How To Live Without Fear & Worry

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H o w to live

fear & worry
KL. Sri D h a m m a n a n d a

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The Corporation Republic of Hwa Dzan Society
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2000 Copies; 2012 October





The Cause of Worry
Fear and Superstition
What does Worry Do to Us?
Facing Problems
Developing Courage and Understanding
Putting Problems in Their Proper Perspective
The Nature of Life
Understanding the Facts of Life
Fleeting Happiness
The Picture of Life
Can We Satisfy Desire?
Pleasure is not Happiness
Contemplate on Yourself
Life in the Modern World
Life as a Battlefield
Towards Mental Health



The Danger of Anger
Controlling Anger
The Need to Cultivate Love and
The Cause of Jealousy
Awareness of the Mind
Dealing with Jealousy
Mirror of the Mind
Picking Faults in Others
What to do when Criticised
Don't Be Afraid of Criticism


Consideration and Kindness
Acting Out of Compassion to All
Pressure on Parents
Pressure on Children
Recognising Potentials
Parents in Modern Society
11 THE FEAR OF DEATH 117-124
Coming to Terms with Death
What is Birth and Death?
Peaceful Death
Death is Inevitable


We Do Not Worry About Our Future
Worrying About the Future
Changing One's Fortune



The Search for Happiness
Ingredients for Happiness
Where is Happiness?
Unrest and Global Conflict
Establishment of Peace
Going Beyond Worldly Pleasures
Moral Conduct and Youth
Being Good or Doing Good?
Changing One's Character Through Religion
Don't Blame the Stars
Destiny is in Your Hands



Kindness to All Beings
The Spirit of Benevolence
The Real Conqueror
Human Values
18 GENTLE SPEECH 183-194
Wrong Speech
Acting Wisely in Tense Situations
Be Mindful of Thoughts
Cultivating Skilful Speech
Loving and Kindness
Cultivating Loving Kindness
The Power of Patience


Breaking Up
Building a Successful Marriage
Sex in Marriage
Having a Good Marriage
23 YOURBEAUTY 224 - 227


Clinging to Money
The Faulty Equation
Using Wealth Properly
Manners and Customs
Allowing Others the Right to Differ
Patience and Tolerance


Cultivating Virtue
Using the Mind Creatively
Our Mission

27 HUMAN DIGNITY 250-255

Moral Shame and Moral Fear
Different Characteristics of Human Beings

C^^"en are born, they suffer, they die. That,

JL TX according to Anatole France is how a wise
man once summed up the human condition. On the
other hand, some free thinkers say: 'Man is a little
machine, made possible by an accidental arrangement
of atoms and a naturalistic evolutionary process.
Suffering is man's inescapable lot in his struggle for
survival. It has no 'meaning5 other than that, no pur
pose. Death is a dissolution of chemical elements;
nothing else remains'.
While both the above are common observations
amongst certain sceptics, materialists and even some
great thinkers, other philosophers and religious
teachers have tried to discover some meanings and
purposes in life, especially with regard to the problem
of suffering.
According to the Buddha, the characteristic of
every component thing is that it appears, decays and
disappears in a never-ending process. All component
things are subject to ceaseless change and conflict
(Dukkha). It is endured by all suffering beings who

believe in a permanent entity or soul. This belief gives

rise to selfish desire which can never be satisfied, thus
leading to fear and worry.
The Buddha provided a moral base to his teachings
when he declared that while there is suffering and
uncertainty in existence, nevertheless it is possible for
man to experience happiness both in its absolute as
well as its temporal sense if he learns to distinguish
between skilful and unskilful actions. To do this man
must first have Right View which means that he must
recognise the unsatisfactory nature of his existence
and sensual pleasures and also to direct his life in the
proper manner to see the end of uncertainty and un-

Why Worry
The first edition of Why Worry was published in
1967 (10,000 copies) and since then it has been in
such great demand that it has been reprinted no less
than six times at the rate of 5,000 copies per printing.
Letters of appreciation and gratitude have poured in
from various parts of the world - the U.S., U.K.,
Germany, South Africa and almost every Asian coun
try. Those who have expressed their appreciation
of the book are not only Buddhists but Hindus,
Muslims, Christians and even some 'free thinkers'.
The appeal of the book has been partly due to the fact
that it has been written simply and without pretension
and also because its main purpose was to reveal the
facts of life not only from the Buddhist point of view

but also by giving reasonable views from other reli

gions and great thinkers. It was written primarily to
provide comfort and solace to human beings in need
of guidance to face the bewildering complexity of
modern civilisation.
Some have even written in to say how they were
prevented from committing suicide by reading the
book, others to say that they read a few pages of it
every night to help them to calm their minds to assure
themselves that there are simple and practical solu
tions to the problems of the world.
Many things have happened since Why Worry first
appeared; many changes have taken place. In the
intervening years the author has gained new insights
relating to human problems as a result of reading the
numerous letters written to him as well as in his
fruitful discussions with troubled people from all
walks of life. It was decided that the publication of a
new edition of the book would be most opportune at
this time.
This expanded edition seeks to address itself to age-
old problems and to those peculiar to our day and age.
But its primary focus remains unchanged: that is, to
show how one can live without fear and worry pro
vided one has Right Understanding. It attempts to
discuss problems from a practical and humanistic
viewpoint. To this end, many quotations, anecdotes,
witty sayings, fables and so on have been included to
show how wise men have viewed the human condition
across time and space. Many of these have an oriental

flavour1 and some readers may have difficulty in

relating to them and feel they are suitable only for
those who belong to a particular culture. But such
readers will benefit if they can differentiate between
the setting of the stories and the point that is being
made. After all, universal problems and truths apply
equally well to all human beings.
It is fervently hoped that this book will give fresh
inspiration and hope to whoever reads it without
cynicism and doubt.

WESAK DAY 19/05/89
B.E. 2533

Buddhist Vihara
123, Jalan Berhala
50470, Kuala Lumpur


W e wish to express our sincere thanks and appre

ciation to Messrs. Victor Wee and Vijaya
Samarawickrama for assisting in editing the book
and for their useful suggestions which helped to bring
the book to its present form. We also like to thank
Ms. Chong Hong Choo who had spent endless hours
looking after innumerable details necessary in the
production of the book, from its planning stage right
up to its completion. Thanks are also due to Messrs.
Charles Moreira, Lim Teong Chuan, L.L.G. Jaya-
wardene, H.M.A. de Silva, Teh Thean Choo, Tan
Teik Beng, Yau Yue Kai, Tan Siang Chye and Misses
Lily See, Lim Mooi Hwa, Hema Cheah, Janet Teoh
and Susie Lo for their assistance in one way or
another, without which the present book would not
have been possible.




We pay the price offear and worry to live the life of a

human being. Our susceptibility to anxiety is the root
cause of our problems.

Fear and worry seem to be part and parcel of

human life. One who is immersed in the
mundane world is not free from these unpleasant
mental states.
Why and what do people worry about? Their
worries are due to various commitments and respon
sibilities they have. Their worries come in many
various guises. They feel inadequate when they com
pare themselves with others. 'Maybe I'm not good

enough to do that job' or 'I don't think I'm clever

enough to make an impact.' They may be afraid to be
themselves as they really are in the presence of others,
so they end up saying to themselves: CI can't let people
get to know me as I really am. If I do so, they may
lose confidence in me or belittle me.' So they act and
pretend to be someone else when in fact they are not.
People worry a lot about their physical appearan
ces. Men worry when they become bald headed, while
women worry when wrinkles start to appear on their
faces, or when they are too thin or too fat, too dark or
too fair, too tall or too short and so on.
They are afraid of being criticised, attacked by
others or censured by their superiors. They are afraid
to present their ideas or opinions before a crowd for
fear of being ridiculed, but feel angry with themselves
whenever someone else presents the same idea and
gets credit for it. They feel they are being hampered
by criticisms, even when they know that such criti
cisms are undeserved and unjustified.
They are worried about their families. cMaybe I'm
not such a good father/mother/son/daughter after all.'
Some husbands worry that their pretty young wives
may go out with other men. At the same time some
wives may worry that their handsomeyoung husbands
may leave them or spend their time with other girls.
Unmarried people worry about how to get married
while some married couples may worry about how
lonely they are without children. On the other hand,
those who have many children constantly worry

about how best to bring them up; cMaybe my wife/

husband no longer loves me and may desert me' or 'I
wonder whether my children will take care of me in
my old age.' Some parents worry unnecessarily over
the safety of their children, having enough money for
their daily household expenses, the security in their
home, and the health of their loved ones.
In their workplace, they may have to face problems
in carrying out assignments and have difficulties in
making decisions. 'What if my decision proves to be
wrong?' 'Should I sell my stocks and shares now or
later?' 'Can my workers be trusted with money or will
they cheat the company during my absence?' Some are
worried about possible losses, of not getting a pro
motion or being entrusted with too many responsibi
lities. Some others worry thinking that their office
mates are jealous of them.
In fact, the list of worries people face daily would
be endless. Human existence is full of worries and fear
which lurk within the dark inner corners of the mind.
Man has so many fears - fear arising from insecurity,
fear of enemies, fear of hunger, fear of sickness, fear
of loss of wealth and possessions, fear of old age, fear
of death and even fear of the next existence.
Not only does he worry and fear whenever things
go wrong, he becomes worried even when things go
on smoothly! He conjures a vague sense of fear in his
mind that suddenly something may go wrong and that
the happiness he now enjoys might turn to sorrow.
Although some people say, no news means good

news, people worry when there is no news. Such

unfounded worries fill their life with undue fear. Such
form of wretchedness befalls all mankind. And none
are free from this except those who are perfect or pure
in their minds.

The Cause of Worry

Of all adverse mental states, one of the most un
healthy and dangerous is prolonged worry. Why do
people worry? In the ultimate analysis, there is only
one answer. People worry because of the concept 'me'
and 'mine', or what is known in Buddhism as the
'Delusion of Self.
Nearly all animals lower than human beings are
motivated by instinct. This is not so with man, who
has superior thinking power as well as intuition. With
his rational intellect, he creates the idea of a perma
nent ego for self preservation. Buddhism, is unique in
the history of human thought in that it points out the
Self-or-Soul idea is merely a concept, with no corres
pondence to reality. From this belief of self, a person
develops wrong ideas of 'me' and 'mine', together
with all cravings, selfish desires, conceit, pride and
other unwholesome thoughts. This concept of 'self, is
the main source of all problems, ranging from per
sonal conflicts to wars amongst nations.
From this idea of 'self, man believes in the false
notion of a permanent body which must be satisfied
and at times goes to extremes in satisfying the craving

body. The fear of not having his needs and desires met
to his full satisfaction brings him worry and anxiety.
Hence, worry is nothing more than a negative state
of mind arising out of attachment to worldly plea
sures. The stronger the attachment is to a thing, the
greater is the fear of losing it. The moment one's
particular need is satisfied a person starts longing for
In a similar way, one becomes afraid of getting or
coming into contact with something considered un
desirable. This attachment to pleasant feelings and
dislike for the unpleasant ones gives rise to worry.
Sometimes when taken to extremes, fear may arise
because of attachment or association with specific
objects or situations which are harmless in themselves.
Such cases are known as phobias like fear of darkness,
fear of enclosed spaces, fear of open spaces, fear of
heights, fear of animals, fear of devils and ghosts, fear
of thieves, fear of enemies, fear of charms, illusory
fears of being attacked or killed by someone lurking in
the background.
The worries and suffering which a person experi
ences are nothing more than the interaction of his
selfish desire with changing worldly conditions. The
failure to understand this fact is the cause of much
suffering. But for a person who has trained his mind
to realise the real nature of life and its characteristics,
he has indeed made progress in overcoming his suffer
ing. He realises that departure or separation from
pleasant experiences and those whom he loves are

unavoidable. This can happen at any time, whether at

the start of a career, at the middle or even at the end.
The only certainty in this uncertain world is things
must come to an end. So a person who thinks he is
indispensable or that he must be around to see what is
to be done, should consider what will happen when he
is no longer around. He will be missed and his absence
will be felt perhaps for a short period of time. Since no
one is indispensable in this world, the world will still
go on as usual without him. If that be so, then why
should he worry himself so much, harbouring imagi
nary fears that only harm his health and eventually
shorten the period towards the end of life's journey -
The separation of togetherness also brings suffering.
A person feels lost, dejected, hopeless and frustrated
when someone beloved leaves him or her. This is a
natural process. People experience suffering whenever
they are rejected by those whom they love. But some
times instead of learning to cope with the situation
by allowing time to heal the wounds, they become
paralysed with dejection, pondering about it over and
over in their minds, looking for ways and means to
mend their broken hearts. Some even express their
anger and frustration through violent methods.

Fear and Superstition

There is yet another kind of fear that stalks the human
mind. It is the fear of the uncontrollable forces of

nature and of the unknown. This fear has dogged man

through the ages as he learned to deal with wild beasts
and protect himself from the attacks of other tribes. In
that long night of savagery, in that constant effort to
deal with the forces of nature, the seeds of superstition
were sown in the human mind. And this superstition
has persisted and been passed down from generation
to generation up to the present day.
Fear in its primitive sense is described as an intense
emotional reaction characterised by attempts to flee
from the situation which elicits it and by physiological
changes such as blanching, tremors, rapid heart beat,
dryness of mouth, etc. According to a well known
psychologist John Broadus Watson, fear is one of the
three unlearned emotional reactions, the others being
love and anger. Watson's view is that fear is induced
in the newborn by a sudden loss of support or by loud
noises. Even the infant, he believes, must receive
affection and re-assurance, ' mothering ' may ease the
tensions arising from basal anxiety. It is believed that
certain fears in a new born infant could be those asso
ciated with its previous existence which have been
brought forward and still remain fresh and vivid in its
mind and that visions relating to such previous fears
do sometimes manifest themselves from time to time
during early infancy.
When faced with forces beyond his comprehension,
the difference between the savage and the beast be
comes apparent. The beast adapts itself instinctively
and succumbs to this force. The savage, on the other

hand, when surrounded by wild beasts stronger than

himself, or when confronted by the forces of nature
like rain, wind, thunder and lightning or natural
calamities like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or
epidemic diseases, will prostrate himself in all terror
on the ground, pleading protection from unknown
powers. From his early perception of a power outside
himself, which he thought could be appeased through
prayer, just as he himself could be pleased, the savage
developed ritual and worship and made the forces of
nature as his gods. Good forces became good ' gods '
while evil forces became evil 'gods'.
Fear comes to those who are unable to comprehend
the basic laws of nature. Either as a principle or
motive, fear is the beginning of superstitious beliefs.
The notion of incurring the displeasure of a Creator is
instilled into the minds of the followers of many reli
gions who depend on the concept of God for the
fulfilment of everything. The foundation of some reli
gious systems and worship is based on the instinctive
fear of the unknown. The fear created by religions is
the worst form of fear since it imprisons and ensnares
the mind. Fear fertilizes the growth of superstition
that flourishes in the fog of ignorance.
Man yearns for security for himself and for those
whom he loves in this world of constant flux which
could offer no permanent solution to his problems.
The moment he thinks he has solved a particular
problem, the conditions surrounding the original
circumstances will change and yet another set of pro-

blems will then emerge, leaving him confused and lost

as ever before. He is anxious, like a child who builds
sand-castles on the beach and is afraid of every wave
that comes in.
In this craving for security and fear of death, man
falls prey to superstition. Surrounded by the mystery
of the universe, he develops faith in things that he
fears. It is ignorance and fear of the unknown that
gave rise to early religious beliefs, and the workings of
the universe are explained in terms of infallible super
natural gods who are supposed to control everything
that happens. Even though science has done much to
dispel such myths and improve the knowledge of
modern man, much of the superstitions inherited
from the past still continue to remain with him and he
has yet to break himself free from this self imposed
bondage. Superstitions weaken and enslave the mind.
Superstitious ideas, beliefs and practices are ingrained
not only amongst uneducated people but strangely
also the well-educated as well.
Society should recall the words of the Buddha who
said: 'Wheresoever fear arises, it arises in the fool, and
not in the wise man.'

What does Worry Do to Us?

'When envy, hate, and fear are habitual,' says Dr.
Alexis Carrel, 'they are capable of starting genuine
diseases'. Medical science is of the view that diseases
like diabetes, high blood pressure, gastric ulcers, skin

diseases and asthma are aggravated, if not actually

brought about from anxiety and worry. Thought can
generate organic disorders as we tend to attract what
we expect in life. Doctors find that their patients tend
to heal in accordance with their own expectations,
rather than healing as the prognosis would suggest.
Mental suffering profoundly disrupts good health.
Businessmen who do not know how to cope with
worry and stressful situations often die young. Those
who remain calm and maintain their inner peace in
spite of the external turmoil of worldly life are insu
lated from nervous and organic disorders.
Experience has shown that a good deal of physical
and mental ill-health can be traced to worry. Worry
dries up blood sooner than age. Some degree of fear,
worry and anxiety is natural and may even be neces
sary for self-preservation, but when it is not under
control, constant fear and prolonged worry will only
wreak havoc on the human organism. These factors
all contribute to the weakening of our normal bodily
According to medical opinion, in the treatment of
most functional disorders, close attention has to be
paid to the mental condition of the patient. They have
also realised that worries do not solve problems but
instead only aggravate them which in turn will cause
one's physical and mental ruin. In addition, a person
who is perpetually worried creates an unhealthy
atmosphere at home, in the office and in society in
general. Through rash actions arising from his per-

sonal worry and anxiety, he upsets the peace and

happiness of others around him.
Just as worry is capable of causing so much harm to
oneself and others, so also is fear. Persistent fear keeps
a person in a state of perpetual mental tension and
anguish. Fear progressively erodes life and debases the
mind. Fear is a potent pessimistic force which darkens
the future. If a man harbours any kind of fear, his way
of thinking will be affected. This unwholesome men
tal state is capable of eroding his personality and
making him landlord to a ghost.
So great a hold has fear upon us that it has rightly
been described as humanity's arch-enemy. Fear has
become a fixed mental state amongst millions of
people. To live in continued dread, cringing, and
haunted by the fear of devils, spooks, gods and
goddesses is the common lot of humanity wallowing
in ignorance.
Fear can however turn to panic in cases of un
expected crises when there are no preparations for
meeting the threat.

A difficult situation can be handled in two ways: We

can either do something to change it, orface it. If we
can do something, then why worry and get upset over
it -just change it. If there is nothing we can do, again,
why worry and get upset over it? Things will not get
better with anger and worry. _ Shantidera -~

Life is a continuous journey beset with problems.

As long as we live in this world, problems and
troubles will always be a part and parcel of human
experience. On some occasions, we may be blessed
with gain, fame, praise or happiness; and we may also
face the unfavourable situations of loss, ill-fame,

blame and pain. Life swings like a pendulum. One

moment, it swings towards favourable conditions
which we receive so heartily; at another moment, it
swings towards unfavourable conditions which we so
desperately seek to avoid.
Instead of understanding worldly conditions, as
what they really are, people sometimes have the
tendency to magnify their troubles. This is similar to
the saying 'making a mountain out of a molehill.'
When people lose someone or something they love,
they feel that they will never be able to be happy
again. When disturbed and harassed by people who
are insensitive to their needs, they feel that they have
never before been so harshly treated. And they carry
that hurt in their minds, clinging to the pain need
lessly and continuing to suffer with those thoughts.
Would it not be better to let go of such thoughts and
realise that since all conditioned things must one day
come to an end, so the unfavourable situations they
are experiencing will also pass away?
We should understand that there is a way out of the
suffering and problems we face in this life. None is
hopelessly condemned to eternal misery, unless he
himself allows it to be so. It is important to realise that
all conditioned phenomena, including suffering and
all problems, arise out of causes and that nothing can
arise by way of independent causes. Having realised
this, we can put an end to each and every form of
suffering by discovering the root causes of our pro

Facing Problems
We should not be disheartened when faced with
problems, but instead act wisely in overcoming them.
No worldly-minded person can ever be free from
problems. Hence, it is not so much who experiences
problems that marks the difference between a wise
and an unwise person, but the manner in which he
faces them.
Socrates, whose wife was reputed to be hot-
tempered would always find fault with him and used
to nag him almost daily. One day, when she had
finished all what she had to say, Socrates compli
mented her saying that compared to previous occa
sions, she had on that particular day shown some
improvement in her diction and style of speech.
This shows how a wise person should face false
accusation and blame in a humourous way.
Pandit Nehru once said: 'We have toface problems
and try to solve them. We have toface them, certainly,
on a spiritual background; but not run away from
them in the name of spiritualism.'
Ella Wilcox gives her viewpoint on smiling one's
way out of troubles.
'It's easy enough to be pleasant;
When life flows like a song,
But the man worthwhile,
Is the one who can smile,
When things go dead wrong.
For the test of the heart is trouble

And it always comes with the years,

And the smile that is worth
The praises of earth,
Is the smile that shines through the tears.'

Dr. Rabindranath Tagore, a well-known Indian

poet, explains in a prayer, the approach to face
problems without harbouring fear or worry.

'Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,

But be fearless in facing them.
Let me not begfor the stilling of my pain,
But for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,
But hope for the patience to win my freedom.'

Something unpleasant happens, say, our favourite

thing or possession is lost or is accidentally broken.
There are two ways of reacting to the loss and damage.
We can either choose to brood over it, by blaming
either ourselves or others. Or we can pass it off by
saying 'The thing is gone. It is bad enough to have lost
it, but why should we allow it to make us unhappy
to suffer the loss and damage?' It would be useful
to trace back to the causes that had led to the breakage
and loss so as to avoid such an occurrence in the
future. We can also think about how the loss can be
replaced, or how to avert whatever problems that may
arise from that loss. If the loss is of no real conse
quence to others, we may even start to do something

else to take our mind from the incident, since it is in

the nature of compounded things that such occur
rences happen. Should an unfortunate thing happen
and if it is beyond our control, then with the support
of our understanding of the nature of life, we must
have the courage to face it.
In other words, adopt a positive frame of mind
when faced with such problems, rather than let it
dwell on negative states. If unhappiness should arise
due to a negative frame of mind it is really of our own
doing or seeking.
According to the Buddha, 'Mind is the forerunner of
all states. Mind is chief; mind-made are these states.'
The Buddha also taught that our sorrows are caused
by our own actions and arise from our own ignorance.
He showed us how to remove sorrow, but we our
selves must work to gain happiness.

Developing Courage and Understanding

All negative forces can be uprooted by the correct
method of meditation or mental culture as taught by
the Buddha, because the untrained mind is the main
cause of such illness or problems. The Buddha had said
that the mind is very hard to perceive, extremely
subtle and it wanders at will. A wise person will guard
it as a guarded mind is conducive to happiness.
It is common for people to blame others for their
worries, especially when they do not find a solution to
their problems. Under these circumstances, it is so

convenient to find a scapegoat: someone who could be

blamed for those problems and on whom grievances
could be vented. When a child is hurt it starts to cry.
To stop it from crying and to make it feel better, its
mother pretends to hit another person just to show the
child that he or she had been responsible for having
caused it to cry. The child being satisfied that its
vengeance had been accomplished stops crying and
starts to smile. This clearly shows that the taking of
revenge on someone gives satisfaction to the ordinary
human mind.
It is always hard to admit one's shortcomings, and
so easy to lay the blame on someone else. In fact, some
would even take pleasure in doing so but it is a wrong
attitude to adopt. When faced with a similar situation,
we should not be resentful or angry with others. We
should do our utmost in a painstaking and calm way to
solve our own problems. It is always good to remember
that whileothers cancreate disturbances which provide
conditions for the arising of worries within us, no one
can create worries in our mind if we know how to
guard ourselves well.
In the Dhammapada, the Buddha said: 'Your worst
enemy cannot harm you as much as your own mind,
unguarded. But once mastered, no one can help you as
much, not even your father, mother or any other
The following injunctions by a well-known poet can
help us to face our troubles with courage and without
harbouring resentment in our hearts.

Have faith in you

'Ifyou keep your head, while all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
Ifyou can trust yourselfwhen others doubt you,
But make allowances for their doubting too;

'Ifyou can wait and not be tired by waitingy

Or being lied about and not deal in lies,
Or being hated and not give way to hating,
Nor yet look too good, nor talk too wise;
'Ifyou can dream and not make dreams your Master,
Ifyou can think and not make thought your aim;
Ifyou can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;

'If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it in one turn ofpitch-and-toss,
And lose and start again at the beginning,
And not breathe a word about your loss;

'Ifyou can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or see the things you give your life to, broken
Andstop to buildthem up again with worn-out tools;
cIfyou can force your heart and nerve and sinews
To serve their turn long after they are done,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the will which says to them, "Hold on!"

'Ifyou can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings andnot lose the common touch;
If neither foes or loving friends can hurt you
And all men count with you, but none too much;
'Ifyou can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it
And, what is more, you'll be a man, My Son!'
When we are faced with fear, considerable courage
is required to recognise the truth of its origin, and still
greater courage to accept that truth after we have
experienced it. We attract what we fear and when we
confront fears they disappear. Getting that fear out
into the open and frankly facing it is of primary
importance. If we can objectively trace the origin of
the fear, we would have won half the battle of over
coming it.
When faced with worries, we should not wear a
sulky face and exhibit it to the rest of the world.
Everyone has enough of his or her own problems,
without having to add on something extra from
someone else. If we like we could confide our pro
blems with another person or speak to someone who
can really help us, but not add to the misery of one
who cannot.
Do we have the courage and strength to maintain a
smile when facing difficulties? It is not really difficult,
if we were to reduce the egoism which leads one to
believe that only he or she alone needs comforting. In

addition, we should also count our blessings rather

than shortcomings. Always remember the saying, '/
complained that I had no shoes until I met a man who
had no feet.' When we think thus, we will realise that
there are many people who may be in an even worse
position than we ourselves, and against this under
standing our own problem can be reduced accordingly.
Thinking of others rather than brooding over our
own problems is also a way of being happy. The
person who is busy making others happy will have no
time to think of his own selfish needs.
A noted British anatomist was once asked by a
student: 'What is the best cure for fear?' His answer
was, 'Try doing something for someone.' The student
was considerably astonished and requested for further
clarification. In reply the instructor said, 'You can't
have two opposing sets of thoughts in your mind at
one and the same time. One set of thoughts will always
drive the other out. If, for instance, your mind is com
pletely occupied with an unselfish desire to help
someone else, you can't be harbouring fear at the same
time.' This notion that it is impossible to have a
wholesome thought and an unwholesome thought at
one and the same time has been pointed out in the
Buddha's teachings. By constantly striving to develop
a wholesome state of mind, we can leave no room for
delusion or fear to take root. In addition, we will also
be able to maintain a warm feeling of having done
something useful for another.
An important step in controlling the mind is the

disciplining of the body and speech. The five sense

organs namely eyes, nose, tongue, ears, and body
provide living beings with sense-information
from their environment. The eyes see objects which
create thoughts. Likewise, the ears are drawn to
sounds and the nose to smells which also create
thoughts. Arising from the sense information of see
ing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching, the mind
distinguishes that which is pleasant, unpleasant and
neutral. In addition, it also dictates what the body
should do in response to the same signal. Most people
respond to their sense-objects spontaneously, deve
loping attachment to pleasant objects and aversion to
unpleasant objects. There are very few people who are
not controlled by these conditioned responses.
One must learn to control one's thoughts in order
to have a better control over one's body and speech.
Thoughts can be classified as wholesome and un
wholesome. Wholesome thoughts are those that con
tribute to the development of a positive character,
proper attitude and right behaviour. Such thoughts
are conducive to the benefit and well-being of man
kind. On the other hand, thoughts which undermine
the development of a positive individual and contri
bute to the detriment of mankind are unwholesome
One should learn to recognize the nature of one's
thoughts as they arise from moment to moment,
distinguishing the wholesome thoughts from the
unwholesome ones. Once a person has developed the

facility of watching his thoughts, he has made a signi

ficant headway in nurturing wholesome thoughts. If
the thoughts in his mind are unwholesome, he applies
right effort to remove such unwholesome thoughts,
and at the same time prevents the arising of such
thoughts. If the thoughts are wholesome, he uses right
effort to cultivate and promote such thoughts. In
other words, through the cultivation of awareness of
one's thoughts, a person can learn to have control
over the mind instead of being reactive to sense
impulses fed by his senses.
The process of disciplining the body and purifying
speech and mind brings happiness. Everyone wants to
live happily, and happiness is everyone's birthright.
To achieve happiness to which one is entitled, we
should practise the self-cleansing process prescribed
by the Buddha:
1) To discard all unwholesome thoughts that have
2) To eliminate unwholesome thoughts as they.
3) To nurture wholesome thoughts that have
arisen by putting them into daily practice; and
4) To cultivate wholesome thoughts that have not
yet arisen.
These four simple guidelines can easily be practised
in our daily lives. This is one of the ways to maintain
a healthy mind which everyone can follow. Although
many may choose not to follow it but would prefer to

give in to the dictates of their craving, desire and

aversion, we should not follow suit if we sincerely
wish to have happiness. It is never too late to start
practising self-awareness and discipline to cultivate a
positive, wholesome and creative mind. Anytime is a
good time to start, especially starting from now.

Putting Problems in Their Proper Perspective

Sometimes when we are faced with a serious problem,
we feel depressed with its seeming magnitude and
weight. When this happens, it is profitable to wander
out in the evening and look up at the sky. We see
countless numbers of stars. From outer space, the sun
in our solar system will only appear as one of the
innumerable number of stars. If the sun were to dis
appear suddenly from space, would its absence be
noticed from outer space?
Our world is only a tiny speck in the universe.
What if we were to disappear from the world, would
it be of any universal significance? Our loved ones and
friends of course will miss us for a time, but besides
them, maybe no one else would. But compared to
ourselves, how much smaller are our troubles? When
we consider the vastness of the universe with the tiny
speck which the Sun is and the tinier speck which we
call the world, and our troubles will appear very
minute indeed in comparison.
If we can see our problems in this perspective, we
would understand the first step of the Noble Eight-

fold Path, that is, Right Viewpoint. This can also

mean a right sense of values, that is, by not thinking
that we are more important than we really are. And if
we can develop this viewpoint, we will know what
things in life matter and what do not, and that our
troubles which come and go are of no real signifi
cance. Ponder for a moment the significance of the
undermentioned valuable saying in Islam.

' Faith is the source of my power.

