Claremont COURIER 10-13-17

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our ier
Claremont Friday, October 13, 2017 u $1.50

COURIER photos/Steven Felschundneff

Roybal leads the Pack Claremont goalkeeper Enrique Roybal gets ready to deflect a shot from Glen-
doras Jarrett Barker on Tuesday in Claremont. The Pack narrowly-defeated
the Tartans, 10-9, due in part to a great performance from Roybal. Page 12.

City settles
Golden State
lawsuit/ PAGE 3

Teen Green Team makes their mark/ PAGE 5


Did you subscribe yet? LETTERS/ PAGE 2, 7 CALENDAR/ PAGE 12

Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 2


Investigate water raised in the COURIERs opinion pages.
Perhaps the liars
114 Olive Street Dear Editor: Even subsequent to the district courts
decision, which ruled overwhelmingly Arent all terrible people.
Claremont, CA 91711 The city council comments at Tuesday Just those that got caught.
(909) 621-4761 nights meeting, defending its actions against the city, there was only talk about
Office hours Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. how an appeal would correct this trav- Cassady O'Reilly-Hahn
over the past several years in an attempt
to 5 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to take over the water system from esty. In fact, even a reversal by the court
Haiku submissions should reflect upon life
Golden State Water Company, appeared of appeals was no guarantee of an even- or events in Claremont. Please email entries
Publisher and Owner to me both arrogant and shameful. tual takeover. to [email protected].
Peter Weinberger We voters are known to have short-
[email protected]
The proposal from the audience for a
blue ribbon committee to investigate what term memories, but the recommended
Editor was known and when seems fully justi- blue ribbon committee will uncover and
Kathryn Dunn
[email protected]
fied given the high cost of this debacle,
because those dollars could have been
highlight information that can enlighten
us when the present city council mem-
Newsroom better spent on other more pressing needs bers are up for re-election.
We need to get past the political rheto-
(e.g., new police station, public park and Agendas for city meetings are
City Reporter street maintenance). Such an investigation ric to which we have been subjected and
Matthew Bramlett discover whether or not our money was available at
[email protected] would either support or undermine the
comments made by each of the five city in fact prudently spent as claimed. Monday, October 16
Sports Reporter council members. Dan DellOsa Police facility community meeting
Steven Felschundneff
The city council stressed that they Claremont Hughes Center, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
[email protected]
were merely following the expressed will Tuesday, October 17
Photo Editor/Staff Photographer of the Claremont voters. However, in my Dog licensing Youth Sports Committee
Steven Felschundneff opinion, they fueled (if not created) that Dear Editor:
[email protected] Special Meeting
desire with misinformation such as the I get dog licensing is the law and its a Hughes Center, 6 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment promise of lower water rates (at least, ini- good idea. How nice would it be if Inland
Mick Rhodes tially) and the low-ball offers to purchase Valley Humane Society arranged a day to Wednesday, October 18
[email protected] Teen Committee
[email protected] the water system from Golden State at build community relationship with Clare-
well below fair market value. monters. Youth Activity Center, 3:15 p.m.
Mick Rhodes The city council claimed that they pro- Why not use the uniformed people to
establish a day where people could show Thursday, October 19
[email protected] ceeded diligently at each step of the way,
up, vaccinate their dog if needed, and Police facility community meeting
yet they relied solely on the city of La
Editorial Intern then walk over to a separate table and pay Blaisdell Center, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Verne to operate the water system subse-
Kellen Browning the fee for licensing? It seems to me an 440 S. College Ave.
quent to a takeover. What if La Verne de-
manded too high a price to operate our easy way for many concerned to bring
water system or just decided to walk their pooch up to date legally. I can see
Ad Design/Real Estate pages dogs dressed up for the occasion or not, READERS COMMENTS
Grace Felschundneff
away entirely?
The city council claimed that they and a lot of smiling faces. Irene Atwood Send readers comments via email to
[email protected] or by mail or
Page Design were as open with the public as the litiga- Claremont hand-delivery to 114 Olive St, Claremont, CA
Kathryn Dunn tion process would allow. Yet, I cant re- 91711. The deadline for submission is Tuesday
call any serious debate of the potential at 5 p.m. Letters are the opinion of the writer, not
Website a reflection of the COURIER.
Peter Weinberger risks involved, despite numerous issues READERS COMMENTS/page 7

Advertising Director
Mary Rose
[email protected]

Classified Editor
Rachel Fagg
[email protected]

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Office Manager/Legal Notices

Vickie Rosenberg
[email protected]

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Dee Proffitt

Distribution/Publications Manager
Tom Smith
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The Claremont COURIER (United States Postal

Service 115-180) is published once weekly by the
Courier Graphics Corporation at 114 Olive Street,
Claremont, California 91711-5003. The COURIER
is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the
political code of the state of California, entered as pe-
riodicals matter September 17, 1908 at the post office
at Claremont, California under the act of March 3,
1879. Periodicals postage is paid at Claremont, Cali-
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one hundred and ninth year, number 39
CITY NEWS Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 3

City settles with Golden State in eminent domain case

draft another resolution of necessity with- propriate public use of the utility, he told

