SG3 Speech
SG3 Speech
SG3 Speech
October 2014
Special Thanks to Dr. Rhea Paul, Southern Connecticut State University, for her contributions
Thanks to all the Birth to Three providers who gave input and reviewed the draft 2013 update.
IDENTIFICATION ...............................................................................................................2
Other possible underlying issues in expressive language delays ................................2
Otitis media ..............................................................................................................3
Phonology ................................................................................................................4
Oral Motor ................................................................................................................4
Children at-risk for autism spectrum disorder .........................................................5
ELIGIBILITY .........................................................................................................................8
Intervention ....................................................................................................................9
Strategies for children found not to be eligible ..............................................................9
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................22
The tasks were to recommend strategies and supports both for those children
with communication delays that are significant enough to make them eligible for
Birth to Three and those who are not eligible (often described as late talkers or
late bloomers.) As the task force began its work, it became clear that the
participants had different understandings of the mission of Birth to Three in
Connecticut. Developed by a wide variety of key stakeholders in the Spring of
1996, the mission of the Connecticut Birth to Three System is to strengthen the
capacity of Connecticuts families to meet the developmental and health-related
needs of their infants and toddlers who have delays or disabilities (Appendix 1).
One of the goals of this guideline include addresses concerns about children for
whom expressive language is their only delay. When is there enough of a delay
or disorder to warrant eligibility for a formal external support like the Birth to
Three System? When are monitoring and suggestions for activities at home
enough? What type of safety net is in place for those not eligible in case they
dont make progress?
The guideline offers suggestions for differential diagnosis and eligibility determination.
Appendix 3 was developed to help individuals who work with young children and their
* Words that are bold and italicized are listed in the glossary in Appendix 12 & 13.
Note that dis and dys mean the same thing
The term Specific Expressive Language Delay (SELD) is used when a childs expressive
language skills are significantly delayed in relation to his/her receptive language skills and
there are no other apparent developmental problems. That is, nonverbal cognitive skills, motor
skills, and social-emotional development are within normal limits; there is no history of hearing
impairment, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder or other significant developmental
disabilities. SELD is usually defined as limited expressive vocabulary (less than 50 words) by
24 months of age (Paul, 1996).
The following characteristics of children with SELD have been identified in the literature:
Three longitudinal studies have followed such children (expressive language delay between 24-
36 months) in the United States (Fischel et al., 1989; Rescorla & Schwartz, 1990; Paul, 1996).
The results were similar among the studies. However, it is important to note that the subjects in
these studies were from middle class families with NO other risk factors (e.g., normal birth
history, no family dysfunction). These findings cannot be indiscriminately applied to other
Some of the subjects in these studies had therapy during the course of the study. Those
parents that did not choose intervention were given suggestions for home activities to improve
their childs language development and early literacy. Additionally, assessment is, in and of
itself, a form of intervention. It is possible that by virtue of being in the study, the parents
changed the way they interacted with or perceived their children. So, in a sense, we do not
really know what would have happened to these children without any intervention.
As children get older, they tend to move into the normal range. By Kindergarten
age, most of the children (approximately 74%) performed in the low end of normal
range on standardized language tests.
Expressive vocabulary seems to be the first aspect of language to improve (by 5 1/2
years of age, almost all of the subjects vocabularies had moved into the normal
Syntactic problems in subjects gradually declined, again a majority of the children
moving into the normal range by age 5.
Phonologic problems persisted in about 22% of the children with SELD by age 5.
Children with a history of SELD continued to score significantly lower on narrative
tasks into first grade.
Children with a history of SELD, although scoring in the low normal range on tests of
early reading, showed a statistically significant gap between reading and math
scores, suggesting some residual effects.
Dale and al. (2003) reported that only 44% of the 740 late talkers identified at age 2 yrs still
manifested expressive vocabulary delays at age 3 yrs and that only 59% of the 835 children
with an expressive vocabulary delay at age 3 yrs had been delayed at age 2 yrs. These
findings indicate low continuity of early expressive vocabulary delay and suggests only a small
group of youngsters display persistent expressive delays in early childhood. Henrichs, J. et al.
(2013) also tested whether gender moderated the associations between vocabulary delay and
behavioral/emotional problems. This study showed modest associations of early vocabulary
delay with elevated levels of parent-reported behavioral/emotional problems in early childhood,
particularly for boys.
Eligibility evaluations are usually completed using a multi-domain standardized instrument
assessing five developmental areas: cognition, motor, communication, social/emotional
and adaptive skills. Along with parent interview or questionnaire, these instruments can
provide basic, defining information about a childs current developmental status. Multi-domain
standardized instruments which are norm-referenced include the Battelle Developmental
Inventory, the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, the
Developmental Assessment of Young Children, and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales.
When a child is determined to be delayed with one of these tools, the underlying issues that are
causing or influencing the delay may not be apparent. Some children may be delayed in all
areas to approximately equal levels, and some children may have specific delays in one or two
In the area of communication development, many factors may underlie a delay as measured by
the instruments listed above. These tests may suggest a delay in comparison to typical
development, when in fact, the issues underlying the delay may be the basis for a more involved
and possibly long-term disorder such as autism spectrum disorder or childhood apraxia of
speech. Thus for children with delays in the communication domain, other assessment
measures are important in determining the nature and basis for the delay.
The four sections that follow explore in greater detail some of the possible underlying issues
and how to distinguish if indeed these are influencing the childs ability to make her needs
known by speaking.
Otitis Media is defined as inflammation of the middle ear, usually with fluid, which may or may
not be infected. The condition is very common in young children and is the reason for many
visits to the pediatrician. A condition possibly associated with otitis media is fluctuating hearing
loss. The effect of otitis media and fluctuating hearing loss on the development of speech and
language skills is important to early interventionists.
