Civ Juris

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Case Law Q: Which law should be applied – Philippine law or

Californian Law?
Book 1 A: Philippine Law should be applied. Where the
testator (Edward) was a citizen of California, and
Effectivity of Laws domiciled in the Philippines, the amount of
successional rights should be governed by his
After conducting preliminary investigation, a panel national law. However, the conflict of law rules of
composed of state prosecutors from the DOJ California provides that in cases of citizens who
charged Sen. Gregorio Honasan, together with are residents of another country, the law of the
others, with a violation of Art. 134-A of the RPC for country of domicile should apply, hence, Philippine
the offense of coup d'etat. Honasan questions the law on legitimes should be applied. This is so
authority and jurisdiction of the DOJ prosecutors to because California law itself refers the case back
conduct the preliminary investigation on the to the Philippines. The Philippine court has no
ground that the Office of the Ombudsman has no other alternative but to accept the referring back,
authority and jurisdiction to conduct the same, he for to do otherwise, might result again in its
being a Senator of the Republic with a salary referring back to the Philippines, which would give
grade of 31, and that ultimately, the rise to a sort of an “international football”. (Aznar
Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over his case, not v. Garcia, 61 O.G. No. 46, p. 7303, 1963)
the DOJ. DOJ asserts that pursuant to OMB-DOJ
Joint Circular No., it has jurisdiction to investigate Natural Persons , Art. 41 NCC
the case against him, concurrent with the Office of
the Ombudsman. Honasan counters that said Nita came to know Antonio Geluz. She became
circular is ineffective as it was never published. pregnant before they were legally married. In order
to conceal her pregnancy from her parents, she
Q: Is OMB-DOJ Circular No. 95-001 ineffective had herself aborted. After her marriage with the
because it was not published? Antonio, she again became pregnant. As she was
A: No. OMB-DOJ Circular No. 95-001 is merely an employed in the COMELEC and her pregnancy
internal circular between the two offices which proved to be inconvenient, she had herself
outlines the authority and responsibilities among aborted again by the same person who had her
prosecutors of the DOJ and of the Office of the aborted before. Less than 2 years later, she again
Ombudsman in the conduct of preliminary became pregnant and again repaired to the same
investigations. It does not contain any penal clinic. Nita was again aborted of a 2-month old
provision nor prescribe a mandatory act or prohibit foetus, in consideration of the sum of P50. It is this
any under pain of penalty. Further, it does not third and last abortion that constitutes Antonio’s
regulate the conduct of persons or the public, in basis in filing this action and award of damages.
general. As such therefore, it need not be Trial court and Court of Appeals predicated the
published, consistent with the Supreme Court's award of damages upon the provisions of the
earlier pronouncements in Tanada v. Tuvera (146 initial par. of Art. 2206 of the NCC.
SCRA 453 and Peo. v. Que Po Lay (94 Phil. 640).
(Honasan, II v. The Panel of Investigating Q: May Antonio recover damages from the
Prosecutors of the Department of Justice, 427 physician who caused the abortion of Nita?
SCRA 46) A: No. Fixing an award for the death of a person
does not cover the case of an unborn fetus that is
Renvoi Doctrine not endowed w/ personality. Parents of unborn
fetus cannot sue for damages on its behalf. A
Edward is an American citizen who was domiciled husband of a woman who voluntarily procured her
in the Philippines for quite some time. He met abortion could not recover damages from the
Bernardina, became common law spouses and physician who caused the same. Since an action
had 2 daughters with her, Helen and Lucy. They for pecuniary damages on account of personal
separated before the effectivity of the NCC. injury or death pertains primarily to the injured, no
Shortly after he executed his will, he went back to such right of action could derivatively accrue to the
America and stayed there until his demise. When parents or heirs of an unborn child. In fact, even if
Edward’s will was probated, it was opposed a cause of action did accrue on behalf of the
because Helen, his illegitimate natural child, was unborn child, the same was extinguished by its
allegedly preterited, leaving only a sum of money pre-natal death, since no transmission to anyone
in a bank to her while Lucy, his illegitimate can take place from one that lacked juridical
acknowledged natural child was given the whole of personality. It is no answer to invoke the
his estate. Helen claims that under Art. 16 par. 2 provisional personality of a conceived child
of the civil code, where there is succession, the (conceptus pro nato habetur) under Article 40 of
national law of the deceased should govern, that the Civil Code, because that same article
is, the civil code of California. Art. 946 of the civil expressly limits such provisional personality by
code of California provides that if a Californian not imposing the condition that the child should be
domiciled in California dies, the law of his domicile subsequently born alive. In the present case, there
must govern. Lucy, on the otherhand, counters is no dispute that the child was dead when
that under art. 16 par. 2 of the civil code, the separated from its mother's womb.
national law of the deceased should apply.
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

However, this is not to say that the parents are not 1) There is an act which is legal;
entitled to collect any damages at all. But such 2) But it is contrary to morals, good
damages must be those inflicted directly upon custom, public order, or public policy; and
them. Because the parents cannot expect either 3) It is done with intent to injure.
help, support or services from an unborn child, A common theme runs through Articles 19 and 21
they would normally be limited to moral damages and that is, the act complained of must be
for the illegal arrest of the normal development of intentional. In this case, there was no showing at
the foetus, (Art. 2217, CC), as well as to all that the wedding coordinator had acted with ill--
exemplary damages, if the circumstances should motives. Without such evidence, her act cannot
warrant them (Art. 2230, CC). amount to abuse of rights. (Nikko Hotel Manila
But in this case, there is no basis for an award of Garden v. Reyes, a.k.a. "Amay Bisaya" , 452
moral damages, evidently because the husband's SCRA 532 )
indifference to the previous abortions clearly
indicates that he was unconcerned with the GF Equity, Inc., which maintains Alaska Basketball
frustration of his parental hopes and affection. Team in the PBA engaged the services of Arturo
(Geluz v. CA, 2 S 801, 1961) Valenzona as coach of its team for a period of two
years, with the stipulation that “If at anytime during
Human Relations the contract, the Coach, in the sole opinion of the
Corporation, fails to exhibit sufficient skill or
Using the wire services of RCPI, Grace Verchez competitive ability to coach the team, the
sent a telegram to her siblings that read; "Send corporation may terminate this contract.” After
check money Mommy hospital." It took twenty five Alaska placed third in two conferences during the
days however for the telegram to reach them due 1988 season, Valenzona received a notice from
to the negligence of RCPI' s employees. The GF Equity terminating his services as coach. Six
mother died eventually, although there was no years later, he filed a complaint for damages
showing that RCPI's negligence contributed to it. praying for payment of his compensation arising
RCPI was sued for damages. from the alleged arbitrary and unilateral
termination of his employment.
Q: Is RCPI liable for damages although there was
no showing that its employees’ negligence Q: Is GF Equity liable for damages arising from
contributed to the death of respondents’ mother? the unilateral termination of Valenzona’s
A: RCPI's tort liability is clear under Art. 2219, par. employment despite said stipulation in his
10 thereof, in relation to Art. 26. Under the latter contract?
provision, every person shall respect, among A: Yes. The stipulation clearly transgressed the
others, the peace of mind of his fellowmen. RCPI's principle of mutuality of contracts under Art. 1308
negligence in not promptly performing its of the CC. It leaves the determination and
obligation undoubtedly disturbed the peace of judgment of whether Valenzona failed to exhibit
mind of the Verchezes. It disrupted the "filial sufficient skill or competitive ability to coach the
tranquility" among them as they blamed each Alaska team solely to the opinion of GF Equity.
other "for failing to respond swiftly to the This constitutes an unbridled prerogative to pre-
emergency." (RCPI v. Verchez, et al., GR No. terminate the contract irrespective of the
164349, 31 Jan. 2006) soundness, fairness, or reasonableness, or even
lack of basis of its opinion. Since the pre-
Roberto was in Nikko Hotel when he bumped into termination of the agreement was predicated on
a friend who was then on her way to a wedding an illegal ground, hence contrary to law, GF Equity
reception being held in said hotel. Roberto alleged failed to exercise in a legitimate manner its right to
that he was then invited by his friend to join her at pre-terminate the contract, thereby abusing the
the wedding reception and carried the basket full right of Valenzona and entitling him to damages
of fruits which she was bringing to the affair. At the under Art. 19, in relation to Art. 20. (GF Equity,
reception, the wedding coordinator of the hotel Inc. v. Valenzona, GR No. 156841, 30 June
noticed him and asked him, allegedly in a loud 2005)
voice, to leave as he was not in the guest list. He
retorted that he had been invited to the affair by HSBC failed to pay the value of the checks issued
his friend, who however denied doing so. Deeply in Catalan’s favor even after the drawer had
embarrassed by the incident, Roberto then sued repeatedly directed the bank to pay the value
the hotel for damages under Articles 19 and 21 of thereof. Catalan filed a complaint for damages
the Civil Code. under Art. 19 of the CC against HSBC. The bank
invokes the defense that under the Negotiable
Q: Will Roberto’s action prosper? Instruments Law, a check of itself does not
A: No. It was held that the version of the hotel operate as an assignment of the funds to the
coordinator was more credible considering that credit of the drawer with the bank, which is
she has been in the hotel business for 20 years supposed to be not liable to the holder unless and
wherein being polite and discreet are virtues to be until it accepts or certifies the check.
emulated. Consequently, the employer hotel is not
liable for damages. Art. 19, known to contain what Q: Will Catalan’s action for damages under Art. 19
is commonly referred to as the principle of abuse prosper?
of rights, is not a panacea for all human hurts and A: Yes. HSBC is liable for damages on account of
social grievances. The elements for this principle the unreasonable manner in which it dealt with
to apply are: Catalan. When a right is exercised in a manner
University of Santo Tomas
which does not conform with the norms enshrined pro matrimonio - Always presume marriage.
in Art. 19 of the CC and results in damage to Moreover, in order for a certification by the civil
another, a legal wrong is thereby committed for registrar to be given probative value, it must
which the wrongdoer must be held responsible. A categorically state that despite diligent search, a
person should be protected only when he acts in particular document does not exist in his office or
the legitimate exercise of his right, that is, when he that a particular entry of a specified tenor was not
acts with prudence and in good faith; but not when to be found in the register. In this latter instance,
he acts with negligence or abuse. (HSBC such certification would then be sufficient proof of
International Trustee, Ltd. v. Catalan, 440 lack or absence of record as stated in Sec. 28,
SCRA 498) Rule 132 of the Rules of Court. Hence, their
marriage is valid. (Sevilla v. CA , GR No.
Marriage 167684, 31 July 2006 )

This is an action for support by G (wife) against R Soledad, a court interpreter, was administratively
(husband). After 1 month of marriage, R charged with disgraceful and immoral conduct for
repeatedly demanded from G to perform living with a man not her husband, and for having
"unchaste and lascivious acts on R's genitals." borne a child within this live-in arrangement. It
Because of G's refusal, R maltreated G by word happened that the man with whom she cohabited
and deed, inflicting bodily injuries on G. To escape was also married to another woman. She
R's lewd designs and avoid further harm, G left the interposed a defense that said arrangement is in
conjugal home and took refuge in her parent's conformity with her and her partner's religious
house. beliefs as members of the Jehovah's Witnesses
G filed an action for support w/ the trial court which and the Watch Tower Bible Society. Both she and
was dismissed on the ground that R could not be her partner had individually executed a
compelled to give support if G lived outside of the "Declaration of Pledging Faithfulness." For
conjugal home, unless there was legal separation. Jehovah's Witnesses, this declaration allows
G appealed. members of their congregation who have been
abandoned by their spouses to enter into marital
Q: Was the trial court correct in dismissing her relations, and it makes the resulting union moral
action for support? and binding within the congregation all over the
A: No. The law provides that R, who is obliged to world except in countries where divorce is allowed.
support the wife, may fulfill this obligation either by
paying her a fixed pension or by maintaining her in Q: Is their cohabitation valid?
his own home at his option. However, the option A: Yes. No disgraceful and immoral conduct may
given by law is not absolute. The law will not be attributed to Soledad given her religious beliefs.
permit R to evade or terminate his obligation to In resolving claims involving religious freedom, our
support his wife if the wife is driven away from the Constitution adheres to the benevolent neutrality
conjugal home because of the R’s own wrongful or accommodation approach.
acts. In this case, where G was forced to leave the Under the benevolent neutrality approach, the
conjugal abode because of the lewd designs and "wall of separation" between church and state is
physical assaults of R, she may claim support meant to protect the state from the church. It
from him for separate maintenance even outside recognizes that religion plays an important role in
of the conjugal home. (Goitia v. Campos Rueda, the lives of individuals. Thus, accommodation of
35 Phil 252) religion may be allowed, not to promote the
government's favored form of religion, but to allow
individuals and groups to exercise their religion
Marriage as a Social Institution without hindrance; What is sought under the
theory of accommodation is not a declaration of
Jaime filed a petition for nullity of his marriage to unconstitutionality of a facially neutral law, but an
Carmelita on the ground of lack or absence of a exemption from its application or its "burdensome
marriage license. To support his claim, he effects," whether by the legislature or the courts.
presented a certification issued by the local civil The Supreme Court recognized that state interests
registrar to the effect that "they failed to locate the must be upheld in order that freedoms - including
book wherein marriage license 2770792 is religious freedom - may be enjoyed. In the area of
registered," for the reason that "the employee religious freedom, however, man stands
handling is already retired." accountable to an authority higher than the state,
and so the state interest sought to be upheld must
Q: Is their marriage void ab initio for failure of the be so compelling that its violation will erode the
local civil registrar to locate the book wherein their very fabric of the state that will also protect the
marriage license is registered hence their freedom. In the absence of a showing that such
marriage was solemnized without a marriage interest exists, as in this case, man must be
license? allowed to subscribe to the Infinite. (Estrada v.
A: No. It is a policy in our Constitution to protect Escritor, AM No. P-02-1651, 22 June 2006)
and strengthen the family as the basic social During his lifetime and while he was married to
institution and marriage as the foundation of the Epifania de la Cruz, Joseph Goyanko acquired a
family. Thus, any doubt shall be resolved in favor piece of land which he then subsequently
of the validity of marriage. Semper praesumitor conveyed, by way of a purported deed of sale, to
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

his other woman, Maria Ching. After Joseph died, A: Yes. On the charge regarding illegal marriages,
all of his legitimate children learned about the sale the FC pertinently provides that the formal
to his mistress and they thus sought its requisites of marriage, inter alia, a valid marriage
reconveyance in their favor. license except in the cases provided for therein.
Complementarily, it declares that the absence of
Q: Is the sale of the piece of land by Joseph to his any of the essential or formal requisites shall
mistress proper? generally render the marriage void ab initio and
A: No. The proscription against the sale of that, while an irregularity in the formal requisites
property between spouses under Art. 1490 applies shall not affect the validity of the marriage, the
even to common law relationships. In an earlier party or parties responsible for the irregularity shall
ruling, the Supreme Court nullified a sale made by be civilly, criminally and administratively liable.
a husband in favor of a concubine, after he had (Cosca v. Palaypayon, Jr., 237 SCRA 249)
abandoned his family and left the conjugal home
where his wife and children lived and from whence
they derived their support, for being contrary to Marriage Contract
morals and public policy. The sale was regarded
by the court as subversive of the stability of the The signing of the marriage contract is a formal
family, a basic social institution which public policy requirement of evidentiary value, the omission of
cherishes and protects. (Ching v. CA, GR No. which does not render the marriage a nullity. It
165879, 10 Nov. 2006) was required by the statute simply for the purpose
of evidencing the act and to prevent fraud. No
Guillermo proposed marriage to Josefa, but as to statutory provision or court ruling has been cited
whether they married each other is disputed. It making it an essential requisite - not the formal
was averred that the two eventually lived together requirement of evidentiary value, which we believe
as husband and wife but were never married. This it is. The fact of marriage is one thing; the proof by
is borne out by the fact that no record of the which it may be established is quite another.
marriage existed in the civil registry. On the other (Loria v. Felix, 104 Phil 1)
hand, it was maintained that the two in fact
married each other and lived as husband and wife
for more than half a century and this was known Art. 26, Family Code; Nationality Principle (Lex
by their relatives and friends. Nationalii)

Q: Is Guillermo Rustia married to Josefa Delgado? Cipriano and Lady Miros married each other. Lady
A: They are presumed to be married. In this Miros then left for the US and there, she obtained
jurisdiction, every intendment of the law leans American citizenship. Cipriano later learned all
toward legitimizing matrimony. Persons dwelling about this including the fact that Lady Miros had
together apparently in marriage are presumed to divorced him in America and that she had
be in fact married. This is the usual order of things remarried there. He then filed a petition for
in society and, if the parties are not what they hold authority to remarry, invoking par. 2, Art. 26 of the
themselves out to be, they would be living in FC.
constant violation of the common rules of law and
propriety. Semper praesumitur pro matrimonio. Q: Is Cipriano capacitated to re-marry by virtue of
Always presume marriage. Although a marriage the divorce decree obtained by his Filipino spouse
contract is considered a primary evidence of who was later naturalized as an American citizen?
marriage, its absence is not always proof that no A: Yes. The reckoning point for Art. 26 par. 2 of
marriage took place. (Delgado Vda. De la Rosa, the FC to apply is not the citizenship of the parties
et al. v. Heirs of Marciana Rustia Vda. De at the time of the celebration of their marriage but
Damian, et al., 480 SCRA 334) their citizenship at the time that a valid divorce is
obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating
Marriage License him or her to re-marry. Although said provision
only provides for divorce obtained abroad by the
Complainants allege that respondent judge foreign spouse in a valid mixed marriage, the
solemnized marriages even without the requisite legislative intent would be rendered nugatory if this
marriage license. Thus, several couples were able provision would not be applied to a situation where
to get married by the simple expedient of paying there is a valid marriage between two Filipino
the marriage fees to Baroy, Clerk of Court of the citizens, one of whom thereafter is naturalized as
MTC despite the absence of a marriage license. a foreign citizen and obtains a valid divorce decree
As a consequence, their marriage contracts did capacitating him or her to remarry, as in this case.
not reflect any marriage license. In addition, To rule otherwise would be to sanction absurdity
respondent Judge did not sign their marriage and injustice.
contracts and did not indicate the date of
solemnization the reason being that he allegedly **The clear legislative intent in the case of par. 2,
had to wait for the marriage license to be Art. 26 (the origin of which can be traced to Van
submitted by the parties which was usually several Dorn v. Romillo, Jr., 139 SCRA 139) of the FC is
days after the ceremony. Indubitably, the marriage to avoid the absurd situation where the Filipino
contracts were not filed w/ the local civil registrar. spouse remains married to the alien spouse who,
after obtaining a divorce, is no longer married to
Q: Is there a need for a marriage license? the Filipino spouse. This is so notwithstanding
that, on its face, the said provision does not
University of Santo Tomas
appear to govern the situation presented by the A: No. While it is true that owing to the nationality
case at hand. (Republic v. Orbecido III, 472 principle embodied in Art. 13, NCC, only Phil.
SCRA 114) nationals are covered by the policy against
absolute divorce the same being considered
NOTE: The naturalization of one of the parties, as contrary to our concept of public policy and
well as the divorce decree obtained by him or her, morality. However, aliens may obtain divorces
must be proven as a fact under our rules on abroad, which may be recognized in the
Evidence. The foreign law under which the divorce Philippines, provided they are valid according to
was obtained must likewise be proven as our their national law. In this case, the divorce in
courts cannot take judicial notice of foreign laws. Nevada released Richard Upton from the marriage
It was also in the case of Quita v. CA and Dandan based on American law under w/c divorce
where the court hinted by way of obiter dictum, dissolves the marriage.
that a Filipino divorced by his naturalized foreign Thus, pursuant to his national law, Upton is no
spouse is no longer married under Philippine law longer the husband of Alice. He would have no
and can thus re-marry. standing to sue in the case below as Alice’s
husband entitled to exercise control over conjugal
Divorce Decree Obtained Abroad assets. To maintain that under our laws, Alice has
to be considered still married to him and still
Alice Reyes Van Dorn is a citizen of the subject to a wife's obligations under the NCC
Philippines while Richard Upton is a US citizen. cannot be just. Upton should not continue to be
They were married in HongKong. After the one of her heirs w/ possible rights to conjugal
marriage, they established their residence in the property. She should not be discriminated against
Philippines and begot 2 children. They were in her own country if the ends of justice are to be
divorced in Nevada and Alice remarried. observed. (Van Dorn v. Romillo, 139 SCRA 139)
In 1983, Upton filed a suit against Alice in the
RTC-Pasay, stating that her business in Ermita, Fe Quita and Arturo Padlan, both Filipinos, were
Manila is conjugal property and asking that she be married in the Philippines. They were not however
ordered to render an accounting of that business, blessed with children. Somewhere along the way
and that Upton be declared as having the right to their relationship soured. Eventually Fe sought for
manage the conjugal property. a divorce decree in U.S.A. She submitted in the
divorce proceedings a private writing evidencing
Q: Is the divorce decree in Nevada recognizable their agreement to live separately from each other
here in the Philippines? and a settlement of their conjugal properties. She
A: Yes. There can be no question as to the validity obtained a final judgment of divorce. Three weeks
of that Nevada divorce in any of the States of the thereafter she married a certain Tupaz in the same
U.S. The decree is binding on Alice as an locality but their relationship also ended in a
American citizen. For instance, Alice cannot sue divorce. Still in the U.S.A., she married for the third
Richard, as her husband in any State of the Union. time, to a certain Wernimont.
What he is contending in this case is that the In 1972 Arturo died leaving no will. Inciong filed a
divorce is not valid and binding in this jurisdiction, petition with the RTC for issuance of letters of
the same being contrary to local law and public administration concerning the estate of Arturo in
policy. favor of the Philippine Trust Company. Dandan
claims to be the surviving spouse of Arturo, and
It is true that owing to the nationality principle the surviving children of Arturo, opposed the
embodied in Art. 16 of the NCC, only Philippine petition and prayed for the appointment instead of
nationals are covered by the policy against Atty. Cabasal, which was later replaced by
absolute divorces the same being considered Castillon. Blandina and the Pad Ian children
contrary to our concept of public policy and submitted certified photocopies of the private
morality. However, aliens may obtain divorces writing and the final judgment of divorce between
abroad, which may be recognized in the petitioner and Arturo. Later Ruperto Padlan,
Philippines, provided they are valid according to claiming to be the sole surviving brother of the
their national law. In this case, the divorce in deceased Arturo, intervened.
Nevada released Richard from the marriage from Petitioner Fe Quita moved for the immediate
the standards of American law, under which declaration of heirs of the decedent and the
divorce dissolves the marriage, the existing status distribution of his estate.
or domestic relation of husband and wife, and to
free them both from the bond. The marriage tie, Q: Was there a valid divorce between Fe and
when thus severed as to one party, ceases to bind Arturo?
either. A husband without a wife, or a wife without A: We deduce that the finding on their citizenship
a husband, is unknown to the law. (Van Dorn v. pertained solely to the time of their marriage as
Romillo, Jr., GR No. L-68470, 08 October 1985) the trial court was not supplied with a basis to
determine petitioners citizenship at the time of
Q: Does Richard have the right to exercise control their divorce. The doubt persisted as to whether
over conjugal assets despite the fact that his she was still a Filipino citizen when their divorce
marriage with Alice was terminated by a divorce was decreed. The trial curt must have overlooked
decree obtained abroad? the materiality of this aspect. Once proven hat she
was no longer a Filipino citizen at the time of their
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

divorce, Van Dorn would become applicable and Q: Is the respondent legally capacitated to marry
petitioner could very well lose her right to inherit the petitioner?
from Arturo. A: The divorce decree between respondent and
When asked whether she was an American citizen Editha Samson appears to be an authentic one
petitioner answered that she was since 1954. issued by an Australian family court. However,
Significantly, the decree of divorce of petitioner appearance is not sufficient; compliance with the
and Arturo was obtained in the same year. aforementioned rules on evidence (§24 and §25 of
Petitioner, however, did not bother to file a reply Rule 132) must be demonstrated.
memorandum to erase the uncertainty about her The burden of proof lies with "the party who
citizenship at the time of their divorce, a factual alleges the existence of a fact or thing necessary
issue requiring hearings to be conducted by the in the prosecution or defense of an action." Since
trial court. Consequently, respondent appellate the divorce was a defense raised by respondent,
court did not err in ordering the case returned to the burden of proving the pertinent Australian law
the trial court for further proceedings. (Quita v. validating it falls squarely upon him. Courts cannot
CA, GR. No. 124862. 22 December 1998) take judicial notice of foreign laws. The power of
judicial notice must be exercised with caution, and
Crasus and Fely Iyoy were married. Fely left for every reasonable doubt upon the subject should
the USA, leaving behind Crasus and their five be resolved in the negative.
children. Shortly thereafter she requested Crasus The certificate of legal capacity mentioned in Art.
to sign divorce papers but which the latter ignored. 21 of the FC, would have been sufficient to
According to Fely, after she secured a divorce establish the legal capacity of respondent, had he
decree, she married an American citizen and duly presented it in court. A duly authenticated
acquired American citizenship. and admitted certificate is prima facie evidence of
legal capacity to marry on the part of the alien
Q: Is the divorce decree obtained by Fely valid? applicant for a marriage license.
A: No. By its plain and literal interpretation, Art. 26 Based on the above records, we cannot conclude
(2) of the FC cannot be applied to the case of that respondent, who was then a naturalized
Crasus and Fely because at the time that Fely Australian citizen, was legally capacitated to marry
obtained her divorce in the USA, she was still a petitioner on January 12, 1994. Neither can we
Filipino citizen. . (Republic v. Crasus L. Iyoy, 470 grant petitioner's prayer to declare her marriage to
SCRA 508) respondent null and void on the ground of bigamy.
After all, it may turn out that under Australian law,
Note: The authority of the Solicitor General to he was really capacitated to marry petitioner as a
intervene in proceedings for annulment and direct result of the divorce decree. (Garcia v.
declaration of nullity of marriage, while not Recio, GR. No. 138322, 02 October 2001)
expressly conferred by Art. 48 of the FC, is
nonetheless recognized under EO No. 292
(Administrative Code of 1987) and AM No. 02-11- Art. 36, Family Code re: Psychological
10-SC (Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Inacapacity
Void Marriages and Annulment of Voidable
Marriages) which became effective on 15 March In her petition for declaration of nullity of her
2003. marriage, Ma. Armida alleged that her husband,
Brix spent most of his time with his band mates
and that he began to withdraw from her,
Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage particularly when she noticed calls from other
women to him. She also alleged that Brix suffered
Recio, a Filipino, was married to Samson, an from, among others, epilepsy, and would become
Australian citizen, in Malabon. They lived together violent during bouts of the illness. The psychiatrist
as husband and wife in Australia. Then a decree presented by Ma. Armida testified that indeed Brix
of divorce, purportedly dissolving the marriage, was psychologically incapacitated to perform the
was issued by an Australian family court. essential marital obligations.
Recio became an Australian citizen, as shown by
a "Certificate of Australian Citizenship" issued by Q: Is Brix psychologically incapacitated to perform
the Australian government. Petitioner Garcia-- a the essential marital obligations thus rendering
Filipina -- and Recio were married in Cabanatuan their marriage void ab initio?
City. In their application for a marriage license, A: No. Brix’s alleged mixed personality disorder,
respondent was declared as "single" and his "leaving-the-house" attitude whenever the
"Filipino." couple quarreled, the violent tendencies during
Afterwards, petitioner and respondent lived epileptic attacks, sexual infidelity, etc. were not
separately without prior judicial dissolution of their shown to be rooted on some debilitating
marriage. While the two were still in Australia, their psychological condition but a mere refusal or
conjugal assets were divided in accordance with unwillingness to assume the essential marital
their Statutory Declarations secured in Australia. obligations. Art. 36 of the FC requires that the
Petitioner Garcia then filed a Complaint for psychological incapacity must refer to a serious
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage in the Philippine psychological illness afflicting a party even before
court, on the ground of bigamy -- respondent the celebration of the marriage; a malady so grave
allegedly had a prior subsisting marriage at the and permanent as to deprive one of awareness of
time he married her. She claimed that she learned the duties and responsibilities of the matrimonial
of respondent's marriage to Editha Samson. bond that one is about to assume and not a mere
University of Santo Tomas
refusal to do so. There is no showing that Brix's clinically identified and was shown as incurable.
so-called defects were already present at the Further, her incapacity was established as already
inception of the marriage, or that those were existing prior to and at the time of the celebration
incurable. Although Ma. Armida presented a of the marriage. The lies attributed to her indicate
psychiatrist to bolster her case, the findings of the a failure on her part to distinguish truth from fiction
physician are insufficient in establishing the or at least abide by the truth. A person unable to
alleged psychological incapacity of the distinguish between fantasy and reality would be
respondent. (Perez-Ferraris v. Ferraris, GR No. unable to comprehend the legal nature of the
162368, 17 July 2006) marital bond, much less its psychic meaning and
the corresponding obligations to marriage,
Norma sought the nullity of her marriage to including parenting. One unable to adhere to
Eulogio on the ground of his psychological reality cannot be expected to adhere as well to
incapacity to comply with essential marital any legal or emotional commitment.
obligations. Norma attributed immaturity, habitual
alcoholism, extremely jealousy, maltreatment, NOTE: Significantly, the judgment of the Roman
inherent laziness and abandonment of family on Rota of the Vatican appended a restrictive clause
her husband's part as the reason. The evidence in its sentence of nullity prohibiting Ivonne from
consisted solely of Norma's testimony. Thereafter, contracting another marriage without the tribunal's
the trial court decreed the nullity of their marriage. consent. This means that a person deemed
psychologically incapacitated and whose marriage
Q: Is the trial court’s decision correct? is thus dissolved on account thereof, may
A: No. In Santos v. CA, 240 SCRA 20, it was held nonetheless remarry, since there is no such thing
that the alleged personality disorder amounting to as "absolute psychological incapacity." It is only
psychological incapacity must have been relative, in the sense that one may be
characterized by: incapacitated with respect to one partner, but not
a) Gravity; necessarily with respect to all. (Antonio v. Reyes,
b) Juridical antecedence; and 484 SCRA 353 )
c) Incurability.
Norma alone testified in support of her petition. Q: Is the annulment of their marriage by the
Her testimony failed to establish the fact that at the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of
time of her marriage to Eulogio, the latter was Manila, as well as the National Appellate
already suffering from a psychological defect Matrimonial Tribunal and the Roman Rota of the
which deprived him of the ability to assume the Vatican binding upon our courts?
essential duties of marriage. The Court cannot A: No. Interpretations given by the National
presume psychological defect from the mere fact Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic
of Eulogio's immaturity, habitual alcoholism, etc. Church of the Philippines, are not controlling, BUT
Such acts must be shown to be manifestations of should be given weight and respect by the courts.
a disordered personality within the contemplation This is one of the guidelines in determining the
of Art. 36 of the FC. While medical or clinical propriety of a petition for nullity based on Art. 36 of
evidence is not a condition sine qua non in nullity the FC laid down by the Supreme Court in the
cases, its presentation would have helped case of Republic v. CA and Molina. (Antonio v.
Norma's petition for nullity. In sum, the totality of Reyes, 484 SCRA 353 )
the evidence presented by Norma was completely
insufficient to sustain the finding that Eulogio was Psychological incapacity was defined by the
indeed psychologically incapacitated. (Republic v. Supreme Court as “no less than a mental (not
Melgar, et al., 486 SCRA 177 ) physical) incapacity that causes a party to be truly
incognitive of the basic marital covenants that
Leonilo commenced a petition for declaration of concomitantly must be assumed and discharged
nullity of his marriage to Ivonne due to her by the parties to the marriage.” The intendment of
supposed psychological incapacity. Leonilo the law has been to confine the meaning of
alleged that the Ivonne lied to him about her "psychological incapacity" to the most serious
personal circumstances. She even concealed from cases of personality disorders clearly
him the fact that she had previously given birth to demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to
an illegitimate child and exhibited extreme give meaning and significance to the marriage.
insecurities and fits of jealousy. On account of (Santos v. CA, 240 SCRA 20)
these, Leonilo left her for good. The physicians’
conclusion was that Ivonne was indeed Noel filed a petition for declaration of nullity of his
psychologically incapacitated to perform her marriage on the ground of the alleged
essential marital obligations. psychological incapacity of his wife, Isabel. Trial
court decreed the nullity of their marriage and
Q: Is Marie Ivonne psychologically incapacitated further ordered Noel to pay Isabel moral as well as
to perform the essential obligations of marriage exemplary damages, attorney's fees and
thus rendering their marriage void ab initio? expenses of litigation plus costs.
A: Yes. The totality of the evidence presented by
Leonilo had sufficiently overcome the burden of Q: Is the award of moral and exemplary damages,
proving psychological incapacity of the Ivonne. attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation correct?
The root cause of her incapacity was medically or A: By declaring petitioner as psychologically
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

incapacitated, the possibility of awarding moral psychological incapacity, although the root cause
damages was negated, which should have been may be "medically or clinically identified." As long
proved by specific evidence that it was done as the totality of the evidence presented is enough
deliberately. Thus, as the grant of moral damages to sustain a finding of psychological incapacity,
was not proper, it follows that the grant of then actual medical examination of the person
exemplary damages cannot stand since the Civil concerned need not be resorted to (Marcos v.
Code provides that exemplary damages are Marcos, 343 SCRA 755).
imposed in addition to moral, temperate, liquidated
or compensatory damages. Finally, since the Veronico married Hilda. Four years later, he
award of moral and exemplary damages is no married a second time, this time to Leticia with
longer justified, the award of attorney's fees and whom he then lived. In 1991, Verenico divulged to
expenses of litigation is left without basis. Leticia about his first marriage and that he was
(Buenaventura v. CA, 454 SCRA 261) going back to his first wife, Hilda. Thereafter, the
marriage with Leticia was declared void on the
Lolita married a Japanese national, Hamano. After ground of psychological incapacity. Veronico
the marriage celebration, Hamano failed in his married a third time, this time with Nilda. Leticia
duty to live with, care for and support the family. learned about this and commenced a criminal
He eventually abandoned them and so she filed a case for bigamy against Veronico.
petition for declaration of nullity of her marriage on Veronico invokes the defense that effects of the
the ground of psychological incapacity of Hamano. nullity of his marriage with Leticia retroacts to the
The sole evidence presented by her is her date when it was contracted, hence, he is not
testimony. guilty of bigamy for want of an essential element,
that of the existence of a valid previous marriage.
Q: Will her action prosper?
A: No. The totality of the evidence presented by Q: Is Veronico correct in invoking the nullity of his
the wife fell far short of the proof required to marriage with Leticia as his defense in the bigamy
establish psychological incapacity of her husband. case?
Although his act of abandonment was doubtless A: No. Article 349 of the RPC penalizes the mere
irresponsible, there was no allegation that it was act of contracting a second or subsequent
due to a psychological illness. Except for her marriage during the subsistence of a previous
testimony, she did not adduce any other evidence valid marriage. Here, as soon as the second
to buttress her allegation of psychological marriage to Leticia was celebrated, the crime of
incapacity. Thus, while as a rule there was no bigamy had already been consummated as the
need for an actual medical examination, the second marriage was contracted during the
petition would have been helped by evidence that subsistence of the valid first marriage.
medically or clinically identified his illness and this
could have consisted of the testimony of an expert NOTE: Although the judicial declaration of nullity
witness. She failed in this regard. (Republic v. of a marriage on the ground of psychological
Quintero-Hamano, 428 SCRA 735) incapacity retroacts to the date of the celebration
of the marriage insofar as the vinculum between
Court of Appeals held that the three requirements the parties is concerned, it must be noted that the
(Gravity, Juridical Antecedence & Incurability) do marriage is not without legal consequences or
not apply in this case because their marriage is a effects. One such consequence or effect is the
mixed one, Hamano being a Japanese national incurring of criminal liability for bigamy. To hold
and Lolita being a Filipino citizen. otherwise would be to render nugatory the State's
penal laws on bigamy as it would allow individuals
Q: Is the CA correct in its declaration? to deliberately ensure that each marital contract be
A: No. The appellate court's holding that the flawed in some manner, and to thus escape the
requirements in Molina and Santos do not apply consequences of contracting multiple marriages.
here because the case a “mixed marriage” is (Tenebro v. CA, 423 SCRA 272)
erroneous. In proving psychological incapacity,
there is no distinction between an alien spouse David and Sharon got married twice, the first in a
and a Filipino spouse. Courts should not be lenient civil wedding and the second, in a church
in the application of the rules merely because the wedding. On account of abandonment, alleged
spouse alleged to be psychologically incapacitated sexual infidelity, immaturity and irresponsible
happens to be a foreign national. The medical and behavior of his wife, David filed a petition for
clinical rules to determine psychological incapacity declaration of nullity of their marriage under Art. 36
were formulated on the basis of studies of human of the FC. The evidence adduced by David
behavior in general. Hence, the norms used for showed that Sharon had illicit relations with a
determining psychological incapacity should apply number of men. She left him for a foreigner. The
to any person regardless of nationality. (Republic psychiatrist presented by the David testified that
v. Quintero-Hamano, 428 SCRA 735) the wife suffered from an anti-social personality
disorder which amounted to psychological
NOTE: The guidelines in Rep. v. CA and Molina incapacity on her part. The trial court granted the
earlier mandated in Santos v. CA incorporate prayer for nullity and issued the corresponding
three basic requirements, namely: 1) gravity; 2) decree of nullity, not only of the civil marriage of
juridical antecedence; and 3) incurability. The the parties but also of the Church-sanctioned
foregoing guidelines do not require that a marriage which had joined them in the Holy
physician examine the person alleged to have Sacrament of matrimony.
University of Santo Tomas
Salvador contracted a second marriage. Upon
Q: Was the trial court correct in declaring the being charged with bigamy, he raised the defense
marriage as null and void? that he had obtained a decree of nullity of his first
A: No. In Santos v. CA (1995), the Supreme Court marriage when he entered into the second
said that the disorder should refer to no less than marriage, hence, he is not liable for bigamy.
a mental (not) physical incapacity that causes a Moreover, he argued that the action for annulment
party to be truly incognitive of the basic marital or declaration of nullity of his marriage was a
covenants that concomitantly must be assumed prejudicial question to the charge of bigamy.
and discharged by the parties. In this case, the
wife's sexual infidelity does not amount to a mental Q: Is Salvador’s contention that an action for
or psychological illness such that she could not declaration of nullity a prejudicial question to a
have known the obligations she was assuming, or charge of bigamy?
knowing them, could have given a valid A: No, it is not a prejudicial question. The outcome
assumption thereof (Rep. v. Dagdag, 356 SCRA of the civil case for annulment of the petitioner's
425). It must also be shown that her promiscuity first marriage has no bearing to the determination
existed prior to or at the inception of the marriage, of his innocence or guilt in the criminal case for
unfortunately in this case there is no showing that bigamy since all that is required for the charge of
it existed prior to the marriage as required. bigamy to prosper is that the first marriage be
Moreover, her abandonment, immaturity and subsisting at the time that the second marriage
irresponsible behavior cannot be equated with was contracted (Te v. CA). In other words, the
psychological incapacity (Pesca v. Pesca, 356 subsequent judicial declaration of nullity of the first
SCRAS 425). There was no showing that these marriage is immaterial because prior to the
acts were manifestations of a disordered declaration of nullity, the crime had already been
personality which made her completely unable to consummated (Mercado v. Tan). (Abunado v.
discharge the essential marital obligations People of the Philippines, 426 SCRA 562)
(Hernandez v. CA, 320 SCRA 76). At best, the
circumstances relied upon by the petitioner are NOTE: Under Art. 40 of the FC, before one can
grounds for legal separation (Marcos v. Marcos, contract a second marriage on the ground of
343 SCRA 755). (Dedel v. CA, 421 SCRA 461) nullity of the first marriage, there must first be a
final judgment declaring the first marriage void. If a
Q: May the trial court dissolve their second party fails to secure a judicial declaration of nullity
marriage which was Church-sanctioned? of the first marriage, he or she runs the risk of
A: No. The trial court has no jurisdiction to being charged with bigamy as the marital bond or
dissolve the church marriage of the parties. The vinculum in the first nuptial subsists (Mercado v.
authority to do so in this case is exclusively lodged Tan; Te v. CA).
with the Ecclesiastical Court of the Roman
Catholic Church. (Dedel v. CA, 421 SCRA 461) Justice Jose C. Vitug: The general rule is that if
the marriage is void ab initio, it is ipso facto void
Article 40, FC; Bigamy without need of any judicial declaration of nullity.
The exception is found in Art. 40 of the FC
On the belief that his first wife, whom he had not wherein, for purposes of remarriage, the nullity of
seen in more than twenty years, was already the first marriage must first be decreed in a final
dead, Eduardo remarried. A falling out between judgment.
him and his second wife led to the discovery, by
the latter, of her husband's first marriage. She now Lucio married his first wife without a marriage
charges Eduardo with bigamy. Eduardo invokes ceremony taking place. What transpired was the
good faith. mere signing of the marriage contract without the
presence of a solemnizing officer. He was then
Q: Will this make him liable for bigamy? divorced by his wife in Canada. Lucio remarried
A: Yes. Eduardo is liable for bigamy. Bigamy is although the first marriage was nullified on the
consummated when a person marries another ground of lack of marriage ceremony only after the
during the subsistence of a previous valid celebration of his second marriage.
marriage. In this case, Eduardo did not secure a Charged with bigamy, Lucio invokes good faith in
decree of presumptive death relative to his first contracting the second marriage, and his lack of
wife before he remarried, hence the second criminal intent therefore negated any criminal
marriage was contracted during the subsistence of liability on his part.
the previous one. Eduardo is presumed to have
acted with malice or evil intent when he contracted Q: Is Lucio liable for bigamy?
the second marriage. Eduardo should have A: No, he is not liable for bigamy. One of the
adduced a decree of presumptive death of his first elements of bigamy is the subsistence of a
wife, as required by Art. 349 of the RPC, in previous valid marriage, which is lacking in the
relation to Art. 41 of the FC. Such a judicial case at bar. Since Lucio’s first marriage was only
declaration would have established good faith on done by their signing a marriage contract, two
his part. (Manuel v. People of the Philippines, formal elements of marriage are absent namely: a
GR No. 165842, 29 Nov. 2005) solemnizing officer and a marriage ceremony, this
renders their marriage as void ab initio pursuant to
During the subsistence of his first marriage, Art. 4 of the FC.
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

In this case, there is no marriage to speak of. The In this case, there is no showing that Nolasco
mere private act of signing a marriage contract conducted a search for his missing wife w/ such
bears no semblance to a valid or ostensibly valid diligence as to give rise to a "well-founded belief"
marriage and thus needs no judicial declaration of that she is dead. Also, a petition to declare an
nullity. What Art. 40 of the Family Code absent spouse presumptively dead may not be
contemplates as a void marriage which must first granted in the absence of any allegation that the
be judicially nullified before a party can remarry is spouse present will remarry. The four requisites
one which must exist although it is void. This is so not having concurred, his action for the declaration
because in such a case, even if it is void, it is a of presumptive death of his wife should be denied.
legal impediment to marry, such that a person can (Republic v. Nolasco, 220 SCRA 20)
be charged and convicted of bigamy if he
contracts a subsequent marriage without first Teresita filed a claim for death benefits with the
securing a declaration of nullity of the prior SSS when her husband died. This was granted by
marriage. (Morigo v. People of the Philippines, the SSS but later had it withdrawn when an
422 SCRA 376) alleged daughter of the deceased wrote the SSS
to protest the release of the death benefits to the
NOTE: While this case is analogous to Mercado v. Teresita. According to this daughter, the deceased
Tan (337 SCRA 122), it must be distinguished contracted three marriages during his lifetime and
therefrom. In Mercado, the judicial declaration of that she is the product of decedent's third union.
nullity of the first marriage was likewise obtained When the SSS investigated the matter, it found
after the second marriage had been celebrated. that the decedent had secured a decree of
However, the first marriage in said case was in presumptive death of his first wife for being absent
fact solemnized not once, but twice: first before a for fifteen years. He then married a second time,
judge, and the second before a priest in religious and this was to Teresita. However, it appeared
rites. Ostensibly therefore, there was at least a that the first wife was still alive and that the
first marriage which appeared to have been decedent had supposedly secured the decree of
entered into, albeit later declared void ab initio. presumptive death through fraud. On the basis of
its findings, the Social Security Commission
Articles 41 and 42, FC issued an order decreeing the nullity of the second
marriage of the decedent for being bigamous, and
Declaration of Presumptive Death, Art. 41, FC henceforth withdrew the pension that it had earlier
granted to the respondent.
*The declaration of presumptive death under Art.
41, FC is available only for the purpose of Q: Does the SSC have the authority to issue an
remarriage. order decreeing the nullity of the second marriage
for being bigamous?
Gregorio Nolasco was a seaman. During one of A: No. Although the SSC is empowered to settle
the calls of his ship to England, he met Janet disputes involving claims under said law, it cannot
Monica Parker, a British subject. When Nolasco's review, much less reverse decisions rendered by
contract expired, Janet went with him in returning regular courts of law as it did in this case. In
home to San Jose, Antique. Nolasco then married interfering with and passing upon the CFI decree,
Janet. After the marriage, he obtained another the SSC acted as an appellate court. The law
employment contract as a seaman, leaving his does not give the SSC discretion to trifle with the
pregnant wife with his parents. While working orders of regular courts in the exercise of its
overseas, Nolasco received a letter from his authority to determine the beneficiaries of the
mother informing him that Janet had already given SSS. (SSS v. Jarque Vda. De Bailon, 485 SCRA
birth to his son and that she left after giving birth. 5 376)
years after the disappearance of Janet, Nolasco
filed an action for the declaration of presumptive Q: Is a judicial proceeding required to annul the
death of his wife Janet under Art. 41 of the FC, subsequent marriage contracted under Art. 41 of
claiming that all his efforts to look for her proved the FC?
fruitless. Trial court granted the petition. A: No. In Art. 42 of the FC, no judicial proceeding
to annul a subsequent marriage contracted under
Q: Was the trial court correct in granting Nolasco’s Art. 41 is necessary. Also, the termination of the
action for the declaration of presumptive death of subsequent marriage by affidavit provided for in
Janet? Art. 42 does not preclude the filing of an action in
A: No. There are 4 requisites for the declaration of court to prove the reappearance of the absentee
presumptive death under Art. 41: and obtain a declaration of dissolution or
1. That the absent spouse has been missing termination of the subsequent marriage. (SSS v.
for 4 consecutive years, or 2 consecutive yrs. if the Jarque Vda. De Bailon, 485 SCRA 376)
disappearance occurred where there is a danger
of death under the circumstances laid down in Art. Q: Does the mere reappearance of the absent
391. spouse terminate the subsequent marriage?
2. That the spouse present wishes to remarry A: No. If the absentee reappears, but no step is
3. That the spouse present has a well- taken to terminate the subsequent marriage, either
founded belief that the absentee is dead. by affidavit or by court action, such absentee's
4. That the present spouse files a summary mere reappearance, even if made known to the
proceeding for the declaration of presumptive spouses in the subsequent marriage, will not
death of the absentee. terminate such marriage. (SSS v. Jarque Vda. De
University of Santo Tomas
Bailon, 485 SCRA 376) patent to the husband. (Buccat V. Buccat, 72 Phil
Q: Is Teresita the rightful claimant to the SSS
benefits? Aurora prayed for the annulment of her marriage
A: Yes. Since the second marriage has been with Fernando on the ground of fraud in obtaining
contracted because of a presumption that the her consent after having learned that several
former spouse is dead, such presumption months prior to their marriage, Fernando had pre-
continues in spite of the spouse's physical marital relationship with a close relative of his.
reappearance, and by fiction of law, he or she According to her the "non-divulgement to her of
must still be regarded as legally an absentee until such pre-marital secret" constituted fraud in
the subsequent marriage is terminated as obtaining her consent w/in the contemplation of
provided by law. In this case, Teresita enjoys the no. 4 of Art. 85, NCC.
presumption of validity of her marriage to the
decedent, hence, she is the rightful claimant to the Q: Is the concealment by the husband of a pre-
SSS benefits. marital relationship with another woman a ground
for annulment of marriage?
NOTE: Under Art. 83 of the CC, a subsequent A: No. The non-disclosure to a wife by her
marriage contracted during the lifetime of the first husband of his pre-marital relationship with
spouse is illegal and void ab initio unless the prior another woman is not a ground for annulment of
marriage is first annulled or dissolved or marriage. For fraud as a vice of consent in
contracted under any of the three exceptional marriage, which may be a cause for its annulment,
circumstances therein. It bears noting that the comes under Art. 85, No. 4 of the NCC. This fraud,
marriage under any of the exceptional as vice of consent, is limited exclusively by law to
circumstances therein is deemed valid unless those kinds or species of fraud enumerated in Art.
declared void by a competent court. In the case at 86.
bar, as found by the CFI, the first wife had been
absent for fifteen years and thus it granted the NOTE: The intention of Congress to confine the
decree of presumptive death which was sought by circumstances that can constitute fraud as ground
the decedent. This judicial declaration was not for annulment of marriage to the 3 cases therein
even a requirement for purposes of remarriage may be deduced from the fact that, of all the
under the Civil Code. (SSS v. Jarque Vda. De causes of nullity enumerated in Art. 85, fraud is
Bailon, 485 SCRA 376) the only one given special treatment in a
subsequent article within the chapter on void and
Physical Incapacity as ground for annulment of voidable marriages. If its intention were otherwise,
marriage [Art. 45 (5), FC] Congress would have stopped at Art. 85, for
anyway, fraud in general is already mentioned
JJ, the husband, filed a complaint for annulment of therein as a cause for annulment. (Anaya v.
marriage on the ground of physical incapacity of Palaroan, 36 SCRA 97)
his wife, RC, for copulation, her genitals being too
small for penetration. His sole testimony is his
basis as RC refuses to participate in the case. Legal Separation

Q: May their marriage be annulled solely on the In an action for legal separation on the ground of
basis of JJ’s testimony as to RC’s supposed adultery filed by the husband, even though the
incapacity? defendant wife did not interpose the defense of
A: No. The sole testimony of the husband as to prescription, nevertheless, the courts can take
the incapacity of his wife is not sufficient basis for cognizance thereof, because actions seeking a
annulment. The presumption is in favor of potency. decree of legal separation or annulment of
Hence, RC should submit to a physical marriage, involve public interest, and it is the
examination. A physical examination in this case is policy of our law that no such decree be issued if
not self- incriminating, since she is not being any legal obstacles thereto appear upon the
charged of any crime. (Jimenez v. Canizares, record. Also, the husband was guilty of
109 Phil 273) commission of the same offense by living with
another woman.
Annulment of Marriage on the Ground of Fraud This is an exception to the Rules of Court
[Art. 45 and 46, FC] provision that defenses not raised in the pleadings
will not be considered since provisions on
Where there has been no misrepresentation or marriage are substantive in nature. (Brown v.
fraud, that is, when the husband at the time of the Yambao, 54 O.G. 1827)
marriage knew that the wife was pregnant, the
marriage cannot be annulled. Here, the child was Lucita left the conjugal dwelling and filed a petition
born less than 3 months after the celebration of for legal separation due to the physical violence,
the marriage. Supreme Court refused to annul the threats, intimidation and grossly abusive conduct
marriage for the reason that the woman was at an she had suffered at the hands of Wiliam, her
advance stage of pregnancy at the time of the husband. William denied heaping the abuses
marriage and such condition must have been alleged by the wife and that her real motive in filing
the petition is that so she would gain control of the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

numerous properties that the couple had acquired

during the marriage, all of which were acquired The husband, without the wife's consent, executed
due to his efforts. Moreover, he claims that since it a special power of attorney in favor of a third
was Lucita who had left the conjugal abode, then person in order to secure a loan with the use of a
the decree of legal separation should not be conjugal property as security. The loan was
granted, following Art.56 (4) of the FC which thereafter obtained, with the conjugal property as
provides that legal separation shall be denied security therein. When the loan was not satisfied,
when both parties have given ground for legal the mortgage on the property was foreclosed and
separation. a certificate of sale was issued in favor of the
winning bidder. Upon failure to redeem, the
Q: Should Legal Separation be denied on the ownership to the property was consolidated under
basis of William’s claim of Mutual Guilt? the name of the mortgagee Homeowners Savings.
A: No. Art. 56 (4) of the FC does not apply since The wife then sought to nullify the mortgage and
the abandonment that is a ground for legal sale as void invoking Art. 124 of the FC.
separation is abandonment without justifiable
cause for more than one year. In this case, Lucita Q: Will the wife’s action prosper?
left William due to his abusive conduct. Such act A: Yes. The settled rule is that the sale or
does not constitute the abandonment encumbrance of a conjugal property requires the
contemplated in the said provision. Since this is consent of both the husband and the wife (Guiang
so, there is no mutual guilt between them as there vs CA, 353 Phil. 578). In applying Art. 124 of the
is only one erring spouse. (Ong Eng Kiam a.k.a. FC, Supreme Court declared that the absence of
William Ong v. CA, GR No. 153206, 23 Oct. the consent of one renders the entire sale or
2006) encumbrance null and void, including the portion
of the conjugal property pertaining to the husband
Q: What is the effect of the death of plaintiff- who contracted the sale.
spouse before a decree of legal separation?
A: The death of plaintiff before a decree of legal NOTE: Neither would the conjugal partnership be
separation abates such action. Being personal in liable for the loan on the ground that it redounded
character, it follows that the death of one party to to the benefit of the family. The sweeping
the action causes the death of the action itself - conclusion that the loan was obtained by the
actio personalis moritur cum persona. Even if husband in order to finance the construction of
property rights are involved, because these rights housing units, without however adducing adequate
are mere effects of the decree of legal separation, proof, does not persuade. (Homeowners Savings
being rights in expectation, these rights do not & Loan Bank v. Dailo, 453 SCRA 283)
come into existence as a result of the death of a
party. Also under the Rules of court, an action for David conveyed to Melki, by way of a deed of
legal separation or annulment of marriage is not absolute sale, a piece of land that he and his wife
one which survives the death of spouse. owned. Lorenza, David’s wife, who witnessed the
sale, however signed on the page reserved for
NOTE: An action for legal separation which witnesses to the deed. When the buyer sought to
involves nothing more than bed-and board register the sale, it was denied by the Register of
separation of the spouses is purely personal. The Deeds on account of lack of the wife's consent to
Civil Code recognizes this (1) by allowing only the the sale.
innocent spouse and no one else to claim legal
separation; (2) by providing that the spouses can, Q: Was the Register of Deeds correct in denying
by their reconciliation, stop or abate the registration of the sale?
proceedings and even rescind a decree of legal A: No. A wife, by affixing her signature to a deed
separation already granted. (Lapuz v. Eufemio, of sale on the space provided for witnesses, is
43 SCRA 177) deemed to have given her implied consent to the
contract of sale. The consent need not always be
Cohabitation explicit or set forth in any particular document so
long as it is shown by acts of the wife that such
Defendant is under obligation both moral and consent or approval was in fact given. (Pelayo v.
legal, to return to the common home and cohabit Perez, 459 SCRA 475)
with plaintiff. But the great weight of authorities,
however, is strongly convincing that it is not within NOTE: In this case, it will be noted that the sale
the province of the courts to compel anyone of the was entered into prior to the effectivity of the FC.
spouses to cohabit with and render conjugal rights Because of such, Art. 173, in relation to Art. 166 of
to the other. (Arroyo v. Vasque, 42 Phil 54) the Civil Code, would have applied if there was a
finding of lack of the wife's consent. Under said
The courts can make a judicial declaration of provisions, the sale would have been merely
abandonment without sufficient justification but it voidable, and not void.
cannot compel cohabitation, consortium being a
purely personal right. However, the courts can Francisco and Erminda’s marriage was nullified by
impose economic sanctions or such unjustified the trial court due Francisco’s psychological
departure from the conjugal dwelling. (Arroyo v. incapacity. He did not contest the decree of nullity
Arroyo, 42 SCRA 54) but he assailed the division in the properties
between the spouses which was contained in the
Marital Property Relations decree. He asserted that the properties were
University of Santo Tomas
acquired through his efforts and that Erminda had Q: Is the property conjugal or paraphernal?
no contribution whatsoever in their acquisition and A: Conjugal. In this case the provisions of the Civil
maintenance; hence, she should not be entitled to Code would apply for the purchase took place
a joint share in their properties. before the FC took effect. Under Art. 160 of the
NCC, all property of the marriage is presumed to
Q: Is Francisco’s contention correct? belong to the conjugal partnership, unless it be
A: No. The property relation between the parties is proved that it pertains exclusively to the husband
governed by Art. 147 of the FC. Under this article, or the wife. In this case, there was no proof that
there is a presumption that the properties which the property had been acquired exclusively by
they acquired during their cohabitation were Yamane's late wife. The mere registration of a
acquired through their joint efforts, work or property in the name of one spouse does not
industry. It further provides that a party who did destroy its conjugal nature in the absence of
not participate in the acquisition thereof shall be strong, clear and convincing evidence that it was
deemed to have contributed jointly in the acquired using the exclusive funds of said spouse.
acquisition thereof if his or her efforts consisted in Hence, the presumption that it is conjugal property
the care and maintenance of the family and of the stands. (Go v. CA, 489 SCRA 107)
During their marriage, Dolores alleges that she
NOTE: In this case, Francisco himself testified that and her husband, Albert, acquired a piece of
his wife was not a plain housewife but one who agricultural land. She avers that her husband
helped him in managing the family's business. conveyed this property to Patenio without her
Hence, Erminda is rightfully entitled to a joint consent. She now seeks its recovery on the
share in their properties. (Gonzales v. Gonzales, ground that it formed part of their conjugal
478 SCRA 327) properties and presented as evidence their
marriage contract and the initial tax declaration
Through an absolute deed of sale, the husband over the property.
sold a piece of land belonging to the conjugal
partnership to a third person. It appeared that the Q: Is the piece of agricultural land part of their
wife signed a document entitled "Marital Consent" conjugal properties?
contained in a jurat days before the sale giving her A: No. The rule is all property of the marriage is
assent to the conveyance. This document was presumed to be conjugal in nature. However, for
then sworn to before the same notary public who this presumption to apply, the party who invokes it
notarized the deed of sale, and then appended to must first prove that it was acquired during the
the deed of sale itself. marriage. Here, Dolores's evidence consisted of
her marriage contract and the initial tax declaration
Q: Is the conveyance valid? over the property. She did not identify when she
A: It depends. The use of the jurat, instead of an and her husband first occupied and possessed the
acknowledgment, does not elevate the Marital land. Neither did she present any witness to prove
Consent into the level of a public document but that they first occupied the property during their
instead consigns it to the status of a private writing marriage and that they both, worked on the land.
hence it is still subject to proof under rules of (Pintiano-Anno v. Anno, 480 SCRA 419)
Eduardo’s spouse, Josefina, purchased two
NOTE: The fact that the document contains a parcels of land using, according to her, her own
jurat, and not an acknowledgment, should not funds. Although the titles to the lots were issued in
affect its genuineness or that of the related the names of the spouses, the dorsal portions
document of conveyance itself, the Deed of thereof contained an entry showing that Eduardo
Absolute Sale. In this instance, a jurat suffices as had waived any right over the properties as they
the document only embodies the manifestation of were bought out of the savings of Josefina. The
the spouse's consent, a mere appendage to the lots were eventually levied upon when a complaint
main document. (Pan Pacific Industrial Sales for a sum of money was filed against Eduardo and
Co., Inc. v. CA, 482 SCRA 164) prospered. Even though Josefina had filed a third-
party claim with the sheriff, the properties were
A piece of land which Yamane asserted belonged sold at auction. The wife then filed an action for
to the conjugal partnership of him and his late wife nullity of the sale. She also commenced a petition
was levied upon by the sheriff as a result of a for nullity of her marriage to Eduardo on the
motion for execution of a charging lien filed by the ground that the latter had a previous marriage.
lawyer of Yamane's departed wife. At the auction, This was granted.
spouses Josehine and Henry were the successful She now asserts that since her marriage to
bidders. The trial court acted apparently on the Eduardo is void, their property relations is to be
belief that the property was the paraphernal governed by the rules on co-ownership under Art.
property of Yamane's wife since the appearance of 148 of the FC and not by Art. 144 of the Civil
his (Yamane) name on the title was deemed to be Code. In this regime, Eduardo has no share at all
merely descriptive of the civil status of the in the properties since no proof was adduced by
registered owner, his late wife. The purchase took him as regards his participation in their purchase.
place prior to the advent of the Family Code. However, she did not prove that she acquired the
properties using her personal funds and prior to
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

her cohabitation with Eduardo. of the spouses however deteriorated due to

incompatibility and the womanizing, drinking, and
Q: Is her contention correct? maltreatment by Helmut of Elena. Helmut then
A: No. Since Josefina failed to prove that she filed in court a petition for separation of properties
acquired the properties with her personal funds which was granted. Partition was henceforth
before her cohabitation with Eduardo, it should be ordered but the court held that with respect to the
presumed and considered as belonging to the property in Antipolo, Rizal, Helmut cannot seek
conjugal partnership. Art. 105 of the FC, which reimbursement from Elena of the funds that he
provides that the Code shall apply to conjugal used in buying the lot and constructing the house
partnerships established before it took effect, considering that the land was purchased in
without prejudice to vested rights already acquired violation of Sec. 7, Art. XII of the Constitution.
under the New Civil Code or other laws, applies in
this case. There was no evidence adduced by Q: Was the court correct in holding so?
Josefina showing that she had acquired a vested A: Yes. Aliens, whether individuals or
right in this regard. Thus, as it appears that the corporations, are disqualified from acquiring lands
properties were acquired during the subsistence of of the public domain under Sec. 7, Art. XII of the
the marriage of Josefina and Eduardo, under Constitution. Hence, they are also disqualified
normal circumstances, the same should be from acquiring private lands. The primary purpose
presumed to be conjugal property. of this constitutional proscription is the
conservation of the national patrimony (Krivenko v.
NOTE: Art. 148 of the FC does not apply since, in Register of Deeds, 79 Phil. 461). Helmut himself
said article, a co-ownership may ensue in case of was well aware of this constitutional prohibition
cohabitation where, for instance, one party has a when he had the title to the Antipolo property
pre-existing valid marriage, provided that the placed under Elena's name. Save for hereditary
parties prove their actual joint contribution of succession, Helmut's disqualification from owning
money, property or industry and only to the extent lands in the Philippines is absolute. Not even an
of their proportionate interest thereon. (Francisco ownership in trust is allowed for where the
v. Master Iron Works Construction Corp., 451 purchase is made in violation of a law and in
SCRA 494) evasion of its express provision, no trust can result
in favor of the party who is guilty of the fraud. To
John and Juliet lived together as husband and wife hold otherwise would allow circumvention of the
without the benefit of marriage. During their constitutional prohibition. Further, to allow
cohabitation, the couple acquired a two-story reimbursement would in effect permit Helmut to
residential house. The house was later renovated enjoy the fruits of a property which he is not
and a sari-sari store was put up as annex thereat. allowed to own. (In re: Petition for Separation of
Juliet managed the store after her return from Property, Elena Buenaventura Muller v. Helmut
working abroad. When the two had a serious Muller, GR No. 149615, 29 Aug. 2006)
falling out, they executed a memorandum of
agreement, wherein John agreed to leave the Family Members in Articles 150 and 151 of
house subject to payment by Juliet of his entire FC
share in their properties. She failed to pay all of
John's share in their properties. John demanded Spouses Manolo and Lucila Martinez filed a
that she vacate the structure housing the store but complaint for ejectment against Rodolfo, brother of
which she ignored. Thus, John sued her for Manolo. Said complaint was filed after a demand
ejectment which the court granted. letter to vacate from the said spouses was
rebuffed by Rodolfo. The latter filed a motion to
Q: Was the court correct in granting the same? dismiss on the ground of failure to comply with a
A: No. Under Art. 147 of the FC, the property is condition precedent, which is, that earnest efforts
co-owned by the parties. Under said provision, in for an amicable settlement among the parties had
the absence of proof to the contrary, any property been exerted but that none was reached. Rodolfo
acquired by common-law spouses during their also pointed out that the dispute had not been
cohabitation is presumed to have been obtained referred to the barangay before the complaint was
thru their joint efforts and is owned by them in filed.
equal shares. Their property relationship in such a
case is essentially governed by the rules on co- Q: Is there a violation of Art. 151 of the FC?
ownership. Thus, John cannot seek the ejectment A: No. There was in fact substantial compliance
of Juliet therefrom. As a co-owner, she is as much with Art. 151 of the Family Code since the
entitled to enjoy its possession and ownership as spouses alleged in the complaint for ejectment
him. (Abing v. CA, GR No. 146294, 31 July 2006) that the case "xxx passed through the Barangay
and no settlement was forged between the
Elena, a Filipina, got married to Helmut, a German plaintiffs and defendant as a result of which
national and the two then lived in Germany in the Certification to File Action was issued by Barangay
house of Helmut's parents. The couple eventually 97, Zone 8, District I, Tondo, Manila xxx". It bears
decided to relocate to the Philippines, during stressing that under Sec. 412 (a) of Rep. Act No.
which time, Helmut inherited his parents' house 7160, no complaint involving any matter within the
and had it sold. He used the proceeds of the sale authority of the Lupon shall be instituted or filed
in purchasing a piece of land in Antipolo, Rizal (the directly in court for adjudication unless there has
title to which was placed in the name of Elena) been a confrontation between the parties and no
and in constructing a house thereon. The marriage settlement was reached.
University of Santo Tomas
Moreover, the phrase "members of the Rosanna, as surviving spouse, filed a claim for
same family" found in Art. 151 of the Family Code death benefits with the SSS upon the death of her
must be construed in relation to Art. 150 thereof. husband, Pablo. She indicated in her claim that
the decedent is also survived by their minor child,
NOTE: A sister-in-law or a brother-in-law is not Jeylynn, who was born in 1991. The SSS granted
covered by these two provisions. Being an her claim but this was withdrawn after
exception to the general rule, Art. 151 must be investigation, when a sister of the decedent
strictly construed. (Gayon v. Gayon, 36 SCRA informed the system that Pablo could not have
104). (Martinez, et al. v. Martinez, 461 SCRA sired a child during his lifetime because he was
562) infertile. However in Jeylynn’s birth certificate,
Pablo affixed his signature and he did not impugn
The Family Home Jeylynn’s legitimacy during his lifetime.

Hinahon incurred debts arising from her failure to Q: Was the SSS correct in withdrawing the death
account for the produce of a piece of agricultural benefits?
land which she was tasked to manage. As a result, A: No. Under Art. 164 of the FC, children
a complaint for damages was filed against her, conceived or born during the marriage of the
which prospered, and subsequently, a house and parents are legitimate. This presumption becomes
lot that she owned was levied upon to satisfy the conclusive in the absence of proof that there is
damages awarded. The property was physical impossibility of access under Art. 166.
subsequently sold at a public auction. Hinahon is Further, upon the expiration of the periods for
now assailing the levy and sale of the property on impugning legitimacy under Art. 170, and in the
the ground that the same was her family home proper cases under Art. 171, of the FC, the action
and therefore exempt from execution. to impugn would no longer be legally feasible and
the status conferred by the presumption becomes
Q: Is the property exempt from execution? fixed and unassailable. In this case, there is no
A: No. Under Art. 155 of the FC, the family home showing that Pablo, who has the right to impugn
shall be exempt from execution, forced sale, or the legitimacy of Jeylynn, challenged her status
attachment except for, among other things, debts during his lifetime. Furthermore, there is adequate
incurred prior to the constitution of the family evidence to show that the child was in fact his
home. In the case at bar, there is no showing that child, and this is the birth certificate where he
the house and lot was constituted as a family affixed his signature. (SSS v. Aguas, et al., GR
home, whether judicially or extra-judicially, at the No. 165546, 27 February 2006)
time that the debtor incurred her debts. Under
prevailing jurisprudence, it is deemed constituted In a petition for issuance of letters of
as such by operation of law only upon the administration, Aleli alleged that she is the sole
effectivity of the Family Code on August 3, 1988, legitimate daughter of decedent, Francisco and
thus, the debts were incurred before the Genoveva Mercado. Belen, the decedent's second
constitution of the family home. (Gomez-Salcedo, wife, opposed the petition and questioned the
et al. v. Sta. Ines, et al., 473 SCRA 25) legitimate filiation of Aleli to the decedent. Belen
asserted that the birth certificate of Aleli was not
Paternity and Filiation signed by Francisco and that she had not
presented the marriage contract between her
In an action for partition of estate, the trial court alleged parents which would have supported her
dismissed it on the ground that the respondent, on claim.
the basis of her birth certificate, was in fact the In said birth certificate, it was indicated that her
illegitimate child of the deceased and therefore the birth was recorded as the legitimate child of
latter's sole heir, to the exclusion of petitioners. Francisco Angeles and Genoveva Mercado, and
However, trial court failed to see that in said birth contains as well the word "married" to reflect the
certificate, she was listed therein as “adopted”. union between the two. However, it was not
signed by Francisco and Genoveva. It was merely
Q: Was the trial court correct in dismissing the signed by the attending physician, who certified to
action for partition? having attended to the birth of a child.
A: No. The trial court erred in relying upon the
said birth certificate in pronouncing the filiation of Q: Does the presumption of legitimacy apply to
the respondent. However, since she was listed Aleli?
therein as “adopted”, she should therefore have A: No. Since the birth certificate was not signed by
presented evidence of her adoption in view of the Aleli's alleged parents but was merely signed by
contents of her birth certificate. In this case, there the attending physician, such a certificate,
is no showing that she undertook such. It is well- although a public record of a private document is,
settled that a record of birth is merely prima facie under Section 23, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court,
evidence of the facts contained therein. It is not evidence only of the fact which gave rise to its
conclusive evidence of the truthfulness of the execution, which is, the fact of birth of a child. A
statements made there by the interested parties. birth certificate, in order to be considered as
(Rivera, et al. v. Heirs of Romulado Villanueva, validating proof of paternity and as an instrument
GR No. 141501, 21 July 2006) of recognition, must be signed by the father and
mother jointly, or by the mother alone if the father
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

refuses. There having been no convincing proof of presumption of paternity. This refutable
respondent's supposed legitimate relations with presumption of paternity should be subjected to
respect to the decedent, the presumption of the Vallejo standards. (Herrera v. Alba, et al., GR
legitimacy under the law did not therefore arise in No. 148220, 15 June 2005)
her favor. (Angeles v. Angeles-Maglaya, 469
SCRA 363) On the basis of the physical presentation of the
plaintiff-minor before it and the fact that the
Arnel was named as defendant in an action for alleged father had admitted having sexual
support that was filed by Fe Angela, representing intercourse with the child's mother, the trial court,
her minor son Martin Jose. Fe alleged that Arnel is in an action to prove filiation with support, held that
the biological father of Martin and that he had the plaintiff-minor is the child of the defendant with
signed the birth certificate of the child as the the plaintiff-minor's mother.
latter's father. Arnel however asserted that his
signature was a forgery. Thereafter, Fe Angela Q: Was the trial court correct in holding such?
moved for an order from the trial court directing A: No. In this age of genetic profiling and DNA
the parties to submit themselves to DNA testing. analysis, the extremely subjective test of physical
resemblance or similarity of features will not
Q: Can DNA testing be ordered in a proceeding suffice as evidence to prove paternity and filiation
for support without violating Arnel's constitutional before courts of law. This only shows the very high
right to privacy against self-incrimination? standard of proof that a child must present in order
A: Yes. In People v. Yatar (428 SCRA 504), the to establish filiation.
Supreme Court had already upheld the
constitutionality of compulsory DNA testing and NOTE: The birth certificate that was presented by
the admissibility of the results thereof as evidence. the plaintiff-minor appears to have been prepared
Moreover, it has mostly been in the areas of without the knowledge or consent of the putative
legality of searches and seizure and in the father. It is therefore not a competent piece of
infringement of privacy of communication where evidence on paternity. The local civil registrar in
the constitutional right to privacy has been this case has no authority to record the paternity of
critically at issue. an illegitimate child on the information of a third
Arnel's case involves neither. If, in a criminal case, person. Similarly, a baptismal certificate, while
an accused whose very life is at stake can be considered a public document, can only serve as
compelled to submit to DNA testing, so much evidence of the administration of the sacrament on
more so may a party in a civil case, who does not the date specified therein but not the veracity of
face such dire consequences, be likewise the entries with respect to the child's paternity
compelled. DNA testing and its results is now (Macadangdang v. CA, 100 SCRA 73). Thus,
acceptable as object evidence without running certificates issued by the local civil registrar and
afoul self-incrimination rights of a person. baptismal certificates are per se inadmissible in
(Agustin v. CA, 460 SCRA 315) evidence as proof of filiation and they cannot be
admitted indirectly as circumstantial evidence to
Q: Did the order of the court convert the claim for prove the same (Jison v. CA, 350 Phil. 138).
support into a petition for recognition? (Cabatania v. CA, 441 SCRA 96)
A: No. The assailed order did not convert the
action for support into one for recognition but In a complaint for partition and accounting with
merely allowed Fe Angela to prove their cause of damages, Ma. Theresa alleged that she is the
action. But even if the order effectively integrated illegitimate daughter of Vicente, and therefore
an action to compel recognition with an action for entitled to a share in the estate left behind by the
support, such was valid and in accordance with latter. As proof, she presented her birth certificate
jurisprudence. In Tayag v. Court of Appeals (209 which Vicente himself signed thereby
SCRA 665), the Supreme Court allowed the acknowledging that she is his daughter.
integration of an action to compel recognition with
an action to claim one's inheritance. A separate Q: Is the proof presented by Ma. Theresa
action will only result in a multiplicity of suits. sufficient to prove her claim that she is an
Furthermore, the declaration of filiation is entirely illegitimate child of Vicente?
appropriate to the action for support. (Agustin v. A: Yes. Citing the earlier case of De Jesus v.
CA, 460 SCRA 315) Estate of Juan Dizon, (366 SCRA 499), the
Supreme Court held that the Ma. Theresa was
NOTE: It is not enough to state that the child's able to establish that Vicente was in fact her
DNA profile matches that of the putative father. A father. The due recognition of an illegitimate child
complete match between the child's and alleged in a record of birth, a will, a statement before a
father's DNA profiles does not necessarily court of record, or in any authentic writing is, in
establish paternity. Trial courts should require at itself, a consummated act of acknowledgment of
least 99.9% as a minimum value of the Probability the child, and no further court action is required.
of Paternity (W) prior to a paternity suit. DNA The rule is, any authentic writing is treated not just
testing that excludes the putative father from as a ground for compulsory recognition; it is in
paternity should be conclusive proof of non- itself a voluntary recognition that does not require
paternity. If the value of W is less than 99.9%, the a separate action for judicial approval. (Eceta v.
results of the DNA analysis should be considered Eceta, 428 SCRA 782)
as corroborative evidence. If the value of W is
99.9% or higher, then there is rebuttable Gerardo filed a complaint for bigamy against Ma.
University of Santo Tomas
Theresa. He alleged that Ma. Theresa had a due regard likewise to the natural rights of the
previous subsisting marriage when she married parents over the child. The written consent of the
him. The trial court nullified their marriage and biological parents is indispensable for the validity
declared that the son who was born during their of the decree of adoption. Indeed, the natural right
marriage and was registered as their son as of a parent to his child requires that his consent
illegitimate. must be obtained before his parental rights and
duties may be terminated and vested in the
Q: What is the status of the child? adoptive parents. In this case, since the minors'
A: The first marriage being found to be valid and paternal grandmother had taken custody of them,
subsisting, whereas that between Gerardo and her consent should have been secured instead in
Ma. Theresa was void and non-existent, the child view of the absence of the biological mother. This
should be regarded as a legitimate child out of the is so under Sec. 9 (b) of Rep. Act No. 8552,
first marriage. This is so because the child's best otherwise known as the Domestic Adoption Act of
interest should be the primordial consideration in 1998. Diwata failed in this respect, thus
this case. Moreover, the admission of the parties necessitating the dismissal of her petition for
that the child was their son was in the nature of a adoption. (Landingin v. Republic, 493 SCRA
compromise. The rule is that the status and 415)
filiation of a child cannot be compromised. Art. 164
of the FC is clear that a child who is conceived or Honorato filed a petition to adopt his minor
born during the marriage of his parents is illegitimate child Stephanie, alleging that
legitimate. (Concepcion v. CA, 468 SCRA 438) Stephanie's mother is Gemma Astorga Garcia;
that Stephanie has been using her mother's
Q: What is the effect of Ma. Theresa’s claim that middle name and surname; and that he is now a
the child is her illegitimate child with her second widower and qualified to be her adopting parent
husband to the status of the child? He prayed that Stephanie's middle name be
A: None. This declaration - an avowal by the changed from "Astorga" to "Garcia," which is her
mother that her child is illegitimate - is the very mother's surname and that her surname "Garcia"
declaration that is proscribed by Art. 167 of the be changed to "Catindig," which is his surname.
Family Code. This proscription is in consonance The trial court denied.
with, among others, the intention of the law to lean
towards the legitimacy of children. (Concepcion Q: Was the trial court correct in denying
v. CA, 468 SCRA 438) Honorato’s request for Stephanie’s use of her
mother’s surname as her middle name?
Q: Considering the child’s status, whose surname A: No. The name of an individual has two parts -
should he bear? the given name or proper name and the surname
A: Being the legitimate son of Ma. Theresa and of family name. The given name may be freely
her first husband, the child must bear their selected by the parents for the child, but the
surnames. Since he was registered as the son of surname to which the child is entitled is fixed by
Gerardo and Ma. Theresa, then the corresponding law. The Civil Code (Arts. 364 to 380) is silent as
change of name of the child must be undertaken in to the use of a middle name. Even Art. 176 of the
an appropriate separate proceeding. FC, as amended by Rep. Act No. 9255 (An Act
(Concepcion v. CA, 468 SCRA 438) Allowing Illegitimate Children To Use The
Surname of Their Father) is silent as to what
Adoption middle name a child may use.
An adopted child is entitled to all the rights
Diwata filed a petition for adoption of the three provided by law to a legitimate child without
minor children of her late brother, Manuel. She discrimination of any kind, including the right to
alleged that when her brother died, the children bear the surname of her father and her mother. As
were left to the care of their paternal grandmother, she had become a legitimate child on account of
Amelia, who went to Italy. This grandmother died her adoption, it follows that Stephanie is entitled to
however, and so she filed the petition for adoption. utilize the surname of her father, Honorato
The minors gave their written consent to the Catindig, and that of her mother, Gemma Garcia.
adoption and so did all of her own grown-up Since there is no law prohibiting an illegitimate
children. The trial court granted the decree of child adopted by her natural father, like Stepnanie,
adoption even though the written consent of the to use, as middle name her mother's surname, the
biological mother of the children was not adduced High Court found no reason why she should not
by Diwata. be allowed to do so.