laremont has dropped its in the 12-year period, the release says. If the council. In this particular case, the
appeal against Golden the city decides to do so, any paid inter- statute is specially worded to create this
State Water Company est is lost and the principal and accrued in- ...we found that almost more difficult situation for a city
terest is due immediately. to exercise the right to eminent domain
(GSW), putting and end to their A resolution of necessity is the formal there was a slim over a public water utility.
quest to take over the water sys- decision by a government to use eminent chance to prevail. When reached by phone on Wednesday,
The decision was announced during
Tuesday nights city council meeting,
domain to acquire a property. Agencies,
like the city of Clare-
WATER mont, must adopt a reso-
Mayor Larry Schroeder
Mayor Larry Schroeder said that during
the review, the appellate firm determined
the city had a slim chance of success if
which followed a closed-session meeting lution of necessity prior to they went forward with the appeal.
earlier that afternoon. bringing an eminent domain action in I think what happens is, in general in
In a joint statement, both Claremont and court. a case like that, you have a firm take a cur-
GSW noted the settlement ends a conflict Claremont has paid roughly $6.14 mil- The Claremont city council voted sory look at this, Mr. Schroeder said. At
characterized as a source of division for lion on the trial since 2012$1.84 mil- unanimously in January of this year to ap- that time we went ahead and did the pa-
the past five years, and shared a com- lion for pre-trial CEQA reviews and peal that decision. The appeal was filed perwork for the appeal to hold our place,
mitment to serve the city and work to- $4.85 million for the trial. February 2, 2017, with a second action and then we had the law firm dig into it
gether in the future. The settlement ends a years-long saga filed March 21, 2017 to appeal payment deeper. And as that happened, we found
Golden State Water Company will to claim eminent domain over the water of GSWs $7.6 million in legal fees. that there was a slim chance to prevail.
continue to provide the quality and reli- system and place it under local control. According to a press release provided He did not elaborate on what specifi-
ability of water the community expects in Claremont voters, by a 72 percent margin, by the city of Claremont, the city hired cally led them to take the settlement, as he
the most professional manner, the state- passed Measure W in 2014, allocating up David Axelrad of Horvitz and Levy, did not want to talk about what was said
ment read. Likewise, city leaders will to $135 million to pay for the water sys- one of Californias top appellate spe- in closed session meetings. But he did hint
steadfastly work to represent residents with tem, should the city prevail in the takeover. cialists, to look into the appeal. that more than likely the city would re-
a focus on ensuring the water service is the Claremont had claimed throughout the After reviewing [Judge Fruins] deci- lease more details of the case later.
highest quality and the community is kept eminent domain process that GSW was sion, Mr. Axelrad advised the city coun- When reached by phone Wednesday,
informed and involved. not transparent, was not using ground and cil the best possible outcome of an appeal Mr. Axelrad deferred to City Manager
The total owed to GSW is $7,851,000, storm water and was charging Clare- was a partial retrial of the case, the release Tony Ramos, who declined to comment
after a four percent interest rate from the monters high water rates. stated. beyond the joint statement.
original judgment of around $7.6 million The city was tasked with persuading At a February city council meeting, Mr. During public comment, Claremont res-
handed down in March by LA County Su- Judge Fruin that the water system under Axelrad stressed that the appeal process ident Jim Belna accused the city of not
perior Court Judge Richard Fruin. municipal control would constitute a was not a re-hashing of the previous tri- working in good faith with the commu-
Under the settlement deal, the city more necessary use, a vital part of an al, but rather an attempt to look into any nity, and suggested creating a blue ribbon
will pay GSW $2 million by the end of eminent domain claim. GSW has been in missteps made by the court. At that time, committee to review what steps the city
2017, and will pay an annual interest pay- charge of the water system since 1929. he estimated the trial review process and the citys firm, Best, Best & Krieger,
ment of $234,040 each year over 12 GSW countered, in part, by saying that would take two to three months because took during the case. He noted that this
years, with a total interest payment of simply placing the water system under lo- of the complexities of the case. was an issue of public integrity.
$2,808,480. cal control was not enough to claim a more Mr. Axelrad also said at that meeting One thing you can do tonightwhat
The total amount paid to GSW over the necessary use, and accused the city of that it was very unusual the city only had you should do tonightis to resolve to
next 12 years will be $4,808,480, ac- wanting to operate the system as is, as a rebuttable resumption of a more pub- waive all your attorney-client privileges
cording to the joint release. Claremont is opposed to making improvements. lic use of the system, which GSW suc- and attorney work-product privileges,
also on the hook for its own legal fees Judge Fruin was not persuaded by the cessfully overcame during the trial. and make the public record completely
around $6.1 million. citys claims, and ruled against Claremont Ordinarily, the citys adoption of the open and transparent like it should have
The remaining $5,851,000 owed to on December 9, 2016 after trial the prior resolution of necessity would create almost been all along, he said. The public needs
GSW will be forgiven if the city does not summer. a conclusive fact that there was a more ap- WATERTRIAL/next page

Council approves Gold Line bridge, Pomona College,

citizens settle
moves city council election date museum lawsuit
council, noted that by 2035, delays with an at-grade crossing

he Claremont city council reversed its di-

would more than double, from an average of 49 seconds dur- he city and Pomona
rection from over a year ago on Tuesday ing peak hours without the Gold Line, to 120 seconds during College have settled
night, voting unanimously in favor of an peak hours with a street-level crossing. With the bridge, the
delay goes up slightly to an average of 55 seconds. with two groups who
overpass at Indian Hill Boulevard for the up- An August 1 email from CPUC Utilities Engineer Jose filed complaints over the col-
coming Gold Line extension. Pereyra went into more detail about the safety aspects of the leges Museum of Art project.
Councilmember Sam Pedroza added a provision to the res- bridge, claiming that without it, more delays would lead to mo- The groups, Citizens to Save Col-
olution that tasked the traffic and transportation commission to torist frustration, including trying to beat the lege Avenue and Claremonters for
look into betterments down the line for the bridge. trains and disobeying traffic signals. Mr. Honest Governance, agreed to drop
CITY Pereyra was also concerned with the possi-
The vote comes over a year after the council rejected the their complaints entirely and refrain
Gold Line Construction Authoritys offer to build a bridge over COUNCIL bility that a motorist would not clear the from disrupting museum planning
Claremonts main thoroughfare, citing aesthetic concerns and tracks in time after a Gold Line train leaves and construction.
heeding concerns from some residents it would be a divider be- and before a Metrolink or second Gold Line train arrives due to As part of the settlement, the city
tween north and south Claremont. increased cross-traffic. agreed to develop a College Avenue
But then the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mr. Tudor noted, however, that the CPUC did not take sur- Historic District, provide resident
stepped in, claiming that Indian Hill needed the bridge for rounding impacts of the bridge into account in their judgment. trainings on public meeting participa-
safety and traffic concerns. Mr. Tudor also dispelled claims the rail could be built below tion and develop a mitigation meas-
Mayor Pro Tem Opanyi Nasiali said the council initially ground, noting the construction costs alone would jump by at ure hotline. Pomona College has
voted against the bridge after listening to residents concerns, least $9 million, and would require additional excavation and agreed to add landscaping and restrict
despite the analysis that warned of more traffic. shoring due to the proximity of the Packing House and parking parking on the upcoming museums
So now we have this design that I think looks much better garage to the rail corridor. The depth needed to accommodate loading dock, as well as restoring toe
than the wall that was there before, Mr. Nasiali said. And we the rail could also force the Gold Line station to be moved to curbs around the site.
have some people saying it is not good enough. I think there the east of College Avenue, potentially eliminating the More on this story will be in next
comes a time when you have to do something. Metrolink station altogether, Mr. Tudor said. weeks edition of the COURIER.
Assistant City Manger Colin Tudor, in his presentation to the CITYCOUNCILREPORT/continues on page 8
CITY NEWS Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 4

Officers keep cool at Cone with a Cop

WATER TRIAL/from the previous page
to know exactly what went on herewho made
your decisions, what you were told, what was said
behind closed doors. All of this needs to come out.
The council disagreed with Mr. Belnas sug-
gestion, maintaining that the city was transpar-
ent with residents, acted in good faith and took
responsibility for what happened.
I think we gave it everything we had and
we made the best decisions we could with the
information we had, Mr. Schroeder said dur-
ing Tuesdays meeting. And thats all you can
do. Sometimes youre right, sometimes youre
wrong and sometimes when you get in these
situations where its a sterile environment like
court, its not always as easy as it would seem
at first hand.
Freeman Allen and Marilee Scaff, who have
advocated for local control for years, were also
present. Mr. Allen expressed regret at the out-
I just want to say after the public voted in
support of going ahead with the eminent do-
main proceedings, Im very proud that the city
council went ahead with this, Mr. Allen said.
Of course Im terribly disappointed that we
didnt prevail, but I do hope that our relation-
ships with Golden State Water will be positive
from here on out, and they pay more attention
to the wishes of Claremont residents.
Ms. Scaff, who wrote the League of Women
Voters directive spearheading the quest to take
over the water system, was similarly disap-
pointed. She said she regretted the outcome of
the casemore than you can knowbut be-
lieves the settlement was fair.
We simply have to admit that we have lost
COURIER photo/Rachel Fagg
this case and thats the way it is, she said.
From left to right, Officer Erik Orozco, Sergeant Robert Ewing, Captain Aaron Fate and Reserve Officer (retired Losing the case is expensive; we knew that
Lieutenant) Lori Davenport of the Claremont Police Department enjoy an ice cream cone courtesy of Bert and from the first. I was very proud of the people of
Rockys during Cone with a Cop on Sunday in the Claremont Village. The gathering was a new version of the Cof- Claremont, voting that they were willing to
fee with a Cop events, which started last year. Officers were on hand to answer questions from the community spend money to have this happen. I think they
and to give information about the plans to build a new police station. Additionally, officers were selling patches were correct. Sometimes the courts dont rule
as part of the local edition of the Pink Patch Project, which raises money to help fight cancer. in the way you think they should.
Matthew Bramlett
[email protected]