A child with chronic otitis media as documented by a physician (duration of six months or
longer) is eligible for Birth to Three services if he or she has a delay of -2 Standard Deviation
(SD) below the mean or greater in expressive language only. For children with episodes of ear
infections, which are less frequent or shorter than six months, eligibility is determined by the
standard processes. The research in relation to the effect of otitis media on the development of
speech and language skills is, at best, confounding. Although it may be a factor in the delay of
skills, the presence of otitis media with a language delay suggests that once the otitis media is
successfully treated, there may be improvement in speech and language skills.
Children who have a delay in communication with no history of otitis media may, in fact, be at
greater risk for continued poor performance.
It is the responsibility of the Birth to Three team to explore the potential of hearing loss as a
factor in children with delays in communication development. The nature and importance of an
audiological evaluation (formal hearing test) should be discussed with the childs family and
physician. Infoline will be suggesting that children referred due to concerns about their
communication skills have their hearing tested.
All newborns in Connecticut have their hearing screened at birth, but it is also quite possible for
children to develop what is called late-onset hearing loss due to otitis media, other diseases,
or medications. Therefore, a child who is delayed in speech development needs to have
acquired hearing loss ruled out as a cause of the speech delay.
If the audiological exam is not completed before the childs eligibility evaluation, the Birth to
Three evaluators can help the family prepare the child for the hearing test. These suggestions
for preparation can include the importance of being well rested, selecting a time of day when the
child is most alert and interactive, and practicing play audiometry techniques with older children.
The evaluators can also be of service to the family by answering questions or explaining the
nature and resolution of otitis media in children.
Studies have shown that children who have articulation disorders experience educational,
vocational, and social consequences (e.g., Shriberg, 1980). Speech sound development
develops over time during the toddler and preschool years. A leading role for the jaw has been
implied in clinical models of early speech development (Hayden & Square, 1994). There is a
range of time when children may develop and master speech motor control, a beginner speaker
may articulate sounds in words using total jaw movement, whereas a speaker who is combining
words may articulate sounds in words using refined, flexible, independent movement of the
articulators, using jaw, lip, and tongue movements. Speech motor development entails the
sequential emergence of articulatory control (Green, Moore, Reilly, 2002). As childrens
language and speech motor control develop, their use of phonological rules and processes
changes. A phonological delay can be characterized by a childs use of typical speech patterns
(phonological processes) or inaccurate production of sounds in words past the age at which
correct production typically occurs for most children. A phonological disorder can be
characterized by a childs use of atypical speech patterns which may cause their speech to be
unintelligible. This is thought to be possibly related to an underlying difficulty with the rules of
how sounds are used in a child's language, a motor delay/disorder, and/or sensory impairment.
Appendix 8 includes some typical phonological processes that are present and when they begin
to disappear. Appendix 9 includes some atypical phonological processes children may develop.
Oral motor disorders are also significant factors that frequently impacts on the development of a
childs expressive language skills is the development of the oral motor system or the use of the
muscles in the mouth. These children may have an appropriate vocabulary size, however the
quality of their sound production and utterances are of significant concern to the parents and/or
evaluator. Children who demonstrate weakness or difficulty with their oral motor system may
present with many of the same intelligibility and expressive language difficulties as children with
phonological or developmental delay (e.g. they may consistently leave off final sounds).
Oral motor impairments refer to impairments in muscle function which may include
difficulties in movements for non-speech activities as well as speech. With that in mind,
assessment should include information regarding feeding; the childs ability to handle
different tastes, textures or temperatures; movement patterns of the jaw, tongue, and lips;
and speech production. Speech tasks should include single words as well as conversational
Several scales and checklists which provide a standard to follow when assessing oral motor
skills are available. Please refer to the procedures listed in Appendix 3.
To differentiate oral motor disorders from childhood apraxia of speech, see the chart on pages
11 and 12.
Clinicians should be aware studies of the relation of oromotor nonspeech activities to speech
production have been documented in the literature. Forest, K. et al. (2008) found their
investigation did not support the use of nonspeech oral motor exercises (NSOMEs) as an
effective procedure for improving speech sound production. An evidenced-based systematic
review of the effects of Nonspeech Oral Motor exercises on speech by McCauley et al. (2009)
found insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of oral motor exercises to produce
effects on speech.
Peer interactions May have peer May have peer May have peer
problems due to problems due to problems due to
child did not have a diagnosed condition found on the Birth to Three website
child did not receive a -2SD in one developmental domain
child did not receive a -1.5SD in two developmental domains
Then they may be eligible for Birth to Three services due to the following:
The biological factors listed above raise specific concerns about the possibility of a language
disorder or delay rather than just a child that is slow to speak.
Within the statement of eligibility in each evaluation report, it is important to identify specifically
how the child was determined to be eligible or not eligible, including the presence of one or
more biological factors.
Suggestions for families and children who are determined to be not eligible for Connecticuts
Birth to Three System can be found on the next page.
Intervention begins with the way families are included in the evaluation/assessment process and
the writing of a family-centered report (Alvares,1997). If a child is eligible, strategies to work
with the family so that they may enhance the childs language skills throughout their daily
routines may consist of (but are not limited to) the following:
Short-term Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) of 3-6 months
Small group settings with typical peers in natural environments for general language
stimulation (See CT Birth to Three System Service Guideline #2: Natural Environments)
Consultation and training resources for parents (See resources listed in Appendix 4)
Strategies for children found not to be eligible for the Birth to Three System
Parents may always choose to access speech therapy services directly outside of the Birth to
Three System. Programs should assist parents by providing recommendations of at least three
individuals or agencies they can contact.
Differential diagnosis between oral motor impairments and Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
can be made primarily through non-speech and imitative tasks by a speech language
pathologist. Children with CAS do not have difficulty in movements for non-speech activities.