Sorrow is my friend.
Knowledge is my weapon.
Patience is my Garb and Virtue '

Prophet Mohammad ~

Troubles will soon pass. What had caused you

to burst into tears today will soon be forgotten
tomorrow. You may perhaps remember that you
cried, but maybe not the exact circumstances which
caused the tears. As we go through life, we waste so
much mental energy when we lie awake at night,
brooding over something that had upset us during the
day. We nurse resentment against someone and keep
running the same thoughts over and over again
through our mind. But is it not so that while we may
fall into a rage about something now, that after some
time has elapsed and other problems arise which
would seem to be more pressing, we may begin to
wonder what it was that in the first place we were so

angry about? If we reflect on past resentments, we

will be surprised to find how we have deliberately
continued to be unhappy when we could have in fact
put that unhappiness to a stop by doing or thinking
about something else.
Whatever our troubles, however pressing they may
appear, time will heal our wounds. But besides leaving
things to time, surely there must be something we can
do to prevent ourselves from being hurt in the first
place. We could maintain our peace of mind by not
allowing people or troubles to drain our energies away
since it is ourselves and not others who create our
We gain academic knowledge without personal
experience. Armed with academic knowledge some
young people think they can solve all the world's pro
blems. Science can provide the material things to solve
our problems, but it cannot help us to solve our spiri
tual problems. There is no substitute for wise people
who have experienced the world. Think about this say
ing, "When I was 18, I thought what a fool my father
was. Now that I am 28, I am surprised how much the
old man has learned in 10 years!" It is not the father
that has learned, rather it is you who have learned to
see things in a mature way.

The cause of suffering is nothing but selfish desire, fric

tion between elements and energies and changes.
~ Buddha

There was none so intimately aware of and con

cerned with human suffering than the Buddha.
It may be useful to look into his life and his search
into the cause and cure for universal suffering.
As a prince, Siddhartha led a sheltered life amidst
the splendour, beauty and security of his palace. He
knew no discomfort, only ease and luxury. Day and
night, he was entertained by beautiful maids and

attendants, by court musicians and enticing dancers.

He had everything a man would want of earthly plea
sures, yet he felt a void in his princely life.
While venturing out of the palace one day, Siddhar-
tha saw four sights, which may be ordinary to our
eyes but which to him had a great impact. He saw on
separate occasions an old man, a sick man, a dead man
and a mendicant or monk. These four sights made a
deep impression on him, as he had seen them for the
first time in his adult life. He was shocked at the
nature of worldly suffering humans are subjected
to after having witnessed the first three sights. It
reminded him that old age, sickness, and finally,
death, were the common lot of humanity, and that he
too would one day have to face the same fate.
However, it was the sight of a mendicant, which
gave him the hope of deliverance. It gave him the
inspiration and courage to renounce his regal position
and all worldly pleasures to seek the Truth that would
help suffering humanity.
One night he turned his back on material possessions
and went in search of the universal answers to the
problems of existence. That was the night when he left
the palace quietly, dressed only in a single robe. For
six long years, he hardly knew where to go or to rest.
He had no companions and no proper meals, except
what the people gave him. He ate from the alms bowl
like a common beggar. Having been used to a life of
luxury, he almost threw up at the first sight of the
jumble of coarse food in his bowl which the poor

people had offered him. But he endured it all - the

food, the blazing sun, the drenching rain, and the cold
nights in the forest - and wandered barefooted from
place to place, from teacher to teacher in search of the
The Truth finally dawned upon him six years later
while seated under the Bodhi tree. During his search,
he came to share the whole vast spectrum of human
experiences. He learned about unsatisfactoriness not
only from his life of abundant luxury, but also by
following for a while the way of the ascetics who
tortured their bodies under the belief that wisdom and
freedom could be attained through such practices. He
almost died from such practices which ultimately
proved futile. He also tried to learn from the best
teachers who willingly taught him, but who were
unable to give the answers he sought.
Realising that he had to find the Truth through his
own effort, he gave up self-torture and followed the
Middle Path of avoiding the extremes of indulgent
luxury and self-torture. With perseverance and un
failing determination, he gained Buddhahood through
his own persevering effort.
The Buddha discovered that Suffering, which is
caused by desire, could be put to an end by following
the Noble Eightfold Path. Through this Path, suffer
ing could be ended completely. Having understood
completely the nature of life, the Buddha dedicated
the rest of his life to teach what he had discovered to
all who would listen to him and understand.

The Nature of Life

The Buddha saw suffering as suffering, and happiness

as happiness. This is not what unenlightened minds
would see. Generally, most people dislike having to
face the true facts of life. They lull themselves into a
false sense of security by day-dreaming and imagina
tion, taking the shadow for the substance. Many never
see, know or even care to find out the facts of life, pre
ferring to live a humdrum existence in the world to
which they are born.
If we examine the actual state of humanity, it is
clear that this state is marked by unsatisfactoriness
throughout. Every living being, human or otherwise,
throughout the whole universe is struggling for exist
ence through a never ending battle for survival. The
brief moments of happiness come to an end with the
onset of sickness, old age and death.
Goethe, the great German poet, dramatist and
philosopher, once said that if he were to count all the
days of real happiness he had during his life time they
would only add up to no more than a fortnight in
However ingeniously we might plan and organise
our society and adjust human relationships, so long as
the world remains what it is even the best of us cannot
escape suffering. Even if, by some stroke of good
fortune, we manage to evade the usual irritants of life,
we cannot free ourselves from death. Our bodily
organism has in it the seeds of dissolution. Mortality

is native to our world of component things. The

thought of death as the end to all existence would be
unendurable to the ignorant who is caught in the web
of worldly existence and engrossed in the enjoyment
of the fleeting life which he mistakenly thinks is

The danger of refusing to face facts and accept the

truths of life, such as old age and death, is that it
makes a person suffer even more, not less, in the long
run. Recollection on the inevitability of death,
accompanied with the right attitude of mind, gives a
person courage to lead a purposeful life and calmness
during periods of sorrow and at the time of death.
Unsatisfactoriness follows man like his shadow
along the pathway of life. During childhood, he has to
shoulder the demands of duty. In the prime of man
hood, he struggles ceaselessly to support himself
and his family in answer to his responsibilities. The
declining years bring sickness, weakness, depen
dency, loneliness, suffering, and finally, death. Such
is the fate of all humanity.
It is sheer folly to expect security or eternal happi
ness while one sojourns in a world subject to constant
change. People work hard and undergo much suffer
ing in order to have a little bit of pleasure. But they
would have to give up fleeting pleasures if they wish
to secure permanent happiness. If man wishes to put
an end to suffering, he must eradicate his own selfish
ness and cultivate contentment.

Understanding the Facts of Life

Those who have not studied the Buddha's teachings
cannot understand what is meant by the statement
that existence creates suffering. Reflect on this: Every
creature which lives on earth either preys on other
animals or is itself being preyed upon. All creatures
either hunt or are hunted by others. Even herbivorous
animals live in fear because they are the victims of
other animals and human beings. No one can escape
from this eternal battle for survival which creates
suffering, fear of death and uncertainty in life. The
turning point in the Buddha's life came when he was
still a prince. One day he observed that a frog was
swallowed by a snake. Just then a hawk swooped
down and carried both the snake and frog away. The
prince reflected upon this phenomenon and observed
that all existence is sorrowful because living beings try
to escape from each other. At the same time, they
prey on others for survival. It is difficult to under
stand why all these innocent beings should suffer if
they were created by an all powerful, compassionate
creator. How could such a creator allow his creatures
to be preyed upon by others and to live in constant

In the world marked with unsatisfactoriness, the

Buddha makes no pretence of offering stability in con
ditions and things which are essentially unstable.
Some people who do not understand this call him a
pessimist. They are not unlike a child who builds a

sand castle near the sea and regards any prediction of

its dissolution with the rising tide as pessimism. But
the Buddha offers something infinitely better than the
stability which people foolishly seek in unstable
worldly phenomena. He offers them a method of
attaining ultimate stability, Nibbana, which is eter
nally peaceful and secure.
Worldly conditions, according to Buddhism, are
impermanent and unsatisfactory. The current wave of
discontentment which man is caught up with is mainly
due to a lack of understanding of the fleeting nature of
worldly life. Many of us do not know this nature at
all. Even if we do, we habitually fail to apply it to our
daily lives. In our ignorance, we blame the govern
ment, society or everybody else except ourselves. As
cultured people, we ought to know that our egoism
and ignorance are to be blamed. What hinders us from
realising the TRUTH is our selfishness, our pride,
hatred and ignorance. These defilements appear to
be so real that our power to believe in the Truth is
We do not like the truth because sometimes it is
unpleasant, inconvenient, or it does not support our
craving. There is no other more important injunction
in the world, nor one with a deeper hidden meaning,
than the phrase (used by Shakespeare in Hamlet) 'To
thine own self be true.' In other words, be true to your
own conscience. Whether we accept the Truth that
craving causes sorrow or not does not and cannot alter
the basic principles of the universe. We can recognise

the difference between right and wrong, but through

our ignorance and foolishness, we rationalise or give
a thousand reasons for failing to perceive that differ
ence. With our intelligence, we can justify our actions
for any wrongful actions committed, but in the final
analysis, it is better to call a spade a spade. We must be
like a good surgeon who can locate the source of a
cancerous growth and remove it. The operation is
painful, but once the diseased part is removed, our
chances of enjoying good health are vastly enhanced.

Fleeting Happiness
Life is unsatisfactory because it is impermanent.
Henri Bergson, the French philosopher, says, 'To
exist is to change; to change is to mature; to mature is
to go on creating oneselfendlessly.' So, those suffering
and despairing ones who seek light and guidance
should not base their hopes of happiness on a life
whose elements are in a flux as the shifting sands of a
river mouth.
When a person has a happy life, he would like the
passage of time to stand still. This ceaseless passage of
time is so obvious a quality of our lives that we take it
for granted. Within this ceaseless movement, all
things we know are born, grow, decay and die, and
we will go through this process with them.

'Life is uncertain,' says the Buddha, 'but death is


The law of impermanence lays its cruel hands on all

people. And all youth ends in old age, all health in
sickness, all strength in impotence, all beauty in
ugliness, and all life in death. Nothing can stop this
process. Death follows birth, as night follows day.
This process of change is common to all - to the poor
and the rich alike, to the young and the old. But this
seems to be the very thing some of us forget, living
and acting as if we are immortal.
If we look closely at life, we can see how it is con
tinually changing and moving between contacts. We
will notice how it fluctuates between rise and fall,
success and failure, gain and loss, honour and con
tempt, praise and blame. We see more clearly how our
hearts would respond to happiness and sorrow,
delight and despair, satisfaction and disappointment,
hope and fear.
These mighty waves of emotion carry us up, but no
sooner are we up in the crest when, they fling us
down. Hardly have we found some rest, before we are
swept up again by the power of a new wave. How can
we expect to gain a footing on the crest of the waves?
Where shall we erect the building of life in the midst
of this ever restless ocean of existence, if not on the
island of equanimity which will shelter us from every
storm? This island of equanimity develops in our
minds after we have undergone many disappoint
ments, and have finally emerged much wiser. It is an
island which provides stability and peace in the face of
sickness, separation and death.

The Picture of Life

Even our pleasure is the basis of unsatisfactoriness. If

we are seeking the Truth, we must recognise this fact,
whether we like it or not. This may be unpleasant at
first sight, but if we give it up because of that un
pleasantness, we will not get very far in the search for
Truth. We will be blinded by Maya - illusion.
It may not be easy to accept this version of the
world which seems at times so fair. And yet, when we
look around, we see that even in the beauty of spring,
many die and many more suffer from incurable
diseases. We experience disappointments, frustra
tions, miseries and suffering in various forms.
Gradually, as we grow in years and experience, this
vision of a world in constant flux widens, if we are not
wilfully blind. Looking still deeper beneath the
surface of life, we can profit and learn from the events
in the lives of people we know. We see how even a
happy ending may prove to be but a sad beginning, or
how a slight indiscretion or weakness may ruin a
man's whole life.
Therefore uncertainty in everything is certain. This
understanding can console our unsatisfied minds.

Worlds on worlds are rolling ever

From creation to decay
Like the bubbles on a river
Sparkling, bursting borne away.
~ Shelley

A Tibetan Buddhist yogi and poet, Milarepa, gives

this simple but comprehensive picture of human life.
'Youth is like a summer flower -
Suddenly it fades away.
Old age is like a fire spreading
Through the fields - suddenly, it's at your heels.
The Buddha once said, 'Birth and death
Are like sunrise and sunset
Now come, now go.'
Sickness is like a little bird
Wounded by a sling.
Know you not, health and strength
Will in time desert you?
Death is like a dry oil lamp
(After its last flicker)
This world is impermanent;
Nothing, I assure you
Can remain unchanging.
Evil karma is like a waterfall
Which I have never seen flow upward,
A sinful man is like a poisonous tree
If you lean on it, you will injured be.
Transgressors are like frost-bitten peas -
Like spoilt fat, they ruin everything.
Dharma practisers are like peasants cultivating in
the fields.
The Law of Karma is like Samsara's wheel -
Whoever breaks it will suffer a great loss.

Samsara is like a poisonous thorn

In theflesh - if not pulled out,
The poison will increase and spread.
The coming of death is like the shadow
Of a tree at sunset -
It runs fast and none can halt it.
When that time comes,
What else can help but the Holy Dharma?
Though Dharma is the fount of Victory,
Those who aspire to it are rare.
Scores of men are tangled in
The miseries of Samsara
Into this misfortune born,
They strive by plunder and theft for gain.
When you are strong and healthy
You ne'er think of sickness coming,
But it descends with sudden force
Like a stroke of lightning.
When involved in worldly things
You ne'er think of death's approach
Quick it comes like thunder
Crashing round your head.
Sickness, old age and death
Ever meet each other
As do hands and mouth
Do you not fear the miseries
You experienced in the past?
Surely you will feel much pain
If misfortunes attack you?

The woes of life succeed one another

Like the sea's incessant waves -
One has barely passed, before
The next one takes its place.
Until you are liberated, pain
And pleasure come and go at random
Like passers-by encountered in the street.
Pleasures are precarious,
Like bathing in the sun;
Transient, too, as the snow storms
Which come without warning.
Remembering these things,
Why not practise the Dharma?'
~ Songs of Milarepa ~

Can We Satisfy Desire?

It is hardly surprising that today, in our so-called
highly advanced society, dominated by greed, hatred,
suspicion and fear, an increasing number of people
should feel loneliness, frustration, jealousy and
enmity, and are unable to see any meaning in life.
Youths today demonstrate this inability to see mean
ing in life in various ways, which range from delin
quency to drug addiction.
The enemy of mankind is selfish craving. Through
this all evils come to living beings. People are always
craving for pleasures, wealth and property. They are
deluded with the idea that happiness consists of the
satisfaction of their desires. Such a belief is parti-

cularly prevalent in a materialistic society such as

ours. While the fulfilment of our needs and desires,
which cause no harm to others, does bring some form
of happiness, one should not be led into thinking that
sensual gratification is the only source of happiness
nor does it constitute the highest form of happiness. A
person who subscribes to such thinking will lead a life
of non-fulfilment, like chasing after rainbows.
Certain things give us pleasure, so we try to hold on
to them and increase their quantity. Some other things
bring displeasure, so we try to avoid or remove them.
Unless we can have mastery and control over the
forces of desire and aversion, they will drive us from
one unhappy experience to another. Desire and aver
sion operate together: at one moment it is aversion in
action, at another moment it is desire.
When hunger or thirst arises, there springs a feeling
of discomfort. Subsequently, desire springs up to
allay that discomfort. All our desires are like that.
They start from some discomfort or a feeling that
something is lacking. And then we search for things
that we think can fill that aching void. If we do not get
what we want, the feeling of void continues to ache.
If, however, we succeed in getting it, the desire or
hunger becomes satisfied, and for a time, ceases to
exist. Even so, the pleasure of anticipation disappears,
and we feel somehow cheated and disappointed
because what we experience is never quite what we
expected. And so, new desires and anticipations are
created. This continual arising and search for the satis-

faction of desires is the basis that constitutes mundane,

human life.
Some people spend their whole life accumulating
material things: no amount of accumulation can make
them contented. The desire for more and more is their
whole life's devotion. When they fail to get what they
seek, they become disappointed. But even after get
ting the things they have so desperately worked for,
they may turn out to be just as disappointed as before.
The object of their dreams appears to be less wonder
ful, less appealing or desirable than they had earlier
considered it to be. By now, their desires and expec
tations have gone up by a few notches, and they are
not satisfied with their new acquisitions. They are
constantly egged on by the notion that the 'grass is
always greener on the other side of the fence'. People
such as these can never be happy or contented. In fact,
the more they have, the greater their desire becomes.
It is said that man's needs, such as food, shelter and
clothing, can be satisfied, but seldom his desires.

Pleasure is not Happiness

Many people have the mistaken idea that they can
solve all their problems with money. While money is
necessary for one to lead a comfortable life in modern
society, it does not always solve one's problems. Not
only that, it also creates new problems as well. There
fore, it is important for us to put things as well as our
lives in proper perspective. When we realise the true

value and nature of things and reduce our craving for

sensual gratification, we will have more peace arising
from simplicity and contentment.
To satisfy their craving and hatred, people create
problems for themselves and others. Nations go to
war for this reason. They hope to defeat others and
conquer their lands. Battles and wars were fought and
stories of enormous suffering have been recorded
in the annals of world history. But human beings,
entangled in worldliness, will not come to their senses
so easily. They suffer so much misery and face many
dangers, but yet will not wake up to reality. They are
like the camel which loves to eat thorny bushes. The
more thorns it eats, the more the blood which gushes
from its mouth. Still it continues eating thorny plants
and will not give them up. In fact the worldly pleasure
that people experience is like eating a hot potato.
The Buddha taught that all our miseries arise from
wanting the wrong sort of things: more money for self
indulgence, power over other people, and cherishing
the idea of living on forever after one is dead. The
desire for these things makes people become discon
tented with life. This is especially the case when they
think only about their own interest, and disregard
others' welfare. When they do not get what they
want, they become restless and discontented. At the
same time when we gain what we were longing and
praying for we experience unsatisfactoriness or dis
appointment because of the fear of losing it.
All our mental sufferings are caused by selfish

desires for pleasure. Think about that. They are

caused by the desire to be what we are not, to have
what we do not have, and not to have the things we
already have. If we think hard and long about it, there
is no denying that the chief culprit in our inability to
enjoy a sense of happiness is desire.
What is fear but the desire to avoid; greed, the
desire to have; jealousy, the desire that others shall
not have; grief, the desire to regain something or
someone. All our negative emotions can be worked
out in terms of desire, the chain that binds us. The
only way to avoid this restlessness is to reduce or get
rid of the desire that causes it. This may be difficult to
do, but not impossible. When a man overcomes rest
lessness, he arrives at a state of calmness or content

The Buddha has said: 'The joy of pleasure in the

world, and those of heaven are not worth a sixteenth
part ofthe joy arisingfrom the destruction ofcraving.'
Here is another saying from a writer for you to
'Sorry is he whose burden is heavy,
And happy is he who has cast it down;
When once he has cast off his burden,
He will seek to be burdened no more.'

Suffering, which is the price we pay for our exist

ence, is brought about by craving. As a result of
craving, we perform actions which leave imprints or
seeds stored in our minds. Later in this life or another,

the seeds of our actions will ripen as reactions. In

other words, selfish craving creates kamma which
gives rise to reactions. Our past actions, coupled by
other factors, cause the good and bad we experience

Contemplate on Yourself
As people go through life, some learn to age gracefully
and accumulate wisdom born from experience. They
realise that to crave is to be subjected to more suffer
ing, and the cure for suffering lies not in appealing to
the gods for help but by finding salvation within
However, the person with a worldly nature suffers
so much sorrow and affliction. In his youth, he tries
to fill his days with enjoyment. But before he knows
it, the years have passed and he has grown old. He is
distressed to find that while his body has become unfit
as an instrument for pleasure, his heart is still youthful
in its craving. These are the people whose craving
grows with their age: the older they grow, the stronger
their craving becomes. This being the case, their
suffering will correspondingly be greater.
One reason for failing to control craving is the pride
in man. Under the false sense of pride, people go
about committing evil deeds and refuse to recognise
the obvious. By the same token, we should avoid
maintaining pride in youth while still young, pride in
health while still healthy, and pride in life while still
living a good life.

Some people, without considering their real posi

tions, think that they are higher than all others. They
are so full of themselves that they develop a grandiose
opinion of themselves. This can be dangerous because
'Pride always goes before a fall'.

The proud beetle in a lump of cowdung. There once

was a beetle which came upon a lump of cowdung. He
worked himself into it and liking what he saw, he
invited his friends to join him in building a city in it.
After working feverishly for a few days they built a
magnificent 'city' in the dung and feeling very proud
of their achievement they decided to elect the first
beetle as their king. Now to honour their new 'king'
they organised a grand parade through their 'city'.
While these impressive proceedings were taking place,
an elephant happened to pass by and seeing the lump
of cow dung he lifted his foot to avoid stepping on it.
The king beetle saw the elephant and angrily shouted
at the huge beast. 'Hey you! Don't you have any
respect for royalty? Don't you know it is rude to lift
your leg over my majestic head? Apologise at once or
I'll have you punished.' The elephant looked down
and said, 'Your most gracious majesty, I humbly
crave your pardon.' Thus saying he knelt down on the
lump of cow dung and crushed king, city, citizens and
pride in one act of obeisance.

The Buddha, overcame these three kinds of pride

when he saw the four sights. When he saw the old
man, the pride in youth left him. When he saw the
sick man, the pride in health left him. When he saw
the dead man, the pride in life left him. If we remove
these three types of pride from our minds, we will not
be shocked and distressed when we encounter these
states. It is useful to contemplate:

/ am liable to old age; I have not outstripped old

/ am liable to disease; I have not outstripped
/ am liable to death; I have not outstripped
Among all that is near and dear to me, there is
changeability and separation.
/ am the result of my own deed; whatever deed I
do, whether good or bad I shall become its heir.

It is a fact of modern society that youthfulness is

regarded as most desirable, while growing old is to be
avoided at all costs. Thus we will go to any extent to
appear young even when the body is giving in to old
age. We even lie about our age.

Age of a young lady. A film star was once brought up

before a magistrate for drunken driving and she was

asked how old she was, she replied, '30 years.'

A few years later, the same film star appeared in
court for the similar offence and this time also she
gave her age as '30 years.' Now she was appearing
before the same magistrate who remembered her.
'How is that?' he demanded 'five years ago you said
you were 30 years old and now you say you are still
30.' Not to be outdone, the fading former actress
fluttered her false eyelashes and explained, 'Your
honour, I have been told many times never to change
my testimony in a court of law. I told you once I was
30 and I will never change my word.'

For all men and women wishing to live happily

and make the best of their lives without having to lie
like the film star above, self-knowledge is the most
essential factor. The first step to know the nature
of the mind is to control it through systematic mental
development or meditation. Mental culture is produc
tive of insight which can light up a person's life. Like
a torch, it brightens the winding path in life and
enables him to sort out the good from the bad, the
right from the wrong and realise the clear light of
insight and he will soon get into the correct path.
Therefore meditation is to cleanse the mind.
When we meditate, we should check against hallu
cinations, especially about our spiritual attainment.
Such imaginations can appear even to experienced
meditators if they are not careful.

A meditator's illusion. Once a monk had developed

his meditation to a high state of mental absorption
(jhana). He was able to project his mental creations as
concrete images that other people could see. Because
of this, he thought that he had attained the state of
Perfection, an Arahanta (Sainthood).
He had a pupil who practised meditation to a higher
degree and became an arahant. When he attained this
state, he realised that his teacher was unable to
develop further because of conceit. But the problem
was how to make his teacher realise this fact.
One day he came to his teacher and asked him if he
was an arahanta. 'Of course, I am,' said the teacher,
'and to prove it. I can create anything you want with
my mind.'
'Create a big elephant,' said the pupil. A big
elephant appeared in front of them. 'Now make him
charge at you.' said the pupil. The master made the
elephant charge at him. Just as the elephant started
charging, the teacher got up from his seat and tried to

'Wait. If you are an arahanta,' said the pupil, 'You

should have no fear, why then did you get up to run?'
Then only did the teacher realise that he had not
attained arahantahood.

Our physical body lasts less than a century at the

most and undergoes changes from moment to

moment. Our emotions are but a stream of feelings

and images; our minds but a stream of thoughts. Our
characters change with the years. Within this complex
interaction of mind and body, there is no permanent
substance which can be regarded as an unchanging
Assume there is a pit about 100 feet deep and we
put burning charcoal at the bottom. After that we
lower a ladder into it and ask some people to go down
one by one. Those who start to go down do not com
plain about the heat until they go down to a depth of
30 to 40 feet. After 40 to 50 feet, they feel a certain
amount of heat. When they go further down to 70 or
80 feet and reach nearer to the burning charcoal, they
experience the sensation of burning. In the same
manner, young people do not experience suffering
although the Buddha says life is suffering. But this
is a good analogy to explain that as we gain more
experience we see the truth about suffering more
Admittedly, for convenience in our daily lives, we
still talk in conventional terms and use words like
'myself or 'yourself. It is like saying that the sun is
rising, although we all know that in actuality it is the
earth that revolves on its axis and goes round the sun.

It may not be too difficult to do good; it is more diffi

cult to be good. But to maintain a good mental attitude
and to do some service to others in the face of accusa
tions, criticism and obstructions is most difficult of

The word 'Man' is presumably derived from the

Sanskrit word, 'manas', meaning mind. The
human race is made up of not only body, but also
mind. Equipped with a mind, Man must be capable of
thinking since this is the specific function of the mind.
It is through the mind, not the body, that human
values can be understood, appreciated and followed.

If a person does not use his mind to think rationally as

well as humanely he is not worthy of belonging to the
human race.
You are born into this world to do some good, not
to pass your days in idleness and become a burden to
society. Always think of rising higher in goodness and
wisdom. Otherwise you abuse the privilege of this
high station attained through your merits.
Of all the infinite number of beings in the universe,
the human being has climbed the highest in the uphill
struggle towards the summit of perfect existence. We
are near the summit, and in one lap or two, we may
reach it. But even if we cannot make it to the last lap
and reach the top in this life, we can nevertheless still
travel on a direct, secure route that could bring us to
the summit without the risk of falling back to lower
forms of life. The last lap is difficult but with deter
mination we can ensure that we reach a stage where
there will be no more turning back.
Our most urgent task, therefore, is to ensure that
we do not fall below our present plane of existence.
For this purpose, we must try to understand the pro
cess of life and realize that each one of us is at the helm
of our respective careers. We must steer our lives clear
of the lower forms of existence, by keeping to the map
of Dhamma.

Life in the Modern World

How does life seem to many people? A tread-mill.


For a quarter of a century, they work to acquire the

means of livelihood; for another quarter they struggle
amidst perpetual anxieties to accumulate some wealth
and property; and in the next quarter, they progress
towards death without even knowing exactly why
they had lived at all.
Many people are so preoccupied with the business
of earning a living that they have no time to live. They
try to keep up their external appearances but neglect
their internal development. Blinded by their senses,
they mistake the false for the real. They work hard -
even fight, tooth and claw - for wealth, power and
position, thinking that they can be 'successful' if they
achieve these rewards of life. Here, one writer tries to
tell us how we spend our lives:

'We live and work and dream,

Each has his little scheme,
Sometimes we laugh,
Sometimes we cry,
And thus the days go by.'

One of the greatest maladies facing the modern

world is too much action. Action, more action, and
still more action punctuate the life of man from the
cradle to the grave. Seldom can he spend even five
minutes in silence to relax.
Today man can travel at twice the speed of sound in
supersonic jets. On land, he can travel at an incredible
speed in the so-called 'bullet train', and skim over the

ocean surface in a hovercraft. In all these spheres of

human activities, the trend is to do more in a shorter
period of time. He rushes here and there as modern
living makes great demands on him. He snatches a
hasty meal and dashes off again to join the daily rat
race. He leaps into bed, tosses and turns for half the
night. Just as he is dropping off to sleep, the alarm
clock goes and he is up once again to begin yet another
day. For too long, modern man has abused his body
and mind. Human nerves just cannot withstand the
pace at which he lives today. So, it will only be a
matter of time before they give way. Nature never
hurries; neither should we.
Modern man is so busy in his working hours that he
sometimes talks and even walks in his sleep. This
rapid pace in modern man's life is like the constant
roar of the machines he invented. The frittering away
of his nervous energies and the dissipation of mental
resources weaken both his mind and body.
He seems to be enmeshed in all kinds of ideas,
views and ideologies, both interesting as well as
foolish. He is greatly influenced by the mass-media,
like television, cinema, newspapers and magazines,
which shape his way of thinking, desires and life style.
Human sexuality is exploited to the hilt in the media
to persuade him to buy, even the things he does not
need. Music, dance and other forms of entertainment
which were introduced for his relaxation have today
become like drugs, creating more excitement and rest
lessness in his mind and arousing his animal nature. In

the end, he becomes confused and turns away from

the path of rectitude and understanding to follow the
easier path of overindulgence and sensuality.