way. Police were dispatched to a call of was burglarized in the parking lot at the
POLICE BLOTTER shots fired around 10:15 p.m., where a
security guard told police he heard shots
coming from the east side of the location.
same time. The burglar reportedly
smashed the back window to the GMC
SUV, getting away with another $1,700
Wednesday, October 4 identity theft operation. Jessica Ornelas,
Two San Dimas men were arrested, 35, was initially arrested at the hotel on Officers noticed three bullet holes in a Louis Vuitton purse. There is no suspect
one for DUI, during a traffic stop. Offi- October 3 for possession of a meth pipe. red 2003 Chevy Malibu. The owner told information.
cers noticed a car driven by 27-year-old Hotel staff found out she rented the room police he didnt know who did this to his
car, and that he had no known enemies. Monday, October 9
David Silva drifting in lanes on Foothill using a declined credit card, and located Police are investigating after Mr.
Boulevard after it failed to stop at a stop identity theft paperwork in the room. The Yous Express Chinese Restaurant was
sign on Lynoak Drive. When police next day, hotel staff arranged with Ms. Friday, October 6
Police arrested a San Dimas man on burglarized Monday morning. Around
pulled the car over around 2:26 a.m., Ornelas to pick up her stuff from the 3:23 a.m., four suspects wearing hoodies
they found Mr. Silva was too drunk to room. Police were waiting, and Ms. Or- drug charges after he fled from police.
Officers happened upon 27-year-old over their heads smashed the front win-
drive, according to Lt. Mike Ciszek from nelas was arrested again after police dow and took $100 from the cash regis-
the Claremont Police Department. A pas- found her with a black folder containing Steven Casebolt slumped over while still
standing on Towne Avenue just south of ter and three soda bottles, Lt. Ciszek said.
senger, 24-year-old James Mendenhall, several victims names and social secu- The suspects fled undetected, police said
was also arrested for public intoxication rity numbers taken from a now-closed Foothill Boulevard. When a second offi-
cer arrived to assist, Mr. Casebolt ran in a release.
after he repeatedly tried to get out of the hospital. She was taken to CPD jail. ****
car during the traffic stop and had no from the scene, and police pursued him Two men were arrested after police
means of getting home. The men told po- Thursday, October 5 and eventually placed him under arrest. found a stolen checkbook and burglary
lice they were leaving the Hi-Brow. An Ontario man was arrested for DUI He was found to be in possession of tools on them. When police were called
after police found him slumped over in meth, and was on probation for posses- to the area of Base Line and Silver Tree
**** sion of meth with intent to sell. Mr. Case-
Yet another car was burglarized at the his BMW. Police found Cesar Ciriaco, Roads regarding a suspicious subject
35, in his car near the intersection of bolt was arrested on drug and resisting around 7:30 a.m., they found 44-year-old
Evey Canyon turnout on Mt. Baldy arrest charges and transported to jail.
Road. Around 11 a.m., an unknown thief Lehigh Drive and San Jose Avenue Kevin LaChapelle of West Covina and
smashed the front passenger window of around 1:37 a.m. The black Bimmer had 34-year-old Joseph Beatty of Chino. Mr.
its lights and engine on and was sitting Saturday, October 7 LaChapelle had a warrant out for his ar-
a parked Volkswagen Jetta, taking a A Louis Vuitton purse and wallet were
black backpack that contained the vic- halfway on the bike lane and the right rest, and was reportedly in possession of
shoulder. Officers allegedly found a tall stolen from a Cadillac Escalade in Padua a stolen checkbook, with one check
tims wallet and sunglasses. The overall Park. Around 10 a.m., an unknown thief
value of the goods was around $205. can of Coors Light in between his legs. made out to Mr. Beatty. Mr. Beatty was
smashed the rear passenger window, tak- allegedly in possession of four shaved
There is no suspect information. **** ing the $1,700 purse and $200 wallet be-
**** Police want to know who fired three keys used to steal cars.
A Fullerton woman was arrested after fore fleeing undetected. Matthew Bramlett
shots into a car at an apartment complex In a grand coincidence, another car
DoubleTree Hotel staff discovered an [email protected]
on the 900 block of west Arrow High-
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 5

CHS proficiency goals fall short, district issues support for immigrant students
bullying box CHS recently began using, In the midst of a charged national dis- lic comment. Ms. Rachford, 44, beseeched