They have a speech disorder that interferes with their ability to correctly produce sounds,
syllables, or words but generally there is no muscle weakness. Of significance, this disorder is,
by definition, inconsistent. Parents may report that they have heard the child say a word as
clear as a bell once, but the child has never said it again. There is much disagreement about
whether CAS can actually be diagnosed in children under the age of three. The American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association has not yet issued specific clinical recommendations
and guidelines on the youngest age at which CAS can be diagnosed. Until such resources are
available, differential diagnosis of CAS in very young children and in the context of neurological
and complex neurobehavioral disorders may require provisional diagnostic classifications, such
as CAS can not be ruled out, signs are consistent with CAS, or suspected to have CAS (ASHA,
2007). To consider such a diagnosis, a language sample must be completed. At a minimum,
the child must be able to participate sufficiently in the assessment. Unless the child can attempt
to imitate utterances that vary in length and/or phonetic complexity (such as imitating /i/, then
/mi/, the /mit/ or /o/, then /no/ then /nope/), it is very difficult to make a definitive diagnosis
(Strand, 2003).
1. Greater difficulty is evident with words that have more than one syllable. Syllables may be
omitted, revised or added.
2. In a speech sample, a combination of error patterns may occur. These often include at least
two or three error patterns such as, prolongations, repetitions of sounds or syllables,
distortions, or additions.
3. The rate and rhythm of a childs speech may also seem different. (It may have a halting
pattern or quality.)
Characteristics of non-speech behavior which differ from a diagnosis of CAS may be as follows:
1. There is difficulty in performing voluntary movements in the muscles of the mouth, especially
those which involve the tongue and lips (e.g. cant imitate lifting their tongue on command
but may do it when licking peanut butter off their lip.)
2. Demonstration is needed to perform movements that require more than one pattern.
3. There is a high incidence of other difficulties in fine motor coordination, gait, and alternating
movements of the extremities and tongue.
Severe Phonological Disorders are also known as speech sounds disorders.
Compiled by the Advisory Board of the Childhood Apraxia of Speech Assoc. of North America
Dysarthria Verbal Apraxia Severe Phonological
Decreased strength and No weakness, incoordination No weakness,
coordination of speech or paralysis of speech incoordination or paralysis
musculature that leads to musculature of speech musculature
imprecise speech
production, slurring, and
Difficulty with involuntary No difficulty with involuntary No difficulty with
motor control for chewing, motor control for chewing, involuntary motor control
swallowing etc. due to swallowing, etc. unless there for chewing and
muscle weakness and is an oral apraxia swallowing
Articulation may be Inconsistencies in articulation Consistent errors that can
noticeably different due performancethe same word usually be grouped into
to imprecision but errors may be produced several categories (fronting,
are generally consistent different ways stopping, etc.)
Errors are generally Errors include substitutions, Errors may include
distortions omissions, additions and substitutions, omissions,
repetitions, frequently include distortions, etc. Omissions
simplification of word forms. in final position more likely
Tendency for omissions in than in initial position.
initial position. Tendency to Vowel distortions not as
centralize vowels to a common.
May be less precise in Number of errors increases Errors are generally
connected speech than in as length of word/phrase consistent as length of
single words increases words/phrases increases
Although there are several name approaches for CAS (e.g. STEPS, PROMPT, or others), the
basic commonality of all approaches is that they require intensive direct service by a speech
and language pathologist (SLP). But no matter which approach is selected, the elements of a
successful approach will include use of physical prompting or cueing, building from sound
sequences to words to carrier phrases, building from structured to spontaneous, and use of data
to ensure accountability.
Even though the intervention is at a greater intensity than is typical in early intervention, it is still
important that parents become active participants in the intervention process. Therapy for CAS
requires focus and participation on the part of the child, family, and speech language
pathologist. Parents can share information with the SLP about the childs personality and
preferences that can be used to motivate the child. They can help the SLP understand how the
child responds in frustrating situations and how they manage challenging behaviors. The need
for multiple repetitions to develop motor skills to an automatic level is well established and forms
a basis for treatment of CAS. Given the number of hours per day a child spends with family
versus SLP, opportunities for practice are multiplied when parents encourage speech practice
outside of early intervention visits. This promotes motor learning that goes beyond acquisition
of motor skills. Motor skills are established through many repetitions of a movement. Motor
learning is established when the motor skills are carried over to a functional task. The child that
learns to say more with the speech language pathologist may learn the skills, but having
opportunities to ask for more many times during the day at mealtime and snack time brings the
motor learning into the real world where a child experiences the power of using his or her voice.
Parents and other family members (particularly siblings) who are actively involved in the
intervention process are more likely to be comfortable giving valuable feedback to the SLP.
There is a high correlation between some forms of SSD and difficulties with written language
including reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics (Williams, A. L., McLeod, S., McCauley,
R.J., 2010). Preston, J., & Edwards, M. L., (2010) suggest it would seem appropriate for SLPs
to assess the phonological awareness (PA) skills of all children with SSD, perhaps paying
attention to those who exhibit numerous atypical speech errors, as they may be at a slightly
elevated risk for PA problems. Phonological awareness (PA) is a knowledge that involves an
awareness of the sound structure of words. There is also evidence that children with speech
sound disorders (SSD) of unknown origin (i.e., those with no known oral structural problems or
developmental disorders) are at risk for preliteracy and literacy problems, particularly if they
have an SSD and poor PA skills when they enter kindergarten (Nathan, Stackhouse,
Goulandris, & Snowling, 2004). Preston et al. (2012) found different preschool speech error
patterns predict different school-age clinician outcomes. Children with whom more than 10% of
their speech sound errors were atypical had lower PA and literacy scores at school-age than
children who produces fewer than 10% atypical errors (Preston et al., 2012). In short, although
SSD presents focal challenges of relatively short duration for some children, for others, they are
associated with difficulties that are neither confined to speech nor to early childhood
(McCormack, McLeod, McAllister, & Harrison, 2009). SSDs can sometimes be described as
atypical phonological processes.
In order to diagnose a Speech Sound Disorder that makes a child eligible for Connecticut Birth
to Three services, the speech language pathologist must determine that a child meets the
following diagnostic criteria:
NOTE: An audiological evaluation must be completed BEFORE direct speech services begin.
