Elements of Applied Linguistics

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The key takeaways are that linguistics is defined as the study of human speech and language, and that studying applied linguistics is important for teachers to understand language acquisition and implement linguistic theory and methods in language teaching.

Linguistics is defined as 'the study of human speech including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language'.

The study of applied linguistics is important for teachers to understand linguistic findings related to how children acquire language and to implement linguistic theory and methods in language teaching.



Study Guide for the Course


By Katalina Perera Hernndez

III Cuatrimestre, 2009

Encargada de Ctedra de Lengua y Cultura Inglesa:

Emilia Mara Quirs Vargas

Productora Acadmica:

Yadira Matarrita Brenes

Programa de Produccin de Material Impreso

This study guide has been specifically

designed for the book Linguistics for Non-
Linguists: A Primer with Exercises (fourth
edition) by Frank Parker, to be used as
the basic textbook for the course
Elementos de Lingstica Aplicada
(Elements of Applied Linguistics), code
5189, taught at the Licenciatura en
Enseanza del Ingls para I y II Ciclos
Program of the Universidad Estatal a
Distancia (UNED).

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Linguistics is defined in the Meriam Websters Dictionary as the study of human

speech including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language
(http://www.merriam-webster.com). That is to say that linguistics is the science of language;
therefore, its study becomes fundamental in the academic development of those
who will be in charge of educating children, since childrens education is based on or
related to language skills, such as reading, writing, speaking and vocabulary

Linguists have taken huge steps and made great efforts to understand how children
acquire their native language, and how children and adults acquire any other
languages. Linguists findings are a valuable resource for classroom instruction
since they deal with the structural, psychological, social and cultural aspects
pertaining to learning a native language and/or to the acquisition of other languages.
Therefore, the study of applied linguistics throughout the academic curriculum of any
TESL or TEFL program must provide future teachers and education specialists with
the appropriate basic knowledge to help them implement linguistic theory and
methods to language teaching.

This study guide has been designed with the purpose of leading students who have
enrolled the Licenciatura en Enseanza del Ingls para I y II Ciclos to a better
understanding of the objectives and contents of this course. It helps students to
know and understand the aims and basic concepts and terms to be studied, applied
and analyzed.

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Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3
Contents.................................................................................................................... 4
I. Course Description and Study Guide: General Information.......................... 5
Course General Objective ...................................................................................... 5
Course Specific Objectives..................................................................................... 5
Course Requirements and Academic Load ............................................................ 5
Course Evaluation .................................................................................................. 6
Methodology and Instructional Activities................................................................. 7
About the Study Guide: To the Student .................................................................. 8
The Textbook.......................................................................................................... 8
How to Study Each Unit.......................................................................................... 9
Structure of the Study Guide .................................................................................. 9
II. First Workshop ................................................................................................... 12
Applied Linguistics: General Considerations ........................................................ 12
Importance and Need of Applied Linguistics......................................................... 12
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................... 15
Chapter 2: Pragmatics .......................................................................................... 16
Chapter 3: Semantics ........................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4: Syntax ................................................................................................. 19
III. Second Workshop.............................................................................................. 21
Chapter 5: Morphology ......................................................................................... 21
Chapter 6: Phonology ........................................................................................... 22
Chapter 7: Language Variation ............................................................................. 23
IV. Third Workshop ................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 8: First-Language Acquisition.................................................................. 25
Chapter 9: Second-Language Acquisition ............................................................ 26
Chapter 10: Written Language.............................................................................. 27
V. Fourth Workshop .............................................................................................. 29
Chapter 11: Language Processing ....................................................................... 29
Chapter 12: The Neurology of Language.............................................................. 30
Chapter 13: Conclusion ........................................................................................ 31
Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics .......................................................... 33
Case Study Guidelines ......................................................................................... 43
The Case Study Report..................................................................................... 44
VI. Answer key to all in chapter and supplementary exercises ......................... 46
I. Appendix.......................................................................................................... 82
Applied Linguistics: Glossary of terms .................................................................. 83
Bibliography ......................................................................................................... 103

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I. Course Description and Study Guide: General

Elements of Applied Linguistics is a course designed to introduce students to

several topics that are crucial in language teaching. The course provides an
overview of the basic concepts, scope, and methodology of linguistics. Throughout
the course, the primary systems of language, psycholinguistics and comparative
phonology are treated in depth. Besides, this course aims at exploring the theories
and research of applied linguistics, especially those pertaining to second language
acquisition and teaching.
By the end of the course, students will count on some basic Knowledge of phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.

Course General Objective

The main purpose of Elements of Applied Linguistics is to have students know and
be able to analyze and identify the different processes undergone while acquiring a
foreign or second language.

Course Specific Objectives

By the end of this course, students will have the required knowledge and skills to:

A. Analyze the different ways in which linguistic knowledge can be applied in

real, everyday situations in and out of the class.

B. Understand the major concepts and inflections of the English Language

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, as well as recognize its different uses
and variations according to social and geographical factors.

C. Identify the features and differences in first (native) and second (non-native)
language acquisition processes.

D. Recognize and analyze the nature of the most common errors in writing.

E. Distinguish and analyze the most common problems of language processing

and their effects.

F. Implementing research techniques for diagnosing and analyzing specific

linguistic problems.

Course Requirements and Academic Load

A. To enroll this course, the student must be previously admitted to the

Licenciatura en Enseanza del Ingls para I y II Ciclos program.

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B. Students should enroll all subjects in Module J; that is, Literary Criticism,
Advanced English Grammar, Statistics Applied to Education, and Elements of
Applied Linguistics.

C. The course is developed in four-month periods (150 hours), and its academic
load is three (3) credits.

Course Evaluation

The evaluation of the course will imply both formative as well as summative
assessment. Formative evaluation intends to lead the student to develop self-
assessment strategies that will help him/her to monitor his/her own performance by
means of completing the exercises assigned and suggested in this study guide.
Students will also get proper and timely feedback from tutor through workshops and
scheduled online platform activities.
Summative evaluation will be applied in two tests on the theories, concepts, and
research carried out in the first half of the period.
Evaluation percentages will be as follows1:

Evaluation Instrument Total Value

2 Assignments 1% (0.5 % each)
1 Research Project 2%
Research Project Oral Defense 1%
Participation on Online Platform activities 2%
2 tests 4% (2 % each)

Evaluation is subject to change according to diagnosis and course assessment.

The guidelines and study material on research techniques appear at the end of the first workshop.

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Methodology and Instructional Activities

The primary organization of the course implies a twofold teaching/learning modality

which is a combination of having the students read and study the material suggested
in the study guide and course guidelines, and of having them participate in online
activities as well as attend workshops.
Students are expected to read the scheduled research and chapters as programmed
in this study guide and in the course guidelines, in order for them to be prepared to
actively engage in the discussion. Graduate level performance is expected from all
students, so it is understood that they are responsible for their own learning.
Due to its distance modality, readings and assignments are to be independently
completed in a thorough and timely manner.
Attendance to at least 2 of the 4 workshops is compulsory since students must
present their final research project to the rest of the group.
The course is taught in a twofold modality (hybrid), which implies distance
independent learning, compulsory attendance to at least 2 of the 4 workshops, and
active high-quality participation in online forums and discussions. Thus, students are
required to share with the tutor and classmates their own learning experiences and
Additionally, based on the contents and objectives of the course, and applying the
research method, students will choose a specific topic on applied linguistics or
first/second language acquisition issues, and will write a research proposal to be
submitted in the first workshop for the tutors approval.
The main focus of this course is to have the student acquire basic knowledge on the
linguistics theory and accurately apply it to analyze real-life situations implying the
different uses and contexts of language.

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About the Study Guide: To the Student

This study guide complements the text Linguistics for Non-Linguists: A Primer with
Exercises (fourth edition) by Frank Parker and Kathryn Riley.

This guide aims at clarifying basic aspects from the book and providing students with
proper study guidelines to enhance a better understanding of the contents (theory
and exercises) found in the book.

The Textbook

Linguistics for Non-Linguists, Fourth Edition, is an easy to read text that clearly and
concisely provides students with knowledge on the basic elements of linguistics.
Major concepts are illustrated in an easy-to-read style, allowing students of
language-related fields to better understand the fundamental principles and methods
of linguistic theory.
The text book provides:
A great number of exercises, which appear immediately after the concepts
they are related to, is presented.
Supplementary Exercises at the end of each chapter.
Clear and concise explanations, charts, tables, and illustrations.
A list of Supplementary Readings at the end of each chapter.
The book is divided in two sections: the theory section (Chapters 2-6, Pragmatics-
Phonology), and the applied section (Chapters 7-12). The theory section deals with
and explains all the concepts necessary to thoroughly understand the applied
Chapter 1 is an overview and introduction to some examples of linguistic
phenomena and the general methodology and basic concepts of theory construction
in linguistics.
Chapter 13 encompasses a summary of the main topics dealt with thorough the
book, and the contributions that linguistic theory, by means of providing a model for
explaining different phenomena, can make to related disciplines.

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How to Study Each Unit

Each chapter contains three types of exercises. The in-chapter exercises help the
student confirm material that has just been discussed. The Supplementary Exercises
at the end of each chapter not only review but in some cases extend or apply
material from the chapter. The Exploratory Exercises typically require more research
or analysis.
The suggested In-chapter exercises are to be solved immediately after reading the
section they refer to. Nevertheless, students should carefully read and analyze each
chapter before even trying to do the supplementary exercises.
Answers to exercises marked with a are given at the end of the textbook and,
therefore, are not repeated in this study guide. Likewise, answers to Exploratory
Exercises are usually not given here, since they will typically vary depending on
student research. Shall any doubt regarding exploratory exercises arise, it is
recommended to discuss it during workshops.
Once each chapter is carefully read, it is suggested that the students prepare a
summary of the main issues of each chapter. Students will have the chance to
discuss, exchange their opinions and points of view and clear out any doubts
through the scheduled online activities and in programmed workshops.
Students must try to answer all the suggested exercises.

Structure of the Study Guide

This study guide is divided in six parts which include a general description of the
course, the topics and chapters to be covered in each workshop scheduled and a
glossary and answer key to exercises.

First Part: Course Description and Study Guide: General Information

Second Part: First Workshop


1. Applied Linguistics: General Considerations

a. The Need and Importance of Applied Linguistics

2. Pragmatics

a. Implicature
b. Speech Acts
3. Semantics
a. Background
b. Sense
c. Reference
d. Truth

4. Syntax

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a. Categories
b. Left-to-Right Ordering
c. Transformations

Chapters 1-2-3 and 4 (pages 1 to 84 from textbook)

Third Part: Second Workshop


1. Morphology

a. Morphemes
b. Lexical and Grammatical Morphemes
c. Free and Bound Morphemes
d. Inflectional and Derivational Morphemes
e. Word-Formation Processes

2. Phonology

a. Vocal Tract
b. Segments
c. Phonemic Alphabet
d. Levels of Representation
e. Phonological Rules

3. Language Variation

a. Language Universals, Languages, Dialects, and Idiolects

b. Regional Variation
c. Social Variation
d. Language and Gender
e. Stylistic Variation

Chapters 5-6-7 (pages 85 to 175, from textbook)

Fourth Part: Third Workshop


1. First-Language Acquisition

a. Pre-linguistic Stages
b. Linguistic Stages
c. Issues in Language Acquisition

2. Second-Language Acquisition

a. Issues in Second-Language Acquisition

b. Patterns in Second-Language Acquisition
c. Nonlinguistic Influences on Second-Language Acquisition

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3. Written Language

a. Writing Systems
b. The English Spelling System
c. Analyzing Errors in Written English

Chapters 8- 9 and 10 (pages 176 to 250, from textbook)

Fifth Part: Fourth Workshop


1. Language Processing

a. Sentence-Level Phenomena in Language Processing

b. Discourse-Level Phenomena in Language Processing
c. Perceptions about Tone

2. The Neurology of Language

a. Anatomy of the Nervous System

b. Background of Neurolinguistics
c. Hemispherical Specialization
d. Disorders

3. Conclusion

4. Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics

a. Case Study Guidelines

b. The Case Study Report

Chapters 11-12 and 13 (pages 251 to 305 from textbook)

Sixth Part: Answer key to in-chapter and supplementary exercises

Appendix: Applied Linguistics: Glossary of Terms

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II. First Workshop
General Objectives

The topics included in this first workshop aim at:

a. Getting to know the basic concepts and methods of linguistic theory.

b. Understanding the purpose and nature of applied linguistics.
c. Defining and analyzing the main concepts within pragmatics.
d. Introducing students to concepts from three areas pertaining to linguistic
meaning: sense, reference, and truth.
e. Defining the concepts related to the study of syntax, especially from
perspective of generative grammar: categories, left-to-right ordering,
hierarchical (constituent) structure, transformations, and constraints.

General Instructions for Studying the Chapters and Material Provided

In order to achieve the objectives, students must read chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the
text book (pages from page 1 to page 84), and deeply review the key concepts for
each chapter. To do so, the students count on two glossaries: one provided in the
text book and another one included at the end of this study guide.

It is important that students write down specific doubts or questions that may arise
while reading, so that that the tutor can clear out any uncertainty during the first

Suggested in-chapter exercises appear immediately after the theory and concepts to
which they refer; so, they must be done while reading. Supplementary exercises, on
the other hand, must be carefully done and analyzed after reading and summarizing
the entire chapter.

Applied Linguistics: General Considerations

The following material has been taken and adapted from the book Qualitative
Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction.

Importance and Need of Applied Linguistics

Language is at the heart of human life. Without it, many of our most important
activities are inconceivable. Try to imagine relating to your family, making friends,
learning, falling in love, forming a relationship, being a parent, holdingor rejectinga
religious faith, having political ideals, or taking political action, without using words.
There are other important activities, of course, which do seem to exist without
language. Sexual relations, preparing and eating food, manual labor and crafts, the
visual arts, playing and listening to music, wondering at the natural world, or grieving at
its destruction. Yet even these are often developed or enhanced through language. We
would perceive them quite differently had we never read about them or discussed them.
Throughout history and across the world, people have used language to gossip and
chat, flirt and seduce, play games, sing songs, tell stories, teach children, worship
gods, insult enemies, pass on information, make deals, remember the past, and

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lament the dead. Such activities seem to be intrinsic to human life, as natural to us as
flight is to birds. People do them without conscious analysis. It does not seem that we
need to know about language to use it effectively.
Language use, then, is in many ways a natural phenomenon beyond conscious control.
Yet there are also aspects of language use in which we can intervene and about which,
consequently, there are decisions to be made. In making these decisions there are
many questions and subsidiary questions to be asked, each one admitting many
different and opposed answers. Take, for example, language in education.
What language skills should children attain beyond basic literacy? (And
what is basic literacy anyway? Reading and writing, or something more?)
Should children speaking a dialect be encouraged to maintain it or steered
towards the standard form of a language? (And, if so, how is that standard form
decided and by whom?)
In communities with more than one language which ones should be used in
schools? (And does every child have a right to be educated in the language they
use at home?)
Should deaf children learn a sign language, or a combination of lip reading
and speaking? (And are sign languages as complex as spoken ones?)
Should everyone learn foreign languages and, if so, which one or ones? (And
what is the best way to learn and teach them?)
Should every child study literature? (And, if so, should it be established works
or more modern ones? And should they study just their own national
literature or that of other countries?)
Such language issues, however, are by no means confined to the school. On
the contrary, these educational dilemmas echo those of society at large.
Languages change. Should this just be accepted as an inevitable fact
or should change be controlled in some way?
Some languages are dying out. Should that be prevented and, if so, how?
Should the growth of English as the international lingua franca be welcomed or
Is it better for people to learn each other's languages or use translations?
(And what is accurate or 'good' translation? Could it ever be done by
Is language being used for political oppression and indoctrination? (And, if so,
should something be done about it?)
Which languages should be used in law courts and official documents?
All of these questions and many more like them, demand answers. In the
contemporary world, with its rapid and radical changes, many of them take on a new
significance and seem more pressing than they have in the past. To answer them it
seems reasonable that we should set out to investigate and understand the facts of
language use, to organize and formalize what we know, and to subject our
knowledge to rational consideration and critical analysis. Only by doing so will we be
able to set out the options for action and the reasoning behind them, and to debate
the alternatives openly and independently, in as informed and rational a manner as
possible. This is the aimand the aspirationof applied linguistics, the academic
discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making
in the real world.

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Examples and procedures
On the basis of this definition, then, we can say that applied linguistics sets out to
investigate problems in the world in which language is implicatedboth educational
and social problems like those listed above. Our provisional definition is, of course,
very abstract and general, so we might give it some substance by considering a few
concrete examples. In what kind of problems is language implicated? How might they
be investigated?
Here are a number of imaginary but representative situations in which decisions about
language need to be taken.
The head teacher of a London school is thinking of offering another foreign language
in addition to French. The options are Chinese (the world's largest first language),
Spanish (one of the world's largest and most widely distributed languages), or the
Indian language Gujarati (the largest second language in the school and local
community, and one which has approximately forty-three million speakers worldwide).
Which of these languages should be taught, and why?
A business executive wants to learn Japanese in preparation for taking up a post in
Tokyo. There are three courses available. Course One has a strong emphasis on
learning to write. Course Two focuses on the spoken language, claiming that learning
to write too early is demotivating. It does, however, explain the rules of Japanese
grammar in English and use translation. Course Three's approach is 'natural', with no
translation or explanation of rules, but only a series of communicative classroom
activities and tasks. Which course is the best choice, and why?
A business in the USA exports industrial machinery to South America. There are
frequently financial, legal, and safety documents to translate, and it is important that
these are accurate. The firm employs two translators: Juan, a sixty-year- old Cuban
emigrant who once ran a similar business, and twenty-two-year-old Jemima, who
studied Spanish literature at a prestigious university. Juan complains to the
management that Jemima's translation of some safety regulations is full of errors.
Jemima says this is nonsense, and there is a terrible row. None of the managers
speak Spanish themselves. How can they judge between them?
Zramzshra is a small (fictional) island in the Indian Ocean. The Zramzshraran
language uses a unique alphabet which developed from the Phoenician alphabet
when traders came to the island 3,000 years ago. Zramzshra's Finance Minister
argues for a reform in which this alphabet will be replaced by the Roman alphabet
(the one used in English and many other languages). This change, he argues, will
make the island's life easier and more prosperous, with benefits for English teaching,
computer-mediated communication, trade, and tourism. Is this the best policy?
In responding to such language related problems, we can draw upon common
sense and experience to judge what action should be taken. But in recommending a
particular course of action we might benefit both from more information and from a
more systematic approach. For example, we might study what other people have
said on similar matters, and we might make investigations of our own, perhaps by
interviewing the parents and children in the school, observing some Japanese
lessons, consulting a third Spanish speaker, and so on. And whenas sadly often
happensthe advice we offer, well-informed though it might be, is ignored for
political or commercial reasons, or out of prejudice, we might wish to form a
pressure group to put across our case more effectively. It is these processes of
study, reflection, investigation, and action which constitute applied linguistics as an
academic discipline.

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Chapter 1: Introduction


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Distinguish among the psychological system, vocal tract, and speech.
b. Explain the analogy between a computer system and the linguistic system.
c. Understand the relation between data and theory.


The chapter provides an Introduction to the principles and methods of linguistic

theory, understood as the study of the psychological system of language; that is, of
the unconscious knowledge that lies behind our ability to produce and interpret
utterances of language.2 (Parker, p. 8)

Key Terms

generative grammar vocal tract data

software speech theory
hardware personal pronouns categories
output reflexive pronouns rules
language antecedent

Sample analysis: "Tag" questions.

For a better understanding of the introduction, students must watchfully go over the
following example, after reading the entire chapter:

Data (acceptability judgments): The underlined sentences are unacceptable.

1. Mary can't go, can she?

2. Mary has gone, hasn't she?
3. Mary can go, couldn't she?
4. Mary can't go, can't she?
5. Mary can't go, can they?
6. Mary hasn't been going, is she?

Theory: Principles that predict acceptability judgments according to the data

provided. (The principles that govern tag questions in English)
For example: The verb in a tag question must match the verb in the declarative; the
declarative and the tag cannot both be negative; the pronoun in the tag must match
the subject of the declarative, in number, person, and gender; the verb in the tag
must be a copy of the first auxiliary verb in the declarative, etc. Principles must be
refined as new data is encountered.
No exercises are assigned in this chapter.

Parker, Frank. Linguistics for Non-Linguists: A Primer with Exercises.

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Chapter 2: Pragmatics
This chapter presents how pragmatics is concerned with two basic questions: how
speakers say things without really saying them, and how context affects interpretation.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Analyze the implicature raised by an interchange.

b. Recognize the conversational maxim that raises a particular implicature.
c. Classify an illocutionary act into one Searle's six types.
d. Identify felicity conditions (or their violations) on various types of speech acts.
e. Classify a speech act according to the following variables: explicit versus non-
explicit, direct vs. indirect, expressed vs. implied, and literal versus non-literal.
f. Explain the relationship between syntactic form and illocutionary force, especially
for indirect speech acts.
g. Explain how conversational implicature enables speakers to interpret implied
locutionary acts.


a. Speech acts
b. Classification of Illocutionary acts
c. Felicity Conditions
d. Explicit versus Nonexplicit Illocutionary Acts
e. Direct versus Indirect Illocutionary Acts
f. Expressed versus Implied Locutionary Acts
g. Literal versus Nonliteral Locutionary Acts
h. Overview of Speech Act Theory

Key Terms and Concepts

implicature representative performative verb

maxim of quantity directive direct/indirect illocutionary act
maxim of quality question
maxim of relation commissive expressed/implied locutionary act
maxim of manner expressive
speech act declaration precondition
locutionary act felicity condition literal / nonliteral locutionary act
illocutionary act explicit / nonexplicit
illocutionary force illocutionary act

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Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 2 Exercise A 1, 5 and 6.

