Boost Converter PSO PID

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International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No.

ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Boost Converter Controller Design Based

on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Haytham Abdelgawad and Vijay Sood
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT),
Oshawa, Canada
[email protected]

Abstract This paper proposes a novel optimization

technique for the closed-loop controller design of a boost Equilibrium point value of capacitor
type DC-DC converter based on the Particle Swarm voltage
Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The design of the closed- Equilibrium point value of input voltage
loop control parameters is framed as an optimization task Equilibrium point value of duty cycle
such that the PSO algorithm can identify the controller RC Capacitor equivalent series resistance
parameters. An appropriate fitness function is then RL Inductor DC resistance
derived for the required objective and is used in the R Load resistance
optimization process. The attributes of the large-signal Particle position
model of the power converter, together with those of the m Problem dimension
optimization algorithm, provide excellent static and n Number of particles
dynamic characteristics at all operating points. Four Particle velocity
simulation results with typical internal and external Inertia weight
disturbances show the effectiveness and robustness of the Individual best position
developed closed-loop controller over a wide range of J Objective function
operating conditions. Global best position
Decrement constant
Index Terms Boost Converter, Closed Loop Controller Global best particle fitness value
Design, Particle Swarm Optimization. C1 Cognitive learning factor
C2 Social learning factor
NOMENCLATURE Uniformly distributed random number
between 0 to 1
TS Total time period for one cycle Uniformly distributed random number
d Duty cycle between 0 to 1
dTs ON Period time Individual best particle fitness value
(1-d)Ts OFF Period time Maximum allowable number of function
vC Capacitance voltage call
iL Inductor current Number of iterations since the last change
ipk Peak value of inductor current of the best solution
A1 State (or system) matrix during ON-state Maximum allowable number of iterations
B1 Input matrix during ON-state since the last change of the best solution
A2 State (or system) matrix during OFF-state v0 Actual output voltage
B2 Input matrix during OFF-state V0* Reference voltage
Small perturbation value of inductor e(t) Error voltage
current u(t) Output voltage of the PID controller
Small perturbation value of capacitor tr Rise Time
voltage ts Settling Time
Small perturbation value of input voltage ton ON-time
Small perturbation value of duty cycle toff OFF-time
Equilibrium point value of inductor Po Peak Overshoot
current Ess Steady State Error

