Pharmacology of Inotropes and Vasopressors

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Pharmacology of inotropes

and vasopressors
 3.3 Recognises and manages the patient with circulatory failure
 4.4 Uses fluids and vasoactive / inotropic drugs to support the
 PR_BK_41 Drugs and the sympathetic nervous system: adrenergic
receptors and molecular mechanisms of action: Indications for
pharmacological use of naturally occurring catecholamines and
synthetic analogues.
 PR_BK_43 Cardiovascular system: general: drug effects on the
heart [inotropy and chronotropy] and on the circulation: arterial and
venous effects; systemic and pulmonary effects
 PR_BK_44 Inotropes and pressors: Classification; site of action.
Synthetic inotropes compared with adrenaline
 PB_BK_38 Cardiac muscle contraction
 Inotrope: increases cardiac output by
increasing velocity and force of myocardial

 Vasopressor: causes contraction of arteriolar

and venous smooth muscle

 Inodilator: increases cardiac output by a

combination of inotropic and vasodilator effects
Mechanisms of drug action
Dopamine agonists (D1-like, D2-like)
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE 3)

Vasopressin (V1)
Cardiac glycosides
1 receptors: vascular smooth muscle contraction

1 (2)
 Inotropy ( force)
 Chronotropy ( rate)
 Dromotropy (

Phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitors

 Heart and vascular

smooth muscle


 Lusitropic (improved
diastolic relaxation)
Vasopressin (AVP, ADH)

 Hypothalamic nonapeptide
hormone , released from
posterior pituitary

 V1 receptor agonist - potent

arterial vasoconstrictor

 V2 receptors in renal collecting

duct water reabsorption
 Calcium sensitiser - sensitivity of contractile
proteins to Ca2+ without intracellular Ca2+

 Inotropic and chronotropic effects

 Independent of adrenoceptors and cAMP

 Vasodilator: opens ATP-sensitive K+ channels on

vascular smooth muscle
Cardiac glycosides: digoxin
Inhibits Na+/K+ pump in myocardial cell membrane

intracellular Na+
intracellular Ca2+ (Na+:Ca2+ exchanger)
force of contraction
Drugs: Catecholamines

Aromatic ring + two adjacent

OH groups (catechol) + ethylamine

Substitutions on ethylamine group

sympathomimetic activity

Dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline

are naturally occurring
Synthetic Catecholamines


1 effects 2 effects effects DA effects

Inotropy Vasodilatation Vasoconstriction Renal/ mesenteric

Chronotropy vasodilatation
Dromotropy Natriuresis

Noradrenaline ++ + ++++ -

Adrenaline effects predominate at low dose, at high dose -

Dopamine DA effects at low dose, at moderate dose and at high dose

Dobutamine +++ ++ + -

Dopexamine + ++ - +

Isoprenaline ++++ ++++ - -

Pharmakokinetics of
 t 1/2 1-2 minutes

 Re-uptake into tissues Metabolism by MAO and


 Steady-state plasma concentration in 5-10 min

 Short half-life allows rapid titration

Benefits and side-effects
1 Increased cardiac output

Tachycardia, arrhythmia, myocardial O2 consumption,

myocardial ischaemia

2 Vasodilatation, cardiac output, myocardial O2 consumption


systolic and diastolic blood pressure

May decrease renal, mesenteric and skin blood flow.

cardiac afterload and myocardial oxygen demand.