Exercise B 1a, b, d, j.
Exercise C 1, 5
Exercise D 3 a, b.
Exercise E 1a, f.
Exercise F 2 a, b.
Exercise G 1 a, b, c
Exercise H 1 c, d, e, f.
Supplementary exercises 1, 3, 4, 6.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Chapter 3: Semantics
This chapter explores the following relations: the relation of words to words (sense); the
relation of words to world (reference); and the relation of sentences to sentences and
sentences to world (truth). It is useful to start out by comparing semantics to pragmatics:
where pragmatics is concerned with context-dependent meaning while semantics is
concerned with context-independent meaning.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Identify the semantic feature(s) that distinguish or unify a related set of words
(e.g. man, boy)
b. Recognize cases of lexical ambiguity and overlap.
c. Distinguish a super-ordinate of a given hyponym (or vice versa).
d. Label a set of antonyms as binary, gradable, or converse.
e. Classify a prototype and a stereotype of a common term such as car.
f. Categorize cases of co-reference, anaphora, and deixis.
g. Label a sentence as analytic, contradictory, or synthetic.
h. Determine the truth relation (presupposition or entailment) that holds between
a given pair of sentences.


a. Definition and background of semantics

b. Sense
1. Lexical Ambiguity
2. Synonymy
3. Hyponymy
4. Overlap
5. Antonymy

c. Reference
1. Referent
2. Extension

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3. Prototype
4. Stereotype
5. Conference
6. Anaphora
7. Deixis
d. Truth
1. Analytic Sentences
2. Contradictory Sentences
3. Synthetic Sentences
4. Entailment
5. Presupposition

Key Terms and Concepts

lexical decomposition binary antonym coreference

semantic features gradable antonym anaphora
sense converse antonyms deixis
speaker-sense speaker-reference analytic sentence
linguistic-sense linguistic-reference contradictory sentence
lexical ambiguity referent synthetic sentence
synonymy extension entailment
hyponym prototype presupposition
superordinate stereotype presupposition trigger

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 3 Exercise A 1 a,b,c,d.

Exercise B 1 a,b, 2, 3 a,b..
Exercise C 1 a,b,c,, 3 a,b,c,d,e,f.
Exercise D 4 a,b,c,d,e.
Exercise E 1 a,b.
Exercise F 3 a,b,c, 4, 5.
Exercise G 1 a,b, 3, 6.
Exercise H a.1, a.2, b.1, b.2., h.1, h 2
Supplementary exercises 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, and 15.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

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Chapter 4: Syntax
This chapter introduces students to concepts related to the study of syntax, especially
from perspective of generative grammar: categories, left-to-right ordering, hierarchical
(constituent) structure, transformations, and constraints.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Apply tests to argue that particular words belong to different categories.

b. Use terms such as dominate, directly dominate, sister, and daughter to identify
the relationships among various nodes in a tree.
c. Use PS rules to construct tree diagrams for simple phrases or structures.
d. Draw tree diagrams to reflect the structural ambiguity of a phrase like American
history teacher.
e. Use the passive test to determine whether or not a PP is part of a direct object in
a sentence like Ralph put the note on the door.
f. Infer selectional and subcategorization restrictions from a given set of data.
g. Understand the arguments for positing an X-bar category, i.e., an intermediate
category between XP and X.
h. Understand the arguments for positing underlying structures.
i. Identify violations of various constraints on transformations.

Key Terms and Concepts

lexical categories active sentence wh- movement

phrasal categories passive snetence underlying structure
phrase structure (ps) subcategorization surface structure
tree diagram restriction np-movement
nodes selectional restriction coordinate structure
dominate x-bar syntax unit movement
daughter node proform substitution subjacency constraint
constraint specifier tensed-s constraint
sister node adjunct yes/no question
recursion complement tag question
constituent transformation
structural ambiguity

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Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 4 Exercise A 1, 3.
Exercise B 1a, b, c, d.
Exercise C 1a, b, c, d.
Exercise D 1.
Exercise E 2 a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g.
Exercise F 1, 2, 4.
Exercise G 1, 2, 5.
Exercise H.1.
Exercise I 1.
Exercise K 1,2.
Supplementary exercises 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, and 15.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Page 20 of 104
III. Second Workshop
General Objectives

The topics included in this second workshop aim at:

a. Getting to know the basic concepts related to the structure and formation of
b. Introducing students to the phonemic alphabet and phonological rules.
c. Understanding the main concepts related to regional, social, gender and stylistic

General Instructions for studying the chapters

In order to achieve the objectives, students must read chapters 5, 6, and 7 of the
text book (pages from page 85 to page 175), and deeply review the key concepts for
each chapter. To do so, the students count on two glossaries: one provided in the
text book and another one included at the end of this study guide.
It is important that students write down specific doubts or questions that may arise
while reading, so that the tutor can clear out any uncertainty during the second
Suggested in-chapter exercises appear immediately after the theory and concepts to
which they refer; so, they must be done while reading. Supplementary exercises, on
the other hand, must be carefully done and analyzed after reading and summarizing
the entire chapter.
Chapter 5: Morphology
This chapter deals with structure rather than meaning. The basic questions it addresses
are the following: What are the parts of words? What are the patterns of verb
morphology in English? and How are new words introduced into English?

It is important for students to just memorize the eight inflectional affixes in English; this
way, they will find it easier to label any other affixes as derivational.

After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
a. Understand the differences among syllables, morphemes, and words.
b. Use the criteria of "more or less constant meaning and form" to determine if an
item is a morpheme.
c. Analyze the component morphemes of a word.
d. Label each morpheme in a word according to its type (lexical, grammatical, etc.).
e. Identify the eight inflectional affixes in English.
f. Distinguish the co-occurrence patterns associated with English auxiliary verbs
(e.g., a modal is always followed by an uninflected verb).
g. Describe some of the differences in behavior between inflectional and
derivational affixes.
h. Recognize the word-formation process involved in the creation of a word.

Page 21 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts
morpheme {POSS} compound
lexical morpheme {COMP} root creation
grammatical morpheme {SUP} clipped form
free morpheme {PRES} blend
bound morpheme {PAST} acronym
inflectional morpheme {PAST PART} abbreviation
derivational morpheme {PRES PART} proper
affix main verb folk
prefix modal verb back
suffix derivation
{PLU} category extension

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 5 Exercise A 1.
Exercise B 1.
Exercise C 1.
Exercise D 1.
Exercise E 1.
Exercise F 1, 5.
Exercise G 1.
Exercise H.1,3.
Exercise I 1.

Supplementary exercises 1, 6, 8, and 13.

This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Chapter 6: Phonology

This chapter introduces students to the phonemic alphabet, a feature system for
analyzing segments, and some examples of phonological rules from English. The
material in Chapter 6 falls logically into two parts: (i) analysis and transcription of
phonemes and (ii) phonological rules.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Translate individual English words between regular spelling and phonemic

b. Identify the features needed to pick out a segment or group of segments that
form a
natural class.
c. Translate between formal and informal statements of phonological rules.
d. Identify the phonetic form that would result from applying a phonological rule
discussed in the chapter.
e. Infer a simple phonological rule by examining data from English or another language.

Page 22 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts
phoneme glottal contrast
tongue height stop free variation
frontness fricative complementary distribution
lip rounding affricate
tenseness nasal aspiration
distinctive feature liquid vowel lengthening
bilabial glide vowel nasalization
labiodental obstruent assimilation
interdental sonorant flapping
alveolar voicing neutralization
palatal level of representation
velar allophone
Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 6 Exercise A 1,4.

Exercise B 2, 6, 10, 11.
Exercise C 2.
Exercise D 2, 4, 5.
Exercise F 1.
Exercise G 1, 4.

Supplementary exercises 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 15.

This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Chapter 7: Language Variation

This chapter introduces students to concepts related to regional, social, gender, and
stylistic variation.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Explain the difference between a dialect and a language.

b. Explain how isoglosses are used to establish regional dialect areas.
c. Identify the major regional dialect areas of the United States.
d. Recognize several examples of lexical and phonological forms found in regional
in the United States.
e. Explain why the study of sociolinguistics has received increasing attention over
past several decades.
f. Explain the difference between a nonstandard form and an ungrammatical form.
g. Identify several examples of phonological, morphological, and syntactic forms
in social dialects in the United States.

Page 23 of 104
h. Identify several linguistic patterns associated with gender differences.
i. Distinguish several examples of lexical, phonological, morphological, and
syntactic forms
associated with different registers.

Key Terms and Concepts

Language universals Canadian raising consonant cluster

Language sociolinguistics metathesis
dialect standard dialect post-vocalic
idiolect nonstandard dialect liquid deletion
isogloss pidgin final devoicing
linking [r] creole double negatives
vowel neutralization grammatical habitual (distributive)
vocalization ungrammatical covert prestige
voicing assimilation stopping register

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 7 Exercise A 1.
Exercise B 2, 4.
Exercise C 2.
Exercise D 2, 3, 4.
Exercise E 2.
Exercise F 1.
Exercise G 1, 5.
Exercise H 3, 4.
Exercise I 3, 5
Supplementary exercises 3, 6, 11, 12, and 13.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Page 24 of 104
IV. Third Workshop
General Objectives

The topics included in this third workshop aim at:

a. Having students understand, analyze and apply, to real life situations, the
difference between concepts related to phonology, morphology, syntax and
b. Discussing issues related to second-language acquisition (SLA).
c. Analyzing concepts related to writing systems.

General Instructions for studying the chapters

In order to achieve the objectives, students must read chapters 8, 9, and 10 of the
text book (pages from page 176 to page 250), and deeply review the key concepts
for each chapter. To do so, the students count on two glossaries: one provided in the
text book and another one included at the end of this study guide.

It is important that students write down specific doubts or questions that may arise
while reading, so that that the tutor can clear out any uncertainty during the third

Suggested in-chapter exercises appear immediately after the theory and concepts to
which they refer; so, they must be done while reading. Supplementary exercises, on
the other hand, must be carefully done and analyzed after reading and summarizing
the entire chapter.

Chapter 8: First-Language Acquisition

This chapter defines some of the major concepts related to the acquisition of phonology,
morphology, syntax, and semantics, and to issues in language acquisition. The main
message of this chapter is that "errors" in children's language usually reflect an
underlying pattern of regularity.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Identify patterns in the acquisition of vowels, consonants, and syllable structure.

b. Recognize patterns in the acquisition of morphology, especially inflectional
c. Identify stages in length of utterance and word order.
d. Distinguish stages in the acquisition of questions and negatives.
e. Identify patterns in the acquisition of lexical and sentence semantics.
f. Explain the major differences between nativism and empiricism.
g. Articulate the arguments used to support the nativist position.

Page 25 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts

cooing telegraphic speech biologically determined

babbling intonation behavior
gliding overgeneralization culturally determined
stopping basic-level term behavior
simplification of clusters positive member language-specific
reduplication agent capacities
final consonant reduction patient general cognitive
blending minimum distance principle capacities
one-word (holophrastic) order of mention fixed onset
two-word stage nativism language universals
multiword stage empiricism

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 8. Exercise B 2.
Exercise C 1, 4 and 7.
Exercise D 2, 4.
Exercise G 1, 3.
Exercise H 2, 3, 6.
Exercise I 2, 4, 6.
Supplementary exercises 1, 4, 8, 9, 15, 20, and 21.

This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Chapter 9: Second-Language Acquisition

This chapter defines general issues in second-language acquisition (SLA): patterns in the
acquisition of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics; and nonlinguistic
influences on SLA. That is, it deals with two linguistic variables: the language the speaker
has already acquired (L1) and the language the speaker is learning (L2).


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Describe the basic tenets of SLA theories related to interlanguage, language

transfer, language universals, and marked ness.
b. Identify common phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic patterns in
c. Discuss the role of several nonlinguistic influences on SLA.

Page 26 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts

interlanguage parametric universal homonym

error analysis marked/unmarked form cognitive style
contrastive analysis developmental process field independence/
negative/positive transfer phonotactic constraint dependence
implicational/non-implicational circumlocution integrative motivation
universal idiom
absolute/statistical universal polyseme instrumental motivation

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 9 Exercise A 1, 3, 8.
Exercise B 1, 3, 7.
Exercise C 2, 3.
Exercise D 2, 5, and 7.
Exercise E 2, 3.
Exercise F 3.

Supplementary exercises 1, 3, 6, 9, 13, and 15.

This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Chapter 10: Written Language

This chapter explains concepts related to writing systems, the English spelling system,
and errors in written English.


After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Distinguish between a writing and a drawing system.

b. Identify an instance of writing as morphographic, syllabic, or alphabetic.
c. Explain several sources of inconsistencies in English spelling.
d. Recognize an instance of spelling as morphophonemic, phonemic, or phonetic.
e. Make several phonological sources of spelling errors clear.
f. Provide details on several morphological sources of errors in writing.

Key Terms and Concepts

iconic representation alphabetic writing phonetic spelling
pictograph great vowel shift
ideograph morphophonemic spelling unstressed syllable
morphographic writing phonemic spelling deletion
syllabic writing count/ non-count nouns

Page 27 of 104
Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 10 Exercise A 1, 5, 8.
Exercise B 3, 6.
Exercise C 2, 4.
Exercise E 1.
Exercise G 1, 3.
Exercise H 1
Supplementary exercises 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, and 15.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Page 28 of 104
V. Fourth Workshop
General Objectives

The topics included in this fourth workshop aim at:

a. Getting to know several concepts related to the processing of spoken and written
b. Analyzing concepts related to normal and abnormal language processing by the
c. Understanding the contributions that linguistics can make to related fields.

General Instructions for studying the chapters

In order to achieve the objectives, students must read chapters 11, 12, and 13 of the
text book (pages from page 251 to page 305), and deeply review the key concepts
for each chapter. To do so, the students count on two glossaries: one provided in the
text book and another one included at the end of this study guide.

It is important that students write down specific doubts or questions that may arise
while reading, so that that the tutor can clear out any uncertainty during the fourth

Suggested in-chapter exercises appear immediately after the theory and concepts to
which they refer; so, they must be done while reading. Supplementary exercises, on
the other hand, must be carefully done and analyzed after reading and summarizing
the entire chapter.

Chapter 11: Language Processing

This chapter intends to help students improve in their own writing and speaking skills by
means of defining and applying several concepts related to the processing of spoken and
written language, including concepts from psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, and


After reading this chapter, students should be able to

a. Identify structures at the sentence level that affect comprehension.

b. Use a readability formula to analyze a passage.
c. Explain how schemata and scripts can enhance the comprehension and recall
of a
d. Find examples of cohesive devices in a passage.
e. Recognize the thematic roles played by various NPs in a sentence.
f. Identify the given-new pattern used in a passage.
g. Distinguish the presupposition associated with a particular structure or verb.
h. Find examples of indirectness strategies used in a passage.

Page 29 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts

reaction time readability formula collocation

inherent negative schemata beneficiary
agent script instrument
patient scene header
nonreversible/reversible passive cohesion given-new information
complex sentence reference
subordinating conjunction substitution linear progression
heavy NP conjunction
lexical cohesion hierarchical progression
Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 11
Exercise B 1.
Exercise C 3.
Exercise D 1.
Exercise E 1.
Exercise G 1.
Exercise H 2, 3.
Exercise K 3, 5
Supplementary exercises 1, 4, and 5.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.
Chapter 12: The Neurology of Language
This chapter introduces students and helps them analyze concepts related to normal and
abnormal language processing by the brain.
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

a. Identify and explain the function of the major language-related structures in the
b. Describe the major contributions of Broca, Wernicke, and Penfield and Roberts
to neurolinguistics.
c. Illustrate evidence for hemispherical specialization.
d. Identify the tasks for which each hemisphere is specialized.
e. Show the symptoms typically associated with Broca's aphasia, Wernicke's
aphasia, and conduction aphasia, conduction aphasia, anomia, and semantic
f. Infer the disorder most likely to account for a description of a patient's symptoms.

Page 30 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts

central nervous system angular gyrus dichotic listening

lower brain stem Heschl's gyrus right/left ear advantage
higher brain stem primary motor cortex split brain stereognosis
cerebellum localizationist view
cerebrum holistview Broca's aphasia
corpus callosum Broca's area
frontal lobe Wernicke's area neologism
parietal lobe supplementary motor conduction aphasia
occipital lobe cortex anomia
temporal lobe dominance semantic aphasia
fissure of Sylvius hemispherectomy word deafness
fissure of Rolando planum temporal Wernicke's aphasia
supramarginal gyrus Wada test

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:
Chapter 12
Exercise B 1, 4.
Exercise C 2.
Exercise D 2.
Exercise F 2, 3.
Exercise G 2.
Exercise I 2.
Supplementary exercises 1, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 17.
This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises.

Chapter 13: Conclusion

This chapter emphasizes that:

(i) linguistics offers an explanation for language phenomena that

practitioners in related fields encounter every day, and

(ii) linguistics offers a model for explanation that practitioners can

adapt to their own fields.
After completing this chapter, students should be able to apply the following criteria:

a. Identify whether a theory is testable (and hence explicit).

b. Recognize whether a theory is revealing.
c. Perceive whether a theory is restricted to systematic phenomena.
d. Distinguish a competence model from a performance model.

Page 31 of 104
Key Terms and Concepts

testable systematic generative grammar

explicit competence
revealing performance

Suggested Exercises

For a better understanding of the contents and to accomplish the main aims,
students should do the following exercises:

Chapter 13

Supplementary exercises 1, 2,3, and 4.

This study guide includes an answer key for suggested exercises

Page 32 of 104
Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics
The following material has been taken and adapted from the book Qualitative
Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction.
Starting out in qualitative research
Qualitative research - when you first heard the term, your initial thought might have
been, 'What do qualitative researchers actually do?' It may come as a surprise to you
that you are already familiar with many of their activities, and you actually do them
yourself - every day - as you watch and listen to what happens around you, and ask
questions about what you have seen and heard.
For instance, think back to the first class you took as a university student. When you
walked into the classroom that day, you probably checked out the room, noting the
arrangement of desks and where people were sitting. You also watched the other
students and the teacher to try and work out what sort of people they might be and
what relationships might already exist between them. During the class, you listened to
what the teacher and other students said; you probably talked to a few people in the
class as well, asking them questions to help you understand the developing culture of
the class. You might even have jotted down a few things about whom and what you
had seen and heard. In this first class, then, you were doing something similar to
collecting data, and practicing two of the basic skills of qualitative researchers:
observing and interviewing.
And that is not all: as well as doing the things that qualitative researchers do, you
probably also think in many of the same ways. For example, during your first semester
at university, you might have begun to notice regularities of behavior: some students
seemed to know each other already; students who did not know anybody tended to
reach out to others who dressed and talked in a similar way; a few students did not
seem interested in making friends yet and stuck to themselves. As you considered all
of this, you were doing what all qualitative researchers do when they think about, or
analyze and interpret, their data, which is to reflect on and explore what they know,
search for patterns, and try to create a full and rich understanding of he research
context. Furthermore, when you described your new class to a friend, depicting your
new classmates and capturing the sense of the class using carefully chosen,
descriptive vignettes, you were doing in part what qualitative researchers do when they
present their findings. So, although you may never have conducted a qualitative
research project before, it is probably safe to say that the process of doing one will not
be altogether new to you.
Of course, observation of everyday life is different to research. Research requires
sound data collection skills and a methodological approach that provides a framework
for the research process. It should be driven by some kind of theory, and have a clear
research purpose.
Qualitative research in applied linguistics
Applied linguistics is a broad and exciting interdisciplinary field of study. It focuses on
language in use, connecting our knowledge about languages with an understanding of
how they are used in the real world. Applied linguists work in diverse research areas
including second and foreign language acquisition (FLA/SLA), teaching English as a
second or foreign language (TESOL/TEFL), workplace communication, language
planning and policy, and language identity and gender - to name just a few. Many
applied linguists also work in related fields such as education, psychology, sociology,
and anthropology.
One important area of applied linguistics research is language analysis. FLA/SLA
researchers, for example, look at what language errors learners commonly make at

Page 33 of 104
different stages in their language development, or TESOL/TEFL researchers consider
how a writing textbook helps students develop their composition skills. A second
important area in applied linguistics is investigating the contexts and experiences of
language use. For instance, researchers specializing in workplace communication
could examine how immigrant women with differing degrees of language proficiency
use the target language to communicate with co-workers, or TESOL/TEFL researchers
might investigate how the classroom milieu affects students' attitudes toward language
learning. Similarly, language identity researchers might consider how sexual minorities
structure their identity through language.
How do researchers approach such issues? In essence, they have three choices: to
use quantitative research, qualitative research, or to use both in what is termed mixed
methods research. In very broad terms, quantitative research involves collecting
primarily numerical data and analyzing it using statistical methods, whereas qualitative
research entails collecting primarily textual data and examining it using interpretive
analysis. Mixed methods research employs both quantitative and qualitative research
according to the aims and context of the individual project and the nature of the
research questions.
For the purposes of this course, the material provided mainly focus on qualitative
research, first exploring what it is, then illustrating how it is used to investigate the
manifold contexts and experiences of language in use.
What is qualitative research?
An umbrella term
The term 'qualitative research' is an umbrella term used to refer to a complex and
evolving research methodology. It has roots in a number of different disciplines,
principally anthropology, sociology, and philosophy, and is now used in almost all fields
of social science inquiry, including applied linguistics. A plethora of research
approaches has been developed within qualitative research, including narrative inquiry,
case study, ethnography, action research, phenomenology, and grounded theory.
These approaches use a wide variety of data collection methods, such as observation,
interviews, open-response questionnaire items, verbal reports, diaries, and discourse
analysis. And within each of these research approaches and methods, a number of
research techniques and strategies have been developed to help qualitative
researchers do their day-to-day work - conceptualizing the research project, collecting
and analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Two important questions
Given that qualitative research is such a vast field, let us begin our exploration by
considering two simple but fundamental questions that all researchers face, 'What is
reality?' and 'What is knowledge?'. How researchers answer these questions is shaped
by their view of the world, and also informed by how other academics conceptualize
research. In the social sciences, a number of generally accepted models have been
developed that articulate these conceptual frameworks and they are called paradigms.
Paradigms have profoundly affected the development of research in general and
qualitative research in particular. This can be illustrated by comparing two that are
often given as examples of opposite perspectives - positivism and constructivism.
Positivists believe that there is only one, fixed, agreed-upon reality, so research must
strive to find a singular, universal 'truth'. They see the world as real, as something that
exists independently of themselves. They believe that this reality can be quantified, and
that the purpose of research is to measure it as precisely as possible. Since positivists
believe that there is one universal reality, they also presume that any truths they
discover about that reality are equally applicable to other groups or situations,
regardless of the context. For researchers who take a positivist approach, one of the
primary aims of investigation is therefore to formulate hypotheses that will allow them

Page 34 of 104
to make predictions about what will happen in the future, or inferences about other
contexts. According to the positivist school of thought, the role of the researcher is to
be detached and 'objective' both in the gathering of data and the interpretation of the
Some readers may recollect having been taught many of these points in high school
science classes. Indeed, positivism has its roots in the nature of inquiry that was
developed for the physical sciences, where 'truths', 'laws', and 'axioms' wait to be
discovered. During the early stages of the development of research in the social
sciences, this dogma was generally accepted without question because of its historical
respectability. However, as the nature of research in the social sciences became more
multifaceted, and the complexity of the questions it sought to answer increased, the
shortcomings of the positivist approach became more and more apparent. Now, not
many researchers subscribe to a strict notion of positivism, but it provides a useful
contrast to another important perspective that developed in the social sciences,
constructivism, which profoundly influenced the development of qualitative research.
In contrast to positivists, constructivists believe that there is no universally agreed upon
reality or universal 'truth'. Rather, 'meaning is socially constructed by individuals in
interaction with their world' (Merriam, 2002, p. 3). That is, each individual creates his or
her own unique understandings of the world, so there are multiple constructions and
multiple interpretations of reality. And these constructions and interpretations change,
depending upon time and circumstances, so reality is not universal but person-,
context-, and time-bound.
To illustrate constructivist ideas, let us think about the people who were sitting in that
classroom when you walked in on your first day. Partway through that first class, if you
had asked each of them the simple question, 'What is happening now?' it is likely that
you would have gotten a range of quite different answers. You would probably have
found that each person was attending to different aspects of the lesson, and
interpreting what was going on in terms of their own expectations and learning
experiences. The classroom context would also have been influencing each person
differently, as their experience of the class would have differed depending on where
they were sitting and with whom they were interacting. If you were to have repeated
this process at the end of class by asking your classmates, 'What happened in our
class today?', you would most likely have gotten a completely new set of responses
that may not have borne much resemblance to the earlier ones. You would have found
that each student had constructed her own understanding of the lesson, and was in
fact (re)constructing it for herself as she talked about it with you. This is the key point of
constructivism: that the reality of this class for the students present would certainly not
have been a one-size-fits-all assessment but rather a person-, context-, and time-
bound experience. The task of a constructivist researcher, then, is to understand these
multiple ways of looking at the world - a fascinating, and intriguing, challenge.
As constructivist ideas became more popular in the social sciences in the latter half of
the twentieth century, researchers sought better ways to understand these person-,
context-, and time-bound experiences. Although many researchers continued to use
quantitative research, qualitative research based upon a constructivist view of the
world began to emerge as a rigorous and systematic methodology to help researchers
explore people's worlds. Now, most - but not all - researchers who use qualitative
research approaches and methods would state that their views of the world are closer
to the constructivist one than the positivist. Ultimately, its tenets came to underpin
much qualitative research.