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 647

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Boost converters are employed when the required output Recently the Genetic Algorithm (GA) [20], Ant Colony
voltage must be greater than its input voltage. Such converters Optimization (ACO) [21] and Particle Swarm Optimization
are largely used in battery charging, solar power applications, (PSO) [22-26] based approaches were also explored for the
fuel cell power converting systems, and battery driven closed-loop controller design of boost type DC-DC converters.
vehicles [1-3]. These converters, when operated in the open- Controllers designed through such techniques have been
loop mode, exhibit poor voltage regulation and unsatisfactory shown to guarantee high dynamic and static performance over
dynamic response. Hence, these converters are generally a wide range of operating points.
provided with a closed-loop controller to achieve good In this paper, a novel optimization model based on the
transient response and output voltage regulation [4]. The mode Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for the closed-
of operation of the converter varies from ON- to OFF-state of loop controller design of a converter is designed to obtain the
the main power switch and, traditionally, small-signal static and dynamic characteristics at all operating points. To
linearization techniques have been employed for controller test the methodology, the small-signal model of a boost type
design. DC-DC converter is used to evaluate the objective function to
Several conventional methods of closed-loop controller yield a robust closed-loop controller structure that is subjected
design for boost type DC-DC converters have been proposed to internal and external disturbances. Design equations are
to obtain the desired output voltage in the literature [5-8]. In derived and the system is modeled in MATLAB. Extensive
all of these works, the linearized transfer function model of a simulation tests are carried out with linear controller
boost type DC-DC converter is employed for the closed-loop parameters and the results are presented.
controller design. Linear PID and PI controllers are usually The rest of this paper is presented as follows: The
employed with boost type DC-DC converters, where these discussion on the small-signal averaged state-space modelling
controllers are designed using standard frequency response technique for DC-DC boost converters, with and without
techniques based on the small-signal model of the converter. parasitic elements, operating in continuous conduction mode
The design is based on linear control theory such as Ziegler- (CCM) is presented in Section II. Next, an overview of the
Nichol method [9], Root Locus technique [10], Circle Based PSO method and its application in boost converter controller
criterion [11], Hysteresis method [12], Bode plot, etc. These design is presented in Section III. Section IV presents the
control strategies that are based on the linearized small-signal simulation results and analysis of the proposed PSO based
model of the converter generally have good performance boost converter controller design, and finally the last section
around the operating point. However, a boost converters presents the conclusions.
small-signal model changes when its operating point changes.
The poles and the right-half-plane zero, as well as the II. SMALL SIGNAL AVERAGED MODEL FOR BOOST
magnitude of the frequency response, are all dependent on the CONVERTER
operating point. Thus, when the operating point changes, the The small-signal averaged state-space technique is a general
fixed gain controller designed at one typical operating point analysis tool which can be applied to either simple or complex
through conventional techniques does not guarantee a circuits [27, 28]. The linear averaged time-invariant models,
satisfactory dynamic response at other operating points. created by using this technique, are relatively simple, but need
Furthermore, DC-DC converters are switched mode circuits; a lot of mathematical computational effort to find the final
hence, the mode of operation of these converters varies from results. To get such models, the detailed generalized procedure
the ON- to the OFF-state of the power switch, and therefore, it explained in [27, 28] is applied to our case.
is difficult for the PID controller to respond well to changes in For modelling with the state-space technique, the desired
the operating point, and it often exhibits a poor performance state variables for any electric circuit are the energy storing
when the system is subjected to large load variations. elements (i.e. inductor current iL and capacitance voltage vC).
Thus, the control of a boost type DC-DC converter has been To apply the state-space technique to any complex circuit, it
a challenging task. The underlying fact of all of the above must first be converted into a piece-wise linearized simple
works is that the boost converter dynamics are strongly non- circuit where the circuit laws can be easily applied.
linear and the controller designed at a specific operating point
A. Case 1: Ideal Boost Converter
often fails to perform satisfactorily over a wide range of
operating points. The past few decades have witnessed a The boost converter is a non-isolated power converter, also
number of contributions for the controller design of the DC- known as a step-up power converter where the required output
DC converters [13-19]. The improved methods of controller voltage is greater than its input voltage. The output current is
design reported in the literature are Predictive Control [13], continuous because the output diode becomes forward biased
Sliding Mode Control [14], Adaptive Control [15], Passivity only during a portion of the switching cycle and the output
Based Control [16], H Control [17], Robust Control [18], capacitor gives the whole load current during the other portion
Nominal and Tolerance Design [19], etc. of the switching cycle.

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 648

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

In the boost switching converter (Fig.1), there are two

switching modes for the main switch S: the ON-mode and During the ON-state, the state-space (ss) form will be:
OFF-mode. The ON-time (ton) is defined by dTs, and the OFF-
time (toff) is defined by (1-d)Ts, where Ts is the total time
period for one cycle and d is the duty cycle which is defined as
the ratio of the ON-time period to the total switching time
period for one cycle i.e. d = ton / Ts.
The main switch S is turned ON and OFF by a pulse with a
duty cycle equal to d. Therefore, the piece-wise linearized
equivalent circuits of the system in ON and OFF modes with
dTs and (1-d)Ts seconds are represented by Figs. 2 and 3
respectively. During the OFF-state, in ss form:

Fig.1 Boost converter circuit

Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of Boost converter during OFF-state
Using iL and vC as the two state variables (x = [iL vC ]T), and
by writing the KVL and KCL for the loops of Figs. 2 and 3,
the state-space equations can be derived:

Fig.4 shows the steady-state waveforms for the CCM where

the inductor current flows continuously [iL(t) > 0].

