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I Sodetyof PstrobumErl@wsrs

SPE 28749

Production Performance of a Retrograde Gas Reservoir:

A Case Study of the Arun Field
. . .. . .. .
Deddy Afidick, N.J. Kaczorowski, and Srinivas Bette, Mobil UII maonesia inc.

Cqyright 1994, Sooiefyof PefrolaumEngineers,Inc.

mh paper wss ~pared for prasenfekn at the SPEAsiaPsctfIc

al 6 Geemnfefenos~~ in ~l~me, Auef@sI 7-$0 N~mbef l~.

apply for two phase conditionsof a gas condensate well,
several semi-analytical and numerical methods were
The Arun field is one of the worlds giant retrograde gas
developed. Here, ourintensionis notto present an exhaustive
reservoirs.Approximately10 years after productionbegan, a
Iiirature review. However,the reader is referred to Chopra3
significant 10ssin well productivityoccurred in some of the
forsome referenceto priorwork. In ths paper we presentthe
wells. The study showsthat thii productivitylosswas due to
applicationof compositionalmodellingto pressuretransient
naar wellbore condensate accumulation,and documentsits
response of wells affected by condensate dropout, and to
effects on productionand pressuretransientresponse.
predkt futurewell performance.
A radial, single well, compositionalmodel was used to study
The Arun field is one of the worlds giant retrograde gas
this effect and confirm that the productivelyloss was due to
~~ ~mmuia~on. The - IIluuul
--A- I ---- -la- ,,a Lw plwrw reservoirs. Well test analyses indicated possible Iiiuid
Wua Umu W+ed *A
.warlin+ +hm

future performance of the well. The model matches well accumulation effects. Ths was confirmed with weii
pidtitiv+t~ @&S. A Uul
-*A k-la haunr t-nmnndtinnal
n Iw+nual, slnl~lw KaJv, -, , by. ..-..
production date and the pressure transient response of
model was used to verify that liquid accumulation would
affected wells.
cause the same type of behavior obsenmd in the field.
Subsequently,a multilayer compositionalmodel was usedto
Ths work identifiesnear wellbore condensate accumulation
model a specificwell.
as an extremelyimpoftant factor to considerwhen predicting
future well performance es some of the produdivitiesare
reducedby 50%. The work also details how productiondata
and well test analysis can be used to quantifythe effects of
nearwellbore mndensete accumulationon well productivity.
The Arun field ~ located on the northern coast of Aceh
Province in North Sumatra, Indonesia (Fiiure 1). Mobil
operates the field, which began production in 1977. The
averageresenfoirpressureand temperature were 7,100 psia
and 352F at a datumelevationof 10,050 ft-ss. The reservoir
The engineeringaspectsof gas condensatewell performance
isa thicklimestoneformationwith a thicknessof over 1,000 ft
have been a subject of research and developmentfor many
in local areas and covers a productivearea of over 23,000
years, Recognizingthat classicalanalytical methods(such as
acres. The initial condensate to gas ratio (CGR) was 65
A1-Husseiny,et. al.f and Govie#) for dry gas wells do not
Bbl/MMscf at separator conditionsof 1,250 psia and 68eF.
The field currentlyproduces 3.4 Bscf/day of separator gas
References at end ofpaper from a total of 78 producers with an average resetvoir


. ...................... ................................
s :!,

o WOlwolw2w025wm 3500 40004W

f%WaUre, @g

Fiiure 2- Constantcompos#ionexpansbn

Figure 1- Locat/on map

pressureof 2,250 psia.

.Akr inihl
-. ..... . . sa~rstinn aas .-
--~ .--- ... --- is swmt
----- via
. .. oioeli~e
~-r --- -- to
.- PT Arun.
-... an !I!m2000 -----!
1900 .---l
------ .--:-.---.--.
LNG plant. Unstabilizedcondensate is also sent to the LNG
plantforfurtharseperetion,Aside stream of separatorgas is I
sentto a fieldNGL plantwhere exkactionof LPG components
is removed and sent to the LNG plant. The residue gas
supplii field fuel, domestic sales, and injection.
n Woo -----
~;~;~;; ;o~

Gas injectionwas implemented as soon as fmld production

began to accelerate liquid recovery. Currently25% of the
produced gas is injected. The lean gas is injected on the Fqure 3- Typh#Arun ptwssumtransienf response
pdphery of the resenfoir to sweep condensate rich gas
towardsthe producers. buildup period. Atypical log-log derivativecurve of the build
up period is shown in Figure 4. The curve exhibits two
This makes the Arun resewoir a composilionallydynamic different stabilization regbns which represent zones of
system where retrograde condensation,water vaporization,
and lean gas injectionaffect resenmirbehavior.

