Trinity Gese Grade 9 Part 3: Preparation Booklet

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Focus on:

- ask for further information

- expand on the examiners responses

- develop the discussion by encouraging comments and opinions from the examiner

- take, keep, give up and offer turns when appropriate express abstract ideas

- express regrets, wishes and hopes express assumptions

- paraphrase evaluate options

- hypothesise

- evaluate past actions or course of events

Dreams And Nightmares


Dream of / about Joy

Reality Happy
Fantasy Pleasing
Scary Sound asleep
Scared Noise
Terrifying Scream
Terrified Laugh
Meaning Laugh out loud
Recurrent dream Alarm clock
Sleepy Ring / rang / rung
Asleep Family matters
Awake Problems at work / school
Wake up Relationship
Fall asleep Routine
Tired Habit
Exhausted Research
Obsessed Psychologist
Escape Psychiatrist
Mind Scientist
Brain Scientific
Death Strange
Die Accident
Dead Mystery
Sorrow Mysterious
Sadness Ghost
Unhappiness shadow
Commit suicide Pillow

Tell a dream

The scariest dream I have ever had is one that I've had about seven or eight years.
I've had a recurring nightmare for about 6-7 years now that I have no idea where it came from.
It starts with a first person view of a girl - shortish black hair, round face, piercings
She walks towards me, stops, turns and starts laughing at me
I can see her "parents" in the background and then she disappears.
It makes me feel very scared, maybe terrified.
I feel like my eyes are open, I can't move and I can feel the bed
Its as if someone is breathing on my neck or a woman whispering things like "Hello" or "I can see you"
into my ear very softly...
I feel like I'm awake and that is the worst part but it's a false awakening and I'm in sleep paralysis.
A bit later I'm finally able to wake myself up.
It took me awhile to believe my dreamn because it feels so real.
The end
Now, I'm able to stop it once the nightmare appeared because I can recognize it and then do my best to
become "wake" wake myself up.

Natural Disasters.
Dreaming about being caught for example in a tornado.
These types of nightmares are said to indicate a fear or anxiety in the person having the dream.
Seeing the Dead
In this type of nightmare, you feel as you are being contacted by someone who is dead. Someone you know
who has recently passed away.
These types of nightmares can/could be associated with an inability to let go. You cant cope with her/his
Missing Important Events
Nightmares about missing an important appointment is common in people who live a high-pressure life.
These types of nightmares are often linked to anxiety about failing or coming up short.
When people experience nightmares of being injured, the cause is often some feeling of weakness in their
own personal lives.
Partner Leaving
This type of nightmare can also be caused by feelings of insecurity in the relationship where someone feels
they are not good enough for their partner.
Being Trapped
Dreams about being trapped are quite common for individuals who suffer from claustrophobic anxiety, in
which a person has a fear of being in small spaces. However, this type of nightmare can also be experienced
by people who are afraid of not being able to get out of their current situation,
Nightmares about falling are often a representation of anxiety in your personal life about not being in
control of yourself. These anxieties are often due about money, relationships, careers or some kind of

Useful questions

Do you usually remember your dreams?

Do you dream a lot?

Do you ever try to interpret your dreams?

Tell me about one. Do you ever suffer from nightmares, or did you when you were a child?

Do you believe that dreams can come true? Why / Why not?

Would you agree that its a good thing to dream?


Why do we have crime? When will it all stop? Its sad that there is so much crime in our society. It hurts so many
people. Most people in the world just want to live happily and be good neighbours. Why do some people turn to
crime? Money is a big reason. Many criminals pickpocket, steal, kidnap, or even kill people to get money. There
are many terrible crimes in the world. Perhaps the worst is ethnic cleansing. This is a crime against humanity.
Many people are killed because of their colour or religion. People who commit this crime rarely go to prison.
Have you ever been a victim of crime? What do you think we need to do to reduce crime rates? Perhaps you
should write to your government. Tell your leaders enough is enough.