Fig.2 Equivalent circuit of Boost converter during ON-state

Fig.4 Steady-state waveforms for CCM

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 649

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Thus, Separating terms of Hence, the small-

ON Mode For t [0, dTS] signal model for DC-DC boost converter in CCM would be:

OFF Mode For t [ dTS, TS]

dTs = ON Period time
(1-d)Ts = OFF Period time
Ts = Total time period for one cycle
Vin = Input voltage

State-space averaging techniques are employed to get a set B. Case 2: Parasitic Realization in Boost Converter
of equations that describe the system over one switching
cycle. After applying averaging technique to (5) and (6), the Due to the different difficulties found during the modelling
following expression can be found: procedure of the boost converter systems, parasitic elements
such as conduction voltages, conduction resistances, inductor
DC resistance and equivalent series resistances (ESR) of
capacitors are ignored. The idea of considering ideal/lossless
components and leaving out parasitic elements like we have
Thus, with the help of state-space equations, values of
done earlier is to simplify model development procedure and
matrices A1, B1, C1, D1 (state parameters of ON-state) and A2,
to understand the basic behavior of the switching system.
B2, C2, D2 (state parameters of OFF-state) are extracted and A,
However, the effects of parasitic elements and losses are
B, C, D state parameters can be obtained as follows:
important for improving model accuracy, studying efficiency
. Similarly B, C and D and dynamic performance of the system. The problem with
parameters are also obtained. including the parasitic elements is that they lead to nonlinear
current and voltage waveforms and hence result in
Thus, state-space average model for DC-DC boost complications in the modelling development procedure.
converter in CCM would be as follows: Fig. 5 shows a simplified equivalent circuit of the DC-DC
boost converter with parasitic elements. Inductor L and
capacitor C can jointly be considered as an output filter. The
capacitor equivalent series resistance (ESR), RC, and the
inductor DC resistance, RL, are included in the analysis.
Resistor R represents the load seen by the power supply.

Now, applying standard linearization techniques and small

perturbations as follows:

Fig.5 Boost Converter Circuit with parasitic elements

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 650

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

In continuous conduction mode (CCM), the boost converter

has two modes per switching cycle. In the ON-mode, switch S
is on and diode D is off. In the OFF-mode, switch S is off and
diode D is on. Therefore, the piece-wise linearized equivalent
circuit of the boost converter in ON and OFF modes with dTs
and (1-d)Ts seconds is represented by Figs. 6 and 7
Using iL and vC as the two state variables (x = [iL vC ]T), and
by writing the KVL and KCL for the loops of Figs. 6 and 7,
the state-space equations can be derived:
Thus, with the help of state-space equations, values of
matrices A1, B1, C1, D1 (state parameters of ON-state) and A2,
B2, C2, D2 (state parameters of OFF-state) are extracted and A,
B, C, D state parameters can be obtained as follows:
. Similarly B, C and D
parameters are also obtained.
Thus, the state-space average model for DC-DC boost
converter with parasitic elements in CCM is shown below:

Fig.6 Equivalent circuit of Boost converter during ON-state

During the ON-state, the state-space (ss) form will be:

Now, applying small perturbations, this will result in the

small signal model as:

During the OFF-state, in ss form it will be:

Fig.7 Equivalent circuit of Boost converter during OFF-state


A. Overview of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 651

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based,

robust, stochastic optimization technique developed in 1995 Individual best position, : As a particle moves
by Eberhart and Kennedy [22], and is inspired by social through the search space, it compares its fitness value at the
behavior of fish schooling or bird flocking. PSO is initialized current position to the best fitness value it has ever attained at
with a number of random agents (particles) that constitute a any time up to the current time. The best position that is
swarm moving in the search space looking for optima by associated with the best fitness encountered so far is called the
updating the particles positions during the generations. Each individual best position, . For each particle in the
particle represents a candidate solution to the problem at hand.
swarm, can be determined and updated during the
In a PSO system, particles change their positions by flying
search. In a minimization problem with objective function J,
around in a multi-dimensional search space until a relatively
unchanging position has been encountered, or until the individual best of the jth particle is determined such
computational limitations are exceeded. In a social science
context, a PSO system combines a social-only model and a that . For simplicity, assume
cognition-only model [23]. The social-only component
suggests that individuals ignore their own experience and that . For the jth particle, individual best can
adjust their behavior according to the successful beliefs of
individuals in the neighborhood. On the other hand, the be expressed as .
cognition-only component treats individuals as isolated
beings. A particle changes its position using these models. Global best position, : It is the best position among
The basic elements of PSO technique are briefly stated and all individual best positions achieved so far. Hence, the global
defined as follows: best can be determined such
Particle position, : It is a candidate solution that . For simplicity,
represented by an m-dimensional vector, where m is the
number of optimized parameters. At time t, the jth particle assume that

