Confidence: A Pentecostal Paper For Great Britain April-June 1922 No. 129.

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No.q29./ : APRIL-JUNE, wz.





Bournemiuth (B.)... 2 z 26 44 Restock Gieen iC.)
Da&ton (N.) . . . . . . . . . 2r 45 Cardross (H.) . . . . . . .lo x
Ko.nIelbourne (A.) 1 5 0 28 46 Ledbu.ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Belfast (A.) . . . . . . . . . . . IO 0 29 :l if;,lde (A.) . . . . . . . . . ::
Pudse)- (I?.) .. . .. . .. . 3 0 311 Harringiy (C.) .. . ... 2 S . .. .... .. .... ... ... 10 0
Leenwek, s. .arrica L~tham (bl. j _.__..... 10 0 49 Wolsingham (T.) . . . 5 0
(G.) ._.,.__......._._. 4
o 0
o ;.; \vhil~inplon Moor... 3 0 50 Ochley (Anon.) .. . . . . 7 c
S. Croydon (1~. & E.) _ 33 Commerce House, 51 Eagle Rock, Calif.
\vest R0un10n (C.) 3 0 Australia . .._........ 2 0 (G.) . . . . . .._.......... 13 4
Kew hIaldon (K.) . . . _ I 6 34 fiymout h _4ssrmbly 52 Sion College-Sales 1s 0
15 York (T.) ..,.__...... IO 0 (n-.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .6 53 Haverford, U.S.&
16 Raker (E.) . .._.... 35 Borqholm, Sweden (I?.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0
Ki11d50r, Belfast (6. j (L.) ,................. 3 0 54 London (P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 0
f; Auchterless (B.j ... 36 Sotlths~R (Xj .... . 5 0 --
1% Bushiii Park (L. j _.. 5 0 37 Sllnderiand (,IY.) ... IO 0 f2.516 9

Printing and Expenses Account.

RECEIITTS. g s. d. EXPEXVITVRE. ,$ sb ";
Subscription+ as above .._ .. _.. 2.5 II; 9 ~~Confidence. 129:h Issue ... .. _
Discount . . i 0 Posrages (estima:ed) and despatching 615 0
Balance in hand from l%:h Is.\ue 4 11 6
Adverse Balance ._. __. .__ . 31s 9
-~ --
L34 15 (1 ,r34 I5 0

RI Grirrisb>- (Lincolnshire). Mr. ana hlrs. W. A.

PERSONAL ITEMS. Douglas,. leaders of rhe Pentecostal Mission, had
invi:ed him. and his preacning of the Full Goapel
Our bro:her. Mr. James \\clsh (12 Harrab!; was foliowed bx- many cases of benlinp. One of
Green Road. Gariislej, writes : Mrs. IVeish ana the mosl srrik/ng in recorded in the Grimsby
I are prepared to .taite missiorl serviceb together. newspaper, an extract from which is given on
.A: T<-ecdmou:h recentis we had a gloriol% time page 25.
in a three weeks professed
mission. Souis their * . .
faith in Jesus, and others were seeking their
bamism. Our brother in an earnest and ioTaI FRIESDS OF COSFIDENCE are thanked b!-
se;van: of the Lord. the Editor for generous help given. Printing
and paper are costly in these days. Onl?_ .b?
l l f
numbers of helpful gifts can Confidence con-
Pas:or Barrat~, of Christiania (Sorwa>-1. has tinue 10 issue. X0 guarantee is ever given of
been far from robus~ of late. He wrilea sdmewhnt con:innance, asir is issued on faith lines. Constant
patheticaliv of lhe weakness oi his bo6_ and fhe and much valued encouraging messages come
hope tha: ;he Lord wiil res:ore him !o kis former from those who .vaiue it very ,highiy, and y-ho _~
vigour and heip him ir. his wo;k. .L!niess. indeed, pra!that it may never cease to be issued.
he savs. He 1s coming verv SOO~.~ Le: us re- l * l

member our beloved bro:her in prayer. (See p. 29.1

. * ,
some rime ago on condition of postage being
Mrs. Esselbach-Whiting (Internationa! Bible paid. These are now ali distributed. except our.
DepBr, 3.5 Oude Baan, Brnswhaet, Antxerp, January-March issue (so. 126.19>2), of which we
Beipium) has prepared a tract oil6 papes, entitled still have copies. IVe will post copies to any
: if sufficient stamps are enciosed.
Yhls DOCTOR. On the cover is the picrure of address
Mrs. Sherlock, which was in the Sketch, and . l l

+_ afterwards in Confidence. She wiil send the

booklet (at 2d. a copy) to any address. Engiisb The Editor of Confidence regrets that most

i. atamos mar be sent. From Great Britain, etc., of the Raker Tracts, with the exception of The
i letteis nee6 a 2$d. stamp. She hopes later lo New Creation, are at present out of print. A
print it in the two Belgian ianguages fFrPnch and new and smaller edition of Health in Christ,
.-._ _]] ._-: ~~ ~__ Flemish). Her testimony is most interesting.

STEPHEX- J~~~~&-.(Doatlais,-Sol
con+uded a hine Feks Mission i post them to:
No.129. ; _. ALL SAINTS, SUNDERLAND. ,April-June,1922: _
. : . ... .- :. _...._ ..
To EDITORS AND OTHERS.--_X~J. matter jn this Paper may be re-printed on condition that full
acknowiedgment is made thus :--I From Confidence, Sunderland, England.

