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Second Grade

Basic Skills
Reading and Math Thinking Skills

Basic math and reading activities

necessary for developing the skills
students need to succeed!
Written by: Aaron Levy & Kelley W ingate Levy
Illustrated by: Karen Sevaly

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Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company Second Grade Basic Skills
Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name________________________________________ Date__________

Skills Assessment Checklist - Portfolio Copy

Assessed Retaught Mastered

Addition and subtraction _________________________________________________
Addition and subtraction _________________________________________________
Addition and subtraction _________________________________________________
Addition and subtraction _________________________________________________
Place value ___________________________________________________________
Place value ___________________________________________________________
Place value ___________________________________________________________
Greater than, less than, equal to ___________________________________________
Greater than, less than, equal to ___________________________________________
Greater than, less than, equal to ___________________________________________
Sequencing ___________________________________________________________
Sequencing ___________________________________________________________
Sequencing ___________________________________________________________
Word problems ________________________________________________________
Word problems ________________________________________________________
Word problems ________________________________________________________
Word problems ________________________________________________________
Word problems ________________________________________________________
Word problems ________________________________________________________
Filling in stories ________________________________________________________
Filling in stories ________________________________________________________
Filling in stories ________________________________________________________
Filling in stories ________________________________________________________
Filling in stories ________________________________________________________
Writing story endings ____________________________________________________
Writing story endings ____________________________________________________
Writing story endings ____________________________________________________
Writing story endings ____________________________________________________
Writing story endings ____________________________________________________
Reading comp.reasoning ________________________________________________
Reading comp.reasoning ________________________________________________
Reading comp.reasoning ________________________________________________
Reading comp.reasoning ________________________________________________
Reading comp.reasoning ________________________________________________
Finding the best ending __________________________________________________
Finding the best ending __________________________________________________
Finding the best ending __________________________________________________
Finding the best ending __________________________________________________
Finding the best ending __________________________________________________

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company Second Grade Basic Skills Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Table of Contents

Math Reading
Addition and subtraction ..................3 Filling in stories .............................22
Addition and subtraction ..................4 Filling in stories .............................23
Addition and subtraction ..................5 Filling in stories .............................24
Addition and subtraction ..................6 Filling in stories .............................25
Place value ......................................7 Filling in stories .............................26
Place value ......................................8 Writing story endings .....................27
Place value ......................................9 Writing story endings .....................28
Greater than, less than, equal to ...10 Writing story endings .....................29
Greater than, less than, equal to ...11 Writing story endings .....................30
Greater than, less than, equal to ...12 Writing story endings .....................31
Sequencing ...................................13 Reading comp.reasoning ............32
Sequencing ...................................14 Reading comp.reasoning ............33
Sequencing ...................................15 Reading comp.reasoning ............34
Word problems ..............................16 Reading comp.reasoning ............35
Word problems ..............................17 Reading comp.reasoning ............36
Word problems ..............................18 Finding the best ending .................37
Word problems ..............................19 Finding the best ending .................38
Word problems ..............................20 Finding the best ending .................39
Word problems ..............................21 Finding the best ending .................40
Finding the best ending .................41
Answer Key ................................4248

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Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company Second Grade Basic Skills
Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Addition and subtraction

Find the sum or difference in each of the squares. Use the

color key to color the squares.

5 = red 8 = yellow
6 = blue 9 = purple
7 = black 10 = green

10 - 4 6+2 9-2 5+3 15 - 5

4+4 3+3 11 - 4 12 - 2 4+4

10 - 5 2+3 5+4 8-3 4+1

12 - 4 8+2 5+2 4+2 13 - 5

7+3 9-1 4+3 14 - 6 5+1

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 3 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Addition and subtraction

Find the sum or difference in each of the squares. Use the

color key to color the squares.
7 = red 9 = brown 11 = brown
8 = green 10 = black 12 = black

9-2 6+1 10 - 3 5+2 4+3 12 - 5

13 - 5 7+3 9+1 8+2 13 - 3 6+4

11 - 3 6+5 8+4 5+7 15 - 3 5+5

4+4 13 - 2 2 + 10 3+9 6+6 11 - 2

7+1 7+4 3+8 15 - 4 9+2 6+3

5+3 14 - 6 7+2 13 - 4 15 - 6 4+5

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 4 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Addition and subtraction