Page 35 of 104
A focus on the social world
As qualitative researchers believe that meaning is socially constructed, their research
focus is on the participants - how participants experience and interact with a
phenomenon at a given point in time and in a particular context, and the multiple
meanings it has for them. They are interested in the ordinary, everyday worlds of their
participants - where they live, work, and study. These natural settings include such
places as homes and workplaces, staffrooms, classrooms and self-access centers,
and online chat rooms. 'Qualitative researchers go to the people; they do not extricate
people from their everyday worlds' (Rossman & Rallis, 2003, p. 9). They recognize that
these settings are complex, dynamic, and multifaceted.
Unlike quantitative researchers, who emphasize the importance of measuring
outcomes, qualitative researchers focus on understanding the process of what's going
on in a setting. Here is a simple illustration:
There was more excitement in the
Wimbledon 0 - Liverpool 0 car park than on the soccer pitch
The left box succinctly summarizes the outcome of the soccer game, but does not
provide a sense of what actually happened there that day; the right box captures this
much better. To give another example, this time from applied linguistics, quantitative
researchers often measure gains in proficiency over a period of time - the outcomes of
learning. However, qualitative researchers focus on the process, by trying to
understand how those gains were made, what the participants thought about improving
their proficiency, and how the setting - and the other people there - influenced them.
This kind of research is often longitudinal, and a lot of qualitative inquiry requires
researchers to spend a relatively prolonged period of time in the research setting to
develop deep and comprehensive understandings of what goes on there. With a more
detailed and intensive focus on each participant, working even in one setting is very
intensive in terms of time and labor, so the number of participants is usually small and
they are carefully chosen.
Qualitative researchers ask particular types of questions about a setting (Patton, 2002),
such as: What's going on here? What does the world look like for participants? What
meanings do they make here? How does this setting influence participants' perceptions
and behavior? Researchers ask these sorts of questions because they want to
comprehend the subjective meanings and understandings that participants create
about their own social and personal worlds. To do so, researchers 'position'
themselves closely to the participants, to endeavor to see the world as their
participants do - from the participants' angle. This participant or 'insider' point of view is
termed the emic perspective; the researcher or 'outsider' point of view is termed the
etic perspective. Developing an emic perspective usually means directly interacting
with the research participants in the research context, 'in the field, face to face with real
people' (Rossman & Rallis, 2003, p. 9). It also means using the participants' own terms
and concepts to describe their worlds when analyzing data and presenting findings.
The research process
In a qualitative study, researchers often use multiple data collection methods, including
observations, interviews, open-response questionnaires, and diaries. Each of these
'makes the world visible in a different way' (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005, p. 4), so a fuller,
richer picture of the participants' perspective can be explored and represented. All of
these data collection methods create data that is primarily textual not numerical:
researchers doing observations create written notes, called field notes; researchers
using interviews generate written transcripts or summaries; and the other data
collection methods such as questionnaires and diaries use text that the participants
themselves have written. That is not to say that numerical data is not used, but that its

Page 36 of 104
purpose is supplementary not central. A vast amount of textual data is created in a
qualitative research study, and managing it is often challenging.
The textual data that researchers create in their field notes, and interview summaries
should be richly detailed and descriptive of the participants and the research setting -
capturing what researchers have seen, heard, smelled, and touched. As they create
this data, and later as they think about them, researchers add their own thoughts and
reflections. Taken together, this creates a thick description of the participants and
setting. Qualitative researchers then use interpretive analysis to sift through their data
and group similar ideas together, to discover patterns of behavior and thinking.
The data that researchers collect permits them to paint a richly descriptive picture of
their participants' worlds - the participants themselves, the setting, and the major and
minor events that happen there. A well-written qualitative research study will carefully
use the participants' own words to augment the researcher's vivid description and clear
interpretation. It should give readers a sense of entering the participants' worlds and
sharing the experience of being there with them. The process is, in a sense, like
filmmaking - the researcher assembles data into montages by blending images,
sounds, and understandings together to create a compelling composite creation.
The nature of qualitative research
When little is known about a phenomenon or existing research is limited, qualitative
research is a very useful research methodology because it is exploratory - its purpose
is to discover new ideas and insights, or even generate new theories. This research is
not necessarily done to predict what may happen in the future or in another setting -
what is learned about the phenomenon, participants, or events in the setting can be an
end in itself. That is, qualitative research mostly focuses on understanding the
particular and the distinctive, and does not necessarily seek or claim to generalize
findings to other contexts. Some qualitative researchers do consider the extent to
which their findings may be generalizable, but many leave it up to the readers to decide
to what degree the features of the research setting are relevant to their own context.
The richer the description the researcher provides in the study's report, the easier it is
for readers to envisage the research setting and thus make a judgment about the
relevance of the research for them.
As qualitative research is often exploratory, most researchers do not define specific
research questions at the outset of the study, as doing so would likely impose their own
framework on the research context. Rather, they usually begin the study with only a
research purpose and conceptual framework, and a sense of the initial focus of
interest. They then prefer to enter the research setting and become familiar with the
context and the participants, and ascertain what participants think the main issues and
problems are, before determining their specific research questions. These questions
are modified and refined, and the research design developed, as their understandings
of the research setting, participants, and research focus mature. This reflects what is
called the emergent nature of the qualitative research process - understanding
emerges as the research proceeds.
The quantitative research cycle is usually characterized as being linear, each stage
being carried out one after the other: research questions are formulated, data is
collected then statistically analyzed, and findings written up. By contrast, qualitative
research is more simultaneous, nonlinear, and iterative. That is, collecting, analyzing,
and interpreting data are done largely at the same time, with researchers constantly
moving back and forth between all three until new information does not add to their
understanding of a topic, a point called data saturation. In fact, data analysis will often
steer data collection, as ongoing analysis indicates what avenues of research to
pursue - who to observe or interview next, what questions to ask, and what documents
to request - so the emergent nature of qualitative research is also evident throughout
the research cycle.

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Although emergent, qualitative research is systematic and rigorous. For readers and
other researchers to trust your research, there must be a strong conceptual framework
to guide your study, and congruence between the research approach that structures
your study and the data collection methods that you employ. Moreover, you need to
demonstrate that your research practices are sound and that you have used clear
logic, provide strong evidence to substantiate the claims that you make, and diligently
document the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting your data.
While qualitative research is systematic, it is not formulaic, so there is no requirement
that researchers follow a set of prescribed research steps.
Qualitative research also requires you to be intuitive, to see links and patterns in the
data, and to build these into themes that simultaneously fulfill your research purposes
and also express both the particular and the essential nature of the setting and its
participants. Qualitative research is a discipline that calls for a balance between order
and insight.
The subjectivity of the researcher
In qualitative research, the researcher is the primary research instrument. This has two
aspects. First, researchers themselves collect the data, by directly observing or
interviewing the participants, for example. The advantage of researchers doing this is
that they can be responsive and adaptive to the participants and research setting and
can quickly begin to explore unanticipated avenues of research. They can also collect
a wide range of data and begin to think about it immediately, allowing them to clarify
ideas promptly for accuracy of interpretation (Merriam, 2002). The second dimension is
that observation field notes and interview snippets do not speak for themselves
(Rossman & Rallis, 2003); nor do questionnaire answers and diary entries magically
indicate to the researcher underlying patterns of reality. Rather, the researcher has to
interpret them, so analysis in qualitative research is often called interpretive analysis.
But when researchers go into research settings, they also take their own intellectual
baggage and life experiences with them. Inevitably, their gender, age, ethnicity, cultural
background, sexual orientation, politics, religious beliefs, and life experiences - their
worldview - are the lens through which they see their research. This may color their
perceptions of the research setting and also the constructions of reality that they
develop with the participants. This is a major concern in qualitative research, so it is
important for researchers to be constantly aware and systematically reflect on their
own personal identity and impact on the participants and research setting, and state
that they have done so in the study's final report. Qualitative researchers can also
handle this through a process called triangulation - obtaining different perspectives on
a phenomenon by gathering data from different participants, and using a variety of data
collection methods like observations, interviews, and questionnaires. On the other
hand, some qualitative researchers see subjectivity as a virtue, the 'basis of
researchers making a distinct contribution, one that results from the unique
configuration of their personal qualities joined to the data they have collected' (Peshkin,
1988, p. 18, cited in Merriam, 2002, p. 5). Each researcher's perception, 'like light
hitting a crystal, reflects a different perspective' (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005, p. 6, from
Richardson, 2000).
Different ways of looking at the world
This diversity in qualitative research illustrates an important point - that the
constructivist approach to qualitative research is now by no means universally
accepted. It has been criticized for assuming that the interpretive reconstruction of
reality is essentially 'unproblematic'; that is, that researchers can preserve a completely
impartial and unbiased perspective and that qualitative research itself is politically and
socially a neutral activity.

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Many qualitative researchers strongly agree with this critique - they argue that truth is
never value-free. Rather, they assert that all research is necessarily political and so
fundamentally value-laden, involving issues of power in society. They also believe that
social science research, including constructivist qualitative research, has often
contributed to the silencing of marginalized and oppressed groups in society, by
making them simply passive objects of inquiry (Marshall & Rossman, 2006).
From these concerns developed critical theory, which views society as fundamentally
conflictive and oppressive. Critical theory seeks 'not merely understanding but change'
(Richards, 2003, p. 40); it is openly ideological, emancipatory, and transformative.
Because critical theorists are interested in the power asymmetries that underlie society,
they explicitly want to empower marginalized groups, often by doing research together
with members of these groups. Critical theory has made major contributions to
qualitative research, as it has forced researchers to question the meanings of concepts
that they had taken for granted, and also examine the assumptions underlying their
work. Critical theory encompasses an array of theories and perspectives, such as
critical race theory and feminist theory. In qualitative research, a critical lens can be
applied to a number of research approaches to create critical discourse analysis,
critical ethnography, or critical action research.
Marginalized groups that could be researched by critical applied linguists include new
immigrants from non-English speaking countries, hearing-challenged students, or
language teachers who teach a language other than their mother tongue. In fact, within
applied linguistics as well as in the broader social sciences, critical approaches are
becoming more common. 'We want a social science that is committed up front to
issues of social justice, equity, nonviolence, peace, and universal human rights. We do
not want a social science that says it can address these issues if it wants to.
Postmodernism is another perspective whose ideas are included under the umbrella of
qualitative research, yet its basic assumptions are significantly different from the
constructivist paradigm. It is an ideological perspective that questions the early
twentieth-century emphasis on science and technology, rationality, reason, and
positivism. This perspective is challenging constructivist-interpretive qualitative
research, so it is important that researchers also understand some of its basic notions.
Merriam and Associates (2002) provide a useful summary:
A postmodern world is one where the rationality, scientific method, and certainties of
the modern world no longer hold....In the postmodern world, everything is 'contested.'
What has been considered true, real, or right can be questioned; and there are multiple
interpretations of the same phenomenon depending on where one is standing. There
are no absolutes, no single theoretical framework for examining social and political
issues. ...
Postmodernists celebrate diversity among people, ideas, and institutions. By accepting
the diversity and plurality of the world, no one element is privileged or more powerful
than another....
'Most postmodernists do not talk about methodology', and the 'literature provides only
the vaguest indication of what ideals of multiple voices mean concretely in empirical
studies' (p. 185). Indeed, it would be congruent with this worldview to not come up with
a singular approach to doing research. Instead, postmodern research is highly
experimental, playful, creative, and no two postmodern studies look alike, (p. 375)
Richards (2003) notes that the broad topic of the hegemony of English as a world
language provides a rich environment for postmodern researchers in applied
Another perspective in social research, one that encompasses both qualitative and
quantitative research, is called pragmatism. Pragmatism is not based on a particular
ontological or epistemological stance; there is no predetermined view of what reality or

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knowledge is. Pragmatic researchers may start collecting and analyzing data without
necessarily giving any thought to philosophical issues such as the nature of truth and
reality. Instead, they focus on the impact or consequences of their research, choosing
the qualitative and quantitative research approaches, methods, and techniques that
best meet their research purposes. '[Pragmatism opens the door to multiple methods,
different worldviews, and different assumptions, as well as different forms of data
collection and analysis'. It represents the philosophical underpinnings of mixed
methods research.
The constructivist paradigm, and critical theory, postmodernism, and pragmatism, are
the maps that illustrate the terrain of the broad and increasingly disparate field of
qualitative research. Understanding them will help you assess the relevance and
importance of published research that you will read in the course of your studies. Also,
understanding your own view of the world will help you to 'position' your research
appropriately within or across paradigms and to create a more coherent research
Qualitative research approaches
Narrative inquiry provides a storied analysis of a person's life. It assumes that people
use narrative to make sense of who they are and how their lives change (Bruner,
1990). It takes the perspective of the participant and uses first-person accounts of life
experiences as data, mostly gathered through interviews.
Case study creates an in-depth description and analysis of a 'bounded system' - one
individual, institution, or educational context. By concentrating on a single (or few)
case(s), this approach can describe a particular learning or teaching process or
research setting in great detail. Case study uses multiple sources of data and data
collection methods, and it is often combined with other qualitative and quantitative
research approaches.
Ethnography refers to both a research process and also the product of that research.
It describes and interprets the common patterns of a culture-sharing group through
prolonged observation. Juanita Heigham and Keiko Sakui observe that ethnography is
not defined by how data is collected, but rather by the lens through which data is
interpreted; the goal is to recreate for the reader the shared beliefs, practices, artifacts,
knowledge, and behaviors of a group of people. Whereas narrative inquiry and case
study often look at the individual, ethnography, with its focus on culture, looks at
Action research is a systematic and self-reflective approach to collecting and
analyzing information to help teachers explore issues that they face in their classroom
teaching in order to change or improve their current practice. In her chapter, Anne
Burns notes that action research employs a range of data collection methods that are
flexible and open-ended. The outcome of action research is more often a change in
understanding and behavior than some form of a published report, partly because this
is often its principal purpose.
Mixed methods combine both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a
single study. For example, language proficiency test scores are used along with
student interviews to create a more multidimensional view of a language learning
process, or a teacher questionnaire is combined with classroom observations and
teacher diaries to generate a fuller understanding of one aspect of language teaching.
A mixed methods study could emphasize qualitative and quantitative data equally, or
give one type greater emphasis. It is an emerging field of study and is becoming more
commonly used in research in applied linguistics.
Phenomenology: Whereas a narrative inquiry explores the life of a single
individual, a phenomenological study describes the meanings that several
individuals make from experiencing a single phenomenon. In our field, that could

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include understanding the experience of adult learners trying to create and negotiate
meaning in a new foreign language, or the experience of long-term immigrants who are
beginning to learn the language of their adopted home. The purpose of a
phenomenological study is to reduce individual experiences of such phenomenon to a
description of the basic 'essence' of that experience, by creating a composite
description of that experience for all of the participants. Having a deep understanding
of such a phenomenon can help teachers be more aware of their students' language
learning experiences, or help language program administrators more sensitively
structure courses. In a broader sense, phenomenology s a school of philosophical
thought underpins all qualitative research, because of its interest in understanding and
representing the subjective experience of participants.
Grounded theory: While phenomenology describes the meaning of an experience, a
grounded theory study goes beyond description to generate or discover a theory. This
theory is 'grounded' in data that has been systematically collected from participants
who have experienced the process being studied, and then methodically analyzed by
the researcher. This theory is usually 'substantive' (a relatively narrow, limited theory
about just one facet of learning or teaching) but can be 'formal' (a more extensive
theory that combines a number of substantive theories together to make a broader
theory). Like the other qualitative research approaches outlined above, the researcher
is the primary instrument of data collection and analysis, and qualitative data collection
techniques such as interviews and observation are used. Grounded theory was first
outlined by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in 1967 in their ground-breaking book,
The Discovery of Grounded Theory, which was in fact crucial in the broader
development of qualitative research methodology. Glaser and Strauss did not offer a
prescribed set of research procedures in their original work, but these have gradually
been developed over time, principally by Strauss and his new co-author, Juliet Corbin
(1990, 2008). Glaser has criticized Strauss and Corbin's approach to grounded theory
as being too prescribed and structured (Glaser, 1992), but their approach has come to
be commonly used in the social sciences and health. In applied linguistics, grounded
theory is rarely used by novice researchers due to its complexity, but research
procedures like theoretical sampling and the constant comparative method of data
analysis are often used by qualitative researchers employing approaches other than
grounded theory.
Qualitative data collection methods
In most qualitative studies, researchers use a variety of research methods to collect
data, in order to obtain as many perspectives as possible on the phenomenon being
researched. In this book, six data collection methods most commonly used in
qualitative research in applied linguistics are addressed in Part III:
Observation occurs when researchers carefully watch participants in the research
setting with the aim of understanding their experience of being there. It is used to
collect information about participants' external behavior, which can be further explored
casually in conversation or more formally in interviews, with questions about
participants' inner ideas, beliefs, and values. Researchers can choose to be 'complete
observers' and not take part in the learning or teaching phenomenon being studied, or
they can choose to take part as 'participant observers'. Data is created in the form of
field notes, which include explanations of what researchers observed as well as their
Interviews offer a way to explore people's experiences and worldviews and the
meanings they bring to them, as Keith Richards illustrates in his chapter. Interviews
can be carefully structured by predetermined questions to elicit specific information, or
be more open to allow for generating richer insights. The greatest challenge in
interviewing is getting the interaction with the participant right, by recognizing that
interviews are jointly constructed encounters.

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Open-response items on questionnaires are questions on a survey that do not
require respondents to select their answers from a limited list or selection; rather,
participants answer in their own words. They are commonly used when researchers
would like to quickly and efficiently collect textual data from a relatively large number of
Verbal reports are oral records of a participant's thought processes, provided by
individuals when they are thinking aloud either during or immediately after completing a
language learning or teaching task.
Diaries are another way of accessing participants' inner worlds; they are an account of
a language experience as recorded in a first-person journal. These accounts may be
analyzed and published by the diarists themselves or by an independent researcher.
Both verbal reports and diaries are particularly important in applied linguistics.
Discourse analysis looks at how language is used in spoken and written
communication. It uses authentic language that has been produced spontaneously in
naturally occurring events, that were not elicited experimentally specifically for the sake
of research. The researcher should analyze this data with few or no preconceived
notions, but allow the patterns of language use to emerge.
These six data collection methods can be conceptualized by placing them along two
intersecting continuums. The first of these continuums expresses the amount of control
researchers have over the research setting as they collect their data. In most
qualitative research, researchers do not control the research setting at all, as they are
interested in authentic behavior in natural settings. However, researchers using verbal
reports do control what participants do during the research process. By comparison,
with research done outside qualitative research, most language analysis also involves
researchers carefully controlling the research environment: researchers try to control
the language that participants use when they complete a language task, and they also
collect data in settings specified for the purposes of collecting data, like a researcher's
office or a language laboratory, rather than in natural settings.
The second continuum indicates the degree to which the researcher structures the
actual collection of data. Some qualitative data collection methods allow the researcher
to structure data collection carefully, like structured interviews, or observations using
observation checklists. Many qualitative data collection methods, however, are less
structured, permitting researchers to be more adaptive and responsive to the research
setting. In fact, most methods can be both. For example, with the collection of diary
data, researchers may ask participants to respond in their diaries only about a specific
topic, or they may ask respondents to write on any topic with no set format. The
advantage of more structured data collection is that information from different
participants or in different periods of time can be compared; the disadvantage is that
fertile insights that the participants might have otherwise offered could be lost.
Probably your first questions after you have established your area of research interest
are which approach and methods you should use in your study. The answers are
straightforward: the ones that best suit your research purpose and research questions.
That is, there must be congruence between your research purpose and research
questions on the one hand, and the research approach and data collection method that
you use on the other.
Qualitative researchers often work closely with participants for extended periods of
time, and in trying to understand their participants' worlds they inevitably become part
of them. In entering the worlds of others, researchers must recognize the significant
ethical responsibilities that they have to the people there - to honor them as individuals,
respect their decisions to participate (or not) in a study, and also protect them from any
damage or harm that may stem from their participation. In a study on ethics and
trustworthiness, Sharon Rallis and Gretchen Rossman emphasize that being an ethical
researcher demands vigilance and thoughtfulness throughout the entire research

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cycle. Researchers make many decisions, both when planning their research and also
on the spot, which affect the participants and other people in the research setting.
These decisions must be thought through ethically, based upon codes of ethics and
also moral principles.
Another practical - and challenging - aspect of qualitative research is the process of
recording and writing up your study. Much of the data that qualitative researchers
create is textual - written field notes and interview summaries, and transcripts of
interviews. In addition, the qualitative research report itself should bring the realities of
the participants' worlds to the printed page. Clearly, working well with text is an
important skill for qualitative researchers to develop.