An Interim IFSP must be completed with audiological, transportation, and any other services the
team feels is appropriate (but not speech). The Initial IFSP still has to be completed 45 days from
the referral date. For questions on completing an Interim IFSP, please see the IFSP handbook.
CT Birth to Three System Service Guideline #3 Revised October, 2014
The following list of atypical speech patterns which result in impaired intelligibility will be
accepted by CT Birth to Three:
Vowel errors
Initial consonant deletion (e.g., up/cup)
Backing (substitution of front consonants with back consonants (e.g., cop/top)
Sound preference substitutions (e.g., overuse of a single consonant for a variety of
consonants; or substitution of glottal consonants or /h/ for many other consonants
Reduplication (a CV syllable is repeated in a multisyllabic word (e.g., dinono/dinosaur)
Assimilation of consonants beyond 30 months of age (e.g., dod/dog) (generally a typical
phonological process for younger children)
One of the most important considerations for determining the phonological status of a child and
the need for intervention is the intelligibility of the child's spontaneous speech (Bernthal &
Bankson, 1993). By observing and transcribing a spontaneous speech sample, a
phonological/motor speech assessment and a percentage of consonant correct (PCC)
assessment can be completed. If a standardized articulation test is used, it should be normed
for children under 36 months. Shriberg and Kwiatkowsi (1982) and Khan-Lewis Phonological
Analysis-2 (2002) created instruments for assessing the severity of involvement of the
phonological system that provides a framework for assessment and management. A motor
speech analysis will help the clinician systematically evaluate a childs motor speech system
and identify the level or stage where problems occur (Hayden, 2004). Other assessment
services should be provided to rule in or out a specific disabling condition (ASHA, 2004).
Another method for providing a measure of speech intelligibility and severity is to calculate
Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC) in a five minute continuous speech sample (Shriberg
& Kwiatkowski, 1982). (see appendix 6 on how to calculate PCC)
interjections of sounds, syllables, and words
word and phrase repetitions.
There is another category of young children generally between the ages of two and four who
have disfluencies that are characteristic of true stuttering. They demonstrate StutteringLike
Disfluencies (SLDs) which are characterized by:
The presence of these characteristics indicates the possibility of stuttering rather than just
normal developmental disfluencies. Age of onset for stuttering behavior ranges from 20 months
to 69 months with the mean age being 32.76 months (Yairi & Ambrose, 1992).
The appropriate intervention for very young children who stutter is greatly debated in the
research literature. There is general agreement that young children who stutter show greater
improvements than older children or adults during treatment (i.e. they require fewer hours of
treatment and treatment more often results in permanent remissions of stuttering.) However,
there is considerable disagreement about the necessity of treating every child who stutters as
soon after onset as possible and about the risks involved if their treatment is postponed for a
while (Curlee & Yairi, 1997). Ezrati-Vinacour, R. et al (2001) found that from age 3, children
show evidence of awareness of disfluency, but most children reach full awareness by age 5.
Also, negative evaluation of disfluent speech is observed from age 4.
There are a number of published studies which demonstrate that anywhere from 32% to 80% of
children diagnosed with stuttering experience spontaneous remission within 2 to 3 years of
onset (and as soon as six months from onset) without intervention (Andrews & Harris, 1964;
Ryan, 1990; Yairi & Ambrose, 1992; Yairi et al, 1996). These results have raised considerable
questions as to the need for early intervention for young children who stutter. However, there is
no conclusive research to provide the clinician a tool or checklist to use to definitively determine
which children will and will not experience spontaneous remission.
Although this provides good prognostic information for the family and the clinician, it does not
definitively determine which children will have remission and which are at risk for continuing to
stutter into adulthood. Researchers are asking for more studies to be completed before
recommended clinical practice or public policy with regard to fluency can be determined (Curlee
& Yairi, 1997). Meanwhile, according to Zebrowski (1997), speech and language pathologists
cannot wait for the research to be completed before forming clinical relationships with children
who are stuttering and their families. The recommended intervention for these children prior to
age three is usually done on an indirect basis, providing consultation to parents, monitoring, and
documenting the changes in the childs stuttering behavior.
The incidence of children under the age of three who are diagnosed as having Childhood Onset
Fluency Disorder is difficult to determine. The incidence of preschool children (age 2 through 5)
is considered to be less than 1%. With the mean age of onset being 32.76 months, a significant
number of the less than 1% would be over the age of three, leaving a very small number of
children under the age of three.
The first step in early identification is to be able to make the differential diagnosis between
normal developmental disfluencies and stuttering-like disfluencies (see Appendices 12 and 13.)
Evaluators must be able to collect a thorough child and family history to determine:
This information is critical to making sound decisions regarding intervention and monitoring as
the child matures and the length of time from onset of stuttering increases and the stuttering
behavior changes. Please refer to Appendix 3 for more assessment information.
Any child under the age of three, diagnosed by a speech-language pathologist as having
Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder, are automatically eligible for Birth to Three services. The
incidence of this is quite low and there is no conclusive method for identifying the children who
will spontaneously stop stuttering.
Recommended intervention is determined by a number of factors such as age and sex of the
child, time lapse since onset, family history, presence or absence of associated behaviors and
coexisting language problems. According to Onslow, M. et al (1990) finding suggest that cases
of early stuttering might be managed effectively by parents with limited expenditure of clinical
time. Based upon these factors, intervention could include:
Counseling families to evaluate and modify the verbal environment of the child
Counseling parents about their own possible anxiety surrounding the childs
The issue of transition to supports and services when the child and family exit Birth to Three at
age three is particularly important for the child who is stuttering. The family history and the
documentation of the progression of the stuttering behavior must be given to the speech
pathologist responsible for intervention after age three. That information is critical to setting the
course for ongoing treatment.