 Potent -agonist < 0.1 g/kg/min

 Potent 1-agonist > 0.1 g/kg/min vasoconstriction

 Renal and mesenteric vasoconstriction ischaemia and

renal failure

 Metabolic - hyperglycaemia and hyperlactaemia

 Cardiac toxicity with prolonged, high dosage

 blocks mediator release
 reverses bronchospasm and vasodilatation
 50-100 g (0.5-1ml of 1:10,000) IV
 0.5 to 1mg (0.5-1ml of 1:1,000) IM

Cardiac arrest
 vasoconstriction diversion of blood to essential organs
 diastolic pressure and coronary flow increased
 1mg IV, every 3-5 minutes of resuscitation

Cardiogenic shock
 increased cardiac output
 afterload & myocardial O2 demand
 second-line treatment

Septic shock
 restores MAP and cardiac output
 ischaemia of intestinal mucosa, lactic acidosis,
 renal vascular resistance reduced RBF
 2nd-line agent

 1 > above 0.05g/kg/min

 arterial constriction SBP and DBP
 venous constriction venous return
 reflex bradycardia
 effect on cardiac output variable/ minimal
 renal and mesenteric vasoconstriction (?)
 high doses digital gangrene
 myocyte apoptosis in prolonged infusion
Septic shock
 first line vasopressor (Surviving Sepsis Campaign)
 ensure adequate fluid resuscitation first
 gastric mucosal and renal perfusion in
vasodilated, normovolaemic cases

 Second line agent, for resistant hypotension

 Direct: , , DA agonist
 Indirect: releases NA from sympathetic nerve terminals

 2-5g/kg/min (DA) RBF, diuresis, natriuresis

5-10 g/kg/min () cardiac output
10-20 g/kg/min () vasoconstriction

 Arrhythmogenic, hypoxic drive, delirium, vomiting,

 Vasopressor in septic shock
 No evidence for renal protection
 Synthetic derivative of isoprenaline

 -agonist (weak 1). 1 > 2.

 2-20 g/kg/min inotropic + moderate HR

 SVR unchanged or slightly reduced

 Myocardial O2 demand increased (stress testing)


Cardiogenic shock/ acute heart failure

 first-line inotrope
 cardiac output + reduced ventricular afterload
 may cause hypotension

Septic shock (with CO)

 noradrenaline + dobutamine as effective as
adrenaline, with fewer side-effects

 Synthetic analogue of dopamine

 60x potency of dopamine at 2 receptors, 1/3
potency at DA receptors
 No activity
 Dose-dependent tachycardia
 ? Beneficial effects on inflammation, splanchnic
circulation and renal function

 Potent, non-selective -agonist

 Historical role in treatment of bradycardia and

heart block

 Superseded by more effective agents with fewer

side effects (tachycardia, arrhythmia)
sympathomimetic amines

 Metaraminol, ephedrine,

 Lack 2nd hydroxyl group

on 1o aromatic ring.

 and agonist, mainly vasoconstrictor

 SBP and DBP
 Reverses hypotension caused by GA/ spinal
 Vasoconstriction may transient bradycardia
 Indirect -effects tachyphylaxis
 0.5-1mg IV, repeated as necessary
Ephedrine and phenylephrine

 Vasopressor and inotrope in anaesthetic-induced hypotension
 Useful for bradycardic, hypotensive patient
 Uterine blood flow maintained - drug of choice in pregnancy
 3-6mg IV, repeated as necessary. 25-50mg IM
 Action partly indirect tachyphylaxis


 Selective -agonist
 Rapid onset of action , duration 5-10 minutes
 Vasoconstrictor - IV bolus (0.1-0.5mg) or infusion.

 V1 agonist (and V2 receptors in renal collecting duct)

 Potent vasoconstrictor

 CPR: not shown to produce better results than adrenaline

 Rescue therapy in septic shock resistant to NA. No mortality

benefit of low-dose AVP over NA (VASST trial)

 GI ischaemia, ischaemic skin lesions, reduced CO

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors

 Amrinone, milrinone, enoximone

 CO, afterload, minimal effect on myocardial O2 demand
 Lusitropic improved diastolic relaxation
 Adrenoceptors not involved - no tachyphylaxis
 Treatment of AHF with reduced cardiac output: little
evidence of long-term survival benefit
 Low CO states following cardiomyotomy
 Long t1/2 (milrinone 2 hours)
 May cause hypotension