Crimes and criminals

Theft. Thief. To Steal-stole-stolen

Burglary: going into another person's home or business with force. Burglar: is someone who breaks in and
steals from a private house. To Steal. Stole, stolen
Robbery: going into a bank or business. Robber: is someone who breaks in and steals from a bank or
business. To Rob.
Shoplifting: stealing goods from a store. Softlifter is someone who steals something when he/she is in a
shop. To Steal. Stole, stolen
Pickpocket: is someone who steals from you in the Street, often without you noticing. To Steal. Stole,
Mugging. Mugger is someone who uses violence to steal from you in the Street. To Mug.
Theft. Thief. To Steal-stole-stolen. Somebody stole my car last night from outside my house.
Murderer. Murder. To murder. She went to her boyfriends house and shot him dead.
Drug dealing. Drug dealer. To sell drugs. Someone tried to sell me some marijuana during a concert.
Fraud. To commit fraud. A man transferred company money into his own bank account
Rape. Rapist. To rape. After the party the man made the woman have sex against her will
Vandalism. Vandal. To vandalize. Someone threw paint on the cathedral walls.

What happens to a criminal?

a) Juan committed a crime (minor offence). He murdered a man

b) The police investigated the crime.
c) Juan was caught on the way to the airport
d) He was arrested and taken to a police station.
e) The police questioned him for ten hours.
f) He was charged with murder.
g) Two months later, he appeared in court
h) Witnesses told the court what they had seen o knew.
i) The jury looked at and heard all the evidence.
j) The jury reached their verdict.
k) Juan was found guilty because her fingerprints were on the gun. (Juan was found no guilty because there
was no proof)
l) The judge sentenced him to 10 years in prison/jail. The judge sent him to jail. (Juan was allowed to go free)

Doing community service (painting walls, cleaning streets)

Alternative and creative sentences like spending one day working as a a school crossing guard (people
accused of speeding). Offenders who spend a day helping other people never reoffend again.
Paying a fine
A life sentence


Is crime a big problem in your country?

What type of crime is typical in this area?

Why do you think people commit crimes?

Have you ever been the victim of a crime?

What happened?

Have you ever been a witness to a crime? What happened? What did you do?

If you witnessed a crime in the street, what would you do?

Is crime a big problem among young people in your country?

Do you think that criminals receive the correct punishment?

What is the justice system like here in Chile?

Global Environmental Issues

One critical issue is preserving and protecting the environment. The burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural
gas) produces greenhouse gases (gases that heat up the atmosphere) that deplete the ozone layer and result in
global warming and climate change (changes in the earths temperature and weather patterns).

Some scientists believe that we have already done irreparable damage to the planet, and now we are suffering
the consequences of rising sea levels and increasingly frequent natural disasters such as earthquakes,
hurricanes, and tornados. A number of animal species have gone extinct, and many more are endangered.

To reverse this trend, we must invest in clean energy (energy sources that do not pollute the environment) with
renewable resources (elements like water and air, which can be re-used) and utilize manufacturing methods
that are not harmful to the environment.

There are still many regions of the world where children die of hunger/starvation (die from not having enough
food). Unfortunately, extreme poverty is common in the rural areas of developing countries, where the
population often suffers from food shortages (not enough food) and lack of access to clean water.

United nations of conference on climate change. Paris, December 11.

Global warming is the biggest problem in the world today. Everyone knows about it but not everyone is trying to
stop it. Many world leaders are more interested in blaming other countries for the crisis. Countries like China,
India and Russia say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not act until other
countries take more action. It seems a little childish that leaders are acting in this way. The future of our world is
at risk and governments can only argue with each other. Many presidents and prime ministers tell us that
technology is the answer. They say future scientists will find solutions to save the planet. This is a big gamble. I
hope they are right. I dont believe them, so Ill continue switching off lights and recycling.

We must lead to a universal agreement in order to combat climate change. 195 countries must reach an
agreement on how to lower greenhouse gas emissions which are responsible for global warming.