Q: Was the trial court correct in granting the NOTE: The Supreme Court, in granting the
decree of adoption? petition, predicated its ruling upon the statutory
A: No. The rule is, adoption statutes must be principle that adoption statutes, being humane and
liberally construed in order to give spirit to their salutary, should be liberally construed to carry out
humane and salutary purpose which is to uplift the the beneficent purposes of adoption. The modern
lives of unfortunate, needy or orphaned children. trend is to consider adoption not merely as an act
However, the discretion to approve adoption to establish a relationship of paternity and filiation,
proceedings on the part of the courts should not to but also as an act which endows a child with
be anchored solely on those principles, but with legitimate status. (In the Matter of the Adoption
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

of Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia, 454 SCRA closely related to the recipient. However, the more
541) remote relatives may be held to shoulder the
responsibility should the claimant prove that those
Support who are called upon to provide support do not
have the means to do so. Here, since it has been
Maowee and Maonaa are the legitimate daughters shown that the girls' father, Federico, had no
of Edward whom he abandoned when they were means to support them, then Francisco, as the
minors. The mother of the girls, Lea, had to girls’ grandfather, should then extend the support
support them into adulthood largely through her needed by them.
own efforts and the financial help of a brother,
Noel. Although Edward extended support to the NOTE: The second option in Art. 204 of the FC,
girls, these came far and few and meager. After 19 that of taking in the family dwelling the recipient, is
years from the time Edward left them, the unavailing in this case since the filing of the case
daughters, through their mother finally sued him has evidently made the relations among the
for support. The court granted it and ordered him parties bitter and unpleasant. (Mangonon, et al.
to pay them more than P2 Million by way of v. CA, et al., 494 SCRA 1)
support in arrears. Edward now assails the grant
of the support in arrears as erroneous since under The petition for declaration of nullity filed by
Art. 203 of the FC, there was never any demand, Crisanto against his wife included a prayer for
judicial or extra-judicial, from the respondents for custody pendente Lite of their four-year old son.
him to give support. The supplication for custody was based on the
alleged immorality of the mother who, the husband
Q: Is Edward’s contention correct? asserted, was a lesbian. However, the trial court,
A: No. Edward could not possibly expect his citing Art. 213 of the FC, denied Crisanto's prayer
daughters to demand support from him for temporary custody of his son, there having
considering their tender years at the time that he been no compelling reason to so order it.
abandoned them. In any event, the mother of the
girls had made the requisite demand for material Q: Was the trial court correcting in denying
support although this was not in the standard form Crisanto’s prayer for temporary custody?
of a formal written demand. Asking one to give A: Yes. The petitioner failed to overcome the so-
support owing to the urgency of the situation is no called "tender-age presumption" rule under Art.
less a demand just because it came by way of a 213 of the FC. There was no compelling evidence
request or a plea. (Lacson v. Lacson, et al., GR of the mother's unfitness. 'Sexual preference or
No. 150644, 28 Aug. 2006) moral laxity alone does not prove parental neglect
or incompetence - to deprive the wife of custody,
Q: May Noel seek reimbursement of his the husband must clearly establish that her moral
contributions? If yes, from whom may he do so? lapses have had an adverse effect on the welfare
A: Yes. Pursuant to Art. 207 of the FC, Noel can of the child or have distracted the errant spouse
rightfully exact reimbursement from Edward. This from exercising proper parental care.
provision reads that "[W]hen the person obliged to
support another unjustly refuses or fails to give NOTE: The general rule that children less than
support when urgently needed by the latter, any seven years of age shall not be separated from
third person may furnish support to the needy the mother finds its raison d'etre in the basic need
individual, with right of reimbursement from the of minor children for their mother's loving care.
person obliged to give support." The resulting This is predicated on the "best interest of the child"
juridical relationship between the Edward and Noel principle which pervades not only child custody
is a quasi-contract, an equitable principle enjoining cases but also those involving adoption,
one from unjustly enriching himself at the expense guardianship, support, personal status and minors
of another. (Lacson v. Lacson, et al., GR No. in conflict with the law. (Pablo-Gualberto v.
150644, 28 Aug. 2006) Gualberto, 461 SCRA 450)

Belen, in behalf of her minor children, instituted a Custody

petition for declaration of legitimacy and support
against Federico, their alleged father, and In a petition for habeas corpus which he filed
Francisco, father of Federico. It appears that the before the Court of Appeals, Joey sought custody
marriage of the two was annulled due to the of his minor son from his former live-in partner,
minority of Federico. Loreta. Joey alleged that the child's mother was
abroad most of the time and thus, he should be
Q: May Francisco be ordered to give support? given joint custody over their son. The CA
A: Yes. There appears to be no dispute that the however denied the petition, and on the basis of
children are indeed the daughters of Federico by Art. 213, par (2) of the FC, awarded custody of the
Belen. Under Art. 199 of the FC, “Whenever two or child in favor of the mother.
more persons are obliged to give support, the
liability shall devolve upon the following persons in Q: Was the CA correct in denying Joey’s petition
the following order herein provided: 1) The for habeas corpus for the custody of his minor
spouse; 2) The descendants in the nearest son?
degree; 3) The ascendants in the nearest degree: A: Yes. Under Art. 176 of the FC, parental
and 4) The brothers and sisters. The obligation to authority over an illegitimate child is vested solely
give support rests principally on those more in the mother, and this is true notwithstanding that
University of Santo Tomas
the child has been recognized by the father as his child to Ernesto.
offspring. At most, such recognition by the father
would be a ground for ordering the latter to give Q: Who has jurisdiction over habeas corpus
support to, but not custody of, the child (David v. cases?
Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 82). Custody over A: The RTC. Both the Supreme Court and the
the minor in this case was therefore awarded Court of Appeals still retain jurisdiction over
correctly to the mother, and this is all the more so habeas corpus cases involving minors despite the
in view of Art. 213 of the FC which lays down the passage of Rep. Act No. 8369 (The Family Courts
Maternal Preference Rule. There is also no Act of 1997) - the law conferring upon family
showing that Joey was able to show proof of any courts exclusive jurisdiction over such cases. In an
compelling reason to wrest from the mother earlier ruling, the Supreme Court held that it would
parental authority over their minor child. be difficult for persons seeking the whereabouts of
minors to seek redress from family courts whose
NOTE: However, the CA erred in applying Sec. 6, writs are enforceable only within their respective
Rule 99 of the Rules of Court. This provision territorial jurisdiction. This lack of recourse could
applies only when the parents of the child are not have been the legislative intent, and thus RA
married to each other but are separated either by No. 8369 did not effectively divest the High Court
virtue of a decree of legal separation or because and Court of Appeals of their jurisdiction over
they are leaving separately de facto. In this case, habeas corpus cases involving custody of minors.
the child's parents were never married. Hence, the The primordial consideration always is the welfare
portion of the CA decision allowing the child, upon and best interest of the child. As it stands then, the
reaching the age of ten, to choose which parent to regional trial courts, thru the appropriately
live, should be deleted therefrom. (Briones v. designated family court branches, the Court of
Miguel, et al., 440 SCRA 455) Appeals and the Supreme Court have concurrent
jurisdiction over such petitions. Since in this case,
In a petition for habeas corpus that was filed by the petition was first filed before the RTC of
Loran against his estranged wife, as well as Quezon City, then the latter acquired jurisdiction
against his parents-in-law whom he alleged were over the same to the exclusion of the Court of
unlawfully restraining him from having custody of Appeals and the Supreme Court. To hold
his child, the trial court issued an order directing otherwise would be to risk instances where courts
the aforesaid persons to appear in court and of concurrent jurisdiction might issue conflicting
produce the child in question and to show cause orders. (Reyes-Tabujara v. CA, et al., GR No.
why the said child should not be discharged from 172813, 20 July 2006)
Change of Name
Q: Does trial court's order run counter to Art. 213
of the FC? The petition filed by the parents in behalf of their
A: No. The assailed order of the trial court did not minor son Julian Lin Carulasan Wang sought the
grant custody of the minor to any of the parties but dropping of the latter's middle name, "Carulasan."
was merely a procedural directive addressed to The parents averred that their plan for Julian to
the petitioners for them to produce the minor in study in Singapore and adjust to its culture
court and explain why they are restraining his necessitates the drop since in that country, middle
liberty. Moreover, Art. 213 of the FC deals with the names or the mother's surname are not carried in
adjudication of custody and serves as a guideline a person's name. They therefore anticipate that
for the proper award of-custody by the court. While Julian may be subjected to discrimination on
the petitioners can raise it as a counter argument account of his middle name, which is difficult to
in the custody suit, it may not however be invoked pronounce in light of Singapore's Mandarin
by them to prevent the father from seeing the language which does not have the letter "R" but if
child. there is, Singaporeans pronounce it as "L."

NOTE: Habeas corpus may be resorted to in Q: Should the petition for the dropping of his
cases where rightful custody is withheld from a middle name be granted?
person entitled thereto. Under Art. 211 of the FC, A: No. Petitioners’ justification for seeking the
both parents in this case have joint parental change in the name of their child, that of
authority over their child and consequently joint convenience, was characterized by the Supreme
custody over him. Further, although the couple is Court as amorphous, to say the least, and would
separated de facto, the issue of custody has yet to not warrant a favorable ruling. As Julian is only a
be adjudicated by the court. In the absence of a minor and has yet to understand and appreciate
judicial grant of custody, both parents are still the value of any change in his name, it is best that
entitled to the custody of their child. (Salientes, et the matter be left to his judgment and discretion
al. v. Abanilla, et al., GR No. 162734, 29 Aug. when he reaches legal age. The State has an
2006) interest in the names borne by individuals and
entities for purposes of identification, and that a
The tug of war over custody of their minor son change of name is a privilege and not a right, such
resulted in Ivy's filing of a petition for habeas that before a person can be allowed to change the
corpus against Ernesto before the RTC. The trial name given him either in his birth certificate or civil
court then granted temporary custody over the registry, he must show proper or reasonable
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

cause, or any compelling reason which may justify

such change. Otherwise, the request would be

NOTE: The touchstone for the grant of a change

of name is that there be proper and reasonable
cause for which the change is sought. Among the
grounds for change of name which have been held
valid are:
a) when the name is ridiculous, dishonorable or
extremely difficult to write or pronounce;
b) when the change results as a legal
consequence, as in legitimation;
c) when the change will avoid confusion;
d) when one has continuously used and been
known since childhood by a Filipino name and was
unaware of alien parentage;
e) sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to erase
signs of former alienage, all in good faith and
without prejudicing anyone.

NOTE: A middle name has practical or legal

significance as it serves to identify the maternal
pedigree or filiation of a person and distinguishes
him from others who may have the same given
name and surname as he has. Art. 364 of the Civil
Code states that legitimate and legitimated
children shall principally use the surname of their
father. Art. 174 of the Family Code gives legitimate
children the right to bear the surnames of the
father and mother, while illegitimate children,
under Art. 176, as amended by Rep. Act No. 9255,
shall use the surname of their mother, unless their
father recognizes their filiation, in which case, they
may bear the father's surname. In the case of
these children, their registration in the civil registry
requires that their middle names be indicated
therein, apart of course from their given names
and surnames. (In re: Petition for Change of
Name and/or Correction of Entry in the Civil
Registry of Julian Lin Carulasan Wang, 454
SCRA 155)

Rep. Act No. 9262, "Anti-Violence Against

Women and their Children Act of 2004;" Rep.
Act No. 7610, as amended, "Special Protection
of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation
and Discrimination Act"

The Supreme Court decided to withhold the

names and identities of women and child victims,
from the court records in order to respect their
dignity and protect their privacy. These rulings
give effect to the provisions of Rep. Act No. 9262
and Rep. Act No. 9262. The confidentiality or non-
disclosure rule covers the withholding of
information relating to the personal circumstances
of the victim which tend to establish or
compromise their identities, as well as those of
their immediate family or household members. In
the aforesaid cases, the names of the victims were
substituted with initials. (People v. Melchor
Cabalquinto, GR No. 167693, 19 Sept. 2006;
People v. Alexander Mangitngit, GR No.
171270, 20 Sept. 2006)

University of Santo Tomas


Book II Q: Should the land be registered in favor of John?

A: Yes. The lake bed is the highest depth of the
Immovable Property water during the dry season. Although lakes are
subject to the same gravitational forces which
AF Company bought a considerable quantity of cause formation of tides in seas and oceans, such
rice-cleaning machinery from SM Company, and is not a regular daily occurrence in lakes. Thus,
executed a chattel mortgage thereon to secure the alternation of high tides and low tides could
payment of the purchase price. It included in the hardly account for the rise in the water level of
mortgage deed the building of strong materials in Laguna de Bay. Rather, it is the rains which bring
which the machinery was installed, without any about the inundation of a portion of the land in
reference to the land on which it stood. The question. Water level which causes the
indebtedness not having been paid when it fell submersion of the land occurs during a shorter
due, the mortgaged property was sold by the period than the level of water at which the land is
sheriff and was bought by SM. The mortgage and completely dry. The latter thus should be
the sale of the property to SM in satisfaction of the considered its highest ordinary depth. Neither can
mortgage were registered in the chattel mortgage it be foreshore land, which is a strip of land that
registry. At or about the time when the chattel lies between the high and low water marks and is
mortgage was executed in favor of SM, AF alternately wet and dry according to the flow of the
executed another mortgage to LY upon the tide. The submersion in water of a portion of the
building. Upon failure to pay, LY secured judgment land in question is due to the rains and not due to
for that amount, levied execution upon the the flux and reflux of tides. (Republic v. CA, 131
building, bought it at the sheriff’s sale, and had it SCRA 532)
registered in the land registry.
Spouses Polinar are the registered owners of a
Q: Can the annotation made by SM be given legal parcel of land behind the lots of Samela and
effect? Usero. Situated between their lots is a low-level
A: No. The annotation of a deed of sale of real strip of land, with a stagnant body of water filled
property in a chattel mortgage registry cannot be with floating water lilies. Every time heavy rains
given the legal effect of an inscription in the occur, the water in said strip of land rises and the
registry of real property. The building of strong strong current passing through it causes
materials in which the rice-cleaning machinery considerable damage to the house of the Polinars.
was installed was real property, and the mere fact Frustrated by their predicament, the Polinars
that the parties seem to have dealt with it separate erected a concrete wall on the bank of the low-
and apart from the land on which it stood in no level strip of land about 3 meters from their house
wise changed its character as real property. and rip-rapped the soil on that portion of the strip
Neither the original registry in the chattel mortgage of land. Samela and Usero, believing themselves
registry of the instrument purporting to be a chattel to be the owners of the strip of land, demanded
mortgage of the building and the machinery that the Polinars stop the construction. The
installed therein, nor the annotation in that registry Polinars, however, offered to pay for the strip of
of the sale of the mortgaged property, had any land. Despite the offer, the parties failed to settle
effect whatever so far as the building was their differences.
concerned. (Leung Yee v. Strong Machinery
Company, 37 Phil 644) Q: Does the strip of land belong to Samela and
Q: Who has a better right to the building? A: No. The strip of land is a creek and belongs to
A: SM, but on the ground of prior possession. no one but the State. It is evidenced by a
Neither the purchase of the building by LY nor his barangay certification that a creek exists in the
inscription of the sale in his favor was made in disputed strip of land. The CA held correctly that
good faith, and that SM must be held to be the the fact that water lilies thrive in that strip of land
owner of the property, it appearing that it first took can only mean that there is a permanent stream of
possession of the property; and further, that the water or creek there. The phrase “others of similar
building and the land were sold to it long prior to character” in Art. 420 includes a creek which is a
the date of sale to LY. (Leung Yee v. Strong recess or an arm of a river. It is property belonging
Machinery Company, 37 Phil 644) to the public domain which is not susceptible to
private ownership. Being public water, a creek
Classification of Property cannot be registered under the Torrens System in
the name of any individual. Accordingly, the
John filed an application for registration of a parcel Polinar spouses may utilize the rip-rapped portion
of land situated near the shore of Laguna de Bay. of the creek to prevent the erosion of their
The Director of Lands opposed alleging that since property. (Usero v. CA, GR No. 152115, 26
a portion of the land sought to be registered is January 2005)
covered with water 4-5 months a year, the same is
part of the lake bed of Laguna or is at least a Q: May a house be the subject of a chattel
foreshore land which brings it under Art. 502, a mortgage?
property of public dominion and hence, not subject A: Yes. Where a house stands on a rented land
of registration. belonging to another person, it may be the subject
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

matter of a chattel mortgage as personal or A: Yes. For the MCTC to acquire jurisdiction over
movable property if so stipulated in the document a forcible entry case, it is enough that the
of mortgage, and in an action by the mortgagee for complaint avers the jurisdictional facts, ie, that the
foreclosure, the validity of the chattel mortgage plaintiff had prior physical possession and that he
cannot be assailed by one of the parties to the was deprived thereof by the defendant through
contract of mortgage. (Navarro v. Pineda, 9 force, intimidation, threats, strategy and stealth.
SCRA 631) The complaint in this case makes such an
averment. (Sampayan v. CA, GR No. 156360, 14
Q: What is needed to turn public property to January 2005)
A: A legislature or executive declaration is Q: Did the Sampayan have prior physical
necessary, not mere non-use thereof. (Laurel v. possession?
Garcia, 187 SCRA 797) A: Yes. The MCTC Judge found during his ocular
inspection of the premises that Sampayan’s
Ownership predecessors-in-interest have introduced
improvements on the land in question.
Accion Reinvindicatoria/ Accion Publiciana (Sampayan v. CA, GR No. 156360, 14 January
Peralta-Labrador was the owner of a parcel of
land. In 1990, the DPWH constructed a road which Alava was the owner of a parcel of land. A
traversed her lot and separated 108 sq. m. from it. contract of lease was executed by Alava and Anita
Sometime in 1994, Bugarin forcibly took Lao. This lease was however not filed with the
possession of the 108 sq. m. lot and refused to Register of Deeds, and hence, not annotated on
vacate the same. Hence, in 1996, she instituted a Alava’s TCT. Rudy Lao, a lessee of another
complaint for recovery of possession and portion of the same property, eventually
ownership before the MTC. purchased the entire property from Alava. Rudy
then filed a complaint for unlawful detainer against
Q: Does Peralta-Labrador have a cause of action Jaime Lao, son Anita, alleging that the latter had
for forcible entry against Bugarin? occupied a portion of his property without any
A: No. In Lopez v. David Jr., it was held that an lease agreement and without paying any rentals,
action for forcible entry is a quieting process and and prayed that an order be rendered directing
the one year time bar for filing a suit is in Jaime to vacate the premises.
pursuance of the summary nature of the action.
Thus, the MTC improperly assumed jurisdiction. Q: Should the complaint be dismissed?
After the lapse of the one year period, the suit A: Yes. The records in this case show that the
must be commenced in the RTC via an accion respondent has been in possession of the property
publiciana, a suit for the recovery of the right to in question, not by mere tolerance or generosity of
possess. It also refers to an ejectment suit filed Rudy, but as the manager of his mother, who
after the expiration of one year from the accrual of conducted her business in the building which
the cause of action. Likewise, the case may be stood on a portion of the property leased from
instituted before the same court as an accion Alava. Jaime’s possession was in behalf of his
reinvindicatoria, which is an action to recover mother, and not in his own right. (Rudy Lao v.
ownership as well as possession. It is clear that Jaime Lao, GR No. 149599, 16 May 2000)
petitioner’s allegations make out a case for forcible
entry because she averred prior physical Q: Who is the real party-in-interest as defendant
possession of the lot and the forcible entry thereon in the action?
by Bugarin. The cause of action for forcible entry A: Anita Lao. Rudy admitted having knowledge of
has prescribed and the MTC had no jurisdiction to the lease of the subject property. Although the
entertain the case. Therefore, petitioner’s lease contract was not filed with the RD,
complaint should have been filed with the proper nevertheless, Rudy was bound by the terms and
RTC. (Peralta-Labrador v. Bugarin, GR No. conditions of said contract. The lease, in effect
165177, 25 August 2005) became a part of the contract of sale. However,
Rudy had no cause of action for unlawful detainer
Forcible Entry/Unlawful Detainer against Anita because of the subsisting contract of
lease; hence, he could not file the complaint
Crispulo and Florencia asserted that they were co- against her. (Rudy Lao v. Jaime Lao, GR No.
owners pro-indiviso of the said lot, their mother 149599, 16 May 2000)
Cristita being the owner and actual possessor
thereof. Upon the latter’s death and while they Herrera filed ejectment complaints to order the
were absent from the said lot, Sampayan, through defendants to vacate the premises. It was argued
strategy and stealth, allegedly built a house on the that the complaint will not prosper because there
lot, to their exclusion. After repeated demands, was no withholding of possession since Herrera
Sampayan allegedly refused to vacate the said lot. was not in prior possession of the lot.
Thus, they filed an action for unlawful detainer.
The MCTC dismissed the complaint since Q: Is prior physical possession by the plaintiff
Sampayan necessary for a complaint for unlawful detainer to
Q: Would the complaint prosper? A: No. The petitioners confuse the remedy of an
action for forcible entry with that of unlawful
University of Santo Tomas
detainer. In unlawful detainer, prior physical Provincial Board Resolution, P was granted sole
possession by the plaintiff is not necessary. It is right to use the said road provided that after 20
enough that plaintiff has a better right of years, it shall donate the said road to the province.
possession. Actual and prior physical possession It also provided that other grantees of lumber
of a property by a party is indispensable only in concessions may use said road only with P’s
forcible entry cases. In unlawful detainer cases, permission. Upon the recommendation of the
the defendant is necessarily in prior lawful Director of Public Works, on the ground that said
possession of the property of the property but his road is a public road, the Provincial Board revoked
possession eventually becomes unlawful upon the earlier resolution and issued a new one
termination or expiration of his right to possess. declaring the said road a toll road, proceeds of
Thus, the fact that petitioners are in possession of which are to be paid to P as reimbursement of
the lot does not automatically entitle them to expenses it incurred in finishing the road.
remain in possession. (Ganila v. CA, GR No. Notwithstanding said resolution, P brought action
150755, 28 June 2005) to prohibit the other lumber concessionaires from
using said road on the ground that the questioned
Spouses Ong are the owners of parcels of land. road is its private property.
They sold them to Mandaue Prime Estate Realty,
which then sold it to Ross Rica Sales Center, Inc. Q: Does the road in question belong to P as its
The spouses filed an action to annul the sale and private property?
transfer of property to Mandaue. In the meantime, A: No. The fact that the completion of the road
an ejectment case was filed against the spouses was done at the expense of P does not convert
said road into a private one in the absence of
Q: Is the case considered as one for accion proof that said land upon which the road was
reinvindicatoria, and thus the jurisdiction would lie constructed was owned by P. Indeed, P built the
with the RTC? road in good faith and as such it may be argued
A: No. The issue involved in accion that P is entitled to have possession of the road
reinvindicatoria is the recovery of ownership of until after it has been reimbursed of the expenses
real property. This differs from accion publiciana it has incurred. However, provisions governing the
where the issue is the better right of possession or rights of builder in good faith on private land
possession de jure, and accion interdictal where cannot be applied here because public interest is
the issue is material possession or possession de involved. (Calapan Lumber Co. v. Community
facto. In an action for unlawful detainer, the Sawmill Co., 11 SCRA 346)
question of possession is primordial, while the
issue of ownership is generally unessential. The Timbang spouses own the lot; Blas built a
Petitioners, in all their pleadings, only sought to school building on said lot; and Filipinas Colleges
recover physical possession of the subject purchased the building from Blas. The CA
property. The mere fact that they claim ownership declared that Filipinas has acquired the rights of
over the parcels of land as well did not deprive the the Timbangs to the lot and had to pay value of
MTC of jurisdiction to try the ejectment case. the land; that should Filipinas fail to pay, it loses its
(Ross Rica Sales Center v. Sps. Ong, GR No. right to the land and the Timbangs will become the
132197, 16 August 2005) owners. Thus, the Timbangs must exercise their
option under article 448 to appropriate the building
Builder, Planter, Sower or compel Filipinas to acquire the land. Filipinas
was also ordered to pay Blas the value of the
Hilario and Dres were declared as the owners of a buildings. Filipinas failed to pay the amount, so the
parcel of land and the Ignacios as the owners of Timbangs, in exercising their option, chose to
the houses and granaries built by them on said lot compel Filipinas to acquire the land. The
with the rights of possessor in GF. Thereafter, Timbangs contend that since Filipinas, as builder
Hilario and Dres filed a motion praying that since in good faith, has failed to pay the price of the
they chose neither to pay the building nor to sell land, it lost its right of retention under Art. 456 and
the land, the Ignacios should be ordered to the Timbangs, as landowners, automatically
remove the structures and restore them in the became the owners of the building.
possession of the lot.
Q: Is there merit in the contention of the
Q: Should the Ignacios be ordered to remove the Timbangs?
structures? A: Without merit. There is nothing in Art. 448 and
A: No. The owner has the option of paying the Art. 546 which would justify the conclusion that
value of the building or selling the land. He cannot upon failure of the builder to pay the value of the
refuse either to pay or sell and compel the owner land, when such is demanded by the landowner,
of the building to remove it form the land where it the latter becomes automatically the owner of the
is erected. He is entitled to such removal only improvement under Art. 445. So what is the
when, after having chosen to sell the land, the recourse left to the parties where the builder fails
other party fails to pay for the same. (Ignacio v. to pay the value of the land? While the Code is
Hilario,76 Phil 606) silent on this point, guidance may be had from
these decisions:
P undertook the completion and construction of a (1) In Miranda v. Fadullon, the builder might be
provincial road in Calapan. By virtue of a made to pay rental only, leave things as they
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

are, and assume the relation of lessor and incurred for cultivation, production, upkeep, etc.
lessee; (Mendoza v. De Guzman, 52 Phil 171)
(2) In Ignacio v. Hilario, owner of the land may
have the improvement removed; or Right of Retention
(3) In Bernardo v. Bataclan, the land and the
improvement may be sold in a public auction, The lot in controversy was formerly the subject of
applying the proceeds first to the payments of a Homestead Application of Dolorico, Ortiz's ward
the value of the land, and the excess if any, to who died later. Since then it was Ortiz who
be delivered to the owner of the house in continued the cultivation and possession of the
payment thereof. (Filipinas College Inc. v. property, without however filing any application to
Timbang,106 SCRA 247) acquire title thereon. In the Homestead
Application, Dolorico named his uncle, Martin as
Pecson owned a commercial lot on which he built his heir and successor in interest, so that Martin
a 4-door two-storey apartment building. For failure executed an affidavit relinquishing his rights over
to pay realty taxes, the lot was sold at public the property in favor of Eleuterio and requested
auction to Nepomuceno, who in turn sold it to the the Director of Lands to cancel the homestead
spouses Nuguid. Pecson challenged the validity of application which was granted. Eleuterio filed his
the sale. The court upheld the validity of the sale sales applications.
but also held that the apartment building was not
included in the sale. This ruling was affirmed by Q: Is Ortiz entitled to right of retention?
the CA and the SC. By virtue of the said ruling, the A: Yes. A possessor in good faith has the right of
spouses became the uncontested owners of the retention of the property until he has been fully
lot. The spouses subsequently moved for the reimbursed for all the necessary and useful
delivery of possession of the said lot and expenses made by him on the property. Its object
apartment. Pecson filed a motion to restore is to guarantee the reimbursement for the
possession pending determination of the value of expenses, such as those for the preservation of
the apartment. the property, or for the enhancement of its utility or
productivity. It permits the actual possessor to
Q: Is Pecson entitled to the rentals? remain in possession while he has not been
A: Yes. The construction of the apartment was reimbursed by the person who defeated him in the
undertaken at the time when Pecson was still the possession for those necessary expenses and
owner of the lot. When the Nuguids became the useful improvements made by him on the thing
uncontested owner of the lot, the apartment was possessed. The right of retention is accessory in
already in existence and occupied by tenants. character, accessory to the principal obligation.
Under Art. 448, the landowner is given the option, The right of the possessor to receive the fruits
either to appropriate the improvement as his own terminates when his good faith ceases, he has the
upon payment of the proper amount of indemnity right to use the proceeds of such fruits to pay the
OR to sell the land to the possessor in good faith. interest as well as the principal of the debt while
While Art. 546 provides that a builder in good faith he remains in possession, as a means of obtaining
is entitled to full reimbursement for all the compensation for the debt. The right of retention is
necessary and useful expenses incurred; it also analogous to a contract of antichresis or of pledge.
gives him right of retention until full reimbursement The civil fruits of the property belong to the
is made. While the law aims to concentrate in one possessor in good faith before the possession is
person the ownership of the land and the legally interrupted, and to the owner or lawful
improvements thereon in view of the possessor thereafter. However, the possessor in
impracticability of creating a state of forced co- good faith is entitled to retain the property until he
ownership, it guards against unjust enrichment has been fully reimbursed for all the necessary
insofar as the good-faith builder’s improvements and useful expenses made by him on the property.
are concerned. The right of retention is considered The right of retention is accessory to a principal
as one of the measures to protect builders in good obligation. It is analogous to a contract of
faith. A builder in good faith cannot be compelled antichresis and lasts only for the period necessary
to pay rentals during the period of retention nor be to enable the creditor to be reimbursed from the
disturbed in his possession by ordering him to fruits for the necessary and useful expenses.
vacate. Since the petitioners opted to appropriate (Ortiz v. Kayanan, 92 SCRA 146)
the improvement for themselves when they
applied for a writ of execution despite knowledge Accretion
that the auction sale did not include the apartment
building, they could not benefit from the lot’s Rui filed an application for the registration of three
improvement until they reimbursed the improver in lots adjacent to his fishpond alleging that said lots
full, based on the current market value of the belong to him due to accretion. This was opposed
property. (Spouses Nuguid v. CA, GR No. by the Republic, contending that what actually
151815, 23 February 2005) happened was that Rui merely transferred his
dikes further down the river bed such that
Q: What are necessary expenses? whatever accretion may have taken place was
A: Those made for the preservation of the thing, or man-made and not natural.
those without which the thing would deteriorate or
be lost, or those that augment the income of the Q: Should the lands be registered in favor Rui?
things upon which they are expended, or those

University of Santo Tomas

A: NO. There is no accretion. The requirement completed the canals without instituting
that the deposit should be due to the effect of the expropriation proceedings or indemnifying the
current of the river is indispensable. This excludes property’s owners. Diaz sought compensation
those caused by human intervention. Alluvion from NIA for the land affected by the canals. The
must be the exclusive work of nature. Here, trial court held that Diaz was entitled to
evidence showed that the alleged alluvial deposits compensation in the sum of four million pesos.
came into being not because of the sole effect of
the river current but as a result of the transfer of Q: Is the award of 4M as just compensation
the dike towards the river and encroaching upon it. correct?
The land is not even dry but under two meters of A: No. Just compensation is the fair value of the
water. What the respondents claim as accretion is property as between one who receives, and one
really an encroachment of a portion of the who desires to sell, fixed at the time of the actual
Meycauayan river by reclamation. The reason taking by the government. This rule holds true
behind the law giving the riparian owner the right when the property is taken before the filing of an
to any land or alluvion deposited by a river is to expropriation suit, and even if it is the property
compensate him for the danger of loss that he owner who brings the action for compensation.
suffers because of the location of his land. Just compensation for the Canal Sites must be
(Republic v. CA,132 SCRA 514) computed as of the time of taking and not as of the
time the trial court made its order of expropriation.
Islands The concept of just compensation, however, does
not imply fairness to the property alone.
Eduave is the owner of land forming part of an Compensation must also be just to the public
island in a non-navigable river. Said land was which ultimately bears the cost of expropriation.
eroded due to a typhoon, destroying the bigger The property owner is entitled to compensation
portion and improvements thereon. Due to the only for what he actually loses, and what he loses
movements of the river deposits on the land that is only the actual value of the property at the time
was not eroded, the area was increased. Later, of the taking. Thus, the award is reduced to P30k.
Eduave allowed Dodong to introduce (Republic v. CA, GR No. 147245, 31 March 2005)
improvements thereon and live there as a
caretaker. Dodong however later denied Eduave’s Lots surrounding the Lahug Airport were
claim of ownership so the latter filed action to quiet purchased by the government on the assurance
title over the property. that lot owners could repurchase their properties
once the airport was abandoned. Gopuco refused
Q: Who has a better right to the island? to enter in such an arrangement but was finally
A: Eduave. Clearly, the land in question is an forced to convey his property by virtue of a court
island that appears in a non-floatable and non- decision. Thereafter, the airport was ordered
navigable river, and it is not disputed that Eduave closed by President Aquino as the MCIAA had
is the owner of the parcel of land along the margin commenced operations. Gopuco then filed a
of the river and opposite the island. Applying Art. complaint for the recovery of his property.
465, the island belongs to the owner of the parcel
of land nearer the margin. More accurately, Q: Does cessation of public purpose warrant
because the island is longer than the property of recovery of property?
Eduave, he is deemed ipso jure to be the owner of A: It depends upon the character of the title
that portion which corresponds to the length of his acquired by the expropriator. Where the
property along the margin of the river. If however, expropriation is explicitly for a particular purpose
the riparian owner fails to assert his claim thereof, and that alone, with the condition that when that
the same may yield to the adverse possession of purpose is ended or abandoned, the property shall
the third parties, as indeed even accretion to land return to its former owner, then when such
titled under the Torrens system must itself still be purpose is ended the former owner reacquires the
registered. Dodong thus may acquire said land by property. However, if the decree of expropriation
acquisitive prescription. But here, Dodong’s gives to the entity a fee simple title, then the land
possession cannot be considered to be in good becomes the absolute property of the expropriator,
faith, so 30 years of possession is needed. and in that case non-usage does not have the
(Jagualing v. CA, 194 SCRA 607) effect of defeating title acquired through
expropriation. (ATO and MCIAA v. Gopuco, GR
Expropriation No. 158563, 30 June 2005)

Diaz owned a tenanted agricultural land devoted Q: May Gopuco validly recover his expropriated
to the planting of palay. After his death, his son property?
was appointed administrator of the property. The A: No. Gopuco failed to adduce evidence showing
National Irrigation Administration (NIA) bulldozed that he and the expropriator actually entered into
10 hectares of the property to build 2 irrigation any such compromise agreement. The fact of
canals. Although the canals when finished abandonment of the airport cannot by itself result
occupied only a portion of the 10 hectares, the in the reversion of the property back to the
entire area became prone to flooding 2 months out Gopuco. Nor did it vest in the latter the right to
of every year because of the side-burrow method demand reconveyance of the said property. When
NIA used in the construction of the canals. NIA real property has been acquired for public use
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

unconditionally, either by eminent domain or by demanded that Resuena vacate the property.
purchase, the abandonment or non-use of the real Resuena, however, refused to vacate his home.
property does not ipso facto give to the previous
owners of said property any right to recover the Q: Is Borromeo entitled to eject Resuena from the
same. (ATO and MCIAA v. Gopuco, GR No. property?
158563, 30 June 2005) A: Yes. Art. 487 is a categorical and an
unqualified authority in favor of Borromeo to evict
The Republic of the Philippines instituted an action Resuena from the portion occupied. Borromeo’s
for the expropriation of several lots belonging to action for ejectment against Resuena is deemed
the Denzons. Years later however, the to be instituted for the benefit of all co-owners of
compensation remained unpaid so the Denzons’ the property since Resuena was not able to prove
successors-in-interest filed for the recovery of the that he is authorized to occupy the same. Persons
lots in question. It appears that one of the lots had who occupy the land of another at the latter’s
been mortgaged to Lim who foreclosed the same tolerance, without any contract between them, are
for failure to pay. necessarily bound by an implied promise that they
will vacate the same upon demand. (Resuena v.
Q: Did the title to the lots vest with the Republic? CA, GR No. 128338, 28 Marc 2005)
A: No. While the prevailing doctrine is that the
non-payment of just compensation does not entitle Q: Is Resuena entitled to reimbursement for
the private landowner to recover possession of the necessary expenses?
expropriated lots, in cases where the government A: No. While Art. 546 allows full reimbursement of
failed to pay just compensation within 5 years from useful expenses and retention of the premises
the finality of the judgment in the expropriation until reimbursement is made, the same applies
proceedings, the owners concerned shall have the only to a possessor in good faith, ie., one who
right to recover possession of their property. Just builds on land with the belief that he is the owner
compensation not only connotes a reasonable thereof. Verily, persons whose occupation of a
amount of payment but also a reasonable time for realty is by sheer tolerance of its owners are not
it. (Republic v. Lim, GR No. 161656, 29 June possessors in good faith. (Resuena v. CA, GR
2005) No. 128338, 28 Marc 2005)

Q: Does Lim have a right of possession over the Cleofas was the registered owner of a parcel of
property? land. When he died, the property passed on to his
A: Yes. A mortgage is inseparable from the wife and children, one of whom is Fortunato.
property and adheres to it no matter who may be Lumayno alleges that Fortunato entered into a
the owner. The Republic and its military arm has contract of sale of his share in the said lot.
no better right to it as in fact it has no title over it. Fortunato died. His widow contends that Fortunato
(Republic v. Lim, GR No. 161656, 29 June 2005) never sold his share and that she had the right of
redemption over the shares previously sold to
Co-ownership Lumayno because the co-owners have not
formally subdivided the property.
A, B, C were the registered owners of a parcel of
agricultural land. At the instance of A, the property Q: May the widow exercise right of redemption?
was surveyed to convert it into a subdivision. The A: No. The exercise of this right presupposes the
corresponding subdivision plan included 3 road existence of a co-ownership at the time the
lots. A, with the consent of the others, sold the 3 conveyance is made by a co-owner and when it is
road lots to D. demanded by the other co-owners. As legal
redemption is intended to minimize co-ownership,
Q: Is D entitled to the use of the lots? once the property is subdivided and distributed
A: As a registered co-owner of the road lots, D is among the co-owners, the community ceases to
entitled to avail of all the attributes of ownership- exist and there is no more reason to sustain any
jus utendi, fruendi, abutendi, disponendi, right of legal redemption. In this case, records
vindicandi. Art. 428 is explicit that the owner has reveal that although the lot had not yet been
the right to enjoy and dispose of a thing, without formally subdivided, still, the particular portions
other limitations than those established by law. A belonging to the heirs of Cleofas had already been
co-owner, such as D, is entitled to use the ascertained and they in fact took possession of
property owned in common under Art. 486. their respective parts. It is evident that the partition
Therefore, the other co-owners cannot close the of the lot had already been effected by the heirs of
road lots to prevent D from using the same. Cleofas. Even an oral agreement of partition is
(Borbajo v. Hidden View Homeowners, GR No. valid and binding upon the parties. (Vda. de Ape
152440, 31 January 2005) v. CA, GR No. 133638, 15 April 2005)

Borromeo is the co-owner and overseer of certain

parcels of land. Resuena resided in the upper Emilio died intestate, leaving 8 children. His eldest
portion of the lot. Borromeo claims that Resuena child, Flores, caused the cancellation of the tax
has occupied a portion of the property by virtue of declaration in Emilio’s name covering a parcel of
his own liberality. In his desire to expand and land and the issuance of another in his name. The
extend the facilities of the resort that he co-heirs of Flores discovered the cancellation.
established on the subject properties, he Flores then died. Thereafter, the heirs of Flores’s
sisters together with his surviving sisters filed a
University of Santo Tomas
complaint against the heirs of Flores for partition of
the lot and declaration of nullity of the documents. Q: What does the term “alteration” in Art. 491, Civil
Code, include?
Q: Did the heirs of Flores acquire ownership over A: It includes the act by virtue of which a co-owner
the lot by extraordinary acquisitive prescription? changes the thing from the state in which the
A: Yes. While the action to demand partition of a others believe it should remain. It is not limited to
co-owned property does not prescribe, a co-owner material charges. (Viterbo v. Quinto, 35226-R,
may acquire ownership thereof by prescription, December 19, 1973)
where there exists a clear repudiation of the co-
ownership, and the co-owners are apprised of the Conversion
claim of adverse and exclusive ownership. In this
case, the respondents never possessed the lot, Q: What is conversion?
much less asserted their claim thereto until 1999 A: It refers to the act of using or disposing of
when they filed the complaint for partition. In another’s property without lawful authority to do so
contrast, Flores took possession of the lot after in a manner different from that with which a
Emilio’s death and exercised acts of dominion property is held by the trustees to whom the owner
thereon- tilling and cultivating the land, introducing had entrusted the same. It is not necessary that
improvements, and enjoying the produce thereof. the use for which the property is given be directly
The statutory period of prescription commenced in to the advantage of the person misappropriating or
1960 when Flores, who had neither title nor good converting the property of another. (People v.
faith, secured a tax declaration in his name and Carballo, 17136-CR, 17 November 1976)
may, therefore, be said to have adversely claimed
ownership of the lot. On said date, respondents Quieting of Title
were also deemed to have become aware of the
adverse claim. Flores’s possession thus ripened Q: Is an action to quiet title imprescriptible?
into ownership through acquisitive prescription A: Even though the Civil Code does not include an
after the lapse of 30 years. (Heirs of Flores action to quiet title as one of those actions which
Restar v. Heirs of Dolores Cichon, GR No. are imprescriptible, the SC in this case held that
161720, 22 November 2005) such action is imprescriptible. The basis of the SC
is Art. 480. The imprescriptibility of an action to
NAPOCOR constructed underground tunnels on quiet title is a general principle from American
the sub-terrain area of the land owned by Ibrahim jurisprudence. (Bucton v. Gabar, 55 SCRA 499)
without the latter’s consent. Ibrahim instituted an
action against NAPOCOR for recovery of Possession
possession of land and payment of damages.
JP owned a lot with improvements. He mortgaged
Q: Is Ibrahim entitled to receive just compensation it to RSBank. RC and EI offered to buy the lot. JP
from NAPOCOR? offered to sell the lot to RC. RC was to assume
A: No. Yes. The landowner’s right extends to such the mortgage. They executed a private document
height or depth where it is possible for them to which states that JP can start living on the lot
obtain some benefit or enjoyment, and it is without rent and if after 1 yr. he could not find a
extinguished beyond such limit as there would be place where to move his house, he could still
no more interest protected by law. Ibrahim still had continue occupying the site but with rent. Later,
a legal interest in the sub-terrain portion insofar as RC went to JP to execute the formal deed of sale,
they could have excavated the same for the but JP said they could not continue with the sale
construction of a deep well. The manner in which because he sold the lot to EI. JP and EI executed
the easement was created by NAPOCOR violates a formal deed of sale. EI took possession of the
the due process rights of Ibrahim as it was without lot. RC registered her adverse claim. 4 days later
notice and indemnity to him and did not go through EI registered her deed of sale. A TCT with RC's
proper expropriation proceedings. NAPOCOR adverse claim was issued to EI.
could have, at any time, validly exercised the
power of eminent domain to acquire the easement Q: Who has a better right to the land?
over the property as this power encompasses not A: RC. If there is an inscription, prior registration
only the appropriation of title to and possession of in GF is a pre-condition to superior title. To merit
the expropriated property but likewise covers even the protection of Art. 1544 (2), it is essential that
the imposition of a mere burden upon the owner of the buyer of realty must act in GF in registering his
the condemned property. Landowners cannot be deed of sale. RC's prior purchase of the land was
deprived of their right over their land until made in GF; she was the only buyer at that time.
expropriation proceedings are instituted in court. Her GF did not cease after JP told her of the 2nd
However, the date of valuation should be sale to EI. Since EI is in BF, their rights to the
computed from the time when Ibrahim discovered improvements they introduced are governed by
the construction and not from the date NAPOCOR Arts. 546 and 547. These provisions seem to imply
actually constructed the said tunnels. (NAPOCOR that the possessor in BF has neither the right of
v. Lucman Ibrahim, GR No. 168732, 29 June retention of useful improvements nor the right to
2007) demand refund for useful expenses. No
reimbursement for EI for the current value of the
Alteration useful improvements because they have been
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

enjoying such for 2 decades without rents. the immovable is due to the proprietor’s own acts.
(Carbonell v. CA, 69 SCRA 99) Mere convenience for the dominant estate is not
enough to serve as its basis. There should be no
Adverse Possession other adequate outlet to a public highway. Also,
under Art. 649, it is the owner, or any person who
Q: What does the law require for one who asserts by virtue of a real right may cultivate or use any
ownership by adverse possession? immovable surrounded by other immovable
A: To prove the presence of the essential pertaining to other persons, who is entitled to
elements which in ordinary acquisitive prescription demand a right of way through the neighboring
of real estate are good faith, a just title, and the estates. Here, the spouses fell short of proving
lapse of time fixed by law. (Morales v. CFI of that they are the owners of the supposed
Misamis Occidental, 97 SCRA 872) dominant estate. (Spouses dela Cruz v.
Ramiscal, GR No. 137882, 4 February 2005)
Q: How are easements extinguished?
Chayong owned a parcel of land which she A: 1. Non-user for ten years; with respect to
mortgaged to Michael. Upon the OCT was an discontinuous easements, this period shall be
annotation of usufructuary rights in favor of computed from the day on which they ceased to
Cheddy. be used; and, with respect to the continuous
easements, from the day on which an act contrary
Q: Is Michael a mortgagee in good faith despite to the same took place; and
such annotation? 2. when either or both of the estates fall into
A: Yes. Such annotation does not impose upon such condition that the easement cannot be used;
Michael the obligation to investigate the validity of but it shall revive if the subsequent condition of the
Chayong’s title. Usufruct gives a right to enjoy the estates or either of them should again permit its
property of another with the obligation of use, unless when the use becomes possible,
preserving its form and substance. The sufficient time for prescription has elapsed, in
usufructuary is entitled to all the natural, industrial accordance with the provisions of the preceding
and civil fruits of the property and may personally number. (Benedicto v. CA, 25 SCRA 145)
enjoy the thing in usufruct, lease it to another, or
alienate his right of usufruct, even by a gratuitous Nuisance
title, but all the contracts he may enter into as
such usufructuary shall terminate upon the Q: Does noise constitute an actionable nuisance?
expiration of the usufruct. Only the jus utendi and A: Yes, but it must be a noise which affects
jus fruendi over the property is transferred to the injuriously the health or comfort of ordinary people
usufructuary. The owner of the property maintains in the vicinity to an unreasonable extent. The test
the jus disponendi or the power to alienate, whether rights of property, of health or of comfort
encumber, transform, and even destroy the same. are so injuriously affected by the noise in question
This right is embodied in the Civil Code, which that sufferer is subjected to a loss which goes
provides that the owner of property the usufruct of beyond the reasonable limit imposed upon him by
which is held by another, may alienate it, although the condition of living, or of holding property, in a
he cannot alter the property’s form or do anything particular locality in fact devoted to uses which
which may be prejudicial to the usufructuary. involve the emission of noise although ordinary
Based on the foregoing, the annotation is not care is taken to confine it within reasonable
sufficient cause to require Michael to investigate bounds; or in the acting with reasonable regard for
Chayong’s title because the latter’s ownership the rights of those affected by it. The noise
over the property remained unimpaired despite continuously emitted by a Meralco substation, day
such encumbrance. (Hemedes v. CA, 316 SCRA and night, constitutes an actionable nuisance for
347) which the appellant is entitled to relief, by requiring
the appellee company to adopt the necessary
Easements measures to deaden or reduce the sound at the
plaintiff’s house. (Velasco v. Manila Electric
Ramiscal is the registered owner of a parcel of Company, 40 SCRA 342)
land. Spouses dela Cruz are occupants of a parcel
of land located at the back of Ramiscal’s property. Q: What is the doctrine of attractive nuisance?
The subject property is a long strip of land owned A: It states that one who maintains on his
by Ramiscal which is being used by the spouses premises dangerous instrumentalities of
as their pathway to and from the nearest public appliances of a character likely to attract children
highway from their property. The spouses had in play, and who fails to exercise ordinary care to
enclosed the same with a gate, fence, and roof. prevent children from playing therewith or
Ramiscal demanded that the spouses demolish resorting thereto, is liable to a child of tender years
the same. The spouses refused. who is injured thereby, even if the child is
technically a trespasser in the premises. The
Q: Are the spouses entitled to a right of way? reason for the doctrine is that the condition or
A: No. There is no voluntary nor legal easement appliance although its danger is apparent to those
established. The spouses failed to show that they of age is so enticing or alluring to children of
entered into an agreement with Ramiscal to use tender years as to induce them to approach, get
the pathway. Art 649 provides that the easement on or use it, and this attractiveness is an implied
of right of way is not compulsory if the isolation of invitation to such children. It does not generally
University of Santo Tomas
apply to a body of waters, artificial features other
than the water and its location. (Hidalgo
Enterprises, Inc. v. Balandan, 91 Phil 488)


Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

entitled to the successional rights, and because

Book III these successional rights were declared for the
first time in the New Code, they shall be given
ABC Co. filed a contingent claim against the retroactive effect even though the event which
Estate of Pedro based on 20 different indemnity gave rise to them may have occurred under the
agreements, each subscribed by a distinct prior legislation. SC, however, found no merit in
principal and Pedro, as solidary guarantor in all of Rosario’s claim because rights which are declared
them. The trial court dismissed the claims of ABC for the first time can only be given retroactive
Co and held the same are not chargeable to effect when the new rights do not prejudice any
Pedro’s estate because upon his death he ceased vested or acquired right of the same origin.
to be guarantor. The right of ownership of Maria over the lands in
question became vested in 1945 upon the death of
Q: Can ABC Co. file contingent claim against the her late husband and this is so because of the
estate of Pedro? imperative provision of the law which commands
A: Under the Article 1311, NCC, “Contracts take that the rights to succession are transmitted from
effect only as between the parties, their assigns the moment of death. The new right recognized by
and heirs, except in the case where the rights and the new Civil Code in favor of the illegitimate
obligations arising from the contract are not children of the deceased cannot, therefore, be
transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or asserted to the impairment of the vested right of
by provision of law." Maria Uson over the lands in dispute. (Uson v.
Of the three exceptions fixed by Article 1311, Del Rosario, et al., GRN L-4963, 29 January
the nature of the obligation of the surety or 1953)
guarantor does not warrant the conclusion that his
peculiar individual qualities are contemplated as a Francisco, after the death of his wife Josefa,
principal inducement for the contract. The solidary contracted a second marriage with Tasiana. Upon
guarantor's liability is not extinguished by his Francisco's death, Tasiana instituted testate
death. The creditor ABC Co., when it accepted the proceedings and she was appointed special
latter as a solidary guarantor expects nothing but administratrix.
the reimbursement of the moneys that it might The relationship between the children of the first
have to disburse on account of the obligations of marriage and Tasiana has been plagued with
the principal debtors. several court suits and counter-suits. In order to
The contracts of suretyship not being rendered put an end to all these litigations, a compromise
intransmissible due to the nature of the agreement was entered into by and between Jose,
undertaking, nor by the stipulations of the (son of Francisco and Josefa) and Tasiana, in
contracts themselves, nor by provision of law, which Tasiana agreed to convey any and all her
Pedro’s eventual liability thereunder necessarily individual share and interest in the estate of
passed upon his death to his heirs. The contracts, Francisco, in exchange for an X amount of money.
therefore, give rise to contingent claims provable The genuineness and due execution of the
against the estate. (Estate of Hemady v. Luzon compromise agreement is not disputed, but its
Surety Co., Inc., GRN L-8437, 28 November validity is, nevertheless, attacked by Tasiana on
1956) the ground that the heirs cannot enter into such
kind of agreement without first probating the will of
Maria was the lawful wife of Faustino who upon Francisco. In assailing the validity of the
his death in 1945 left the 5 parcels of land in agreement, Tasiana cited the case of Guevara vs.
question. Faustino left no other heir except his Guevara, 74 Phil. 479, wherein the SC held that
widow Maria. However, Maria claims that when the presentation of a will for probate is mandatory
Faustino died in 1945, his common-law wife and that the settlement and distribution of an
Rosario took possession illegally of said lands estate on the basis of intestacy when the decedent
thus depriving her of their possession and left a will, is against the law and public policy.
enjoyment. Maria then filed an action for the
recovery of the ownership and possession of the Q: Can the heirs enter into a compromise
lands in question against Rosario and her four agreement without the will having first passed
children. The lower court ordered Rosario to probate?
restore to Maria the ownership and possession of A: The doctrine of Guevara vs. Guevara, is not
the lands in dispute. applicable to the case at bar. The clear object of
the contract was merely the conveyance by
Q: Who is the owner of the properties in question? Tasiana of any and all her individual share and
A: Faustino died in 1945 much prior to the interest in the estate of Francisco. And as a
effectivity of the New Civil Code. With this hereditary share in a decedent's estate is
background, it is evident that when Faustino died transmitted or vested immediately from the
in 1945 the five parcels of land passed from the moment of the death, there is no legal bar to a
moment of his death to his only heir, his widow successor disposing of her or his hereditary share
Maria n. From that moment, therefore, the immediately after such death, even if the actual
rights of inheritance of Maria over the lands in extent of such share is not determined until the
question became vested. subsequent liquidation of the estate. Of course,
Rosario contends that the illegitimate children of the effect of such alienation is to be deemed
the late Faustino under the New Civil Code which limited to what is ultimately adjudicated to the
became in force in June, 1950, are given the vendor heir. However, the aleatory character of
status and rights of natural children and are the contract does not affect the validity of the
University of Santo Tomas
transaction. (De Borja, et al. v. Vda. de Borja, Q: What is the nature of the survivorship
GRN L-28040 18 August 1972) agreement?
A: The survivorship agreement is a mere
Fortunata instituted a civil action to quiet title over obligation with a term, the term being death.
certain parcels of land located in Abra. During the But although the survivorship agreement is per se
pendency of the action, Fortunata passed away. not contrary to law its operation or effect may be
The defendants moved to dismiss on the ground violative of the law. For instance, if it be shown in
that Fortunata is dead and, therefore, has no legal a given case that such agreement is a mere cloak
capacity to sue. The court immediately dismissed to hide an inofficious donation, to transfer property
the case on the ground that a dead person cannot in fraud of creditors, or to defeat the legitime of a
be a real party in interest and has no legal forced heir, it may be assailed and annulled upon
personality to sue. such grounds.
The conclusion is accordingly unavoidable that
Q: Is the court correct in its ruling? Dolores having predeceased her husband,
A: Article 777 provides "that the rights to the Romarico the latter has acquired upon her death a
succession are transmitted from the moment of vested right over the amounts under savings
the death of the decedent." From the moment of account in question. Being the separate property
the death of the decedent, the heirs become the of Romarico, it forms no more part of the estate of
absolute owners of his property, subject to the the deceased. (Vitug v. CA, GRN 82027, 29
rights and obligations of the decedent, and they March 1990)
cannot be deprived of their rights thereto except
by the methods provided for by law. The moment Ana Abangan's will consists of two sheets, the first
of death is the determining factor when the of which contains all of the dispositions of the
heirs acquire a definite right to the inheritance testatrix, duly signed at the bottom by Martin (in
whether such right be pure or contingent. The the name and under the direction of the testatrix)
right of the heirs to the property of the and by three witnesses. The following sheet
deceased vests in them even before judicial contains only the attestation clause duly signed at
declaration of their being heirs in the testate or the bottom by the three instrumental witnesses.
intestate proceedings. Neither of these sheets is signed on the left
When Fortunata died, her claim or right to the margin by the testatrix and the three witnesses,
parcels of land in litigation was not extinguished by nor numbered by letters; and these omissions.
her death but was transmitted to her heirs upon
her death. Her heirs have thus acquired interest in Q: Can the will be probated? Is there a
the properties in litigation and became parties in compliance with formalities required by law?
interest in the case. (Bonilla v. Barcena, et al., A: The purpose of the law in requiring that each
GRN L-41715, 18 June 1976) and every sheet of the will should also be signed
on the left margin by the testator and three
Dolores died in New York, U.S.A. Rowena was the witnesses in the presence of each other is to avoid
named executrix in her will. Later, Romarico the substitution of any of said sheets, thereby
(widower of Dolores) was named co-administrator changing the testator's dispositions. But when
of the estate, pending probate. these dispositions are wholly written on only one
Romarico filed a motion asking for authority from sheet signed at the bottom by the testator and
the probate court to sell certain shares of stock three witnesses, their signatures on the left margin
and real properties belonging to the estate to of said sheet would be completely purposeless. In
cover allegedly his advances to the estate, which requiring this signature on the margin, the statute
he claimed were personal funds. took into consideration, undoubtedly, the case of a
Rowena opposed the motion to sell on the ground will written on several sheets and must have
that the said funds were conjugal properties and referred to the sheets which the testator and the
part of the estate, and hence, no ground for witnesses do not have to sign at the bottom..
reimbursement. But, when all the dispositive parts of a will are
Romarico insists that the said funds are his written on one sheet only, the object of the statute
exclusive property having acquired the same disappears because the removal of this single
through a survivorship agreement executed with sheet, although unnumbered, cannot be hidden.
his late wife and the bank. The agreement (Abangan v. Abangan, GRN 13431,12
provides: November 1919)
“We hereby agree with each other and with the The testatrix Leoncia died at the age of 92.The will
BANK that all money now or hereafter deposited in question was prepared by Attorney Almario in
xxx xxx with the BANK in our joint savings current the house of the testatrix Leoncia after she had
account shall be the property of all or both of us expressed to said attorney her desire to make a
and shall be payable to and collectible or will and bequeath her property to the Victorio in
withdrawable by either or any of us during our compensation according to her, for his diligent and
lifetime, and after the death of either or any of us faithful services rendered to her. The testatrix
shall belong to and be the sole property of the requested Attorney Almario to write her name
survivor ….xxxxx where she had to sign by means of her
thumbmark in view of the fact that her fingers no
longer had the necessary strength to hold a pen.
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Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Q: Is the will fatally defective because of the

Q: May a thumbmark be treated as the signature unsigned attestation clause although signed on
of the testatrix? the left margin?
A: Yes, a thumbmark is a sufficient signature A: The will is fatally defective because of the
because it can always be verified anytime. (Payad unsigned attestation clause although signed on
v. Tolentino, GRN 42258, 05 September 1936) the left margin. The attestation clause is "a
memorandum of the facts attending the execution
This case involves the probate of the will of Antero of the will" required by law to be made by the
Mercado, written in the Ilocano dialect. The will attesting witnesses, and it must necessarily bear
appears to have been signed by Atty. Florentino their signatures. An unsigned attestation clause
Javier who wrote the name of Antero Mercado, cannot be considered as an act of the witnesses,
followed below by "A ruego del testador" and the since the omission of their signatures at the
name of Florentino Javier. Antero Mercado wrote bottom thereof negatives their participation.
a cross immediately after his name. (Cagro v. Cagro, et al., GRN L-5826, 29 April
Q: May the will be probated? Is a cross a sufficient
signature? The case involves the probate of the last will and
A: The cross appearing on the will is neither the testament of Valente Z. Cruz. Of the three
usual signature of Antero Mercado nor even one instrumental witnesses thereto, one of them, Atty.
of the ways by which he signed his name. The Angel H. Teves, Jr, is at the same time the Notary
cross cannot and does not have the Public before whom the will was supposed to have
trustworthiness of a thumbmark. (Garcia v. been acknowledged.
Lacuesta, et al., GRN L-4067, 29 November
1951) Q: Can the will be allowed? Can the notary public
before the will was supposed to be acknowledged
Pedro Barut applied for the probate of the last will also act as one of the instrumental witnesses?
and testament of Maria Salomon, deceased. After A: The last will and testament in question was not
disposing of her property the testatrix revoked all executed in accordance with law. The notary
former wills made by her. She also stated in said public before whom the will was acknowledged
will that being unable to read or write, the same cannot be considered as the third instrumental
had been read to her by two other persons and witness since he cannot acknowledge before
that she had instructed Severo, one of the himself his having signed the will. Consequently, if
witnesses, to sign her name to it as testatrix. the third witness were the notary public himself, he
The probate of the will was contested and would have to avow assent, or admit his having
opposed by a number of the relatives of the signed the will in front of himself.
deceased on various grounds, among them that a To permit such a situation to obtain would be
later will had been executed by the deceased. sanctioning a sheer absurdity.
The probate court found that the will was not Furthermore, the function of a notary public is,
entitled to probate on the ground that the among others, to guard against any illegal or
handwriting of the person who it is alleged signed immoral arrangements. That function would be
the name of the testatrix to the will for and on her defeated if the notary public were one of the
behalf looked more like the handwriting of one of attesting or instrumental witnesses. It would place
the other witnesses to the will than that of the him in an inconsistent position and the very
person whose handwriting it was alleged to be. purpose of the acknowledgment, which is to
Q: Is it required that the person signing in behalf of minimize fraud, would be thwarted. (Cruz v.
the testatrix also signs his name? Villasor, 54 SCRA 31)
A: No. It is immaterial who writes the name of the Benoni Cabrera, one of the legatees named in the
testatrix provided it is written at her request and in will, sought his appointment as special
her presence and in the presence of all the administrator of the testator's estate, and he was
witnesses to the execution of the will. so appointed by the probate court.
With respect to the validity of the will, it is Thereafter, herein petitioners, claiming to be
unimportant whether the person who writes the nephews and nieces of the testator, instituted a
name of the testatrix signs his own or not. The second petition for the settlement of the intestate
important thing is that it clearly appears that the estate. The petition for intestate proceedings
name of the testatrix was signed at her express consolidated and the probate proceeding were
direction in the presence of three witnesses and consolidated
that they attested and subscribed it in her Petitioners asserted that the will in question is null
presence and in the presence of each other. That and void for the reason that its attestation clause
is all the statute requires. (Barut v. Cabacungan, is fatally defective since it fails to specifically state
GRN 6285, 15 February 1912) that the instrumental witnesses to the will
witnessed the testator signing the will in their
The case involves the probate of the will allegedly presence and that they also signed the will and all
executed by Vicente Cagro. The signatures of the the pages thereof in the presence of the testator
three witnesses to the will do not appear at the and of one another.
bottom of the attestation clause, although the page
containing the same is signed by the witnesses on Q: Is such fact as argued by the petitioners, fatal
the left-hand margin. defect?
A: Yes, such is a fatal defect which renders the
will void. The attestation clause provides strong
University of Santo Tomas
legal guaranties for the due execution of a will
and to insure the authenticity thereof. As it Felicidad Yap died of heart failure in the UST
appertains only to the witnesses and not to the Hospital, leaving properties in Pulilan, Bulacan,
testator, it need be signed only by them. Where it and in the City of Manila. Gan filed a petition for
is left unsigned, it would result in the invalidation of the probate of a holographic will allegedly
the will. executed by the deceased. The holographic will
The absence of that statement required by law is a itself, however, was not presented. Gan tried to
fatal defect or imperfection which must necessarily establish its contents and due execution through
result in the disallowance of the will. The the oral testimonies of witnesses who allegedly
aforestated defect in the attestation clause cannot seen the same.
be characterized as merely involving the form of
the will or the language used therein which would Q: Can extrinsic evidence be adduced to establish
warrant the application of the substantial the contents and due execution of an allegedly lost
compliance rule under Art. 809. holographic will?
While it may be true that the attestation clause is A: Authenticity and due execution is the dominant
indeed subscribed at the end thereof and at the requirement to be fulfilled when a notarial will is
left margin of each page by the three attesting submitted to the courts for allowance. For that
witnesses, it certainly cannot be conclusively purpose the testimony of one of the subscribing
inferred therefrom that the said witnesses affixed witnesses would be sufficient, if there is no
their respective signatures in the presence of the opposition. If there is, the three must testify, if
testator and of each other since. The presence of available. From the testimony of such witnesses,
said signatures only establishes the fact that it was the court may form its opinion as to the
indeed signed, but it does not prove that the genuineness and authenticity of the testament,
attesting witnesses did subscribe to the will in the and the circumstances of its due execution.
presence of the testator and of each other. Now, in the matter of holographic wills, no such
guaranties of truth and veracity are demanded,
Attestation and subscription: since they need no witnesses; provided however,
that they are, "entirely written, dated, and signed
"Attestation" and "subscription" differ in by the hand of the testator himself." The law, it is
meaning. Attestation is the act of the senses reasonable to suppose, regards the document
(mental act) while subscription is the act of the itself as material proof of authenticity, and as its
hand (mechanical act). To attest a will is to know own safeguard, since it could at any time, be
that it was published as such, and to certify the demonstrated to be-or not to be-in the hands of
facts required to constitute an actual and legal the testator himself. "
publication; but to subscribe a paper published as The execution and the contents of a lost or
a will is only to write on the same paper the names destroyed holographic will may not be proved by
of the witnesses, for the sole purpose of the bare testimony of witnesses who have seen
identification. and/or read such will. The only guarantee of
Attestation consists in witnessing the testator's authenticity is the handwriting itself, which is
execution of the will in order to see and take note contained in the holographic will. The loss of the
mentally that those things are done which the holographic will entails the loss of the only medium
statute requires for the execution of a will and that of proof. (Gan v. Yap, GRN L-12190, 30 August
the signature of the testator exists as a fact. On 1958)
the other hand, subscription is the signing of the
witnesses' names upon the same paper for the Marcela Rodelas filed a petition for the probate of
purpose of identification of such paper as the will holographic will of Ricardio B. Bonilla. The
which was executed by the testator. oppositors moved to dismiss the petition for the
As attesting involves a mental act, there would be probate of the will. They argued that lost or
no means of ascertaining by a physical destroyed holographic wills cannot be proved by
examination of the will whether the witnesses had secondary evidence, i.e. a photocopy thereof,
indeed signed in the presence of the testator and unlike ordinary wills.
of each other. An attestation clause refers to that The court dismissed the petition for the probate of
part of an ordinary will whereby the attesting the will of Ricardo B. Bonilla on the ground that
witnesses certify that the instrument has been once the original copy of the holographic will is
executed before them and to the manner of the lost, a copy thereof cannot stand in lieu of the
execution of the same. It is a separate original citing the case of Gan vs. Yap.
memorandum or record of the facts surrounding
the conduct of execution and once signed by the Q: Is the court correct in its ruling?
witnesses, it gives affirmation to the fact that A: If the holographic will has been lost or
compliance with the essential formalities required destroyed and no other copy is available, the
by law has been observed. It is made for the will cannot be probated because the best and
purpose of preserving in a permanent form a only evidence is the handwriting of the testator
record of the fact that attended the execution of a in said will. It is necessary that there be a
particular will, so that in case of failure of the comparison between sample handwritten
memory of the attesting witnesses, or other statements of the testator and the handwritten will.
casualty, such facts may still be proved. (Caneda But, a photostatic copy or xerox copy of the
v. CA, GRN 103554, 28 May 1993) holographic will may be allowed because
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

comparison can be made with the standard Q: Are the decedent's properties were subject to
writings of the testator. In the case of Gan vs. reserva troncal in favor of Celadonia, his relative
Yap, , the Court ruled "the execution and the within the third degree on his mother's side from
contents of a lost or destroyed holographic will whom he had inherited them;
may not be proved by the bare testimony of A: No. The persons involved in reserva troncal
witnesses who have seen and/or read such will. are:
The will itself must be presented; otherwise, it 1. The person obliged to reserve is the reservor
shall produce no effect. The law regards the (reservista)-the ascendant who inherits by
document itself as material proof of authenticity." operation of law property from his descendants.
But, in Footnote 8 of said decision, it says that 2. The persons for whom the property is
"Perhaps it may be proved by a photographic or reserved are the reservees (reservatarios)-
photostatic copy. Even a mimeographed or carbon relatives within the third degree counted from
copy; or by other similar means, if any, whereby the descendant (propositus), and belonging to
the authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased the line from which the property came.
may be exhibited and tested before the probate 3. The propositus-the descendant who received
court." (Rodelas v. Aranza, et al., GRN 58509, by gratuitous title and died without issue, making
07 December 1982) his other ascendant inherit by operation of law."

KALAW, claiming to be the sole heir of his Clearly, the property of the deceased, Esteban Jr.,
deceased sister, Natividad filed a petition for the is not reservable property, for Esteban, Jr. was not
probate of her holographic will. an ascendant, but the descendant of his mother,
The holographic Will, as first written, named Salustia from whom he inherited the properties in
ROSA, a sister of the testatrix as her sole heir. question. Therefore, he did not hold his
Hence, ROSA opposed probate alleging that the inheritance subject to a reservation in favor of his
holographic will contained alterations, corrections, aunt, Celedonia, who is his relative within the third
and insertions without the proper authentication by degree on his mother's side. The reserva troncal
the full signature of the testatrix as required by applies to properties inherited by an ascendant
Article 814 of the Civil Code. from a descendant who inherited it from another
ascendant or a brother or sister. It does not apply
Q: Which will should be probated, the first to property inherited by a descendant from his
unaltered will or the altered will not bearing the full ascendant, the reverse of the situation covered by
signature of the testatrix? Article 891. (Solivio v. CA, GRN 83484, 12
A: Neither. Ordinarily, when a number of erasures, February 1990)
corrections, and interlineations made by the
testator in a holographic Will have not been noted Marcelina applied for registration and issuance of
under his signature, the will is not thereby title to two parcels of land.
invalidated as a whole, but at most only as Marcelina was married to Victoriano. In this
respects the particular words erased, corrected or marriage they had a son named Pedro, who at his
interlined. father's death inherited the two said parcels. Pedro
However, when as in this case, the holographic died unmarried and without issue. Upon Pedro’s
will in dispute had only one substantial provision, death, the two parcels of land passed through
which was altered by substituting the original heir inheritance to his mother, Marcelina. Hence, the
with another, but which alteration did not carry the hereditary title whereupon is based the application
requisite of authentication by the full signature of for registration of her ownership.
the testator, the effect must be that the entire will Two legitimate brothers of Victoriano opposed the
is voided or revoked for the simple reason that registration, claiming one of two things: Either that
nothing remains in the will after that which could the registration be denied, or that if granted to her,
remain valid. the right reserved by law to the opponents be
But, to state that the will as first written should be recorded in the registration of each parcel.
given efficacy is to disregard the seeming change The registration was denied because the trial court
of mind of the testatrix. But that change of mind held that the parcels of land in question partake of
can neither be given effect because she failed to the nature of property required by law to be
authenticate it in the manner required by law by reserved and that in such a case application could
affixing her full signature. (Kalaw v. Hon. Relova, only be presented jointly in the names of the
etc., et al., GRN L40207, 28 September 1984) mother and the said two uncles of Pedro Sablan.