Find the sum or difference in each of the squares. Use the

color key to color the squares.
3 = black 5 = red 7 = green 9 = purple
4 = yellow 6 = blue 8 = orange

7-3 9-5 3+1 6-2 5-1 2+2

8-3 12 - 9 6-1 10 - 5 2+3 6-3

3+3 5-2 4+2 5+1 9-3 12 - 6

11 - 4 7-4 8-5 10 - 7 4+3 9-6

10 - 2 2+1 5+3 1+2 4+4 5-2

12 - 3 3+0 10 - 1 4-1 5+4 2+1

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 5 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Addition and subtraction

Find the sum or difference in each of the squares. Use the

color key to color the squares.
7 = blue 9 = red 11 = purple
8 = green 10 = orange 12 = yellow

9-3 11 - 5 3+3 5+2 9-2 1+6

12 - 6 4+2 12 - 2 7+3 3+4 10 - 3

10 - 4 5+1 6+4 13 - 3 5+4 10 - 1

4+4 7+1 5+5 11 - 2 7+2 2+3

11 - 3 6+2 5+3 1+8 8-3 10 - 5

9-1 12 - 4 10 - 2 12 - 7 4+1 11 - 6

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 6 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Place value

Read each sentence and fill in the blanks to find the number .

1. This number has:

a. one in the hundreds place
b. seven in the tens place
c. eight in the ones place
d. three in the thousands place ,

2. This number has:

a. two in the thousands place
b. five in the ones place
c. two in the hundreds place
d. six in the tens place ,

3. This number has:

a. eight in the hundreds place
b. four in the tens place
c. three in the ones place
d. one in the thousands place ,

4. This number has:

a. eight in the tens place
b. four in the thousands place
c. six in the ones place
d. five in the hundreds place ,

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 7 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Place value

Read each sentence and fill in the blanks to find the number .

1. This number has:

a. five in the tens place
b. six in the hundreds place
c. two in the ones place
d. two in the thousands place ,

2. This number has:

a. seven in the tens place
b. one in the hundreds place
c. three in the thousands place
d. three in the ones place ,

3. This number has:

a. five in the hundreds place
b. seven in the ones place
c. six in the tens place
d. four in the thousands place ,

4. This number has:

a. six in the ones place
b. one in the tens place
c. nine in the hundreds place
d. eight in the thousands place ,

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 8 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Place value

Read each sentence and fill in the blanks to find the number .

1. This number has:

a. three in the tens place
b. four in the ones place
c. two in the hundreds place
d. five in the thousands place ,

2. This number has:

a. five in the ones place
b. three in the tens place
c. five in the hundreds place
d. six in the thousands place ,

3. This number has:

a. one in the thousands place
b. eight in the hundreds place
c. eight in the ones place
d. two in the tens place ,

4. This number has:

a. seven in the hundreds place
b. five in the ones place
c. six in the tens place
d. nine in the thousands place ,

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 9 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Greater than, less than, equal to

In each box circle the larger number . If they are equal, circle
both of the numbers. Write a mathematical expression for the
pair of numbers using <, >, or =. The first one has been done
for you.

1. 2. 3.
3,264 4,106 1,025 1,016 4,786 2,430

3264 < 4106

4. 5. 6.
312 3,120 1,070 2,070 3,652 6,352

7. 8. 9.
5,264 7,654 3,120 1,230 4,203 7,864

10. 11. 12.

726 726 9,524 9,789 6,320 6,321

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 10 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Greater than, less than, equal to

In each box circle the larger number . If they are equal, circle
both of the numbers. Write a mathematical expression for the
pair of numbers using <, >, or =. The first one has been done
for you.

1. 2. 3.
6,235 5,097 4,488 4,488 2,383 7,409

6235 > 5097

4. 5. 6.
1,213 1,213 2,400 2,399 3,022 3,075

7. 8. 9.
3,991 4,991 1,000 2,000 4,210 5,600

10. 11. 12.

