The Doorway by Margaret Vivian 1941

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Dictated by a Soldier who passed on Forty Years ago.

Recorded by

Margaret Vivian
First published in 1941.

“Mors janua vitae” (Death is the Doorway to Life)

“Some man will say: ‘How are the dead raised up

and with what body do they come?’ ”

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By Mrs. Hewat McKenzie
Dr. Vivian affirms at once her belief in survival proved by means of psychic powers, in this
case her own receptivity of written inspirational communications. Many years of personal
investigation through other channels, that have provided her with much personal evidence,
give her assurance and confidence in her own writings and contacts with a friend on the Other
Side, a soldier who, like so many others, caught up in your manhood, has been among the
most successful bringers of news from the next world. They have assuredly not left their
friends comfortless and have frequently, as in this case, described their new life and
occupations, giving us a sense of a real life and real surviving persons. We cannot have
enough of such experiences to enrich our conception of a future life.
Those who expect news from the Other Side to have a religious flavour may be disappointed
in this soldier’s communications, which are eminently practical. He reminds us that he and
others are for a considerable time after death very much themselves, and not angels. But he
tells us of work voluntarily undertaken and of kindly service to needy souls, of study and
exploration and of his many attempts to reach his friends on earth. His chosen job is a unique
one. An animal lover when on earth, he found his attention drawn to bewildered dogs in spirit
life, bereft of their masters, and sick and sorry as they can be on earth. He made friends with
them, placed them in proper care, and even established a heavenly canine defense league on
their behalf. And why not? There is good evidence for animal as for human survival, and if
men and women can grieve at separation from earthly friends, so may sensitive and loved
An interesting chapter on astral travel tells of the soldier’s efforts to bring his friend to his
new land in her sleep state in her astral body; for such travel we have much evidence,
although the memory may fail to record the experience on waking. He claims that in her
waking hours, when she lends herself to receive messages from him in writing, these
memories are revived and recorded. The Rev. George Vale Owen, who in several volumes
published similar communications: that in the sleep-state he had been over there and
experienced all that his hand subsequently recorded.
Many questions that rise at once to the lips of inquirers were asked and answered in the
course of Dr. Vivian’s writing, and at times prophecies on world events were volunteered.
Though no infallibility was claimed, they proved correct, and there were prognostications,
even against the mind of the psychic, of the parlous state of civilisation and the danger of war,
the folly of which as a means of settling differences was constantly emphasised.
Many who are not Spiritualists could enjoy this book; it is neither over-sentimental nor
platitudinous, but conveys the sense of a robust personality who has taken the trouble to study
his new life and to transmit as much as possible as much earthy folk can grasp of an existence
in which neither a physical body nor material conditions play any part, but in which an active
thought life, with powers almost unknown to us, holds the field. The lesson the
communications enforce is that it is wise for us, while still in the physical body, to make
acquaintance with those who have gone on, who can give us this new knowledge so that we
may not arrive as bewildered travelers in our future dwelling-place. Only psychic powers can
provide the means of this instruction.

“This is an exact account of our life here, so far as it can be understood by those on
earth. I prefer to omit what would be unintelligible to you, and which readers would in
consequence denounce as rubbish. That might discredit the whole book.”
So wrote Fred, my soldier friend, when discussing the writing of this book. In the
original script he has repeated some statements with a view, I feel sure, to emphasising
their importance. Often, for instance, he has asserted than when we die we do not at
once become either angels or devils. We are just as we were five minutes before death,
and those who never troubled to study the question of survival are puzzled and often
cannot believe that they have died. “Newcomers who desire the pleasures of earth can
have them for the asking, and for a short time some do lead a life that differs very little
from the one they have left.” This statement may help those who were shocked when
they read of cigars, whisky and soda and so forth, as described by Raymond Lodge.
In this connection, Fred wrote as follows: “Occasionally I smoke a cigarette with a
newcomer, merely in order to make him feel at home. It is exactly like a child playing
with its toys; a grown-up may play with a doll in order to amuse a child, but he does
not do so when he is alone. So, as we progress, we discard childish things.”
Another point emphasised by Fred is that the idea of an angry deity punishing us for
our sins is false. What we call a sinner is merely an uninvolved soul. All of us have
been sinners, and most of us will intimately become saints, but in the meantime we
may have to reincarnate many times before we reach the stage where we can be happy
in the Summerland. Punishment is simply the automatic result of conduct which
teaches us not to transgress again. A burnt child dreads the fire. As a man soweth, so
shall he reap, and so forth.
A large part of the book is devoted to describing how the inhabitants of the
Summerland occupy themselves, and the author repeatedly asserts that it is just as
difficult to make us understand his life as it would be for us to explain our mode of
living to a savage. How, for instance, could we make him understand about our
wireless, our motor cars, or even our rate of exchange?
Most of the repetitions have been deleted, but a few have been left, in order to
emphasise the importance of the teaching therein contained.
Here is a further quotation from the script: “Our book is going to be a great success. I
am anxious to strike a new note with it, and I hope that it is not boring. I should hate to
be a bore now that I am reappearing in your world, for I want to awaken interest in
what you call the future life. Please cut out and alter what I give you if you feel that it
is dull. By ruthless, and cut and re-shape it. So not let us be dull, and be sure, when the
great work is published, that you choose a gay and attractive cover. I have looked
through our pages, and I think, with a little rearrangement, they will be O.K.”

I t was at Colenso, during the South African war, when I was
twenty-seven years old, that I made the change that brought me
here. Some guns were in danger of falling into the hands of the
Boers, and we rushed forward to save them. Several of us were shot
down, and I was pinned down, fatally wounded, under my dead
horse. At first I did not realise that I was dying, but gradually I
found that my real self was being separated from my body, until I
was floating in the air above it. I tried to free myself from the cord
that still held me to my useless body, and it became gradually
thinner until at last it snapped. The pain of my wounds ceased and I
succeeded in assuming an erect position, floating in the air just
above the ground.
I spoke to a man who was trying to help my physical body, but he
did not seem to hear me, and then I caught sight of some of my
friends who had been dead some time, but now stood near me. I
lost consciousness, and when I woke, I found myself lying in a
hospital bed. I was puzzled, having no idea that I had been killed,
and I asked a nurse where I was. It was some time before I
understood what had happened, and all I remember is that I woke
for short intervals and then slept again. Each time I woke, I felt
drawn towards the earth, but when I struggled to get up, I was told
to go to sleep and not worry about the fighting.
At first I was sad at finding myself cut off from my friends and from
the normal occupations, and it was in order to get over this period,
caused by the shock of a sudden death, that I was kept asleep for so
long. That is why in your prayer-books you pray to be delivered
from sudden death, in spite of the fact that it has some obvious
advantages. I do not know how long I remained in the rest home,
but one day when I woke I was told that I was now well enough to go
home. I was puzzled, and said: “But you say I am dead; how then
can I go home?”
“It is only your physical body that is dead,” was the reply, “and here
comes your grandmother, who will take you to the home that has
been prepared for you.” So I left the hospital in her company, and
soon found myself standing at the gate of a bungalow surrounded
by a large garden, in which were flowers and fruits unlike any that I
had ever seen, as well as those that you have on the earth. I was
interested but bewildered, feeling rather like a small boy in a new
school. Everything was strange, and I felt that it must be a dream
from which I should wake and find myself back in the army. My
grandmother tried to explain the conditions of this strange, new
life, but in spite of feeling a marvelous health and vigour, I am not
sure that at this stage I might not have chosen to return to my
physical body if such a chance had been offered me.
My grandmother promised to stay with me until I had become
acclimatised to my new life, and though she was almost a stranger,
having passed on when I was a very small child, I was glad of her
company, as I still felt lonely and confused. There were times when
I was perfectly satisfied with my surroundings, as for instance
when I received an exuberant welcome from my horses and dogs,
but there were moments when I felt an almost irresistible
attraction drawing me back to the earth. Whenever I gave way to
this desire, I found myself wandering through a thick mist.
Occasionally I caught sight of some of my old friends, like wraiths
in a fog, but I could not make them see or hear me, and it was so
disheartening that I began to resist the earthward pull, and made
up my mind to do my best to settle down in my new surrounding.
It was all so different from what I had been taught: no harps or
angles with wings. It was as if I had been transported during sleep
to a strange land, where all the customs were new to me, and only a
few friends were available to initiate me into the mysteries of this
new life. I was a very material young man, brought up in the
orthodox way. I had attended church parade as a matter of army
routine, and with the strangely indifferent attitude towards
religious matters displayed by most normal individuals, who are
neither religiously-minded not agnostic, I had given little thought to
what lay beyond death. Eventually I made friends with some men
who were more or less in a similar state of bewilderment, and we
arranged to meet at regular intervals in order to discuss this new
state in which we found ourselves.
It was pleasant to experience the freedom of traveling anywhere at
will, and to practice the new power that we possessed. I was
surprised to find that I could travel in any direction without any
preparation, and that I had only to wish to be in a certain place in
order to find myself there – a method that you will admit makes all
your speed records snail-like in comparison. Another useful faculty

is that of making oneself invisible at will, and if you could develop it
you would be able to avoid many boring conversations.
We soon realised that some definite work was essential to our
happiness, and the guides make it clear that in order to make any
progress we must find some way in which we could be of service to
others. Having always been an ardent lover of animals, I decided to
devote myself to those that come over here alone. At first they go
automatically to the animal sphere, but many are unhappy, hunting
everywhere for their master or mistress.
It is one of the difficulties in dealing with animals that it is
impossible to make them understand that their earth friends
cannot see them, and consequently ignore then. Even for humans it
is at first disconcerting to speak to one’s friends and to be utterly
ignored, although we soon realise that you are blind and deaf where
we are concerned. It is not always easy to make friends with a
strange dog that is absorbed in searching for his master and has no
wish to associate with strangers, but with patience this difficulty
can be overcome until, dog-like, they make the best of the existing
state of affairs.

The old-fashioned and ignorant notion that we spend our time
sitting on a cloud singing hymns to the accompaniment of a harp
has almost died away, and if you were to ask a clergyman of average
intelligence what are his idea regarding the future life, he would
probably reply that do dies not know, and that these matters are
mysteries intentionally hidden from man during his earth life.
Some Spiritualists go to the opposite extreme, and regard our life in
the Summerland as a material condition little different from yours.
They are apt to shock the religious by mentioning cigars or whisky.
The truth, as usual, lies midway between these extremes.
Newcomers who desire the pleasures of the earth can have them for
the asking, and some, for a short time, do lead a life that differs
very little from the one they have left. But soon they cease to desire
these physical pleasures, and as they adapt themselves to this life,
so they give up smoking or drinking or eating. I have been here a
relatively short time, less than your own earth life, and I have never
had the faintest desire to these things. Occasionally I smoke a
cigarette with a newcomer, merely in order to make him feel at
home. It is like a child playing with toys: a grown-up may play with
a doll in order to amuse a child, but he does not do so when he is
alone. So, as we progress, do we discard childish things.
You ask whether we communicate with one another entirely by
thought, or whether we have posts or telegrams. We do not have the
same complicated postal delivery that you have, but at first, before
we have learned to transmit our messages in the new way, we do
write notes and a messenger takes them and delivers them by his
own methods of thought transport. But very soon we learn that the
mechanical process of writing is unnecessary. We do not need to
keep notes, as our memories are perfect, and we can always recall
whatever we wish. The difficulty with names is not that we cannot
recall them at will, but that they are hard to transmit through the
physical organs of a medium. As to books, there are vast libraries
here containing all the earth books, as well as others written over
here. According to one’s literary taste, so one chooses the
appropriate library. If you want theological works – and, strange to
say, there are some who wish to study these monuments of
dreariness – you go to the theological library. If you prefer fiction,
you go to the fiction library, and so on.
With regard to painting, the pigments you use are crude as
compared to ours which do not fade. But when an artist is tired of
the pictures he had made, he eliminates them by the power of
thought and creates others. But he thinks out his scheme just as
carefully as you do. At first he uses brushes. He would not feel
happy without his accustomed tools, and so for a time he uses them,
as do sculptors and other craftsmen. It is very gradually that they
learn that they earth tools are no longer necessary. The artists sit
before their canvas or paper and think our the scheme of the
picture, and little by little precipitate the particles of colour into the
right places. It is something like the work of the Bang Sisters some
years ago, when portraits were precipitated on to the canvas. These
pictures never fade or tarnish, but sometimes the artist wishes to
alter something, and this he can easily do.
Artists and musicians have special buildings where they can study
the new conditions that affect their art. A painter, for instance,
must learn all about the new colours that are available, otherwise
his work will look dull, as a black – and –white sketch on your side
appears to a colour enthusiast. At first the artist finds our scenery a
flowers almost beyond his scope, but soon he passes on to other
occupations that satisfy his artistic instincts, so that mere painting
or modeling no longer interests him.
The same applies to the musician. For a time he is satisfied with the
instruments to which he is accustomed, but soon he perceives that
his music is like that of a street organ when compared to a
Wurlitzer. When he hears the marvelous music that can be
produced over here, he goes to school again in order to learn about
the many sounds that are beyond the range of the physical ear. Eye
hath not seen, nor ear heard, as the old saying expresses it. The
same applies to all sciences and arts, and those who were great men
on your side soon find that they must start afresh in the infant class
over here.
You ask whether there is any joy in creating things purely by the
power of thought. That is where you do not understand. Let us talk
about this power of thought and I will try to explain. Everything is
made by the power of thought, even on your side, and you could not
type these notes without using thought. We need manual skill, and
when you first arrive here, you will find it just as hard as ever to
paint a picture. But as you learn to adapt yourself, so you find that
you can create things more easily, though practice and training are
just as necessary, and if you imagine that you will suddenly become
a Mozart of a Cooper, you will disappointed.
With regard to paints and paper, your new powers will come into
play, and eventually you will be able to create your own materials.
You will find no shops, but you will always find someone who is
willing to help you to obtain what you need. I myself have painted a
portrait of you as I see you, and it hangs in my study, but there are
so many things to do that I do not often indulge in artistic efforts.
There is, of course, no commercial side to art, but there are places
where works of art can be seen. The masterpieces of your world
find their place here, and we can read any book we wish. The choice
of these things depends chiefly on whether there is anybody who is
sufficiently fond of a given subject to desire its presence. You, for
instance, will find portraits of King Charles, just as others might
wish for a picture of Oliver Cromwell. That is where education
comes in.
The public galleries on your side enable the masterpieces to be seen
and appreciated, and so love gives them immortality in a kind of