Case Study Guidelines

Among other things, this course aims at understanding linguistic phenomena in real
life situations; thus, deep, holistic analysis of these phenomena is necessary to
accomplish satisfactory case study research.

For diagnosing and analyzing specific linguistic problems and submitting reports on
case study research, it is important for the students to stick or go further the
following guidelines.


In case studying, students must provide sufficient information about the case
context, including relevant biographical and social information (depending on the
focus), such as ESL/EFL learning/teaching history, background of L1, years of
studying (in the case of EFL) and years of residence in a new country (ESL), data
collection site(s), or other relevant descriptive information pertaining to the case and


Students must explain sampling procedures and case selection, and the defining
characteristics, how typical or atypical the case is. It is also important to point out
whether the case in question is a deviant or extreme case, a critical case, a
convenience case, a politically significant case, or any other. Careful sampling is
crucial in the development of the case.
If multiple cases are used, students must provide a detailed description of each and
then provide a cross-case comparison.


Draw data either from one primary source (e.g., oral interviews, journals, or essays)
or from multiple sources. Bringing together (triangulating) multiple perspectives,
methods, and sources of information (e.g., from interviews, observations, field notes,
self-reports or think-aloud protocols, tests, transcripts, and other documents) adds
texture, depth, and multiple insights to an analysis and can enhance the validity or
credibility of the results. Observations and data collection settings may range from
natural to artificial, with relatively unstructured to highly structured elicitation tasks

Page 43 of 104
and category systems, depending on the purpose of the study and the disciplinary
traditions associated with it.


Case study data analysis generally involves an iterative, spiraling, or cyclical

process that proceeds from more general to more specific observations (Creswell,
1998; Palys, 1997; Silverman, 2000). Data analysis may begin informally during
interviews or observations and continue during transcription, when recurring themes,
patterns, and categories become evident. Once written records are available,
analysis involves the coding of data and the identification of salient points or


Establishing the significance of the students findings is crucial; the discussion

should ideally link these themes explicitly to larger theoretical and practical issues.
However, generalization to populations is not appropriate or desirable in most case
studies. Be cautious about drawing unwarranted inferences because of the small
sample size, particularly if the case is not typical of others in the same set.
Data may be analyzed and interpreted through a variety of ideological points of view,
although descriptive/interpretive approaches are the most common in TEFL/TESOL.
Provide sufficient evidence for your claims or interpretations to make them clear,
credible, and convincing to others.

The Case Study Report

Reports of case studies must include the following elements:

a statement of the study's purpose and the theoretical context,
the problem or issue being addressed,
central research questions,
a detailed description of the case and explanation of decisions related to
sampling and selection,
context of the study and case history,
issues of access to the site/participants and the relationship between the
student and the case,
duration of the study,
evidence that you obtained informed consent, that the participants' identities
and privacy are protected, and, ideally, that participants benefited in some
way from taking part in the study,
methods of data collection and analysis, either manual or computer-based
data management and analysis, or other equipment and procedures used,
findings, which may take the form of major emergent themes, developmental
stages, or an in-depth discussion of each case in relation to the research
questions; and illustrative quotations or excerpts and sufficient amounts of
other data to establish the validity and credibility of the analysis and
a discussion of factors that might have influenced the interpretation of data in
undesired, unanticipated, or conflicting ways, and

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an explanation of the connection between the case study and larger
theoretical and practical issues in the field.

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VI. Answer key to all in chapter and
supplementary exercises

Chapter 2

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, pp. 11-12

1. quality
2. a. quantity
b. Jones didn't do well.
4. a. relation
5. a. manner
b. That she doesn't want her children to know who she's talking about.
6. a. relation; yes, Ray wants dessert
b. quantity; no, Susan doesn't think John is wonderful.
c. quantity; Mary does not want John to know who the man was.
d. manner; the customer assumes the clerk will not know how to spell her name (note
that Kathryn and Riley each have several possible spellings).
7. This raises the implicature that the customer believes the clerk does not have a very good
command of basic English spelling (Frank and Parker each have only one possible spelling).
Thus, it could be interpreted as an insult here, but not in (6d).

Exercise B, p. 14
1. a. expressive f. commissive
b. directive g. commissive
c. h. directive
d. declaration i.
e. question j. commissive
2. "I'm sorry" can be either an apology or an expression of sympathy.

Exercise C, p. 16
1. d
3. a. an apology must be for an act that has harmed the listener; an apology must also be
for a past act. b. protest (another type of expressive).

4. One felicity condition for an ordinary question is that S doesn't know P. For an exam
question, it is that S knows P.
5. One of the felicity conditions on directives is that S believes H able to do A. In this
case, the preacher would have to believe that the squirrel is able to repent. However,
"repenting" requires a higher spiritual consciousness than most of us attribute to squirrels.
6. One of the felicity conditions on directives is that S believes H able to do A.
Humans cannot control their height, although they can control their posture.
Exercise D, p. 18
1. a. past tense rather than present tense
b. lacks a first-person subject (implied subject=You)
d. lacks a first-person subject
e. lacks a first-person subject (implied subject=You)
2. a. directive
b. yes; We forbid minors to enter.
3. a. directive
b. yes; We request passengers to proceed to gate 10.

Exercise E, p. 20
1. a. (i) declarative, (ii) directive, (iii) indirectly
b. (i) imperative, (ii) offer
d. (i) yes-no interrogative, (ii) directive, (iii) indirectly
e. (i) declarative, (ii) directive, (iii) indirectly
f. (i) declarative, (ii) directive, (iii) indirectly
g. (i) wh-interrogative, (ii) directive, (iii) indirectly

Exercis F,p.23
1. a. implied
b. expressed
c. t
2. a. explicit (We remind
b. implied)
Exercis G,p.24
1. a. (i) expressed, (ii)
b. (i) expressed, (ii) literal
c. (i) implied, (ii) literal
2. a. t
b. t
c. (i) implied, (ii) literal
d. literal

. Ollie intended his speech act as nonliteral, but Laurel misinterpreted it as literalresulting
in their capture.

Exercise H, pp. 25-26

1. a. b.

c. (i) nonexplicit, (ii) indirect, (iii) implied, (iv) literal (i)
d. nonexplicit, (ii) indirect, (iii) expressed, (iv) literal (i)
e. nonexplicit, (ii) indirect, (iii) implied, (iv) literal (i)
f. nonexplicit, (ii) indirect, (iii) implied, (iv) literal (i)
nonexplicit, (ii) indirect, (iii) implied, (iv) literal (i) nonexplicit,
(ii) indirect, (iii) implied, (iv) nonliteral (i) nonexplicit, (ii)
indirect, (iii) implied, (iv) literal j. (i) nonexplicit, (ii) direct,
(iii) expressed, (iv) literal k. (i) explicit, (ii) not applicable, (iii)

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expressed, (iv) literal

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 27-29

1. (i) quantity; (ii) Turpentine cures distemper.
2. relation
3. manner (thereby raising the implicature that her mother's husband is not her father)
4. quantity (thereby raising the implicature that Wally doesn't want Beaver to know who the
caller was)
5. a. promises and threats
b. commissives
c. They differ in their felicity conditions: Whether the speaker believes the hearer does
want the action performed (promise) or doesn't want the action performed (threat).
6. a. question
b. declarative
c. because it's indirect
d. It's a direct illocutionary act.
7. commissive
8. exclamatory; expressive; directly
9. a. literal b. nonliteral
10. a. explicit c. expressed
b. not applicable d. literal
11. b. nonexplicit, direct, implied, nonliteral
12. a. nonexplicit, indirect, expressed, literal
b. nonexplicit, direct, expressed, literal
c. explicit, not applicable, expressed, literal
d. nonexplicit, direct, expressed, nonliteral
13. a. direct vs. indirect illocutionary acts
b. The child interprets it directly (as a question) when actually the mother intends it
indirectly (as a directive).

14. The inclusion of this sentence prevents the reader from having to draw the implicature
that the smear is normal (or from drawing an implicature other than that intended by the
15. Andy is raising an implicature that Thelma Lou's cousin is not pretty. His answer violates
the maxim of relation, since it answers a question other than the one Gomer asked. It is a
way of communicating information about her appearance without actually stating it.
16. An act of thanking typically refers to a past act of the addressee. The sign is intended to
control the reader's future actions, i.e., to prevent the reader from smoking.
17. In order to fire someone, the addressee must be an employee. By announcing "I quit," the
employee asserts that this condition is not met.

Chapter 3: Semantics

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 33
1. a. [ kin] d. [ concrete]
b. [ human] e.
c. [ male]
2. The listener's semantic representation of doctor includes the semantic feature [+male].

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Exercise B, p. 35-36
1. a. saunter, amble, stride
b. chat, whisper, mumble
2. relative
3. a.
b. animal, vertebrate, mammal, feline, lynx
4. e. both (a) and (d)

Exercise C, pp. 38-39

1. a. overlap (all are [+furniture])
b. synonymy
c. overlap (all are [+printed])
2. lexical ambiguity (bar can be either a tavern or a test given to future lawyers).
3. a. G e. i. B m. G
b. B f. C j. C n. B
c. g. C k. B
d. h. B l. C

Exercise D, p. 40-41
1. a. prototype: Ford Taurus
nonprototypical member: Batmobile
stereotype: 4 wheels, carries 4-6 passengers, internal combustion engine, about 16
feet long and 5 feet high b. prototype: ranch house, bungalow
nonprototypical member: the White House
stereotype: 1500-2500 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, 1-2 stories high
2. b. prototype
3. c. both sense (definition) and reference (picture)
5. c. Robin is a hyponym of bird
6. b. stereotype of dog

Exercise E, pp. 41-42

1. a. Himself is an anaphor and can only be interpreted as referring to
2. d. none of the above (i.e., deictically only)

3. anaphora

Exercise F, pp. 42-43

1. d. deixis
2. a. D. GO to me.
b. Come contains the meaning of movement toward the speaker; go contains the
meaning of movement away from the speaker.
c. Go to me contains words with conflicting deictic components: Go (motion away from
the speaker) conflicts with to me (motion toward the speaker).
4. deictically only
5. anaphorically only

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Exercise G, pp. 44-45
1. a. synthetic
b. analytic
2. b. contradictory
4. contradictory
5. synthetic
6. a. C c. A e. S
b. A d. C f. S

Exercise H, p. 47
t A.2 entails A.1. F.2 presupposes F.1.
t B.1 presupposesB.2. G.1 presupposes G.2.
C.1 presupposes C.2. H.1 presupposes H.2
D.1 entails D.2. I.2 entails I.1.
E.1 and E.2 entail each are (they are J.2 entails J.1.

Exercise I, p. 49
1. afford does not presuppose intentionality, but decide does.
2. manage presupposes intentionality, but normally no one would intentionally step on
chewing gum.

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 52-53

1. a. F (reference and truth) g. T
b. F (gradable) h. F (anaphoric)
c. T i. F (presupposes)
d. F (structural) j. F (deictic
e. F (entails) k. T
f. T l. F (overlap)
2. Deixis; the note does not establish a point of reference for the time when it was written (it
means 'Back in 20 minutes from now,' but the reader doesn't now what 'now' refers to).

3. The clerk is treating east and west (non-deictic terms) like left and right (deictic terms).
However, east and west each have only one interpretation, regardless of what direction
the customer is traveling from.
4. Lexical ambiguity: bear can mean either 'give birth to' or 'tolerate.'
5. a. girl
b. [+adult]
6. Deixis; the owner isn't sure "which" left the vet is referring to: the left ear as she is
facing the cat, or the left ear as she is standing behind the cat.
7. d. both (a) and (c)
8. prototype (i.e., pointing to a typical member of the extension)
9. none of the above. This is a problem in deixis. Since the reader is unsure of when the
"first" Tuesday night was, it's unclear when "every other" Tuesday night is.
10. Entailment; technically, pitching three no-hitters entails pitching two no-hitters. (Of
course, in ordinary conversation, the addressee would be expected to state exactly how
many no-hitters, in which case "two" would not count as a correct answer. On the other
hand, notice that an entailed, rather than an exact, number is expected in other situations:
for example, if a bartender asks "Are you 21 ?" of a customer who is 25, the correct
response is "Yes," since being 25 entails being 21.)

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11. When presupposes "I may come in for an interview."
12. Presupposition; the definite pronoun the presupposes the existence of a broken
headlight, thereby perhaps leading respondents to think that they should have seen one,
even if they didn't.
13. Presupposition; note that either a yes or no response carries the same presupposition
('At one time I beat my wife'). This phenomenon is related to the fact that a sentence and
its denial have the same set of presuppositions.
14. Lexical ambiguity; work can have the sense of either 'be employed' or 'expend
energy.' The first sentence relies on the listener assigning the meaning 'be employed.' The
punch line adds the meaning 'expend energy.' This might also be analyzed as a
contradictory sentence, since the humor relies on seeing that someone can simultaneously
work and not work.
15. Mom is traditionally a personal term of endearment, used toward someone for whom
the speaker feels affection, so it has a positive, somewhat sentimental connotation.
However, the behavior of the mother referred to in this news story clearly violates this
16. Mary is treating a binary term (none of your business) as gradable (by using extremely).
17. Dead/alive are binary antonyms and thus cover every possibility on this continuum; no
"expert opinion" is required to state this obvious fact. Compare a sentence containing
gradable antonyms: Al Qaeda Leader is Brilliant or Stupid.
18. Next presupposes a previous item in a series, but in this case there has not yet been one.

Chapter 4: Syntax

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 55
2. An NP can contain no more than one determiner; some and those must both be analyzed
as determiners.
3. Categories: only words in the verb category can be made past tense; only words in the
adjective category can be made superlative; only words in the noun category can be made
4. a. Unlike adjectives, possessive pronouns cannot be made comparative or superlative
(*myer, *myest) (although compare That's more my book than yours), b. Unlike an
adjective, a possessive pronoun cannot co-occur with a determine (*Hand me the my

Exercise B, p. 57
1. a. S d. PP g. VP j. S
b. e. PP h. VP k. VP
c. NP f. VP i. VP l. VP

All of these items can be generated by the PS rules on p. 56.

Exercise C, p. 58
1. a. V1 and PP2 are sisters.
b. PP2 directly dominates Prep2-NP3.
c. VP1 dominates all of the nodes beneath it; it directly dominates V1 and PP2.
d. No, except that they are both dominated by S. They are not sisters because they are
not directly dominated by the same node.

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c. A very small package arrived.

d. A meteor hit that red car.

A very small package arrived

meteor hit that red car

Page 52 of 104
Exercise D, p. 59


Det N PP

Prep NP

Det N PP

Prep NP

Det N PP

Prep NP

Det N PP

Prep NP

Det N the corner of the kitchen in the house under the

the table by the chair in tree
foreign student foreign student orgn.
Exercise E, p. 61 orgn. 'organization of/for 'student organization that is foreign'
1. a. foreign


second language teacher second language teacher

'teacher of a second language' 'second teacher of language'

big truck driver big truck driver

'driver of a big truck' 'truck driver who is big'

Page 53 of 104
2. a. not structurally ambiguous (bank is lexically ambiguous)
b. 'Dr. Smith is a professor of European history.'
'Dr. Smith is a history professor who is European.'
c. not structurally ambiguous (plant is lexically ambiguous)
d. 'Jane hid the letter that Dan wrote.'
'Jane hid the letter so that Dan couldn't find it.'
e. 'Muffy saw some old men and old women.'
'Muffy saw some women and old men.'
f. neither structurally nor lexically ambiguous
g. 'It can be a nuisance to visit relatives.'
Relatives who are visiting can be a nuisance.'

Exercise F, pp. 62-65

1. Passive versions differ in their grammaticality if the PP is moved to subject position:
A1: * The note on the door was put by Ralph.
B1 : The key to the door was found by Ralph.
A2: The note was put on the door by Ralph.
B2: * The key was found to the door by Ralph.
The PP on the door must remain part of the VP in order to yield a grammatical passive; it
behaves like at home in the examples on pp. 62-63 of the textbook. The PP to the door must
remain with the NP the key in order to yield a grammatical passive; it behaves like of the
accident in the textbook examples.
2. c; it does not demonstrate any difference in behavior between the two sentences.
3. d. Only VP can be omitted. (In A, N is omitted; in B, NP; in D, Aux-V; in E, Aux; and in
4. a. Only items belonging to identical categories can be conjoined by and. (In B, NP and
PP are conjoined; in F, an adverb and an NP are conjoined.)
5. b. The word so substitutes for the material dominated by VP. (In B, so substitutes for the
Aux-VP sequence should get a haircut; in C, it substitutes for the V gets.)

Exercise G, p. 65-66
1. kill requires a [+living] object.
3. d. must be followed by NP, can be followed by PP.
4. c. must be followed by a [+animate] NP.
5. The antecedent for who must be [+human]; the antecedent for which must be [-human].

Exercise H, p. 69
1. c. 'the professors of English from France.' X-bar syntax states that complements occur
closer to the head than adjuncts, regardless of whether they precede or follow the head. Thus,
in the phrase The French English professors, French is an adjunct and corresponds to 'from
France,' and English is a complement and corresponds to 'of English.'

Page 54 of 104
Exercise I, p. 73
1. A. neither rule C. wh-Movement
B. I-Movement D. I-Movement and wh-Movement
2. To form a negative or emphatic sentence, place not or so/too, respectively, immediately to
the right of the tensed verb.

Exercise J, pp. 74
Reflexive pronouns (e.g., himself) require an antecedent within the same clause as the
pronoun. The presence of himself in the dependent clause is evidence that the antecedent
(Franklin) originated within the same clause.

Exercise K, pp. 75-76

2. Test A shows that down the street is a PP, but away the magazine isn't.
A1. Down the street John walked.
B1. *Away the magazine John threw.
Test B shows that threw away is a two-word verb, but walked down isn't.
A2. John threw the magazine away.
B2. *John walked the street down.
d. both (a) and (b)

Exercise L, pp. 78
1. a. d. Subjacency f. Subjacency
b. Tensed S e. Coordinate g. Subjacency
c. Unit Movement Structure

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 79-84

1. Structural ambiguity:

hard wood floors hard wood floors

= hardwood floors = hard, wood floors
'floors made of hardwood' 'wood floors that are hard'
NP, as in sentence A. (In B, he substitutes for the N man. In C, he substitutes for the Det-
N sequence the man. In D, he substitutes for the N-PP sequence man from the CIA. In E,
he substitutes for the PP from the CIA.) S
3. whacked requires a [+human] object. Structural (syntactic)
4 ambiguity
5. See Exercise F.1 for the passive test. A1.*The car in the garage was put by Ralph. B1. The
6. answer to the question was provided by Ralph. A2. The car was put in the garage by
Ralph. B2.*The answer was provided to the question by Ralph.
7. Not can occur after the first (or first auxiliary) verb in a sentence.

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8. a. either to sentence-initial position or to the left of the subject NP
b. the left of the subject NP
c. the first (and only the first) auxiliary verb
d. A. Did Ralph park the car next to a fire hydrant?
B. Should I have sent this letter by certified mail?
C. Would Toby like to ride on the merry-go-round?
D. Does Wonder Bread build strong bodies?
E. Did the dentist remove two of her wisdom teeth?
F. Can you use your credit card at this store?
Declarative structures that add a form of do in the yes-no question all have only a main
verb (i.e., no auxiliary verb).
9. a. B.1-B.3 contain auxiliary be; A.1-A.3 contain main verb be; D.1-D.3 contain auxiliary
have; C.1-C.3 contain main verb have.
b. A.1-A.3
c. more like those containing auxiliary verbs (since do isn't added).
d. more like those containing main verbs (since do is added).
10. A. The resident manager E. There
B. Wally and Beaver F. It
C. Kim and Kevin G. It
D. Some of the people at the garage sale
11. a. Auxiliary do never appears in a yes-no question that contains another auxiliary verb,
b. Auxiliary do must appear in a yes-no question that does not contain another auxiliary
12. a. The verb in the tag will be the same as the first auxiliary verb in the main clause,
b. The pronoun in the tag will agree with the subject NP in gender, person, number,
and case.
13. A. isn't it? E. didn't she?
B. didn't it? F haven't they?
C. didn't he? G. could they?
D. won't it? H. didn't they?
a. do (B, C, E, H)
b. yes-no questions
c. If a rule mentions "first auxiliary verb" and there is none, then a form of do is added.
14. a. A.1-A.2 contain main verb be; B.1-B.2 contain auxiliary be; D.1-D.2 contain main
verb have; C.1-C.2 contain auxiliary verb have.
b. no d. yes
c. yes e. yes
15. Tensed S
16. a. Tensed S b. wh-Movement

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Chapter 5: Morphology

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 86
1. 'made/sold by McDonalds'

2. 'one who is addicted to'

3. Words like acting, celebration, packer, and baggage show that each of the morphemes in
question can appear independently in other words.

Exercise B, p. 86
1. a. F (cf. friendly, which is an adjective)
F (cf. cats, which consists of {cat} + {PLU}) F
(cf. table)

Exercise C,p.87
1. a. t d. three g. two
b. t e. two
c. three f. one
Exercise D, p. 88

1. a. t
b. {strong} + {SUP}
c. {act} + {ive} + {ly}
d. {pre} + {cede}
G L (Note : {cede} is a separate morpheme that appears in other verbs
such as secede and intercede.)
e. {dis} + {en} + {tangle} + {PAST}
f. {run} + {PAST}
g. {woman} + {PLU}

Exercise E, pp. 88-89

1. a.
b. lexical, bound (Note: Students should realize that this is a different morpheme from
{cur} 'mongrel dog.' The two morphemes have the same form but different
c. grammatical, free
d. lexical, bound
2. admit, commit, emit, omit, permit, remit, submit. All are verbs consisting of a prefix +
3. No; in mitten, {mit} does not constitute a separate morpheme meaning 'send, go.'
4. a. Both are bound and (probably) lexical.
b. biology, biosphere, biomechanics, biofeedback, etc.

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telephone, telegraph, telepathy, television, etc.

c. {bio-} means 'life' and {tele-} means 'far off; the latter, however, is shifting to mean
'telephone' as in telemarketer and telecommuter.