laremont Unified School which allows students to physically sub- cussion surrounding immigration, assistant the school board to assure students safe-
Districts board of edu- mit anonymous complaints and requests superintendent of student services Mike ty, provide training to staff and advocate
cation heard about high for school administrators to read. Mr. Bateman issued a statement of support for on behalf of its students.
OConnor said students are using the immigrant students and families in the dis- We cannot be conflicted and con-
school students math struggles box more frequently, and not just to report trict. fused about the support for the students in
and reiterated support for im- instances of bullying. As always, were committed to pro- our classroom, Ms. Rachford said.
migrant students at the districts Kids are free to express other con- viding a safe learning environment for all In response to requests from board
cerns, he said. We had a teacher that was our students, Mr. Bateman said. Immi- members, Mr. Bateman said the district
October 5 board meeting. using a certain term that one student real- grants or not, we welcome all students. would create a flyer with information and
First, Claremont High School principal ly felt [was] offensive, and the teacher re- Families are not asked about their im- support for immigrants to be distributed to
Brett OConnor delivered the results of the ally had no clue. That was a nice vehicle migration status, Mr. Bateman said, so the students and families.
schools Single Plan for Student Achieve- for that student. district doesnt know how many of its stu- ****
ment, which set academic and social Though the school made progress in re- dents are undocumented or recipients of Out of a panel of 50 applicants, Assis-
goals for the past year. ducing the percentage of African Ameri- the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals tant Superintendent of Human Resources
The high school didnt meet its English can, low-income and disabled students who program, but he estimates there are 10 to Kevin Ward recommended Rria Cruz-Soto
language arts or math state standards received at least one D or F at the end of 15. to be Mountain View Elementary Schools
goals. The percentage the school year, its goals werent met in Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark new principal. His recommendation was
of students who met or SCHOOL those three categories. sanctuary state legislation October 5 pro- approved by the board.
exceeded state Eng- BOARD Mr. OConnor concluded by setting new hibiting California police from asking The principal of Seymour Dual Lan-
lish standards in- goals for this coming year, which includ- people about their immigration status or guage Academy in Syracuse, New York
creased from 77 to 78.7 percent, but fell ed further reductions in the percentage of cooperating with federal immigration en- since 2014, Ms. Cruz-Soto has also served
short of the 81 percent goal, while the per- students who get Ds and Fs, decreasing forcement, and CUSD is similarly dedi- as dean of students at a New York middle
centage meeting or exceeding math stan- bullying and raising the Hispanic com- cated to protecting undocumented immi- school, spent six years as a sixth-grade
dards dropped from 50 percent to 49.6 per- pletion rate for University of California and grants. teacher and taught Spanish to high school-
cent. The goal was 56 percent proficien- California State University a-g classes. Mr. Bateman said student records are ers.
cy. Courses from California high schools only shared with parental permission or if Her infectious smile and warmth I think
Were trying different things to in- and online schools used to satisfy the a- the person requesting the record has a valid will really resonate with the Mountain
crease math proficiency, Mr. OConnor g subject requirements must be approved warrant, subpoena or court order. View community and CUSD, Mr. Ward
said, including various tailored math by UC and appear on an institutions a- Additionally, he said, federal Immi- said.
classes. We didnt get the results we want, g course list. gration and Customs Enforcement officials ****
but were continuing these interventions The ninth graders, when they receive are not allowed to visit sensitive locations Assistant Superintendent of Educa-
to improve in that area. their first triad progress report next week, such as schools. tional Services Julie Olesniewicz an-
CHS was more successful at combating will get Got College? card inserts, which The only way they could come on a nounced that CUSD received a $18,700
bullying. Just 18.4 percent of students re- emphasize the a-g, Mr. OConnor said. campus is if they had a warrant or sub- arts grant from the Los Angeles County
ported being bullied last school year, In the district overall, 65 percent of stu- poena or search order, Mr. Bateman Arts Ed Collective, which aims to to sup-
well under the 25-percent goal and 28.3- dents met or exceeded the state English emphasized. Then we have to work with port Los Angeles County school districts
percent initial mark. standards and 49 percent met or exceed- them, but we will not allow anybody to aiming to provide quality arts education for
I was really delighted to see the de- ed the math standards, ranking Claremont come onto one of our campuses without public school students, she said.
crease in bullying, board member Nan- third among nearby districts. Glendora (68 one of those valid legal documents. The district, as a condition of the grant,
cy Treser Osgood said. I applaud the op- percent English, 56 percent math) and Claremont resident Jennifer Rachford, will provide matching funds for CUSDs
portunities you have for anonymous re- Bonita (68 percent English, 54 percent who said she hails from a family of im- art programs, which must be used by the
porting. math) were the top two districts. migrants, expressed concern over current end of the 2017-18 school year.
Several board members praised the **** federal immigration rhetoric during pub- Kellen Browning

COURIER photos/Steven Felschndneff

Teens for work for a

green Claremont
The city of Claremont Teen Committees pro-
gram Teen Green 4 A Cleaner Claremont, pro-
motes awareness of the importance of proper
trash disposal in order to maintain Claremont
and protect the environment.
Every second Wednesday of the month, the
groupcomprised of kids from the Teen Com-
mittee, Youth Activity Center (YAC) and
TRACKS Activity Center (TAC)head down
to the Village to give it a good cleaning.
For more information on Teen Green 4 A The Teen Green team including senior recreation leader Hayley Page and El Roble students Frida Palafox, left,
Cleaner Claremont, call (909) 399-5360 or visit Mika Benjamin-Uyeki, Kianna King and Cassidy Allen clean up the sidewlk in front of Pizza N Such on Wednes-
the city of Claremont Youth Activity Center day in the Claremont Village. Members of the Teen Green team, which started in 2014, clean up trash in the
page on Facebook. Village for a couple of hours every month.
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 6

The truly scary month

by Debbie Carini
At least there are no costumes to worry about. No

id you blink? Because if you did, more dashing around to find the last Pikachu (Poke-
you may have missed the chance man character, circa 1998) or any one of the Spice
to buy your Halloween decora- Girls get-ups (also circa mid-90s). The drama of miss-
ing out on the popular guise, then me trying to fash-
tions. Were halfway into October and its ion one out of supplies from the craft closet (a real
easier to find a candy cane than a bag of place in our house that accommodates glue guns, goo-
candy corn. gly eyes, pipe cleaners and more) was more frighten-
roaring aggressivelySanta, Rudolph, a giant Christ- ing for my children than anything they were going to
I always feel its a good thing that the holidays mas tree. I shook my head. When I go to the hardware experience out on the sidewalk while trick-or-treating.
(as my family designates the period between October store, I want to be intimidated by power tools, not a Right now, I have anxiety that Ill coast right into
1 and January 2) start with a candy holidayHal- flailing, inflatable tube man, dressed like a pilgrim, Christmas and forget about Thanksgiving altogether,
loween. I need the sugar rush. especially one who seems poised to collapse on my and its my holidaythe one I picked to host because
Whatever is left of the econo-size bag of Smarties shopping cart. its relatively finite. Theres no eve, no gifts, it starts
that my husband purchases to supplement the choco- October marks the beginning of the final quarter of at 4 p.m. and is pretty much over by 9 p.m. And you
latey things I prefer will, after October 31, serve as the year, the time to wrap-things-up, literally. But, I know what that means, all this worrying has made me
my energy pills for the ensuing months. Theyre the havent lost those 25 pounds yet. I havent written my so nervous, Ive started binge eating; and not fruits
right shape and sizea tablet candyand each piece novel. I havent even taken down last years Christ- and vegetables.
is only 0.6 calories, virtually a diet pill! mas lights. There dont seem to be enough Smarties pills in
October truly is a scary month. The impending All spring and summer long I imagined the handi- the world to stave off the panic of the pending spend-
doom of the upcoming (but still far away) holidays of crafts I would fashion for my friends and family for ing and festivities. Maybe I should start pretending
Christmas and New Years weighs heavily on each the holidays. Now Im wondering if there is some those Smarties are less like power pills and more like
outing to literally any retail destination. The other multi-pack item from the big box storeramen noo- tranquilizersthat could be a big help during the
day, I was in a home improvement store and those dles or tube socksthat can be split-up and doled out most wonderful time of the year!
Macys parade balloon-sized lawn inflatables were to family members whom I love dearly.

Fall planting festival at Rancho California with Nicholas Hummingbird at 11 a.m.