way. If you earnestly desire to have a Van Dyck portrait in your
home, you will have it, and so others who feel in this way. Values to
not enter into the matter. It is purely a question of having so strong
a desire to look at a work of art, that you can have what you would
call a reproduction. No false admiration roused by a fictitious
money value came into it. It is solely a matter of artistic
appreciation, and as you progress, you care less and less for earth
toys because there is so much beauty and melody over here. Earth
masterpieces are like the efforts of a child when compared with the
finished product of a master-mind unrestricted by such limitations
as illness or fatigue.
You ask whether we have examinations over here. Not as you do,
but we have teachers, and they often question their pupils in order
to ascertain whether they have understood what has been taught.
Here, again, do not run away with the idea that you become a fully-
fledged genius the moment you die. This if a far fuller and bright
life than yours, but you still have to work and study in order to
move into a higher class. You have often been told that you are just
the same five minutes after your death, and that death does not
turn you into a saint of devil. That is true, and the main advantage
that you perceive at first is that your physical disabilities have
disappeared. The blind see, and the deaf hear, and at first they
cannot make it out.
It is a very real difficulty for me to explain to you how we occupy
ourselves, because so many of the things we do cannot be
understood by you. There are games for those who like them, and
swimming and riding and all sports that do not involve cruelty. I
will try to describe to you what I propose to do to-day. Well, I have
begun by talking to you in this somewhat difficult way. Then I shall
probably go for a ride or swim. After that there is a meeting I must
attend, where those who have been in communication with the
earth come to report their successes and failures, and we discuss
the best methods of avoiding such failures in future. Then I may
perhaps work in the garden, where I am planning a new section
that I am sure will please you, and then I shall rest and think in a
shady corner, with the dogs around me.
Friends will come and go, but you must not imagine that we have no
privacy, or that, by the mere power of thought, a bore can always
intrude. We have means of ensuring privacy, and you might as well
suggest that because you door is often unlocked, every street beggar
can walk into your study. We have various ways by which we can
keep our privacy intact. Then I may go on a journey and explore
some part of your world or ours, the latter most likely; and then I
see the news on the special machines we have and which I can liken
only to television.
This brings be to another rest time; we do not rush about all the
time, any more than you do, and leisure is a very precious thing.
Part of each day I spend with the dogs that have arrived from your
world. Arranging for them to be looked after, and finding homes for
those that have nobody to welcome them. Then I often visit the
astral, and try to give a helping hand to somebody. There are always
so many in need of help; for instance, I went the other day to see
what I could do for all those poor souls that came over suddenly
when a Spanish battleship went down.
Now I hope I have made you understand that we, too, have busy
days, and above all, that we are not dull.
One day, when I was wandering in the garden planning new
schemes, I met some of the ‘wee folk.’ I had never believed in their
existence, and I was astonished when I caught sight of a little man
in the conventional goblin garb, swinging his legs as he sat on a
harebell. In your world they are afraid of humans, and you seldom
see them, but here they have no fear, and sometimes make
themselves rather a nuisance with their silly chatter. But this was
the first I had seen, and I was anxious to talk to him and find out
who he was, and where he came from. The intelligence of the fairy
folk is not very high, but they can speak, and this puts them on a
grade a little higher than the animals. This little fellow was quite
willing to talk, and he was a merry little soul. His vocabulary was
very limited, and he kept on roaring with laughter, as if what he
said were a huge joke.
It is only here that the beauty of nature can be fully appreciated. We
have no storms, but rain condenses gently on the vegetation,
though the weather is of no importance, since we are never too hot
or too cold. We can have ice and snow if we wish. It is hard to
explain, but an Eskimo who is used to intense cold can have his
icebergs by the power of thought. The conditions are so different.
Those who like icebergs gravitate together and live in icy
surroundings. We can visit them if we wish, but most of us prefer a
temperate climate with no extremes of heat or cold. Natives of

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tropical countries live in surroundings exactly suited to them, but
the undeveloped races, whose pleasure consists mainly in killing,
do not stay here long, but soon reincarnate on earth.
The fact you must try to grasp is that over here everybody can have
the semblance of material pleasures for a time, but these soon cease
to satisfy, and the individual who has not progressed sufficiently to
be happy here returns to the earth in a new incarnation. That is
what I meant when I told you of the earthward pull experienced by
those who have died suddenly in their youth. Unless they resist it,
they are drawn back more and more strongly until they
reincarnate. The desire for earth conditions fades automatically as
time passes, unless the individual is of so low an evolutionary grade
that he cannot adapt himself to our life.
Some wander in the dark spheres for some time before
reincarnating, for there are some souls who do not make any
progress while on earth, and there are others who refused to take
advantage of the light that has been accorded them, and so it is
necessary for their evolution that they should undergo a kind of
purgatory. Those who inhabit the dark spheres do not necessarily
reincarnate. Some eventually listen to the teaching of those who go
to help them, and as soon as they are fitted for our life, they
automatically come here.
Soon after my arrival, when revisiting the South African
battlefields, I was sometimes able to help my old friends. I
remember warning a colonel just in time to save him from being
killed by a shell. I shouted: “Stop! Stop!” but at first he did not hear
me. Fortunately, he had some psychic power, and when I shouted
right in his ear: “Stop at once!” he heard me, for he reined in is
horse and looked around in a puzzled way. Then he saw and heard
the shell burst just where he would have been had he disregarded
my warning. “By Jove, that was a narrow shave!” I heard him say. “I
could have sworn some fellow called to me to stop,” and he looked
round to see who it might have been. “Must have been my
imagination, I supposed, “ he remarked at last. It is funny how
people on your side always seem to prefer any explanation other
than the correct one.
The houses here vary according to the development of the owner.
There are no slums, but there are very small, dull houses in rows,
inhabited by those who are only just fit to be in this sphere at all.

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Some live in them for a relatively long time, but most of these
tenants reincarnate quite soon, and so remain here only a short
time. It is not quite true to say that the houses are built by the good
deeds of the occupants when on earth; it is rather that, as in
everything here, they are automatically suited to the tenants, so
that in the case of an unselfish man, it means that he has reached a
stage where a fine house is suited to him.
You will perhaps remember the case of the butler and his wife who
recently inherited a mansion from their mistress, but lived only in
the kitchen and in one small bedroom. They were not accustomed
to live in large rooms, and the mansion was useless to them. So it is
here. A man who is in a low state of evolution would be like a fish
out of water in a castle, and here there are no misfits, everyone
being automatically suited to his surroundings. Do you understand
my meaning? It is not a punishment for selfishness or cruelty, it is
an automatic result. The earth life enables you to progress in a way
that is impossible elsewhere, and that is why an undeveloped soul
goes back to school to learn another lesson. He will eventually
evolve unless he is one of those who refuse to learn and remain so
long in the lower strata that they go backwards instead of forwards,
until at last they are reabsorbed into the essence of life. This is what
you call eternal death; a sad ending to ill-spent lives.
I must repeat that everything here is solid to us. We should not like
to be misty wraiths, and it is you who seem unsubstantial to us. It is
all a matter or relative surroundings, and solidity is the result of the
relationship of the body to the surrounding elements. You ask
whether we can be bruised or injured in any way. It would be
possible if we hit something violently, but we have a protective
sense that checks us. We not fall from heights as you do, because we
exercise the power of thought. In the dark spheres I have seen
injuries, as in your world, due to the people there not
understanding how to use this power, and there are hospitals with
appliances for treating such hurts. I met your friend, Dr R.,
recently. He was organising a hospital to deal with the injured from
the earth wars. Many of these men are of very low development and
some come over with shocking injuries. They do not realise that
they are dead, and for this reason many continue to be maimed,
and need treatment for some considerable time. Then one day they
grasp the truth and are healed.

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We do not quarrel over here, not what you would call quarrelling,
but of course we do not always agree in every detail. That would be
very dull. Nor do we have wars. What would be the use, since we
cannot kill one another, or destroy property as you do on earth?
Anybody who still wished to kill or destroy would not be suited for
the Summerland, but would be in a lower sphere for a time, and
then reincarnate until he had lost his desire to injure others. We
have no soldiers because they are obviously not needed, but there
are what you might call overseers, who see that the laws of the land
are not broken.
It is hard to explain about our laws. There are, for instance, laws as
to the bringing here of friends from the lower spheres, when they
are not suited to this plane, and might interfere with the peace of
the inhabitants. We have no prisons or convict settlements the
extreme penalty is to be sent to a lower plane, and that is not a
punishment; it is the enforcing of the law that nobody can live in a
sphere higher than his evolution warrants. He would not be happy,
but it does sometimes happen that the great love of a relative brings
an unsuitable soul over here in the hope of raising his standard.
Very rarely this is allowed, so as to satisfy the great desire of the
friend over here, but only for a time, and if the visitor does not
settle down, as you would put it, he automatically returns to the
lower sphere.
Sometimes the one who loves his sacrifices his higher state and
goes to live with him in order to help his development. It is possible
to live in a lower state than one’s development warrants, but not in
a higher. More usually, the higher spirit merely pays visits to the
one in the lower grade, and has his or her real home here. The
higher spirit is just as unsuited to the conditions of the lower
sphere as is the lower spirit to the higher life. Nobody steals or
murders are exceeds the speed limit here, but there are certain
rules governing our behaviour that must not be broken.
Much of my work is to help those who are coming over in the
various wars. We can do more for Europeans, because the yellow
races expect to see their own ancestors, and would not understand
if a white man met them. There are not many Negroes who have
progressed, and usually they must reincarnate. This has nothing
whatever to do with race; it depends on the spiritual evolution, but
it is a fact that the British are more highly evolved than other races
and that is why the British lead in political matters. I believe it is
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correct to say that more British and Americans have reached the
state where reincarnation is no longer necessary than the member
of any other race. The Latin races are more backward than the
British, but it is true that the whole world is in a dangerous state,
and that if a universal war were to break out, civilization would be
set back. That is what we are trying to prevent by every means in
our power, and Spiritualism is at last permeating the world, and
will help to check war.
You must remember that I have been here only a very short time as
compared with some of the inhabitants of the Summerland, and I
can tell you only what I myself have experienced. Others may have a
different story to tell, their interests being other than mine. Those,
for instance, who come over as very earnest Christians, spend much
of their time in their places of worship, and I know of one
congregation where everything is almost exactly as on earth, with
the same church, the same clergyman and the same services, while
the sermons are not more intelligent than those preached on earth.
They even sing the same hymns: “Weary of earth and laden with my
sin, I gaze at Heaven and long to enter in,” and so forth, and this
may continue for centuries of your time. The members of the
congregation are perfectly satisfied with this state of affairs, and
never ask any of the higher teachers to come and enlighten them.
Those that seek find, but those who are satisfied with their
ignorance remain in that state. Your parents were rather like that
at first, but they met me through you, and it was able to help them
to some extent, and now they are seeking more advanced teaching.
The fact that everybody is just the same after passing over cannot be
too strongly impressed on the earth dwellers. So that they may seek
the light while still on your side. The merry-makes who are fond of
jokes often indulge their humour over here, and that is why you
sometimes find that practical jokes are played at séances. At the
same time, a heavy atmosphere may be lightened in this way. All
types have their uses, and it would be a dreary world if we were all
The whole of the etheric body is perfect and can very be out of order
or cause pain. We wish our hair as we prefer it, and the same
applies to beards and moustaches. At first most people like to be as
they were on earth, and I still have a small moustache. Gradually
these things lose interest, and the higher spirits that I have met had
no hair on their faces. But we need no barbers or dentists; our teeth
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are perfect, and we use them for their original purpose. The most
essential organ is the brain, and the other organs, I believe,
gradually disappear as we advance. You must remember that it may
be thousands of your years before we leave the sphere I am now in,
and we are learning all the time. I can tell you only what I know
from my very limited experience. I have a swim most days, but we
do not get dirty or need soap; not do we cut our nails or have corns
on our feet. We have what clothing we like, at first exactly as on
earth, but it does not wear out, and when we want a new garment
we think it out and make it. Women sometimes, at first, desire
fashionable attire, but soon this ceases to interest them. The people
here mostly wear clothes something like their earth garments from
long habit. We are always clothed in some way, and the higher
spirits wear robes coloured in accordance with their character.
We still have varying characteristics, and we may be angry or
displeased, but not for long. It is hard to make you understand, but
you must remember my old analogy of the fish that cannot
understand how you can exist out of the water. We have faculties
unknown to you, and it is impossible to explain them to you. There
is no disgrace in being unclothed; that is merely an earth custom.
For a time we still have reproductive organs, but through disuse all
unnecessary organs atrophy like your appendix, and are replaced
by higher organs adapted to purposes that you could not
understand. The main difficulty in explaining to you is that
condition here are so different, but they change so slowly that we do
not notice the gradual growth any more than you realise that your
body is growing day by day. So we grow, but in a different way, and
nothing stands still in any sphere of life. We go on progressing for
ever. You ask what I mean by the words ‘for ever’. I do not know;
there are many mysteries that I cannot grasp yet. I am only a short
way ahead of you, and can tell you only what I have been taught.
The physical body is not, as I have head you call it, an old coat. It is
interwoven with the etheric body in a very intricate way, and that is
why to two bodies are sometimes hard to separate. If it were a mere
coat, you could put it on and discard it at will quite easily. You ask
funny questions this morning! I can only repeat that those near
earth life, as I still am, like to retain for a time the earth fashions. I
cannot picture myself with long ringlets, but that is of course a
mere question of custom. If we had been brought up with long,
trailing hair, we should regard any other mode as an outrageous

