Technical Notes For Gate & Globe Valves General: Material

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1.0 General

1.1 Valves shall be designed, manufactured, tested, inspected, marked and supplied as per
the specifications, applicable design standards & codes and manufacturing standards
(latest editions) as specified.

1.2 Material test certificates (Physical property, Chemical composition & Heat treatment
report) of the pressure containing parts shall be furnished for the valves supplied.
Material test certificates of other parts shall also be furnished for verification during

1.3 For heavy valves, provision for lifting shall be made by way of lugs, eyebolts, or
similar standard devices.

1.4 Unless otherwise stated, all flanged valves shall have end flanges integral with valve
body. Weld on flanges are not acceptable. Flange finish shall be serrated finish 250
AARH (250 AARH to 500 AARH) or 125 AARH (125
AARH to 250 AARH) or 63 MRH (32 AARH to 63 AARH) as per valve
specification sheet.

1.5 For all weld end valves, with bevel end as per ANSI B 16.25, the bevel
contour shall be as follows:

Wall Thickness Weld Contour

Carbon Steel (Except Low Upto 22 mm Figure 2 Type A
Temp. Carbon Steel) > 22 mm Figure 3 Type A
Alloy Steel Upto 10 mm Figure 4
Stainless Steel & > 10 mm & upto 25 mm Figure 5 Type A
Low Temp Carbon Steel > 25mm Figure 6 Type A

1.6 If an overlay weld-deposit is used for the body seat ring, seating surface, the seat ring
base material shall be at least equal to the corrosion resistance of the materials of the

1.7 For valve body/ bonnet, forging is acceptable where castings are specified but not
vice versa.

1.8 Material of construction of yoke shall be as a minimum equivalent to body/ bonnet


1.9 Stem shall be forged or machined from a forged bar. Castings are not
permitted except integral stem.

1.10 Stelliting/ hard facing by deposition shall have minimum 1.6mm thickness.
Renewable seat rings shall be seal welded.

1.11 Face to face dimension of flanged valves shall conform to ANSI B 16.10 to the extent
covered. For valves not covered in the ANSI specification, Contractor shall furnish
certified dimensional drawings.
1.12 Flange dimensions of steel, alloy steel and stainless steel flanged valves shall
conform to ANSI B 16.5 for sizes up to 24 and API 605 for size 26 and above.

1.13 Flange dimensions for cast iron flanged valves shall conform to ANSI B 16.1 for
size up to 24 class 125 and API 605 with flat face for sizes greater than 24.

1.14 Unless otherwise mentioned, various valves should conform to following

standards / codes.

SW gate valves (1 1/2 and below) : API 602

SW Globe valves (1 1/2 and below) : BS 5352
Flanged gate valves API 600 & API-6D
Flanged Globe valves : BS 1873

1.15 Wherever stellite is specified, it means facing of seat and disc are welded by Cr-Co-
W alloy. Stellite facing shall maintain minimum hardness of 375 BHN at high

1.16 All weld end valves shall have bevel ends as per ANSI B 16.25.

1.17 If an overlay weld deposit is used for the body seat ring or seating surface, the seat
ring base material shall be at least equal to corrosion resistance of the material of the

1.18 By Pass

- Unless otherwise noted, by-pass requirement for gate valves shall be under -

150 Class : on sizes 26 and above

300 Class : on sizes 16 and above
600 Class : on sizes 6 and above
900 Class : on sizes 4 and above
1500 Class : on sizes 4 and above
2500 Class : on sizes 3 and above

- By-pass valve shall be a globe valve.

- Contractor shall supply the by-pass valve duly tested and fitted to the main
valve. By-pass attachment to the main valve body shall not be screwed. All
fillet welds for by-pass installation shall be 100% examined by DP / MP test.

1.19 Spiral wound bonnet gasket is to be provided with inner / outer ring except when
encapsulated gaskets type body bonnet joints are employed. Outer ring may be
avoided in case of non-circular spiral wound gasket used in 150# valve provided the
outermost layer of spiral touches the bolts ascertaining the centering.

1.20 Pressure Test

- Valves covered under API codes shall be tested as per API 598 unless
otherwise specified in the applicable valve code.

- Valves covered under BS code shall be tested as per BS 6755 unless

otherwise specified in the applicable valve codes.

1.21 For all austenitic stainless valves, inter-granular corrosion test shall have to be
conducted as per following: -

- ASTM A 262 Practice E with acceptance criteria of 60 mils / year (max.).


- ASTM A 262 practice E with acceptance criteria of No cracks as observed

from 20X magnification U & Microscopic structure to be observed from
250X magnification.

1.22 When specifically asked for high temperature application of some grades of austenitic
stainless steel (like SS 309, 310, 316, 316H etc.) ASTM A 262 practice C with
acceptance criteria 15 MILS/YEAR shall have to be conducted. When testing is
conducted as per practice E photograph of microscopic structure shall be submitted
for record.

1.23 For the IGC test as described in 1.16.1 & 1.16.2 two sets of samples shall be drawn
from each solution treatment lot, one set corresponding to highest carbon content and
other set corresponding to the highest rating/ thickness.


2.1 Valves shall be supplied with gear operations based on the following requirements:

Class Size Requiring Gear

Valve Types Operation
Gate & Diaphragm Valves 150 14 and larger
300 14 and larger
600 12 and larger
900 6 and larger
1500 3 and larger
2500 3 and larger
Globe Valves 900 6 and larger
1500 3 and larger
2500 3 and larger

2.2 Gear operator shall be as under with position indicators for open / close positions,
with limit stops.

For Gate / Globe / Diaphragm Valves Totally enclosed bevel gear in grease
case with grease nipples/ CHECK

2.3 Gear operators shall be so designed to operate effectively with the differential
pressure across the closed valve equal to the cold non-shock pressure rating.