Life as a Battlefield

The world itself is a vast battlefield. Everywhere there

is fighting, violence and bloodshed. Existence is
characterised by constant struggle: molecules against
molecules, atoms against atoms, electrons against
electrons, men against men, women against women,
men against animals, animals against men, spirits
against men, men against spirits, men against nature
and nature against men. Within one's physical body,
there is constant flux and struggle.
Just like the world, the mind itself is a great field in
which many battles are fought. Every little incident
disturbs the balance of the mind. The mind becomes
exceedingly happy when a son is born. At the next
moment, it becomes unhappy when the boy falls sick,
meets with an accident or is struck with an incurable
disease. The mind fluctuates between the two extremes
of happiness and sorrow because it is not trained to
see the true nature of life. For that reason, the ordi
nary man will always experience suffering, fear,
uncertainty and very little emotional satisfaction in
this world of constant flux. But when a person has
trained his mind with meditation and sees the nature
of things as they really are, his mind is no longer
attached to nor tied down by the world. As a result,

he frees himself from suffering and the imperfections

of the world.
Life is an eternal battle fought along two fronts: one
outward, the other inward. The outer line is intellec-
tualism and rationality. If the strength of the first
front is exhausted, man withdraws into the second
front of his inner feelings and thoughts and seeks to
fight from there anew. When the second front is lost
as well, he withdraws into himself to nurse his
wounds for a while, only to emerge again and fight
on another day. However, when he is completely
shattered and withdraws into himself, living on his
anger, frustration, desires and fantasies for a long
period of time, his sanity becomes affected.
An uncontrolled mind is dominated by the un
wholesome thoughts of selfishness, greed and attach
ment to worldly fame, gains and possessions. If these
tendencies are not checked, the mind will turn into
a devil's workshop, changing human beings into
monsters who are prepared to kill and destroy who
ever and whatever is in their way.
For the sake of material gain and comfort, modern
man does not listen to the voice of nature. He wants
too much out of life, and because of that he 'cracks
up'. He is made to believe that 'success' means being
able to do everything and be 'the best' in all these acti
vities. Of course, this is physically impossible. His
mental activities are so preoccupied with his future
happiness that he neglects the needs of his physical
body and ignores the importance of the present

moment for what it is worth. This inability to get our

priorities right is one of the main causes of all our
frustration, anxiety, fear and insecurity.
So, what is the result of all this? These anxieties and
stress manifest themselves as mental ailments and
disturbances, collectively known as 'emotional kill
ers'. These negative emotions of fear, worry, insecu
rity, jealousy, and so on, not only cause suffering to
the person concerned, but also to those around him.
In many developed countries it has been found that
about two out of every ten persons are suffering from
insanity or are in need of psychiatric treatment for one
kind of neurosis or another. More and more hospitals
and institutions for the mentally sick suffering from
various forms of neuroses are being built. There are
many more who do not receive any treatment, but are
badly in need of help. The rise in the criminal element,
which is sometimes equated to mental affliction
within these societies, has reached alarming propor
tions. One of the far-reaching results arising from the
research of Freud is the recognition that people who
are compulsive criminals and delinquents are mentally
sick, who are more in need ofunderstanding and treat
ment than corrective punishment. This attitude to the
problem lies in the basis of all progressive social
reform and opens up the way for rehabilitation rather
than revenge and retribution.
There are certain common methodologies or tech
niques in mental therapy to treat people who are
mentally unbalanced. Initially, the aim is to bring to

the surface the mental states that have long been

buried. The psychiatrist encourages his patients to
talk and reveal those carefully camouflaged thoughts
that have long been hidden even from the patient him
self. The psychiatrist deliberately refrains from telling
the patient what to do, but tries to bring him to that
state of mental awareness where he can see for himself
his own mistaken attitudes of mind. Thus, in this way
a skilled psychiatrist attempts to reveal the secret for
every patient the creator of his illness, which in every
instance is none other than the patient himself. This
unmasking gives the patient an insight into the hidden
nature of his problem as well as how it could be over

This approach is similar to the Buddha's 'Do It

Yourself method, which aims at making us realise the
true nature of life, of ourselves and of our problems.
By following this gradual method, we will come to
recognise that the great problems in this world are
caused by our own craving and ignorance. At the
same time, we will also practise the way of reducing
our mental defilements and eradicating the root of our
problems, thereby enabling us to experience spiritual
growth and emerge completely liberated from worldly
conditioning and suffering.

Towards Mental Health

The destructive mental forces and emotions must be

checked and reduced to a manageable level. In this

context, relaxation is a necessity, not a luxury. We

should reduce or curtail all unnecessary activities, rise
early to have more time to dress and talk to the family,
and make a habit of spending some time alone to be
engaged in some useful activities like reading, contem
plation and for physical and mental relaxation.
All of man's ills depend on how well he attempts to
cross life's currents. No man can cross the ocean in a
sailing boat by defying the winds; instead, he must
adjust his sails to the winds. The currents of life are
always streaming in one direction. They will never
change the course of their flow, just as the sun does
not change its direction. Man must adapt himself to
this flow of life to find complete harmony within him
self and with his environment.
Obey the eternal law of the universe (Dhamma),
taught by the Buddha. He who keeps this law lives
happily in this world and in the next. It is the duty of
every human being to use his mind in the correct way.
The human mind should be channelled towards creat
ing a just, equitable and peaceful world. If the mind is
allowed to roam at random, it will become undisci
plined, distorted and depraved. Most of the suffering
in the world is caused by unruly, distorted or de
praved minds. The man who is not at peace with
himself cannot be at peace with others.
Hatred is an unhealthy attitude which increases
more darkness and which obstructs right under
standing. Hatred restricts; love releases. Hatred
strangles; love enfranchises. Hatred brings remorse;

love brings peace. Hatred agitates; love quietens, stills,

calms. Hatred divides; love unites. Hatred hardens;
love softens. Hatred hinders; love helps. By realising
the value of love, one must eradicate hatred.
Mankind prays for peace, but there can be no peace
in the world until the conflicts within man himself are
resolved. For this to be accomplished, there is an
urgent need to train the mind. One may ask, 'How
can we do it?' While this is a logical question, more
important is the question, 'Do we want to do it?' If
the answer is a clear 'Yes', accompanied by commit
ment, one can certainly develop the skill to train one's

The Basic Law of The Mind:-

As you See - so you Feel

As you Feel - so you Think
As you Think - so you Will
As you Will - so you Act


An angry man opens his mouth and closes his eyes.

A n aristocratic rich widow, well known in high

society for her benevolence, had a housemaid
who was faithful and diligent. One day, out of curio
sity, the maid decided to test her mistress to find out
if she was honestly good by nature or if it was merely
a pretence put on for the sake of appearance in her
fortunate high society surroundings.
The following morning, the maid got up from her
bed quite late at around mid-day and the mistress
chided her for being late. The following day too, the
maid repeated her late rising. The mistress, in rage

abused the maid and struck her with a stick thus

hurting her. News of this incident spread around the
neighbourhood and the rich widow lost not only
her reputation but also a faithful servant.
Similarly in this modern society, people are kind
and modest when their surrounding conditions are
good and satisfactory. When conditions change and
become unfavourable, they become irritable and
angry. Remember the saying 'When others are good,
we can also be good. When others are evil, it is easy for
us to become evil.' Anger is an ugly and destructive
emotion. All human beings are subject to anger
in one form or another in their daily lives. It is a nega
tive emotion which is dormant within us, awaiting to
flare up and take control over our lives when the
occasion arises.
Anger can be likened to a flash of light which blinds
us temporarily and causes us to act unreasonably.
Uncontrolled anger can cause us a great deal of harm
both physically and emotionally. Like any other
human emotion, anger can be brought under control.

The Danger of Anger

Certain creatures by nature are unable to see during
daytime, while some others are blind at night. A
human being driven to great heights of hatred and
bitterness is blind to anything in the true sense, either
by day or by night. There is a saying, 'An angry man
opens his mouth and closes his eyes.'

It is said, that an angry man transfers the effects of

his anger to himself when he regains his reasoning.
Just as the money stored in the bank will reap a divi
dend, so will the anger stored in the mind reap the
returns of bitterness.
Whom or what do we fight with when we are
angry? We fight with ourselves, and become, as it
were, our worst enemy. We must try to eradicate
totally, this dangerous enemy latent in our minds with
a proper understanding of the situation.
Anger grows stronger when fueled by emotion,
especially when craving is behind that emotion. At the
moment of intense anger, a person ceases to be
human: he becomes a dangerous animal capable of
destroying not only others, but also himself. Anger
can cost him his reputation, job, friends, loved ones,
peace of mind, health and even his very own self.
The Buddha spoke about the wretchedness of anger
and said that when a person is angry, seven things
befall him that would help the cause of his enemies
and make them rejoice. What are the seven?

He will be ugly despite being well-groomed and

He will lie in pain, even if he sleeps on a soft and
comfortable couch.
He will do things which give rise to his harm and
suffering by mistaking badfor good and goodfor
bad, by being reckless andnot listening to reason.

He will lose his hard-earned wealth and even run

into trouble with the law.
He will lose his reputation andfame which have
been acquired by diligence.
His friends, relatives and kin will avoid him and
stay away from him.
After death he will be reborn in an unfavourable
state of existence, since a person who is controlled
by anger performs unwholesome actions through
body, speech andmind which bring unfavourable
~ Anguttara Nikaya ~

These above misfortunes are those which one's

enemy would like to wish for one. But these are the
very misfortunes that befall a person who is over
come by anger.

Controlling Anger
A good way to control anger is to act as if the un
desirable thoughts do not exist in our mind. By using
our will-power, we focus our minds on something
wholesome and thus subdue negative emotions. It is
not easy to react peacefully to someone who insults
us. Although the physical body is not harmed, the ego
feels humiliated, thereby making a person feel like
hitting back. It is not so easy to reciprocate insults
with courtesy and respect. But the test of character is
how we deal with trying situations that confront us in

our daily lives. It seems, even from our childhood, we

like to take revenge for our own satisfaction.

'He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he

robbed me. In him who harbours such thoughts
hatred will not cease.'
~ The Buddha

Darkness cannot be dispelled by darkness but by

brightness. In the same way hatred cannot be over
come by hatred but by loving kindness.
Some persons are like letters carved on a rock; they
easily give way to anger and retain their angry
thoughts for a long time. Some men are like letters
written in sand; they give way to anger also, but the
angry thoughts quickly pass away. Some men are like
letters written in the water; they do not retain their
passing thoughts, but the perfect ones are like letters
written in the wind; they let abuse and uncomfortable
gossip pass by unnoticed. Their minds are always pure
and undisturbed.
Even if we feel angry at injustice done to others, we
should contain our anger because we are not in a
position to arrive at a correct course of action in a
disturbed state of mind. When we are angry, we must
be aware of our own anger. Observe the anger as a
mental state, without directing it to the object that
causes the anger. We must train ourselves to observe
and analyse our emotions when we are angry. By con
stantly practising self-analysis of our moods, we will

gain greater confidence in being able to control our

selves and will not act foolishly or irrationally. The
Buddha's advice is:

Good is restraint in deed; good is restraint in speech;

good is restraint in mind; good is restraint in every
thing. The noble man practises restraint all points is
freed from sorrow.

Not all people adopt the same strategy to control

their anger. One effective way is to employ the 'time-
delay5 method. Thomas Jefferson summed up this
approach when he said, 'When angry, count to ten
before you speak; if very angry, count to a hundred.'
A recipe to develop better control of our temper is
to repeat these ideas mentally several times a day to

'I can control my anger,

I can subdue irritability,
I will keep cool and be unruffled,
I will be unmoved by anger as a rock,
I am courageous and full of hope.'

By repeating these lines, we can strengthen our

minds to gain confidence and mental calmness. When
faced with the thoughtless actions of people, we can
also keep in mind what the Buddha taught:
'If a man foolishly does me wrong, I will return to
him the protection of my infinite love; the more evil

comes from him, the more good shall gofrom me; the
fragrance of goodness always comes to me, and he
gains only a bad reputation.'
'A wicked man who reproaches a virtuous one is
like a person who looks up and spits at heaven; the
spittle soils not the heaven, but comes back and defiles
his own person. The slanderer is like one who flings
dust at another when the wind is contrary; the dust
returns on him who threw it. The virtuous man can
not be hurt; the misery comes back on the slanderer.'

Wise persons never challenge foolish ones. A wild boar

once decided to become the king of the jungle. So he
got up from the dung heap where he was resting and
went to the lion, the king of beasts and challenged him
to a fight. Of course the lion just turned his nose at the
smelly creature, ignoring him and walked away
without even bothering to reply. This story illustrates
that when wise beings are challenged by those who
have a low mentality, the noble ones should not waste
their time on them.

The Buddha has also given some advice for con

trolling anger. This advice if followed, grows in effec
tiveness the more it is practised:

By recollecting the advice of the Buddha who


spoke about the danger of anger and the problems

created by harbouring these unwholesome
By recalling some of the good qualities of the
hatedperson. When you disregard his bad charac
teristics as a human weakness, and start thinking
of his qualities and the good things he had per
formed, then the anger may soften and give way
to loving kindness.
By remembering the ownership of kamma. All
beings are the owners and heirs of their respective
kamma, and they will inherit the fruits of their
good or bad actions. By understanding this law,
you will be less inclined to be angry with another.
Instead of being angry, you develop compassion
for the other person who will have to face the
results of his bad actions.
By cultivating thoughts of loving kindness to all
beings. Great blessings come to those who develop
their minds through the practice of boundless love
and compassion to all.
By not letting your mind be polluted by evil
thoughts towards the person who has wronged or
hurt you. The anger you harbour in your mind
does you more damage than to the other person.
Therefore, cultivate a life of joy and love, even
while living among the hateful.

Selfishness kills one's personality andspiritual growth.

A self-centred and selfish person lives only for

himself. He does not know how to love and
respect others; he argues and quarrels over small
matters, and his life becomes but an endless journey in
unhappiness. He suspects others of being his rivals,
and is envious of their success and achievements. He
covets their possessions; he cannot tolerate their
happiness. In the end, he poisons his thoughts and
becomes dangerous to society.
Regardless of whether he is rich or poor, a selfish
man is controlled by greed. He is never contented,

never satisfied with what he has. It was Mahatma

Gandhi who once said, 'The world is enough for
everyone's needs, but not ever enough for one man's
greed'. If he is rich, he worries about his house,
property and all his other possessions. He always
thinks of how to make more money and is not pre
pared to part with a little of what he has, even for a
worthy cause. He is always filled with worries of
being robbed, kidnapped, or cheated. He worries
about his business and doubts the trustworthiness of
his workers. He worries about his death and how his
wealth will be used. If he is poor, on the other
hand, he suffers from not having enough. He is
always longing for wealth and property. When he is
unable to obtain the wealth and property through
honest means and hard work, he resorts to criminal
means to meet his desires.
Selfishness is brought about by wrong views and
the failure to perceive the realities of life. Rooted in
craving, and the belief in a non-existent self, selfish
ness is a very destructive emotional force. If preven
tive and corrective measures are not taken to reduce
this negative emotion, it can cause untold suffering
and misery. How many of us ever pondered deeply
over the statement made by William Gladstone:

'Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race'

Thoughts are forces, and selfishness is a powerful

negative force that brings bad consequences. This is in

accordance with the universal moral law that we reap

the results of our actions which take root in our
thoughts. Pain and suffering are the results of evil
thoughts, while happiness is the result of good
We are dominated by our thoughts. A chronic
hatred or even a cherished grudge tears the one who
harbours it to shreds. A strong feeling of resentment is
just as likely as a germ to cause poor health and sick
nesses. If one is so unfortunate as to have an enemy,
allowing the resentment to dig in and the hatred to
become chronic is the worst thing one can do to

The Need to Cultivate Love and Compassion

All living beings are comrades in suffering, who are
subjected to a common predicament. In the average
human mind, there is a rubbish heap of evil; but
fortunately, there is also a storehouse of virtue waiting
to be tapped. The choice of developing virtue or com
mitting evil is really up to oneself. The practice of
sympathetic feelings for the suffering of others should
be cultivated. A happy, contented life is only attained
by overcoming selfishness and developing goodwill,
understanding and benevolence. We should not con
demn others by picking on their weaknesses or
mistakes and disregarding their good work and good

In the Dhammapada, the Buddha says: 'Hatred is

never appeased by hatred in this world. It is appeased

by love. This is an eternal law.' This natural law was

also taught by Jesus who said that a person should do
good to those who hate him.
To do good is to bring to oneself all the powerful
good elements in nature. To do evil is to welcome
destructive elements. Those who live in hate will die
in hate, just as those who live by the sword will die by
the sword. Every evil thought is as if it were a sword
directed at him who draws it. Once a person realises
this fact, he should be afraid of harbouring evil and
selfish thoughts.
It is a spiritual truth that evil can only be overcome
by its opposite, positive force of good. Love and com
passion are the antidotes for hatred. Goodwill is the
antidote for anger. The presence of one positive force
implies the absence of its opposing negative force. By
developing love, compassion and goodwill, we can
make these thoughts our most precious assets.
Nothing outside us can possibly affect us as much
as what is taking place in our minds. It is an esta
blished fact that, cAs a man thinketh in his heart, so he

Self-conquest is indeed far greater than the con

quest of all other folk; neither a god nor a spirit nor
Mara, with Brahma can win back the victory of
such a person who is self-subdued, and even lives in
Dhammapada ~~

Selfishness is the cause of jealousy, while jealousy

nurtures selfishness.

Once the tail and the head of a snake quarrelled as

to which should be the leader. The tail said to
the head: cYou are always taking the lead; it is not fair.
You ought to let me lead sometimes.' The head
answered: 'That cannot be because it is the law of our
nature that I should be the head. I cannot change
places with you.'
The quarrel went on for several days until one day,
out of anger, the tail fastened itself to a tree. The head
could not proceed and decided to let the tail have its

own way. Unfortunately, the tail was unable to see

where it was going, and the snake fell into a pit of fire
and perished.
There are some who are never satisfied with their
possessions and are jealous of those who have more
than they. The jealous thoughts they harbour in their
minds prevent them from enjoying what they have.
Even if they have done very well in everyone's eyes,
they are not satisfied and are tormented by the fact
that someone else has performed better than them. It
would be beneficial for them to turn their thoughts
inwards and count their blessings rather than culti
vating jealous thoughts.

The Cause of Jealousy

The basic cause of jealousy is selfishness. When a man
becomes eccentric and self-centered, he lives only for
himself and regards all other beings as his potential
rivals. He is envious of their success. He covets their
possessions. He cannot tolerate their happiness. He is
jealous of their achievements. In the final analysis,
he becomes completely unsociable and dangerous,
which create problems. Problems can come from
many sources.

More Troubles Come from Our Kind. A dog took a

trip to see the country. A few days later he returned,
and his friends asked him whether he faced problems
on the trip. He said that he met with many people and

animals along the way. They did not create any distur
bances but allowed him to go his own way.
'The only problems I faced were from our own
kind.' he said. 'They would not leave me alone. They
barked at me and chased and tried to bite me.'

In the same way, when a person becomes success

ful, those who do not know him will leave him alone.
Unfortunately, he has to put up with some of his
friends and relatives who may feel envious of his
success. They carry tales, and even create obstacles for
him. In such a situation, he should try to exercise
patience. It may be useful for him to remember that it
is easier for some people to associate with strangers
rather than their own people.
Selfishness is brought about by wrong views and
failure to perceive the realities of life. Selfishness is a
very destructive emotion based on craving and causes
untold suffering and misery. Corrective and preven
tive measures should be taken to control such negative
Thoughts are forces in which good builds upon and
attracts good. The fruits that we reap are in accor
dance with the thoughts we have sown. Our pain and
happiness are direct results of our own evil or good
thoughts on the basis of the law of attraction which
operates universally on every plan of action. If one is
so unfortunate as to have an enemy, the worst thing
one can do to oneself, and not to the enemy, is to let

the resentment dig in and allow the hatred to become

We are all comrades in suffering and subjected to a
common law. The choice to develop virtue or commit
evil lies with us. Therefore, if we cannot bear to see or
hear the successful achievements of others, we would
need to re-evaluate our outlook.

Awareness of the Mind

By reviewing and examining one's negative thoughts,

a person will realise that no one outside himself has
the power or means to upset his inner peace and
balance of mind. When he compares himself with
others, he creates his own suffering by thinking that
he has less or that others are more successful than
him. There is no benefit to be gained by harbouring
jealousy, which is often the cause of so much disunity
in the world.
We should realise that negative emotions such as
jealousy, anger and ill-will stifle the mind's growth.
We must work to free ourselves from such evil in
fluences at all costs. Jealousy will not bring us what
we desire, but instead will lead us down the blind alley
of enmity, unrest, and undue physical and mental
We must be ever vigilant of unwholesome
thoughts. Whenever a negative thought arises in the
mind, we must try to replace or substitute the negative
thought with a positive one. This requires us to be
aware of what goes in and comes out of the mind.

Through this gradual process of self-awareness, we

will be able to check and weed out the negative
thoughts before they can enslave us.

Dealing with Jealousy

When we come to know the danger of harbouring
jealousy, we can then devote our time and energy to
the profitable cultivation of wholesome thoughts of
kindness and sympathy. We should think that there is
nothing for us to lose when others make progress. We
should cultivate modesty, eradicate self-centered
craving, and develop sympathetic joy at the happiness
of others. A person who is imbued with such good
thoughts is a blessing to himself and the world at
large. The practice of sympathetic feeling for the
sufferings of others should be encouraged while at the
same time eradicating thoughts of selfishness. A
happy and contented life is only attained when one
overcomes selfishness and develops goodwill, under
standing and benevolence.
The Buddha encouraged his disciples to develop
sympathetic or appreciative joy when others are
happy, which is an effective antidote to jealousy.
They adopt a congratulatory attitude by rejoicing
when others prosper and succeed. This may not be
hard to do when our loved ones prosper and succeed,
but is rather difficult with regard to our adversaries.
Just think: cDo we not want to prosper and succeed?
Do we not wish to be blessed with happiness? Just as

what we would want for ourselves, wouldn't the

others too want to be blessed with prosperity, success
and happiness?' Maintaining such a mental attitude
can free a person from much suffering as well as from
falling to ruin, especially when ill-will and malicious
actions develop from jealous thoughts. It also pre
vents one from hindering others in making good

On the other hand, we must have patience with

others who are jealous of our success. Their reaction
can sometimes arise because we have not acted with
humility . We must be considerate by not flaunting
our achievements before others who are less success
ful. During moments of success, we must recall our
past failures so that we may understand better the
feelings of others who have performed less well.
When others act against us because of jealousy,
guard ourselves against resentment. We should
remind ourselves that we, like others, are owners of
our respective deeds (kamma). We should think thus:
'Now what is the point of my getting angry with him?
Anger will not solve problems, they will only aggra
vate the situation. This anger will only create kamma
which will lead to my own suffering and downfall. By
replying to him with resentment, I will only hurt
myself like a person who picks burning embers in his
hand to hit another with it.' There is a story which
clearly illustrates how a Dhamma master subdued a
jealous rival without resorting to anger.

Can you make me obey you? Once there was a

Dhamma master whose talks were widely attended by
people of all ranks. He never used scholastic explana
tions but spoke straight from his heart to his listeners.
One evening, a teacher from another religious sect
attended his talk. He was angry because this Dhamma
master was able to draw large audiences, including
some of his own followers. The self-centered teacher
was determined to have a debate with the master.
cHey, Dhamma Master!' he called out. cWait a
minute. Others may listen to you and obey what you
say, but a man like myself does not respect you. Can
you make me obey you?'
'Come here beside me and I will show you,' said
the Dhamma master.
The teacher pushed himself through the crowd and
proudly stood beside the master.
The Dhamma master smiled. 'Come over to my left
side.' The teacher obeyed.
'No, I think it's better if you are on my right side,5
said the Dhamma master. 'We can talk better that
way.' The teacher proudly stepped over to the right.
'You see,' said the Dhamma master, 'you are obey
ing me. I think you are a very gentle person. Now sit
down and listen.'



'Lord, save mefrom myfriends. I know how to defend

myself against my enemies.'
Voltaire ~

Very few people can claim they have no enemies.

Even great religious teachers who had so self-
lessly served mankind, like the Buddha, Krishna,
Jesus and Mohammed, great philosophers like Socrates,
social reformers like Abraham Lincoln and the father
of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi, all had their share
of opponents and enemies. These great masters and
leaders patiently underwent the abuses and criticisms
of their enemies, without deviating from their noble

principles. Some even had to face untimely death for

the sake of their principles which they valued above
everything else.
Ever so often, people who work for the welfare of
others also come into contact with people with bad
intentions. There seems to be a continuous conflict
that arises naturally between good and evil. When a
person makes an effort to do some good, there are
some people who like to find fault with him rather
than shower him with praises. He is blamed for what
he does or doesn't do. In addressing Athula, a disciple
of the Buddha, who complained about his dissatis
faction with the preaching of other disciples, and of
the way they tried to answer his questions, the
Buddha said: 'People blame others for their silence.
They also blame those who talk much or in modera
tion. There is, therefore, no one in this world who is
not blamed.'
A person must be prepared to accept blame with
some degree of resignation if necessary, even if the
allegations are without basis. Abraham Lincoln had a
very sober and practical way to handle criticism. He
said, 'If I were to try and read, much less answer, all
the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be
closedfor any other business. I do the very best I know
how, the very best way I can; and I mean to keep on
doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all
right, then what is said against me won't matter. If the
end brings me out wrong, then ten angels swearing I
was right would make no difference.'

Mirror of the Mind

A person's thoughts and beliefs shape his life, experi

ences and circumstances. Like mirrors, all men
become like their own reflected mental images. They
behold the reflection of their own character and inner
thoughts. Until a person realizes that his own character
is but the effect of his own thoughts and beliefs, he
remains a victim of circumstances. But once he realises
this great truth, he has started on the journey which
will enable him to be free from the poison of ill will.
The ugliness a person sees in others is a direct
reflection of his own nature. Therefore, a person
should not act hastily and project the image of un-
wholesomeness and hatred within himself on another
innocent and unfortunate being. Let us have patience
and not criticise others too readily. We should view
things from a broader perspective by putting ourselves
in the other person's shoes. Try to understand the
circumstances which gave rise to an action. Adopting
such a perspective can enable us to lead a noble life of
non-interference in the affairs and the peace of others.
Let us keep in mind the Buddha's advice: 'He who is
observant of others' faults, and is always irritable,
increases his own defilements. He is far from the
destruction of defilement.' Boltan Hall has written
the following lines:
'I looked at my brother with the microscope of
And I said, 'How coarse my brother is!'

/ looked at him through the telescope of scorn,

And I said, 'How small my brother is!'
Then I looked in the mirror of truth,
And I said, 'How like me my brother is!'

Picking Faults in Others

It is so easy to see the faults of others: it is difficult
to see one's own faults. The Buddha says that one
winnows other's faults like chaff, but hides one's own
like a crafty fowler who covers himself. One should
not regard the faults of others, things done or left
undone by others (just to pass remarks,) but one
should constantly consider one's own deeds of com
mission and omission.
Keeping these gems of advice in mind can help us
understand better our own nature and put a brake on
negative mental tendencies. Be positive. If one has a
fault-finding frame of mind, one will see that even a
rose has its thorns. But why dwell on the flaws when
one can enjoy its beauty? Every worldling has faults.
And it is useful to remember that no person is totally
bad, or evil either.
The next time before we start finding faults with
others, remember these lines by Robert Louis Steven

'There is so much good in the worst of us,

And so much bad in the best of us,
That it will not behove any one of us,
To find any fault with the rest of us.'

What to do when Criticised

When someone is angry with you, try to find out the

cause of the problem. It could be due to something
which you have done. If you have made a mistake,
admit it and apologise for your wrong action. If it is
due to a misunderstanding, have a heart to heart talk
with that person and be willing to resolve the differ
ences. On the other hand, if the anger has arisen
because of jealousy or emotional problems on the part
of the other party, you should not reply anger with
anger, though this is a natural tendency. Wars do not
end wars. They only give rise to more vengeance. At
best, they result in an unjust settlement. The Buddha
says, 'The victor breeds hatred and the defeated lives
in misery. Only he who renounces both victory and
defeat is happy and peaceful.'
Overcome anger with loving kindness. This is by
no means easy to perform. And this implies some
degree of self control: to conquer your own anger for
the sake of happiness and peace. The Buddha says,
'Though one should conquer a thousand times a thou
sand men in battle, he who conquers his own self, is the
greatest of all conquerors.' It takes patience, but the
results are worth the effort.
Smile and do so sincerely. As you smile and shower
benevolent thoughts of love and kindness upon an
enemy, a miracle happens. Your radiant face and pre
sence generate positive mental waves that can break
the cold mental wall separating the both of you. Only

love has the power of influencing and changing

negative thoughts into positive ones: hatred will only
succeed in hardening an opponent's position.
He drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!
~ Edwin Markham ~

The wise do not get rid of their enemies by return

ing evil for evil since more enemies are created that
way. The proper method to overcome your enemies is
by extending to them your goodwill and understand
ing. Recognise their needs and why they attacked
you. Then, instead of criticising, speak well of them.
This is not what most people do, but it works time
and again. It was Oscar Wilde who once said, 'Always
forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much'.
The experiences of people who use this method clearly
demonstrate that this is a most effective, practical
method of changing an enemy into a friend. This is
also the Buddhist way.
The Buddha taught that one should conquer anger
with kindness, wickedness with goodness, selfishness
with charity, andfalsehood with truthfulness.
Before we get angry with someone whom we con
sider to be an enemy, just recall two things: Firstly,
people suffer more from the hatred they carry in their
minds than what their enemies would do to them. If

you wish to be rid of your greatest enemy, remove

your own anger.
Secondly, we not only learn from our good friends,
but from our enemies as well. We must give them the
benefit of the doubt. They could well be right. If
we don't pay attention to what they say (instead of
being angry with how they say it), we might lose an
opportunity to learn and improve ourselves. Some
times, this revelation might be something of impor
tance, but because it is so close to us even our own
friends might hesitate to point that weakness to us. If
we keep an open mind, without coming to hasty con
clusions, we can learn much from our enemies.

Don't Be Afraid of Criticism

Sweetness can cause sickness. Praise is sweet, but too

much of it can cause one to be sick. Criticism can be
like a bitter pill or a painful injection: It is unpleasant
surely, but it can do us good.
Don't be afraid of criticism. Remember that no one
can really be free from it, not even great people.
Critisism is futile because it puts a man on the defen
sive and usually makes a man strive to defend himself.
Critisism is dangerous because it wounds a man's pre
cious pride, hurts his sense of importance and arouses
his resentment. But there is a constructive side to
criticism. We should listen to criticism, especially if
they are constructive, and welcome the opportunity
for self improvement. We should restrain our ego and
not harbour hatred against the critic. We must not be

quick to label those who do not share our views as our

enemies. Not all who criticise us are our enemies.
Therefore, adopt a positive attitude and listen intently
to the message of the criticism. Does it have a basis
and is there something we can learn from it? We may
find out our own weakness which we might not be
able to see.
On the other hand, we may come across some
incorrigible people who are not affected by our good
will. We may try by using peaceful methods and
reason with them, but it will be in vain. Even then we
should not harbour anger and take revenge against
them. Because by doing so, we will fall into the same
pool of mud they are wallowing in. Getting involved
in mud-slinging will make us no better than our
enemy. We defile ourselves in the process. Many
people interfere with unnecessary things either to do
something malicious or to pass uncalled for remarks.
As a result of this negative attitude, they get into
At the same time we should not be too critical or
inquisitive about other people's affairs and poke our
noses where we are not wanted. There is an Eastern
folk tale to illustrate this point.

Mind your own business. Once, some woodcutters

were cutting a fallen tree trunk. They began by split
ting the trunk down the middle. To make their work

easier they inserted a wedge between the two parts as

they proceeded. As it was almost noon they decided
to take a break, leaving the tree trunk with the wedge
still in place. Just then a monkey came along. He
wanted to know what the wedge was doing there. So
he sat astride the trunk, with his tail (and other
organs!) hanging between the split trunk. After
shaking the wedge vigorously, he succeeded in re
moving it, but in so doing the two sides of the trunk
slammed shut crushing his tail and his other organs
and killing him.

