Strong Conservative Form of The Incompressible Navier-Stokes

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Strong Conservative Form of the Incompressible NavierStokes

Equations in a Rotating Frame with a Solution Procedure
CFD Laboratory, NSF Engineering Research Center, Mississippi State University, P.O. Box 9627, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762

Received August 14, 1995; revised June 5, 1996

vector and casts the governing equations with respect to

The NavierStokes equations in a rotating frame of reference the rotating frame, resulting in two source terms, viz., the
have been formulated in the so-called strong conservative form, i.e., Coriolis force term and the centrifugal force term. It is
without the traditional source terms, viz., the Coriolis and centrifugal possible to express the centrifugal force term as the gradi-
forces. These equations have been coupled with the continuity equa-
ent of a potential and so the Coriolis force remains as the
tion by using the modified artificial compressibility method in order
to develop an implicit numerical scheme that has third order accu- only true source term in this formulation. For the case of
racy in space and second order accuracy in time. This scheme uses a self-rotating gravitational body such as the earth, the
the Roe fluxes and the MUSCL extrapolation techniques to obtain centrifugal force is accounted for in its gravity. Until now
the desired accuracies in space and the backward Euler formula this is the formulation used by the majority of researchers
to obtain the desired time accuracy. The flux Jacobians and their
to solve oceanographic flow problems. However, as has
eigensystem are presented which are required in the development
of the numerical scheme. The resulting scheme was used to solve been shown in this work a simple tensor identity can be
the Ekman boundary layer problems with (a) no slip and (b) applied used to cast the governing equations in a rotating frame
surface stress boundary conditions and excellent agreement be- in the so-called strong conservative form. This opens up
tween computed and exact solutions has been obtained, supporting new possibilities of building alternate numerical ap-
the new formulation of the governing equations as well as the
proaches to solving the governing equations in a rotat-
solution procedure. Q 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
ing frame.
The classical formulation of the governing equations
1. INTRODUCTION in a rotating frame is just one particular way of solving
oceanographic flow problems. A time marching approach
Fluid flow problems can be analyzed by formulating the using this set of equations would solve for the components
governing equations in either an inertial frame or a non- of the relative velocity vector at every time step. An alter-
inertial frame. The frame of reference is usually chosen nate approach would be to solve the governing equations
depending upon the problem at hand. Thus one would cast using the absolute velocity vector in the local time
normally choose an inertial frame to study the flow over derivative term. A time marching scheme using this set of
a stationary airfoil in a uniform flow and a non-inertial equations would solve for the components of the absolute
frame to study the flow through a compressor or turbine velocity vector at every time step. The formulation pre-
as well as oceanographic and atmospheric flows. In the sented by Vinokur [2] (see Eq. (2.9) below) utilizes the
later case the particular non-inertial frame would be a absolute velocity vector and casts the equations in a strong
rotating frame. In the general case of non-inertial frame conservative form (i.e. without source terms) to describe
it is possible to have coordinate lines that rotate, translate, the flow in a general non-inertial frame. This formulation
and deform. While casting the governing equations to de- uses the unsteady Eulerian coordinates for describing a
scribe the flow in a non-inertial frame there are two choices compressible flow from which the analogous equations for
regarding the velocity vector. Either it can be the velocity incompressible flows can be derived by setting the density
vector with respect to the absolute (inertial) frame, hereaf- to be constant.
ter called the absolute velocity vector for brevity, or it can The classical formulation in the rotating frame as well
be the velocity vector with respect to the relative (non- as the formulation of Vinokur [2] expresses the governing
inertial) frame, hereafter called the relative velocity vector equations using the Eulerian description, and that pro-
for brevity. Depending upon this choice various formula- vides an additional choice in the formulation through the
tions result. local time derivative. The formulation of Vinokur [2]
The classical formulation of a flow in a rotating frame expresses the local time derivative in the absolute frame,
(see for example, Gill [1]) utilizes the relative velocity whereas the classical formulation of a flow in a rotating
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frame expresses the local time derivative in the rotating non-dimensional tensor invariant form is given by (see, for
frame. Agarwal and Deese [3] have applied the formula- example, Gill [1])
tion of Vinokur [2] for a rotating frame and expressed