Esteban Jr., died a bachelor, without descendants, Q: Are the questioned properties subject to
ascendants, brothers, sisters, nephews or nieces. reserve troncal?
His only surviving relatives are: his maternal aunt, A: Marcelina, ascendant of Pedro, inherited from
Celedonia and Concordia, sister of his deceased him these two parcels of land which he had
father, Esteban Sr. the surviving relatives of the acquired without a valuable consideration-that is,
decedent, Celedonia and Concordia are now in by inheritance from another ascendant, his father
the tug-of-war as to who between them should Victoriano. Having acquired them by operation of
inherit the property left by the decedent. Celedonia law, she is obligated to reserve them intact for the
argued that the properties left by the decedent are claimants, who are uncles or relatives within the
subject to reserve troncal because said properties third degree and belong to the line from which the
had come from her sister, Salustia. lands come from. The trial court's ruling that they
partake of the nature of property required by law to

University of Santo Tomas

be reserved is therefore in accordance with the property came. (Florentino v. Florentino, GRN
law. 14856, 15 November 1919)
If Pedro had instituted his mother in a will as
the universal heiress of his property, all he left at Right of representation in Reserva Troncal:
death would not be required by law to be reserved, There is right of representation on the part of
but only what he would have perforce left her as reservatarios who are within the third degree, as in
the legal portion of a legitimate ascendant. the case of nephews of the deceased person from
In such case only the half constituting the legal whom the reservable property came. These
portion would be required by law to be reserved, reservatarios have the right to represent their
because it is what by operation of law would fall to ascendants (fathers and mothers) who are the
the mother from her son's inheritance; the other brothers of the said deceased person and relatives
half at free disposal would not have to be within the third degree.
reserved. (Edroso v. Sablan, GRN 6878, 13 There are then seven "reservatarios" who are
September 1913) entitled to the reservable property left at the death
of Apolonio II; to wit, his three children of his first
Apolonio II married the first time Antonia. During marriage; his other three children (predeceased),
the marriage he begot nine children. When who are represented by their own twelve children
Antonia died, he married the second time Severina respectively; and Mercedes, his daughter by a
with whom he had two children, Mercedes and second marriage. All of the plaintiffs are the
Apolonio III. Apolonio II died who was survived by relatives of the deceased posthumous son,
his second wife Severina and the ten children and Apolonio III, within the third degree (four of whom
his eleventh son, Apolonio III. being his half-brothers and the remaining twelve
Apolonio executed a will instituting as his being his nephews as they are the children of his
universal heirs his ten children, the posthumos three half-brothers).
ApoIonio III and his widow Severina; that he As the first four are his relatives within the
declared, in one of the paragraphs of said will, all third degree in their own right and the other twelve
his property should be divided among all of his are such by representation, all of them are
children of both marriages. indisputably entitled as reservatarios to the
Apolonio III, his posthumous son, inherited property which came from the common ancestor.
several properties. Apolonio III died in 1891. His
mother, Severina, succeeded to all his property. Q: Was the disposition in a will of the reservable
Severina died leaving a will instituting as her properties extinguished the reserve troncal?
universal heiress her only living daughter, A: No. The reservable property, left in a will by
Mercedes. As such heir, Mercedes took Severina to her only daughter Mercedes, does not
possession of all the property left at the death of form part of the inheritance left by her death nor of
her mother and among same is included the the legitime of the heiress Mercedes. Just
property which Severina inherited from her because she has a forced heiress, with a right to
deceased son, as reservable property. her inheritance, does not relieve Severina of her
obligation to reserve the property which she
Q: Are the properties inherited by Severina from received from her deceased son, nor did same
his son Apolonio III subject to reserve troncal? lose the character of reservable property, held
A: Yes, the subject properties are subject to before the reservatarios received same.
reserve troncal. Apolonio III, acquired the property, (Florentino v. Florentino, GRN 14856, 15
by a lucrative title or by inheritance from his father, November 1919)
Apolonio II. Although said property was inherited
by his mother, Severina, nevertheless, she was The subject lot originally belonged to Saturnino.
duty bound to reserve the property thus acquired With his first wife, Teresa, he had four children,
for the benefit of the relatives, within the third while with his second wife, Andrea, he had an only
degree, of the line from which such property came. son named Francisco. The properties left by
Any ascendant who inherits from his descendant Saturnino upon his death were left to his children.
any property, while there are living, within the third OCT was issued in the name of Francisco.
degree, relatives of the latter, is nothing but a life Because Francisco was a minor at the time, his
usufructuary or a fiduciary of the reservable mother administered the property for him, declared
property received. He is, however, the legitimate it in her name for taxation purposes. Francisco
owner of his own property which is not reservable died at the age of 20, single and without any
property and which constitutes his legitime. But if, descendant. The said property was inherited by
afterwards, all of the relatives, within the third her mother, who thereafter, sold the property in
degree, of the descendant (from whom came the question to Constancio Sienes.
reservable property) die or disappear, the said When Constancio Sienes demanded from
property becomes free property, by operation of Paulina Yaeso, the surrender OCT which was in
law, and is thereby converted into the legitime of their possession-the latter refused.
the ascendant heir who can transmit it at his death Thereafter, Cipriana and Paulina Yaeso, the
to his legitimate successors or testamentary heirs. surviving half-sisters of Francisco, and who as
This property has now lost its nature of reservable such had declared the property in their name,
property, pertaining thereto at the death of the executed a deed of sale in favor of the spouses
relatives, called reservatarios, who belonged Fidel Esparcia and Paulina Sienes who, in turn,
within the third degree to the line from which such declared it in their name for tax purposes and
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

thereafter secured the issuance in their name of The disposition of the said properties should be
TCT. made in accordance with Article 891 or the rule on
reserva troncal and not in accordance with the
Q: Is the land in question subject to reserve reservor's holographic will. The said properties did
troncal? not form part of the reservista’s estate. (Gonzales
A: The land in question was reservable property. v. CFI of Manila (Br. V), et al., GRN L-34395, 19
Francisco inherited it by operation of law from his May 1981)
father Saturnino, and upon Francisco's death,
unmarried and without descendants, it was Maria Cano applied for the registration of a parcel
inherited, in turn, by his mother, Andrea. The latter of land in her name and which was granted,
was, therefore, under obligation to reserve it for subject to reserva troncal in favor of Eustaquia.
the benefit of relatives within the third degree Upon the death of Maria, Eustaquia filed a motion
belonging to the line from which said property for the cancellation of the OCT and the issuance
came, if any survived her. of a new one in her name. The motion was
The reserva creates two resolutory opposed by Jose and Teotimo, sons of Maria, who
conditions, namely, contended that the application and operation of
(1) the death of the ascendant obliged to reserve the reserva troncal should be ventilated in an
and ordinary contentious proceeding, and that the
(2) the survival, at the time of his death, of Registration Court did not have jurisdiction to grant
relatives within the third degree belonging to the the motion.
line from which the property came The lower court granted the petition for the
issuance of a new certificate, for the reason that
Q: What is the status the sale of the reserved the death of the reservista vested the ownership of
property made by Andrea? the property in the petitioner as the sole
A: The sale made by Andrea in favor of reservatario.
Constantino was, therefore, subject to the The oppositors, heirs of the reservista Maria
condition that the vendees would definitely acquire Cano, duly appealed from the order, insisting that
ownership, by virtue of the alienation, only if the the ownership of the reservatario can not be
vendor died without being survived by any person decreed in a mere proceeding but requires a
entitled to the reservable property. Inasmuch as judicial administration proceedings, wherein the
when Andrea died, Cipriana, half-sister of rights of appellee, as the reservatario entitled to
Saturnino was still alive, the conclusion becomes the reservable property, are to be declared.
inescapable that the previous sale made by
Andrea in favor of Constantino became of no legal Q: Is it necessary in order for the reservatario to
effect and the reservable property subject matter acquire ownership of the reserved property that
thereof passed in exclusive ownership to Cipriana. there be further proceedings declaring him as the
(Sienes, et al. v. Esparcia, et al., GRN L-12957, owner of the reserved property.
24 March 1961) A: No. Upon the death of the reservista, the
reservatario nearest to the propositus becomes,
Q: Can the reservista convey the reservable automatically and by operation of law, the owner
properties by will or mortis causa to the reservees of the reservable property. The reserved property
within the third degree (her sixteen grandchildren) is no part of the estate of the reservista, and does
to the exclusion of the reservees in the second not even answer for the debts of the latter. Hence,
degree, her three daughters and three sons. its acquisition by the reservatario may be entered
A: The reservista could not convey in her in the property records without necessity of estate
holographic will to her sixteen grandchildren the proceedings, since the basic requisites therefor
reservable properties which she had inherited from appear on record. It is equally well settled that the
her daughter Filomena because the reservable reservable property can not be transmitted by a
properties did not form part of her estate. The reservista to her or his own successors mortis
reservista cannot make a disposition mortis causa causa, so long as a reservatorio within the third
of the reservable properties as long as the degree from the propositus and belonging to the
reservees survived the reservista. line whence the property came, is in existence
The reservees inherit the reservable when the reservista dies.
properties from the propositus, not from the Of course, where the registration decree merely
reservor. Article 891 clearly indicates that the specifies the reservable character of the property,
reservable properties should be inherited by all the without determining the identity of the reservatario
nearest relatives within the third degree from the or where several reservatarios dispute the
prepositus who in this case are the six children of property among themselves, further proceedings
the reservista. She could not select the reserves to would be unavoidable. But this is not the case.
whom the reservable property should be given and The rights of the reservataria Eustaquia have been
deprive the other reservees of their share therein. expressly recognized, and it is nowhere claimed
To allow the reservor in this case to make a that there are other reservatarios of equal or
testamentary disposition of the reservable nearer degree. (Cano v. Director of Lands, et
properties in favor of the reservees in the third al., GRN L-10701 16 January 1959)
degree and, consequently, to ignore the reservees
in the second degree would be a glaring violation Maria died leaving properties. She left a will. The
of article 891. That testamentary disposition substantial portion of the estate was left to
cannot be allowed. Josefina, the testatrix’s niece.

University of Santo Tomas

A petition for the probate of the will was filed. cannot succeed to the estate of her deceased
Ana, claiming an acknowledged natural child of uncle, a legitimate brother of her natural mother.
Jose, a deceased brother of the testatrix, filed an Judgment affirmed. (Corpus v. Corpus, GRN L-
opposition to the probate of the will. In other 22469, 23 October 1978)
words, Ana wants the will to be disallowed so that
the estate would be distributed in accordance to Francisca died intestate, was survived by two)
intestate succession. daughters, Maria and Silvestra and a grandson,
Sotero. Sotero died in 1944, while Silvestra died in
Q: Is Ana, a legal heir of the testatrix considering 1949 without any issue.
that she claims to be an acknowledged natural In 1964, Cresenciano, claiming to be the son
child of the testatrix’s brother, in the event that that of the late Sotero, filed a complaint for ownership
the will is denied probate? of properties, sum of money and accounting
A: It is true that Ana claims to be an seeking judgment to be declared one of the lawful
acknowledged natural child of Jose, a deceased heirs of the deceased Francisca.
brother of the deceased but such claim cannot
give her any comfort for, even if it be true, the law Q: Can an illegitimate child inherit from the
does not give her any right to succeed to the legitimate relatives of his parents?
estate of Maria. And this is so because being an A: No. Even if it is true that Cresenciano is the
illegitimate child she is prohibited by law from child of Sotero, still he cannot, by right of
succeeding to the legitimate relatives of her representation, claim a share of the estate left by
natural father. Article 992 provides that “An the deceased Francisca considering that he was
illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato born outside wedlock. At most, Cresenciano would
from the legitimate children and relatives of his be an illegitimate child who has no right to inherit
father or mother.” (Vicente B. Teotico v. Ana del ab intestato from the legitimate children and
Val, G.R. No. L-18753, 26 March 1965) relatives of his father, like the deceased Francisca.
(Article 992) (Leonardo v. CA, et al., GRN 51263,
Teodoro died at the age of 77. His will was 28 February 1983)
probated. Teodoro had no forced heirs. At the time
of his death, his nearest relatives were (1) his half Felisa is a niece of Simona. Pablo was the only
brother, Luis (2) his half sister, Paz (3) Amelia, legitimate son of his parents Pascual and Simona.
Jose and Ramon, the children of his half brother, Pablo, at the time of his death was survived by his
Pablo and (4) Juana, the daughter of his half mother Simona and his six minor natural children.
brother Jose. Juana died in thereafter. Tomas filed
an action for the recovery of the supposed Q: Who are the legal heirs of Simona -her niece
intestate share of his mother, Juana in the estate Felisa or her grandchildren (the natural children of
of Teodoro. Pablo)?
A: Under Art. 992, an illegitimate child has no right
Q: Has Tomas a cause of action to recover his to inherit ab inrestate from the legitimate children
mother's supposed intestate share in Teodoro’s and relatives of his father or mother; nor shall such
estate? children or relatives inherit in the same manner
A: To answer that question, it is necessary to from the illegitimate child.
ascertain Teodoro’s filiation. Teodoro was an Article 992 provides a barrier or iron curtain in
acknowledged natural child or was illegitimate and that it prohibits absolutely a succession ab
since Juanita was the legitimate child of Jose, intestato between the illegitimate child and the
himself a legitimate child, Tomas has no cause of legitimate children and relatives of the father or
action for the recovery of the supposed hereditary mother of said legitimate child. They may have a
share of his mother, Juana, as a legal heir, in natural tie of blood, but this is not recognized by
Teodoro's estate. Juana was not a legal heir of law for the purposes of Art. 992.
Teodoro because there is no reciprocal Between the legitimate family and the
succession between legitimate and illegitimate illegitimate family there is presumed to be an
relatives. Under Article 992, “An illegitimate child intervening antagonism and incompatibility. The
has no right to inherit ab intestato from the illegitimate child is disgracefully looked down upon
legitimate children and relatives of his father or by the legitimate family; the family is in turn, hated
mother; nor shall such children or relatives inherit by the illegitimate child; the latter considers the
in the some manner from the illegitimate child.” privileged condition of the former, and the
The iron-bar rule is based on the theory that resources of which it is thereby deprived; the
the illegitimate child is disgracefully looked upon former, in turn, sees in the illegitimate child
by the legitimate family while the legitimate family nothing but the product of sin, palpable evidence
is, in turn, hated by the illegitimate child. The law of a blemish broken in life; the law does no more
does not recognize the blood tie and seeks to than recognize this truth, by avoiding further
avoid further grounds of resentment grounds of resentment.
Following the rule in Article 992, it was held that Thus, the natural children of Pablo cannot
the legitimate relatives of the mother cannot represent their father Pablo in the succession of
succeed her illegitimate child. By reason of that the latter to the intestate estate of his legitimate
same rule, the natural child cannot represent his mother Simona because of the barrier provided for
natural father in the succession to the estate of the under Art. 992. (Diaz v. IAC, GRN L-66574, 17
legitimate grandparent. The natural daughter June 1987)
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

University of Santo Tomas

foresee the happening is not impossibility to
Book IV foresee the same. The very measures adopted by
it prove that the possibility of danger was not only
Obligations and Contracts foreseeable, but actually foreseen, and was not a
fortuitous event. (Republic v. Luzon Stevedoring
GSIS approved the application of Agcaoili for the Corporation, 21 SCRA 279)
purchase of a house and lot in the GSIS Housing
Project; it is subject to the condition that he should Philippine Bar Association decided to construct an
immediately occupy the house. But he could not office building. The construction was undertaken
because the house was uninhabitable. He paid the by the United Construction, Inc. and the plans and
first installment and other fees but refused to make specifications for the building were prepared by
further payment until GSIS had made the house Juan F. Nakpil & Sons. Thereafter, an unusually
habitable. GSIS refused and opted to cancel the strong earthquake hit Manila and its environs and
award and demand the vacation by Agcaoili of the the building sustained major damaged. Then, two
premises. more earthquakes caused further damage to the
property. Thus, it was demolished.
Q: Can GSIS cancel the contract?
A: No. There was a perfected contract of sale Q: Does an act of God which caused the failure of
between the parties; there had been a meeting of the building exempt the parties from liability?
the minds upon the purchase by Agcaoili of a A: No. There is no dispute that an earthquake is a
determinate house and lot at a definite price and fortuitous event or an act of God. To exempt the
from that moment, the parties acquired the right to obligor from liability under Article 1174 of the Civil
reciprocally demand performance. Code, for a breach of an obligation due to an act
Agcaoili lost no time in occupying the house. of God, the following must concur: (a) the cause of
Because the house was nothing more than a shell, the breach of the obligation must be independent
in such a state of incompleteness that civilized of the will of the debtor; (b) the event must be
occupation was not possible, Agcaoili left and ask either unforeseeable or unavoidable; (c) the event
a homeless friend to stay in the premises. must be such as to render it impossible for the
Based on their contact, it can only be understood debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal manner;
as imposing on GSIS an obligation to deliver to and (d) the debtor must be free from any
Agcaoili a reasonably habitable dwelling in return participation in, or aggravation of the injury to the
for his undertaking to pay the stipulated price. creditor.
Since GSIS did not fulfill that obligation, and was The principle embodied in the act of God doctrine
not willing to put the house in habitable state, it strictly requires that the act must be one
cannot invoke Agcaoili's suspension of payment of occasioned exclusively by the violence of nature
amortizations as cause to cancel the contract and all human agencies are to be excluded from
between them. “In reciprocal obligations, neither creating or entering into the cause of the mischief.
party incurs in delay if the other does not comply Thus, to be exempt from liability for loss because
or is not ready to comply in a proper manner with of an act of God, he must be free from any
what is incumbent upon him.” (Agcaoili v. GSIS, previous negligence or misconduct by which that
165 SCRA 1) loss or damage may have been occasioned. The
negligence United Construction Co., Inc. and the
A barge, owned by the Luzon Stevedoring was Nakpils was established. United Construction Co.,
being towed down the Pasig river by tugboats also Inc. was found to have made substantial
belonging to the corporation, when the barge deviations from the plans and specifications and to
rammed against one of the wooden piles of the have failed to observe the requisite workmanship
Nagtahan bailey bridge, it smashed the posts and in the construction as well as to exercise the
caused the bridge to tilt. The river, at that time was requisite degree of supervision; while the Nakpils
swollen and there is a current swift, on account of were found to have inadequacies or defects in the
the heavy downpour of Manila and the plans and specifications prepared by them. As
surrounding provinces. correctly assessed by the lower courts, the defects
in the construction and in the plans and
Q: Is the incident a fortuitous event? specifications were the proximate causes that
A: No. Considering that the Nagtahan bridge was rendered the PBA building unable to withstand the
an immovable and stationary object, it is earthquake of. For this reason they cannot claim
undeniable that the unusual event that the barge, exemption from liability. (Nakpil&Sons v. CA, 144
exclusively controlled by the corporation, rammed SCRA 596)
the bridge supports raises a presumption of its
negligence. For in the ordinary course of events, Arwood and Consunji, as owner and contractor,
such a thing does not happen if proper care is respectively, entered into an agreement for the
used. Caso fortuito or force majeure are events construction of Arwood's Westwood
that could not be foreseen, or which, though Condominium. Despite the completion of the
foreseen, were inevitable (Art. 1174). It is, condominium project, the amount of P962,434.78
therefore, not enough that the event should not remained unpaid by Arwood. Repeated demands
have been foreseen or anticipated, as is were made but it did not pay.
commonly believed, but it must be one impossible
to foresee or to avoid. The mere difficulty to Q: Is the imposition of 2% interest valid?
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

A: Yes. In their agreement, it provided that priority economic projects for agricultural,
Consunji has two options in case of delay in industrial and power development as may be
monthly payment: a) suspend work on the project determined by the National Economic Council
until payment is remitted by the owner or b) which are financed by or through foreign funds; (c)
continue the work but the owner shall be required foreign exchange transactions entered into
to pay interest at a rate of 2% per month or a between banks or between banks and individuals
fraction thereof. Evidently, Consunji chose the or juridical persons; (d) import-export and other
latter option, as the condominium project was in international banking, financial investment and
fact already completed. industrial transactions
The delay of Arwood is undisputed. Since the With regard to obligations incurred prior to the
agreement stands as the law between the parties, effectivity of RA 529, it is specifically provided that
it cannot ignore the existence of such provision the same shall be discharged in Philippine
providing for a penalty for every month's delay. currency measured at the prevailing of exchange
Arwood should pay the 2% interest every month at the time the obligation was incurred except in
for the delay. Moreover, even assuming that there case of a loan made in a foreign currency
was a default of stipulation or agreement on stipulated to be payable in the same currency in
interest, Consunji may still recover on the basis of which case the rate of exchange prevailing at the
the general provision of law, which is Article 2209 stipulated date of payment. The obligation was
of the Civil Code. (Arwood Industries, Inc. v. incurred after the enactment of RA529, thus, the
D.M. Consunji, Inc., G.R. No. 142277, 11 rate prevailing at the time of payment must be
December 2002) applied. (San Buenaventura v. CA, G.R. No. L-
43830, 22 January 1990)
Franco and Medel obtained loans from Gonzales
in various dates with a 6% interest per month in Cirer and Hill, the owners of parcel of land
which Gonzales retain a portion of the loan as donated it to the municipality of Tarlac, under
advance payment of the interest for 1 month. On certain conditions that a public school be erected
the maturity of the promissory notes issued by and a public park be made within 6 months from
Franco and Medel, they failed to pay. Then, they the date of the ratification of the donation by the
consolidated all their previous unpaid loans and parties as specified in the public document. The
sought from Gonzales another loan. They donation was accepted by the municipal president.
executed a promissory note which provides that It was later registered in the name of the donee.
the interest rate is 5.5% per month. Upon maturity, However, Cirer and Hill sold the land to Parks.
again, they failed to pay. Then the municipality of Tarlac transferred the
parcel to the Province of Tarlac which applied for
Q: Is the stipulated rate of interest at 5.5% per and obtained the registration. Parks, alleging that
month usurious? the conditions of the donation had not been
A: No. The rate cannot be considered as complied with and invoking the sale of the land
"usurious" because Circular No. 905 of the Central made by Cirer and Hill in his favor, brought an
Bank has expressly removed the interest ceilings action against the Province of Tarlac.
prescribed by the Usury Law and that the Usury
Law is now "legally inexistent". Nevertheless, the Q: Is the condition imposed suspensive?
interest at 5.5% per month, or 66% per annum is A: No. The characteristic of a condition precedent
iniquitous or unconscionable, and, hence, contrary is that the acquisition of the right is not effected
to morals, if not against the law. The stipulation is while said condition is not complied with or is not
void. The courts shall reduce equitably liquidated deemed complied with. Meanwhile nothing is
damages, whether intended as an indemnity or a acquired and there is only an expectancy of right.
penalty if they are iniquitous or unconscionable. Consequently, when a condition is imposed, the
Under the circumstances, interest at 12% per compliance of which cannot be effected except
annum, and an additional 1% a month penalty when the right is deemed acquired, such condition
charge as liquidated damages may be more cannot be a condition precedent.The condition
reasonable. (Medel v. CA, G.R. No. 131622, 27 imposed could not be complied with except after
November 1998) giving effect to the donation. The donee could not
do any work on the donated land if the donation
Q: What should be applied, the prevailing rate of had not really been effected, because it would be
dollar to peso at the time the obligation was an invasion of another's title, for the land would
incurred or that prevailing at the time of its have continued to belong to the donor so long as
payment? the condition imposed was not complied with.
A: RA 529, Sec. 1. provides that an agreement to (Parks v. Province of Tarlac, G.R. No. L-24190,
pay an obligation in a currency other than 13 July 1926)
Philippine currency is null and void as contrary to
public policy. It is subject to exceptions: (a) The late Don Lopez, Sr., who was then a member
transactions where the funds involved are the of the Board of Trustees of CPU, executed a deed
proceeds of loans or investments made directly or of donation in favor of the latter of a parcel of land
indirectly through bona fide intermediaries or with the following conditions:
agents, by foreign governments, their agencies
and instrumentalities and international financial 1. The land described shall be utilized by the
and banking institutions so long as the funds are CPU exclusively for the establishment and use
identifiable, as having emanated from the sources of a medical college with all its buildings as part
enumerated above; (b) transactions affecting high of the curriculum
University of Santo Tomas
2. The said college shall not sell, transfer or of the conditions? Is the condition imposed in the
convey to any third party nor in any way second agreement resolutory or suspensive?
encumber said land A: The contemporaneous and subsequent acts of
3. The said land shall be called "RAMON Tiro and the Javiers reveal that the cause stated in
LOPEZ CAMPUS", and the said college shall the first deed of assignment is false. It is settled
be under obligation to erect a cornerstone that the previous and simultaneous and
bearing that name. Any net income from the subsequent acts of the parties are properly
land or any of its parks shall be put in a fund to cognizable indicia of their true intention. Where the
be known as the "RAMON LOPEZ CAMPUS parties to a contract have given it a practical
FUND" to be used for improvements of said construction by their conduct as by acts in partial
campus and erection of a building thereon. performance, such construction may be
considered by the court in construing the contract,
However, the heirs of Don Lopez, Sr., filed an determining its meaning and ascertaining the
action for annulment of the donation, mutual intention of the parties at the time of
reconveyance and damages against CPU alleging contracting.
that CPU had not complied with the conditions of The first deed of assignment of is a relatively
the donation. simulated contract which states a false cause or
consideration, or one where the parties conceal
Q: Was the donation onerous? Are the conditions their true agreement. A contract with a false
imposed resolutory or suspensive? consideration is not null and void per se. Under
A: The donation was onerous, one executed for a Article 1346 of the Civil Code, a relatively
valuable consideration which is considered the simulated contract, when it does not prejudice a
equivalent of the donation itself. When Don Lopez third person and is not intended for any purpose
donated the land to CPU, he imposed an contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
obligation to establish a medical college, thus, the order or public policy binds the parties to their real
donation must be for an onerous consideration. agreement.
Under Art. 1181 of the Civil Code, on conditional As to the second agreement, the condition
obligations, the acquisition of rights, as well as the imposed is suspensive. The Javiers cannot be
extinguishment or loss of those already acquired, held liable thereon. The efficacy of said deed of
shall depend upon the happening of the event assignment is subject to the condition that the
which constitutes the condition. Thus, when a application of Tiro for an additional area for forest
person donates land to another on the condition concession be approved by the Bureau of
that the latter would build upon the land a school, Forestry. Since Tiro did not obtain that approval,
the condition imposed was not a condition said deed produces no effect. Moreover, under the
precedent or a suspensive condition but a second paragraph of Article 1461 of the Civil
resolutory one. It is not correct to say that the Code, the efficacy of the sale of a mere hope or
schoolhouse had to be constructed before the expectancy is deemed subject to the condition that
donation became effective, that is, before the the thing will come into existence. Since Tiro never
donee could become the owner of the land, acquired any right over the additional area, the
otherwise, it would be invading the property rights agreement executed therefor, which had for its
of the donor. The donation had to be valid before object the transfer of said right to the Javiers,
the fulfillment of the condition. If there was no never became effective or enforceable. (Javier v.
fulfillment or compliance with the condition, the CA, G.R. No. L-48194, 15 March 1990)
donation may now be revoked and all rights which
the donee may have acquired under it shall be The Alanos executed a document in favor of
deemed lost and extinguished. (Central Mariño the following tenor:
Philippine University v. CA, G.R. No. 112127,
17 July 1995) 1. We will pay to Da. Marcela Mariño the
indebtedness incurred in favor of that lady by our
Tiro is a holder of an ordinary timber license testator;
issued by the Bureau of Forestry. He executed a 2. To secure the payment of this debt we
Deed of Assignment in favor of the Javiers. At the mortgage to her the house and lot bequeathed to
time the said deed of assignment was executed, us by the deceased;
Tiro had a pending application, for an additional 3. In case of insolvency on our part, we cede
forest concession. Hence, they entered into by virtue of these presents the said house and lot
another agreement. to her; and if the said property upon appraisal at
Afterwards, the Javiers, now acting as timber the time of the maturity of this obligation should
license holders by virtue of the deed of not be of sufficient value to cover the total amount
assignment entered into a Forest Consolidation of this indebtedness, I, Anastasio Alano, also
Agreement with other ordinary timber license mortgage to the said lady my four parcels of land,
holders. For failure of the Javiers to pay the to secure the balance, if any.
balance due under the two deeds of assignment,
Tiro filed an action against them. No part of the interest or of the principal due upon
this undertaking has been paid.
Q: Are the deeds of assignment null and void, for
total absence of consideration and non-fulfillment Q: Are the defendants solidarily or jointly and
severally liable?
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

A: One of the effects of the rule established by the are governed not by the law on donations but by
code that the debt is to be regarded as "divided the rules on contracts.
into as many parts as there are debtors" is that Under Article 1306 of the NCC, the parties to a
"the interruption of prescription by the claim of a contract have the right to establish such
creditor addressed to a single debtor or by an stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they
acknowledgment made by one of the debtors in may deem convenient, provided they are not
favor of one or more of the creditors is not to be contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
understood as prejudicial to or in favor of the other order or public policy. The validity of the stipulation
debtors or creditors. The obligation appears to be in the contract providing for the automatic
one, when as a matter of fact it is an aggregate of reversion of the donated property to the donor
as many separate and independent obligations as upon non-compliance cannot be doubted. It is in
there are creditors and debtors. Each creditor the nature of an agreement granting a party the
cannot demand more than his part; each debtor right to rescind a contract unilaterally in case of
cannot be required to pay more than his share. breach, without need of going to court. Upon the
Prescription, novation, merger, and any other happening of the resolutory condition of non-
cause of modification or extinction does not compliance with the conditions of the contract, the
extinguish or modify the obligation except with donation is automatically revoked without need of
respect to the creditor or debtor affected, without a judicial declaration to that effect. (De Luna v.
extending its operation to any other part of the Abrigo, G.R. No. L-57455, 18 January 1990)
debt or of the credit. The obligation is, in a word,
pro rata, or in partes viriles. (Agoncillo v. Javier, Villamor used to borrow money from Borromeo.
38 SCRA 431) On one occasion, the Villamor borrowed a large
amount from the Borromeo, for which he
Adamos and Feria purchased two lots from mortgaged his land and house. The deed of
Porciuncula. Sometime thereafter, the successors- mortgage cannot be registered to the due to
in-interest of the latter filed for annulment of the improper forms, consequently he pressed Villamor
sale. In the meantime, during the pendency of the for settlement. The latter instead offered to
above-mentioned case, Adamos and Feria sold to execute a document promising to pay his debt
Ayson Simon. Due to the failure of Adamos and even after 10 years as soon as he is able. Villamor
Feria to comply with their commitment to have the futher stipulates that he waives his right to
subdivision plan of the lots approved and to deliver prescription established by law.
the titles and possession to Ayson Simson, she
filed a suit for specific performance. Q: Is the stipulation to pay after the lapse of 10
However, since execution of the order was years a waiver of prescription?
rendered impossible because of the judgment A: The terms of the contract are not clear on the
which earlier declared the sale of the lots in period of redemption. But the intent of the parties
question by Porciuncula to be null and void, Ayson thereto is the law between them and should be
Simson filed, another suit for rescission of the sale enforced. (Borromeo v. CA, G.R. No. L-22962,
with damages. 28 September 1972)

Q: Are actions for specifc performance and De Leon is doing business under the name of
rescission alternative remedies and not Mark Industrial Sales, he sold and delivered to
accumulative? Silahis various items of merchandise. Allegedly
A: The rule that the injured party can only choose due to Silahis's failure to pay its account upon
between fulfillment and rescission of the maturity despite repeated demands, De Leon filed
obligation, and cannot have both, applies when a complaint for the collection of the said accounts.
the obligation is possible of fulfillment. If, as in this Silahis presented as affirmative defense that a
case, the fulfillment has become impossible, debit memo for P 22,200.00 as unrealized profit
Article 1191 allows the injured party to seek for a supposed commission that Silahis should
rescission even after he has chosen fulfillment. have received from De Leon for the sale of
(Ayson-Simon v. Adamos, G.R. No. L-39378, 28 sprockets made directly to Dole Philippines.
August 1984)
Q: Was there a legal compensation?
De Luna donated a lot to Luzonian Colleges. The A: When all the requisites mentioned in Art. 1279
donation, embodied in a Deed of Donation of the Civil Code are present, compensation takes
Intervivos was subject to certain terms and effect by operation of law, even without the
conditions and provided for the automatic consent or knowledge of the creditors and debtors.
reversion to the donor of the donated property in Article 1279 requires, among others, that in order
case of violation or non-compliance. The that legal compensation shall take place, "the two
foundation accepted the donation subject to all the debts be due" and "they be liquidated and
terms and conditions stated in the donation. demandable." Compensation is not proper where
the claim of the person asserting the set-off
Q: Is judicial intervention necessary for rescinding against the other is not clear nor liquidated;
a contract? compensation cannot extend to unliquidated,
A: No. It is the finding of the trial court that the disputed claim existing from breach of contract.
donation subject of this case is one with an Silahis admits the validity of its outstanding
onerous cause. Under the old Civil Code, it is a accounts with De Leon. But whether De Leon is
settled rule that donations with an onerous cause liable to pay Silahis a commission on the subject
sale to Dole is disputed. This circumstance
University of Santo Tomas
prevents legal compensation from taking place. executed a Surety Bond in which he, as principal,
(Silahis Marketing Corporation v. IAC, G. R. No. and PHILAMGEN as surety, bound themselves
L-74027, 07 December 1989) jointly and severally for the payment of the sum.
And he also executed a deed of assignment of
Atty. Laquihon, in behalf of Pacweld filed a 4,000 shares of the Baguio Military Institution in
pleading addressed to MPCC entitled motion to favor of PHILAMGEN.
direct payment of attorney's fee”, invoking a
decision wherein MPCC was adjudged to pay Q: Is the stock assignment made by Lopez dation
Pacweld the sum of P10,000.00 as attorney's fees. in payment or pledge? Was there novation?
MPCC filed an opposition stating that the said A: The stock assignment constitutes a pledge and
amount is set-off by a like sum of P10,000.00, not a dacion en pago. The requirements of a
collectible in its favor from Pacweld also by way of contract of pledge have been satisfied: (1) that it
attorney's fees which MPCC recovered from the be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
same CFI of Manila in another civil case. principal obligation; (2) that the pledgor be the
absolute owner of the thing pledged; and (3) that
Q: Was there legal compensation? the person constituting the pledge has the free
A: MPCC and Pacweld were creditors and debtors disposal of the property, and in the absence
of each other, their debts to each other consisting thereof, that he be legally authorized for the
in final and executory judgments of the CFI in two purpose. (Article 2085, NCC).
separate cases. The two obligations, therefore, According to Article 1245 of the NCC, dation in
respectively offset each other, compensation payment, whereby property is alienated to the
having taken effect by operation of law and creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money, shall be
extinguished both debts to the concurrent amount governed by the law of sales.
of P10,000.00, pursuant to the provisions of Arts. Dation in payment is the delivery and transmission
1278, 1279 and 1290 of the Civil Code, since all of ownership of a thing by the debtor to the
the requisites provided in Art. 1279 of the said creditor as an accepted equivalent of the
Code for automatic compensation "even though performance of the obligation. Lopez’s loan has
the creditors and debtors are not aware of the not yet matured when he "alienated" his 4,000
compensation" were present. (Mindanao shares of stock to Philamgen. Lopez's obligation
Portland Cement Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. would arise only when he would default in the
L-62169, 28 February 1983) payment of the principal obligation which is the
loan and Philamgen had to pay for it. Since it is
Echevarria, as legal representative of the firm, contrary to the nature and concept of dation in
"Viuda e Hijos de F. Suarez," filed an action payment, the same could not have been
against Zapanta for the purpose of recovering a constituted when the stock assignment was
sum of money. After trial, the court rendered a executed. Moreover, there is no express provision
judgment against Zapanta. Then, they entered into in the terms of the stock assignment that the loan
an agreement or contract for the payment of said is immediately extinguished by reason of such
sum. However, Zapanta failed to punctually assignment. In case of doubt as to whether a
comply with the provisions of the agreement. transaction is a pledge or a dation in payment, the
presumption is in favor of pledge, the latter being
Q: Was there novation? the lesser transmission of rights and interests.
A: A final judgment is one of the most solemn
obligations incurred by parties known to the law. No, there is no novation. Novation which consists
And in Article 1156 of the Civil Code, it provides in substituting a new debtor in the place of the
the method by which all civil obligations may be original one, may be made even without the
extinguished. One of the methods is by novation. knowledge or against the will of the latter, but not
In order, however, that an obligation shall be without the consent of the creditor. In substituting
extinguished by novation, the law requires that the the person of the debtor, it is necessary that the
novation or extinguishment shall be expressly old debtor be released from the obligation and the
declared or that the old and new obligations shall third person or new debtor takes his place in the
be absolutely incompatible. relation. Without such release, there is no
The contract was not a new and independent novation, the third person who has assumed the
obligation expressly extinguishing the judgment; obligation of the debtor merely becomes a co-
neither were its terms incompatible with the debtor or a surety. The undertaking of Abello and
obligations of the judgment. It was simply another Pedrosa that they would buy the shares of stock
method of satisfying the judgment. The judgment does not necessarily imply the extinguishment of
was not extinguished. The judgment was not the liability of Lopez. Since it was not established
satisfied and the obligation existing thereunder still nor shown that Lopez would be released from
subsisted until the terms of the agreement had responsibility, the same does not constitute
been fully complied with. Zapanta was bound to novation and hence, Philamgen may still enforce
perform the conditions mentioned in said contract the obligation. The representation of Abello &
punctually. (Zapanta v. De Rotaeche, G.R. No. L- Pedrosa was a purely private arrangement
6910, 09 January 1912) between them, not an agreement between
Philamgen and Lopez. Thus, there was no
Lopez obtained a loan in the amount of novation of the obligation by substitution of debtor.
P20,000.00 from the Prudential Bank. He (Lopez v. CA, G.R. No. L-33157, 29 June 1982)
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

The Insured rejected the same and made a

Corpus was charged administratively. Pending the counter-offer for P4,000.00, but the Company did
investigation, he was suspended from office. The not accept it. Hence, the insured and Carlito's
investigating committee found the charges to be parents, (the Coquia’s) filed a complaint against
without merit. However on a resolution made by the company to collect the proceeds of the policy.
the Monetary Board upon recommendation of In its answer, the Company admitted the existence
Cuaderno, Sr. Corpus was considered resigned. thereof, but pleaded lack of cause of action on the
Corpus thru Atty. Alvarez, filed an action against part of the plaintiffs.
Cuaderno, Sr., the Central Bank and Marcos who
was appointed to his position. David helped Q: Do the Coquias have a contractual relation with
Corpus in the case to which Corpus sent David a the company?
check but returned it pending resolution of the A: Second paragraph of Article 1311 of the Civil
case. When the case was remanded for further Code states that if a contract should contain some
proceedings, the decision rendered was in favor of stipulation in favor of a third person, he may
Corpuz declaring illegal the resolution of the demand its fulfillment provided he communicated
Monetary Board and ordering the defendant's his acceptance to the obligor before its revocation.
reinstatement and the payment of his back A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person is
salaries and allowances. not sufficient. The contracting parties must have
Then, David’s law office made a formal de clearly and deliberately conferred a favor upon a
command upon Corpuz for collection of 50% of the third person.
amount recovered by Corpus. Corpus refused, This is a the restatement of a well-known principle
thus, David filed an action against Corpus. concerning contracts pour autrui, the enforcement
of which may be demanded by a third party for
Q: Was there a contract to pay attorney’s fees? whose benefit it was made, although not a party to
A: Corpus' act of giving the check through his the contract, before the stipulation in his favor has
letter David indicates Corpus' commitment to pay been revoked by the contracting parties.
the former attorney's fees, which is stressed by Pursuant to the stipulations, the company "will
expressing that "I wish I could give more but as indemnify any authorized Driver who is driving the
you know we were banking on a SC decision Motor Vehicle" of the insured and, in the event of
reinstating me and reimbursing my back salaries. death of said driver, the company shall, likewise,
This last sentiment constitutes a promise to pay "indemnify his personal representatives." In fact,
more upon his reinstatement and payment of his the company "may, at its option, make indemnity
back salaries. Moreover, David's letter-reply payable directly to the claimants or heirs of
confirms such promise. Said reply states that claimants ... it being the true intention of this
David decided to be his counsel in the case Policy to protect ... the liabilities of the Insured
because of the value to him of their intimate towards the passengers of the motor vehicle and
relationship over the years and "not, primarily, for the public", in other words, third parties.
a professional fee." David agreed to render Thus, the policy is typical contract pour autrui, this
professional services to Corpus secondarily for a character being made more manifest by the fact
professional fee. that the deceased driver paid 50% of the
In addition, the payment of attorney's fees may corresponding premiums, which were deducted
also be justified by virtue of the innominate from his weekly commissions. The Coquias who
contract of facio ut des (I do and you give which is are the sole heirs of the deceased have a direct
based on the principle that "no one shall unjustly cause of action against the company. (Coquia v.
enrich himself at the expense of another." Fieldmen’s Insurance Co., Inc., G.R. No. L-
Innominate contracts have been elevated to a 23276, 29 November 1968)
codal provision in the New Civil Code by providing
under Article 1307 that such contracts shall be De Jesus hosted a dinner for his friends at
regulated by the stipulations of the parties, by the Mandarin’s restaurant. After dinner, the waiter
general provisions or principles of obligations and handed to him the bill. De Jesus offered to pay the
contracts, by the rules governing the most bill through his credit card issued by BANKARD.
analogous nominate contracts, and by the This card was accepted by the waiter card
customs of the people. verification. However, the waiter returned and
While there was no express contract between the informed De Jesus that his credit card had
parties for the payment of attorney's fees, David expired.
rendered legal services to Corpus and therefore is De Jesus argued that said credit card had yet to
entitled to compensation under the innominate expire as embossed on its face. Again, the credit
contract of facio ut des. (Corpus v. CA, G.R. No. card passed over the verification computer but the
L-40424, 30 June 1980) same information CARD EXPIRED was produced.
De Jesus left the restaurant and got his BPI
Fieldmen's Insurance Company, Inc. issued, in Express Credit Card and offered it to pay the bill.
favor of the Manila Yellow Taxicab, Inc. a common This was accepted and honored by the cashier
carrier accident insurance policy. While the policy after verification. Then, De Jesus filed an action
was in force, a taxicab of the insured, driven by against Manadarin and BANKARD.
Carlito Coquia, met a vehicular accident, in
consequence of which he died. The insured filed Q: Is Mandarin bound to accept payment by
therefor a claim for P5,000.00 to which the means of credit card?
company replied with an offer to pay P2,000.00,
by way of compromise.
University of Santo Tomas
A: Mandarin is affiliated with BANKARD. In fact, exercises his option, the holder of the option is not
an "Agreement" entered into by De Jesus and bound to buy. He is free either to buy or not to buy
BANKARD, provides that: later. If the option is given without a consideration,
The MERCHANT shall honor validly issued PCCCI it is a mere offer of a contract of sale, which is not
credit cards presented by their corresponding binding until accepted. If, however, acceptance is
holders in the purchase of goods and/or services made before a withdrawal, it constitutes a binding
supplied by it provided that the card expiration contract of sale, even though the option was not
date has not elapsed and the card number does supported by a sufficient consideration. (Sanchez
not appear on the latest cancellation bulletin of v. Rigos, G.R. No. L-25494, 14 June 1972)
lost, suspended and canceled PCCCI credit cards
and, no signs of tampering, alterations or Bancom Development Corporation and Odyssey
irregularities appear on the face of the credit card. Park, entered into a Contract to Sell whereby
Although Mandarin is not a party to the said Bancom agreed to sell to Odyssey the parcel of
agreement, such stipulation conferred a favor land situated in Baguio City and the structure
upon De Jesus. This stipulation is a stipulation constructed thereon as the Europa Clubhouse.
pour autri and under Article 1311 of the Civil Code Subsequently, in a document entitled "Separate
De Jesus may demand its fulfillment provided he Deed of Conveyance" Bancom confirmed and
communicated his acceptance to Mandarin before acknowledged that it has ceded, transferred and
its revocation. De Jesus' offer to pay by means of conveyed in favor of Union Bank all the rights, title
his BANKARD credit card constitutes not only an and interest it has over the property.
acceptance of the said stipulation but also an 22 days after the execution of the contract,
explicit communication of his acceptance to the Odyssey paid the amount of P100,000.00 and
obligor. other payments beyond the stipulated period.
Moreover, Mandarin posted a logo inside On December 23, 1981, Mr. Vicente A. Araneta,
Mandarin Villa Seafood Village stating that President of Europa Condominium Villas, Inc.,
"Bankard is accepted here. (Mandarin Villa, Inc. wrotes defendant-appellee Union Bank, a letter,
v. CA, G.R. No. 119850, 20 June 1996) Exhibit E, stating that the Europa Center was
reported to prospective buyers as well as
Sanchez and Rigos executed an instrument government authorities as part of common areas
entitled "Option to Purchase," whereby Rigos and amenities under the condominium concept of
"agreed, promised and committed ... to sell" to selling to the public and for that reason wants to
Sanchez the sum of P1,510.00, a parcel of land make it of record that Europa Condominium Villas,
situated in Nueva Ecija, within two 2 years from Inc., questions the propriety of the contract to sell.
said date with the understanding that said option Odyssey wrote Bancom stating that it
shall be deemed "terminated and elapsed," if acknowledges receipt of a copy of the letter-
"Sanchez shall fail to exercise his right to buy the protest from the Europa Condominium Villas, Inc.
property" within the stipulated period. in which Europa Center was reported to
Several tenders of payment of the sum of prospective buyers. Then, Bancom, wrote Europa
Pl,510.00 was made by Sanchez within said Condominium that the Europa Center and the
period but were rejected by Rigos. Thus, Sanchez parcel of land on which it is built are not part of the
deposited said amount with the CFI and filed an Europa Condominium .
action against Rigos for specific performance and Union Bank wrote Odyssey demanding payment
damages. of the overdue account of P2,193,720.91, inclusive
of interest and service charges, otherwise the
Q: Was there a perfected contract? contract to sell would be cancelled and rescinded.
A: ART. 1324. When the offerer has allowed the Later, Union Bank formally sent a letter to odyssey
offeree a certain period to accept, the offer may be rescinding and/or cancelling the contract to sell
withdrawn any time before acceptance by and demanding Odyssey to vacate the premises.
communicating such withdrawal, except when the
option is founded upon consideration as Q: Is rescission proper?
something paid or promised. A: Under Article 1191 of the Civil Code:
Under Article 1324 of the new Civil Code, the Art. 1191. The power to rescind obligations is
general rule regarding offer and acceptance is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the
that, when the offerer gives to the offeree a certain obligors should not comply with what is incumbent
period to accept, "the offer may be withdrawn at upon him.
any time before acceptance" except when the The injured party may choose between the
option is founded upon consideration, but this fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation, with
general rule must be interpreted as modified by the payment of damages in either case. He may
the provision of article 1479 which applies to "a also seek rescission, even after he has chosen
promise to buy and sell" specifically. As already fulfillment, if the latter should become impossible.
stated, this rule requires that a promise to sell to The Court shall decree the rescission claimed,
be valid must be supported by a consideration unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing of
distinct from the price. a period.
Furthermore, an option is unilateral: a promise to This is understood to be without prejudice to the
sell at the price fixed whenever the offeree should rights of third persons who have acquired the
decide to exercise his option within the specified thing, in accordance with articles 1385 and 1388
time. After accepting the promise and before he and the Mortgage Law.
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Article 1191 cannot be applied. In a contract to Northwest Airlines, through its Japan Branch,
sell, the payment of the purchase price is a entered into an International Passenger Sales
positive suspensive condition, the failure of which Agency Agreement with CF Sharp, authorizing the
is not a breach, casual or serious, but a situation latter to sell its air transport tickets. CF Sharp
that prevents the obligation of the vendor to failed to remit the proceeds of the ticket sales,
convey title from acquiring an obligatory force. The thus, Northwest airlines filed a collection suit
breach contemplated in Article 1191 of the Code is before the Tokyo District Court which rendered
the obligor's failure to comply with an obligation judgment ordering CF Sharp to pay "83,158,195
already extant, not a failure of a condition to Yen and damages for the delay at the rate of 6%
render binding that obligation. In any event, the per annum. Unable to execute the decision in
failure of petitioner to even complete the down
Japan, Northwest Airlines filed a case to enforce
payment stipulated in the contract to sell puts
said foreign judgment with the RTC of Manila.
Odyssey far from good stead in urging that there
has been substantial compliance with the contract
to sell within the meaning of Article 1191 of the Q: What is the rate of exchange that should be
Code. (Odyssey Park, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. applied for the payment of the amount?
107992, 08 October 1997) A: Under Philippine law, stipulations on the
satisfaction of obligations in foreign currency are
Masigla was in possession of Lot 897 in Cavite. void. Payments of monetary obligations, subject to
Victoriano discovered that title to Lot No. 897 was certain exceptions, shall be discharged in the
registered in the name of her grandfather. She currency which is the legal tender in the
secured an extrajudicial partition from all the heirs Philippines. But since R.A. No. 529 does not
of Tamio, who thus waived their shares in the lot in provide for the rate of exchange for the payment of
her favor. Victoriano thereafter secured a title to foreign currency obligations incurred after its
said lot in her name. enactment, the SC held in a number of cases that
The heirs of Arcilla, represented by Masigla, filed a the rate of exchange for the conversion in the
complaint in court for reconveyance of Lot No. peso equivalent should be the prevailing rate at
897, claiming that their father Arcilla, had bought the time of payment.
the lot from Tamio and that they had been in The repeal of R.A. No. 529 by R.A. No. 8183 has
possession thereof since 1927. Masigla could not, the effect of removing the prohibition on the
however, present a deed of sale evidencing the stipulation of currency other than Philippine
transfer of the property from Tamio to Arcilla. All currency, such that obligations or transactions
that she and her heirs could present were a may now be paid in the currency agreed upon by
"Sinumpaang Salaysay" wherein the children of the parties. Just like R.A. No. 529, however, the
Tamio authorized their mother to sell Lot 897 to new law does not provide for the applicable rate of
Arcilla. While the owner's duplicate of the title to exchange for the conversion of foreign currency-
the property, real property tax receipts and tax incurred obligations in their peso equivalent. It
declarations were in the name of Tamio. The follows, therefore, that the jurisprudence
Arcillas also paid tax declarations but the receipts established in R.A. No. 529 regarding the rate of
were lost. conversion remains applicable.
Thus, in Asia World Recruitment, Inc. v. National
Q: Is the Statute of Frauds applicable? Labor Relations Commission, SC, applying R.A.
A: The Statute of Frauds is applicable only to No. 8183, sustained the ruling of the NLRC that
executory contracts, not to contracts either totally obligations in foreign currency may be discharged
or partially performed. Thus, where a contract of in Philippine currency based on the prevailing rate
sale is alleged to be consummated, it matters not at the time of payment. The wisdom on which the
that neither the receipt for the consideration nor
jurisprudence interpreting R.A. No. 529 is based
the sale itself was in writing, because oral
equally holds true with R.A. No. 8183. Verily, it is
evidence of the alleged consummated sale is not
just and fair to preserve the real value of the
forbidden by the Statute of Frauds and may not be
excluded in court. foreign exchange- incurred obligation to the date
Thus, the testimony of the Arcillas is admissible to of its payment. (C.F. Sharp & Co., Inc. v.
prove the existence of the sale, it being of record Northwest Airlines, Inc., G.R. No. 133498, 18
that the land has been in their possession since April 2002)
1927. Performance of the contract, whether total
or partial, takes it out of the operation of the Q: Is Article 1250 of the New Civil Code
statute This performance, necessarily must be applicable?
duly proved. And Masigla pointed out the A: No. The rule that the value of the currency at
circumstances to show performance: possession the time of the establishment of the obligation shall
of the owner's copy of the title, undisturbed in their be the basis of payment finds application only
possession of the land for more than 50 years, when there is an official pronouncement or
possession of the "Sinumpaang Salaysay", declaration of the existence of an extraordinary
expenses incurres for the resurvey of the land, tax inflation or deflation. (C.F. Sharp & Co., Inc. v.
declarations and the the immediate heirs of Tamio Northwest Airlines, Inc., G.R. No. 133498, 18
never contested to the Arcillas’ possession of the April 2002)
land. (Victoriano v. CA, G.R. No. 87550, 11
February 1991) Q: What is the rate of interest that should be

University of Santo Tomas

A: In Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of payments. It was only when he failed to convince
Appeals, it was held that absent any stipulation, Francisco to increase the price that they instituted
the legal rate of interest in obligations which the complaint for reconveyance of the properties.
consists in the payment of a sum of money, as in Clearly, Pastor was agreeable to the contracts,
the present case, is 12% per annum. CF Sharp is only he wanted to get more. Further, there is no
liable to pay the amount adjudged in the foreign showing that Pastor returned the payments or
judgment, with "interest thereon at the legal rate made an offer to do so. Indeed there was
[12% per annum] from the filing of the complaint ratification. (Francisco v. Herrera, G.R. No.
therein until the said foreign judgment is fully 139982, 21 November 2002)
satisfied. (C.F. Sharp & Co., Inc. v. Northwest
Airlines, Inc., G.R. No. 133498, 18 April 2002) Juan San Andres was the registered owner of a lot
in Naga City. He sold a portion thereof to
Eligio Herrera, Sr., the father of Pastor, was the Rodriguez as evidenced by a deed of sale.
owner of 2 parcels of land located at Cainta, Rizal. Upon the death of Juan San Andres, Ramon San
Francisco bought the first parcel and paid in Andres was appointed judicial administrator of the
installments. Later, she bought the second parcel. decedent's estate. Ramon engaged the services of
Contending that the contract price for the 2 parcels a geodetic engineer, Peñero, to prepare a
of land was grossly inadequate, the children of consolidated plan of the estate. Peñero also
Eligio, Sr., tried to negotiate with Francisco to prepared a sketch plan of the lot sold to
increase the purchase price. When Francisco Rodriguez. From the result of the survey, it was
refused, they filed a complaint for annulment of the found that Rodriguez had enlarged the area which
sale. he purchased.
Thus, Ramon sent a letter to Rodriguez
Q: Are the contracts of sale void or merely demanding to vacate the portion allegedly
voidable and hence capable of being ratified? encroached by him. However, Rodriguez refused.
A: A void or inexistent contract is one which has Ramon then filed an action for recovery of
no force and effect from the very beginning. possession of the disputed lot.
Hence, it is as if it has never been entered into
and cannot be validated either by the passage of Q: Is the object of the contract determinable
time or by ratification. There are two types of void A: Art. 1349. The object of every contract must be
contracts: determinate as to its kind. The fact that the
(1) those where one of the essential requisites of a quantity is not determinable shall not be an
valid contract as provided for by Article 131810 of obstacle to the existence of a contract, provided it
the Civil Code is totally wanting; and (2) those is possible to determine the same without the
declared to be so under Article 1409 of the Civil need of a new contract between the parties.
Art. 1460. The requisite that a thing be
Code. By contrast, a voidable or annullable
determinate is satisfied if at the time the contract is
contract is one in which the essential requisites for
entered into, the thing is capable of being made
validity under Article 1318 are present, but vitiated
determinate without the necessity of a new and
by want of capacity, error, violence, intimidation, further agreement between the parties.
undue influence, or deceit. There is no dispute that Rodriguez purchased a
Article 1318 of the Civil Code states that no portion of the lot consisting of 345 square meters.
contract exists unless there is a concurrence of This portion is located in the middle of Lot 1914-B-
consent of the parties, object certain as subject 2, which has a total area of 854 square meters,
matter, and cause of the obligation established. and is clearly what was referred to in the receipt
Article 1327 provides that insane or demented as the "previously paid lot." Since the lot
persons cannot give consent to a contract. But, if subsequently sold to Rodriguez is said to adjoin
an insane or demented person does enter into a the "previously paid lot" on three sides thereof, the
contract, the legal effect is that the contract is subject lot is capable of being determined without
voidable or annullable as specifically provided in the need of any new contract. The fact that the
Article 1390. exact area of these adjoining residential lots is
In the present case, it was established that Eligio, subject to the result of a survey does not detract
Sr. entered into an agreement with Francisco, but from the fact that they are determinate or
that the former’s capacity to consent was vitiated determinable.
by senile dementia. Hence, the contracts are not Thus, all of the essential elements of a contract of
void or inexistent per se, rather, these are sale are present, i.e., that there was a meeting of
contracts that are valid and binding unless the minds between the parties, by virtue of which
annulled through a proper action filed in court the late Juan San Andres undertook to transfer
seasonably. ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing for
An annullable contract may be rendered perfectly a price certain in money. As Art. 1475 of the Civil
valid by ratification, which can be express or Code provides:
implied. Implied ratification may take the form of The contract of sale is perfected at the
accepting and retaining the benefits of a contract. moment there is a meeting of minds upon the
This is what happened in this case. Upon learning thing which is the object of the contract and
of the sale, Pastor negotiated for the increase of upon the price.
the purchase price while receiving the installment
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

(Heirs of San Andres v. Rodriguez, G.R. No. According to Article 166 of the Civil Code, the
135634, 31 May 2000) husband cannot alienate or encumber any real
property of the conjugal partnership without the
Q: Is the contract of sale a conditional one? wife’s consent. This provision, however, must be
A: It is evident from the stipulations in the receipt read in conjunction with Article 173 of the same
that Juan San Andres sold the residential lot in to Code. The latter states that an action to annul an
Rodriguez and undertook to transfer the alienation or encumbrance may be instituted by
ownership without any qualification, reservation or the wife during the marriage and within ten years
condition. from the transaction questioned. Videlicet, the lack
The stipulation that the "payment of the full of consent on her part will not make the husband’s
consideration based on a survey shall be due and alienation or encumbrance of real property of the
payable in 5 years from the execution of a formal conjugal partnership void, but merely voidable.
deed of sale" is not a condition which affects the Hence, the deed is valid until and unless annulled.
efficacy of the contract of sale. It merely provides (Villaranda v. Villaranda, G.R. No. 153447, 23
the manner by which the full consideration is to be February 2004)
computed and the time within which the same is to
be paid. But it does not affect in any manner the Camacho was the owner of a parcel of land
effectivity of the contract. (Heirs of San Andres v. situated in Balanga, Bataan. Camacho and Atty.
Rodriguez, G.R. No. 135634, 31 May 2000) Banzon entered into a contract for legal services in
which Camacho bind himself to pay 5000 of the
Q: Is there a valid consignation? said lot.
A: Under Art. 1257 of this Civil Code, consignation Camacho executed a special power of attorney
is proper only in cases where an existing giving Atty. Banzon the authority to execute and
obligation is due. In this case, however, the sign for her behalf a deed of donation transferring
contracting parties agreed that full payment of a 17,000-sq-m portion of the lot to the municipal
purchase price shall be due and payable within 5 government which was then executed and
years from the execution of a formal deed of sale. accepted by the local government.
At the time Rodriguez deposited the amount of While Tuazon had been an agricultural tenant in
P7,035.00 in the court, no formal deed of sale had the lot since World War II. Despite the agreement
yet been executed by the parties, and, therefore, of Camacho and Tuazon that Tuazon would
the 5-year period during which the purchase price voluntarily surrender the land, Tuazon plowed a
portion of the lot and planted palay without
should be paid had not commenced. In short, the
Camacho’s consent. Thus, they filed a complaint
purchase price was not yet due and payable.
for forcible entry.
(Heirs of San Andres v. Rodriguez, G.R. No.
Camacho and the municipality, through Atty.
135634, 31 May 2000) Banzon, and Tuazon entered into an agreement to
stay court order. Then, Camacho filed a
A parcel of land located at Cagayan de Oro City manifestation the civil case declaring that she had
was left to the 2 brothers and 8 other siblings by terminated the services of Atty. Banzon. Atty.
their parents. Estate Administrator Luminarias Banzon filed a complaint-in-intervention.
leased 124 square meters of the property to
Honorio Villaranda. Vicente Villaranda, on the
Q: Is there a perfected contract between Camacho
other hand, inherited 64.22 square meters of the
and Atty. Banzon?
property that had not been leased to Honorio.
The 2 brothers executed the assailed deed of A: Yes. Article 1305 of the NCC defines a contract
exchange. Under this instrument, Vicente agreed as a "meeting of minds between two persons
to convey his 64.22-square-meter portion to whereby one binds himself, with respect to the
Honorio, in exchange for a 500-square-meter other, to give something or to render some
property. After, Honorio took possession of the lot service." Contracts shall be obligatory in whatever
and constructed a building thereon. form they may have been entered into, provided
Years later, however, a subdivision plan was all the essential requisites for their validity are
completed for the 64.22 square-meter share of present.
Vicente which was issued in his name. The other In general, there are three (3) essential requisites
heirs were issued their own title certificates for for a valid contract: (1) consent of the contracting
their respective shares.9 parties; (2) an object certain which is the subject of
Honorio and his wife, then brought an action for the contract; and (3) the cause of the obligation
specific performance to compel Vicente to comply which is established.
with his obligations under the deed of exchange.
1. Consent of the contracting parties
Q: Is the deed of exchange null and void? Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer
A: The deed was entered into on July 6, 1976, and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause
while the Family Code took effect only on August which are to constitute the agreement. The
3, 1998. Laws should be applied prospectively contract between Camacho and Atty. Banzon is
only, unless a legislative intent to give them evidenced by a written document signed by both
retroactive effect is expressly declared or is parties denominated as Contract of Attorney’s
necessarily implied from the language used. Fee. It is an established rule that written evidence
is so much more certain and accurate than that
Hence, the provisions of the Civil Code, not the
which rests in fleeting memory only; that it would
Family Code are applicable.
be unsafe, when parties have expressed the terms
University of Santo Tomas
of their contract in writing, to admit weaker Selegna Management and spouses Angeles were
evidence to control and vary the stronger, and to granted a credit facility by UCPB. As security for
show that the parties intended a different contract this credit facility, petitioners executed real estate
from that expressed in the writing signed by them. mortgages over several parcels of land and over
Moreover, the moment a party affixes her several condominium units in Makati. They were
signature thereon, he or she is bound by all the likewise required to execute a promissory note in
terms stipulated therein and is open to all the legal favor of UCPB every time they availed of the credit
obligations that may arise from their breach. facility.
The parties stipulated in their credit agreement
Camacho’s consent to the contract was further that failure to pay "any availment of the
manifested in the following events: the execution accommodation or interest, or any sum due" shall
of the agreement with voluntary surrender signed constitute an event of default, which shall
by Tuazon; the execution of the Deed of Donation consequently allow UCPB to "declare as
where Atty. Banzon was authorized to sign the immediately due and payable all outstanding
same on behalf of Camacho; and the sale of 1200 availments.
sq. m. portion of the property right at the market In need of further business capital, petitioners
site. In all these transactions, Atty. Banzon obtained from UCPB an increase in their credit
represented Camacho pursuant to the Contract of facility. They executed another promissory note.
Attorney’s Fee. Then, UCPB sent petitioners a demand letter to
pay within 5 days the principal amount with the
2. Object certain which is the subject of the interest, penalty and other charges due. UCPB
contract sent another letter of demand. In response,
Articles 1349 and 1460 of the Civil Code petitioners paid UCPB the amount of
provide the guidelines in determining whether P10,199,473.96 as partial payment of the accrued
or not the object of the contract is certain. interests. Apparently unsatisfied, UCPB applied for
The requisite that a thing be determinate is extrajudicial foreclosure of petitioners’ mortgaged
satisfied if at the time the contract is entered into, properties.
the thing is capable of being made determinate
without the necessity of a new or further Q: Are Selegna Management and spouses
agreement between the parties. Angeles in default?
In this case, the object of the contract is the 5,000- A: It is a settled rule of law that foreclosure is
sq-m portion of Lot 261, Balanga Cadastre. The proper when the debtors are in default of the
failure of the parties to state its exact location in payment of their obligation. In fact, the parties
the contract is of no moment; this is a mere error stipulated in their credit agreements, mortgage
occasioned by the parties’ failure to describe with contracts and promissory notes that UCPB was
particularity the subject property, which does not authorized to foreclose on the mortgages, in case
indicate the absence of the principal object as to of a default by petitioners.
render the contract void. Since Camacho bound Mora solvendi, or debtor’s default, is defined as a
herself to deliver a portion of Lot 261 to Atty. delay in the fulfillment of an obligation, by reason
Banzon, the description of the property subject of of a cause imputable to the debtor. There are
the contract is sufficient to validate the same. three requisites necessary for a finding of default.
First, the obligation is demandable and liquidated;
3. Cause of the obligation which is established second, the debtor delays performance; third, the
In general, the cause is the why the contract or the creditor judicially or extrajudicially requires the
essential reason which moves the contracting debtor�s performance.
parties to enter into the contract. For the cause to In the present case, the promissory note executed
be valid, it must be lawful such that it is not on March 29, 1998, expressly states that
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public petitioners had an obligation to pay monthly
order or public policy. interest on the principal obligation. From
Under the terms of the contract, Atty. Banzon was respondent’s demand letter, it is clear that
obliged to negotiate with the municipal petitioners failed to meet those monthly payments
government of Balanga for the transfer of the since May 30, 1998. Their nonpayment is defined
proposed new public market to Camacho’s as an "event of default" in the parties’ credit
property; to sell 1,200 square meters right at the agreement.
market site; and to take charge of the legal phases Considering that the contract is the law between
incidental to the transaction which include the the parties, UCPB is justified in invoking the
ejectment of persons unlawfully occupying the acceleration clause declaring the entire obligation
property and the execution of the deed of donation immediately due and payable. That clause obliged
and other papers necessary to consummate the petitioners to pay the entire loan on January 29,
transaction. There was thus nothing wrong with 1999, the date fixed by UCPB.
the services which respondent undertook to
perform under the contract. They are not contrary Q: Is the debt liquidated?
to law, morals, good customs, public order or A: A debt is liquidated when the amount is known
public policy. (Camacho v. CA, G.R. No. 127520, or is determinable by inspection of the terms and
09 February 2007) conditions of the relevant promissory notes and
related documentation. Failure to furnish a debtor


Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

a detailed statement of account does not ipso requires, and such new treaty is recognized as
facto result in an unliquidated obligation. such by the US Government.
Petitioners executed a promissory note, in which The Senate passed and adopted a resolution,
they stated that their principal obligation was in the expressing its decision not to concur in the
amount of P103,909,710.82, subject to an interest ratification of the treaty to extend the term of the
rate of 21.75 percent per annum. Pursuant to the use by the US of Subic Naval Base.
parties’ credit agreement, petitioners likewise Thus, Globe notified Philcomsat of its intention to
know that any delay in the payment of the principal discontinue the use of the earth station. After the
obligation will subject them to a penalty charge of US military forces left Subic Naval Base,
one percent per month, computed from the due Philcomsat sent Globe a letter demanding
date until the obligation is paid in full. payment of its outstanding obligations under the
Hence, there is no basis for their allegation that a agreement. However, Globe refused. Thus,
statement of account was necessary for the Philcomsat filed a complaint against Globe.
petitioners to know their obligation. We cannot Philcomsat contends that under Article 1174 of the
impair respondent�s right to foreclose the Civil Code, an event must be unforeseen in order
properties on the basis of their unsubstantiated to exempt a party from complying with its
allegation of a violation of due process. (Selegna obligations. It insists that the expiration of the RP-
Management and Development Corporation US Military Bases Agreement, the non-ratification
and Spouses Angeles v. UCPB, G.R. No. of the treaty and the withdrawal of US military
165662, 03 May 2006) forces were not unforeseeable.

Q: Does UCPB abandon their demand for full Q: Are the non-ratification of the treaty and the
payment when it accepted the partial payment? expiration of the RP-US Military Bases Agreement
A: When creditors receive partial payment, they fortuitous events?
are not ipso facto deemed to have abandoned A: Yes. Under Article 1174, which exempts an
their prior demand for full payment. obligor from liability on account of fortuitous events
Thus, to imply that creditors accept partial or force majeure, refers not only to events that are
payment as complete performance of their unforeseeable, but also to those which are
obligation, their acceptance must be made under foreseeable, but inevitable.
circumstances that indicate their intention to A fortuitous event under Article 1174 may either
consider the performance complete and to be an "act of God," or natural occurrences such as
renounce their claim arising from the defect. floods or typhoons, or an "act of man," such as
There are no circumstances that would indicate a riots, strikes or wars.
renunciation of the right of UCPB to foreclose the In order that Globe may be exempt from non-
mortgaged properties extrajudicially, on the basis compliance with its obligation to pay rentals, the
of petitioners’ continuing default. On the contrary, concurrence of the following elements must be
it asserted its right by filing an application for established: (1) the event must be independent of
extrajudicial foreclosure after receiving the partial the human will; (2) the occurrence must render it
payment. Clearly, it did not intend to give impossible for the debtor to fulfill the obligation in a
petitioners more time to meet their obligation. normal manner; and (3) the obligor must be free of
participation in, or aggravation of, the injury to the
While Article 1248 of the Civil Code states that
creditors cannot be compelled to accept partial
The requisites are present in the instant case.
payments, it does not prohibit them from accepting
Philcomsat and Globe had no control over the
such payments. (Selegna Management and non-renewal of the term of the RP-US Military
Development Corporation and Spouses Bases Agreement when the same expired in 1991,
Angeles v. UCPB, G.R. No. 165662, 03 May because the prerogative to ratify the treaty
2006) belonged to the Senate. Neither did the parties
have control over the subsequent withdrawal of
Globe had been engaged in the coordination of the US military forces and personnel from Cubi
the provision of various communication facilities Point.
for the military bases of US in Clark Air Base and The events made impossible the continuation of
Subic Naval Base in Cubi Point, Zambales. the agreement without fault on the part of either
Philcomsat and Globe entered into an agreement party. Such fortuitous events rendered Globe
whereby Philcomsat obligated itself to establish, exempt from payment of rentals for the remainder
operate and provide an earth station within Cubi of the term of the agreement.
Point for the exclusive use of the USDCA. The Moerover, Philcomsat and Globe agreed in
term of the contract was for 5 years. In turn, Globe Section 8 of their agreement that enumerated
promised to pay Philcomsat monthly rentals for certain events constituting force majeure which
each leased circuit involved. are either unforeseeable, or foreseeable but
At the time of the execution of the agreement, both beyond the control of the parties. There is nothing
parties knew that the RP-US Military Bases in the enumeration that runs contrary to, or
Agreement was to expire in 1991. Under Section expands, the concept of a fortuitous event under
25, Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution, foreign Article 1174. It has, therefore, the force and effect
military bases, troops or facilities, shall not be of law between the parties. (Philippine
allowed in the Philippines unless a new treaty is Communications Satellite Corporation v.
duly concurred in by the Senate and ratified by a Globe Telecom, Inc., G.R. No. 147324, 25 May
majority of the votes cast by the people in a 2004)
national referendum when the Congress so

University of Santo Tomas

Miranda boarded JAL flight No. JL 001 in San the passenger must assume or expect. After all,
Francisco bound for Manila. Likewise, the Aganas common carriers are not the insurer of all risks.
and Francisco left Los Angeles for Manila via JAL (Japan Airlines v. CA, G.R. No. 118664, 07
flight No. JL 061. As an incentive for traveling on August 1998)
the said airline, both flights were to make an
overnight stopover at Narita, Japan, at the airlines' MIAA conducted a public bidding for a contract
expense, thereafter proceeding to Manila the involving the structural repair and waterproofing of
following day. the buildings of NAIA. The contract was awarded
After the stay of the Agnas, Francisco and to ALA when it agreed to reduce the price. ALA
Miranda at hotel Nikko Narita, they went to the made the necessary repairs and waterproofing.
airport to take their flight to Manila. However, due After submission of its progress billing, it received
to the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, unrelenting ashfall partial payments.
blanketed NAIA, rendering it inaccessible to airline However, MIAA unilaterally rescinded the contract
traffic. Hence, their trip to Manila was cancelled on the ground that ALA failed to complete the
indefinitely. project within the agreed completion date. MIAA
To accommodate the needs of its stranded advised ALA of a committee formed to determine
passengers, JAL rebooked all the Manila-bound the extent of the work done but ALA, still was not
passengers and also paid for the hotel expenses fully paid.
for their unexpected overnight stay. However, the Then, ALA objected to the rescission and filed a
flight to Manila was again cancelled due to NAIA's complaint. During trial, both parties executed a
indefinite closure. At this point, JAL informed them compromise agreement with a stipulation that
that it would no longer defray their hotel and failure of MIAA to pay the amount to ALA within
accommodation expense during their stay in the period stipulated shall entitle the ALA to a writ
Narita. of execution from the RTC to enforce all its claims
Since NAIA was only reopened to airline traffic on pleaded in the complaint.
June 22, 1991, they were forced to pay for their Finding the compromise agreement not to be
accommodations and meal expenses from their contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
personal funds from June 16 to June 21, 1991. order, and public policy, the court approved it.
Thus, they filed an action for damages against Then, MIAA failed to pay within the period
JAL. stipulated. Thus, ALA filed a motion for execution
to enforce its claim. MIAA filed a comment and
Q: Does JAL as a common carrier has the attributed the delays to its being a government
obligation to shoulder the hotel and meal agency.
expenses of its stranded passengers until they
have reached their final destination, even if the Q: Is the compromise agreement valid?
delay were caused by force majeure? A: Yes. A compromise agreement is a contract
A: There is no dispute that the Mt. Pinatubo whereby the parties make reciprocal concessions
eruption prevented JAL from proceeding to Manila to resolve their differences, thus avoiding litigation
on schedule. Such event can be considered as or putting an end to one that has already
"force majeure" since the delayed arrival in Manila commenced. Generally favored in law, such
was not imputable to JAL. agreement is a bilateral act or transaction that is
When a party is unable to fulfill his obligation binding on the contracting parties and is expressly
because of "force majeure," the general rule is that acknowledged by the Civil Code as a juridical
he cannot be held liable for damages for non- agreement between them. Provided it is not
performance. Corollary, when JAL was prevented contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
from resuming its flight to Manila due to the effects order or public policy, it is immediately executory.
of Mt. Pinatubo eruption, whatever losses or To be valid, a compromise agreement is merely
damages in the form of hotel and meal expenses required by law, first, to be based on real claims;
the stranded passengers incurred, cannot be second, to be actually agreed upon in good faith.
charged to JAL. Yet it is undeniable that JAL Both conditions are present in this case. The
assumed their hotel expenses for their unexpected claims of the parties are valid, and the agreement
overnight stay on June 15, 1991. done without any fraud or vice of consent. Each of
To be stranded for almost a week in a foreign land the parties entered into a compromise agreement
was an exasperating experience for the Aganas, freely and voluntarily. (MIAA v. Ala Industries
Francisco and Miranda. They underwent distress Corporation, G.R. No. 147349, 13 February
and anxiety during their unanticipated stay in 2004)
Narita, but their predicament was not due to the
fault or negligence of JAL but the closure of NAIA Q: Is the delay of payment a fortuitous event?
to international flights. Indeed, in the absence of A: Foreseeable difficulties that occur during the
bad faith or negligence, JAL cannot be liable for Christmas season and cause a delay do not
the amenities of its stranded passengers by constitute a fortuitous event. The difficulties in
reason of a fortuitous event. processing claims during that period are not "acts
Furthermore, it has been held that airline of God" that would excuse noncompliance with
passengers must take such risks incident to the judicially approved obligations.
mode of travel. Thus, adverse weather conditions A fortuitous event is one that cannot be foreseen
or extreme climatic changes are some of the perils or, though foreseen, is inevitable. It has the
involved in air travel, the consequences of which following characteristics:
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