The Last Lap of the Race.* Holy Spirit moderately, btiJ -l+OI_iR it
upon the hungry and the willing. A great
ELIZABETH SlSSOSi. mark is to be done in a brief period.
Great companies of young men and
Some years ago, in a prayer agony for maidens are to be brought forth by the
hlahome~ans-1 had just been reading of Holy Ghost in the spirit of prophecy
their great _41-Hazar College in Cairo, (Acts ii., IS) in all lands. \Ve are to be
and the ten thousand students turned out astonished to see hoxv quick.]? God nil1
there yearly ; and that whatever line of mature? from among the heathen, full-
life thev took up! every one of them \vas fiedged believers, who in_ the power of
a full--fledged propagandist for Mahomed- resurrection shall do greater works than
anism--and m)- bein-g:. heart and tongue even Jesus did in His mortal life. All the
cried. Uhy! Lord, Sou can send some gifts of the Spirit are to be.working in
one right into Al-Hazar to .proclajm the full perfection. -411 these vxforketh that
go.pei amid those ten thousand students. one and the.self-same Spirit. We have
Come, come ! said Iiisdom and Prud- seen- as vet so little of this working,
ence, Have a !ittle common sense; what because the fiesn in us has tri.ed to bring
an extravagant prayer. (\-ou kno\v---I them forth. But there are successive out-
ha$.e once been mobbed by them and pourings of the Spirit, that will bring us
proved it-the name of Jesus to a hla- to thecfull end of self, and cause us to
homedan is iike a red rag to a mad buli.) walk in the Spirit. Remember when
I\-nat Christian couid iive one second in the Spirit gets fuil and abiding control of
Al H azar ? Ashamed of my impetuosity, us, Christ xvi11 be reproduced--nnd onzf
I cut short this romantic conception of Clzrisf-I, yet not I buf Christ. And
the power of God and finished my prayer Christ shall see of the travail of His soul,
in .a more sane manner. A few weeks yea , even His seed in us, and be
later J took up the A.B.C.F.31. missionary satisfied. Then the people who sit in
organ and read the report of Rev. Trow- darkness shall see a great light, and the
bridgeyhow be had entered Ai Hazar \vork of their conviction and conversion
and preached to hundreds, and some gave shall go rapidly form-ard.
him their names to follow up Bible study Oh, the time is so short.! God must
elsewhere ! Ah, said God in the depth burst through the great glory. Jesus
of my soul, that is the reason I have to must have a great innings now in this
pray through you and others in tongues ; end of the age. He has been so disap-
vour human reason will not let you pray pointed these two thousand y.ears in the
-My prayers. Oh ! to be babes to whom inefficiency of His people, and_ the _non-
is revealed what is hid from \\isdom and evangelisation of the world. -.He -has.
Prudence ! not been represented, -but misrepresented
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! -. -CONFIDENCE. ..: .. ._ ..:: ..:. . .. ,:----APRIL--JUi;cE;- 1922: :: ~:
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F_ ma i .(-The Last Lap-of .the..Race-Eont1aaed.t .~-.-:~ name -. of Jesus, .~ _
.covered bv Ithe:.blood, 5
--_ .s _ . ;-
I dati make hkr to de as awitnessiig church *-.-Satan will -down-tis if-he car;,: fdr he is y
i, .;. f after US to thwart the faith of the prayer
.td A-ii nations. There is to be the purity ,:.:life He will thrust in
1 of the witness and the prevaletlce of the wand&n-
: witness. Oh, yes, I know God hath thou,oh.ts; He will fill our eves with thbe
chosen the w&k things of the world, the vision of our unworthy selves. He will
because of prayerlessness, and show us the
base, the despised, ihe nothings,. and
valuelessness of our wandering prayers; _
He will keep on doing so to the end. We
are to His disgrace. Only as we are but pray on, jn Jesus name. Take no
submerged in the Spirit, are we His notice of self, do not bring yourself along.
victory. Jesus has deaded VOU, hold it bv faith.
He has a supply in the Holv
Ghost that will keep us so skin-full df You come in the na& of another. kecog-
God and glory that the badger-skin of nise His Blood washes everv moment
while Lou pray. That Blood- not onI\
nature will not be seen-only the hangings,
purifies the weak, worthless pravers, ai
the curtains of glory and of beauty.
you pray, but adds to them all ;ts own
The glory of the Lord shall so possess,
eternal merit ! Above your praying. the
that the priest can not stand to minister
Blood vou get under, PLEADS. It is a
before Him (Ex. xl-, 34, 35; 1 Kings viii.,
speakcng blood-a praying biood,
10, 11 ; 2 Chron. v., 15, 14; vii., 2). This
glory-, and cries, Father, he m&t have it-l
which is the full possession by
the Holy Ghost, shall also bring the unit! paid the price for it on that Calvar!s-
(2 Ch ran. vii., 2j which must come before cross. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
answer back, Yes, he musz have it.
the end. For Jesus prayed that the!
Then the Triune God proceeds to make i:.
also mav be OSE, that the world ma\-
BELIEVE--Lthat the world mav know i, The devil would like to direct your eve;
(John xvii., 21, 23) and HE prayed that it but, never see yourself, see the blood that
might, through the glory-for He knew covers. As you go to prayer, as you pra!
it could come in no other way. on, and the winds are contrary to YOU-
Satans winds-hear heavens melody,
%ill Jesus prayer for the church of this Uhatsoever ve shall ask in My nome.
age go unanswered? Then you and I
had better give up praying; for, if His Years ago, after.a period of service in
prayer can not get through, then, surely Winnipeg, Canada, I was leaving for the
ours will not. But let us and others say, Mest Coast. The dear little band of
His prayer .waits to come through by saints had given me what money the\
the force of ou: believing prayer and co- could-for them, a generous offering-vet
operation. Let us pray and God will barely enough to travel to the Coast. _ A
j fulfil in us and our fellows the fulness of sister in Christ, ivho knew something of
the love chaoter (1 Cor. 13). Let US pray my relations to my dependent family said.
and God wiil answer in all the diversity LLThat should not all go to raiiroad ex-
of the operations of the Spirit. No mah penses ; you should have something to
knows what that means-for it has not send your mother. I am going to pray you
yet been displayed ! Oh, the resources of will get half rates. Later, a Cnriscian
God in the vast reservoir of the Holy man of large business affairs said, Sister
Ghost ! Oh, the miracles? the released Sisson, when you have your dares fixed.
millions of money, the giants of God let me take you to the traffic manager of
abo.ut to spring forth to His last call, to the Great Northern. He is an old friend
evangelize-in His might-in His beauty of mine, and, I think will give you cheap
.. -in his $IOry-THE WORLD. rates. When the day arrived: I lefr ml
praying sister on her knees, and went t;
Let US pray. To prayer-God says HE meet my business friend, who took me to
: will do great -and mighty things which
the big railroad offices atid .introduced me
i- we know not of. To prayer-God will
i. to his official friend, who, haGin_ heard mv
do exceedingly abundantly above what story, said, 1 am.sure bliss Si%son is thk
:i we can .ask or think. To prayer-HE very person who should have this favor,
says, Ask ye of .Me things fo come con- but our road has just made new and such
cerning M y sons ; and concerning the _ .
,, ___s_trmgent,regulations_ th%tU .:c:cduld.not 1.~~.
work of Mv hatids iommand ye hle.? !
give anybody yornmut@ +es._% .- :- _ .- .-
ET 5 YKAY : :
-. .~ --
;c,____A-_ ._~_,~_-_.~~~_-_--__~~_._--_._----_ Thanking_~i&e~&:~&
prajl 3~ Hldden -in the. back -.was toti&&us,,&nd~ he f&med



: ,...,> . .
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r,-, -j-j;APRIL.:1U~E,~-lg21.~~
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...: ^_ ._- ~..- .;. .-..:. .~ :-.--, _;r I; : _ r.: -;- :~_sm_m.;y.:::.

(Ex.. xVii.Zi-ii); z (Aintilek,: al.people_ -:
, lick tip--aII.) ~A.mal_ek,the~bpppsing-_~__;
forces, go down. rwhiZf_-we live in paycr
at the altar of incense, in
He tore off the blank edge of a-newspaper;- ship to Him who hasi does and +U prevail.
and in lead pencil, put on his initials, Thine is the victory and the power and ,
J. P. T., and said, Take this paper, and the glory. In THY NAhIE, mine is the
-Ihe day you wish IO go, hand it in at the victory and the power and the glory.
ticket office aild all will be right. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !! .
\le returned to my prayer sister and Oh, it is coming-! Oh, it is coming !
The power of the Holy Ghost!
showed her the permit. Its the power Oh, it is falling; on fhis worldfalling/
of a name, I cried, displaving the initials. The Iire of the Holy Ghost!
She very quickly replied,iI stayed right
on my knees, holding right on for it, until
some half hour ago, when God released
me and said, Y ou may \vash your dishes
non.. James v., 13-16.
Tel! not me, but some unbeliever, that
the troubled thought and sudden change ITL an Amwer fo a Leffer.
of mind of that trafFic manager was not
connected with my sisters prayers ! You ask the form of procedure which I
have used during the past years (since
It was blessed and amusing, on ti?e da>: about 1892).
of m\- travei, 1 came to the railroaa [Ir is protabiy a brip with sorn~ to hare rhcir anointing in
sratiol;, crouded with people making for Church. Eishep Pakr_nbam \Valsh has written a booklet
with a srrvicc at the end-which 1 furl is rzrhcr long. (Car.
that train. Immediately that scrap of be obtained ior l/6 fpost free) from S.P.C.K.. Korrnumbu-
paper was presented at the ticket office, land Avcnuc, London. W.C.)]
* ali other work was suspended, and, treated Not in Church. Ko robes. Generally
1 like a queen, my claims Weie first put (if the sufferer is able) in the iicarage.
through. It was the power oi a name. The sick one kneeling perhaps at the
1 dining room table. if a sister her hat
But the power oi JESUS' NAME, above,
L- is far more than the power of any name removed.
here below. -4s we say < in Jesus n.ame,? A tiny bottle of olive oil is ready. (Only
oh, l&t Faith hear the heavenly_choral, .half a dozen drops or so used.)
Accepted in the Beloved. It IS love, The patient and others kneeling. The
not power that there responds, or rather, Elder standing. He asks for Gods
the Almighty Bower of Love that thus guidance, for blessing on the reading of
responds. Itis the Victory of the His Word, and for the promised Presence.
Throne that is involved when you thus + t *
Nothing in my hands 1 bring. Then very deliberatety and sincerely he
Simpiy to Thy crosb I din?.: reads James v., 13-16 (Inclusive) :-
Thev that cling to the Cross touch the = IS ANT AMONG YOT AFFLICTED? LET HIM
3rd.-The Victory. This is the prnis~ FOR THE ELDERS OF THE CHCRCH; ASD LET
01 fffith. Having covered your prayer THE%! PRAY OVER HIM, ASOIHTINC HI31 WlTH
with the sweet name of Jesus, it is now /UiD THE PRAYER OF -FAITH SHALL SAVE
on the altar of sacrifice.. Press you im- THE SICK, AND THE LORD SHALL RAISE HIM
mediateiv to the altar of incense, and UP; AND IF HE HAVE COYXITTED SIKS, THEY
there be-gin to praise! and praise! and SHALL BE FORGIVEN HIM.
! Keep on blessing and praising AND PRAY ONE FOR ANOTHER, THAT TE MAY
Firethat vour prayer .&s gone throu&, BE HEALED. THE EFFECTUALFERVEXTPRATER
because ofthe Name and the Blood. -_ OF A RJGHTEOCS IfAh AVAILETH MXH."