can be described as , Stopping criteria: these are the conditions under which the
where xs are the optimized parameters and is the search process will terminate. In this study, the search will
position of the jth particle with respect to the kth dimension, terminate if one of the following criteria is satisfied:
i.e. the value of the kth optimized parameter in the jth a) The number of iterations since the last change of the
candidate solution. best solution is greater than a pre-specified number or
b) The number of iterations reaches the maximum
allowable number.
Population, : It is a set of n particles at time t,
Fig.8 illustrates the flowchart of the PSO method.
i.e. .
Swarm: It is an apparently disorganized population of In this work, the PSO algorithm has been developed as
moving particles that tend to cluster together while each follows:
particle seems to be moving in a random direction [24]. An annealing procedure has been incorporated in order to
make uniform search in the initial stages and very local
Particle velocity, : It is the velocity of the moving search in the later stages. A decrement function for
particles represented by an m-dimensional vector. At time t, decreasing the inertia weight given as ,
the jth particle velocity can be described where is a decrement constant smaller than but close to
1, is proposed in this work.
as , where is the Feasibility checks procedure of the particle positions has
velocity component of the jth particle with respect to the kth been imposed after the position updating to prevent the
dimension. particles from flying outside the feasible search space.
The particle velocity in the kth dimension is limited by
Inertia weight, : It is a control parameter that is used some maximum value, his limit enhances the
to control the impact of the previous velocities on the current local exploration of the problem space and it realistically
velocity. Hence, it influences the trade-off between the global simulates the incremental changes of human learning [23].
and local exploration abilities of the particles [24]. For initial
stages of the search process, large inertia weight to enhance
the global exploration is recommended while, for last stages,
the inertia weight is reduced for better local exploration.

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 652

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 653

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Fig.8 Flowchart of the PSO method

In the PSO algorithm, the population has n particles and Step 5 (Position updating):
each particle is an m-dimensional vector, where m is the Based on the updated velocities, each particle changes its
number of optimized parameters. Incorporating the above position according to the following equation:
modifications, the computational flow of PSO technique can
be described in the following steps: If a particle violates its position limits in any m-
Step 1 (Initialization): dimensional space, set its position at the proper limits
Set the time counter t = 0 and generate randomly n (i.e. set the value to the limit it exceeds) to prevent the
particles, where particles from flying outside the feasible search space.
Step 6 (Individual best updating):
is generated by
Each particle is evaluated according to its updated position.
randomly selecting a value with uniform probability over
the kth optimized parameter search space If then update individual best
as and go to step 7; else go
Similarly, generate randomly initial velocities of all to step 7.
particles, Step 7 (Global best updating):

where Search for the minimum value among , where min

is the index of the particle with minimum objective
is generated by function, i.e. .
randomly selecting a value with uniform probability over
If then update global best
the kth dimension as and go to step 8;
Each particle in the initial population is evaluated using else go to step 8.
the objective function, J. Step 8 (Stopping criteria):
For each particle, If one of the stopping criteria is satisfied, then terminate the
set program; else go to step 2. In this study, the search will
terminate the program if one of the following criteria is
Search for the best value of the objective function
Set the particle associated with as the global (a) The number of iterations since the last change of
best with an objective function of the best solution (Ntime) is greater than a pre-
Set the initial value of the inertia weight specified number (MAXNtime), or
Step 2 (Time updating): (b) The number of iterations reaches the maximum
Update the time counter t = t + 1. allowable number (MAXNFC).
Step 3 (Weight updating):
Update the inertia weight , where B. Application of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to
alpha is a decrement constant which is smaller than but Design Boost Converter Controller
close to 1, to encourage the global exploration (i.e., A closed-loop boost converter using a MOSFET, as a
diversify the search in the whole search space) in the switching element, is shown in Fig. 9. The parameters of the
initial stages and encourage local exploitation (i.e., converter are: input voltage, Vin = 20 V; switching frequency,
intensify the search in the current region) in the later fs = 1.5 kHz; inductance, L = 33 mH; equivalent resistance of
stages. the inductor, RL = 1.5 ; capacitance, C = 220 F; equivalent
Step 4 (Velocity updating): resistance of the capacitor, RC = 0.3 ; and load resistance, R
Using the global best and individual best of each particle, = 230 .
the jth particle velocity in the kth dimension is updated,
according to the following equation:

where C1 and C2 are positive constants and r1 and r2 are

uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 to 1.
It is worth mentioning that the second term in the
previous equation represents the cognitive part of PSO
where the particle changes its velocity based on its own
thinking and memory.
The third term in the previous equation represents the
social part of PSO where the particle changes its velocity
based on the socio-psychological adaptation of
knowledge. If a particle violates the velocity limits, its
velocity is set equal to the limit.