"(a) The cause of the unforeseen and unexpected impossible to foresee the event which constitutes
occurrence, or the failure of the debtor to comply the caso fortuito, or if it can be foreseen, it must be
with his obligations, must be independent of impossible to avoid; (c) the occurrence must be
human will; (b) it must be impossible to foresee such as to render it impossible for the debtor to
the event which constitutes the caso fortuito, or if it fulfill his obligation in a normal manner; and (d) the
can be foreseen, it must be impossible to avoid; obligor must be free from any participation in the
(c) the occurrence must be such as to render it aggravation of the injury resulting to the creditor.
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a Article 1174 of the Civil Code provides that no
normal manner; and (d) the obligor must be free person shall be responsible for a fortuitous event
from any participation in the aggravation of the which could not be foreseen, or which, though
injury resulting to the creditor." foreseen, was inevitable. In other words, there
Moreover, the act-of-God doctrine requires all must be an entire exclusion of human agency from
human agencies to be excluded from creating the the cause of injury or loss.
cause of the mischief. Such doctrine cannot be It is established by evidence that the fire originated
invoked to protect a person who has failed to take from leaking fumes from the LPG stove and tank
steps to forestall the possible adverse installed at petitioner's fastfood stall and her
consequences of loss or injury. Since the delay in employees failed to prevent the fire from
payment in the present case was partly a result of spreading and destroying the other fastfood stalls.
human participation -- whether from active Thus, it was not a fortuitous event. (Real v. Belo,
intervention or neglect -- the whole occurrence G.R. NO. 146224, 26 January 2007)
was humanized and was therefore outside the
ambit of a caso fortuito. Q: Is Real as owner of the food stall liable?
None of these elements appears in this case. A: Yes. Whenever an employee's negligence
First, processing claims against the government causes damage or injury to another, there instantly
are certainly not only foreseeable and expectable, arises a presumption juris tantum that the
but also dependent upon the human will. Second, employer failed to exercise diligentissimi patris
the Christmas season is not a caso fortuito, but a families in the selection or supervision of its
regularly occurring event. Third, the occurrence of employees. To avoid liability for a quasi-delict
the Christmas season did not at all render committed by his employee, an employer must
impossible the normal fulfillment of the obligation. overcome the presumption by presenting
Fourth, MIAA cannot argue that it is free from any convincing proof that he exercised the care and
participation in the delay. It should have laid out on diligence of a good father of a family in the
the compromise table the problems that would be selection and supervision of his employee.
caused by a deadline falling during the Christmas In this case, Real not only failed to show that she
season. Furthermore, it should have explained to submitted proof that the LPG stove and tank in her
ALA the process involved for the payment of AL’s fastfood stall were maintained in good condition
claim. and periodically checked for defects but she also
In sum, MIAA was negligent, and that it thereby failed to submit proof that she exercised the
incurred a delay in the performance of its diligence of a good father of a family in the
contractual obligation under the judicial selection and supervision of her employees. For
compromise. (MIAA v. Ala Industries failing to prove care and diligence in the
Corporation, G.R. No. 147349, 13 February maintenance of her cooking equipment and in the
2004) selection and supervision of her employees, Real
had been negligent. (Real v. Belo, G.R. NO.
Real owned and operated the Wasabe Fastfood 146224, 26 January 2007)
stall located at the Food Center of the PWU. While
Belo owned and operated the BS Masters fastfood Ong and spouses Robles executed an "Agreement
stall, also located at the food center of PWU. of Purchase and Sale" of 2 parcels of land.
Around 7:00 o'clock in the morning of January 25, Pursuant to the contract they executed, Ong paid
1996, a fire broke at Real's Wasabe Fastfood stall. the spouses the sum of P103,499.91 by depositing
The fire spread and gutted other fastfood stalls in it with the UCPB. Subsequently, Ong deposited
the area, including Belo's stall. An investigation sums of money with the BPI in accordance with
revealed that the fire broke out due to the leaking their stipulation that Ong pay the loan of the
fumes coming from the LPG stove and tank at spouse with BPI.
Real's stall. For the loss of his fastfood stall due to To answer for Ong’s balance, he issued 4 post-
the fire, Belo demanded compensation but Real dated Metro Bank checks payable to the spouses.
refused. Hence, Belo filed a complaint for When presented for payment, however, the
damages.Belo alleged that Real failed to exercise checks were dishonored. Ong promised to replace
due diligence in the upkeep and maintenance of the checks but failed to do so. Worse, out of the
her cooking equipments, as well as the selection loan of the spouses with BPI, Ong did not pay
and supervision of her employees and that Real's wholly. Thus, the spouses sold 3 transformers of
negligence was the proximate cause of the fire the rice mill included in the parcels of land.
that gutted the fastfood stalls. The spouses, through counsel, sent Ong a
demand letter asking for the return of the
Q: Is the fire a fortuitous event? properties. Their demand was left unanswered, so,
A: Jurisprudence defines the elements of a they filed a complaint for rescission of contract and
"fortuitous event" as follows: (a) the cause of the recovery of properties with damages.
unforeseen and unexpected occurrence must be
independent of human will; (b) it must be
University of Santo Tomas
Q: Is the contract entered into by Ong and the
spouse be validly rescinded? Q: Is the contract between Ong and the spouses
A: Rescission, as contemplated in Articles 1380, novated as to the manner and time of payment?
of the NCC, is a remedy granted by law to the A: Under Article 1292 of the New Civil Code, "In
contracting parties and even to third persons, to order that an obligation may be extinguished by
secure the reparation of damages caused to them another which substitutes the same, it is
by a contract, even if this should be valid, by imperative that it be so declared in unequivocal
restoration of things to their condition at the terms, or that the old and the new obligations be
moment prior to the celebration of the contract. It on every point incompatible with each other."
implies a contract, which even if initially valid, Novation is never presumed, it must be proven as
produces a lesion or a pecuniary damage to a fact either by express stipulation of the parties or
someone. by implication derived from an irreconcilable
On the other hand, Article 1191 of the NCC refers incompatibility between the old and the new
to rescission applicable to reciprocal obligations. obligation.
Reciprocal obligations are those which arise from Records showed that the parties never even
the same cause, and in which each party is a intended to novate their previous agreement. It is
debtor and a creditor of the other, such that the true that Ong paid the spouses small sums of
obligation of one is dependent upon the obligation money in contravention of the manner of payment
of the other. They are to be performed stipulated in their contract. These installments
simultaneously such that the performance of one were, however, objected to by the spouses.
is conditioned upon the simultaneous fulfillment of Moreover, in order for novation to take place, the
the other. concurrence of the following requisites is
Rescission of reciprocal obligations under Article indispensable: (1) there must be a previous valid
1191 of the NCC should be distinguished from obligation; (2) there must be an agreement of the
rescission of contracts under Article 1383. parties concerned to a new contract; (3) there
Although both presuppose contracts validly must be the extinguishment of the old contract;
entered into and subsisting and both require and (4) there must be the validity of the new
mutual restitution when proper, they are not contract.
entirely identical. The requisites are not found in the case. The
While Article 1191 uses the term “rescission,” the subsequent acts of the parties hardly demonstrate
original term which was used in the old Civil Code, their intent to dissolve the old obligation as a
from which the article was based, was “resolution.” consideration for the emergence of the new one.
Resolution is a principal action which is based on Again, novation is never presumed, there must be
breach of a party, while rescission under Article an express intention to novate. (Ong v. CA, G.R.
1383 is a subsidiary action limited to cases of No. 97347, 06 July 1999)
rescission for lesion under Article 1381 of the
NCC, which expressly enumerates the rescissible The Benos spouses and Lawilao spouses
contracts. executed a Pacto de Retro Sale where the Benos
The contract entered into by the parties in the spouses sold their lot and the building erected
case at bar does not fall under any of those thereon for P300,000.00, 1/2 of which was to be
mentioned by Article 1381. Consequently, Article paid in cash and the other half to be paid to the
1383 is inapplicable. bank to pay off the loan of the Benos spouses.
Furthermore, the agreement of purchase and sale Under the contract, the Benos spouses could
shows that it is in the nature of a contract to sell. In redeem the property within 18 months from date of
a contract to sell, the payment of the purchase execution by returning the contract price,
price is a positive suspensive condition, the failure otherwise, the sale would become irrevocable
of which is not a breach, casual or serious, but a without necessity of a final deed to consolidate
situation that prevents the obligation of the vendor ownership over the property in the name of the
to convey title from acquiring an obligatory force. Lawilao spouses.
Ong failed to complete payment of the purchase After paying the P150,000.00, the Lawilao
price. The non-fulfillment of the condition of full spouses immediately took possession of the
payment rendered the contract to sell ineffective property and leased out the building thereon.
and without force and effect. However, instead of paying the loan to the bank,
The breach contemplated in Article 1191 of the Janice Lawilao restructured it twice. Eventually,
NCC is the obligor’s failure to comply with an the loan became due and demandable. Thus, a
obligation. Ong’s failure to pay is not even a son of the Benos spouses paid the bank. On the
breach but merely an event which prevents the same day, the Lawilao spouses also went to the
vendor’s obligation to convey title from acquiring bank and offered to pay the loan, but the bank
binding force. refused to accept the payment.
In sum, the agreement of the parties in this may The Lawilao spouses then filed with the MCTC for
be set aside, but not because of a breach on the consignation. Subsequently, the Lawilao spouses
part of Ong for failure to complete payment of the filed with the MCTC a complaint for consolidation
purchase price. Rather, his failure to do so brought of ownership.
about a situation which prevented the obligation of
the spouses to convey title from acquiring an Q: Is there a valid tender of payment and
obligatory force. (Ong v. CA, G.R. No. 97347, 06 consignation by spouses Lawilao of the balance of
July 1999) the contract price?
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

A: Tender of payment is the manifestation by A: Article 1389 of the Civil Code simply provides
debtors of their desire to comply with or to pay that, "The action to claim rescission must be
their obligation. If the creditor refuses the tender of commenced within four years." Since this
payment without just cause, the debtors are provision of law is silent as to when the
discharged from the obligation by the consignation prescriptive period would commence, the general
of the sum due. Consignation is made by rule, i.e., from the moment the cause of action
depositing the proper amount to the judicial accrues, therefore, applies. Article 1150 of the
authority, before whom the tender of payment and Civil Code is particularly instructive:
the announcement of the consignation shall be Art. 1150. The time for prescription for all
proved. All interested parties are to be notified of kinds of actions, when there is no special
the consignation. Compliance with these requisites provision which ordains otherwise, shall be
is mandatory. counted from the day they may be brought.
In the instant case, spouses Lawilao spouses filed Indeed, the principle that it is the legal possibility
the petition for consignation against the bank of bringing the action which determines the
without notifying the Benos spouses. Hence, the starting point for the computation of the
spouses Lawilao failed to prove the payment of prescriptive period for the action
the balance of the purchase price and It is thus apparent that an action to rescind or an
consignation. In fact, even before the filing of the accion pauliana must be of last resort, availed of
consignation case, the spouses Lawilao spouses only after all other legal remedies have been
never notified the Benos spouses of their offer to exhausted and have been proven futile. For an
pay. (Spouses Benos v. Spouses Lawilao, G.R. accion pauliana to accrue, the following requisites
No. 172259, 05 December 2006) must concur:
1) That the plaintiff asking for rescission has a
Q: Does spouses Benos have the right to rescind credit prior to, the alienation, although
the contract? demandable later; 2) That the debtor has
A: The pacto de retro sale does not contain a made a subsequent contract conveying a
provision authorizing its extrajudicial rescission in patrimonial benefit to a third person; 3) That
case one of the parties fails to comply with what is the creditor has no other legal remedy to
incumbent upon him. Spouses Benos cannot satisfy his claim, but would benefit by
unilaterally rescind the contract without the rescission of the conveyance to the third
intervention of the court. However, even if the person; 4) That the act being impugned is
spouses Benos did not rescind the contract fraudulent; 5) That the third person who
through a notarial act, they nevertheless rescinded received the property conveyed, if by onerous
the same in their answer with counterclaim. Since title, has been an accomplice in the fraud.
spouses Lawilao seriously breached the contract, The date of the decision of the trial court against
therefore, the same is rescinded in favor of the debtor is immaterial. What is important is that
spouses Benos. (Spouses Benos v. Spouses the credit of Philam antedates that of the
Lawilao, G.R. No. 172259, 05 December 2006) fraudulent alienation by the debtor of his property.
After all, the decision of the trial court against the
Khe Hong Cheng, alias Felix Khe, is the owner of debtor will retroact to the time when the debtor
Butuan Shipping Lines. The Philippine Agricultural became indebted to the creditor.
Trading Corporation (PATC) shipped on board a Moreover, the following successive measures
vessel owned by petitioner Khe Hong Cheng, must be taken by a creditor before he may bring
3,400 bags of copra. The said shipment of copra an action for rescission of an allegedly fraudulent
was covered by a marine insurance policy issued sale: (1) exhaust the properties of the debtor
by Philam. The vessel, however, sank resulting in through levying by attachment and execution upon
the total loss of the shipment. Because of the loss, all the property of the debtor, except such as are
the insurer, paid the value of the copra. exempt from execution; (2) exercise all the rights
Having been subrogated into the rights of PATC, and actions of the debtor, save those personal to
Philam filed an action to recover the money paid him (accion subrogatoria); and (3) seek rescission
based on breach of contract of carriage. While the of the contracts executed by the debtor in fraud of
case was still pending, petitioner Khe Hong Cheng their rights (accion pauliana). Without availing of
executed deeds of donations of parcels of land in the first and second remedies, i.e.. exhausting the
favor of his children. properties of the debtor or subrogating themselves
Then, the trial court rendered judgment against in Francisco Bareg's transmissible rights and
Khe Hong Cheng. actions. petitioners simply: undertook the third
When the sheriff, accompanied by counsel of measure and filed an action for annulment of sale.
Philam, went to Butuan City to enforce the alias This cannot be done.
writ of execution, they discovered that Khe Hong Even if Philam was aware that Khe Hong Cheng
Cheng no longer had any property and that he had had executed the deeds of donation in favor of his
conveyed the subject properties to his children. children, the complaint against Butuan Shipping
Thus, Philam filed a complaint for the rescission of Lines and/or petitioner Khe Hong Cheng was still
the deeds of donation. The trial court ruled in favor pending. Philam had no idea, at the time that the
of Philam which was affirmed by the CA. trial court’s judgment would be in its favor and
further, that such judgment would not be satisfied.
Q: Does the 4 year prescriptive period as provided Philam only learned about the unlawful
for in Article 1389 of the Civil Code bar Philam to conveyances made by Khe Hong Cheng in
file its action for rescission of the subject deeds of January 1997 when its counsel accompanied the
donation? sheriff to Butuan City to attach the properties of
University of Santo Tomas
Khe Hong Cheng. There they found that he no take back his offer if the court deems it equitable,
longer had any properties in his name. to prevent unjust enrichment and ensure
It was only then that Philam's action for rescission restitution, to put the money in judicial deposit.
of the deeds of donation accrued because then it In this case, it was just, equitable and proper for
could be said that Philam had exhausted all legal the trial court to order the deposit of the P10
means to satisfy the trial court's judgment in its million down payment to prevent unjust
favor. enrichment by Reyes at the expense of Lim.
Since Philam filed its complaint for accion (Reyes v. Lim, Keng and Harrison Lumber,
pauliana on February 25, 1997, barely a month Inc., G.R. No. 134241, 11 August 2003)
from its discovery that Khe Hong Cheng had no
other property to satisfy the judgment award Barreto and Sons owned 43 parcels of land which
against him, its action for rescission of the subject were mortgaged with UCPB. The obligation of the
deeds clearly had not yet prescribed. (Khe Hong corporation with remained unpaid resulting to
Cheng v. CA, G.R. No. 144169, 28 March 2000) foreclosure. Goldenrod offered to buy the property
from Barreto & Sons which it accepted.
Reyes filed before the trial court a complaint for Goldenrod enclosed an earnest money of P1
annulment of contract and damages against Lim million to form part of the purchase price.
and Keng and Harrison Lumber. The complaint When the term of existence of Barreto & Sons
alleged that, Reyes as seller and Lim as buyer expired, all its assets and liabilities including the
entered into a contract to sell of a parcel of land. parcels of land were transferred to Barreto Realty.
Harrison Lumber occupied the property as lessee. Goldenrod's offer to buy the property resulted in its
Lim filed his answer stating that he was ready and agreement with Barreto Realty that Goldenrod
willing to pay the balance of the purchase price. would pay the outstanding obligations of Barreto
Lim requested a meeting with Reyes but Reyes Realty with UCPB.
kept postponing it. Reyes offered to return the P10 Goldenrod did not pay UCPB. It requested for an
million downpayment to Lim because Reyes was extension but it refused.
having problems in removing the lessee from the Because of the denial of UCPB for extension to
property. Lim rejected Reyes’ offer. Lim learned pay the obligation, Logarta, which acted as agent
that Reyes had already sold the property to Line and broker of Goldenrod, wrote Que informing him
One Foods Corporation. that it could not go through with the purchase of
Then, the trial court ruled that an action for the property. Logarta also demanded the refund of
rescission could prosper only if the party the earnest money given by Goldenrod to Barreto
demanding rescission can return whatever he may Realty. Barreto Realty refused, thus, Goldenrod
be obliged to restore should the court grant the file a complaint against Barreto Realty.
rescission. Reyes was directed to deposit the P10
million downpayment with the clerk of court. But Q: In the absence of a specific stipulation, may the
Reyes refused. seller of real estate keep the earnest money to
answer for damages in the event the sale fails due
Q: Does Reyes have the obligation to deposit the to the fault of the prospective buyer?
P10 million downpayment in the court? A: No. Under Art. 1482 of the CC, whenever
A: Yes. There is also no plausible or justifiable earnest money is given in a contract of sale, it
reason for Reyes to object to the deposit of the shall be considered as part of the purchase price
P10 million down payment in court. The contract to and as proof of the perfection of the contract. It
sell can no longer be enforced because Reyes was an advance payment which must be deducted
himself subsequently sold the property. Both Lim from the total price.
and Reyes are seeking for rescission of the Goldenrod and Barretto Realty did not intend that
contract. the earnest money or advance payment would be
Under article 1385 of the Civil Code, rescission forfeited when the buyer should fail to pay the
creates the obligation to return the things that are balance of the price, especially in the absence of a
the object of the contract. Rescission is possible clear and express agreement thereon.
only when the person demanding rescission can Moreover, Goldenrod resorted to extrajudicial
return whatever he may be obliged to restore. A rescission of its agreement with Barretto Realty.
court of equity will not rescind a contract unless In University of the Philippines v. de los Angeles,
there is restitution, that is, the parties are restored the right to rescind contracts is not absolute and is
to the status quo ante. subject to scrutiny and review by the proper court.
Depositing the P10 million down payment in court SC held further, in the more recent case of Adelfa
ensure restitution of the P10 million to its rightful Properties, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, that rescission
owner. Lim, on the other hand, has nothing to of reciprocal contracts may be extrajudicially
refund, as he has not received anything under the rescinded unless successfully impugned in court.
contract to sell. If the party does not oppose the declaration of
The principle that no person may unjustly enrich rescission of the other party, specifying the
himself at the expense of another is embodied in grounds therefor, and it fails to reply or protest
Article 22 of the Civil Code. This principle applies against it, its silence thereon suggests an
not only to substantive rights but also to admission of the veracity and validity of the
procedural remedies. By seeking rescission, a rescinding party's claim.
seller necessarily offers to return what he has And under Article 1385 of the Civil Code,
received from the buyer. Such a seller may not rescission creates the obligation to return the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

things which were the object of the contract she voluntarily affixed her signature thereto, thus,
together with their fruits and interest. she cannot now be heard to claim otherwise.
Therefore, by virtue of the extrajudicial rescission
of the contract to sell by Goldenrod without Q: Should the corporation proceed first against the
opposition from Barretto Realty, which in turn, sold principal debtor before suing the surety?
the property to other persons, Barretto Realty, had A: A creditor's right to proceed against the surety
the obligation to return the earnest money which exists independently of his right to proceed against
formed part of the purchase price plus legal the principal.
interest from the date it received notice of Under Article 1216 of the Civil Code, the creditor
rescission. It would be most inequitable if Barretto may proceed against any one of the solidary
Realty would be allowed to retain the money at the debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. The
same time appropriate the proceeds of the second rule, therefore, is that if the obligation is joint and
sale made to another. (Goldenrod, Inc. v. several, the creditor has the right to proceed even
CA, G.R. No. 126812, 24 November 1998) against the surety alone.
Since, generally, it is not necessary for the creditor
Pursuant to a promissory note M.B. Lending to proceed against a principal in order to hold the
Corporation extended a loan to the spouses surety liable, where, the obligation of the surety is
Azarraga, together with Palmares. After the the same that of the principal, then soon as the
Azarraga spouses paid partially, it left an unpaid principal is in default, the surety is likewise in
balance. And no payments were made after the default, and may be sued immediately and before
last payment. any proceedings are had against the principal.
Consequently, on the basis of Palmares’ solidary In the absence of statute or agreement otherwise,
liability under the promissory note, the corporation a surety is primarily liable, and with the rule that
filed a Palmares as the lone party-defendant, to his proper remedy is to pay the debt and pursue
the exclusion of the principal debtors, allegedly by the principal for reimbursement, the surety cannot
reason of the insolvency of the latter. at law, unless permitted by statute and in the
absence of any agreement limiting the application
Q: Where Palmares signs a promissory note as a of the security, require the creditor or obligee,
co-maker and binds herself to be jointly and before proceeding against the surety, to resort to
severally liable with the principal debtor in case and exhaust his remedies against the principal,
the latter defaults in the payment of the loan, is particularly where both principal and surety are
such undertaking of Palmares deemed to be that equally bound.
of a surety as an insurer of the debt, or of a Moreover, is a rule that there is nothing to prevent
guarantor who warrants the solvency of the the creditor from proceeding against the principal
debtor? at any time. At any rate, if the surety is dissatisfied
A: Palmares is primarily liable as a surety. with the degree of activity displayed by the creditor
The basis of Palmares' liability under the in the pursuit of his principal, he may pay the debt
promissory note is: himself and become subrogated to all the rights
ATTENTION TO CO-MAKERS: PLEASE and remedies of the creditor. (Palmares v.
READ WELL CA, G.R. No. 126490, 31 March 1998)
I, Mrs. Estrella Palmares, as the Co-maker of
the above-quoted loan, have fully understood Sulit, Mahinay, Pegarido, Bacusmo, Niere, Bacus,
the contents of this Promissory Note for Short- Nemenzo, Dariogo, and Alegarbes filed a
Term Loan: complaint with the DOLE against Filipinas Carbon
That as Co-maker, I am fully aware that I shall Mining Corporation, Sicat, Gonzales, Chiu Chin
be jointly and severally or solidarily liable with Gin, Lo Kuan Chin, and INIMACO, for payment of
the above principal maker of this note; separation pay and unpaid wages.
That in fact, I hereby agree that M.B. The labor arbiter held that Filipinas Carbon Mining
LENDING CORPORATION may demand Corporation, Sicat, Gonzales, Chiu Chin Gin, Lo
payment of the above loan from me in case Kuan Chin, and INIMACO should pay to pay
the principal maker, Mrs. Merlyn Azarraga complainants in various amounts.
defaults in the payment of the note subject to No appeal was filed within the reglementary period
the same conditions above-contained. thus, the decision became final and executory.
Palmares contends that although the second However, INIMACO filed a "Motion to Quash Alias
paragraph says that she is liable as a surety, the Writ of Execution and Set Aside Decision,"
third paragraph defines the nature of her liability alleging that the alias writ of execution altered and
as that of a guarantor. Palmares expressly bound changed the tenor of the decision by changing the
herself to be jointly and severally or solidarily liable liability of the respondents from joint to solidary, by
with the principal maker of the note. The terms of the insertion of the words "AND/OR" between
the contract are clear, explicit and unequivocal "Antonio Gonzales/Industrial Management
that Palmares' liability is that of a surety. Development Corporation and Filipinas Carbon
The terms "jointly and severally or solidarily liable" and Mining Corporation, et al." But it was denied.
contained in the contract which Palmares claims
that are technical and legal terms which could not Q: Is the liability of INIMACO pursuant to the
be easily understood by an ordinary layman like decision of the labor arbiter solidary or not?
her is contrary to her manifestation in the contract A: INIMACO's liability is not solidary but merely
that she "fully understood the contents" of the joint.
promissory note and that she is "fully aware" of her A solidary or joint and several obligation is one in
solidary liability with the principal maker. She that which each debtor is liable for the entire obligation,
University of Santo Tomas
and each creditor is entitled to demand the whole minimum wage. Commando demanded that its
obligation. In a joint obligation each obligor contract with Lapanday be upgraded in
answers only for a part of the whole liability and to compliance with the wage orders but Lapanday
each obligee belongs only a part of the correlative refused. Their contract expired without the rate
rights. adjustment called for the wage orders being
Well-entrenched is the rule that solidary obligation implemented.
cannot lightly be inferred. There is a solidary Thus, Commando filed a complaint against
liability only when the obligation expressly so Lapanday.
states, when the law so provides or when the
nature of the obligation so requires. Q: Does Commando, as security agency which did
In the dispositive portion of the labor arbiter, the not pay the wage increases of the security guards
word "solidary" does not appear. The said fallo can recover said wage increases from Lapanday
expressly states the following respondents therein after the expiration of the contract between them
as liable, namely: Filipinas Carbon Mining and the termination of the security guards’
Corporation, Sicat, Gonzales, Chiu Chin Gin, Lo services?
Kuan Chin, and INIMACO. Nor can it be inferred A: As mandated by the Labor Code, the principal
therefrom that the liability of the 6 respondents in (Lapanday) and the contractor (Commando) are
the case below is solidary, thus their liability jointly and severally liable to the employees for
should merely be joint. (INIMACO v. NLRC, G.R. their wages to assure compliance with the
No. 101723, 11 May 2000) provisions therein including the minimum wage.
In Eagle Security, Inc. vs. NLRC and Spartan
Chua bought and imported to the Philippines Security and Detective Agency, Inc. vs. NLRC, the
dicalcium phosphate. The shipment was insured SC ruled that under the Labor Code, in case the
by First Insurance Co. "against all risks" at port of agency fails to pay them the amounts claimed,
departure under a marine policy with Smith, Bell, PTSI should be held solidarily liable with EAGLE.
and Co. stamped at the lower left side of the policy Should EAGLE pay, it can claim an adjustment
as "Claim Agent." from PTSI for an increase in consideration to
The cargo arrived at the Port of Manila and the cover the increases payable to the security
entire cargo was discharged with a number of the guards.
cargo in apparent bad order condition. Chua It is clear also from such that it is only when the
secured the services of a cargo surveyor who contractor pays the increases mandated that it can
reported that out of the 1,250 bags of the imported claim an adjustment from the principal to cover the
material, 600 were damaged by tearing at the increases payable to the security guards. The
sides of the container bags and the contents partly conclusion is in line with Article 1217.
empty. Pursuant to the above provision, the right of
Thus, Chau filed with Smith, Bell, and Co., Inc. a reimbursement from a co-debtor is recognized in
formal statement of claim for the loss. Smith, Bell, favor of the one who paid.
and Co., Inc. informed Chua that its principal The liability of Lapanday to reimburse Commando
offered only 50% of the claim which was rejected only arises if and when Commando actually pays
by Chua. No settlement of the claim having been its employees the increases granted by the wage
made, Chua then filed an action. orders. Payment, which means not only the
delivery of money but also the performance, in any
Q: Is a local claim or settling agent like personally other manner, of the obligation, is the operative
and/or solidarily liable upon a marine insurance fact which will entitle either of the solidary debtors
policy issued by its disclosed foreign principal? to seek reimbursement for the share which
A: Article 1207 of the Civil Code clearly provides corresponds to each of the debtors.
that "there is a solidary liability only when the Commando has not actually paid the security
obligation expressly so states, or when the law or guards the wage increases. Neither is it alleged
the nature of the obligation requires solidarity." that there is an extant claim for such wage
The well-entrenched rule is that solidary obligation adjustments from the security guards concerned,
cannot lightly be inferred. It must be positively and whose services have already been terminated by
clearly expressed. the contractor. Thus, Commando has no cause of
The Insurance Code is quite clear as to the action against Lapanday to recover the wage
purpose and role of a resident agent. Such agent, increases.
as a representative of the foreign insurance The increases in wages are intended for the
company, is tasked only to receive legal benefit of the laborers and the contractor may not
processes on behalf of its principal and not to assert a claim against the principal for salary wage
answer personally for any insurance claims. adjustments that it has not actually paid.
(Smith, Bell & Co., Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 110668, Otherwise, the contractor would be unduly
06 February 1997) enriching itself by recovering wage increases, for
its own benefit. (Lapanday Agricultural
Commando, and Lapanday entered into a guard Development Corporation v. CA, G.R. No.
service contract. Commando provided security 112139, 31 January 2000)
guards in defendant's banana plantation. Then, a
wage order was issued increasing the minimum Espina is the registered owner of a Condominium
wage in which Lapanday complied with. Another Unit. Espina as seller and Diaz as buyer, executed
wage order was issued, again, increasing said a Provisional Deed of Sale, whereby the former
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

sold to the latter the aforesaid condominium unit payments as stated in temporary Arrangement.
for the amount of P100,000.00 to be paid upon the DBP thereafter sent a Notice of Rescission which
execution of the contract and the balance to be was received by Cuba.
paid through PCI Bank postdated checks. After the Notice of Rescission, DBP took
Subsequently, Diaz informed Espina that his possession of the Leasehold Rights of the
checking account with PCI Bank has been closed fishpond in question. That after defendant DBP
and a new checking account with the same took possession of the Leasehold Rights over the
drawee bank is opened for practical purposes. Ms. fishpond in question, DBP advertised in the
Socorro Diaz, wife of Diaz, paid Espina SUNDAY PUNCH the public bidding and that DBP
P200,000.00, acknowledged by him as partial thereafter executed a Deed of Conditional Sale in
payment for the condominium unit subject of this favor of Caperal.
controversy. The next day Espina sent petitioner a
"Notice of Cancellation" of the Provisional Deed of Q: Does the assignment made by DBP amounts to
Sale. However, despite the Notice of Cancellation novation, cession or dation?
from private respondent, the latter accepted A: No. DBP's contention that the assignment
payment from Diaz. novated the promissory notes in that the obligation
to pay a sum of money the loans (under the
Q: Is the provisional deed of sale novated the promissory notes) was substituted by the
existing contract of lease? assignment of the rights over the fishpond (under
A: No. The novation must be clearly proved since the deed of assignment) cannot be upheld. As
its existence is not presumed. "In this light, correctly pointed out by CUBA, the said
novation is never presumed; it must be proven as assignment merely complemented or
a fact either by express stipulation of the parties or supplemented the notes; both could stand
by implication derived from an irreconcilable together. The former was only an accessory to the
incompatibility between old and new obligations or latter. Contrary to DBP's submission, the
contracts." Novation takes place only if the parties obligation to pay a sum of money remained, and
expressly so provide, otherwise, the original the assignment merely served as security for the
contract remains in force. In other words, the loans covered by the promissory notes.
parties to a contract must expressly agree that Significantly, both the deeds of assignment and
they are abrogating their old contract in favor of a the promissory notes were executed on the same
new one. Where there is no clear agreement to dates the loans were granted.
create a new contract in place of the existing one, Neither did the assignment amount to payment by
novation cannot be presumed to take place, cession under Article 1255 of the Civil Code for
unless the terms of the new contract are fully the plain and simple reason that there was only
incompatible with the former agreement on every one creditor, the DBP. Article 1255 contemplates
point. Thus, a deed of cession of the right to the existence of two or more creditors and
repurchase a piece of land does not supersede a involves the assignment of all the debtor's
contract of lease over the same property. In the property.
provisional deed of sale in this case, after the Nor did the assignment constitute dation in
initial down payment, respondent's checks in payment under Article 1245 of the civil Code,
payment of six installments all bounced and were which reads: "Dation in payment, whereby
dishonored upon presentment for the reason that property is alienated to the creditor in satisfaction
the bank account was closed. (Espina v. CA, of a debt in money, shall be governed by the law
G.R. No. 116805, 22 June 2000) on sales." It bears stressing that the assignment,
being in its essence a mortgage, was but a
Cuba is a grantee of a Fishpond Lease Agreement security and not a satisfaction of indebtedness.
from the Government. Cuba obtained loans from (DBP v. CA, G.R. No. 118342, 05 January 1998)
DBP under the terms stated in the Promissory
Notes. As security for said loans, Cuba executed Diaz and Company got a loan from the former
two Deeds of Assignment of her Leasehold Rights. PaBC [Pacific Banking Corporation]. The loan was
Cuba failed to pay her loan. Without foreclosure secured by a real estate mortgage over two
proceedings, DBP appropriated the Leasehold parcels of land owned by the plaintiff Diaz Realty.
Rights of Cuba over the fishpond in question. After Allied Banking Corporation rented an office space
DBP has appropriated the Leasehold Rights of in the building constructed on the properties
Cuba over the fishpond in question, DBP, in turn, covered by the mortgage contract, with the
executed a Deed of Conditional Sale of the conformity of mortgagee PaBC, whereby the
Leasehold Rights in favor of Cuba over the same parties agreed that the monthly rentals shall be
fishpond. paid directly to the mortgagee for the lessor's
In the negotiation for repurchase, Cuba addressed account, either to partly or fully pay off the
two letters to the Manager DBP, accepting the aforesaid mortgage indebtedness. Allied Bank
offer to repurchase. After the Deed of Conditional paid the monthly rentals to PaBC. FEBTC
Sale was executed in favor, Cuba. Cuba failed to purchased the credit of Diaz & Company in favor
pay the amortizations stipulated in the Deed of of PaBC, but it was only after 2 years that Diaz
Conditional Sale. After Cuba failed to pay the was informed about it. Diaz) asked the defendant
amortization as stated in Deed of Conditional Sale, to make an accounting of the monthly rental
she entered with the DBP a temporary payments made by Allied Bank. Diaz tendered to
arrangement whereby in consideration for the FEBTC the amount of P1,450,000.00 through an
deferment of the Notarial Rescission of Deed of Interbank check, in order to prevent the imposition
Conditional Sale, Cuba promised to make certain of additional interests, penalties and surcharges
University of Santo Tomas
on its loan; that FEBTC did not accept it as v. Security Diners International Corporation,
payment; that instead, Diaz was asked to deposit G.R. No. 136780, 16 August 2001)
the amount with the defendant's Davao City
Branch Office. After the departure of Gilda Corpuz for Middel
East, Judie’s wife, he sold the remaining one-half
Q: Was there a valid tender of payment? of their lot to Guiang under a deed of transfer of
A: No. FEBTC received from Diaz a check. The rights.
check was subsequently cleared and honored by Gilda returned home and found that only Junie
Interbank, as shown by the Certification. was staying in their house. For staying in spouses
In general, a check does not constitute legal Guiang’s house sold by Judie, they complained
tender, and that a creditor may validly refuse it. It before the barangay authorities for trespassing.
must be emphasized, however, that this dictum Then, the parties signed an amicable settlement in
does not prevent a creditor from accepting a check which Gilda and her children will voluntarily leave
as payment. In other words, the creditor has the the house.
option and the discretion of refusing or accepting
it. Q: Is the deed of transfer of rights executed by
In other words, tender of pament is the definitive Judie Corpuz and the spouses Guiang void or
act of offering the creditor what is due him or her, voidable?
together with the demand that the creditor accept A: It is void. Article 1390, par. 2 of the NCC, refers
the same. More important, there must be a fusion to contracts visited by vices of consent, i.e.,
of intent, ability and capability to make good such contracts which were entered into by a person
offer, which must be absolute and must cover the whose consent was obtained and vitiated through
amount due. (FEBTC v. Diaz Realty Inc., mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or
G.R. No. 138588, 23 August 2001) fraud.
Gilda’s consent to the contract of sale of their
SDIC operates a credit card system under the conjugal property was totally inexistent or absent.
name of Diners Club through which it extends Thus, said contract properly falls within the ambit
credit accommodation to its cardholders for the of Article 124 of the FC.
purchase of goods and payment of services from
its member establishments to be reimbursed later Q: Is the amicable settlement valid?
on by the cardholder upon proper billing. Danilo A. A: The deed to transfer of rights cannot be ratified,
Alto applied for a Regular (Local) Card with SDIC. even by an amicable settlement. The amicable
He got as his surety his own sister-in-law Jeanette settlement entered into by Corpuz and the
Molino Alto. Thus, Danilo signed the printed spouses Guiang is a contract. Such a contract is
application form and Jeanette signed the Surety also void. Clearly, a void contract cannot be
Undertaking. On the basis of the completed and ratified. In sum, the deed to transfer of rights and
signed Application Form and Surety Undertaking, the amicable settlement are null and void.
the SDIC issued to Danilo a Diners Card. The (Spouses Guiang v. CA, G.R. No. 125172, 26
latter used this card and initially paid his June 1998)
obligations to SDIC. Danilo wrote SDIC a letter
requesting it to upgrade his Regular Diners Club Restituta Leonardo is the only legitimate child of
Card to a Diamond (Edition) one. As a the late spouses Tomasina Paul and Balbino
requirement of SDIC, Danilo secured from Leonardo. Teodoro, Victor, Corazon, Piedad, as
Jeanette her approval and the latter obliged. well as the late Eduvigis and Dominador, all
Danilo's request was granted and he was issued a surnamed Sebastian, are the illegitimate children
Diamond (Edition) Diners Club Card. Danilo had of Tomasina with Jose Sebastian after she
incurred credit charged plus appropriate interest separated from Balbino Leonardo.
and service charge. He defaulted in the payment Leonardo filed an action to declare the nullity of
of this obligation. the extrajudicial settlement of the estate of
Tomasina Paul and Jose Sebastian. She claims
Q: Was the upgrading a novation of the original that her consent was vitiated because she was
agreement governing the use of Danilo Alto's first deceived into signing the extrajudicial settlement.
credit card, as to extinguish that obligation?
A: Yes. Novation, as a mode of extinguishing Q: Is the consent given by Leonardo to the
obligations, may be done in two ways: by explicit extrajudicial settlement of estate was given
declaration, or by material incompatibility. voluntarily?
There is no doubt that the upgrading was a A: No. To be valid, consent must meet the
novation of the original agreement covering the following requisites: (a) it should be intelligent, or
first credit card issued to Danilo Alto, basically with an exact notion of the matter to which it
since it was committed with the intent of canceling refers; (b) it should be free and (c) it should be
and replacing the said card. However, the spontaneous. Intelligence in consent is vitiated by
novation did not serve to release petitioner from error; freedom by violence, intimidation or undue
her surety obligations because in the Surety influence; and spontaneity by fraud.
Undertaking she expressly waived discharge in To determine the effect of an alleged error, both
case of change or novation in the agreement the objective and subjective aspects of the case
governing the use of the first credit card. (Molino which is the intellectual capacity of the person who
committed the mistake.
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Mistake, on the other hand, in order to invalidate enforceable, that requirement must be complied
consent should refer to the substance of the thing with. Art. 1358 is an exception.
which is the object of the contract, or to those The sale of real property should be in writing and
conditions which have principally moved one or subscribed by the party charged for it to be
both parties to enter into the contract. enforceable. The "Pagpapatunay" is in writing and
Contracts where consent is given by mistake or subscribed by Aparato, hence, it is enforceable
because of violence, intimidation, undue influence under the Statute of Frauds. Not having been
or fraud are voidable. These circumstances are subscribed and sworn to before a notary public,
defects of the will, the existence of which impairs however, the "Pagpapatunay" is not a public
the freedom, intelligence, spontaneity and document, and therefore does not comply with
voluntariness of the party in giving consent to the Article 1358, par 1.
agreement. Moreover, the requirement of a public document in
Art. 1332 of the Civil Code states that "when one Article 1358 is not for the validity of the instrument
of the parties is unable to read, or if the contract is but for its efficacy. Although a conveyance of land
in a language not understood by him, and mistake is not made in a public document, it does not
or fraud is alleged, the person enforcing the affect the validity of such conveyance.
contract must show that the terms thereof have The private conveyance of the house and lot is
been fully explained to the former." therefore valid between Aparato and the spouses.
The provision was intended to protect a party to a (Cenido v. Spouses Apacionado, G.R. No.
contract disadvantaged by illiteracy, ignorance, 132474, 19 November 1999)
mental weakness or some other handicap. It
contemplates a situation wherein a contract is SMAB is a Swedish corporation with 3 subsidiary
entered into but the consent of one of the corporations in the Phimco. Later, STORA, the
contracting parties is vitiated by mistake or fraud then parent company of SMAB, decided to sell the
committed by the other. latter’s worldwide match, lighter and shaving
Thus, in case one of the parties to a contract is products operation to Match NV of Netherlands,
unable to read and fraud is alleged, the person (SMNV).
enforcing the contract must show that the terms Then, SMNV initiated steps to sell the worldwide
thereof have been fully explained to the former. match and lighter businesses. SMNV adopted a
The presumption of mistake or error on the part of two-pronged strategy, the first being to sell its
Leonardo was not sufficiently rebutted by the shares in Phimco Industries, Inc.
Sebastians. The Sebastians failed to offer any Enriquez, VP of Swedish Match Sociedad
evidence to prove that the extrajudicial settlement Anonimas was commissioned and granted full
of estate was explained in a language known to powers by SMNV to negotiate, with the resulting
Leonardo. transaction, however, made subject to final
Leonardo, who only finished Grade 3, was not in a approval by the board. Enriquez was held under
position to give her free, voluntary and strict instructions that the sale of Phimco shares
spontaneous consent without having the should be executed on or before June 30, 1990.
document, which was in English, explained to her Enriquez came to the Philippines and informed the
in the Pangasinan dialect. She did not understand Philippine financial and business circles that the
English. Phimco shares were for sale. There was an
Therefore, the consent of Leonardo was exchange of correspondence between SMAB and
invalidated by a substantial mistake or error, ALS and Litonjua regarding the projected sale of
rendering the agreement voidable. The the Phimco shares. Litonjua offered to buy the
extrajudicial partition between the Sebastians and shares, excluding the lighter division for US$30.6
Leonardo should be annulled and set aside on the million, which per another letter was increased to
ground of mistake. (Leonardo vs. CA, G.R. No. US$36 million. Litonjua stressed that the bid
125485, 13 September 2004) amount could be adjusted.
SMAB replied informing Litonjua that ALS should
Cenido, as an heir of Aparato and claiming to be undertake a due diligence process or pre-
the owner of a house and lot, filed a complaint for acquisition audit and review of the draft contract
ejectment against spouses Apacionado. On the for the match and forestry activities of Phimco.
other hand, spouses Apacionado allege that they However, SMAB made it clear that at the
are the owners which is unregistered purchased completion of the due diligence process, ALS
by them from its previous owner, Aparato. Their should submit its final offer in US dollar terms not
claim is anchored on a 1-page typewritten later than June 30, 1990.
document entitled "Pagpapatunay," executed by Litonjua in a letter expressed disappointment at
Aparato. the apparent change in SMAB’s approach to the
bidding process. Prior to the deadline for
Q: Is the “Pagpapatunay” entered into by submission of the final bid, Litonjua advised SMAB
Bonifacio and spouse Apacionado valid and that they would be unable to submit the final offer.
enforceable? Then, they signed a conditional contract with a
A: It is valid but unenforceable. Generally, local group for the disposal of Phimco.
contracts are obligatory, in whatever form such
contracts may have been entered into, provided all Q: Is the contract of sale between SMAB and ALS
the essential requisites for their validity are unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds?
present. When, however, the law requires that a A: Yes. The Statute of Frauds embodied in Article
contract be in some form for it to be valid or 1403, par (2), of the Civil Code requires certain
contracts enumerated therein to be evidenced by
University of Santo Tomas
some note or memorandum in order to be A: Yes. Dacion en pago is the delivery and
enforceable. The term "Statute of Frauds" is transmission of ownership of a thing by the debtor
descriptive of statutes which require certain to the creditor as an accepted equivalent of the
classes of contracts to be in writing. The Statute performance of the obligation. It is a special mode
does not deprive the parties of the right to contract of payment where the debtor offers another thing
with respect to the matters therein involved, but to the creditor who accepts it as equivalent of
merely regulates the formalities of the contract payment of an outstanding debt. The undertaking
necessary to render it enforceable. Evidence of the really partakes in one sense of the nature of sale,
agreement cannot be received without the writing that is, the creditor is really buying the thing or
or a secondary evidence of its contents. property of the debtor, payment for which is to be
The purpose of the Statute is to prevent fraud and charged against the debtor’s debt.
perjury in the enforcement of obligations As such, the essential elements of a contract of
depending for their evidence on the unassisted sale, namely, consent, object certain, and cause
memory of witnesses, by requiring certain or consideration must be present. In its modern
enumerated contracts and transactions to be concept, what actually takes place in dacion en
evidenced by a writing signed by the party to be pago is an objective novation of the obligation
charged. where the thing offered as an accepted equivalent
However, for a note or memorandum to satisfy the of the performance of an obligation is considered
Statute, it must be complete in itself and cannot as the object of the contract of sale, while the debt
rest partly in writing and partly in parol. The note is considered as the purchase price. In any case,
or memorandum must contain the names of the common consent is an essential prerequisite, be it
parties, the terms and conditions of the contract, sale or novation, to have the effect of totally
and a description of the property sufficient to extinguishing the debt or obligation.
render it capable of identification. Such note or MBTC was a purchaser in good faith. MBTC had
memorandum must contain the essential elements no knowledge of the stipulation in the lease
of the contract expressed with certainty that may contract. Although the same lease was registered
be ascertained from the note or memorandum and duly annotated, MBTC was charged with
itself, or some other writing to which it refers or constructive knowledge only of the fact of lease of
within which it is connected, without resorting to the land and not of the specific provision
parol evidence. stipulating transfer of ownership of the building to
The exchange of correspondence between the the Jaymes upon termination of the lease. While
parties do not constitutes the note or the alienation was in violation of the stipulation in
memorandum within the context of Article 1403 of the lease contract between the Jaymes and
the Civil Code. It is not complete in itself. First, it Asiancars, MBTC’s own rights could not be
does not indicate at what price the shares were prejudiced by Asiancars’ actions unknown to
being sold. respondents were supposed to submit MBTC. Thus, the transfer of the building in favor of
their final offer in U.S. dollar terms. Second, the MBTC was properly held valid and binding.
letter does not state the mode of payment of the (Jayme v. CA, G.R. No. 128669, 04 October
price. In fact, Litonjua was supposed to indicate in 2002)
his final offer how and where payment for the
shares was planned to be made. (Swedish Insular Life invited companies/corporations to
Match, AB v. CA, G.R. No. 128120, 20 October participate in the bidding of its proposed building in
2004) Lucena City. Asset Builders, with four 4 other
bidders submitted their respective bid proposals,
Spouses Jayme entered into a contract of lease of valid for sixty 60 days. After valuation, the project
their lot with Neri, president of Cebu Asiancars Inc. manager submitted a report that Asset Builders’
It was stipulated that Asiancars may use the bid was the lowest. among the bidders. Post-
leased premises as a collateral to secure payment qualifications proceedings of the bidders were
of a loan which Asiancars may obtain from any made.
bank, provided that the proceeds of the loan shall Then, by letter, Insular Life awarded the general
be used solely for the construction of a building construction contract of the proposed building to
which, upon the termination of the lease or the Asselt Builders. However, Asset Builders sent a
voluntary surrender of the leased premises before letter to Insular stating that it never received any
the expiration of the contract, shall automatically written notice of award and since its bid offer had
become the property of the Jayme spouses. a lifetime of 60 days, its offer was automatically
Asiancars obtained a loan from MBTC with the lot withdrawn after said date and that Insular Life had
as 1 of the collaterals. Meeting financial difficulties not requested for an extension.
and incurring an outstanding balance on the loan, Thus, Insular Life filed a complaint for damages.
Asiancars conveyed ownership of the building on
the leased premises to MBTC, by way of "dacion Q: Is there acceptance by petitioner of the offer
en pago." made by respondent and was it communicated to
the latter, thereby perfecting the contract?
Q: Is dacion en pago by Asiancars in favor of A: No. The period given to Asset Builders within
MBTC valid and binding despite the stipulation in which to accept the offer was not itself founded
the lease contract that ownership of the building upon or supported by any consideration.
will vest on the Jaymes at the termination of the Therefore, under the law, Asset Builders still had
lease? the freedom and the right to withdraw the offer by
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

communicating such withdrawal before Insular property to petitioner for P2,000,000, with a down
Life’s acceptance of the offer; or, if the offer has payment and the balance payable within a period
been accepted, before the acceptance came to be of 15 years at 12% interest per annum,
known by Asset Builders. compounded yearly.
Asset Builders had no knowledge of such Under the second contract, GSIS obligated itself to
acceptance when it communicated its withdrawal construct for the OGCC a three-storey building on
to Insular Life. It did send a formal letter the Manila Bay reclaimed area or to make
expressing and explaining its withdrawal. As of available another property acceptable to the
that date, the decision to award the contract had OGCC, to be conveyed to the Republic under the
not been made according to the terms of the same or mutually acceptable terms and conditions
instruction to bidders. as those of the first contract. In the meantime, the
Besides, the subsequent acts between the parties OGCC was allowed to continue occupying the
did not even serve as a confirmation of that second to the fifth floors of the building at an
decision. The existence of a second proposal – annual rental. Then President Ferdinand E.
Insular Life's request for an adjustment of the bid Marcos approved the second contract by
to accommodate the wage increase -- in fact scribbling on the right upper hand corner and the
belies the perfection of any contract arising from GSIS Board of Trustees approved the same.
the first. There was indeed no acceptance of the
offer made by Asset Builders Q: Is the second contract valid?
In sum, there was only an offer and a counteroffer A: No. The second contract was null and void ab
that did not sum up to any final arrangement initio for being in contravention of Section 3(e) and
containing the elements of a contract. (Insular (g) of RA 3019, otherwise known as the "Anti-Graft
Life Assurance Company, Ltd. v. Asset and Corrupt Practices Act". Both the trial and
Builders Corporation, G.R. No. 147410, 05 appellate courts found that the second contract
February 2004) gave petitioner unwarranted benefits and was
grossly disadvantageous to the government.
Guansing obtained a loan from CDB, to secure the Under Article 1409(7) of the CC, the contract was
payment, he mortgaged a parcel of land. As null and void from the beginning.
Guansing defaulted in the payment of his loan, The foregoing clearly shows that the second
CDB foreclosed the mortgage. contract caused undue injury to the government,
Then, Lolita Chan Lim offered to purchase the gave petitioner unwarranted benefits and was
property from CDB. Lim paid CDB P30,000.00 as grossly disadvantageous to the government. The
option money. However, Lim discovered that the disquisition of the CA is sufficiently exhaustive and
property was originally registered in the name of convincing considering that in civil cases like this
Guansing’s father. It appears, that the father one, the party with the burden of proof (in this
instituted an action for the cancellation of his son's case, the respondents) needs only to establish its
title. The trial court rendered a decision restoring case by a preponderance of evidence. (Lao v.
the father’s previous title. Thus, Lim, joined by her Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. 160719,
husband, filed an action for specific performance 23 January 2006)
and damages against CDB and its mother
company FEBTC.

Q: Can CDB and FEBTC refuse to return the

option money paid by spouses Lim?
A: No. Spouse Lim are thus entitled to recover the
option money paid by them. Moreover, since the
filing of the action for damages against CDB and
FEBTC amounted to a demand by the spouses for
the return of their money, interest thereon at the
legal rate is awarded. Indeed, Art. 1412(2) which
provides that the non-guilty party "may demand
the return of what he has given" clearly implies
that without such prior demand, the obligation to
return what was given does not become legally
demandable. (Cavite Development Bank v.
Spouses Lim, G.R. No. 131679, 01 February

GSIS is the registered owner of 3 parcels of land.

GSIS and the Republic of the Philippines, through
the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel
(OGCC), entered into a "lease-purchase"
agreement (first contract). GSIS agreed to transfer
the property to the OGCC for a consideration of
P1.5 million, payable in equal yearly amortization-
lease rentals for a period of 15 years. Years after,
Lao offered to purchase the property. GSIS and
petitioner executed a "lease-purchase" agreement
(second contract). GSIS agreed to sell the same
University of Santo Tomas
as an executrix or administratrix of the estate. In
Sales the contract, she represented herself as the lawful
owner and seller of the subject parcel of land. She
A settlement over a land dispute was executed also explained the reason for the sale to be
between Ngo and Ong but before the court could “difficulties in her living” conditions and
approve it, a complaint-in-intervention was filed by consequent “need of cash”. These representations
Co alleging that it was agreed that the subject lot clearly evince that she was not acting on behalf of
would go to him after paying respondent Ngo for the estate under probate when she entered into
such lot. Ngo vehemently denied having entered contract of sell.
into such agreement, much less having received We emphasize that hereditary rights are
any amount since he refused and even destroyed vested in heir or heirs from the moment of the
the checks given by Co. decedent’s death. Petitioner, therefore, became
Q: Is there a perfected contract of sale between the owner of her hereditary share the moment her
the parties? father died. Thus the lack of judicial approval does
A: None. In fine, the evidence of petitioner does not invalidate the contract to sell, because the
not indicate a perfection of the purported contract petitioner has the substantive right to sell the
of sale which, under Art. 1458, is a contract by whole or a part of her share in the estate of her
which "one of the contracting parties obligates late father.
himself to transfer the ownership and to deliver a Finally, the petitioner is estopped from
determinate thing, and the other to pay backing out of her representation in her valid
therefrom a price certain in money or its contract to sell w/ private respondents, from whom
equivalent." Under Article 1475, "the contract of she received initial payment of P300,000.
sale is perfected at the moment there is meeting of Petitioner may not renege on her own acts and
the minds upon the thing which is the object of the representations, to the prejudice of the private
contract and upon the price. From that moment respondents who have relied on them.
the parties may reciprocally demand performance Jurisprudence teaches us that neither the law nor
subject to the provisions of the law governing the the courts will extricate a party from an unwise and
form of contracts." undesirable contract he or she entered into w/ all
the required formalities and w/ full awareness of its
consequences. (Opulencia v. Court of Appeals
A definite agreement on the manner of payment of
GR no. 125835, 239 SCRA 385)
the price is an essential element in the formation
of a binding and enforceable contract of sale.
Petitioner’s testimonial and documentary evidence
did not establish any definitive agreement or Spouses-petitioners negotiated with Gatus
meeting of the minds between the parties concerning the possibility of buying his rights to
concerning the price or term of payment. The certain units at a subdivision developed by
contention of petitioner that the agreement of sale respondent Phil-Ville for parties qualified to obtain
between him and private respondent was forged loans from GSIS. They paid Gatus an amount for
during the arbitration meeting of 11 March 1979 is which Gatus issued them receipts in her own
contradicted by the Minutes of such meeting. name. As they were not GSIS members, they
Based thereon, there was nothing whatsoever that looked for members who could act as
transpired to indicate that the sale occurred accommodation parties. However, the GSIS
between the parties. The admission of petitioner disapproved their loan applications. Phil-Ville
himself that when he issued the checks amounting advised them to seek other sources of financing.
to P19, 500.00 in favor of respondent Benito Ngo, In the meantime, they were allowed to remain in
supposedly as partial payment of the purchase the subject premises.
price, the latter destroyed the checks, thereby
negating the existence of the meeting of the minds Q: Do petitioners and respondents have a
of the parties on the sale. (Co v. Court of perfected and enforceable contract of sale or at
Appeals, G.R. No. 123908, 09 February 1998) least an agreement to sell over the disputed
housing units?
A: None. As this Court sees it, there was no
X is a devisee of a certain parcel of land. X in his contract of sale perfected between the private
capacity as an heir entered into a contract to sell parties over the said property, there being no
said parcel of land to Z during the probate meeting of the minds as to terms, especially on
proceedings of the estate of the deceased. After the price thereof. At best, only a proposed contract
receiving the downpayment, X backed out from to sell obtained which did not even ripen into a
the contract claiming that the probate court did not perfected contract due at the first instance to
approve the contract. private respondents' inability to secure approval of
their GSIS housing loans. As it were, petitioners
Q: Is the contract to sell entered into by X and Z and private respondents have not hurdled the
valid even w/o the approval of the probate court? negotiation phase of a contract, which is the
A: As correctly ruled by the Court f Appeals, period from the time the prospective contracting
Section 7 of Rule 89 of the Rules of Court is not parties indicate interest on the contract to the time
applicable, because petitioner entered into the the contract comes into existence the perfection
contract to sell in her capacity as an heiress, not stage upon the concurrence of the essential
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

elements thereof. (Sps. Raet & Sps. Mitra v. CA, purchase price or prove that full payment was
G.R. No. 128016, 17 September 1998) made. For this reason, it was contended that there
was no meeting of their minds and there was no
A and XYZ Development Corp. executed a perfected contract of sale.
contract to sell over a parcel of land. A died w/o
having completed the installment on the property. Q: Was there a perfected contract of sale?
His heirs, herein petitioners, then took over the A: Yes. The question to be determined should not
contract to sell, assumed his obligations by paying be whether there was an agreed price, but what
the selling price of the lot from their own funds, that agreed price was. The sellers could not
and completed the payment in 1978. render invalid a perfected contract of sale by
merely contradicting the buyer’s obligation
Q: To whom should the final Deed of Absolute regarding the price, and subsequently raising the
Sale be executed by XYZ Development Corp. lack of agreement as to the price. (David v.
upon full payment of the purchase price? Tiongson, 313 SCRA 63)
A: Indeed, on March 1978, XYZ Development
Corp. could not have transferred the title over the Y obtained a loan from the GSIS. To guarantee
lot through a Deed of Sale to A who had died the payment of the loan, Y constituted a mortgage
seven years earlier. In 1978, the deceased had no over his property. Y executed a contract to sell w/
more civil personality or juridical capacity. His assumption of mortgage in favor of B. The GSIS
juridical capacity, w/c is the fitness to be subject to conditionally approved the sale provided that B will
legal relations, was lost through death. In other execute the promissory note on the obligation to
words, the said property did not become part of be assumed and paid directly to the GSIS. Y and
the estate of A. Necessarily, partition is not the B failed to pay their obligation w/ the GSIS. As a
remedy to determine the ownership thereof. result, the mortgage property was extra judicially
Having stepped into the shoes of the deceased w/ foreclosed w/ the GSIS as the highest bidder. Y
respect to the said contract, and being the ones then negotiated for the sale of the foreclosed
who continued to pay the installments of the property to P who advanced the redemption price
selling price from their own funds, petitioners to Y, who then redeemed the property from the
necessarily become the lawful owners of the said GSIS. B filed an action against Y and P for
lot in whose favor the deed of absolute sale should annulment of foreclosure proceeding, redemption
have been executed by vendor XYZ Development and sale and reconveyance.
Corp. (Dawson v. Register of Deeds of Quezon
City, 295 SCRA 733) Q: Will the action prosper?
A: No. Because of B’s failure to update their
Respondent Abecia was counsel of complainant account and execute a promissory note, GSIS’s
Daroy in a case for forcible entry. Judgment was conditional approval of the sale of the property and
rendered in favor of complainant as plaintiff in the assumption of mortgage never be became
ejectment case, ordering the defendants to pay effective. The “Deed of Absolute Sale w/
damages, attorney’s fees and the costs of the suit. Assumption of Mortgage” itself was not perfected
To satisfy the judgment, the sheriff sold at public since assumption of the mortgage by petitioners
auction a parcel of land belonging to one of the was a condition precedent for the sale of the
defendants. Complainant Daroy was the highest property to them. Article 1181 of the New Civil
bidder. Upon failure of the defendant to redeem Code, provides that “ In conditional obligations, the
the land, its ownership was consolidated in the acquisition of rights, as well as the extinguishment
name of Daroy. or loss of those already acquired, shall depend
upon the happening of the event w/c constitutes
Q: Can complainant Daroy sell the lot to his the condition.” Accordingly, in sales w/ assumption
counsel Abecia? of mortgage, the assumption of mortgage is a
A: The prohibition in Article 1491 does not apply to condition to the seller’s consent so that w/o
the sale of land acquired by a client to (1) satisfy a approval by the mortgagee, no sale is perfected
judgment in his favor, to his attorney as long as (Ramos v. Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 118)
the property was not subject of the litigation. For
indeed, while judges, prosecuting attorneys and An agreement to sell between Talisay-Silay and
others connected in the administration of justice DAE Sugar Milling Corp. was executed covering
are prohibited from acquiring “property or rights in vast tract of land. Thereafter, DAE became one of
litigation or levied upon in execution, the the respondents in a case for damages. Levy on
prohibition w/ respect to attorneys in the case execution was then issued against DAE. Petitioner
extends only to property and rights w/c maybe the and DAE Sugar Milling Co., Inc filed a joint motion
object of any litigation in w/c they may take part by asking the court to issue a resolution to direct the
virtue of their profession (Daroy v. Abecia, 298 Register of Deeds to register the memorandum of
SCRA 239) agreement that they executed on the property
covered by TCT No. 115609.
In an action for specific performance with
damages, plaintiff X alleged that there was an Q: Was the levy over TCT No. 115609 valid?
agreement to purchase the lot of defendant Y for A: No, because DAE Sugar did not own the
P15, 000 payable as follows: P3,800 as down property covered by TCT No. 115609. The
payment, with P385 monthly installment thereafter. agreement to sell between Talisay-Silay and Dae
The receipt issued by Y however, contradicted the Sugar did not transfer the property to DAE since
testimony of X. the receipts failed to state the total the agreement was to sell and not one of sale.
University of Santo Tomas
Thus, a deed of sale or some other contract was Dominador, et al. in w/c Severina’s heirs will sell
necessary to consummate the sale. the subject lots to Dominador, et al. with the
In a contract of sale, the title to the property delivery of TCT. They executed a deed of sale.
passes to the vendee upon the delivery to the Dominador discovered that the tax declaration of
thing sold; in a contract to sell, ownership is, by the land is under the name of another person. So
agreement, reserved in the vendor and is not to he asked that the title be first released. Severina’s
pass to the vendee until full payment of the heir refused to release the certificate of title
purchase price. Otherwise stated, in a contract of contending that Dominador, et al. have not paid
sale, the vendor loses ownership over the property the stipulated amount.
and cannot recover it until and unless the contract
is resolved or rescinded; whereas in a contract to Q: Were Severina and her heirs justified in not
sell, title is retained by the vendor until full delivering the owner’s copy of the certificate of title
payment of the price. In the latter contract, because Dominador has not yet paid the stipulated
payment of the price is a positive suspensive amount?
condition, failure of which is not a breach but an A: No. Severina’s heirs anchor their claim on the
event that prevents the obligation of the vendor to “kasunduan” stressing on their freedom to
convey title from becoming effective. (Abesamis stipulate and the binding effects of contracts. This
v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 109559, 19 July argument is misplaced. Article 1305 of the Civil
2001) Code provides “the contracting parties may
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and
Respondent spouses purchased a jeepney from conditions as they may deem convenient provided
Union Motor to be paid in installments. They then they are not contrary to law, morals, good
executed a promissory note and a deed of chattel customs, public order or public policy.”
mortgage in favor of Union Motor w/c in turn In a contract of sale, the vendor need not possess
assigned the same with Jardine Finance. To title to the thing sold at the perfection of the
effectuate the sale as well as the assignment of contract. However, the vendor must possess title
the promissory note and chattel mortgage, the and must be able to transfer title at the time of
spouses were required to sign documents one of delivery. In a contract of sale, title only passes to
which was a sales invoice. the vendee upon full payment of the stipulated
Although the Spouses have not yet physically consideration, or upon delivery of the thing sold.
possessed the vehicle, Union Motor’s agent Under the facts of the case, Severina’s heirs are
required them to sign the receipt as a condition for not in a position to transfer title. Without passing
the delivery of the vehicle. It was discovered that on the question of who actually owned the land. It
the said agent stole the vehicle even prior to its should be noted that there is no proof of
delivery to the spouses. ownership in favor of the Severina’s heirs.
In fact, it is a certain Eugenio, who holds a tax
Q: Was there a transfer of ownership of the declaration over the said land in his name. Though
subject vehicle? tax declarations do not prove ownership, such can
A: No. We rule in favor of the respondent Bernal be strong evidence of ownership of land when
spouses. We have ruled that the issuance of a accompanied by possession for a period sufficient
sales invoice does not prove transfer of ownership for prescription. Severina’s heirs have nothing to
of the thing sold to the buyer; an invoice is nothing counter the document.
more than a detailed statement of the nature, Therefore, to insist that Dominador should pay the
quantity and cost of the thing sold and has been price under such circumstances would result in
considered not a bill of sale. Severina’s heirs’ unjust enrichment. The essence
The registration certificate signed by the of a sale is the transfer of title or an agreement to
respondent spouses does not conclusively prove transfer it for a price actually paid or promised. In
that constructive delivery was made nor that Nool v CA, it was held that if the sellers cannot
ownership has been transferred to the respondent deliver the object of the sale to the buyers, such
spouses. Like the receipt and the invoice, the contract may be deemed to be inoperative.
signing of the said documents was qualified by the (Severina San Miguel v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
fact that it was a requirement of petitioner for the No. 136054, 05 September 2001)
sale and financing contract to be approved. In all
forms of delivery, it is necessary that the act of NDC and Firestone entered into a contract of
delivery, whether constructive or actual, should be lease wherein it is stipulated that Firestone has the
coupled with the intention of delivering the thing. right of first refusal to purchase the leased
The act, without the intention, is insufficient. property "should lessor NDC decide to sell the
Inasmuch as there was neither physical nor same”. After the rumor that NDC will transfer the
constructive delivery of a determinate thing, (in lot to PUP, Firestone instituted an action for
this case, the subject motor vehicle) the thing sold specific performance to compel NDC to sell the
remained at the seller’s risk. The petitioner should property in its favor. PUP moved to intervene
therefore bear the loss of the subject motor vehicle arguing that the Memorandum issued by then
after Sosmeña allegedly stole the same. (Union Pres. Aquino ordered the transfer of the whole
Motor Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 117187, 20 July NDC compound to the Government, which in turn
2001) would convey it in favor of PUP. The court
observed that NDC could not excuse itself from its
Severina’s heirs entered into a compromise with obligation to offer first the property to Firestone.
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

those who are not aware of any flaw in their title or

Q: Can Firestone exercise its right of first refusal? mode of acquisition. Third, buyers of real property
A: Yes. It is a settled principle in civil law that that is in the possession of persons other than the
when a lease contract contains a right of first seller must be wary — they must investigate the
refusal, the lessor is under a legal duty to the rights of the possessors. Fourth, good faith is
lessee not to sell to anybody at any price until after always presumed; upon those who allege bad faith
he has made an offer to sell to the latter at a on the part of the possessors rests the burden of
certain price and the lessee has failed to accept it. proof.
The lessee has a right that the lessor's first offer Earlier, we ruled that the subject property had not
shall be in his favor. been delivered to petitioner; hence, it did not
The option in this case was incorporated in the acquire possession either materially or
contracts of lease by NDC for the benefit of symbolically. As between the two buyers,
FIRESTONE which, in view of the total amount of therefore, respondent was first in actual
its investments in the property, wanted to be possession of the property.
assured that it would be given the first opportunity Petitioner has not proven that respondent was
to buy the property at a price for which it would be aware that her mode of acquiring the property was
offered. Consistent with their agreement, it was defective at the time she acquired it from Galino.
then implicit for NDC to have first offered the At the time, the property — which was public land
leased premises of 2.60 hectares to FIRESTONE — had not been registered in the name of Galino;
prior to the sale in favor of PUP. Only if thus, respondent relied on the tax declarations
FIRESTONE failed to exercise its right of first thereon. As shown, the former's name appeared
priority could NDC lawfully sell the property to on the tax declarations for the property until its
petitioner PUP. (PUP v. Court of Appeals, G.R. sale to the latter in 1998. Galino was in fact
No. 143513, 14 November 2001) occupying the realty when respondent took over
possession. Thus, there was no circumstance that
Ten Forty Realty purchased from Galino the could have placed the latter upon inquiry or
disputed parcel of land. It is alleged by Ten Forty required her to further investigate petitioner's right
that Galino sold the same property to respondent of ownership. (Ten Forty Realty & Dev’t. Corp. v.
Cruz and that Cruz immediately took possession Cruz, G.R. No. 151212, 10 September 2003)
of the said property. Ten Forty contended it
merely tolerated Cruz’s occupation of the disputed Spouses Firme are the registered owners of a
property. Since Cruz refused to vacate the parcel of land. The vice president of Bukal
premises, Ten Forty filed an ejectment case Enterprises authorized his friend, a broker, to
against the former. negotiate with the Spouses for the purchase of the
Q: Who has a better right between petitioner Ten Bukal Enterprises filed a complaint for specific
Forty and Cruz? performance alleging that the Firmes did not make
A: The ownership of immovable property sold to good of their promise to sell their property. On the
two different buyers at different times is governed other hand, the Spouses denied that they had
by Article 1544, which reads as follows: perfected contract of sale since they rejected the
"Should it be immovable property, the ownership drafts offered by Bukal Enterprises.
shall belong to the person acquiring it who in good
faith first recorded it in the Registry of Property. Q: Was there a perfected contract of sale between
"Should there be no inscription, the ownership the Spouses Firme and Bukal Enterprises?
shall pertain to the person who in good faith was A: None. First, the records indubitably show that
first in possession; and, in the absence thereof, to there was no consent on the part of the Spouses
the person who presents the oldest title, provided Firme. Witness Aviles did not present any draft
there is good faith." deed of sale during his first meeting with the
Galino allegedly sold the property in question to Spouses Firme on 30 January 1995. Witness Dr.
petitioner on December 5, 1996 and, Firme was consistent in his testimony that he and
subsequently, to respondent on April 24, 1998. his wife rejected the provisions of the Third Draft
Petitioner thus argues that being the first buyer, it presented by Aviles during their second meeting
has a better right to own the realty. However, it on 6 February 1995. The Spouses Firme found the
has not been able to establish that its Deed of terms and conditions unacceptable and told Aviles
Sale was recorded in the Registry of Deeds of that they would not sell the property. Aviles
Olongapo City. Its claim of an unattested and showed them only one draft deed of sale (Third
unverified notation on its Deed of Absolute Sale is Draft) during their second and last meeting on 6
not equivalent to registration. It admits that, February 1995. When shown a copy of the First
indeed, the sale has not been recorded in the Draft, Dr. Firme testified that it was not the deed of
Registry of Deeds. sale shown to them by Aviles during their second
In the absence of the required inscription, the law meeting 26 and that the Third Draft was
gives preferential right to the buyer who in good completely different from the First Draft. (Sps.
faith is first in possession. In determining the Firme v. Bukal Enterprises, G.R. No. 146608, 23
question of who is first in possession, certain basic October 2003)
parameters have been established by
jurisprudence. Villaba w/ Soliva’s permission occupied the latter’s
First, the possession mentioned in Article 1544 house, and promised to buy the house and lot.
includes not only material but also symbolic Villaba paid Soliva for the occupation of the house.
possession. Second, possessors in good faith are When Villaba died, his wife, took possession of the
University of Santo Tomas
property, destroyed the house and built a new written memorials of the transaction. This is so
one. Despite repeated demands, the Villaba’s wife because the decisive factor in evaluating such
refused to vacate the said property. Soliva filed agreement is the intention of the parties, as shown
complaint for recovery of ownership and not necessarily by the terminology used in the
possession. Villaba’s wife came to know that her contract but by all the surrounding circumstances,
late husband had already paid the certain amount such as the relative situations of the parties at that
out of the purchase price for the house and lot and time; the attitudes, acts, conduct, and declarations
that Soliva’s claim of ownership has already of the parties; the negotiations between them
prescribed. leading to the deed; and generally, all pertinent
In the present petition for review, Soliva argues facts having a tendency to fix and determine the
that the oral contract of sale was invalid because real nature of their design and understanding. As
respondent failed to comply with obligation to pay such, documentary and parol evidence may be
in full the purchase price of the house and lot. submitted and admitted to prove the intention of
the parties. (Sps Austria v. Sps Gonzales, G.R.
Q: Did the failure of respondent to fully pay the No. 147321, 21 January 2004)
purchase price render the contract invalid?
A: No. The nonpayment of the full consideration A contract of lease was entered into by Agricom
did not invalidate the contract of sale. Under and Dee doing business under the name and style
settled doctrine, nonpayment is a resolutory “Pioneer” Thereafter, Agricom sent letters to its
condition that extinguishes the transaction existing employees of their termination by virtue of the
for a time and discharges the obligations created lease contract by Dee of the company’s premises.
there under. The remedy of the unpaid seller is to The severed employees filed a complaint for illegal
sue for collection or, in case of a substantial dismissal and unfair labor practice against
breach, to rescind the contract. These alternative Agricom, Dee and Pioneer. Pioneer sent a letter to
remedies of specific performance and rescission Agricom complaining of facts and events which
are provided under Article 1191. disrupted its operations in the plantation. Pioneer
"The Court shall decree the rescission claimed, claimed that it was dragged into labor disputes not
unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing of of its own making and complained of being
a period. The rescission of a sale of immovables, pestered by some individuals who claimed
on the other hand, is governed by Article 1592 of portions of the plantation as their own property.
the Civil Code. Upon the facts found by the trial Some of them went to its office and even
and the appellate courts, petitioner did not presented tax declarations to prove their claims.
exercise her right either to seek specific
performance or to rescind the verbal contract of Q: Did Agricom fail to maintain Dee in a quiet and
sale until May 1982, when she filed her complaint peaceful enjoyment of the leased premises?
for recovery of ownership and possession of the A: NO. As lessor, Agricom had the duty to
property. (Soliva v. Intestate Estate of Villaba, maintain Chua Tee Dee in the peaceful and
GR No. 154017. 08 December 2003) adequate enjoyment of the leased premises. Such
duty was made as part of the contract of lease
Parcels of land became the subject of Deeds of entered into by the parties. Even if it had not been
Absolute Sale executed by Hilario in favor of the so, the lessor is still duty-bound under Art.1654 of
respondents. But petitioners claimed that the the Civil Code. The duty "to maintain the lessee in
transactions entered into were not actually sales the peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the lease
but merely loans. In their answer, respondents for the duration of the contract" mentioned in No. 3
insisted that petitioner Hilario sold to them the lots of the article is merely a warranty that the lessee
in question. The transaction embodied in a deed of shall not be disturbed in his legal, and not
absolute sale was for the price of P240, 000.00. physical, possession.
However, before the properties were registered, In the case at bar, Chua Tee Dee claims that
petitioner Hilario asked for the execution of several people presented tax declarations to her
another deed of absolute sale indicating P50, and claimed some portions of the leased
000.00 as the price purportedly to lessen the taxes premises. However, no case was filed by any of
and fees that they will be paying. A new deed of the said claimants against her or her lessor during
absolute sale indicating a selling price of P50, the time she occupied the premises. Patently,
000.00 for the 3 lots was executed and notarized. then, Chua Tee Dee had not been disturbed in her
Shortly thereafter, the titles of said lots were legal possession of the property in derogation of
transferred to the respondents. Article 1654 of the New Civil Code. When Chua
Tee Dee's representative saw that a portion of the
Q: Does the transaction involve an absolute sale leased premises was being fenced by the
or an equitable mortgage of real property? claimants, she had all the right to sue the intruders
A: It is an absolute sale. Decisive for the proper who had disturbed her physical possession as
determination of the true nature of the transaction provided for in Article 1654. However, the
between the parties is the intent of the parties. petitioner did not file any suit against any of the
There is no conclusive test to determine whether a claimants. Thus, it cannot be said that Agricom
deed absolute on its face is really a simple loan violated the contract of lease.
accommodation secured by a mortgage. To Chua Tee Dee also failed to prove that she
determine whether a deed absolute in form is a suffered any loss from the labor case that was
mortgage in reality, the court is not limited to the filed against her enterprise and her husband. True,
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

the labor case was instituted during the effectivity evidence that Dalisay, Sr. remained the owner
of the lease contract until the case was finally thereof, and had no intention of transferring the
resolved on August 22, 1986. Surprisingly, ownership of the parcels of land exclusively to
however, during the interregnum, appellant Dalisay, Jr. to the exclusion of all his other heirs. It
regularly paid the monthly rentals for the years is telling why Dalisay, Jr., during the length of time
1985 to 1989. It was after the labor case has been from the execution of the Deeds of Sale on 15
resolved that appellant started to fail to pay her June 1973 and until such time when he sold the
rentals, strongly indicating that the labor case has subject parcels of land to his co-petitioners, Gaje
not dampened her peaceful and adequate and Mellonida, neither possessed nor exercised
possession of the leased premises. (Dee v. Court attributes of ownership over the lands. Dalisay, Sr.
of Appeal, G.R. No. 135721, 27 May 2004) remained in possession over the properties from
the time they were bought. (Gaje v. Vda. De
Ceballos was able to borrow from Mercado certain Dalisay, G.R. No. 158762, 04 April 2007)
sum of money and as security, she executed a
'Deed of Real Estate Mortgage' over the subject Eulalia was engaged in the business of buying and
property. The said mortgage was not registered. selling large cattle. In order to secure the financial
Ceballos defaulted. Thereafter, a 'Deed of capital she advanced for her employees
Absolute Sale' was executed by Ceballos and her (“biyaheros,”) she required them to surrender TCT
husband whereby the mortgaged property was of their properties and to execute the
sold to Mercado for the price of P16, 500.00. corresponding Deeds of Sale in her favor.
Ceballos offered to buy back the property from Domeng Bandong was not required to post any
Mercado for the price of P30, 000.00 but the security but when Eulalia discovered that he
latter's wife refused since the same was already incurred shortage in cattle procurement operation,
transferred in their names by virtue of the Deed of he was required to execute a deed of sale over a
Absolute Sale. As a consequence, Ceballos filed parcel of land in favor of Eulalia. She sold the
the case contending that the Contract should be property to her grandniece Jocelyn who thereafter
declared as an equitable mortgage. instituted an action for ejectment against the
Spouses Bandong.
Q: Was the CA correct in rejecting Ceballos’s
contention that the Deed of Absolute sale was one To assert their right, Spouses Bandong filed an
of equitable mortgage? action for annulment of sale against Eulalia and
A: Yes. The instances when a contract — Jocelyn alleging that there was no sale intended
regardless of its nomenclature — may be but only equitable mortgage for the purpose of
presumed to be an equitable mortgage are securing the shortage incurred by Domeng in the
enumerated in Art. 1602 of the Civil Code. amount of P70,000 while employed as “biyahero”
In this case, both the trial and the appellate courts by Eulalia.
found none of the above-enumerated
circumstances. We find no cogent reason to Q: Was the deed of sale between Domeng and
reverse their factual finding. Concededly, the Eulalia a contract of sale or an equitable
original transaction was a loan. Petitioner failed to mortgage?
pay the loan; consequently, the parties entered into A: It is an equitable mortgage. An equitable
another agreement — the assailed, duly notarized mortgage is one that - although lacking in some
Deed of Absolute Sale, which superseded the loan formality, forms and words, or other requisites
document. Petitioner had the burden of proving that demanded by a statute - nevertheless reveals the
she did not intend to sell the property; that Emigdio intention of the parties to charge a real property as
Mercado did not intend to buy it; and that the new security for a debt and contains nothing impossible
agreement did not embody the true intention of the or contrary to law. The instances when a contract -
parties. We find no basis for disturbing the CA's regardless of its nomenclature - may be presumed
finding that she had failed to discharge this burden. to be an equitable mortgage are enumerated
(Ceballos v. Intestate Estate of the Late under Art. 1602. In executing the said deed of
Emigdio Mercado, G.R. No. 155856. 28 May sale, Domeng and Eulalia never intended the
2004) transfer of ownership of the subject property but to
burden the same with an encumbrance to secure
Dalisay Sr. bought parcels of land but indicated the indebtedness incurred by Domeng on the
Dalisay Jr. as the buyer in the Deed of Sale. occasion of his employment with Eulalia. The
Dalisay Jr. sold the parcels of land to Gaje. agreement between Dominador and Eulalia was
Respondent as special administratrix of the estate not avoided in its entirety so as to prevent it from
of Dalisay Sr. filed a complaint for Annulment of producing any legal effect at all. Instead, the said
Deed of Sale and Reconveyance. RTC and CA transaction is an equitable mortgage, thereby
both ruled in favor of respondent. merely altering the relationship of the parties from
seller and buyer, to mortgagor and mortgagee,
Q: Is Dalisay Jr. the owner of the property and while the subject property is not transferred but
thus, can validly sell such property? subjected to a lien in favor of the latter. To
A: No. Foremost, the presumption of truthfulness reiterate, the existence of any one of the
engendered by notarized documents is rebuttable, conditions under Article 1602 of the New Civil
yielding as it does to clear and convincing Code, not a concurrence, or an overwhelming
evidence to the contrary. Even as the Deeds of number of such circumstances, suffices to give
Sale indicate the name of Dalisay, Jr. as vendee rise to the presumption that the contract is an
of the parcels of land, it was established by strong
University of Santo Tomas
equitable mortgage. (Sps. Raymundo, et al. v. that of the nets and the floats. The fishing nets and
Sps. Bandong, G.R. No. 171250, 04 July 2007) the floats, both essential to fishing, were obviously
acquired in furtherance of their business. It would
Partnership have been inconceivable for Lim to involve himself
so much in buying the boat but not in the
Liwanag, Tabligan and complainant entered into acquisition of the aforesaid equipment, without
an agreement, wherein complainant would give which the business could not have proceeded.
the money needed to buy the cigarettes while A partnership may be deemed to exist among
Liwanag and Tabligan would act as her agents, parties who agree to borrow money to pursue a
with a corresponding commission to her if the business and to divide the profits or losses that
goods are sold; otherwise the money would be may arise therefrom, even if it is shown that they
returned to complainant. The two made periodic have not contributed any capital of their own to a
visits to complainant to report the progress of the "common fund." Their contribution may be in the
transactions. The visits however, suddenly form of credit or industry, not necessarily cash or
stopped. Complainant filed a case of estafa fixed assets. Being partners, they are all liable for
against Liwanag. Liwanag contended that she is debts incurred by or on behalf of the partnership.
not guilty of estafa because the three of them were The liability for a contract entered into on behalf of
partners. an unincorporated association or ostensible
corporation may lie in a person who may not have
Q: Is Liwanag guilty of estafa even assuming that directly transacted on its behalf, but reaped
she is a partner? benefits from that contract. (Lim Tong Lim v.
A: Yes. Even assuming that a contract of Philippine Fishing Gear Industries, Inc., 317
partnership was indeed entered into by and SCRA 728)
between the parties, we have ruled that when
money or property have been received by a Sisters entered into a “joint venture agreement”
partner for a specific purpose (such as that with Manuel for the development of a parcel of
obtaining in the instant case) and he later land into a subdivision. Pursuant to the contract,
misappropriated it, such partner is guilty of estafa. they executed a Deed of Sale covering the said
(Liwanag v. Court of Appeals, 281 SCRA 1225) land in favor of Manuel. By mortgaging the
property, Manuel obtained a loan which, under the
Two persons entered into a Contract for the Joint Venture Agreement, was to be used for the
purchase of fishing nets from respondent development of the subdivision. All 3 of them also
company. They claimed that they were engaged in agreed to share the proceeds from the sale of the
a business venture with Lim Tong Lim, who subdivided lots. The project did not push through,
however was not a signatory to the agreement. and the land was subsequently foreclosed by the
They failed to pay the fishing nets hence, bank. The two sisters filed a complaint against
respondent company filed a collection suit against Manuel to recover damages.
the three in their capacities as general partners.
Lim Tong Lim denied his liability as a general Q: Was there partnership among the three?
partner. A: Yes. A reading of the terms embodied in their
Agreement indubitably shows the existence of a
Q: Was there a contract of partnership formed? partnership pursuant to Article 1767 of the Civil
A: Yes. This is pursuant to Article 1767 which Code, which provides:
provides: By the contract of partnership, two or “ART. 1767. By the contract of partnership two or
more persons bind themselves to contribute more persons bind themselves to contribute
money, property, or industry to a common fund, money, property, or industry to a common fund,
with the intention of dividing the profits among with the intention of dividing the profits among
themselves. themselves.”
From the factual findings of both lower courts, it is Under the Agreement, petitioners would contribute
clear that the three had decided to engage in a property to the partnership in the form of land
fishing business, which they started by buying which was to be developed into a subdivision;
boats, financed by a loan. In their Compromise while respondent would give, in addition to his
Agreement, they subsequently revealed their industry, the amount needed for general expenses
intention to pay the loan with the proceeds of the and other costs. Furthermore, the income from
sale of the boats, and to divide equally among the said project would be divided according to the
them the excess or loss. These boats, the stipulated percentage. Clearly, the contract
purchase and the repair of which were financed manifested the intention of the parties to form a
with borrowed money, fell under the term partnership. (Torres v. Court of Appeals, 320
"common fund" under Article 1767. The SCRA 428)
contribution to such fund need not be cash or fixed
assets; it could be an intangible like credit or Respondent and A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., a
industry. That the parties agreed that any loss or partnership engaged in lending activities entered
profit from the sale and operation of the boats into an equitable mortgage w/ pactum
would be divided equally among them also shows commissorium clause which is clearly prohibited
that they had indeed formed a partnership. by law. Respondent failed to pay hence the
Moreover, it is clear that the partnership extended partnership appropriated for itself the mortgaged
not only to the purchase of the boat, but also to property. Respondent filed an action for the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

annulment of the contract impleading Alfredo The most prudent thing petitioner should have
being the partnership’s manager as adverse party. done was to ascertain the extent of the authority of
Alfredo now contends that he is not the real party IVO’s president. Being remiss in this regard,
in interest but A.C. Aguila & Co., against which the petitioner can not seek relief on the basis of a
case should have been brought. supposed agency. (Safic Alcan & Cie v. Imperial
Vegetable Oil Co., Inc., 355 SCRA 559)
Q: Is the manager of the partnership the right
party to sue or the partnership itself? Chua alleged that he verbally entered into a
A: The partnership is the real party in interest. partnership with Jacinto in the distribution of
Under Art. 1768, a partnership “has a juridical Shellane Gas (LPG). For business convenience,
personality separate and distinct from that of each they registered the business name of the
of the partners.” The partners cannot be held liable partnership under the name of Jacinto as a sole
for the obligations of the partnership unless it is proprietorship. Chua and Jacinto contributed funds
shown that the legal fiction of a different juridical with the intention that the profits would be equally
personality is being used for fraudulent, unfair, or divided between them.
illegal purposes. (Aguila Jr. v. Court of Appeals, Upon Jacinto's death, his wife and daughter took
316 SCRA 246) over the operations of the partnership w/o Chua’s
consent. Despite repeated demands for
Upon the death of Kee, his heirs filed a complaint accounting, inventory, appraisal, winding up and
for accounting, liquidation and winding up of the restitution of his net shares in the partnership,
alleged partnership Benguet Lumber. Kee’s petitioners failed to comply. The mother and
brother denied the existence of partnership daughter tandem contended that there was no
between him and his brother. partnership since there was no written agreement
to that effect.
Q: Were Kee and Lay partners in Benguet
Lumber? Q: Was there a partnership formed between Chua
A: No. In the light of the aforequoted legal and Jacinto?
provision, we conclude that Kee was only an A: Yes. Art. 1678 provides that a partnership
employee, not a partner. Petitioners failed to show retains its juridical personality even if it fails to
how much their father, Kee, received, if any, as his register. The failure to register the contract of
share in the profits of Benguet Lumber Company partnership does not invalidate the same as
for any particular period. Hence, they failed to among the partners, so long as the contract has
prove that Kee and Lay intended to divide the the essential requisites, because the main
profits of the business between themselves, which purpose of registration is to give notice to third
is one of the essential features of a partnership. parties, and it can be assumed that the members
Also, a demand for periodic accounting is themselves knew of the contents of their contract.
evidence of a partnership. During Kee’s lifetime, (Sunga-Chan v. Chua, GR No. 143340, 15 Aug
he appeared never to have made any such 2001)
demand for accounting from his brother, Lay.
(Heirs of Tan Eng Kee v. Court of Appeals, 341 To form a lending business, it was verbally agreed
SCRA 740, October 3, 2000) that petitioner would act as financier while
respondents would take charge of solicitation of
Safic Alcan & Cie ordered from IVO, thru its members and collection of loan payments. The
president for the delivery of crude coconut oil. IVO, venture was launched with the understanding that
however, failed to deliver instead, offered a "wash petitioner would receive 70% of the profits while
out" settlement, Thus, IVO bound itself to pay to respondents would earn 15% each. Later, they
Safic the difference between the said prevailing executed the 'Article of Agreement' which
price and the contract price. IVO still failed to pay formalized their earlier verbal agreement.
this amount despite repeated demands. It Petitioner filed a complaint against respondents for
appeared that IVO’s president entered into such recovery of sum of money and damages for
speculative contracts with Safic, w/o securing the misappropriating the funds allegedly in their
Board's approval. capacities as employees of petitioner. In their
answer, respondents asserted that they were
Q: Did the trial court err in holding that IVO’s partners and not mere employees of petitioner.
president entered into contracts w/c were ultra
vires and w/c would not bind IVO? Q: Was the parties' relationship one of
A: NO. Under Article 1898, the acts of an agent partnership or of employer-employee?
beyond the scope of his authority do not bind the A: Partnership. By the contract of partnership, two
principal unless the latter ratifies the same or more persons bind themselves to contribute
expressly or impliedly. It also bears emphasizing money, property or industry to a common fund,
that when the third person knows that the agent with the intention of dividing the profits among
was acting beyond his power or authority, the themselves. The "Articles of Agreement" stipulated
principal can not be held liable for the acts of the that the signatories shall share the profits of the
agent. If the said third person is aware of such business in a 70-15-15 manner, with petitioner
limits of authority, he is to blame, and is not getting the lion's share. This stipulation clearly
entitled to recover damages from the agent, proved the establishment of a partnership.
unless the latter undertook to secure the (Santos v. Spouses Reyes, GR No.135813, 25
principal's ratification. Oct. 2001)