What should you do when someone makes an

unkind statement? You may like to reflect: Is my
enemy justified in his actions and statements? If they
are completely baseless, then instead of getting upset
you should ignore them. You may even have com
passion because the person who acts out of ill-will
only succeeds in harming himself. If you are innocent,
regard your enemies as ignorant and in need of
guidance. Remember Jesus who said, 'Father, forgive
them for they know not what they do,' when he was
One of the best ways to avoid such problems is to
reduce as much as possible contact with such evil
people. This is why the Buddha once said that if you
do not have any reliable friends to associate with, it
might be better to lead a solitary life.
This may not always be possible. What should we

do if we have to associate with selfish friends who try

to take something from us? They are like mosquitoes,
not only do they suck our blood, they can also spread
viruses. In that case, seek ways to reduce any reason
for instigation. As the Dhammapada saying goes, 'Let
us live happily amongst those who hate'. On no
account should we allow ourselves to be drawn into
revenge, which might often seems to be a sweet
option. Try to rise above petty troubles. We are angry
because our ego is hurt. If we can remove the false
view of ego, then we can realise that there is really
nothing to be angry about and there is no one at
whom this anger is directed.
While developing patience and understanding, we
must not, however, allow ourselves to be made use of
by others for their own gain. We should maintain a
calm dignity in the face of unjust attacks, but at the
same time, we should not surrender our noble prin

You may step on my feet. While walking down the

corridor in the compartment of a train, a young man
accidentally stepped on the foot of a fellow passenger.
Even after apologising, the young man was scolded by
the angry man.
'My dear fellow,' said the young man, 'can't you
see that this was an accident? If you are still not happy
with my apologies, you may step on my foot if you

This brought some sense to the passenger who felt

ashamed of himself for what he had done to the young
man and he stopped scolding him immediately.

Some people may be inclined to think that some of

the above illustrations are very commendable, even
noble, but impossible to accomplish and impractical
in this uncaring world of ours where survival of the
fittest is the order of the day. Granted it is difficult,
but certainly it is not impossible. Although people
take delight in committing evil, within their nature lies
the potential to overcome evil and attain complete
liberation. A person commits evil for immediate gain,
but for his future gain he should perform what is
good. Ever so often, one's impatience for immediate
results blinds him from setting his sights further and
higher. When he adopts a broader vision, even if he
cannot return good for evil, at least he should take
care not to return evil for evil, much less evil for good.
You should not give up your good work just
because of criticisms. If your principles are honour
able and if you have the courage to carry on despite
criticisms, you are indeed great and can succeed
Those who devote their time and do some service to
others gain appreciation and criticism as well. Some
are jealous of them. This is a natural worldly condi
tion just as the tree that bears sweet and edible fruits
gets more pelting from the people.

The Buddha says, 'The noble swerve notfrom the

right path, and crave no longer after worldly joys, let
happen what may. The wise remain calm and constant
in mind, alike in joy and in sorrow.'
Do not expect to see immediate results the very first
time you attempt radiating loving kindness towards
your enemy. And do not be disheartened if you are
not rewarded for your efforts. You must have confi
dence, determination and perseverance to carry on
this practice to win over your enemies. By so doing,
you give your enemy the opportunity to realise that
he has erred. He will come to appreciate your gentle
ness and courage.
In trying to win a friendship or to end a quarrel,
you should not say that you are in the wrong, when
that is not the case. If you have made a mistake, admit
it freely and humbly. However, if you are right, stick
to your principles, but maintain a pure heart - a heart
free from anger, hatred and vengeance. On the other
hand you should not try to look down upon small
people or minority communities, by considering them
as powerless. There is a saying that a great man shows
his greatness by the way he treats little men.
Even humble creatures can topple any giant beast if
they co-operate.

Unity is strength. An elephant once pulled a branch

off a tree where there was a bird's nest. As a result the
nest and the eggs in it were destroyed. The bird was

very upset but the elephant just walked off without

even saying he was sorry. The bird flew to the wood
pecker for help and the latter sought out the elephant
and plucked out his eyes. Swams of flies then settled
on the elephant's eye sockets and infected them.
Blinded, the once mighty elephant wandered about
helplessly looking for water. The bird, still seeking
vengeance, asked some frogs to get into a big dry hole
and croak from there. The elephant, thinking there
was water, rushed to the hole, fell into it and was
killed. So the bird, woodpecker, flies and frogs, all
humble creatures together could destroy a powerful
animal like the elephant. Minority groups can similarly
change the destiny of the world if only they speak out
with one voice.

Moods can create an unpleasant atmosphere in society

besides exposing an ugly face.

Everyone is influenced by moods to some extent.

We should try to understand our moods better
so as to gain control over them and to avoid doing
things we might regret later. When under emotional
stress, we should defer making important decisions.
When we are angry or in a bad mood, we cannot see
or think clearly to come to good, well-considered
decisions. At the other extreme, when we are elated
and flushed with happiness, we tend to be more
accommodating and less objective in our thinking.

Any decisions reached during such periods are likely

to be biased. Take some moments to allow the mind
to calm down. Analyse the problems. Think them
over. Decisions or judgements made with a calm mind
uninfluenced by moods will be less biased and better.
Changes in moods are reflected on our faces. Verify
this by looking at a mirror. It is incidentally a good
way of curing ourselves of our ever changing moods.
It makes us want to laugh when we see how silly we
look with a scowl or sulky expression. On the other
hand, when we smile and relax the facial muscles, it
has the effect of uplifting our spirits and making us
Our changing moods also show how transient
mental states are. In all these changes, the 'ego' which
people take to be permanent is only illusory, like mere
shadows. When we are happy, sad or angry, we say 'I
am happy, sad or angry'. However, this is merely a
conventional way of referring to oneself. But where is
this I which feels these moods? Is it in the head, the
heart, the 'soul'? If we analyse ourselves carefully, we
will see that there is really no permanent T but a
series of mental and physical energies which die as
quickly as they rise. Zen master Dogen said: 'To study
Buddhism is to study yourself, to study yourself is to
forget yourself and to forget yourself is to perceive
yourself as all things.'
If there really was a permanent T, it would always
appear the same, without change. We would never
grow old. It is because these mental energies rise and

fall so rapidly that we seem to think of them as conti

nuous and permanent. We find it hard to think other
wise, just as it is so hard to believe that actually it is
the earth that goes round the sun. If we can see the
reality of ourselves as non-existent, then we can see all
our emotions - good and bad - as merely hindrances
along the path to the attainment of peace and har
mony. Such an understanding can provide a handle to
control our moods better.
Imagine our body as being a motor bus and all these
moods as passengers. They are trying to get in the
driver's seat to take control of the steering wheel.
What do you think will happen in such a situation?
An accident or a crash will result. And this is what
happens to most people in their lives, if they do not
know how to handle their changing moods which
cause their character to be rather unstable.
You must reduce the number of passengers. Drop
some off at the bus stops along the way. Get rid of
those who are troublesome. Get rid of your anger,
greed, worry, jealousy, ill-will and so on which in
fluence your moods. With such harmful distractions
out of the way, there will be no jostling for the
driver's seat and you will be able to drive in peace.
You will be in full control of the bus. Your body and
mind will be under your control and you can go
where you want to. You will be the master of your
This conception of 'Self causes a lot of trouble.
Because we think we have a permanent self or ego, we

attach undue importance to ourselves. We get into the

habit of thinking that our needs are more important
over everyone else's. When we see those better than
we are, we jealously put them down. When we see a
rich man, for example, we do not feel happy for him
(as we should) but try to dig into his past to expose
whatever skeletons he may have in his cupboard.
Again, if others are better looking than ourselves or
are more skilled at doing something, we become
envious. The best way to combat these negative feel
ings is to develop sympathetic joy in the success of
others. Try to unload the pride or superiority com
plex we carry with us in our minds, we earn more
friends otherwise we invite problems.
The lack of sympathetic joy creates another failing.
We are unwilling to acknowledge the help we receive
from others on which we build our own success. We
like to think we did it all by ourselves. Good friends
are often lost when people do not know how to appre
ciate them for their kindnesses. There are many
successful people in the world today who even refuse
to acknowledge the help given to them by their
parents. Ingratitude such as this must be eradicated at
all costs.

Consideration and Kindness

When in a bad mood, people are sometimes cruel or

ill-mannered towards those less fortunate than them
selves. They assume a false sense of superiority. ' / call

no man charitable,' said a writer, 'who forgets that

his barber, cook and postman are made of the same
human clay as himself. ' When we fail to be kind to all
men, we destroy our own peace of mind. The jewelled
pivot on which our lives must turn is the realization
that every person we meet during the day is a dignified
member of the human race.
Whether our acts of consideration for others be
large or small, the principle is the same. Those who
treat an employee with tact and diplomacy will go a
long way to make him happy. A happy, motivated
employee is of great value to any organisation. The
need to be considerate to other beings - human or
animal - can best be illustrated by a story.

Do not rush into anything. Once, a king was learning

the art of charioteering from a master horseman.
As soon as his chariot arrived at an open field,
the king started to use the whip in a race with his
teacher, even before his horse had a chance to warm
up. Very soon he fell behind the master horseman and
could not catch up with him no matter how hard he
tried. This made the king furious. He summoned the
master horseman: 'It appears you have not taught me
the best skills in driving a chariot!'
'Your Majesty,' the master horseman replied, 'I
taught you all the skills of driving a chariot, but you
have overused them. We charioteers have a rule: we
must first take into consideration the horse's total

condition and then act in accordance with it. When

you fell behind, you became so anxious that you
whipped the horse madly without any concern for its
well-being. Your Majesty, you only cared about being
first and had no concern for your horse. That is why
you fell behind.'

Acting Out of Compassion to All

'Seek not happiness other than by being worthy of it.
Seek happiness in the joy of duty which is nobly done,'
taught the Buddha. Here is a fundamental basis of the
art of social interaction. Here is a moral teaching of
human fellowship, not of abstract faith. Here is a con
cept of personal growth and the creation of happiness
in any society.
Sometimes people act out of anger and hatred even
when they are not influenced by moods. The history
of the human race would have been different, if kind
ness and consideration had been practised at all times.
However, throughout history, man is seen to have
been more interested in inflicting suffering than in
alleviating it. This is a strange fact which is difficult
to understand. Look around for ourselves. Albert
Einstein said, 'The world is too dangerous to live in,
not because ofpeople who do evil but because ofpeople
who sit and let it happen. '
Due to man's foolishness and ignorance, he cannot
fathom the pain he inflicts on others. Poor and help-

less animals are being tortured or killed by the so-

called civilised men in their pursuit of sport and
adventure. The poor and innocent are callously ex
ploited to gratify and satisfy the cravings of modern
society. So many have to suffer and die for the enter
tainment and pleasure of a few.
It is bad enough to strike at a defenceless animal or
to exploit another human being, but to laugh and take
delight at such inhuman activities is to reveal the
weaker and darker side of the human personality.
Foolish people take delight in committing evil with a
false sense of pleasure. Pain is a common experience of
all that live. We all feel pain. Yet in our midst, there
are some who can laugh at the pain suffered by others.
It is not funny when someone hurts himself. It is also
not funny to see anybody suffer. Unfortunately,
many do not seem to think that way. To be noble,
people must renounce these defiled mental states.
They must learn to develop compassion and a caring
heart for the welfare of all creatures, great and small.



// we have not expressed our gratitude to others for

their services, how can we expect our children to show
their gratitude to us?

The family is the oldest social unit in this world.

It is, in fact, a society in miniature. And it is the
duty of each generation to pass on the torch of civili
sation to the next.
Most parents love and cherish their children. There
is no sacrifice a loving parent is not prepared to make
for the well-being and happiness of his children.
Unfortunately, modern materialistic influences and
pressures have now made the burden of parenthood

greater than ever before. It even threatens to tear the

family apart, the most fundamental social structure
which had been formed by the human race before the
dawn of civilization.

Pressure on Parents

There are many causes for this. First of all, the econo
mic pattern during the last two hundred years has
changed drastically from agriculture to industry. No
longer does the family operate as an economic unit on
the farm. The parents work away from their children
who are generally referred to as clatch-key' children
and only return home after office hours. The nature of
their work requires them to be time conscious and
they are rewarded according to their work perform
ance. During a time of recession, they are exposed to
the insecurity of either being laid off or getting a
reduction in pay.
Children are exposed to a wide range of expecta
tions, consumption patterns and demands by their
peers in school or other activities featured in
advertisements through the mass media which parents
are being pressured to meet. In addition, parents are
sometimes being evaluated by critical children who
are better educated than themselves. They may not
even have very much in common with their children
to strike a simple conversation. This rift between
parents and children is known as the generation gap.
These changes place great pressure on parents,
many of whom seem unable to cope with the psycho-

logical demands. Besides all these, the two world wars

of this century have created frightening experiences
which many have gone through and which have
caused whole nations to change their views about a
benevolent God who cares for all the creatures he
made. In this age of science and technology, such con
cepts propagated by many religions have been found
to contradict mankind's own experiences and modern
scientific discoveries.

Pressure on Children

Most parents have their worldly expectations and will

feel a sense of failure or inadequacy if their children do
not live up to them. Great emphasis is placed on mate
rialistic attainment and scoring points before their
friends and neighbours, while spiritual values are
sadly neglected. Unfortunately, their children fall
victim to these psychological pressures. They are
encouraged to excel in their studies, to secure jobs that
pay well, to climb up the social ladder, and to accu
mulate as much wealth as possible. Many parents do
not place too much value on virtues such as gratitude,
honesty, integrity, kindness, consideration and tole
rance. The pursuit of wealth and worldly success are
far more important to them.
Due to such social pressures, parents, either rightly
or wrongly, and without thinking of the conse
quences, encourage and even force their children to
work hard and compete for the so-called 'success'.

They impose their value systems on their children

who are under pressure to be smart, to be popular and
to excel. They are under the impression that success
means the ability to compete, conquer and quell
opposition, ignoring the need to establish an inner
harmony with oneself.
Whether the children have the interest or not, they
are expected to attend classes on computers, music,
ballet, swimming, and so on, under the misguided
belief that such activities are very important for
success and happiness. There is nothing wrong in
pursuing such healthy activities if the children are
interested, have the required talents, or if they are
meant to enrich their child's awareness of themselves
and the world around. The cultural activities and
accomplishments are necessary to make a human
being more cultured. A richer understanding of the
beauty of life should help children become more
understanding, more compassionate, and appreciative
of the beauty of nature around them.
It is natural for parents to see their own features and
characteristics reflected in their children.

My beauty and your brain. George Bernard Shaw was

once approached by a seductive young actress who
cooed him in his ear:- 'Wouldn't it be wonderful if we
got married and had a child with my beauty and your
brains?' George Bernard Shaw who was hardly a
handsome man replied: cMy dear, that would be

wonderful indeed, but what if our child had my

beauty and your brains?' The actress who did not
need much persuasion just sped off.

It is important to differentiate between what is

necessary and what is not. Success and happiness do
not lie in mastering such accomplishments alone.
Parents should not place the children under such pres
sure - to be brilliant beyond their capabilities, to be
leaders when they are not ready for leadership, or to
be star athletes when they have no sporting attributes.
As a result of unrealistic goals, children are pre
maturely forced into a world of adult pressures and
responsibilities. The outcome: they are always tired
and listless. They are not able to enjoy the carefree life
of childhood. These pressures have also the undesira
ble consequence of giving rise to emotional insecurity
in their adulthood. Let us not transfer our ambitions
to them and rob them of their childhood.

Recognising Potentials
A parent should be aware of the potential within his
child - of what he can accomplish in the future in his
own way and in his own good time. Children are not
mature enough to plan for the distant future. You can
not expect a primary school student to set his sights
on going to university, deciding his career, or about
his marriage. But one thing is certain. There is no

such thing as a 'useless child.' Every human being has

some talent, some potential. An academically 'stupid'
child may be born 'natural' in motor mechanics or
cooking. It is, therefore, the duty of parents to recog
nise what a child is good in, his aptitudes, to pay
particular attention to such gifts or talents, and
encourage the child to develop them for the good of
society and the child's sense of fulfilment. Try to train
the children according to their mentality to do some
thing which they can do for their living.

A powerful formula for recital. In one of the Jataka

stories (previous birth stories of the Buddha) there is
an amusing story. Once upon a time the Bodhisatta or
Buddha-to-be was a well known teacher who used to
impart his knowledge by giving instruction for higher
studies, since the proper institutes of higher learning
were rare at that time. Intellectual teachers used to
accommodate a few students at a time and taught them
art, languages and some other important subjects.
They concentrated more on moral discipline, religious
knowledge and also taught them how to live harm
lessly as good citizens as they were very concerned
about the careers of their students. The Bodhisatta
teacher observed that one of the students in his class
was weak in his studies and this had bothered him
very much. Instead of applying pressure, he devised a
way to enable the weak student to earn his own living.
One day the teacher called this pupil of his and

kindly told him that his education was good enough

and that the time was ripe for him to concentrate on
his household life in earning a livelihood. Accord
ingly, the Bodhisatta teacher taught him a very
powerful secret formula to recite when needed. The
pupil was elated about the kind gesture of his teacher.
He then bade him farewell and left with all hopes and
confidence for the future. Taking heed of what he had
learnt, he concentrated more on the formula given to
him by the teacher rather than doing any other work.
The words of this formula however gave different
meanings according to prevailing circumstances.
One night, as he was sleeping outside his house, he
heard noises of some one digging the ground nearby.
In surprise, he woke up and commenced to recite the
formula. The meaning of the recital was 'Digging and
digging, why areyou digging.' Hearing this voice, the
people who were digging discarded their tools and ran
away in fear. On hearing this commotion, he got up
and went to investigate what had really happened. To
his surprise, he saw a box of gold coins. The thieves
apparently had buried the box after their robbery the
previous night and were trying to retrieve their stolen
goods, when they got frightened on hearing the recital
and fled. The young man was lucky to have recovered
the gold coins. The King having heard that this young
man had a powerful formula which when recited
could chase away robbers, invited him to sleep near
the palace gate.
One day, as he was sleeping near the palace gate, he

was suddenly awakened by the sound of someone

digging. Immediately he started to recite his formula.
'Digging and digging, why are you digging?' On
hearing this, the thieves who were trying to rob the
palace by breaking through the palace walls gave up
their digging and ran away. Hearing this commotion,
the gate keepers and the guards in the palace chased
after the robbers and caught them. They realised that
the reciting of the formula by the young man had
helped them to catch the thieves. When the king came
to know about this incident, he invited the young man
into his palace and appointed him as one of his close
The young man being elated, was very happy and
dutifully attended to his duties diligently. The king
having heard of the power of his formula requested
the young man to teach it to him. The king committed
it to memory and recited it whenever he was free. On
one of such occasion, there was a plot being hatched
to assassinate the king in order to usurp his throne.
The commander in chief of the army had requested
the barber to cut the king's throat while shaving the
latter's beard and promised to give the barber a big
reward. The next day, the barber as usual arrived with
the shaving kit to shave the king's beard and started to
sharpen the razor in preparation for cutting the king's
throat as directed by the commander. While the
barber was using the stone to sharpen the razor, the
king coincidentally started to recite the formula which
meant: 'Rubbing and rubbing, I know why you are

rubbing'. The barber got a shock and fainted. The

king was however not aware of the plot to assassinate
him and so asked the barber what the matter was and
what had happened to him. To the king's surprise, the
barber revealed the secret and how he had been asked
to cut the throat of the king by the commander in
chief. Immediately the king summoned his cabinet
and passed the death sentence on his commander in
chief and the young man who taught him the secret
recital was made the commander in chief in place of

If teachers and parents try to understand the mental

capacity, the intrinsic mental habits and the potential
talents of their children, there will be no difficulty in
training them to be good citizens.
Parents must re-evaluate their priorities. It has
become fashionable for parents to compare the acade
mic achievements of their children with other parents.
By all means encourage the child to excel in his
studies, but a child should not be evaluated only on
the basis of his academic achievement. We must accept
him for what he is, and not what we expect him to be.
Yet, this is what all parents are unconsciously guilty
of. All this does not mean parents should allow their
children to grow up without training or to aim for
excellence. They should be encouraged to excel, after
taking into account their aptitudes, inclinations, and

abilities. Human beings are not all born equal, so

parents must recognise their children's potentials and
help them to excel in those areas in which their poten
tial is strong.
Parents should try to recognise the natural ability of
their children instead of imposing their ideas on them.
Not all children are born to be engineers and doctors.
Yet, when given every encouragement and support,
their aptitudes will develop and they can grow to their
fullest potential.

Childprodigy. Once a boy who was gifted in poetry

was born into a poor family. He would spontaneously
speak in verses even when conversing with others. His
talent impressed many people but not his father, who
being uneducated, was not able to appreciate his son's
talent. One day when his son replied to him in poetry,
he became very angry and started beating the boy.
While he was being caned, he replied to his father in

'Dear father, please,

Cane me if you must;
But poetry is the gift I was born with,
It's a gift I did not ask for
Nor is it one that I could lose;
Allow me, dearfather, to use it at least.'

Parents should ensure that their children be

given a good education, and also be equipped with a
strong ethical and moral code of conduct. It is only
with good ethical and spiritual training that a child can
grow to realise his true potential. Francis Story, the
learned Buddhist writer, says:-

Knowledge is needed for success in the world,

Meditation is needed to realise Nibbanic bliss;
Sila (morality) is necessary for both.

Parents have to teach and guide their children not

only by precept but also by example. Teach them how
to fulfil their duties and responsibilities and to show
their gratitude to elders and parents. It is by example
that children learn and remember best.

Bring back the basket. Once there was a young couple

who lived with the husband's father. This old man
was very troublesome as he was always bad tempered
and never stopped complaining. Finally the couple
decided to get rid of him. The man put his father in a
large basket which he slung over his shoulder. As he
was preparing to leave the house the man's son, a little
boy aged ten asked, 'Father, where are you taking
grandfather?' The man explained that he was going to
leave him for a while out in the mountains to fend for
himself. The boy kept silent as he watched his father

walking away and suddenly he shouted, 'Father, don't

forget to bring the basket back.' Surprised, the man
stopped and asked the boy why? The boy replied,
'Well, I'll need the basket to carry you away when
you are old yourself.' The man then quickly brought
his father back to the house and ever since took care of
him well and attended to all his father's needs.

There are some narrow minded parents who commit

certain immoral things and use vulgar words at home.
Parents must take special care when they are going
to do something in the presence of their children.
The following poem on raising children offers some
practical points on the art of raising children.
// a child lives with tolerance
he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement
he learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise
he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness
he learns justice.
If a child lives with security
he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval
he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship
he learns to find love in the world.

Many carefree parents allow their children to

behave as they wish without imparting them any
moral guidance. It is questionable whether parents can
succeed in teaching their children after they reach
adulthood when it is too late. Instead of day dreaming
all the day long positive action should be given in
teaching them love, respect, harmony and above all to
be citizens of the world.
One source of worry for parents is the thought that
their children are not very obedient or filial. They
worry that their children will not care for them when
they are old. They also fear that their children will
bring them shame and unhappiness through their
misbehaviour thus spoiling the good name of the
family. As a rule, parental love is greater than filial
love. One cannot expect immature and inexperienced
children to be as dutiful and loving as their parents.
Until and unless they themselves become parents,
only then will they realise the value of parents and
their love.
There are cases where parents have given their best
to educate their children and teach them good values,
but these efforts have all been thrown to the wind
due to the stubborn and rebellious nature of their
children. There are some incorrigible children, born
to the best of parents. In such event, parents need not
be remorseful as they have already done their parental
duties expected of them. Parents should develop an
understanding to change what they can and to accept
what they cannot.

Khalil Gibran has written a few meaningful lines for

parents to contemplate, as to who your children are:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of life's
longing for itself.
'They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with youyet they
belong not to you.
You may give them your love
but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to
make them like you.'

The Buddha had the same thing said in the Dham-

mapada. A person with limited wisdom may think
that his children and wealth belong to him. But even
he himself is not his own, what more to speak of
children and wealth. How can he believe that he owns
them when he cannot control or prevent the changes
that his children and wealth will have to undergo.
Some parents place demands on their married
children, who have their own problems, and are
themselves under tremendous pressure in society.
When parents complain about their children's ingrati
tude it only succeeds in keeping them away due to
guilt and shame. But if parents develop the virtue of
equanimity, they will remain calm and not make
undue demands on their children. This will bring a

greater sense of closeness and understanding between

parents and children and create the desired oneness in
the family.

Parents in Modern Society

One of the saddest things about modern society is the
lack of parental love which children in highly indus
trialised countries suffer from. When a couple gets
married, they usually plan to have a number of
children. And once the child is born, parents are
morally obliged to care for him to the best of their
ability. Parents are responsible to see that a child is
not only satisfied materially; the spiritual and psycho
logical aspects are very important too.
The provision of material comfort is of secondary
importance when compared to the provision of
parental love and attention. We know of many parents
from the not-so-well-to-do families who have
brought up their children well with plenty of love. On
the other hand many rich families have provided every
material comfort for their children but have deprived
them of parental love. Such children will grow up
devoid of any psychological and moral development.

Read 'Parents And Children' by Narada Thera (BMS Publi

cation) for a more detailed treatment of the subject.


'Life is uncertain, death is certain.'

~ The Buddha

'The world is afraid of death; to me it brings bliss.'

~ Guru Nanak ~

Once life is launched, like a bullet it must reach

its destination, which is death. All of us have to
face this inevitable, natural phenomenon whether we
like it or not. The sooner this truth is accepted, the
better we will be able to direct our lives for a good
purpose. Actually, we are disturbed not so much by

death itself, but by the wrong view we hold of it.

Death in itself is not that terrible; what is terrible is
the fear of death that prevails in the mind.
Our life-span is controlled by our biological clocks
which are continuously ticking away. When they run
out, sooner or later, there is little we can do to gain
extra time. Once our time is up, we must be prepared
to go through the natural process of death.
A veteran nurse once said, 'It has always seemed to
me a major tragedy that so many people go through
life haunted by the fear of death - only to find when
it finally comes that it is as natural as life itself. For
few are afraid to die when they get to the very end. In
all my experience, only one seemed to feel any terror
- a woman who had done her sister a wrong which
was too late to set right.'
'Something strange and beautiful happens to men
and women when they come to the end of the road.
All fear, all horror disappears. I have often watched a
look of happy wonder dawn in their eyes when they
realise this is true. It is all part of the goodness of
As the famous physician, Sir William Oslet puts it,
cIn my wide clinical experience, most human beings
die really without pain or fear.'

Coming to Terms with Death

All human beings, irrespective of sex, or race, creed,
will have to come to terms with death. There is no

alternative escape. Death is an inevitable process of

this world. It is not often that we are brave enough
to come face to face with the thought of our own
mortality. Yet, man is not free in life unless he is also
free from the fear of death.

To be afraid of dying is like being afraid of discar

ding an old worn-out garment.
~ Gandhi ~

It is hard to bear the loss of people whom we love

because of our attachment to them. This happened to
Visakha a well-known lady devotee during the time
of the Buddha. When she lost her beloved grand
daughter she visited the Buddha to seek advice in her

'Visakha, would you like to have as many sons and

grandsons as there are children in this town?' asked
the Buddha. 'Yes, Sir, I would indeed!'
'But how many children die daily in this town?'
'Several, Sir. The town is never free from children
dying, Sir.'
'Then, Visakha, in such a case would you cry for all
of them? Visakha, those who have a hundred things
beloved, they have a hundred sorrows. He who has
nothing beloved, has no sorrow. Such persons are
free from sorrow.'

When we develop attachment, we also must be


prepared to pay the price of sorrow when separation

takes place.
The love of life can sometimes develop a morbid
fear of death. We will not take any risks even for a
rightful cause. We live in fear that an illness or acci
dent will put an end to our seemingly precious per
manent worldly life. Realising that death is a certainty,
we hope and pray for the survival of the soul in heaven
for our own security and preservation. Such beliefs
are based on strong craving for continued existence.
According to psychological studies, much mental
stress is caused by our refusal to face facts and accept
life's realities. This stress, if not overcome can even
tually lead to grave physical illness. Certainly worry
and despair over illness will make it worse. We cannot
pick and choose the kind of illness we desire, nor can
we choose the suitable or auspicious time to die. But
we can certainly choose to face illness and death
without fear.
People are frightened of dead bodies, but in the true
sense the living are in fact far more dangerous than
dead bodies. Dead bodies do not harm us, but the
living are capable of doing enormous harm and could
even resort to murder. So is it not a foolish belief, for
people to be afraid or frightened of dead bodies?

What is Birth and Death?

Man need not have to fear death. Birth and death are
like two ends of the same string. You cannot remove

one end while wishing to keep the other. The mystery

of birth and death is very simple. The coming together
of mind and matter - also known as the five aggregates
- is called birth. The existence of these aggregates is
called life. The dissolution of these aggregates is called
death. And the recombination of these aggregates is
called rebirth, and so that cycle will go on repeatedly
until such time as we attain the blissful state of Nibbana.
There are many ways to interpret this simple and
natural occurrence called 'DEATH'. Some believe
that death means the complete dissolution of a being
without a hereafter; some others believe in the trans
migration of a csouP from one body to another; and to
others it means indefinite suspension of the soul,
waiting for the day of judgment. To Buddhists how
ever, death is nothing more than a temporary end of
this transient phenomenon. It is not the end of this so-
called 'being'.
Each and every individual should be aware of the
role of death in his or her destiny. Whether royalty or
commoner, rich or poor, strong or weak, a man's final
resting place within this life is either in a coffin lying
buried six feet underground or in an urn or strewn
over the sea.
All human beings face and share the same fate. Due
to ignorance of the true nature of life, we often weep
and wail and sometimes even smile and weep again.
When once we realise the true nature of life, we can
face the impermanence of all component things and
seek liberation. Until and unless we achieve our

liberation from worldly conditions, we will have to

face death over and over again. And in this respect,
too, the role of death is very clear. If a person finds
death to be unbearable, then he should make every
endeavour to overcome this cycle of birth and death.