When they began to sing and praise- Referring to-the beginning of the last

_. ? It_:ii.-thi $raidr -of faith fhi&h .ihall .. 1

save the sick.- The sick one.shouId.make.- ..
the .-.first .advance
by apply!ng to _the
Church. -The Elders must be men of
j .- -Saviour-and Loid.: faith, .and- f5ith in this .particular. A]]
i.. .
i * .Q. + who are:presknt shbuld be full of faith
and right with God. But above all, the
The Elder.then rebukes the sickness,
sick one should have confident faith in
: .the pain, and ,a11 the evil powers behind
Christ as the Great Healer. IYe will not
the disease. (Luke iv., 39: Jesus re-
come unto -Me that ye might have life,
buked the fever; and it left her.) He
He says. He also says, I have come
does this in the Piame which is above
that ye might have life, and have it more
every name.
abundantly. We have known many cases
He places the sufferer under the Precious where the full healing was not manifested
Biood for cleansing. (The Blood of at once, yet gradually but surely the
sprinkling. 1 Pet. I., 2 ; Heb. xii., 22.) healing came. Such grateful ones have
Also -for protection from all evil powers, returned to give thanks for ultimate
and for victory, (Rev. xii., 11.) recovery and victory.
Thus the sick one is p;epared to receive )i + Q
the Blessed Ouickening Spirit, the Lord, A.bove all, the believer should seek for
and Giver of xife and Heaith. The HOI! the touch of Christ, which brings blessing.
Ghost Himself. Some at this service have received a
+ + + Baptism of the Holy Ghost, when the?
Pouring a few drops of olive oil into came for healing. A.A.B.
his left palm, the Elder prays that God
will graciously sanctify the oil: and that
He will use It as a channel of spiritual The Very- Same Jesus.
blessing to the sufferer for Christs sake,
-also as a srmbol of consecration to His Divine Healing in Scandinavia, etc.
blessed ser;ice, and a token of the coming
of the Holy Ghost. (The Oil following Tizat, -&i&i -de have seen ad heard,
the Biood. Ler. xiv., Ii.) declare
_- we untoyou. 1 John i., 3.
)i + *
* l +
Then -with a finger of his right hand The Writer (whose persona1 testimony
ciippes into the 011, he touches the fore- -was in the last issue of Confidence)
head in. the Kame of the Lord, and then had the. privilege for three months last
in the full name qf the Trinity, placing :year to be in the cent,. of Mr. Smith
.his left hand with the oil in it on the head Wigglesworths meetingsm both SwedeI:
of the sufferer, with such oil as remains.- .and Denmark. It was a rime of visitation
from on high: I dare to say that hundreds
85 IS ST. MARI; XVI.,. IS,
of people received Jesus as their Saviour.
.H.Z ;iays 03 both his hands, and asks thousands were healed from all kinds of
that the hands of Christ-the Pierced
-diseases, also thousands of believers
:Hands--mav also rest on the sick one to
awoke to a new life, and many, many
jmoart His -Life. (He lays his hands on
received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
the head for a moment, and then. if wise
as on the day of Pentecost. For all this
-atid donvenient, l.ays on& hand on the seat
we give glory to Jesus. Here are a few
of troubJe. I To some is giveu in measure
examples of miracles my eyes have seen.
the gifr of healing by the laying on of
hands ; but the touch is .from the I will begin with the first meeting I
Living Christ.) Then $e,askF the person attended. It was in OREBRO (Sweden)
to thank God and prajse, and praise !,. where at ! that time there was held a
Pentecostal Convention. I came to seek
Then the Blessing foilows;X the -patient
help myseif, being worn .out with long
still kneeling, the Presbyter plading again
unbroken service in the Lords work. I
his hands upon the head of tke .. believer. had not. heard, of Mr. :~igglesworth
ND .tiEP THEE :. b ifckk,:,btit. I _knew.~hat Pa.stor .Barratt,._. .~..
ii.OF -H1s--_~O~h:-~-;
fa.t.her,-&as%hqe. : The-next ,T
I~.i ._.~
... ~~~;-After:thep~eachiog service.I-went
.. _. fqward _-
a c;6;~;~1~i~,ia;;;in~;-~_.-]l~ted o
n-,to the i p!alfo;;;l; :
--, _ :I->?,
him _ .~. .

lll.irith,ja qtieiik .bf fivk oi .six hundred more:are waiting

.:; ,hiirid.reds: of m&n and women Lpatiently help.) This man is anointed and hands..
j. : i :.-.-, waiting for--a touch of God through His laid upon him in the Name of Jesus. He 1 -1:;
k :--.
i .., servant, and,-glory to God,.we w&k not is still shaking. . Then he droos one
..-.. .i ( :