Exercise F, p. 93
2. b. The verb following a form of auxiliary have should be inflected for {PAST PART}.
3. The verb following a form of auxiliary be should be inflected for {PRES PART}.
4. Since there is a third-person singular subject, we would expect the -s ending on the verb
(gives) if it were present tense.
5. a. might = past tense modal (first verb form)
have = uninflected (follows a modal)
gone = past participle main verb (follows auxiliary have, rightmost verb)
b. has = present tense auxiliary have (first verb form)
done = past participle main verb (follows auxiliary have, rightmost verb)
c. have = present tense auxiliary have (first verb form)
been = past participle main verb (follows auxiliary have, rightmost verb)
d. Did = past tense auxiliary do (first verb form)
walk = uninflected main verb (follows auxiliary do, rightmost verb)

Exercise G, p. 94
1. a. b. present tense, future time reference c. past tense, present time reference

Exercise H, pp. 98-99

1. a.
{PLU} (an inflectional morpheme) must attach to the right of {ful} (a derivational
c. A verb cannot have two inflectional morphemes at the same time.
d. {PLU} (an inflectional morpheme) must attach to the right of {AG} (a derivational
e. {PLU} attaches to N, not to NP.
f. {PLU} attaches to N, not to NP.
g. {POSS} attaches to NP, not to N.
2. a. They appear to be bound inflectional prefixes.
b, {omu} = {singular} {aba} = {PLU}
c. omulongo
3. a. They appear to be bound derivational prefixes.
b. {num}
c. changes an adjective to an abstract noun
d. {gula}

Exercise I, p. 100
1. a. d. clipped form
b. blend e.
c. acronym f. back formation

g. folk etymology i. abbreviation

h. blend

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2. a. acronym d. proper name, derivation
b. clipped/back form e. clipped form
c. root creation f. clipped form
3. folk etymology

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 101-103

1. {t} = 'parent's sibling'
{muchacha} = 'young human]
{abuela} = 'parent's parent'
{nieta} = 'child's child'
{hermana} = 'sibling'
{-a} = 'female'
{-o} = 'male'
2. a. blend
b. {choc} + {oholic}
c. workoholic and foodoholic because the first member of the blend is a free
morpheme, thus defining the left-most boundary of the second member of the blend.
3. abrupt, interrupt, disrupt, corrupt, etc.
4. a. possessive
b. In Standard English, the third person reflexive is formed from the objective form
(himself/themselves) and is thus exceptional. The nonstandard third person form has
been regularized to the possessive form (hisself/theirselves), just like the first and
second person.
5. Package can take a plural suffix (packages), which is inflectional. Since a word can have
only one inflectional morpheme in English, {-age} must be derivational.
6. a. the first form to the right of the subject
b. the last form following all other verbs
c. before the main verb
d. The modal is the first verb form.
e. right before the main verb
f. following the modal (if there is one) and preceding auxiliary be (if there is one)
g. The verb form following a modal is uninflected; that following aux be is a present
participle; that following aux have is a past participle.
7. [the [kids]N down the street's]NP bikes
8. d. Only nouns can be inflected for {PLU}, and ne'er (i.e., never) is not a noun.
9. a. acronym
b. blend
c. back formation: the s on AIDS is mistakenly treated as {PLU}.
d. folk etymology: the unfamiliar cotter is interpreted as the more familiar Carter.
e. back formation
f. clipped form
g. proper name

10. ROTC pronounced as "R-O-T-C" is an abbreviation; pronounced as "rot-see," it is an

11. possibly a blend of brawl and tangle
12. a. blend
b. One member of this blend is inserted into the middle of the other member. Typically,
the beginning of one member is attached to the ending of another member.

Page 59 of 104
13. a. derivational suffix
b. {-ii}
c. changes an adjective or noun into the corresponding abstract noun
d. {-ness} as in happy/happiness
e. 'truth'
f. The two words for 'wise' seem to differ in whether the state of being wise is innate or

Page 60 of 104
Chapter 6: Phonology
Exercise A, p. 110
1. a.
c. mid, front, spread, lax
d. mid, back, spread, lax
e. low, back, spread, lax
f. low, back, round, tense
g. high, back, round, lax
h. high, front, spread, tense
2. e. putt
3. c. //
4. h, c, e, a, g, f, a, b
Exercise B, pp. 115-116
1. a. //
c. //
d. //
e. /y/
2. a.
b. /f, , s, , h/
c. /b, m, w/
d. /w, y/
e. /u, , o, /
3. a. /n/ is a nasal; the others are fricatives.
b. /g/ is a stop; the others are fricatives.
c. /d/ is a stop; the others are liquids.
4. a. // is palatal; the others are alveolar.
b. /n/ is alveolar; the others are nasal.
c. // is interdental; the others are bilabial.
5. a. /s/ is voiceless; the others are voiced.
b. /n/ is voiced; the others are voiceless.
c. /p/ is voiceless; the others are voiced.
6. a. voiced interdental fricative
b. voiceless glottal fricative
c. voiced alveolar liquid
d. voiceless labiodental fricative
e. voiced alveolar stop
f. voiced palatal fricative
7. d. type
8. b. rich

Page 61 of 104
9. b. these
10. e, c, a, f, b, d

Exercise C, p. 118
1. /g/ becomes /j/ when it is followed by a front vowel. (Note: /g/, a velar segment, becomes
"fronted" to a palatal segment when it is followed by a front vowel.)
2. Velar stops become palatal stops when they occur before front vowels.

Exercise D, pp. 120-121

1. d . V ^ [ V : ] / __ #
3. c. A vowel becomes nasalized when it occurs before a nasal consonant.
5. C /___C

Exercise E, p. 122
1. a. /g/ becomes /j-/ when it is followed by a front vowel, b.
C -M+palatal]/___ V
r+stop > [+front]
+vce +velar

Exercise F, p. 123
1. a. // becomes // between vowels.
b. Assimilation
c. Yes; //, which is [-voice], becomes [+voice], which makes it more like the
surrounding vowel segments, which are also voiced.

Exercise G, p. 126
1. Nasal Assimilation: assimilation of the nasal to the place of the following consonant;
Consonant Cluster Reduction: a stop following another consonant is deleted. CCR must apply
first, since this puts the nasal next to the consonant to which it assimilates.
2. Vowel Lengthening must occur before Flapping. Otherwise, both phonetic forms would
have a lengthened vowel, as shown in the following correct and incorrect derivations:

Page 62 of 104
Supplementary Exercises, pp. 128-131
1. b, a, d, c, f, e
2. c, e, b, d, f, a (Note: Vowels followed by liquids are difficult to characterize.)
3. a. extra segment; /mAar/ f. extra segment; /faIn/
b. wrong segment; /spid/ g. wrong segment; /tk/
c. extra segment; /rst/ h. extra segment; /krkt/
d. omission; /kl/ i. omission; /fIgr/
e. wrong segment; /kret/ j. extra segment; /saI/
4. a. ant b. Saturn c. jaws d. attention
5. a. /u/ b. /v/
6. a. A schwa is inserted between a consonant and a liquid.
b. [pliz]
c. [pIlz] (no change)
7. [back]; [] follows [-back] vowels, and [x] follows [+back] vowels. (Note: Palatal
consonants can be analyzed as [-back], and velars can be analyzed as [+back].
8. +stop [+fric]/V __ V

9. a. Both are [+round].

b. [u] is a vowel; [w] is a consonant.
c. [u] occurs before a root beginning with a consonant; [w] occurs before a root
beginning with a vowel. (Note: The rule is designed to preserve CV syllable structure.)
10. a. SET A SET B
/p//f/ /b//p/
/t/ / / /d//t/
Ik/ /h/ /g/ /k/
b. A voiceless stop becomes the corresponding voiceless fricative.
c. A voiced stop becomes the corresponding voiceless stop.

d. Change A had to occur before Change B. Otherwise, the output of Change B would undergo the change
described in A; thus, hemp would be pronounced /hemf/, two /u/, and queen /hwin/.
11. a. [in], [im], [irj]
b. the place of articulation of the first segment of the root: [im] before a labial, [in]
before an alveolar, and [irj] before a velar.
c. [in]; it is the only form that occurs before a vowel (and vowels to not appear to cause
a change in the prefix).
d. assimilation
12. A stop following/s/within the same syllable must be voiceless.
13. a. Prefix a nasal segment to the stem.
b. The nasal prefix assimilates to the place of articulation of the initial segment of the stem. Note that it is
not possible from this data to tell what the most basic form of the nasal prefix is, since there is no data
where the prefix appears before a stem starting with a vowel. Thus we might choose to represent the
underlying form of the nasal with a more abstract symbol:
M [+labial]/ ____[+labial]
[+alveolar] /__ [+alveolar]
[+velar]/ __ [+velar]
c. [w] is apparently [+velar], because the prefix takes the form of a velar.
14. a. fault, land, eats, old, needs, pint, east, eased
b. Members of obstruent clusters must have the same value for [voice]. (Note that this does not hold true
for clusters in which only one member is an obstruente.g., /lt/ and /nt/.)
15. a. +back -* -back "^
I + round I I-round I

b. Ii/ is [-back, -round], so /o/ changed to /e/ to become more like /i/ (that is, /o/ assimilated to/i/).
16. fireman. The final syllable has reduced to schwa; in mailman, the final syllable still has secondary stress.

Chapter 7: Language Variation

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 136
1. c.
2. This would probably best be described as a shared idiolect. The term dialect is generally reserved to denote a
variety shared by a much larger group of speakers.

Exercise B, p. 139
1. Southwest: Spanish influence, reflected in words like adobe, hacienda, rodeo. .Louisiana: French influence,
reflected in words like Baton Rouge, bateau, creole, Mardi Gras
New York City: Yiddish influence, reflected in words like bagel, schlep, schmaltz
3. False: Figure 7.4 can only accurately be said to reflect a dialect boundary because it illustrates the
boundary of a bundle of isoglosses, not just one.
4. The east coast was settled earliest, by settlers from distinct areas of Europe; the west coast was settled later,
by settlers from the east criss-crossing each other's paths. The irregular paths to the west were caused by natural
impediments such as the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains.

Exercise C, pp. 142-143

1. bluenose: (a) 'a native of Eastern Canada' (derogatory); (b) New England
choppies: (a) 'small, low, usually barren hills that appear as if roughly chopped up';
(b) Nebraska
choupique: (a) 'bowfin' (type offish); (b) Louisiana
2. b, h, t, s, f, k, w, j, e, n, u, v, d, i, a, l, c, m, p, r, g, q, o

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Exercise D, pp. 146-147
1. In the Northern forms, [s] (a voiceless consonant) appears between vowels; in the Southern forms, however,
[z] (a voiced consonant) appears. The occurrence of [z] for [s] in
the Southern forms may arise from the fact that the surrounding segments are vowels, which are also voiced (i.e.,
the consonant assimilates in voicing).
3. a. [him] e. [strIk]
b. [pin] (no change) f. [tin] (no change)
c. [pnt] (no change) g. [nt] (no change)
d. [pIn] h. [nit] (no change)

4. a. [nrskt] c. no change
b. no change d. no change
5. The first vowel in the environment must be specified as [+lax] (or []).

Exercise E, p. 149
1. A creole is the native language of some group of speakers, whereas a pidgin is not.
2. a. The word bilong (from belong) is used to form a descriptive term that narrows down
the meaning of the noun that it follows.
b. In English, grass refers to a specific type of plant. In Tok Pisin, grass has the more general meaning of
'any grass-like growth.' (You might ask students to speculate on the semantic features shared by grass,
beard, hair, feather, eyebrow, and weed.)

Exercise F, pp. 151

1. [t], the voiceless stop closest in place to [S] (a voiceless fricative)
2. It resembles stopping in that it substitutes another segment, with the same voicing value, for the relatively
rare interdental fricative. However, this time the replacement segment is also a fricative (not a stop).

Exercise G, pp. 152-153

1. a.
b. F([thIkt])
c. F (see question 2)
d. T
2. a.most people, iced tea
b. They contain a consonant-stop followed by a word beginning with a consonant (i.e., C C C).
c. Delete a stop consonant when it occurs between two consonants. (Note: The rule may mention a word
boundary but does not have to.)
d. C / C _ C
3. Voicing cannot be mixed within the cluster; i.e., both members of the cluster must be [+voice] or [-voice] for
Consonant Cluster Reduction to apply.
4. d. [h] for half/hf/ does not occur in any dialect.
5. stopping
6. a. final devoicing
b. metathesis (note that the nasal becomes /n/ since it is no longer adjacent to /k/).
c. test becomes /ts/ via Consonant Cluster Reduction. Since the root now ends in /s/, the plural is formed
(according to rule) by adding /z/.

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Exercise H, pp. 155-156
1. The nonstandard system is more regular in that it uses one contracted negative verb form (ain't) for all
persons and numbers, whereas the standard system uses two (aren't and isn't) that vary according to
person and number.

2. The a- prefix can attach only to a form ending with /n/ (cf. B and G). The a- prefix cannot
attach to a gerund (e.g., H).
The a- prefix cannot attach to a prenominal adjective (e.g., I). The a- prefix cannot precede an unstressed
syllable (e.g., E). The a- prefix cannot precede a vowel (e.g., F).

Exercise I, pp. 160-161

1. After other verbs in English (e.g., hit, call, and like), the objective case of a pronoun is used; the nominative
case results in an ungrammatical sentence. Speakers who use the objective case pronoun after a form of main
verb be are following the general pattern associated with all other verbs. They are essentially regularizing an
2. is, because it can be contracted; are cannot.
4. b. To make English conform to classical languages such as Latin.
5. a. F (other main verbs require a form of do)
b. T
c. T
d. F (have requires a form of do)
6. In Modern English, I-Movement moves only a tensed auxiliary verb; in Early Modern English (which forms the
basis for the legal language used by the judge), I-Movement moves any tensed verb.
7. Prescriptive grammarians (purists) in French would argue for the double negative construction
exactly the opposite argument as that put forth by Lowth.

Exercise J, pp. 164-165

1. The use of specialized terms for different shades of the same color is, at least stereotypically, more
comprehensible to women than to men. (This particular catalog does, in fact, carry far more items of apparel for
women than for men.)
2. The use of the intensifier so and "empty" adjective cute are, at least stereotypically, associated more with
4. a. Men use more nonstandard forms than women do.
b. The use of nonstandard forms increases among members of relatively lower socioeconomic
5. a. boy (direct order)
b. boy (direct order
c. girl (hedge, inclusive language)
d. girl (inclusive language)
e. boy (direct order)
f. girl (inclusive language)
g. boy (direct order)
h. boy (direct order)
i. girl (inclusive language)

Page 66 of 104
6. Many of the words used to describe Ferraro are typically used more to describe women than men:
claw (which evokes the image of long fingernails, or perhaps a feline); tart, needling, and twitting (which
evoke sharpness rather than force or strength); and spunky and feisty (which typically describe small or
child-like people, rather than people of great size or strength). (Recall one of Lou Grant's first lines to Mary
Richards on The Mary Tyler Moore Show: "You've got spunk, Mary. [Pause while Mary smiles at what she
takes as a compliment.] I hate spunk.")

Exercise K, p. 168
1. a. Sentence (C).
b. Substitute whom for who, regardless of its function.
c. Whom can substitute for who only when it is the object of a verb or preposition. Note, incidentally, that
the only environment in which who cannot occur in standard English is when it immediately follows a
preposition: *To who did you speak? (cf .Who did you speak to?)
3. Who's he takin' psych from?

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 170-172

1. a. F (Northern)
b. T
c. F (girls tend to use more indirect forms)
d. F (mutually intelligible)
2. a. Stress the rightmost vowel unless it is //; if the rightmost vowel is //, stress the preceding vowel.
b. Stress the initial vowel.
c. The one for Dialect B.
d. Dialect B (at least outside the South).
3. a. Two contracted forms are readily apparent for phrases (B-E)We're not, We aren't,
and so on. Phrase (A), though, has only one contracted form in standard English, I'm not, and so violates
the overall pattern for contracting phrases of this type.
b. On analogy with phrases (B-E), the "missing" form for (A) would be amn't ([aemnt]).
c. Deleting one of the nasals in [aemnt] and raising the vowel from [] to [e] would yield [nt] = ain't.
4. a. phonology
b. C/C_C
5. a. Lax vowels in General American become the corresponding tense vowels in South Midland, when
followed by a palatal consonant,
b. V -*[+tense]/_ C
[-tense] [+pal]
6. {an} + {other} is reanalyzed as {a} + {nother}, since both {a} and {an} are determiners.
7. Voicing Assimilation (/k/ -> [g]) between vowels and post-vocalic liquid deletion (/l/ -> ).
8. a. [f] may be substituted for //.
b. [l] may be deleted.
c. [d] may be substituted for //.
d. /e/ may be pronounced [i] before a nasal (at least in the South).
e. Final /t/ may be deleted via Consonant Cluster Reduction.
9. [t] is substituted for [k] (they are perceptually similar in syllable-final position); then [t] is voiced to [d] via
assimilation to the surrounding voiced segments.
10. a. [mantIn] and [btIn]
b. Alternation between [in] and [irj] applies only to {PRES PART}.
c. Structural hypercorrection.
11. a. F (compare columns P and C)

Page 67 of 104
b. F (compare columns R and C)
c. T
d. F (compare columns P and R)
12. a. two childrens
b. Bob's Johnson's car
c. I wants a cookie.
13. Do for you is a one-word verb plus a prepositional phrase. If do for you is reanalyzed as a two-word verb plus
a direct object, then for can be moved to the right of the direct object, as in do you for.

Chapter 8: First-Language Acquisition

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 178
1. Infant, from Latin meaning 'unable to speak,' accurately describes a 1-month-old. It is inaccurate in that -fant
is cognate with Greek phone; which, with the negative prefix, would mean 'without sound.' Also, if 'unable
to speak' is interpreted to mean 'without language,' one could argue that this interpretation is inconsistent
with Chomskyan views about linguistic innateness.
2. Babbling exhibits (at least some of) the phonological properties of the language to which the child has been
exposed. What language(s) did the adults speak? Did they speak any of the test languages? Some of them?
All of them?

Exercise B, pp. 179-180

1. The mother might be inadvertently cuing the child (known as the "Clever Hans" effect, after a 19th-century
performing horse who supposedly could spell and do math). Blindfolding the mother would be one way of
inhibiting her influence over the child.
2. Brenda's utterances do not justify Moskowitz's overly rich interpretation. She is attributing more to the child
than the evidence will support.

Exercise C, pp. 183-184

1 a. /a/ b. Ipl c. t d. CV
2 [thik]. The child is likely to simplify the initial /st/ cluster by deleting the fricative /s/. This
leaves /t/ at the beginning of an unstressed syllable; therefore, /t/ would undergo the
Aspiration rule and become [th].
3 a. dough /do/
b. kick Ikikl
4 a. /s/ -> / C
5 a. [mok]
6 e. (a) and (b) only
7 a. t
b. stopping
c. consonant cluster simplification and final consonant reduction (and subsequent
tensing of the vowel)
d. stopping and gliding
e. blending
f. t
g. gliding
h. consonant cluster simplification and voicing ([k] is unaspirated and perceived as

Page 68 of 104
i. vowel epenthesis
e- fronting (also, in this case, de-palatalization)
k. fronting
l. consonant cluster simplification and voicing
m. consonant cluster simplification and voicing
n. fronting and stopping
o. final devoicing

Exercise D, p. 188
1. Stage III
3. Regular verbs (such as patted) are acquired before irregular verbs (such as held).
4. folk etymology (substitution of a familiar morpheme for an unfamiliar one)

Exercise E, p. 189
1. Reduplications count as one morpheme; only overt inflectional affixes count as separate morphemes. In
child language, derivational affixes don't count as morphemes; irregular inflections (e.g., went) don't count
because there's no evidence the child treats these as morphologically complex.

Exercise F, p. 191
1. a. majority are nouns
b. Japanese
c. Final position. Nouns outnumber verbs by 2 or 3 to 1 in French, English, and Swedish (in this data), but
nouns and verbs occur with the same frequency in Japanese. The fact that nouns occur in final position
in the former languages and verbs appear in final position in Japanese suggests that sentence-final
position is most salient for children.

Exercise G, p. 193
1. a. {PLU} 2. I-Movement
b. 3. B,A,C
c. not

Exercise H, pp. 198-199

1. a. B
b. Minimum Distance Principle
3. a.
b. size (i.e., smallness)
c. shape (i.e., parallel lines)
4. [+ 4-wheeled]
5. A, because active sentence (in which the agent is the subject) are interpreted correctly earlier than passive
B, because the positive member of a pair of opposites is interpreted correctly earlier than the negative
B, because sentences in which the order of mention reflects the order of events are interpreted correctly
earlier than those that don't.

Page 69 of 104
Exercise I, pp. 206-207
1. Genetically encoded universal properties of language (sometimes called universal grammar).
3. The behaviorist view would incorrectly predict that frequent exposure to a and the would lead to their early

4. Comprehension precedes production.

5. a. disagree
b. He would not agree that parents "teach" either of these activities; rather, he would argue that both
behaviors are acquired without instruction.