Many families living in the United States speak limited or no English. Conducting valid
assessments and providing effective intervention services to young children who are monolingual
speakers of the majority community language is a challenging endeavor requiring a substantial
knowledge base coupled with a wide array of specific clinical skills. At a minimum, speech-
language pathologists and early childhood educators in the U.S. who typically provide services to
children from English-only speaking families must have a clear understanding of the complex
interactions between communication and cognitive, social, and emotional development in typical
and atypical learners. (Kohnert et al.,2005). A childs and familys use of English must be
considered before any evaluation is conducted. This consideration will give the clinician
information regarding evaluation protocols and tests to use and whether a monolingual clinician,
bilingual clinician, or a monolingual clinician using an interpreter would be best practice when
conducting an evaluation or assessment.
Early Identification
It is important to ask more than whether or not the parent can speak English. More appropriate
inquiries should explore how often English is spoken to the child and how often the parent talks
to child in the non-English language.
The evaluation team should use a standardized test normed in the familys language whenever
possible. A partial listing of available assessment instruments for children with limited English
proficiency is provided in Appendix 3. Some of these instruments are literal translations of
English tests that have not been validated for use in other languages. This list also includes
several non-standardized inventories, checklists, and questionnaires that were developed or
translated specifically for bilingual, bicultural assessments.
When assessing bilingual children, it is important for clinicians to be cognizant of the typical
progression of second language acquisition. Second language acquisition is similar to, although
not identical to, first language acquisition and because acquisition is a developmental process,
children need adequate time to acquire a second language: 1-2 years for conversational skills
(grammar, basic vocabulary, pronunciation), and 5-7 years to develop the academic linguistic
proficiency (literacy, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills) needed for academic success
It is the responsibility of the Birth to Three team to raise families level of awareness about
second language acquisition and bilingual issues and how they can best support their childs
development. The parents should be supported for acknowledging the importance of the childs
language development and then encouraged to communicate with the child in their native
language, to enhance the childs intellectual, cognitive, and linguistic development (Moore &
Beatty, 1995.) Learning a second language is easier for children if they have a good language
base in their first language (Erickson, 1992.) According to Ortiz (1994), the native language
is the foundation upon which English competence is built.
The following is a list of considerations team members should be cognizant of when they work
with young children who live in homes in which English is not the primary language (Moore &
Beatty, 1995):
1. The child with limited proficiency in English cannot be compared to a monolingual English
speaker in the social-emotional, academic, cognitive, or communication domains. He or she
can, however, be compared to his or her culturally and linguistically matched peers (e.g., in
the rate of acquisition of English).
2. The child who is not fluent in English may appear hyperactive, or shy and withdrawn in an
unfamiliar situation, depending on the childs personality or culture. This is not clearly
indicative of a disorder.
3. The personality of the child and his or her adaptability may determine the way that he or she
reacts to a new situation, such as an unfamiliar, English-speaking preschool classroom.
4. Learning the childs experiential background is essential in adapting a test that appropriately
measures the childs skills.
5. The childs motivation and attitude towards learning English and interacting with English-
speaking peers may affect his or her development of English proficiency.
Programs should use best practice strategies to procure speech pathologists who meet the
requirements to assess and serve individuals who are limited English proficient including 1)
establishing contacts, 2) establishing cooperatives, 3) establishing networks, or 4) establishing
interdisciplinary teams. However, programs may need to use a monolingual speech pathologist
with an interpreter.
An interpreter is under the supervision of the speech pathologist at all times. An interpreters
activities should be reviewed and assigned by the clinician. The following best practice list
should be considered when using an interpreter (Moore & Beatty, 1995.):
Interpreter should receive training in basics of assessment (role of the interpreter, functions
of the SLP and interpreter, testing protocols), intervention, and conferencing.
In assessment, the interpreter should have an understanding of the rationale, procedures,
and information that is obtained from tests.
Interpreter should have a high degree of proficiency in both English and minority language.
Interpreter should have high school diploma, adequate communication skills, ability to relate
to clinical population.
Interpreter should understand both mainstream American culture and the culture of the child
and family.
Interpreter should usually not be a family member or familys friend if it raises issues of
confidentiality. Children should never be used to interpret.
Intervention for children determined to be eligible for the Birth to Three System
when tested in their primary language
While it is preferable to have someone work with the family who is fluent in the primary
language of the home and who is very familiar with the particular culture, it is also clear that few
early interventionists meet these characteristics. This is even more true as families from an
ever wider variety of countries and cultures move into Connecticut. Given this, the order of
preference would be as follows:
If the parent is interested, help connect them with English Language Learner (ELL)
Small group settings with typical peers in childs native language in a natural
Strategies for children found not to be eligible for the Birth to Three System
If possible, give family information regarding normal speech language development and
early literacy skills in their native language.
Give the parents information on available parent training (e.g. Hanen program); or
information on how to facilitate and monitor childs early language and literacy development
in the home.
Encourage the family to call Infoline again to re-refer if they have questions or dont feel
child is making progress in 3-6 months.
Give the family a list of community resources available or activities to foster language
development in the familys native language.
Encourage the family to enroll child in community playgroups, if appropriate.
Inform families who speak Spanish about availability of the Spanish version of Ages and
Stages if they enroll with the Help Me Grow program.
Children from non-English speaking countries who are adopted by families in Connecticut
should be evaluated in the language they currently hear daily. However, when communication
is the only area of concern, it is prudent to allow time for the child to adjust to his or her new
culture and language before making a referral to Birth to Three. If the delay is in English speech
only, children adopted from non-English speaking countries will not be eligible until the child has
been living with his or her adopted family for at least six months and even then the evaluator
must use clinical opinion about whether the child is a typical English language learner or
whether the child has a true language disorder.
Early Identification
There are several systems of signing used in this country, such as, Signing Exact English
(SEE) and American Sign Language (ASL). Clinicians should be aware they may need to find
interpreters who are proficient in the familys sign language. Connecticut has the Department of
Rehabilitation Services-Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services that may be of assistance.