l .
As .handi were -laid unon .
-crutch,. and af&r a short time the other
:_rnkith.e power of God went through me one. His body is still shaking, but he
in a mighty way. I was immediately takes the first step out in jaifh! YWill it
well. be? He lifts oue foot and then the other,
It was wonderful to notice, as the.minis- walks round the platform. The onlookers
try continued, the effect upon the people rejoice lvith him. No&he walks around
as the power of the Lord came over them. the auditorium. Hallelujah !
Some lifted their hands, crying, I am During-this meeting a woman began. to
healed ! I am healed ! Some fell on the shout and shbut. The preacher told her
the platform overpowered. by the power to be quiet, but instead she jumped up on
of the Spirit, having to be helped down. a chair, flourishing her arms about, 2nd
Others walked away as in a dream; others crying, I am healed ! I am heal.ed ! I
as drunk with new wine, lost to every- had cancer in my mouth, and I was un-
thing but God; but ail had faces as saved ; but during the meeting, as I
transfigured with the glory of the Lord listened to the word of God, the Lord has
and magnifying Jesus. -4 young biind saved me and healed me .of cancer in mv
girl, as she was ministered to, cried out, mouth. She shouts again, I am saved !
Oh, how many windoxvs there ar-e in I am saved ! I am healed of cancer !
this hall ! D uring the three weeks the She was quite beside herself. The people
meetings continuea the great chapel was laughed and cried together.
crowded daily, multitudes being healed and Here was another woman unable to
many saved. The testimony meetings walk, sitting on a chair as she was mini+
f were wonderful. One said, I was deaf, tered to. Her experience was the same
the>- prayed, and Jesus heaied me. as hundreds of the others. She rose up,
Another, I had consumption, and I am looking around, wondering if after aii it
free, and so on. was a dream. Suddenly she laughed and
AT SIiOFDE. -said, Mr le g is healed. Afterwards
IO the smaiier hall, set apart for those she said, I am not saved, and streams
seeking the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, of tears ran down her face. They prared
I shall never forget the sight, how the for her, and later she left the meeting
people with eyes closed and hearts up- healed and saved and iuli of joy. \\e
Iifted to God waited, .Did the Holy Spirit have a wonderful Saviour ; glory to His
.fall upon them ? Of course He did. Here Holy Kame !
also many were healed. At another place hIIRACLES IS KOR\i.4Y.
there was a young man whose b ody was
Out of.many. many. I quote tlvo taken
spoiled -because of sin,. .but -the Lord is
frdm Pastor Barratts paper, Corsets
merciful with sinners. He was anointed,
-Seir (the \ictory of the Cross). A man
and when hands were-laid on, the poxver
and his son came in a taxi to a meeting.
of God went mightily over him. He said,
Both had crutches. The father had been
I am healed, but being broken down,
in bed two years and was unable to put
he .cried as a little child confessing his
his leg to the ground. He was ministered
sin ; at the same moment the Lord saved
to. H e dt-opped both crutches, walking
him. Glory to God ! He went into the
and praising God. When the son saw
.large hall and testified to salvation and
this he cried out, Help me too, 2nd
.healing. . . . after a little while father and son, without
crutches and without taxi, walked away
Here long queues waited for .hours to from the hall together. That word again
_ get in. The hall held _I,800 people. . A-t is manifested ; the same Jesus, the wonder-
near19 every meeting crqwds wereyunable -<orking Jesus is just the same to-day;
to enter the building, bat_they_waited on L . . .-
._ _~~..often _hours _~nd.~hourslfoi~the,:c,h~n~_,~if;~~~~.~~.~:..=.~~. ?!~~?.~~~~!?!_~:. .~ ~. . ..
Spirit. It was afier He was filled with
the Spirit that He was led forth l% that
Editor- -Spirit to the place of conflict and of victorv.
Alex. A. Bodd?; Vicar of All Saints, And this blessing is ours as surely as>t
Sunderland. was His: we ma? be filled-with the Spirit;
we mav be led by the Spirit. Jesus, who
NOTE. - Gljh are acktrowledpd u~ott was H*imself baptised with the Spirit, to
Zhe inside oj ilze jro?ri concr. British set us an example how to live, has as-
IeLiers requesfin~~ a rcpl_l should corrfaix cended into heaven to baptise us into the
The Editor likeness with Himself. He who would
a sfatizped direcied. envelope.
live like Jesus must begin here: He must
is noi a61e a/-ways fo mmwcr. leffers as he
be baptised with the Spirit. What God
has ofher dufies. demands from His children He first gives.
He demands entire likeness to Christ
because He wiil give 115, as He did Jesus.
the fulness of the Spirit. Ue must bc
Like Christ :+ filled with the Spirit.
Ld by the Spirit. \Ve have here the reason mh)- ~i-;e
Xnd ]es11s. being /x2 qf fi;r HuYr Sjirii, teaching of the imitation and liken.ess IO
rerurneci irom _lordan, and am c led by iirr- Spirit Christ has so little prominence in the
into rbe rviiderncs+--lvKe iv.! 1. Church of Chris:. Men sought it in their
i13e$Z?cd with the Spiri:.--El?{. Y., 13. on-n strength, with the help of some many as arc Zrd by the Spirit oi God.
they arc the sons of God.-KOX. viii., 14. tr-orkings of the Holy Spirit: they did not
understand that nothing less was needed
From His very birth the Lord Jesus thar; being filied with the Spirit. i\;O
had the Spirit dwelling in Him. But wonder that they thought that real con-
there were times when He needed special formity to Christ could not be expected
communications of the Spirit from the of us, because they had mistaken thoughts
Father. Thus it was with His baptism. about being_fiUed wifh the Spirit. It was
The descent of the Ho!? Spirit on Him, thought to be the privilege of a few, and
the baptistn of the Spirit, given in the not the calling and dut? of exvy child of
baptism with water, was a real trans- God. It was not sufficiently realised tha:
action : He was filled with the Spirit. He Be ye filled with the Spirit is a com-
returned from the Jordan full of the HOI? mand to every Christian. .-On!y when the
Spirit, and ~eiperienced more manifestly Church first .gives the --baptism of the
than ever the leading of the Spirit. In Spirit, and Jesus? as the Saviour mho
~~the wilderness He wrestled and conquered, bapfises rcifh fhe SjCrif each one who
not in His own divine power, but as a believes in Him, their right place, only
man who was-strengthened and led by then will likeness to Christ be sought
the Holy Spirit. In this also He n-as m after and attained. Peopie will then
all things made iike unto His brethren. understand and acknowledge: to be like
The other side of the truth also holds Christ we must be ied by the same Spirit,
&rood : the brethren are in all things made and to be ied by the Spirit as He was, we
like unto Him, They are called to live must be filled with the Spirit. Kothing
like Him. This is dot. demanded from less than the fulness of the Spirit is abso-
them without their having the same power. lutelr necessarr to live a truly Christian,
ThiB power is the.H@y Spirit d_welling in Christlike life.
us; whom we have of God. Even as The way to arrive at it is simple. it is
Jesus was filled \cith the Spirit, and then Jesus who baptises wilh the Spirit: he
led by the Spirit, so must we be also filled who comes to Him desiring it will get it.
with the Spirit and be led by the Spirit. : .4ll that He requires of US is the surrender
_~.._.~Sore.~th8n_oi,ce,in.~ur_niedit~tion~.op ..Xof faith toiecejve vhat_He- gnes.
. 7 _~. .__. -~
e si&&& of fjG~h~;~_~~h& -he
,-,. _ asks _
-Indeed-xn -earnest -tbz-L---
blessed privilege is set iorth: EVEN AS I,
YE ALSO. Remember that it wa; of this
~&ill [D.v.) be held at the likeness to Himself in everything He said
-:- +INGSWAY ..HALL to the Father: The .glory which Thou
Kingsway (Tube Stations--Museum 8c HoIborn), gavest me have I $iven them. Think .
how the love of Christ and the true desire
to please Him, how the glory of God and
the needs of the world, plead with us not
through our sloth to despise this heavenly
birthright of bein.g Christlike. Acknow-
ledge the sacred right of ownership Christ
has in you, His blood-bought ones: and
let nothing prevent your ans\\-ering : yes,
dear Lord, as far as is allowed to a child
of dust, 1 will be like Thee. I am entirely
Thine; 1 must, I will, in a!1 things bear
Thy image. It is for this 1 ask to be -
filled with the Spirit.
The surrender of faith: only this; but
nothing less than this He demands. Lei
us give what He asks. lf vve yield our-
selves tobe like Him in all things, let it
be in the quiet trust that He accepts, and
at once begins in secret to make the Soirit
work more mightily in us. Let us believe
it although we do not at once experience
it. To be filled with the Holy Spirit, we
must wait on our Lord in faith. We can
depend upon it that His love desires to
give us more than we know. Let our
surrender be made in this assurance.
And let this surrender of faith be entire.
The fundamental law of following Christ
is this: .He who loses his life shall find
it. The Holy Spirit comes to take away
Commencing ~MOXDAT, JLKE XH, the old life, and to give in its place the
Closing-FRIDAY, 9111. ..:_ life of Christ in VOU. Renounce the old
life of self-workfng and self-watching,
JSchmciay at-II, 330, and f ociock. and believe that, as the air you breathe
renews vour life every moment, so naturally
Amongst the ipeakers expected are :- and continuallv the I-lolv~ Spirit will renew
Rev. A. A. Boddy, Rev. Egrin Davies your life. In ;he work bf the Holy Spirit
(it is hoped Pastor Stephen Jeffreys), in you there are no breaks or interruptions :
Rev. John Lewis, Rev. Dr. Robert Middle- YOU arein the Spirit as your vital air: the
ton, $Irsr _M7alshawl and Rer. E. *vVern Spirit is in you as your life-breath : through
lVj]\iams. .. ~.-. ~I:~^-X ~.. the Spirit God works in you both to will
and to do according to His good pleasure.
Missionary talks. ;ill be-given. during Oh, Christian, have a deep reverence for
the Conference. . the work of the Spirit who dwells within
Convener : MR. CECIL _P&LHI~L. you. Believe in Gods power, which
. .
APRIL i JLKE, 1922.
1 : -. 1
_ ii -gi,inm us .Thine ou,, Holv _
,Thou has;. told us -that -it *is H<s
work to reveal Thee, to gjveus Thy Real
Presence within us; It .is by. Him that all
Thou hast .won for us, all the life and
. 3 holiness and Stren,g%h we Bee in Thee, is
i; ~.boId in faith..even when.there is not such brought over and .lmparted and made our
very own.. He takes of Thine, and shows
feeling & .y& could wish, and on which
-it to us, a.nd\ makes it ours. Blessed
:you count to work in you all you. need.
The feeling may be -weakness and fear J esus ! we do thank Thee for the gift of
the Holy Spirit.
and muchtrembling, and Fet the speaking,
and working, and living III demonstration .4nd now, we beseech Thee, fill us, oh
pf the Spirit and of power (1 Cor. ii.? 3, 4). fill us full, with Thy Holy Ghost ! Lord !
Live in the faith that the fulness of the nothing less is sufficient. \t7e cannot be
Spirit is yours, and that you will npt be led like Thee, we cannot fight and conquer
-.disappointed if, -looking unto Jesus, you like Thee, we catmot love and serve like
.rejoice every day in the blessed trust tnat Thee, we cannot live and die like Thee,
the care of your spiritual life is in the unless like Thee we are full of the Ho11
hands of the Holy Spirit the Comforter. Ghost. Blessed, blessed be Thy name-!
Thus, ~with the loving presence 6f Jesus Thou hast commanded, Thdu hast pro-
in ~011; the living likeness to Jesus wili de mised it; it mai, ic can, it shall be.
seen on you; the Spirit of life in Christ Holy Saviour ! draw Thy disciples to-
Jesus dwelling Lvithin, the likeness of the gether to wait and plead for this. Let
life oi Ch;ist Jesus x\ill Ihine around. their eyes be opened to see the wondrous
And if it do not appear that in thus unfulfilled promises of floods of the Holy
-believing .and obeying vour desires are Spirit. Ler their hearts be drawn to give
fulfilled, remember that ii is in the fellow- themselves, like Thee, to live and die for
ship with the members of Christs body, men. And we know it will be Thy delight
and in the full surrender to Christs service to fulfil Thine office, as Hethat baptiseth
in the world, that the full power of the with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Glory
Spirit is made manifest. It was when be to Thy Kame. Amen.
Jesus gave Himself to enter into full
fellowship .with. men around Hi?, and
ljke them to be baptistid u;ith water, that (The Very SameJesus.2continnedfrom page 23.1
-He was-mbaptised with the- Holy Ghost.
And it was~n-hen the had given.Himself thousands-, daity attended the meetings.
-in His second baptiSm of su@fing, .a Each morning,two or three hundred \vere
~m:sacrifice for-us, that He received &e. Ho!y ministered to for healing. Each ever@g
Spirit to give to US. Seek fellowship the platform was surrounded. Again and
with Gods children, who will with :lhee again, as each throng retired another
plead and -believe for-the baptism of the company came forward seeking salration.
Soirit : the disciples received the Spirit Here many were baptised in the Hoi:-
~- nbt sin_alv, but when they-were with one Ghost. The testimony meetings \vere
: : _~ &c&ilbi~ -obk filaCe. Band thyself with wonderful.
Gods children around thee to work for Xow I will close with a vision a brother
. . . . . .
souls ; the Spirit is the power from on had w-no attenaea tnese meetings. He
hiah to fit for that work: the promise will was lost in intercession for the hundreds
b~fulfilled to the believing, willing ser- of sick wailing to be ministered to for
xants, I who want Him not for their healing. He saw an opening from the
. enjoym&t, but ,for that Christ platform, where the sick were, right into
m--+as fil!ea.w$h, tee Spirit .that He might the glory. He saw wonderful beings in
:be fitted to work and liie and die fy;us. the form of men resting who, with interest,
Give thyself to+ch a Christlikb hvi,n,a- looked on. Again he looked at the plat-
-JUNE. 1922. .I
- ..

