Mandatory Occurrence Report - Occurrence

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Mandatory Occurrence Report

Mahan Air Safety Department

Reporter Information: (DO NOT delay the notification if the information is not complete)
Reporter Name Title Organization Office Tel. Mobile Email

Type of Occurrence: Accident Incident Bird Strike Hazard Other (Specify ..)
Note: Birdstrike reportsshould be included with IBS reporting form

Occurrence Details:
Date Time (UTC) Day / Night Location (Geog. position if available) or Route Altitude

Aircraft Information:
No. A/C Model Registration Call sign Nationality Serial From to Name of Operator
1 Number

Aircraft Crew:
Pilot-in-Command License No. First Officer License No. Flight Engineer License. No

Aircraft Flight Phase:

Parked Push-Back Landing Taxi-out Takeoff Climb Cruise Descent
Holding Approach Landing Taxi-in Parked-in Others

Vehicle/Equipment Involved
Type Airport Placard Company / Owner Driver Name ID No. Contact

Injuries Crew Passengers Others Total

Damage to Aircraft:
Destroyed Substantial Minor None Unknown

Weather at the site:

Prior to event:
At the time of event:

Dangerous Goods:
Explosives Radio Active Others:

Overleaf: Description of the event

Description of the event:
















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