Research has shown that a hearing child of deaf parents may have sign as a first language and
that oral language skills typically will develop normally (Prinz & Prinz,1979). It is important for
early interventionists to have a working knowledge of beginning sign.
As with other languages, programs should be encouraged to use interventionists fluent in the
primary sign language; if none are available, use monolingual interventionists with a sign
language interpreter for the parents. See Appendix 4 for resources.
Eligibility for these children is the same as for other children but similar to the children adopted
from other countries, the evaluators must distinguish between normal English language learning
and a language disorder.
Intervention for children found to be eligible for the Birth to Three System
IFSPs with familys goals; the plan should support family if they would like intervention
conducted in both sign and speech
Encourage family to contact Department of Rehabilitative Services-Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Services for support groups
Encourage family to participate in small group settings with their child in the company of
typical speaking peers and also peers with deaf parents
Primary interventionists should be fluent in spoken language and sign or monolingual with a
sign interpreter
Strategies for children found not to be eligible for the Birth to Three System
Encourage the family to enroll their child in community playgroups, nursery school or child
care for purposes of learning spoken English
Provide the family with information regarding normal speech and language development
Encourage the family to contact the Department of Rehabilitative Services-Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Services for support groups
Inform the family about any appropriate parent training programs; videos and books
Encourage the family to re-refer if they dont feel the child is making progress in 3-6 months
Give the family a list of community resources available or activities to foster language
Offer the family the Ages and Stages Questionnaire through the Help Me Grow program.
Attention is being paid to early brain development and the importance of the first three years of
life at many levels including the media and in Congress. Initiatives in areas such as school
readiness and high quality early care and education will ultimately enhance young childrens
language learning. Our ability to identify issues such as fluency and oral motor skills that
influence later language skills can help early interventionists with differential diagnoses. And as
the global village shrinks, we will increasingly encounter families who speak languages that a
decade ago might have seemed rare.
Given all this, the responsibility of the early interventionist, the family and the community at
large to enhance each childs development will be no less than dynamic.
Connecticuts Birth to Three System is currently designed to support families of children who
have significant developmental delays. Within and beyond this framework, these guidelines
should be helpful to anyone who is concerned about a child who may be challenged by a
speech-language delay or disability.
4. Resources
16. Glossary
17. References
Evaluation/Assessment Protocol
The primary purpose of an eligibility evaluation is to determine whether or not the child meets
eligibility requirements for Connecticuts Birth to Three System by having a significant
developmental delay. It is not expected that all the elements of this can be completed during
the initial evaluation, however attention should be paid to each area, especially if
communication is the only area of concern. A family history and assessment of phonology / oral
motor skills may provide the information needed to determine eligibility if the childs delay is in
expressive language only. If the child is determined to be eligible, all the areas can be explored
in greater detail during ongoing assessments as a part of service delivery.
Referral - Where communication is a concern, Infoline will recommend to families that they
should pursue a hearing assessment with their physician prior to their evaluation.
1st Phone Call - Explore with the family whether communication is the only area of concern.
Discuss what the child understands and how the child is understood. Ask whether they have
scheduled an audiological assessment.
Areas to consider during evaluation or assessment
Confirm that there has been an audiological exam to rule out hearing loss / Recommend if
needed but be prepared to offer to arrange it for them with your program as payer of last resort
if child is eligible for Birth to Three.
Family history of language delays and disorders including fluency
Medical history (any significant birth history or history of otitis media)
Presence of pre-linguistic skills
Standard communication skills including vocabulary, syntax and semantics
Other ways of communicating; gestures, sounds, facial expressions.
Oral motor skills; including
imitation - note any struggle
feeding; taste, texture and temperature
patterns of speech production - typical or atypical error patterns
degree of intelligibility
childs apparent frustration
Phonological skills
note pattern of speech (typical vs. atypical) in a language sample (phonological
Articulation assessment with standardized scores
Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC)
degree of intelligibility
stimulability (need auditory cues, visual cues, tactile cues)
childs age
childs apparent frustration
Pragmatics (how the child uses language)
reasons why child communicates (e.g., requesting, protesting, commenting,
establishing joint attention and reference)
means by which child communicates (e.g., pointing, vocalizing)
frequency of initiating communication (normal milestones: 1 act/minute at 12 months;
2 acts/minute at 18 months; 5-7 acts/minute at 24 months)
Symbolic Play
type and frequency of disfluent speech
childs awareness of speaking difficulties
any secondary behaviors
parental response to disfluent speech
Once determined eligible, part of the IFSP process will most likely include a plan for more in-
depth assessment of the childs skills to form the basis of an effective treatment plan. This list is
not meant to be complete or exhaustive, but provides an overview of many current tests and
Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC): (Shriberg & Kwiatowski, 1982)
Obtain and transcribe a 5-minute continuous speech sample to analyze the childs
phonological system.
Learning Language and Loving It: DVD provides real-life examples of teachers using
responsive strategies in play and in daily activities with their students to create stimulating,
interactive language-learning environments Available from
It Takes Two to Talk : DVD Specifically created for parents of children with language delays.
Real-life video examples of the strategies in action, giving parents a clear idea of what to do and
how to do it. Available from
You Make the Difference Teaching Tape DVD shows parents simple, yet powerful techniques
you can use during everyday routines with your child Available from
The Magic with Music: DVD shows simple techniques you can use while sharing songs and
rhymes with your child that will help you enrich social, language, and early literacy development
More than Words DVD specifically created for parents of children on the autism spectrum
****Beyond Baby Talk From Sounds to Sentences A Parents Complete Guide to Language
Development, Apel, Kenn and Masterson, Julie J.