A fluid sample was taken priorto production. Experimental

data revealed the dew point pressure to be 4,400 psi.
Retrograde behaviorwas determined es shown in F~ure 2.
Gas began condensinget the dew pointand increasedwith
lowerpreasuretoa maximumliquiddrqooutfillingabout 1.1%
of the pore volume. Further reductionin pressure caused J +
vaporizationof a small portionof the Iiiuid. s
Ida tabiuzation
Asdelkerabilitybecame more cdlicalto meet LNG contracts,
deWrebility estimates became more important. To improve
these @mates an intensive pressuretransientwell testing 2ndsb~~
programbegan in 1989, et whiih time the resammirpressure 106
had fallen below the initialdew point. By 1993 all walls were I I 111111 I
tested et least once. 10 lo~
&;:: J: : 0 TO

.A. tu@~sl
.,~ --- .Arm
. . .. -II
.. . .. t~
---- @SKK)nW
--r- ~ ShOWI in F@!rQ 3. The
test consisted of three one-hour flow periodsfollowed by a Figure4- T~&g-@d#va#vepW



differenteffectivegas permeabilii-tilckness products&h). 1.1% affects the gas relative permeabilii very little. Even
In this case, ~h in the inner zone is lower than that of the whenthe maximumliquiddrop out is reached the gas relative
outer zone. permeabilii is 0.99. The flow of fluids in the reaavoir is
affected VeIY Iiie with condensate dropout. However, the
The most common explanationsfor thii type of behaviorare liquidaccumulationaroundthe well severely restrictsthe flow
spherical flow or multi layer effects. With the resewoir of gas in the near wII region.
pressure below the dew point, another possibilitywas the
effects of ~quidaccumulationaround the well bore.

Liquidaccumulationoccumbecause produdng a well creates 1

a relatMy lam pressuredrop in the vicinityof the wII. Gas

migmtingto the well originatesaway from the wII where the 0.7

pressure is hiiher. This gas is in va~- liquide@*iti,rn at 0.6
the higherpmasura. Asthe gas m&atea to the wII, pressure 0.5
dec#ases andaarnafl fmctionoftbegascondanses closeto k 0.4
thewell. Thiscondensateis belovvthecrilicalliquidsaturation
i 0.2
(SJ and does not flow. As more gas is produced,the small a 0.1 CMml Lkyid
I 1
amount of gas which condenses beginsto accumulate until 0 f 1 1
the critical ~quid saturation is reached. Condensate then 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

flowsintothe wll as a liquidphase. Tow LiquidS8timbii

The bank of condensate which accumulates aroundthe wII

F~ure 6- Expenmenfalmlafiva panneabllliy dafa
bore can be envisionedconceptually as shown in F~ure 5.
Initially a small bank forms and is entirelybelow the crilkal
saturation. tier, tie a~~a iiii~Wdi=A@y=~tind the W!! !~ o~~~, , .~w
A -- i.
Q Iid swmqnulaa&m
W- ---- affeting the wall
----- --- Y13S
- -

reachesthe ciUicalsaturationfollowed by a transitionzone of tests, ProductivityIndex (PI) plots ware generated. PI is

decreasing liquidsaturation. Eventually,when the resatir defined as the total wII stream (TWS) rate divided by the
pressure reaches the point of maximum ~quiddropout,the drawdown pressure. Psuedo-pressums (rri~~) ~i~ iised h
transitionzone terminates at the maximum Iiiuid saturation calculating P1. Flowing bottom hole pressures (PJ were
(8A in the resewoir. estimated from measured flowingwell head pressureswith
composNonaltubinghyhzwtics. Interpolationof atatk bottom
hole pressureswas used to estimate the resmoir pressure
(p,). The PI plotfor an Arun well is shqvn in FUure 7.

