Nutritional Knowledge Attitudes and Junk Food Consumption Habits

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 26

ISSN 2229-5518

Nutritional Knowledge, Attitudes and Junk Food

Consumption Habits among Students of
Abubakar Tatari Polytechnic (ATAP) Bauchi
Umar Ibrahim
Umar Farouk Ismail
Maryam Mohammed

Abstract This study was conducted to determine the nutritional knowledge, attitude and junk food consumption habits of Abubakar Tatari
Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi students. The target population consisted entirely of the Polytechnic students. This is a survey research based on a
research instrument developed by the researcher to measure the students nutritional knowledge, attitude and their junk food consumption
habits. A sample of 140 students was selected using purposive random sampling to select students who patronize junk food joints. The
reliability analysis yielded Cronbachs Alpha values of 0.84. The collected data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage and
Pearson correlation coefficient @ (P<0.05. It was revealed in this study that most of the junk food consumers are well informed about the
negative effects associated with junk food consumption, but they still patronize junk food at a regular basis without considering their health
complications. The younger generation is getting addicted to junk food, which indicates a serious public health concern and urgent action
should be taken to tackle this public health problem.

Index Terms Attitudes; Junk-Food; Knowledge; Nutritional; Students

1 Introduction ing 42 females and 98 males were selected using purposive random sampling
Changes in our society have intensified the need for nutritious food skills to technique. Data were collected using a Questionnaire. Content validity of the
the extent that they need to become a part of youths education for good tool was secured by experts on nutrition. Reliability of the questionnaire was
health and survival. Good nutrition is a high priority, therefore students must established using Cronbachs alpha method. A coefficient of 0.84 was ob-
know what they eat affects, how they grow, feel and behave. Junk foods are tained. The questionnaire was pre-tested with the help of 25 students of
mainly made up by using a lot of saturated fats which are unhealthy after School of Health Technology not involved in the study. Before the process of
digestion and release a lot of toxins into the body. Moreover, it lacks vita- data collection, formal permission from the Management of the Colleges was
mins and minerals which are necessary to have good health and immunity to obtained by the investigator. Informed consent was obtained. The collected
fight diseases. Food habits are formed by attitudes, prejudices and taboos data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage and Pearsons
practiced in early days of life. Generally, the adolescents consume unconven- correlation coefficient @(P<0.05).
tional meals mostly disapproved by the senior family members. They have Results and Discussions
formed distinctive likes and dislikes of foods. The practice of high consump- Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
Majority of respondents were between the age of 19 and 24 years
tion of junk foods like magi noodles, burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, patties,
(50%).While 18years and below constituted (16.4%) Only8. 6% of the re-
pastries, popcorn, potato chips, carbonated drinks, biscuits, muffins, toast, spondents are above 30 years (mean age of the respondents is 19.37 years).
chocolates etc. have become common feature of adolescents diet [1]. Table1 further showed that 70% of the respondents were males while only
Ill effects of regular intake of junk foods are mainly lack of energy, poor 30% were females. This result is in line with the findings of Satia et al.,
concentration and obesity leading to inferiority complex, depression, heart [6]who reported that respondents who reported usual/often eating at fast-food
diseases, high cholesterol, stunted growth, premature ageing, and tooth decay restaurants were more often younger and never married than those who did
not. The main cause of such situation is the so called developmental factors
that include more time spent with peers, independence in meal selection, and
Changes in lifestyle and loss of the family tradition of eating together trigger disposable income [7]. Gender also may be considered among the predictors
the popularity of fast foods among young people. The shift from healthy, of junk food consumption. Males are more likely to have diets higher in total
homemade food to more convenient, longer lasting fast foods combined with fat and saturated fat compared with females [8]; [9].
a sedentary lifestyle has resulted in global fattening and related health com- Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
plications [3]. Regular eating of fast food can increase the risk of weight gain Variables Frequency Percentage
Age ( years)
and obesity because of having a high energy density with the presence of
18 and below 23 16.4
high levels of fat and sugar in the meal, and a correspondingly low level of 19 24 70 50.0
fiber and protein [4]. A study conducted among urban private medical stu- 25 30 35 25
dents in Bangladesh showed that a quarter of respondents were overweight Above 30 12 8.6
which is higher than the national average [5]. Gender
Methodology Male 98 70
Female 42 30
The study adopted a descriptive approach. The study was conducted on fed-
eral college of education, Gombe students. A total of 140 students compris-
IJSER 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 27
ISSN 2229-5518