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 654

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

Fig.9 Closed-loop controller and boost converter

In the closed-loop control system, first, the actual output

voltage v0 is compared with its reference voltage V0* using a
comparator and the error voltage e(t), so obtained, is processed The initial values of Kp, Ki, and Kd must be judiciously
by the PID controller. The output voltage of the PID controller chosen to speed up the process of optimum parameter
u(t) is an analog signal which must be converted into a gating identification. For this, one might use methods such as Routh
pulse for the MOSFET with an adjustable duty cycle. This Hurwitz, Symmetrical Optimum [29], etc., with averaged
task is performed by the modulator, which compares the PID state-space model of DC-DC boost converter operating in
controller output voltage with a ramp signal so that the output CCM.
of the modulator is a gating pulse with its duty cycle varying
in accordance with PID controller output voltage. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
In this paper, more emphasis is given to improving the
In this section, the performance of the DC-DC boost
dynamic response of the boost converter by identifying the
converter in terms of its dynamic response is analyzed. A
best values for the controller parameters. The following
dedicated program is developed in MATLAB for controller
dynamic parameters are considered in this paper:
i) Rise Time (tr). identification using PSO. The parameters of the proposed
ii) Settling Time (ts). PSO, such as C1, C2, inertia weight factor, population size, and
number of iterations, are usually selected by means of trial and
iii) Peak Overshoot (Po).
error method to achieve the best solution set. The parameters
iv) Steady State Error (Ess).
used in the implementation of the PSO are listed in Table I.
The DC-DC boost converter, when it works in a closed-loop
mode with PID controller, the error voltage is

The error voltage is processed by the PID controller, and the

output of the PID controller is TABLE I
Equations (1) to (22) completely describe the dynamics of the PSO
output voltage of the closed-loop DC-DC boost converter
operating in CCM. C1 1.4
The objective here is to identify the optimal controller C2 1.4
parameters values to achieve the best dynamic response of wmax 0.9
DC-DC boost converter. This problem is solved as an wmin 0.4
optimization problem formulated as: Population size (n) 50
Number of iterations (iter) 300
Subject to constraints: The controller constants obtained through a traditional method
(i.e. ZieglerNichol) are listed below:
KP = 1.8788, Ki = 18.8046, Kd = 0.000608

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 655

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

For comparison, the controller design is also carried out Fig.12 Closed loop response of DC-DC boost converter
using standard PSO. The controller constants obtained through operating in CCM with 13% sudden load disturbance
standard PSO are listed below:
KP = 1.325, Ki = 15.8851, Kd = 0.000489
The computed closed loop response of the DC-DC boost
converter operating in CCM obtained by using traditional
method of designing a PID controller and PSO algorithm with
small signal model is given in Fig.10.

Fig.13 Closed loop response of DC-DC boost converter

operating in CCM with 25% source voltage disturbance

Fig.10 Closed loop response of DC-DC boost converter

operating in CCM

Fig.14 Closed loop response of DC-DC boost converter

operating in CCM with 35% sudden load disturbance
In this section, simulation results are presented for
comparison between the dynamic responses of the DC-DC
boost converter operating in CCM obtained by using either a
traditional method of designing a PID controller or a PSO
algorithm undergoing input-voltage and load-current step
transients. Four different scenarios of performance comparison
tests are presented:
Fig.11 Closed loop response of DC-DC boost converter
1. 10% source voltage disturbance.
operating in CCM with 10% source voltage disturbance
2. 13% sudden load disturbance.
3. 25% source voltage disturbance.
4. 35% sudden load disturbance.