The notion of differentiated responsibilities between developed and developing countries in terms of
responsibility for climate change is the main difficulty about the distribution of efforts to reduce emissions and

The target set by the countries of limiting the rise in temperature to 1,5C compared to pre-industrial levels is
compulsory but without punistments.

Many problems with the environment

Global warming means that the weather is becoming hotter and drier.
Heavy traffic pollutes the air in most cities.
The emissions produced by factories create acid rain which destroys cops.
The pesticides used on crops in the countryside are dangerous to birds and other wildlife.
Heavy rain and rising water levels in rivers have caused serious flooding. Floods are caused by heavy

How green are you?

I recycle as much of my rubbish as I can

I switch off electrical equipment once Ive used it to avoid wasting power.
I never sleep with the air conditioning on
I buy organic food which is produced in my local area
I put an extra sweater on rather than turn up the heating.
I walk o use public transport rather than drive.

The story

1. Three types of extreme weather: droughts, storms and floods.

2. People rely on fossil fuels
3. Two resources that may be in short supply in 30 years time: oil and coal.
4. Natural resources are nearly used up.
5. We need to cut carbon emissions
6. This situation pollute the atmosphere and oceans
7. Disposing of nuclear waste is another problema.
8. Three ways that power is used to make a building more comfortable: heat, light, ventilate.
9. Two alternative forms of energy for sustainable development: wind turbine and solar panels.
10. It is a good idea to invest in renewable energy
11. The main solution is to install wind turbines and solar panels and reduce your carbon footprint
12. Our old cars and buildings have an impact on the environment in terms of air quality. We are also
throwing away money
13. People who buy energy efficient buildings (or pull down old ones) and use eco-friendly cars are green

Carbon dioxide: the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out.
Greenhouse effect: an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere
which is believed to be the cause of a warming of the surface of the Earth.
Ozone layer: a layer of air high above the Earth, which contains a lot of ozone, and which prevents
harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Scientists believe that there is a hole in the ozone layer.
Biodiversity: Biodiversity loss has negative effects on several aspects of human well-being, such as food
security. When humans modify an ecosystem to improve a service it provides, this generally also results
in changes to other ecosystem services.
Green peace: an organization that fights for the protection of the environment.


What do you think are the biggest problems facing our environment nowadays?

What could be done to try to reduce some of these problems in the world? Do you think we as citizens ought to
do more to help?

Do you think looking after the environment is the responsibility of governments or society?

What things do you think should be done by the government to help solve the problems of pollution?

Would you consider becoming a member of an environmental group such as Greenpeace? Why / Why not?

Do you think the future of our planet looks good?

Do you think education plays an important role in learning about the problems our world is facing?

What do you do to help the environment?

Habits and Obsessions

Maybe you have an annoying habit that you want to get rid of. Most people do. You might not even know
about your bad habit. Habits can be good, too. They are your routine.

What is a habit?
A habit is a behavior that is repeated. For instance, shaking someones hand when you meet them, or brushing
your teeth are some examples. A person usually doesnt know about their habit, especially if it is a bad on you.
A habit can entertain you when you are bored or relax you when you need to calm down. Reading before
falling asleep can be a good habit. Soon, a beneficial habit can easily turn bad, such as not being able to fall
asleep without reading late into the night.
Bad habits can cause a lot of problems. Smoking is a bad habit, and causes damage to your body. Other
examples of bad habits are procrastination, overeating, overspending, arguing, and not getting enough sleep.
The same way that good habits turn bad, bad habits can turn into obsessions if youre not careful.

What are obsessions?

An obsession is a reoccurring thought, a feeling or an image that makes you feel anxious.
OCD / Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
If your obsessions do not fade away and become very severe you could develop in an OCD. OCD is an anxiety
disorder. This disorder can be as mild/severe as locking each window and door and checking them each several

The most common obsessive thoughts are:

Excessive worrying that something terrible might happen.