125 1,125 5,847 1,258 9,517 7,539

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 11 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Greater than, less than, equal to

In each box circle the larger number . If they are equal, circle
both of the numbers. Write a mathematical expression for the
pair of numbers using <, >, or =. The first one has been done
for you.

1. 2. 3.
1,099 2,000 7,527 5,093 1,069 2,070

1099 < 2000

4. 5. 6.
6,099 6,098 2,652 2,452 5,642 7,839

7. 8. 9.
1,087 1,087 1,537 987 6,843 7,843

10. 11. 12.

1,524 5,623 9,563 7,521 8,624 9,714

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 12 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Sequencing

In each row, give the number that comes next.

1. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

2. 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4. 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2

5. 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6

6. 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4

7. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 13 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Sequencing

In each row, give the number that comes next.

1. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

2. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

3. 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1

4. 0 5 2 0 5 2 0 5

5. 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4

6. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

7. 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 14 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Sequencing

In each row, draw what comes next.






6. 1 2 3 4 5

7. 5 10 15 20 25

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 15 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Word Problems

Answer the questions.

Matthew plays the horn at different
places. Last year, he played at 5 school
events, 12 parties, and 7 baseball

1. At what type of event did 2. How many more ball games

Matthew play the most? did Matthew play at than
school events?

3. If Matthew had played at 5 4. How many more parties did

more school events, how Matthew play at than baseball
many school events would he games?
have played at in all?

5. Joe played at 10 events last 6. At how many different kinds

year. Who played in more of events did Matthew play?
events, Matthew or Joe.

7. Did Matthew play at more 8. At what type of event did

parties or baseball games? Matthew play the least?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 16 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Word Problems

Answer the questions.

In Tommys sailing class, there are 8
boys and 10 girls. Every student is
either 8 or 9 years old. Five of the boys
are 8. Six of the girls are 8.

1. How many students are there 2. How many more girls are
all together in sailing class? there than boys in sailing

3. If 4 new girls join the class, 4. How many of the boys in

how many girls will there be sailing class are 9 years old?
all together?

5. How many of the girls in 6. How many 8 year olds are in

sailing class are 9 years old? sailing class?

7. How many 9 year olds are in 8. Are there more 8 year olds or
Tommys class? 9 year olds in Tommys

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 17 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Word Problems

Answer the questions.

Jane needs 20 dollars to go to camp this
summer. She earned 4 dollars walking
dogs. She earned 4 dollars baby sitting.
She earned 5 dollars doing gardening.

1. How much money did Jane 2. How much money does Jane
earn all together? still need to earn?

3. At what job did Jane earn the 4. How much money did Jane
most money? earn by baby sitting and

5. How much money did Jane 6. At which two jobs did Jane
earn by walking dogs and earn the same amount of
baby sitting? money?

7. If Jane had earned 7 dollars 8. If Jane had not walked dogs

more while baby sitting, would or baby sat, how much
she need to earn any more money would she still need?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 18 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Word Problems

Answer the questions.

Todd collects baseball caps. He has 20
red baseball caps, 31 blue baseball
caps, 27 yellow baseball caps, and 13
green baseball caps.

1. How many yellow and green 2. Which color cap does Todd
caps does Todd have in all? have the most of?

3. If Todds uncle gives him 22 4. How many baseball caps does

more green caps, how many Todd have all together?
green caps will Todd have in

5. How many more blue and 6. Which color baseball cap

yellow caps does Todd have does Todd have the least of?
than red and green caps?

7. If Todd gives 42 caps to his 8. How many different color

friend Robin, how many caps baseball caps does Todd
will he have left? have?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 19 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Word Problems

Answer the questions.

1. Chris ate 12 pieces of 2. Molly has 62 CDs and Hanah
chicken and Greg ate 8. How has 39 CDs. How many do
many pieces of chicken did they have in all?
the boys eat in all?

3. There were 225 crayons in a 4. Polly has 16 turtles. Mary has

drawer. Katie took 71 of them. 8 cats. Todd has 12 dogs.
How many were left? How many animals do the
kids have in all?

5. Peggy walked 6 blocks to 6. Anne had 32 cookies. She

school then 4 blocks to the sold 15 at a bake sale. How
store then 8 blocks to her many cookies were left?
friends house. How many
blocks did she walk in all?