and How to Water Your Plants for Drought-Tolerant
Santa Ana Botanic Garden Establishment with Carlos Ruiz at 1 p.m..
Residents are invited to enjoy the fall planting festi- The fall planting festival features an enormous na-
val at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden on Sat- tive plant selection, seeds, free lectures, native plant
urday, October 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission experts table, a succulent arrangement and wreath
is free but members may enter early at 8 a.m. sale and free garden admission.
The seasonal opening of the grow native nursery at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden has been selling
RSABG includes an amazing selection of native California native plants since 1978. Dont miss this
plants, succulent arrangements and wreaths made by ideal opportunity to purchase hard-to-find, one-of-a-
the native designs florist team. kind natives and to get your gardening questions an-
The festival will also offer several free lectures, in- swered by friendly, experienced botanic garden
cluding Ethnobotanical uses of the Native Plants of professionals and volunteers.
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 7
Indian Hill tinues. President Trump treats the presi-
Dear Editor:
As a person who has lived in Clare-
mont for over 40 years, it dismays me
Animal instincts
COMMENTS tummy rub, I agree with little Charlie
dency as if it were part of the ultimate re-
ality show.
After hearing from Senator Corker
why Indian Hill Boulevard has not been that these could be great starting points. and the Morning Joe show, it became
Dear Editor: quite apparent that we may be heading
renamed because Indian has been re- Chris Rubel felt that the character of his Elizabeth Tulac
placed by Native American in social Claremont toward World War III.
sometimes growling dog, Charlie, was be- Now wouldnt that be, in Trump-
media and should be replaced on a
boulevard. Perhaps it should be renamed
smirched, because his miniature schnau- Village Venture speak, the ultimate reality show? The
zer, even though having descended from Dear Editor: show would have the hugest audience,
Indigenous Peoples Boulevard or German heritage, never snarls.
something else that is not offensive. I am very grateful that you called at- and the ratings would be through the roof.
Does anyone else see the irony of be- tention to the Village Venture. As mem- Never will we ever see such ratings!
The diversity issue has been raised in smirchment in this off-handed phrase
the news recently at all the Claremont bers of the Claremont community and, Well, being president is far too serious
that perpetuates a pernicious and pejora- by extension, the Inland Empire, it is be- and the responsibilities too great to be a
Colleges, and even though this re-nam- tive cultural stereotype maligning an en-
ing is just a small issue in the scheme of coming increasingly important for us to reality show. His fascination for nuclear
tire ethnic group? support public efforts such as these. weapons could wind up having serious
things going on in the country, maybe it Mr. Rubel inadvertently helps make
should be addressed by the city council. Homegrown, local businesses are the and dire consequences for the whole
my point that we need to listen mindfully root basis for a sizable amount of eco- world.
Jackie Mahoney
to ourselves and to one another. If we fail nomic prosperity in the Claremont area. Mr. Trump appears to live in an alter-
to understand and respect, for example, Spaces like these have often been taken nate reality where there are no conse-
the protective, territorial nature of dogs for granted in recent years as we have quences if a nuclear war occurs. He may
READERS COMMENTS as well as the opportunistic, taunting be- seen a surge in urban sprawl and corpo- believe that somehow he would survive
Send readers comments via email to havior of squirrels, we will continue to rate sponsorship. This trend is not just or perhaps his loathing of others is so ex-
[email protected] or by mail or live with vexation and conflict.
hand-delivery to 114 Olive St, Claremont, CA unique to Claremont but in other areas of treme that he just does not care what
91711. The deadline for submission is Tuesday
Fortunately, humans are able to rise California as well. However, the amount would happen if we had a nuclear war.
at 5 p.m. Letters are the opinion of the writer, not above their animal instincts and can en- of diversity and cultural readiness that Mr. Trumps reality show reminds me
a reflection of the COURIER. vision and create collaborative solutions Claremont is a part of makes it a perfect of the Stanley Kubrick movie, Dr.
We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters for the worlds problems.
should not exceed 250 words. Viewpoints should candidate for a multifaceted, local occa- Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop
not exceed 650 words. We cannot guarantee pub- Although sustainable peacemaking re- sion like this. Worrying and Love the Bomb. As the
lication of every letter. quires more than simply giving and/or I am anticipating the 36th annual Vil- title infers, it is strange to love a bomb.
receiving a treat and a bliss-inducing lage Venture to be a massive success. After all bombs do not love you back.
With more than 400 vendors, the beer Peter Sellers could not restrain himself
and wine garden, and the traditional Hal- from wanting to give the Nazi salute.
loween parade, I think that this event will Well, strangely we have seen Mr. Trumps
be a great win for the attendees and the followers also give the Nazi salute.
community in general. If in fact, President Trump really be-
I cannot wait to personally attend this lieves that this is a reality show and not
event and check out the extensive, as- the real world, then he needs to be re-
sorted local businesses that will be there. moved from office as soon as possible
Jacob Schoenherr before it is too late.
Claremont If the Republican Party can grow a
backbone, we could use the 25th Amend-
The ultimate reality show ment to remove President Trump from
Dear Editor: office. Gar Byrum
Each day our national nightmare con- Claremont
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 8
enue. The route of the walk covers approximately 2.3

OUR TOWN miles of mostly level terrain.

At City of Knowledge, marchers may share a light
meal and further build on the relationships developed
over the route of the walk. All are invited and there is
path followed by the walkers will connect houses of
worship of the three major Abrahamic religions- Is- no charge to be involved. Donations are appreciated to
lam, Christianity and Judaism. help offset costs and for the meal at the last stop.
The start point this year is Kresge Chapel at the Walkers should park at Claremont School of Theol-
Claremont School of Theology. From there, the walk ogy, though those with physical challenges may drive
proceeds west on Foothill and south on Towne Avenue between locations. There will also be limited trans-
to Temple Beth Israel. From the synagogue, the walk portation back to the start point at the conclusion of
will backtrack to Foothill then continue west to the Is- the walk. For information, go to the IVIWG Facebook
lamic Center of Claremont and conclude at the City of page at or call
COURIER photo/Steven Felschundneff Knowledge school just south of Foothill on Garey Av- the hotline at (310) 542-8150.
Karen Stater-Moss, Michaela Moss, Candida Neal
and Edna Silver sing together at the third Interfaith
Walk. This year will mark the ninth year local inter- CITYCOUNCILREPORT/continued from page 3
Council votes to move up election date
faith communities will join to celebrate and promote The council narrowly-approved moving up the next

peace among religions. he new bridge design isnt complete, municipal election date to November 2018, following
as the city and the Foothill Gold Line a state bill mandating local elections be lined up with a
Interfaith peace walk to demon- Construction Authority are still work- statewide election date.
strate unity, respect across reli- ing on the height of the bridge, as well as oth- Senate Bill 415 in 2015 was enacted in part to try to
curb low-voter turnout by shifting local elections to run
gious, ethnic boundaries er aesthetic designs. in tandem with larger elections. Before Tuesday, Clare-
For the ninth consecutive year, residents of the San Despite the fact the bridge was the focal point of the mont held its elections in March of odd-numbered
Gabriel and Pomona Valleys are poised to demonstrate agenda, some of the concerns from the council were about years..
their commitment to respect, unity and understanding the estimated $300 million funding gap for the project and The council was given three options to consider: mov-
across religious, racial and ethnic lines by participating the study of the possibility of the Metrolink station be- ing the next election to March of even-numbered years
in an Interfaith Walk and Rally for Peace on Sunday, ing removed. Mr. Tudor noted that Metro is looking at beginning in 2020 and extending the term of the current
October 15, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Claremont cap and trade funding as a way to cover the shortfall. council an extra year; moving to November of even-num-
School of Theology. Frustration from some residents was palpable during bered years beginning in 2018 and shortening the current
The theme of the walk, sponsored by the Inland Val- public comment. Susan Schenk claimed there was not councils term by four months; or have a consolidation
ley Interfaith Working Group for Mideast Peace, is enough information for a bridge, and implored the city plan in place to hold elections in 2019 and 2021 and switch
One World Community, One Human Family. to make the bridge as minimally intrusive as possible. to even-numbered years in March or November 2022.
Our emphasis this year is on demonstrating that Resident Doug Lyon, who is also on the citys plan- The third option would result in only three-year
there is so much more than connects us, than separates ning commission, offered up the idea of saying no to the terms for new councilmembers, the city said.
us, said Cantor Paul Buch of Temple Beth Israel, one Gold Line altogether, due to what he said were unfore- Mr. Calaycay was in favor of the third option, noting
of the walks organizers. Its very clear to me that the seen consequences such as the bridge and the upcoming that pushing a council election to a crowded ballot with
values inherent in nearly all faiths have tremendous parking structure. school district, water board and other elections would give
similarities. We just need a way to discover that so we Is the Gold Line more important or is preserving the less of an opportunity for residents to focus on council
can feels feel safer and more connected to our neigh- character of Claremont more important? And to me, I elections.
bors. This walk is one of those ways. come down on the side of preserving the character of Mayor Larry Schroeder countered that shorter terms
As has been true since the walk began in 2009, the Claremont, Mr. Lyon said. would de-incentivize people from running for council.
Councilmember Sam Pedroza responded to Mr. Councilmember Joe Lyons, who indicated he will not seek
Lyons claims, emphasizing that the rail corridor is owned re-election, thought the second option would be the least
by Metro, and not the city. impactful for the entire system.
Its like the city of Claremont saying we dont like air- The council voted in favor of the November 2018 elec-
plane noise, lets stop those airplanes from flying over our tion, 3-2. Mr. Calaycay and Mr. Nasiali, who were in fa-
city, Mr. Pedroza said. Its something that I think a plan- vor of the third option, were the two dissenting votes.
ning commissioner should know. The council also approved the hiring of one addition-
Councilmember Calaycay noted the effort to turn the al police officer, bringing the departments sworn offi-
Village into a transit hub stared in 1990, when the city pur- cer count to from 39 to 40.
chased the Depot. Creating transit-oriented development, The next city council meeting will take place on Oc-
he said, is the genesis of the Village expansion. tober 24.
The only certain thing in life is change, and its also Matthew Bramlett
necessary to make things relevant, he said. [email protected]
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 9