the local time derivative in the relative frame and put
v 1
forth a formulation where only half of the Coriolis force 1 = ? vv 1 pI 2 s 1 2V 3 v 1 b 5 0, (2.1)
is expressed as the source term and the other half is t Re0
absorbed in the divergence term. The present work can
be considered as an extension of the formulation of where v 5 v*/U0 is the non-dimensional velocity vector
Agarwal and Deese [3] in the sense that the remaining with respect to the rotating frame, t 5 tU0 /L is the non-
half of the Coriolis force has also been absorbed into dimensional time, p 5 (p* 2 p0)/%0U 20 is the non-dimen-
the divergence term so that the momentum equation of sional pressure, V is the angular velocity of the rotating
an incompressible flow in a rotating frame is cast in the frame, s is the Stokes tensor, and b is the body force. Re0
strong conservative form. From a theoretical point of is the Reynolds number, and Re0 5 %0U0L/e0 , where %0
view all these formulations are equivalent. But from a is a reference density, U0 is a reference velocity, L is a
numerical point of view there are differences between reference length, and e0 is a reference coefficient of viscos-
these formulations. For example, a steady flow in a rotat- ity. A tilde over a quantity denotes that it is a tensor and
ing frame would appear as an unsteady flow in an absolute boldface denotes that it is a vector. The Stokes tensor is
frame. Thus time accurate solutions are needed if one is given by
expressing the local time derivative with respect to the
absolute frame with absolute velocity components. There
exists a large amount of literature (see, for example, Yee s 5 e(=v 1 =Tv) (2.2)
[4]) that discusses the effect of source terms on a numeri-
cal scheme. Experience reported in Ref. [4] by various where e 5 e*/e0 is the non-dimensional coefficient of
authors has shown that it is always advantageous to avoid viscosity. The superscript T in Eq. (2.2) denotes the
the source terms, if possible, and cast the governing transpose operation. The only body force considered is
equations in the strong conservative form. that due to gravity and is given by b 5 n/Fr 2, where Fr is
From a numerical point of view, one of the advantages the Froude number given by Fr 5 U0 / aL, where a is the
of expressing the Coriolis term in a conservative form, in acceleration due to gravity and n is the local normal to
other words, in a divergence form, is that it fits in a natural the earths surface. In Eq. (2.1), /t denotes the local
manner in a finite volume scheme, since fluxes are evalu- time derivative with respect to the rotating frame. In other
ated at the cell faces in such a scheme whereas source terms words, if im , m 5 1, 2, 3, are the Cartesian base vectors in
need to be evaluated at cell centers. A more important the rotating frame then, by definition,
advantage is that in a higher order numerical approxima-
tion of the fluxes the Coriolis term naturally enters the
v (vmim) vm
flux Jacobian matrix, as can be seen from the Appendix, 5 5 im (2.3)
and a higher order representation for the Coriolis term is t t t
thus possible.
It is shown that the momentum equations in the rotating It can be easily verified that
frame can be cast either with the absolute velocity vector
appearing in the local time derivative or with the relative
V 3 v 5 v ? =(V 3 r), (2.4)
velocity vector appearing in the local time derivative,
where, in both cases, the local time derivative itself is
expressed with respect to the rotating frame. Both of the where r is the radius vector from the origin of the rotating
formulations are numerically examined together with the frame. Using the tensor identity for any two vectors a and
formulation where half of the Coriolis force is treated as b (see Morse and Feshbach [5]),
a source term. The resulting momentum equations are
coupled with the continuity equation using the modified = ? (ab) 5 a ? (=b) 1 b(= ? a), (2.5)
artificial compressibility method.
and the fact that = ? v 5 0, which follows from the conserva-
tion of mass, it is seen that
The momentum equations governing the (oceanic) flows
over earth, which is a self-rotating gravitational body, in V 3 v 5 2= ? (vw), (2.6)