\ .
I ~ . . \
J *
* Mmulnum

.. -

Di8tanoa from Well

33005100-47W -- 41OOWO37W
FUure 5- Typical cOt?cknsafaaccumulaffonas a iimcfbn of
Prwwre, p8i8
In May 1990 some experimental work was performed to FMure 7- PI of a t@cal Arun wall as a WcfiOn of fesendr
etimata the mikal liquid saturation and the gas relative pssure
permeability (IQ Figure 6 shows the resultsobtainedfor a
coresamplefromthe Arun field. The criticalliquidaaturaikm
was 51% while the gas relative perrneabilii at the critical A significant drop in well productivityoccurred when the
liquid saturation was 0.18. Notice that for the Arun fluid Ilov#ngMom hda pressurewent balowthe dew point. Thii
systemthe small amount of liquiddropoutin the reservoirof was considered strong evidence that the wII tests wre

affected by liquid accumulation. Sphedcel flow and multi
layereffects are not affected by the dewpoint so no change
1- ,
in productivityshould occur. Only liquidaccumulationcan 0.0. #
account for both the well test effects and the significantloss #
of productivitybelow the dewpoint.


To confirmthat a well undergoingliquidaccumulationwould

behavein the same manner observedin Arun wells, a single 0+
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
well, compositional,2dlmeneional (r-z coordinate system)
simulation model was used. The effects of liquid water
vapodzingintothe vapor phase because of the highreservoir
temperature is included in the model (Sette and Figure9- hbdelgas relative penneabiiUycurve

The modelconeMadof a single76Wt layer of homogeneous The appliibility of this model for generating well test data
prope- with11 radialcellsof varyingwidths. The innercell was confirmedby generating a pressuretransienttest while
radiuswas 10 ft with subsequent celtegettinglarger. Figure the memoir pressurein the model was at 5,250 psi. Care
8 illustrates the cell dimensions along with the resewoir was taken to ensure that the flowing bottom hole pressure
umwtiea. The well was mmdetad over the entire intervalto remained above the dew point pressurethroughoutthe test.
elitinate pwtial penetrationiffects. The pressure response was analyzed using a well test
analysis SOflWareo Excellent agreement was obtained
bekmenthe parametersfrom the analysisversusthose used
inthe simulationmodel. A comparisonof the resultsis shown
inF&ure 10. This confirmedthe applicabilityof the simulator
to model pressure transient behavior. Notice that the
dedvathrecurvein Fuure 10 does not exhibitthe hump during
i the early#me asehwn bythe fieldtest (Figure 4). The hump
mat Ca8 a
.w-.. -..2..-
.--AA -Ilk.. k. .H.d U#hiahI U99LSnn+
Qimi da+d
Wau oowc-9 EIurakw
1 10 *
2 25
~ well
3 30 .
4 30 i
5 l!io
a Homoganatxm tirmatbn
e230 a m0h088755n

7400 a
8350 : l%r0aky15%
s *m
.,--- # .krmmhilh99
- . ...--... --- md
10 1,700 @


Figure 8- Sk@ layarmo#

Initialwork with this model indicatedthat the experimentally ...

-m d+.
-ea hilmu
p0310may m, -Pa
uu~wuu wwcund raa~
Iur-iiWuwu n4
W- 1


the reaenmirand the fluid phases. Therefore, to accountfor

the intetfacial properliea of the accumulated I&@ near the
wellbore, the gas relattve permeabilitycurve was modlfiad
slightly as shown in Fvure 9. The experimentallydefined
critical liquid saturation was honored and the gas relative
permeability at the crilical liquidsaturationwas increasedto Figure 10- Test hns- kyar-i, pdwto condensate
0.435. This forced the gas curveto be a straightline. acclsnuidOn