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disfigurement. Habit accounts for much, and persists so long as we
are in the same stage of development. The fundamental law is that
we can have what we like by the power of thought. Those who were
tailors’ dummies or mannequins on earth will have much thought
to the adornment of their persons – for a time – and the time varies
according to the evolution of the individual.
Yesterday I was working with another friend of yours, Dr. M., and
we were trying to make contact with a murderer. He had been
executed for murder, and after a sleep he woke screaming with
terror. He knew he had to be hanged, and because he found himself
still alive, he naturally supposed that the execution had not taken
place and he was terrified. The only way we could convince him was
by taking him to the prison door and showing him the notice of his
death. It was Dr. M. who helped me. She is much better, and her
great energy makes her a very useful colleague. She refuses to give
in, however difficult or distasteful a task may be. I like her, and she
is fond of you, though she did not approve of all you did.
I wish I could give you a really vivid idea of our life here. It is an
advantage to have many interests when you come over, as you can
develop them all. There are some people who seem to be little more
than animated vegetables, and go about asking what they can do to
occupy themselves. Then there are the people who have never been
devoted to amusement. At first they continue to seek their
accustomed occupations, but there are not many boon companions
for them, and they soon reincarnate. It may sound strange to you,
but it is quite possible to be bored and lonely over here.
The reaching of your youth was wrong. As for everlasting
punishment for those who do not believe certain doctrines, it is
strange that educated and thoughtful people could ever entertain a
belief in so unjust a retribution, and I simply cannot understand
the standpoint of those who teach that an un-christened infant goes
to eternal punishment. It is as if you were to hang a child for
playing with matches. The child receives the automatic punishment
of a burn, but the un-baptised infant is not even responsible for the
omission. If anybody should be punished, it should surely be the
parents who neglected the ceremony. There are many other errors
taught on your side by those in high places, and when they come
over here, they suffer remorse for having been so unintelligent, and
for having hindered the progress of those whom they presumed to
instruct. God has been blamed for many things that are really the
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result of man’s ignorance and stupidity. The New Messenger will
sweep away a lot of cobwebs from the Christian religion – cobwebs
that have accumulated year by year until they have choked the
original Christian teaching.
I have already told you that we are never ill or out of sorts, and the
only work for doctors is dealing with the various forms of soul
shock. The people who interest me are most of those who persist in
retaining their old beliefs and disbeliefs. There is a man who has
been here much longer than I have, and yet he still insists that he is
dreaming, and that one day he will wake up to find himself back in
his bed on the earth. He says it is rubbish to tell him he is dead
when he is so obviously alive, and how could he be alive if his body
were dead? I sometimes wonder whether It is not partly a pose. He
is very obstinate, and becomes annoyed if one tries to argue with
him. “Don’t come any of your hallelujah stuff with me,” he said the
other day when I asked him whether he realised yet that he had
shed his body for ever. “how could I talk to you without a brain?” he
retorted. “I may be suffering from sleeping sickness or some rare
disease, but the fact that I can see you proves that I am not dead.”
It is often said that we ought not to be called by those on earth.
Those who say this should be brought over here to see the numbers
of those, usually recently arrived, who are struggling to pierce the
veil and make contact with those they love on earth. You have often
been told by the guides what a great number there are who are
anxious to communicate and who are bitterly disappointed when
the power is exhausted before they have had the opportunity to
speak. If someone on this side has no wish to communicate with
those on our side, these is no power that can compel him to do so.
Often it is not that they have any real objection, but that they are
completely ignorant of the possibilities.
What you were reading of the guide’s remarks about the
harmfulness of creeds and dogmas is perfectly true. It is much
easier to help the careless who have never troubled to go to a place
of worship than it is to make the ecclesiastically-minded leopard
change his spots or the positive agnostic realise his mistakes. The
boundless self-confidence of both is hard as granite, but I would
rather deal with the atheist than with the narrow religious devotee.
It is a stage in the individual evolution, and one simply has to wait
until he becomes more amenable to reason. It is useless to dash
oneself against a brick wall. It is funny, though, when one tries to
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reason with a rationalist, for he is convinced that he is the very
essence of logic. “My dear sir, “ on of these people said to me the
other day when I was trying to explain things, “you will never
convince me of anything so absurd as the assertion that I have died
and come to life again. The idea is manifestly ridiculous and
irrational. Once a man is dead, he cannot be alive. I am sure you
mean well, but I cannot accept what you say save as the morbid
imaginings of an unbalanced mind.” And he went muttering to
himself. The religious devotees are even less tolerant, and take the
‘Get thee behind me. Satan,” attitude. Here, again, it is a phase in
the evolution of the individual. Not all go through it, fortunately.
You and I did not, thus showing our affinity even in this minor
I was present at the coronation to-day. It was a grand ceremony in
the Abbey and in the streets, and many of us were looking on. At the
church ceremony all the old bishops of history seemed to be
present, and some were critical as to details: for instance, they did
not approve of the anointing being less thorough, and of course
they noticed the absence of the regalia that Cromwell stole. At first I
thought I caught sight of the Martyr King, bit then I found it was
Prince Rupert, who cam to look on for a short time. In the Abbey,
the ceremony was more attractive to the churchmen than to the
soldiers. As the King was being crowned, I say King George the Fifth
sitting beside Queen Mary. It was a wonderful sight, and we did not
have to wait hours in order to secure a seat. It is an advantage of
being rid of the physical body that we can attend any ceremony
anywhere, and then you wonder what recreation we have!
Naturally, our bodies occupy space in our own sphere, but actually
there were not so many from our side as to cause an inconvenient
crowd. To many, such things are no longer of interest, just as
children discard toys, bit I still have a boy’s love of pageantry,
shining helmets and silk-coated horses, with all the panoply and
ceremonial. There were far fewer of us than of the earth folk, and I
stayed to the end, and even watched outside the Palace for a time. I
was specially interested, of course, in the gunners in the
I will tell you where we go for our current information. There is a
hall with pictures, something like your cine films. They are not
operated by electricity, and we can turn them to and fro by the
exercise of our will. We can look back on any of the facts of history:

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for instance, those who did not witness the coronation can see it
just as you do on your films. For the future it is the same, but we
cannot always see everything, and when you ask me a question
about future events, I cannot always answer, but if I volunteer the
information, it is sure to be correct because in that case I have seen
it on the screen of the future. Owing to the difference in our way of
reckoning time, it is difficult to give exact dates for coming events. I
have to judge by the number of other events that unroll themselves,
and sometimes I mistake two simultaneous for two consecutive
happenings, and so my calculations are thrown out of gear.
Sometimes a definite date is given, as when I forecast to you the end
of the Great War. It was given in the form in which I passed it on:
II.II.II., and it may surprise you to know that I did not myself
understand the significance of these figures. We are not always
allowed to give dates, or even to forecast future events. It is not
always desirable that certain things should be known, so that there
is what you call a news censorship. It is interesting seeing the past
and the future, and the actors are even more lifelike than yours, for
they are not actors, but the thought-forms of the actual performers.
For children, it is a wonderful way of learning the history of the
past, and these halls are always well attended.
As to my many activities, you now know some of them, but there are
many others connected with matters that I cannot explain because
there is nothing comparable on your earth. I sometimes play the
nonio, an instrument you do not know. It is not unlike a fiddle, and
I play in an orchestra, but I am no great musician and so take only
minor parts. As I have often said, there are no dull times here, and
we can always find plenty to do, both useful and entertaining. My
great pleasure is coming to you and giving you this script. As for
those who are carnally-minded, they do find it dull over here, and
so, automatically, they return to the earth until they have reached
the stage where they are happy here. That is the test. It is not
punishment or retribution; it is that you go automatically to the
place for which you are suited.
All the teaching about punishment by an angry god is wrong; it is
the man himself who prepares his future. Some are almost ready
for this sphere and may return to earth only for a very short time.
“Those whom the gods love, die young” is a crude way of expressing
this truth. There is a woman over here who spends most of her
time, as some do, working among the grey spheres. She was a
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missionary when on your side, and her only interest is in this kind
of work. This is because her affinity is a backward soul, and she
tries to teach him to progress so that he may come over here
without having to incarnate again. I doubt whether she will
succeed, as the man is a backward type, but she spends most of her
time trying to help him. He does not yet realise that she is his twin
soul, and though he is fond of her, he is often tired of her efforts to
improve him. She may be able to shorten the period of his next
incarnation. Sometimes a soul from this sphere voluntarily
reincarnates in order to help another, and if this man has to return
to earth, the woman will probably follow him, possible as his twin,
though this is not always allowed.

Communication with the earth.
When I died, I came to the sphere know as the Summerland. It is
not necessarily a place of great happiness at first, especially for
people who are as ignorant as I was. I had no particular occupation,
and you know how tedious it is to have little or nothing to do. One
day I met a man who is an expert in making contact with those left
behind. He has been doing this almost ever since he arrived. You do
not know him, but on your side he was known as Lord A. We call
him Tom and he is an interesting individual, having many tales to
tell about his various experiences.
On one occasion he attended a séance where the sitters were
unknown to him, and tried to speak in what you call the “direct
voice”. Unfortunately the medium was not in good form, and all
Tom could accomplish was an indistinct whisper. The sitters
became impatient, not realising that the bad result was due, partly
to the ill-health of the medium, and partly to the presence of a new
sitter who was not in harmony with the circle. Tom did his best, but
all he could achieve was a husky and almost inaudible croak. The
circle broke up, and he overheard the sitters criticising the
medium. Some said he was a fraud, and others said he was not, but
nobody thought of criticising the sitters. The new sitter was the
Jonah of the circle, although he was unaware of the fact, and that is
why it is important always to ask the guide to pass each new
applicant. Red Cloud always does this, as you know, not because he
wishes to exclude any particular individual, but because he knows

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that there are certain people who unconsciously upset the
conditions of any circle in which they sit. More attention should be
paid to this matter of the sitters, for as you know, the customary
procedure is for the hostess to invite all who are willing to pay the
fee, regardless of their psychic suitability.
When Lord A. found that I was interested in this work, he taught
me how to take control of the medium’s physical organs when he is
in trance, and how to show myself on the rare occasions when we
find a suitable materialization medium. At first I thought I should
never succeed in using somebody else’s mouth and lungs, and the
getting in and out is as hard for us as this writing was for you when
you first began. After much practice, I succeeded in speaking
through a medium, but it is not easy to keep control of the physical
organs and at the same time recall one’s wits and talk sense. You
often wonder why we forget such elementary things as our own
names and the places we have visited on earth, but you must
remember that we have to do two things at once: control the
medium, and recall what we wished to say. The sitter often makes
things more difficult by his attitude of extreme suspicion, as of a
judge interrogating a prisoner. We are bombarded with questions:
When and were did we last meet? At what hour did my grand-father
die? This kind of cross-examination completely inhibits the power
of concentration. It is as though I had returned from Australia after
many years’ absence, and you began to cross-question me regarding
trivial incidents of my childhood. As a matter of fact, this would be
far easier, because you would be talking to me face to face, and not
through a third person.
I know it is natural for you to want proof of identity but that is not
the way to get it. Just talk naturally to the visitor, assuming for the
time being that he is the person he claims to be, and you will receive
your proof all in good time. The first time I attended a direct-voice
sitting, I found that there were so many others waiting for their
turn to speak that only a very short period could be allotted to each
of us. There was the difficulty of getting used to speaking through
the medium’s larynx. This you have never tried to do, and believe
me, you can have no idea how hard it is at first. By the time I had
mastered the technicalities, my time was almost up, and I found
that I had forgotten what it was I wanted to say. It is like
telephoning at great cost to a distant country, and when at last you
are connected, you cannot recall what you have in mind to say. That