Jeanne Audrey Powers OBITUARIES

Influential reverend, pioneering gay rights and gender activist

The Rev. Jeanne Audrey Powers, an ac- Christians since its 1982 approval in open dialogue, and spiritual care within re-
tivist resident of Pilgrim Place in Claremont Lima, Peru. She also guided development ligious communities grappling with the
the last 15 years, died peacefully on Sep- of the Ecumenical Decade: Churches in complex issues of gender and sexuality.
tember 29, 2017 while traveling in Switzer- Solidarity with Women 1988-1998. In 2013, CSGR founded the Jeanne Au-
land. She was 85. Women in many denominations and coun- drey Powers Award for students.
Jeanne Audrey was a true pioneer of the tries were empowered because of her Jeanne Audrey had a love of people and
church, said Rev. Kathy Black, a profes- work, her friends said. their stories, said Rev. A.J. Bush, one of
sor at Claremont School of Theology. In the United States, Rev. Powers many protgs of Rev. Powers. She had
Her decades of denominational leadership worked tirelessly as a vice president of the an uncanny knack for making you into a
in ecumenical and interreligious concerns National Council of Churches, chairing its better person. As a seminary student
paved the way for current attitudes and Faith and Order Commission for six years (graduating from CST in 2015) and new
practices that influence the church today. and then chairing its Commission on Re- pastor, I developed as both a person and
On the forefront of the LGBTQIA move- gional and Local Ecumenism. She was a a pastor through my friendship with
ment, Jeanne Audrey funded students and member of teams leading to establishing the Jeanne Audrey. She was always pushing
centers to support the church in wrestling NCCCs major Middle East policy and cri- me to be better than I was, and at the same
with issues of human sexuality and equal tique of Israels treatment of Palestinians. time recognizing and appreciating what
rights for gay and lesbian, bisexual and Rev. Powers was the first woman to be was going well. She knew what was
transgendered persons. nominated for the office of a bishop in The good from good food to good people to
Rev. Powers represented The United United Methodist Church, an honor she de- good ministry, it brought her deep joy.
Methodist Church as a respected teacher cluding those whose ideas and experiences clined in 1972 and 1976. She was also a Boston University School of Theology,
and leader, writer, preacher, spokesperson, were different from hers. In 1958, she was volunteer with The United Methodist named Jeanne Audrey a Pioneer Woman
campus minister and missions executive. ordained in Minnesota as a deacon in the Commission on the Status and Role of in 1995 with the highly esteemed Anna
Her best-known role was staffing the Unit- Methodist Church. When ordained an Women, organized in 1973. Until her Howard Shaw Award. Rev. Powers said, I
ed Methodist General Commission on elder in 1961, she was among the first death, she was a driving force in the Rec- have chosen to swim against the stream in
Christian Unity and Interreligious Con- women in the Methodist Church granted onciling Ministries Movement. She came many areas of controversy because I tru-
cerns and holding major leadership roles full clergy rights. out as a lesbian during her sermon at its na- ly believe that the church is the body of
in the World and National Councils of For a decade, Rev. Powers was the state tional gathering in 1995. Christ, called to share its message of heal-
Churches. She was a global-level advo- director of the Minnesota Methodist Stu- Most recently, Rev. Powers worked ing, reconciliation, and yes, salvation. I do
cate for a more progressive, inclusive faith, dent Movement as well as the Wesley tirelessly for election of the first openly gay not choose the church simply because I
focused on inclusive language, relevant Foundation Campus Minister of the Uni- UMC bishop, Bishop Karen Oliveto. want to belong, but because I believe in its
liturgies, and opening leadership oppor- versity of Minnesota, creating gathering Jeanne Audrey was a fierce she-roe transforming spirit.
tunities to women, young people and peo- spaces where students lived and worked to- who paved the way for so many of us in No relatives from Ms. Powers biolog-
ple of many cultures. gether as she challenged them to risk un- the church, said Bishop Oliveto. She ical family are alive, but her many friends
Rev. Powers grew up in Mankato, Min- familiar territory and broaden their horizons. taught me to make room for others, always, at Pilgrim Place, Claremont United
nesota. After graduation from the local state Starting in 1968, she staffed the Methodist as well as the importance of mentoring. I Methodist Church and worldwide have
university in 1954 she was chosen to be a Board of Missions where she gave lead- loved laughing and debating with her. It was been a widespread extended family.
Danforth Graduate Fellow, a prestigious ership to an ongoing exciting way for young all done with great love and passion and I A memorial service celebrating Rev.
honor that encouraged her to pursue the- adults to serve in missions for a shorter always learned so much. Powers life will be held at 3:30 p.m. on
ology at Princeton Theological Seminary. formative period of their lives. Rev. Powers exercised bold and coura- Monday, October 23 in Decker Hall at Pil-
She also studied theology at The Univer- Rev. Powers was a key representative geous leadership throughout her life, grim Place, 625 Mayflower Rd., Clare-
sity of St. Andrews in Scotland, as well as to the World Council of Churches. She had said Dr. Grace Yia-Hei Kao, a professor at mont. A second service will take place at
in England, Switzerland, and at Boston Uni- a role in three general assemblies and was Claremont School of Theology and Co-Di- 11 a.m. November 11 at Centenary Unit-
versity School of Theology. a guiding force in the creation of Baptism, rector of the schools Center for Sexuali- ed Methodist Church in Mankato, Min-
She had an enormous and gracious ca- Eucharist and Ministry, a document that ty, Gender, and Religion. She made nesota.
pacity to befriend and mentor many future has prompted reform and convergence CSGR possible by a generous founding gift Her tombstone in Mankato reads Sub-
church leaders, her friends shared, in- among Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant to the school to foster intellectual inquiry, versive to the end.
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Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 11