where w 5 2V 3 r. Therefore, Eq. (2.1) can be written previously. The Stokes tensor is given by
s 5 e(=u 1 =Tu). (2.10)
1 = ? v(v 2 2w) 1 p9I 2
s 5 0 (2.7) It must be noted here that Warsi [7] follows the linear
transformation representation (see Truesdell and Noll [8])
for representing tensors whereas this work has adopted
Note that the body force has been combined with the the dyadic product representation (see Morse and Fesh-
pressure by using the body force potential in the manner bach [5]) for representing tensors. Hence, the equations
prescribed by Beddhu et al. [6], that is, p9 5 p 1 x /Fr 2, found in Ref. [7] are suitably modified to fit the representa-
where x is the body force potential due to gravity. Equa- tion adopted in this work.
tion (2.7) is the strong conservative formulation of the Since a rotating frame is a particular case of non-inertial
NavierStokes equation for incompressible flows in a frames for which Eq. (2.9) is applicable, it must be possible
rotating frame. To the authors best knowledge this is to derive the momentum equation in a rotating frame from
the first time the NavierStokes equations have been Eq. (2.9). However, the concept of grid speed is not valid
presented in a rotating frame without both source terms. with respect to an observer situated in the rotating frame
Note that such a formulation is not possible for com- since the grid does not move with respect to him/her.
pressible flows since = ? v ? 0. The continuity equation Following Warsi [7], instead of considering w as the grid
in the modified artificial compressibility method [6] is speed, one poses the question of what form of w in Eq.
given by (2.9) would result in the NavierStokes equations in a
rotating frame. It is an exercise problem in Ref. [7] to show
that substituting w 5 2V 3 r, where V is the angular
1 b= ? v 5 0 (2.8) velocity of the rotating frame and r is the radius vector
t from the origin of the rotating frame in Eq. (2.9), results
in the classical rotating frame equation in a gravitational
where b is the artificial compressibility parameter. field, i.e., the centrifugal force term, V 3 (V 3 r), which
Even though Eqs. (2.8) and (2.7) form a complete set of has to be added to the left-hand side of Eq. (2.1). Hence,
governing equations for solving the oceanic flow problems, in order to arrive at Eq. (2.1) this term has to be subtracted
further insight into the alternative formulations of the mo- from Eq. (2.9) to obtain
mentum equation available for solving the geophysical flow
problems can be gained by looking at an alternate deriva-
tion, starting from the governing equations with respect to
an arbitrary non-inertial frame. Since a generalized setting
1 (gu)
g t
1 = ? vu 1 pI 2
s G (2.11)
is considered, the strong conservative form of the govern- 1 b 2 V 3 (V 3 r) 5 0.
ing equations is presented for the case of a rotating frame
in a gravitational field (a turbomachinery problem, for It is emphasized that now Eq. (2.11) is applicable only to
example), in addition to the case of a self-gravitating, rotat- self-gravitating, rotating bodies like the earth. Note that
ing body such as the earth. the time derivative in Eq. (2.11) is still with respect to the
The momentum equation for viscous, incompressible inertial frame. Equation (2.11) is the appropriate equation
flows in a non-inertial frame of reference in a gravitational to be used when the rotation of the earth is prescribed
field, in a non-dimensional, vector invariant form is given through grid motion. In addition to the rotation of the
by (see, for example, Warsi [7]) earth, one can also include the effects of the evolving free
surface using moving grids in a natural manner. For the

case of a rotating frame with a constant angular velocity,
1 (gu) 1 V, using the relations given in Section 3.10B of Ref. [7],
1 = ? vu 1 pI 2 s 1 b 5 0, (2.9)
g t Re 0 it can be proved easily that

where g is the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation, 1 (gu) u

5 1V3u (2.12)
u 5 u*/U0 is the non-dimensional velocity vector in the g t t
absolute frame, v 5 u 1 w is the non-dimensional velocity
vector relative to the moving frame, w is the non-dimen- where /t denotes the local time derivative with respect
sional grid speed vector, and other quantities are as defined to the rotating frame. Equation (2.11) can now be re-

written, using Eq. (2.12), as in accounting for gravity then all one needs to do is to
replace p9 by p in Eq. (2.16).

Agarwal and Deese [3] derived the compressible Euler
u 1
1 = ? vu 1 p9I 2 s 1 V 3 v 5 0, (2.13) equations analogous to Eq. (2.13) for a rotating frame in
t Re0 a gravitational field (whose effects were neglected) and so
had V 3 u instead of V 3 v as the source term. For the
where v 5 u 1 w 5 u 2 V 3 r is the velocity with respect sake of completeness it is mentioned here that for the
to the rotating frame. Note that the body force has been general case of a rotating frame in a gravitational field
combined with the pressure by using the body force poten- the analogous strong conservative form of the momentum
tial as before. Substitution of Eq. (2.6) in Eq. (2.13) re- equation is
sults in

1 = ? v(u 2 w) 1 p9I 2
s 5 0. (2.14)
1 = ? vu 2 uw 1 p9I 2
s 5 0. (2.16)