University of Santo Tomas

Petitioner Emnace, Tabanao and Divinagracia out in the name of the owner was only signed by
were partners in a business. They decided to Dizon. The buyer now contends that there is a
dissolve their partnership in 1986. Throughout the perfected contract of sale since they have already
existence of the partnership, and even after paid partial payment which the owner already
Tabanao's untimely demise, petitioner failed to appropriated.
submit to Tabanao's heirs statement of assets and
liabilities of the partnership, and to render an Q: Can Dizon validly bind the owners in the
accounting of the partnership's finances. Petitioner absence of a written power of attorney?
also reneged on his promise to turn over to A: No. When the sale of a piece of land or any
Tabanao's heirs the deceased's 1/3 share in the interest thereon is through an agent, the authority
total assets of the partnership, despite formal of the latter shall be in writing; otherwise, the sale
demand for payment thereof. Consequently, shall be void. Thus the authority of an agent to
Tabanao’s heirs, respondents herein, filed against execute a contract for the sale of real estate must
petitioner an action for accounting, payment of be conferred in writing and must give him specific
shares, division of assets and damages. authority, either to conduct the general business of
Petitioner contends that the trial court should have the principal or to execute a binding contract
dismissed the complaint on the ground of containing terms and conditions which are in the
prescription, arguing that respondents' action contract he did execute. A special power of
prescribed four (4) years after it accrued in 1986. attorney is necessary to enter into any contract by
The trial court and the Court of Appeals gave which the ownership of an immovable is
scant consideration to petitioner's hollow transmitted or acquired either gratuitously or for a
arguments, and rightly so. valuable consideration. The express mandate
required by law to enable an appointee of an
Q: Is the action to demand accounting already agency (couched) in general terms to sell must be
barred by prescription? one that expressly mentions a sale or that includes
A: No. The three (3) final stages of a partnership a sale as a necessary ingredient of the act
are: (1) dissolution; (2) winding-up; and (3) mentioned. For the principal to confer the right
termination. The partnership, although dissolved, upon an agent to sell real estate, a power of
continues to exist and its legal personality is attorney must so express the powers of the agent
retained, at which time it completes the winding up in clear and unmistakable language. When there is
of its affairs, including the partitioning and any reasonable doubt that the language so used
distribution of the net partnership assets to the conveys such power, no such construction shall
partners. For as long as the partnership exists, be given the document. (Dizon v. Court of
any of the partners may demand an accounting of Appeals, G. R. No. 122544, 28 Jan. 2003)
the partnership’s business.
Prescription of the said right starts to run only A partnership was formed for the operation of a
upon the dissolution of the partnership when the restaurant and catering business. Without prior
final accounting is done. Contrary to petitioner's knowledge of respondents, petitioners closed
protestations that respondents' right to inquire into down the restaurant.. Respondents filed a
the business affairs of the partnership accrued in Complaint for the collection of a sum of money
1986, prescribing four (4) years thereafter, from petitioners. Petitioners contended that
prescription had not even begun to run in the respondents had no right to demand a return of
absence of a final accounting. Article 184 their equity because their share, together with the
provides: rest of the capital of the partnership, had been
The right to an account of his interest shall accrue spent as a result of irreversible business losses.
to any partner, or his legal representative as
against the winding up partners or the surviving Q: Are the petitioners liable to respondents for the
partners or the person or partnership continuing latter's share in the partnership?
the business, at the date of dissolution, in the A: No. We hold that respondents have no right to
absence of any agreement to the contrary. demand from petitioners the return of their equity
Applied in relation to Articles 1807 and 1809, share. Except as managers of the partnership,
which also deal with the duty to account, the petitioners did not personally hold its equity or
above-cited provision states that the right to assets. "The partnership has a juridical personality
demand an accounting accrues at the date of separate and distinct from that of each of the
dissolution in the absence of any agreement to the partners.” Since the capital was contributed to the
contrary. When a final accounting is made, it is partnership, not to petitioners, it is the partnership
only then that prescription begins to run. In the that must refund the equity of the retiring partners.
case at bar, no final accounting has been made, Since it is the partnership, as a separate and
and that is precisely what respondents are seeking distinct entity that must refund the shares of the
in their action before the trial court, since petitioner partners, the amount to be refunded is necessarily
has failed or refused to render an accounting of limited to its total resources. In other words, it can
the partnership's business and assets. Hence, the only pay out what it has in its coffers, which
said action is not barred by prescription. (Emnace consists of all its assets. However, before the
v. CA, GR No. 126334, 23 Nov. 2001) partners can be paid their shares, the creditors of
the partnership must first be compensated. After all
A land was sold by Dizon who had no power of the creditors have been paid, whatever is left of
attorney to sell such property. The receipt made the partnership assets becomes available for the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

payment of the partners' shares. (Villareal v. the sale. As agents, they only render some service
Ramirez, G.R. No. 144214, 14 July 2003) or do something in representation or on behalf of
their principals. The rendering of such service did
Agency not make them parties to the contracts of sale
executed in behalf of the latter.
Mahtani decided to visit his relative in India. In The fact that an agent who makes a contract for
anticipation, he obtained the services of a certain his principal will gain or suffer loss by the
Mr. Gemar to prepare his travel plan. Since British performance or nonperformance of the contract by
Airways had no ticket flights from Manila to the principal or by the other party thereto does not
Bombay, Mahtani had to take a connecting flight. entitle him to maintain an action on his own behalf
Prior to his departure, Mahtani checked in the PAL against the other party for its breach. An agent
counter in Manila his two pieces of luggage entitled to receive a commission from his principal
containing his clothing and personal effects, upon the performance of a contract which he has
confident that upon reaching Hong Kong, the made on his principal's account does not, from this
same would be transferred to the BA flight bound fact alone, have any claim against the other party
for Bombay, Unfortunately, when Mahtani arrived for breach of the contract, either in an action on
in Bombay, he discovered that his luggage was the contract or otherwise. An agent who is not a
missing and that upon inquiry from the BA promisee cannot maintain an action at law against
representatives, he was told that the same might a purchaser merely because he is entitled to have
have been diverted to London. After plaintiff his compensation or advances paid out of the
waiting for his luggage for one week, BA finally purchase price before payment to the principal.
advised him to file a claim. (Uy v. CA, 314 SCRA 69)

Q: Can the agent be held liable by the Principal if Trusts

the agent has been negligent as such?
A: Yes. In resolving this issue, it is worth
observing that the contract of air transportation The respondent heirs demanded Ruperto, who
was exclusively between Mahtani and BA, the was in possession of the properties, to partition
latter merely endorsing the Manila to Hongkong the same among them but he refused claiming
leg of the former’s journey to PAL, as its that during their lifetime, the deceased sold and
subcontractor or agent. In fact, the fourth conveyed to him all the shares over the properties
paragraph of the “Conditions of Contracts” of the in question. The trial court ruled that title over the
ticket issued by BA to Mahtani confirms that the lot was not in reality transferred in the name of
contract was one of continuous air transportation Ruperto for the reason that the parties to the deed
from Manila to Bombay. Prescinding from the of sale merely intended to create an express trust.
above discussion, it is undisputed that PAL, in Ruperto now claims that the action of
transporting Mahtani from Manila to Hongkong reconveyance instituted by the heirs has already
acted as the agent of BA.Parenthetically, the Court prescribed.
of Appeals should have been cognizant of the
well-settled rule that an agent is also responsible Q: Is the action of reconveyance already barred by
for any negligence in the performance of its prescription?
function and is liable for damages which the A: No. Prescriptive period for an action of
principal may suffer by reason of its negligent act. reconveyance of real property based on implied or
Hence, the Court of Appeals erred when it opined constructive trust which is counted from the date
that BA, being the principal, had no cause of of registration of property applies when the plaintiff
action against PAL, its agent or sub-contractor. is not in possession of the contested property.
(British Airways v. CA, 285 SCRA 450) Moreover, an action to compel the trustee to
convey property registered in his name for the
Uy and Roxas are agents authorized to sell eight benefit of the cestui que trust does not prescribe
parcels of land by the owners thereof. By virtue of unless the trustee repudiates the trust. (Viloria v.
such authority, petitioners offered to sell the lands Court of Appeals, 309 SCRA 529)
to NHA to be utilized and developed as a housing
project. Of the eight parcels of land, however, only Lorenzo executed a Trust Agreement with his
five were paid for by the NHA because of the brother Ramon over a parcel of land since he
report that the remaining area is located at an knew that being a Chinese, he was disqualified to
active landslide area and therefore, not suitable for acquire such land in the Philippines. Lorenzo’s
development into a housing project. NHA issued heirs now demanded the return of the subject
Resolution cancelling the sale over the remaining property
parcels of land. Petitioners who are mere agents
filed a Complaint for Damages against NHA and Q: Can a Chinese enter into a Trust Agreement
its General Manager. over a land in the Philippines?
A: No. The trust agreement between Ramon and
Q: Can the petitioners as mere agents in a Lorenzo, if indeed extant, would have been in
contract of sale maintain an action against the contravention of, in fact, the fundamental law.
other party? Then Section 5, Article XIII, of the 1935
Constitution has provided that –
A: No. Petitioners are not parties to the contract of “Save in cases of hereditary succession, no
sale between their principals and NHA. They are private agricultural land shall be transferred or
mere agents of the owners of the land subject of assigned except to individuals, corporations, or
University of Santo Tomas
associations qualified to acquire or hold lands of equity in respect of property, which has been
the public domain in the Philippines.” acquired by fraud, or where, although acquired
A trust or a provision in the terms of a trust would originally without fraud, it is against equity that it
be invalid if the enforcement of the trust or should be retained by the person holding it."
provision is against the law even though its (Arlegui v. CA, GR No. 126437, 06 March 2002)
performance does not involve the commission of a Remedios asserts that Consolacion acquired the
criminal or tortuous act. It likewise must follow additional 1,335 square meters through mistake or
that what the parties are not allowed to do fraud and thus Consolacion should be considered
expressly is one that they also may not do a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the
impliedly as, for instance, in the guise of a owner of the lots. She filed the case 19 years after
resulting trust. (Heirs of L. Yap v. Court of the trustee in an implied trust has registered the
Appeals, 312 SCRA 603) lots in question.

Sps. Genguyon were tenants of the Barretto Q: Is Remedios already barred from recovering
Apartment. After discovering that there was a the property subject of an implied trust?
change of owner and fearing that they will be A: Yes. It is now well-settled that the prescriptive
ejected, the tenants formed an association in order period to recover property obtained by fraud or
to protect their interests. They appointed Arlequi mistake, giving rise to an implied trust under
as an officer who will negotiate w/ the new owner. Article 1456 of the Civil Code, is ten years
Then, they discovered that the apartment they pursuant to Article 1144.This ten-year prescriptive
were occupying was already sold to Arlegui who period begins to run from the date the adverse
then demanded them to vacate the premises. The party repudiates the implied trust, which
Genguyons filed a case for the annulment of the repudiation takes place when the adverse party
sale. registers the land. Remedios filed her complaint
more than 19 years after Consolacion registered
Q: Was there a constructive trust in this case? her title over the lots. Unquestionably, Remedios
A: Yes. A receiver, trustee, attorney, agent, or any filed the complaint late thus warranting its
other person occupying fiduciary relations dismissal. (Pascual v. Court of Appeals, G. R.
respecting property of persons, is utterly disabled No. 115925, 15 August 2003)
from acquiring from his own benefit the property
committed to his custody. No fraud in fact need be An OCT covering subject property was issued in
shown and no excuse will be heard the trustee. If Quintin’s name. Quintin died intestate. In the
a person obtains legal title to property by fraud or intestate court, Miguel claimed that one-half of the
concealment, courts of equity will impress upon estate was transferred to him by Quintin by virtue
the title a so-called constructive trust in favor of of “General Power of Administration”. Miguel
the defrauded party. obtained a TCT. The heirs of Quintin filed a
A constructive trust, otherwise known as a trust ex complaint w/ the RTC for the cancellation of the
maleficio, a trust ex delicto, a trust de son tort, an TCT.
involuntary trust, or an implied trust, is a trust by
operation of law which arises contrary to intention Q: Is Miguel the real owner of the subject property
and in invitum, against one who, by fraud, actual or does he merely hold it in trust for the benefit of
or constructive, by duress or abuse of confidence, Quintin?
by commission of wrong, or by any form of A: Miguel only holds it in trust for the benefit of
unconscionable conduct, artifice, concealment, or Quintin. Article 1452 presupposes the
questionable means, or who in any way against concurrence of two requisites before a trust can be
equity and good conscience, either has obtained created, namely: that two or more persons agree
or holds the legal right to property which he ought to purchase a property, and that they consent that
not, in equity and good conscience, hold and one should take the title in his name for
enjoy. It is raised by equity to satisfy the demands everyone’s benefit. (Heirs of Miguel Franco v.
of justice. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 123924, 11
However, a constructive trust does not arise on December 2003)
every moral wrong in acquiring or holding property
or on every abuse of confidence in business or Credit
other affairs; ordinarily such a trust arises and will
be declared only on wrongful acquisitions or Saura applied an industrial loan from
retentions of property of which equity, in Rehabilitation Finance Corp. The RFC passed a
accordance with its fundamental principles and the resolution approving the loan to be secured by a
traditional exercise of its jurisdiction or in mortgage. A condition of the RFC was for Saura to
accordance with statutory provision, takes use local raw materials. Saura however informed
cognizance. It has been broadly ruled that a RFC that it will have to rely on the importation of
breach of confidence, although in business or jute since raw materials will be insufficient.
social relations, rendering an acquisition or Because of that, negotiations were in a stand still
retention of property by one person and Saura requested the cancellation of the
unconscionable against another, raises a mortgage. After 9 years, Saura sued RFC for
constructive trust. damages.
"A constructive trust is substantially an appropriate
remedy against unjust enrichment. It is raised by
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Q: Can Saura ask for the cancellation of the To obtain financial accommodations from Makati
mortgage? Leasing, Wearever Textile Mills discounted and
A: Yes. When the negotiation was in the stand assigned receivables with the former. To secure
still, Saura obviously cannot comply w/ the the collection of the receivables assigned, it
conditions and instead of doing the condition and executed a Chattel Mortgage over certain raw
insisting on the loan be released, Saura instead materials inventory as well as machinery.
asked for the cancellation of the mortgage. The Upon Wearever’s default, Makati Leasing filed a
action thus taken by both parties was in the nature petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of the
of “mutual desistance’ – w/c is a mode of properties. When the Sheriff failed to effect the
extinguishing obligations. It is a concept that seizure of the machinery, Makati Leasing filed a
derives from the principle that since mutual complaint for judicial foreclosure with the CFI
agreement can create a contract, mutual where it ordered the execution of the writ of
disagreement by the parties can cause its replevin. The sheriff returned to the premises of
extinguishment. (Saura v. Development Bank of Wearever and removed the main drive motor of
the Phil, GR No. 24968, 27 April 1972) the subject machinery.

Petitioner Serrano made a time deposit with OBM. Q: May the machinery in question be the subject
Maneja also made a time deposit w/ OBM. Maneja of a Chattel Mortgage?
assigned and conveyed to Serrano her time A: Yes. Where chattel mortgage is constituted on
deposit. Notwithstanding series of demands for machinery permanently attached to the ground
encashment of the aforementioned time deposits, that machinery is to be considered as personal
OBM refused to honor the time deposits. property and the chattel mortgage constituted
thereon is not null and void, regardless of who
Q: Is OBM liable to Serrano despite the fact the owns the land. However, the chattel mortgage
CB declared that OBM could no longer operate binds only the contracting parties and cannot
due to its chronic reserve deficiencies? prejudice innocent third parties. (Makati Leasing
A: Yes. Bank deposits are in the nature of and Finance Corp. v. Wearever Textile Mills,
irregular deposits. They are really loans because GR No. 58469, 16 May 1983)
they earn interest. All kinds of bank deposits,
whether fixed, savings or current, are to be treated Judgment was rendered ordering the Spouses
as loans and are to be covered by the law on Reformina to pay the value of the boat, minus the
loans. Current and savings deposits are loans to a value of the insurance recovered and the amount
bank because it can use the same. Petitioner here of estimated monthly loss suffered by defendant,
in making time deposits that earn interest w/ OBM with legal interest from the filing of the complaint
was in reality a creditor of the respondent bank, until paid. The decision became final and
and not a depositor. The bank was in turn a debtor executory.
of petitioner. Failure of the respondent OBM to
honor the time deposits is failure to pay its Q: How much by way of legal interest should a
obligation as a debtor and not a breach of trust judgment debtor pay the judgment creditor?
arising from a depositary’s failure to return the A: Under CB 416, the legal rate of interest is
subject matter of the deposit. (Serrano v. Central increased from 6% to 12%. Act 2655 deals with
Bank, GR No. 30511, 14 Feb 1980) interest on:
1. loan
Reyes obtained a writ of preliminary attachment 2. forbearances of money, goods, or credits
and accordingly levied upon all the properties of 3. rate allowed in judgments
the defendant Felicisimo Reyes. For the The judgments spoken of and referred to are
dissolution of the attachment, the Imperial judgments in litigations involving loans or
Insurance Inc., as surety, and Felicisimo Reyes as forbearances of money, goods or credits. Any
principal, posted a counter bond. When the other kind of monetary judgments w/c has nothing
execution of the judgment was effected, the sheriff to do with, nor involving loans or forbearance of
returned the writs unsatisfied. Consequently, the any money goods or credits does not fall w/in the
plaintiffs filed a motion for recovery on the surety coverage of said law. The law applicable to this
bonds. case is Art 2209. (Reformina v. Tomol Jr., GR
No. 59096, 11 October 1985)
Q: May the plaintiff who obtained judgment
against the defendant, legally choose to go directly Spouses Uy Tong and Kho Po Giok used to be the
after the surety in a counter bond w/o prior owners of an apartment in the Ligaya Building w/
exhaustion of the defendants properties? the leasehold rights for 99 years over the land on
A: Yes. Although the counter bond contemplated w/c the building stands. Spouses purchased 7
in Sec17 Rule 57 of the RC is an ordinary motor vehicles from Bayanihan Investment
guaranty where the sureties assume a subsidiary payable in installments. It was agreed that if the
liability, the rule cannot apply to a counter bond spouses should fail to pay their obligation,
where the surety bound itself “jointly and severally” Bayanihan will automatically be the owner of the
with the defendant as in the present case. In apartment. The spouses after paying the
accordance with Art 2059, excussion shall not take downpayment, failed to pay the balance, hence,
place if he has bound himself solidarily w/ the Bayanihan filed an action for specific performance
debtor. (The Imperial Insurance Inc v. De los against the spouses. The judgment provided that
Angeles, GR No. 28030, 18 July 1982) in case the spouses failed to pay the obligation
w/in 30 days from notice, they are to execute a
University of Santo Tomas
Deed of Absolute Sale over the apartment and/or A: It has long been settled that mortgages given to
leasehold rights. secure future advancements are valid and legal
contracts; that the amounts named as
Q: Is the stipulation a pactum commissorium, consideration in said contract do not limit the
hence void? amount for w/c the mortgage may stand as
A: The questioned agreement evinces no basis for security, if from the four corners of the instrument
the application of pactum commissorium. There is the intent to secure future and other indebtedness
no contract of pledge or mortgage entered into by can be gathered. A mortgage given to secure
the parties. Bayanihan sought the intervention of advancement is a continuing security and is not
the court by filing an action for specific discharged by repayment of the amount named in
performance. Hence there was no automatic the mortgage, until the full amount of the
appropriation of the property. (Uy Tong v. CA, GR advancements is paid. (Mojica v. CA, GR No.
No 77465, 21 May 1988) 94247, 11 Sept 1991)

Santos made time deposits with OBM. IRC, Respondent spouses alarmed of losing their right
through its president Santos, applied for a loan of redemption at the foreclosure sale of a prior
with PNB. To secure the loan, Santos executed a mortgage, loaned money from the plaintiff Bank
Deed of Assignment of the time deposits in favor secured by mortgage over the same property
of PNB. When PNB tried to collect from OBM, the subject of the prior mortgage. When the spouses
latter did not pay the CTDs. PNB then demanded defaulted, the plaintiff caused the extrajudicial
payment from Santos and IRC, but the latter foreclosure of the mortgage. The land was sold
refused payment alleging that the obligation was and the Bank was the highest bidder. No
deemed paid with the irrevocable assignment of redemption having been effected, ownership was
the CTDs. consolidated to the Bank. The spouses then filed
an action assailing the validity of the extrajudicial
Q: foreclosure sale.
1. Is the liability of IRC deemed paid by
virtue of the deed of assignment? Q: Was the 2nd mortgage invalid?
2. Is OBM liable for damages? A: Yes. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale
merely acquired an inchoate right to the property
A: w/c could ripen into ownership only upon the lapse
1. NO. For all intents and purposes, the deed of the redemption period w/o his credit having
of assignment in this case is actually a been discharged. It is illogical to hold that during
pledge. Where a CTD in a bank, payable at that same period of 12mos. the mortgagor was
a future time, was handed over by a debtor divested of his ownership. Since the mortgagor
to his creditor, it was not payment, unless remains as the absolute owner of the property
there was an express agreement on the part during the redemption period and the free disposal
of the creditor to receive it as such. of his property, there would be compliance w/ the
2. YES. While it is true that no interest shall requisites of Art 2085 for the constitution of
be due unless it has been expressly another mortgage on the property. (Medida v.
stipulated in writing, this applies only to Court of Appeals, GR No. 98334, 08 May 1992)
interest for the use of money. It does not
comprehend interest paid as damages. Two fiber drums of riboflavin were shipped from
Santos has the right to recover damages Japan via SS Eastern Comet. Upon arrival in
resulting from the default of OBM and the Manila, it was discharged into the custody of Metro
measure of such damages is interest at the Port Services w/c said that one drum is in bad
legal rate of 6% p.a on the amounts due and order. Allied Brokerage received the shipment
unpaid at the expiration of the periods from Metro Port, one drum opened and w/o seal.
respectively provided in the contracts. Allied then delivered the shipment to the
(Integrated Realty Corp v. PNB, consignee w/c excepted one drum that contained
Integrated Realty Corp v. PNB, GR No. spillages while the rest of the contents were
60705, 28 June 1989) adulterated/fake.

Petitioner obtained a loan of P20K from defendant Q: Is the applicable rate of interest 12% or 6%?
Rural Bank of Kawit. The loan was secured by a A: The interest to be paid is 6% on the amount
REM over a parcel of land. The mortgage contract due, computed from the date of filing of the
states that the mortgage will cover the payment of complaint.
the loan of P20K and such other loans or other A 12% interest, in lieu of 6% shall be imposed on
advances already obtained or to be obtained by such amount upon finality of this decision until the
the mortgagors from the bank. The loan of P20k payment thereof.
was fully paid. Thereafter they again obtained a *When an obligation, regardless of its source is
loan of P18K, secured by the same mortgage. The breached, the contravenor can be held liable for
spouses defaulted. The bank extra judicially damages. With regard to an award or interest in
foreclosed the mortgage. the concept of actual or compensatory damages,
the rate of interest, as well as the accrual thereof,
Q: Was the foreclosure sale based on a valid and is imposed as follows:
subsisting mortgage?
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

1. When the obligation is breached, and it time the mortgage is constituted. Although a
consists in the payment of a sum of money promise expressed in a chattel mortgage to
(loan or forbearance of money), the interest include debts that are yet to be contracted can be
due should be that which may have been a binding commitment that can be compelled
stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the upon, the security itself, however, does not come
interest due shall itself earn legal interest into existence or arise until after a chattel
from the time it is judicially demanded. In the mortgage agreement covering the newly
absence of stipulation, the rate of interest contracted debt is executed either by conducting a
shall be 12% per annum to be computed fresh chattel mortgage or amending the old
from default, from judicial or extra-judicial contract. (ACME v. CA, GR No. 103576, 22 Aug.
demand under and subject to the provisions 1996)
of Art 1169 of the CC.
Ever Textile Mills obtained loans from the bank.
2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan or The 1st loan was secured by a Deed of Real and
forbearance of money, is breached, an interest Chattel Mortgage over the lot where Evertex
on the amount of damages awarded may be stands and the chattels located therein. The 2nd
imposed at the discretion of the court at the loan was secured by Chattel Mortgage over
rate of 6% per annum. No interest, however, personal properties. After the execution of the
shall be adjudged on unliquidated claims or second mortgage, Evertex purchased various
damages except when or until the demand can machineries and equipments. Evertex declared
be established with reasonable certainty. insolvency and all its assets were taken into the
Where the demand is established with custody of the Insolvency court. When Evertex
reasonable certainty, the interest shall begin to failed to pay the loans to PBCom, the latter
run from the time the claim is made judicially or extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgages and
extra-judicially but when such certainty cannot appeared as the highest bidder. Then, PBCom
be so reasonably established at the time the sold the chattels including those that were not
demand is made, the interest shall begin to run included in the list s of 1st and 2nd mortgage.
only from the date the judgment of the court is
made. The actual base for the computation of Q: 1. Are the after-acquired properties by the
legal interest shall, in any case, be on the mortgagor deemed to be included in the Chattel
amount finally adjudged. Mortgage agreement?
2. Can petitioner Tsai be considered as
When an obligation arises from a contract of purchaser in good faith?
purchase and sale and not from a contract of A: 1. A chattel mortgage shall be deemed to cover
loan or mutuum, the applicable rate is 6% per only the property described therein and not like or
annum as provided in Article 2209 of the NCC, substituted property thereafter acquired by the
and not the rate of 12% per annum as provided mortgagor and placed in the same depository as
in (CB) Cir. No. 416. the property originally mortgaged, anything in the
3. When the judgment of the court awarding a mortgage to the contrary notwithstanding. Since
sum of money becomes final and executory, the the disputed machineries were acquired in 1981
rate of legal interest, whether the case falls and could not have been involved in the 1975 or
under number or number 2, above, shall be 12% 1976 chattel mortgages, it was consequently an
per annum from such finality until its satisfaction, error on the part of the Sheriff to include subject
this interim period being deemed to be by then machineries with the properties enumerated in said
an equivalent to a forbearance of credit. chattel mortgages.
(Eastern Shipping Lines v. CA, GR No. 97412,
12 July 1994) 2. A purchaser in good faith and for value is one
who buys the property of another without notice
Petitioner Chua Pac, the president and Gen. that some other person has a right to or interest in
Manager of ACME executed a chattel mortgage in such property and pays a full and fair price for the
favor of the Bank as security for the corporate same, at the time of purchase, or before he has
loan. A provision in the deed is that the chattel notice of the claims or interest of some other
mortgage will also stand as security for future person in the property. As borne out by the
obligations. The original loan was paid, and so is records, she received the letter of respondent’s
the subsequent loan. ACME contracted a 3rd loan counsel, apprising her of respondent’s claim, dated
in the amount. ACME however failed to pay that February 27, 1987. She replied thereto on March
loan at maturity. As a result, the Bank applied for 9, 1987. Despite her knowledge of respondent’s
an extrajudicial foreclosure of the chattel claim, she proceeded to buy the contested units of
mortgage. machinery on May 3, 1988. The court found that
she was not a purchaser in good faith. (Tsai v.
Q: Would it be valid and effective to have a clause CA, 366 SCRA 324)
in a chattel mortgage that purports to likewise
extend its coverage to obligations yet to be Tomacruz, persuaded by the assurances of
contracted or incurred? Baylon, agreed to lend Luanzon money. Luanzon
A: NO. While a pledge, real estate mortgage, or issued and signed a promissory note
antichresis may exceptionally secure after- acknowledging receipt from Tomacruz and
incurred obligations so long as these future debts obliging herself to pay the former the amount.
are accurately described, a chattel mortgage, Petitioner Baylon signed the promissory note,
however, can only cover obligations existing at the affixing her signature under the word "guarantor."
University of Santo Tomas
Upon default, Tomacruz made a written demand In several cases, the Court has ruled that the
upon Baylon for payment, which petitioner did not issuance of a writ of possession is a ministerial
heed. Tomacruz filed a case for the collection of a function. The order for a writ of possession issues
sum of money against Luanzon and Baylon, as a matter of course upon the filing of the proper
motion and the approval of the corresponding
Q: Can the creditor run after the guarantor w/o first bond. The judge issuing the order following these
exhausting the properties of the debtor? express provisions of law cannot be charged with
A: No. The liability of a guarantor is only subsidiary. having acted without jurisdiction or with grave
All the properties of the principal debtor must first abuse of discretion. Therefore, the issuance of the
be exhausted before his own is levied upon. The writ of possession being ministerial in character,
creditor may hold the guarantor liable only after the the implementation of such writ by the sheriff is
judgment has been obtained against the principal likewise ministerial.
debtor and the latter is unable to pay, “for obviously As a rule, any question regarding the validity of the
the exhaustion of the principal’s property cannot mortgage or its foreclosure cannot be a legal
even begin to take place before judgment has been ground for refusing the issuance of a writ of
obtained. possession. Regardless of whether or not there is
In the present case, no judgment was first obtained a pending suit for annulment of the mortgage or
against the principal debtor. It is useless to speak the foreclosure itself, the purchaser is entitled to a
of a guarantor when no debtor has been held liable writ of possession, without prejudice of course to
for the obligation, which is allegedly secured by the eventual outcome of said case. Hence, an
such guarantee. Although the principal debtor was injunction to prohibit the issuance of writ of
impleaded as defendant, there is nothing in the possession is entirely out of place. Prohibition
records to show that summons was served upon does not lie to enjoin the implementation of a writ
her. Thus, the trial court never acquired jurisdiction of possession. Once the writ of possession has
over the principal debtor. Private respondent must been issued, the trial court has no alternative but
first obtain a judgment against the principal debtor to enforce the writ without delay. (Sps. Ong v.
before assuming to run after the alleged guarantor. CA, G.R. No. 121494, 08 June 2000)
(Baylon v. CA, 312 SCRA 502)
Private respondent Pablo purchased a tractor.
Pablo’s son, Mike rented the house of plaintiff
Real estate mortgage was entered into by the Calibo. Pablo left his tractor with his son for
petitioners, as “mortgagors” and respondent Bank safekeeping. Mike then had arrears in the rentals
as “mortgagee”. Upon failure to pay the loan, the and he stopped paying the electric and water
bank extra judicially foreclosed the mortgage consumption. Because of that Mike offered the
under the provisions of Act 3135 as amended by tractor of his father to Calibo as security. When
Act 4118. The mortgagee-bank was the highest Pablo came back and learned that the tractor was
bidder and during the one-year redemption period, in the custody of Calibo, he demanded its return.
it filed a petition for and was granted the issuance Calibo however refused. Calibo alleged that the
of a writ of possession. Petitioners-mortgagors tractor was pledged to him, and in the alternative,
filed with the CA a petition to enjoin the the tractor was left with him in the concept of
implementation of the writ of possession. deposit and he may validly hold on to it until Mike
Petitioners alleged that there is a pending case for pays his obligation.
annulment of extrajudicial foreclosure of real
estate mortgage and argued that the Q: Is Calibo obliged to return the tractor?
implementation of the writ of possession would A: Yes. In a contract of pledge, the creditor is
render nugatory the judgment of the trial court in given the right to retain his debtor’s movable
the said case. property in his possession, or in that of a 3rd
person to whom it has been delivered, until the
debt is paid.
Q: Is it proper for the petitioners to file for the
There is no valid pledge because Mike is not the
issuance of writ of prohibition to enjoin the
absolute owner of the property pledged.
issuance of a writ of possession?
There is likewise no valid deposit in this case. In a
A: No. Act No. 3135 as amended by Act 4118, is
contract of deposit, a person receives an object
clear that the purchaser must first be placed in
belonging to another with the obligation of safely
possession of the mortgaged property pending
keeping it and of returning the same. Petitioner
proceedings assailing the issuance of the writ of
states that he received the tractor not to safely
possession. If the trial court later finds merit in the
keep it but as a form of security for the payment of
petition to set aside the writ of possession, it shall
Mike Abella’s obligation. There is no deposit
dispose in favor of the mortgagor the bond
where the principal purpose for receiving the
furnished by the purchaser. Thereafter, either
object is not safekeeping. (Calibo Jr. v. CA, GR
party may appeal from the order of the judge in
No. 120528, 29 January 2001)
accordance with Section 14 of Act 496. The
rationale for the mandate is to allow the purchaser
In 1986, Looyuko and Uy, obtained a money
to have possession of the foreclosed property
judgment against the Mendozas before the RTC of
without delay, such possession being founded on
Manila. The subject property was sold at public
his right of ownership.
auction with Looyuko, et al as the highest bidders.
The RD issued a new TCT in the name of Looyuko
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

and Uy. In 1984, Gutang obtained a money FMIC granted respondent a loan to finance the
judgment against Mendoza before the RTC of construction and development of the Este Del Sol
Iloilo. The subject property was sold at public Mountain Reserve a sports/resort complex project.
auction to Gutang. In 1987, the Rizal RTC issued The loan was secured by a mortgage of 2 parcels
a new title in her name. of land. As provided for by the Loan Agreement,
In 1976, the Mendozas executed a mortgage over an Underwriting Agreement was executed wherein
the subject property in favor of FGU FMIC shall undertake best effort basis to sell 120K
Insurance. The mortgage was registered. When stocks of Este Del Sol. There’s also a Supervision
the Mendozas defaulted, FGU foreclosed the Agreement for a period of 4yrs and a Consultancy
property. FGU was the highest bidder and the Agreement executed for a fee for a period of 4yrs.
certificate of sale w/c was issued was When Este Del Sol failed to meet the payments of
subsequently confirmed by the RTC in 1989. the amortizations, FMIC extra judicially foreclosed
RTC ordered the cancellation and issuance of a the mortgaged properties. FMIC then instituted
new title in favor of FGU. Before the new TCT collection of the deficiency against Este Del Sol.
could be issued, however, Looyuko, et al. and
Spouses Gutang filed their respective motion for Q: Were the Underwriting Agreement,
intervention and to set aside the judgment of the Supervision Agreement and the Consultancy
RTC. In 1991, the alleged assignee of FGU and Agreement mere cloaks to cover usurious
Looyuko et al., filed a motion for leave to intervene interest?
in the LRC. A: The Underwriting and Consultancy
Agreements, by the circumstances and several
Q: Can Looyuko, et al and the Gutangs exercise facts taken altogether were simply cloaks or
the equity of redemption? devices to cover an illegal scheme employed by
A: Yes. Section 1, Rule 68 of the Rules of Court petitioner FMIC to conceal and collect excessive
requires all persons having or claiming an interest usurious interest.
in the premises subordinate in right to that of the When a contract between 2 parties is evidenced
holder of the mortgage be made defendants in the by a written instrument, such document is
action for foreclosure. The requirement for joinder ordinarily the best evidence of the terms of the
of the person claiming an interest subordinate to contract. Courts only need to rely on the face of
the mortgage sought to be foreclosed, however, is the written contracts to determine the intention of
not mandatory in character but merely directory, in the parties. However, the form of the contract is
the sense that failure to comply therewith will not not conclusive, for the law will not permit a
invalidate the foreclosure proceedings. usurious loan to hide itself behind a legal form.
The effect of the failure on the part of the Parol evidence is admissible to show that a written
mortgagee to make the subordinate lien holder a document though legal in form was in fact a device
defendant is that the decree entered in the to cover usury. (First Metro Investment Corp v.
foreclosure proceeding would not deprive the Este Del Sol Mountain Reserve Inc., GR No.
subordinate lien holder of his right of redemption. 141811, 15 Nov. 2001)
A decree of foreclosure in a suit to which the
holders of a second lien are not parties leaves the Torts and Damages
equity of redemption in favor of such lien holders
unforeclosed and unaffected. Merrit, riding on a motorcycle, was bumped by an
Subordinate lien holders like the Gutangs and ambulance of the General Hospital. Merrit suffered
Looyuko et al. acquire only a lien upon the equity serious injuries to his body including his brain,
of redemption vested in the mortgagor, and their preventing him from working efficiently. The driver
rights are strictly subordinate to the lien of the of the ambulance was held negligent by the trial
mortgagee. Moreover, levying upon the property court, ordering him to pay Merrit damages. Act
itself is distinguishable from levying on the 2457 was enacted authorizing Merrit to bring suit
judgment debtor’s interest in it. Such interest can against the government.
be levied upon by means of a writ of execution.
Accordingly, a creditor who levies his execution
upon property that the judgment debtor has Q: Is Government of the Philippines liable to pay
mortgaged to another can sell only the equity of damages to Merrit for the negligence of the
redemption belonging to the mortgagor. It is the ambulance driver?
equity of redemption that the subordinate lien A: No. By consenting to be sued, a state simply
holders had acquired by the levy on execution and waives its immunity from suit. It does not thereby
that was sold in the public auction, and not the concede its liability to Merrit or create any cause of
property itself. action in his favor, or extend the liability to any
Such equity of redemption does not constitute a cause not previously recognized. It merely gives
bar to the registration of the property in the name remedy to enforce pre-existing liability and submits
of the mortgagee. Registration may be granted in itself to the jurisdiction of the court, subject to its
the name of the mortgagee but subject to the right to interpose any lawful defense. Act 2457 did
subordinate lien holders’ equity of redemption, not create liability or cause of action against the
which should be exercised within 90 days from the State where none existed before, but merely gave
date the decision becomes final. (Looyuko v. an additional remedy to enforce such liability as
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 102696, 12 July would have existed if the statute had not been
2001) enacted.
It must be conceded that the State can be made
liable for injuries arising from the negligence of its
University of Santo Tomas
agents or servants only by some positive statute the same situation? If not, then he is guilty of
assuming such liability. In a damages case, the negligence. The law here in effect adopts the
responsibility of the State is limited to that which it standard supposed to be supplied by the
contracts through a special agent, duly imaginary conduct of the discreet paterfamilias of
empowered by a definite order or commission to the Roman law. The existence of negligence in a
perform some act or charge with some definite given case is not determined by reference to the
purpose which gives rise to the claim, and not personal judgment of the actor in the situation
where the claim is based on acts or omissions before him. The law considers what would be
imputable to a public official charged with some reckless, blameworthy, or negligent in the man of
administrative and technical office. ordinary intelligence and prudence and determines
Therefore, the State is only liable for the acts of its liability by that. The question as to what would
agents, officers, and employees where they act as constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a given
special agents, officers and employees when they situation must of course be always determined in
act as special agents and that the driver of the the light of human experience and in view of the
ambulance of the General Hospital was not a facts involved in the particular case. (Picart v.
special agent. (Meritt v. Government, 34 Phil. Smith, G.R. No. L-12219, 15 March 1918)
A fire broke out at a Caltex Station. It started while
Picart was riding on his pony over a bridge. Smith, a gasoline was being hosed from a tank truck to its
who was driving an automobile from the opposite underground storage. The fire spread and burned
direction, blew his horn to warn Picart. Picart saw several houses and the properties therein. The
the automobile and heard the warning. However, owners of the burned houses filed an action for
he pulled the pony closely up against the railing on recovery of damages against the station’s owner
the right side of the bridge instead of going to the and agent in charge of operation.
left, thinking that he did not have sufficient time to
get over to the other side. Q: Is the owner of the gasoline liable?
The automobile passed by the animal in such
A: Yes. Notwithstanding the lack of proof to show
close proximity that the animal was frightened and
the cause and origin of the fire, negligence can still
turned its body with its head toward the railing. Its
be attributed to the defendants by the application
left hind leg was hit by the car. The horse fell and
of the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur.
its rider was thrown off with some violence. The
horse died and Picart received contusions which Where the thing which causes injury is shown to
caused temporary unconsciousness and required be under the management of the defendant, and
medical attention for several days. the accident is such as in the ordinary course of
the things does not happen if those who have the
Q: Was Smith negligent and therefore liable for management use proper care, it affords
damages? reasonable evidence, in the absence of an
A: Yes. As he moved toward the center of the explanation by the defendant, that the accident
bridge, he must in a moment have perceived that it arose from want of care.
was too late or the horse to cross with safety in The gasoline station, with all its appliances,
front of the moving vehicle. In the nature of things, equipment, and employees, was under the control
this change of situation occurred while the of the defendants. The persons who knew or could
automobile was yet some distance away; and from have known how the fire started where the
this moment it was no longer within the power of defendants and their employees but they gave no
Picart to escape being run down by going to a explanation. It is a fair and reasonable inference
place of greater safety. The control of the situation that the incident happened because of want/lack
had then passed entirely to Smith; and it was his of care. (Africa v. Caltex, 16 SCRA 448)
duty either to bring his car to an immediate stop
or, seeing that there were no other persons on the An electric car of Manila Electric was running
bridge, to take the other side and pass sufficiently along M.H. del Pilar St. Manila. Upon arriving at
far away from the horse to avoid the danger of Pearl St., it stopped to receive passengers.
collision. Instead of doing this, Smith ran straight Borromeo approached the car with his two
on until he was almost upon the horse (Application children. The children boarded first and while he
of the Doctrine of Last Clear Chance). He was, we was about to board, he fell off and was dragged by
think, deceived into doing this by the fact that the the car. As a result of the accident, his left foot
horse had not yet exhibited fright. But in view of was amputated, making it necessary for him to
the known nature of horses, there was an use an artificial foot to be able to walk. He filed an
appreciable risk that, if the animal in question was action for damages.
unacquainted with automobiles, he might get
exited and jump under the conditions which here Q: Is Manila Electric liable for damages? Is
confronted him. When the defendant exposed the Borromeo entitled for additional award of
horse and rider to this danger he was, in our damages?
opinion, negligent in the eye of the law. A: Yes. The plaintiff’s fall was due entirely to the
The test by which to determine the existence of car having been suddenly set in motion at the
negligence in a particular case may be stated as moment that the plaintiff was about to board it.
follows: Did the defendant in doing the alleged The subsequent loss of his left foot was due to the
negligent act use that person would have used in
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

carelessness and negligence of the defendant’s Magno went to the 3-story house of his
employees in charge of the car. stepbrother to repair a “media agua” said to be in
Yes. The sum awarded by the trial court as a leaking condition. The “media agua” was below
damages is made up of the expense incurred for the window in the third floor. Standing in the said
hospital, medicine and physician’s fees on account media agua, Magno received from his son through
of this accident. However, the trial court has not that window a galvanized iron sheet to cover the
allowed the plaintiff anything for the loss of his leaking portion. However, when he turned around,
foot. The obligation to indemnify for injury caused the iron sheet he was holding came into contact
by negligence under Art. 1902 includes two kinds with the electric wire of the Manila Electric
of damages, damages for the loss actually Company, thus causing his death by electrocution.
suffered and for the profit which the injured may His widow Sotera and heirs filed suit to recover
have failed to realize. damages from the company.
Taking into the account the age of the plaintiff
(45), profession as a marine engineer (which he Q: Can the Manila Electric Company be held
can no longer practice because of the amputation) liable for damages for the electrocution suffered by
and salary (P375 a month), the Supreme Court Efren Magno?
ruled for additional damages of P2, 000. A: No. Where it is shown that the death of the
(Borromeo v. Manila Electric Railroad and deceased was primarily caused by his own
Light Co., 44 PHIL 165, 05 December 1922) negligence, the company could not be held guilty
of negligence or as lacking in due diligence. To
Afialda was employed by the Hisole as caretaker hold the latter liable in damages for the death of
of the carabaos. While tending the carabaos, the deceased, such supposed negligence of the
Afialda was gored by one of them and later died company must have been the proximate cause of
as a consequence of his injuries. Afialda’s sister the accident. But in this case, the act of the
filed an action for damages against the spouses. deceased in turning around and swinging with the
galvanized iron sheet with his hands was the
Q: Is the owner of the animal liable when damage proximate cause of the electrocution, therefore his
is caused to its caretaker? heirs cannot recover.
A: No. The animal was in custody and under the Furthermore, the principle of remote and
control of the caretaker, Afialda, who was paid for proximate cause cannot be made the basis of an
his work as such. Obviously, it was the caretaker's action if such remote cause did nothing more than
business to try to prevent the animal from causing furnish the condition or give rise to the occasion by
injury or damage to anyone, including himself. And which the injury, a distinct, successive, unrelated,
being injured by the animal under those and efficient cause of the injury would not have
circumstances, was one of the risks of the happened but for such condition or occasion. If no
occupation which he had voluntarily assumed and danger existed in the condition except because of
for which he must take the consequences. the independent cause, such condition was not the
(Afialda v. Hisole, G.R. No. L-2075, 29 proximate cause. And if an independent negligent
November 1949) act (act of the deceased in turning around and
swinging with the galvanized iron sheet with his
Hidalgo Enterprises is an owner of an ice-plant hand in the 3rd story without any protective
factory, surrounded by fence. It has two tanks full equipment) sets into operation which result in
of water for purposes of cooling its engine. The injury, such act or condition is the proximate
tanks, on the other hand, were not provided with cause. (Manila Electric Company v.
any kind of fence or top covers and its edges were Bemoquillo, 53 OG 1429, 18 May 1956)
barely a foot high from the surface of the ground.
Mario, an 8 year old boy entered the factory Dante Capuno, son of Delfin, was accused and
premises to take a bath in one of the tanks. He found guilty of double homicide through reckless
sank to the bottom of the tank and died drowning. imprudence for the death of two persons which
resulted from his reckless driving of a jeep. A civil
Q: Is the water tank an attractive nuisance? action was filed against the father and son. The
father set up the defense that if anyone should be
A: No. The attractive nuisance doctrine generally
held liable, it should be Dante because at the time
is not applicable to bodies of water, artificial as
of the accident, Dante was not under his control,
well as natural, in the absence of some unusual
supervision and custody.
condition or artificial feature other than the mere
water and, its location. Nature has created
streams, lakes and pools which attract children. Q: Can Delfin be held liable, jointly and severally
Lurking in their waters is always the danger of with his son, for the death caused by the negligent
drowning. Against this danger children are early act of his son Dante?
instructed so that they are sufficiently presumed to A: It is true that under the law above quoted,
know the danger; and if the owner of private "teachers or directors of arts and trades are liable
property creates an artificial pool on his own for any damages caused by their pupils or
property, merely duplicating the work of nature apprentices while they are under their custody",
without adding any new danger, he is not liable but this provision only applies to an institution of
because of having created an attractive nuisance. arts and trades and not to any academic
(Hidalgo Enterprises v. Court of Appeals, G.R. educational institution. Neither the head of the
No. L-3422, June 13, 1952) school of Dante, nor the city school's supervisor,
could be held liable for the negligent act of Dante

University of Santo Tomas

because he was not then a student of an institute pray the rosary. Because of the frequency of his
of arts and trades as provided by law. visits to the latter’s family who was allowed free
The civil liability which the law imposes upon the access because he was a collateral relative and
father, and, in case of his death or incapacity, the was considered as a member of her family, the
mother, for any damages that may be caused by two eventually fell in love with each other and
the minor children who live with them, is obvious. conducted secret love affairs. When the rumors
This is necessary consequence of the parental about their illicit affair reached the knowledge of
authority they exercise over them which imposes her parents, defendant was forbidden from going
upon the parents the "duty of supporting them, to their house and even from seeing Lolita. Lolita
keeping them in their company, educating them went away with Alfonso.
and instructing them in proportion to their means", Hence, the plaintiffs brought this action to recover
while, on the other hand, gives them the "right to damages.
correct and punish them in moderation".
The only way by which parents can relieve Q: Are the plaintiffs entitled to such damages?
themselves of the liability under Article 2180 Par 2 A: Yes. The circumstances under which defendant
is if they prove that they exercised all the diligence tried to win Lolita’s affection cannot lead to any
of a good father of a family to prevent the damage, other conclusion than that it was he who, thru an
which the defendants failed to prove. (Exconde v. ingenious scheme or trickery, seduced the latter to
Capuno, G.R. No. L-10134, 29 June 1957) the extent of making her fall in love with him.
Indeed, no other conclusion can be drawn from
Complainant, a teacher, and petitioner this chain of events than that defendant not only
Hermosisima, who was almost ten years younger deliberately, but through clever strategy,
than her, used to go around together and were succeeded in winning the affection and love of
regarded as engaged, although he had made no Lolita to the extent of having illicit relations with
promise of marriage prior thereto. She gave up her. The wrong he has caused her and her family
teaching and became a life insurance underwriter, is indeed immeasurable considering the fact that
where intimacy developed between her and the he is a married man. Verily, he has committed an
petitioner. They had sexual intercourse. injury to Lolita’s family in a manner contrary to
Complainant told him that she was pregnant, morals, good customs and public policy as
whereupon he promised to marry her. However, contemplated in Article 21 of the new Civil Code.
defendant married another woman. (Pe v. Pe, No. L-17396, 30 May 1962)

Q: Are moral damages recoverable for breach of Velez and Wassmer, following their mutual
promise to marry? promise of love, decided to get married and set
A: No. Under the Civil Code, there can be no September 4, 1954 as the big day. Two days
recovery of moral damages for a breach of before the wedding Velez left a note for his bride-
promise to marry, as such. The omission in the to-be stating that the wedding will have to be
Civil Code of the proposed chapter on Breach of postponed because his mother opposes. But the
Promise suits is a clear manifestation of legislative next day, he sent her a telegram telling her that
intent not to sanction such suits for breach of the wedding will push thru and he will be returning
promise to marry. otherwise many innocent men very soon. But Velez never returned and was
may become the victims of designing and never heard from again. Beatriz filed an action for
unscrupulous females. However, if there be damages. Velez was declared in default and
seduction (as defined in Articles 337 and 338 of judgment was rendered against him. Velez filed a
the Revised Penal Code), moral damages may be petition for relief from orders, judgment and
recovered under Article 2219, par.3 of the Civil proceedings and motion for new trial and
Code. The Court implied that if there be moral reconsideration.
seduction as distinguished from criminal
seduction, there maybe a grant of moral damages. Q: Is the plaintiff entitled to damages?
However, in this case, petitioner is not morally A: A mere breach of promise to marry is not an
guilty of seduction, not only because he was ten actionable wrong. But to formally set a wedding
years younger than the complainant, but that it and go through all the preparations and publicity,
was the woman who virtually seduced the man by only to walk out of it when the matrimony is about
surrendering herself to him because she was to be solemnized, is quite different. This is
overwhelmed by her love for him, she wanted to palpably and unjustifiably contrary to good
bind him by having a fruit of their engagement customs for which defendant must be held
even before they had the benefit of clergy. answerable in accordance with Article 21 of the
(Hermosisima v. CA, No. L-14628, 30 September Civil Code. (Wassmer v. Velez, No. L-20089, 26
1960) December 1964)

Plaintiffs are the parents and siblings of one Lolita A PAL plane crashed resulting in the death of
Pe. The defendant Alfonso Pe is a married man passengers and crew. Appellants here are parents
and was an adopted son of a Chinaman named of Davila, who died in the crash. They are
Pe Beco, a collateral relative of Lolita’s father. appealing the award of damages by the lower
Defendant frequented the house of Lolita on the court:
pretext that he wanted her to teach him how to (1) For the death of Pedro T. Davila Jr. the amount
ofP6, 000;
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

(2) For the loss of the earning capacity of the A barge owned by Luzon Stevedoring Co. (LSC),
deceased at the rate ofP12, 000 per annum for while being towed by its tugboats, rammed one of
five years in the amount ofP60, 000. the wooden piles of the Nagtahan Bridge, causing
the bridge to tilt. The Republic sued LSC. In its
Q: Is the computation of loss of earning capacity defense, they interposed the defense that the
wrong, thus entitling the parents of Davila to a damages to the bridge were caused by force
larger amount? majeure because the river was swollen due to the
A: Yes, the deceased was employed as a heavy downpour of rain.
manager of a radio station, from which he was
earning P8,400 a year, consisting of a monthly Q: Was it fortuitous event that caused of the
salary of P600 and allowance of P100. As a damage thereby relieving LSC from liability?
lawyer and a junior partner of his father in the law
A: NO. The Nagtahan Bridge was an immovable
office, he had an annual income of P3, 600. From
and stationary object and the hitting of the bridge
farming, he was getting an average of P3, 000. All
by the barge, which was exclusively controlled by
in all, therefore, the deceased had gross earning
SLC, raises the presumption of negligence on the
ofP15, 000 a year.
part of SLC or its employees in manning the barge
According to Article 2206 (1) of the Civil Code,
or the tugboat that towed it.
"The defendant shall be liable for the loss of the
earning capacity of the deceased, and the The cause of the damages was not force majeure
indemnity shall be paid to the heirs of the latter." because the defendant by its allegations forsee
This article, while referring to "damages for death the event. LSC, knowing and appreciating the
caused by crime or quasi-delict," is expressly perils posed by the swollen stream and its swift
made applicable by Article 1764 "to the death of a current, voluntarily entered into a situation
passenger caused by the breach of contract by a involving obvious danger. It therefore assured the
common carrier." risk and cannot shed responsibility merely
The deceased, Pedro Davila Jr. was single and 30 because the precaution it adopted turned out to be
years of age when he died. At that age, one's insufficient. (Republic v. Luzon Stevedoring,
normal life expectancy is 33-1/3 years, according G.R. No. L-21749, 29 September 1967)
to the formula (2/3 x [80 - 30]) adopted by this
Court in the case of Villa Rey Transit Inc. v. CA on A passenger bus owned by Villa Rey and driven
the basis of the American Expectancy Table of by Casim hit the rear side of a bullcart filled with
Mortality or the Actuarial of Combined Experience hay. As a result, the end of a bamboo pole placed
Table of Mortality. However, although the on top of the hayload hit the right side of the
deceased was in relatively good health, his windshield of the bus penetrating through the
medical history shows that he had complained of glass windshield and landed on the face of
and, had been treated for such ailments as Quintos, a passenger of the bus. Several Quintos
backaches, chest pains, and occasional feelings of Jr. died at the hospital despite medical assistance.
tiredness. It is reasonable to make an allowance The heirs of Quintos brought an action against
for these circumstances and consider, for Villa Rey Transit for breach of the contract of
purposes of this case, a reduction of his life carriage to recover damages, including attorney's
expectancy to 25 years. fees.
In the same case of Villa Rey Transit, the court Villa Rey contended that the mishap was due to a
stated: "..earning capacity, as an element of fortuitous event. The trial court, affirmed by the
damages to one's estate for his death by wrongful CA, rejected the defense and found that the
act is necessarily his net earning capacity or his accident and the death of Policronio had been due
capacity to acquire money, less the necessary to the negligence of the bus driver, for whom Villa
expense for his own living." Rey was liable under its contract of carriage with
Stated otherwise, the: amount recoverable is not the deceases. The court awarded P63,750.00 as
loss of the entire earnings, but rather the loss of damages using the (2/3 x [80-29) formula in
that portion of the earnings which the beneficiary determining his life expectancy, which was
would have received. In other words, only net multiplied to his annual income. Villa Rey
earnings, not gross earnings, are to be appealed the amount arguing that the lower court
considered, that is the total of the earnings less erred in adopting said formula and in not acting in
expenses necessary in the creation of such accordance with Alcantara v. Surro in which the
earnings or income and less living and other damages were computed on a four (4) year basis,
incidental expenses. despite the fact that the victim therein was 39
Considering the fact that the deceased was getting years old, at the time of his death, and had a life
his income from three (3) different sources, expectancy of 28.90 years.
namely, from managing a radio station, from law
practice, and from farming, the expenses
Q: Did the trial court err in adopting the (2/3 x [80-
incidental to the generation of such income were
29) formula and using the life expectancy as basis
necessarily more than if he had only one source.
for the award of damages
Together with his living expenses, a deduction of
P600 a month, or P7, 200 a year seems A: The determination of the amount of said
reasonable, leaving a net yearly income of P7, damages depends, mainly upon two (2) factors,
800. This amount, multiplied by 25 years, or P195, namely: (1) the number of years on the basis of
000, is the amount which should be awarded to which the damages shall be computed; and (2) the
the plaintiffs. (Davila v. PAL, 49 SCRA 497) rate at which the losses sustained by said
respondents should be fixed. The case cited by