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 209-213

1. a. F d. T g. T
b. F e. F
c. T f. T
2. It is unstressed.
The /sn/ consonant cluster in sneak is reduced to [n] via simplification. The hi in same is
changed to [t] via stopping, a. gliding and
blending and vocalization (discussed in Chapter 7)
deletion of unstressed syllable (discussed in Chapter 7)
consonant cluster simplification, final consonant reduction, tensing of final vowel
deletion of unstressed syllable /p/, which brings the hi adjacent to /g/. The /g/, which is [+voice],
becomes /k/, which is [-voice], via assimilation to /s/, which is also [-voice]. (Members of an
obstruent cluster must share the same value for voicing.)
5. a. The last acquired is the first deleted (i.e., last in, first
out). Fricatives are acquired later than stops; thus a fricative+stop reduces to a stop. However,
fricatives are acquired earlier than liquids; thus a fricative+liquid reduces to a fricative.
6. a. The "faulty sensory perception" would result both in
random mistakes (i.e., not only /w/ for /r/, but /p/ for /r/, /g/ for /r/, etc.) and in mistakes
uninterpretable as segments.
b. Both [r] and [w] exhibit lip rounding.
c. [r] is retroflex; [w] is not.
7. The child's phonemic representation has an hi (i.e., /stap/). Since /t/ is aspirated only in
syllable-initial position, it must not be syllable-initial.
8. a. stopping g. deletion of unstressed syllable
b. anticipation h. anticipation
c. stopping i. stopping (or anticipation)
d. stopping and anticipation j. anticipation
e. perseveration k. anticipation and vowel epenthesis
f. consonant cluster simplification
9. Children tend to omit grammatical morphemes (especially bound) and to retain lexical morphemes.
10. (c) easiest; (b) most difficult
11. A), the entire main clause precedes the entire relative clause. In (B), the relative clause interrupts the subject
and predicate of the main clause.
12. A two-word verb can be separated by the direct object (write down is a two-word verb).
13. folk etymology

Page 70 of 104
14. With in and on, the relationship between the viewer and the object being viewed is constant. With behind
and in front of, the relationship changes as the viewer's perspective changes.
15. Given the structure the doll is hard to see, the child interprets the doll as the subject of the bar infinitive to
see (i.e., the child applies the Minimum Distance Principle).
16. The 6-year-olds appear to understand that an indirect speech act (like B) is more polite than a direct speech
act (like A).
17. Pragmatics: directives are acquired before commissives. Semantics: ask and order conform to the
Minimum Distance Principle; promise doesn't.
18. The promise must be for an action that the speaker can control.
19. Language acquisition can proceed normally only before puberty. (This is known as Lenneberg's Critical
Period Hypothesis and is discussed in Chapter 9.)
20. d. all of the above
21. a. Chomsky would be more of a "biologist," Skinner more of an "environmentalist."
b. (i) mentalism; (ii) nativism; (iii) Chomsky; (vi) "biologists"
c. (iii) nativism
d. This would call for a reassessment of the potential gains of classroom instruction (i.e., teachers might
give up if they felt that their efforts would have little effect, and the public might balk at funding public

Chapter 9: Second-Language Acquisition

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, pp. 218-219

2. a. implicational
4. stops and fricatives
5. nonnasalized vowels
6. C, A, B
7. a. B, C, A b. Wh-Movement c. I-Movement
8. e. either (b) or (d)
9. b. statistical

Exercise B, pp. 221-222

2. vowel epenthesis and consonant cluster reduction
4. Vietnamese does not have a phonemic distinction between /d/ and /t/.
5. It is a spelling pronunciation. The letter i in French typically represents the phoneme /i/.
6. [it]
7. a. CV b. // c. /A, /

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Exercise C, p. 223
1. a. Last night indicates past time.
b. The sequence of clauses mirrors the sequence of events.
c. Already indicates past time.
3. a. e. no deceptive transparency
b. deceptive transparency f. no deceptive transparency
c. 'uncover' g. 'roar upwardly'
d. 'lacking sufficient hands'

Exercise D, p. 225-226
1. b. the negative transfer of an L1 feature to L2
3. Relativization of a possessive, because it's the rarest.
4. Verbs in French can take infinitive (to) complements, but not gerund (-ing) complements.
6. The first verb undergoes I-Movement in yes-no questions, regardless of whether it is a main verb or an
auxiliary verb.
7. I-Movement

Exercise E, p. 227-228
1. The nonnative speakers are avoiding idioms.
3. a. jobs b. sex(es)

Exercise F, pp. 229-230

1. Code-switching to Spanish occurs when the topic is personal; code-switching to English occurs when the
topic is business-related.
2. d. social-psychological factors
3. e. integrative motivation
4. instrumental motivation

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 230-233

1. a. syntax c. semantics
b. morphology d. phonology
2. The English speaker, because s/he has to master a phonemic distinction not found in the L1.
3. -> V /___ C C (A vowel is inserted before a sequence of two consonants.)
4. a. A syllable cannot begin with two obstruents (e.g., /s/+stop).
b. It resyllabifies /st/ so that the /s/ is part of the preceding syllable.
5. a. [sd dt] (same as English pronunciation)
b. [hf traid]
6. a. The phrase has been is an idiom.
b. Many languages have no distinction between tense vowels (/i/ bean) and lax vowels (III been).
7. Wanna-contraction is blocked across a movement site (e.g., who in A.1 originates between want and to;
who in B.1 originates to the right of with).
8. Verbs in Spanish are subcategorized to take infinitive (to) complements, not gerund (-ing) complements.
9. a. English has the same contrast medially (cf. measure/mesher), which is more marked
than initially, b. (ii) is least marked; (i) is most marked.

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10. The verb is made to agree in number with the item to its immediate left, whether it's the subject or not.
a. English
b. A French speaker acquiring English, because the English sequence of verb-object-adverb is grammatical
in French, but the French sequence of verb-adverb-object is ungrammatical in English.
12. a. B. The door was closed.
b. An Arabic speaker learning Japanese, because the speaker has to master a marked structure.
13. a. English is most marked because it allows relativization without a pronominal reflex in all positions.
Persian is least marked because it allows relativization without a pronominal reflex in only one position, b.
Persian speakers c . Point 2 of the MDH states that relative difficulty is a function of relative markedness. English
is relatively more marked for Persian speakers than it is for Chinese speakers.
d. Subject position
e. Persian, Arabic, Chinese (relativized NP is object of preposition)
f. none (relativized NP is subject)
g. Persian (relativized NP is direct object)
14. Contraction is blocked immediately before a deletion or movement site.
A. *where she's ___ today
t ________ |
B. *more than I've eaten

C. more than I've eaten

15. a. English, Persian b. Japanese, Irish

c. Japanese: after object; Modern Irish: before object
16. Spanish has a positive value for the Pro-Drop Parameter (i.e., it allows a tensed verb to occur without a
subject, unlike English).

Exploratory Exercises, pp. 233-234

1. Not all of the data fit clearly into one of the categories.
A. This does not fit clearly into any of the categories; codeswitching may be used here to preserve the
idiomatic nature of the English phrases.
B. Same as (A)
C. Discussing particular topics (it may be that tea is considered an "English" beverage)
D. Discussing particular topics (culinary, in this case)
E. Repeating
F. Discussing particular topics (money- or business-related topics in this case)
G. Emphasizing a social role (perhaps emphasizing authority over the child)
2. Answers will vary. From the first finding, you might conclude that as exposure to English (which requires
surface subjects) increases, then use of subject pronouns in Spanish increases. You might also conclude that
Mexican speakers are converging toward the language patterns of other speakers of New York Spanish.
From the second finding, you might conclude that Mexican speakers are resisting pronouns in order to
maintain group solidarity. From the third finding, you might conclude that all Spanish speakers in New York
are trying to distance themselves from English speakers.

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Chapter 10: Written Language

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, pp. 237-238

1. The morning sun shines through the trees in the east. A person can rest under a tree.
2. Drawing, because they're iconic. Turned on their side, they become less iconic and are subject to becoming
3. pictograph ic
4. No. A closed fist, for example, doesn't "look like" the letter A. (In contrast, an extended first and second
finger "looks like" the letter V.)
5. Ideographic. Drawing represents not a literal skull, but a related abstraction (i.e., death).
6. ideographic (cf. number 7)
7. pictographic (cf. number 6)
8. e, b, f, j, d, h, l, k, a, g, c, i. Yes, the more iconic the symbol, the easier it is to recognize.

Exercise B, pp. 239

1. Morphographic. Non-iconic symbol stands for morpheme {dollar}.

2. Ideographic. Iconic symbol stands for 'love,' an abstraction supposedly related to the literal heart.
4. Syllabic. Yes, it might possibly be morphographic. It is syllabic, because the choice of U to represent You is
based on the fact that they share the same pronunciation.
5. syllabic (same reasoning as number 4)
6. Morphographic. These non-iconic symbols stand for morphemes (e.g., ? = {question}; '= {possessive}, etc.

Exercise C, pp. 241

1. bait, fate, neighbor, grey
2. bet (//), grey (/e/), ether (/i/)
3. photo, foot, laugh

Exercise D, pp. 242

1. The segments represented by w and e were pronounced.
2. a. upward
b. Tense vowels (Note: Although /a/ is specified as [-tense] in Chapter 6, the long /a/ segment in Middle
English patterned like a tense vowel.)

Exercise E, p. 242-243
1. a. followed by a consonant
b. They are of Greek origin.
2. They are of Greek origin.

Exercise F, p. 244
1. Morphophonemic. It is spelled the same (a) even when it represents different phonemic forms (e.g., // in
photography, // in photograph).

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2. a.
b. hymnal, hymnody, hymnology
c. debit
d. signal, signature, signify
e. regal
f. damnation, damnable
g. thimble, Thumbelina

Exercise G, p. 245-246
2. a. deletion of unstressed syllable
b. post-vocalic liquid deletion (and possible deletion of unstressed syllable)
c. metathesis
3. a. August; vowel neutralization
b. quarters; post-vocalic liquid deletion
c. abused; consonant cluster reduction
e. pastries; vowel epenthesis
f. experienced; consonant cluster reduction
h. chocolate; unstressed syllable deletion
i. information; assimilation
j. clearance; vowel neutralization
k. char-broiled; post-vocalic liquid deletion
l. spiritualist; consonant cluster reduction
m. brand; consonant cluster reduction
n. carpentry; vowel epenthesis
o. restaurant; unstressed syllable deletion
p. loitering; unstressed syllable deletion (and subsequent re-insertion)
q. around; consonant cluster reduction
s. warranty and excellent; vowel neutralization

Exercise H, p. 247-248
1. a. (1) consonant cluster reduction
(2) a/an alternation (/n/ is an epenthetic consonant used to break up a vowel cluster)
(5) consonant cluster reduction
(7) omission of {PLU} morpheme
(8) be deletion
(9) consonant cluster reduction or omission of {PRES} morpheme
(10) omission of {POSS} morpheme
(12) consonant cluster reduction
(13) omission of {PRES} morpheme
(14) be deletion
(15) be deletion
b. (3) missing apostrophe (4) missing comma
(6) comma splice
(11) misspelling

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Supplementary Exercises, pp. 248-250
1. syllabic
2. morphographic
3. syllabic
4. morphographic
5. syllabic
6. pictographic
7. ideographic
8. morphophemic spelling: each morpheme has a unique graphemic representation.

9. Using an o to represent the vowels reflects morphographic spelling, which clarifies that all of the words
contain the same morpheme.
10. nation, tissue; borrowed from French.
11. Nasal Deletion (in some dialects, nasals are deleted before voiceless consonants)
12. The teacher assumed that because the v in have becomes the f in of, that the Nl in have was devoiced to /f/.
Actually, though, the final segment in both have and of is /v/.
13. a. found has been misanalyzed as a root, to which {PAST} is then added.
b. post-vocalic liquid deletion
c. subject-verb agreement: in standard written English, the verb agrees with the underlying subject of
sentences with existential there; typically in English, the verb agrees with the surface subject.
14. a. restaurant is a singular count noun; which requires an article,
b. post-vocalic liquid deletion
15. I'll (1) tell (2) you about (3) me and my friend's (4) baseball team. When (5) we're (6) together we do all kinds
of things. (7) He (8) plays (9) basketball and I play baseball. (10) Last (11) year (12) I saw (13) the basketball (14)
team (15) play and it looked (16) like I didn't (17) have a chance (18) of making it. I'm (19) a pretty (20) good
basketball player though (21) and the coach (22) knew (23) it. James is (24) the best player. (25) We (26) missed
(27) him when he couldn't (28) play last week. (29)
The main thing for students to see about this passage is that it contains several types of errors:
Some reflect unfamiliarity with the punctuation and capitalization conventions of standard written English:
e.g., (5), (17), (19), (25), (26), and (27).
Others reflect plausible spellings based on the sound of the word: e.g., (5), (12), (14), (15), (18), (20), (21),
(22), and (29).
Finally, other errors reflect predictable linguistic processes often found in nonstandard dialects: e.g., (1)
post-vocalic liquid deletion, (3) deletion of unstressed syllable, (4) consonant cluster reduction and omission of
{POSS} morpheme, (6) be deletion, (7) substitution of past participle for past tense form, (16) consonant cluster
reduction, (22) regularization of irregular past tense form, (24), be-deletion, and (27) consonant cluster reduction.

Chapter 11: Language Processing

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 254
1. Not a garden path sentence, because penny is [-animate] and cannot serve as the agent of saved.

Exercise B, p. 255
1. No. Parallel function favors (4b), but proximity favors (4c). Parallel function takes priority.

Exercise C, p. 256-157
1. depart, lose, forget, different, bad, low, shallow, few, small, slow, narrow, and short, respectively.

Page 76 of 104
2. a. They support it. Abolition and ban.
b. (A) Abolition and ban. (B) Opponents, prohibit, and setback. (C) Revoke, cut, and block. (D) Failed,
override, and veto.
c. (A) . The amendment, if passed, would allow people to carry concealed weapons.
(B) Cameras still not Allowed in Courtroom
(C) Judge Allows Welfare Cut
(D) Assembly Upholds Governor's Vote
3. a. Oppose. Several times. The words override, veto, and ban.
b. Less difficulty than with (A), because the Catholic church is commonly known to oppose abortion (i.e.,
nonlinguistic, contextual information aids in comprehension).

Exercise D, p. 258
1. a. b. active
c. passive; probably best analyzed as nonreversible, since cats do not ordinarily chase dogs.
e. passive; probably best analyzed as non reversible, since patients do not ordinarily save doctors.
f. active g. passive, reversible

Exercise E, p. 259
1. a.
b. After you fill out an application form, take it to Matthews Hall.
c. Take your application form to Matthews Hall after you have filled it out.
d. Open to discussion; for instructions, however, it is probably preferable to mention the steps in the order
that the reader should follow them.

Exercise F, p. 260
1. a.
b. who spent the least amount of money on television advertising. The winning candidate is the one who
spend the least amount of money on television advertising.
c. the patients who volunteered for the study. The researchers gave free medication to the patients who
volunteered for the study.
d. an incredibly complicated math problem with no apparent solution. The professor gave the students an
incredibly complicated math problem with no apparent solution.

Exercise G, p. 261
1. STEP I: Given.
STEP II: 27 (approximately)
STEP III: 3 personal references, so 27-3=24
STEP IV: 242 = 12

STEP V: 1004=25 words per sentence, on average 25 + 12=37 (Fairly difficult)

Exercise H, p. 262-263
1. Presented, Peripheral items include He [Don] straightened his collar and he [the waiter] accidentally spilled
coffee on Don. While both of these items are peripheral in that they are not part of the script for eating in a
restaurant, the coffee spill would probably be recalled at a much higher rate than the tie-straightening. To
account for this difference, we might want to introduce a further subdivision within the Presented, Peripheral
category of something like "Narrative-forwarding elements" or perhaps "Vivid elements."

Page 77 of 104
2. a.
Choosing a movie; Finding out movie times; Buying tickets; Buying popcorn, soft drinks, etc.; Choosing
seats; Watching previews; Watching the movie; Talking about the movie after it's over
3. a. List of ingredients
List of any special utensils needed
Pre-heating instructions (if baking)
Preparing ingredients prior to their combination
Combining ingredients
Cooking combined ingredients
Serving suggestions
b. Precautions or warnings related to assembly
List of parts (often accompanied by drawings)
Directions for assembling sub-parts
Directions for assembling major parts
Drawing of completely assembled object
c. Introduction; Method; Results; Discussion

Exercise I, p. 264
(Note: Students may find other examples in addition to these.)
1. REFERENCE: (1) their etiology; (2) this possible etiological factor; (3) this population; (4) they could not
ELLIPSIS: (2) delayed [speech development] or disordered speech development REPETITION: speech in
(1) and (2); children in (1), (2), (3), and (4) SYNONYM: (1) speech and (4) articulation; (2) chronic otitis
media and middle ear infections
SUPERORDINATE TERM: (2) etiological factor is a superordinate term for chronic otitis media COLLOCATIVE
SERIES: (1) speech, (3) auditory discrimination, (3) articulate sounds, (4) perceptual abilities (all have to do with
language production or processing)

Exercise J, p. 266
1. a. agent = The Gomosaygiama Agency; patient = a new advertising campaign; beneficiary = the
Katznelson Corporation.
b. patient = a new advertising campaign; agent = the Gomosaygiama Agency.
c. beneficiary = the Katznelson Corporation; patient = a new advertising campaign.

Exercise K, p. 267-268
1. a.
b. neither
c. AB:BC
2. 1. AB 2. AC 3. CD
3. a. 1. AB
2. BC, BD
3. BE, BF
4. BG, GH
Strategies used include pronouns in (2) (these numbers and they) and synonyms in (1-2) (figures and
numbers). b. 1. AB
2. BC, DE
3. FG

Page 78 of 104
4. GH
Strategies used include repetition in (1-2) (emit, emissions), and in (3-4) (people), as well as synonyms in
(1-2) air pollutants, emissions).
4. Sentence (4) uses passive voice to place the NP The same people in subject position.
5. a.
b. (First sentence as is.) The use of such a crew cycle would greatly reduce the amount of time and labor
currently required to produce a mission time line.

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 270-271

1. a. adheres to active voice and to order of mention
b. puts the heavy NP at the end of the sentence
c. open to discussion
2. a. The group that was given the title, because it provides a frame of reference for interpreting the
b. Open to discussion. In our experience, informal re-creations of the experiment have confirmed the
results predicted in (a).
c. Sorting Clothes
Gathering Supplies (detergent, change)
Taking Clothes to Facilities
Selecting a Wash Cycle
Adding Detergent
Adding Clothes
Drying Clothes
Folding and Putting Clothes Away
3. A Budget Review Committee made up of department heads will review budgets from now on. In this way,
our future budgets should better reflect the needs of each of the individual departments.
4. a. AB:BC:CD:DE.
c. (A) follows a linear progression, while (B) follows neither a linear nor a hierarchical progression.

d. Sentence 2 uses passive voice to place the NP This story in subject position. Sentence 3 uses passive voice
to place the NP These conventions in subject position. A writer who always avoids the passive voice may end up
violating the Given-New Contract. 5. Older subjects have acquired the pattern of using a to signal new
information, and the to signal given information.

Chapter 12: The Neurology of Language

Suggested Answers to Exercises

Exercise A, p. 274
1. Damage from a stroke is more likely to be localized.

Exercise B, p. 277
1. No. Breathing and heart rate are controlled by the central nervous system, but they're controlled by the brain
stem (not the cortex, which governs conscious mental activity).
2. cerebellum
3. c. separates linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory stimuli
4. a. T b. F (cerebellum)
c. F (dendrites)

Page 79 of 104
Exercise C, p. 279
1. The damage is closer to the primary motor cortex, which controls movement.
3. Right-sided paralysis correlates with damage in the left hemisphere, where language centers are; ability to
comprehend language but not produce it correlates with frontal lobe damage (near the primary motor cortex).

Exercise D, p. 282
1. left dominant
2. a. b. F (right dominant) c. T

Exercise E, p. 284
1. The subject transfers the information from the right hemisphere through the corpus callosum to the left
hemisphere, where the command can be interpreted.

Exercise F, p. 286
1. c. recognition of form and weight through touch
2. a. c. right
b. right d. left
4. It increases, because music without lyrics would be processed by the nondominant hemisphere (here
the right).

Exercise G, p. 287
1. bilateral
2. a. F (right dominant) b. T c.
3. Right-hemisphere dominance for language is more likely among left-handers than among right-handers.

Exercise H, p. 289
1. A. Wernicke's B. Broca's

Exercise I, p. 291-292
1. a. conduction aphasia b. arcuate fasciculus of the left hemisphere
2. a. c.
b. anomia d. Broca's aphasia

e. Wernicke's aphasia h. anomia

f. i. semantic aphasia
g. Wernicke's aphasia
3. c. neologistic jargon
4. b. relatively good comprehension
5. Phonemic paraphasia is illustrated by (a) bowling birt for bowling shirt. Semantic paraphasia is
illustrated by (b) He is a flying man for He is a pilot.

Supplementary Exercises, pp. 291-295

1. a. F (anomia) e. F (occipital)
b. F (grammatical morphemes) f. F (Broca)
c. T g. T
d. T

Page 80 of 104
2. In the posterior region (occipital lobe) of the right hemisphere.
3. a. Syntax b. A is active; B is passive. c. Structural (syntactic)
4. c. Injuries in specific areas of the left hemisphere interfere with specific tasks, but no
such specific disruptions are found following right-hemisphere lesions.
5. a. anomia
b. angular gyrus of the dominant hemisphere
6. a. phonemic paraphasia, especially perseveration
b. semantic aphasia
c. semantic aphasia (eyeglasses and lights are both related to the semantic field of
7. a. Wernicke's aphasia b. left temporal lobe
c. fluent (i.e., intonation and rate of speech are normal), and grammatical morphemes are intact.
8. The polyglot is more likely to have right-hemisphere or bilateral dominance for language.
9. antonymy
10. semantic aphasia
11. Wernicke's aphasia
12. Broca's aphasia
13. Broca's aphasia
14. a. conduction aphasia
b. going back and starting over (perseveration occurs in all the responses).
15. Broca's aphasia
16. Ability to recognize idioms
17. Broca's aphasia; (1) left side of the brain; (2) vision and hearing not impaired; (3) he can understand
everything that is said to him; (4) speech is halted and requires effort; (5) right leg is weak and right arm is
18. a. He didn't know that others didn't understand him.
b. He couldn't understand what was being said to him.
c. left d. He felt pain on his right side. e. Wernicke's

Chapter 13: Conclusion

Supplementary Exercises, p. 305
1. c. testable
2. a. systematic
3. b. a performance model
4. c. rules for "Jeopardy"

Page 81 of 104
I. Appendix
To the student:

Following you will find a glossary of linguistic terms.

Besides counting on the glossary included in the textbook, the author has considered it
largely important to provide the student with this glossary of terms, which has been
added as extra material to help him/her to be more acquainted with the terminology used
in the field.

The glossary will be of great help for the student when investigating and studying new
material related to the field of linguistics and while using and applying new terms when
solving cases, analyzing the readings and material provided throughout the course, as
well as when choosing the topic for the final research project.
Applied Linguistics: Glossary of Terms

abla. A vowel change that accompanies a change in grammatical function. Same as

"gradation." Sing, sang, and sung.
accidence. The part of morphology that deals with the inflections of words.
accismus. Pretended refusal of something desired.
acrolecta. Variety of language that is closest to a standard main language, especially in
an area where a creole is also spoken. Standard Jamaican English, where Jamaican
Creole is also spoken.
additive bilingualism. L2 learning that adds to the learners capabilities (Lambert).
adianoeta. An expression that carries both an obvious meaning and a second, subtler
adjacency pair. A pair of discourse moves that often go together, e.g. question and
adnominal. Characteristic of an adnoun.
adnomination. Assigning to a proper name its literal or homophonic meaning; also,
paronomasia or polyptoton: Same as "prosonomasia."
adnoun. The use of an adjective as a noun. Blessed are the merciful.
adynaton. A declaration of impossibility, usually expressed as an exaggerated
comparison with a more obvious impossibility. "I will sooner have a beard grow in the
palm of my hand than he shall get one of his cheek." -- William Shakespeare.
agreement. Consists of a change of form in one element of a sentence caused by a
second element, to show their common number, gender etc, for example Subject Verb
Agreement of number in English One swallow DOESNT make a summer/Two swallows
DONT make a summer.
alexi. Inability to read, usually caused by brain lesions; word blindness.
alliteration. Repetition of the same sound beginning several words placed close
together, usually adjacent.
alphabetic principle. The writing system in which written symbols correspond to
spoken sounds, contrasted with the LOGOGRAPHIC and ORTHOGRAPHIC principles
alphabetism. The expression of spoken sounds by an alphabet.
ambigra. A word, phrase, or sentence written in such a way that it reads the same way
upside down as right side up.
amphiboly. Ambiguous discourse; amphibology.
anacoluthon. A change in a grammatical construction within the same sentence. "And
these socks -- are they mine also?".
anacrusis. One or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a line of verse, before
the normal meter begins.
anadiplosis. Rhetorical repetition of one or more words, particularly a word at the end
of a clause. "Men in great place are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state;
servants of fame; and servants of business." -- Francis Bacon.
anagram. A rearrangement of a group of letters, especially a word that can be formed
by rearranging the letters in another word.
anaptyxi. The process by which a new word is formed by inserting a vowel sound
between successive consonants in an older word.