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 656

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

tuned controller, it has an overshoot of 7.5%, 4 ms settling

time and 3.7% Ess.
Fig. 13 shows the DC-DC boost converter output voltage
response for a 25% step-change in input voltage for both
traditional method tuned controller and PSO tuned controller.
It is seen that the output voltage of the DC-DC boost converter
is not affected by the input voltage variation in case of PSO
tuned controller whereas the performance of the DC-DC boost
converter with traditional method tuned controller degrades
having an overshoot of 15%, 6.8 ms settling time and 9.3%
Fig. 14 shows the DC-DC boost converter output voltage
response for a 35% step-change in load resistance for both
Fig.15 The convergence characteristic of the PSO traditional method tuned controller and PSO tuned controller.
algorithm The PSO tuned controller scheme takes 1.6 ms settling time
Fig. 11 shows the dynamic behavior of the DC-DC boost with an overshoot of 2.2% as compared to 7 ms and 12.5% in
converter output voltage with a 10% step-change in input case of the traditional method tuned controller. Hence, PSO
voltage. The simulation results show that the output voltage tuned controller has a smaller overshoot and zero steady state
remains virtually constant at the set value, regardless of error than the traditionally tuned controller.
change in input voltage especially with the PSO tuned Table II shows the performance evaluation of DC-DC boost
controller whereas the performance of the DC-DC boost converter dynamic response obtained by using traditional
converter with traditional method tuned controller degrades method of designing a PID controller and PSO algorithm in
having an overshoot of 12%, 3.5 ms settling time and 6.9% terms of percent overshoot, rise time and setting time under
Ess. the starting case, the changing of command input and load.
Fig. 12 shows the dynamic behavior of the converter system In addition, the convergence characteristic of the proposed
with a 13% step-change in load resistance. In the case of the optimization algorithm is depicted in Fig.15.
PSO tuned controller, the output voltage of the converter has The simulation results in Figs. 11, 12, 13 and 14 clearly
an overshoot of 2.5% at the set value for the load resistance indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the controller
disturbance, 2 ms settling time and zero steady-state error. tuned by the PSO algorithm over the traditional method tuned
However, in the case of the converter with traditional method controller by providing a faster transient response for a wide
operating range.


Test Cases Transient Parameters
Controller Controller
Rising time (ms) 0.50 0.45
Starting case 100% Step Change Settling time (ms) 4.71 1.22
Peak Overshoot (%) 28.75 0.00
Settling time (ms) 3.34 0.25
-10% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 12.15 0.00
SMALL Source Voltage Disturbance
Settling time (ms) 3.53 0.23
+10% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 12.15 0.00
Settling time (ms) 3.84 1.22
-13% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 7.51 1.53
SMALL Load Resistance Disturbance
Settling time (ms) 4.03 2.14
+13% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 7.51 2.52
Settling time (ms) 6.55 0.25
-25% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 15.02 0.00
LARGE Source Voltage Disturbance
Settling time (ms) 6.75 0.24
+25% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 15.02 0.00
Settling time (ms) 7.24 1.25
-35% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 12.53 1.38
LARGE Load Resistance Disturbance
Settling time (ms) 7.22 1.65
+35% Step Change
Peak Overshoot (%) 12.53 2.23

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 657

International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) Vol. (7) No. (2)
ISSN Print (2314 7318) and Online (2314 730X) April 2016

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Haytham Abdelgawad (S15) was born in

Cairo, Egypt, in 1978. He received the
B.Sc. (Eng.) and M.Sc. degrees in electrical
engineering from Helwan University,
Cairo, Egypt, in 2000 and 2009,
respectively. He is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the
Faculty of Engineering and Applied
Science, University of Ontario Institute of
Technology (UOIT), Oshawa, ON, Canada.
His research interests include power converter topologies
and their control aspects, Maximum Power Point Tracking of
photovoltaic systems, Artificial Intelligence and Optimization
Algorithms and the integration of renewable energy systems
into the smart grid.

Vijay Sood (SM79F06) received the

Ph.D. degree from the University of
Bradford, Bradford, U.K., in 1977.
He is currently an Associate Professor
and the OPG Design Co-chair at UOIT,
Oshawa, Ontario. He has extensive
experience in the simulation of HVDC-
FACTS systems and their controllers. He
has authored two text books on HVDC

Reference Number: W15-P-0021 659

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