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is why, as a rule, our conversation is so limited. We think out
beforehand what to say in the short time at our disposal and,
believe me, it is no easy matter to demonstrate one’s immortality in
a few brief moments, while all the time we are using an un-familiar
Just think of r a moment if you were speaking to an friend in South
Africa, and he persisted in saying: “Is that really you Margaret?
Before I accept the fact that you are Margaret Vivian, you must give
me clear proof that you are not an imposter!” I assure you that you
would be so flabbergasted that you would be able to think of
nothing that would convince your friend of your identity. Try it one
day on a phone call to a local friend! Apart from the tone of the
voice, which is always more or less distorted, there are not many
things you could say on the spur of the moment to prove
conclusively that you were really speaking, especially if your friend
were obsessed with the telepathic theory. The only way I succeeded
in convincing you was by giving you prophetic utterances and, to do
this successfully, one must think it out beforehand, and be careful
not to lose the thread when the time arrives.
One day I was talking to a friend, and was on the verge of getting my
message through to him, when an intruder pushed me away from
what you might call our microphone and began talking rubbish. The
guide drive him off, but by the time I was once more in control the
time was up, and I heard by earth friend say: “That cannot have
been Fred. He would talk sense, and there was nothing evidential in
what he said.” On your side seem to expect us to go on proving our
identity over and over again ad infinitum. It is rather
disheartening, you know, to be continually regarded as an
imposter, and to be bombarded with requests for proof. All one can
do is to try to prove one’s identity once, and then to renounce these
meetings. It was a long time before I found you ready to make
contact with me. Your ultra-religious upbringing and you medical
education, allied to the character inclined to materialism, made you
a difficult subject. I waited until the opportunity came through M.’s
mediumship, and now, at last, we can talk together alone.
I must tell you about the affair of the sculptor on you side who was
working in his studio, and saw a vision of what he took to be an
angelic being. He set to work to make a statue representing the
visitor, but he was unable to satisfy his artistic standard, so he took
a hammer and broke up the plaster cast. It was a case of second
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sight, and the visitor was a spirit friend. That artist is a well-known
man, and he will never forget this experience. The interesting point
is that the angelic being was myself! I was sorry when I saw his
destroy his work, and I did not feel inclined to pose again, since he
would no doubt have continued destroying the models.
Of course everything here seems solid to us, and it is your world
that seems misty and ghost-like. I have now no difficulty in visiting
you, but at first it was a great effort. I could not stay long, as I had
not learned to adjust myself to the vibrations of your world, and I
felt as if I were being literally choked by the fogs that surround you.
I made enquiries as to the methods employed by those who contrive
to keep in touch with friends left behind, and I joined a group who
were studying the various methods of communication. Here I
learned that, with practice and patience on both sides, it is possible
to write or speak, or even at times, to show oneself. This is by no
means an easy matter. I had to practice building up a thought-from
of my own face, and this is difficult unless one possesses
considerable artistic ability. Then, when the form is built up from
ectoplasm, which must be held together all the time, otherwise it
melts and one looks like a snow-man in the sun, one must use this
artificial form and speak and move in a strange, clumsy mould. All
the time there is the possibility that something may upset the
delicate balance of the manifestation, and you can imagine to some
extent what it is like by supposing that you are free of your body,
and that you are trying to demonstrate your identity through one of
Madame Tussaud’s was figures.
As you can imagine, it is not a pleasant experience, and a suitable
medium is hard to find. The higher spirits usually prefer to confine
their activities to trance speaking, and it is only on rare occasions
that the guides materialize. The effort to show myself was so great,
and the result to poor that I soon gave it up, and concentrated on
the writing whenever I could find a suitable medium. A friend of
mine writes in this way, too, and he and I often compare notes. It
took him many months to acquire his present fluency, and even
now mistakes creep in, and the script is always to some extent
coloured by the personality of the medium.
Communicating with the earth is interesting, but the chief obstacle
is the apathy of those in your world who are disinclined to devote
the necessary time and patience. They are often too busy seeking to
accumulate wealth, whilst the religious folk, from who one would
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expect the most enthusiasm, generally bristle with prejudice. You
know, it was rather amusing sometimes to be regarded as an evil
spirit, just because I sought to help my friends and to teach them
something about the new life on which they must all one day
It was one day during the Great War that I made my first attempt to
communicate with you, and it was not mere chance that induced
you to play with planchette. I have known you for a long time
through the ages, and if I wish to do so, I can recall our past lives,
though it is not always pleasant reading turning over the pages of
time when, as you would put it, we were savages. As you know, the
writing was very difficult at first, especially owing to the long
intervals when you were not available. In other directions I was
sometimes able to help people who were distressed at the loss of
their canine friends, and this gave me the idea of making an effort
to communicate with others who were able to receive my messages.
Sometimes I was successful, and sometimes I was driven off and
thought to be a dangerous devil. One day I was going to make an
effort to show myself with a dog to a very sorrowful man when, all
of a sudden, the room was full of prayers and incense designed to
drive off evil spirits, so we did not stay long in that atmosphere.
Often, however, I found an awakened soul, and eventually we dog-
lovers formed a band to do much the same kind of work as you
Canine Defense League.
It is often supposed that we are able to demonstrate our powers at
all times, but you know from your own experience that that is not
the case. It is just as difficult for me to control your hand as it is for
you to be quite sure that the writing is really inspired by me. The
more effort you make, the less I can get through, and you must try
to make your brain quite passive.
There are many over here who have no strong a desire to
communicate with those left behind that they are always on the
look-out for those you call mediums. It may seem strange to you
that we seldom know whether we have been successful, and often
we have no motion how far we have been able to make our presence
known. I have made many efforts to show myself and to speak, but
only on rare occasions have I had proof that I had one so. So I
decided that writing is the best method, and I think you will agree
that it gives the best results, although those on you side who will
persevere are few and far between. This is strange in view of the
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fact that most of you are in constant fear of death. It is regarded as
a privilege to live to a great age but, after all, what is an old age? A
few years flit by, and then your earth life is finished, however much
you may seek to lengthen it by monkey glands and other artificial
I was always anxious to learn how to take my part in the
regeneration of the earth, for it is a sad sight to observe, as we do,
the lack of interest in everything that concerns the real life. It is as
if you were traveling to New Zealand, and you would not take the
trouble to consult an atlas to ascertain win which direction it lies,
or even to make inquiries as to whether you would ever get there at
all. I was a careless young man when I was on your side, but I did
sometimes wonder what happened after death, though I had no
means of finding out. There are many groups over here working for
the awakening of the slumbering earth folk. We have succeeded up
to a point, but progress is always slow.
I will tell you a short story about life over here, in order to lighten
our discourse. An old man came over here after an earth life that
was by no means exemplary. He was a thief who had killed a man
during one of his expeditions, and as soon as he arrived here, he
met his victim. He did not know how to express his sorrow, but the
victim had no ill feelings and told him that he was grateful for his
release from a wretched earth life. He knew something about life in
the Summerland before he was murdered, as he set to work to teach
the old man that he must atone for his bad life, but that the
punishment was automatic and not vindictive. After a time, the
murderer and his victim became fast friends, and made good
progress together. It is not always the apparently good people who
get on quickly over here, and what you call sin may occasionally be
a beneficent act. Life and vitality are given to you, and you can use
them in one of two ways: either you can benefit your soul and
spread content among your fellow-creatures, or you can spread the
exact opposite and, in do doing, injure yourself.
I do not think you appreciate how astonishing it is that we can write
even these few words. You must make your mind as empty as
possible; be on the shelf, so to speak, and let me work it. If you can
make the effort, the early morning is the best time, when your brain
is still half asleep. As you know, it takes years to perfect this
writing, and we must persevere and not be discouraged by black
days. There is so much that I could tell you if only I could get it
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through, but it is hard to make you understand. The more I try to
give you tests, the less can I write, and the most difficult thing is to
get names though, the mere effort raising a wall between us.
Sometimes it is difficult to see what you are doing on account of the
thick mist that obscures almost everything. As for hearing what you
say, that, too, varies. It is more a transference of thought than
actual hearing, and the clarity with which this occurs varies. At first
I caught very little of what you said, and this explains some of the
jumbled replies. You should always try to project your question
clearly to me as if you were a long way off. Emphasise it and repeat
it once or twice.
As we get used to life over here, so we gradually forget a great deal
of our earth life, which fades, just as you have forgotten much that
took place when you were a child. Things that seemed terribly
important are no longer of interest, and that is sometimes whey we
find it difficult to recall names and events that you expect us to give
as tests. The need for these tests is passing, as more and more
people realise the truth of Survival. We can of course consult the
records, but when we attend a séance, we have generally prepared a
kind of set piece, and when we are catechised on other matters, we
often cannot recall them. As we make progress over here, so we get
further away from the earth except where a strong love holds us.
Your parents, for instance, have no strong link now except through
you. They have become absorbed in other things and would not be
able to give you tests regarding earthly matters. I can sometimes
forecast a coming event, but only when I have made a special effort
beforehand. I am not omniscient, and I must consult the time-film
when I wish to see the earth’s future. The more we advance, the less
we care for earth matters, and so it us usually recently deceased
folk that communicate, except when a highly-evolved spirit makes a
special effort to help the human race. You must remember that
your earth is not the only pebble on the beach. I have made many
visits to other planets, and it was absorbingly interesting.
Civilization is in a very bad way. The ignorant souls who
reincarnate dominate the powers, and all the discoveries that might
to the relief of suffering and the betterment of social conditions for
the multitudes, are concentrated on new methods of destruction.
We try to help from this side, but the mediums though whom we
can send our messages are few and far between. We need many
more, but there is also man’s free will that prevents us from

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intervening and stopping the carnage. As you know, it is impossible
to destroy life, but those who devise these horrors imagine that they
can do so, and this had a cumulative affect on human character.
Murder is condoned when it takes place in way, and I cannot
understand whey the civilized nations do not combine to put an end
to it.
As for the argument that we do not exist because you cannot see us,
it would be just a reasonable for us to say that you are dream
figures, the far-away myths of folk lore, because we, too, have
difficulty is seeing you until we have learned the technique of
communication. As well say that a man in America does not exist
because he is invisible to you. There are lots of people you have
never seen, and yet you know for a fact that they exist. Similarly,
you ought to know that we are real because: 1. Credible persons
have seen and heard and felt us; 2. It is no less reasonable to
presume the existence of an etheric body than to believe in the
reality of the atom which nobody has seen, or the etheric waves that
bring you your wireless music. Our etherialisations are allied to
television, and you know how fleeting they often are because there
is insufficient power to hold the line, as you would put it. Thought is
far more powerful that muscle; in fact, when properly controlled, it
is all-powerful and can remove mountains.
In order to help those in distress, I still sometimes attend séances
when I am asked to do so by the controls or guides. I have a certain
amount of experience in this work, and just as you call in an expert
in your own subject, so I am summoned to help with
communications. The other day I was called to a séance where
everything was at a standstill, mainly owing to the distress of a
sitter. I was able to intimate this, and when the sitter had
withdrawn from the circle, we were able to send him a message
from his wife. The sitter was then readmitted, and all was well.
Strong emotion acts as a barrier that often cannot be surmounted,
and it is a fact that the calm and placid type is the best sitter.

- 27 -
The Dark Spheres
The division of the world to come into spheres or belts is purely
artificial, and there is no fixed line of demarcation. They merge one
into the other, and so there are countless grades of happiness. The
story of the “great gulf fixed between me and thee” is purely a
metaphor, and the gulf consists in the barrier formed by the state of
progress of the soul. Just as I should be like a fish out of water in a
higher sphere, so the ignorant but self-orientated prelates, when
they come over, would be out of place here. Everybody goes
automatically where he belongs, and nothing can alter this.
Yesterday I visited one of the dark spheres, and It made so deep an
impression on my mind that I feel I must tell you about it. Those
who are the most difficult to help are those who have had the
opportunity o f learning the truth, but have deliberately rejected it.
Those who are either ignorant, or what you would call wicked, are
not so difficult, because they reincarnate very soon and so pass
through another stage of evolution. They are little above the level of
animals, and must evolve before they are capable of learning very
much over here. But those who know the truth and deliberately
reject it are very hard to deal with.
I met one of these men who, when on your side, suppressed every
spiritual instinct and made those around him unhappy and
discontented. He was rich and prosperous, but his wealth came
from the sweated labour of the poor and from what you call “share-
pushing.” I found him sitting alone in a wretched little hut, very
angry because he could not understand where he was or whey he
could not enjoy the pleasures that meant so much to him. At first he
scarcely answered when I spoke to him, but eventually I induced
him to talk. I did my best to help him, but it will take a long time to
get him out of his present state. After a time he talked more readily,
and I was surprised when he told me that he was genuinely happy
when on your side, and that he never had the slightest misgiving as
to the manner in which he obtained the bulk of his money: by
preying on the foolish and inducing them to invest their savings in
worthless speculations. He had a relative who was an enlightened
soul and who had often tried to interest him in spiritual things.
For a short time he had associated himself with Spiritualist circles,
but he soon decided that the acquisition of wealth was more
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important than an investigation of what happens after death, so he
gave up prayer in order to have more time for preying on his fellow-
men. He died suddenly, as the result of a seizure, and when he
woke, he found himself all alone on a dreary expanse of moorland.
It was foggy and depressing, and for some time he wandered about,
wondering whether he had been kidnapped or shipwrecked, or
whether he had lost his memory. I talked to him and tried to
explain how he could improve his condition, but he insisted that all
he wanted was to return to his earth life. I promised to do all I could
to help him, and as a matter of fact, he is with me to-day, looking on
while I write. The only advantage, as far as he is concerned, is that
he now realises that he has died and that his money is of no further
use to him. I was asked to visit him by one of his few friends, who
had tried in vain to help him. When he grasps the fact that his
selfishness is the direct cause of his present state, he will begin to
progress. He will of course have to pass through more than one
further incarnation, and next time he will not enjoy a life of luxury,
but will probably have to toil as a hard-working peasant.
On another occasion I went to see a relative of one of the dog
owners on this side. When on earth, this relative was a most selfish
individual, and never in his life helped anybody, although he was
rich in money and high in position. My friend the dog-love, whom
we will call Frank, asked me to accompany him. His dog, a big
retriever not unlike your Lon, came with us. As you know, we have
no difficulty in traveling, and when the dogs have learned the
method, they can come too. I taught mine by first going very short
distances, just out of sight, and then sending him a mental message
to follow me. The dog was puzzled at first, but soon learned to
travel short distances by the power of thought. Then I went further
off, until the dog could come any distance and now I merely have to
say: “I am going on a journey,” and the dog understands perfectly,
just as yours know the meaning of the word “car”.
Well, we set off for the dark spheres, and the first time we were
accompanied by one of the guides, as we did not know what to
expect, nor had we any knowledge of the best way to help the man
we were to visit. There are various grades of the dark spheres, some
more depressing than others. In the lowest parts, the inmates do
not stay long, being so degraded and blind to all but their evil
desires that they are soon sent back to matter in order that they
may lean their lessons over again. The man we were visiting was not

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a blackguard of this description, and he was in one of the less
dreary parts. What struck me most was the absence of flowers and
birds and sunshine. We found ourselves on a desolate stretch of
sand by the sea that was rolling up in sullen, leaden waves. There
was a high bank of rocks cutting off the mainland, just as you may
see on your coasts. Among the rocks were dark caves, and at the
entrance of one of them was the man we sought. He stood looking
out to sea, and when he caught sight of us, he came forward.
Frank greeted him cordially, and introduced me as a lover of dogs.
Many people were wandering along the shore, and some tried to
throw stones at our dog, while others were rowing in small boats.
They all seemed unhappy and gloomy, and Frank’s relative had
little to say beyond complaining of the conditions in which he found
himself. He had not been over here very long, but he realised that
he had shed his physical body, and his main grievance was remorse
that he had not done more with his earth life. “This is a dismal
hole,” he said, “and I d not like my neighbours. They grumble all the
time and are in mo way companionable.” I asked him whether he
had many visitors from other spheres. “A few,” he replied, “but they
never stay long, as there is nothing to attract them here. Would you
like to see where I live?” and he lad the way to his cave home.
As caves go, it was not bad, but I should not care for it as a
permanent dwelling. There was a bed made of moss and seaweed,
and our host was beginning to learn how to obtain what he needed,
by the power of thought. “I made a cocktail the other day, will you
try one, gentlemen?” we neither of us knew what he meant,
cocktails being unknown in our day, but we concluded is was some
kind of refreshment, and we thought it might seem discourteous to
refuse. He poured our a pale, brown liquid into some tall wine-
glasses, and although, to us, it tasted like brackish water, he seemed
to find it pleasant and sipped it appreciatively. “It is customary to
give each cocktail a distinctive name,” he remarked, “and I call this
one ‘the cave-man’s remorse’!”
He then produced some cigarettes, which he offered us, but we
declined and soon took our leave. “Where is our guide?” I
exclaimed, realising for the first time that he was no longer with us.
“Here I am,” replied a familiar voice, and to my surprise, our
friend walked beside us as we climbed the slope. “I purposely made
myself invisible,” he went on, “because your friend is not yet ready

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for the help that I will give him later. You are puzzled because he
apparently enjoyed a liquid that, to you, was tasteless. It is a good
illustration of the power of thought. To him, it was a potent drink
that stimulated his energies and made him cheerful, but to you who
are unfamiliar with these concoctions, it is unattractive and
tasteless. If he had offered you a whisky-and-soda, you would have
been more appreciative, and if you had accepted his cigarettes, you
would have found them perfectly genuine. It is his strong desire for
these things that enables him to produce them, but the desire for
material things soon passes, as you both know from your own
experience. The earth people were very critical of similar remarks
made by the son of a well-known scientist, when he declared that he
was able to enjoy cigars and whisky soon after his passing. But
Raymond spoke the truth, and anything that a newly arrived spirit
desires is his for the asking, without money and without price,
merely by means of constructive thought.”
I have been telling you about the grey spheres, and to-day I want to
say more bout the lowest “hells,” as they call them on your side.
These are not, as your clergy teach you, reserved for the un-
baptised and for un-believers; they are merely the automatic result
of very evil lives. There are many people who, though quite ignorant
concerning spiritual matters, are ready to learn when they have the
opportunity, and they would be out of place in the dark spheres.
Those who spend a certain time there are those who have lived evil
lives, preying on their fellows, and entirely devoid of a redeeming
spark of kindness. Gangsters who have no respect for human life,
white slave traffickers, dope peddlers, and all who have sought to
enrich themselves through the misery of others. These must learn
their lesson, and sooner or later will have to reincarnate, but before
they can derive any benefit from another earth life, they must suffer
as the direct consequence of their evil ways.
This is what has given rise to the idea of hell fire, and like most
wide-spread beliefs, it has a substratum of truth. There are a few
individuals so degraded, so lost to all decency, that they do not
survive, but are reabsorbed into the life-essence like the lowly
animals. Their evil spirit is, as it were, diluted in the cosmic
melting-pot, and they cease to exist as individuals. This has been
called the second death, but there are not many who have no
redeeming grace. This is another of your stock phrases that has a
real meaning. If there is a spark of love for others, or a desire for