Equation (2.14) is an alternate strong conservative form The starting point for obtaining Eq. (2.16) is Eq. (2.9).
of the NavierStokes equations in a rotating frame, appli- Note that the second term within the divergence operator
cable for a self-gravitating, rotating body like the earth. in Eq. (2.16) is 2uw whereas it is 2vw in Eq. (2.14). Note
Note that Eq. (2.7) can be recovered from Eq. (2.14) by also that 2uw 5 2vw 1 ww, and it can be easily verified
substituting u 5 v 2 w 5 u 1 V 3 r. The main difference using the relations provided earlier in this paper that
between Eqs. (2.7) and (2.14) is that in a time marching = ? [ww] 5 V 3 (V 3 r). Since the case being considered
approach one would solve for the relative velocity compo- in this paragraph is a rotating frame in a gravitational field
nents using Eq. (2.7), whereas one would solve for the (like a turbomachine, say), as opposed to the case of a
absolute velocity components using Eq. (2.14). The conti- self-rotating gravitational field (like the earth) which was
nuity equation in the modified artificial compressibility considered earlier, the term V 3 (V 3 r) which was sub-
method [6] is given by tracted earlier in Eq. (2.11) should be added back to it,
and that is what leads one to Eq. (2.16).
The fully conservative formulation of the momentum
1 b = ? u 5 0, (2.15) equation is given in the compact vector and tensor nota-
t tions, thus far. However, in order to solve the equations,
numerically or otherwise, one has to write the momentum
where b is the artificial compressibility parameter. equation in its component form. When resolving the
So far, the discussion is focused on deriving the govern- momentum equation into component form one is pre-
ing equations appropriate for geophysical flows. In other sented with many choices. These choices arise due to the
words, the governing equations (2.7) and (2.14) are appro- fact that the vector and tensor quantities can be expressed
priate for flows over bodies, such as the earth, which are with respect to any set of coordinates independent of
self-rotating and self-gravitating bodies. That is, they rotate the coordinates one chooses to express the divergence
on their own accord and have their own gravity fields. operator itself. Traditionally, however, the set of coordi-
However, there are bodies of practical interest, such as a nates chosen for resolving the vector and tensor quantities
turbomachine, that rotate in an external gravitational field. is the same as the one chosen for expressing the diver-
In the case of the earth, the centrifugal force that arises gence operator. Thus, Cartesian velocity components are
due to the rotation of the earth is combined with Newtons chosen when the divergence operator is expressed in
law of gravitation to arrive at an effective value of the Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical components are chosen
acceleration due to gravity, viz, 9.81 m/s 2. In the case of when the divergence operator is expressed with respect
a turbomachine in an external gravitational field, however, to cylindrical coordinates, and so on. The problem, for
one has to account for the centrifugal force created by example, with choosing cylindrical components of the
the rotating parts of the machine explicitly, regardless of vector and tensor quantities when expressing the diver-
whether one considers the effect of the external gravita- gence operator in cylindrical coordinates is that Christoffel
tional field or not. In the next paragraph the governing symbols appear explicitly, thereby preventing the conser-
equations are given for the case of a rotating frame in a vative formulation in the component form. Therefore, if
gravitational field. To fix ideas, one can consider the rotat- one wants to come up with a conservative formulation
ing frame to be a turbomachine. If one is not interested in the component form also there is only one choice.