University of Santo Tomas

Villa Rey is not controlling in the one at bar. In the market master for the Sta. Ana Public Market
Alcantra case, none of the parties had questioned whose primary duty is to take direct supervision
the propriety of the four-year basis adopted by the and control of that particular market, more
trial court in making its award of damages. Both specifically, to check the safety of the place for the
parties appealed, but only as regards the amount public. The market master is an employee of the
thereof. Life expectancy is, not only relevant, but, City. Jimenez could not be faulted for going to the
also, an important element in fixing the amount market on a stormy day where the streets are
recoverable by private respondents herein. covered in floods. The City failed to exercise due
Although it is not the sole element determinative of diligence of a good father of a family in not taking
said amount, no cogent reason has been given to ordinary precautions which could have been taken
warrant its disregard and the adoption, in the case during good weather to minimize the danger to life
at bar, of a purely arbitrary standard, such as a and limb under those difficult circumstances.
four-year rule. (Jimenez v. City of Manila, G.R. No. 71049, 29
With respect to the rate at which the damages May 1987)
shall be computed, petitioner impugns the decision
appealed from upon the ground that the damages Petitioners, officers of OROSEA, purchased a lot
awarded therein will have to be paid now, whereas from the spouses Edano payable in installments.
most of those sought to be indemnified will be For this purpose, they issued four checks. A deed
suffered years later. This argument is basically of absolute sale was executed for such purpose
true. Just the same, the force of the said argument notwithstanding that the purchase price has not
of petitioner herein is offset by the fact that, yet been fully paid. Thereafter, OROSEA secured
although payment of the award in the case at bar a loan from the Philippine Veterans Bank using the
will have to take place upon the finality of the property as security. The second check, which
decision therein, the liability of petitioner herein was renewed twice was dishonored by the bank.
had been fixed at a rate, Policronio's potentiality The Edano spouses filed a complaint for estafa
and capacity to increase his future income was not against petitioners, by virtue of which, the fiscal
considered. filed an information was subsequently filed.
In Fixing the amount of that support, the Thereafter, OROSEA filed an action for the
''necessary expenses of his own living," should be annulment/rescission of the Contract of Sale.
deducted from his earnings. Only net earnings, not
gross earning, are to be considered, that is, the Q: Is the civil case for the annulment of the
total of the earnings less expenses necessary in contract of sale a prejudicial question to warrant
the creation of such earnings or income and less the suspension of the criminal case for estafa?
living and other incidental expenses. (Villa Rey
A: Petitioners in seeking the annulment of the
Transit, Inc v. CA, G.R. No. L-25499, 18
deed of sale on the ground of fraud or
February 1970)
misrepresentation are in effect saying that said
deed is voidable due to vitiated consent. Voidable
Jimenez, on his way home from the Market on a contracts are binding, unless they are annulled by
rainy day where streets were covered with flood, a proper action in court. They are susceptible of
stepped on an uncovered opening in which a dirty ratification. At the time the acts complained of in
and rusted nail penetrated his leg. He was the criminal case were committed; the deed of
hospitalized and confined for 20 days. The injury sale was binding upon the parties. Undeniably, at
prevented him from walking properly for 15 days the time of said dishonor, petitioners' obligation to
and from engaging his job. Jimenez sued the City pay the spouses pursuant to the deed of sale,
of Manila and Asiatic Integrated Corp. The case continued to subsist. And because petitioners'
was dismissed. The City of Manila argued that the checks were dishonored for lack of funds,
management of the market was being performed petitioners are answerable under the law for the
by Asiatic Integrated Corporation by virtue of a consequences of their said acts. And even if the
Management and Operating Contract and it civil case were to be finally adjudged to the effect
cannot be held under RA 409. that the said deed of sale should be annulled,
such declaration would be of no material
Q: Can the City of Manila be held liable? importance in the determination of the guilt or
A: Article 2189 of the Civil Code, which specifically innocence of the petitioners. The resolution,
governs liability of local governments due to therefore, of the issues in the civil case are not
injuries and damages by reason of defective determinative of the guilt or innocence of the
conditions of roads, street, bridges, public petitioners-accused in the criminal case. Hence,
buildings, and other public works under their no prejudicial question is involved between the
control and not RA 409 shall apply. Specific said two (2) cases. (Umali v. IAC, G.R. No. L-
Provision prevails over a general provision. 63198, 21 June 1990)
It is not necessary the defective public works
belong to the province, city, or municipality. What Famoso while riding with a co-employee in the
is required is that the local government has either caboose of a cargo train of petitioner Ma-ao,
control or supervision over the public works in jumped off the train to escape injury when it was
question. Despite the management and Control suddenly derailed. But the train fell on its side,
Contract, Sta. Ana remained under the control of caught his legs by its wheels and pinned him
the City. In fact, the City of Manila employed a down, resulting to his death. The claims for death
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

and other benefits having been denied by the ride in the caboose. There is no showing that the
petitioner, his wife Herminia filed a suit. The TC caboose where Famoso was riding was a
ruled in her favor but deducted from the total dangerous place and that he recklessly dared to
damages awarded 25% thereof for the decedent’s stay there despite warnings or signs of impending
contributory negligence. The CA sustained the danger.
rulings of the TC except as to the contributory
negligence of the deceased and disallowed the *Res Ipsa Loquitur - Where the thing which causes
deductions. injury is shown to be under the management of the
defendant, and the accident is such as in the
Q: Was Ma-ao guilty of negligence? Was Famoso ordinary course of things does not happen if those
was guilty of contributory negligence? who have the management use proper care, it
A: 1. Yes. The maintenance of the rails, for the affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of an
purpose inter alia of preventing derailments, was explanation by the defendant, that the accident
the responsibility of Ma-ao, and that this arose from want of care.
responsibility was not discharged. According to its
own witness, the cases of derailment in the milling *Contributory negligence - the act or omission
district were frequent and there were even times amounting to want of ordinary care on the part of
when such derailments were reported every hour. the person injured which, concurring with the
Ma-ao should therefore have taken more prudent defendant's negligence, is the proximate cause of
steps to prevent such accidents instead of waiting the injury. It has been held that "to hold a person
until a life was finally lost because of its as having contributed to his injuries, it must be
negligence. shown that he performed an act that brought about
The claim that the brakemen and the conductors his injuries in disregard of warnings or signs of an
were required to report any defect in the condition impending danger to health and body." (MA-AO
of the railways and to fill out prescribed forms is Sugar Central v. CA, G.R. No. 83491, 27 August
not impressive. What is important is that Ma-ao 1990)
should act on these reports and not merely receive
and file them. The fact that it is not easy to detect Lao was presented as a witness in a case filed by
if the fish plates are missing is no excuse either. his employer against Espiritu. The case was filed
Indeed, it should stress all the more the need for by the prosecutor but was later dismissed. Espiritu
the responsible employees of Ma-ao to make filed a case for malicious prosecution against Lao.
periodic checks and actually go down to the
railroad tracks and see if the fish plates were in Q: May Lao be held liable for malicious
place. prosecution?
The fish plates (what keeps the rails aligned) were A: NO. Lao had a valid defense to the action for
supposed to have been bolted to the rails and malicious prosecution because it was his employer
could be removed only with special tools, which that was the complainant in the estafa case
was in the custody of petitioner. The fact that the against Espiritu. Lao was only a witness, not the
fish plates were not found later at the scene of the prosecutor in the estafa case. Moreover, there
mishap may show they were never there at all to was probable cause for the charge of estafa
begin with or had been removed long before. The against Espiritu, as found and certified by the
absence of the fish plates, whatever the cause or investigating fiscal himself. Lao was not motivated
reason, is by itself alone proof of the negligence of by malice in making the affidavit upon which the
the petitioner. (Res ipsa loquitur) fiscal based the filing of the Information against
Espiritu. He executed it as an employee, a
The petitioner also disclaims liability on the ground salesman of the St. Joseph Lumber from whom
of Article 2176 of the CC, contending it has Espiritu made his purchases of construction
exercised due diligence in the selection and materials and who, therefore, had personal
supervision of its employees. The Court cannot knowledge of the transaction. Although the
agree. The record shows it was in fact lax in prosecution of Espiritu for estafa did not prosper,
requiring them to exercise the necessary vigilance the unsuccessful prosecution may not be labeled
in maintaining the rails in good condition to as malicious.
prevent the derailments that sometimes happened [Note: In this case, the decision of the CA finding
every hour. Obviously, mere ordering the Lao guilty of malicious prosecution had already
brakemen and conductors to fill out prescribed become final and executory. But since Lao was
forms reporting derailments, which reports have deprived of due process due to the negligence of
not been acted upon as shown by the hourly the lawyer, which was why he lost the case, and
derailments is not the kind of supervision he had a valid defense against malicious
envisioned by the Civil Code. prosecution, the SC allowed the action for
annulment of judgment] (Lao v. Court of
2. Famoso CANNOT be held guilty of contributory Appeals, G.R. No. 82808, 11 July 1991)
negligence from the mere fact that he was not at
his assigned station when the train was derailed. The Tagbilaran Friendly Bazaar was a victim of
That might have been a violation of company rules robbery in the sums ofUS$300 and P200. During
but could not have directly contributed to his injury, such robbery, the security guard of the store,
as the petitioner suggests. It is pure speculation to Parilla, was allegedly shot and killed with the use
suppose that he would not have been injured if he of a firearm by Degoma, who was one of the
had stayed in the front car rather than at the back robbers. The lower court found the accused guilty
and that he had been killed because he chose to and also ordered them to jointly and severally
University of Santo Tomas
indemnify the owners of the Tagbilaran Bazaar the inveigle her to accept him and to obtain her
sum of P200.00 and the equivalent exchange rate consent to the sexual act, could justify the award
prevailing for US$300, indemnify the heirs of the of damages pursuant to Article 21 not because of
guard in the sum of P36,000 for his death, such promise to marry but because of the fraud
P200,000 for moral damages, P87,947.94 for and deceit behind it and the willful injury to her
actual expenses, and P5,000 for attorney's fees honor and reputation which followed thereafter. It
for counsel of Parilla. is essential, however, that such injury should have
been committed in a manner contrary to morals,
Q: Was the award for damages correct? good customs or public policy. (Gashem Shookat
A: The award for actual damages should be Baksh v. CA, G.R. No. 97336, 19 February 1993)
reduced. In delict, the defendant is liable for all
damages which are the natural and probable Amadora was shot to dead by his classmate
consequences of the act or omission complained Daffon during their commencement execise in
of. To seek recovery for actual damages, it is their school auditorium. Daffon was convicted of
necessary to prove with a reasonable degree of homicide through reckless imprudence. Amadora’s
certainty, premised upon competent proof and on parents filed an action for damages under Art.
the best evidence obtainable by the injured party 2180 of the Civil Code against Collegio de San
the actual amount of loss. Courts cannot simply Jose Recoletos, and some its official and teacher.
assume that damages were sustained by the The trial court held that the school cannot be held
injured party, nor can it rely on speculation or liable because it was not a school of arts and trade
guesswork in determining the fact and amount of but an academic institution of learning and that the
damages. In this case, the award of actual students was not in the custody of the school as
damages in the amount ofP87, 947.94 is not the semester had already ended.
sustained by a review of the evidence of record.
Of the expenses allegedly incurred, the Court can
Q: Can the academic institution be held liable for
only give credence to those supported by a receipt
negligent acts of tits student committed within their
and which appear to, have been genuinely
premises but when the semester had already
incurred in connection with the death, wake, or
burial of the victim.
The court cannot take account of receipts showing A: The general rule is that when the school is
the following expenses: academic rather than technical or vocational in
Having these guidelines, the Court puts the gross nature, responsibility for the tort committed by the
expenses proved by the immediate heirs of the student will attached to the teacher in charge of
victim at P10, 175.85. The Court off-sets the the student. In case of establishment of arts and
amount of P6,400, representing the alms received trades, it is the head of the establishment thereof
by the heirs of the victim against the amount of and he only shall be liable. The court cannot see
PI0,175.85, leaving the amount of P3,775.85 as reasons for different degrees of vigilance
the actual amount of loss sustained by the exercised by the school authority on the basis of
immediate heirs of the victim. The Court increases the nature of their respective schools. The custody
the amount of indemnity for the death of Parilla to requirement does not mean that the student must
P50, 000 in line with present jurisprudence. be boarding with the school authorities, it does
(People v. Degoma G.R. Nos. 89404-05, 22 May signify that the students should be within the
1992) control and under the influence of the school or
within the school premises at the time of the
Respondent filed a complaint for damages against occurrence of the injury whether the semester has
petitioner Baksh for the alleged violation of their not yet begun or has already ended. The
agreement to get married. Marilou alleged that responsibility includes school sanctioned activities
petitioner courted and proposed to marry her. because the school is in control or exercises
Petitioner then visited the respondent’s parents to influence over the pupil. As long as it can be
secure their approval to the marriage. Then shown that the student is in the school premises in
petitioner forced her to live with him. She was a pursuance of a legitimate student objective, in the
virgin before she began living with him. exercise of a legitimate student right, and even in
Subsequently, petitioner maltreated and the enjoyment of a legitimate student right, and
threatened to kill her. During a confrontation in the even in the enjoyment of a legitimate student
barangay, petitioner repudiated the marriage privilege, the responsibility of the school
agreement and stated that he is already married to authorities over the student continues. Indeed,
a girl. even if the student should be doing nothing more
than relaxing in the campus in the company of his
Q: Does Article 21 apply to the case? classmates and friends and enjoying the ambience
A: Yes. Where a man’s promise to marry is in fact and atmosphere of the school, he is still within the
the proximate cause of the acceptance of his love custody and subject to the discipline of the school
by a woman and his representation to fulfill that authorities under the provisions of Article 2180.
promise thereafter becomes the proximate cause (Amadora v. CA, G.R. No. L-47745, 15 April
of the giving of herself unto him in a sexual 1988)
congress, proof that he had, in reality, no intention
of marrying her and that the promise was only a Two drums of riboflavin were shipped from Japan
subtle scheme or deceptive device to entice or for delivery on board the vessel “SS Eastern
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Comet” owned by Eastern Shipping Lines. The 3. When the judgment of the court awarding a sum
shipment was insured by Mercantile Insurance of money becomes final and executory, the rate of
Company. When the shipment arrived in Manila, legal interest, whether the case falls under number
one drum was found to be in bad order. As a result or number 2, above, shall be 12% per annum from
of the alleged fault and negligence of Eastern such finality until its satisfaction, this interim period
Shipping Lines, the Metro Port Service, and the being deemed to be by then an equivalent to a
Allied Brokerage Corporation, the insurance forbearance of credit. (Eastern Shipping Lines v.
company had to pay the consignee of the CA, G.R. No. 97412, 12 July 1994)
shipment for the damaged cargo. The insurance
company then filed an action against the three, Monterola was traveling on board his motorcycle
claiming that under the marine insurance policy, it towards Mangagoy on the right lane along a dusty
became subrogated to all the rights of action of the national road in Bislig, Surigao del Sur. At about
consignee against the defendants. the same time, a cargo van of the LBC Cargo,
The CA ordered the defendants to jointly and driven by defendant Tano, Jr., was coming from
severally pay the insurer with legal interest at 12% the opposite direction on its way to the Bislig
per annum from the date of the filing of the Airport. When Tano was approaching the vicinity
complaint until fully paid. of the airport road entrance on his left, he saw two
vehicles racing against each other from the
Q: Should the interest commence from the date of opposite direction. Tano stopped his vehicle and
the filing of the complaint or from the date of the waited for the two racing vehicles to pass by. The
decision of the trial court? Was the proper rate of stirred cloud of dust made visibility extremely bad.
interest is 12% per annum or 6% per annum? Instead of waiting for the dust to settled, Tano
A: The CA is wrong. The interest to be paid is 6% started to make a sharp left turn towards the
on the amount due, computed from the date of airport road. When he was about to reach the
filing of the complaint. center of the right lane, the motorcycle driven by
A 12% interest, in lieu of 6% shall be imposed on Monterola suddenly emerged from the dust and
such amount upon finality of this decision until the smashed head-on against the right side of the
payment thereof. LBC van. Monterola died from the severe injuries
*When an obligation, regardless of its source is he sustained.
breached, the contravenor can be held liable for
damages. With regard to an award or interest in Q: Was Tano’s negligence the proximate cause of
the concept of actual or compensatory damages, the accident?
the rate of interest, as well as the accrual thereof, A: Yes. the proximate cause of the accident was
is imposed as follows: the negligence of Tano who, despite extremely
poor visibility, hastily executed a left turn without
1. When the obligation is breached, and it consists first waiting for the dust to settle. It was this
in the payment of a sum of money (loan or negligent act of Tano, which had placed his
forbearance of money), the interest due should be vehicle (LBC van) directly on the path of the
that which may have been stipulated in writing. motorcycle coming from the opposite direction that
Furthermore, the interest due shall itself earn legal almost instantaneously caused the collision to
interest from the time it is judicially demanded. In occur. Simple prudence required him not to
the absence of stipulation, the rate of interest shall attempt to cross the other lane until after it would
be 12% per annum to be computed from default, have been safe from and clear of any oncoming
from judicial or extra-judicial demand under and vehicle.
subject to the provisions of Art 1169 of the CC. The doctrine of last clear chance is not applicable
2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan or to relieve Tano from liability. The victim was
forbearance of money, is breached, an interest on traveling along the lane where he was rightly
the amount of damages awarded may be imposed supposed to be. The incident occurred in an
at the discretion of the court at the rate of 6% per instant. No appreciable time had elapsed, from the
annum. No interest, however, shall be adjudged on moment Tano swerved to his left to the actual
unliquidated claims or damages except when or impact; that could have afforded the victim a last
until the demand can be established with clear opportunity to avoid the collision.
reasonable certainty. Where the demand is However, the deceased was not all that free from
established with reasonable certainty, the interest negligence in evidently speeding too closely
shall begin to run from the time the claim is made behind the vehicle he was following. There indeed
judicially or extra-judicially but when such certainty was contributory negligence on the victim's part
cannot be so reasonably established at the time the that could warrant a mitigation of petitioners
demand is made, the interest shall begin to run liability for damages.
only from the date the judgment of the court is
made. The actual base for the computation of legal * Doctrine of Last Clear Chance (also referred to,
interest shall, in any case, be on the amount finally at times, as "supervening negligence" or as
adjudged. "discovered peril") The doctrine, in essence, is to
When an obligation arises from a contract of the effect that where both parties are negligent,
purchase and sale and not from a contract of loan but the negligent act of one is appreciably later in
or mutuum, the applicable rate is 6% per annum as time than that of the other, or when it is impossible
provided in Article 2209 of the NCC, and not the to determine whose fault or negligence should be
rate of 12% per annum as provided in (CB) Cir. No. attributed to the incident, the one who had the last
416. clear opportunity to avoid the impending harm and
failed to do so is chargeable with the
University of Santo Tomas
consequences thereof. Stated differently, the rule part of the persons made responsible thereunder,
would also mean that an antecedent negligence of derived from their failure to exercise due care and
a person does not preclude the recovery of vigilance over the acts of subordinates to prevent
damages for supervening negligence of, or bar a them from causing damage. Yet, as correctly
defense against the liability sought by, another if observed by respondent court, Art. 2180 is hardly
the latter, who had the last fair chance, could have applicable because none of the circumstances
avoided the impending harm by the exercise of mentioned therein obtains in the case under
due diligence. (LBC Air Cargo v. CA, G.R. No. consideration.
101683, 23 February 1995) FILCAR being engaged in a rent-a-car business
was only the owner of the car leased to Dahl-
Two vehicles, cruising northward along EDSA, Jensen. As such, there was no vinculum juris
figured in a traffic accident. The car owned by between them as employer and employee.
Soriano was being driven at the outer lane of the Respondent FILCAR cannot in any way be
highway by Jacildone, while the other car, owned responsible for the negligent act of Dahl-Jensen,
by respondent FILCAR Transport, Inc. (FILCAR), the former not being an employer of the latter.
and driven by Dahl-Jensen as lessee, was at the We now correlate par. 5 of Art. 2180 with Art. 2184
center lane, left of the other vehicle. Upon of the same Code which provides: "In motor
approaching the corner of Pioneer Street, the car vehicle mishap, the owner is solidarily liable with
owned by FILCAR swerved to the right hitting the his driver, if the former, who was in the vehicle,
left side of the car of Soriano. At that time Dahl- could have by the use of due diligence, prevented
Jensen, a Danish tourist, did not possess a the misfortune x x x x If the owner was not in the
Philippine driver's license. motor vehicle, the provisions of article 2180 are
As a consequence, petitioner FGU Insurance, in applicable."
view of its insurance contract with Soriano, paid Obviously, this provision of Art. 2184 is neither
the latter. By way of subrogation, it sued Dahl- applicable because of the absence of master-
Jensen and FILCAR, FORTUNE as insurer of driver relationship between respondent FILCAR
FILCAR for quasi-delict. and Dahl-Jensen. Clearly, petitioner has no cause
of action against respondent FILCAR on the basis
Q: For damages suffered by a third party, may an of quasi-delict; logically, its claim against
action based on quasi-delict prosper against a respondent FORTUNE can neither prosper. (FGU
rent-a-car company and its insurer for fault or Insurance Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. 118889,
negligence of the car lessee in driving the rented 23 March 1998)
A: We find no reversible error committed by The Dimaano’s are owners of a house while
respondent court in upholding the dismissal of petitioner South Eastern owns a four-storey school
FGU’s complaint. The pertinent provision is Art. building along the same road. Powerful typhoon
2176 of the Civil Code which states: "Whoever by “Saling” hit Metro Manila. The roof of petitioner’s
act or omission causes damage to another, there school building was partly ripped off and blown
being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the away, landing on and destroying portions of the
damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is roofing of Dimaanos’ house. An ocular inspection
no pre-existing contractual relation between the of the destroyed buildings was conducted by a
parties, is called a quasi-delict." To sustain a claim team of engineers. It was found out that the most
based thereon, the following requisites must likely reason for the dislodging of the roofings
concur: structural trusses is the improper anchorage of the
said trusses to the roof beams.
(a) Damage suffered by the plaintiff;
Q: Was damage on the roof of the building of the
(b) Fault or negligence of the defendant; and, Dimaanos resulting from the impact of the falling
portions of the school building’s roof ripped off by
(c) Connection of cause and effect between the strong winds of typhoon “Saling”, within legal
the fault or negligence of the defendant and the contemplation, due to fortuitous event? Is South
damage incurred by the plaintiff. Eastern liable for damages?
We agree with respondent court that FGU failed to A: In order that a fortuitous event may exempt a
prove the existence of the second requisite, i.e., person from liability, it is necessary that he be free
fault or negligence of defendant FILCAR, because from any previous negligence or misconduct by
only the fault or negligence of Dahl-Jensen was reason of which the loss may have been
sufficiently established, not that of FILCAR. It occasioned. An act of God cannot be invoked for
should be noted that the damage caused on the the protection of a person who has been guilty of
vehicle of Soriano was brought about by the gross negligence in not trying to forestall its
circumstance that Dahl-Jensen swerved to the possible adverse consequences. When a person’s
right while the vehicle that he was driving was at negligence concurs with an act of God in producing
the center lane. It is plain that the negligence was damage or injury to another, such person is not
solely attributable to Dahl-Jensen thus making the exempt from liability by showing that the immediate
damage suffered by the other vehicle his personal or proximate cause of the damage or injury was a
liability. Respondent FILCAR did not have any fortuitous event. When the effect is found to be
participation therein. partly the result of the participation of man –
The liability imposed by Art. 2180 arises by virtue whether it be from active intervention, or neglect, or
of a presumption juris tantum of negligence on the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

failure to act – the whole occurrence is hereby unexpected overnight stay. Unfortunately, the
humanized, and removed from the rules applicable flight was also cancelled. JAL informed the
to acts of God. stranded passengers that it would no longer
There is no question that a typhoon or storm is a shoulder their expenses. The passengers filed an
fortuitous event, a natural occurrence which may action for damages against JAL, claiming that JAL
be foreseen but is unavoidable despite any failed to live up to its duty to provide care and
amount of foresight, diligence or care. In order to comfort to its stranded passengers when it refused
be exempt from liability arising from any adverse to pay for their subsequent hotel expenses.
consequence engendered thereby, there should
have been no human participation amounting to a Q: Is JAL liable for the expenses incurred by its
negligent act. In other words, the person seeking stranded passengers brought about by the
exoneration from liability must not be guilty of unexpected eruption of Mt. Pinatubo?
negligence. Negligence, as commonly A: No. However, JAL is liable for nominal
understood, is conduct which naturally or damages. JAL is not liable for the expenses
reasonably creates undue risk or harm to others. incurred by the passengers, since the reason why
It may be the failure to observe that degree of JAL was prevented from resuming its flight to
care, precaution, and vigilance which the Manila was due to the effects of the Mt. Pinatubo
circumstances justly demand, or the omission to eruption, which was a fortuitous event.
do something which a prudent and reasonable JAL, however, is not completely absolved from
man, guided by considerations which ordinarily liability. It must be noted that the passengers
regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do. bought tickets from the US with Manila as their
From these premises, we proceed to determine final destination. While JAL was no longer required
whether petitioner was negligent, such that if it to defray the passengers' living expenses during
were not, the damage caused to private their stay in Japan on account of the fortuitous
respondents’ house could have been avoided? event, JAL had the duty to make the necessary
At the outset, it bears emphasizing that a person arrangements to transport the passengers on the
claiming damages for the negligence of another first available connecting flight to
has the burden of proving the existence of fault or Manila. JAL reneged on its obligation to look after
negligence causative of his injury or loss. The the comfort and convenience of its passengers
facts constitutive of negligence must be when it declassified them from "transit
affirmatively established by competent evidence, passengers" to "new passengers," as a result of
not merely by presumptions and conclusions which they were obliged to make the necessary
without basis in fact. Private respondents, in arrangements themselves for the next flight to
establishing the culpability of petitioner, merely Manila.
relied on the aforementioned report submitted by a They were placed on the waiting list from June 20
team which made an ocular inspection of to June 24. To assure themselves of a seat on an
petitioner’s school building after the typhoon. As available flight, they were compelled to stay in the
the term imparts, an ocular inspection is one by airport the whole day of
means of actual sight or viewing. What is visual to June 22, and it was only at 8 pm of that day that
the eye though, is not always reflective of the real they were advised that they could be
cause behind. For instance, one who hears a accommodated in said flight, which flew at about 9
gunshot and then sees a wounded person, cannot am the next day. Because of JAL's failure to make
always definitely conclude that a third person shot the necessary arrangements to transport the
the victim. It could have been self-inflicted or passengers on its first available flight to Manila, an
caused accidentally by a stray bullet. The award ofP100,000 as nominal damages, in favor
relationship of cause and effect must be clearly of each passenger, is in order. (J.A.L. v. CA, G.R.
shown. No. 118664. 07 August 1998)
In the present case, other than the said ocular
inspection, no investigation was conducted to The plaintiff tried to prove actual damages by
determine the real cause of the partial unroofing of presenting his general manager who testified as to
petitioner’s school building. Private respondents the value of the property damaged and also by
did not even show that the plans, specifications presenting documentary evidence in the form of
and design of said school building were deficient brochures quoting the prices of similar equipment.
and defective. Neither did they prove any
substantial deviation from the approved plans and Q: Were the actual damages adequately
specifications. Nor did they conclusively established by the evidence presented?
establish that the construction of such building A: No. To enable an injured party to recover actual
was basically flawed. (Southeastern College, or compensatory damages, he is required to prove
Inc. v. CA, et al., GR. No. 126389, 10 July 1998) the actual amount of loss with reasonable degree
of certainty premised upon competent proof on the
Miranda boarded a JAL flight from San Francisco best evidence available.
to Manila along with others. As an incentive for In this case, actual damages were proven through
traveling with JAL, the flights made an overnight the sole testimony of Maria Efigenia's general
stopover in Japan at the airline's expense. Upon manager and certain pieces of documentary
arrival in Japan, the passengers were billeted in evidence. The testimony of the general manager
Hotel Nikko for the night. The following day, they as to the valuation of the ship is not reliable
learned that Mt. Pinatubo erupted, and all flights to because he is an interested party and because it
Manila were cancelled indefinitely. JAL rebooked was not within his competence to determine the
them on flights due to depart. JAL paid for their value of the property. On the other hand, the
University of Santo Tomas
documentary evidence in the form of brochures negligence against it. (Metro Manila Transit
are not admissible for being hearsay evidence. Corp. v. Court of Appeals, GR. NO. 116617, 16
They do not constitute an exception to the hearsay November 1998)
rule since they are not commercial lists. Since the
persons who prepared them were not presented in Franco and Medel obtained several loans from
court, they cannot be admitted in evidence. Gonzales at 6% interest per month. Due to their
Nominal damages were awarded instead. failure to pay the loans upon maturity, the two
[Though, in reality, they should have been called consolidated all said loans bringing their
temperate damages - the damage was proved, but indebtedness to a total of P500K, and executed a
the amount was not.] (PNOC Shipping v. CA, promissory note to cover said amount with an
G.R. No. 107518, 08 October 1998) interest of 5.5% per month plus 2% service charge
per annum. Due to Franco and Medel's failure to
MMTC Bus, which was driven by its employee pay upon maturity, a complaint for collection of
Musa, hit Rosalie who was then crossing money was filed against them by Gonzales. The
Katipunan Avenue. An eye witness said the girl lower court held that although the usury law was
was already near the center of the street when the repealed, the interest charged by Gonzales was
bus, then bound for the south, hit her. She fell to unconscionable and was therefore invalid. The CA
the ground upon impact, rolled between the two however upheld the validity of the aforementioned
front wheels of the bus, and was run over by the stipulated interest and held that since the usury
left rear tires thereof. Her body was dragged law was repealed, the lender and borrower could
several meters away from the point of impact. agree on any interest that may be charged on the
Rosalie was taken to the Philippine Heart Center loan. Medel then filed certiorari with the SC,
but efforts to revive her proved futile. arguing that the interest charged by Gonzales was
iniquitous, unconscionable, and exorbitant.
Q: Were Musa and his employer MMTC liable for
negligence? Q: Was the interest stipulation in this case valid?
A: Yes. Employers may be relieved of A: No. Although Circular No. 905 of the Central
responsibility for the negligent acts of their Bank expressly repealed the usury law, the
employees within the scope of their assigned interest in this case of 5.5% per month or 66% per
tasks only if they can show that "they observed all annum is iniquitous or unconscionable, and hence
the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent contrary to law and morals. Such a stipulation of
damage." For this purpose, they have the burden interest is void and the courts in such a case shall
of proving that they have indeed exercised such equitably reduce liquidated damages, whether
diligence, both in the selection of the employee intended as an indemnity or a penalty, if they are
who committed the quasi-delict and in the iniquitous and unconscionable.
supervision of the performance of his duties. In this case, due to the iniquitousness of the
In the selection of prospective employees, stipulated interest, the SC imposed the "legal rate
employers are required to examine them as to of interest for loan or forbearance of money,
their qualifications, experience, and service goods, or credit" which was 12% per annum, plus
records. On the other hand, with respect to the an additional 1 % monthly penalty charge. (Medel
supervision of employees, employers should v. CA, G.R. NO. 131622, 27 November 1998)
formulate standard operating, procedures, monitor
their implementation, and impose disciplinary Sps Torralba filed a complaint for damages
measures for breaches thereof. To establish these against International School for the death of their
factors in a trial involving the issue of vicarious only son, while in the custody of the International
liability, employers must submit concrete proof, School & its officers. RTC awarded damages. I.S.
including documentary evidence. appealed. The Torralbas moved for execution of
In this case, MMTC sought to prove that it judgment pending appeal on grounds that the
exercised the diligence of a good father of a family appeal is merely dilatory and filing of a bond is
with respect to the selection of employees by another good reason for execution.
presenting mainly testimonial evidence on its
hiring procedure. Although testimonies were Q: Was the execution of judgment pending appeal
offered that in the case of Musa all these improper?
precautions were followed, the records of his A: Yes. Reason that an appeal is dilatory does
interview, of the results of his examinations, and of NOT justify execution pending appeal, neither
his service were not presented.No proof was does the filing of a bond, without anything more,
presented that Musa did not have any record of justify the same. IS could not be faulted for its
traffic violations. Nor were records of daily withdrawal of its supersedeas bond inasmuch as
inspections, allegedly conducted by supervisors, the lower court granted the execution pending
ever presented. It is noteworthy that, in another appeal and rejected its offer of supersedeas bond.
case involving MMTC, testimonial evidence of The awards for moral & exemplary damages
identical content, which MMTC presented to show CANNOT be the subject of execution pending
that it exercised the diligence of a good father of a appeal.
family in the selection and supervision of
employees and thus avoid vicarious liability for the RATIONALE: The execution of any award for
negligent acts of its employees, was held to be moral and exemplary damages is dependent on
insufficient to overcome the presumption of the outcome of the main case. Unlike actual
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

damages for which petitioners may clearly be held products. It entered into a dealership agreement
liable if they breach a specific contract and the with JII, whereby the latter will be its exclusive
amounts of which are fixed and certain, liabilities dealer in Iloilo. The agreement was subsequently
with respect to moral and exemplary damages as amended to include Capiz in the territorial
well as the exact amounts remain uncertain and coverage and to make the dealership agreement
indefinite pending resolution by the CA and SC. on a non-exclusive basis. In the course of the
The existence of the factual bases of these types business, SEACOM brought an action to recover a
of damages and their causal relation to the balance for unpaid deliveries incurred by JII.
petitioner's act will have to be determined in the JII denied the obligation and interposed a
light of error:; on appeal. It is possible that the counterclaim for damages representing unrealized
petitioners, after all, while liable for actual profits. JII alleged that as a dealer in Capiz, they
damages may not be liable for moral & exemplary contracted to sell 24 units of power tillers to a
damages. Or in some cases elevated to the SC, group of farmers to be financed with by Farm
the awards may be reduced. (International System Development Corporation (FSDC)
School v. CA, G.R. No. 131109, 29 June 1999) corporation, which fact JII allegedly made known
to SEACOM, but the latter taking advantage of
Pujol opened with PNB an account denominated said information and in bad faith, went directly to
as "Combo Account", a combination of Savings FSDC and dealt with it and sold 21 units of said
Account and Current Account in her business tractors, thereby depriving JII of unrealized profit.
name "Pujol Trading" under which checks drawn
against her checking account could be charged Q: Did SEACOM act in bad faith when it competed
against her savings account should the funds in with its own dealer as regards the sale of farm
her current account be insufficient to cover the machineries to FSDC?
value of her checks. She issued two checks; both A: Clearly, the bad faith of SEACOM was
were dishonored allegedly for insufficiency of established. By appointing JII as a dealer of its
funds. When issued and presented for payment, agricultural equipment SEACOM recognized the
however, there were sufficient funds in her savings role and undertaking of JII to promote and sell said
account. Realizing its mistake as to the 2nd check, equipment. Under the dealership agreement, JII
PNB subsequently accepted and honored it. was to act as a middleman to sell SEACOM’s
Lily, however, filed with the RTC a complaint for products in its areas of operations, to the
moral and exemplary damages against PNB for exclusion of other places, to send its men to
dishonoring her checks despite sufficiency of her Manila for training and to comply with other
funds. requirements to benefit the dealership. After being
informed of the demonstrations JII had conducted,
Q: Is PNB liable to Lily for moral damages due to SEACOM participated in the bidding for the said
the mental anguish embarrassment, besmirched equipment at a lower price, placing itself in direct
reputation, she suffered? competition with its own dealer. The actuations of
A: Yes. The award of moral damages and SEACOM are tainted by bad faith. Even if the
attorney's fees affirmed. dealership agreement was amended to make it on
A bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of a non-exclusive basis, SEACOM may not exercise
its depositors with meticulous care. its right unjustly or in a manner that is not in
Responsibility arising from negligence in the keeping with honesty or good faith; otherwise, it
performance of every kind of obligation is opens itself to liability under the abuse of right rule
demandable. While PNB's negligence in this case embodied in article 19 of the Civil Code. (Sea
may not have been attended with malice and bad Commercial Company v. Court of Appeals,
faith, nevertheless, it caused serious anxiety, G.R. No. 122823, 25 November 1999)
embarrassment and humiliation to Lily for which
she is entitled to recover reasonable moral Plaintiff Ramos was a vigorous woman. However,
damages. In the case of Leopold Araneta v. Bank upon professional advice she sought to undergo
of America it was held that it can hardly be an operation for the removal of a stone in her gall
possible that a customer's check can be wrongfully bladder. She and her husband met for the first
refused payment without some impeachment of time Dr. Hosaka. Unfortunately, at the day of the
his credit which must in fact be an actual injury, operation, Dr. Hosaka arrived very late; and
although he cannot, from the nature of the case, something went wrong w/ the intubation of the
furnish independent and distinct proof thereof. patient. Erlinda stayed at the ICU for a month.
Damages are not intended to enrich the After being discharged from the hospital, she has
complainant at the expense of the defendant; and been staying in their residence, still needing
there is no hard and fast rule in the determination constant medical attention. She was also
of what would be a fair amount of moral damages diagnosed to be suffering from “diffuse cerebral
since each case must be governed by its own parenchymal damage.
peculiar facts. The yardstick should be that it is not
palpably and scandalously excessive. In this case, Q: Should Dr. Hosaka be held liable for damages
considering the" reputation and social standing of as the surgeon in charge?
Lily, the award of damages is reasonable. (PNB v. Can the hospital be held solidarily liable for the
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126152, 28 negligent acts of its doctors during an operation?
September 1999) How is the Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur applied in
the case?
SEACOM is engaged in the business of selling A: Yes. Under the captain of the ship doctrine, the
and distributing agricultural machinery and surgeon is liked to a ship captain who must not
University of Santo Tomas
only be responsible for the safety of the crew but incident who reported the same to the police. At
also of the passengers of the vessel. The head trial, the court a quo found Balgos guilty beyond
surgeon is made responsible for everything that reasonable doubt of the crime of statutory rape
goes wrong within the four corners of the and was sentenced to death. He was also ordered
operating room. It enunciates the liability of the to pay P50K as civil damages. Upon automatic
surgeon not only for the wrongful acts of those review by the SC, Balgos argued that he was not
who are under his physical control but also those able to penetrate
wherein he has extension of control. Criselle's vagina, hence he should only be held
Yes. In other words, private hospitals, hire, fire liable for acts of lasciviousness and not rape.
and exercise real control over their attending and
visiting “consultant” staff. While “consultants” are Q: What should be the amount of damages?
not, technically employees, a point which A: The crime of rape is consummated by the mere
respondent hospital asserts in denying all "touching" of the penis and the labia, hence actual
responsibility for the patient’s condition, the control penetration is not necessary. More importantly, as
exercised, the hiring, and the rights to terminate to damages, if the commission of rape is qualified
consultants all fulfill the important hallmarks of an by any of the circumstances under
employer-employee relationship, with the Art. 335 RPC for which the penalty of death is
exception of the payment of wages. In assessing imposed, the civil liability for the victim shall be
whether such a relationship in fact exists, the fixed at not less than P75K. In this case, since the
control test is determining. Accordingly, on the rape is qualified by the fact that the victim was less
basis of the foregoing, we rule that for the purpose than 7 years old at the time of the crime, the
of allocating responsibility in medical negligence penalty of death is thus imposed and the civil
cases, an employer-employee relationship in liability therefore should be increased from P50 K
effect exists between hospitals and their attending to P75K. (People v. Balgos, G.R. No. 126115, 26
and visiting physicians. This being the case, the January 2000)
question now arises as to whether or not
respondent hospital is solidarily liable with The Dean and the Faculty Members of the College
respondent doctors for petitioner’s condition. The of Law met to deliberate as to who among the
basis for holding an employer solidarily fourth year students should be allowed to
responsible for the negligence of its employee is graduate. The plaintiff’s name appeared in the
found in Article 2180 of the Civil Code which Tentative List of Candidates for graduation. The
considers a person accountable not only for his plaintiff attended the investiture. However, he
own acts but also for those of others based on the learned that he had deficiencies in his subjects.
former’s responsibility under a relationship of He had to drop from the review course and
patria potestas. Such responsibility ceases when deferred from taking the bar exams.
the persons or entity concerned prove that they
have observed the diligence of a good father of Q: May an educational institution be held liable for
the family to prevent damage. In other words, damages for misleading a student into believing
while the burden of proving negligence rests on that the latter had satisfied all the requirements for
the plaintiffs, once negligence is shown, the graduation when such is not the case?
burden shifts to the respondents (parent, guardian, A: Yes. Considering further, that the institution of
teacher or employer) who should prove that they learning involved herein is a university which is
observed the diligence of a good father of a family engaged in legal education, it should have
to prevent damage. practiced what it inculcates in its students, more
In the instant case, respondent hospital, apart specifically the principle of good dealings
from a general denial of its responsibility over enshrined in Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil Code.
respondent physicians, failed to adduce evidence Article 19 was intended to expand the concept of
showing that it exercised the diligence of a good torts by granting adequate legal remedy for the
father of a family in the hiring and supervision of untold number of moral wrongs which is
the latter. It failed to adduce evidence with regard impossible for human foresight to provide
to the degree of supervision which it exercised specifically in statutory law. In civilized society,
over its physicians. In neglecting to offer such men must be able to assume that others will do
proof, or proof of a similar nature, respondent them no intended injury – that others will commit
hospital thereby failed to discharge its burden no internal aggressions upon them; that their
under the last paragraph of Article 2180. Having fellowmen, when they act affirmatively will do so
failed to do this, respondent hospital is with due care which the ordinary understanding
consequently solidarily responsible with its and moral sense of the community exacts and that
physicians for Erlinda’s condition. (Ramos v. CA, those with whom they deal in the general course
G.R. No. 124354, 29 December 1999) of society will act in good faith. The ultimate thing
in the theory of liability is justifiable reliance under
Fuentes, a 6 year old, went to Balgos' house to conditions of civilized society. Schools and
play with her two friends, the latter's nieces. While professors cannot just take students for granted
they were playing, Balgos asked his nieces to go and be indifferent to them, for without the latter,
out and buy some snacks. While they were gone, the former are useless
Balgos tried to rape Criselle but could not Educational institutions are duty-bound to inform
penetrate the latter's vagina as it was too small. the students their academic status and not wait for
Criselle eventually told her parents about the the latter to inquire from the former. The conscious
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

indifference of a person to the rights or welfare of pin which was merely inserted to connect the
the person/persons who may be affected by his chain block with the platform, got loose xxx
act or omission can support a claim for damages. causing the whole platform assembly and the
Want of care to the conscious disregard of civil victim to fall down to the basement of the elevator
obligations coupled with a conscious knowledge of core of the building under construction thereby
the cause naturally calculated to produce them crushing the victim to death.
would make the erring party liable. Petitioner
ought to have known that time was of the essence Q: Can the Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur be
in the performance of its obligation to inform applied in this case?
respondent of his grade. It cannot feign ignorance A: Yes. There is no dispute that appellee’s
that respondent will not prepare himself for the bar husband fell down from the 14th floor of a building
exams since that is precisely the immediate to the basement while he was working with
concern after graduation of an LL.B. graduate. It appellant’s construction project, resulting to his
failed to act seasonably. Petitioner cannot just give death. The construction site is within the exclusive
out its student’s grades at any time because a control and management of appellant. It has a
student has to comply with certain deadlines set safety engineer, a project superintendent, a
by the Supreme Court on the submission of carpenter leadman and others who are in
requirements for taking the bar. Petitioner’s liability complete control of the situation therein. The
arose from its failure to promptly inform circumstances of any accident that would occur
respondent of the result of an examination and in therein are peculiarly within the knowledge of the
misleading the latter into believing that he had appellant or its employees. On the other hand, the
satisfied all requirements for the course. appellee is not in a position to know what caused
(University of the East v. Romeo A. Jader, GR. the accident. Res ipsa loquitur is a rule of
No. 132344, 17 February 2000) necessity and it applies where evidence is absent
or not readily available, provided the following
A check issued by Valenzuela bounced even if requisites are present: (1) the accident was of a
she had enough money in her account. Later, it kind which does not ordinarily occur unless
was found that the check bounced because the someone is negligent; (2) the instrumentality or
bank had made a mistake in crediting her deposits agency which caused the injury was under the
to another account. exclusive control of the person charged with
negligence; and (3) the injury suffered must not
Q: Is Valenzuela entitled to moral damages? have been due to any voluntary action or
A: Yes, Valenzuela is entitled to moral damages. contribution on the part of the person injured. No
Prudential claims that Valenzuela is not entitled to worker is going to fall from the 14th floor of a
moral damages because it acted in good faith and building to the basement while performing work in
committed an honest mistake. This is untenable. a construction site unless someone is negligent,
As a business affected with public interest and thus, the first requisite for the application of the
because of the nature of its functions, the bank is rule of res ipsa loquitur is present. As explained
under obligation to treat the accounts of its earlier, the construction site with all its
depositors with meticulous care, always having in paraphernalia and human resources that likely
mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship. caused the injury is under the exclusive control
Even if malice or bad faith was not sufficiently and management of appellant thus, the second
proved in this case, the fact remains that the bank requisite is also present. No contributory
committed a serious mistake. The bank's negligence was attributed to the appellee’s
negligence was the result of lack of due care and deceased husband thus the last requisite is also
caution required of managers and employees of a present. All the requisites for the application of the
firm engaged in so sensitive and demanding a rule of res ipsa loquitur are present, thus a
business as banking. Accordingly, the award of reasonable presumption or inference of appellant’s
moral damages was proper. negligence arises.
* This is the exception to the general rule that in Petitioner does not dispute the existence of the
breach of contract, moral damages are proper only requisites for the application of res ipsa loquitur,
"when there was fraud, malice, or bad faith. When but argues that the presumption or inference that it
the party breaching the contract is a bank, in the was negligent did not arise since it “proved that it
exercise of its fiduciary capacity, there is no need exercised due care to avoid the accident which
for bad faith order for the moral damages to be befell respondent’s husband.” (D.M. Consunji,
awarded. (Prudential Bank v. Court of Appeals, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 137873, 20 April 2001)
G.R. No. 125536, 16 March 2000)
Mercado and Tan got married on 1991. Mercado
A construction worker of D.M. Consunji, Inc. fell 14 was, however, already married to Oliva on 1976.
floors from the building resulting to his death. Tan filed an action for bigamy against Mercado.
Police filed a report that the worker was More than a month after the bigamy case was
pronounced dead on arrival (DOA) by the lodged in the Prosecutor’s Office, Mercado filed an
attending physician. action for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage against
Investigation disclosed that while victim together Oliva and a Decision was rendered declaring the
other workers were working at the elevator core of marriage between Mercado and Oliva null and
the building on board a platform made of channel void. In the criminal proceeding, Mercado argued
beam (with pinulid plywood flooring and cable as a defense that his previous marriage had been
wires attached to its four corners and hooked at judicially declared null and void. The trial court
the 5 ton chain block, when suddenly, the bolt or rendered a judgment convicting Mercado for the
University of Santo Tomas
crime of bigamy, which the CA affirmed. Before elsewhere for which he spent the total amount of
the SC, Mercado argued that he obtained a P132,750.00. Morillo sued MINDEX for damages.
judicial declaration of nullity of his first marriage,
thereby rendering it void ab initio. He argued that a Q: Was the burning of the truck caused by
void marriage is deemed never to have taken fortuitous event, thereby exempting MINDEX from
place at all, hence there is no first marriage to liability?
speak of.
A: No. The negligence of MINDEX makes it
responsible for the loss. Article 1667 of the Civil
Q: Will pendency of an action for declaration of Code holds lessees responsible for the
nullity of marriage be a prejudicial question to a deterioration or loss of the thing leased, unless
criminal action for bigamy? they prove that it took place without their fault. In
A: Article 40 of the FC expressly requires a judicial order for a fortuitous event to exempt one from
declaration of nullity of the previous marriage and liability, it is necessary that one has committed no
that the marriage of a person may be null and void negligence or misconduct that may have
but there is need of a judicial declaration of such occasioned the loss.
fact before that person can marry again; An act of God cannot be invoked to protect a
otherwise, the second marriage will also be void. person who has failed to take steps to forestall the
Such declaration is necessary before one can possible adverse consequences of such a loss.
contract a second marriage. Absent that One’s negligence may have concurred with an act
declaration, we hold that one may be charged with of God in producing damage and injury to another;
and convicted of bigamy. nonetheless, showing that the immediate or
“It is now settled that the fact that the first marriage proximate cause of the damage or injury was a
is void from the beginning is not a defense in a fortuitous event would not exempt one from
bigamy charge. As with a voidable marriage, liability. When the effect is found to be partly the
there must be a judicial declaration of the nullity of result of a person’s participation -- whether by
a marriage before contracting the active intervention, neglect or failure to act -- the
second marriage. The Code Commission believes whole occurrence is humanized and removed from
that the parties to a marriage should not be the rules applicable to acts of God.
allowed to assume that their marriage is void, To constitute a fortuitous event, the following
even if such is the fact, but must first secure a elements must concur: (a) the cause of the
judicial declaration of nullity of their marriage unforeseen and unexpected occurrence or of the
before they should be allowed to marry again. failure of the debtor to comply with obligations
In the instant case, petitioner contracted a second must be independent of human will; (b) it must be
marriage although there was yet no judicial impossible to foresee the event that constitutes
declaration of nullity of his first marriage. In fact, the caso fortuito or, if it can be foreseen, it must be
he instituted the Petition to have the first marriage impossible to avoid; (c) the occurrence must be
declared void only after complainant had filed a such as to render it impossible for the debtor to
letter-complaint charging him with bigamy. By fulfill obligations in a normal manner; and (d) the
contracting a second marriage while the first was obligor must be free from any participation in the
still subsisting, he committed bigamy. aggravation of the injury or loss.
That he subsequently obtained a judicial Article 1174 of the Civil Code states that no
declaration of the nullity of the first marriage was person shall be responsible for a fortuitous event
immaterial the crime had already been that could not be foreseen or, though foreseen,
consummated by then. Moreover, his view was inevitable. In other words, there must be an
effectively encourages delay in the prosecution of exclusion of human intervention from the cause of
bigamy cases; an accused could simply file a injury or loss. A review of the records clearly
petition to declare his previous marriage void and shows that petitioner failed to exercise reasonable
invoke the pendency of that action as a prejudicial care and caution that an ordinarily prudent person
question in the criminal case. (Mercado v. Tan, would have used in the same situation. (Mindex
G.R. No. 137110, 01 August 2000) Resources Development v. Ephraim Morillo,
G.R. No. 138123, 12 March 2002)
A verbal agreement was entered into between
Morillo and Mindex for the lease of Morillo’s cargo Limpin, Jr. and Apostol filed an application for an
truck for use in MINDEX’s mining operations. irrevocable domestic letter of credit with
MINDEX had been paying the rentals until April Associated Banking Corporation in favor of LS
1991. Upon learning that the truck was burned by Parts Hardware.
unidentified persons while it was parked The application was approved and a trust receipt
unattended due to mechanical trouble, Morillo agreement was executed. Sarmiento also signed a
offered to sell the truck to MINDEX but the latter surety/guarantor of the agreement. The
refused. Instead, it replaced the vehicle’s burned defendants failed to comply with their undertaking.
tires and had it towed to a shop for repair and This prompted the bank to file an action against
overhauling. After failing in the series of them. Lower Court rendered a judgment in favor
negotiations, Morillo pulled out the truck from the of the bank. On appeal, CA affirmed the judgment
repair shop of MINDEX and had it repaired of the trial court.


Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Q: Does the right of the bank to institute separate Nevertheless, AMEC’s claim for moral damages
civil action for the recovery of civil liability already falls under item 7 of Article 2219 of the Civil Code.
barred on the ground that same was not expressly This provision expressly authorizes the recovery of
reserved in the criminal action earlier filed? moral damages in cases of libel, slander or any
A: No. While a reading of Section 1, Rule 111 of other form of defamation. Article 2219(7) does not
the Rules on Criminal Procedure shows that the qualify whether the plaintiff is a natural or juridical
offended party is required to make a reservation of person. Therefore, a juridical person such as a
his right to institute a separate civil action, corporation can validly complain for libel or any
jurisprudence instructs that such reservation may other form of defamation and claim for moral
not necessarily be express but may be inferred not damages. Moreover, where the broadcast is
only from the acts of the offended party but also libelous per se, the law implies damages. In such
from acts other than those of the latter. a case, evidence of an honest mistake or the want
Furthermore, failure of the trial court to make any of character or reputation of the party libeled goes
pronouncement, favorable or unfavorable, as to only in mitigation of damages. Neither in such a
the civil liability of the accused amounts to the case is the plaintiff required to introduce evidence
reservation of the right to have the civil liability of actual damages as a condition precedent to the
litigated and determined in a separate civil action. recovery of some damages. In this case, the
(Sarmiento Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 394 SCRA broadcasts are libelous per se. Thus, AMEC is
315) entitled to moral damages. (Filipinas
Broadcasting Network, Inc., v. Ago Medical,
Couple was booked for business class tickets. The G.R. No. 141994, 17 January 2005)
airline had overbooked the business class, so they
were asked to sit in first class section. This was Melquiades Sugata-on was employed by Candano
allegedly against their will. They felt bad because Shipping as Marine Engineer. He was one of
their kompadres were in business. They filed for those missing after Candano’s vessel sank. His
damages against the airline. The trial court wife filed an action before the RTC for damages
awarded them a whopping sum with moral and based on Art.1711 of the NCC and eventually got
exemplary damages to boot. a favorable judgment using the standard in Art194
of the Labor Code.
Q: Does an involuntary upgrade with no added
costs to plaintiffs warrant an award of damages? Q: Is the formula for fixing the amount of death
A: No. The whopping 1M lump sum was deleted. compensation in Art194 of the Labor Code
There was no bad faith here. But there was applicable in determining the compensation
recognition of a breach of contract of carriage, claimed by the heir of deceased employee under
thus, a P5, 000 award for nominal damages is Art 1711 of NCC?
enough. (Cathay Pacific v. Sps. Vasquez, GR A: The pertinent provisions of the NCC are
150843, 14 March 2003) Articles 1711, 2199, 2200. In order to give breath
to the aforestated provisions on damages of the
Because of the attacks made by the two New Civil Code, they must be transformed into a
broadcasters of Filipinas Broadcasting against more tangible and practical mathematical form, so
Ago Medical and Educational Center-Bicol that the purpose of the law to indemnify the
Christian College of Medicine (“AMEC”) and its employee or his heirs for his death or injury
administrators in their radio program “Expose” occasioned by his employment, as envisioned by
saying that AMEC is a dumping ground, garbage the Article 1711 of the same code may be
of moral and physical misfits, AMEC charged the realized. We deem it best to adopt the formula for
two broadcasters as well as the company for loss of earning capacity enunciated in the case of
defamation. The trial court held that the Villa Rey v. Court of Appeals,[23] in computing the
broadcasts are libelous per se and rejected the amount of actual damages to be awarded to the
broadcasters claim that their utterances were the claimant under Article 1711 of the New Civil Code.
result of straight reporting because it had no (Candano Shipping v. Sugata-on, GR. No.
factual basis. In holding FBNI liable for libel, the 163212, 13 March 2007)
trial court found that FBNI failed to exercise
diligence in the selection and supervision of its Salvador underwent a medical exam as
employees. Moral damages were awarded to prerequisite for regular employment. The result
AMEC. indicated that she has a Hepa-B. Consequently,
she was terminated from employment and her
Q: Considering the fact that AMEC is a juridical father (Ramon) suffered a heart attack. She
person, is it entitled to moral damages? decided to have another medical exam which then
A: Yes. A juridical person is generally not entitled yielded a negative result. Salvador sued
to moral damages because, unlike a natural petitioners for damages.
person, it cannot experience physical suffering or
such sentiments as wounded feelings, serious Q: Are the petitioners liable for damages based on
anxiety, mental anguish or moral shock. The Court the issuance of incorrect medical results?
of Appeals cites Mambulao Lumber Co. v. PNB, et A: Yes. Negligence is the failure to observe for
al. to justify the award of moral damages. the protection of the interest of another person
However, the Court’s statement in Mambulao that that degree of care, precaution and vigilance
“a corporation may have a good reputation which, which the circumstances justly demand, whereby
if besmirched, may also be a ground for the award such other person suffers injury. For health care
of moral damages” is an obiter dictum. providers, the test of the existence of negligence
University of Santo Tomas
is: did the health care provider either fail to do -The possibility of contributing conduct which
something which a reasonably prudent health would make the plaintiff responsible is
care provider would have done, or that he or she eliminated.
did something that a reasonably prudent health As to the first requirement, the gaping wound on
care provider would not have done; and that Nora’s arm is certainly not an ordinary occurrence
failure or action caused injury to the patient; if in the act of delivering a baby, far removed as the
yes, then he is guilty of negligence. Thus, the arm is from the organs involved in the process of
elements of an actionable conduct are: 1) duty, 2) giving birth. Such injury could not have happened
breach, 3) injury, and 4) proximate causation.All unless negligence had set in somewhere.
the elements are present in the case at bar. Second, whether the injury was caused by the
(Garcia Jr. v. Salvador, G.R. No. 168512, 20 droplight or by the blood pressure cuff is of no
March 2007) moment. Both instruments are deemed within the
exclusive control of the physician in charge under
Treyes, Jr.& his armed men forcibly entered the the “captain of the ship” doctrine. This doctrine
leased properties of CGR, set up a barbed wire holds the surgeon in charge of an operation liable
fence and harvested tons of fish and fingerlings. for the negligence of his assistants during the time
The following days, defendant's men took away when those assistants are under the surgeon’s
the remaining fish, even the chapel was control. In this particular case, it can be logically
destroyed. Religious icons were stolen and as an inferred that petitioner, the senior consultant in
extreme act of sacrilege, decapitated the heads of charge during the delivery of Nora’s baby,
some of these icons. exercised control over the assistants assigned to
Petitioners filed with the MTC complaints for both the use of the droplight and the taking of
Forcible Entry and Damages. 4 years after, while Nora’s blood pressure. Hence, the use of the
the case was pending, petitioners filed with droplight and the blood pressure cuff is also within
the RTC a complaint for damages against petitioner’s exclusive control.
respondent praying for the payment of actual, Third, the gaping wound on Nora’s left arm, by its
moral & exemplary damages. very nature and considering her condition, could
only be caused by something external to her and
Q: Can the petitioners independently institute an outside her control as she was unconscious while
action for damages which they claim arose from in hypovolemic shock. Hence, Nora could not, by
incidents occurring after the dispossession by any stretch of the imagination, have contributed to
respondent of the premises during the pendency her own injury.
of the complaints for forcible entry, Based on the foregoing, the presumption that
A: The recoverable damages in forcible entry and petitioner was negligent in the exercise of her
detainer cases thus refer to "rents" or "the profession stands unrebutted. Clearly, under the
reasonable compensation for the use and law, petitioner is obliged to pay Nora for moral
occupation of the premises" or "fair rental value of damages suffered by the latter as a proximate
the property" and attorney's fees and costs. result of petitioner’s negligence. (Cantre v. Sps.
In the complaint for damages of petitioners, their Go, G.R. No. 160889, 27 April 2007)
claim for damages has no direct relation to their
loss of possession of the premises. It had to do The LADECO crewcab bumped into the car driven
with respondent's alleged harvesting and carting by Borres and owned by Angala. Angala then filed
away several tons of milkfish and other marine an action for quasi-delict, damages and attorney’s
products in their fishponds, ransacking and fees against LADECO. He alleged that his pick-up
destroying of a chapel built by petitioner CGR was slowing down to about 5 to 10 kph and was
Corporation, and stealing religious icons and even making a left turn when it was bumped from
decapitating the heads of some of them, after the behind by the crewcab which was running at
act of dispossession had occurred. (CGR Corp. v. around 60-70 kph. The crewcab stopped 21
Treyes, Jr., G.R. No. 170916, 27 April 2007) meters from the point of impact.
Deocampo alleged that the pick-up and the
Respondents sued petitioner as the attending crewcab he was driving were both running at
physician for the burns in the left arm that Nora Go about 40 kph. The pick-up was running along the
suffered when she gave birth. outer lane and was about 10 meters away when it
made a U-turn towards the left. He alleged that he
Q: Are the petitioners liable for damages? tried to avoid the pick-up but he was unable to
A: In cases involving medical negligence, the avoid the collision. He stated that he did not apply
doctrine of res ipsa loquitur allows the mere the brakes because he knew the collision was
existence of an injury to justify a presumption of unavoidable. He admitted that he stepped on the
negligence on the part of the person who controls brakes only after the collision.
the instrument causing the injury, provided that the RTC found the crewcab running very fast while
following requisites concur: following the pick-up and the crewcab’s speed was
-The accident is of a kind which ordinarily the proximate cause of the accident and that
does not occur in the absence of someone’s Deocampo had the last opportunity to avoid the
negligence; accident. The trial court found that Berenguel was
-It is caused by an instrumentality within the not liable because he was not the owner of the
exclusive control of the defendant or crewcab. The court rendered judgment ordering
defendants; and
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

the defendants LADECO and Deocampo to money judgment had been rendered, the action
solidarily pay the plaintiffs the ff. sums: survives. Death of an accused-appellant, after
23,000 – actual damages final judgment but before it has become final and
10,000 – moral damages executory due to pendency of an appeal,
10,000 – attorney’s fees extinguished criminal liability but the civil liability
Cost of suit survives. In this case, the claim for civil liability
survived Sendaydiego for his death occurred after
Q: Is respondent entitled to the damages final judgment was rendered. Notwithstanding the
awarded? dismissal of the appeal of Sendaydiego insofar as
A: Respondent is entitled to Moral damages. his criminal liability is concerned, SC resolved to
Moral damages are awarded to allow a plaintiff to continue exercising civil appellate jurisdiction over
obtain means, diversion or amusement that will his possible civil liability for money claims arising
serve to alleviate the moral suffering he has from the alleged criminal acts, as if no criminal
undergone due to the defendant’s culpable action. case had been instituted against him. (People v.
We sustain the TC and the CA in ruling that Sendaydiego, 81 SCRA 120)
respondent sufficiently showed that he suffered
shock, serious anxiety and fright which entitle to Concepcion shipped his construction equipment
him to moral damages. aboard the M/V Cebu of Compania Maritima. The
Both the TC and CA failed to give any justification other equipments were safely unloaded within few
for the award of attorney’s fees. Award of hours after arrival in Cagayan de Oro City. On the
attorney’s fees must be based on findings of fact other hand, the pay loader fell and was damaged.
and law and stated in the decision of the TC. No
premium should be placed on the right to litigate. Q: Is Compania Maritima liable?
Hence, the award of attorney’s fees is deleted. A: Yes. It used a lifting apparatus to lift and
(Lapanday Agricultural and Devt. Corp v. unload a visibly heavy pay loader. Its crew,
ANGALA, G.R. No. 153076, 21 June 2007) moreover, were careless in their methods of
ascertaining the weight of heavy cargoes offered
Human Relations for shipment before loading and unloading them.
While petitioner has proven that Concepcion did
Respondent filed a complaint for Damages not furnish an accurate weight of the pay loader,
coupled with Support Pendente Lite alleging that petitioner is nonetheless liable for the damage
petitioner was the father of her baby. She sought caused to the machinery since they could have
to claim damages contending that petitioner as her avoided the incident by the exercise of reasonable
superior seduced her into making love. skill and attention in overseeing the unloading of
such heavy equipment. While the act of
Q: Will the action for damages prosper? Concepcion in not disclosing the correct weight of
A: We, however, cannot rule that respondents are the loader constitutes a contributory negligence,
entitled to damages. Article 2219 of the Civil Code such will only mitigate the liability for damages.
which states moral damages may be recovered in (Compania Maritima v. Court of Appeals, 164
cases of seduction is inapplicable in this case SCRA 685)
because Clarissa was already an adult at the time
she had an affair with petitioner. Bayotas was charged with Rape before RTC and
Neither can her parents be entitled to damages. eventually convicted thereof. Pending appeal of
Besides, there is nothing in law or jurisprudence his conviction, Bayotas died due to cardio
that entitles the parents of a consenting adult who respiratory arrest. Consequently, the Supreme
begets a love child to damages. (Hermosisima v. Court in its Resolution dismissed the criminal
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-14628, 30 aspect of the appeal. In his comment, the SolGen
September 1960) expressed his view that the death of accused-
appellant did not extinguish his civil liability as a
Three cases of malversation through falsification result of his commission of the offense charged,
were filed Sendaydiego, the provincial treasurer of relying on the case of People v. Sendaydiego, and
Pangasinan, Galvan, and Quirimit, the provincial insists that the appeal should still be resolved for
auditor, for embezzlement of road and bridge fund. the purpose of reviewing his conviction by the
After trial, CFI Pangasinan acquitted Quirimit and lower court on which the civil liability is based.
found Sendaydiego and Samson guilty of
malversation through falsification of public or Q: Does the death of the accused pending appeal
official documents of his conviction extinguish his civil liability?
Sendaydiego and Samson appealed to the SC. A: Yes. Whether asserted in the criminal action or
Sendaydiego died. His appeal as to his criminal in a separate civil action, civil liability ex delicto, is
liability was dismissed. extinguished by the death of the accused while his
conviction is on appeal. Article 89 of the Revised
Q: Will Death, after final judgment but before it has Penal Code is clear on this matter: Criminal
become final and executory, extinguish both the liability is totally extinguished by the death of the
criminal and civil liability of the accused-appellant? convict, as to the personal penalties; and as to
A: No. Section 1, Rule 111 of the Rules of Court pecuniary penalties, liability therefore is
provides that the civil action for the civil liability is extinguished only when the death of the offender
deemed impliedly instituted with the criminal action occurs before final judgment. SC construed the
in the absence of express waiver or its reservation term final judgment employed in the Revised
in a separate action. If the defendant dies after a Penal Code means judgment beyond recall. It
University of Santo Tomas
means that as long as a judgment has not become it can be inferred from the criminal case that the
executory, it cannot be truthfully said that accused driver was acquitted on reasonable doubt
defendant is definitely guilty of the felony charged because of dearth of evidence and lack of veracity
against him. of the two principal witnesses, the heirs are not
The ruling in Sendaydiego deviated from the barred from recovery of damages.
expressed intent of Article 89. Even if damages are sought on the basis of crime
It allowed claims for civil liability ex delicto to and not quasi delict, the acquittal of the bus driver
survive by ipso facto treating the civil action will not bar recovery of damages because the
impliedly instituted with the criminal, as one filed acquittal was based not on a finding that he was
under Article 30, as though no criminal not guilty but only on reasonable doubt.
proceedings had been filed but merely a separate The omission of the CA to review the evidence in
civil action. this case and instead base its decision on the
In pursuing recovery of civil liability arising from findings of the trial court in the criminal case
crime, the final determination of the criminal disregarded the fact that this case had been
liability is a condition precedent to the prosecution instituted independently of the criminal case and
of the civil action, such that when the criminal that heirs took no part in the criminal prosecution.
action is extinguished by the demise of accused- The notion that an action for quasi-delict is
appellant pending appeal thereof, said civil action separate and distinct from the criminal action was
cannot survive. thus set aside.
Upon death of the accused pending appeal of his This case must be decided on the basis of the
conviction, the criminal action is extinguished evidence in the civil case. This is important
inasmuch as there is no longer a defendant to because the criminal court appears to have based
stand as the accused; the civil action instituted its decision, acquitting the bus driver on the
therein for recovery of civil liability ex delicto is ground of reasonable doubt. It is unfair to bind the
ipso facto extinguished, grounded as it is on the heirs to the result of the criminal action when the
criminal. Moreover, the civil action impliedly fact is that they did not take part therein. (Heirs of
instituted in a criminal proceeding for recovery of Guaring Jr. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
civil liability ex delicto can hardly be categorized 108395, 07 March 1997)
as an ordinary money claim such as that referred
to in Sec. 21, Rule 3 enforceable before the estate Spouses Tumboy and two minor children boarded
of the deceased accused. a Yubido liner. On its way, the bus fell into a ravine
To summarize: 1. Death of the accused pending caused by the bursting of one of its tires. Tito
appeal of his conviction extinguishes his criminal Tumboy died while others suffered physical
liability as well as the civil liability based solely injuries. A complaint for damages was filed but
thereon. the defendants raised the defense of fortuitous
2. Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives event.
notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same
may also be predicated on a source of obligation Q: Is explosion of a newly-installed tire of a
other than delict. passenger vehicle a fortuitous event that exempt
SC held that the death of appellant Bayotas the carrier from liability for the death of
extinguished his criminal liability and the civil passengers?
liability based solely on the act complained of, i.e., A: The cause of the blow-out, if due to a factory
rape. (People v. Bayotas, 236 SCRA 239, 02 defect, improper mounting, excessive tire
September 1994) pressure, is not an unavoidable event. On the
other hand, there may have been adverse
A vehicular accident between a Guaring’s Lancer, conditions on the road that were present, which
a Cressida, and a bus resulted to the death of could make the blow-out caso fortuito. The fact
Guaring Jr and a passenger of the Cressida. The that the cause of the blow-out is not known does
heirs of Guaring, Jr. brought an action for not relieve the carrier from liability. Owing to the
damages based on quasi-delict. They showed that statutory presumption of negligence against the
the bus hit the rear portion of the Lancer, causing carrier and its obligation to exercise the utmost
it to swerve to the other bound lane and collide diligence, it is upon the defendants to prove that
with the Cressida. Phil. Rabbit, on the other hand, the cause of the blow-out is a fortuitous event. It
presented evidence tending to show that the is not incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove that the
accident was due to the negligence of the cause of the blow-out is not a caso fortuito.
deceased Guaring. RTC of Pampanga, in the (Yubido v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 113033, 17
criminal case, acquitted the bus driver. October 1997)

Q: Did the acquittal in the criminal case of the bus

driver extinguish his civil liability and his Singson and Tiongson bought from Cathay Pacific
employer? two tickets for their vacation in US. After staying
A: No. It is now settled that acquittal of the for about three weeks, they decided to go back to
accused, even if based on a finding that he is not the Philippines. Tiongson got a booking for the
guilty, does not carry with it the extinction of the flight. It was discovered that his ticket booklet did
civil liability based on quasi delict. Since the cause not have flight coupon No. 5 corresponding to the
of action of the heirs of Guaring is based on culpa San Francisco-Hong Kong trip. Instead, what was
aquiliana and not culpa criminal, and the fact that
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

left was coupon No. 3 which was supposed to on People’s Journal. Petitioner instituted a
have been used and removed from the booklet. complaint against respondents for damages
Singson filed an action for damages against arising “grossly malicious and overly
Cathay Pacific. He contended that it was the sensationalized reporting of the news item”
airline’s agent committed the mistake in tearing off prepared by respondent Morales,
the wrong flight coupon. Cathay denied the
allegations and answered that since the petitioner Q: Did the CA err in holding that the
is holding an “opendated” ticket, which meant that publication of the news item was not attended with
he was not booked on a specific flight on a malice to thus free respondents of liability for
particular date, there was no contract of carriage damages.
yet existing. A: No. Article 33 contemplates a civil action for the
recovery of damages that is entirely unrelated to
Q: Is Cathay liable for damages? the purely criminal aspect of the case. A civil
A: Yes. Cathay Pacific undoubtedly committed a action for libel under this article shall be instituted
breach of contract when it refused to confirm and prosecuted to final judgment and proved by
petitioner’s flight reservation back home on preponderance of evidence separately from and
account of his missing coupon. His contention entirely independent of the institution, pendency or
that there was no contract of carriage that was result of the criminal action because it is governed
breached since the ticket was open-dated was by the provisions of the New Civil Code and not by
untenable. The round ticket issued by the carrier the RPC governing the criminal offense charged
was in itself a complete written contract. In fact, and the civil liability arising therefrom.
the contract was already partially executed when it In actions for damages for libel, it is axiomatic that
transported petitioner to US. (Singson v. CA, GR the published work alleged to contain libelous
No. 11995, 18 November 1997) material must be examined and viewed as a
Aguilar entered into a lease agreement with The article must be construed as an entirety
Spouses Juguilon. The subjects of the lease including the headlines, as they may enlarge,
contract were the two adjacent parcels of land explain, or restrict or be enlarged, explained or
owned by the spouses. To comply with their strengthened or restricted by the context. Whether
obligations, Spouses vacated the second floor of or not it is libelous, depends upon the scope, spirit
the building to be demolished and filed an action and motive of the publication taken in its entirety.
for unlawful detainer against their tenants A publication claimed to be defamatory must be
occupying the ground floor. However, spouses read and construed in the sense in which the
decided to move back to their building with a readers to whom it is addressed would ordinarily
promise that they would vacate as soon as its understand it. So, the whole item, including display
demolition would be undertaken. Spouses lines, should be read and construed together, and
subsequently sent a letter to Aguilar pertaining to its meaning and signification thus determined.
the payments of the lease rentals. The presentation of the news item subject of
However, Aguilar instituted an action for specific petitioner’s complaint may have been in a
performance against the Spouses praying that the sensational manner, but it is not per se illegal.
entire property be delivered to him pursuant to the In determining the manner in which a given event
contract. Spouses denied the non-delivery and should be presented as a news item and the
sought for rescission of contract for non-payment. importance to be attached thereto, newspapers
must enjoy a certain degree of discretion.
Q: Is it just to allow the lessors to recover the Every citizen of course has the right to enjoy a
whole rental payments agreed upon? good name and reputation, but we do not consider
A: No. It would be unjust enrichment for the that the respondents, under the circumstances of
lessors to demand rent for the entire leased this case, had violated said right or abused the
premises when they themselves are at the same freedom of the press. The newspapers should be
time occupying a portion thereof. Under the given such leeway and tolerance as to enable
circumstances, it is but fair that the spouses be them to courageously and effectively perform their
made to pay a fair rental value for the use and important role in our democracy. In the preparation
occupation of a portion of the leased premises of stories, press reporters and [editors] usually
from the time they have returned to said building. have to race with their deadlines; and consistently
SC ruled that a modification of the decision of the with good faith and reasonable care, they should
trial court as to the payment of the accrued rentals not be held to account, to a point of suppression,
be ordered. (Aguilar v. Court of Appeals, 335 for honest mistakes or imperfection in the choice
SCRA 308) of words. (Arafiles v. Phil. Journalists Inc., G.R.
No. 150256, 25 March 2004)
While respondent Morales, a reporter, was at a
police headquarter, a woman filed a complaint Four employees of Act Theater were apprehended
against petitioner Arafiles, for forcible abduction by the police for allegedly tampering a water meter
with attempted rape. and were charged accordingly in the proper court.
For the purpose of reporting the same in the issue As a consequence thereof, MWSS sent a notice to
of People’s Journal, he personally interviewed the Act Theater; after few hours, it cut off the theater’s
woman. After the interview, he tried to contact water service connection. Act Theater filed a civil
Arafiles at the NIAS office to verify the story but he case for damages against MWSS alleging that the
failed. He then wrote an account about the latter’s arbitrary, whimsical, capricious act in
woman’s complaint w/c then appeared as headline cutting off its water supply without prior notice
University of Santo Tomas
cause adverse effect to the health and sanitation Q: Can Reyes claim damages from Lim and the
of its patrons. Hotel?
A: Article 19 and 21 of the Civil Code both
Q: Was the Court of Appeals correct in awarding requires that the act complained of must be
damages to respondent on the basis of Article 19 intentional. Reyes had not shown that Lim was
NCC? driven by animosity against him. The manner by
A: Yes. A right is a power, privilege, or immunity which Lim asked him to leave was acceptable and
guaranteed under a constitution, statute or humane under the circumstances. A person who
decisional law, or recognized as a result of long did not abuse her right in asking a person to leave
usage, constitutive of a legally enforceable claim a party to which he was not invited cannot be
of one person against the other. made to pay damages under Article 19 and 21.
Concededly, the petitioner, as the owner of the (Nikko Hotel Manila Garden v. Reyes, G.R. No.
utility providing water supply to certain consumers 154259, 28 February 2005)
including the respondent, had the right to exclude
any person from the enjoyment and disposal Cañete, Alipio, and Navarro offered for sale to Po
thereof. However, the exercise of rights is not Cham a parcel of land. Po Cham had a meeting
without limitations. Having the right should not be with Pizarro at the latter’s house where Pizarro
confused with the manner by which such right is to categorically represented to Po Cham that the
be exercised. property was alienable and disposable. Deed of
When a right is exercised in a manner which Absolute Sale over the property was executed in
discards these norms resulting in damage to favor of Po Cham. After payment, Po Cham took
another, a legal wrong is committed for which possession of the property. Soon after, however,
actor can be held accountable. In this case, the Po Cham discovered that the property is not an
petitioner failed to act with justice and give the alienable or disposable land susceptible of private
respondent what is due to it when the petitioner ownership. Despite repeated demands,
unceremoniously cut off the respondent's water respondent refused to return the purchase price of
service connection. While it is true that MWSS had the rights over the property.
sent a notice of investigation to plaintiff-appellee Po Cham filed an administrative case against
prior to the disconnection of the latter's water Pizarro alleging that the latter has violated his oath
services, this was done only a few hours before as a member of the Bar in committing manifest
the actual disconnection. Upon receipt of the falsehood and evident misrepresentation by
notice and in order to ascertain the matter, Act employing fraudulent means to lure him into
sent its assistant manager Teodulo Gumalid, Jr. to buying rights over the property which property he
the MWSS office but he was treated badly on the represented to be disposable and alienable.
flimsy excuse that he had no authority to represent It was found that Po Cham also filed a criminal
Act. Act's water services were cut at midnight of complaint for estafa against respondent, Banzon,
the day following the apprehension of the Zabala, Cañete, Alipio and Navarro arising from
employees. Clearly, the plaintiff-appellee was the questioned sale of rights, upon which
denied due process when it was deprived of the information for estafa was subsequently filed.
water services. As a consequence thereof, Act
had to contract another source to provide water for Q: Does a prejudicial question exist in this case?
a number of days. Plaintiff-appellee was also A: The record does not disclose the status of the
compelled to deposit with MWSS the sum of estafa case against respondent. His conviction or
P200,000 for the restoration of their water acquittal is not, however, essential insofar as the
services. present administrative case against him is
There is, thus, no reason to deviate from the concerned. Administrative cases against lawyers
uniform findings and conclusion of the court a quo belong to a class of their own. They are distinct
and the appellate court that the petitioner's act from and they may proceed independently of
was arbitrary, injurious and prejudicial to the criminal cases.
respondent, justifying the award of damages under The burden of proof for these types of cases
Article 19 of the Civil Code. (MWSS v. Act differs. In a criminal case, proof beyond
Theater, Inc., GR No. 147076, 17 June 2004) reasonable doubt is necessary; in an
administrative case for disbarment or suspension,
Reyes filed an action for damages against Lim and “clearly preponderant evidence” is all that is
Hotel Nikko alleging that Lim humiliated him when required. Thus, a criminal prosecution will not
Lim asked him to leave a party taking place at the constitute a prejudicial question even if the same
penthouse of the hotel for the birthday of its former facts and circumstances are attendant in the
manager. Reyes claimed that his friend Dr. Filart administrative proceedings.
invited him to the party and that he was getting his It should be emphasized that a finding of guilt in
food from the buffet table when he was stopped in the criminal case will not necessarily result in a
a loud voice by Lim to his great shock, finding of liability in the administrative case.
embarrassment, and shame. Lim, on the other Conversely, respondent’s acquittal does not
hand, alleged that she asked other people to ask necessarily exculpate him administratively.
Reyes to leave in order not to make a scene but It is not thus sound judicial policy to await the final
she failed so she asked him herself to leave but resolution of a criminal case before a complaint
not in the manner alleged by Reyes. against a lawyer may be acted upon; otherwise,
this Court will be rendered helpless from
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

vigorously applying the rules on admission to and A: Petitioners failed to prove the fact of fraud in
continuing membership in the legal profession the case at bar. It appears from the record that
during the whole period that the criminal case is Juan, Tarcela, Mariano and Josefa were notified of
pending final disposition when the objectives of the application for free patent of Ines. They were
the two proceedings are vastly disparate. (Po duly afforded the opportunity to object to the
Chan v. Pizarro, A.C. No. 5499, 16 August 2005) registration and to substantiate their claims, which
they failed to do. Further, petitioners never
Land Titles and Deeds contested the order of the Bureau of Lands
disregarding their claims. This could only mean
A sold to B parcel of land with a clean TCT. B that they either agreed with the order or decided to
however, found some persons occupying the lot. abandon their claims. Moreover, they failed to
After the sale, B started fencing the property. The prove fraud in the execution of the affidavit used
occupants objected to the fencing of the subject by Ines to obtain title to the disputed property. No
property but were ignored by B on the principle evidence was adduced by them to substantiate
that a person dealing on a registered land need their allegation that their signatures therein were
not go beyond its certificate of title. forged. It is not for private respondents to deny
forgery. The burden of proof that the affidavit of
Q: Is the contention of B correct? waiver is indeed spurious rests on petitioners.
A: No. Although it is a recognized principle that a Yet, even as they insist on forgery, they never
person dealing on a registered land need not go really took serious efforts in establishing such
beyond it certificate of title, it s also a firmly settled allegation by preponderant evidence. Mere
rule that where there are circumstances w/c would allegations of fraud are not enough. Intentional
put a party on guard and prompt him to investigate acts to deceive and deprive another of his right, or
or inspect the property being sold to him, such as in some manner injure him, must be specifically
the presence of occupants/tenants thereon, it is of alleged and proved. (Brusas v. CA, G. R. No.
course, expected from the purchaser of valued 126875, 26 August 1999)
piece of land to inquire first into the status or
nature of the possession of the occupants, i.e., Mumar originally owned a parcel of land since
whether or not the occupants possess the land en 1917 as evidenced by Tax Declaration. In 1950,
concepto de dueno, in concept of an owner. As is he sold it to Cajes who was issued Tax
the common practice in the real estate industry, an Declaration. Cajes occupied and cultivated the
ocular inspection of the premises involved is a said land. In 1969, unknown to Cajes, Alvarez
safeguard that a cautious and prudent purchaser succeeded in obtaining the registration of subject
usually takes. Should he find out that the land he land for which he was issued OCT 546. Alvarez
intends to buy is occupied by anybody else other never occupied nor introduced improvements on
than the seller who, as in this case, is not in actual said land. Alvarez sold the land to the spouses
possession, it would then be incumbent upon the Beduya to whom TCT was issued. The Beduyas
purchaser to verify the extent of the occupant’s obtained a loan from the DBP and, as security,
possessory rights. The failure of the prospective mortgaged the land to the bank. Upon default, the
buyer to take such precautionary steps would mortgage on the property was foreclosed.
mean negligence on his part and would thereby When a re-appraisal of the property was
preclude him from claiming or invoking the rights conducted by DBP’s representatives, it was then
of a “purchaser in good faith.” (Mathay v. CA, 295 discovered that Cajes was occupying a portion of
SCRA 556) said land Cajes was asked to vacate but he
refused to do so, DBP filed a complaint for
Petitioners claimed that the disputed property was recovery of possession with damages against him.
part of the land in the actual physical possession The lower court declared DBP the lawful owner of
of their grandfather Sixto Brusas since 1924, the entire land covered by TCT on the ground that
having inherited the same from their great the decree of registration was binding upon the
grandfather; and the property was subdivided land. On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed
among the five children of their grandfather. and gave judgment for Cajes, declaring him the
Private respondents on the other hand, denied owner of the land erroneously included in TCT.
that the disputed property were owned and
possessed by their grandfather Sixto Brusas Q: May Cajes seek the reconveyance of the land?
during his lifetime. They asserted that Ines was Is the question on the validity of TCT in the
the absolute owner having entered the property as present case for recovery of possession a
early as 1924. In 1957, Ines applied for a free collateral attack against the indefeasibility of
patent which was approved and the corresponding Torrens titles?
certificate of title issued in 1967. An action for A:
reconveyance was instituted imputing fraud, 1. The ownership of the land presently occupied
misrepresentation and bad faith to Ines in using a by Cajes was already vested in him and that its
forged affidavit to obtain title over the disputed inclusion in OCT 546 and, subsequently, in TCT
property despite full knowledge that she owned 10101, was erroneous. Accordingly, the land in
only 1/5 portion thereof. question must be reconveyed in favor of Cajes,
the true and actual owner thereof, reconveyance
Q: Did Ines commit fraud in causing the being clearly the proper remedy in the present
registration of the disputed property under her case. As held in Vital v. Amore (90 Phil. 955), “The
name thus entitling the petitioners to the true owner may bring an action to have the
reconveyance of their shares therein? ownership or title to the land judicially settled and
University of Santo Tomas
the Court in the exercise of its equity jurisdiction,
without ordering the cancellation of the Torrens Q: Was Chua a buyer in good faith?
title issued upon the patent, may direct the A: No. We answer in the negative. The trial court
defendants, the registered owner to reconvey the correctly found that respondent Chua had
parcel of land to the plaintiff who has been found knowledge or, at the very least, notice that some
to be the true owner thereof.” Further, although other person had a right to or interest on the
generally, an action for reconveyance based on an property in question prior to her purchase from
implied or constructive trust, such as the present Editha.
case, prescribes in 10 years from the date of For a buyer to be deemed a purchaser in good
issuance of decree of registration; such rule does Faith, the ruling in Heirs of Severa P. Gregorio v.
not apply when the plaintiff is in actual possession Court of Appeals is instructive:
of the land. A purchaser in good faith is one who buys the
2. It is true that the indefeasibility of Torrens property of another without notice that some other
titles cannot be collaterally attacked. Herein, the person has a right to or interest in such property
original complaint is for recovery of possession and pays a full and fair price at the time of
filed by DBP against Cajes, not an original action purchase or before he has notice of the claim or
filed by the latter to question the validity of TCT interest of some other person in the property. As
10101 on which DBP bases its right. However, it good faith primarily refers to a state of mind and is
should not be overlooked that Cajes filed a always a question of intention, evidence as to
counterclaim against DBP, claiming ownership conduct and outward acts are usually resorted to
over the land and seeking damages. Hence, the in order to arrive at a reasonable determination of
Court herein could rule on the question of the the inward motive or intention.
validity of TCT 10101 for the counterclaim can be The records show that respondent Chua knew for
considered a direct attack on the same. a fact that prior to 1962 and prior to the sale, there
“A counterclaim is considered a complaint, only were erected on the land in question an old
this time, it is the original defendant who becomes wooden house and a semi-bungalow house which
the plaintiff. It stands on the same footing and is to were occupied by the father of Amado Celestial,
be tested by the same rules as if it were an Erlindo Celestial and their other relatives.
independent action.” In an analogous case, the Carmencita Paradena, a witness for the
Court ruled on the validity of a certificate of title petitioners, admitted residing with Amado and
despite the fact that the original action instituted Florencia as their tenant on the land in question
before the lower court was a case for recovery of since 1963. She also testified that the brothers
possession. The Court reasoned that since all the and sisters of Amado resided with them in the old
facts of the case are before it, to direct the party to wooden house. This contradicts what respondent
institute cancellation proceedings would be Chua's claim that prior to the sale, only spouses
needlessly circuitous and would unnecessarily Editha and Erlindo Celestial occupied the land in
delay the termination of the controversy which has question and nobody else. These facts alone
already dragged on for 20 years. Thus, there is no should have put respondent Chua on guard that
obstacle to the determination of the validity of TCT there were possible defects in the title of the
10101 in the present case. To rule on the issue of vendor. As enumerated in Mathay v. Court of
validity oF TCT 10101 in the present case for Appeals, viz:
recovery of possession, due to the circumstances Although it is a recognized principle that a person
obtaining, is not tantamount to a collateral attack. dealing on a registered land need not go beyond
(Development Bank of the Philippines v. Court its certificate of title, it is also a firmly settled rule
of Appeals, GR 129471, 28 April 2000) that where there are circumstances which would
put a party on guard and prompt him to investigate
The disputed land was originally owned by Amado or inspect the property being sold to him, such as
Celestial by virtue of a Miscellaneous Sales Patent the presence of occupants/tenants thereon, it is of
issued in his name. It is alleged that Amado course, expected from the purchaser of a valued
executed a Deed of Absolute Sale covering the piece of land to inquire first into the status or
disputed land in favor of Editha who then caused nature of possession of the occupants, i.e.,
the disputed property to be subdivided into three whether or not the occupants possess the land en
lots. OCT was cancelled and TCTs were issued concepto de dueño, in concept of owner. As is the
covering the three subdivided lots. Thereafter, common practice in the real estate industry, an
Editha sold the lots to Respondent Chua. Chua ocular inspection of the premises involved is a
notified herein petitioners who were still occupying safeguard a cautious and prudent purchaser
the disputed land to vacate the same. In response usually takes. Should he find out that the land he
to respondent Chua’s demand, herein petitioners intends to buy is occupied by anybody else other
filed with the proper court a complaint for judicial than the seller, it would then be incumbent upon
declaration of the nullity of the Deed of Sale the purchaser to verify the extent of the occupant's
executed by Amado and likewise all the Deeds of possessory rights. The failure of a prospective
Sale executed by Editha in favor of Chua. buyer to take such precautionary steps would
It is alleged by petitioners that respondent Chua mean negligence on his part and would thereby
was not a buyer in good faith because at the time preclude him from claiming or invoking the rights
of the execution of the sale, Chua knew that an old of a 'purchaser in good faith'.
wooden house and a semi-bungalow house were In the case at bar, respondent Chua failed to make
already erected in the disputed property. the necessary inquiry as to the possessory rights
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