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progress, the individual may atone for his past and gradually rise
out of the black depths of his depravity. There are people over here
who spend much time trying to help these souls in prison, and it is
from one of these missionaries that I have learned about these
lowest grades of humanity. But if a depraved soul does not respond,
and continues to harm the incarnate by prompting them to evil, or
even by taking possession of their bodies, then it is better for all
concerned that he should be annihilated. In this sense only can life
be destroyed; the life-essence persists, but not the individual.
Between our Summerland and the dark spheres, there is a grey,
indeterminate region where sometimes people spend a
considerable time after leaving the dark spheres. There is little
colour, and everything is flat and dreary and monotonous. It suits
the temperament of its inhabitants, who have not quite reached the
stage where they would feel at home here. Sometimes I visit this
region, but it is harder to help the people there than those in the
lower spheres. There is no hard and fast line of demarcation
between these lower regions, and it is really the last phase of life in
the sphere below the Summerland. I have used the words “above”
and “below” in order to make you understand, although there is no
real space division; they merge into one another.
Last time I went there I took a dog to see his mistress, who will soon
be coming over here. She is trying to help her son, a ne’er-do-well in
the darker spheres, but she will soon realise that she will do well to
leave him for a time. I tried to explain this to her, and I told her that
he will have to live another earth life, but she would not hear of it.
“I do not believe in reincarnation,” she said. “If only he can be
converted and made to realise that Christ died for his sins, he will
be a new man.” That kind of evangelical teaching is very hard to
eradicate, and I would sooner deal with an out-and-out infidel than
with one of these fundamentalists who regard any other teaching as
emanating from the devil himself. You might as well try to remove
mountains as to clear away the results of this teaching for some

- 32 -
Astral Travel
When you sleep, you often come over here. But you have forgotten
it when you wake. I meet you on the border-line, and while the cord
that attaches you to your physical body is unbroken, we road about
over here. You come to our house, and I explain all the things I
cannot put into words when we are writing. Then, when the time
has passed, too quickly always, I take you back and you wake up.
Sometimes your dreams are mere ramblings of the unconscious,
but very occasionally I am able to imprint on your mind some event
that is about to happen, especially if it is needed as a warning. This
explains what you call prophetic dreams.
We follow many and varied pursuits together during your sleep. We
have traveled all over your world, and we have explored the
Summerland. It is owning to this impressing of your unconscious
mind that I am able to produce this script. All that is described in it
is within your own experience, but you have forgotten it until I
press the switch and turn on the light. The main difficulty is the
jumble of thoughts that flit through your brain, but you are now
better able to attend to what I try to impress, without trying to
forecast the next sentence. The how and the wherefore of this our
contact is easily explained. I have told you how I do it; and you
know why: so that you may write it down and help others to glimpse
the future.
We have been traveling together, and I will try to tell you where we
have been. It was a new journey for you; it was an important
advance, as I had never before been able to take you so far afield.
First we sped through space and saw the stars growing larger and
larger, and finally we landed on one of the nearest planers. It is a
mere husk of volcanic matter and no living thing could exist there.
Millions of years ago, it was inhabited like your earth, but internal
combustion destroyed it. I must remind you of the wonderful
feeling of flitting through space and seeing your earth as a globe,
just as you see geographical details as a whole from an airplane.
To be alone together in space is an awe-inspiring experience, and I
am glad that you have accomplished it. I try to describe to you our
doing of the previous night because the details are clearer in your
subconscious. That is the technique: I show you in your sleep what I
am going to describe for your book, but you will have to cut out
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repetitions here and there, though you will find some useful facts
among the chaff. At one stage of our journey, we met some of the
friends that you have made on this side during your nightly visits.
They were having a joy-ride, too, and we joined them. We did not
stay long on the old planet, as there is no life there, and the chief
interest lay in the journey though space.
At first it was alarming for you, having had no previous experience
of astral travel so far afield, to be hurtling through space. You ask
how there can be any real thrill, since danger, which is the spice of
life, is absent, over here. Danger to the physical body is certainly
absent, but we enjoy other exhilarating experiences. You might as
well argue that the adult animal longs for the thrill of the dangers of
babyhood. Those earth dangers are part of the training that can be
gained only in your earth life, and what you call the thrill is really
joy, anticipatory or retrospective, at the prospect of overcoming
difficulties. Unless there were some joy in conquering them,
nobody would face them, and so their educational value would be
lost. We need no spice of danger here to spur us to take risks,
because there are no physical risks as you understand them. I can
never have the excitement of danger per se, because my body
cannot be injured, but I have other thrills that are just as
fascinating, and you shared one last night when we sped together
through space.
In the same way, there is no need for pain here, which on your side
is of course protective in nature.
It is a fact that most of us are puzzled when we arrive here, but it is
surprising how quickly we adapt ourselves to the new conditions. If
you could recall what you see when you come over in your sleep,
you would not be so puzzled. I am with you then, but it fades from
your memory when you wake. A few people are able to remember
part of what they see over here during sleep, but, as far as I know,
this is a special gift like that of mediumship. It is not a matter of
will-power, or all would remember, and I wish I could help you to
acquire this gift.

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With regard to the animals, I will try to put together some
information on this subject. As you know, life cannot be
extinguished, and the life even of a caterpillar that is trodden under
foot continues after death. But the caterpillar has not evolved to a
sufficiently high state to survive as an individual, so the life
principle reverts to what we may call the cosmic melting-pot, when
come the living part of all creatures including man.
It is only when you come to the highly developed animal that has
learned to love and be loved that individual survival supervenes.
After all, man is at the top of the animal creation, however much
you may dislike this fact, and he can confer immortality on the
lower animals by his love and training. Animals survive up to a
point, but they are not found in the higher spheres where the
conditions would be unsuitable for them. It is a fact that as we
progress, we leave the spheres where there are animals, but this
need not worry you, since you can always visit them, and if you
were still as devoted to them, it would mean that you would not
have evolved to the point of going to the higher sphere.
My contact with the earth plane and my love for the demonstrate
clearly that I am not yet ready for a move; moreover, I wish to wait
for you. Your earth life is so short that you cannot realise that you
may remain hundreds or even thousands of years in the
Summerland. To watch even a hundred years of human
development is very interesting, and sometimes we see the germ of
an idea beginning here and then being passed on to a suitable
person on the earth. Even in your short life, you have seen immense
changes, and you sometimes wonder what your parents would
think of modern developments. Well, you need not wonder, for they
watch with great interest, and it will be just as thrilling for you to
watch the next century’s evolution when you come over.
As I have already told you, by the time you reach the high spheres,
you no longer desire the company of animals. Red Cloud, for
instance, is never accompanied by an animal, though in the lower
spheres he had his horses with him.
The pet animals that come to the Summerland are always puzzled
and distressed because they cannot find their lost masters. It is sad
to se them running about looking for their owners, and that is
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where I come in. I will tell you how I came to start the canine
fellowship, a kind of replica of your Canine Defense League. One
day with when I was in the animal sphere, I found other animal-
loving visitors. They told me that we could take back with us dogs
that were grieving for their owners, and keep them for a time at any
rate, just as you take strays from a dog’s home. But I found that I
should have a vast number if I took all those needing human
companionship, se we held a meeting and decided to found a kind
of dog’s society. Each member takes himself, or herself, responsible
for one or more animals and takes them home for the whole or part
of each day. We take it in turn to be in charge of the dog’s home.
You are always asking how we occupy ourselves, and this is one of
the many things that we do. Often those who look after the dogs get
in touch with their owners, just as I did with you, and help them to
understand that their pets are not dead. Then we take the dogs to
meet their owners when the latter come over here, and I often take
an animal to the rest houses, where they sleep until they have
recovered from the shock of physical death. There was an Alsatian
that would not make friends with anybody, and snarled at us when
we took him to the dog’s home. At last he learned that he could not
injure us or any of the other dogs, and now he is polite though
distant when I go to take him out. You see, we have to be
responsible for these animals, so that they do not make themselves
a nuisance to those who do not like dogs, and a clever animal soon
learns that he can get through the doors of the kennels by
concentrating his attention on so doing.
Then there are other animals such as monkeys, cats, birds and
other pets that need care when they come to our sphere. There are
certain people who cannot help disliking and fearing animals, so
that there has to be a part where animals do not come, a kind of
“out-of-bounds” for them, otherwise even you would not like it if
you met a pet rat or snake. My father, for instance, still has a horror
of cats, and so he never goes into the region where they live. Dogs,
of course, far outnumber the other animals, and there are not many
dog-haters. Other animals go to the animal sphere, where there is
no quarrelling of fighting. The lion lies down with the lamb and so
forth. Sometimes a newcomer, following old instinct, tries to chase
a weaker animal, but he soon learns that he cannot harm it, and so
peace reigns. At first the lamb may be frightened when he sees the
lion, but that, too, passes.

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The great majority of the lower animals are simply reabsorbed into
the essence of life, the cosmic melting-pot as some call it; this life-
essence is drawn upon for new incarnations, so that in the case of
the lowly animals their individuality does not persist, although
nothing can destroy the life-essence. All the beasts that are
slaughtered every day for man’s food and clothing, or for what he
calls sport, are not killed in the sense you mean, since the life-
essence of the smallest insect is immortal. I used often to visit the
animal sphere, but now I have plenty to do with the care of the pet
animals in my own sphere.
People when they come over here, are often surprised to find their
animals waiting for them: dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, birds,
monkeys, etc., and sometimes even so lowly a thing as a tortoise or
mouse. It is, of course, necessary that certain animals should be
killed on your side by other animals or by men, otherwise they
would eat up all your food, and there is naturally no reason why you
should not spray fruit trees in order to destroy pests. Rats and
rabbits must be kept down, and so long as the method is quick and
painless, it is man’s duty to keep down pests. What is wrong and
retards the evolution of the individual is cruelty, deliberate cruelty,
for which the automatic penalty is severe. The same thing applies to
the higher animals, and it is kinder to drown a little of puppies
before they have opened their eyes, than to let them grow up and
become unwanted strays.
All the animals that come to the Summerland are specially loved
pets, but there are many that have been in contact with man that
were not pets, domesticated animals, in fact. These go the animal
sphere, and we animal-lovers can visit then when we like. Many
domestic animals would be entirely at a loss without man’s
company, and many soldiers killed in war spend much of their time
in the animal sphere with their old equine friends. I know one
sergeant who at first went regularly to groom and feed his battery
team, and it was some time before he understood that they no
longer needed corn. I met him one day wandering about, looking
for the forage store.
“What is it, Sergeant?” I asked, and he told me that he could not
find the stores for his team. “they are in a nice field resting,” he
said, “and they have a shed to sleep in and a running stream, but
horses cannot work without their corn.” So I showed him where to
get it, and for a time he fed the animals regularly. It was useless
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explaining that his horses would never have to pull the guns again,
but gradually he came to realise that both he and his team had shed
their physical bodies. Cows, too, and sheep are often looked after by
farm hands, and I remember a particularly savage bull that
attacked everybody who came near him. He had killed a farm lad,
and was shot while goring his victim. It was quite a long time before
he understood that he could not longer injure anybody, and that
nobody was afraid of him. Some animals survive in the animal
sphere for some considerable time, but eventually they are
reabsorbed into the etheric storehouse, whence sooner of later they
go to make up other incarnate creatures. The millions of birds,
rabbits, fishes, insects, etc., that are killed every day on your side,
all pass fairly quickly into the cosmic storehouse.
There is an old man over here (when I say “old” I mean that he was
old when he came over, since nobody is old here) who dislikes
animals. He is not really a bad sort, but when we come across him,
we animal-lovers usually make ourselves invisible, or else we make
the animals invisible. One day he came to my house, and for a
moment I forgot his aversions to animals, so that he was greeted by
all the dogs jumping up and barking. He was so startled that he fell
down unconscious, and it took me all my time to bring him round.
Meanwhile, I sent the animals for a run, telling them to keep away
until I called them. Then, while he was still unconscious, I
suggested to him that he should forget the whole episode. I was not
sure whether I should be successful, but it turned out all right, for
when he woke he did not even know that he had been unconscious.
His fear of dogs is a physical condition persisting from his earth
life, and brought about by a subconscious factor, just as you fear
rats, mice and snakes.
Your dog looks on while I write; he so much wants to join in, but as
we are restricted to this somewhat cumbersome means of
communication, poor Lon is left out, except as regards his being
often with you, which is his great joy. Had you the power to see, you
would know that in all other respects he is equal and free in spirit.
After all, what does the mere seeing amount to? You are so anxious
to see and hear and touch, and apparently you cannot be satisfied
with the knowledge that your dogs are often with you, I think that,
without seeing, you will eventually overcome your skepticism, and
it is un-necessary for me to warn you against the opposite extreme
of superstition, which veils truth and obscures reason.

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It is sometimes stated that even plants and minerals have an
elementary form of spirit, but to me the existence of the ego, the
thing we really love in a human or an animal, is a proof that the
physical body Is not the individual. You may love a rose or a ruby,
or even a house, but in that case you are attracted solely by the
physical image which pleases you owing to its beauty. But you love
your dog whether he be handsome or the reverse, and sometimes
you love him all the more when he has grown old and ungainly, and
to a stranger is perhaps very unattractive. You love his personality
behind the physical coat, and this surely shows that an animal’s
sprit is entirely different from that attributed to an inanimate
object, regarding which the very word “inanimate” indicates its
Let me tell you the story of a dog-owner who came over here
recently. She was a very religious woman, and she was convinced
that animals have no soul. And so would not believe that the dogs I
brought to meet her were real. She insisted that she must be
creaming, and that she would soon wake to find herself back on the
earth. I was asked to talk to her and try to explain things. You do
not realise the harm that is done by false teaching; her thoughts
were so firmly fixed on the lines of orthodox Christianity that she
could not accept conditions as she found them, and it was not until I
found a clergyman who had been over here some time, wand who
knew her in her childhood, that she would believer that she passed
out of matter.
I brought her dogs to her once more, and instead of rejecting the
evidence of her eyes, she realised at last that they were her lost pets.
The clergy have a lot to answer for in misleading the people – blind
leaders of the blind – and willfully blind because they have had the
opportunity of knowing the truth and have rejected it. Instead of
being teachers when they arrive here, they mostly have to take their
seats in the infant class, and learn the elementary lesson that they
are profoundly ignorant. Many reincarnate immediately, because
they are unfit for the Kingdom of Heaven. As for your prelates, they
are the least enlightened of all, and when they find themselves over
here, they are bewildered and ashamed because they had the
opportunity of receiving the light, but rejected it contemptuously.
The aftermath of the wrongs suffered on the earth by the animals is
shown in the restlessness of the world. As for those brutes that are
cruel from a lust for cruelty, and not from ignorance, they will pay
- 39 -
the penalty in a new incarnation. This perhaps explains why some
people suffer more that others on your side; it is a case of automatic
It is sometimes said that all animals are psychic, but I have found
that the mediumistic animal is as rare as the mediumistic human,
and it is astonishing how seldom dogs or cats see us when we visit
you. Dog owners who have passed over often want to comfort the
animal left behind, but it is seldom that the dog is aware of the
beloved’s presence. Very occasionally an animal sees what you call
a ghost; he is not necessarily afraid of the apparition, but he cannot
understand why it is so evanescent. The difficulty of sending a
message to an animal is of course very great, and when it is pining
for its master or mistress, we sometimes help it to come over
quickly. You see, we have not your horror of death, because we
know that nobody ever wishes to return to the earth from this
sphere. From the dark spheres, may would like to return, and this
is why so many undeveloped souls reincarnate. The more highly
evolved spirits do so only for some special reason, so that lowly
souls are constantly pouring back into your world, and this
accounts for the idea that all men are miserable sinners. Many of
them are sinners, and that is why they are back in matter.
One day I was resting when I received a message from a poor soul
who was in trouble about her dog. It was a most attractive mongrel,
and it had been run over by a car. I went at once to find it in the
animal sphere, and after a short interval to enable it to recover
from the shock, I took it to a séance and succeeded in
demonstrating it to the owner. She was delighted but it was not long
before she too passed over, and now she has it in her own home. It
is a friendly little soul, and had made friends with our dogs. As soon
as animals are able to show themselves, they cease to fret, for the
feel that they are once more in contact with the beloved.