Usingthe model, a second well test was generated after a 3- Both stabilized regionsof the derivativecurve matched with
monthshutin periodat a resenroirpressureof 3,880 psi,well the transitionperiod between these regions matched fairly
belowthadewpoint pressure. The generatadpressureprofile well. Howver, in some of the field teats, the transitionzone
was analyzed analytically. The resultsare shown in Figure dd not match very well. Thm is a result of the simplified
11. The derivativecurve exhibitsthe same characteras that assumptionsused in the radml mmposite model.
Qbaenmd from our field tests (Fiiure 4). Stabilizedregions
developed depictingtwo regions;f dflerent ~h. Fuure 12 illustratesgas relative permeabilityas a functionof
distance from the well from the simulation model and that
assumed in the radial composite model. The analytical
109 model, whkh consistsof onlytwo regions,does not account
forlhe transitionfmrnthe inner zone with Sk to the outer zone
with connate water saturation (Q or S, ~. Thus, the
. analyticallydetermined dedvativacurve reaches the second
loa stabilizedregionsooner than the simulationmodel.

!gy >
- --

l?~1 ~- -Eia --

L 1

. . I I 111111. I [ 111111 I I 111111. I I 111111 .
8 1=
0.4 +
Figure 11- Test hm sin@ layer model, al?arconchsata
accumulation Oietence
from Well, It

An analytical radial mmposite model was used to interpret Figure 12 -km as a tincfion of dstanca hm h Wall
this test. The interpretation results are very close to the
Vaiuaa used in me simulation modei. Tine ratio ~M3 of me
innerk to the outer k is .445 which is va?yclose to the relative SatMiedthatliquidaccumulationcan cause the characteristic
gas permeabilii at the critical liquidsaturationused in the behavior seen on Arun wII tests, .wII productivitywas
model. generated as a function of reservok pressure. Figure 13
W@ratasthe reautk of the simulationmodel. When the wll
It is importantto note that gas relativeparmeabilii at critical pressure passed through the dew point productivitywas
liquid (~ at S~ saturation can be determined from the two quickly and severely affected by liquid accumulation. PI
stabilized regions of the derivative curve for the Awn fluid
system. Ths isthe most importantfactor in determiningwell
productivity10ss. Ths is so for the Arun system where ~
awayfromthe well is essentiallyunaffected by ~quiddropout.
However, other flukt systems which have h~her maximum
~quki dropout can impact ~ away from the well. In these
systems,the ratio of inner k and outer k representsthe ralio
(M) of ~ at Se and ~ at S, ~ If M is available from core * 0.26 -.--.-..-..~-..-.--.-}..------*--.-{------..--{.-----------~-.-----.-.+
data,the effectof condensateaccumulationcan be estimated ~;:
k 0.24 ......................... ............ ............ ....................... ............ ...........
from the inflowequation for me radii composharnodei: 1
0.2. ............~............~.........~T...7 ......~............+...........+............
P:-PM2=1422QZT(M( ln(r#)-3/4) + ln(r#~+Se+DQ) _. t
- I
n 0.16
-&051004eoo 470046004200 41m am 3700
.............. (1)

The analytical solution to the radwl composite model is

supenimposadon the results of the simulationin Fwure 11. Figure 13 -PI of d?asingk Iayerrno&/


dropped from 0.341 to 0.166, a reductionof about 45%, as immediately surroundhg the well reaches vapor ~quid
soon as condensate accumulated in just the firstcell. The aqwm withthe condensateat the highershut in pressure
first cell was filled up to Sk within a shott time due to its but does not change significantlywith time. Shuttingin the
relatively small volume compared to the gas throughput. well doea not improvethe well productivity(FusseI~.
Productivitycontinuesto decline, reatilng a 50% reduction,
as liquidaccumulates but at a much lower rate. To investigate if ~quid will revaporize at lower resmmir
pressure,this model was depleted to a reservoirpressureof
To fwther &westigatethii rapid decline in Pl, the single layer 500 peia. F~ure 15 shows liquidsaturationin the firstthree
modelwas run with the firstcell refinedto five l-ft cells. The innercellsas a functionof reservoirpressure and the effect it
resuttisshownin Fuure 14. PI draatkally dropswhen the limt has on PI, The reductkn in oil saturation due to
l-ft cell was filled to ~. At the time, mndenaate had not ravapobtion occurredincell#3 long before cells #2 and #l.
started accumulating beyond the l-ft radhia. The declhing PI was notsfgnikantlyimproveduntilthe oil saturatkn in cell
liquidsaturationpriortothe rapid accumulationof mndenaate #1 was reduced. Again, this confirms that condensate
is due to the water vaporizingintothe vapor phase. accumulation immediately around the wellbore significantly
affectswell productivity.