Peaceful Death

Everyone hopes and desires to have a peaceful death

after having fulfilled his lifetime duties and obliga
tions. But how many have actually prepared them
selves for such an eventuality? How many for instance
have taken the trouble to fulfil their obligations to
their families, loved ones, friends, country, religion
and their own destiny? It will be difficult for them to
die peacefully if they have not fulfilled any of these
We should first and foremost learn to overcome the
fear of death which not only humans but also gods are
subjected to. Let not the present moment escape us.
Those who have allowed fleeting time to pass away
frivolously will have good cause to lament when they
face themselves nearing the end of their lives.
If people depart from this world without fulfilling
their obligations, whatever they may be, their birth as
humans in this existence would be in vain as it had
been neither beneficial to themselves nor to this
world. Therefore, we should not neglect our duties
and thus prepare ourselves to face death bravely and
peacefully. And one day, we will be able to attain the

ideal deathless state where we will be free from all

It is important to realise that we are born to this
world to do some service for the weal and happiness
of mankind. We will be remembered by humanity
more for what we have done for mankind than what
we have done for ourselves. The Buddha says, 'Man's
body will turn to dust, but his influence and services
remain.' This can be seen in the tangible achievements
of the exemplary works of great men which still
remain with us to this day, helping to shape our way
of life even though they are no more living among us.
In a sense, we could regard them as still being with us
as a testimony of their valuable services rendered to
When people see their own lives as being only a
drop in an ever-flowing river, they will be moved to
contribute their little part to the great stream of life. The
wise know intuitively that to live they have to work
for their liberation by avoiding evil, doing good and
purifying their mind.
People who understand life according to the Teach
ings of the Buddha never worry about death.

/ died today. David Morris was a well known Western

Buddhist scholar who died at the age of 85. Soon after
his death this present writer received a letter from him
(obviously he had written it earlier with instructions

for it to be posted on his death.) It went like this, 'You

will be happy to know that I died today. There are
two reasons for this. Firstly, you will be relieved to
know that my suffering from the sickness has finally
ended. And secondly, since I became a Buddhist I have
faithfully observed the five precepts. As a result you
know that my next life cannot be a miserable one'.

According to Buddhism, death is not the end of life

but the beginning of another life within Samsara. If
you do good, you can have a better future life. On the
other hand, if you do not wish to be reborn again, you
will have to eradicate the craving for existence and
other defilements from your mind.

Death is Inevitable

It is rather paradoxical that although we so often see

death taking toll of lives, we seldom pause to reflect
that we too can soon be similar victims of death. With
our inate strong attachment to life, we are disinclined
to carry with us the morbid thought, although a
reality, that death is a certainty. We prefer to put this
awful thought as far away as possible - deluding our
selves that death is a far away phenomena, not to be
worried about. We should be courageous enough to
face facts. We must be prepared to face reality. Death
is a factual happening. Death is a reality.



'Look to this day. In its brief course lie all the verities
of existence -Action, love, transience. Yesterday is but
a dream, and tomorrow veiled. Live Now!'

The Buddha was asked this question: Why do the

noble beings who have developed their minds
appear so calm and radiant? The Buddha replied:
'They sorrow not for what is past,
They yearn not after that which is not come,
The present is sufficient for them:
Hence it is they appear so radiant.
By having longing for the future,

By sorrowing over what is past,

By this fools are withered up
As a cut-down tender reed.'

We Do Not Worry About Our Future

People are often worried about their future. A fortune
teller who visited a temple questioned the monk,
'Reverend, would you like to know about your
future?' The monk knew what he was up to and
replied, 'As monks, we do not worry about ourfuture.'
The fortune teller then saw two girls at the type
writer and asked them the same question. They had
previously overheard the monk's reply and so told
him that they too did not have to worry about their
future. Since the man could not get anyone to listen to
his fortune telling, he decided to leave the temple. As
he left, the monk remarked, cIt seems that you, too,
have missed a chance to gain something for your own
The secret of happy, successful living lies in doing
what needs to be done now. We should not worry
about the past and the future. We cannot go back into
the past to undo the things we have done. Nor can we
anticipate everything that may happen in the future
due to conditions in the world which are constantly
changing and unpredictable. There is but one moment
of time over which we have some conscious control -
'the present!'
This Truth has always been recognised by all the
great thinkers in this world of ours. They saw that it

is futile to live with memories of the past and with

dreams of the future, neglecting the present moment
and its opportunities. Time moves on. Let us not
stand idly by and see our hopes for success turn into
memories of failures. It lies within our power to build
something today. The Buddha has shown us the way
to maintain cheerfulness through contentment. The
time is now and the choice is ours.
Kalidasa, a great Indian poet and playwright wrote
the following lines in Sanskrit on the simple truth of
living in the present:
'For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow only a vision,
But today, well-lived, makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow
A vision of hope and joy.
Look well then to this day.'

Worrying About the Future

Many people worry when thinking about their future.
There is no reason for people to worry if they have
learned to adjust themselves according to the circum
stances of their daily life. In addition, they should also
take advantage of what is possible at present. The
ability to shape the course of one's life can only be
exercised in the present, not the past or future. Only
in the present can one stop or start doing a thing.
Whatever castles he builds in the air and whatever dre-

ams he has in his mind will come to naught if he does

nothing about it.
He who is subservient to the future becomes the
plaything of fortune. Some people are in the habit of
consulting fortune-tellers and astrologers when faced
with worries or difficulties. While there are some
astrologers who can make good predictions, there are
a large number of unscrupulous men out to make a
fast buck by pretending to know how to foretell the
future. People who go to such fortune tellers are sub
consciously masochistic and love hearing that the
future holds misery for them. Fortune tellers are
quick to assess the personalities of their clients and
generously oblige them with terrifying tales of the bad
luck that will befall them. These gullible people spend
their money on rituals and so-called charms and
amulets to avoid the misfortunes. On the other hand,
when they are told that some good luck will come
their way, they spend large sums of money to win at
gambling or lotteries. In either case, ' A fool and his
money are soon parted '.

Changing One's Fortune

People worry unnecessarily over their health, family,
income, fame and possessions. They try to maintain
stability in that which is inherently unstable. The
more they worry about their future, the more they
lose their confidence in their lives and develop selfish
desires. He who is constantly trying to change his

condition in life knows no peace of mind.

A sufferer who believes in fate will think, 'This was
preordained, this was allotted to me by God; there
fore I must pray to God and ask him to correct my
way of life'. He may spend more time for praying to
the extent of neglecting his day to day duties.
If we believe in Kamma, we will reason as follows,
' This is the result of my own activities in previous
lives or in this life itself. I must try to rectify the
balance by making the effort in doing good and by
strengthening the mind through meditation. In doing
so, the unfavourable effect of certain kammic forces
can be subdued and he can gain success.
'There are no stars which we could trust,
There is no guiding light,
And we know that we must
Be good, be just, be right.'
'Do not hark back to things that have passed,
And cherish thefuture not yet come.
But who with vision clear can see,
The present which is here and now,
Such a wise one should aspire to win,
What never can be lost nor shaken.'
Instead of worrying unnecessarily about the future,
do what can be done now in making fuller use of your
potential. Remember, the present is the child of the
past, and the parent of the future.





'Happiness,' said Life, 'is a wayward prize,

To be won by men with patient striving;
Half the race you have run, now please arise,
And push on, the goal is at the turning.'

D o you want happiness? This simple question

will always be answered with a big 'Yes'. Yes,
we all, without exception, want to have happiness,
although the idea of what constitutes happiness and
how it can be obtained differs from person to person.
One writer says,'Happiness, as viewed by most
people, is a much sought for destination. It is some
thing to be. It is something to become. To this unfor-

tunate lot, happiness is the end of the rainbow, the pot

of gold. They spend a lifetime chasing rainbows. They
might as well chase their own shadows for they shall
never find in the external that which only resides
Happiness is in the journey, not in the destination.
Happy is he who has lofty and noble aspirations.
Happy is he who is enriching the lives of all those
about him. Happy is he who allows others to live
peacefully without disturbing them. Happy is he who
is contributing something to make this world a better
place in which to live. Happy is he whose work, whose
chores, whose daily tasks are labours of love. Happy is
he who loves love. Happy is he who is happy.
All men crave for happiness. They work hard day
and night to gain happiness, even if it is known to be
fleeting. Yet, despite their striving, they are often
further rather than nearer to what they have tried so
hard to work for. Why is this so?

The Search for Happiness

Modern life is a struggle - a struggle to gain monetary
rewards, comfort and luxury. Instead of bringing
happiness, this lifestyle brings anxieties and stress.
There are important moments in everyone's life when
all material things are of little value when compared
to the mental or spiritual joy of detachment from
worldly things.
In living a lay life, the importance of economic

welfare for leading a good life cannot be understated.

We should not pretend that people can be happy if
they are starving and living under miserable condi
tions. Poverty and living in slum areas can stifle
human happiness. It is a wretched life in the slums if
a large family has to live, eat, sleep and procreate in
one small hut. The wretchedness of the environment
and the desperate lives of the residents therein can
often make such areas a breeding place for vice and
bitterness - unless it comprises a community of saints
who seek peace in poverty.
However, it is useful to remember that wealth and
poverty, happiness and misery, are all relative terms.
One person may be rich but unhappy; another may be
poor but happy. Wealth is a blessing if rightly and
wisely used. But part of the tragedy of the poor is
their selfish desire for material things. If their cravings
are not fulfilled, they live with resentment. The
tragedy of the rich is their inability to rise above their
wealth. They cling to their wealth foolishly. Hence
happiness is not found in either case, with the poor or
the rich.
Some people think that a good and congenial life
partner is a source of happiness. It may be so to some
extent. Other people think that children are another
source of happiness. But these are not stable condi
tions either. A life partner can die or leave them, while
some children could bring more sorrow than happi
ness to their parents.
We should learn to be contented and happy with

what little we have which has been bestowed on us.

We should even be happy and contented with our pre
sent state of being even though we are not fortunate
enough to be blessed with the least of our humble

A childless wife. There was once a poor childless

couple. Although in all other respects they were
happy, the wife had a very strong maternal instinct
and she desperately wanted to have a child of her own.
The husband suggested that they adopt one but she
wouldn't hear of it saying that it must be her own
flesh and blood. They tried all sorts of remedies but
nothing seemed to work. The wife became more and
more depressed and the stress, anxiety and sense of
inadequacy, became overpowering and began to affect
her mental health. Gradually however the husband
began to notice a change in her. She pretended to be
pregnant, when in fact she was not. Then, one day
when he returned home, he found her radiantly
happy, cuddling a little bundle. He examined the
bundle and found it was nothing more than a little
block of wood. She cherished it most dearly shower
ing it with all her motherly love as if it were a real
baby. She went through the motions of caring for her
cbaby', dressing it up as a mother would do. She even
made a cosy cot and rocked her 'baby' to sleep while
she sang a soft lullaby. In fact she began to behave
very much like a child playing with a doll. The

husband became very worried about his wife's con

dition, and he took her to consult a well known
psychiatrist. Now this expert studied her case care
fully and made a startling, though very human deci
sion. He explained to the husband that the woman
had finally found happiness by imagining what she
could not get in reality. He advised that depriving her
of that happiness would be far more cruel than trying
to get her to behave 'rationally' and throw away the
block of wood.

We see here that sometimes our decisions regarding

other people must be guided by the heart rather than
the cold intellect. We could also mention in passing
that if we crave for anything beyond reason it can
affect us mentally and upset our sense of balance.
Congenial conditions in one's political, economic
and social environment are important for one's happi
ness in a society. Sir Philip Gibbs in his book, Ways
of Escape, says, 'What human nature is trying to find,
in its eternal quest for happiness, is some system of
government and society which will give to every indi
vidual a full and fair chance of developing his per
sonality to the utmost: by interesting work and not
too much of it; by security for himself and his family
and his fellow humans; a sensitive and generous-
hearted man cannot be happy if masses of human
beings are suffering around him; by a decent mini
mum of comfort, and by liberty of thought and action

restricted only by a code of honour which forbids him

to be hurtful to his neighbours. In that liberty of
thought and action he has his chance of adventure and
delight: of becoming aware of beauty, penetrating
further into knowledge, getting more mastery over
himself and his surroundings, reaching out to every
thing in life which is worth having for mind and
Buddhism teaches to adopt harmless and righteous
means to gain happiness. There is no meaning in try
ing to enjoy one's happiness by causing suffering to
another person or other living beings. This is in keep
ing with the advice of the Buddha: 'Blessed are they
who earn their livelihood without harming others.'

Ingredients for Happiness

In building a happy, purposeful life, we should
exercise our compassion and wisdom, the two wings
that can fly man to the summit of human perfection.
If we are to develop the emotional aspect neglecting
the intellectual, we will become good-hearted fools,
while the development of our intellectual side at the
neglect of the emotional will make us hard-hearted
intellectuals with no feelings for others. According to
the Buddha, compassion and wisdom must be deve
loped jointly for man to gain liberation. Good life is
inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
What is compassion? Compassion is love, charity,
kindness and tolerance. It is acting out of love and

concern for all that live, especially when they are in

unfortunate circumstances.
And what is wisdom? Wisdom is seeing things as
they are, and acting out the noble qualities of the
mind. When a man sees a beautiful woman and is
attracted to her, he wishes to see her again and again.
He derives pleasure and satisfaction from her pre
sence. However, when the situation changes and he
can no longer see her, he must not act unreasonably
and behave foolishly. This unsatisfactory side is a fact
of human experience. If he has no unrealistic attach
ment or selfish clinging to her, he will be relatively
free from that suffering. In the pleasures of life, there
are pains and sorrows. While there is no denying the
happiness that people derive from sense pleasure, the
nature of such pleasure is brief and does not offer
lasting happiness. The realization of this fact is

The ingredients for happiness are simple. Happi

ness is a state of mind. It cannot be found in the
material things about us, such as wealth, power or
fame. Those who spend a lifetime harvesting and
accumulating more wealth than they need will be
disillusioned and disappointed when they discover,
only too late, that all the money in the world cannot
buy a grain of happiness. The search for pleasure must
not be confused with the search for happiness. Plea
sure is a passing show and does not offer lasting
happiness. Pleasure can be bought, but not happiness.

Happiness comes from within, based on the founda

tion of simple goodness and clear conscience.
No one is happy unless he is contented with him
self. The quest for mental tranquillity is only possible
through mental culture or meditation. There is so
much to do, and so little is done. Only through self-
analysis and purification will our latent seeds of
virtues be able to sprout to reveal our divine and
human nature. It is not an easy task. It requires per
severance, determination and effort.

Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others

without getting a few drops on yourself.

If you want to live peacefully and happily, allow

others also to live peacefully and happily. Unless and
until you adjust yourself to live according to these
noble principles you cannot expect happiness and
peace in this world. And you should not expect grati
tude from others. Dale Carnegie says, 'If we want to
find happiness, let us stop thinking about gratitude or
ingratitude and give for the inner joy of giving. In
gratitude is natural, like weeds. Gratitude is like a
rose. It has to be fed, watered, cultivated, loved and
protected. '
It is not in man's nature to appreciate anything that
comes to him easily. However when these things are
taken away then only does he appreciate it. The air we
breathe and our vital organs are all taken for granted
and we even abuse them, sometimes until it is too late.

We should not be like a fish which does not know the

value of water until it is taken out of it.

'It has been my observation, says Abraham

Lincoln, ' thatpeople are just about as happy as they
make up their minds to be. J

You cannot hope to gain happiness and peace by

simply praying. You have to work to gain such bless
ings. Belief in God and praying for blessing for pro
tection is useful but you should not forget to lock the
door when you go out from the house. Because there
is no guarantee that God will look after your house
until you come back. You should not neglect your
responsibilities. If you act according to moral princi
ples, you can create your own heaven right here on
earth. But when you violate them, you can feel the
hell-fire on this earth itself. People wring their hands
and grumble when they do not know how to live
according to the natural and cosmic law of kamma and
create a lot of their own troubles. If each man tries to
lead a respectable life as a gentleman, we can all enjoy
real heavenly bliss in this world, without waiting to
die to enjoy it. There is no need to create a heaven
elsewhere to reward virtue or a hell to punish vice.
Virtue and vice have inevitable reactions in this world
itself. One of the most baffling questions mankind is
faced with is whether there are places called 'heaven'
and 'hell' in existence. People have no clear under
standing on this concept.

Where is heaven and hell? There was once a monk

whose favourite subject for his preaching was ' heaven
and hell'. One of the devotees who was getting tired
of listening to the monk's constant repetition, one day
stood up and asked: ' Tell me where is this heaven and
hell? If you cannot answer me, I will call you a liar! '
The monk being an innocent person became afraid.
Instead of answering he kept silent. His silence made
the man even more angry and he shouted: ' Speak to
me or I'll beat you up!' The monk quickly gathered
his wits and replied, 'Hell is around you now, with
your anger. ' The man, realising the truth, calmed
down and began to laugh. He then asked: ' Where is
heaven then?' to which the monk replied: ' It is now
around you, with your laughter. ' Heaven and hell are
what we make of our lives. Heavens and hells exist in
any part of the universe where living beings exist.
There are no such separate places.

Where is Happiness?
Where do we look for happiness? 'Within you,' says
the Buddha. Nobody will deny that happiness is the
most desirable state of being. Happiness is not some
thing which simply happens. Happiness is a state of
consciousness that does not depend upon the physical
appetites and passions.

The contented man who had no shirt. A certain Oriental

king who was very unhappy sought the advice of a
philosopher. The philosopher advised the king to
search for the most happy and contented man in his
kingdom and to wear his shirt. After a long search the
King finally found the man - but he had no shirt!

A Well-known writer says:[referring tothe Buddha]

If you want to see the most contented and happy
man in this world, look at the prince in the beggar's
Unsatisfied desire is the main cause of unhappiness.
Get rid of your desires, and you will be free from
your unhappiness. 'One thing only do I teach,' says
the Buddha, 'the cause of suffering and the way of
cessation from suffering. Just as sea waterhas one taste,
so is my teaching which deals with suffering and its
cessation. I will show you the path from the unreal to
the real, from darkness to light, and from death to
Peace or satisfaction is also dependent on one's
needs. Dogs like bones but not grass. Cows like grass
but not bones. In the same way, some people like
excitement more than peace; for others peace is more
important than excitement. Just as delicious food to
one man can become harmful to another; the medicine

which cures the sickness of one can become the cause

of death to another. One person's pleasure can
become a nuisance to another.
Happiness is a mental state which can be attained
through the culture of the mind. External sources
such as wealth, fame, social position and popularity
are but temporary sources of happiness. They are not
the real sources of happiness. The real source is the
mind. The mind which is controlled and cultured is
the real source of happiness. The opinion that mental
tranquillity is unattainable is not true. Everyone can
cultivate inner peace and tranquillity through the
purification of the mind.
By renouncing that which is perishable on earth,
one can get the imperishable gift of happiness.



A boil cannot be cured by merely cutting it off. In the

same manner, we never experience peace by force but
by removing the main cause of the conflict.
Never before in the history of the world, has the
human race been in such great need for freedom
from conflict, ill-feeling, selfishness, deceit and strife.
We are in dire need of peace not only in our homes,
offices and in our personal lives, but also at global
level. The tension, anxiety and fear arising from con
flicts are not only disruptive but constitute a constant
drain on our being, mentally and physically. Human
beings have become the most violent beings in this

Unrest and Global Conflict

Today, the threat of global nuclear destruction is a

real possibility. Should there be a global nuclear war,
there can be no sanctuary anywhere under the sun for
man to escape to. What a mess the human race has
landed itself in! Scientific advancement which has
made possible the tapping of the tremendous energy
within the atom has also endangered the human
species. As long as man is dominated by ignorance,
selfishness, injustice, vengeance and other kindred evil
destructive forces, no one will be safe from him.
It has been recorded that the "blinding flash" of the
first atomic bomb on Hiroshima altered the course of
world history. The flash which radiated from Hiro
shima created suffering, fear, hatred and uncertainty
to millions of lives all over the world. In stark con
trast, the glorious light that 'flashed and radiated' with
the enlightenment of the Buddha under the Bodhi tree
more than 2500 years ago was also of great signifi
cance to human destiny. It illuminated the way for
mankind to cross over from the world of darkness
filled with greed, hatred and delusion to a world of
light filled with love, kindness and happiness.
The basic problem we face today is moral degenera
tion and misplaced intelligence. In spite of all the
advances made by science and technology, the world
is far from being safe and peaceful. Science and tech
nology have indeed made human life more insecure
than ever before. If there is no corresponding spiritual

improvement in our approach to human problems

then human life itself will be in danger.
The Buddha showed mankind the way to a new
world of peace, prosperity and goodwill. But today,
the human race has ignored this timeless message.
Nuclear destruction is just only a button away for
man who has gone astray. Man may have gained con
trol over the forces of nature, but he is not in control
of his own nature. If he continues in this way, there is
only one way he can proceed - along the path to self-
destruction and extinction.
In the search for peace and harmony, world leaders
have attempted to formulate international treaties and
agreements to prevent or settle disputes among
nations. The United Nations as a world body was
established after the Second World War to maintain
international order and stability. It might not be the
best vehicle to achieve that purpose but at least it pro
vides a workable system whereby disputing nations
can meet in a civilised manner to settle their problems.
The hostility, fear and suspicion among different
races, nations and religious denominations, however,
do not make peaceful co-existence an easily accom
plished goal. Despite the endless hours of negotiation
and rhetoric at the United Nations, countries are still
fighting one another and ceasefire agreements are
broken with impunity and predictable regularity.
Where do people find peace and happiness under such
circumstances? Happiness never arises when there is

Establishment of Peace

A happy and contented life cannot be achieved if we

waste our time and energy in conflict and strife.
To have peace, we must renounce conflict of every
description. The heart, once freed from such strife,
will then be free to become the instrument of welfare
that it should be, instead of being a hindrance to
society. The invisible and powerful mind can be
diverted to the weal of mankind, instead of its woe.
A boil cannot be cured by merely cutting it off with
a blade. The contaminated blood will only produce
more and more boils. The root cause must be investi
gated first and eliminated to effect a radical cure.
Similarly, for there to be peace, the heart and mind,
which form the basis of human action, should also be
at rest. This can be brought about through a sincere
spiritual awakening. What is of importance is not mere
faith but for people to lead a life of love, sincerity and
justice based on the moral principles taught by reli
gious teachers.

Going Beyond Worldly Pleasures

Religious teachers always maintain that human happi
ness does not depend upon the satisfaction of physical
appetites and passions, or upon the acquisition of
material wealth. This fact is also clear from empirical
human experience. Even if we have all the worldly
pleasures, we cannot still be happy and peaceful if our
minds are constantly obsessed with anxiety and

hatred, arising from ignorance with regard to the true

nature of existence.
Genuine happiness cannot be defined in terms of
wealth, power, children, fame or inventions. These
are no doubt conducive to some temporary physical
comfort but not to happiness in the ultimate sense.
This is particularly so when possessions are unjustly
obtained or misappropriated. They become a source
of pain, guilt and sorrow rather than happiness to the
Fascinating sights, enchanting music, fragrant
scents, delicious tastes and enticing body contacts
mislead and deceive us, only to make us slaves of
worldly pleasures. While no one will deny that there
is momentary happiness in the anticipation of as well
as during the gratification of the senses, such pleasures
are fleeting. When viewed in retrospection, a person
can understand the fleeting and unsatisfactory nature
of such pleasures, paving the way to a better under
standing of this reality.
If material possessions are the precondition of
happiness, then wealth and happiness would be
synonymous. Is this a fact? A poet disagrees with this
belief thus:

'Can wealth give happiness? Look round and see

What gay distress! What splendid misery!
What fortune lavishly can pour.
The mind annihilates, and calls for more!'
Wealth cannot quench the burning thirst of craving.

We can never be happy if we merely seek to satisfy

our gross animal desires, to satisfy our need for the
pleasures of food and sex. If it were so, then with the
tremendous progress achieved in every field, the
world could well be on the road to complete happi
ness. But this is obviously not the case. Worldly
desires can never be entirely satisfied because the
moment we obtain something we want, we soon
become dissatisfied with it and crave for something
else. When the changes and decay occur in the many
things we cling to, we experience unhappiness. The
enjoyment of sensual pleasure is not real happiness.
True happiness can only arise from the full freedom of
the mind. The source of happiness is not physical: it
must be found in a mind free from mental disturbances.
Worldly treasures are impermanent but transcen
dental treasures like confidence, morality, generosity,
honesty and wisdom are imperishable. Emotional
attachment, hatred and jealousy debase a person; but
goodwill, sympathetic joy and an unbiased attitude
will make him noble, even divine in this life itself.
Man can develop and maintain his inner peace only
by turning his thoughts inwards instead of outwards.
Be aware of the dangers and pitfalls of the destructive
forces of greed, hatred and delusion. Learn to culti
vate and sustain the benevolent forces of kindness,
love and harmony. The battleground is within us, and
it is within us that the greatest battle has to be fought
and won. The battle is not fought with weapons, but
with mental awareness of all the negative and positive

forces within our minds. This awareness is the key to

unlock the door from which conflict and strife as well
as wholesome thoughts emerge.
The mind is the ultimate source of all happiness and
misery. For there to be happiness in the world, the
mind of the individual must first be at peace and
happy. Individual happiness is conducive to the
happiness of the society, while the happiness of
society means happiness to the nation. It is on the
happiness of nations that the happiness of the world is
From the lessons of life, it is clear that real victory
is never gained by strife. Success is never achieved by
conflict. Happiness is never experienced through ill-
feeling. Peace is never achieved by accumulating more
wealth or gaining worldly power. Peace is gained by
letting go of our selfishness and helping the world
with acts of love. Peace in the heart conquers all
opposing forces. It also helps us maintain a healthy
mind and live a rich and fulfilling life of happiness and



'Observing morality is like putting up a fence to pro

tect your own house and your neighbour's house
against robbers.'

Morals and ethics form the core of the social,

economic, political and religious ideals. If love
is the blood of life, then surely morality is its back
bone. Without virtue life is in danger, but without
love life is dead. The quality of life is enhanced with
the cultivation of virtue, and when virtue arises the
vessel of love overflows. Since man is imperfect by
nature, he has to make an effort to develop virtue.
The cultivation of morality is a very important

aspect of life. Many people have a mistaken idea of

what morality is. To them it means the adoption
of external modes of behaviour such as dressing,
etiquette, artificial and hypocritical manners. They
forget that such imitative and conventional morality is
man-made, conditioned by society and is, therefore,
subject to variation and liable to become out of date.
The dressing suitable for one climate, period or civi
lisation may be out of place, or even indecent in
another climate or era. A dress code is entirely a ques
tion of custom, and not a deep moral issue. The
problem here arises when convention is confused with
valid and unchanging universal principles.
Language does make a difference in our thought
and actions but it is not all that determines our per
ception. Food, drinks and religious values all act as
perceptual filters; even one's situational values are
barriers to truthful cognition.
From these distinctive traditions, problems and
aspirations, one set of people have a tendency to
believe that only their views are real and that every
right thinking person is expected to respect their views
as they do. This kind of egoistic idea is very un
healthy. The main determinants of perception and
beliefs are past experience, current needs and future
What is morality? It is the standards and principles
of good behaviour in accordance with the path of
righteousness. The Pali word for it is Sila. It means:
self discipline for moral development. It implies a

personal discipline developed from within and not

arising from the fear of punishment. It is acting out
of pure motives - out of love, non-attachment and
wisdom, which are strengthened with an understand
ing of the illusory nature of 'self and 'ego'.
There is a saying in the Malay language: 'Kesal
dahulu, jangan kesal kemudian.' It means 'Regret
beforehand, don't regret afterwards.'

When Socrates met his teacher. During his younger

days, Socrates visited a brothel and as he was coming
out of it he saw his teacher passing by. The young
man was embarrassed and tried to sneak away but the
teacher accosted him and asked why he was trying to
avoid him. Socrates replied that he was ashamed of
what he had done. His teacher advised him, cYou
should have been ashamed of your actions before you
entered the house of ill repute. Then you would have
avoided doing the deed which you are now ashamed

Vice is easily learnt without a master,

whereas virtue requires a tutor.
Good habits are difficult to acquire
but easy to live with.
Bad habits are easy to acquire
but difficult to live with.

Morality is the first step in the path towards eternal

bliss. It is the basic spiritual foundation. Without this
base, there can be no human progress and spiritual
advancement. Even worse is a person without virtue
for he not only endangers himself but also others
around him. After establishing the moral foundation,
a person can proceed to develop his mind and wisdom.
This practice will lead him from the lower level to
the progressively higher levels of mental develop
ment, and finally, to the summit of all attainments -
Mere learning is of no avail without actual practice.
According to the Buddha, the learned man who does
not practise the Dhamma is like a colourful flower
without scent. There is a great need for the teaching of
virtue by precepts and examples, as shown by the
Master himself who served humanity with great com
passion. The moral and philosophical teachings of the
Buddha are to be studied and practised, and above all,
to be realised. Therefore mere book knowledge
without common sense and understanding is of no use
to overcome our problems.

Do not become slaves to any holy book. There was

once a man who formed a religious cult and people
regarded him as a very learned person. He had a few
followers who recorded his instructions in a book.
Over the years the book became voluminous with all

sorts of instructions recorded therein. The followers

were advised not to do anything without first con
sulting the holy book. Wherever the followers went
and whatever they did, they would consult the book
which served as the manual in guiding their lives. One
day when the leader was crossing a timber bridge, he
fell into the river. The followers were with him but
none of them knew what to do under the circum
stances. So they consulted the book.
' Help! Help!' the Master shouted, ' I can't swim. '
' Please wait a while Master. Please don't get
drowned,' they pleaded. cWe are still searching in our
holy book. There must be an instruction on what to
do if you fell off from a wooden bridge into a river.'
While they were thus turning over the pages of the
holy book in order to find out the appropriate instruc
tion, the teacherdisappeared in the water and drowned.

The important message of the story is that we

should take the enlightened approach and not slavishly
follow outdated conservative ideas, nor resort to any
holy book without using our common sense. On the
face of changing circumstances, new discoveries and
knowledge, we must learn to adapt ourselves accord
ingly and respond to them by using them for the
benefit of everybody.

Moral Conduct and Youth

It is often said that there is a decline in the standard of

morality and discipline amongst the youths today.
This certainly does not apply to all youths, but there
are many who may be confused and rebellious. Their
behaviour and habits violate public peace whereby
innocent peace-loving people have to undergo great
humiliation and suffering.
In a way, parents are to be blamed for the bad
behaviour and lack of consideration on the part of
their children. Their permissiveness, encouraged by
modern psychologists, have given too much freedom
to their children to do as they like. This is often
coupled with the fact that parents are themselves too
busy looking after their own materialistic needs that
they neglect their children. To prevent moral deca
dence in society, parents have the important duty to
nurture and guide their children according to religious
and spiritual teachings found in the great world reli
In the teaching of ethics and morality, religious
labels are not important. Every religion has its own
moral code designed to regulate human conduct so
that people can live together as civilized human
beings. Together they can contribute to their commu
nities which offer mutual respect protection, solidar
ity and moral support. It is very unfortunate, if
religionists create discriminations, hostility and
jealousy towards the other religious groups.