Page 84 of 104
anastrophe. Transposition or inversion of normal word order; a type of hyperbaton.
"Once upon a midnight dreary..." -- Edgar Allan Poe. "The helmsman steered; the ship
moved on; yet never a breeze up blew." -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
antanaclasis. Repetition of a word whose meaning changes in the second instance.
"Your argument is sound...all sound." -- Benjamin Franklin.
anthimeria Substitution of one part of speech for another, most often a noun used as a
antiphrasis. The use of a word or phrase contrary to its normal meaning for ironic or
humorous effect. A mere babe of 60 years.
antisthecon. Substitution of one sound, syllable, or letter within a word for another,
frequently to accomplish a pun; a type of metaplasm.
antistrophe. The repetition of words in an inverse order. "The master of the servant
and the servant of the master."
antithesi. Contrast of opposing words or ideas in a parallel construction. "Extremism in
defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." -- Barry
antonomasia. The substitution of a title or epithet for a proper name. "Yes, Your
Majesty." Also, the substitution of a personal name for a common noun. "You're a
Benedict Arnold."
antonym. A word which is the opposite of another. "General," which is the antonym of
aphaeresis. Loss of the initial portion of a word. For example, cause from because;
specially from especially.
aphesis. Mispronouncing a word by dropping one or more initial, usually unstressed
syllables. "'cept" instead of "except."
aphetic. Characteristic of aphesis.
apocope. Loss of the final portion of a word. For example, info from information;
cinema from cinematograph.
apocrisis. Replying to one's own arguments.
apophasis. Mentioning something by declaring that it shall not be mentioned. Same as
"paralepsis" and "preterition." "I need not remind you to get your Christmas shopping
done early."
aporia. Expression of doubt, usually feigned, about what the speaker should say, think,
or do. "Oh no! Whatever shall I do now?"
aposiopesis. A halting or trailing off of speech caused by the speaker seemingly
overcome by an emotion such as excitement, fear, or modesty; a form of brachylogy.
"When your father finds out...."
apostrophe. Addressing an alternate audience midstream, whether that audience be a
person, group, or abstraction, present or absent.
apposition. The juxtaposition of two nouns, the second of which clarifies the first. "The
man, a leather-clad hoodlum, bolted from the scene when the police showed up."
aptronym. A name aptly suited to its owner, often because the name applies in more
than one sense. "Mr. Calamity had a unique penchant for causing destruction wherever
he went."
archaism. Usage of an older, often obsolete form of language.
argot. The jargon of a group or class; slang.

Page 85 of 104
articulatory loop. In Working Memory theory the means by which information is kept in
working memory by being audibly or silently articulated
assimilationist teaching. Teaching that expects people to give up their native
languages and to become speakers of the majority language of the country.
assonance. Repetition of the same sound in multiple words placed close to each other,
often adjacent.
asyndeton. Lack of conjuctions between coordinate words, phrases, or clauses; a form
of brachylogy. "But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we
cannot hallow this ground." -- Abraham Lincoln.
authentic speech. An authentic text is a text that was created to fulfil some social
purpose in the language community in which it was produced (Little et al., 1988)
autoclesis. Introducing an idea or subject by seeming to refuse discussion of it, thereby
arousing interest.
autogram. A phrase, sentence, or paragraph that self-documents its letter content.
bilingualism. Varying definitions going from perfect command of two languages to the
ability to use another language for practical purposes, however trivial the use.
billingsgate. Coarsely abusive language.
binding. The relationship between a pronoun such as she and its antecedent noun
such as Jane as in Jane helped herself, Helen said Jane helped her, etc, is called
bindinga complex area of the Universal Grammar theory
bloviate. To speak or write pompously and windily.
brachylogy. Abbreviated or condensed expression, often by omitting words that can be
determined by the surrounding context.
cacemphaton. An expression that is deliberately foul or ill-sounding.
cacography. Poor handwriting; also, incorrect spelling.
cacology. Poor choice of words; also, incorrect pronunciation.
cacophony. Juxtaposition of harsh sounds.
calque. An expression introduced into one language by translating it from another
language. Same as "loan translation." "Superman," from the German word
canonical order. The canonical order of the sentence is the most usual order of the
main sentence elements, Subject (S), Verb (V) and Object (O), in a language, for
example VSO in Arabic or SVO in English.
case. Case is variation in the form of Nouns and Pronouns to show their role in the
structure of the Sentence, in English limited visibly to pronouns, Subject case he, Object
case him, Possessive case his, in Latin extending to nouns with six cases, in Finnish to
fifteen, used nowadays for a more powerful abstract relationship not necessarily visible
in the sentence itself.
character. The name for a single symbol of a writing system such as Chinese, i.e.
('person') is a character. The term is also used in computing for any distinct symbol such
as the letter <a>, number <6> or other form <@>.
catachresis. Harsh metaphor involving the use of a word beyond its normal function,
usually incorrectly.
cataphora. Use of a pronoun or other linguistic unit to refer to a word used later. "Him,"
in, "I nudged him, but George did not wake."

Page 86 of 104
chiasmus. Corresponding pairs not matched in parallel but inverted or crossed (a-b-b-
a, rather than a-b-a-b). The word derives from the Greek letter chi (X). "Those gallant
men will remain often in my thoughts and in my prayers always." -- Douglas MacArthur.
chrestomathy. A collection of choice literary passages, especially to help in learning a
chronogram. An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman
numerals. "ChrIstVs DVX; ergo trIVMphVs," which is the motto of a medal struck by
Gustavus Adolphus; the capital letters, when added as numerals, indicate the year 1632.
cledonism. Use of circumlocution to avoid speaking words deemed unlucky.
climax. Arrangement of words, phrases, or clauses in increasing order of power.
cognitive deficit. The limitations on processing information in a second language
compared to in a first language
cognitive strategies. These involve specific conscious ways of tackling L2 learning.
cognitive style. A persons typical ways of thinking, seen as a continuum between
field-dependent (FD) cognitive style, in which thinking relates to context, and field-
independent (FI) style, in which it is independent of context communication strategies in
SLA can be: - individual solutions to psychological problems of L2 processing (Faerch
and Kasper 1984)- mutual attempts to solve L2 communication problems by participants
(Tarone 1980)- ways of filling vocabulary gaps in L1 or L2 (Kellerman 1990, Poulisse
communicative competence. The speakers ability to put language to communicative
use, usually traced back to Hymes.
components of meaning. One way of describing the meaning of words is to split it up
into separate components so that for example the noun boy can be seen as having the
components [non-adult] [male], girl the components [adult] [female], woman, the
components [adult] [female], and so on.
consciousness-raising. Helping the student by drawing attention to features of the
second language
consonance. The repetition of consonants or consonant patterns, especially at the
ends of words. Same as "consonant rhyme."
consonant. Typically, in terms of sound production, a consonant is a sound which is
obstructed in some way by tongue or lip contact as in /k/ keep or /b/ beep, as opposed to
the unobstructed sound of a vowel. In terms of the sound system, a consonant is a
sound that typically occurs at the beginning or end of the syllable rather than the middle,
thus contrasting with vowel.
constative. Characteristic of an assertion that can be definitively judged true or false.
content words. Content words such as table or truth are best explained in the
dictionary (lexicon). Content words form four types of lexical phrase around lexical
heads: Nouns drum, Verbs play, adjectives pretty, and Prepositions to. They contrast
with grammatical words.
contronym. A word which is its own opposite. "Cleave," meaning "adhere" and
coprolalia. Uncontrolled, excessive use of obscene or scatological language,
sometimes accompanying certain mental disorders.
copula. A copulative word.

Page 87 of 104
copulative. Syntactically connecting coordinate words or clauses; also, a copulative
word or group of words. "And," which is a copulative conjunction, and "be," which is a
linking verb.
crasis. A contraction of two vowels, usually the final and initial vowels of consecutive
words, into one long vowel or diphthong.
critical period hypothesis (CPH) The claim that human beings are only capable of
learning language between the age of 2 years and the early teens
cruciverbalist. a constructor of crossword puzzles; also, an enthusiast of word games,
especially crossword puzzles.
cryptophasia. A language consisting of words or phrases understandable only
between two twins and which is usually developed as the twins grow up together.
decoding versus codebreaking. Processing language to get the message versus
processing language to get the rules
deictic. Characteristic of a word whose reference depends on the circumstances of its
use; also, a deictic word. "This," which means nothing outside of context.
diaeresis. The pronunciation of adjacent vowels separately. "Naive."
diglossia. Diglossia is a situation where there are two versions of a language with very
different uses, a High form for official occasions and a Low form for everyday life, as in
the difference between High German and Swiss German in German-speaking areas of
dilogy. An ambiguous speech.
discourse move. The speakers choice of what to do in the conversation, e.g. opening
moves such as greeting
disjunctive. Serving to establish a relationship of contrast or opposition; also, a
disjunctive conjunctive. "But," in "The youth was spirited but naive."
dissimilation. The process by which one of two similar sounds in a word becomes less
like the other. "Marble," an English word derived from the French word "marbre" by the
process of dissimilation.
dittograph. A letter or word repeated unintentionally in writing or copying.
dittology. Two distinct interpretations of the same text.
dontopedalogy. The aptitude for putting one's foot in one's mouth.
dual route model. A dual-route model of reading aloud has two processes or 'routes':
the phonological route, which converts letters into sounds through rules, and the lexical
route, which matches words as wholes in the mental lexicon.
dysgraphia. Impairment of the ability to write, usually caused by brain dysfunction or
dyslalia. Impairment of the ability to speak due to defective speech organs.
dyslexia. A learning disorder distinguished by impaired ability to recognize and
comprehend written words.
dysphemism. Substitution of a mild expression with a harsher one; opposite of
"euphemism"; cacophemism.
dysprosody. A speech impairment characterized by a loss of control of intonation and
dysrhythmia. An abnormality in an otherwise normal rhythmic pattern, as the meter in
a line of verse.
dystmesis. Inserting a word in the middle of another in an unlikely or unexpected place;
a form of tmesis. "Unbe-freaking-lievable."

Page 88 of 104
echolalia. The immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by
others, often a symptom of autism or some types of schizophrenia.
elision The omission of a letter or syllable. "Don't" instead of "do not."
elite bilingualism. Either the choice by parents of bringing up children through two
languages, or societies in which members of a ruling group speak a second language.
ellipsis. the omission of words in a sentence needed to complete an idea explicitly. "I
took my son to the barber and my daughter to the hairdresser."
embololalia. Interpolation of meaningless sounds or words into speech. Same as
enallage. Substitution of one part of speech, gender, number case, person, tense,
mode, or voice for another. The royal "we," as a substitute for "I."
enclitic. A word or syllable which is joined with the preceding word in such a way as to
lose its own independent accent. "Prithee," which is a shortening of "pray thee," and
"'em," in, "Get 'em!".
endophoric. Characteristic of a reference to something outside the speech or text in
which the reference occurs.
epanalepsis. A figure of speech in which the same word, phrase, or clause is repeated
after intervening words.
epanorthosis. Immediate rephrasing for emphasis, intensification, or justification. "You,
young lad, are most brave! Brave, did I say? No, heroic!"
epexegesis. When one interprets what one has just said, often signaled by "that is to
epistrophe. Repetition of the same word or phrase at the end of successive phrases,
clauses, or sentences. "In 1931, ten years ago, Japan invaded Manchukuo -- without
warning. In 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia -- without warning. In 1938, Hitler occupied
Austria -- without warning. In 1939, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia -- without warning.
Later in 1939, Hitler invaded Poland -- without warning. And now Japan has attacked
Malaya and Thailand -- and the United States -- without warning." Franklin D. Roosevelt.
epithet. A descriptive word or phrase. "The Great Emancipator," as a substitute for
Abraham Lincoln. Also, an abusive or contemptuous word or phrase; a slur.
epitrope. A figure of speech in which permission is granted to do what someone
proposes to do or is already doing.
epizeuxis. Repetition of a word with vehemence or emphasis. "Alone, alone, all all
alone. Alone on a wide wide sea." -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
eponymy. The introduction of words into a language that are derived from the names of
people or places.
equivoque. An equivocal word, phrase, or expression; also, a pun or double meaning;
also, ambiguity. Same as "equivoke."
etymon. An earlier form of a word in the same language or an ancestor language.
euphemism. Substitution of a harsh, offensive, or unpleasant word with one that is less
so. "When the final news came, there would be a ring at the front door -- a wife in this
situation finds herself staring at the front door as if she no longer owns it or controls it --
and outside the door would be a man...come to inform her that unfortunately something
has happened out there, and her husband's body now lies incinerated in the swamps or
the pines or the palmetto grass, 'burned beyond recognition,' which anyone who had
been around an air base very long (fortunately Jane had not) realized was quite an artful
euphemism to describe a human body that now looked like an enormous fowl that has

Page 89 of 104
burned up in a stove, burned a blackish brown all over, greasy and blistered, fried, in a
word, with not only the entire face and all the hair and the ears burned off, not to
mention all the clothing, but also the hands and feet, with what remains of the arms and
legs bent at the knees and elbows and burned into absolutely rigid angles, burned a
greasy blackish brown like the bursting body itself, so that this husband, father, officer,
gentleman, this ornamentum of some mother's eye, His Majesty the Baby of just twenty-
odd years back, has been reduced to a charred hulk with wings and shanks sticking out
of it." -- Tom Wolfe.
eusystolism. Use of initials, instead of full words, as a euphemism, often to avoid
speaking harsh words.
exergasia. Repeating a point by using different figures of speech to give the impression
of saying something new.
exonym. Aname by which one people or social group refers to another but which is not
used by said group to refer to themselves.
exophoric. Characteristic of a reference to something outside the speech or text in
which the reference occurs.
factitive. Pertaining to the case when the action indicated by a transitive verb is not
merely received by an object but produces some change in the object. "The boy popped
the balloon," is factitive, because "balloon" is a factitive object, that is, an object changed
by the verb "popped." But "The boy held the balloon," is not factitive, because the object
"balloon" is only the recipient of the action indicated by the verb "held" and is not
changed by it.
fis phenomenon. The phenomenon where children reject well-meaning adult attempts
to mispronounce a word in the same way as a child. Child: "Fis." / Adult: "Yes, it's a 'fis'."
/ Child: "No, 'fis'!" / Adult: "Oh, a fish." / Child: "Yes, a fis."
focus on form. (FonF) Incidental discussion of grammar arising from meaningful
language in the classroom.
focus on forms. Deliberate discussion of grammar in the classroom without reference
to meaning.
fog index. A scheme by which the readability of a particular text may be evaluated; it is
computed by adding the average sentence length (expressed in number of words per
sentence) to the percentage of words with more than two syllables.
font. Strictly a complete set of type for printing; nowadays mostly it refers to a particular
design for the whole set of characters available through a computer keyboard.
frequency. Either how many times a word occurs in speech or how often it is practiced
by a student.
frequentative. Expressing repeated action; also, a frequentative verb.
front/back. In phonetics the dimension in the position of the tongue for vowels from the
front to the back of the mouth is called front/back
glossogenetics. The theory that humans are genetically predisposed to learn
glossolalia. Fabricated, non-meaningful speech, especially such speech associated
with a trance state or some schizophrenic syndromes.
glottochronology. The determination of how long ago different languages evolved
from a common source language.
glyph. A symbol, such as on a public sign, that imparts information without words,
especially a figure or character incised or in relief.

Page 90 of 104
grammar. The study of how linguistic units combine to form sentences; also, the
system of rules implicit in a language. Main areas of grammar are WORD ORDER,
grammatical (linguistic) competence. The native speakers knowledge of language
grammatical inflections. Grammatical inflections are a system of showing meaning by
changing word endings, as in the English -ed inflection meaning past tense, I looked,
absent from some languages like Vietnamese.
grammatical words. Grammatical words (also known as 'function' or 'structure' words
such as preposition by/for or determiners a/an express the grammatical relationships in
the sentence rather than meanings that can be captured in the lexicon.
guttural. A sound articulated with the throat with the back of the tongue, much
retracted, and the soft palate.
haplology. The process by which a word is formed by removing one of two identical or
similar adjacent syllables in an earlier word. "Nutrix," the Latin word meaning "nurse,"
was formed from the earlier word "nutritrix."
head. The head of a lexical phrase is a lexical head around which the phrase is built,
i.e. Noun Phrases like a good CD have a head Noun such as CD. The head of a
functional phrase may be an inflection such as -s or a grammatical word such as the.
head parameter. The head parameter captures the difference between languages in
which the head of the phrase comes first, i.e. the preposition head comes before its
complement in English on Tuesday, and those in which it comes last, as the
Postposition head comes last in Japanese Nihon ni (in Japan).
h-dropping. H-dropping refers to the presence or absence of /h/ in the pronunciation of
certain words where the letter h is present in the spelling, as in Harry versus Arry. In
French h-dropping is part of the standard language; in English English, but not
American, h-dropping is a strong social marker of low status in words like high hat or hit.
hendiadys. The use of a conjunction rather than the subordination of one word to
another. "I will try and arrive promptly this time," instead of "I will try to arrive promptly
this time." Also "nice and warm" instead of "nicely warm."
heterogenium. Evading an issue or question by changing the subject. "Has our logging
company endangered the spotted owl? I'll tell you what we've endangered: the
unemployment rate in Oregon."
heterography. A method of spelling in which the same letters represent different
sounds in different words, as in ordinary English orthography.
heteronym. A word which has the same spelling but different meaning and
pronunciation as another; a type of homograph. "Produce," meaning, "fruits and
vegetables," and "produce," meaning, "to bring forth."
heterophemy. The unconscious saying, in speech or in writing, of something that one
does not intend to say, especially when what is said is the reverse of what was intended.
hobson-jobson. An Anglicized word or phrase corrupted from one or more words of an
Asian language.
holalphabetic. A phrase, clause, sentence, or other sequence of letters which contains
every letter of the alphabet at least once.
holonym. A concept that has another concept as a part. A house is a holonym of a
holophrasis. Use of a holophrase, that is, a single word expressing a complex idea.

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homograph. A word which has the same spelling as another but different meaning,
derivation, or pronunciation. Same as "homogram."
homography. A method of spelling in which every sound is represented by a single
character, which indicates that sound and no other.
homonym. A word that has the same spelling and pronunciation as another but
different meanings or derivations; a word that is both a homograph and a homophone.
homophone. A word which has the same pronunciation as another but different
meaning, derivation, or spelling.
honorific. A title or phrase conferring respect, especially when used in addressing a
social superior.
hypallage. Interchange of two elements in a phrase or clause from the order in which
they would normally appear. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste," instead of "To waste a
mind is a terrible thing."
hyperbaton. Deviation of normal or logical word order.
hyperbole. Exaggeration for emphasis or rhetorical or dramatic effect.
hypercorrect. Characteristic of an incorrect linguistic construction in which the error is
produced from a mistaken effort to be correct. "Between you and I," which should be
"between you and me."
hypernym. A word that is more generic than a given word.
hypocorism. Use of pet names, diminutives, baby talk, or terms of endearment.
"Comfy" instead of "comfortable."
hyponym. A word that is more specific than a given word.
hHypophora. Asking a question, often one it is anticipated readers or listeners will
have, and subsequently answering it.
hypostatize. To ascribe material existence to, especially to a conceptual entity.
hypotaxis. The dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with connectives.
hysteron proteron. Reversal of the normal order of terms; a type of hyperbaton.
"Gentlemen and ladies." (Also note the first line of the ultra-condensation of The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner on RinkWorks' own Book-A-Minute feature.)
illeism. The practice of referring to oneself in the third person.
Illeist. One who habitually practices illeism.
immersion teaching. Teaching the whole curriculum through the second language,
best known from experiments in Canada.
independent language assumption. The language of the L2 learner considered as a
system of language in its own right rather than as a defective version of the target
language (sometimes called interlanguage.
infix. An infix is a morpheme that is added inside a word to get a new meaning, often by
changing the vowel, as in blow versus blew. Infixes are rare in English but common in
ingressive. Characteristic of a speech sound produced with an inhalation of breath.
ipa (international phonetic alphabet): Internationally agreed phonetic alphabet for
writing down the sounds of languages in a consistent fashion.
irony. Expression that comes across contrary to the intended meaning, often because
the audience knows what the speaker does not.
isocolon. A sequence of parallel structures, having the same number of words and
sometimes the same number of syllables. "What else can one do when he is alone in a

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jail cell, other than write long letters, think long thoughts, and pray long prayers?" --
Martin Luther King.
kenning. Replacement of a common noun by a colorful compound. "Information
superhighway" instead of "Internet."
koine. A regional dialect or language that becomes the standard language over a wider
area, losing its most extreme local features in the process; also, a lingua franca: a
common hybrid or other language used by speakers of different languages.
laterals. Laterals are speech sounds produced asymmetrically in the mouth, typically /l/
in which one side of the tongue makes contact with the roof of the mouth but not the
language awareness. Helping the student by raising awareness of language itself.
language function. The reason why someone says something, e.g. apologizing,
arguing, greeting, etc.
language maintenance and bilingual language teaching. These teach or maintain
the minority language within its group.
langue. Language viewed as a system including vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation of a particular community.
learning strategy. A choice that the learner makes while learning or using the second
language that affects learning, whether cognitive, or metacognitive.
lexical entry. A word has a lexical entry in the mind that gives all the information about
it such as its pronunciation, meaning, and how it may be used in the structure of the
lexical phrase. A lexical phrase is built around a lexical head such as a Noun the
house on the hill, a Verb cross the road, an Adjective quick to anger, or a Preposition in
the spring. It contrasts with a functional phrase.
ligature. A character that combines two or more letters, such as .
lingua franca. A common hybrid or other language used by speakers of different
linguistic imperialism. Means by which a Centre country dominates Periphery
countries by making them use its language.
linguistics. The academic discipline that focuses on language is called linguistics and
is carried out by linguists.
linguist. In the study of language, a linguist is usually someone who studies linguistics
rather than someone who speaks several languages.
lipogram. Writing composed of words lacking a certain specific letter or letters.
litotes. Understatement by negating the opposite; a type of meiosis. "I was not
disappointed with the news."
loanword. A word adopted from another language and completely or partially
logocentrism. Obsession with the word.
logogram. A written symbol that represents an entire word without expressing its
pronunciation. Same as "ideogram" and "logograph." The numerals 0-9 are each
logographic principle. The writing system in which written symbols correspond to
meanings, as in Chinese characters.
logogriph. A word puzzle in which it is required to discover a chosen word from various
combinations of its letters, or some of its letters, which form other words.