::: ,,
0.271 0.56
0.34 ......+.....
........... ........., r
:: .....................
0.23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ..!...... . . . . . . . 0.3
~, II
0.24 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . i ....... 0.15
-L:. 1

-.~~m .. .. ... .... .. . ... .................................. .

. . 0 Coil#3-
503050004@34m042504m04730 4700 -4ao
-*= I
Reaervolr Preeeure,pie 0.15 i --+ 0.23
am m l!!QO 1000 m
Figure14- EWofcondsnsate accumulation14?anxmdthe
Fiiure 15- EM of Iiquidnwapohdion on PI

This example illustrates a very small zone with liquid

saturation at Sk significantlyaffects well P1. For a hUh rate,
high CGR well, this small zone is filled to SEas soon as the MULTI LAYER MODEL
flowingbottom hole pressurefelts below the dew point.
To investigate the effect of multiple layers on both ~quid
The model with the orighal radml cells was atso used to accumulationand well teat response, a * layer model was
invedig~e if the accumulated condensate revaporizeswhen constructed. The radial dimensions are identical with the
the wetlisshutinfora longperiod. The model simulateda 2- singlelayermodal. Figure16 illustratesthe thicknessof each
yearshutin petiodafterthe reaewoir pressurewas well below layer along with the reeewoir prqwrties assumed. These
the dew pointwith the followingresulls
_ were obtainedfrom a detailed geologk description
in the region of an individualArun well. In general, PO-
Satu ahon and permeabilitydecrease from top to bottom. The same
Year Cell #l Cell h Cell #l 1 relativepermeabilii curvesas in the single layer model was
0 .512 .15 .142 used for all layers.
1 .512 .15 .142
2 .512 .15 .142 The modelshowd that the rate of condensate accumulation
differed from layer to layer. The amount of ~qu~
The resultsindicatethat ~quidsaturationin each cell remains accumulation is influenced by the gas throughput.
itti- u. -9-*ar
* , . =hlfi
. ... . in
... =*
~-----~ There are several -...=, ,.*
uu!rquucwJ, l=-- ~... .hin&w
,,. narmea~ity aCCUmUlakd
... .. . ~--
explanations for thii but the primary reason is that there is condensate and developed the inner zone of reduced ~
very little gas migration at the shut in well . The gas Mar than the low permeabilitylayers. Figure 17 showsthii


\_ %
-.--_:~- D*
.. 108 o ..

:Well u-.
-y 3
.#ield test
.- 0 .
h,ft k,md Porosity~ .
Leyer / ..---- .
1 30.5 49.0 .214 :-- - - --- .
. .
2 55 28.0 .22 :_ . . . . . ..--- 107- 0

3 95 11.8 .209 ~
4 52 17.1 .219 : ...

162 2.6 .127 ~ 0

6 370 1.5 .12 :

jo-t ~o-3 1-2 10-1 100 101

dm(P)(psi2/cp) vs dt (hr)
Fgure 16- Six-/ayer mo&/
Figure 18- Actual vs 64ayer mocH tests
clearly. The proportionof condensate accumulationin each
layerisalmostidenticalto the proportionof kh. The h~her kh
layers accumulated condensate sliihtly lower than their kh
proportion as these layers were more severely affected by .
condensate accumulation. Consequently,the proportionof
gasthroughputinthese h~her kh layerswas curtailed. Thus,
liquid accumulation has a normalizing affect on layered
systemsaffecting high kh layers more than low kh layers.

30 _.
5K1051004K)04700450 4X@ 41OO3XIO37OO
;20 Resewoir Pressure, psia

10 Fiiure 19- PI of the 6-layer mod# vs. the actual Arun well

0 the modeltothat generated from field data is shown if F~ure

1 2 3 4 5 6
19. An excellentmatch was obtained.