7. Rhonda needs 75 dollars to 8. Robin had 45 balloons this

buy a video game. She has 53 morning. She gave 10 to Trey
dollars. How much more and 22 to Brenda. How many
money does she need? does she have left?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 20 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Word Problems

Answer the questions.

1. John rides his bike 4 miles to 2. At the zoo, Lori saw 5
the library, then he rides 6 monkeys, 3 tigers, 6
miles to the park, then 12 elephants, and 8 giraffes.
miles to get back home. How How many animals did she
many does he ride in all? see all together?

3. Linda had 45 minutes to 4. Jason had to read a 312 page

clean her room. Twenty-eight book for school. He had
minutes were already gone. already read 127 pages. How
How much time does she many pages does he have left
have left? to read?

5. George needed some money. 6. Jed has to be 16 years old

He sold his bike for 20 before he can drive. He is 8
dollars and his baseball for now. How many years does
12 dollars. How much money he have left before he can
did George make? drive?

7. Paul has 42 books and Peter 8. I had 25 pieces of candy.

has 13. How many more books Stuart came and took 17 of
does Paul have than Peter? them. How many pieces do I
have left?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 21 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Filling in stories

The beginning and ending sentences of the story below have

been given for you. Fill in the middle of the story .

Mother bird was watching a worm crawl on the ground.

Now the baby birds were not hungry anymore.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 22 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Filling in stories

The beginning and ending sentences of the story below have

been given for you. Fill in the middle of the story .

Johnnys pets were at home all alone.

The door opened; It was Johnny.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 23 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Filling in stories

The beginning and ending sentences of the story below have

been given for you. Fill in the middle of the story .

Boo Bear went to the bookstore.

The next day he went outside and planted a garden.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 24 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Filling in stories

The beginning and ending sentences of the story below have

been given for you. Fill in the middle of the story .

A moving truck came to our house today.

He told me his name was Mike. I think we will be good friends.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 25 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Filling in stories

The beginning and ending sentences of the story below have

been given for you. Fill in the middle of the story .

It was late and Walter couldnt sleep. All he

could think about was the first place rib-
bon he had won at the swim meet.

Walter was so tired at school the next day .

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 26 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Writing story endings

Read the story beginning. Write an ending for the story.

I love to grow flowers. Last week, Mom took

me to the store and we picked out some seeds.
When we got home, I planted the seeds. I
watered the seeds everyday.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 27 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Writing story endings

Read the story beginning. Write an ending for the story.

Marsha loves to go to the park. Last week when she was

at the park, a dog jumped out of a bush. The dog ran quickly
past Marsha. Then a man ran past yelling, Come back, Fido,
come back!

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 28 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Writing story endings

Read the story beginning. Write an ending for the story.

I was baking a cake last week. I turned the oven on and

got the cake mix ready. I opened the oven door to put the
cake in and then the phone rang.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 29 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Writing story endings

Read the story beginning. Write an ending for the story.

Jason lost his dog. He was so sad. Jason s mom said, I

have an idea. They got into the car and started driving
around town. Jason had the window open and was yelling,
Here, Chips!

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 30 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Writing story endings

Read the story beginning. Write an ending for the story.

Susan stood at the bus stop. She could not wait to get to
school. Today her class was going to see a play . She
suddenly realized she had forgotten her money for the play at

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 31 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Reading comprehension-reasoning

Read the story and answer the questions.

The night was very dark. Charlie and
Ted were sitting by the fire resting. They
had walked all day. Then they had built a
tent to sleep in. They had found a perfect
spot with a lot of trees and a nice big lake
to fish in. Ted heard a noise. Charlie heard
it, too. It said, Hoot, hoot! It was coming from the tree over
the tent. The boys put down their marshmallows and ran all
the way home.

1. What were the boys doing?

2. Do you think they were glad to rest? Why or why not?

3. What do you think made the noise?

4. Were the boys afraid? What makes you think so?

5. Do you think the boys were in danger?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 32 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Reading comprehension-reasoning

Read the story and answer the questions.