Being Good or Doing Good?

In his book, Buddhist Ethics, Ven. Dr. H. Saddha-
tissa said, 'Generally speaking, there are two ideas of
morality: (i) to be good, and (ii) to do good. The first
is the real morality, whereas the second may be only
a means to an end. One can be good in order to do
good, but this is rare. People do good actions which
appear entirely altruistic yet fundamentally are
egoistic, motivated by acquisitiveness, desire for
merit, bliss, heaven, reward or motivated by fear of
resulting punishment or hell. All so-called "good"
actions are inspired by selfishness and to the Buddhist
the idea of "being" good is the only true morality.'
The person who admits the evil deeds committed
by him is at least better than the person who tries to
justify his evil deeds, and who denies and pretends
that he is innocent. Shakespeare expresses this beauti
fully when Lady Macbeth urges her husband before
he kills the king to 'be like the innocent flower but be
the serpent under it.' A person who is openly evil can
at least be avoided, but the hypocrite's evil intentions
are not seen until it is too late.
What shall it profit a man, though he be rich,
fortunate and enjoying all the rewards of the past good
kamma, when he is not virtuous, charitable and bene
volent in this present life? He is like a man who lives
on his capital, constantly drawing from his bank
account of good kamma but without replenishing it.
When it is all exhausted, he will proceed to his future

existence as a spiritual pauper. Whom should he

blame for his miserable condition - god or fate?
Neither: he has only himself to be blamed.
In the human situation, the agony of choosing
which action to perform, whether good or bad, is per
petually with us. In such circumstances, we should
know the terms under which our choice is to be made.
As surely as water seeks its own level, so does kamma.
Given the right conditions, kamma will produce its
inevitable results which are not to be regarded as
reward or punishment, but only as natural course of
events. To the weak-willed, the knowledge of the
workings of kamma serves as a deterrent towards
doing evil, while to the spiritually advanced it encou
rages him to do good.
The philosopher, Santayana, pointed out that the
greatest difficulty in life lies not so much as making the
choice between good and evil as the choice between
good and good. When still young, we do not realise
that one desire can be quite inconsistent with another.
A young boy may hesitate between a dozen different
plans for the future, but a mature man will have to
renounce many careers in order to fulfill one duty.
The same applies to emotions. While we can under
stand the adolescent who transfers his love-interest
from one object of affection to another, it is mockery
when a grown man still acts like an adolescent. The
man who wears the youth's carefree clothing and the
woman who costumes her emotions in doll's dresses
are pathetic figures. They have yet to learn that human

growth requires the closing of many doors before one

great door can be opened - the door of mature love
and wholesome achievements.
Aristotle said: 'The ideal man takes joy in doing
favoursfor others, but hefeels ashamed to have others
to dofavoursfor him.' It is often considered a mark of
superiority to confer kindness, but one of inferiority
to receive it. In Buddhism, however, the giving and
receiving of kindness should be done with equanimity
without the feeling of superiority or inferiority,
without ulterior motives, and without hopes of mate
rial or spiritual reward. In this way, the motivation
for the action is utterly pure, untainted by even the
slightest sense of selfishness.

Changing One's Character Through Religion

A tree is known by its fruit. Similarly, a true religion
must produce permanent results. In this sense, it is
quite right to judge a religion by its results.
When a person has embraced a religion, the teach
ings should help to improve his behaviour. But if he
continues to be just as greedy, spiteful, and envious as
before, if he cheats those who work for him, or robs
his neighbour, if he shows no compassion for suffer
ing fellow beings, or at the slightest provocation
he plunges a knife into the bosom of another - then
these teachings are ineffective as far as he is concerned.
Mere belief, emotional feeling or glorification of
a person's own religion mean nothing unless he

improves his behaviour and acts with gentleness. This

may be likened to an illness in which a person may be
'feeling better' but is not really so since the thermo
meter shows that his temperature is still rising.
A religion which enables us to understand better
the nature of life can enable us to accept the various
forms of happiness as it arises during the various
phases of our life. We should be able to welcome them
when they come, and to let them go without regret
when they are gone. This fact is proclaimed by
William Blake when he wrote:

'He who catches the joy as it flies,

Lives in eternity's sunrise.'
The practice of a religion enables one to undergo
spiritual transformation which arises from within,
rather than from without. It is not external appearance
that makes a person noble, but internal purification
and an exemplary life. Rank, caste, colour and even
wealth and power do not necessarily make a gentle
man. Only character makes a person great and worthy
of honour.

Your wealth can decorate your house,

but only your virtue can decorate you.
Your dress can decorate your body,
but only your conduct can decorate you.

Morality should not be taken to apply only at a

personal level, but to be practised by all members of

society. For there to be peace in society, its members

must not cut spiritual corners. A person may think
that he can get away with the performance of evil
deeds. He may even be tempted to adopt the bad
moral values glorified on TV. But nobody can escape
the consequences of his evil deeds, and no society can
be peaceful as long as there are such people around.
In addition, for there to be peace and happiness in
a society, people in positions of power should uphold
moral principles since their actions have profound
effects on those who are below them. The Buddha

'When the ruler of a country is just and good, the

ministers will become just and good. When the minis
ters are just and good, the higher officials will become
just and good. When the higher officials are just and
good, the rank and file will become just and good.
When the rank and file are just and good, the people
will become just and good.'



'The fool may watch for lucky days

Yet luck he shall always miss.
Luck itself is luck's own star
What can mere stars achieve.'
~ Buddhist Jataka Story

Belief in good luck or bad luck is very common

amongst the masses. It is due to lack of under
standing of the law of kamma, worldly conditions and
the nature of phenomena that people attribute sudden
windfall to good luck and downfall to bad luck. The
Buddha taught us that good effects, that is to say good

results, come from good causes, and bad results from

bad causes in accordance with the law of kamma.
When a person faces the bad effects of his evil deeds
performed during his present or past lives, he should
not blame it on his bad luck. Instead it would be more
correct for him to say that he is experiencing the
effects of his bad kamma. Anyone who understands
the law of kamma will not make the mistake of
believing in luck because he knows that whatever
happens to him is the result of a cause or causes
brought about by negative thinking and immoral acts
performed by him in the past. This way, he can
understand that he is responsible for his own happi
ness or unhappiness based on how well or how badly
he leads his life. There is no such thing as luck. The
choice is up to us.
Don't Blame the Stars
Although the Buddha has not denied the influence of
certain stars and planets on people, weak-hearted
people generally succumb to what they think are the
influences of such stars and planets. Their imagination
and fear will only tend to aggravate the already tense
situation, creating frustration and distress. But all
those with strong will-power, courage, intelligence
and self-confidence can succeed in their careers and
overcome difficulties without being enslaved by such
influences. Luck and skilfulness are closely related. It
all goes back again to the power of the mind, the
potential of which every individual can develop.

Man should not surrender himself and give up his

struggle against misfortune on the pretext that he does
not have good luck. Nor should he allow himself to
fall victim to such beliefs which would only hinder his
own material and spiritual progress. Even if his career
is a failure due to his bad kamma, he can overcome or
at least minimise its bad effects by maintaining a
healthy mind and doing more good. He can do good
in many ways, in kind or by deed without having to
spend money. He can, for instance, perform meri
torious deeds by practising tolerance, patience, good
will and understanding.
According to Buddhism, effort is the most impor
tant condition by which one can modify the unfolding
of one's bad kamma. By effort made today, a person
can create fresh kamma, and change his environment
and circumstances. It is always possible for one to
change his own kamma. If his failure is due to his own
inefficiency, inexperience or laziness, he must try to
improve himself and learn how to overcome his failure
without blaming the stars, devils or spirits. An under
standing of his own nature and an admission of his
own weaknesses to himself is the first step towards
reforming himself.

Destiny is in Your Hands

There is no such thing as inevitable fate or irrevocable
destiny according to the teachings of the Buddha. If
we examine our own experiences and those of others,

we will realise that the unhappiness and suffering

experienced today are the results of faults that had
been committed yesterday.

You gave me bad luck. Kalidasa was a famous Sanskrit

poet who lived in India during the third century A.D.
As a young boy, he was poor and lived with his
mother in a small hut facing the king's palace. Within
the palace walls was a large orchard of mango trees.
During the fruit season, the trees were heavy with
sweet, delicious mangoes. When no one was watch
ing, Kalidasa would climb over the walls and help
himself to the mangoes.
One day when Kalidasa was stealing the mangoes,
he did not realise that the king was watching him from
the palace window. That morning, while the king was
peeling a mango, he accidentally cut his hand. Since
the cut drew a lot of blood, the king summoned his
Wise men and fortune tellers to tell him the signi
ficance of that accident.
The Wise men thought for a while and asked the
king if he saw anything unusual that morning. The
king replied that he saw a boy stealing some mangoes
from the palace ground. ' Oh! what your majesty saw
was very inauspicious. That boy will bring you bad
luck, ' said the Wise men. ' It is good if your majesty
could get rid of him immediately. '
The king ordered that Kalidasa be brought before
him. As the poor trembling boy stood before the

king, he was told that the king had seen him stealing
the mangoes and this had brought the king bad luck.
He was asked if he had anything to say before he was
taken away for execution.
' I'm very sorry for bringing you bad luck, Your
Majesty,5 said Kalidasa. 'But it is reasonable to also
punish accordingly the person who saw me this
morning because as you can see he has brought me
bad luck too.' That reply surprised the king as he
realised that he was a fool to have listened to the
fortune tellers who called themselves Wise men. Being
impressed with Kalidasa, the king adopted him as his
son. It was in the palace that Kalidasa developed his
literary skills and later emerged as a famous poet in

Man is not a mere pawn on a chessboard of univer

sal forces over which he has no control. His destiny
is something entirely self-created and self-earned,
whether it is for good or for evil. Man creates his own
destiny by his own thoughts, words and deeds, and he
gets back from life sooner or later what he himself has
given to life. From the consequences of his deeds there
is no escape. Hence, man himself is the builder of his
own life, the creator of his fate, now and in the future.
The law of kamma which shapes the outcome of
one's destiny has no sense of retribution. There is no
motive of punishment in that great universal force.
Nature is impartial. It cannot be flattered nor does it

grant special favours upon request. When suitable

conditions arise, the deeds which we have planted will
bear results. Therefore, in the face of calamities, no
good is gained by crying out against the heavens. We
must learn to understand the nature of worldly condi
tions which are marked with uncertainty and bear the
seemingly 'unjust' suffering with a calm mind.
The effect of kamma on one's destiny will not be
unchanging. Therefore, the concept of eternal suffer
ing or everlasting heavenly bliss is alien to Buddhism.
All states of being in the cycle of birth and death
(Samsara) are impermanent. Only when one is freed
from relative existence in Samsara and has attained
Nibbana can eternal bliss be realised.
The process of cultivating spiritual maturity
encompasses self-training and moral discipline, men
tal purification, and leading a righteous way of life,
filled with loving-kindness, harmony and selfless
service. Various religions give different interpretations
of how salvation from suffering is possible. In the case
of Buddhism, a person can be liberated by living in
accordance with the universal moral laws and by puri
fying his mind. He can thereby shape his own destiny
without becoming over-dependent on forces external
to himself.
As human beings, we must not waste our human
existence by grieving over the past or passing our time
in idleness and heedlessness. This way we will only
squander away the opportunity to realise the real
purpose of our life and retard our progress towards

complete liberation from suffering. We must strongly

bear this in mind, and do good while life lasts. By
wasting our time, not only will we mislead others, but
we also miss the golden opportunity to achieve some
thing in our valuable human life.
'There is nothing like destiny other than the effect
of our previous efforts. Our previous efforts are called
our destiny Our achievements are determined by
our efforts. Our effort is therefore our destiny....Our
previous and present efforts, in case they are in con
trary directions, are like two rams fighting against
each other. The more powerful of the two always
overthrowing the other....Whether they are the past
or present efforts, it is the stronger ones that deter
mine our destiny. In either case, it is man's own effort
which determines his destiny by virtue of its strength
....Man determines his own destiny by his own
thought. He can make those things also happen which
were not destined to happen. Only those things
happen in this world which he creates through his
own free efforts and not others....One should there
fore overcome one's unfavourable destiny (the effect
of one's past effort) by the greater effort in the pre
sent. There is nothing in this world which cannot be
achieved by men through the right sorts of effort.'

'Everything has its beauty, but not every one sees it.'
Confucius ~





Great people always regard their body of flesh and

blood as useful justfor the world's good and welfare.

Different answers can be heard when people are

asked which is more important, their money or
their lives. To a miser, his money is more important.
To a wealthy man, his life is more important. And to
a great man, his principles are far more important than
his money or life. But such great people are rare and
only a handful can be counted. That is why we regard
them as great people. Sometimes for adhering to
their principles and refusing to surrender under any
circumstances, they are persecuted by their fellow-

men. Socrates was poisoned, Jesus crucified, and

Gandhi assassinated.
Truly great people have one thing in common, that
is, they use their resources - wisdom, sympathy,
power, energy, knowledge - for the good and benefit
of mankind. They understand that it is not possible to
do the highest good to themselves without also doing
it to others as well. The Buddha said that one should
first establish oneself in what is proper, then instruct
others. Such a wise person will not become remorseful.
A person may be very intelligent, but if he abuses it
for his own selfish desires, then from the Buddhist
standpoint he is considered to have neglected himself
badly. Such an attitude will bring him no good. Albert
Schweitzer, the Nobel Prize winner, said: 'The only
ones among you who will be truly happy are those who
have sought and found how to serve.'
Ruth Smeltzer writes:

'Some measure their lives by days and years,

Others by heart throbs, passion and tears;
But the surest measure under the sun,
Is what in your lifetime for others you have done.'

Many people think that making sacrifices means

giving more than they are prepared to give. Actually,
this is not the case since everything depends on one's
perception of values and the degree of unselfishness
one has developed. A person who has personal needs
regards them as being secondary when he perceives

that the needs of others are more urgent. There is a

true story to illustrate this point.

Control sorrow by helping others. Once there was a

doctor who founded a free clinic which opened once a
week to attend to poor patients. On one such day,
someone rushed in to the clinic with the news that the
doctor's youngest and favourite son had just died.
Although deeply upset, the doctor reflected on the
situation, and after having regained his composure,
continued to attend to his patients.
People who came to know about this, were rather
surprised at his seemingly callous behaviour. When
questioned, he explained thus: 'My son is already
dead and I am unable to assist him any more. But
these poor needy patients who can't even afford to
pay for their treatment need my help more. I know I
can do something for them. So is it not better for me
to control my sorrow and help suffering mankind

Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a privilege,

and it gives pleasure leading to better health and

Kindness to All Beings

Often people have thoughtlessly, and sometimes even

deliberately, aggravated the discomfort and suffering

of others. It is the uncultured mentality in man that
takes delight in the pain and agony of others. If they
themselves do not like to be hurt, what right have they
to inflict pain on others? The Buddha says, 'He who
loves himself should injure none.'
Treat others as you would like to be treated. This
golden rule is endorsed by all religious teachers. Yet,
people have often disregarded the fact that life is dear
to every living being, and as testimony td this callous
ness in human behaviour we can turn to the history of
mankind which is filled with massacres, bloodshed
and torture. We have seen that for some, killing has
even become a hobby or a pastime. Such sub-human
behaviour has soaked man's past with blood. For this
reason, some people have regarded the History of
Mankind as the History of Insanity and Inhumanity.
'We should not do unto others what we do not wish
done unto ourselves.'This is an old saying but it is still
relevant today. In the same breath we also add: 'We
should do unto others as we wish others do unto us.'
These sayings should be practised to overcome the
generally selfish and self-centered nature of men who
are only interested in themselves and have no time for

Concentrate more on your duty. There are some do-

gooders in this world who busy themselves with other

people's affairs and then get themselves into trouble

in the process. Have you heard of the story of the
donkey which tried to do the dog's job? Well, once
there was a man who owned a dog and a donkey. One
night the dog kept his master awake with its constant
howling and the master was so annoyed that he beat
up the dog. Now the dog was in so much pain that it
spent the whole of the following day and night sulking
in a corner. As luck would have it, that very night
some thieves entered the house, but the dog dis
regarded its duty and kept silent. The donkey was
outside, watching all that was going on. He said to
himself, 'Look, my master is asleep, the thieves are
robbing him and the dog is not doing its duty. I must
take over the dog's duties immediately and begin to
bray as loudly as I can.' The donkey did this with a
good intention though it was not its duty. The master
woke up from his sleep, and shouted, 'What is this?
Last night it was the dog, now it is this stupid donkey.'
So saying he got out of his bed, in a rage, grabbed the
whip and lashed the donkey, causing it severe pain.
The donkey soon realised its lesson and lamented,
cAh! those who try to perform the duties of others
without being told to do so will surely get themselves
a good whipping.'

The Spirit of Benevolence

Life is precious to all living beings. All beings shrink

with fear at the mere thought of being deprived of

their lives. As we do not wish for death, other beings
also do not wish for it. As we are frightened at the
mere thought of death, so are other beings. Therefore,
we should not kill nor cause to kill any living being,
however small or insignificant. We must open up the
storehouse of virtue within us to feel for those who
are less fortunate than ourselves and try to help them.
Buddhism teaches us not to hurt or kill any being
intentionally. It encourages us to love and protect all
beings. If everyone in our society can learn to be
benevolent and grateful, or be ready to reciprocate,
even in a small way, the kindness shown to each
person, then human society will become more peaceful
and pleasant to live with. Human relationship, like the
law of action and reaction, is a two-way traffic. When
love and mutual respect is practised in private as
well as in public life, clashes or misunderstandings
that upset goodwill and good relationships will be
We should always strive to help and serve others.
At the same time, we should not neglect the training
and development of our understanding so that we can
see things as they are and not what they appear to
be. This we will be able to do by using our common
sense. When we are going to help others, it is very
important for us to know who or what they are and
their attitude, in order that we can be mindful to
handle them with care.
Beware of whom you help. Innocent people may

help the wicked but they should do so wisely other

wise they also face problems and get into trouble.
Although every religion appreciates such services, it
must be done with understanding.

Beware of wicked ones. A man once saw a tiger caught

in a net. The tiger pleaded with the man to set him free
but the man said, 'No, you will eat me if I set you
free.' But the tiger begged, pleaded and promised the
man that not only would he leave him alone, he would
even be his protector for life. The foolish man believed
the tiger and removed the net. Needless to say, the
ungrateful tiger pounced on him. The man screamed
in fright and this attracted the attention of a fox who
came to see what the commotion was all about. The
man told the fox how he released the tiger. The tiger
however claimed that the man did not do very much
to release him. While they were thus arguing, the fox
said, 'Hey wait. I am all confused. If you want me to
settle this matter, I must know how it all began. Now,
I want to see where the tiger was when you came.'
The man began to explain but the fox said, 'I still
don't understand. Show me how the tiger was
caught.' The foolish tiger entered the net again. When
he was sure the beast was properly trapped, the fox
turned to the man and said, 'Now go your way and
beware of wicked ones who make promises they never
intend to keep.'

The Real Conqueror

Today, people are trying to dominate each other.
People often strive hard for money, power and posi
tion so that they will have control over others. It will
be to one's benefit if we could only realise that it is
more important to first conquer oneself. The Buddha
said that self conquest is better than world conquest,
and renunciation of worldly pleasures is better than
accumulation of all the riches of the world. Everyone
should make every effort to conquer one's anger,
jealousy, pride, greed and other shortcomings.
Courage, determination and perseverance are needed
to control and overcome these destructive forces.
A few weeks before Mahatma Gandhi died at the
hands of an assassin's bullet, he had a visitor who
wondered how Mahatmaji could marshal so much
courage though of frail body and Gandhi had said that
courage is not part of the physique but of the mind.

Though one should conquer a thousand times a

thousand men in battle, he who conquers his own
self is the greatest of all conquerors.
Gautama Buddha ~

If we can conquer ourselves, others will trust and

respect us for our victory. The Buddha conquered
himself first and then he conquered the whole world
with his love, compassion and wisdom. Thus, he is
widely respected by Buddhists and non-Buddhists

alike. Man must understand that he is the master of his

own destiny. His happiness and sadness are entirely of
his own making. Therefore, by understanding this,
we must adjust ourselves accordingly to lead respect
able and peaceful lives. To do this, we must seek the
necessary guidance and instructions in a rational reli
gion which can give us the liberty to think freely and
which does not resort to any form of blind faith.
Man must understand that the results he reaps are in
accordance with his deeds. If he wallows in destruc
tive emotions, he will place himself in constant
danger. When bad thoughts arise in his mind, he must
act wisely by controlling his mind. Through the culti
vation of his mind, he will spontaneously find happi
ness and purpose in wholesome deeds, speech and
thoughts. In the book Buddhist Meditation, Vene
rable Dr. Vajiranana wrote: 'If meditation or mental
cultivation is successful, positive expression of Metta
(loving-kindness) will be the driving force for our
actions. That is to say, the mental attitudes of benevo
lence and goodwill, when it is expanding in the heart,
must find outward expression in real acts ofkindness.'
Man is living in a world influenced by many forces.
It is important for him to understand the nature of
worldly conditions so as to know how to adjust his
way of life, either to face them or to overcome them.
He will then know where his place in human society
is, and how to live in harmony with the universal law
and other living beings. If the world is chaotic, it is
only because man has made it so. Conversely, it is

within the power of man to change the quality of the

whole atmosphere by generating benevolent thoughts
and actions with skill. By so doing, man will not only
work towards his own spiritual growth, but also share
in shaping the destiny of the whole world for the
benefit of all beings.

Human Values

The rules to develop human values in Buddhism are

simple. One must work hard and be conscientious.
One must not waste one's time unnecessarily, idling
away and doing nothing. Even regarding sleep, one
must be rational by keeping it to the minimum neces
sary for health. One should not give lame excuses that
either the day is too hot or too cold for the allotted
work to be done. Be constructive and conscientious in
whatever you do. It was recorded that the Buddha
Himself was the most energetic and active religious
teacher who has ever lived in this world. During His
forty five years of noble service to mankind, it was
reputed that He only slept for a period of two hours
each day. He travelled all over the country advising
people how to lead a noble way of life.

'A long life may be not good enough, but a good life
is long enough'

Benjamin Franklin


'Much talking is a source of danger,

Through silence misfortune is avoided,
The talkative parrot in a cage is shut,
While birds that cannot talk fly freely.'
~ Tibetan Yogi ~

Once four intimate friends promised one another

to observe seven days of silence in quiet medita
tion. On the first day all were silent, and the medita
tion went on as scheduled. But when night came, the
oil-lamp they were using ran out of oil and started to
flicker. A servant was dozing off nearby. One of them
could not help but say to the servant: 'Fix the lamp'.

The second friend was horrified to hear the first one

speaking. 'Hush,' he said, 'We are not supposed to
say a word, remember?'
'Both of you are stupid. Why did you talk?' said the
third. Very softly, the fourth muttered, 'I was the
only one who didn't say anything.'

Man has been able to rise above animals and build

great civilizations and complex social systems because
of his ability to communicate through speech and
writing. Not only is he able to communicate with
contemporaries, he is also able to set his ideas in
writing to communicate with future generations long
after he is dead.
In modern society, communications play a crucial
role in human relationships. From birth, we have the
inborn urge to talk and communicate with those we
come into contact with. Well used, words can help us
a great deal. But often, we speak hastily without
thinking about what we are going to say. Like the four
friends in the story mentioned earlier, quite often
we wish we had not said something after it had been
uttered. By then, it is too late since words once
spoken can never be withdrawn. We may apologise
and retract them, but the damage is already done.
Another writer says, 'Words are the dress of
thoughts which should no more be presented in rags,
tatters and dirt than your person should.'

Wrong Speech
It is apparent that amongst all living beings, humans
are known as the biggest liars. You must have wit
nessed the trouble and commotion caused by wrong
speech, such as lies, unjust speech, caustic remarks,
gossip, and unfounded rumours.
Some people can escape and survive anywhere after
cheating others because of their tactful and cunning
way of talking while innocent people get into trouble.
So people must associate with them wisely.

What happened to the brain? There is an old story

about a lion who longed to eat his favourite delicacy,
buffalo meat. There was in the forest just such a
buffalo, but try as he might, he was unable to catch
this tasty beast. So he decided to use his cunning to get
what he wanted. He called his assistant, a fox, and said
to him, 'You know, I really don't understand why we
live in fear of each other. Please go and tell the buffalo
that from now on I have decided to become a vege
tarian and invite him to share my den with him.' The
fox went to the buffalo and conveyed the message.
The buffalo was suspicious at first, but the fox argued
that the lion was really harmless. After all had he him
selfnot lived with this lion for a long time? Finally the
buffalo was convinced. He came into the cave, was
courteously treated and thus assured, he lay down to
sleep. The lion wasted no more time. Upon a flash he

pounced on the poor buffalo and killed him with one

stroke. Now the lion's favourite was buffalo brain and
though he was very hungry, all the waiting had tired
him. So he decided to take a rest and instructed the fox
to guard the carcass while he slept. Of course, now
the fox also craved buffalo brain, and so while his
master slept, he opened up the skull, and ate the deli
cious brain. Thus satisfied he cleverly replaced the
skull and, with an innocent look on his face waited for
his master to awake. The lion woke up and eagerly
went to enjoy his delicacy but great was his surprise
and anger when he opened the head and found it
empty. Furiously he demanded an explanation from
the fox who replied: 'Master, the reason the skull is
empty is that this buffalo had no brain. Do you think
if it had any brain it could have fallen for your trick?'

The Buddha spoke about the four kinds of wrong

speech. The first is lying. When a person goes to a
court of justice, or is in the company of relatives and
friends, he would say 'I know' when he does not, and
'I don't know' when he does. To save himself, or for
the sake of some small gain, he deliberately utters lies.
The second is backbiting. When a person wanders
here or there, he spreads falsehood around to cause
disruption. He breaks up fellowship, does not recon
cile those at strife, finds pleasure and delight in
quarrels, and utters words to incite others to quarrel.

The third is harsh speech. The words spoken are

insolent and rude, bitter for others to hear. People
always accuse others, even for minor mistakes yet
keep quiet when the latter do some good deeds. One
writer says: 'When I am good everybody forgets, but
when I am bad everybody remembers.'
The fourth is idle babbling. This speech is made by
a person speaking out of turn on things non-existent
or irrelevant. His speech is unrestrained, out of place,
thoughtless and does not bring any benefit whatso

The next time before we speak, we must think

before opening our mouths. The injunction 'Think
before you speak' can help us avoid getting into dis
putes or arguments and avoid hurting others unneces
sarily. We must analyse our thoughts and intentions
before expressing them. We must not only know what
to say, but also why, when, where and how to say it.
A wise man knows how to avoid problems by being
careful about what he says. There is a saying that even
a fish will not get caught on a hook if he knows how
to keep his big mouth shut at the right time. There is
a fable to illustrate this truth.

The fox who had a cold. Once there was an old lion
who was very hungry but he was too weak to go out
hunting. However he had an attendant, a fox, who
had served him for many years. Now the lion was

desperately hungry and decided that the only thing he

could do was eat the fox. But, being the king of the
beasts he could not very well just pounce on the fox,
so he decided to find an excuse to kill his faithful
attendant. He called the fox to him and said, 'Fox, I
am going ~to ask you a question which you must
answer truthfully. If you don't give the right answer I
will kill you. Tell me, am I pleasant smelling or foul
smelling?' Fox clearly saw the trap. If he said the lion
was foul smelling the lion would be insulted and kill
him. If he said the lion was pleasant smelling, he
would be called a liar and would get killed anyway. So
the fox thought carefully and replied, 'Master, I am
afraid you asked that question at a wrong time. You
see, I am suffering from a very bad cold and my nose
is blocked, so I really cannot tell how you smell. In
fact I am worried that I will pass my cold on to you.
So out of concern for your health I am going to leave
you and go far away from you.'
The wise man knows how to get himself out of a
tricky situation by saying the right thing at the right

Angry words can be followed by blows. A person

in control of the situation will not be easily provoked
into a fight or to act unwisely. Always remember that
your battle is lost, the moment you lose your balance.
Indeed, it is very rewarding to observe and see the
effect you can generate on others by refusing to allow

yourself to be provoked. They would get more and

more irritated because they cannot make you angry,
and they will realise that you are the winner. Take the
opportunity to study human nature. How silly people
look when they lose their temper. Similarly you
should also realise how silly you look when you lose
your temper.

Acting Wisely in Tense Situations

We can avoid heated arguments by acting wisely.
Sometimes a situation becomes tense because of cer
tain things said or done which upset people. Some
people take strong positions in a discussion by raising
their voices which soon leads to the quickening of
everyone's heart beat. Under such circumstances, we
should use some tact to try to diffuse the explosive

// / am not mad, how can I say you are mad? There

was a temperamental old man. His moods changed so
quickly that he would joke and laugh at one moment
and then explode in anger at another moment. This
happened very often when he visited his friend's
house so much so that many people were disturbed by
his behaviour. One day, his friend remarked that
maybe there was something wrong with his mind.
When he heard what was said about him, the old
man became very angry. He confronted his friend and

demanded. 'Why did you say I'm mad?' He looked

dead serious and was ready to start a quarrel.
The friend realised that he should not have made
the remark, but what could he do now? Since he was
a religious man he did not like to have a heated argu
ment. Very quickly the friend answered, 'Well, do
you know that I'm also mad!'
Surprised, the old man asked, 'How can you say
you're mad?'
'Well, my dear friend, if I'm not mad, how can I
say you're mad?' On hearing this clever and diplo
matic reply, the old man burst into laughter and a
potentially big problem was thus solved.

It is difficult to discover the truth of a matter

through arguments. A person who possesses oratori
cal skills can turn, twist and hide the facts for his own
benefit and easily destroy an opponent's point of view
by talking his way out, but he may not come any
closer to the truth. Heated arguments never bring any
good results. The truth will never emerge from heated
arguments, or by hurting the feelings of others with
unkind remarks. People who get involved in heated
arguments usually become defensive and will find it
harder to realise their own mistakes and forget the
original issue in question.
On the other hand when some cunning people
realise that they cannot either defend or hide their

own mistakes, they will normally try to accuse

their opponents by bringing forward certain personal
weaknesses or some other allegations in order to
divert their attention so that their opponents will
forget the original charges made against them.
If we wish to know the real facts, we must think
quietly and discuss our ideas with others calmly and
gently. When we speak slowly, we are in control of
our emotions. When we are provoked or our emotions
are aroused, we must be mindful so as not to allow
ourselves to be carried away by such emotions and act
foolishly and blindly. We must not be dictated to by
our anger or resentment, to commit unwholesome
acts as a result of that provocation. We must be in
absolute control of the situation and not allow the
situation take control over us. This is the hallmark of
a person in control of himself. Silent sense is better
than fluent folly.
It is very unfortunate that certain uncultured or
narrow minded people, whenever faced with any
misunderstanding or argument usually insult the other
parties by calling them names and bringing forward
their personal matters such as race, caste and colour in
disparaging terms. This unpleasant and unhealthy atti
tude can create enmity or hatred which prevails
throughout life and such animosity usually results in
violence and bloodshed.

