is contained in a
separate leaflet.

2. Before your exams

Long before (1 year 1 month)
While you may choose not to start formal revision until closer to the exams,
you should nevertheless start revision planning much earlier on. Better still is
to view revision as an integral and ongoing part of learning, rather than an
activity that starts after formal teaching has ended. For more information see
Effective Revision leaflet.
Exam timetables are published online at the end of the Spring term. Individual
exams are listed by module code. Any clashes between your exams should
be reported to the Examinations Office immediately. Use the timetable to
create a revision schedule that helps you to peak at the right time for each
Old exam papers are a vital resource and are available online through the
Templeman Library website. Past exam papers describe the structure, style,
types of question and themes/topics you are likely to face. But always check
with module convenors/tutors that exam formats are the same as previous

Long ago
As you prepare for your upcoming exams, reflect on, and learn from,
your experience of past exams:
How did you prepare?
How did you get on?
Was your performance good/bad or okay?
What went well? What didnt go so well?
Do you want to repeat the past? Or would you benefit from doing
things differently this time?

Soon before (1 month 1 week)

The date you decide to start your focussed, intensive revision process
depends in part upon when your exams fall, but good practice is always to
start sooner rather than later. Putting revision off is seldom a good idea. For
more information on how to plan an effective revision strategy, see separate
Effective Revision leaflet.
Double-check the exams timetable for venues/times closer to the exam dates
as arrangements can change. And locate venues; dont rely on being able to
find the right room on the morning of the exam find out in advance. Also
check out the exam rules & regulations (either your departmental handbooks
or General Regulations for Students) what can you take in with you? What
if youre late? What if youre sick?
Immediately Before (1 week 10 minutes)
If youve revised properly, there will be no need to cram at the last minute.
But if things have gone seriously wrong with your revision schedule (not
necessarily your fault), its better to cram like mad the night before to scrape a
pass than it is to fail a module.
Dont prepare by consuming large quantities of caffeine and/or sugar.
Energy drinks and strong coffee provide an energy rush or high,
followed by a crash, when mental and physical performance falls off
rapidly. Neither state is advisable in an examination where you will need
to maintain a steady level of concentration for 2-3 hours. Your
metabolism will be sufficiently stimulated by the challenge of the
examination to not require additional stimulation. In addition, caffeine and
sugar act as diuretics, leading to dehydration which will further impair
exam performance, and leave you regularly needing the bathroom.
Equally, starving yourself will not enhance your intellectual performance.
Eat a light, balanced breakfast or lunch brain food. And if pre-exam
nerves mean you really cant stomach much, a banana will provide a
slow release of energy.

Make sure you attend to the practicalities. What exam equipment do you need
Pens? How many? A calculator? Tippex? And allow plenty of extra travel
time. Getting stuck in a traffic jam, or your bus not turning up on time, are poor
excuses for missing the start of an exam. Make sure you bring your student ID
card to the exam. It has your exam number which you will need to find your

place on the exam room plan.
When preparing for exams maintaining physical wellbeing is as important
as mental preparation. An examination is physically as well as mentally
demanding. Eat a balanced, healthy diet; limit alcohol intake; cut down on
caffeine; sleep regularly; exercise regularly. Tiredness, poor nutrition and
stimulants do not enhance intellectual performance.
Maintain your state of physical and mental wellbeing and carry this into
the examination. Practice relaxation techniques, meditation or positive
thinking. Whilst waiting to go in, mix with positive people, or spend quiet
time on your own; avoid those who seem worried or scared as they can
negatively affect your composure.

