Chapter Tasks and Creative Responses

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Room 13 by Robert Swindells

Chapter tasks and creative responses

Chapter 7 task:

In Chapter 7 the school children take a sightseeing tour of Whitby. Some of the
sights include the towns whalebone arch and Captain Cooks monument. Whitby
Abbey also inspired a writer named Bram Stoker to write a novel about a vampire
called Dracula.

Your task is to produce an encyclopaedia/Wikipedia entry for any one of the following:
Captain Cook
Whitby Abbey

Aim to write between 75 and 150 words, providing clear and detailed information.
Download and add a photographic image of your chosen entry to add interest for your

Chapter 13 task:

In Chapter 12, Fliss talks to David Trotter, or Trot about keeping watch during the
night to observe EllieMays strange behaviour. David agrees to keep watch but only
if he can tell his best friend, Gary Bazzard.
In Chapter 14, Gary knows about the plan so the conversation must take place in the
missing chapter!

Your task is to write the conversation between David and Gary, where David explains
EllieMays strange behaviour the night before, and their plan to keep watch tonight.

Write the conversation and include details of:

what EllieMay was seen to be doing
what time all this work took place
what they plan to do tonight.

Remember to use speech marks around the words actually spoken by David and Gary,
and try to use more interesting verbs than said. 2009 12342 Page 1 of 3

Room 13 by Robert Swindells
Chapter tasks and creative responses
Chapter 15 task:

We know that the children have been asked by their teachers to keep a journal like
a diary, so that each night they can record details of the days events because in
Chapter 20 Robert Swindells writes:

They were sent to their rooms to change and to write up their journals.

Imagine you are Fliss or Gary. You have just witnessed the strange events involving
Ellie-May and Room 13.

Write a journal entry to describe your thoughts and feelings about what you have just

You might include details of:

how you felt about being out of your room, and the risk of being caught
what things you saw and heard at midnight
what Ellie-May did, and what you heard once she was inside Room 13
what you have decided as a gang to do about what you have seen.

Remember to organise your ideas into paragraphs. If you are finding it difficult to get
started, try some of the sentences below:
1. Tonight has been one of the most
2. Yesterday, Dave Trotter told me that
3. So, earlier today we agreed to
4. I was really nervous about being
5. We met the girls on the top floor
6. Ive got to admit, I thought we were
7. As the clocked chimed
8. She looked pale and Fliss said she

Vampire hunters guidebook task

Like Fliss Morgan, you are a vampire hunter. Your task is to write a guidebook for
other vampire hunters.
What tips, strategies and information will you include? How will you help your fellow
hunters survive an encounter with these diabolical creatures?

Your task is to produce a vampire hunters guidebook, aimed at adults, to inform them
how to spot, hunt and then kill a vampire!

Include in your guidebook information about the following:

general introduction to vampires, their powers, abilities and weaknesses
how to protect yourself from a vampire, and identify a vampires victim
how to kill a vampire. 2009 12342 Page 2 of 3

Room 13 by Robert Swindells
Chapter tasks and creative responses
Book review task

Write a book review of Room 13, giving your personal opinions about the story, its
characters, and how much you enjoyed it.

Write your own review in the space below. You should include some of the following
a plot synopsis (a summary of the story)
some information about which characters you most liked or disliked
comments about how the novel is written
recommendations (who might like this kind of story)
a rating (a mark out of five for example).

Remember to organise your ideas into paragraphs. If you are finding it difficult to get
started, try some of the sentences below:

Room 13 by Robert Swindells tells the story of a group of Year 8 pupils who go on a
school trip to Whitby. The night before the trip
Strange things unfold on the top floor of the Crows Nest Hotel at midnight. One
Meanwhile, a strange old lady known as Old Sal tells Fliss about the history of the
Crows Nest Hotel. Long ago
However, if you want to know what happens to Fliss and her friends youll have to
read the novel! I would recommend it to and give it a rating of out of 10! 2009 12342 Page 3 of 3

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