;.. ~:
Zd. I-. A .:~i7i;ce.:&ibi j:- walking out of the iroot door of the building with . . -
5f 2li1yts ;-I i,,.her moth&, .who was delightedly exclaiming to ;.
all and sundry, Look at her! She has never 1
in _yew ,of walked in ber life before !I A man who bad not -. i
walked for over four years owing to rheumatoid
arthritis, was instantly healed, and after triumpb-
antly passing his stick and crutch up to the
: 3 pray that~the Lord may be magnified platform, gave an impromptu exhibition of the
bc this attestation to signs, wonders, and power that bad come into his legs by jumping
n&hty.deeds, and that there may be a and leaping and praising God.
~-multiplication in every land that shall Others suffering f&n weak spine, nerve and
beart trouble, weak eyesight, asthma, kidney
redound to the glory of God. * trouble, loss of voice, etc., claimed IO have been
wonderfully helped.
Since the first night there have been man)
HEALINGS IN AUSTRALIA. other wonderful healings. Last night a dear
woman who had been unabie LO tvalk for 64 years
To Rev. A. A. Boddy, was brought to be prayed for, and--glory be LO
All Saints Vicarage, God !-she got out of her chair and walked, and
Sunderland, England. her husband pushed her chair along, with her
walking behind. Praise our covenant-keeping
Our dear Brother Wggiesworth arrived in
God ! Truly He is able LO do exceeding abund-
Melbourne las: Thursday, February 16th, and be antly above all that we cao ask or think.
had a meeting that night, when many came to
hear his blessed message, and-Glory to God !- Thrre have also been many conversions-at
many dear sick ones were delivered in answer to otie meeting alone 40 dear ones accepted Jesus as
the prayer of faith. Some oi those ~bo attended their Lord and Saviour-and we are beiieving for
the meeting had come man% hundreds of miles for stil; greater things. The revival showcrs are
the purpose, and were addressed by the evan- falling and God is worfiing. Bless His holy Name!
gelist from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: \Ve also have some precious times of biessing
Ie are my witnesses. in the morning meetings conducted by our dear
There is nothing co reai as God, be said, Brother \\iggiesworth, and many go away
and God wants men to be as real as He is; sons praising God tor the feast they have had. Truly
of God with power. God ha5 never made 11s LO Man shali not live br bread alone, buf by ever%
be imitations, never made any.of us to be ordinary xvord which proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
creatures. He wants specialities, and wants Am enciosing newspaoer curtings, so you will
every one of u; to be specialities, wi:h souis fixed see how the press are racing it up.
in dad, and working the works of God. 1Vben
Just this morning a mother brought her little
God is upon the smallest person in the place, He
girl along, who had fallen on a pair of scissors,
can make us mighty, and when we are simple
and cut her mouth so that she couid not close it.
enough LO beiieve Him, the whole of our lives are
After the evangelist had laid his hands upon it
changed, and the things which we have merely
and prayed, .sbe was able to close her mouth and
hpard abdut-be&.-to be realities in our own
was quite well. Glory to God !
: .~ . REALITIES. I _mu& now close. praying that God will
abundantly bless you in your labours of love for
5rgv. theme t&night is that Jesus would not
Him, ;and asking your prayers of behalf of
have is ~6 be less thao realities. hly message is
to Y-O-U, not LO somebody else. It was bard
__~._~ for the disciples LO believe that Jesus had risen - With Christian greetings,
from.tbe -ddead.,~Brid lheie -was-something ~of re- e_.xotics in Christ.*5 happy service,
markable order that took @ace .to bring- these
men into the knowledge of tbis living fact. It is ..- .. SISTER KJSSJE ASDREN-S,

~~ the-power of- this~risen Christ that 1 am here Secretary.

to-night. 104 Queensberry Street,
North Melbourne,
Although hIr.\Viggieswortb made it quite plain X-ictoria, Augtraiia
and clear to his hearers that be wouid rather see Feb. 3rd. 1922.
one sinner saved than 10,OW people healed of
bodilv ailments, he invited any who were in pain .. . *
-to co-tie forward for prayer in the Iiame of Jesus,
The followiog are from the Melbourne Argus
.\Vbo said, All power is given onto hle in heaven
[Feb. 2nd and 23rd) :-
: and on -earth, a: the same time taking much
_rro$& to.imp?ess upon the? the thought that by HEALIXG BY TOVCH.
no power of his would any receive deliverance,
but only through the .power -of the Lord Jesus
Christ, Who hea&d @I who came unto Him.- - At a series of meetings conducted during the
_.- last ten days by hfr. Smith (Vigglesworth, a
Yorkshire evangelist, there have been man!
. manifestations of healing. Mr. Wigglesworth
:beld his earlier meetings in the Good hews Hali,
j:North Melbourne, and at first the attendance was
.. !.