of the relatives of Editha and Erlindo Celestial. The In a decision by the Court, the ownership of the
records show that respondent Chua failed to subject property was vested to the Government
inquire on the respective rights of petitioner since it was declared that neither petitioner Tomas
Florencia and Carmencita Paradena, who were in Alonso nor his son Francisco or the latter’s heirs
actual possession of the land in question, or of the were the lawful owners of Lot NO. 727. Likewise,
other brothers and sisters of Erlindo Celestial, respondent Cebu Country Club, Inc. was not able
husband of Editha, who also resided on the to establish a clear title over the subject land
questioned land. No amount of good faith can notwithstanding the reconstitution of title.
therefore be appreciated in favor of respondent In light of the aforementioned ruling, both parties
Chua's acquisition of the land in question. (Heirs filed their respective Motions for Reconsideration.
of Amado Celestial v. Heirs of Editha Celestial, On its part, Cebu Country Club invoked
GR No. 142691, 05 August 2003) prescription and further argued that reconstitution
of its title was sufficient to prove ownership over
Hipolito Mapili was the original owner of a parcel the land.
of unregistered land. He died and was survived by
his only son Magno, the father of herein private Q: Was ownership acquired by Cebu Country Club
respondents. Filomena Larena, claimed that she through prescription? Does reconstitution
bought the abovementioned property from determine ownership of land covered by lost or
Hipolito. After the death of Filomena, herein destroyed title?
petitioner took possession of the property alleging A: No. The disputed property is part of the “Friar
that she bought the same from her deceased aunt. Lands” over which the Government holds title and
Private respondents thereafter sued the petitioner. is not public land but private or patrimonial
Petitioner now maintains that she is the lawful property of the Government w/c can be alienated
owner of the disputed property by virtue of the only upon proper compliance with the
issuance of the Torrens certificate in her name requirements of Act No. 1120 or the Friar Lands
and that the same have been declared for tax Act.
purposes in her name. It is an iron clad rule that prescription can never lie
against the Government. Since respondent failed to
Q: Is petitioner correct in claiming ownership over present the paper trail of the property’s conversion
the property on the basis of the Torrens certificate to private property, the lengthy possession and
and tax declarations? occupation of the disputed land by respondent
A: No. Torrens certificate pertaining to the cannot be counted in its favor, as the subject
disputed property “does not create or vest title," property being a friar land, remained part of the
but is merely an "evidence of an indefeasible and patrimonial property of the Government.
incontrovertible title to the property in favor of the Possession of patrimonial property of the
person whose name appears therein." Land Government, whether spanning decades or
registration under the Torrens system was never centuries, can not ipso facto ripen into ownership.
intended to be a means of acquiring ownership. Moreover, the rule that statutes of limitation do not
Moreover, the Original Certificate of Title was run against the State, unless therein expressly
never formally offered by petitioners. In its Order provided, is founded on "the great principle of
dated October 1, 1993, the RTC considered their public policy, applicable to all governments alike,
prolonged failure to offer it in evidence as a waiver which forbids that the public interests should be
of their right to offer exhibits. In so ruling, the prejudiced by the negligence of the officers or
court a quo followed the rule that evidence not agents to whose care they are confided."
formally offered should not be considered. No. Respondent relies solely on its reconstituted
Neither does the existence of tax declarations title which, by itself, does not determine or resolve
change our mind. It is not a conclusive evidence of the ownership of the land covered by the lost or
ownership, but a "proof that the holder has a claim destroyed title. The reconstitution of a title is
of title over the property." "Tax Declaration No. simply the re-issuance of a lost duplicate
1419 for the year 1949 was registered in the name certificate of title in its original form and condition.
of the original owner, Hipolito Mapili. A year later, It does not determine or resolve the ownership of
Tax Declaration No. 9839 was registered in the the land covered by the lost or destroyed title. A
name of Petitioner Aquila's aunt. The RTC noted reconstituted title, like the original certificate of
in its Decision that beginning 1968, the property title, by itself does not vest ownership of the land
had already been registered in the name of Aquila, or estate covered thereby. (Alonso et. al v. Cebu
as can be seen from Tax Declaration Nos. 18899, Country Club Inc., G.R. No. 130876, 05
34 4027 and 03-640-C. Normally, one will not pay December 2003)
taxes on a property not in one's actual or
constructive possession. Hence, being good Yu filed a petition for the registration of a parcel of
indicia of possession in the concept of owner, the land. Except for the opposition filed the by the
Tax Declarations in the name of Petitioner Aquila Solicitor General, no one else appeared to oppose
may strengthen her bona fide claim of acquisition the petition. On the basis of the certification by the
of ownership. Petitioners, however, have not been different government agencies, the court rendered
able to present the evidence needed to tack the a decision in favor of private respondent Yu. The
date of possession on the property in question. decision became final and executory.
(Larena v. Mapili et al., GR No. 146341, 07 OSG received a letter from the Regional Director
August 2003) of the DENR alleging that after due investigation
by its officers (the Catalan Report), there were
grounds for opposition to respondent’s application
University of Santo Tomas
because the subject property was found to be a but mere applicants for sales patents thereon, it is
reclaimed foreshore area. With this, the Republic very clear that the land is public in character and
filed a petition for annulment of judgment which that it should revert to the State. This being the
was dismissed by the Court of Appeals. case, Section 101 of the Public Land Act
categorically declares that only the government
Q: Can the subject land be registered in Yu’s may institute an action to recover ownership of a
name? public land. Under Section 2, Rule 3 of the Rules
A: No. Foreshore land is that strip of land that lies of Court, every action must be prosecuted or
between the high and low water marks and is defended in the name of the real party in interest.
alternatively wet and dry according to the flow of It further defines a “real party in interest” as one
tide. It is that part of the land adjacent to the sea, who stands to be benefited or injured by the
which is alternately covered and left dry by the judgment in the suit. Clearly, a suit filed by a
ordinary flow of tides. It is part of the alienable person who is not a party in interest must be
land of the public domain and may be disposed of dismissed. In the present dispute, only the State
only by lease and not otherwise. Foreshore land can file a suit for reconveyance of a public land.
remains part of the public domain and is outside (Sps. Tankiko v. Cezar, GR No. 131277, 02
the commerce of man. It is not capable of private February 1999)
It is for this reason that the petitioner persists in its Conflict of Laws
action to revert the subject land to the State. Thus,
even if the decision of the RTC has become final Foreign Ship’s Internal Affairs and the Narrow
and executory, we find that the respondent court Clear Statement Rule
abused its discretion in dismissing the petition for
annulment of judgment filed before it which is The Cruise Line, a Bermuda Corporation with a
impressed with public interest. There are valid and principal place of business in Florida, operates
meritorious grounds to justify such action. The cruise ships that depart from, and return to, ports
State has to protect its interests and can not be in the United States. They provide passengers
bound by, or estopped from, the mistakes or with staterooms or cabins, food, and
negligent acts of its officials or agents, much more, entertainment. The cruise ships stop at different
non-suited as a result thereof. (Republic v. CA, ports of call where passengers may disembark.
GR. No. 126316, 25 June 2004) Most of the passengers on these cruises are
United States residents; under the terms and
Cezar et al. are the actual occupants and conditions of the tickets, disputes between
residents of a portion of land with the passengers and NCL are to be governed by
improvements thereon. They are miscellaneous United States law; and NCL relies upon extensive
sales patent applicants of their respective portions advertising in the United States to promote its
of the lot occupied by them and have been cruises and increase its revenues. The two NCL
religiously paying taxes on the property. The same cruise ships that are the subject of the present
lot was titled under OCT issued by the then Land litigation, the Norwegian Sea and the Norwegian
Registration Commission in the name of Salcedo, Star, are both registered in the Bahamas.
pursuant to a decision of the Cadastral Court. The petitioners are disabled individuals and their
Subsequently, TCTs were issued to Tankiko after companions who purchased tickets for round-trip
the he purchased Lots of the subdivision plan from cruises on the Norwegian Sea or the Norwegian
the Heirs of Salcedo. Cezar, et .al. filed an action Star, with departures from Texas. Naming NCL as
for reconveyance. the defendant, the petitioners filed a class action in
the United States District Court for the Southern
Q: Does an applicant for sales patent have a District of Texas on behalf of all persons similarly
capacity to sue as such? situated. They sought declaratory and injunctive
A: Not being the owners of the land but mere relief under Title III of the ADA, which prohibits
applicants for sales patents thereon, Cezar, et al. discrimination on the basis of disability. The
have no personality to file the suit. Neither will they petitioners asserted that cruise ships are covered
be directly affected by the judgment in such suit. both by Title III's prohibition on discrimination in
The circumstances of this case do not justify the places of "public accommodation," §12182(a), and
exercise of equity jurisdiction that would allow a by its prohibition on discrimination in "specified
suit to be filed by one who is not a real party in public transportation services," §12184(a).
interest. Herein, Cezar, et al. have no clear
enforceable right, since their claim over the land in Q: Does the Title III of the Americans with
question is merely inchoate and uncertain. Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) apply to foreign-flag
Admitting that they are only applicants for sales cruise ships in United States waters?
patents on the land, they are not and they do not A: In Benz and McCulloch, the Court held that, in
even claim to be owners thereof. In fact, there is some circumstances, a general statute will not
no certainty that their applications would even be apply to certain aspects of the internal operations
ruled upon favorably, considering that some of the of foreign vessels temporarily in US waters,
applications have been pending for more than 10 absent a clear statement. Here, the question of
years already. Further, it is evident that Cezar, et. jurisdiction is not anchored on whether or not the
al. are not the real parties in interest. Because courts have jurisdiction over NCL or any other
they admit that they are not the owners of the land ships for that matter, but is anchored on whether
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

or not there is a clear congressional intent to cover and in pursuance of their written stipulation filed in
a foreign ship’s internal affairs. Obviously, when a the case, the cause was tried by the court, and a
ship sails within the territorial waters of the United special verdict given, upon which judgment was
States, it will be and it is already subjected to the rendered in favor of Neff; whereupon Pennoyer
jurisdiction of its courts. sued out this writ of error.
The US Supreme Court has determined that the The parties respectively claimed title as follows:
“physical barriers” complained of is only a matter Neff, under a patent issued to him by the United
of internal affairs. Thus, applying the narrow clear States, March 19, [95 U.S. 714, 716] 1866; and
statement rule, US Courts under Title III1 does not Pennoyer, by virtue of a sale made by the sheriff
have jurisdiction over foreign ships on matters of said county, under an execution sued out upon
involving its internal affairs because it was not a judgment against Neff, rendered Feb. 19, 1866,
specifically provided for therein. The Court held by the Circuit Court for said county, in an action
that it is reasonable to presume that Congress wherein he was defendant, and J. H. Mitchell was
intends no interference with matters that are plaintiff. Neff was then a non-resident of Oregon.
primarily of concern only to the ship and the
foreign state in which it is registered. It is also Q: Is jurisdiction acquired under the
reasonable, however, to presume Congress does circumstances?
intend its statutes to apply to entities in US A: As for any other purpose than to subject the
territory that serve, employ, or otherwise affect property of a non-resident to valid claims against
American citizens, or that affect the peace and him in the State, due process of law would require
tranquility of the United States, even if those appearance or personal service before the
entities happen to be foreign-flag ships. Cruise defendant could be personally bound by any
ships flying foreign flags of convenience but judgment rendered.
departing from and returning to US ports Jurisdiction is acquired in one of two modes: first,
accommodate and transport over 7 million US as against the person of the defendant by the
residents annually, including large numbers of service of process; or, secondly, by a procedure
disabled individuals. To hold that there is no Title against the property of the defendant within the
III protection for the disabled would be a harsh and jurisdiction of the court. In the latte case, the
unexpected interpretation of a statute designed to defendant is not personally bound by the judgment
provide broad protection for them. beyond the property in question. And it is
Title III does not require structural modifications immaterial whether the proceeding against the
that conflict with international legal obligations or property be by an attachment or bill in chancery. It
pose any real threat to the safety of the crew or must be substantially a proceeding in rem.
other passengers. It may well follow that it does Where a party is within a territory, he may justly be
not require any permanent and significant subjected to its process, and bound personally by
structural modifications that interfere with cruise the judgment pronounced on such process against
ship’s internal affairs. Having said so, the him. Where he is not within such territory, and is
recourse to the narrow clear statement rule not personally subject to its law, if, on account of
becomes unnecessary. his supposed or actual property being within the
Cases may arise, however, where it is prudent for territory, process by the local laws may, by
a court to invoke that rule without determining attachment, go to compel his appearance, and for
whether Title III actually imposes a particular his default to appear judgment may be
barrier-removal requirement entailing a permanent pronounced against him, such a judgment must,
and significant structural modification interfering upon general principles, be deemed only to bind
with a foreign ship’s internal affairs. Conversely, him to the extent of such property, and cannot
where it is not obvious that a particular physical have the effect of a conclusive judgment in
modification relates to a vessel’s basic personam, for the plain reason, that, except so far
architecture and construction, but it is clear the as the property is concerned, it is a judgment
modification would conflict with an international coram non judice.
legal obligation, the court may simply hold the To prevent any misapplication of the views
modification not readily achievable, without resort expressed in this opinion, it is proper to observe
to the clear statement rule. (Spector v. that the Court does not mean to assert, by any
Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd., 06 June 2005) thing we have said, that a State may not authorize
proceedings to determine the status of one of its
Judgment Coram Non Judice Against Non- citizens towards a non-resident, which would be
residents binding within the State, though made without
service of process or personal notice to the non-
This action was brought by Neff against Pennoyer resident. Likewise, it is not contrary to natural
for the recovery of a tract of land situated in justice that a man who has agreed to receive a
Multnomah County, Oregon. Pennoyer, in his particular mode of notification of legal proceedings
answer, denied Neff's title and right to possession, should be bound by a judgment in which that
and set up a title in himself. By consent of parties, particular mode of notification has been followed,
even though he may not have actual notice of
Title III of the American Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits them. In the present case, however, there is no
discrimination based on disability in places of public feature of this latter kind, and consequently, no
accommodation and in specified public transportation services consideration of what would be the effect of such
and requires covered entities to make reasonable modifications
in policies, practices or procedures to accommodate disabled
legislation in enforcing the contract of a non-
persons and to remove architectural and communication resident can arise. (Pennoyer v. Neff, 95 U.S.
barriers that are structural in nature where such removal is 714, 1877)
readily achievable.
University of Santo Tomas
However, in an action in personam wherein the
Extraterritorial Service of Notice defendant is a non-resident who does not
voluntarily submit himself to the authority of the
Asiavest Limited filed a complaint against the court, personal service of summons within the
defendant Antonio Heras praying that said state is essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction
defendant be ordered to pay to the plaintiff the over her person. This method of service is
amounts awarded by the Hong Kong Court possible if such defendant is physically present in
Judgment. Defendant admits the existence of the the country. If he is not found therein, the court
questioned judgment but not necessarily the cannot acquire jurisdiction over his person and
authenticity or validity thereof, that plaintiff is not therefore cannot validly try and decide the case
doing business and is not licensed to do business against him. An exception was laid down in
in the Philippines; and that the residence of Gemperle v. Schenker 26 wherein a non-resident
defendant is New Manila, Quezon City. was served with summons through his wife, who
Defendant presented two witnesses, namely, was a resident of the Philippines and who was his
Fortunata dela Vega (personal secretary) and representative and attorney-in-fact in a prior civil
Russel Warren Lousich (expert on the laws of case filed by him; moreover, the second case was
Hongkong). Ms. dela Vega's testimony is to the a mere offshoot of the first case.
effect that no writ of summons or copy of a On the other hand, in a proceeding in rem or quasi
statement of claim of Asiavest Limited was ever in rem, jurisdiction over the person of the
served in the office of the Navegante Shipping defendant is not a prerequisite to confer
Agency Limited and/or for Mr. Antonio Heras, and jurisdiction on the court provided that the court
that no service of the writ of summons was either acquires jurisdiction over the res. Nonetheless,
served on the defendant at his residence in New summons must be served upon the defendant not
Manila, Quezon City. Mr. Lousich testified that the for the purpose of vesting the court with
defendant was sued on the basis of his personal jurisdiction but merely for satisfying the due
guarantee of the obligations of Compania process requirements. Thus, where the defendant
Hermanos de Navegacion S.A. There is no record is a non-resident who is not found in the
that a writ of summons was served on the person Philippines and (1) the action affects the personal
of the defendant in Hong Kong, or that any such status of the plaintiff; (2) the action relates to, or
attempt at service was made. Likewise, there is no the subject matter of which is property in the
record that a copy of the judgment of the High Philippines in which the defendant has or claims a
Court was furnished or served on the defendant; lien or interest; (3) the action seeks the exclusion
anyway, it is not a legal requirement to do so of the defendant from any interest in the property
under Hong Kong laws. located in the Philippines; or (4) the property of the
defendant has been attached in the Philippines -
Q: Was the judgment of the Hong Kong Court service of summons may be effected by (a)
repelled by evidence of want of jurisdiction, want personal service out of the country, with leave of
of notice to the party, collusion, fraud or clear court; (b) publication, also with leave of court; or ()
mistake of law or fact, such as to overcome the any other manner the court may deem sufficient.
presumption established in Section 50, Rule 39 of (Asiavest Limited v. CA and Antonio Heras,
the Rules of Court in favor of foreign judgments? G.R. No. 128803, 25 September 1998)
A: An action in personam is an action against a
person on the basis of his personal liability. An Processual Presumption
action in rem is an action against the thing itself
instead of against the person. 19 An action quasi Petitioner Northwest Orient Airlines, Inc.
in rem is one wherein an individual is named as (NORTHWEST) sought to enforce in the RTC a
defendant and the purpose of the proceeding is to judgment rendered in its favor by a Japanese
subject his interest therein to the obligation or lien Court against private respondent C.F. Sharp &
burdening the property. Company, Inc., (SHARP), a corporation
In an action in personam, jurisdiction over the incorporated under Philippine laws. Northwest and
person of the defendant is necessary for the court Sharp, through its Japan branch, entered into an
to validly try and decide the case. Jurisdiction over International Passenger Sales Agency Agreement,
the person of a resident defendant who does not whereby the former authorized the latter to sell its
voluntarily appear in court can be acquired by air transportation tickets. Unable to remit the
personal service of summons as provided under proceeds of the ticket sales made by defendant on
Section 7, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court. If he behalf of the plaintiff under the said agreement,
cannot be personally served with summons within plaintiff sued defendant in Tokyo, Japan, for
a reasonable time, substituted service may be collection of the unremitted proceeds of the ticket
made in accordance with Section 8 of said Rule. If sales. A writ of summons was issued by the Tokyo
he is temporarily out of the country, any of the District Court of Japan against defendant at its
following modes of service may he resorted to: (1) office in Yokohoma, Kanagawa Prefecture. The
substituted service set forth in Section 8; 21 (2) attempt to serve the summons was unsuccessful
personal service outside the country, with leave of because the bailiff was advised by a person in the
court; (3) service by publication also with leave of office that Mr. Dinozo, the person believed to be
court; 22 or (4) any other manner the court may authorized to receive court processes was in
deem sufficient. Manila. Bailiff returned to the defendant's office to
serve the summons. Mr. Dinozo refused to accept
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

the same claiming that he was no longer an If the foreign corporation has designated an agent
employee of the defendant. The Director of the to receive summons, the designation is exclusive,
Tokyo District Court requested the Supreme Court and service of summons is without force and gives
of Japan to serve the summons through diplomatic the court no jurisdiction unless made upon him.
channels upon the defendant's head office in Where the corporation has no such agent, service
Manila. shall be made on the government official
Defendant received from Deputy Sheriff Rolando designated by law. Whenever service of process is
Balingit the writ of summons. Despite receipt of so made, the government office or official served
the same, defendant failed to appear at the shall transmit by mail a copy of the summons or
scheduled hearing. Thus, the Tokyo Court other legal process to the corporation at its home
proceeded to hear the plaintiff's complaint and or principal office. The sending of such copy is a
rendered judgment against defendant. Defendant necessary part of the service.
received from Deputy Sheriff Balingit copy of the Inasmuch as SHARP was admittedly doing
judgment. Defendant not having appealed the business in Japan through its four duly registered
judgment, the same became final and executory. branches at the time the collection suit against it
Plaintiff was unable to execute the decision in was filed, then in the light of the processual
Japan, hence, a suit for enforcement of the presumption, SHARP may be deemed a resident
judgment was filed by plaintiff before the Regional of Japan, and, as such, was amenable to the
Trial Court of Manila. jurisdiction of the courts therein and may be
deemed to have assented to the said courts' lawful
Q: Can the Japanese Court acquire jurisdiction methods of serving process. (Northwest Orient
over a Philippine corporation doing business in Airlines, Inc. v. CA and C.F. Sharp & Company,
Japan by serving summons through diplomatic GR No. 112573, 09 February 1995)
channels on the Philippine corporation at its
principal office in Manila after prior attempts to Unilateral Activity is Not Minimum Contact
serve summons in Japan had failed?
A: A foreign Judgment is presumed to be valid Kulko married appellee Sharon Kulko, during
and binding in the country from which it comes, appellant's three-day stopover in California en
until the contrary is shown. It is also proper to route from a military base in Texas to a tour of
presume the regularity of the proceedings and the duty in Korea. At the time of this marriage, both
giving of due notice therein. parties were domiciled in and residents of New
It is settled that matters of remedy and procedure York State. Immediately following the marriage,
such as those relating to the service of process Sharon returned to New York, as did appellant
upon a defendant are governed by the lex fori or after his tour of duty. Their first child, Darwin, was
the internal law of the forum. In this case, it is the born to the Kulkos in New York, and a year later
procedural law of Japan where the judgment was their second child, Ilsa, was born, also in New
rendered that determines the validity of the York. The Kulkos and their two children resided
extraterritorial service of process on SHARP. As to together as a family in New York City continuously
what this law is a question of fact, not of law. It until March 1972, when the Kulkos separated.
may not be taken judicial notice of and must be Following the separation, Sharon moved to
pleaded and proved like any other fact. Sections California. A written separation agreement was
24 and 25, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court provide drawn up in New York, Sharon flew to New York
that it may be evidenced by an official publication City in order to sign this agreement. The
on or by a duly attested or authenticated copy agreement provided, inter alia, that the children
thereof. It was then incumbent upon SHARP to would remain with their father during the school
present evidence as to what that Japanese year but would spend their Christmas, Easter, and
procedural law is and to show that under it, the summer vacations with their mother. While Sharon
assailed extraterritorial service is invalid. It did not. waived any claim for her own support or
Accordingly, the presumption of validity and maintenance, Ezra agreed to pay his wife $3,000
regularity of the service of summons and the per year in child support for the periods when the
decision thereafter rendered by the Japanese children were in her care, custody, and control.
Court must stand. Immediately after execution of the separation
Alternatively, in the light of the absence of proof agreement, Sharon flew to Haiti and procured a
regarding Japanese law, the presumption of divorce there; 1 the divorce decree incorporated
identity or similarity or the so-called processual the terms of the agreement. She then returned to
presumption may be invoked. Applying it, the California, where she remarried and took the
Japanese law on the matter is presumed to be name Horn.
similar with the Philippine law on service of The children resided with appellant during the
summons on a private foreign corporation doing school year and with their mother on vacations, as
business in the Philippines. Section 14, Rule 14 of provided by the separation agreement, until
the Rules of Court provides that if the defendant is December 1973. At this time, just before Ilsa was
a foreign corporation doing business in the to leave New York to spend Christmas vacation
Philippines, service may be made: (1) on its with her mother, she told her father that she
resident agent designated in accordance with law wanted to remain in California after her vacation.
for that purpose, or, (2) if there is no such resident Appellant bought his daughter a one-way plane
agent, on the government official designated by ticket, and Ilsa left, taking her clothing with her.
law to that effect, or (3) on any of its officers or Ilsa then commenced living in California with her
agents within the Philippines. mother during the school year and spending
vacations with her father. In January 1976,
University of Santo Tomas
appellant's other child, Darwin, called his mother was his "actively and fully consenting to Ilsa living
from New York and advised her that he wanted to in California for the school year and sending her to
live with her in California. Unbeknownst to California for that purpose." We cannot accept the
appellant, appellee Horn sent a plane ticket to her proposition that appellant's acquiescence in Ilsa's
son, which he used to fly to California where he desire to live with her mother conferred jurisdiction
took up residence with his mother and sister. over appellant in the California courts in this
Less than one month after Darwin's arrival in action. A father who agrees, in the interests of
California, appellee Sharon commenced this family harmony and his children's preferences, to
action against appellant in the California Superior allow them to spend more time in California than
Court. She sought to establish the Haitian divorce was required under a separation agreement can
decree as a California judgment; to modify the hardly be said to have "purposefully availed
judgment so as to award her full custody of the himself" of the "benefits and protections" of
children; and to increase appellant's child-support California's laws.
obligations. 2 Appellant appeared specially and Nor can we agree with the assertion of the court
moved to quash service of the summons on the below that the exercise of in personam jurisdiction
ground that he was not a resident of California and here was warranted by the financial benefit
lacked sufficient "minimum contacts" with the State appellant derived from his daughter's presence in
under International Shoe Co. v. Washington, 326 California for nine months of the year. This
U.S. 310, 316 (1945), to warrant the State's argument rests on the premise that, while
assertion of personal jurisdiction over him. appellant's liability for support payments remained
unchanged, his yearly expenses for supporting the
Q: May the California state courts, in the action for child in New York decreased. But any diminution
child support, exercise in personam jurisdiction in appellant's household costs resulted, not from
over a nonresident, non-domiciliary parent of the child's presence in California, but rather from
minor children domiciled within the State? her absence from appellant's home.
A: The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth It cannot be disputed that California has
Amendment operates as a limitation on the substantial interests in protecting resident children
jurisdiction of state courts to enter judgments and in facilitating child-support actions on behalf of
affecting rights or interests of nonresident those children. But these interests simply do not
defendants. It has long been the rule that a valid make California a "fair forum," in which to require
judgment imposing a personal obligation or duty in appellant, who derives no personal or commercial
favor of the plaintiff may be entered only by a court benefit from his child's presence in California and
having jurisdiction over the person of the who lacks any other relevant contact with the
defendant. The existence of personal jurisdiction, State, either to defend a child-support suit or to
in turn, depends upon the presence of reasonable suffer liability by default.
notice to the defendant that an action has been We therefore believe that the state courts in the
brought and a sufficient connection between the instant case failed to heed our admonition that "the
defendant and the forum State to make it fair to flexible standard of International Shoe" does not
require defense of the action in the forum. "herald the eventual demise of all restrictions on
The constitutional standard for determining the personal jurisdiction of state courts." The mere
whether the State may enter a binding judgment act of sending a child to California to live with her
against appellant is that a defendant "has certain mother is not a commercial act and connotes no
minimum contacts with the forum State such that intent to obtain or expectancy of receiving a
the maintenance of the suit does not offend corresponding benefit in the State that would
`traditional notions of fair play and substantial make fair the assertion of that State's judicial
justice.'" An essential criterion in all cases is jurisdiction. (Kulko v. California Superior Court,
whether the "quality and nature" of the defendant's 436 U.S. 84, 1978)
activity is such that it is "reasonable" and "fair" to
require him to conduct his defense in that State. Presence is Antithesis to the Application of
To find personal jurisdiction in a State merely Minimum Contacts
because the mother was residing there, would
discourage parents from entering into reasonable During a trip to California to conduct business and
visitation agreements. Moreover, it could arbitrarily visit his children, petitioner Burnham, a New
subject one parent to suit in any State of the Union Jersey resident, was served with a California court
where the other parent chose to spend time while summons and his estranged wife's divorce
having custody of their offspring pursuant to a petition. The California Superior Court denied his
separation agreement. "The unilateral activity of motion to quash the service of process, and the
those who claim some relationship with a State Court of Appeal denied mandamus relief,
nonresident defendant cannot satisfy the rejecting his contention that the Due Process
requirement of contact with the forum State. It is Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibited
essential in each case that there be some act by California courts from asserting jurisdiction over
which the defendant purposefully avails himself of him because he lacked "minimum contacts" with
the privilege of conducting activities within the the State. The latter court held it to be a valid
forum State. predicate for in personam jurisdiction that he was
The "purposeful act" that the California Supreme personally served while present in the forum State.
Court believed did warrant the exercise of
personal jurisdiction over appellant in California
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Q: Did the State's courts acquire jurisdiction over automobile that had been purchased by them in
a nonresident, who was personally served with New York while they were New York residents and
process while temporarily in that State? that was being driven through Oklahoma at the
A: Among the most firmly established principles of time of the accident. The defendants included the
personal jurisdiction in American tradition is that automobile retailer and its wholesaler (petitioners),
the courts of a State have jurisdiction over New York corporations that did no business in
nonresidents who are physically present in the Oklahoma. Petitioners entered special
State. The view developed early that each State appearances, claiming that Oklahoma's exercise
had the power to hale before its courts any of jurisdiction over them would offend limitations
individual who could be found within its borders, on the State's jurisdiction imposed by the Due
and that once having acquired jurisdiction over Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
such a person by properly serving him with The trial court rejected petitioners' claims, and
process, the State could retain jurisdiction to enter they then sought, but were denied, a writ of
judgment against him, no matter how fleeting his prohibition in the Oklahoma Supreme Court to
visit. "By the common law, personal actions, being restrain respondent trial judge from exercising in
transitory, may be brought in any place, where the personam jurisdiction over them.
party defendant may be found," for "every nation
may rightfully exercise jurisdiction over all persons Q: May an Oklahoma court exercise in personam
within its domains." jurisdiction over a nonresident automobile retailer
Decisions in the courts of many States in the 19th and its wholesale distributor in a products-liability
and early 20th centuries held that personal service action, when the defendants' only connection with
upon a physically present defendant sufficed to Oklahoma is the fact that an automobile sold in
confer jurisdiction, without regard to whether the New York to New York residents became involved
defendant was only briefly in the State or whether in an accident in Oklahoma?
the cause of action was related to his activities A: Consistently with the Due Process Clause, the
there. Most States, moreover, had statutes or Oklahoma trial court may not exercise in
common-law rules that exempted from service of personam jurisdiction over petitioners.
process individuals who were brought into the (a) A state court may exercise personal jurisdiction
forum by force or fraud or who were there as a over a nonresident defendant only so long as
party or witness in unrelated judicial proceedings. there exist "minimum contacts" between the
Shaffer was saying, in other words, not that all defendant and the forum State. International Shoe
bases for the assertion of in personam jurisdiction Co. v. Washington, 326 U.S. 310 . The
(including, presumably, in-state service) must be defendant's contacts with the forum State must be
treated alike and subjected to the "minimum such that maintenance of the suit does not offend
contacts" analysis of International Shoe; but rather traditional notions of fair play and substantial
that quasi in rem jurisdiction, that fictional "ancient justice, id., at 316, and the relationship between
form," and in personam jurisdiction, are really one the defendant and the forum must be such that it
and the same and must be treated alike - leading is "reasonable . . . to require the corporation to
to the conclusion that quasi in rem jurisdiction, i. defend the particular suit which is brought there,"
e., that form of in personam jurisdiction based id., at 317. The Due Process Clause "does not
upon a "property ownership" contact and by contemplate that a state may make binding a
definition unaccompanied by personal, in-state judgment in personam against an individual or
service, must satisfy the litigation-relatedness corporate defendant with which the state has no
requirement of International Shoe. The logic of contacts, ties, or relations." Id., at 319. Pp. 291-
Shaffer's holding - which places all suits against 294.
absent nonresidents on the same constitutional (b) Here, there is a total absence in the record of
footing, regardless of whether a separate Latin those affiliating circumstances that are a
label is attached to one particular basis of contact necessary predicate to any exercise of state-court
- does not compel the conclusion that physically jurisdiction. Petitioners carry on no activity
present defendants must be treated identically to whatsoever in Oklahoma; they close no sales and
absent ones. As we have demonstrated at length, perform no services there, avail [444 U.S. 286,
our tradition has treated the two classes of 287] themselves of none of the benefits of
defendants quite differently, and it is unreasonable Oklahoma law, and solicit no business there either
to read Shaffer as casually obliterating that through salespersons or through advertising
distinction. International Shoe confined its reasonably calculated to reach that State. Nor
"minimum contacts" requirement to situations in does the record show that they regularly sell cars
which the defendant "be not present within the to Oklahoma residents or that they indirectly,
territory of the forum," and nothing in Shaffer through others, serve or seek to serve the
expands that requirement beyond that. (Burnham Oklahoma market. Although it is foreseeable that
v. Superior Court of California, Marin County, automobiles sold by petitioners would travel to
495 U.S. 604, 1990) Oklahoma and that the automobile here might
cause injury in Oklahoma, "foreseeability" alone is
Foreseeability Alone is Insufficient for not a sufficient benchmark for personal jurisdiction
Personal Jurisdiction under the Due Process Clause. The foreseeability
that is critical to due process analysis is not the
A products-liability action was instituted in an mere likelihood that a product will find its way into
Oklahoma state court by respondents husband the forum State, but rather is that the defendant's
and wife to recover for personal injuries sustained conduct and connection with the forum are such
in Oklahoma in an accident involving an that he should reasonably anticipate being haled
University of Santo Tomas
into court there. Nor can jurisdiction be supported jurisdiction if the defendant's product made its way
on the theory that petitioners earn substantial into the forum State while still in the stream of
revenue from goods used in Oklahoma. Pp. 295- commerce.
299. (World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Other courts, however, have understood the Due
Woodson, 444 U.S. 286, 1980) Process Clause to require something more than
that the defendant was aware of its product's entry
Foreseeability Must be Coupled with into the forum State through the stream of
Additional Conduct commerce in order for the State to exert
jurisdiction over the defendant. In the present
Petitioner manufactures tire valve assemblies in case, for example, the State Court of Appeals did
Japan and sells them to several tire not read the Due Process Clause, as interpreted
manufacturers, including Cheng Shin. The sales to by World-Wide Volkswagen, to allow "mere
Cheng Shin, which amounted to at least 100,000 foreseeability that the product will enter the forum
assemblies annually from 1978 to 1982, took state to be enough by itself to establish jurisdiction
place in Taiwan, to which the assemblies were over the distributor and retailer."
shipped from Japan. Cheng Shin incorporates the We now find this latter position to be consonant
assemblies into its finished tires, which it sells with the requirements of due process. The
throughout the world, including the United States, "substantial connection" between the defendant
where 20 percent of its sales take place in and the forum State necessary for a finding of
California. Affidavits indicated that petitioner was minimum contacts must come about by an action
aware that tires incorporating its assemblies would of the defendant purposefully directed toward the
end up in California, but, on the other hand, that it forum State. The placement of a product into the
never contemplated that its sales to Cheng Shin in stream of commerce, without more, is not an act of
Taiwan would subject it to lawsuits in California. the defendant purposefully directed toward the
Nevertheless, in 1979, a product liability suit was forum State. Additional conduct of the defendant
brought in California Superior Court arising from a may indicate an intent or purpose to serve the
motorcycle accident allegedly caused by defects in market in the forum State, for example, designing
a tire manufactured by Cheng Shin, which in turn the product for the market in the forum State,
filed a cross-complaint seeking indemnification advertising in the forum State, establishing
from petitioner. Although the main suit was channels for providing regular advice to customers
eventually settled and dismissed, the Superior in the forum State, or marketing the product
Court denied petitioner's motion to quash the through a distributor who has agreed to serve as
summons issued against it. The State Court of the sales agent in the forum State. But a
Appeal then ordered that the summons be defendant's awareness that the stream of
quashed, but the State Supreme Court reversed, commerce may or will sweep the product into the
finding that petitioner's intentional act of placing its forum State does not convert the mere act of
assemblies into the stream of commerce by placing the product into the stream into an act
delivering them to Cheng Shin in Taiwan, coupled purposefully directed toward the forum State.
with its awareness that some of them would
eventually reach California, were sufficient to Traditional notions of fair play and substantial
support state court jurisdiction under the Due justice
Process Clause.
The strictures of the Due Process Clause forbid a
Q: Would the state court's exercise of personal state court to exercise personal jurisdiction over
jurisdiction over petitioner be unreasonable and Asahi under circumstances that would offend
unfair in violation of the Due Process Clause? "`traditional notions of fair play and substantial
A: Applying the principle that minimum contacts justice.'"
must be based on an act of the defendant, the We have previously explained that the
Court rejected the assertion that a consumer's determination of the reasonableness of the
unilateral act of bringing the defendant's product exercise of jurisdiction in each case will depend on
into the forum State was a sufficient constitutional an evaluation of several factors. A court must
basis for personal jurisdiction over the defendant. consider the burden on the defendant, the
The Court rejected this concept of foreseeability interests of the forum State, and the plaintiff's
as an insufficient basis for jurisdiction under the interest in obtaining relief. It must also weigh in its
Due Process Clause. The Court disclaimed, determination "the interstate judicial system's
however, the idea that "foreseeability is wholly interest in obtaining the most efficient resolution of
irrelevant" to personal jurisdiction, concluding that controversies; and the shared interest of the
"the forum State does not exceed its powers under several States in furthering fundamental
the Due Process Clause if it asserts personal substantive social policies."
jurisdiction over a corporation that delivers its When minimum contacts have been established,
products into the stream of commerce with the often the interests of the plaintiff and the forum in
expectation that they will be purchased by the exercise of jurisdiction will justify even the
consumers in the forum State." serious burdens placed on the alien defendant. In
The Supreme Court of California's position was the present case, however, the interests of the
consistent with those courts that have held that plaintiff and the forum in California's assertion of
mere foreseeability or awareness was a jurisdiction over Asahi are slight.
constitutionally sufficient basis for personal
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

World-Wide Volkswagen also admonished courts experienced by CBG, they were perhaps minor
to take into consideration the interests of the compared to the legal difficulties encountered in
"several States," in addition to the forum State, in the courts. [456 U.S. 694, 698]
the efficient judicial resolution of the dispute and In December 1975, CBG filed a two-count suit in
the advancement of substantive policies. The the Western District of Pennsylvania, asserting
procedural and substantive interests of other jurisdiction based on diversity of citizenship. The
nations in a state court's assertion of jurisdiction first count was against INA; the second against the
over an alien defendant will differ from case to excess insurers. INA did not challenge personal or
case. In every case, however, those interests, as subject-matter jurisdiction of the District Court. The
well as the Federal Government's interest in its answer of the excess insurers, however, raised a
foreign relations policies, will be best served by a number of defenses, including lack of in personam
careful inquiry into the reasonableness of the jurisdiction. Subsequently, this alleged lack of
assertion of jurisdiction in the particular case, and personal jurisdiction became the basis of a motion
an unwillingness to find the serious burdens on an for summary judgment filed by the excess
alien defendant outweighed by minimal interests insurers. 5 The issue in this case requires an
on the part of the plaintiff or the forum State. account of respondent's attempt to use discovery
(Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court, in order to demonstrate the court's personal
480 U.S. 102, 1987) jurisdiction over the excess insurers.

Waiver of Requirements of Acquiring Personal Q: Is there a violation of Due Process clause?

Jurisdiction A: The validity of an order of a federal court
depends upon that court's having jurisdiction over
Respondent Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee both the subject matter and the parties. The
(CBG) is a Delaware corporation, 49% of which is concepts of subject-matter and personal
owned by the Republic of Guinea and 51% is jurisdiction, however, serve different purposes,
owned by Halco (Mining) Inc. CBG's principal and these different purposes affect the legal
place of business is in the Republic of Guinea, character of the two requirements. Petitioners fail
where it operates bauxite mines and processing to recognize the distinction between the two
facilities. Halco, which operates in Pennsylvania, concepts - speaking instead in general terms of
has contracted to perform certain administrative "jurisdiction" - although their argument's strength
services for CBG. These include the procurement comes from conceiving of jurisdiction only as
of insurance. subject-matter jurisdiction.
In 1973, Halco instructed an insurance broker,
Marsh & McLennan, to obtain $20 million worth of Subject-matter jurisdiction, is an Art. III as well as
business interruption insurance to cover CBG's a statutory requirement; it functions as a restriction
operations in Guinea. The first half of this on federal power, and contributes to the
coverage was provided by the Insurance characterization of the federal sovereign. Certain
Company of North America (INA). The second legal consequences directly follow from this. For
half, or what is referred to as the "excess" example, no action of the parties can confer
insurance, was provided by a group of 21 foreign subject-matter jurisdiction upon a federal court.
insurance companies, 2 14 of which are Thus, the consent of the parties is irrelevant,
petitioners in this action (the excess insurers). 3 principles of estoppel do not apply, and a party
[456 U.S. 694, 697] does not waive the requirement by failing to
Marsh & McLennan requested Bland Payne to challenge jurisdiction early in the proceedings.
obtain the excess insurance in the London Similarly, a court, including an appellate court, will
insurance market. Pursuant to normal business raise lack of subject-matter jurisdiction on its own
practice motion. "The rule, springing from the nature and
"[i]n late January and in February, 1974, Bland limits of the judicial power of the United States is
Payne presented to the excess insurer inflexible and without exception, which requires
[petitioners] a placing slip in the amount of this court, of its own motion, to deny its
$10,000,000, in excess of the first $10,000,000. jurisdiction, and, in the exercise of its appellate
[Petitioners] initialed said placing slip, effective power, that of all other courts of the United States,
February 12, 1974, indicating the part of said in all cases where such jurisdiction does not
$10,000,000 each was willing to insure." 4 Finding affirmatively appear in the record."
27 of the District Court, 2 App. 347a. None of this is true with respect to personal
Once the offering was fully subscribed, Bland jurisdiction. The requirement that a court have
Payne issued a cover note indicating the amount personal jurisdiction flows not from Art. III, but
of the coverage and specifying the percentage of from the Due Process Clause. The personal
the coverage that each excess insurer had agreed jurisdiction requirement recognizes and protects
to insure. No separate policy was issued; the an individual liberty interest. It represents a
excess insurers adopted the INA policy "as far as restriction on judicial power not as a matter of
applicable." sovereignty, but as a matter of individual liberty.
Sometime after February 12, CBG allegedly Thus, the test for personal jurisdiction requires that
experienced mechanical problems in its Guinea "the maintenance of the suit not offend `traditional
operation, resulting in a business interruption loss notions of fair play and substantial justice.'"
in excess of $10 million. Contending that the loss In sum, the requirement of personal jurisdiction
was covered under its policies, CBG brought suit may be intentionally waived, or for various reasons
when the insurers refused to indemnify CBG for a defendant may be estopped from raising the
the loss. Whatever the mechanical problems issue. These characteristics portray it for what it is
University of Santo Tomas
- a legal right protecting the individual. The
plaintiff's demonstration of certain historical facts After his parents were killed in an automobile
may make clear to the court that it has personal accident, respondent filed a wrongful death action
jurisdiction over the defendant as a matter of law - in an Illinois court, alleging that defects in the
i. e., certain factual showings will have legal automobile designed and sold by Volkswagen of
consequences - but this is not the only way in America, Inc. (VWoA), in which the parents were
which the personal jurisdiction of the court may driving, caused or contributed to their deaths.
arise. The actions of the defendant may amount to When VWoA's answer denied that it had designed
a legal submission to the jurisdiction of the court, or assembled the vehicle, respondent amended
whether voluntary or not. his complaint to add as a defendant petitioner here
The expression of legal rights is often subject to (VWAG), a German corporation which is the sole
certain procedural rules: The failure to follow those owner of VWoA. Respondent attempted to serve
rules may well result in a curtailment of the rights. the amended complaint on VWAG by serving
Thus, the failure to enter a timely objection to VWoA as VWAG's agent. Filing a special and
personal jurisdiction constitutes a waiver of the limited appearance, VWAG moved to quash the
objection. A sanction consisting of a finding of service on the grounds that it could be served only
personal jurisdiction has precisely the same effect. in accordance with the Hague Service Convention,
As a general proposition, the Rule 37 sanction and that respondent had not complied with the
applied to a finding of personal jurisdiction creates Convention's requirements. The court denied the
no more of a due process problem than the Rule motion, reasoning that VWoA and VWAG are so
12 waiver. Although "a court cannot conclude all closely related that VWoA is VWAG's agent for
persons interested by its mere assertion of its own service of process as a matter of law,
power," not all rules that establish legal notwithstanding VWAG's failure or refusal to
consequences to a party's own behavior are "mere appoint VWoA formally as an agent. The court
assertions" of power. concluded that, because service was
Rule 37 itself embodies the standard for the due accomplished in this country, the Convention did
process limits on such rules. It did not violate due not apply. The Appellate Court of Illinois affirmed,
process for a state court to strike the answer and ruling that the Illinois long-arm statute authorized
render a default judgment against a defendant substituted service on VWoA, and that such
who failed to comply with a pretrial discovery service did not violate the Convention.
order. Such a rule was permissible as an
expression of "the undoubted right of the Q: Is there a proper service of summons?
lawmaking power to create a presumption of fact A: The Hague Service Convention does not apply
as to the bad faith and untruth of an answer when process is served on a foreign corporation
begotten from the suppression or failure to by serving its domestic subsidiary which, under
produce the proof ordered. The preservation of state law, is the foreign corporation's involuntary
due process was secured by the presumption that agent for service.
the refusal to produce evidence material to the The service of process in this case is not covered
administration of due process was but an by Article 1 of the Convention, which provides that
admission of the want of merit in the asserted the Convention "shall apply where there is
defense." Hammond Packing case. occasion to transmit a judicial document for
This situation was specifically distinguished from service abroad." "Service" means a formal delivery
that in Hovey v. Elliott in which the Court held that of documents that is legally sufficient to charge the
it did violate due process for a court to take similar defendant with notice of a pending action. Since
action as "punishment" for failure to obey an order the Convention does not itself prescribe a
to pay into the registry of the court a certain sum standard for determining the legal sufficiency of
of money. Due process is violated only if the the delivery, the internal law of the forum state
behavior of the defendant will not support the controls.
Hammond Packing presumption. If there is no Thus, where, as here, the forum state's law does
abuse of discretion in the application of the Rule not define the applicable method of serving
37 sanction, as we find to be the case here, then process as requiring the transmittal of documents
the sanction is nothing more than the invocation of abroad, the Convention does not apply. This
a legal presumption, or what is the same thing, the interpretation is consistent with the negotiating
finding of a constructive waiver. history and the general purposes of the
Rule 37 contains two standards - one general and Convention. One purpose of the Convention is to
one specific - that limit a district court's discretion. provide means to facilitate service of process
First, any sanction must be "just"; second, the abroad. The Convention implements this purpose
sanction must be specifically related to the by requiring each state to establish a central
particular "claim" which was at issue in the order to authority to assist in the service of process, and
provide discovery. While the latter requirement nothing in the present decision interferes with that
reflects the rule of Hammond Packing the former requirement. Another purpose of the Convention is
represents the general due process restrictions on to assure foreign defendants adequate notice. The
the court's discretion. (Insurance Corp. v. present decision does not necessarily advance
Compagnie des Bauxites, 456 U.S. 694, 1982) this purpose, because it makes application of the
Convention depend on the forum's internal law;
Domestice Service of Summons to an Agent of however, it is unlikely that any country will draft its
a Foreign Corporation internal laws deliberately so as to circumvent the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

Convention in cases in which it would be Second, the Hague Convention might be

appropriate to transmit judicial documents for interpreted to require first, but not exclusive, use of
service abroad. Furthermore, this decision does its procedures.
not prevent voluntary compliance with the Two other interpretations assume that
Convention even when the forum's internal law international comity, rather than the obligations
does not so require, and such compliance can be created by the treaty, should guide judicial resort
advantageous. to the Hague Convention.
VWAG's contention that service upon it was not Third, the Convention might be viewed as
complete until VWoA transmitted the complaint to establishing a supplemental set of discovery
it in Germany, and that this transmission "for procedures, strictly optional under treaty law, to
service abroad" rendered the Convention which concerns of comity nevertheless require first
applicable to the case under Article 1, is without resort by American courts in all cases.
merit. Where, as here, service on a domestic Fourth, the treaty may be viewed as an
agent is valid and complete under both state law undertaking among sovereigns to facilitate
and the Due Process Clause without an official discovery to which an American court should
transmission of documents abroad, the inquiry resort when it deems that course of action
ends and the Convention has no further appropriate, after considering the situations of the
implications. (Volkswagenwerk parties before it as well as the interests of the
Aktiengesellschaft v. Schlunk, 486 U.S. 694, concerned foreign state.
1988) We reject the first two of the possible
interpretations as inconsistent with the language
Hague Convention is not a Rule of First Resort and negotiating history of the Hague Convention.
The preamble of the Convention specifies its
The United States, France, and 15 other countries purpose "to facilitate the transmission and
have acceded to the Hague Evidence Convention, execution of Letters of Request" and to "improve
which prescribes procedures by which a judicial mutual judicial co-operation in civil or commercial
authority in one contracting state may request matters." The preamble does not speak in
evidence located in another. Plaintiffs brought mandatory terms which would purport to describe
suits (later consolidated) in Federal District Court the procedures for all permissible transnational
for personal injuries resulting from the crash of an discovery and exclude all other existing practices.
aircraft built and sold by petitioners, two The text of the Evidence Convention itself does
corporations owned by France. Petitioners not modify the law of any contracting state, require
answered the complaints without questioning the any contracting state to use the Convention
court's jurisdiction, and engaged in initial discovery procedures, either in requesting evidence or in
without objection. However, when plaintiffs served responding to such requests, or compel any
subsequent discovery requests under the Federal contracting state to change its own evidence-
Rules of Civil Procedure, petitioners filed a motion gathering procedures.
for a protective order, alleging that the Convention The text of the Convention draws no distinction
dictated the exclusive procedures that must be between evidence obtained from third parties and
followed since petitioners are French and the that obtained from the litigants themselves; nor
discovery sought could only be had in France. A does it purport to draw any sharp line between
Magistrate denied the motion, and the Court of evidence that is "abroad" and evidence that is
Appeals denied petitioners' mandamus petition, within the control of a party subject to the
holding, inter alia, that when a district court has jurisdiction of the requesting court. Thus, it
jurisdiction over a foreign litigant, the Convention appears clear to us that the optional Convention
does not apply even though the information sought procedures are available whenever they will
may be physically located within the territory of a facilitate the gathering of evidence by the means
foreign signatory to the Convention. authorized in the Convention. Although these
procedures are not mandatory, the Hague
Q: Are the petitioners entitled to the protective Convention does "apply" to the production of
order? evidence in a litigant's possession in the sense
A: In arguing their entitlement to a protective that it is one method of seeking evidence that a
order, petitioners correctly assert that both the court may elect to employ.
discovery rules set forth in the Federal Rules of We cannot accept petitioners' invitation to
Civil Procedure and the Hague Convention are the announce a new rule of law that would require first
law of the United States. Initially, we note that at resort to Convention procedures whenever
least four different interpretations of the discovery is sought from a foreign litigant. A rule of
relationship between the federal discovery rules first resort in all cases would therefore be
and the Hague Convention are possible. Two of inconsistent with the overriding interest in the "just,
these interpretations assume that the Hague speedy, and inexpensive determination" of
Convention by its terms dictates the extent to litigation in our courts. (Societe Nat. Ind. Aero. v.
which it supplants normal discovery rules. U.S. District Court, 482 U.S. 522, 1987)

First, the Hague Convention might be read as Depositions: Judicial Assistance is Authorized
requiring its use to the exclusion of any other but not Required
discovery procedures whenever evidence located
abroad is sought for use in an American court. This case concerns the authority of federal district
courts to assist in the production of evidence for
use in a foreign or international tribunal. In the
University of Santo Tomas
matter before us, AMD filed an antitrust complaint of judicial assistance to "pending" adjudicative
against Intel with the Directorate-General for proceedings.
Competition of the European Commission. In A district court is not required to grant a §1782(a)
pursuit of that complaint, AMD applied to the discovery application simply because it has the
United States District Court for the Northern authority to do so. We note below factors that bear
District of California, invoking 28 U. S. C. consideration in ruling on a §1782(a) request.
§1782(a), for an order requiring Intel to produce
potentially relevant documents. Section 1782(a) First, when the person from whom discovery is
provides that a federal district court "may order" a sought is a participant in the foreign proceeding
person "resid[ing]" or "found" in the district to give (as Intel is here), the need for §1782(a) aid
testimony or produce documents "for use in a generally is not as apparent as it ordinarily is when
proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal ... evidence is sought from a non-participant in the
upon the application of any interested person." matter arising abroad. A foreign tribunal has
Concluding that §1782(a) did not authorize the jurisdiction over those appearing before it, and can
requested discovery, the District Court denied itself order them to produce evidence. When the
AMD's application. The Court of Appeals for the person who is to produce the evidence is a party
Ninth Circuit reversed that determination and to the foreign proceedings, the foreign or
remanded the case, instructing the District Court international tribunal can exercise its own
to rule on the merits of AMD's application. In jurisdiction to order production of the evidence. In
accord with the Court of Appeals, we hold that the contrast, non-participants in the foreign
District Court had authority under §1782(a) to proceeding may be outside the foreign tribunal's
entertain AMD's discovery request. The statute, jurisdictional reach; hence, their evidence,
we rule, does not categorically bar the assistance available in the United States, may be
AMD seeks: (1) A complainant before the unobtainable absent §1782(a) aid.
European Commission, such as AMD, qualifies as Second, a court presented with a §1782(a)
an "interested person" within §1782(a)'s compass; request may take into account the nature of the
(2) the Commission is a §1782(a) "tribunal" when it foreign tribunal, the character of the proceedings
acts as a first-instance decision-maker; (3) the underway abroad, and the receptivity of the
"proceeding" for which discovery is sought under foreign government or the court or agency abroad
§1782(a) must be in reasonable contemplation, to U. S. federal-court judicial assistance.
but need not be "pending" or "imminent"; and (4) Specifically, a district court could consider whether
§1782(a) contains no threshold requirement that the §1782(a) request conceals an attempt to
evidence sought from a federal district court would circumvent foreign proof-gathering restrictions or
be discoverable under the law governing the other policies of a foreign country or the United
foreign proceeding. We caution, however, that States. Also, unduly intrusive or burdensome
§1782(a) authorizes, but does not require, a requests may be rejected or trimmed. (Intel Corp.
federal district court to provide judicial assistance v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 542 US 241,
to foreign or international tribunals or to "interested 2004)
person[s]" in proceedings abroad. Whether such
assistance is appropriate in this case is a question Forum Non Conveniens
yet unresolved. To guide the District Court on
remand, we suggest considerations relevant to the The Litonjuas filed a Complaint against defendant
disposition of that question. banks alleging that: they were engaged in the
shipping business; they owned two vessels; they
Q: Can the federal court assist in the production of deposited their revenues from said business
evidence for foreign tribunals? together with other funds with the branches of said
A: The statute authorizes, but does not require, a banks in the United Kingdom and Hongkong up to
federal district court to provide assistance to a 1979; with their business doing well, the defendant
complainant in a European Commission banks induced them to increase the number of
proceeding that leads to a dispositive ruling, i.e., a their ships in operation, offering them easy loans
final administrative action both responsive to the to acquire said vessels
complaint and reviewable in court. Accordingly, we The Litonjuas claimed that defendant banks as
reject the categorical limitations Intel would place trustees did not fully render an account of all the
on the statute's reach. income derived from the operation of the vessels
The complainant who triggers a European as well as of the proceeds of the subsequent
Commission investigation has a significant role in foreclosure sale; because of the breach of their
the process. A complainant "possesses a fiduciary duties, the revenues derived from the
reasonable interest in obtaining judicial operation of all the vessels declined drastically;
assistance," and therefore qualifies as an the loans acquired for the purchase of the four
"interested person." "Any interested person" is additional vessels then matured and remained
"intended to include not only litigants before unpaid, prompting defendant banks to have all the
foreign or international tribunals, but also foreign six vessels, including the two vessels originally
and international officials as well as any other owned by the private respondents, foreclosed and
person whether he be designated by foreign law or sold at public auction to answer for the obligations
international convention or merely possess a incurred for and in behalf of the operation of the
reasonable interest in obtaining the assistance. vessels; The Litonjuas prayed for the accounting
Also, Section 1782(a) does not limit the provision of the revenues derived in the operation of the six
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

vessels and of the proceeds of the sale thereof at

the foreclosure proceedings instituted by Q: Which law should be applied in the case?
petitioners. On the other hand, defendant banks A: In deciding constitutional choice-of-law
filed a Motion to Dismiss on grounds of forum non questions, whether under the Due Process Clause
conveniens and lack of cause of action against or the Full Faith and Credit Clause, this Court has
them. traditionally examined the contacts of the State,
whose law was applied, with the parties and with
Q: Should the complaint be dismissed on the the occurrence or transaction giving rise to the
ground of forum non-conveniens? litigation. In order to ensure that the choice of law
A: No. Under the doctrine of forum non is neither arbitrary nor fundamentally unfair, the
conveniens, a court, in conflicts of law cases, may Court has invalidated the choice of law of a State
refuse impositions on its jurisdiction where it is not which has had no significant contact or significant
the most "convenient" or available forum and the aggregation of contacts, creating state interests,
parties are not precluded from seeking remedies with the parties and the occurrence or transaction.
Whether a suit should be entertained or dismissed Minnesota has a significant aggregation of
on the basis of said doctrine depends largely upon contacts with the parties and the occurrence,
the facts of the particular case and is addressed to creating state interests, such that application of its
the sound discretion of the trial court. A Philippine law is neither arbitrary nor fundamentally unfair,
Court may assume jurisdiction over the case if it and, accordingly, the choice of law by the
chooses to do so; provided, that the following Minnesota Supreme Court does not violate the
requisites are met: (1) that the Philippine Court is Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
one to which the parties may conveniently resort Amendment or the Full Faith and Credit Clause.
to; (2) that the Philippine Court is in a position to (1) Respondent's decedent was a member of
make an intelligent decision as to the law and the Minnesota's work force. The State's interest in its
facts; and, (3) that the Philippine Court has or is commuting nonresident employees, such as
likely to have power to enforce its decision." respondent's decedent, reflects a state concern for
Evidently, all these requisites are present in the the safety and well-being of its work force and the
instant case. (Bank of America NT&SA v. CA, concomitant effect on Minnesota employers.; (2)
GR No. 120135, 31 March 2003) petitioner was at all times present and doing
business in Minnesota. By virtue of such
Choice and Ascertainment of Foreign Law presence, petitioner can hardly claim unfamiliarity
with the laws of the host jurisdiction and surprise
Respondent's husband died of injuries suffered that the state courts might apply forum law to
when a motorcycle on which he was a passenger litigation in which the company is involved; and (3)
was struck by an automobile. The accident respondent became a Minnesota resident prior to
occurred in Wisconsin near the Minnesota border. institution of the instant litigation. Such residence
The operators of both vehicles were Wisconsin and subsequent appointment in Minnesota as
residents, as was the decedent, who, however, personal representative of her late husband's
had been employed in Minnesota and had estate constitute a Minnesota contact which gives
commuted daily to work from Wisconsin. Neither Minnesota an interest in respondent's recovery.
vehicle operator carried valid insurance, but the (Allstate Inc. Co. v. Hague, 449 U.S. 302, 1981)
decedent held a policy issued by petitioner
covering three automobiles owned by him and While on a lay-over in Indonesia, plaintiff who was
containing an uninsured motorist clause insuring a flight attendant of SAUDIA went to a disco dance
him against loss incurred from accidents with with fellow crew members both Saudi nationals.
uninsured motorists, but limiting such coverage to When they were back in the room, one of the
$15,000 for each automobile. After the accident, Saudi nationals attempted to rape plaintiff. Later,
respondent moved to and became a resident of the Indonesian police came and arrested the
Minnesota, and was subsequently appointed in perpetrators.
that State as personal representative of her When plaintiff returned to Jeddah, several
husband's estate. She then brought an action in a SAUDIA officials interrogated her about the
Minnesota court seeking a declaration under Jakarta incident. They then requested her to go
Minnesota law that the $15,000 uninsured motorist back to Jakarta to help arrange the release of the
coverage on each of her late husband's three perpetrators.Thereafter, defendant SAUDIA
automobiles could be "stacked" to provide total transferred plaintiff to Manila. Her superiors
coverage of $45,000. Petitioner defended on the requested her to see Chief Legal Officer of
ground that whether the three uninsured motorist SAUDIA, in Saudi Arabia. When she saw him, he
coverages could be stacked should be determined brought her to the police station where the police
by Wisconsin law, since the insurance policy was took her passport and questioned her about the
delivered in Wisconsin, the accident occurred Jakarta incident.
there, and all persons involved were Wisconsin Before the departure of her flight to Manila, plaintiff
residents at the time of the accident. The trial was not allowed to board the plane and instead
court, interpreting Wisconsin law to disallow ordered to take a later flight to Jeddah to see, the
stacking, concluded that Minnesota's choice-of-law Chief Legal Officer of SAUDIA. When she did, she
rules required the application of Minnesota law was brought to a Saudi court where she was
permitting stacking, and granted summary asked to sign a document written in Arabic. They
judgment for respondent. The Minnesota Supreme told her that this was necessary to close the case
Court affirmed. against Thamer and Allah. As it turned out, plaintiff
University of Santo Tomas
signed a notice to her to appear before the court. and (d) the place where the relationship, if any,
Plaintiff then returned to Manila. between the parties is centered. (Saudi Arabian
Shortly afterwards, defendant SAUDIA summoned Airlines v. CA, G.R. No. 122191, 08 October
plaintiff to report to Jeddah once again for further 1998)
A SAUDIA legal officer again escorted plaintiff to Nationality & Domicile
the same court where the judge, to her
astonishment and shock, rendered a decision, Petitioner Mercado and private respondent
translated to her in English, sentencing her to five Manzano were candidates for vice mayor of the
months imprisonment and to 286 lashes. Only City of Makati in the 1998 elections. The
then did she realize that the Saudi court had tried proclamation of Manzano was suspended in view
her, together with Thamer and Allah, for what of a pending petition for disqualification filed by a
happened in Jakarta. The court found plaintiff certain Mamaril who alleged that private
guilty of (1) adultery; (2) going to a disco, dancing respondent was not a citizen of the Philippines but
and listening to the music in violation of Islamic of the United States.
laws; and (3) socializing with the male crew, in In its resolution, the COMELEC granted the
contravention of Islamic tradition." petition of Mamaril and ordered the cancellation of
Facing conviction, private respondent sought the the certificate of candidacy of private respondent
help of her employer, petitioner SAUDIA. on the ground that he is a dual citizen and, under
Unfortunately, she was denied any assistance. §40(d) of the Local Government Code, persons
She then asked the Philippine Embassy in Jeddah with dual citizenship are disqualified from running
to help her while her case is on appeal. for any elective position. The COMELEC’s
Meanwhile, to pay for her upkeep, she worked on Second Division said:
the domestic flight of SAUDIA, while Thamer and What is presented before the Commission is a
Allah continued to serve in the international flights. petition for disqualification of Manzano as
Because she was wrongfully convicted, the Prince candidate for the office of Vice-Mayor of Makati
of Makkah dismissed the case against her and City in the 1998 elections. The petition is based
allowed her to leave Saudi Arabia. Shortly before on the ground that the respondent is an American
her return to Manila, she was terminated from the citizen based on the record of the Bureau of
service by SAUDIA, without her being informed of Immigration and misrepresented himself as a
the cause. natural-born Filipino citizen.
Plaintiff filed a Complaint for damages against In his answer, Manzano admitted that he is
SAUDIA, and Al-Balawi, its country manager. registered as a foreigner with the Bureau of
Immigration under Alien Certificate of Registration
Q: What law should govern? No. B-31632 and alleged that he is a Filipino
A: The Philippine law. Choice-of-law problems citizen because he was born in 1955 of a Filipino
seek to answer two important questions: (1) What father and a Filipino mother. He was born in the
legal system should control a given situation United States, and is considered an American
where some of the significant facts occurred in two citizen under US Laws. But notwithstanding his
or more states; and (2) to what extent should the registration as an American citizen, he did not lose
chosen legal system regulate the situation. his Filipino citizenship. Judging from the foregoing
Before a choice can be made, it is necessary for facts, it would appear that respondent Manzano is
us to determine under what category a certain set both a Filipino and a US citizen. In other words,
of facts or rules fall. This process is known as he holds dual citizenship.
"characterization", or the "doctrine of qualification".
It is the "process of deciding whether or not the Q: Is Manzano eligible for the office he seeks to
facts relate to the kind of question specified in a be elected?
conflicts rule." The purpose of "characterization" is A: To begin with, dual citizenship is different from
to enable the forum to select the proper law. dual allegiance. The former arises when, as a
With the widespread criticism of the traditional rule result of the concurrent application of the different
of lex loci delicti commisi, modem theories and laws of two or more states, a person is
rules on tort liability have been advanced to offer simultaneously considered a national by the said
fresh judicial approaches to arrive at just results. states. Considering the citizenship clause (Art. IV)
In keeping abreast with the modern theories on of our Constitution, it is possible for the following
tort liability, we find here an occasion to apply the classes of citizens of the Philippines to possess
"State of the most significant relationship" rule, dual citizenship:
which in our view should be appropriate to apply
now, given the factual context of this case. (1) Those born of Filipino fathers and/or mothers
In applying said principle to determine the State in foreign countries which follow the principle of jus
which has the most significant relationship, the soli;
following contacts are to be taken into account and (2) Those born in the Philippines of Filipino
evaluated according to their relative importance mothers and alien fathers if by the laws of their
with respect to the particular issue: (a) the place fathers’ country such children are citizens of that
where the injury occurred; (b) the place where the country;
conduct causing the injury occurred; (c) the (3) Those who marry aliens if by the laws of the
domicile, residence, nationality, place of latter’s country the former are considered citizens,
incorporation and place of business of the parties,
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

unless by their act or omission they are deemed to She was married to Lopez, a Filipino citizen, at the
have renounced Philippine citizenship. Malate Catholic Church in Manila. Since then, she
has continuously participated in the electoral
Dual allegiance, on the other hand, refers to the process not only as a voter but as a candidate, as
situation in which a person simultaneously owes, well. She served as Provincial Board Member of
by some positive act, loyalty to two or more states. the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Davao Oriental.
While dual citizenship is involuntary, dual In 1992, she ran for and was elected governor of
allegiance is the result of an individual’s volition. Davao Oriental. Her election was contested by
In including §5 in Article IV on citizenship, the her opponent, Taojo, Jr., in a petition for quo
concern of the Constitutional Commission was not warranto, alleging as ground therefor her alleged
with dual citizens per se but with naturalized Australian citizenship. However, finding no
citizens who maintain their allegiance to their sufficient proof that respondent had renounced her
countries of origin even after their naturalization. Philippine citizenship, the Commission on
Hence, the phrase “dual citizenship” in R.A. No. Elections en banc dismissed the petition
7160, §40(d) and in R.A. No. 7854, §20 must be In the 1995 local elections, respondent Rosalind
understood as referring to “dual allegiance.” Ybasco Lopez ran for re-election as governor of
Consequently, persons with mere dual citizenship Davao Oriental. Her opponent, Rabat, filed a
do not fall under this disqualification. Unlike those petition for disqualification, before the COMELEC,
with dual allegiance, who must, therefore, be contesting her Filipino citizenship but the said
subject to strict process with respect to the petition was likewise dismissed by the COMELEC,
termination of their status, for candidates with dual reiterating substantially its decision in EPC 92-54.
citizenship, it should suffice if, upon the filing of The citizenship of private respondent was once
their certificates of candidacy, they elect Philippine again raised as an issue when she ran for re-
citizenship to terminate their status as persons election as governor of Davao Oriental in the 1998
with dual citizenship considering that their elections. Her candidacy was questioned by the
condition is the unavoidable consequence of herein petitioner Valles.
conflicting laws of different states. As Joaquin G.
Bernas, one of the most perceptive members of Q: Did Lopez lose her Filipino citizenship?
the Constitutional Commission, pointed out: A: In order that citizenship may be lost by
“[D]ual citizenship is just a reality imposed on us renunciation, such renunciation must be express.
because we have no control of the laws on Petitioner’s contention that the application of
citizenship of other countries. We recognize a private respondent for an alien certificate of
child of a Filipino mother. But whether or not she registration, and her Australian passport, is bereft
is considered a citizen of another country is of merit.
something completely beyond our control.” Thus, the mere fact that private respondent
By electing Philippine citizenship, such candidates Rosalind Ybasco Lopez was a holder of an
at the same time forswear allegiance to the other Australian passport and had an alien certificate of
country of which they are also citizens and thereby registration are not acts constituting an effective
terminate their status as dual citizens. It may be renunciation of citizenship and do not militate
that, from the point of view of the foreign state and against her claim of Filipino citizenship.
of its laws, such an individual has not effectively The application of the herein private respondent
renounced his foreign citizenship. for an alien certificate of registration, and her
By declaring in his certificate of candidacy that he holding of an Australian passport were mere acts
is a Filipino citizen; that he is not a permanent of assertion of her Australian citizenship before
resident or immigrant of another country; that he she effectively renounced the same. Thus, at the
will defend and support the Constitution of the most, private respondent had dual citizenship -
Philippines and bear true faith and allegiance she was an Australian and a Filipino, as well.
thereto and that he does so without mental Moreover, under Commonwealth Act 63, the fact
reservation, private respondent has, as far as the that a child of Filipino parent/s was born in another
laws of this country are concerned, effectively country has not been included as a ground for
repudiated his American citizenship and anything losing one’s Philippine citizenship. Since private
which he may have said before as a dual citizen. respondent did not lose or renounce her Philippine
On the other hand, private respondent’s oath of citizenship, petitioner’s claim that respondent must
allegiance to the Philippines, when considered go through the process of repatriation does not
with the fact that he has spent his youth and hold water.
adulthood, received his education, practiced his
profession as an artist, and taken part in past "Dual citizenship" as used in the Local
elections in this country, leaves no doubt of his Government Code must be reconciled with Article
election of Philippine citizenship. (Mercado v. IV, Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution on dual
Manzano, G.R. No. 135083, 26 May 1999) allegiance. (Valles v. Commission on Elections,
G.R. No. 137000, 09 August 2002)
Rosalind Ybasco Lopez was born on May 16,
1934 in Napier Terrace, Broome, Western The citizenship of respondent Cruz is at issue in
Australia, to the spouses, Telesforo Ybasco, a this case, in view of the constitutional requirement
Filipino citizen and native of Daet, Camarines that "no person shall be a Member of the House of
Norte, and Theresa Marquez, an Australian. In Representatives unless he is a natural-born
1949, at the age of fifteen, she left Australia and citizen."
came to settle in the Philippines. Respondent Cruz was a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines. He was born in Tarlac, on 1960, of
University of Santo Tomas
Filipino parents. The fundamental law then dedicated himself to a lawful calling or profession;
applicable was the 1935 Constitution. (3) has not been convicted of any offense or
However, respondent Cruz enlisted in the United violation of Government promulgated rules; or (4)
States Marine Corps and, without the consent of committed any act prejudicial to the interest of the
the Republic of the Philippines, took an oath of nation or contrary to any Government announced
allegiance to the United States. As a policies.
consequence, he lost his Filipino citizenship for Filipino citizens who have lost their citizenship
under Commonwealth Act No. 63, Section 1(4), a may however reacquire the same in the manner
Filipino citizen may lose his citizenship by, among provided by law. C.A. No. 63, enumerates the
others, "rendering service to or accepting three modes by which Philippine citizenship may
commission in the armed forces of a foreign be reacquired by a former citizen: (1) by
country." Then he was naturalized as a U.S. naturalization, (2) by repatriation, and (3) by direct
citizen in connection with his service in the U.S. act of Congress.
Marine Corps. Naturalization is a mode for both acquisition and
In 1994, respondent Cruz reacquired his Philippine reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. As a mode
citizenship through repatriation under Republic Act of initially acquiring Philippine citizenship,
No. 2630. He ran for and was elected as the naturalization is governed by CA No. 473, as
Representative of the Second District of amended. On the other hand, naturalization as a
Pangasinan in the 1998 elections where he won mode for reacquiring Philippine citizenship is
by a convincing margin of votes over petitioner governed by CA No. 63. Under this law, a former
Bengson III, who was then running for reelection. Filipino citizen who wishes to reacquire Philippine
Subsequently, petitioner filed a case for Quo citizenship must possess certain qualifications and
Warranto Ad Cautelam with respondent HRET none of the disqualifications mentioned in Section
claiming that respondent Cruz was not qualified to 4 of C.A. 473.
become a member of the House of Repatriation, on the other hand, may be had under
Representatives since he is not a natural-born various statutes by those who lost their citizenship
citizen as required under Article VI, Section 6 of due to: (1) desertion of the armed forces; (2)
the Constitution. service in the armed forces of the allied forces in
World War II; (3) service in the Armed Forces of
Q: Is the contention of Bengson III correct? the United States at any other time; (4) marriage
A: The 1987 Constitution enumerates who are of a Filipino woman to an alien; and (5) political
Filipino citizens as follows: and economic necessity.
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the As distinguished from the lengthy process of
time of the adoption of this Constitution; naturalization, repatriation simply consists of the
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of taking of an oath of allegiance to the Republic of
the Philippines; the Philippines and registering said oath in the
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino Local Civil Registry of the place where the person
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon concerned resides or last resided.
reaching the age of majority, and Moreover, repatriation results in the recovery of
(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with the original nationality. This means that a
law. naturalized Filipino who lost his citizenship will be
restored to his prior status as a naturalized Filipino
There are two ways of acquiring citizenship: (1) by citizen. On the other hand, if he was originally a
birth, and (2) by naturalization. These ways of natural-born citizen before he lost his Philippine
acquiring citizenship correspond to the two kinds citizenship, he will be restored to his former status
of citizens: the natural-born citizen, and the as a natural-born Filipino.
naturalized citizen. A person who at the time of Having thus taken the required oath of allegiance
his birth is a citizen of a particular country, is a to the Republic and having registered the same in
natural-born citizen thereof. the Civil Registry of Magantarem, Pangasinan in
As defined in the same Constitution, natural-born accordance with the aforecited provision,
citizens "are those citizens of the Philippines from respondent Cruz is deemed to have recovered his
birth without having to perform any act to acquire original status as a natural-born citizen, a status
or perfect his Philippine citizenship." which he acquired at birth as the son of a Filipino
On the other hand, naturalized citizens are those father. It bears stressing that the act of repatriation
who have become Filipino citizens through allows him to recover, or return to, his original
naturalization, generally under Commonwealth Act status before he lost his Philippine citizenship.
No. 473, otherwise known as the Revised As to persons, they would either be natural-born or
Naturalization Law, which repealed the former naturalized depending on the reasons for the loss
Naturalization Law, and by Republic Act No. 530. of their citizenship and the mode prescribed by the
To be naturalized, an applicant has to prove that applicable law for the reacquisition thereof. As
he possesses all the qualifications and none of the respondent Cruz was not required by law to go
disqualifications provided by law to become a through naturalization proceedings in order to
Filipino citizen. The decision granting Philippine reacquire his citizenship, he is perforce a natural-
citizenship becomes executory only after two (2) born Filipino. As such, he possessed all the
years from its promulgation when the court is necessary qualifications to be elected as member
satisfied that during the intervening period, the of the House of Representatives. (Bengson III v.
applicant has (1) not left the Philippines; (2) has HRET, G.R. No. 142840, 07 May 2001)
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

