Chapter 1: Boilers and Components
Chapter 1: Boilers and Components
Chapter 1: Boilers and Components
Boiler Ratings
Max continuous rating: the hourly evaporation (kg/h) that can be maintained for 24hrs at design T&P
Equivalent Evap:
Factor of Evap:
2) Reliability
3) Cost
depends largely on materials used, firing equip required, and aux necessary
4) Serviceability
should be designed so that it is readily accessible for cleaning, inspection, and repair
5) Safety
design should conform to ASME code regarding materials used, fabrication method, and fittings
important safety factor is the type of control system used to operate boiler
Natural Circulation
downcomers unheated due to baffle positioning, risers sections receive the heat = less mass on
water/steam side = dF as driving force for circulation
d is highest at low pressures = positive natural circulation
as P , d -> 0 and @ 22100 kPa d = 0 AKA forced circulation is necessary
necessary for boilers critical pressures, preferred for boilers 14000 kPa
** better heat rates, lower costs, thinner tubes with thermal stress
2. layout of boiler components is more flexible (ie can arrange components horizontally to reduce height
of unit)
3. boiler can be started more quickly & enables it to adjust to load changes more quickly
Two types:
FW pump to economizer -> furnace wall tubes -> steam - water mixture (85-15%) to evaporator section
(any impurities deposit here) = 100 % steam -> radiant then convection SH sections
3. flow must be maintained through unit anytime it's fired up to prevent overheating the tubes
turns wet saturated steam to dry saturated steam (latent heat) and then to SH steam (sensible)
ADV: (1) increase temp = more heat, energy, work /kg of steam = cycle eff.
(2) avoids excessive condensing in LP turbine stges = avoids LP end blade erosion
usually consists of smaller diameter tubing = (1) produces high velocity steam = better heat
transfer + (2) produces sufficient pressure drop = good steam distribution to tubes
located within path of hot combustion gases but shielded from furnace radian heat
Rising steam temperature characteristic = rise in superheated steam temperature as firing rate
or boiler output increases. Low loads = low steam temperature and at high loads = high steam
temperature B/C at high loads increase in combustion gas flow and combustion gas
temperature (from higher firing rate) more than increase in steam flow.
section exposed to radiant heat and section located away in hot combustion gas path
nearly cosntant steam temp over wide range of load
same result if combination type (rad connected in series to conv)
Separately Fired: (Fig below) has its own burner and steam temp control.
ADV wider range of temp control DADV higher cost, lower eff, requires more space
Factors in SH design:
1. steam temp desired (& amount of SH surface)
2. gas temp zone in which the surface is to be located
3. type of material used
4. velocity of steam through tubes
Desup (Attemperators)
Controlling steam temp by removing heat from steam
Fig: generally between stages of SH to ensure that final stage of SH is not subject to excessive temp's &
reduces risk of carrying water droplets from SH to turbine (compared to putting it at the end)
ADV quick acting, sensitive, inexpensive
DADV high purity (<2.5 ppm TDS) water to minimize SH tubes and turbine blades deposits
Tilting burners - at high loads steam temperature tends to go above desired valve = tilt burners
downward = increased heat absorption by furnace = decrease in gases leaving furnace to superheater.
Low loads = burner tilted upwards = less heat absorption n furnace = increased temperature of gases
going to superheater.
a) tilted down to give high heat transfer in furnace
b) tilted horizontal to give normal heat transfer in furnace
c) tilted up to give low heat transfer in furnace
raises steam temp has expanded through portion of turbine to temp provided by SH
design is similar to SH's, can be located in convection, radiation zone, or comb of the two
pressure drop more critical than SH b/c steam pressure is much lower than that entering SH
1. to prevent excessive condensation of steam in LP stages of turbine
2. to cycle efficiency by available energy/kg of steam
about 80% heat transferred to water walls, SH, preheat section, 20% in economizer & air heater
generally designed with downward gas flow and upward flow of FW: ADV max mean temp
difference between gas & water, uniform temp difference in all parts of econ, upward flow of
water lessens risk of water hammer
can be integral or separate (more common)
every 6OC in FW temp = 1% efficiency of steam generator
1) Increased boiler efficiency due to the fact that heat is recovered from the flue gases that
would otherwise be lost up the stack.
2) Less thermal shock to the steam drum from the feedwater.
1) Increased resistance to flue gas flow, bigger fan required
2) Increased resistance to feedwater flow, bigger pump required
3) Corrosion problems
4) Economizer heat surfaces must be clean for efficient operation
Air Heater
recover heat from flue gas & also improve and stabilize combustion process
(A) Recuperative
heat transferred from heating medium on one side of heating surface to air on other side
Fig: plate type - parallel plates forming alternate air and gas passages
steam type - steam coils heat comb air to raise air temp to keep metal temp above dew point of flue
tubular type - shell & straight tube design where flue gas on tube side from bottom, through tubes, exits
top. Cold air enters top on shell side, multiple passes (via baffles), exits bottom
(B) Regenerative
heat transferred to air from heat absorbing material that has been heated by hot flue gases
thermal liquid type - uses liquid (ie diphenyl oxide) that is heated in HEX by flue gas and goes to another
HEX to give up heat to air (not common)
rotary type (fig) - can be vertically or horizontally oriented, baskets containing plates (most common) of
corrugated metal (form heat transfer medium) pick heat from gas and transfer (2-3RPM) it to air
All sized as large as possible to boiler efficiency = temp's on cold end of A.H.
If dew point reached, moisture forms which can become acidic in presence of sulphur
compounds (from fuel) = corrosion
(a) Bypass: allowing portion of air inlet to bypass heating surface
(b) Recirculation: portion of preheated air from AH outlet diverted to DC fan inlet ] -> cold end temp
(c) Economizer bypass: used to limit outlet water temp b/c if economizer outlet reaches steam sat. temp
then steam forms in economizer tubes = affects circulation in drum, causes water carryover
bypass hot flue gas OR bypass FW side
Sulphur in fuel partially oxidized to SO2 then partially to SO3 (in presence of water vapor):
SO2 -> H2SO3(aq) , sulfurous acid ] -> both attack steel
SO3 -> H2SO4(aq)