The day Kathy had been waiting for was
finally there. She was smiling all morning.
She was wearing her new pink slippers and
costume. She had been practicing her steps
for weeks. She laced up her slippers
perfectly. After Kathy finished her dance,
everyone in the audience clapped. Kathy s
mom hugged her and told her that she was great. The whole
way home, Kathy smiled and talked about how she loved to

1. Was Kathy happy? How do you know?

2. Where was Kathy going?

3. Did Kathy do a good job?

4. Was Kathys mom proud of her?

5. Was Kathy happy all the way home?

6. Do you think Kathy will keep dancing?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 33 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill:Reading comprehension-reasoning

Read the story and answer the questions.

This is hard work, but it s worth it,
thought Gary. He grabbed some more nails
and wood and kept hammering. He thought
about the new pet that mom was bringing
home. Mom said they could not have a pet
until Gary had built a place for it to live.
When Gary finished, he put the name
Snoopy above the door. Then he put the house under a tree
in the shade. Just then, Mom pulled into the driveway . Gary
heard, Bark, bark, bark. Gary showed Mom what he had
built. Mom said, You have done a great job!

1. Did Gary mind working so hard?

2. What was Gary building?

3. Did Gary put the house inside or outside?

4. What did Mom bring home?

5. Did mom like the house?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 34 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Reading comprehension-reasoning

Read the story and answer the questions.

I turned 9 years old today! Mom picked
me up from school and we went to the store.
There were dolls and games and fun things to
play with everywhere. Mom let me choose
three new things to buy. When we got home,
ten of my friends were there. I walked in and
they jumped up and yelled, Surprise! Then
we had cake and ice cream. After that, we
opened the presents that my friends had
brought to me. That night, my grandmother arrived. She had
driven almost three hours just to come and see me. What a
great day!

1. What kind of store did Mom take me to?

2. Did I know about the party that was planned for me?

3. What kind of party was it?

4. Does my grandmother live near my house?

5. What would be a good title for this story?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 35 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Reading comprehension-reasoning

Read the story and answer the questions.

The score was tied 6-6. W e only
needed one more point to win the game. It
was all up to me. I took hold of the bat. The
pitcher threw the ball. I swung. I hit the
ball. I ran and ran. I made a home run! my
team clapped and shouted, Hooray! They
told me they could not have won without me.

1. What game were we playing?

2. Did we win the game?

3. What was the final score?

4. Was my team happy?

5. How does my team feel about me?

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 36 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Finding the best ending

Read each story and circle the best ending.

I love fruit. It is my favorite food. I could

eat fruit for every meal. I am lucky because
Mom keeps plenty of apples, pears,
oranges, and bananas around for me.

a. I think Ill go have an orange right now .

b. Maybe Ill go get some chocolate to eat.
c. Mom just got home.

I saw a helicopter fly by yesterday. I

wonder where it was going. Maybe it was
going to your house. It could land in your
front yard.

a. My shoes are untied.

b. You could call me and we could go for a ride.
c. I need to go to sleep.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 37 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Finding the best ending

Read each story and circle the best ending.

I saw a frog catch a fly. He stuck

his tongue out and caught it quickly. I
am glad that I am not a frog. I would
not want to eat flies.

a. I do not think they would taste good.

b. My cat likes to eat cheese.
c. I saw a picture of a frog in a book.

Swimming underwater is fun. There

are so many things to see. I usually see a
lot of fish. Sometimes I see crabs,
starfish, and seahorses.

a. A lot of different animals live underwater.

b. We ate shrimp for dinner today.
c. Jack likes to go to the beach.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 38 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Finding the best ending

Read each story and circle the best ending.

Jerry is a ghost. He is not a bad

ghost. He is a good ghost. He plays in
my room at night. We play cards and
draw pictures. It is a lot of fun.

a. Do you want to go climb a tree?

b. Mom gets mad when I cut holes in her sheets.
c. I like when Jerry comes to visit.

Mandy sat on a beach and read a book.

She stopped sometimes to look at the
pictures. She thought it was a great book.
It was about whales.

a. Mom makes great dinners.

b. She found the book at the library .
c. The bench broke.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 39 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Finding the best ending

Read each story and circle the best ending.

Charlie is a crab. He lives near some

seaweed. Charlie goes to crab school all
day. All the crabs learn how to snap their

a. Crabs are good when they are fried.

b. Buster the crab got stuck in a net.
c. Charlie can snap his claws better than anyone.