citizen parent have some demonstrated

Petitioner Nguyen was born in Vietnam to co- opportunity or potential to develop not just a
petitioner Boulais and a Vietnamese citizen. relationship that is recognized, as a formal matter,
Boulais and Nguyen's mother were not married. by the law, but one that consists of the real,
Boulais always has been a citizen of the United everyday ties that provide a connection between
States, and he was in Vietnam under the employ child and citizen parent and, in turn, the United
of a corporation. After he and Nguyen's mother States. In the case of a citizen mother and a child
ended their relationship, Nguyen lived for a time born overseas, the opportunity for a meaningful
with the family of Boulais' new Vietnamese relationship between citizen parent and child
girlfriend. In 1975, Nguyen, then almost six years inheres in the very event of birth, an event so often
of age, came to the United States. He became a critical to our constitutional and statutory
lawful permanent resident and was raised in understandings of citizenship. The mother knows
Texas by Boulais. that the child is in being and is hers and has an
In 1992, when Nguyen was 22, he pleaded guilty initial point of contact with him. There is at least an
in a Texas state court to two counts of sexual opportunity for mother and child to develop a real,
assault on a child. He was sentenced to eight meaningful relationship.
years in prison on each count. Three years later, The same opportunity does not result from the
the United States Immigration and Naturalization event of birth, as a matter of biological inevitability,
Service (INS) initiated deportation proceedings in the case of the unwed father. Given the 9-month
against Nguyen as an alien who had been interval between conception and birth, it is not
convicted of two crimes involving moral turpitude, always certain that a father will know that a child
as well as an aggravated felony. The Immigration was conceived, nor is it always clear that even the
Judge found him deportable. mother will be sure of the father's identity. (Tuan
Nguyen appealed to the Board of Immigration of Anh Nguyen v. Immigration and Naturalization
Appeals and, in 1998, while the matter was Service, June 11, 2001)
pending; his father obtained an order of parentage
from a state court, based on DNA testing. By this
time, Nguyen was 28 years old. The Board Q: The petitioner raises three principal questions:
dismissed Nguyen's appeal, rejecting his claim to 1. Does Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189
United States citizenship because he had failed to allowing the registration of voters who are
establish compliance with 8 U. S. C. §1409(a), immigrants or permanent residents in other
which sets forth the requirements for one who was countries by their mere act of executing an
born out of wedlock and abroad to a citizen father affidavit expressing their intention to return to the
and a noncitizen mother. Philippines, violate the residency requirement in
Nguyen and Boulais appealed to the Court of Section 1 of Article V of the Constitution?
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, arguing that §1409 2. Does Section 18.5 of the same law
violates equal protection by providing different empowering the COMELEC to proclaim the
rules for attainment of citizenship by children born winning candidates for national offices and party
abroad and out of wedlock depending upon list representatives including the President and the
whether the one parent with American citizenship Vice-President violate the constitutional mandate
is the mother or the father. under Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution that
the winning candidates for President and the Vice-
Q: Is the contention of Nguyen and Boulais President shall be proclaimed as winners by
correct?? Congress?
A: For a gender-based classification to withstand 3. May Congress, through the Joint Congressional
equal protection scrutiny, it must be established " Oversight Committee created in Section 25 of
`at least that the challenged classification serves Rep. Act No. 9189, exercise the power to review,
"important governmental objectives and that the revise, amend, and approve the Implementing
discriminatory means employed" are "substantially Rules and Regulations that the Commission on
related to the achievement of those objectives. Elections shall promulgate without violating the
The imposition of the requirement for a paternal independence of the COMELEC under Section 1,
relationship, but not a maternal one (in cases of Article IX-A of the Constitution?
citizenship of a child born overseas where the A:
couple is not married and where one is an A. Does Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189
American and the other is a foreigner), is justified violate Section 1, Article V of the 1987
by two important governmental objectives. Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines?
The first governmental interest to be served is the
importance of assuring that a biological parent- Section 5(d) provides:
child relationship exists. In the case of the mother, Sec. 5. Disqualifications. - The following shall be
the relation is verifiable from the birth itself. The disqualified from voting under this Act:
mother's status is documented in most instances d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is
by the birth certificate or hospital records and the recognized as such in the host country, unless
witnesses who attest to her having given birth. In he/she executes, upon registration, an affidavit
the case of the father, the uncontestable fact is prepared for the purpose by the Commission
that he need not be present at the birth. If he is declaring that he/she shall resume actual physical
present, furthermore, that circumstance is not permanent residence in the Philippines not later
incontrovertible proof of fatherhood. than three (3) years from approval of his/her
The second important governmental interest is the registration under this Act. Such affidavit shall also
determination to ensure that the child and the state that he/she has not applied for citizenship in
University of Santo Tomas
another country. Failure to return shall be cause given period, risks a declaration of
for the removal of the name of the immigrant or unconstitutionality. However, the risk is more
permanent resident from the National Registry of apparent than real.
Absentee Voters and his/her permanent
disqualification to vote in absentia. The Constitution is the fundamental and
Petitioner posits that Section 5(d) is paramount law of the nation to which all other laws
unconstitutional because it violates Section 1, must conform and in accordance with which all
Article V of the 1987 Constitution which requires private rights must be determined and all public
that the voter must be a resident in the Philippines authority administered. Laws that do not conform
for at least one year and in the place where he to the Constitution shall be stricken down for being
proposes to vote for at least six months unconstitutional.
immediately preceding an election. Petitioner cites Generally, however, all laws are presumed to be
the ruling of the Court in Caasi v. Court of Appeals constitutional. In Peralta v. COMELEC, the Court
to support his claim. In that case, the Court held said:
that a "green card" holder immigrant to the United An act of the legislature, approved by the
States is deemed to have abandoned his domicile executive, is presumed to be within constitutional
and residence in the Philippines. limitations. The responsibility of upholding the
Petitioner further argues that Section 1, Article V Constitution rests not on the courts alone but on
of the Constitution does not allow provisional the legislature as well. The question of the validity
registration or a promise by a voter to perform a of every statute is first determined by the
condition to be qualified to vote in a political legislative department of the government itself.[24]
exercise; that the legislature should not be Thus, presumption of constitutionality of a law
allowed to circumvent the requirement of the must be overcome convincingly:
Constitution on the right of suffrage by providing a To declare a law unconstitutional, the repugnancy
condition thereon which in effect amends or alters of that law to the Constitution must be clear and
the aforesaid residence requirement to qualify a unequivocal, for even if a law is aimed at the
Filipino abroad to vote.[14] He claims that the attainment of some public good, no infringement of
right of suffrage should not be granted to anyone constitutional rights is allowed. To strike down a
who, on the date of the election, does not possess law there must be a clear showing that what the
the qualifications provided for by Section 1, Article fundamental law condemns or prohibits, the
V of the Constitution. statute allows it to be done.
Section 1, Article V of the Constitution specifically As the essence of R.A. No. 9189 is to enfranchise
provides that suffrage may be exercised by (1) all overseas qualified Filipinos, it behooves the Court
citizens of the Philippines, (2) not otherwise to take a holistic view of the pertinent provisions of
disqualified by law, (3) at least eighteen years of both the Constitution and R.A. No. 9189. It is a
age, (4) who are residents in the Philippines for at basic rule in constitutional construction that the
least one year and in the place where they Constitution should be construed as a whole.
propose to vote for at least six months R.A. No. 9189 was enacted in obeisance to the
immediately preceding the election. Under mandate of the first paragraph of Section 2, Article
Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189, one of those V of the Constitution that Congress shall provide a
disqualified from voting is an immigrant or system for voting by qualified Filipinos abroad. It
permanent resident who is recognized as such in must be stressed that Section 2 does not provide
the host country unless he/she executes an for the parameters of the exercise of legislative
affidavit declaring that he/she shall resume actual authority in enacting said law. Hence, in the
physical permanent residence in the Philippines absence of restrictions, Congress is presumed to
not later than three years from approval of his/her have duly exercised its function as defined in
registration under said Act. Article VI (The Legislative Department) of the
Petitioner questions the rightness of the mere act Constitution.
of execution of an affidavit to qualify the Filipinos To put matters in their right perspective, it is
abroad who are immigrants or permanent necessary to dwell first on the significance of
residents, to vote. He focuses solely on Section 1, absentee voting. The concept of absentee voting
Article V of the Constitution in ascribing is relatively new. It is viewed thus:
constitutional infirmity to Section 5(d) of R.A. No. The method of absentee voting has been said to
9189, totally ignoring the provisions of Section 2 be completely separable and distinct from the
empowering Congress to provide a system for regular system of voting, and to be a new and
absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad. different manner of voting from that previously
A simple, cursory reading of Section 5(d) of R.A. known, and an exception to the customary and
No. 9189 may indeed give the impression that it usual manner of voting. The right of absentee and
contravenes Section 1, Article V of the disabled voters to cast their ballots at an election
Constitution. Filipino immigrants and permanent is purely statutory; absentee voting was unknown
residents overseas are perceived as having left to, and not recognized at, the common law.
and abandoned the Philippines to live permanently Absentee voting is an outgrowth of modern social
in their host countries and therefore, a provision in and economic conditions devised to accommodate
the law enfranchising those who do not possess those engaged in military or civil life whose duties
the residency requirement of the Constitution by make it impracticable for them to attend their
the mere act of executing an affidavit expressing polling places on the day of election, and the
their intent to return to the Philippines within a privilege of absentee voting may flow from
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

constitutional provisions or be conferred by "There is a difference between domicile and

statutes, existing in some jurisdictions, which residence. ‘Residence’ is used to indicate a place
provide in varying terms for the casting and of abode, whether permanent or temporary;
reception of ballots by soldiers and sailors or other ‘domicile’ denotes a fixed permanent residence to
qualified voters absent on election day from the which, when absent, one has the intention of
district or precinct of their residence. returning. A man may have a residence in one
Such statutes are regarded as conferring a place and a domicile in another. Residence is not
privilege and not a right, or an absolute right. domicile, but domicile is residence coupled with
When the legislature chooses to grant the right by the intention to remain for an unlimited time. A
statute, it must operate with equality among all the man can have but one domicile for the same
class to which it is granted; but statutes of this purpose at any time, but he may have numerous
nature may be limited in their application to places of residence. His place of residence is
particular types of elections. The statutes should generally his place of domicile, but it is not by any
be construed in the light of any constitutional means necessarily so since no length of residence
provisions affecting registration and elections, and without intention of remaining will constitute
with due regard to their texts prior to amendment domicile."
and to predecessor statutes and the decisions For political purposes the concepts of residence
thereunder; they should also be construed in the and domicile are dictated by the peculiar criteria of
light of the circumstances under which they were political laws. As these concepts have evolved in
enacted; and so as to carry out the objects our election law, what has clearly and
thereof, if this can be done without doing violence unequivocally emerged is the fact that residence
to their provisions and mandates. Further, in for election purposes is used synonymously with
passing on statutes regulating absentee voting, domicile.
the court should look to the whole and every part
of the election laws, the intent of the entire plan, B. Is Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 in relation to
and reasons and spirit of their adoption, and try to Section 4 of the same Act in contravention of
give effect to every portion thereof. Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution?
Ordinarily, an absentee is not a resident and vice
versa; a person cannot be at the same time, both Section 4 of R.A. No. 9189 provides that the
a resident and an absentee. However, under our overseas absentee voter may vote for president,
election laws and the countless pronouncements vice-president, senators and party-list
of the Court pertaining to elections, an absentee representatives.
remains attached to his residence in the
Philippines as residence is considered Section 18.5 of the same Act provides:
synonymous with domicile. SEC. 18. On-Site Counting and Canvassing. -
In Romualdez-Marcos] the Court enunciated: 18. 5 The canvass of votes shall not cause the
Article 50 of the Civil Code decrees that "[f]or the delay of the proclamation of a winning candidate if
exercise of civil rights and the fulfillment of civil the outcome of the election will not be affected by
obligations, the domicile of natural persons is their the results thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
place of habitual residence." In Ong v. Republic, the Commission is empowered to order the
this court took the concept of domicile to mean an proclamation of winning candidates despite the
individual’s "permanent home," "a place to which, fact that the scheduled election has not taken
whenever absent for business or for pleasure, one place in a particular country or countries, if the
intends to return, and depends on facts and holding of elections therein has been rendered
circumstances in the sense that they disclose impossible by events, factors and circumstances
intent." Based on the foregoing, domicile includes peculiar to such country or countries, in which
the twin elements of "the fact of residing or events, factors and circumstances are beyond the
physical presence in a fixed place" and animus control or influence of the Commission.
manendi, or the intention of returning there Petitioner claims that the provision of Section 18.5
permanently. of R.A. No. 9189 empowering the COMELEC to
Residence, in its ordinary conception, implies the order the proclamation of winning candidates
factual relationship of an individual to a certain insofar as it affects the canvass of votes and
place. It is the physical presence of a person in a proclamation of winning candidates for president
given area, community or country. The essential and vice-president, is unconstitutional because it
distinction between residence and domicile in law violates the following provisions of paragraph 4,
is that residence involves the intent to leave when Section 4 of Article VII of the Constitution:
the purpose for which the resident has taken up
his abode ends. One may seek a place for SEC. 4 . . .
purposes such as pleasure, business, or health. If The returns of every election for President and
a person’s intent be to remain, it becomes his Vice-President, duly certified by the board of
domicile; if his intent is to leave as soon as his canvassers of each province or city, shall be
purpose is established it is residence. It is thus, transmitted to the Congress, directed to the
quite perfectly normal for an individual to have President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the
different residences in various places. However, a certificates of canvass, the President of the
person can only have a single domicile, unless, for Senate shall, not later than thirty days after the
various reasons, he successfully abandons his day of the election, open all the certificates in the
domicile in favor of another domicile of choice. In presence of the Senate and the House of
Uytengsu v. Republic, we laid this distinction quite Representatives in joint public session, and the
clearly: Congress, upon determination of the authenticity
University of Santo Tomas
and due execution thereof in the manner provided either the executive or legislative departments of
by law, canvass the votes. government; that only the COMELEC itself can
The person having the highest number of votes promulgate rules and regulations which may be
shall be proclaimed elected, but in case two or changed or revised only by the majority of its
more shall have an equal and highest number of members; and that should the rules promulgated
votes, one of them shall forthwith be chosen by by the COMELEC violate any law, it is the Court
the vote of a majority of all the Members of both that has the power to review the same via the
Houses of the Congress, voting separately. petition of any interested party, including the
Indeed, the phrase, proclamation of winning It is only on this question that respondent
candidates, in Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 is far COMELEC submitted its Comment. It agrees with
too sweeping that it necessarily includes the the petitioner that Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. No.
proclamation of the winning candidates for the 9189 are unconstitutional. Like the petitioner,
presidency and the vice-presidency. respondent COMELEC anchors its claim of
Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 appears to be unconstitutionality of said Sections upon Section
repugnant to Section 4, Article VII of the 1, Article IX-A of the Constitution providing for the
Constitution only insofar as said Section totally independence of the constitutional commissions
disregarded the authority given to Congress by the such as the COMELEC. It asserts that its power
Constitution to proclaim the winning candidates for to formulate rules and regulations has been
the positions of president and vice-president. upheld in Gallardo v. Tabamo, Jr.[42] where this
Court held that the power of the COMELEC to
In addition, the Court notes that Section 18.4 of formulate rules and regulations is implicit in its
the law, to wit: power to implement regulations under Section 2(1)
18.4. . . . Immediately upon the completion of the of Article IX-C[43] of the Constitution. COMELEC
canvass, the chairman of the Special Board of joins the petitioner in asserting that as an
Canvassers shall transmit via facsimile, electronic independent constitutional body, it may not be
mail, or any other means of transmission equally subject to interference by any government
safe and reliable the Certificates of Canvass and instrumentality and that only this Court may review
the Statements of Votes to the Commission COMELEC rules and only in cases of grave abuse
clashes with paragraph 4, Section 4, Article VII of of discretion.
the Constitution which provides that the returns of
every election for President and Vice-President The COMELEC adds, however, that another
shall be certified by the board of canvassers to provision, vis-à-vis its rule-making power, to wit:
Congress could not have allowed the COMELEC SEC. 17. Voting by Mail. -
to usurp a power that constitutionally belongs to it 17.1. For the May, 2004 elections, the
or, as aptly stated by petitioner, to encroach "on Commission shall authorize voting by mail in not
the power of Congress to canvass the votes for more than three (3) countries, subject to the
president and vice-president and the power to approval of the Congressional Oversight
proclaim the winners for the said positions." The Committee. Voting by mail may be allowed in
provisions of the Constitution as the fundamental countries that satisfy the following conditions:
law of the land should be read as part of The a) Where the mailing system is fairly well-
Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 and hence, developed and secure to prevent occasion for
the canvassing of the votes and the proclamation fraud;
of the winning candidates for president and vice- b) Where there exists a technically
president for the entire nation must remain in the established identification system that would
hands of Congress. preclude multiple or proxy voting; and
c) Where the system of reception and
C. Are Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. No. 9189 in custody of mailed ballots in the embassies,
violation of Section 1, Article IX-A of the consulates and other foreign service
Constitution? establishments concerned are adequate and well-
Petitioner avers that Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. Thereafter, voting by mail in any country shall be
No. 9189 violate Article IX-A (Common Provisions) allowed only upon review and approval of the Joint
of the Constitution, to wit: Congressional Oversight Committee.

Section 1. The Constitutional Commissions, which It is likewise unconstitutional as it violates Section

shall be independent, are the Civil Service 1, Article IX-A mandating the independence of
Commission, the Commission on Elections, and constitutional commissions.
the Commission on Audit. The Solicitor General takes exception to his
He submits that the creation of the Joint prefatory statement that the constitutional
Congressional Oversight Committee with the challenge must fail and agrees with the petitioner
power to review, revise, amend and approve the that Sections 19 and 25 are invalid and
Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated unconstitutional on the ground that there is nothing
by the COMELEC, R.A. No. 9189 intrudes into the in Article VI of the Constitution on Legislative
independence of the COMELEC which, as a Department that would as much as imply that
constitutional body, is not under the control of Congress has concurrent power to enforce and
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

administer election laws with the COMELEC; and constitutional provisions. One such provision is
by the principles of exclusio unius est exclusio Section 1 of Article IX-A of the 1987 Constitution
alterius and expressum facit cessare tacitum, the ordaining that constitutional commissions such as
constitutionally enumerated powers of Congress the COMELEC shall be "independent."
circumscribe its authority to the exclusion of all Interpreting Section 1, Article X of the 1935
others. Constitution providing that there shall be an
The parties are unanimous in claiming that independent COMELEC, the Court has held that
Sections 19, 25 and portions of Section 17.1 are "[w]hatever may be the nature of the functions of
unconstitutional. Thus, there is no actual issue the Commission on Elections, the fact is that the
forged on this question raised by petitioner. framers of the Constitution wanted it to be
However, the Court finds it expedient to expound independent from the other departments of the
on the role of Congress through the Joint Government."[44 In an earlier case, the Court
Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) vis-à- elucidated:
vis the independence of the COMELEC, as a The Commission on Elections is a constitutional
constitutional body. body. It is intended to play a distinct and important
part in our scheme of government. In the
R.A. No. 9189 created the JCOC, as follows: discharge of its functions, it should not be
SEC. 25. Joint Congressional Oversight hampered with restrictions that would be fully
Committee. - A Joint Congressional Oversight warranted in the case of a less responsible
Committee is hereby created, composed of the organization. The Commission may err, so may
Chairman of the Senate Committee on this court also. It should be allowed considerable
Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes latitude in devising means and methods that will
and Laws, and seven (7) other Senators insure the accomplishment of the great objective
designated by the Senate President, and the for which it was created - free, orderly and honest
Chairman of the House Committee on Suffrage elections. We may not agree fully with its choice
and Electoral Reforms, and seven (7) other of means, but unless these are clearly illegal or
Members of the House of Representatives constitute gross abuse of discretion, this court
designated by the Speaker of the House of should not interfere. Politics is a practical matter,
Representatives: Provided, That, of the seven (7) and political questions must be dealt with
members to be designated by each House of realistically - not from the standpoint of pure
Congress, four (4) should come from the majority theory. The Commission on Elections, because of
and the remaining three (3) from the minority. its fact-finding facilities, its contacts with political
The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee strategists, and its knowledge derived from actual
shall have the power to monitor and evaluate the experience in dealing with political controversies,
implementation of this Act. It shall review, revise, is in a peculiarly advantageous position to decide
amend and approve the Implementing Rules and complex political questions.
Regulations promulgated by the Commission. The Court has no general powers of supervision
over COMELEC which is an independent body
SEC. 19. Authority of the Commission to "except those specifically granted by the
Promulgate Rules. - The Commission shall issue Constitution," that is, to review its decisions,
the necessary rules and regulations to effectively orders and rulings.[46] In the same vein, it is not
implement the provisions of this Act within sixty correct to hold that because of its recognized
(60) days from the effectivity of this Act. The extensive legislative power to enact election laws,
Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be Congress may intrude into the independence of
submitted to the Joint Congressional Oversight the COMELEC by exercising supervisory powers
Committee created by virtue of this Act for prior over its rule-making authority.
approval. By virtue of Section 19 of R.A. No. 9189,
Congress has empowered the COMELEC to
Composed of Senators and Members of the "issue the necessary rules and regulations to
House of Representatives, the Joint effectively implement the provisions of this Act
Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) is a within sixty days from the effectivity of this Act."
purely legislative body. There is no question that This provision of law follows the usual procedure
the authority of Congress to "monitor and evaluate in drafting rules and regulations to implement a
the implementation" of R.A. No. 9189 is geared law - the legislature grants an administrative
towards possible amendments or revision of the agency the authority to craft the rules and
law itself and thus, may be performed in aid of its regulations implementing the law it has enacted, in
legislation. recognition of the administrative expertise of that
However, aside from its monitoring and evaluation agency in its particular field of operation.[47]
functions, R.A. No. 9189 gives to the JCOC the Once a law is enacted and approved, the
following functions: (a) to "review, revise, amend legislative function is deemed accomplished and
and approve the Implementing Rules and complete. The legislative function may spring
Regulations" (IRR) promulgated by the COMELEC back to Congress relative to the same law only if
[Sections 25 and 19]; and (b) subject to the that body deems it proper to review, amend and
approval of the JCOC [Section 17.1], the voting by revise the law, but certainly not to approve, review,
mail in not more than three countries for the May revise and amend the IRR of the COMELEC.
2004 elections and in any country determined by By vesting itself with the powers to approve,
COMELEC. review, amend, and revise the IRR for The
The ambit of legislative power under Article VI of Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003, Congress
the Constitution is circumscribed by other went beyond the scope of its constitutional
University of Santo Tomas
authority. Congress trampled upon the the same law; for being repugnant to Section 1,
constitutional mandate of independence of the Article IX-A of the Constitution mandating the
COMELEC. Under such a situation, the Court is independence of constitutional commission, such
left with no option but to withdraw from its usual as COMELEC.
reticence in declaring a provision of law The constitutionality of Section 18.5 of R.A. No.
unconstitutional. 9189 is UPHELD with respect only to the authority
The second sentence of the first paragraph of given to the COMELEC to proclaim the winning
Section 19 stating that "[t]he Implementing Rules candidates for the Senators and party-list
and Regulations shall be submitted to the Joint representatives but not as to the power to canvass
Congressional Oversight Committee created by the votes and proclaim the winning candidates for
virtue of this Act for prior approval," and the President and Vice-President which is lodged with
second sentence of the second paragraph of Congress under Section 4, Article VII of the
Section 25 stating that "[i]t shall review, revise, Constitution.
amend and approve the Implementing Rules and The constitutionality of Section 5(d) is UPHELD.
Regulations promulgated by the Commission,"
whereby Congress, in both provisions, arrogates Pursuant to Section 30 of R.A. No. 9189, the rest
unto itself a function not specifically vested by the of the provisions of said law continues to be in full
Constitution, should be stricken out of the subject force and effect. (Atty. Macalintal v.
statute for constitutional infirmity. Both provisions Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 157013, 10
brazenly violate the mandate on the independence July 2003)
of the COMELEC.
Similarly, the phrase, "subject to the approval of Marriage, Divorce and Other Encounters
the Congressional Oversight Committee" in the
first sentence of Section 17.1 which empowers the Van Dorn is a citizen of the Philippines while
Commission to authorize voting by mail in not private respondent is a citizen of the United
more than three countries for the May, 2004 States; that they were married in Hongkong; that,
elections; and the phrase, "only upon review and after the marriage, they established their
approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight residence in the Philippines; that they begot two
Committee" found in the second paragraph of the children born; that the parties were divorced in
same section are unconstitutional as they require Nevada, United States; and that petitioner has re-
review and approval of voting by mail in any married also in Nevada. this time to Theodore Van
country after the 2004 elections. Congress may Dorn, private respondent filed suit against
not confer upon itself the authority to approve or petitioner at the RTC, stating that petitioner's
disapprove the countries wherein voting by mail business in Manila, (the Galleon Shop, for short),
shall be allowed, as determined by the COMELEC is conjugal property of the parties, and asking that
pursuant to the conditions provided for in Section petitioner be ordered to render an accounting of
17.1 of R.A. No. 9189.[48] Otherwise, Congress that business, and that private respondent be
would overstep the bounds of its constitutional declared with right to manage the conjugal
mandate and intrude into the independence of the property. Petitioner moved to dismiss the case on
COMELEC. the ground that the cause of action is barred by
During the deliberations, all the members of the previous judgment in the divorce proceedings
Court agreed to adopt the separate opinion of before the Nevada Court wherein respondent had
Justice Reynato S. Puno as part of the ponencia acknowledged that he and petitioner had "no
on the unconstitutionality of Sections 17.1, 19 and community property".
25 of R.A. No. 9189 insofar as they relate to the
creation of and the powers given to the Joint Q: Is the divorce decree in Nevada recognizable
Congressional Oversight Committee. here in the Philippines?
A: There can be no question as to the validity of
a) The phrase in the first sentence of the first that Nevada divorce in any of the States of the
paragraph of Section 17.1, to wit: "subject to the U.S. The decree is binding on private respondent
approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight as an American citizen. For instance, private
Committee;" respondent (Alice) cannot sue petitioner (Richard),
as her husband in any State of the Union. What
b) The portion of the last paragraph of Section he is contending in this case is that the divorce is
17.1, to wit: "only upon review and approval of the not valid and binding in this jurisdiction, the same
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee;" being contrary to local law and public policy.
It is true that owing to the nationality principle
c) The second sentence of the first paragraph of embodied in Art. 16 of the NCC, only Philippine
Section 19, to wit: "The Implementing Rules and nationals are covered by the policy against
Regulations shall be submitted to the Joint absolute divorces the same being considered
Congressional Oversight Committee created by contrary to our concept of public policy and
virtue of this Act for prior approval;" and morality. However, aliens may obtain divorces
abroad, which may be recognized in the
d) The second sentence in the second paragraph Philippines, provided they are valid according to
of Section 25, to wit: "It shall review, revise, their national law. In this case, the divorce in
amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Nevada released Richard from the marriage from
Regulations promulgated by the Commission" of the standards of American law, under which
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

divorce dissolves the marriage, the existing status their divorce. The doubt persisted as to whether
or domestic relation of husband and wife, and to she was still a Filipino citizen when their divorce
free them both from the bond. The marriage tie, was decreed. The trial curt must have overlooked
when thus severed as to one party, ceases to bind the materiality of this aspect. Once proven hat
either. A husband without a wife, or a wife without she was no longer a Filipino citizen at the time of
a husband, is unknown to the law. When the law their divorce, Van Dorn would become applicable
provides, in the nature of a penalty, that the guilty and petitioner could very well lose her right to
party shall not marry again, that party, as well as inherit from Arturo.
the other, is still absolutely freed from the bond of When asked whether she was an American citizen
the former marriage. petitioner answered that she was since 1954.
Thus, Richard would have no standing to sue Alice Significantly, the decree of divorce of petitioner
for accounting with prayer for grant of the right to and Arturo was obtained in the same year.
manage conjugal property in Manila. As he is Petitioner, however, did not bother to file a reply
bound by the Decision of his own country’s Court, memorandum to erase the uncertainty about her
which validly exercised jurisdiction over him, and citizenship at the time of their divorce, a factual
whose decision he does not repudiate, he is issue requiring hearings to be conducted by the
estopped by his own representation before said trial court. Consequently, respondent appellate
Court from asserting his right over the alleged court did not err in ordering the case returned to
conjugal property. the trial court for further proceedings. (Quita v.
CA, G.R. No. 124862. 22 December 1998)
To maintain that under our laws, Alice has to be
considered still married to Richard and still subject The proceedings before the RTC commenced with
to a wife’s obligations under Art. 109 cannot be the filing of a Complaint for declaration of nullity of
just. Alice should not be obliged to live together marriage by respondent Crasus. According to the
with, observe respect and fidelity, and render said Complaint, respondent Crasus married Fely
support to Richard. The latter should not continue at Cebu City. They had five children. After the
to be one of her heirs with possible rights to celebration of their marriage, respondent Crasus
conjugal property. She should not be discovered that Fely was “hot-tempered, a nagger
discriminated against in her own country if the and extravagant.” In 1984, Fely left the
ends of justice are to be served. (Van Dorn v. Philippines for the U.S.A., leaving all of their
Romillo, Jr., GR No. L-68470, 08 October 1985) children to the care of Crasus. Barely a year after,
Crasus received a letter from her requesting that
Fe Quita and Arturo Padlan, both Filipinos, were he sign the enclosed divorce papers; he
married in the Philippines. They were not however disregarded the said request. Sometime in 1985,
blessed with children. Somewhere along the way respondent Crasus learned, that Fely got married
their relationship soured. Eventually Fe sued to an American, with whom she eventually had a
Arturo for divorce in U.S.A. She submitted in the child. In 1987, Fely came back to the Philippines
divorce proceedings a private writing evidencing with her American family. Fely returned to the
their agreement to live separately from each other Philippines several times more. She had been
and a settlement of their conjugal properties. She openly using the surname of her American
obtained a final judgment of divorce. Three weeks husband in the Philippines and in the U.S.A.
thereafter she married a certain Tupaz in the same Crasus finally alleged in his Complaint that Fely’s
locality but their relationship also ended in a acts clearly demonstrated her psychological
divorce. Still in the U.S.A., she married for the third incapacity to perform the essential obligations of
time, to a certain Wernimont. marriage. Such incapacity, being incurable and
In 1972 Arturo died. He left no will. Inciong filed a continuing, constitutes a ground for declaration of
petition with the RTC for issuance of letters of nullity of marriage under Article 36, in relation to
administration concerning the estate of Arturo in Articles 68, 70, and 72, of the Family Code of the
favor of the Philippine Trust Company. Philippines.
Respondent Dandan claiming to be the surviving
spouse of Arturo, and the surviving children of Q: Is there a valid divorce in this case?
Arturo, opposed the petition and prayed for the A: As it is worded, Art. 26, par. 2, refers to a
appointment instead of Atty. Cabasal, which was special situation wherein one of the couple getting
later replaced by Castillon. Blandina and the married is a Filipino citizen and the other a
Padlan children submitted certified photocopies of foreigner at the time the marriage was celebrated.
the private writing and the final judgment of By its plain and literal interpretation, the said
divorce between petitioner and Arturo. Later provision cannot be applied to the case of
Ruperto Padlan, claiming to be the sole surviving respondent Crasus and his wife Fely because at
brother of the deceased Arturo, intervened. the time Fely obtained her divorce, she was still a
Petitioner Fe Quita moved for the immediate Filipino citizen. Fely obtained her divorce in the
declaration of heirs of the decedent and the U.S. in 1984, after which she married her
distribution of his estate. American husband in 1985. Fely admitted that
she had been an American citizen since 1988. At
Q: Was there a valid divorce between Fe and the time she filed for divorce, Fely was still a
Arturo? Filipino citizen, and pursuant to the nationality
A: We deduce that the finding on their citizenship principle embodied in Art. 15 of the NCC, she was
pertained solely to the time of their marriage as still bound by Philippine laws on family rights and
the trial court was not supplied with a basis to duties, status, condition, and legal capacity, even
determine petitioners citizenship at the time of when she was already living abroad. Philippine
University of Santo Tomas
laws, then and even until now, do not allow and Orbecido III married Lady Myros in Ozamis City.
recognize divorce between Filipino spouses. They had two children. In 1986, Cipriano’s wife left
Thus, Fely could not have validly obtained a for the United States bringing along their son. A
divorce from respondent Crasus. (Republic v. few years later, Cipriano discovered that his wife
Iyoy, GR No. 152577, 21 September 2005) had been naturalized as an American citizen.
Cipriano then learned from his son that his wife
Recio, a Filipino, was married to Samson, an had obtained a divorce decree and then married a
Australian citizen, in Malabon. They lived together certain Stanley. Cipriano thereafter filed with the
as husband and wife in Australia. Then a decree of trial court a petition for authority to remarry
divorce, purportedly dissolving the marriage, was invoking Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Family
issued by an Australian family court. Code. No opposition was filed. Finding merit in
Recio became an Australian citizen, as shown by the petition, the court granted the same. The
a “Certificate of Australian Citizenship” issued by Republic, herein petitioner, through the Office of
the Australian government. Petitioner Garcia-- a the Solicitor General (OSG), sought
Filipina -- and Recio were married in Cabanatuan reconsideration but it was denied.
City. In their application for a marriage license,
respondent was declared as “single” and “Filipino.” Q: Can a Filipino spouse naturalized as foreign
Afterwards, petitioner and respondent lived citizen obtain a valid divorce abroad?
separately without prior judicial dissolution of their A: The legislative intent behind Art. 26, par. 2 of
marriage. While the two were still in Australia, the FC is to avoid the absurd situation where the
their conjugal assets were divided in accordance Filipino spouse remains married to an alien
with their Statutory Declarations secured in spouse who, after obtaining a divorce, is no longer
Australia. married to the Filipino spouse. Thus, taking into
Petitioner Garcia then filed a Complaint for consideration said legislative intent, we hold that
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage in the Philippine Art. 26, par. 2 of the FC should be interpreted to
court, on the ground of bigamy -- respondent include cases involving parties who, at the time of
allegedly had a prior subsisting marriage at the the celebration of the marriage were Filipino
time he married her. She claimed that she learned citizens, but later on, one of them becomes
of respondent’s marriage to Editha Samson. naturalized as a foreign citizen and obtains a
divorce decree.
Q: Is the respondent legally capacitated to marry
the petitioner? The Filipino spouse should likewise be allowed to
A: The divorce decree between respondent and remarry as if the other party were a foreigner at
Editha Samson appears to be an authentic one the time of the solemnization of the marriage. To
issued by an Australian family court. However, rule otherwise would be to sanction absurdity and
appearance is not sufficient; compliance with the injustice. A statute may be extended to cases not
aforementioned rules on evidence (§24 and §25 of within the literal meaning of its terms so long as
Rule 132) must be demonstrated. they come within its spirit or intent. (Republic v.
The burden of proof lies with “the party who Orbecido III, GR No. 154380, 05 October 2005)
alleges the existence of a fact or thing necessary
in the prosecution or defense of an action.” Since Contracts
the divorce was a defense raised by respondent,
the burden of proving the pertinent Australian law Disgruntled over TransWorld Airlines, Inc.'s refusal
validating it falls squarely upon him. Courts to accommodate them in TWA Flight 007
cannot take judicial notice of foreign laws. The departing from New York to Los Angeles despite
power of judicial notice must be exercised with possession of confirmed tickets, petitioners filed
caution, and every reasonable doubt upon the an action for damages before the RTC.
subject should be resolved in the negative. Advocating petitioners' position, the trial court
The certificate of legal capacity mentioned in Art. categorically ruled that respondent TransWorld
21 of the FC, would have been sufficient to Airlines (TWA) breached its contract of carriage
establish the legal capacity of respondent, had he with petitioners and that said breach was
duly presented it in court. A duly authenticated "characterized by bad faith." On appeal, however,
and admitted certificate is prima facie evidence of the appellate court found that while there was a
legal capacity to marry on the part of the alien breach of contract on respondent TWA's part,
applicant for a marriage license. there was neither fraud nor bad faith because
Based on the above records, we cannot conclude under the Code of Federal Regulations by the Civil
that respondent, who was then a naturalized Aeronautics Board of the USA it is allowed to
Australian citizen, was legally capacitated to marry overbook flights.
petitioner on January 12, 1994. Neither can we
grant petitioner’s prayer to declare her marriage to Q: Is TWA guilt of bad faith?
respondent null and void on the ground of bigamy. A: The fraud or bad faith on the part of respondent
After all, it may turn out that under Australian law, airline when it did not allow petitioners to board
he was really capacitated to marry petitioner as a their flight for Los Angeles in spite of confirmed
direct result of the divorce decree. (Garcia v. tickets cannot be disputed. The U.S. law or
Recio, G.R. No. 138322, 02 October 2001) regulation allegedly authorizing overbooking has
never been proved. Foreign laws do not prove
themselves nor can the courts take judicial notice
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

of them. Like any other fact, they must be alleged luggage, the Notice and paragraph 2 of the
and proved. Respondent TWA relied solely on the "Conditions of Contract" should be sufficient notice
statement of Ms. Gwendolyn Lather its customer showing the applicability of the Warsaw limitations.
service agent, in her deposition that the Code of Nowhere in the Warsaw Convention, as amended,
Federal Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board is such a detailed notice of baggage liability
allows overbooking and nothing else. limitations required. Nevertheless, it should
Existing jurisprudence explicitly states that become a common, safe and practical custom
overbooking amounts to bad faith, entitling the among air carriers to indicate beforehand the
passengers concerned to an award of moral precise sums equivalent to those fixed by Article
damages. 22 (2) of the Convention.
Even on the assumption that overbooking is The provisions in the plane ticket sufficient to
allowed, TWA is still guilty of bad faith in not govern the limitations of liabilities of the airline for
informing its passenger a beforehand that it could loss of luggage. The passenger, upon contracting
breach the contract of carriage even if they have with the airline and receiving the plane ticket, was
confirmed tickets if there was overbooking. TWA expected to be vigilant insofar as his luggage is
should have incorporated stipulations in concerned. If the passenger fails to adduce
overbooking on the tickets issued or to properly evidence to overcome the stipulations, he cannot
inform its passengers about these policies so that avoid the application of the liability limitations.
the latter would be prepared for such eventuality Private respondent actually refused to register the
or would have the choice to ride with another attache case and chose to take it with him despite
airline. Also, TWA's was also guilty of not having been ordered by the PANAM agent to
informing its passengers of its alleged policy of check it in. In attempting to avoid registering the
giving less priority to discounted tickets. luggage by going back to the line, private
Neither did it present any argument of substance respondent manifested a disregard of airline rules
to show that petitioners were duly apprised of the on allowable handcarried baggages. Prudence of
overbooked condition of the flight or that there is a a reasonably careful person also dictates that
hierarchy of boarding priorities in booking cash and jewelry should be removed from
passengers. It is evident that petitioners had the checked-in-luggage and placed in one's pockets or
right to rely upon the assurance of respondent in a handcarried Manila-paper or plastic envelope.
TWA, thru its agent in Manila, then in New York, We are not by any means suggesting that
that their tickets represented confirmed seats passengers are always bound to the stipulated
without any qualification. The failure of respondent amounts printed on a ticket, found in a contract of
TWA to so inform them when it could easily have adhesion, or printed elsewhere but referred to in
done so thereby enabling respondent to hold on to handouts or forms. We simply recognize that the
them as passengers up to the last minute amounts reasons behind stipulations on liability limitations
to bad faith. (Sps. Zalamea v. Court of Appeals, arise from the difficulty, if not impossibility, of
GR No. 104235, 18 November 1993) establishing with a clear preponderance of
evidence the contents of: lost valise or suitcase.
Private respondent Rapadas held Passenger (Pan American World Airways, Inc. v. Rapadas,
Ticket and Baggage Claim Check for petitioner's GR No. 60673, 19 May 1992)
Flight with the route from Guam to Manila. While
standing in line to board the flight at the Guam Uy, a revenue passenger of United Airlines for the
airport, Rapadas was ordered by petitioner's San Francisco - Manila route, checked in together
handcarry control agent to check-in his attache with his luggage one piece of which was found to
case. Rapadas protested pointing to the fact that be overweight at the airline counter. To his utter
other co-passengers were permitted to handcarry humiliation, an employee of petitioner rebuked him
bulkier baggages. He stepped out of the line only saying that he should have known the maximum
to go back again at the end of it to try if he can get weight allowance and that he should have packed
through without having to register his attache his things accordingly. Then, in a loud voice in
case. However, the same man in charge of front of the milling crowd, she told respondent to
handcarry control did not fail to notice him and repack his things and transfer some of them from
ordered him again to register his baggage. For the overweight luggage to the lighter ones. Upon
fear that he would miss the plane if he insisted and arrival in Manila, he discovered that one of his
argued on personally taking the valise with him, he bags had been slashed and its contents stolen.
acceded to checking it in. He then checked it in He particularized his losses to be around US
but without declaring its contents or the value of its $5,310.00.
contents. United Airlines, through Central Baggage
Upon arriving in Manila, Rapadas claimed and Specialist, did not refute any of respondent’s
was given all his checked-in baggages except the allegations and mailed a check representing the
attache case. payment of his loss based on the maximum
liability of US $9.70 per pound. Respondent,
Q: Is the Warsaw convention applicable in the thinking the amount to be grossly inadequate to
case? compensate him for his losses, as well as for the
A: The Warsaw Convention, as amended, indignities he was subjected to, sent two (2) more
specifically provides that it is applicable to letters to petitioner airline, demanding an out-of-
international carriage. Although the trial court court settlement of P1,000,000.00. Petitioner
rejected the evidence of the defendant-petitioner United Airlines did not accede to his demands.
of a stipulation particularly specifying what Consequently, on 9 June 1992 respondent filed a
amounts it had bound itself to pay for loss of complaint for damages against United Airlines
University of Santo Tomas
upon private respondent to settle his account, but
Q: Is the Warsaw convention applicable in the the latter failed/refused to do so.
case? Petitioner Corporation filed with the RTC for the
A: The Warsaw Convention can be applied, or recovery of sum of money. Private respondent
ignored, depending on the peculiar facts responded with a Motion to Dismiss, contending
presented by each case. Thus, we have ruled that that petitioner corporation had no legal capacity to
the Convention's provisions do not regulate or sue. The trial court dismissed the action on the
exclude liability for other breaches of contract by ground that petitioner is a foreign corporation
the carrier or misconduct of its officers and doing business in the Philippines without a license.
employees, or for some particular or exceptional
type of damage. Neither may the Convention be Q: Is a foreign corporation which sold its products
invoked to justify the disregard of some sixteen times over a five-month period to the same
extraordinary sort of damage resulting to a Filipino buyer without first obtaining a license to do
passenger and preclude recovery therefor beyond business in the Philippines, prohibited from
the limits set by said Convention. Likewise, we maintaining an action to collect payment therefor
have held that the Convention does not preclude in Philippine courts?
the operation of the Civil Code and other pertinent A: The true test in determining whether a
laws. It does not regulate, much less exempt, the corporation is doing business in the Philippines or
carrier from liability for damages for violating the not, however, seems to be whether the foreign
rights of its passengers under the contract of corporation is continuing the body or substance of
carriage, especially if willful misconduct on the part the business or enterprise for which it was
of the carrier's employees is found or established. organized or whether it has substantially retired
Respondent's complaint reveals that he is suing from it and turned it over to another. The term
on two (2) causes of action: (a) the shabby and implies a continuity of commercial dealings and
humiliating treatment he received from petitioner's arrangements, and contemplates, to that extent,
employees at the San Francisco Airport which the performance of acts or works or the exercise
caused him extreme embarrassment and social of some of the functions normally incident to, and
humiliation; and, (b) the slashing of his luggage in progressive prosecution of, the purpose and
and the loss of his personal effects amounting to object of its organization.
US $5,310.00. The purpose of the law is to subject the foreign
Insofar as the first cause of action is concerned, corporation doing business in the Philippines to
respondent's failure to file his complaint within the the jurisdiction of our courts. It is not to prevent the
two (2)-year limitation of the Warsaw Convention foreign corporation from performing single or
does not bar his action since petitioner airline may isolated acts, but to bar it from acquiring a
still be held liable for breach of other provisions of domicile for the purpose of business without first
the Civil Code which prescribe a different period or taking the steps necessary to render it amenable
procedure for instituting the action, specifically, to suits in the local courts.
Art. 1146 thereof which prescribes four (4) years Considering the factual background as laid out
for filing an action based on torts. above, the transaction cannot be considered as an
As regards the second cause of action, verily, isolated one. Note that there were 17 orders and
respondent filed his complaint more than two (2) deliveries over a four-month period. The private
years later, beyond the period of limitation respondent made separate orders at various
prescribed by the Warsaw Convention for filing a dates. The transactions did not consist of separate
claim for damages. However, it is obvious that deliveries for one single order. In the case at bar,
respondent was forestalled from immediately filing the transactions entered into by the appellant with
an action because petitioner airline gave him the the appellee are a series of commercial dealings
runaround, answering his letters but not giving in which would signify an intent on the part of the
to his demands. (United Airlines v. Uy, G.R. No. petitioner to do business in the Philippines and
127768, 19 November 1999) could not by any stretch of the imagination be
considered an isolated one, thus would fall under
Foreign Corporations the category of doing business.
What is determinative of "doing business" is not
Eriks Pte. Ltd. is a non-resident foreign really the number or the quantity of the
corporation engaged in the manufacture and sale transactions, but more importantly, the intention of
of elements used in sealing pumps, valves and an entity to continue the body of its business in the
pipes for industrial purposes, valves and control country. The number and quantity are merely
equipment used for industrial fluid control and evidence of such intention. The phrase "isolated
PVC pipes and fittings for industrial uses. transaction" has a definite and fixed meaning, i.e.
Enriquez, Jr., doing business under the name and a transaction or series of transactions set apart
style of Delrene EB Controls Center and/or EB from the common business of a foreign enterprise
Karmine Commercial, ordered and received from in the sense that there is no intention to engage in
petitioner various elements used in sealing pumps, a progressive pursuit of the purpose and object of
valves, pipes and control equipment, PVC pipes the business organization. Whether a foreign
and fittings. The transfers of goods were perfected corporation is "doing business" does not
in Singapore, for private respondent's account, necessarily depend upon the frequency of its
F.O.B. Singapore, with a 90-day credit term. transactions, but more upon the nature and
Subsequently, demands were made by petitioner character of the transactions.
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

By this judgment, we are not foreclosing previously declared by the SBMA in favor of HPPL
petitioner's right to collect payment. Res judicata and directing that a rebidding be conducted, the
does not set in a case dismissed for lack of same was, within the authority of the President
capacity to sue, because there has been no and was a valid exercise of his prerogative.
determination on the merits. Moreover, this Court Consequently, petitioner HPPL acquired no clear
has ruled that subsequent acquisition of the and unmistakable right as the award announced
license will cure the lack of capacity at the time of by the SBMA prior to the President’s revocation
the execution of the contract. (Eriks PTE. Ltd. v. thereof was not final and binding.
CA, G.R. No. 118843, 06 February 1997)
It has often been held that a single act or
SBMA advertised in newspapers an invitation transaction may be considered as “doing
offering to the private sector the opportunity to business” when a corporation performs acts for
develop and operate a modern marine container which it was created or exercises some of the
terminal within the Subic Bay Freeport Zone. functions for which it was organized. The amount
Three were declared by the SBMA as qualified or volume of the business is of no moment, for
bidders after passing the pre-qualification even a singular act cannot be merely incidental or
evaluation conducted by the SBMA-TEC. These casual if it indicates the foreign corporation’s
are: (1) ICTSI; (2) RPSI; and (3) HPPL. All three intention to do business.
qualified bidders were required to submit their Participating in the bidding process constitutes
respective formal bid package. “doing business” because it shows the foreign
The services of 3 international consultants corporation’s intention to engage in business here.
recommended by the World Bank for their The bidding for the concession contract is but an
expertise were hired by SBMA to evaluate the exercise of the corporation’s reason for creation or
business plans submitted by each of the bidders. existence.
All the consultants, after such review and If a foreign corporation operates a business in the
evaluation unanimously concluded that HPPL’s Philippines without a license, and thus does not
Business Plan was “far superior to that of the two submit itself to Philippine laws, it is only just that
other bidders.” said foreign corporation be not allowed to invoke
Notwithstanding the SBMA Board’s them in our courts when the need arises. The
recommendations and action awarding the project requirement of a license is not intended to put
to HPPL, then Executive Secretary submitted a foreign corporations at a disadvantage, for the
memorandum to the Office of the President doctrine of lack of capacity to sue is based on
recommending that another rebidding be considerations of sound public policy.[33]
conducted. HPPL, feeling aggrieved by the Accordingly, petitioner HPPL must be held to be
SBMA’s failure and refusal to commence incapacitated to bring this petition for injunction
negotiations and to execute the Concession before this Court for it is a foreign corporation
Agreement despite its earlier pronouncements that doing business in the Philippines without the
HPPL was the winning bidder, filed a complaint requisite license. (Hutchison Ports Philippines
against SBMA before the RTC for specific Limited v. Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, et
performance, mandatory injunction and damages. al., G.R. No. 131367, 31 August 2000)
In due time, ICTSI, RPSI and the Office of the
President filed separate Answers-in-Intervention to Property Rights and International Commerce
the complaint opposing the reliefs sought by
complainant HPPL. Like many other developing countries, the
Philippines joined WTO as a founding member
Q: Is bidding participation an act of “doing with the goal of improving "Philippine access to
business” in the Philippines? foreign markets, especially its major trading
A: As a chartered institution, the SBMA is always partners, through the reduction of tariffs on its
under the direct control of the Office of the exports, particularly agricultural and industrial
President, particularly when contracts and/or products." The President also saw in the WTO the
projects undertaken by the SBMA entail opening of "new opportunities for the services
substantial amounts of money. Specifically, Letter sector . . ., (the reduction of) costs and uncertainty
of Instruction No. 620 mandates that the approval associated with exporting . . ., and (the attraction
of the President is required in all contracts of the of) more investments into the country."
national government offices, agencies and Arguing mainly (1) that the WTO requires the
instrumentalities, including government-owned or Philippines "to place nationals and products of
controlled corporations involving P2,000,000.00 member-countries on the same footing as Filipinos
and above, awarded through public bidding or and local products" and (2) that the WTO
negotiation. The President may, within his "intrudes, limits and/or impairs" the constitutional
authority, overturn or reverse any award made by powers of both Congress and the Supreme Court,
the SBMA Board of Directors for justifiable the instant petition before this Court assails the
reasons. It is well-established that the discretion to WTO Agreement for violating the mandate of the
accept or reject any bid, or even recall the award 1987 Constitution to "develop a self-reliant and
thereof, is of such wide latitude that the courts will independent national economy effectively
not generally interfere with the exercise thereof by controlled by Filipinos . . . (to) give preference to
the executive department, unless it is apparent qualified Filipinos (and to) promote the preferential
that such exercise of discretion is used to shield use of Filipino labor, domestic materials and
unfairness or injustice. When the President issued locally produced goods."
the memorandum setting aside the award
University of Santo Tomas
Q: Do the provisions of the WTO AGREEMENT domestic and foreign markets," thereby
and its three annexes contravene SEC. 19, demonstrating a clear policy against a sheltered
ARTICLE II, & SECS. 10 AND 12, ARTICLE XII, of domestic trade environment, but one in favor of
the Philippine Constitution? the gradual development of robust industries that
Does the Philippine Constitution prohibit Philippine can compete with the best in the foreign markets.
participation in worldwide trade liberalization and Indeed, Filipino managers and Filipino enterprises
economic globalization? have shown capability and tenacity to compete
A: The principles and state policies enumerated in internationally. And given a free trade
Article II and some sections of Article XII are not environment, Filipino entrepreneurs and managers
"self-executing provisions, the disregard of which in Hongkong have demonstrated the Filipino
can give rise to a cause of action in the courts. capacity to grow and to prosper against the best
They do not embody judicially enforceable offered under a policy of laissez faire.
constitutional rights but guidelines for legislation. Constitutions are designed to meet not only the
vagaries of contemporary events. They should be
The reasons for denying a cause of action to an interpreted to cover even future and unknown
alleged infringement of broad constitutional circumstances. It is to the credit of its drafters that
principles are sourced from basic considerations a Constitution can withstand the assaults of bigots
of due process and the lack of judicial authority to and infidels but at the same time bend with the
wade "into the uncharted ocean of social and refreshing winds of change necessitated by
economic policy making. unfolding events.
While sovereignty has traditionally been deemed
While the Constitution indeed mandates a bias in absolute and all-encompassing on the domestic
favor of Filipino goods, services, labor and level, it is however subject to restrictions and
enterprises, at the same time, it recognizes the limitations voluntarily agreed to by the Philippines,
need for business exchange with the rest of the expressly or impliedly, as a member of the family
world on the bases of equality and reciprocity and of nations. Unquestionably, the Constitution did
limits protection of Filipino enterprises only against not envision a hermit-type isolation of the country
foreign competition and trade practices that are from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of
unfair. 32 In other words, the Constitution did not Principles and State Policies, the Constitution
intend to pursue an isolationist policy. It did not "adopts the generally accepted principles of
shut out foreign investments, goods and services international law as part of the law of the land, and
in the development of the Philippine economy. adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
While the Constitution does not encourage the freedom, cooperation and amity, with all nations.
unlimited entry of foreign goods, services and (Tañada, et al. v. Angara, et al., G.R. No.
investments into the country, it does not prohibit 118295, 02 May 1997)
them either. In fact, it allows an exchange on the
basis of equality and reciprocity, frowning only on Escobar, the predecessor-in-interest of petitioner
foreign competition that is unfair. Mirpuri, filed an application with the Bureau of
Patents for the registration of the trademark
Furthermore, the constitutional policy of a "self- "Barbizon" for use in brassieres and ladies
reliant and independent national economy" does undergarments. Escobar alleged that she had
not necessarily rule out the entry of foreign been manufacturing and selling these products
investments, goods and services. It contemplates under the firm name "L & BM Commercial" since
neither "economic seclusion" nor "mendicancy in 1970.
the international community." As explained by Private respondent Barbizon Corporation, a
Constitutional Commissioner Bernardo Villegas, corporation organized and doing business under
sponsor of this constitutional policy: the laws of New York, U.S.A., opposed the
application. It claimed that: The mark BARBIZON
"Economic self reliance is a primary objective of a of respondent-applicant is confusingly similar to
developing country that is keenly aware of the trademark BARBIZON which opposer owns
overdependence on external assistance for even and has not abandoned. And that the respondent-
its most basic needs. It does not mean autarky or applicant's use of the said mark BARBIZON which
economic seclusion; rather, it means avoiding resembles the trademark used and owned by
mendicancy in the international community. opposer, constitutes an unlawful appropriation of a
Independence refers to the freedom from undue mark previously used in the Philippines and not
foreign control of the national economy, especially abandoned and therefore a statutory violation of
in such strategic industries as in the development Section 4 (d) of Republic Act No. 166.
of natural resources and public utilities." Director of Patents rendered judgment dismissing
the opposition and giving due course to Escobar's
The WTO reliance on "most favored nation," application,
"national treatment," and "trade without Escobar was issued a certificate of registration for
discrimination" cannot be struck down as the trademark "Barbizon." The trademark was "for
unconstitutional as in fact they are rules of equality use in "brassieres and lady's underwear garments
and reciprocity that apply to all WTO members. like panties. Escobar later assigned all her rights
Aside from envisioning a trade policy based on and interest over the trademark to petitioner
"equality and reciprocity," 37 the fundamental law Mirpuri who, under his firm name then, the "Bonito
encourages industries that are "competitive in both Enterprises," was the sole and exclusive
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

distributor of Escobar's "Barbizon" products. In independence. (Mirpuri v. CA, G.R. No. 114508,
1979, however, the Bureau of Patents cancelled 19 November 1999)
Escobar's certificate of registration. Escobar
reapplied for registration of the cancelled Death, Succession and Administration of
trademark. Mirpuri filed his own application for Estate
registration of Escobar's trademark. Escobar later
assigned her application to herein petitioner and Republic of the Philippines alleged that during his
this application was opposed by private exile the late President Marcos executed his last
respondent. will and testament in USA, with his wife Imelda
and son Ferdinand II as executors. It moved that
Q: Can Barbizon Corp. invoke the Paris Mrs. Marcos and Ferdinand II be declared
Convention? incompetent as executors and prayed that letters
A: The essential requirement under Article 6b is of of administration be issued in favor of petitioner's
the Paris Convention is that the trademark to be nominee. Mrs. Imelda Marcos and Ferdinand
protected must be "well-known" in the country Marcos II filed an Opposition/Comment on the
where protection is sought. The power to petition.
determine whether a trademark is well-known lies Petitioner sent a notice of Commencement of
in the "competent authority of the country of Probate Proceedings in Philippine Court to the
registration or use." This competent authority United States (U.S.) District Court of Hawaii,
would be either the registering authority if it has where a class action was previously filed against
the power to decide this, or the courts of the former President Marcos. The action sought
country in question if the issue comes before a damages against the latter for human rights
court. violations he allegedly committed during his
Intellectual and industrial property rights cases are authoritarian rule.
not simple property cases. Trademarks deal with Petitioner then filed in the probate court a Petition
the psychological function of symbols and the for the Issuance of a Writ of Preliminary Injunction
effect of these symbols on the public at large. with Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for a Temporary
Trademarks play a significant role in Restraining Order. It alleged that in the class
communication, commerce and trade, and serve action the U.S. District Court of Hawaii issued a
valuable and interrelated business functions, both Reference Order appointing special masters for
nationally and internationally. For this reason, all the purpose of obtaining depositions in the
agreements concerning industrial property, like Philippines on the following matters:
those on trademarks and tradenames, are (1) whether the victims identified in the claim
intimately connected with economic development. forms suffered torture, summary
Industrial property encourages investments in new execution, or disappearance; and (2) the
ideas and inventions and stimulates creative extent of damages sustained.
efforts for the satisfaction of human needs. They
speed up transfer of technology and The Reference Order prescribed the procedure,
industrialization, and thereby bring about social including the availment of local court reporters and
and economic progress. These advantages have interpreters as might be required. Petitioner
been acknowledged by the Philippine government asserted that the Reference Order impinged on
itself. The Intellectual Property Code of the the exclusive jurisdiction of the probate court and
Philippines declares that "an effective intellectual disregarded the claim of the Philippine
and industrial property system is vital to the government against the Marcos estate. It also
development of domestic and creative activity, contended that the claim against the estate should
facilitates transfer of technology, it attracts foreign be filed before the probate court and that the
investments, and ensures market access for our Philippine government should be accorded first
products. preference in the priority list of the estate's
The Code was enacted to strengthen the creditors.
intellectual and industrial property system in the Respondent Judge Villarama issued a TRO
Philippines as mandated by the country's against the special masters and persons acting in
accession to the Agreement Establishing the their stead. Later however, he issued the assailed
WTO. Order lifting the TRO.
Among those annexed is the Agreement on Trade-
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights or Q: Does the petitioner have a clear and positive
TRIPs. Members to this Agreement "desire to right w/c may have been violated by the issuance
reduce distortions and impediments to of the Reference Order by the District Court of
international trade, taking into account the need to Hawaii?
promote effective and adequate protection of A: We fail to comprehend what clear and positive
intellectual property rights, and to ensure that right petitioner has which may be violated by the
measures and procedures to enforce intellectual issuance and implementation of the Reference
property rights do not themselves become barriers Order by the District Court of Hawaii. Petitioner
to legitimate trade. seeks to establish such a "right" by claiming that
The TRIPs Agreement seeks to grant adequate since the probate court was the first to take
protection of intellectual property rights by creating cognizance of the settlement of the Marcos estate
a favorable economic environment to encourage then pursuant to Section 1 of Rule 73 of the Rules
the inflow of foreign investments, and of Court, it exercises jurisdiction thereon to the
strengthening the multi-lateral trading system to exclusion of all other courts; and that, accordingly,
bring about economic, cultural and technological
University of Santo Tomas
the District Court of Hawaii cannot assert Q: Was the Dubai decision properly proved before
jurisdiction over the assets of said estate. the POEA?
The argument is like a loose cannon ball way off A: Even assuming that the POEA has jurisdiction
its target. to recognize and enforce a foreign judgment, still
Section 1 of Rule 73 refers to courts in the respondent Rances cannot rely upon the Dubai
Philippines and simply means that once a special decision. The Dubai decision was not properly
proceeding for the settlement of the estate of a proved before the POEA. The Dubai decision
decedent is filed in one of such courts, that court purports to be the written act or record of an act of
has exclusive jurisdiction over said estate and no an official body or tribunal of a foreign country, and
other special proceedings involving the same therefore a public writing under Section 20 (a) of
subject matter may be filed before any other court. Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Court. Sections
Since foreign courts are not contemplated in 25 and 26 of Rules 132 prescribe the manner of
Section 1, in no way then can it be validly proving a public of official record of a foreign
maintained that the District Court of Hawaii has country in the following terms:
encroached upon, or "impinged on," the "Sec. 25. Proof of public or official record.-An
jurisdiction of the probate court by the issuance of official record or an entry therein, when admissible
the Reference Order. The Reference Order cannot for any purpose, may be evidenced by an official
be construed as concerning or affecting the publication thereof or by a copy attested by the
Marcos estate within the exclusive jurisdiction of officer having the legal custody of the record, or by
the probate court. The duties of the special his deputy, and accompanied, if the record is not
masters as defined in the Reference Order were kept in the Philippines, with a certificate that such
"to prepare written findings for submission to the officer has the custody. If the office in which the
jury regarding (a) whether the victims identified in record is kept is in a foreign country, the certificate
the claim forms suffered torture, summary may be made by a secretary of embassy or
execution or disappearance, and (b) the extent of legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or
the damages sustained. (Republic v. Judge consular agent or by any officer in the foreign
Villarama, Jr., G.R. No. 117733, 05 September service of the Philippines stationed in the foreign
1997) country in which the record is kept, and
authenticated by the seal of his office.
Foreign Judgments "Sec. 26. What attestation of copy must state.-
Whenever a copy of a writing is attested for the
Rances was engaged by petitioner Pascor as purpose of evidence, the attestation must state, in
Radio Operator of a vessel belonging to Pascor's substance, that the copy is a correct copy of the
foreign principal, the Gulf-East Ship Management original, or a specific part thereof, as the case may
Limited. After having been transferred from one be. The attestation must be under the official seat
vessel to another four times for misbehavior and of the attesting officer, if there be any, or if he be
inability to get along with officers and crew the clerk of a court having a seal, under the seal of
members of each of the vessels, the foreign such court."
principal terminated the services of private Respondent Rances failed to submit any
respondent Rances citing the latter's poor and attestation issued by the proper Dubai official
incorrigible work attitude and incitement of others having legal custody of the original of the decision
to insubordination. of the Dubai Court that the copy presented by said
Thereafter, private respondent filed a complaint respondent is a faithful copy of the original
against petitioner where he sought to carry out decision, which attestation must furthermore be
and enforce the same award obtained by him in authenticated by a Philippine Consular Officer
Dubai allegedly against Pascor's foreign principal having jurisdiction in Dubai.
which he had pleaded as a counterclaim in POEA The Dubai decision is accompanied by a
Case. document which purports to be an English
translation of that decision; but that translation is
As evidence of this foreign award, private legally defective. Section 34 of Rule 132 of the
respondent submitted what purports to be an Revised Rules of Court requires that documents
"original copy of the decision" of the Dubai court written in a non-official language (like Arabic) shall
written in Arabic script and language, with a copy not be admitted as evidence unless accompanied
of an English translation by an unidentified by a translation into English or Spanish or Filipino.
translator and a copy of a transmittal letter dated In the instant case, there is no showing of who
23 September 1984 signed by one Mohd. Bin effected the English translation of the Dubai
Saleh "Honorary Consul for Philippines." The full decision which respondent Rances submitted to
texts of the purported English translation of the the POEA. The English translation does not
Dubai award and of the transmittal letter are set purport to have been made by an official court
out in the margin. interpreter of the Philippine Government nor of the
In its answer, petitioner Pascor made four principal Dubai Government.
arguments: that the copy of the Dubai decision The Dubai Court decision, even on the basis of the
relied upon by private respondent could not be English translation submitted by respondent
considered as evidence, not having been properly Rances, does not purport on its face to have been
authenticated. rendered against petitioner Pascor nor against the
foreign principal of petitioner. Petitioner Pascor
has expressly denied that jurisdiction had ever
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

been acquired by the Dubai court over the person governed by the lex fori or the internal law of the
of Pascor in accordance with the Rules of forum i.e., the law of Malaysia in this case.
Procedure applicable before the Dubai Court. In this case, it is the procedural law of Malaysia
(Pacific Asia Overseas Shipping Corporation v. where the judgment was rendered that determines
NLRC, GR No. L-76595, 06 May 1988) the validity of the service of court process on
private respondent as well as other matters raised
The petitioner Asiavest Merchant Bankers is a by it. As to what the Malaysian procedural law is,
corporation organized under the laws of Malaysia remains a question of fact, not of law. It may not
while private respondent Philippine National be taken judicial notice of and must be pleaded
Construction Corporation PNCC is a corporation and proved like any other fact. Sections 24 and
duly incorporated and existing under Philippine 25 of Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Court
laws. It appears that sometime in 1983, petitioner provide that it may be evidenced by an official
initiated a suit for collection against private publication or by a duly attested or authenticated
respondent before the High Court of Malaya. copy thereof. It was then incumbent upon private
Petitioner sought to recover the indemnity of the respondent to present evidence as to what that
performance bond it had put up in favor of private Malaysian procedural law is and to show that
respondent to guarantee the completion of a under it, the assailed service of summons upon a
Project and the non-payment of the loan it financial officer of a corporation, as alleged by it, is
extended to Asiavest-CDCP. invalid. It did not. Accordingly, the presumption of
High Court of Malaya rendered judgment in favor validity and regularity of service of summons and
of the petitioner and against the private the decision thereafter rendered by the High Court
respondent. Following unsuccessful attempts to of Malaya must stand. (Asiavest Merchant
secure payment from private respondent under the Bankers Berhad v. CA, G.R. No. 110263, 20 July
judgment, petitioner initiated the complaint before 2001)
RTC to enforce the judgment of the High Court of
Malaya. The District Court of Guam informed the SC of the
suspension of Atty. Maquera from the practice of
Q: Can the Malaysian judgment be recognized law in Guam for two years pursuant to the
and enforced under the circumstances? Decision rendered by the Superior Court of Guam
A: Yes. Having thus proven, through the foregoing in a disciplinary case filed by the Guam Bar Ethics
evidence, the existence and authenticity of the Committee against Maquera.
foreign judgment, said foreign judgment enjoys IBP found that Maquera was admitted to the
presumptive validity and the burden then fell upon Philippine Bar on 1958. On 1974, he was admitted
the party who disputes its validity, herein private to the practice of law in the territory of Guam. He
respondent, to prove otherwise. was suspended from the practice of law in Guam
Private respondent failed to sufficiently discharge for misconduct, as he acquired his client's property
the burden that fell upon it – to prove by clear and as payment for his legal services, then sold it and
convincing evidence the grounds which it relied as a consequence obtained an unreasonably high
upon to prevent enforcement of the Malaysian fee for handling his client's case.
High Court judgment, namely, (a) that jurisdiction
was not acquired by the Malaysian Court over the Q: May a member of the Philippine Bar who was
person of private respondent due to alleged disbarred or suspended from the practice of law in
improper service of summons upon private a foreign jurisdiction where he has also been
respondent and the alleged lack of authority of its admitted as an attorney be meted the same
counsel to appear and represent private sanction as a member of the Philippine Bar for the
respondent in the suit; (b) the foreign judgment is same infraction committed in the foreign
allegedly tainted by evident collusion, fraud and jurisdiction?
clear mistake of fact or law; and (c) not only were A: The Guam Superior Court’s judgment ordering
the requisites for enforcement or recognition Maquera’s suspension from the practice of law in
allegedly not complied with but also that the Guam does not automatically result in his
Malaysian judgment is allegedly contrary to the suspension or disbarment in the Philippines.
Constitutional prescription that the “every decision Under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules
must state the facts and law on which it is based.” of Court, the acts which led to his suspension in
Guam are mere grounds for disbarment or
Private respondent relied solely on the testimony suspension in this jurisdiction, at that only if the
of its witnesses both of whom failed to shed light basis of the foreign court’s action includes any of
and amplify its defense or claim for non- the grounds for disbarment or suspension in this
enforcement of the foreign judgment against it. jurisdiction. Likewise, the judgment of the Superior
Needless to stress, the recognition to be accorded Court of Guam only constitutes prima facie
a foreign judgment is not necessarily affected by evidence of Maquera’s unethical acts as a lawyer.
the fact that the procedure in the courts of the More fundamentally, due process demands that
country in which such judgment was rendered he be given the opportunity to defend himself and
differs from that of the courts of the country in to present testimonial and documentary evidence
which the judgment is relied on. Ultimately, on the matter in an investigation to be conducted
matters of remedy and procedure such as those in accordance with Rule 139-B of the Revised
relating to the service of summons or court Rules of Court. Said rule mandates that a
process upon the defendant, the authority of respondent lawyer must in all cases be notified of
counsel to appear and represent a defendant and the charges against him. It is only after
the formal requirements in a decision are reasonable notice and failure on the part of the
University of Santo Tomas
respondent lawyer to appear during the scheduled defend against the enforcement of such decision
investigation that an investigation may be in the local forum. It is essential that there should
conducted ex parte. (In re: Suspension from the be an opportunity to challenge the foreign
Practice of Law in the Terrritory of Guam of judgment, in order for the court in this jurisdiction
Atty. Leon G. Maquera, Bar Matter No. 793, 30 to properly determine its efficacy.
July 2004) It is clear then that it is usually necessary for an
action to be filed in order to enforce a foreign
The petitioners filed Complaint for the enforcement judgment, even if such judgment has conclusive
of the Final Judgment awarding the plaintiff class a effect as in the case of in rem actions, if only for
total of $1,964,005,859.90. They argued that since the purpose of allowing the losing party an
the Marcos Estate failed to file a petition for opportunity to challenge the foreign judgment, and
certiorari with the US Supreme Court after the in order for the court to properly determine its
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals had affirmed the efficacy. Consequently, the party attacking a
Final Judgment, the decision of the US District foreign judgment has the burden of overcoming
Court had become final and executory, and hence the presumption of its validity.
should be recognized and enforced in the There are distinctions between the cause of action
Philippines, pursuant to Section 50, Rule 39 of the arising from the enforcement of a foreign
Rules of Court then in force. judgment, and that arising from the facts or
Marcos Estate filed a motion to dismiss, raising, allegations that occasioned the foreign judgment.
among others, the non-payment of the correct They may pertain to the same set of facts, but
filing fees. It alleged that petitioners had only paid there is an essential difference in the right-duty
P410.00 as docket and filing fees, notwithstanding correlatives that are sought to be vindicated. On
the fact that they sought to enforce a monetary the other hand, in a complaint for the enforcement
amount of damages in the amount of over of a foreign judgment awarding damages from the
US$2.25 Billion. The Marcos Estate cited same tortfeasor, for the violation of the same right
Supreme Court Circular No. 7, pertaining to the through the same manner of action, the cause of
proper computation and payment of docket fees. action derives not from the tortious act but from
In response, the petitioners claimed that an action the foreign judgment itself.
for the enforcement of a foreign judgment is not More importantly, the matters for proof are
capable of pecuniary estimation; hence, a filing fee different. Using the above example, the
of only Four Hundred Ten Pesos (P410.00) was complainant will have to establish before the court
proper, pursuant to Section 7(c) of Rule 141. the tortious act or omission committed by the
Respondent Judge Ranada issued the subject tortfeasor, who in turn is allowed to rebut these
Order dismissing the complaint without prejudice. factual allegations or prove extenuating
Respondent judge opined that contrary to the circumstances. Extensive litigation is thus
petitioners’ submission, the subject matter of the conducted on the facts and from there the right to
complaint was indeed capable of pecuniary and amount of damages are assessed. On the
estimation, as it involved a judgment rendered by other hand, in an action to enforce a foreign
a foreign court ordering the payment of definite judgment, the matter left for proof is the foreign
sums of money, allowing for easy determination of judgment itself, and not the facts from which it
the value of the foreign judgment. On that score, prescinds.
Section 7(a) of Rule 141 of the Rules of Civil As stated in Section 48, Rule 39, the actionable
Procedure would find application, and the RTC issues are generally restricted to a review of
estimated the proper amount of filing fees was jurisdiction of the foreign court, the service of
approximately Four Hundred Seventy Two Million personal notice, collusion, fraud, or mistake of fact
Pesos, which obviously had not been paid. or law. The limitation on review is in consonance
Not surprisingly, petitioners filed a Motion for with a strong and pervasive policy in all legal
Reconsideration, which Judge Ranada denied. systems to limit repetitive litigation on claims and
issues. Otherwise known as the policy of
Q: Was the dismissal proper? preclusion, it seeks to protect party expectations
A: Remarkably, the procedural rule now outlined resulting from previous litigation, to safeguard
in Section 48, Rule 39 of the Rules of Civil against the harassment of defendants, to insure
Procedure has remained unchanged down to the that the task of courts not be increased by never-
last word in nearly a century. There is an evident ending litigation of the same disputes, and to
distinction between a foreign judgment in an action promote the goal of all law: “rest and quietness.” If
in rem and one in personam. For an action in rem, every judgment of a foreign court were reviewable
the foreign judgment is deemed conclusive upon on the merits, the plaintiff would be forced back on
the title to the thing, while in an action in his/her original cause of action, rendering
personam, the foreign judgment is presumptive, immaterial the previously concluded litigation.
and not conclusive, of a right as between the The viability of the public policy defense against
parties and their successors in interest by a the enforcement of a foreign judgment has been
subsequent title. However, in both cases, the recognized in this jurisdiction. This defense allows
foreign judgment is susceptible to impeachment in for the application of local standards in reviewing
our local courts on the grounds of want of the foreign judgment, especially when such
jurisdiction or notice to the party, collusion, fraud, judgment creates only a presumptive right, as it
or clear mistake of law or fact. Thus, the party does in cases wherein the judgment is against a
aggrieved by the foreign judgment is entitled to person. The defense is also recognized within the
Academics Committee Chairperson:
Civil Law Committee Chairperson:
2007 Team Bar-Ops Civil Law Committee

international sphere, as many civil law nations

adhere to a broad public policy exception which
may result in a denial of recognition when the
foreign court, in the light of the choice-of-law rules
of the recognizing court, applied the wrong law to
the case. The public policy defense can safeguard
against possible abuses to the easy resort to
offshore litigation if it can be demonstrated that the
original claim is noxious to our constitutional
values. (Mijares, et al. vs Hon. Ranada, G.R. No.
139325, 12 April 2005)

University of Santo Tomas

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