- 40 -
Time and the Future
You have often asked me how we keep appointments with you or
with one another, since out perception of time is so different from
yours. It is not correct to say that we have no means of measuring
time. What we mean when we say that we have no “time” here is
that we do not count years, months, weeks or days as you do. The
sun does not rise and set, and we have no extremes of heat or cold,
but we have a measurement that is different from yours, and this
makes your time very puzzling to us. With you, it is merely a
convenient measure recording the number of times the sun has
risen or set, but for us this is unnecessary. I do not know how old I
am unless I calculate your years, but since we never grow old, it is
of little interest to keep a record of how many times your sun has
risen and set since we arrived here, but if we wish to calculate your
years or days, we have to do a sum just as you do when you wish to
convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit.
We do not need dates because, when we make an appointment, it is
automatically registered in our minds, and as the personality
develops, so the power of automatically registering facts we wish to
recall increases. It is not easy to explain, but when we arrange to
meet on a certain day, when the time comes, the other fellow
flashes a signal and summons us. I see your flash if I am otherwise
occupied, but for a regular appointment I come without any
summons, and often I am ready waiting for you when you are late
in spite of your many clocks. A man on this side is not limited by a
lifetime of a given number of years, and that is perhaps whey you
have got the nothing that time is of no importance here. But we are
punctual always. The only way we may miss an appointment is if we
are suddenly called away for something important on your side, but
as our ties with the earth become looser, such a summons become
Every earthly object has its spiritual counterpart, and I have
counterparts of all your antiques, though naturally, I have no
counterpart of your umbrella or mackintosh. Experts over here
produce mechanisms that are far more wonderful than yours, but
they work on different lines and with different materials. I have a
much better watch than yours, but it indicates our time. As your
paying for it, we have our own method of exchange; we do not pay

- 41 -
in hard cash or coin of the realm, but we exchange service of some
kind, or something that we can spare that is useful to the other
We have our times of rest, and during sleep we learn to know
something of the life in the sphere beyond the one in which we live,
although on waking, we forget much of this information, just as you
As you know, we often get a glimpse of the future, but this is not as
important to us as it is to you. At the moment I foresee a world
catastrophe, not universal war, but something that will bring great
danger to civilization. The modern way of waging war is coming
near to the extermination of the race, a kind of Kil-kenny cat
business, where everybody bombs everybody else, until the last
planes crash in flames and the human race perishes. That, of
course, is an exaggeration, but there is a sinister possibility of the
great cities being wiped out and all the elaborate system of
civilization destroyed. In some ways it would be an advantage to the
race, as man would have to start afresh, leading the simple life once
more. This is a possibility I see in the futures: man’s inhumanity to
man brought to such perfection that whole countries will be
devastated with bombs and gases and death-rays.
Recorder’s note: the above was written in September, 1937.
It is a very difficult subject, this matter of foreseeing the future. I
gave you the analogy of the cine film because that was the only was
to make you understand, but the cine roll can be changed, and that
is why I always qualify my forecasts by saying “as things are at
present,” or “as far as I can judge.” Coming events cast their
shadows certainly, but human free-will is always apt to spring a
surprise. Concerning a way, for instance, all the indications may be
that a war will break out, but there is always the possibility that
other influences may succeed in averting it. Your friend’s analogy
was very apt when she said that the incorrect forecasts about this
war were partly due to the pictures we saw of an undamaged
England and France and Germany. But I feared that peace would
not be preserved, and that was why I warned you that war was in
the air, but might be averted.
Recorder’s note: On the 3rd of October, 1938, the following message
was received: “it would be fruitless to make an honourable but
inconclusive peace. I am coming to the conclusion that Hitler does

- 42 -
not truly desire the peace of Europe, and we must make every effort
to make England safe. The truth is not always to our liking, but
there it is.” We inquired whether he meant that war would break
out at once. He replied: “That si unlikely, as he has what he wants
for the moment, but I distrust his offers of general appeasement.”
Three weeks later, we received the following message: “The time
approaches when the price will have to be paid in men, money and
comfort, but eventually I see a strong England again, holding her
own in world affairs. It is so easy to be in that state where one
cannot see the forest for the trees. The situation should be viewed,
not as a close-up, but in proper perspective. Excessive expenditure
on armaments will keep you poor, but it is inevitable. You will see
many developments in the next twelve months that will give you
plenty of outlets for your energy and service.”
To this I interposed: “But since there will be no war in England for
years, cui bono?” The pencil flew over the paper, returning to
underline important words: “I have never made the statement that
there will be no war ever, ever. Years? Oh, no! Rumours of war and
even war. It is all around you, and the basis of life in England
during the coming months will be war. England will have a hard
fight in 1939 – 1940 to maintain her possessions and keep her end
Early in November, 1938, he wrote again as follows: “The more I see
of the European situation, the less I like it. On my way to-day, I
remembered that I must be more explicit about my forecast, as I
fear I have caused you anxiety. All the war threats may be
dispersed, or they may come to a head. Those over here are striving
to prevent war, and they may succeed at the last moment.”

- 43 -
Curative Effect of Colour
I have a story for you that will illustrate the effect of colour. A
fragile flower was bending on its stem, and all its fragrance had
gone. The owner happened to put it is a room where the only light
was purple, and this flower, reddish-yellow in colour, began to
revive. This was due to the complementary action of the colour
rays. Try it and see for yourself.
The effect of colours is very much neglected on your side, and you
might try various colours on your patients. Get an orange-red bulb
for those who are depressed, and blue for those who are excitable.
Your green walls are soothing to those who are agitated and
worried. This is well known over here, and in all our hospitals the
colour treatment is used. Among our patients there was a man who
was insane on your side, and when anyone had been insane
throughout his earth life, it is often necessary to give him prolonged
treatment when he has passed on. As with you, there is sometimes a
diversity of opinion among the doctors.
A newcomer to the medical staff was doubtful concerning the value
of ray treatment, and wished to confine his efforts to suggestive
attempts to rouse the patient from his lethargy. The head physician
agreed that the new doctor should try his own method for a short
time, and when it proved almost useless, he came in one day and
ordered the use of coloured rays. The effect was surprising. The
patient sat up in bed for the first time and spoke, asking where he
was. The effects on the brain being disused throughout the earth
life is to make the owner like a child who has to learn all over again
who to use his limbs after a serious illness, during which their use
has been inhibited. The colour treatment is far more complicated
than you would suppose from the very rough idea I have given you.
Various shades are used, and it needs experience to know which
exact tone should be used in a given case.
I have been studying these colour rays of late, and that is why I
think it may interest you to hear about them. In the case of purple,
for instance, all the many different shades are used according to the
nature of the case. We have more colours than you have, for we can
see the infra-red and ultra-violet shades, all of which have their
names and their therapeutic values. I have seen a patient brought
into the hospital raving in a kind of delirium, and after the
- 44 -
application of the correct shade of violet lamp he has fallen into a
deep sleep and continued to progress to complete recovery. It is
through the skin that the effects are produced, but unless the
patient is wearing a garment of a colour that clashes with the shade
you are using, you need not strip him. Green pyjamas, for instance,
would tend to neutralize a red lamp, but if the patient is wearing a
flimsy nightdress is a pastel or white tone, the rays will penetrate.
But if you can get a much surface of shin as possible exposed to the
light, so much the better. Now let us take the colours seriatim.
ORANGE. – the chief effect of the yellow and orange shades is to
rouse the despondent and idle, and restore energy to the listless.
They are the most powerful of the colour rays, with the exception of
red. The main use to which we put them over here is to rouse those
who sleep too long on their arrival. Some would sleep until what
they would call the judgment day, and our doctors use various
means to wake them. They would wake of their own accord
eventually, but they might slumber for thousands of your years, and
often there is a friend or relative anxiously waiting for the patient
to be roused. The rays work by stimulating the brain cells, and the
first result is that the patient can be roused for short periods, which
gradually lengthen. Some patients resent being roused, and in one
case, where there is nobody specially anxious for her awakening,
the doctors gave up their efforts, and for all I know to the contrary,
that woman is still asleep. She was so positive that she had to sleep
until the last trumpet that nothing could rouse her. This shows you
that false teaching has a concrete result.
RED. – When you use a red light, you must be careful not to do so in
the case of a patient who has strong mediumistic power, or you may
find that he will be controlled by some discarnate spirit. As you
know, a red lamp is used in séances for physical phenomena, not
only because it enables the sitters to see what is going on, but
because it helps the medium to go into trance. You yourself have no
power to produce these phenomena, so that there is no risk of your
being controlled. The moment you find the patient becoming
controlled to the slightest degree, stop the red ray treatment and do
not attempt it again.
GREEN. – The main use of green is to soothe the irritable and to
help the fidgety to control their restlessness. For epileptics a daily
dose of green light often considerably reduces the frequency of the
attacks. Patients who are too restless to occupy themselves are
- 45 -
often benefited by green rays. If you test the various shades of
green, you will find that the more the patient needs soothing, the
bluer should be the light, and vice verse, the yellow green lamp
being useful for those who need stimulating, not so much physically
as mentally. This type of patient is self-centred and fussy, and
selfish with regard to food and physical comfort.
I saw a man being treated by this means on our side. He was one of
those egotists who are always right in their own eyes, and he
ridiculed the idea that he had died and was living in a new world of
spirit. “There is no such thing,” he said, “don’t talk nonsense. How
can I be dead when I am very much alive?” And he threw out his
chest and swung his powerful limbs. He was left for a time to adjust
himself, but one day a relative begged our doctors to help him,
adding that he was now willing to be treated. He had begun to
realise that there was something about this new existence that he
could not understand, and he admitted that he was in need of help.
So we put him in the yellow-green room, and gradually increased
the strength of the rays. He is improving and will soon be a much
happier man.
Sometimes we have failures, but not often, as the doctors here
know whether they can day anything for a given case, and
undertake only those that will derive benefit. But occasionally they
treat a patient in order to satisfy a friend, when the patient should
really have been left to rest longer. I have seen one or two such
cases, and sometimes the patient gets tired of the treatment,
despising it for its apparent simplicity.
BLUE is one of the most soothing of colours, and even in your
world, is used in medical treatment. The ultra-violet ray owes a
large part of its sedative effect to the colour value, and, as you
know, can be useful as a hypnotic. The difference between blue and
violet is one only of degree, and when we reach those ultra-violet
rays that are beyond your ken, we get the perfect anæsthetic, just as
among the infra-red shades we find rays that are powerful enough
almost to raise the dead.
To return to our blue lamp, if you were to substitute blue for red
during this writing, you would find that we should get nothing at
all, since blue definitely inhibits psychic power. Consequently, in
haunted houses, where no other means of laying the ghost are
available, temporary quite could be obtained by means of blue

- 46 -
lamps. In medicine, the blue rays are used over here for allaying
fears, and the kind of áme en peine, of whom you have had some
experience, is soothed by this means. It is strange to me that, in the
asylums on your side, this method of treating excitable patients has
not been tried. The effects of the various shades of blue and violet
vary only in degree. One of the obvious advantages of the colour
treatment is that you can do not possible harm, and the patient’s
relatives could not possibly object to it use. The more likely obstacle
is the usual one of regarding it as too simple to be affective on the
lines of the biblical personage who was reluctant to cure his leprosy
by bathing in the river.

The Messenger
This might be the title of one of the last chapters in our book. I will
tell you about him. He is the incarnation of a high spirit who has
taken up the task of helping the earth, now in a very bad way. All
this killing is becoming wholesale scientific murder, and must be
stopped. It is a sad demonstration of the backwardness of your
civilisation that the nations should be destroying one another, and
constantly sending over here thousands of undeveloped souls,
totally unfit for their new life. Most of them will quickly reincarnate
in order to learn the lessons necessary to enable them to remain
The churches do nothing, and the League of Nations is helpless. The
new teaching will check all the slaughter, but it will take time for
the Messenger to become known, and he himself not yet conscious
of his high mission. He is not a clergyman. The Church has had its
teachers and had disregarded them. He is a writer, and is now
working o a book that will bring him fame: a word of fiction,
because that is all that the masses will read. When he makes his
appearance, you will recall my words, and you will recognise him by
the message he brings.
The earth needs regeneration about every two thousand years,
because, by that time, the original message has been so much
obscured by the additions, dogmas and superstitions of the priests.
The Church is dying, and if no new Messenger were sent, the world
would lose all spirituality. The civilisation of to-day, with all its
death-dealing inventions, makes the outlook more dangerous than

- 47 -
in the days when men fought hand to hand. At first few will listen to
the new Messenger, who will of course be despised by the great
majority, just as was Christ, but in the end he will succeed in
inaugurating a new religion to take the place of so-called
Christianity, which as a European religion, is dead already.
You ask whether there will be the usual “virgin birth” story; no, for
nobody would believe it nowadays. That kind of thing was added
later to Christianity, Buddhism and other religions. At the time,
nobody ever suggested that Christ was other than the carpenter’s
son and it was many years after his death that the miraculous
conception story was invented. The new teacher will be deified in
later years, but while he is doing his work, he will be bitterly
opposed by the bishops and clergy, who will fear to lose their
There will, however, be a few who are sufficiently enlightened to
recognise the Master. Were it not for these few advanced souls who
are on the watch for his coming, his mission would be useless. The
crazy crowd of pleasure-seekers and money-makers would not
trouble to listen, but there are always a few that have not bent the
knew to Baal, and they constitute the leaven that will save the
masses. The more you think about it, the more obvous it becomes
that some spiritualizing influence is badly needed on the earth,
otherwise humans beings would degenerate into mere brute beasts,
and evolution would come to a standstill.
I cannot yet give you his name, but he is British born, and comes
from the North. His teaching will be his passport, and the spread of
Spiritualism is paving the way for his coming. Red Cloud and the
other guides are the advance guard who scratch up the soil, so that
all the seed may not be lost.