That choice is to express the vector and tensor quantities lished by Roe [10], van Leer [11], and others. Therefore,
in Cartesian components, no matter what coordinates are only the tools needed for constructing the inviscid fluxes
chosen to express the divergence operator. Since non- are provided in Appendix A. The numerical method to
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates are the most general be described has been presented in detail elsewhere
coordinates, the divergence operator is expressed with [9, 1214]. Only a brief description is given in the
respect to such a coordinate system in this paper. The next section.
resulting equations are given in (A.1) (see the Appendix).
The code UNCLE.OMAS (unsteady computation of field
equationsold man and the sea) is written to solve Eqs.
(A.1). Thus, suppose one is interested in the flow over 3. NUMERICAL PROCEDURE
a sphere. Then one can construct a grid based on spherical
coordinates and the appropriate metrics will automatically The numerical scheme used in this study is similar to that
be computed. However, the real advantage of this ap- proposed by Pan and Chakravarthy [12] and is discussed in
proach is that one does not have to create a grid based detail by Taylor [9] and Whitfield and Taylor [13]. An
on spherical coordinates. As long as the body shape is extensive discussion of the methodology applicable to two-
maintained spherical, any set of coordinate lines can be dimensional flows has been presented by Whitfield and
created, analytically or numerically, and the same code Taylor [14]. The approach taken in this work is to solve Eq.
can be used to solve the flow field. (A.1) implicitly using the discretized Newton-relaxation
Even though Eq. (2.9) (after expressing the body force (DNR) scheme [13], where the fluxes at the cell faces are
in terms of the body force potential) and Eq. (2.16) are in obtained using the Roe scheme [10] with higher order
fully conservative form and a time marching scheme in accuracy achieved using the MUSCL approach (van Leer
both cases would solve for the absolute velocity compo- [11]; Whitfield and Taylor [14]). Writing Eq. (A.1) in the
nents, the important difference between them is the posi- discrete form, one has
tion of the observer. While in the case of Eq. (2.9) the
oberver is situated in the inertial frame, he/she is situated
in the rotating frame in the case of Eq. (2.16). Thus the 3 Qn11 2 4 Qn 1 Qn21
grid remains stationary in the case of Eq. (2.16) whereas 2 Dt
the grid has to be moved and all the metrics need to be
recomputed at each time step in the case of Eq. (2.9).
1 F in111/2
2 F in211/2
1 G jn111/2
2 G jn211/2
Steady flows in the rotating frame can be computed using (3.1)
n11 n11
time inaccurate schemes using Eq. (2.16), whereas they 1 H kn111/2
2 H kn211/2
1 F vi11/2 2 F vi21/2
require time accurate computation of Eq. (2.9). n1 1 n11 n11 n11
A time marching upwind scheme for the set of equations 1 G vj11/2 2 G vj21/2 1 H vk11/2 2 H vk21/2 5 0
(2.14) and (2.15) would typically solve for the pressure and
the Cartesian components of the absolute velocity vector.
Either one can solve the set of equations (2.14) and (2.15), where F in111/2
5 F(Qin2111 , Q in11 , Q in1111 , Q in1121) and so on. Note
or the set (2.7) and (2.8), by the numerical method pre- that for a higher order flux representation F in111/2 1
n11 n11
sented in the following section. For both sets remarkably on Q i21 and Q i12 as well. If Eq. (3.1) is expanded for each
similar sets of eigensystems are derived. These eigensys- grid cell, a system of algebraic equations are obtained in
tems again differ from that derived by Taylor [9] for Eq. terms of q n11 at each grid cell where q n11 5 Qn11 / g n11.
(2.9) only slightly which results in minimum code modifica- Strictly speaking, F n11 is a function of both q n11 and the
tions. metrics at n 1 1. Since the metrics at n 1 1 are known, no
The solution procedure for the set of equations (2.14) linearization needs to be done with respect to the metrics.
and (2.15) is called the absolute-velocity procedure and Hence Eq. (3.1) is regarded as a function of q n11 alone. In
that for the set of equations (2.7) and (2.8) is called the functional form, Eq. (3.1) can be represented as
relative-velocity procedure. Because of the choice of the
equations the solution procedure as presented here is
valid for geophysical flows only. For turbomachinery type X(q n11) 5 0. (3.2)
flows one could derive analogous procedures using Eq.
(2.16) instead of Eq. (2.15). An important element in
the present formulation is the construction of the inviscid Solving Eq. (3.2) involves finding the roots of a system
fluxes at the cell interfaces. The theory behind the of non-linear algebraic equations. Using Newtons method,
construction of the inviscid fluxes has been well estab- the solutions of Eq. (3.2) are obtained from the linear equa-


(q n11,m11 2 q n11,m) 5 2X(q n11,m). (3.3)
FIG. 1. Schematic showing the phantom cells 1 and NI 1 1.