US Air Force Colonel, loving father and grandfather

Joseph W. OToole, retired US Air States in Georgia, Mississippi, South volved in local politics.
Force Colonel and longtime Claremont Carolina, Kansas (twice), Virginia and at Mr. OToole was predeceased in
resident, has died. Mr. OToole died two locations in California. The family 2012 by his wife of 56 years, Sara (Sal-
September 4, 2017 at the age of 86 due was heavily involved in activities at the ly) Elizabeth OToole; and his sister
to complications following hip replace- various Air Force bases and private Mary.
ment surgery. communities where they lived, including He is survived by his children, Mary
Known variously as Joe, dad, G-pa swim clubs, golf clubs, local Catholic OToole Phillips (Bill Phillips) of Aliso
and the Colonel, he never met a churches and at their childrens schools. Viejo; Patricia OToole Eckert Bosson
stranger, Mr. OTooles family shared. In 1974, the OTooles purchased their (Dave Bosson) of Claremont; Katherine
He was born May 15, 1931 in home in Claremont, lured by the citys OToole Ghering (John Ghering) of
Leominster, Massachusetts, the second strong public school system. Mr. Roswell, Georgia; and Joseph W.
son to Charles and Josephine OToole. OToole could often be found at any OToole, Jr. of Claremont.
His siblings included his older brother number of sporting events in Clare- He is also survived by his grandchil-
Charles and his playfully named twin mont. He was a regular at AYSO soccer dren, Drew and Cammi Phillips; JP,
sisters, Mary Margaret and Margaret fields and Little League baseball games, Connor and Spencer Eckert; Kylie, Sara
Mary. eventually graduating to the sporting and Matt Ghering; Shannon and Ryan
His father Charles came to America fields at Claremont High School. He OToole; and his brother Charles
from Ireland to escape the Irish Famine. was forever his grandchildrens biggest OToole of Tampa, Florida, and sister,
Mr. OToole attended St. Bernards fan and supporter, his family shared. He Margaret (Peg) Prerost of Brecksville,
High School in Fitchberg, Massachu- spent many years as a well-known seller Ohio; and his beloved dog, Opie.
setts, then Columbia Prep, Fitchberg of 50/50 tickets at Claremont High A rosary will be held at 10 a.m.
State College, Boston University, finally home football games. Thursday, October 19 at Our Lady of
graduating from the University of Mr. and Mrs. OToole were members the Assumption Catholic Church, 435
Maryland in College Park, Maryland. Copelandwhose father was also in the of the Via Verde Country Club for many N. Berkeley Ave., Claremont, followed
Mr. OToole was inducted into the US Air Forceon December 29, 1956 years, and early Saturday mornings by a funeral mass at 10:30. Burial will
US Air Force in 1952 and was a fighter at Robins Air Force Base chapel in were typically spent playing a round of take place at 11 a.m. Friday, October 20
pilot during the Vietnam War, retiring as Warner Robins, Georgia. The couple golf, where Mr. OToole prided himself at Riverside National Cemetery, 22495
a colonel in 1978. He was awarded the had four childrenMary, Patricia, on always walking the course. Van Buren Blvd., Riverside, California.
Bronze Star, the Distinguished Flying Katherine and Joseph. Mr. OToole was also a longtime In lieu of flowers the family requests
Cross and various other air medals dur- An Air Force career meant the family greeter and usher at Our Lady of the that donations be made in Mr. OTooles
ing his Air Force career. moved often; they lived on the Japanese Assumption Catholic Church in Clare- name to Our Lady of the Assumption
He married Sara (Sally) Elizabeth island of Okinawa, across the United mont, and more recently became in- Catholic Church at

Gwendolyn Joy Smith

Grandmother, special needs students advocate, singer, artist
Gwendolyn Joy Smith, 87, died Pomona, where an uncle, Garrett, tended schools in Alta Loma and Clare-
peacefully, surrounded by family and worked making ice cream for the Betsy mont. Ms. Smith continued her educa-
friends, on September 25, 2017 at Ross Company. tion at Pacific Oaks College in
Pomona Valley Hospital. She spent her senior year at Pomona Pasadena, California, eventually earn-
She was born September 11, 1930 in High School, singing in the choir under ing a bachelors degree in child devel-
Nashville, Tennessees Bordeaux com- the direction of Frank Cummings. She opment.
munity, near the Cumberland River. later studied voice with Lucille Stevens After graduation, she worked with
Her mother remarried Charles Bell and Helen Selby. She was a soprano special needs students at Chaffey Col-
Shockley, and young Gwen took her soloist, first at Westmont United lege and became a liaison with local
stepfathers surname. She had two half- Methodist Church in Pomona, and later high schools, mentoring students who
brothers, David and Jerry, and two half- at Claremont Methodist Church. In the sought to transfer to Chaffey. Ms.
sisters, Ann and Fay. 1980s she joined the choir at Pomonas Smith also helped create the preschool
When her stepfather developed lung Pilgrim Congregational Church, again at St. Marks Episcopal Church in Up-
problems, the family moved to under Mr. Cummings. land.
She was a long-distance telephone Ms. Smith was also an artist. She
operator in Pomona, and later worked studied watercolor with Cindy Rinne
at the classified advertising desk at the and exhibited her work at shows in San
Progress Bulletin newspaper. Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga,
In 1952, she married Robert Earle Pomona and Claremont. She was
Smith. Shortly thereafter Mr. Smith known for bright colors, both in her art
won a Rotary Fellowship for a year of and her wardrobe.
study in Peru. While there, Ms. Smith She was a longtime member of Pil-
taught fifth grade English at Colegio grim Congregational Church, was an
America, a private Methodist school. officer in the Womens Auxiliary and
The couple lived with a Peruvian fam- Side-By-Side club, and could be seen
ily, the Luques, and learned quite a bit wearing her tiara as the Donut Queen
of Spanish. during church rummage sales.
When the Smiths returned to Califor- Ms. Smith is survived by her hus-
nia, they relocated to Claremont. In band, Bob; her sons, Fred and Ben; her
1965 they moved again, to Alta Loma, sister, Ann; and seven grandchildren.
to be closer to Mr. Smiths job as an art Services will be held at 11 a.m. on
history professor at Chaffey College, in Saturday, October 28 at Pilgrim Con-
what is now Rancho Cucamonga. gregational Church, 600 N. Garey Ave.,
The Smiths had two sons, Fredrick Pomona. The family asks attendees to
Morris and Benjamin Andrew, who at- wear bright colors and to stay for lunch.
SPORTS Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 12