An excellent resource for parents and caregivers that covers the stages of speech and language
development for infants, babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. (226 pages) $15 Available from
the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1-888-498-6699 or
****How Does Your Child Hear and Talk Slide Wheel, ASHA has taken the How Does Your
Child Hear and Talk brochure and turned it into a fun slide wheel. Find the childs age and read
about typical language development. Also available in Spanish Available from the American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1-888-498-6699 or
****You Make the Difference - Hanen Program, Ayala Manolson, Barb Ward and Nancy
Dodington, 1995 (90 pages)
Excellent, illustrated, colorful, parent-friendly book focusing on the 3A method: Allowing children
to lead; adapting to share the moment and adding new experiences and words. Good everyday
activities are highlighted. Available from Also in Chinese, Spanish, French,
and Dutch
Braille Transcription
Conn. Braille Assn.- Westport (203) 227-5243
Access USA (800) 263-2750
Southeast CT Community Center of the Blind- New London (860) 447-2048
Language Interpretation/Translating
Accuworld, LLC (860) 561-3388
Casa Boricua de Meriden (203) 235-1082
Centro de la Comunidad- New London (860) 442-4463
Centro de la Comunidad- Norwich (860) 886-0001
Community Action Committee of Danbury (203) 744-4700
CTE- Stamford (203) 327-3260
Diocese of Norwich- Haitian Ministries- Uncasville (860) 848-2237
Diocese of Norwich-Hispanic Ministries- Windham (860) 456-3349
Global Link Translations (877) 451-6655
Hilda M. Santana d/b/a/ Language Link Consortium (860) 647-0686
International Institute of Conn.- Bridgeport (203) 336-0141
International Institute of Conn.- Hartford (860) 692-3085
Interpreters and Translators, Inc (860) 647-0686
Language Line Services, Inc. (877) 886-9402
The Language Link of CT (860) 561-5438
Language Learning Enterprises, Inc (telephone interpreting) (888) 464-8553
New Opportunities for Waterbury (203) 575-9799
RDP Agency, LLC (860) 881-8181
Spanish Community of Wallingford (203) 265-5866
Spanish Speaking Center New Britain (860) 224-2651
To accurately calculate PCC, a child should be able to produce multiple words for a
speech sample. To calculate PCC:
1. Transcribe or record a speech sample of at least 100 words from the child
2. Transcribe the speech sample phonetically. Indicate where the child produces
consonants in error by highlighting incorrect pronunciations in a different color or
using a specific symbol to denote errors.
3. Add up the total number of consonants and the total number of correct
consonants. Divide the number of correct consonants by the total number of
consonants. Multiply the answer by 100 to determine the PCC.
4. Use the PCC to determine the severity of the speech disorder (see below).
Degree PCC
Consonant Harmony
Cluster Reduction
(initial) ruk for
Obstruent+approximant truck
top for
/s/ + consonant stop
/f/ pish/fish
/v/ lub/love
// > [f]
// > [d] or [v]
/s/ tad/sad
/z/ doo/zoo
Fronting '[s] type'
/ /
Fronting [ts, dz]
/t /, //
Fronting /k, g, / do/go
Solid line = typical age at which the pattern is seen, Dashed line = process begins to disappear
j (y)
l >>>
r >>>
(sh) >>>
t (ch) >>>
(j) >>>
v >>>
z >>>
zh >>>
(t >>>
(th) >>>
Average age estimates (50%) and upper age limits (90%) of customary consonant production. When the percentage
correct at 24 months exceeds 70%, the bar extends to "less than 24." When 90% level was not reached by 48 months,
the bar extends to "greater than 48." (After Prather, D. Hedrick, and C. Kern, Articulation development in children aged
two to four years. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 40, 179-191, 1975.)
More Usual
Service Guideline #3
tension of lips or jaw or vocal tension
(1) Typical disfluencies in preschool childrens speech listed in the order of expected frequency (hesitations the most frequent). These disfluencies are relatively relaxed,
as, for example, noted by repetitions being even in rhythm and stress however, if any are noticeably tense, then they are considered atypical
(2) Atypical disfluencies that are very infrequent in the speech of children. More characteristic of what listeners perceive as stuttering. If in a speech sample of 200
syllables or more there is more than 2% atypical disfluency this should be a basis for concern, especially if airflow or phonation is disrupted between repetitions or if
a schwa sounding vowel is substituted in the repetitions of a syllable. Blocks and other signs of increased tension and fragmentation of the flow speech should be the
Syllable repetitions:
a) Frequency per word More than two Less than two
b) Frequency per 100 words More than two Less than two
c) Tempo Faster than normal Normal tempo
d) Regularity Irregular Regular
e) Schwa vowel Often present Absent or rare
f) Airflow Often interrupted Rarely interrupted
g) Vocal tension Often apparent Absent
h) Duration Longer than one second Less than one second
i) Frequency More than 1 per 100 words Less than 1 per 100 words
j) Regularity Uneven or interrupted Smooth
k) Tension Important when present Absent
l) When voiced (sonant) May show rise in pitch No pitch rise
m) When unvoiced (surd) Interrupted airflow Airflow present
n) Termination Sudden Gradual
r) Inflections Restricted; monotone Normal
s) Phonatory arrest May be present Absent
t) Vocal fry May be present Usually absent
Articulating Postures:
u) Appropriateness May be inappropriate Appropriate
Reaction to Stress:
v) Type More broken words Normal disfluencies
Evidence of Awareness:
w) Phonemic consistency May be present Absent
x) Frustration May be present Absent
y) Postponements (stallers) May be present Absent
z) Eye Contact May waver Normal
1. Learn proper protocols and forms of address (including a few greeting and social phrases) in
the familys primary language, the name they wish to be called, and the correct
2. Introduce yourself and the interpreter, describe your respective roles, and clarify mutual
expectations and the purpose of the encounter.
3. Learn basic words and sentences in the familys language and become familiar with special
terminology they may use so you can selectively attend to them during interpreter-family
4. Meet regularly with the interpreter in order to keep communications open and facilitate an
understanding of the purpose of the interview, meeting, or home visit. At a minimum, meet
with the interpreter before meeting with the parent(s).