F~ure 17- Condensate accumuhtion in d..erent /ayers FUTURE WORK

. . .... ..
wlm mesa results,we are confidentthat the model used in
A welltestwas generatedat a resewoir pressureof 3,660 psi. thii studyrepresentsthe actual Arun well. Some future work
The calculated derivative curve is shown in F~ure 18 to be done based on hisstudyinclude :
superimposed on the derivativecurve generated from field
data. An excellent match to the two stabilized regionswas - Effect of lean gas injectionbreakthroughon condensate
obtained. Eventhough,@xIaym were used in this model, the revaporization
generatedtransitionbetweenstabilizedregionsand the radius
of the zone with~ dd not match the actual data. This is due - Methodsof removingthe zone of condensate accumulation
to the limitationof usinga finite number of cells. immediatelyaround the wellbore to improve productivityby
A comparisonof the well productivityprofilesgenerated with


- Effect of condensate accumulationon a much leaner gas P, = average reservoirpressure, psia

reservoirs = flowingbottom hole pressure, psia
2 = flowrate, Mscflday
r, = drainage rdus, ft
CONCLUSIONS ri = radiusof inner zone, ft
= wellbore radius,ft
I@uidaccumulationhas occurred in the Arun resewoir. Thw 2, = ctitical~quidsaturation
was identified through well teat interpretationand PI plots. sInml = maximum liquiddropout
This conclusionwas verifmdwith compositionalsimulation. = Skin factor at Q=O
Other conclusionsfrom thii study are: > = connate water saturation
= compressibilityfactor
- Even with a fairly lean gas, liquidaccumulationreduced v = w, CP
indtiual well productivitiesby about 50%

- The mostdominantfactorwhichdetermines productivity10ss ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

is&at Sk
The authomwouldlike to thank Pertamina-BPPKA and M
- Forthe Arun fluid system, ~ at Sk can be determinedfrom Oil Indonesiafor their permissionand supportto publis
well teat analysis. Sk cannot be determined. paper. Also, Mobil Exploration and Producing Techn
Center (MEPTEC) for their reviewand valuable comme
- The mostcriticalregion affecting productivityis immediately
around the wellbore.
- The amountof accumulationis controlledpredominantlyby
gas throughput. Consequently,zones of h~her kh contah 1.A1-Husaainy, R., Ramey, H.J.,Jr., and Crawford, P.B.:
the most liquidaccumulation. Flow of Real Gases through Porous Media: JPT (Ma
1966) 624-636; A1-Huaaainy,R. and Ramey, J.H., Jr
- The accumulated liquiddoes not re-vaporizeif the well is Applicationof Real Gas Flow Theory to Well Testing
shut in for an extended period. DeliverabilityForecasting: JPT (May 1966) 637-642

- A radiil compositemodel can be used to analyze well tests. 2. Govier,G.W. : Theory and Practice of the Testingof
~ of the innerand outer regionscan be determined butthe Wd/s, Energy Resources ConservationBoard,Albert
transitionregion cannot be modelled. (1975)

- Condensate revaporizationbegins in zones away from the 3. Chopra,A.K.: Transientand Steady-State Aspects of
well. Productivitydoes not significantlyimproveuntil Condensate Well Performance, paper No. 88-3942
revaporizationbegins immediatelyaroundthe wellbore. presentedat the 39th Annual Technical Meeting of th
.- .-.-a
Petroleum Soaety of cihi, Caigary, June 1z-lo, 1s85

NOMENCLATURES 4. Bette,S., Heinemann, R.F.: CompositionalModellin

HighTemperatureGas-condensate ReservoirswithW
CGR = Condensate to Gas Ratio Vaporization; paper SPE 16422 presented at SPE
- ---:.. - UI
~mn--a~,-;- =-, il=timm bloli~tmq Fahrlm
E = non-i3amy coeffderltt Ciay?vkfaf symlpUalulll I Ix=-l Vull Wll I Bulauvl 1, I c U-*U! , . .

.h. = fQrma~Qn ticcknes 6-8 l 1989

k = permeability
* = effective gas permeabilii 5. Fuaaell, D.D.: Single-Well Performance Predictions
=&at Sk Gas Condensate Reservoirav JPT (July 1973) 660-87
k = r~!div~ gas *rmeabiiity
~~G = Liqu~ed Natural Gas
LPG = Lquified Petroleum Gas
M khlllefZO#OUbr.
m(P) = gas pseudo pressure
NGL = Natural Gas Liquid
PI = ProductivityIndex

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