3. During your exams

Just before (10 0 minutes)
Make sure youre sitting in the right seat (check your exam number), that
youre looking at the correct exam paper, and that you have everything you
need for that particular exam graph paper, list of formulae, cases, etc. Pay
attention to the examiners instructions about what to do if or when you need
to do it.
At start (0 10 minutes)
Dont rush into the exam. Spend the first 10 minutes making sure you
understand exactly what you need to do, and what you are going to do. Take
time to read and understand the rubric:
How many questions do you have to answer?
From how many sections?
Whats each part of the exam worth?
Read the whole exam paper carefully, highlighting or underlining key topic
words and verbs. What is the question asking for? Mark those questions you
feel you could answer well with a tick, those you could answer reasonably well
with a question mark, and those you cannot answer with a cross. Now plan
which questions to answer and the order you will tackle them. Finally, plan
your time based on how much each section/answer is worth not how much
you know about each topic allowing 10-20 minutes free time at the end.
During (+10 10/20 minutes)
Most people start on their easiest question/section first. This gets you off to a
confident start, and may allow extra time for more difficult questions later on.
Dont start writing straight away though; scribble down a quick essay plan or
spider-diagram showing the main points you intend to cover in order to
answer the question. This will keep you on track and help you to monitor time,
making sure that your effort matches the value of each part of the exam.
Remember, each question or part of a question is allocated a specific
number of marks; you cant get more marks by answering in greater detail
than asked for. And stick to time; if you start to overrun on a question quickly
jot down the ideas you need to finish it, then move on to the next question.
You can then come back and complete it at the end of the exam.

Exams are an endurance event, not a sprint:
Pace yourself
Pause to rest to rest/flex your writing-hand, to close your eyes, to
Pause to think to ask yourself, Am I still answering the question?

Target your writing. Examiners only give marks for answers to the question
asked not for you demonstrating everything you know about a topic. Keep
your paper tidy and legible, with any scored-through writing, or additions or
insertions, neatly and clearly done. Even the greatest answer is worthless if
the examiner cant decipher it.
At end (10/20 0 minutes)
Make sure all questions have been attempted. Incomplete/partial answers can
pick up valuable extra marks that can make the difference between success
and failure between one grade and the next. Go back and finish incomplete
answers where you overran on time earlier in the exam. A few extra lines
wrapping an answer up can pick up crucial marks.
Read over everything youve written, making any corrections/
deletions/additions as appropriate. Finally, make sure your answer numbering
is accurate and that any jumps, continuations or insertions are clearly
signposted to the examiner.

4. After your exams

Immediately after (1 minute 1 day)
Dont conduct a post-mortem, especially if another exam is imminent. Fretting
about what you did or didnt get right, or comparing your answers with others
can lead to panic, and distract you from preparing for your next exam.
Instead, reward yourself in some way; something symbolic rather than
extravagant. If possible take a short break from exam preparation a day, an
afternoon, a couple of hours, depending on your schedule. Take time to clear
your mind and move on to the next exam. Save any big (or boozy)
celebrations until after youve finished your last exam.
Soon after (3.2) 1 day Next Exam
Resume revision soon after each exam and make sure you maintain routines
in terms of sleep, nutrition and exercise. Remember, you might well need to
need to maintain your energy and concentration levels over a month of more.
At the same time, reflect on your exam experience so far; should you and
can you alter anything in time for your next exam? Could you have prepared
more effectively? Was there something that didnt work so well for you? In
either case, is it something you can usefully change without upsetting your
revision and exam preparation?

Long after (Last exam 1 year)
While it might seem tempting to push your exams from your mind for another
year once theyre over, its far better to invest some time thinking about your
performance to use the exams as a valuable learning experience.
So, evaluate performance while the exams are still fresh in your memory,
comparing your expectations to our actual results:
Were your results better, or worse, or about what you expected?
Was your experience of the exams reflected in your results?
Were your expectations realistic? (based on the time you spent
Regardless of your results, focus on the exams as a positive learning
experience. Ask yourself:
What worked well?
Why did this work well?
What am I going to do in future as a result of this working well
What worked least well for me?
Why didnt this work for me?
What do I plan to do differently next time?

5. Further reading
McMillan, K. & Weyers, J. (2006), The smarter student: skills and strategies for success
at university, Harlow, Pearson.
Orr, F. (1998) How to pass exams: and how to prepare for them with less anxiety, 2nd
edition, St. Leonards, NSW, Allen & Unwin.
Race, P. (2003), How to study: practical tips for students, Oxford, Blackwell
Tracey, E. (2004) The students guide to exam success, London, Open University Press


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