Counting or repeating words and phrases.
The most common compulsions are:

Excessive cleaning.
Repetitive checking.
Ritualistic touching, e.g. light switches, door handles, etc.
Hand washing.
Obsessions Concerning Order. Wanting things to be
Symmetrical. Wanting things to be "perfect", exact. Seeking that feeling of "Just Right". books in a
certain "perfect" way.

Overcoming OCD Steps to Controlling Your Habits

1. I recognize my area of obsession. I also recognize what I do to put it 1. There is always something that I
right. For instance, if my obsession is keeping clean, I probably wash my automatically do. It is my habit.
hands a lot. Find out what it is.
2. Gradually I face the things I fear by starting with the easiest and 2. I ask myself if I gain anything by
working my way up to the hardest. doing your habit.
3. I Break the obsessive- compulsive cycle. 3. I ask myself if I picture a better
me without my habit.
Note: Therapy can help! I try to find the willpower to stop.


Do you have any strange habits, or do you know anyone with any?

Why do you think we have habits?

Have you ever tried to give up a bad habit? (smoking, biting your nails..)

Were you successful? How did you do it?

What type of things can people be obsessed with? (work, appearance, success, money, a person..)

Do you think that some habits and obsessions can lead to addictions?

What are the dangers of this? Do you think some people might be obsessed with keeping fit / healthy? Why do
you think this is so?

Are there any positive things you could be obsessed with?


What would we do without technology? Would we still be living in caves? Probably, I think there are two main
kinds of technology. The one before and the one after computers. When we think about technology before
computers, it was quite basic. It was all mechanical. Things like steam trains and fridges. At the time, that was
cutting edge technology. But, todays technology is really cutting edge. Its the kind of technology that is out of
date as soon as it hits the shelves. I love this. Its so exciting seeing it all happen. I love reading about what
technology well have in the future, and then buy it a few years later. Its like buying technology from science
fiction movies. Id love to live to be 200 so I can see what technology is around then.


Do you enjoy using technology?

Well I wouldnt call myself a techie or a computer buff but I enjoy using computers Id like to find
out more about how they work when my computer crashes I never know what to do.
Yes, definitely. I think I would be lost without it. All those gadgets like smartphones and tablets are
brilliant inventions. I really enjoy surfing the web on my iPad and the operation system on it, which is
IOS is self-upgrading every time itself. So I experience no problems with such a smart device, I only
have a pleasure browsing some social media like Facebook or downloading podcasts through that app
on the AppStore.
Whats your favorite gadget?
As I said I couldnt imagine my life without an iPad. I got attached to it so quickly and my life has
become more convenient. It is not a desktop PC that stays at home. It is a small gadget that I can put
into the pocket and use it on the road. Moreover, it has a lasting battery charge, which keeps my iPad
alive for up to 10 hour straight of constant usage.
Do you use the Internet for your studies?
Id be lost without it I do lots of video conferencing to practise speaking and social media like
Facebook is a good way to meet up with other students and I download podcasts that teach English
vocabulary and grammar.
Do you have your own computer?
Yes I have a Macbook Pro I use it all the time for word processing browsing websites and
catching up with TV programmes Ive missed.
What do you think are the important things people need to learn when they start using computers?
Well there are things like how to use the Internet how to enter a web address how to navigate
websites that kind of thing but its also important to know how to back up your files in case your
computer crashes and all about Internet security
What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?
Do computers make it much easier to study?
Definitely yes researching information is much easier with the Internet.. you can bookmark
webpages for future reference and writing essays is much easier being able to cut and paste sections
of text means you can experiment with organization so yes compared to years ago when you had a
pile of books on your desk and a pen and paper its now much easier.
Yes, of course they do/make our studies easier. One can bookmark webpages to use it later instead of
having a pile of books on the desk, then one can cut and paste some passages or fragments of text, one
also can find an answer to any question as wireless networks and wifi hotspots are covering almost the
whole territory.