5. During the interaction, address your remarks and questions directly to the family (not the
interpreter); look at and listen to family members as they speak and observe their nonverbal
6. Avoid body language or gestures that may be offensive or misunderstood.
7. Use a positive tone of voice and facial expressions that sincerely convey respect and your
interest in the family, and address them in a calm, unhurried manner.
8. Speak clearly and somewhat slowly, but not more loudly. Limit your remarks and questions
to a few sentences between translations and avoid giving too much information or long
complex discussions of several topics in a single session.
9. Avoid technical jargon, colloquialisms, idioms, slang, metaphors, similes, and abstractions.
10. Avoid oversimplification and condensing important explanations. Repeat important
information more than once.
11. Give instructions in a clear, logical sequence; emphasize key words or points, and offer
reasons for specific recommendations.
12. Periodically check on the familys understanding and the accuracy of the translation, by
asking the family member to repeat instructions or whatever has been communicated in their
own words, with the interpreters facilitation, but avoid literally asking: Do you understand?
13. When possible, reinforce verbal information with materials written in the familys language
and visual aids or behavioral modeling if appropriate. Before introducing written materials,
tactfully determine the clients literacy through the interpreter.
14. Be patient and prepared for the additional time that will inevitably be required for careful
Except in an emergency, do not use relatives or friends for interpreting because it may breach
confidentiality or make the parent reluctant to share important personal information. In addition,
family and friends usually are not competent to act as interprete5rs, since they are often
insufficiently proficient in both languages, emotionally biased, unskilled in interpretation, and
unfamiliar with specialized terminology. It is never acceptable to use a child to interpret for
adults, since it undermines family authority; making a parent dependent on the child.
Adapted from Lynch, E.W., & Hanson, M.J. (1992). Developing cross-cultural competence: A
guide for working with young children and their families. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes
Publishers and the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
guidance standards.
Guidelines for practitioners who do not speak the language of the client should include the
ability to:
describe the process of normal speech and language acquisition for both multilingual and
monolingual individuals by using a trained interpreter/cultural mediator to gather information
and data from the client/family/caregiver and being familiar with behaviors that reflect the
typical acquisition process of monolingual and multilingual individuals;
conduct culturally and linguistically appropriate assessments by knowing the limitations and
possible cultural and linguistic biases of standardized test;
know the types of and need for alternative forms of assessment;
identify individuals who need to be referred to multilingual clinicians;
distinguish behaviors that are attributed to cultural or linguistic differences; and
utilize interpreters, translators, cultural mediators, and multilingual professionals to involve
the family in the assessments process and to share results of the assessment.
language proficiency-native or near native fluency in both the clients language and in
normative processes- ability to describe the process of normal speech and language
acquisition for both bilingual and monolingual individuals and how these processes are
manifested in oral and written language;
assessment-ability to administer and interpret formal and informal assessment
procedures to distinguish between communication differences and communication
intervention-ability to apply intervention strategies for communication disorders in the clients
home language; and
cultural sensitivity-ability to recognize cultural factors which affect the delivery of speech-
language pathology and audiology services to non-English speakers.
Adaptive - eating, dressing
American Sign Language - a language using signs with its own rules for combining words
Auditory Stimuli - something you can hear (tapping the table to help with rhythm)
Bilateral - both sides (both ears)
Child Onset Fluency Disorder young children generally between the ages of two and four
who demonstrate disfluencies characteristic of true stuttering or stuttering-like disfluency
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) - trouble coordinating the mouth muscles for speech only
(also called Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia or Developmental Apraxia of Speech)
Cognition - thinking, problem solving, playing
Criterion referenced - performance is based on passing a criteria rather than on what a sample
Diadochokinesis - the rapid repetition of syllables
Disfluency - a disruption in the smooth flow of sounds and words
Dyspraxia / Apraxia - difficulty coordinating the mouth muscles with no impaired muscles (the
prefix DYS means there is some problem, A means one cant do it at all)
Expressive Language - what we communicate to others, how we let others know what we want
Frequency Specific Hearing Loss - some sounds cannot be heard because the hearing loss
affects only that frequency (like radio signals that fade out while others stay clear)
Monaural - one ear
Motor - using big (gross) and small (fine) muscles
Motor Planning - preparing and moving muscles to do something like climb onto a tricycle
Multi-Domain Instrument -a test that looks at communication, cognition, motor, etc.
Norm-referenced - performance is compared to a sample (called a norming sample)
Oral Motor - the muscles in and near the mouth
Otitis Media - an ear infection, with or without pain but with fluid in the middle ear
Phoneme - / / the smallest sound that makes a difference in meaning
Phonemics - studying meaningfully distinct sounds ( bat vs. pat)
Phonetic Analysis - [ ] analyzing each perceptibly different sound meaningful or not (nap vs.
Phonological rules - regularly occurring events like deleting a weak syllable (efant for
Phonology - the system of speech sounds used and the rules for putting them together
Receptive Language - what we understand from others,
Signing Exact English - using signs to communicate following English syntax (rules)
Specific Expressive Language Delay - when understanding is fine and there are no other
Speech - what we say, one way to express what you want
Speech Sound Disorder include problems with a persons articulation (making sounds) and
phonological processes (sound patterns)
Standard Deviation - a statistical measure that spreads the difference in scores out evenly
from the average. Negative standard deviations (SD) are below average and -2 SD is
lower than -1 SD
Stuttering - interruptions to the flow of speech that are more frequent or intense than regular
disfluencies, stuttering may include a reaction to having trouble speaking smoothly
Syntax - the rules for sentence structure
Tactile Stimuli - something you can feel (touching your neck as a cue for the k sound)
Verbal Dyspraxia - difficulty coordinating the mouth muscles just for speech in the absence of a
muscle disorder (used as a synonym for apraxia of speech)
Visual Stimuli - something you can see (like pointing to your neck or lips to show someone
else from where the sound comes)
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