. A?RIL&JUNE,. 19.22. m- .,
s: .: :
:. .-
1Woman,Helplessfitr.Eleven&ri, -
., :
Last oighi-a lirge
kr aid ., .:to use the
nutilber of j~rsons
evangelists expression;
-_ ,I .- ,-;: _. -_.-.thoqgh ~hjz -was, not- successful in all cases, 1 here
:-- .:,_:.:were many &which there appeared to be startling
1-c f1 c .. .., .and immediate imorovement after he had laid his
A remarkable story reminiacrnt of the Biblical
hands on the afflicied and prayed over them. In
parable was related at a crowded revival meeting
.one instance a woman who was said to have been
conducted by Pastor Jeffrevs at the Welcome
very deaf was able to answer him when he spoke
Hall, Tunnard Stleet, last n:ght, by 3lrs. Altofr,
.to her in an ordinary lone. In another an elderI>
a Little Coares &man. who claimed thxl .after
man, who declared that hi had suffered from
being wheeled about in a spinal carriape for
noises in the head for ten years, said that he was
nearly eleven years, suffering from what \\XS
free from them at 1x31. An eidcrly woman who
rhouiht IO be au irlcurnble disease, she =.uddelliy
was described a, almost crippled with rhrnmalixm.
felt I he power of God at a recent Revival hleet-
was directed to stoop down and touch the ground
ing, and rising from her carriage walked up the
-with her hands. I dont suppose you have bent
Hail to the piatiurm. The big foilo%ing that the
your back for some time, Mr. \Vig_gies\vorth
Revivalist has gathered around him since he
said. The patient stooped down without effort
opened hia mretings in Grimrby in Januarv
%pparently, and was so delighted that she i~ughed
listened with breathless interest 10 hlrs. .4ltofts
heartily. No pail) and no StiffiWss nor\? a3ked
narrative last night.
theevangelist, and she replied that she had none.
A girl who had an afRiction of the hip and knee, It was a strange scene. Standing on Ihe plat-
which it was said had prevented her walking form aiongsidr Pastor Jrffreys, rhis frail. lirtle
without a stick for some years. walitrd up 2nd tornado. lookirig suprrmeiy happy, told her story
-down in front of the audience at a rapid pkce, with a cairn ariibcration. Her testimony was
where:;s she had oniy been able before to iimp suoportcd by the spcclacle of the spinal carrixge
alowlv with the aid of her stick. I Tilrow ?_our which was ausorncied from the wall car bv. a!bd
stick-away; burn it, said >lr. IVtgplesworth. bore UUOT: i: inchalk the ~vords: She is no; here.
Tou wi!l no? want it again. Many other cases but is ;isrn. The na r r alive was punctuated here
gave intrres:ing results. and there witi: deep-throat& Haliriujahs and
Gloryb from the members: of the audience.
W l l
Here is hlrs. Aitofts own story as related to the
For man:- years I have suffered from an
Further demons!rations of healing by touch internal trouble and have been treated ET numer-
were given br Mr. Smirh \Viggiesworth, a Tork-
ous doclors. aii of whom declared that nothing
shire evangelist, before a very iargr assemblage couid be done to cure me. In Apri;, 1911, J took
at the Oiymoia last night. After the evangeiist to my bed. bu: I era\-ed for the open air. and as
had riven an address on the subject of Faith. I couid not even. Bit up, a bath chair was of 110
he_ czied upon those who bad come for aid on
se. so rnX . huaoand hired a spinai carriage
Tuesda? nighL to testify as IO the results; and
during the fourth year of my iilness, bur this war
severai persoIls who had been suffering from sold by its owner. Xi-.ith the help of-a few kind
deafnesi, rheumatics, and lameness declarrd that
friends. mu- husband was able to pet one mad?
Iheir ailments had completeI;- gone. Mr. 13.igztee-
for me, according 10 our own measurement. ho
wortbtheo gave further mamfestationa of heaiing
that il could be wheeled alongside m! bed. Tile
_. by_roocn. An elderiy man, who said rhal he
only change I got was when I was lifted from m\-
had .-b;een heni for ear+ cried Halkziujah ! bed into the soinal carriage, and wheeled o;t
Halielujah ! when a&ed by Mr. IViggiesworth
into the ooen air. I was never dressed. in fat;
if he could hear, after hands had been piaced on
I parted with all my clothes in the beiirf that i
_. him_and_he -had -been prayed -over. A woman.
sbouid never need them again. Many limes
who, it was declared, had bad sliff legs for over
I thought my end bad come.
20 years, and who limped to Oiyypia on the arm
;On more than one occasion women have been
of,a relative, ran abou: the hall m joy after she
fetched to my bedside IO prepare my body for
had been to&he&. Another woman, who.was
burial. But, thank God. Pastor Jeffrev came
said to have been an invaiid in a chair for 13
to- Grimsby. I was taken to his services and
years. declared that her limbs were beginning
anointed. On Sunday, nearly eleven year3 from
10 move. She was advised by.the evangelist to
the time I uas first taken ill, and during lvhich
retain her faith in Jesus Christ and her cure
time I had been completeiv prostrated. the oower
would be complete. A young woman with pains
of God came upon me whilst I was attrndine a
of long.standing in her back was able to stoop
-service at the Co-operalive Hall. I asked my
and touch the ground with her bands, and she
husband LO unfas:en the apron on rn! carriage,
laughed heartily as she told the auchence :hat
and-oh, the joy-1 was abie to rise from my
hii,i tiouble had gone: A woman, who asserted spinal carriage and walk almost without a tremor
that she had been unable to walk owing to pain
up one aisle and down another. On Monday
in her feet, ran up and down in front of the night I journeyed from my home in Little Coates
audience. crcing, Praise the name of the Lord.
to the Welcome Hall, in Tunnard Street, to attend
She~d$l&l that her pain vanished when rhe
. .. anolher service, travrliing b tram as far as
.e\iaqge+t,t.oucaea ner. possible, and walking the rest of the distance:
this after being nearly eleven years without being
* .

_ ._-.

i ,.::;.-
.__ -. _~
._ -. ,.- :., .~

i .


.. : ._

APRIL- fUN,E,_ 1922:. _ _.;_.

... :._
- ._.. :~ ~_ I:-

:;_, ] _-::..y,c.-
: ,~f--w&s
.. iold I never would %e able to.&ve this- up. A Danish sister (A.L.) who is in touch with
,/. ..
: ~Z.aridull ofjovthat where human skill failed, the Christiania writes: Paitor Barratt sends his :
. -:. ! c.rppt Ph&ian has brought life, new resur- love to the dear friends in England. He said:
inp life, and gladness even,to me.
#Tell them that in the
midst of all difficulties we
There were others who gave their testimony
have a glorious time.
Hallelujah !I She tells
last night : a man who claimed to have been cured
by a double rupture after 133 years; a woman us that he has been and is very weak in body,
who said a turnour had disappeared after being and is not able totdo his work as the Lords
anointed by the Pastor; a youth who asserted servant.
that he had been cured of consumption; while a
Later our correspondent, writing from 149,
mother testified that her eight-years-old child.
whose hand had been paralyzed from birth, could \\.instorr Road, Stoke Servingron, London, says:
now use it perfectly. Pastor Barratt sends his love to all dear friends
I have been on crutches for y.ears. declared in Enginnd who have prayed for him, and is very
another convert, but got anoinleo, and am ualk- glad to say that he is rejoicing and praising the
ing about now without crutches at all. And this Lord that prayer has been wonderfuily answered
i man s:epoed upon the platform and walked
for him. Lately he has been able to lead most
unaided iong the aisle, while the cro\vd sang
and cheered.-( Grinrsby Daily Teit+gra,li, March of his meetings, and do a lot of writing. He wili
IOth, 1913.) Quoted from The Elim E~wngfl. value conlinual prayer.