to access websites/email: to locate

to back up files: to make a copy of files in case of a computer problem
to boot up: to start a computer
to bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for future reference
to browse websites: to look at websites
a computer buff: an expert computer user
to crash: to suddenly stop working
to cut and paste: to move text or images from one place in a document to another place
a desktop PC: a computer that isnt portable and remains in situ on a desk
digital editing: to edit digital materials like audio or video files
download (podcasts): to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own device
to enter a web address: to type the address of a website into the address bar of your browser
a gadget: a technological tool like a mobile phone or camera
to go online: to start using the Internet
high-spec (laptop): powerful computer with top quality components
Internet security: Internet safety
intranet: a network of connected computers within an organization that is not accessible by unauthorized
to navigate a website: to find your way around a website
operating system: the software that tells the computer how to work
send an attachment: send an email with an accompanying file
social media: media used to interact with other people such as Facebook or Twitter
to surf the web: to look at a series of websites one after the other
a techie: somebody who has an interest in technology
to upgrade: to obtain a more powerful or feature-rich computer or piece of software
video conferencing: to see and hear people from different locations using the Internet
wireless hotspot: a public place where you can access the Internet
wireless network: a network where users can access the Internet without the use of fixed cables
word processing; producing written texts on a computer

10 Negative Effects of Technology

Bad sleeping habits.

Sedentary lifestyle.
Neck pain and bad posture
Eye and ear problems
Bullying and other negative social consequences
When we are no longer forced to make eye contact with the people we interact with online, its much
easier to behave badly.
We rely on technology too much.

What is design?

Design is 'making things better for people'.

Design could be considered as an activity that translates an idea into
something useful.
Scientists can invent technologies, manufacturers can make products,
engineers can make them function and marketers can sell them, but only
designers can combine all these things and turn a concept into
something that's desirable, commercially successful and adds value to
people's lives.
But good design isn't about the surface. Its important, but only a part of
a bigger picture.
People often need reminding that everything around us is designed and that design decisions impact
on every part of our lives
Designers have to ask themselves questions such as: is the product they're creating really wanted?
How is it different from everything else on the market? Does it fulfil a need? Will it cost too much to
manufacture? Is it safe?

What design is important?

Design is important because chaos is so hard
The way you present your products tells customers who you are.
Your logo, packaging and product all communicate a message about your company,
Web Design is much more than making a site look pretty. Effective web design includes site structure,
usability, functionality, and so much more

Fashion victim a person who wears popular
trends and looks really ridiculous because he/she
ends up looking like a store mannequin.
To have a sense of style to know what looks
good on you and have your own style and taste.
To be old-fashioned to wear clothes or do something that is no longer in style.
Strike a pose to take a particular posture in order to impress. You can strike a pose for the camera.
To be dressed to kill wear something with an intention to stand out/impress people and be noticed.
To have an eye for fashion to have a good taste and know what is in fashion
Dress for the occasion to wear something in the right place at the right time. Not to wear short skirt
to church or bathing suit to a wedding (unless you are in Miami).
To be well dressed attired in clothing that is of fashionable, expensive and properly fitted.
Latest = newest, most recent. Do you have the latest edition of Vogue yet?
In = popular, fashionable; short for in style. Blue is the in colour right now. Crocodile bags are very in
this season.
Hot = wanted, everybody has to have it. The new Prada boots are so hot all the stores are sold out and
there is a waiting list for them!
Trendy= what everyone else is wearing right now; a new, popular style. The internet makes it so easy to
find trendy clothes! I really like to see what celebrities are wearing.
must-have= something you absolutely must have!. The new Prada handbag is this seasons must-have

Are you interested in art and design?

What do you think about the differences in old and modern architecture? Which do you prefer?

Would you have liked to live in this city a century ago?

Is there much modern architecture here in Santiago?

Tell me about an interesting building in Chile. Do you enjoy going to design museums? Why / why not?

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