- 48 -
Questions and Answers
Question: You often say that we are just the same after passing
over. Does this mean that there are cross, jealous, stupid and
greedy people on your side?
Answer: It would be dull indeed if everybody were made on the
same pattern. We all have our own characteristics, otherwise we
should not be individuals, but merely animated dummies out of the
same mould. As you grow older on the earth, you usually become
more level-headed and less apt to lose your temper. In a similar way
we progress over here. Let us take some of the common causes of
quarrels on your side. Political views are often the source of bitter
disputes. They do not exist in the same sense in the Summerland,
though I occasionally hear people grumbling at the regulation,
though they soon realise that these rules are for the public good.
Money is a great cause of quarrels between the earth folk. It does
not exist here. Jealousy may persist for a very short time, but we
soon see things in a clearer perspective and understand that we
have no cause to be jealous. As to the grosser crimes of violence,
they too, persist, but the souls that you call criminal are not
sufficiently evolved to be here at all. They must reincarnate. When
you take away money and lust, you do away with the main causes of
ill-temper, greed and jealousy. There is no need to be greedy when
you can have all you want be exercising a little thought. Remove
finance from your world, and all war would cease.
I have know people dispute when they first arrive, usually about
religious matters. Those who were ardent Roman Catholics on your
side still seek to convert others to their creed, and are annoyed
when they are unsuccessful. They do not always fail, however. Some
people are attracted by the religious ceremonial and become
Roman or Anglican Catholics. In time, of course, these outward
trappings lose their charm, and I do not know of any advanced soul
who belongs to any religious sect.
Mental disease does not of course exist, but there is still a great
variation in intellectual power. Some cannot take in new teaching
as readily as others, and the pig-headed may for some considerable
time adhere to their former views. I know one man who had been
here longer than I have, and who still insists that he has not died.
He did not believe in Survival, and he refuses to give up his error.
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Here, again, as in so many wide-spread doctrines, there is a
substratum of truth regarding the beneficent effect of a “belief in
the hereafter,” although the word “belief” or “faith” has been
misused. Faith does not imply blind credulity, but most be based on
reliable evidence obtained by persistent search. But the man I
mentioned works hard for others and is happy with his family, and
in time he will probable realise the truth. Otherwise he will have to
Q. Do they dread reincarnation?
A. No, because those who must reincarnate are like fish out of water
over here, and it is for their happiness that they should return to
Q. You say you are happy. Do those in the Summerland ever feel
miserable when they watch their friends on earth in great trouble?
A. The most difficult thing to make you understand is the
exhilaration we feel when we have passed over. Our bodies can
never feel tired, but we sometimes need rest mentally when we have
been working hard. We can feel sorry when we have failed to help
less developed souls, but we know that in the end they will evolve,
and as there is all eternity before them, what is the hurry? There is
a man here who is paying a visit to his friend, who was allowed to
have him on trial. He is not really happy because the earth pull is
too strong, and when he gives way to it, he finds himself among
your fogs and cannot even make himself understood. He was a
betting man, and that is one of the few things we cannot do here.
What could we bet with, since we have no money? What could he do
with the money even if he had its counterpart? It is usually money
that pulls such people towards the earth. It has become a confirmed
habit to heap up more and more money, and without this interest,
his life is tasteless. When he returns in a new incarnation, he will
have to live in poverty so as to eradicate the money passion. As for
alcoholics, it is the same in a minor degree, though there are cases
where it is more an illness, and where the craving disappears after
a long sleep.
That is how the earth lives purify the soul; one by one the failings
are eradicated, and as was have all passed through the undeveloped
stage, there is nothing to boast about when we have reached higher
levels. As to our ultimate destiny, I know no more than you do, and
I need not repeat that I am only a very short step ahead of you.
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Q. Can you work miracles, as described in the New Testament?
A. No, we are not supernatural beings, able to perform miracles
such as giving sight to the blind, or enabling a paralysed man to
walk. We are, as I have very often told you, only a short way ahead
of you, and it is silly to pray to us for material benefits, as some do.
I can no more work a miracle just because I am discarnate, than
you can. Occasionally, I can foresee the future, and this is perhaps
what has given rise to the idea that we can change the course of
nature. We use natural laws in coming to you, and that does not
mean that we can solve all your problems and cure all your
diseases. The only way our spirit doctors can help the sick on your
side is by using new remedies, and by studying the case from a
wider angle.
The miraculous cures in the Bible were brought about by a high
spirit who gave up his high estate in order to help the world. There
is a great change in the appearance of the individual as he
progresses, and it is a fact that if a spirit from a high sphere were to
show himself without first assuming a cloak, you and I might be
temporarily blinded by his radiance. We ordinary folk are quite
incapable of procuring money for you, or healing your wounds
either mental or physical. It is sad sometimes to hear men and
women praying earnestly to us to find them money, employment or
what not.
Q. What is the “double”?
A. The double is a different thing from the spirit. It is a kind of
astral replica of the individual, but the real person is not there. It is
a kind of shell that can be seen, but cannot speak, or see, or hear. It
arises in several ways, e.g. it can be produced by intense thought or
dramatic action. When a man is dying, he may strongly wish to see
some person. In some cases he may be able to appear himself, but
sometimes he cannot accomplish this, although the power of his
desire sends a double that can be recognised. It is not necessary to
be clairvoyant in order to see the double. Anybody can do so, and it
is what is popularly known as a ghost. It is a rare phenomenon.
When I was on your side, I once saw a form of a friend who had
been killed. I woke and saw him standing beside my bed. He tried to
speak, but could not hold the form, and he went away, leaving the
double behind for a moment or two. The double is the cause of
hauntings. It is not the dead man who haunts the house, but merely

- 51 -
his double, generally when some fearful thing has happened such as
murder or suicide. It gradually fades as time goes on and may
disappear when the cause has gone. That is why, sometimes, when a
will is found, or a body buried, the haunting ceases. It is not the
victim himself, but a thought-form held together by the power of
desire. It is not easy to explain, but I think you have grasped the
idea. It is only on rare occasions that all the necessary factors are
present, and that is why haunting is so rare, otherwise there would
be ghosts everywhere, since there are many crimes and disasters.
It, for instance, every hospital patient were to haunt the room in
which he died, nobody could go on living there.
There are occasions when we can appear for a moment, in times of
great stress. It is not a case of mere shell or thought-form; the
actual individual, by a tremendous effort, bridges the gulf for a
short time, usually at the moment of death. There are many such
stories told on your side, and if collected, they would fill a volume
of strong evidence for Survival. I will tell you one that struck me as
It was one of those people who make pledges with their friends that
whichever dies first will appear to the other to prove that he has
survived. The man who passed on – whom we will call Andrew –
was killed during a flight from Italy to Africa. The plane fell into the
sea and was never found, but Andrew recalled his promise during
the interval when a drowning man reviews his past, and he
succeeded in visiting he friend Joan. It was a kind of spectre that
met the horrified woman, as she was getting out of bed in the early
morning. Andrew was dripping wet, and where he stood, a pool of
sea water stained the carpet, and the mark is still to be seen. He
tried to kiss her, but she was so horrified at the sight of this white,
haggard, dripping form, that she screamed and so broke up the
conditions that had enabled Andrew to show himself. Joan was
found half-fainting on the floor, and she insisted that Andrew was
dead, although at that time no news of any disaster had come
through. It was a case of an intense effort enabling a twin soul to
reach the one left behind, and it was successful. More often the one
who is dying appears in a dream so vivid that the dreamer recalls
on waking. Such pledges are rather rash, for in the vast majority of
cases they cannot be fulfilled, and the one left behind is convinced
that the friend has perished.

- 52 -
Q. Is there any truth in the story of the bone taken from an
Egyptian tomb that is said to bring disaster to the owner?
A. The explanation is quite simple. The bone forms a link with its
former owner, and Egyptian, who by this means is sometimes able
to show himself and make physical contact with those who are in
possession of the relic. The spectre, as the newspapers call him,
manifests his presence by breaking things and by other poltergeist
phenomena, and will continue to do so until the bone is restored to
the tomb from which it was stolen. In olden days the Egyptians laid
great store by their physical bodies, and even supplied their
mummies with food and other things, imagining that by so doing
they provided the spirit with the necessities of life. To prevent
thieves from pillaging the tombs, as they would doubtless have
done, the priests laid very powerful magical spells on the contents
of the tombs, especially those of royal personages, and the power
that has been shut up all these years in the sealed tombs is often
still effective when outsiders of any nationality rob the tombs.
The spirit who shows himself is not necessarily the person to whom
the bone belonged. In the case you have in mind, it is a man who
was greatly devoted to the king whose bone is was, and he is
determined to obtain its restoration to the royal tomb. People are
apt to laugh at magic, but it is a very real thing, whether black or
white, and many disasters, including sudden death, have come to
those who have systematically plundered the tombs. Every psychic
manifestation however, by its cumulative effect, helps to
spiritualise the earth, but I should certainly now advise you to
become the owner of any such dangerous object. Now do you
understand it better? The guardian of the tomb is merely carrying
out his self-appointed duty of guarding his master’s property.
The Egyptians, as you know, laid great stress on the preservation of
the physical body, and although this belief is based on ignorance of
the fact that the worn-out body is of no further use to the spirit, it
makes no difference to the powerful forces, some very destructive,
that were deliberately shut up in the tombs. Many of the tombs are,
of course, harmless, and many of the scarabs and little stone figures
have no power to harm their present owners, especially where the
Egyptian owner was an enlightened person, and no hoodoo was put
on his tomb. The fact that these manifestations have taken place
will make people think and ask questions, as you have done, and so

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gain knowledge of spiritual facts. I am glad you asked me about it,
as it has provided a theme for my discourse.
Q. What happens to criminals on your side? Is there any truth in
the theory of a final judgment day?
A. I will try to explain how we deal with criminals over here. Those
whom we regard as the worst criminals are those who have had an
opportunity of knowing the truth, but have refused to listen. They
have not necessarily broken the lows of the world, but they have
committed what Christ called “the sin against the Holy Ghost.” You,
for instance, have learned that the spirit is not the physical body,
and if you refuse to do your best to spread the truth and lived a life
of selfishness, you would be punished far more severely than those
who know nothing about it. As I have often told you, we meet
everyone who comes over, and sooner or later, the soul makes a
kind of balance-sheet showing his credits and debits, the former
being the sum total of his good deeds and the latter the knowledge
that was his. The new arrival is then judged as to whether he must
reincarnate, and those whom you might regard as evil are
sometimes more advanced over here, because they have eventually
found the truth and have tried to live up to it.
Judgment is not quite the right word, since it implies the existence
of a judge, whereas the decision is purely automatic, the result of
the working of the natural law. Just as you get a blister on your
hand if you burn it, so if you have done or left undone certain
things, you automatically find yourself in a certain sphere. There is
a fair assessment of your credits, and I cannot hope to make you
realise the bitter regrets of those who look back and see how they
have misused their opportunities.
All must progress, and nobody can grasp the conditions that lie
ahead. I cannot yet appreciate the conditions of the sphere beyond
the Summerland, but nobody ever wishes to return to any lower
existence, just as you would not care to revert to the life of an
amoeba. The amoeba is happy in its life because it cannot know of
anything better, and even if you could make it understand what a
much better time a frog has, it would doubtless prefer its own state,
and might fear the transition just as you fear death. It is a difficult
thing to explain, but some of those who seem to be least fitted for
eternal life when judged by earthly standards, are the better able to

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adjust themselves to that life. By eternal life I mean the stage where
reincarnation is not longer necessary.
Q. Is there any truth in the teaching of Christian Science?
A. The Christian Scientists have got hold of a partial truth when
they emphasis the power of thought, for over here anything can be
achieved by this means. I have known people recently arrived who
remained lame or blind for a time, because they could not realise
that their physical disabilities no longer existed. It takes time and
patience to remedy the results of wrong-thinking on your side, and
that is whey we have hospitals and doctors. There is often the
argument between doctor and patient, because some are so self-
opinionated that they will not believe that they have lost their
physical ailments. There is a man here now who is blind, seeing
nothing of his surroundings, merely because he does not believe
what the doctors tell him. He was born blind, and he merely replies
that he has tried the faith healing stunt before, and found it useless.
In time he will recover his sight, because when on your side, he
came over here during sleep, and was then able to see. The memory
of these visits will gradually return to him and he will see as well an
Q. Will you tell me more about fairies?
A. On your side you regard fairies as imaginary creatures, invented
for the amusement of children, but they are real sub-human beings,
living an animal existence. They do not propagate as you do; there
are no baby fairies, but they appear in a mature state, being a kind
of solidification of thought. From time immemorial fairies have
existed in the folk-lore of every race, and such is the power of
thought that the idea has taken a concrete form. That is why they
wear the conventional dress of fairy tales, though they do not
possess the supernatural powers attributed to them. They are
nature spirits, assuming for a time the form that has always been
associated with them.
There are many creatures of which you know nothing, and I have
found then a very interesting study. There are flowers that play
music, and other things resulting from centuries of myth and
legend. Many a fairy does not get the opportunity of coming in
contact with humans, but they are vain little things who dearly love
an audience, and once they have been associated with a human,
either on our side or on yours, they are desperately anxious to

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remain in touch with man. That is how the idea has arisen that they
are like irresponsible children, playing with things that they do not
understand, and sometimes causing unintentional damage.
I sometimes watch the fairies on your side, and it is obvious that
their leading characteristic is an insatiable curiosity. I saw two of
them examining the china figures in one of your friend’s cabinets,
and they were so anxious to know whether they were alive that they
kept on pushing them. If the door had been open, they would have
pushed one figure overboard, and the owner would not have been
puzzled at this example of spontaneous fracture. They get the power
to make physical contact only when somebody possessing
mediumistic power is present. Often young people in adolescence
become mediumistic for the time being, and so are associated with
poltergeist manifestations. The poltergeists are seldom human, and
are often mischievous fairies or other sub-human types that take a
childish pleasure in making use of a power they have suddenly
acquired. It is a game to them, and, like children, they soon tire of
it, and so the phenomena cease until some other naughty imps
come along, or the power of the human medium disappears as
suddenly as it came. Someday I will try to get you a fairy and let it
do some tricks, but not with your antiquities!
As for the other sub-human types, they are seldom visible to man,
but they exist all the same. There is a kind of dog and a form of ape
that do not seem to be recognised by naturalists. They are not
dangerous, because they cannot make use of what you call
ectoplasm. Under rare conditions, dangerous creatures have been
evoked at séances, and might do great damage. A kind of unicorn
was once seen at a séance, but this is rare.
Q. Will you explain obsession?
A. Let us discuss the possibilities of dealing with those on your side
who are in the grip of an evil spirit. There are a certain number of
these cases in every mental hospital, and the only thing to do is to
get rid of the entity through a medium, as was done by the
American, Dr. Wickland. (Thirty years Among the Dead) I admit
there are difficulties; few relatives would approve such treatment,
and it is not easy to find a suitable medium, as was done, butit is the
only remedy and it is all part of the patient’s earth experience.
Then the victim dies, the obsessing spirit is of course obliged to
seek another subject. It is a form of disease, and it is a fact that

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from this side we can do little to help. You may improve matters by
building up the patient’s physical condition, but unless you can
provide psychic treatment, it is almost impossible to evict the
intruder. Often obsession is superimposed on a previous mental
illness of instability, for when the brain is affected by physical
disease, the obsessor finds it easier to take possession, and it is rare
for a spirit to succeed in taking control of a healthy person. The
intruder is one who is out of gear with his surroundings, and is
drawn earthwards so strongly that he feels he must at all costs
return to your side and vicariously enjoy it pleasures.
Those I have known had led evil lives when on the earth.
Drunkards, and drug-addicts, unless treated as soon as they arrive,
are liable to return and seek satisfaction for their craving in the
obsession of some individual in whom the spirit is loosely attached
and can therefore be more readily ejected. The spirit of the real
owner hovers about, still attached by a cord, but unable to regain
possession of its own body. It is a wretched existence and we try to
help, but from our side it is very difficult to dislodge the intruder.
Sometimes the cord breaks, and in many cases this is the only way
in which we can help. The physical body dies, and the intruder goes.
Another instance of obsession is what you call Jekyll and Hyde
personalities, fortunately not very common, where two spirits
struggle for the possession of the same body. The real owner is the
one who showed his character first, before the obsession took
place. It is one of the dangers of irresponsible mediumship that this
may arise while the medium is entranced, for those you all
mediums are persons in whom the spirit is loosely attached. You
run no such risk in this writing because you do not go into the
lightest trance.
To you, of course, obsession seems a very serious matter, and it can
bring about the most unhappy results, but you must always
remember that the earth life is only a short phase in your
existence, and nobody can be obsessed over here.