In order to limit the band width of the matrix, the operator

(X/q) is obtained using higher order fluxes in a special number was taken to be 10,000. Since Ekman boundary
manner and is rearranged along the lines of Whitfield layers correspond to the rigid lid condition the Froude
and Taylor [14] into a strong diagonal form. The viscous number has no effect on the solution.
flux Jacobians are obtained using the thin layer approxi- Three procedures were used to compute the velocity
mation, whereas the residue X(q n11,m) contains all the profiles: (1) the absolute-velocity procedure, (2) the rela-
viscous terms. Within each Newton iteration, symmetric tive-velocity procedure, and (3) the source-term procedure
GaussSeidel passes are used. The resulting algorithm where the source term in Eq. (2.13) is added to the code
is termed the discretized Newton-relaxation procedure. developed by Taylor [9]. The absolute-velocity procedure
When the iteration in m converges, q n11 is obtained and and the relative-velocity procedure converge in the same
the calculation procedure is extended to the next time manner in 2000 cycles to the exact solution using a time step
level. As the iteration in m converges, the LHS of Eq. of 0.05. At viscous boundaries the pressure is extrapolated
(3.3) goes to zero. Hence time accuracy is introduced from the interior. The source-term procedure with a time
into the scheme by multiplying the local time derivative step of 0.005 diverged after 10,000 cycles when the pressure
term in X(q n11,m) by a conditioning matrix Ia where was extrapolated from the interior. However, when the
Ia 5 diag(0, 1, 1, 1). The inviscid fluxes on the RHS of pressure was prescribed as 22x at the viscous boundaries
Eq. (3.3) are obtained by using a third order MUSCL- it converged to the correct solution. This indicates that the
type flux and the viscous fluxes by using a second order source term seems to corrupt the pressure gradient at the
central differencing. wall. The results shown were obtained using the relative-
velocity procedure.
4. RESULTS 4.1. Viscous Wall
Ekman boundary layer solutions are classical solutions The computational domain is a rectangular parallelepi-
of the equations that govern geophysical flows. A detailed ped bounded by the planes x 5 0, x 5 1, z 5 0, z 5 1,
description of these problems and their solutions can be y 5 0, and y 5 5. Uniform spacing was used in the x
found in Pedlosky [15]. A Cartesian coordinate system and z directions and the grid lines were stretched in the
xyz is introduced in a rotating frame such that the y-axis y-direction with a spacing of 0.001 near the viscous surface
coincides with the axis of rotation. A geostrophic flow is ( y 5 0.0), see Fig. 2. The grid size is 51, 101, 5 points in
assumed to be in the z-direction. In the far field, the flow the x, y, and z directions respectively. Linear extrapolation
is geostrophic with the following values for the non-dimen- boundary conditions were used on all the side boundaries.
sional quantities: u 5 0, v 5 0, w 5 1, and p/x 5 22. This treatment of the side wall boundaries was chosen
Here the velocity components are with respect to the rotat- since it is known that the exact solution for the velocity
ing frame. The velocity components in the absolute frame components is independent of the x and z directions and
are obtained by adding the corresponding components of
V 3 r to the components of the relative velocity vectors.
Suppose NI is the maximum number of points in the
x-direction (I-direction). In the cell-centered finite volume
formulation, Dqs, where Dq 5 q n11 2 q n, with q any flow
variable, are updated from cell 2 to cell NI. Boundary
conditions are specified in the fictitious (or phantom) cells
at 1 and NI 1 1. When solving for Dqs in cells 2 to NI
using the upwind scheme, the Dqs at cells 1 and NI 1 1
are required (Fig. 1). Usually these quantities are taken
as zero. In order to impose the one-dimensionality of the
problem and to eliminate any bias introduced by the up-
wind scheme, the following periodicity conditions were
used: X1 5 XNI and XNI11 5 X2 . A similar treatment is
done in the z-direction (K-direction) also. The Reynolds FIG. 2. Physical domain (not to scale).

the pressure is a linear function of x. The inviscid (i.e., during the postprocessing of the results. It can be seen that
geostrophic) solution was imposed at the top boundary. the agreement is excellent.
At the bottom boundary, no-slip velocity and zero pres-
sure gradient boundary conditions were imposed. Starting 5. CONCLUSION
from an initial condition of geostrophic flow everywhere,
convergence to the exact solution was achieved in 2000 A new formulation of the NavierStokes equations in
cycles using a time step of 0.05. Figure 3 shows the the rotating frame using relative velocity components has
comparison of the computed results with the exact solu- been presented in which no source terms appear. This
tion. Note that the stretched y-coordinate, y 5 y/ Re, leads to a numerical scheme that is very similar to the
is used in the figure. It can be seen that the agreement one formulated for the NavierStokes equations in the
is excellent. absolute frame using absolute velocity components. For
geophysical flows both the absolute velocity procedure
4.2. Free Surface with an Applied Shear Stress and the relative velocity procedure seem to be equally
efficient. The relative velocity procedure is being applied
The computational domain and the number of points to the computation of the flow field in the Atlantic ocean
are the same as before except that the y 5 5.0 boundary with the wind stresses prescribed from the European
was used to impose the wind stress and consequently the Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts dataset
grid points were packed near that boundary in the y-direc- [16]. Application of the NavierStokes equations to the
tion. The lateral boundary conditions are the same. At the computation of oceanic flows is still in an infantile stage.
bottom boundary the known inviscid (i.e., geostrophic) For a related work that uses a non-hydrostatic model to
flow was imposed. The main idea in the application of the study the evolution of plumes one may refer to Helen
viscous free surface stress condition is to use a set of local and Marshall [17].
orthonormal coordinates at every grid point on the free
surface to implement the stress boundary condition. This APPENDIX A: FLUX FORMULATION
is because the stress boundary conditions take the simplest
form in an orthonormal coordinate system. Figure 4 shows The absolute velocity procedure is dealt with in detail.
the comparison of the computed results with the exact The relative velocity procedure can be similarly treated,
solution. To conform with the figure given in Ref. [15], the and it is briefly outlined following the discussion of the
ordinate in Fig. 4 was obtained as y 5 (5.0 2 y)/ Re absolute velocity procedure.