Prrsi&nf: Mr. Cecil Poihil!.
Members of Council: Rev. A. A. Bodciy. Mrs. Crisp, Mr. \y. Ginssby. Pastor Blackman, Mr. johr:
Leech, K.C., hlr. E. J. G. Titterington, hI..4., Rev. Dr. Middle~on. Hex. Treas.: Mr. E.n. Moser.
Hon. Sec.: hlr. T. H. hIundell.
hllsslosaRY TRAJNIWG HOMES.-Appiications for entrance to either of rhe Training Homes ma? be
made to Mr. T. H. -hlundell, 30, Avondale Road, South Croydon.
~IISSIOSARIES. CHlsn.-~innan-fu: hlr. and Xlrs. J. \v. Boyd ; Mr. and Mrs. D. Leigh ;
Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Swift (_4ssocia/cs); hlisses I. Riggs, \\aidon, S. Hod,~e:rs and E. Knrli ;
hIr. D. F. Wiliiams, hlr. J. Andrews, Misses Gladys Eaton and Hannah Ree,. Li.&ia,&u.- Mr. and
Mrs. P. Klaver, Miss E. Scharten. Mr. Capper, Miss Ives. Miss rViiiiams and Nis5 aI. hianton are
to sail shortly. Tibet &t&r, Weilrsi: Mr. and hlrs. A. Lewer, Miss G. Agar (Associaie). On
Furlough : hlrs. Trevitt, bliss \Viliiams. Miss Cook.
~FRICA.-&!~~~PZ Chzgo: hlr. and hlrs. A. Richardson, Miss M. hoad, hiiss >I. A. Anderson. To
_~.~ . saii shortI%*-Air. F. Adams, Mr. G. Valet Miss -4. Crisp, and Mr. J. Barcla?.
~Soun? &xmucA.-Central Brazil: Mr. and Mrs. Jameson. Pernambuco : bliss L. Johnson.
_:_ __ THE ANKUAL STATEMEST and REPORT is now readr (It is most insoirinp.) Ever!
friend should obtain a cop?. Free from Mr. E. \V\. hloser, Hebroh: St. Davids Road, Southsea.
. ;
: Sister Lily_ Johnson is at Percambuco Amazon) and of the Rio Guapore, in the
.; ~- (Brazil) learning the Portuguese language large province of hlatto Grosst. The>-
~~ and helping jn the mission work of the hope evenruall: to learn the language,
- ,.~_. .~ .~-Swedish missionaries lvith whom she commit it to writing. translate the Scrip-
/ _. stays. She writes: God has helped me tures. and teach the Indians to read the
much with the language. I am glad to Bible.
tell you that when I visit the people now + i l

: I can sing and pray in Portuguese, also A: present they are at Cuyaba, a roan
read rn!- Portuguese Bible to them. in the verv heart of South America. hun-
Through rhe very trying climate she has dreds of miles into the interior. To reach
..-- .,_ .._ ._ .had_a trpyble with her -eye! but it was it they took 21 days first to Santor (Brazil).
~, .,__ .- rather better. Let us remember her in then five days on a rough raiiway. Then
., -prayer. on the Paraguay River a long further
~- * i 1
,. .:. journeyfrom Porto Esperanqa to Corumba,
j;. -.Bro. and Sister Jameson are looking and so to their present location at the
; .:--I -. ~_ ~- .-forward to piqneer missionary work among town of Cuyaba. Here they are learning
-. .%..~.. .> i I.
..-. _ .:x .~~ _ .._ __ ~;:..LA_:__.. i_., _~~E:~h~ A~~B~Q~~RAs.. _ : the necessary Portuguese language, and
g for the great move of a months
ourneying on_mules.to_their.future.
d* CONPIDENC&!; -_-_ .: APRIL- JUNE, 1922.

(PcnteeosW Ylrsloa~r~ l!ntoh&atinued.) . prayers

.- for divine help in the studi oi Port_.
guese, in order that we may have sufficient
The romalitic story of their journbyings.. knowledge of it to be able to leave Cuyaba
is found in FJam,es of. Fire.(December -. about next June and settle amongst the Nham-
These Indians live in the forest
and February issues). Sister. Jameson biquarasS
about a months journey on mule back from
wrote at the end of the yeai-(the mid- here. ho missionary work has ever been done
summer of the Southern Hemisphere). there, so WCare indeed privileged to have before
The heat was very great. A good. us an open door into a place whose people have
Christian work was being done by Mr. never heard the name .of Jesus, no, nor even
from the R.C. $riests.
and Mrs. Martin, of the American Pres-
byterians, who have been most kind to t * +
our representatives. Prayer is asked that Bro. Jameson writes :-
they may soon be able to push forward. JXOW,as regards the place of our future work,
we feel the Lord would have US go forward to
* $ *
a place called Vilhenna, about half way belxveen
So we have S~sterJohns& near the Cuyaba and San Antonio on the Rio hladeira.
Between these two latter places there is a telc_
coast of Brazil, and Bro. and Sister Jame- graph line, and this passes through \ilhena,
son in the very heart of that great, great so that we should b
e in communicaGon nirh the


On tbc road. Sore four anilnals.ODC
Ilti;e dog. his companion. He:is at the head and his loose Chinese
bol- bcbind.

continent! of which most people are so outside world. both br the Amazon and via
utterly ignorant. Hosts of folk confuse Cuvaba. 1~ilhena is siiuxreci on a high plateau
ar the headxvatersof the Rio Roosevelt and Rio
the Southern States of U.S.A. with great Guapore. The altitude gives it a good climate
South America. Good maps of that land superior to Cuvaba, and by means of rhe manv
should be studied. xvnrer courses rt is compara:ive!p easv to reach
* * + rhe Indians who live on the banks of ihe rivers.
AI this place also the soii is rich, so thar our
Sister Jameson writes :- own maize, rice, sugar. beans, mandioca and
Here in Cuyaba we iive in a nice little house fruit could be culrivated wirh little trouble.
of tropical style, that is! large rooms, no g!ass Money is. of course, no use, as ail our trading
would be by barter. Knives. fancy cloth,
: windows but wood shutters, no ceilings, so thar
when it rains everything gets sprinkled, and ciothinq and-fish hooks are eagerlr sought bv
I: often baby frogs drop -through the roof. on to the natives. Some are cannibal&ic in their
I: and into anything that happens to be beneath view, but when treated properly bave been
!: them. Insects of every size and description found to be trustworlhy.
:! .have the same idea, but very few-see daylight . l +
again after taking this liberty.. Keverrheless The uncle of_pur teacher isa captain in the
we-like the b&Se vFi)-quch,alsti the city and Brazi!ian arm,)-, and has spent a long time in
: :j :.ils pcopi6 All with kbom we have had to do _ this region on exploration work. It is wonder-
_~.--~~~~.;..have~treatcd~us~with~grcatrrespcct~and.kind- ---:-ful h
ow fhe -Lord-has moved-his heart-to help-- _~_
- ness. .We long for the time. when we can epeak
-. _ 1~;.ficelg;to:thFm._-;.~e-thereforedeiire yourearnest l \Vitb acknowledgments to the Editor of ~%lames of Firr.
: .-: -.