Sometimes I see a bat in my back

yard. He is black and has big wings.
He flys around and watches me. I
think he wants to play.

a. Im going to get my ball.

b. I will tell my mom about him and keep him as a pet.
c. My socks are dirty.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 40 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Name___________________________ Skill: Finding the best ending

Read each story and circle the best ending.

My father gave me a new bike. It is red

and white. I needed a new bike. My old bike
was too small. I cant wait to ride my new
bike. Here comes my dad now .

a. Our family is going on a bike ride.

b. Yesterday I tripped on a rock.
c. My shoes are too small for me.

I am Sam the Fireman. I work in a big

fire station. I have a lot of friends there. W e
help people by putting out fires. W e help
people by doing other things, too.

a. I love to swim.
b. Sometimes we get cats out of trees.
c. I saw a good movie today.

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 41 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
7 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 4 4 4 4

6 8 7 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 5 3 5 5 5 3

8 6 7 10 8 8 11 12 12 12 10 6 3 6 6 6 6

5 5 9 5 5 8 11 12 12 12 9 7 3 3 3 7 3

8 10 7 6 8 8 11 11 11 11 9 8 3 8 3 8 3

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company

10 8 7 8 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 3 9 3

Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

Answer Key

3 1 7 8 2 6 5 2
6 6 6 7 7 7

6 6 10 10 7 7 2 2 6 5 3 1 7 3

6 6 10 10 9 9

8 8 10 9 9 5 1 8 4 3 4 5 6 7

8 8 8 9 5 5

Second Grade Basic Skills

8 8 8 5 5 5 4 5 8 6 8 9 1 6

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills

Page 6 Page 7 Page 8
5 2 3 4

1,025 >1,016 4,786 >2,430 4,448 = 4,448 2,383 < 7,409

6 5 3 5
312 < 3,120 1,070 <2,070 3,652 < 6,352 1,213 = 1,213 2,400 > 2,399 3,022 < 3,075

1 8 2 8 3,991 < 4,991 1,000 < 2,000 4,210 < 5,600

5,264 <7,654 3,120 >1,230 4,203 <7,864

125 < 1,125 5,847 >1,258 9,517 >7,539

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company

9 7 6 5 726 =726 9,524 <9,789 6,320 <6,321

Page 9 Page 10 Page 11

18 40
Answer Key

1 8
7,527 < 5,093 1,069 < 2,070
9 3

6,099 > 6,098 2,652 > 2,452 5,642 < 7,839 2 2

5 1
1,087 = 1,087 1,537 > 987 6,843 < 7,843
6 80

107 24

Second Grade Basic Skills

1,524 < 5,623 9,563 >7,521 8,624 < 9,714

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills

Page 12 Page 13 Page 14
parties 2 18 2

10 5 14 3

Matthew 3 4 11


Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company

parties school events 7 8 year olds

Page 15 Page 16 Page 17

Answer Key

20 101

13 dollars 7 dollars 40 blue

154 36

gardening 9 dollars 35 91

walking dogs and 18 17

8 dollars baby sitting 25 green

Second Grade Basic Skills

no 22 dollars 13
15 dollars 49 4

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills

Page 18 Page 19 Page 20
22 miles 22

Answers will vary Answers will vary

17 minutes 1885

32 dollars 8

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company

29 8

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Answer Key

Answers will vary Answers will vary Answers will vary

Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Page 24 Page 25 Page 26
Answers will vary Answers will vary Answers will vary

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company

Page 27 Page 28 Page 29

Answer Key

Answers will vary Answers will vary

They were camping.

yes, because they had walked all day and built

a tent.
an owl

yes, because they ran away


Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Page 30 Page 31 Page 32
yes, because she was smiling all morning
she was going to a ballet recital a toy store
a dog house
yes no
yes a surprise party
a new dog
yes no

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company

yes answers will vary

Page 33 Page 34 Page 35

Answer Key





they think I am great

Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills
Page 36 Page 37 Page 38
Answer Key

Page 41
Page 40
Page 39

Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 48 Second Grade Basic Skills

Reading and Math - Thinking Skills

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