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logomisia. Disgust or hatred of particular words.
lucus a non lucendo. An etymological contradiction in which a modern word is derived
from an older word of contradictory meaning. "Beldam," meaning, "ugly hag," comes
from the French word "bellum," meaning, "beautiful thing."
macaronic. Of or containing a mixture of Latin words and vernacular words jumbled
together, as a macaronic verse.
macrology... Long and tedious talk lacking in substance; superfluity of words.
malapropism. Ludicrous misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar.
meiosis. Understatement for emphasis or rhetorical or dramatic effect. "When my wife
left me because I'd been fired and crippled in an accident on my way home, I was a little
melioration. Linguistic process of a word gradually becoming more positive in meaning
or connotation over time. Although both melioration and amelioration can be used to
describe the general process of improvement of anything, melioration is more commonly
used with respect to the meaning of words undergoing this change.
mendaciloquence. Lying as an art; adroit prevarication.
mental lexicon. Speakers of a language store all the words they know in a mental
dictionary or 'lexicon' containing many thousands of items.
merism. A grouping of words that means something other than the combined meanings
of each of the words individually.
meronym. A concept that is part of another concept. A room is a meronym of a house.
metacognitive. strategies Learning strategies that involve planning and directing
learning at a general level.
metalepsis. The continuation of a trope in one word through a succession of
significations, or the union of multiple tropes of a different kind in one word; substituting
metonymy of one figurative sense for another.
metallage. A word or phrase treated as an object within another expression. "A lady's
'verily' is as potent as a lord's." -- William Shakespeare.
metanalysis. An interpretation or analysis of an unfamiliar name, which may involve
associations to unrelated, similarly spelled words rather than to ideas related to the true
meaning of the word.
metaphor. Implied comparison between two things by calling or implying that one is the
metaplasm. A change (including substitutions, additions, omissions, and inversions) in
the letters or syllables of a word.
metonymy. Substitution of a word or phrase with another which it suggests. "The pen is
mightier than the sword," in which both "pen" and "sword" are substituted for "written
prose" and "military."
minimalist program(me). The Minimalist Program is the current version of Chomskys
Universal Grammar theory, as yet only partially developed, which tries to reduce
grammar to the minimum possible principles.
mlu (mean length of utterance). MLU measures the complexity of a childs speech by
averaging the number of morphemes or words per utterance, useful as an L1 measure
up to about the age of 4 years.
mogigraphia. Writing with difficulty.
mogilalia. Speaking with difficulty.

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mondegreen. A series of words, often humorous, that result from mishearing a
statement or song lyric.
monepic. Comprising of one word, or of single word sentences.
monologophobia. A compulsive avoidance of repetition. "A monologophobe would edit
the Bible so that you would read, 'Let there by light and there was solar illumination.'" --
Harold Evans.
morphology. The study of structure and form of words in language, including inflection,
derivation, and formation of compounds.
movement. Movement is a way of describing the structure of the sentence as if
elements in it moved around, typically in English in questions and passive
constructions. Thus the question Will John go? comes from a similar structure to that
underlying the statement John will come by movement of will.
multi-competence. The knowledge of more than one language in the same mind.
multilingualism. countries where more than one language is used for everyday
mummerset. A rustic accent or dialect for use on stage.
mumpsimus. A language error, such as with spelling or pronunciation, that is
committed repeatedly, especially after correction; also, a person who repeatedly
commits such an error or insists on perpetuating it.
native speaker. A person, usually monolingual, speaking the first language they learnt
as a child.
noa word. A word free of any taboo in the languages under consideration, usually
signifying that it may be employed without reservation in the creation of an international
commercial name.
nomic. Customary, ordinary; describing the usual English spelling of a word, as distinct
from phonetic spellings.
nosism. The practice of referring to oneself as "we"; a type of enallage.
number. Number is a way of signalling how many entities are involved, for example
through the forms of Nouns, Pronouns and Verbs. English, French, and German have
two numbers, singular (he) and plural (they). Tok Pisin and Old English, etc add dual
number; Fijian trial. Number is often used to signal other things then sheer quantity, for
instance social relationship through pronouns.
object. The object of the sentence is usually a Noun Phrase in a particular relationship
to the Verb of the sentence acting as receiver of the action; for instance the verb see
requires an object see something; the verb give two objects give someone (indirect)
something (direct).
objective correlative. A situation or sequence of events or objects that evokes a
particular emotion in a reader or an audience.
official language. Language(s) recognized by a country for official purposes.
onomasiology. The branch of senmatics dealing with related words and their
onomastic. Of, relating to, or explaining one or more names.
onomatopoeia. A word that refers to a specific sound and whose pronunciation mimics
the sound. "Bang! Zoom!" -- Jackie Gleason.
open/close. In phonetics the dimension in which the tongue position of vowels varies
from the top to the bottom of the mouth is called open/close.
oratio oblique. Indirect speech.

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oratio recta. Direct speech.
Orismology. The science of defining technical terms.
orthographic depth. The scale for alphabetic languages going from 'shallow' writing
systems with close links between letters and sounds such as Finnish to 'deep' writing
systems with more complex links such as English.
orthographic principle. A writing system in which written symbols have a system of
their own, corresponding neither to sounds nor to meanings. Cf. alphabetic principle
orthography. The study of correct spelling according to established usage.
oxymoron. The juxtaposition of incongruous or contradictory terms.
oxytone. Relating to or being a word that has an acute accent on the last syllable,
especially a Greek word; also, a word with this quality.
palilogy. The repetition of a word or phrase in immediate succession, for emphasis.
palindrome. A word, phrase, clause, or sentence that reads the same regularly as it
does when its letters are reversed; a type of palingram. "A man, a plan, a canal,
palingram. A word, phrase, clause, or sentence that reads the same backwards after
rearranging segments. "Workmate did teamwork," is a palingram, because the sentence
can be rearranged into four four-letter segments, with one three-letter segment in the
middle; by reversing the order of the segments and, when necessary, rearranging the
letters within each segment, the sentence reads the same backwards.
palinode. A poem or ode in which something said in a previous poem or ode is
pangram. A sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet; a holalphabetic sentence.
paradiastole A figure of speech in which a vice is portrayed as a virtue. "He is
confident," said of a proud man.
paradox. Apparent contradiction or discrepancy with common sense.
paragoge. The process by which a new word is formed by adding a letter or syllable to
the end of another word. Same as "proparalepsis." "Climature," derived from "climate."
paragram. A pun.
paralanguage. The set of nonphonemic properties of speech, such as speaking tempo
and vocal pitch, that can be used to communicate attitudes or other shades of meaning.
paralinguistic. Relating to the study of paralanguage.
parameter. In Universal Grammar theory the variation between languages is seen as a
question of setting values for a small number of parameters, for example Italian sets the
pro-drop parameter to have a value of pro-drop and thus allows sentences without
subjects, vende (he sells), while German sets the value to non-pro-drop and thus has
subjects in all sentences Er spricht (he speaks). Cf head parameter.
paraph. A flourish made after or below a signature, originally to prevent forgery.
paraphasia. A disorder of verbal communication that includes the transposition of
letters or spoken sounds, and, in some cases, the substitution of one word for another
while both words remain among the words spoken at that particular time.
paraprosdokian. Unexpected ending of a phrase or series.
parasiopesis. Mentioning an idea or event only insofar as to indicate that it be left or
assumed to be understood.
parasynthesis. Derivation of words using hyphenated compounds.

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parataxis. Juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or
subordinating conjunctions. "She didn't remember her own name; her entire past, in fact,
was blotted from her memory."
parechesis. The repetition of the same sound in words in close or immediate
succession. "Veni, vidi, vici." -- Julius Caesar.
parelcon. The addition of one or more syllables to the end of a pronoun, verb, or
parsing. The process through which the mind works out the grammatical structure and
meaning of the sentence. whether top-down or bottom-up.
parisology. The deliberate use of equivocal or ambiguous words.
paroemion. Excessive alliteration. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."
parole. The act of speaking; a particular utterance or word.
paronomasia. Wordplay involving the juxtaposition of similar sounding words; also,
paronym. A paronymous word.
paronymous. Of or relating to a word having the same stem as another. Beautiful and
beauteous are paranymous words, or paranyms.
paroxytone. Relating to or being a word that has an acute accent on the next to last
syllable; also, a word with this quality.
parrhesia. Freedom or boldness of speech.
pasigraphy. An artificial international language that uses characters (such as
mathematical symbols) instead of words.
patavinity. The use of local or provincial words.
patronymic. Of or relating to the name of one's father or a paternal ancestor; also, a
name so derived.
pejoration. Linguistic process of a word gradually becoming more negative in meaning
or connotation over time.
periphrasis. Roundabout wording. "The person to whom I am married," instead of "my
perpilocutionist. One who expounds on a subject of which he has little knowledge.
personification. Attribution of personal characteristics to an impersonal entity.
phatic. Characteristic of speech employed for the purpose of sharing feelings or
establishing a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.
philophronesis. The pacification of an adversary with the use of promises or mild
phonaestheme. A word with a phonetic likeness to other words of similar meaning.
Crush, crash, clash, bash, mash, smash, and smoosh are phonaesthemes of each
phonaesthesia. The phenomenon by which associations arise among groups of similar
sounding words, which may have close, distant, or no etymological relations to each
other. Same as "klang association."
phonocentrism. Obsession with the voice.
phonetics. The sub-discipline of linguistics that studies the production and perception
of the speech sounds themselves is called phonetics and contrasts with phonology.
phonology. The area of linguistics that studies the sound systems of particular
languages is phonology, and is contrasted with phonetics.

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phrase structure. The phrase structure of the sentence links all the parts together in a
structure like that of a family tree. So the Noun Phrase the soprano combines with a
Verb to get the Verb Phrase played the soprano, which in turn combines with the Noun
Phrase Sidney Bechet to get the sentence Sidney Bechet played the soprano.
pleonasm. The use of a superfluity of words, often deliberately, for emphasis. "I've
never seen anything more obscene in all my 80 years on this Earth."
ploce. Repetition of a word to emphasize or extend meaning.
plosive. A speech sound made by blocking the air-stream completely with the tongue
or lips, allowing the air to burst out after a brief moment, as in English /t/ tea or /b/ bee.
polyptoton. Repetition of a word in different forms, cases, or with different inflection, in
the sentence.
polysemous. Characterized by having many meanings.
polysemy. An instance of a word or sentence or other writing being polysemous.
polysyndeton. Repetition of conjunctions in a series of words, phrases, or clauses. "So
I got mad at him and picked up a pillow and popped in him in the head."
pragmatic competence. Chomsky's term for the speakers ability to use language for a
range of public and private functions, including communication.
Prefix. A prefix is a morpheme that is added to the beginning of a word to create
another word by derivation as Brit is added to pop to get Britpop.
Preposition. The category of grammar called preposition (P) consists of words like to,
by and with. In UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR theory the Preposition is the HEAD of a
LEXICAL PHRASE, the Preposition Phrase. When coming before a NOUN, the category
is called preposition as in in Basin Street, when after a Noun a postposition Nippon ni
(Japan in).
prescriptive grammar. Grammar that prescribes what people should say rather than
'describes' what they do say.
principle. In the Universal Grammar theory, principles of language are built-in to the
human mind and are thus never broken in human languages. Examples are
privative. Altering the meaning of a term from positive to negative; also, a privative
prefix or suffix.
proclitic. A word or syllable which is joined with the following word in such a way as to
lose its own independent accent. "Prithee," which is a shortening of "pray thee," and
"Get," in, "Get 'em!".
pro-drop. The pro-drop parameter (null subject parameter) divides languages into pro-
drop languages in which the Subject of the sentence may be left out, as in Italian Sono
di Torino (am from Turin) and Chinese Shuo (speak), and non-pro-drop languages in
which the subject must be present in the actual sentence as in English, German, and
prolepsis. Speaking or acting upon something anticipated as if it were done or existing.
"I'm a dead man, now!" Alternately, positioning a relative clause before its antecedent.
"Consider the lilies of the field how they grow."
procatalepsis. Anticipating and answering an opponent's objections in advance; an
instance of prolepsis.
pronoun. Pronouns such as he and them differ from Nouns in that they refer to different
things on different occasions: She likes it can refer to any female being liking anything;

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Helen likes Coltrane only to a specific person liking a specific object. English pronouns
have Case (she versus her) and number (she versus they).
prosopopoeia. A figure of speech in which an absent or imaginary person is
represented as speaking.
prosthesis. The prefixing of one or more letters to the beginning of a word. "Beloved."
protolanguage. A language that is the recorded or hypthetical anecestor of one or
more other languages. Same as "Ursprache."
prototype theory. In Rosch's theory, words have whole meanings divided into basic
level (table), superordinate (furniture), and subordinate (coffee table).
provection. The carrying forward of a final letter to the following word.
punctuation. 'the rules for graphically structuring written language by means of a set of
conventional marks' (Coulmas, 1996, 421).
purr word. A word with positive connotations and therefore desirable to use in building
and sustaining good public relations.
rebus. A representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols, especially when
presented as a puzzle.
rheme. the part of a sentence that provides new information about the topic under
rhetoric. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively; more
generally, verbal communication.
rhopalic. Characteristic of a line or verse in which each successive word has one more
syllable than the previous.
rhyme. Correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of lines of verse. "No more
rhyming now, I mean it! / Anybody want a peanut?" -- The Princess Bride.
rp. The prestige accent of British English is known by the two letters RP, originally
standing for Received Pronunciation. It is spoken in all regions of the UK, even if by a
small minority of speakers.
sandhi. Modification of the sound of a morpheme in certain phonetic contexts.
scesis onomaton. A sentence constructed with a sequence of generally synonymous
phrases or statements; also, a sentence constructed only of nouns and adjectives,
typically in a regular or synonymous pattern.
second language. A language acquired by a person in addition to his mother tongue.
semantics. The meaning of a word, phrase, clause, or sentence, as opposed to its
syntactic construction. Same as "semiotics."
sentence. A sentence is the largest independent unit in the grammar of the language. It
may include other clauses within it. Sometimes it is necessary to distinguish the lexical
sentences of spoken language, distinguished by their 'completeness' of structure etc,
from the textual sentences of written language, distinguished by punctuation.
serif letters have small cross-strokes (serifs) and variable line width. <Fred specialized in
the job of making very quaint wax toys.> (sentence with all the letters of the alphabet).
sesquipedalian. Of a word, having many syllables; of a person, tending to use long
shibboleth. A word or pronunciation that distinguishes people of one group or class
from those of another.
short-term memory (STM). The memory used for keeping information for periods of
time up to a few seconds.

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sibilant. Characterized by a hissing sound, especially a speech sound, such as those
indicated by "s," "sh," "z," or "zh."
stigmatism. Inability to pronounce sibilant sounds correctly.
sign language. A sign language differs from other human languages only in using a
gesture system rather than a sound system.
simile. An explicit comparison between two things using the word like or as.
snarl word. A word with negative connotations and therefore not desirable to use lest
good public relations be undermined.
solecism. A mistake in the use of language; also, an offense against good manners or
sophism. A false argument, especially one intended to deceive.
specific language impairment (SLI). Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is one term
for difficulties with language development in children unaccompanied by non-linguistic
disabilities, possibly genetic in origin and characterized inter alia by missing grammatical
spoonerism. The interchange of the initial letters of two words, usually as a slip of the
tongue. "I think I'll go outside and get a freth of bresh air."
stichomythia. An ancient Greek arrangement of dialogue in which single lines of verse
or other writing are spoken by alternate speakers.
structural grammar. Teaching term for grammar concerned with how words go into
phrases, phrases into sentences
structure-dependency. Structure-dependency is a restriction on movement in human
languages that makes it depend on the structure of the sentence, rather than on its
linear order. A principle of Universal Grammar.
style. Style is used by Labov and others to refer to the dimension of formal to informal
in language use.
subjacency. Subjacency is a restriction on grammatical movement in the sentence that
prevents elements moving over more than one boundary, the definition of boundary
varying as a parameter from one language to another.
subject. The Subject (S) is the Noun Phrase of the sentence alongside the Verb
Phrase in its structure, John likes biscuits, compulsory in non-pro-drop languages in the
actual sentence but may be omitted in pro-drop languages; it often acts as the agent of
the action.
submersion teaching. Extreme sink-or-swim form of assimilationist teaching in which
minority language children are simply put in majority language classes
subreption. Phrasing words in such a way as to misrepresent by concealing facts.
subtractive bilingualism. L2 learning that takes away from the learners capabilities.
suffix. A suffix is a morpheme that is added to a word to create another word by
derivation. Felon thus becomes a second noun by adding -y felony, and an adjective
by adding -ous felonious.
suprasegmental. Pertaining to a feature of speech that extends over more than a
single speech sound.
syllable. A sound structure usually consisting of a central vowel (V) such as /a:/, with
one or more consonant (C) preceding or following it, such as /b/ or /k/ CV /ba:/ bar and
VC /a:k/ ark. Languages vary in whether they permit only CV syllables or allow CVC
syllables as well and in the combinations of C that may be used.

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syllepsis. Use of a single word that applies to two or more others in different senses.
"He was deep in thought and in debt." Also, "We must all hang together or assuredly we
will all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin.
syllogism. Deductive reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two premises.
"All human beings are mortal. I am a human being. Therefore, I am mortal."
symploce Simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe. "Justice came down from
heaven to view the earth; Justice returned to heaven, and left the earth."
synaesthesia. A brain disorder characterized by a cross-referencing of senses: for
example, sounds might be "seen" and colors might be "heard."
synaloepha. Omitting one of two vowels, one of which occurs at the end of one word
and the other of which occurs at the beginning of the next word; a type of metaplasm.
"Th'other," a shortening of "the other."
synchysis. Confused arrangement of words in a sentence, either by accident or on
purpose; an extreme instance of hyperbaton or anastrophe.
syncope. Shortening a word by omitting a middle segment.
synecdoche. Referring to something by just a part of it. "New York won the World
Series," instead of "The New York Yankees won the World Series."
syneresis. The drawing together of two consecutive vowels or syllables into a single
syllable, as the formation of a diphthong. Same as "synaeresis."
synesis. Agreement of words to logic rather than grammatical form. "The wages of sin
is death." -- Romans 6:23.
synonym. A word which has the same meaning as another. "Elated," which is a
synonym for "ecstatic."
systole. The shortening of a long syllable.
tachygraphy. The art or practice of rapid writing or shorthand; stenography.
tautology. repetition of an idea in different words. "With malice toward none, with
charity for all." -- Abraham Lincoln.
tautonym. A scientific name in which the genus and species names are the same. For
example, gorilla gorilla.
teachability hypothesis. An L2 structure can be learnt from instruction only if the
learners interlanguage is close to the point when this structure is acquired in the natural
setting (Pienemann).
theophorous. Having the name of a god; derived from the name of a deity.
tmesis inserting a word in the middle of another. "Hoo-bloody-ray" and "un-freaking-
top-down and bottom-up. Starting from the sentence as a whole and working down to
the smallest parts of it, versus starting from the smallest parts and working up
traditional grammar. School grammar concerned with labelling sentences with parts
of speech.
traduttori traditori. Italian saying meaning "Translators, Traitors," implying that
expression in one language can never be equivalently expressed in another.
transitional teaching. Teaching that allows people to function in a majority language,
without necessarily losing or devaluing the first language.
trope. The figurative use of a word or expression.
typography. 'The structuring and arranging of visual language' (Baines & Haslam,
2002, 1).
univocalic. Writing that contains just one vowel. "Left rebel 'Red Ken' elected."

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uvular. /r/ An /r/ pronounced with tongue contact at the uvula at the back of the
mouththe usual French /r/.
verb. A Verb (V) is a lexical category in the grammar made up of words such as like
and listen. In UG theory it is the head of the lexical Verb Phrase (VP). Different types of
verbs specify whether there is a need for: no Object Eric fainted, one object Billie sang
the blues two objects Mary gave the money to her brother, an animate Subject the man
fainted not the rock fainted, and so on.
verbicide. The destruction of the sense or value of a word.
vernacular. the language or dialect of a country; the everyday language of ordinary
vocal cords. Vocal cords are flaps in the larynx which may open and close rapidly
during speech to let out puffs of air, producing a basic vibrating noise called voice.
voice. Voice in phonetics is technically the vibration contributed to speech by allowing
flaps in the larynx known as vocal cords to rapidly open and shut as air passes through
them. Presence or absence of voice is then a distinctive feature that separates voiced
sounds like the /d/ of dime from unvoiced sounds like the /t/ of time.
voice onset time (vot). When a plosive sound is created by blocking the airway
through the mouth, the moment when voice starts is called the Voice Onset Time.
Voicing may start before release (minus VOT) or after release (plus VOT). For example
English /p/ is distinguished from /b/ by its longer VOT inter alia. VOTs vary from one
language to another.
wanderwort. A word that is similar in several presumably unrelated or distantly related
languages yet whose origins are unknown. "Wine."
witzelsucht. A mental disorder characterized by the making of poor jokes and puns and
the telling of pointless stories and usually caused by lesions on the frontal lobe.
wordfact. A label that, when applied often enough to a particular group, eventually
becomes accepted as fact. "The perception that Generation Xers are 'slackers' is
inaccurate; it is a mere wordfact."
word order. A crucial aspect of the grammar of many languages is the order of the
elements in the sentence, called word order in general. One variation is the order of
Subject, Verb and Object, whether SVO, SOV, or whatever, the main order for a
language sometimes being called its canonical order. Another word order variation is
whether the language has Prepositions before Nouns in New Orleans or postpositions
after Nouns Nippon ni (Japan in).
working memory. The memory system used for holding and manipulating information
while various mental tasks are carried out.
writing system. A set of visible or tactile signs used to represent units of language in a
systematic way': [sense 1] 'the basic types of graphic systems designed to represent
language'; [sense 2] 'spelling, i.e. a system of rules underlying the use of the
graphemes of the language.' (Coulmas, 1996, 560).
xenoepist. One with a foreign accent.
zeugma. Two words linked to another, which only applies to one of them; also, a

Taken and adapted by author from:


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