FIG. 3. Ekman boundary layer with a no slip wall: Re 5 10000; rotation is about the y-axis.

FIG. 4. Ekman boundary layer with applied shear stress at the free surface: Re 5 10000; rotation is about the y-axis.

A.1. Absolute-Velocity Procedure u, v, and w are the components of the absolute velocity
vector with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system;
Equations (2.14) and (2.15) can now be expressed in a
and u9, v9, and w9 are the Cartesian components of the
curvilinear coordinate system (j, h, z, t), using the so-
vector u 2 w; sxx , etc., are the Cartesian components of
called partial transformation where all the tensor and vec-
the Stokes tensor; and jx , jy , and jz are the Cartesian
tor quantities within the divergence terms are expressed
components of the contravariant base vector grad j. Ex-
with respect to the underlying Cartesian coordinates
pressions for G and H are similar to F and can be
whereas the divergence itself is expressed in curvilinear
obtained from F by replacing j with h and z respectively.
coordinates, which can further be cast into the numerical
Similarly, G v and H v can be obtained from F v. By defining
vector form which results in
the flux Jacobians as A 5 F/q; B 5 G/g; C 5
H/q and denoting the generic flux Jacobian by K,
Q F G H F v G v H v
1 1 1 1 1 1 5 0, (A.1) one obtains
t j h z j h z


34 3 4 3 4
p9 bu1 0 bkx bky bkz
u u9(u 1 jt) 1 p9jx
kx uk 1 u9kx u9ky u9kz
Q 5 g ; F 5 g ; K 5 g (A.2)
v v9(u 1 jt) 1 p9jy
ky v9kx uk 1 v9ky v9kz
w w9(u1 1 jt) 1 p9jz kz w9kx w9ky uk 1 w9kz

3 4
sxx jx 1 sxy jy 1 sxz jz
F v 5 g ;
sxy jx 1 syy jy 1 syz jz where uk 5 kt 1 ukx 1 vky 1 wkz and kt 5 w ? ak where
sxz jx 1 syz jy 1 szz jz ak is the contravariant base vector on the k 5 constant
face. When k 5 j, K 5 A; when k 5 h, K 5 B; and when
u1 5 ujx 1 vjy 1 wjz ; k 5 z, K 5 C. In order to find the eigenvalues of K, the

following matrix M and its inverse M 21 are used to form where

the matrix k 5 MKM 21.
c 5 (uk 2 kt)2 1 b(k 2x 1 k 2y 1 k 2z).

3 4 3 4
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
u9 u9 Following Taylor [9], in order to obtain the left and right
1 0 0 2 1 0 0
b b eigenvectors of K, first the left and right eigenvectors of
M5 M 21
v9 v9 k are obtained. They are the columns and rows of the
0 1 0 2 0 1 0 following matrices respectively:
b b
w9 w9

3 4
0 0 1 0 0 1 2c 2 2c 1
b b 0 0
p p
x1 x2 f1 f1
The matrix k is given by Pk 5 p p
y1 y2 f2 f2
p p

3 4
uk 2 2kt bkx bky bkz z1 z2 f3 f3

3 4
u9uk 0 2cf4 22cf5 2cf6
kx 1 uk 0 0
0 22cf7 2cf8 22cf9
k 5 g v9uk . (A.3)
ky 1 0 uk 0 P k21 5
1 f
b 2kxc1 2kc 1 2kzc1 ,
f 2c
kz 1 0 0 uk f
b 2 22kxc 2 22kyc 2 22kzc 2
The eigenvalues of K and k are the same since they are
similar matrices. However, it is much easier to find the where