2.4 Hand wheel diameter shall not exceed 750 mm and effort to operate shall not exceed
35 kg at hand wheel periphery. In case these limits cannot be satisfied for any valve, a
gear operation shall be provided.


3.1 All the mandatory shop tests and inspection required by t he respective data
sheet and applicable standards & codes etc. shall be carried out.

3.2 The extent of inspection by shall be as under. However the exact extent with hold
points shall be decided during review of the inspection plan to be submitted to
Company as part of the post-order documentation.

3.3 Valves under NACE should follow the requirements of MR-01-75

- Visual and dimensional inspection
- Review of material test certificates
- Any mandatory or supplementary test
- Hydrostatic test of all valves
- Strip check on 1% of total ordered quantity of valves at random to verify
compliance with specification requirements.


- Visual and dimensional inspection
- Review of material test certificates
- Review of radiographs / radiographic reports and reports of any other NDT
tests, wherever applicable as per data sheets
- Any mandatory or supplementary tests
- Hydrostatic test 100% for body
- Strip check on 1% of total ordered quantity of valves at random to verify
compliance with specification requirements.

3.4 For motor /actuator operated valves, functional / operational checks as per the
requirements of the specifications shall be made on each valve.


4.1 When specifically not mentioned in individual data sheets, valves castings shall
undergo radiographic examination as specified hereunder:


All 150# 24 and below Nil
150# 26 and above 100%
300# 16 and below Nil
300# 18 and above 100%
600# and above All sizes 100%

4.2 Radiography procedure areas of casting to be radiographed shall be as per ANSI B

16.34 and acceptance criteria shall be as per ANSI B 16.34 Annexure B. However
for areas of casting to be radiographed for types of valve not covered in ANSI B
16.34, Contractor shall enclose details of areas to be radiographed in line with ANSI
B 16.34.


5.1 All valves described as IBR Valves shall be in accordance with the latest IBR
(Indian Boiler Regulations) as well as the other requirements specified in the

5.2 For BW / SW end carbon steel valves under IBR, the chemical composition shall
conform to the following:
Carbon (Max.) : 0.25%

Others (S, B, Mn) : As per IBR

Above composition is not applicable for non-IBR valves.

5.3 For all IBR Valves, test certificate in form III-C shall be furnished duly signed by
IBR inspection authority or an IBR approved representative.

5.4 All valves shall be painted red.


6.1 Valves markings, symbols, abbreviations, etc. shall be in accordance with MSS-SP-
25 or the standard referred to in the specifications as applicable Manufacturers name,
valve size and rating, material designation, nominal size, direction of flow (if any)
etc. shall be integral on the body.

6.2 Each valve shall have a corrosion resistant tag giving size and valve tag/code no.
securely attached on the valve body.

6.3 Paint or ink used for marking shall not contain any harmful metal or metal salts such
as zinc, lead or copper which may result in corrosive attack on heating.

6.4 Carbon steel valves shall be painted with two coats of red oxide zinc chromate

6.5 All alloy steel high temp valves shall be painted with heat resistant silicone paint
suitable for intended temperature.


7.1 Valves shall be dry, clean and free from moisture, dirt and loose foreign
material of any kind.

7.2 Valves shall be protected from rust, corrosion and any mechanical damage
during transportation, shipment, and storage.

7.3 Rust preventative applied on machined surfaces to be welded shall be easily

removable with a petroleum solvent or shall not be harmful to welding.

7.4 Each end of valves shall be protected as follows:

Flange Face : Wood, plastic or metal cover

Beveled End : Wood, plastic or metal cover
SW / Screwed End : Plastics cap

7.5 End protectors to be used on flange faces shall be attached by at least three
bolts or wires through bolt holes and shall not be smaller than the outside
diameter of the flange. Plastic caps for SW / Screwed and valves shall be press
fit type.

7.6 End protectors to be used on beveled ends shall be securely attached.

MSS-SP-25 or the standard referred to in the specifications as applicable
Manufacturers name, valve size and rating, material designation, nominal
size, direction of flow (if any) etc. shall be integral on the body.

6.2 Each valve shall have a corrosion resistant tag giving size and valve tag/code
no. securely attached on the valve body.

6.3 Paint or ink used for marking shall not contain any harmful metal or metal
salts such as zinc, lead or copper which may result in corrosive attack on

6.4 Carbon steel valves shall be painted with two coats of red oxide zinc
chromate primer.

6.5 All alloy steel high temp valves shall be painted with heat resistant silicone
paint suitable for intended temperature.


7.1 Valves shall be dry, clean and free from moisture, dirt and loose
foreign material of any kind.

7.2 Valves shall be protected from rust, corrosion and any mechanical
damage during transportation, shipment, and storage.

7.3 Rust preventative applied on machined surfaces to be welded shall be

easily removable with a petroleum solvent or shall not be harmful to

7.4 Each end of valves shall be protected as follows:

Flange Face : Wood, plastic or metal cover

Beveled End : Wood, plastic or metal cover
SW / Screwed End : Plastics cap

7.5 End protectors to be used on flange faces shall be attached by at least

three bolts or wires through bolt holes and shall not be smaller than
the outside diameter of the flange. Plastic caps for SW / Screwed and
valves shall be press fit type.

7.6 End protectors to be used on beveled ends shall be securely attached.

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