_- ,
a d
and faith .that again that which is now
-on these people, so the Lord in many ways is lacking speedily made up.
.pr,eparing the way for us. Our teachers father
is the chief of the tblepraph line, and the other t -* ..s
dav invited us to his house. He had many It is proposed that large
P.M.U. maps
thfngs made by the Nhambiquaras, such as
shall be made for the Whitsuntide Meet-
wooden knives, necklaces of monkeys teeth,
and adornments that_the men put in their noses. ings, and shall be explained from time
This tribe, as I have mentionrzd before, numbers to time. _.,I 2. .:.
twenty thousand, and as yet have not had a f :* * .--.
missionary. The way is open for us to step in
Also that a Monthly Missionary Prayer
and begin work. Land can be had simoly for
the troubie of dividing it off. 1Vood for bAilding Meeting be held on behalf of P.M.U.
is to be had for the cutting. The natives are missionaries and the work on the last
paid in barter, and this constitutes the building Fridav in each month in the afternoon at
expenses. Thus an opportunity of exceptional Fette; Lane.
proportion is here. Ue need men and women
to occupy it.
l l l

There is ample scope here for women as on

any orher field, perhaps in some respects more
SO. hlen and women who know God and who
have imp!icit confidence in His faithfulness.
The joy of hard toil for the Master compensates
for every little sacrifice made. The Nhambi-
quarts have no written langtlage. but before
our first fl:riough;is thought of 1 am ambitious
to see manv of these prt-cious sonis saved and
filied with ihe Spirit, and also abie to rend the
Word -of God for themselves. \5_ili. friends
interested in this work be asked to take the
whole matter seriously and definirely day b!
day to God it! prayer.
* * +

_4n urgmt increase in the financial s-up-

port of the P.15. ciamantly.imperatlve.
Fields West and East are being wonder-.
iuliy opened. They are ripe for the
harvest. The labourers are going forth,
but let each reader remember that all the
work is of faith. The donors at home
musr not come short of Gods purpose.
The faith of the workers abroad must not
fail. The P.M.U. Council only pass on
as they receive, for it -is a Faith hlission.
Let us all unite in earnest believing praver
that though the expenditure of necessity
increases, the income shall always increase
also. Then let each one do all they can
to enlist help and heipers.
l l t
The P.M.U. Balance Sheet, which ap-
pears on the next page, showS an income
for 1921 of about @,ooO, and an ex-
penditure (roughly) of the same amount.
(See_ details.) Our list of missionaries It is suggested that a Prayer Union be
shows us that about 30 are now accepted formed in connection with the P.M.U.
and mostly at work in the different fields. l l l

Turning to the P.M.U. Balance Sheet Also that during the Whitsuntide Con-
for 1912, we end the income A1,532, and vention a P.M.U. Prayer Meeting be held
the number of paid missionaries to be -16. --each morning, -10 to 10.45, and in the
10-o 0 .
t2-z ..:.
4007 . . .
3 3 ..6
.3 O..O
..y ,; ;
... 4006 . . . 0 6,6
.. . 0 62
. 4009 ..: 100
. . . 16 13 4 4010 . . ... 0 7 6
r)YJ ... . . . 12 0 0 Per Eli>is Yip; in-
7- 3964 . . . . . . .I T2 0 201 :.. I -5.0
iW% 2 .D

3965 . . .
3966 . . .
. . . 010
. . . 7 12 .6
291 ..: _I.
203 . . . _I . . . 2 -7 6
. . .

By Allwvanccr to and
Satire \\vrkcra . , . . .: _. . 3967 . . . . . . 10.0 0 204 . . . .-I: ..:b 2 6
COSL oi I<cm~ltances . . . . .._ .. 396s . . . . ..194 9 5 205 . . . . :. -l -0 3
,:: 31..,.S,O Outfirs and Passages ..
3969 . . . . .. 206 . . . ... 6 0 0
,. h:,ssion Furloughs ._ ._.. . . ._ _.
... 7 1x-t 207 . . .
,I 5 6
,; Mi.s;on House Rents. ._... ... 39i0 . . . ..:
,, B,,iidingi.I;rpairingand Furnish- 3Sil
.., 010 0 I 208 .*: 0 10 -0
ing Abroaa . . .. .. . . .. 3972 . . . ... 2 0 0 209 . . . . . 015 0
I. Kens Training Homc-
3975 . . . . . . 2 IO.10 212 . I ,.. 310 0
.Mairxtrnancc. etc. . . . . . . . . .
Furnishing . . . . . . . .. 397s . . . .. 1 0.0 213 . . . . . . 0 6 S
3980 . . . .. 5 0 0 214 . . 0 3 0
601 17 11 215 .. 2 0 0
3982 . . 2 0 0
&IS Contributions for Board 12 0 0
58? 17 11 3953 . . . . . 010 6 216 . ... 2 0 0
., \Vomcns Training Home- 3954 1 IO 0 217 . . . . . . 1 14 0
. . etc. . . . ._ . .._ 5-W 4 2 3M.5 . . . . 100 218 .:. _.. 10 0 0
Furmsnnng ._ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2OI5 0 . . . .5 11. 6
39% . . . . 5 910 219 . .
. . . 315 0

5M) 19 2 3SSS . . . . . 510 0 210 . . .

Less Contributions for Board 3i 10 0 3990 . . . . . . 0.10 0 221 . . . . . . 0 13 6
--- 523 9 2 3991 .., .. . 5 0 0 0.w
___ .._ .. . 1 7 0
Total 3IissionaryExpcnscs.. 4663.1 3 3992 . . . . . . 20 0 0 223 . . . . . 114 6
. . Printing. Postage and Incidentals 6i 9 .f 3993 . . . . . . 22 1 6 224 . 1.. 612 0
.,. Baionceat Bank <Dec. 31rti_ 3991 . . . ... 4 10 0 225 . . . 1 11 9
On Curie1 Accoun:. . . . . . . . 981111
On Deposit Accwmt . . . . . . . 246
19 9 3995 . . . . . 100
- Z-till 8 -3996 . . .. 0 10 0 f;780 5 9
399; . . . 100 cp--7
fjors 2 0:

on Depasit at the Bank
towxds theoutfits
and passages of ouyving missionaries. 3979 For pzssagcsof outgoing Mission-
Tnr xol;ll of amounts owing by rhc Union at nries .. .. . .. . .. . 5-4 0
December 31s~ 1%. was f;sS 1%. 4d. and the 39% For hlr. f. Adams outfit .._ ... 0 5 0
allowances to missionaries due for rrmirlance ar
3S29 . . .. . . . 10 0 0
thtt date amounted LO il28
3935 For &ssageJof out&g &Iission-
Euses~ WM. Moy Hon. Treasurer.
arirs ... .. . . .. ... 46 9 11
3S1i :; . ..215 0 0
397.1 For Xr. k. E.:Mavs ktfit .. . 3 0 0
3974 For 31r. A.-Colesoutfit ._. . . . 10 0 0
3976 For Xlrs Trevitts passage . . . 27 14 0
_ Fcbruan- 15th. 1922. 3977 For Mr. R. Cappers pawage . . . 50 0 0
2S.~BBasiogball Street. E.C. 3979 For Mr. FL C. Bells ouriir _.. 1 0 0
3931 For Nr. 0. E:Ellisou:fi* 5 0 0
395; For Mr. R. C. Bells otttfi: __. 5 0 6
List of Cotitributions -received iiuring 3953 For Mr. Jamesons expedition ... 1 0 0
January, February, and March, 1922. 3999 For hIr..Adamsoutfit ... _.. 3 0 0
4001 For hIis~ \Viliiams passage _.. 2 6 @
R&G -Per ?&s Vipao-
NO. f .: d. j ;Ei f s. d.
-&O.For Miss Iveaoutfit ..: .. 2 0 0
3921 . . . . . !2? 0 0 ;.. 5 0. 0
I 3&Y :.. -... 10 10. i 0
210 For bliss A. C&ns outfit . . . ... 3 6 6
! 3910 . . . . . . 10 0 4)
;211 For Misb Mantons outfit .__ .. . 3 6 3
3941 . . . .. . 1 0 0 .. A393 5 8
3927 . . . .. . . . .8 0 0 3M . . . . . .. 1 ,5. 0 . ...
3928 :.. _._ 0 10 0 3943 . . . .. . 1 5. 0 .; As many of our friends desire their gifts to be
3944... _... 22 0 .;o inonvmous.the receior number aione is given.
E. W. hIosrrR,~~H&t. TreasurerJP.hI.C.)
Hebron, St. Davids Rd., Southsea..~:

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