u9uk v9uk w9uk

f1 5 kx 1 f2 5 ky 1 f3 5 kz 1
b b b
p p p p p p
f4 5 y2 f3 2 z2 f2 f5 5 x2 f3 2 z2 f1 f6 5 x2 f2 2 y2 f1
p p p p p p
f7 5 y1 f3 2 z1 f2 f8 5 x1 f3 2 z1 f1 f9 5 x1 f2 2 y1 f1
p x1 p y1 p z1
x1 5 y1 5 z1 5
gu=ku gu=ku gu=ku
p x2 p y2 p z2
x2 5 y2 5 z2 5
gu=ku gu=ku gu=ku
u=ku 5 k 2x 1 k 2y 1 k 2z and f5 (b 1uk(uk 2 2kt)),

eigenvalues of k rather than those of K, and these are (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) are the diagonal vectors on
found to be the k 5 constant face [9]. In this section, a tilde over a
quantity denotes that the metrics used in computing that

l1,2 5 uk quantity are normalized with the area of the cell face. The
l3 5 uk 2 kt 1 c , (A.4) left and right eigenvectors of the flux Jacobians K are
obtained as Tk 5 MPk and T k21 5 P k21M 21 where the left
l4 5 uk 2 kt 2 c eigenvectors are given by the rows of T k21, and the right

eigenvectors are given by the columns of Tk respectively. Fi 5 A(f )[Qi11 2 Qi] where F is the flux and A is the
The matrices Tk and T k21 are flux Jacobian.

3 4
0 0 x 2 2c 1

p p u9l3k u9l4k
x1 x2 kx 1 kx 1
b b
Tk 5 p p v9l3k v9l4k
y1 y2 ky 1 ky 1
b b

p p w9l3k w9l4k
z1 z2 kz 1 kz 1
b b

3 4
(2u9f4 1 v9f5 2 w9f6) 2cf4 22cf5 2cf6
(u9f7 2 v9f8 2 w9f9) 22cf7 2cf8 22cf9
1 b
f 2
(b 1 l4k(uk 2 2kt)) 2c 1kx 2c 1ky 2c 1kz
2 (b 1 l3k(uk 2 2kt)) 22c 2kx 22c 2ky 22c 2kz

The quantity TL2T 21dq which is required in the Roe flux A.2. Relative-Velocity Procedure
formulation [10] is given by
Equations (2.7) and (2.8) can now be cast into the numer-
ical vector form which results in the same form as (A.1).

3 4
l 4
However, the interpretation of the various symbols denot-
l4kr24R4 2 l1k(r24R4 1 r23R3 2 du) ing the velocity components are as follows: u, v, w are the
TL2T 21dq 5 components of the relative velocity vector (v) with respect
l4kr34R4 2 l1k(r34R4 1 r33R3 2 dv) to a Cartesian coordinate system and u9, v9, and w9 are the
l4kr44R4 2 l1k(r44R4 1 r43R3 2 dw) Cartesian components of the vector v 2 2w. (Note that w
denotes the vector 2V 3 r, whereas w denotes a Cartesian
where component of the absolute or relative velocity vector de-
pending upon the context.) The analysis of the previous
R3 5 l31dp 1 l32du 1 l33dv 1 l34dw; section carries through and the flux Jacobians as well as
eigenvectors retain the same form as that given by the
R4 5 l41dp 1 l42du 1 l43dv 1 l44dw; matrices K, k, Tk , and T k21 respectively. The eigenvalues
of this system are given by
(l31 , ..., l34) and (l41 , ..., l44) are the 3rd and 4th left eigenvec-
tors (that is, 3rd and 4th rows of T k21); and (r13 , ..., r43)T

and (r14 , ..., r44)T are the 3rd and 4th right eigenvectors l1,2 5 uk
(that is, 3rd and 4th columns of Tk). The quantity dq is
l3 5 uk 2 kt 1 c (A.5)
given by dq 5 qR 2 qL where qR and qL are defined using
a MUSCL type approach [11, 14]. l4 5 uk 2 kt 2 c
A requirement of the theory behind this numerical
scheme is that the first order fluxes satisfy the property U
defined by Roe [10]. It can be easily verified, by direct where
substitution, that the Roe averages, defined by f 5 (fi 1
fi11)/2 where f is any flow variable and the components
uk 5 ukx 1 vky 1 wkz and
of w at cell centers i and i 1 1 are taken to be the same
as that at the cell face i 1 1/2, satisfy the relation Fi11 2 c 5 (uk 2 kt) 1 2
b(k 2x 1 k 2y 1 k 2z).

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