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Confirmation from sources other than “The Soldier”
From a relative.
We find it hard to make you grasp even a small fraction of the
beauties and happiness of your life here. The details you cannot
grasp, but it should suffice when I tell you that we are happy, and
would never willingly return to earth. When I leave you, we shall go
together to the temple where we worship God. You see, we still feel
that divine worship helps us, and so do many others over here. The
music is wonderful, and here again, we cannot explain to you the
difference between your earth music and that of the heavenly hosts.
Then we shall rest awhile in our garden, where the flowers are a
constant delight. We have other occupations, such as teaching some
of the people who have just arrived H. is specially interested in
these poor creatures coming over in large numbers from Spain. We
have learned the language so that we can speak fluently to them, for
when they arrive, naturally they do not understand our methods of
communication by thought-transference.
The higher spheres are just as mysterious to us as ours is to you,
and the Masters who come to help us tell us that the glories to come
will make this life seem pale and dead by comparison. When I came
over, H. met me and explained that our previous religious ideas
were erroneous, that life in the Summerland is for better than on
earth, that there is no sudden change into either saint or a devil,
and that we have a long way to progress before we see God. He also
explained that we had been too narrow in our views, and that it is
wrong to suppose that those who hold views different from ours
will not be “saved,” and that even sin is merely part of evolution.
You know, we used to look askance at the very word “evolution,”
regarding is as something anti-Christian. B., too, came and talked,
and at first it was a great shock to me to learn that all I had been
taught was incorrect. I have seen Zulu (a collie); he spends much
time with B.
One of the important differences between your world and ours is
that here, nobody can be ill or injured, and that fear us unknown.
On your side, fear is an important factor in your life, and even the
most courageous feel fear; fear of illness, fear of being of losing the
beloved by death, fear of losing one’s money as so forth. Over here,
there is nothing to fear. Death no longer exists as a dread angel
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lying in wait for all, and even when we see our earth friends in
trouble, we have no fear or sorrow, because we realise that the
earth life is very short, and that soon you will all be over here.
That is what I want to emphasise; the joy of being here with no fear,
or sorrow, or ill health. Newcomers are often perplexed because
they do not understand that they have cast off their bodies. When
we look forward, we know that there is nothing to fear in passing to
a yet higher sphere, though that may not be for a very long time, as
you count years. As far as I know, none that were on the earth with
us have yet passed on to the next sphere. We sometimes see visitors
from the next plane, who come to help their friends, and who
sometimes lecture on the life beyond. The hour of your coming is
known to us, but we are not allowed to tell you, as it might make
you frightened. But remember that death is not a thing to dread,
and that when you have arrived over here, all your troubles will be
ended, and you will be able to help your friends the better for
having known something about the life to come.
We were ignorant, and you are fortunate in having come in contact
with spiritual things. Spiritualism never came our way, and as for
your writing, we should have thought you were out of your mind! As
we grow in spiritual experience, so we discard our earthly desires,
and as we no longer need certain organs, so they slowly atrophy. I
have all my teeth, and as to digestive organs, as far as I know, they
are still there. But we neither perspire nor excrete in the same way,
our food being different, and less material as we progress. We eat
fruits and salad, but no meat or anything that would involve
slaughter. In time, I am told, all nourishment comes from the
atmosphere, and when we feel tired, we rest and inhale.
At first we have the earth habit of going to bed, but here again, as
we use our new powers, so we need less rest. There is always plenty
to do. You ask whether we need to wash. We certainly need no soap,
as there is nothing here to produce dust of dirt, but we often bathe,
because some streams possess certain powers, and we derive fresh
energy in this way. Then, too, we often bathe in certain light rays,
something like your U.V.R., but for more powerful. At first we wear
clothes like those on earth, but gradually, as be become used to the
new life, we prefer something simpler.
You say that “robes” sound clumsy. That is only because you do not
understand, and I find it hard to explain. They might seem clumsy

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to you, but here one’s clothing seems to be a part of oneself, and the
colour varies according to one’s progress. You ask why nakedness
should be indecent. The mere fact of being without clothing is not
wrong, and with you, the idea has arisen merely because it might
rouse certain evil passions. At first these passions may continue in
the case of some people, but there is no sin over here, because we
realise that for every infringement of the laws of nature, a penalty
will have to be paid. As to eternity, we know very little more than
you do, and there are some here who say that eventually we all
return to the melting-pot and lose our individuality. Others deny
this, and I do not know what I shall become, but I am content to
wait for further knowledge.
From another relative (H. mentioned above).
You always want to know about conditions here, and I have thought
out a short discourse on this subject much as I used to prepare the
ignorant sermons I preached! Soon after arriving here, I began to
take an interest in communicating with the earth. B. had made no
effort to do this, as none of us were able to receive her messages,
but I made up my mind to try to remedy some of the wrong
doctrines I had taught. What might I not have accomplished as a
clergyman, if only I had had your knowledge!
I met a clergyman who is an expert in these matters, and for a long
time I worked with him until I had learned to control trance
mediums. I found, however, that our audiences were so limited that
we made very little progress in enlightening the world. If only the
Church would open its doors to this knowledge, what a wonderful
opportunity to spread the truth, instead of which, the clergy go on
preaching uninspired sermons, and are a definite hindrance to
spiritual progress. It was useless for me to try to get in touch with
any members of my family, as at that time none of them took the
slightest interest in these matters.
Then I met “the soldier” and found that he was in touch with you,
and, as you know, he helped us to write. But we still feel a strong
aversion to discussing family matters in public, and so we never
attend séances. That is why you never receive a message from us at
such gatherings. We know that you are satisfied as to our continued
existence and well-being, and it is therefore unnecessary for us to
overcome our distaste and demonstrate our presence in this
somewhat theatrical way. When I was on earth, I was very ignorant,

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but I was always convinced that death was not the end, and I
believed that the details of our future life were intentionally hidden
behind the veil. If only I had known, I could have helped many.
When I look back, I am sorry I was so benighted, but I could not
reach what I did not know myself. The Messenger is preparing to
bring more light to your earth, and then, if the Church refuses to
accept his teaching, it will perish, and another religion will take its
Sometimes we can turn over the film of the future. Science and
religion will join hands, and all these new rays will help scientists to
realise the reasonableness of the theory of the etheric body. In time,
there will be easy communication between the two worlds, and men
will look back on the present state of affairs as an age of spiritual
darkness, much as you look back at the Middle Ages. You are
fortunate in having learned so much that is a sealed book to most of
the earth folk, and you will not be bewildered when you come over,
knowing as you do something of our life. You have a mind
singularly suited to receive revolutionary truths. Your scientific
training helped you to discard the errors of your early life, and to
examine all theories before accepting them. I, on the other hand,
accepted what I was taught without challenging its truth, and I
considered it wrong to question the accuracy of the Church
We do not have the same bodily functions as you do, and our health
is never out of gear, so that doctors over here deal only with the
mind, and all our hospitals are for rest cures, or for the treatment
of mental disorders among the newcomers, due to remorse or
ignorance. There is not need for medication, although, if a patient
is convinced that the needs physic, the doctors may sometimes
administer is as a placebo. That is of course for newcomers only. As
for injuries, broken limbs and the like, they do not exist over here,
and any apparent injury is repaired at once by the power of
thought. Dentists and veterinary surgeons are not needed on this
side, and they do other work.
There are many newcomers here who are so bewildered that if they
did not sleep for some considerable time, they would be unhappy.
Yes, it is possible to unhappy here, and it does not necessarily
follow that they are unfit for this plane and should and should be in
a lower one. There are many well-intentioned earth people who
have lived for others, e.g. some of the missionaries who honestly
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believe that they are doing God’s will in converting the heathen. It is
the wrong teaching of the Church that is responsible for much
bewilderment over here. They are blind leaders of the blind, and
when their followers arrive here, everything is so different from
what they were led to expect that they cannot understand. No
judgement day, no harps, no angel’s wings; merely, so far as they
can see, a continuation of their earth life. If we had our earth lives
over again, we should be so different, but then, that was the
teaching in our time.
The most important matter for our consideration is work. I must
make it clear that we enjoy our work, in spite of the fact that we
often put our whole energy into doing something that we regard as
important, only to fail in the end. But we are not depressed or
unhappy, as you might be, because we knew when we started that
the issued was in doubt. We cannot force man to take the higher
course; he has free will always, and in the matter of this war, we
were unsuccessful. I find it easier to write of the life over here than
to give tests concerning earth matters. I am neither a politician nor
a prophet. Your world is going mad for what they think will bring
freedom, whereas the chains will be heavier than ever. They are
fools, chasing a will-o’-the-wisp, for nobody is truly free until he has
cast off his physical body. The only wisdom is to seek knowledge
and truth.
From Red Cloud.
Pay attention to what I say, for it is a difficult matter to explain in a
few words, and to do so properly would take several hours. Life is
in everything – in stone, in water, in plants; life but not soul. Life in
the raw coming into matter vibrates on a slower basis than the
purified vibrations of eternal life. The lower plane slowly evolves
until it touches that of eternal life; each stage dies out, and the next
takes on finer vibrations until the apex of matter is reached in man.
All life must evolve to a higher plane, and the lowly animals have
not touched the lower strata of spirituality.
The dog is on a higher basis, and often knows the difference
between right and wrong. He imbibes man’s vibrations through
living with man, for the vibrations intermingle, and those of man
are bound to influence those of the dog. Matter is the stage through
which all life travels after consciousness has been awakened. You
who are in matter see so little of what is actually under your noses.

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The body is not the life; it does not count, and if you were in an
animal body, your yourself would be just as you are now, except
that your means of expressing yourself would be limited.
This planet will go on for a considerable time yet but when man has
become capable of using his vibrations to bring out a higher state of
existence, matter will automatically drop away. Then there will be
no matter, only spirituality. There is only one Lord and one God:
perfection, and what you call the devil is undeveloped matter.
Man has absolute free will, you have lived before, and you will go on
living. Let us be logical: you are eternal, and so there is no
beginning and no ending. Some men and women live self-
sacrificing lives, while others are brutal, hard, selfish. You cannot
explain these differences by the constitution of your physical
bodies, for if a man chooses to return to a “bad” body, he does so of
his own free will, so that he may work through it in order to gain
experience. Those who have to fight their environment are given
credit in so far as they have tried. It is the law that man reaps what
he has sown. If you do not eat and drink, your physical body will
die; that is the law of matter. The spiritual laws are even more
perfect, and man is reaping to-day what he has sown in the past.
Remember always this law when you hear men blaming the Deity
for the suffering that exists on your earth.
All suffering is caused by the disorganisation of the natural laws of
God, and it automatically brought about by wrong thinking, and by
lopping off from the human tree the branches of spirituality. When
man has readjusted himself to the laws, there will be no more war
and no more suffering, and this will take place when his vibrations
have reached to apex of evolution. The master helps the pupil when
his sums, but it is the pupil who must do the actual addition,
otherwise he would not progress. There are so many who are in the
lowest standard, and they would not believe though one rose from
the dead. We are here mainly to help those in the higher standards,
though we are willing to do what we can for the babes. We cannot
force them; they must work out their own salvation.
Matter is only illusion, and man has sought the illusion so long that
he has become spiritually bankrupt. A while ago I was sent to the
astral to meet a very wealthy man who had passed on. He had
neglected to help his poorer brethren, and he came over with a
great love of luxury. He said: “Where are you taking me?” I replied

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that I was conducting him to his spiritual home. As last we reached
a little shanty with no windows, and only the bare walls. “where is
my mansion, and were are my servants?” he asked. “This is all the
material you have sent over, my son,” I replied.
Fred has a wonderful home over here, and he was not a “young
soul” when he came. Since than he has added much to the house
and gardens. His home is all windows facing east, and in the garden
he has his animals, and they are free to roam as they like.
We move merely by an effort of will, but to reach your earth, we
must adjust our vibrations. The scientists over here helped to bring
my body down from the high vibrations of our spheres to those of
your world, which is surrounded by heavy grey mists. The difficulty
we sometimes experience in giving names is due to the difference in
the rate of vibrations, and when I use my medium’s body, I have to
tune my vibrations to hers.
One day she brought me a man who had tried, without success, for
fourteen years to get in touch with his brother who had passed over.
I told him that it was useless, as his brother was asleep and had
been sleeping ever since he came over, because he believed that he
must sleep until the day of judgment, and we could not wake him.

Notes: In typing out this text I have kept to the original punctuation and spelling. The first
publication of this book was in 1941 and the copy this is taken from was published in 1951.
If this copy, so freely available, infringes some copyright I will remove it, however, those
who are working for spirit, as I am, know that this text should be available everywhere. Who
can put a copyright on the word of Spirit, if that is what it is! The main author is reputed to be
“The Soldier” and I don’t expect he is interested in any income for his writings.
The message of Spirit is for the world not just a few people.

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