 Diastolic relaxation maintained
 Beneficial effects on myocardial energy
 Effective in acute and chronic heart failure
Management of shock

Inotropes and vasopressors are used for the

treatment of circulatory failure
unresponsive to fluid therapy alone
Management of shock


Aim - adequate perfusion and oxygen delivery to tissues

DO2 = arterial oxygen content x cardiac output

DO2 = [SpO2 x Hb x 1.34] x CO

Management of shock
Optimise LV preload

Blood pressure = CO x SVR

CO = SV x HR

SV: Preload
Management of shock
Optimise LV preload

Fluid challenge

Monitor: Clinical signs

PAOP (Swan-Ganz)
Stroke volume variation (LiDCO)
Global end-diastolic volume (PiCCO)
Corrected flow time (ODM)
Management of shock
Optimise CO and BP

 Low CO inotrope

 Low SVR vasopressor

 Mixed pathology combination

Management of shock
What are optimal cardiac output and BP?

Adequacy of tissue perfusion indicated by:

 Urine output
 Conscious state
 Skin temperature
 Serum lactate
 Acid-base status
Cardiogenic shock
 Optimise preload

 Pump failure
 Pure inotrope or inodilator
 Avoid afterload/ myocardial O2 consumption
 Avoid arrhythmia

 In MI, inotropes may cause infarct expansion,

cytosolic Ca2+ and apoptosis
Cardiogenic shock/ AHF
 American College of Cardiology/ AHA recommendation for acute MI
with moderate hypotension
 May cause hypotension and tachycardia - caution in profound shock
 Combination with dopamine may limit side effects

 Low-dose infusion in profound shock
 High dose afterload and myocardial O2 demand
 Arrhythmia, promotes coronary thrombosis

 Has been recommended for severe, refractory cardiogenic shock
 Improves coronary perfusion ( DBP)
 Antithrombotic effect
 afterload and myocardial oxygen demand
Acute Heart Failure

 Aim to CO, end-diastolic pressure, improve perfusion

and diuresis, allowing re-introduction of ACEIs, diuretics,

 Dobutamine but CHF associated with uncoupling of

adrenoceptors from intracellular transduction
resistance to treatment

 Positive inotropes increase mortality in CHF

( intracellular Ca2+)
Acute Heart Failure
PDE3 inhibitors

 CCF with cardiac output

 Minimal effect on myocardial O2 demand
 Hypotension and long t1/2
 Similar outcomes to dobutamine


 CCF with cardiac output

 No myocardial O2 demand
 ? Survival benefit compared with dobutamine
Septic shock

 Surviving Sepsis Campaign: 1st line noradrenaline or

vasopressin (alternative or in addition)

 Adrenaline may intestinal ischaemia, lactic

acidosis, hyperglycaemia, reduced RBF

 Dopamine in selected cases (no risk of arrhythmia,

low cardiac output)
Septic shock
Inotrope ( CO)


 Noradrenaline + dobutamine effective as

adrenaline in restoring CO and BP, but
less effect on lactate and GI perfusion
Septic shock

 Corticosteroids (SSC)

 Dopexamine ?

a) may produce ventricular arrhythmias T

b) increases mesenteric blood flow at high
doses T
c) crosses the blood-brain barrier F
d) is synthesised from L-dopa T
e) is inactivated in alkaline solution T
The following are precursors of

a) Tyrosine T
b) Phenylalanine T
c) Dopamine T
d) Isoprenaline F
e) Noradrenaline T

a)causes arterial vasoconstriction F

b) is an agonist at dopaminergic D1 and D2
receptors T
c) increases the force of myocardial contraction T
d) increases renal blood flow T
e) causes arrhythmias T

a)is structurally similar to isoprenaline T

b) activates adenyl cyclase T
c) has a selective action on beta-1
adrenoreceptors F
d) has a half-life of 2 minutes T
e) increases the left ventricular end-diastolic
pressure F
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