Imaging and Design For Online Environment

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Imaging and Design for Online Environment

Graphic Design Element

o Line can be considered in two ways. The linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge
created when two shapes meet.
o A shape is a self-contained defined area of geometric or organic form. A positive shape in a
painting automatically creates a negative shape.
o Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.
o All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability
and tranquility. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests
movement and action
o Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. Texture can be
physical (tactile) or visual.
o is used to generate emotions, define importance, create visual interest and unify branding.
See our post on Color Psychology for more detail.

Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout

o A distribution of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis. Symmetrical balance uses the
same characteristics. Asymmetrical uses different but equally weighted features.
o The arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark, rough vs. smooth, small vs. large, etc)
in a composition so as to create visual interest.
o Used to make certain parts of an Artwork stand out. It creates the centre of interest or focal
point. It is the place in which an Artist draws your eyes first.
o The way the artist leads the eye in, around, and through a composition. The path the eye
follows. Motion or movement in a visual image occurs when objects seem to be moving in a
visual image. Movement in a visual image comes from the kinds of shapes, forms, lines, and
curves that are used.
o The repetition of specific visual elements such as a unit of shape or form. A method to
organize surfaces in a consistent regular manner.
o Regular repetition of, or alternation in elements to create cohesiveness and interest.
o Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with one another.
o This uses several design elements to draw a viewers attention.

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