Respondents Knowledge of junk food and eating habits: cancer could be caused due to consumption of junk food. The findings of this
Table 2 below indicated that majority of the respondents (84%) had correct study concurs with the findings of Chibber [2] who reported that the ill ef-
concept regarding junk food as a food that is high in calories, high in salt and fects of regular intake of junk foods are mainly lack of energy, poor concen-
low in nutritive value. The results showed that most of the respondents tration and obesity leading to inferiority complex , depression, heart diseases,
(94%) patronized junk foods. high cholesterol, stunted growth, premature ageing, and tooth decay
Table 2: Respondents Knowledge and utilization Table 5: Effects of taking junk foods (n=140)
of Junk food Which of the following effects of junk food are you aware of?
Statements Yes No Effect Percentage Response
Junk food is the food that is high in calories, 84 16 Obesity 82
high in salt and low in nutritive value. High blood cholesterol 62
Do you take junk food 94 06 Hypertension 69
Preferences of junk food Cancer 49
Table 3 indicated that 41% of the respondents consumed sweet snacks such Heart diseases 68
as cake every day and 37% of them consumed 2 to 3 times per week, 21% Harmful chemical additives 74
consumed 1 to 2 times per week. The result also indicated that 38% of re- Respondents knowledge and attitude towards junk food
Table 5 below indicated that there is a negative relationship (r = .313, P <
spondents consumed yoghurt every day. 43% of them consumed 3-4 times
.005), between dietary habit and nutritional knowledge. The negative rela-
per week and 8% of them reported to have consumed rarely. Table 3 further tionship between the two variables means that despite the students
reveal that 53% of the respondents consumed soft drinks daily. It can also be knowledge of nutritional value of junk food they still patronise it. This find-
observed from table 3 that 31% of the respondents consume sugary drinks on ing is in line with the findings of Story et. al, [8]) who reported that knowing
daily basis, whereas 42% of the respondents consumed these drinks 3-4 times how and why to eat healthfully is important, but knowledge alone does not
per week. The frequency of consumption of fast foods available such as fried enable people to adopt healthful eating behaviors. A study conducted by
Dave et al[11] revealed that the frequency of fast-food intake was not found
yams and potato chips was comparable to sweet and salty items. Still 43% of
to be significantly associated with perceived healthfulness of such food. This
the respondents reported consuming fried yams and potato chips. 36% con- concurs with the findings of this study.
sumed meat daily, 53% consumed fish 1-2 times a week. Table 5: Respondents knowledge and attitude towards junk food
Table 3: Junk Food Preference and Frequency of Consumption (n=140) Variable n r p

Food item Daily Con- 1-2 3-4 Never Dietary habit 140 -0.313 0.05
sumption times a times a Summary
week week Junk food has serious health and social effects. They exposed students to a
Bread 12 21 28 39
diet characterized by foods high in energy, fats, and added sugars, and low in
Cake 41 37 12 10
nutrients. It was revealed in this study that most of the junk food consumers
Other flour 25 24 51 00
food are well informed about the negative effects associated with junk food con-
Yoghurt 38 22 43 07 sumption, but they still patronize junk food at a regular basis without consid-
Sweets 12 41 10 37 ering their health complications. The younger generation is getting addicted
Sweet juices 31 26 42 01 to junk food, which indicates a serious public health concern and urgent
Soft drinks 53 21 34 02 action should be taken to tackle this public health problem.
Fried 20 43 30 07 Conclusions:
yam/potatoes The aim of this study was to examine the nutritional knowledge and pattern
Meat 31 36 32 01 of fast food consumption among the respondents. The prevalence of fast food
Fish 18 53 25 04 consumption among them was high. Approximately half of the respondents
Factors influencing respondents for consumption of junk food: mentioned that they consumed fast food few times a week and about one-
The most primary influencing factors for consumption of junk food reported third had the meal every day. Snacking was observed to be a predominant
by the respondents (50%) were that it is easily available it is cheap 35.7% phenomenon amongst them. It was also observed that most of the respond-
and 30% attributed their consumption of junk food to lack of suitable op- ents spend their pocket money on consuming junk food. It is also evident that
tions. Others influencing factors were 37.1% of the respondents agreed to the the respondents were aware of the consequences of consuming junk food still
consumption being influenced by peer group. 12.8% of the respondents they preferred to consume junk food because, it is easily available, and low
agreed of consuming junk food due to impulsive response to advertisements. in cost. Though majority of the students were well informed about the nega-
The findings of this study i similar to the report of Young and Nestle [10] that tive effects associated with excessive junk food consumption, they still cher-
fast food consumption had increased among consumers due to its ready ished it. Specific health education programs, dietary guidelines and effective
availability. public awareness campaigns could be initiated to address the unhealthy life-
Table 4: Factors influencing respondents consumption of junk food style of the students.
Factors Frequency Percentage References
Advertisement 18 12.8 [1] P. Singh, A. Singh, (2008). Increasing allurensent for fast food in
Junk foods are cheap 50 35.7 adolescent girls of urban area Varanasi. Ind J Prev Soc Med, 39
Easy access 70 50.0 (1and 2): 24-27
Influence of friends 52 37.1 [2] C. Chhibber, (2010). Children Hooked to Junk Food: Schools Fail
Lack of other suitable 42 30.0 to Curb the Menance. pp 1-2, The Tribune, Ludhiana. Is Junk
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Knowledge of the respondents regarding the ill health effects of junk [3] K. Yadav, A. Krishnan, (2008). National Prevalence of Obesity:
food consumption: Changing patterns of diet, physical activity and obesity among ur-
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Authors Name and Address

Umar Ibrahim1
Public Health Unit, Health and Human Services
Secretariat, Federal Capital Territory Administration,
FCDA Secretariat, 11 Kapital Road, Area 11,
Garki, Abuja-FCTA, Nigeria
Email: [email protected]

Maryam Mohammed2
Bauchi State MDGs Project Support Unit,
No 35 Yaya Abubakar Link, GRA Bauchi
Email: [email protected]

Ismail Farouk Umar3

State Coordinator/NPO Routine Immunization, World Health Organization,
WHO Taraba State Office-Jalingo, Taraba State-Nigeria, West Africa
Email: [email protected]

IJSER 2014

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