Be Mindful of Thoughts
Those who know the nature of mental activities say

that once a thought is made, whether good or bad, it

is permanently implanted within the mind. It is good
to ponder on this concept and consider which ideas
we should entertain because of the effects such
thoughts have on us.

The thought manifests as the word,

The word manifests as the deed,
The deed develops into habit,
And the habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its way with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.

The words above echo what the Buddha said more

than 2500 years ago: 'We are what we think. All that
we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts
we make the world.' The truth of this verse is time
less: it is truth whether for the past, the present or
the future.
We should cultivate the habit of being constantly
mindful of what we say. Then, we will be able to
distinguish between those manners of speech that can
annoy people and those that can make them happy.
Through this awareness, we will be able to consider
the value or otherwise of all our thoughts, words and
actions. Thoughts controlled means words controlled.
Words controlled mean actions controlled. When all
the senses are controlled persons become harmless and

Cultivating Skilful Speech

It is important to regard our tongue as the servant. We
are the master; the tongue will do our bidding. The
tongue will have to say what we want to say and not
what it wants us to say. Unfortunately, for most of
us, it is our tongue that is the master and we are its
slave. We have to listen to what it speaks in our name
and we seem unable to stop its wagging. The result of
such lack of control is always disastrous.
Some people vow to observe silence after a bad
experience of wrong speech. They guard their tongue
so that no evil word will escape from their lips. But if
we live in society, can we maintain silence all the time?

We cannot avoid problems either by talking or keep

ing silent. Once there was a monk who had a lazy
attendant boy who would sleep late into the morning.
One day he woke the boy up and shouted at him say
ing, 'You still sleeping! Even the tortoises are out of
the pond, lying out in the sun.'
At the time, a man who was trying to catch some
tortoises to make a medicinal soup for his mother
overheard what the monk had just said and he went to
the pond. True enough, there were many tortoises
lying out in the morning sun. He caught a few of them
and made the soup for his mother. But he had not for
gotten about the monk. In gratitude for the monk's
advice, he offered him some tortoise soup. The monk

was horrified to know that his speech was responsible

for the death of those creatures and vowed not to
speak again.
Sometime later, the monk was sitting out in the
verandah of the temple. He saw a blind man walking
down the road and was heading towards the pond. He
wanted to ask the blind man to stop walking but then
remembered to observe his vow of silence. While he
was debating in his mind as to what to do, the blind
man meanwhile had walked straight into the pond and
was drenched wet. This made the monk feel very bad
and he realized that one cannot live in this world
simply by keeping silent or by talking. We must use
our common sense to survive in this world.

There is an art of speaking, and that is, to speak

gently and politely, not harshly or rudely. We must
learn to speak at the right time and at the right place
on any subject if we wish to avoid conflict or criticism.

Tell the truth, nothing but truth. But be'wise, if the

truth that you are going to tell is unpleasant.



We may not be saintly enough to love our enemies, but

for the sake of our health and happiness, let us at least
forgive and forget them.
Dale Carnegie ~

A n ogress was in hot pursuit of a nobleman's

daughter and her baby. When the lady heard
that the Buddha was teaching Dhamma at the monas
tery, she visited Him and placed her son at His feet
for protection. The ogress was thus prevented from
entering the monastery. She was later called in, and
both the lady and ogress were admonished by the

The Buddha said that in one of their past lives, one

of them was barren and that her husband had arranged
to marry the other woman. Later when the first wife
knew that the other was pregnant, she mixed a drug to
the food and thus caused her to have a miscarriage.
Two similar attempts were made, and on the third
attempt the fruitful wife died. However, before her
death, this unfortunate woman, who was in a rage,
vowed vengeance on the barren woman and her future
Thus their past feud as rival wives and the hatred
they harboured towards each other led to the killing
of each other's children in their various subsequent
lives. The ogress' desire to kill the woman's baby was
only a continuation of this deep-seated hatred. Hatred
can only cause more hatred: it can only cease through
love, friendship, understanding and goodwill. Both
realised their mistakes, and on the advice of the
Buddha, they made peace with each other.
This story tells us how people carry their hatred
even after death into their future lives.

Loving and Kindness

The pursuit of happiness is not difficult if we have the
right mental attitude. Love is the key to happiness. All
human beings have the potential to give and receive
love. We are potentially storehouses of love.
Love is a priceless gift to bestow on to another.

Through love, we can provide the warmth to satisfy

the burning needs of an individual to be loved, for
those who love and are loved in return are happier
than those devoid of love. The more love we give the
more will we receive in return. This is in accordance
with the eternal law of cause and effect.
In the Buddha's teachings, the spirit of love is more
important than good work. 'All good works whatever
are not worth an iota of love which sets free the heart.
Love which sets free the heart comprises good work. It
shines, gives light and radiance.'
Love is one of the greatest instruments of nature.
The powerful force of love is the bond and cement of
society - the spirit and life of the universe. Love is the
most precious thing in the world. No matter how
unhappy you are now or have been in the past, you
can still find happiness in the future. The key to
happiness is love, and you are in possession of that
precious key, right now and always. And remember,
love begins with you. Start the process of extending
your love and compassion to all beings. The inevitable
reaction will surely be that you will receive plenty of
love in return. Telling another person 'I love you'
can be a risky business sometimes, but the rewards
can be substantial.

Cultivating Loving Kindness

The idea of love can mean different things to various
people. Love, according to the Buddha, does not
mean attachment to a person or an object through

which one desires to satisfy his or her selfish craving.

Love should be an endless self-immolating com
passion, freely flowing towards all living beings. In
the Metta Sutta, the Buddha said:
Let not one deceive another
Nor despise any person whatsoever in any place.
In anger or ill-will,
Let him not wish any harm to another.
Just as a mother would protect her only child,
At the risk of her own life,
Even so let him cultivate a boundless heart
Towards all beings.
Love is the soil in which the loved ones grow. It
enriches the other person without limiting or restrict
ing him. Love elevates humanity. Love costs nothing.
Love should not be selective. Some may think of love
as something to receive, but it is basically a giving
In cultivating love and kindness, we should start
with those at home. The love between father and
mother greatly influences the atmosphere at home and
generates love, care and sharing among other family
members. A husband and wife should treat each other
with respect, courtesy and fidelity.
Parents should fulfil five duties for their children:
avoid doing evil and set an example of good deeds,
give them an education, be supportive and under
standing in their children's love affairs or arrange for
their marriage, and let them inherit the family wealth

at a proper time. A child, on the other hand, should

honour his parents and do for them all he is supposed
to do. He should serve them, help them at their
labour, cherish the family lineage, protect the family
property, do some services to others in their name and
hold memorial services for them after they have
passed away. If husbands and wives, as well as parents
and children follow this advice taught by the Buddha,
there will always be happiness and peace in the home.
Life is made up of little things in which smiles and
kindness and small obligations, given habitually, are
what win and preserve the heart.
One mark of a loving person is that he has a com
passionate heart. We should cultivate the habit of
helping those in trouble and who are less fortunate
than ourselves. One should not merely be sympathe
tic to another emotionally, but should seek to trans
late that feeling into positive actions. Extending love
and kindness does not mean showering gifts, but the
showering of gentleness and generosity of spirit.
Kindness is a virtue that the blind can see and the deaf
can hear. So long as there is one single person whom
you can console by words, whom you can enliven and
cheer by your presence, whom you can relieve by
your help, however insignificant or unimportant it
might be, you are a precious possession to the human
race and you should never be disheartened or de
pressed. 'Almost anything good you do will seem
insignificant,' says Gandhi, 'but it is very important
that you do it.'

Search for someone less fortunate or less healthy

than yourself. Extend any possible help or assistance
you can within your means and ability. Make sym
pathy, empathy and loving kindness keep pace with
your capacity for self development. You can be
cheated or let down by another and there is none in
this world who has not faced such crafty individuals.
There is no shame or humiliation if you are cheated,
but it is a shame ifyou do so to others. Never harbour
thoughts of revenge against those who have wronged
There may be times when those you love do not
seem to care, and you are apt to feel heavy at heart.
But there is no just cause for dejection. What does it
matter if others are not grateful to you or do not care
for you, as long as you believe that you are full of
compassion and love for others.
'There is brightness all around,
When there's love at home,
There is joy in every sound,
When there's love at home,
Time will softly, sweetly glide,
When there's love at home.'

Gratitude is a rare virtue today. For our own

happiness, we should not expect to be appreciated for
every act we do. If we expect that, we are bound to
face disappointments and frustrations. If honours or
recognition come our way, so be it: if not, never


'To live in the world and be intolerant of another's

race, religion, customs and colour is like being born an
eskimo and having an aversion to snow. '

Tolerance is an important virtue in the Buddhist

moral code. We should cultivate tolerance
because it helps us to avoid problems. It also helps us
to understand other people's troubles, to avoid giving
destructive criticism, and to realise that even the finest
human being is not infallible. We will also realise that
some of the weaknesses found in our neighbours can
be found in our own selves as well.
A spiritually enlightened person is likely to be more

tolerant than others. A tolerant person does not like

to interfere with another person's freedom of thought,
which is the birthright of every individual. He is not
easily offended and grants the possibility that others
could also be right even if he does not agree with their
views. He is not stubborn or unreasonable with his
views. If he thinks the other person is wrong, he may
try to persuade him to see the error of his by clear
reasoning, but never will he force another to accept
his views.
One of the greatest tragedies in human relationships
is the inability and unwillingness to tolerate and
accommodate views that are different. If, on account
of religious views, people of different faiths cannot
meet on a common platform like cultured people,
then surely the missions of the compassionate reli
gious teachers have failed miserably. At such plat
forms, it would be better to discuss and exchange
those views which we agree on and tolerate those
which we do not. When certain disturbances arise we
must know how to overcome them without aggra
vating the situation.

How to avoid disturbances. There was a headman in a

certain village who had a hot tempered father. Each
time the elderly man lost his temper, he would storm
out of his house and scold his son. Although his
temper was well known in the village, this outburst

caused some embarrassment and often disturbed

others' minds.
One day, the headman hung an iron ring outside his
house and instructed the village boys to strike it
repeatedly each time his father scolded him. The loud
clanging noise drew a lot of attention, and soon the
elderly man realised that he was making a fool of him
self and stopped scolding his son.


In our daily life, there is much that we have to endure.

We have to bear all kinds of pain, both physically
and mentally. We have to face worries, frustrations,
depressions, and all types of imaginary fears. It is use
ful to know how to put up with this pain because
many physical disorders are brought about by wrong
habits of thought, unhealthy mental attitudes and
unnecessary anxieties. Under such circumstances, it
will be useful to practise patience.
Patience is mentioned as one of the exemplary
characteristics of a religious man, along with sincerity,
swiftness in understanding and tenderness. One who
has these four qualities is said to be worthy of respect.

Follow the Buddha's examples. On one occasion the

Buddha was invited by a brahmin for alms to his
house. As invited, the Buddha visited the house of the

brahmin. Instead of entertaining Him, the brahmin

poured forth a torrent of abuse with the filthiest of
The Buddha politely inquired:-
' Do visitors come to your house, good brahmin? '
' Yes', He replied.
' What do you do when they come?/
'Oh, we prepare a sumptuous feast.'
'If they fail to turn up?'
' Why, we gladly partake of it. '
' Well, good brahmin, you have invited me for alms
and entertained me with abuse which I decline to
accept. Please take it back. '
The Buddha did not retaliate, but politely gave back
what the Brahmin had given Him. Retaliate not, the
Buddha advised. 'Hatreds do not cease through
hatred, but through love alone they cease. '
There was no religious teacher highly praised and
so severely criticised, reviled and blamed like the
Buddha. Such is the fate of great men.
In a public assembly a vile woman named Cinca,
pretending to be pregnant, accused the Buddha. With
a smiling face the Buddha patiently endured the insult
and thereby His innocence was proved.
The Buddha was once accused of murdering a
woman assisted by His disciples. Non-Buddhists
severely criticised the Buddha and His disciples to such
an extent that the Venerable Ananda appealed to the
Buddha to leave for another village.

' How, Ananda, what if those other villagers also

abuse us?'
' Well then, Lord we will proceed to another
village. '
' Then Ananda, the whole of India will have no
place for us. Be patient.
These unfounded abuses will automatically cease.
Magandiya, a lady of harem who hated the Buddha
for speaking about the repulsiveness of her attractive
figure when her father, through ignorance, wished
to give her in marriage to the Buddha. She hired
drunkards to insult the Buddha in public. With per
fect equanimity the Buddha endured the insult. But
Magandiya had to suffer for her misdeed.
Insults are a common lot which humanity has to
face and endure. The more we work and the greater we
become, the more we would be subject to insults and

The Power of Patience

After gaining spiritual liberation, Pindola, a disciple

of the Buddha, returned to his native place, Kosambi,
to repay the people there for the kindness they had
shown him. It had been a hot summer day, and on
reaching the outskirts of Kosambi, Pindola sat in
meditation under the cool shade of a tree in a park on
the bank of the Ganges River.
At that time. King Udena came to the park with his

consorts for recreation and, after music and pleasure,

he took a nap in the shade of another tree. While their
King was asleep, his wives and ladies-in-waiting took
a walk and suddenly came upon Pindola in medita
tion. They recognised him as a holy man and asked
him to teach them.
When the King awoke from his nap, he went in
search of his ladies and found them surrounding this
holy man and listening to his teaching. Being of a
jealous and lascivious mind, the King became angry
and abused Pindola, saying: 'It is inexcusable that
you, a holy man, should be in the midst of women
and enjoy idle talk with them.' Pindola quietly closed
his eyes and remained silent.
The angry King drew his sword and threatened
Pindola, but the holy man remained silent and was
firm as a rock. This made the King more angry and he
broke open an anthill and threw some of the ant-filled
dirt upon him. Still Pindola remained sitting in medi
tation and quietly endured the insult and pain.
Thereupon, the King became ashamed of his bad
conduct and begged Pindola's pardon. As a result of
this incident, the Buddha's teaching found its way
into the King's castle and from there it spread all over
the country.
Be patient. Anger leads on to a pathless jungle.
While anger irritates and annoys others, it also hurts
oneself, weakens the physical frame and disturbs the
mind. A harsh word, like an arrow discharged from a
bow, can never be taken back even after a thousand

apologies. Never use harsh words in a heated argu

ment. It is always the retort that starts the trouble.
By cultivating and developing patience, the destruc
tive emotional energy within us will not have the
chance to surface to take control and direct us to
commit evil.

/ did not hear what you said. Once Venerable Sari-

putta, the chief disciple of the Buddha, was confronted
by a brahmin who abusedhim with angry words. When
these words did not affect Venerable Sariputta, the
brahmin became even more furious.
'Didn't you hear what I have just said?' shouted the
angry brahmin. 'Do you have nothing to say to all my
Venerable Sariputta, smiled gently at the brahmin,
and replied, 'Well, my friend, I do hear you loud and
clear. But since I know that you have nothing useful
to say, I hear only sound vibrations.'

Forget every evil or insult; remember every kind

ness. The world has witnessed enough hatred already.
Let the future be based on the broad foundation
of loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom. The
Buddhist way of dealing with problems is not pres
criptive but therapeutic. Hatred or anger, like any
other destructive emotion, is to be eradicated not by

suppression but by gradually removing its roots.

If we return violence for violence, there can be no
end to it. Enmity will give rise to enmity. A desire for
revenge will arouse more vengeful thoughts. Resent
ment can never be conquered by resentment, and
hatred only begets hatred. The best approach to
these evils is to appease them with the antidotes of
sympathy, forgiveness, tolerance and patience.
Gandhi says: 'Take an eyefor an eye, and the whole
world will be blind.'


One should not lower one's dignity or be a nuisance to

the other party.

In this world, it is impossible for all our desires to

be satisfied. No matter how powerful or influential
a person is, he will still experience frustration. The
things he doesn't have, he will long for them. When he
already has certain things, he longs for some more or
for a change. Unfulfilled desire is common to
In the matters of the heart, the longing for the love
of another always brings frustration. When a person
falls in love and finds that his or her feelings are not

reciprocated, he or she becomes frustrated. This often

occurs among young people. Even conditions which
are clearly favourable can change unexpectedly. To

Who married the girl? Once a young man had fallen

deeply in love with a girl from another town. He
wrote long letters to her daily expressing his love for
her. After sending no less than a few hundred letters,
he discovered to his horror that she had fallen in love
and married the postman who had delivered the

Some people fall in love at first sight and remain

happy for the rest of their lives. Some others fall in
love at first sight, only to realise that it was infatuation
and regret it later. But for the most part, love takes
time to grow. Therefore, if love does not blossom
immediately, a person should not be disheartened too
easily. There is a saying that a faint heart never won a
fair lady. This is to say that a person who gives up too
easily will not be able to marry the one he desires.
Some can conduct themselves maturely and slowly
draw the other's attention to their kindness, conside
ration, steadfastness, and love for the other. One must
not be unreasonable or selfish in the expression of
one's feelings. After all, human emotions, like all
things in nature, are subject to change. When one con-

ducts oneself well, there is every chance that the other

will begin to realise the good qualities and develop
warm feelings towards the other and all these may
take time.
But there must be a limit in trying to win the heart
of another, especially when the answer is a clear 'NO'
and the person must not go to extremes in expressing
the love. One must give the other the right to make
one's own decision and respect that decision. There is
no law that one's love for another must be reci
procated. In situations when a person's love is not
reciprocated, it is best for either party to wish all the
happiness for the future well-being and part as friends
without causing any hindrances to their own per
sonality or make a nuisance of themselves.

Very effective charm. Once a young man wanted the

girl of his dreams to return his love for her. He tried
by sending her flowers and gifts but the girl did not
respond. Having tried various methods but failing to
win the girl's love, he finally thought of a plan - a love
charm, and he went to a temple to persuade the monk
to prepare that charm for him.
'Sorry, we don't make love charms here,' said the
monk. 'If the girl has no interest in you, try to find
someone else.' But the young man was insistent that
he wished her love only.
Unable to persuade him with advice, the monk

tried another method. 'Alright,' said the monk, 'take

this oil with you. When you see her the first thing in
the morning, apply this oil on her forehead.'
The young man woke up early the following
morning and eagerly waited for the girl to emerge
from her house. As she came out with a broom in
hand to sweep the compound, he ran forward, dipped
his finger in the bottle of oil and applied it to her fore
head as instructed by the monk.
The girl not only had a nasty fright but became so
furious, that she chased him out, beating him with the
broom. The young man learned his bitter lesson about
love charms, and decided to turn his love to another
girl who liked him. In fact, because of this incident, he
was wise enough to marry the girl who really loved

Breaking Up
In any love relationship, there is always the possibility
of breaking up. A relationship which was like a dream
had turned sour and the parties involved could see the
split coming. In the breakup of a relationship there is
pain, especially when one's emotions are all tied up in
knots. Emotional knots have to be cut sooner or later,
and each time they are cut the parties involved bleed
a little. One should accept the fact that for some
time, one will be subjected to sharp fluctuations in
emotions. Memories of things said or done could
suddenly arise and fill one with a flood of emotions.

In such a situation, some people walk around like a

wounded victim. If there is nothing that one can do
about the breakup, the very first thing is to accept
its inevitability. Until one does that, one can be
paralyzed, with thoughts running over and over in the
mind of how to mend something that cannot be
mended. One must be prepared to undergo a few sta
ges emotionally before recovering from the breakup.
At first, there will be the shock. One will find it
hard to believe that the breakup has really happened.
After the shock will be one's injured sense of pride.
One has lost face, especially to oneself. After the
shock and finding a way to salvage the pride, one has
to face the loneliness of being alone. But even this will
go away eventually. It is not going to go away in a day
or a week; it will take time, but it will go away.
During this period, one should try living one day at a
time. Don't think about the past or worry too much
about the future. Living one day at a time will help
one in tiding over the worst days. And then, before
one knows it, one is no longer affected by the break
up, and one is really free again.
One should avoid doing something foolish during
the period of adjustment. Every now and then, we
read in the newspapers about tragedies of suicides,
violence and murder committed by the broken
hearted. There was a case of a young man who threw
himself into the river and drowned, with his love
letters neatly wrapped in a plastic package stuffed in
his pocket. He was broken-hearted because his girl-

friend had decided to marry another man. This young

man had committed physical suicide. Some commit
emotional suicide by going insane out of frustration
and disappointment due to a broken love affair. Some
refuse to marry or to fall in love again after being
Why do people have to undergo all this suffering? It
is because they have not developed an understanding
of the uncertainties of life and is, therefore, caught up
in an emotional turbulence. They develop attachment
and have unreasonable expectations. A person who
has a better understanding of the nature of life will
know that life is affected by eight wordly conditions.
Like the waves in the ocean, these eight worldly con
ditions fluctuate. One moment it is favourable and
is welcomed with open arms; at another moment it
becomes unfavourable, which is rather hard to bear.
Like a pendulum swinging back and forth, desirable
and undesirable conditions prevail in this world and
everyone, without exception, must face them.
One may enjoy some gain, but for every gain there
is also the danger of loss. This is true for fame, praise
and happiness, which have the risk of their negative
counterparts, namely, defame, blame and pain, arising.
However, the occurrence of every negative condition
carries also the hope that things will change for the
better. A loss can set the foundation for future gain,
while defame can turn into fame, blame into praise,
and pain into happiness. Such is the instability of
worldly conditions. And the affair of the heart, being

subject to worldly conditions, is no different. A

love between two persons can grow into something
deep and matured, fed by selfless giving, mutual
respect and sharing. It can also turn sour when the
parties involved become careless with one another or
when conditions change through no one's fault.
One way to find solace for your mental agony or
frustration is to understand the degree of your own
sufferings and difficulties with that experienced by
others. You think that everything around you is about
to collapse. However, if you try to take a mental
stock of things and try to count your blessings, you
will find, surprisingly, that you are better off than
many others who suffer more. In short, you have been
unduly exaggerating your problems. Many others are
worse off than you and yet they do not worry unduly.
Another method to reduce your problems is to
recapitulate what you have gone through before,
under similar or worse circumstances and how you
have, through your patience and efforts, been able to
surmount your then seemingly difficulties. By doing
so, you will not permit your existing problems to
'drown you'. On the contrary you will determine to
resolve whatever issues or problems that may be facing
you. You should realise that you have gone through
worse situations and that you are prepared to face the
issue - come what may. With this frame of mind, you
will soon regain your self-confidence and will be able
to face and resolve whatever problems that are in store
for you.


Some believe that marriages are made in heaven. But

when marriages are badly handled, they could just as
well have been made in hell.

In a marriage, both the husband and wife must

think more of the partnership than they do of
themselves. This partnership is an interweaving of
interests, and sacrifices will have to be made for the
sake of both parties. It is from mutual understanding
and concern that security and contentment in marriage
can be established.
There are no short-cuts to happiness in marriage.
No two human beings can possibly live together in an

intimate emotional relationship for a long period of

time without having some misunderstanding or fric
tion from time to time. Understanding and tolerance
are required to overcome the feelings of jealousy,
anger and suspicion. To think that one does not need
to adopt a give-and-take attitude is to presume that
love in marriage is just for the asking without any
sacrifice on our part.

Building a Successful Marriage

Success in marriage is based on compatibility rather
than just only finding the right partner. Both
partners must try to be the right person by acting out
of mutual respect, love and concern for each other.
Love is an inner feeling and a fulfilment arising from
the mutual healthy growth with and for the other
person. In a successful marriage, a partner must not
always try to get things his or her own way. This
brings to mind a humourous saying - 'Man has his
will but woman has her way'. There is only one path
to be trodden by both, it may be uneven, bumpy and
sometimes difficult, but it is always a 'mutual path'.
A happy marriage is not one in which we are to
exist with eyes closed. We see faults as well as virtues,
and we should accept the fact that no one is perfect. A
husband and wife must learn to share the happiness
and pain in their daily lives. Mutual understanding is
the secret formula of a happy marriage. Marriage is a
blessing, but unfortunately, many people treat it

otherwise due to a lack of correct communication and

Most of the marital troubles and worries which
normally arise are due to an unwillingness of one
partner to compromise and to practise patience with
the other. The golden rule to avoid a minor misunder
standing being blown out of proportion is to practise
patience, tolerance and understanding. Human beings
are emotional and hence are liable to get into tantrums
which lead them to be angry. Husbands and wives
should do their utmost for both not to be angry at
the same time. This is the golden rule for a happy mar
ried life. If both parties are not angry at the same time,
problems can easily be resolved by adopting the noble
spirit of patience, tolerance and understanding.
The husband should treat his wife with respect,
understanding and consideration and not as a servant
nor as a doll in his hands. Although he may be re
garded as the bread-winner of the family, it is also
his duty to help his wife with the household work
whenever he is free. The wife, on the other hand,
should not always nag or grumble at her husband over
trivial matters. If he really has certain shortcomings,
she should try to talk with him and correct him in a
gentle manner. A spouse should try to tolerate and
handle many things without bothering the partner,
especially when there are problems affecting one's
career. If one is inclined towards jealousy, one must
try to restrain suspicions over the partner's move
ments since they may not at all be justifiable. In

Buddhism, mutual respect and trust are of paramount

importance in a happy union.
Sex in Marriage
Sex should be given its due place in a happy marriage.
Like fire, sex is a good servant but can be a bad
master. It should neither be unhealthily repressed nor
morbidly exaggerated. The desire for sex, like any
other emotion, must be regulated by reason. Although
it is an important element in the happiness of most
married couples, it is necessary to realise that one can
be happy without giving sex a paramount role. On the
other hand, one can have a good sex life and still be
unhappy. Real love is not just physical: it is a spiritual
communion, a meeting of minds.
Sex is much more than the physical gratification of
desires. It is the basis for an intimate life-long com
panionship. Down through the ages, love and mutual
respect have been shown to be the basis for close
intimacy between the sexes. Dr. Helen Kaplan of
Cornell Medical Center says that without intimacy
there can be no real love. Her definition of intimacy is
the sharing of feelings, not information. Couples who
are not intimate will tend to talk of frivolous subjects
like the weather, the latest TV shows or what to eat
for dinner. They never make it a point to let each other
know if they are really happy, unhappy, frightened,
worried or any other such intimate feelings. They are
also not interested to know how their partner really

The married couple should make every effort to

cultivate the timeless virtues of chastity, fidelity and
decency. Real growth only comes through the deve
lopment of these virtues. None can repeal the cosmic
moral law of cause and effect, of the lasting unity of
all human beings. The hope of personal growth and
harmony in society lies in the recognition of this basic
law, rather than surrendering oneself to base and
coarse animal instincts which only bring suffering to
those whom we dearly love. Self respect, human
dignity or humane qualities are eroding in modern

Who are more civilised? The traditional way of dress

ing among the women of a hill tribe was to leave the
upper part of their bodies bare. They did not draw
any attention among their men who went about their
daily duties as they had been doing for generations.
However, when they were about to be visited by some
officials undertaking a study on their way of life, the
young girls were told by their chieftain to hide them
selves. They were safe among the men of their tribe,
but there was no telling what the so called educated
men from the civilized world would do to them.

The tendency of people today towards an over-

dependency and obsession with sex can be a cause for

alarm. Our forefathers erected a veil of secrecy and

hypocrisy around the subject, and it is well that the
veil has for the most part been torn down. But when
sex becomes glorified and sensationalised like the way
it is done today, it hinders the development of higher
values in society. The mass media particularly has
exploited the erotic side of life so enticingly and
successfully that humanity is bombarded sick by a
ceaseless barrage of sexual stimulation from every
side. The way how they organise their way of life is to
show others that the sex life is the most important
aspect in human life and to neglect all the other
important duties and responsibilities.

Having a Good Marriage

The Buddha says that a marriage between a bad hus
band and a bad wife is like a dead body existing with
another dead body. Marriage between a bad man and
a good woman is like a dead body, existing with an
angel. Married life between a good man and a bad
woman is like an angel living with a dead body.
Married life between a good man and a good woman
is like an angel living with another angel. Montaigne
jokes about married life by saying: 'A good marriage
would be between a blind wife and deaf husband.'
(The wife will not see the man's weaknesses and the
husband will not hear her nagging.)
According to a certain religion, a man may marry
more than one wife, while other religions restrict

marriage to one man and one wife. As far as Buddhism

is concerned, marriage is a matter of personal choice,
and people are also subject to the laws of the country
they live in. Even in countries where polygamy is per
missible, there is enough evidence to show that a man
having more than one wife will only invite more
worries and burdens throughout his life.
Most of us already have more than enough troubles.
Instead of overcoming them many people go out
looking for some more troubles.

One head and two wives. There was once an elderly

man who was not satisfied with the one wife to whom
he had been married for some years. He decided to
take on a second wife who was charming and beauti
ful. Now, this second wife felt rather embarrassed to
be seen with such an old man. So in order to make him
look young, she spent a lot of time plucking out all the
grey hairs that had appeared on his head. When his
first wife noticed this, she began to pull out his black
hairs one by one, hoping to make him appear older.
This contest between the two of them went on and
in the end, the man became completely bald, with
neither a single grey hair nor black hair on his head.

Ladies attach a lot of importance to birthdays and

anniversaries. Caring husbands should remember

these dates and should never be too busy to keep love

alive with little tributes and attention. Little acts of
attention such as these show the person you love that
you are thinking of her, that you want to please her,
that her happiness and welfare are very near and dear
to your heart. Wives do appreciate such little acts of
attention such as these from their courteous husbands
and it is this life long goodwill that keeps the home
fires burning. Little acts of love such as these are at the
bottom of most marital happiness.
Married couples today can regulate the size of their
family through proper family planning. Wise couples
should plan their families according to their incomes
and capabilities. There is no reason for Buddhists to
oppose contraception and the practice of birth control
which prevent the fertilization of the ovum. How
ever, once the embryo is formed, it must be allowed
to take its full course during the pregnancy. Buddhism
does not support nor condone the act of abortion
which constitutes an act of killing.
'Marriage resembles a pair of scissors joinedtogether
so that they cannot be separated. Often they move
in opposite directions. But woe betide anyone who
comes between them'

'The chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two

to carry it'

Readers wishing further information on this subject, are advised

to read the book 'A Happy Married Life' by the same author.


Beauty is very subjective. What you consider beautiful

may be ugly to another.

Advertisements play a key role in influencing our

concept of beauty. Beauty is how we see it, as the
saying goes - 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder'.
Aggressive promotional tactics are used to shape
people's expectations as well as revolutionise accepted
levels of style, quality and glamour. Over time they
have managed to develop these unrealistic expecta
tions to such a degree that make conceited men and
women the world over demand beauty as a basic
human right. And the so called beauty which many

people seek are external rather than internal. External

good looks are what they look for when selecting
friends or when choosing a life partner.
Because of the high premium being placed on good
looks, people try various methods to achieve this
desirable state. It could mean going for aerobics, an
intensive slimming course, a face lift, wearing fashion
able clothes, a new hairdo, or makeup. Usually, ladies
and also some men, tend to be very conscious and
particular about their weight when they discover that
they have put on a few extra pounds.
While males are not exempt from this fad, it is gene
rally true to say that the fairer sex will go to great
lengths to look and feel beautiful. The womenfolk in
modern society spend a good part of their income on
expensive clothes and cosmetics. Their choice of what
to buy is heavily influenced and dictated by the
expensive promotional gimmicks adopted by fashion
houses and cosmetic companies.
It is indeed surprising how profoundly women are
interested in clothes. For example, if a man and
woman meet another man and woman on the street,
the woman seldom looks at the other man: she usually
looks to see how well the other woman is dressed.
Despite all their seriousness in the search for
beauty, people have forgotten to use a source
everyone is endowed with by nature but not often
used. They miss out on this natural source of beauty.
Maybe this source has easily been overlooked because
present day cosmetics provide a convenient substitute

to give an instant though false conception of real

beauty. In this age of fast foods and all sorts of 'instant
this' and 'instant that' many women resort to instant
beauty aids and cosmetics which are readily available
in the market. Now coming back to our natural
source of beauty, we like to ask: What can this source
of beauty be? None other than kindness, love, simpli
city and the beauty of the heart. Of all the cosmetics
available, the best is loving kindness. It is natural,
inexpensive and always effective. The one who has
this quality looks beautiful even without having to
worry about what is applied on the face or done to the
Even if one is born with plain looks, one can look
radiant and attractive if the virtues of love, kindness
and patience are cultivated. These virtues will give rise
to an internal charm that will radiate outwards,
making that person irresistible. Many people will be
attracted to him or her because of that special charm as
beauty naturally exudes from the person's body.
Unlike external physical beauty which fades like a
flower, this internal beauty has an aura of charm
which can often become more intense in its glow the
more mature the person becomes.
On the other hand, even if a person is born hand
some and with beautiful features, many people will be
turned away from such a person if he or she is jealous,
selfish, cunning and conceited. But if the person is
overflowing with loving-kindness, speaks gently and
politely, he or she will be far more attractive than the

so-called beautiful person who is conceited and full of

pride. A beautiful complexion can attract attention,
but for how long? There is no complexion which can
remain beautiful especially if the person's mind is
corrupted. External beauty will soon fade like all
things must. The saying that 'beauty is but skin deep'
is indeed very true. But the beauty of loving kindness
remains, and is appreciated by all alike.
The world is like a mirror. If we look at the mirror
with a smiling face, we will see a face smiling back at
us. But if we look at it with a frown or a face of anger,
we will also see the same ugly face reflected back. In
the same way, if we were to act with kindness and
sympathy, the same good qualities will be returned to
us. And when we perform noble virtues which arise in
the heart, they will be translated into good speech and
deeds which are apparent to all.
If one is born good looking, one should consider
oneself to be fortunate. To be born beautiful or hand
some is a blessing according to the Buddha. But one
should not, on account of that beauty, or handsome
ness develop arrogance or conceit. It will only make
such a person repulsive to others. Not only will that
conceit work against a person's appearance, but more
importantly, it will be an obstacle to one's spiritual
progress and happiness.


It is not wrong to be rich if such gains are obtained

through rightful means.

After many days of heavy rains, a village which

was known for its good swimmers became
flooded when the river burst its banks. When the rain
ceased, five or six friends in the village decided to take
a boat to the opposite bank. Just as they were in the
middle of the river, the boat started to fall apart. Since
all of them could swim very well, they jumped into
the river and started swimming across to the other
bank. One of the friends was found to be swimming
very slowly despite using all his strength.

'Hey, why are you falling behind?' his friends

shouted. 'You used to swim better than the rest of us.'
'I have a thousand coins tied round my waist and
they are very heavy!'
'The water is swift and the current is strong. Take
the coins off and throw them away!' they admonished
Despite his exhaustion, he shook his head because
he could not bear to part with his money.
Some of his friends who climbed onto the far shore
saw that he was sinking fast. 'Throw away the
money!' they shouted again. 'Why must you be so
stupid? You are about to sink!'
But he still hung on to the money, and was soon
swept away by the swift river and drowned.


No one can reach the state of perfect happiness unless

he brings his covetous heart and mind under complete
control. So long as he seeks his happiness in the satis
faction of his desire for material gains, he will never
find it. It will be just an elusive dream. It is humanly
impossible to obtain everything one wishes, since
insatiability is the very nature of craving.

Clinging to Money
The religion of the materialistic world today is deify
ing money. Everybody wants to be rich quickly, at all
costs and by any means available, whether by rightful

or wrongful methods. The world is so caught up with

accumulating wealth that the honourable virtues of
morality, honesty, and integrity seem to have lost
their influence and meaning on humanity. Under the
siege of materialism, humanity is rapidly losing sight
of spiritual values. It is not wrong to be rich, if such
gains are obtained through rightful means. Ill-gotten
gains, however, will lead to problems, difficulties and
a guilty conscience.
In his pursuit of wealth, man has lost sight of the
fact that money is merely a means to an end. He has
failed to understand the nature, meaning and purpose
of wealth. He is only interested in one aim - just to
have more money. As a result, he ends up in a blind
alley frustrated and confused because he is no nearer
to true happiness than when he was poor. This is the
reason why some rich men are unhappy, restless and
miserable because they fail to understand that money
might be able to buy them sensual and mundane
pleasures but not happiness.
Many cases of swindling, cheating, and fraud have
been reported in the newspapers involving billions of
dollars. These heinous acts have caused untold suffer
ing and even death to those unable to bear their losses
physically or mentally. These despicable acts are
committed by those holding responsible positions.
They misuse their intelligence and the trust placed in
them by dishonestly enriching themselves at the
expense of others.
Such unfortunate dishonesty and breach of trust are

the result of the obsessive preoccupation with getting

rich as quickly as possible. Their sole aim in life is
to make money, and more money, and they are in
different even to religious admonitions. Honesty and
integrity mean nothing to them. They need more
money for more enjoyment of their senses and desire
for possession.

The Faulty Equation

We cannot deny the fact that accumulation of wealth
does bring some degree of happiness and security. But
we should not make the accumulation of wealth the
sole purpose of our lives, as is happening now, and
forget that there are many more things to make life
meaningful than just the acquisition of wealth. To
maintain peace and harmony in our lives, we must
adopt a realistic and reasonable attitude towards

He who knows that enough is enough will always

have enough.
~ Lao Tse ~

Everybody seeks happiness, and it is quite natural to

do so. Unfortunately, many people equate happiness
with wealth. To a wise man, this is a false equation.
To have but few desires and satisfaction with simple
things is a sign of a superior man. All great men led
simple, yet dignified lives, practising self-restraint and

avoiding all those excesses which encourage sensuality

and dissipate vital energy. To put it another way,
the fewer the necessities, the greater the happiness.
Epicurus, the Greek philosopher says, 'Ifyou want to
make a man happy, addnot to his riches but take away
his desires.'
Wealth and prosperity are not the only way to
achieve happiness, since the perpetually and singularly
discontented mind cannot be satisfied by mere physi
cal comfort. Most of our daily needs can be quite
easily met, but not our insatiable desires. In fact a per
son who could simplify his wants can get a great deal
more out of his life. Man's body needs very little for
its upkeep. Many people tend to eat too much espe
cially if they can afford it. They live to eat, not eat to
live. We need not have to spend a lot to clothe our
selves decently. As Socrates once said: 'Goodfood and
rich clothes, all possible luxuries, are what you call
happiness, but I believe that a state of being where one
wishes for nothing is the greatest of all bliss. To be able
to approach the greatest happiness, one must get used
to being satisfied with little.'

Using Wealth Properly

Wealth should be used well and wisely. It is to be used
for your welfare as well as others. If a person spends
his time clinging to his property, without fulfilling his
obligations towards his country, people and religion,
he will lead an empty life plagued with worries.

Finally, when the time comes for him to leave this

world, he will realise too late that he had not made full
use of his wealth. No one, including himself, has
really benefited from the wealth he had so pains
takingly accumulated.
The Buddha has advised us against the foolishness
of clinging on selfishly to our property, without
attempting to improve the quality of life and happi
ness of others. Your property will remain when you
die. Your friends and relatives will follow you up to
your grave. But only your good and bad actions which
you have done during your life-time will accompany
you beyond the grave.
Man has the potential to do good or commit evil.
However, with deceit a person is able to twist and
turn matters to his advantage in order to justify any
dishonest and unethical act he may commit. When
any bad act is committed, it is better to call a spade a
spade and admit wrong doing to oneself. Otherwise,
one will continue to be chained to the evils of unsatis-
factoriness. Even Mussolini and Hitler claimed they
had good motives when they caused the sufferings of
others. So would a tigress, when she carries away a
child to feed her cubs. If you want to be truly happy,
you must clearly examine your actions to determine
that they are not motivated by self interest but for the
welfare of all beings. It is time, therefore, that we take
a fresh survey of our situation and reexamine anew the
values we hold.
Perhaps this poem by an unknown author can help

us to have a better understanding of the value of


What Money Can Buy

A bed but not sleep
Books but not knowledge
Food but not appetite
Finery but not beauty
A house but not a home
Medicine but not health
Luxuries but not comfort
Pleasures but not happiness
Religion but not salvation.

Say not that this is yours and that is mine,

Just say, this came to you and to me;
So we may not regret the fading shine,
Of all the glorious things which ceased to be.


Living in harmony with others means living in

harmony with nature. And nature itself protects you.

A n important factor for a happy life is the ability

to live in harmony with others. To achieve this,
we must recognise that there are many paths people
can take to reach the same goal. Therefore, we should
not be unduly upset if other people practise their own
customs or have opinions which are different from

Manners and Customs

The standard of good manners differ among people


belonging to different societies. In some countries,

guests at dinner are expected to eat as noisily as
possible. It is also not considered impolite if the guests
belch at the end of the meal since this would indicate
to the host that they had really enjoyed the meal.
Eating rice and curries by using the fingers is looked
down upon by some people. To some others eating
rice and curries using a fork and spoon is like carrying
on a romantic relationship through an interpreter.
Such table manners would be considered rude, ill-
mannered in other societies. While in one country,
putting one's finger in one's mouth or nose for any
reason is considered most insulting, it may mean
nothing in some other countries. Some people think it
is degrading to be struck by a shoe, yet among other
people, a slipper can be used for spanking a child.
We discover the peculiarities of the manners and
customs prevailing in other societies most noticeably
when travelling. We should not prejudge manners and
custom too quickly as to what is proper or improper.
In themselves, manners are neither good nor bad, but
when they cause ill feelings in others, then this can be
considered as bad manners.
We are living in an ever changing world. We should
not cling blindly to the traditions, customs, manners
rites and rituals practised by our forefathers or ances
tors who adopted these practices according to their
beliefs and understanding capacity prevalent at that
time. Some customs or traditions handed down by
our ancestors may be good, while others are less use-

ful. We should consider with an open mind whether

these practices are congenial and significant to the
modern world.
In the Kalama Sutta, the Buddha has given this
advice about customs, traditions, beliefs and prac
tices: 'When you know for yourself that certain things
are unwholesome [akusalaj and wrong, and bad for
you and others, then give them up ... And when you
know for yourselves that certain things are whole
some [kusala] and good for you and others, then
accept them and follow them.'
Some elderly people cannot tolerate the modern
ideas and ways of living of the younger generation.
They expect their children to follow the same age old
customs and traditions of their forefathers. Instead of
adopting such an attitude, they should allow the
children to move with the times if the activities are
harmless. Elders should call to mind how their own
parents had objected to certain popular modes of
behaviour prevalent at the time when they were
young. These differences in perception between the
conservative parents and the younger generation is a
common source of conflict within families of today.
This does not mean that parents should hesitate to
counsel and guide their children if they have gone
astray due to some erroneous values. But when
correcting them, they should observe the principle
that prevention is better than punishment. Parents
should also explain to their children why they dis
approve or approve of certain values.

Allowing Others the Right to Differ

If a person lives all by himself, then he will not have
any problem with differing opinions. But if we have
chosen to live in society, we must learn to respect and
deal with views and opinions of others even though
they do not conform with ours.
U Thant, the former Secretary General of the
United Nations has said that when he was in his office
he took great care not to push his personal beliefs and
traditional practices on those he worked with either
by example or speech.When he was at home however,
he followed his Burmese traditions concerning
language, food and religion fully. This shows how at
least one great man never used his personal influence
to force others to accept his own belief and way of
We are also living in a world where might is stronger
than right. The strong takes advantage of the weak
and the rich exploits the poor. We should avoid acting
in this way. If we cannot agree, we have to learn at
least to agree to disagree. We should express our views
gently and politely without trying to impose views on
others by force. Those who use physical force to over
come their opponents clearly show their inability to
convince the opponents that they are right.
We find comfort in those who agree with us, but
personal growth occurs in situations where there are
differences in views. Sometimes the opinion others
have of our attitudes or actions may not be something

we would like to hear. But if we listen to them care

fully, we will realise that there are some truths in those
opinions. This can give us a chance for self improve
ment if we are prepared to change our ways and
approaches. The world is like a garden with different
kinds of flowers. Like a bee gathering honey from a
flower, we should be selective in choosing what is
good and leave behind what is not useful. It is im
possible for us to please everybody when we want to
do something, because different people have different
opinions on one particular issue.

We cannot please everybody. Once a man and his son

were taking a donkey to the market. As they were
walking, some people saw them and remarked, 'Look
at these fools, why don't they ride the donkey?' The
man heard this and asked the son to ride the donkey
while he walked alongside. An old woman seeing this
remarked, 'What is the world coming to? Look at that
young man riding comfortably while he makes his
poor father walk!' So the young man got down and
this time the father rode the donkey. As they went
along, a young woman passing by said, 'Why don't
both of you get on the animal?' So they listened to her
and both rode on the animal. Yet another group who
saw them said, 'Oh! What a poor animal. It has to
carry those two fat good-for-nothings! How cruel
some people can be!' By this time the father and son

were getting quite fed up. They decided to dismount

and carry the donkey instead so as to stop everyone
from talking. This led people to laugh and say, 'look
at these human "donkeys" carrying a donkey'. Of
course the donkey did not like this peculiar arrange
ment at all. Whilst approaching a river, it struggled
vigorously to set itself free and finally the man, his son
and their donkey all landed themselves in the water.

When you try and please everyone, you will end up

pleasing no one and in the end, you will only land
yourself in trouble.

Patience and Tolerance

Those who can remain cheerful during difficult times

are admirable and a source of inspiration to others.
They can avoid conflicts by seeing the lighter side of
things. A wise man can avoid a quarrel by answering
jokes and remarks directed at him with another joke.
When people humiliate us we must learn how to
face them gently by good humouredly turning the
joke against them.

A joke for the Joker. Once there was a famous

Englishman who went to a party. When he was out of
the room, his friends decided to play a practical joke
on him. They painted the face of an ass on the back

of his overcoat. The party ended and as the man went

to get his coat, he noticed the painting. Instead of get
ting angry, he calmly asked, Did anyone wipe his face
on my coat this evening?' His friends of course were
surprised at this question. He explained, 'Well, I just
asked because the impression of his face remains on
the back of my coat.'

What should you do when you lose in a game? You

should not show your temper, since by doing so you
will not only spoil the fun of the game but also lose
your friends' respect.
Every person is responsible for making a better
world by planting the seeds of patience, love and
honesty deeply in the human heart. Eventually, a new
era will blossom during his lifetime bringing benefit to
his generation and the generations to come. He is a
cultured man who knows how to face difficulties with
sympathy and understanding.
The mark of a great man lies in how he faces daily
irritations with equanimity.

He is not my servant but my teacher. A great Indian

Buddhist teacher Ven. Dipankara was invited to
Tibet to preach the Dhamma. The teacher took along
with him a man who was not only quarrelsome and
irresponsible but a bad cook as well. After observing

him for quite some time the Tibetans approached the

teacher respectfully and said, 'Master, why do you
tolerate this useless cook of yours - he is more of a
nuisance than a help to you. Why don't you send
him back? We will gladly attend to your needs.' The
teacher smiled and replied, 'Ah! you don't under
stand, I do not keep him as my servant but as my
teacher.' The Tibetans were surprised and asked 'How
is that so?' The teacher explained, 'You see, his in
efficiency and his quarrelsome nature teach me to
practise patience and tolerance everyday. Therefore, I
value him.'

Some may say that the quality of patience and tole

rance is impractical and too idealistic to be followed.
Some are cynical and wonder if man who is struggling
to eke out a living from a hostile world can really be
interested in cultivating love and kindness. While it is
not easy to practise these qualities, they are possible
with perseverance and determination. The Buddha
and his disciples proved this to be true on numerous

You cannot hope to achieve peace by correcting each
and every person in this world. In the same way, you
cannot remove the world of stones and thorns so that
the pathway may be smooth. To feel comfortable
walking on uneven ground, we should try wearing a

pair of shoes instead. Likewise, we should learn to

guard our senses to have peace of mind since we can
not succeed in removing disturbing objects from the
There are many ways to correct a person if he is
wrong. By criticising, blaming and shouting at him
publicly, you will not be able to correct him but you
only make him more adamant in his views.
Speak to him kindly in pointing out his mistakes,
he is more likely to listen to you, and some day he will
thank you for your guidance and kindness.
Whenever you express your views regarding certain
matters, avoid harsh words spoken with anger so as
not to hurt the feelings of others. Always express your
views gently or politely. On the other hand, you
should not lose your temper or show your sulky face
when your faults are pointed out. You may think that
by losing your temper, showing an ugly face, and
shouting at others, you can intimidate others in order
that they may overlook your shortcomings. This is a
wrong attitude to adopt. Rudeness, yelling, anger and
swearing are a weak man's imitation of strength.
H. H. the Dalai Lama once said: 'When I meet
another human being, I would never consider about
his race, colour, creed or status in life. What I would
feel is that I have met another member of our human

To know more about human problems read 'Whither Mankind?'

by the same author.



Mind is the architect of ourfate. It can make us sick, or

it can cure us.

Nature is evenly balanced; her equilibrium cannot

be disturbed. Natural laws, which operate
unerringly and inexorably, are not swayed by praises,
prayers or sacrifices. They operate at the physical and
mental realms without the intervention of a law-giver.
One of such natural laws which have a strong bearing
on the quality of human life is the cosmic law of
kamma. This law operates at the moral sphere.
Wholesome and unwholesome acts performed by
thought, word and deed will in due time produce their

corresponding good and bad results.

If a man is cruel, performs wicked acts, and does
not live in conformity with the natural cosmic laws,
he pollutes the whole atmosphere with his unwhole
some deeds. As a result of such unwholesome deeds,
unfavourable results will arise making it difficult for
him to lead a happy, contented and peaceful life. He
creates unhappiness for himself and others with his
polluted mind. On the other hand, if he lives in con
formity with the natural cosmic law and leads a
righteous and blameless life, he purifies the atmo
sphere with the merits of his virtues. With his positive
mental vibrations, he influences those around him as
well as creates an environment conducive to peace and

Cultivating Virtue
But virtue and a positive frame of mind are not quali
ties which arise in a person automatically. For many,
it is so easy to give in to anger, jealousy, ill will, ven
geance, selfishness, especially when under pressure or
competition. Effort is needed for a person to return
good in the face of unfavourable conditions. He needs
a clear appreciation of the importance of practising
virtue and the need to overcome hatred, egoistic pride
and selfish desires.

What is real treasure? Once there was a man who

loved to flatter others for his personal gain. He

obtained a piece of jade one day and tried to present

it to a minister. Despite persuasions, the minister
refused to accept the jade.
The man said, 'This is a real treasure! No ordinary
person is worthy of using it. Only a person of your
calibre can use it. It is only appropriate that this piece
of jade be owned and worn by you/
'You may consider this jade to be a treasure/ said
the upright minister. 'But I am not easily taken in by
flattery. This is my treasure!5

Virtue is cultivated through conscientious training.

A person who wishes to acquire virtues should make
it a habit to cultivate moral qualities in daily life. In
the same manner a student must work on his lessons
consistently in order to be successful in his studies. In
the beginning, he has to draw on every effort and
determination to develop positive qualities, especially
if he has a strong inclination towards negative tenden
cies. Through the application of mindfulness and
effort, he can reverse these negative tendencies and
cultivate good mental, verbal and bodily habits. Once
these good habits are in place and developed through
practice, a time will come when he will find it increa
singly difficult to commit negative and unwholesome
actions. The actions that arise from him will naturally
be spontaneous, creative and skilful, good thought
habits, lead to happiness.

Using the Mind Creatively

Mind is the almighty, all-powerful, the omnipotent
creator of good and evil. Mind is the cause of all evils,
and all evils are mind-made. It can also be the cause of
all happiness, prosperity and pleasure, for all these
states are mind-made. Is it not amazing that though
our mind is within us, yet we do not know its nature?
But some people claim that they can read the minds of
others. No one can see the future, least of all one's

Reading others' minds. A professional mind-reader

was making a fortune by claiming that he was able to
read the thoughts of other people. One day a young
man came to him. He showed him a big stick and said,
'Read my mind. Am I going to beat you or not?' The
mind-reader saw the predicament he was in. The
young man would deny it if he said either yes or no.
Being unable to read the young man's mind, the mind
reader saw that it was best to say nothing.

The Buddha did not regard evil as something to be

atoned for through a saviour, but a defilement arising
from ignorance which has to be outgrown through
wisdom. He rejected as a theological fiction the belief
that man is cursed by a God, born in sin, shaped in
iniquity, and destined to a miserable eternity. In the
view of the Enlightened One, every person has the

capacity for the pursuit of goodness, and even the

most vicious person can by his or her own effort
become a most virtuous being. And any crime, how
ever great, is not punishable by an unending eternity
of suffering.
Think of the mind as a tool. It can be constructive
if used well, or destructive if used badly. The choice is
up to us. A single thought can set off a chain reaction
of deeds that can either bring happiness or sadness in
its path. It is for this reason that so much emphasis is
placed on mind training in Buddhism, since a well-
trained mind is clearly the key to a happy, peaceful
and contented life.
The mind is somewhat like electricity. The electric
current can kill a person who grasps a live wire just as
readily as it will flood his home with light. So much
depends on how it is used. Similarly, a person who
performs evil deeds and ignores the law of the mind is
only inviting suffering. Conversely, the mastery of his
mind can bring him great happiness.
The Buddha says: 'Radiant is the mind; pure energy
is its essence. It is polluted only by defilements.' It is
not easy to control our evil thoughts, and even more
difficult to renounce unwholesome thoughts of lust,
hate and delusion, which can only be eradicated
through mind training.
Thoughts are behind our every action. The repeated
performance of these actions in turn determine our
character. If we think kindly, we become kind; if we
think cruelly, we become cruel; if we think deceit-

fully, we become deceitful; if we think honestly, we

become honest; and if we think compassionately, we
become compassionate. Such is the effect of our
thoughts on our behaviour and nature.

Our Mission

It is, therefore, important for us to develop our

thoughts of compassion and wisdom so as to develop
our humane qualities. We should be happy to be born
as human beings. Being born human is the result of
our past good actions. As humans, we have the un
paralleled opportunity to acquire merits and develop
wisdom, thereby contributing to our well-being and
happiness. Let us live a life filled with purpose and
add quality to human existence. We should not waste
our human birth by abusing this privilege and com
mitting unwholesome actions which surely lead to
misery. Do not let our days pass by like the shadow of
a cloud, leaving no trace behind.
What is needed today is the return to the wisdom of
the past, which is also the highest wisdom of the
future. Yet it is not just the wisdom of the past or the
future. It is the eternal wisdom discovered by the
Buddha and it belongs to all ages and all races of man
kind. It is the wisdom of the Dhamma. This wisdom
is like a deep well, fed by perennial springs. Let us
draw from this perennial spring of wisdom for
without it, lasting peace and real progress for indivi
duals as well as nations will be impossible.


It has been clearly mentioned in the ancient philosophy

that the purpose of our life is notjust selfish aggrandize
ment but the noble act of being of service to others.

Let us try to ascertain to what extent we are able to

discuss, from the Buddhist point of view, that
which is relevant to this simple and yet sometimes con
fusing subject touching on human dignity.
What are the humane qualities which give rise to
dignity and nobility? They are based on the moral,
ethical, intellectual and spiritual norms which we
human beings uphold and treasure in our day-to-day
relationships with one another. As human beings we

have minds which we can develop to such an extent

that we can differentiate between what is right and
what is wrong, between what we should be proud of
and what we should be ashamed of. These are humane
qualities that we all cherish as human beings. It is in
cherishing such values that we distinguish ourselves as
human beings and not animals.
To be able to develop one's mind one must be able to
develop and sustain one's thinking power which is the
ability to judge between what is ethical and what is
unethical, what is moral and immoral, what is good
and what is bad and what is right and what is wrong.
These are attributes within the grasp of human beings.
Animals do not have such attributes - animals act by
instinct. It would appear that human beings are the
only living beings that can develop their minds or their
thinking power to such high levels - even to the extent
of attaining Buddhahood.

Moral Shame and Moral Fear

Before the advent of world religions, human beings

were guided by two valuable factors, which in primi
tive times, contributed to the upholding of the dignity
of man. They are 'Hiri' and 'Ottappa'. 'Hiri' is the
shame a pure mind feels at the thought of doing evil.
'Ottappa' is the aversion which causes one to shrink
from doing evil. 'Moral shame' and 'Moral fear' in
variably govern all actions of the human being. The
animal is guided only by the instinct of survival, and
does not act through a sense of morality. However,

when human beings succumb to the evil effects of

drugs, liquor, lust, anger, greed, envy, selfishness and
hate, they lose their balance. They deny themselves
the right to human dignity and become like animals.
While we pride ourselves as civilised human beings,
we note with deep regret the behaviour and attitudes
of some of our people which can be described as no
better than those of animals. This is certainly not a
development that we want to encourage for mankind.
A human being who is worthy of respect, should be
one who has the attributes of Fear and Shame, who is
kind, compassionate and sympathetic to others, who
is afraid to cause harm to others but is ever prepared
to lend a helping hand when in need. These are ordi
nary human values which we should all cherish and
uphold. We should develop our humane qualities and
not violate them. By being of service to others, we
develop great virtues which are inherent in us. By
being of service to others, we show a spirit of under
standing, kindness, compassion, honesty, simplicity,
gentleness, humility and contentment. These are
worthy human values which we should be proud to

Different Characteristics of Human Beings

There are certain characteristics in our human nature
which we have to guard and nurture carefully into
useful human values. Roughly speaking, these charac
teristics are divided into three aspects, our animal
nature, our human nature and our divine nature.

These three characteristics influence our behaviour in

various degrees. If we give way to our animal nature
without making any effort to subdue or control our
ugly actions, we will become a liability to society.
Religion is an important tool which can help us to
control our animal nature. Religion, with the noble
teachings coming from illustrious religious leaders,
should serve as a guide for proper humane behaviour.
Religion also serves as a tool for us to cultivate,
nurture and improve on the various aspects of our
hidden human nature. By cultivating and improving
our human nature, we ultimately achieve our divine
goal - we attain our divine nature. By achieving divine
nature, we achieve the level of development at which
the base emotions of greed, lust, anger, hatred,
jealousy, envy and other unwelcome attributes are
completely eliminated, thus making the human being
more noble and worthy of the highest respect. With
the help of religion, we control and subdue our animal
nature, we cultivate and improve our human nature,
and we achieve our divine nature.
This divine nature depends on the development of
goodwill or friendliness or care for the welfare of
others, compassion or kindness, sympathetic joy at
others' progress and impartiality towards gain or loss
and praise or blame. This is also known as the sublime

It is ironical that many religionists are still under

the misapprehension that one can achieve one's divine
goal by the simple act of praying or worshipping and

the simple performance of certain rites and rituals.

This attitude must be changed. We have our duties
and obligations to fulfill in order that we may live as
real and dignified human beings. We have to cultivate
and develop our human nature in order to achieve our
divine attributes. We must practise all the human
values for the good and well-being of humanity. We
must do all the good we can and eradicate all that is
evil. The religions of the world have been developed
to guide us and show us the correct path to live in
peace and harmony. All religions should provide their
followers with important and suitable guidelines to
enable everyone to live and work together with
mutual respect, understanding and dignity. As co
religionists we should all be able to live with one
another without harbouring any hatred, jealousy,
enmity or feelings of superiority. Buddhism gives us
such guidance.
One of the golden rules to lead a dignified life is to
have a balanced livelihood - without in any way going
into extremes. The Buddha does not advise us to
torture our body or our mind in the cause of religion.
We can practise our religion as rational beings. Do not
overdo things. Should not forget the most important
aspect of life - our spiritual development. The teach
ing of the Buddha can be categorised in three ways:
happiness for this life, happiness for the hereafter and
happiness for the ultimate achievement - Nibbana. In
the pursuit of these three kinds of happiness, a man
can achieve dignity and nobility.
With bad advisors forever left behind,
From paths of evil he departs for eternity,
Soon to see the Buddha of Limidess Light
And perfect Samantabhadra's Supreme Vows.

The supreme and endless blessings

of Samantabhadra's deeds,
I now universally transfer.
May every Hving being, drowning and adrift,
Soon return to the Land of
Limidess Light!

The Vows of Samantabhadra

I vow that when my life approaches its end,

All obstructions will be swept away;
I will see Amitabha Buddha,
And be born in his Land of Ultimate BUss and Peace.

When reborn in the Western Land,

I will perfect and completely fulfill
Without exception these Great Vows,
To delight and benefit all beings.

The Vows of Samantabhadra

Avatamsaka Sutra

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