CHS boys water polo barely hangs on for 10-9 win

ts not 2015 anymore,
when Claremont boys wa-
ter polo seemed to win
every game effortlessly.
Now the Pack has to work a little
harder, which may be a good develop-
ment. It certainly seemed so on Tuesday
when Claremont narrowly defeated
Glendora, 10-9, in Palomares League
action at CHS.
The boys came out strong and built a
sizeable lead, outscoring the Tartans, 4-
1, with goals from Ryan Scott, Alex
Stockwell, Ian Waasdorp and Mason
The second quarter was evenly split
with both teams scoring four times
goals for the Pack came from Seth Es-
helman, Tyler Rousseve, Waasdorp and
Scott. However, because the score start-
ed out so lopsided, Claremont retained a
sizeable lead and looked like they
would get an easy win.
All that changed in the third quarter
when Claremont got skunked, 0-3, tying
the game at eight.
This set up a dramatic fourth quarter
and the best competition of the night. It
was still tied with 1:30 left in regulation
time when Rousseve put Claremont in
COURIER photos/Steven Felschundeff
front with a strong shot from the left
Claremonts Ian Waasdorp maneuvers to get a more direct shot on goal Tuesday during the first quarter of the Packs home
side. However, Glendora was not going league match against Glendora. Claremont dominated the game during the first half but Glendora came roaring back, forc-
down easy and Chris Greer tied the ing the Pack to work for its 10-9 victory. BELOW: Claremonts Alex Stockwell moves the ball into Glendoras territory.
game again just nine seconds later.
Claremont failed to capitalize on the out for the win. Its a very competitive
next possession and it was the Tartans Claremonts unofficial Palomares League this
ball with 1:10 on the clock. But the MVP has to be Roybal, season, with exception of
Packs goalkeeper Enrique Roybal came who kept the Wolfpack in undefeated Ayala, which
up with the crucial save, prompting the game when the offense looks to be unbeatable.
Glendora to call a time out with 45 sec- soured in the second half. Ayala is very strong,
onds to go. We were playing to the they are really senior
Claremont caught a bit of luck when score, 7-2, and it backfired heavy, but after that its a
a shot from Jack Kruze was accidently and woke us up real pretty equal playing field,
deflected by a Glendora defender and quick, Coach Rodriguez said Coach Rodriguez.
found the net, putting the Pack back in said about losing the five- We lost to Bonita by one
the lead. point lead. [goal], so technically we
With a scant 32 seconds to score and They got out of rhythm are in third [place] but we
force the game into overtime, Glendora a bit. We have had mo- see them next week at
was motivated, but Roybal got yet an- ments when we actually their pool, so it will be a
other key save. As he chased the ball, play really well, then we tough one.
two Tartans cornered him and tried to have moments when our passes are off, against Diamond Bar last Wednesday, Claremont is now 3-2 in league and
steal, prompting Coach Kristin Ro- she said. We threw the ball away quite eventually getting the 8-7 win. 7-10 overall, with a tough game against
driguez to rescue him by calling a time a few times. We like to keep it close here in this La Serna at Rio Hondo College on
out. Tuesdays game was the second nail- pool, trying to keep the fans coming Thursday and a rematch with the
That was all Claremont needed and biter in a row for Claremont having back, Coach Rodriguez said with a bit Bearcats on Tuesday.
they ran the remaining seven seconds gone into triple overtime at home of a smirk. Steven Felschundneff

CHS ROUNDUP Hwang were Azalea Segura-Mora, 21st The CHS varsity team next competes CHS won. The Pack moves to 6-0 in
at 18:08; Tess Rounds, 30th at 18:27; in the Mt. SAC Invitational on Saturday, league play.
Kalinda Reynolds, 38th at 18:33; and October 21.
CROSS COUNTRY Alyssa Cantrell, 50th at 18:51. A total of GIRLS GOLF
179 runners finished the race. GIRLS TENNIS
Claremont High Schools girls varsity The boys varsity cross country team Claremont played in the Ayala Classic
cross country team finished in second took 14th place at Clovis with 350 Claremont High School Girls varsity on Monday, taking third place out of
place in the prestigious Clovis Invita- points, to finish in the middle of 25 tennis captured another win last Thurs- nineteen teams. Jett Legacion shot a 78,
tional Girls championship race on Satur- strong teams competing in the boys day, defeating Glendora High School at four over par.
day in Fresno. championship division. home, 16-2. Seniors Grace Wride and In Palomares League action on Tues-
Claremont scored 132, behind Great A.J. Reyes took 45th place to pace the Jillian Ontiveros defeated all three of day, the girls lost to first place Diamond
Oak at 102 points, but ahead of 23 other CHS varsity. Reyes clocked 15:50 over Glendoras doubles teams. Other players Bar, 189 to 221. Juliana Gomez shot par
scoring teams, including top nationally- the 5000 meter (3.1 mile) course. A total who didnt lose a set included, Goldie at 36, Maryn Santiago shot a 40, and
ranked Buchanan High School, which of 182 runners competed. Behind Reyes La, Caren Uribe, Jahday Drewery, Sally Wang shot a 45. The Pack is 6-3 in
took third with 142 points. for CHS were Vincent Huerta (54th, Emma Berens, Astrid Petropoulus, league. Steven Felschundneff
Junior Sydney Hwang led CHS with 16:00), Jeremiah Alarcon (66th, 16:07), Sharon Handoko and Rayyan Misherghi. [email protected]
her ninth-place finish at 17:35 over the Michael Carpenter (93rd, 16:23) and The match was the second meeting be-
5000-meter, 3.1-mile course. Behind Daniel Scheider (130th, 16:36). tween the two schools, both of which
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 13

Career technical education serves as pathway to a meaningful life

by Sue Keith, Citrus Community College District Board of Trustees
Fate was hired by the CPD. He later earned a bachelors

alifornia may soon find itself in the degree in criminal justice, and he has served the city of
middle of a workforce crisis. Ac-
cording to the California Commu-
nity College Task Force on Workforce, Job
nicians, manufacturing production technicians, quality con-
Claremont for the past 19 years.
Captain Fates story is like that of many career tech-
nical education students. Although the traditional view
trol technicians and environmental monitoring technicians. of CTE is that it is solely focused on occupational prepa-
Creation and a Strong Economy, the state Claremont High School and biotechnology program ration, the reality is that more and more programs are serv-
will have an estimated 1.9 million job graduate, Mikaela Gutierrez used her certificate to obtain ing as pathways to four-year colleges and universities. Stu-
a position at Eurofins Eaton Analytical in Monrovia. Orig- dents may enroll because they want to earn a certificate,
openings requiring some form of postsec- but they continue on until they receive their associate de-
inally hired as a laboratory technician, she currently works
ondary education by the year 2025. as a scientist who conducts microbiology analyses on var- gree and transfer.
With their strong career technical education (CTE) mis- ious water sources. Ms. Gutierrez said that the Citrus College biotechnology
sion, Citrus College will play a critical role in address- My favorite aspect of this job is knowing that I am program helped give her a sense of direction.
ing these labor market demands. making a positive impact on society through public Without this program, I would not have had any ex-
CTE does much more than prepare students for the health, Ms. Gutierrez said. posure to the industry and what it entails. I believe pro-
workforce. It can also serve as a pathway to a rewarding One of the greatest benefits of CTE is the impact it has grams like this really help to shape students into being
career, an advanced education and service to others. on the community. First, CTE programs provide students the best they can be, she said.
Whether a student has enrolled with the goal of earn- with income mobility. After completing their education, Captain Fate shared a similar sentiment.
ing an associate degree, plans to transfer to a four-year students return to their communities with increased wages My experiences at Citrus College and the quality of
college, or is pursuing a certificate or skill award, Citrus and purchasing power. More importantly, they also re- the faculty were both driving forces behind my desire to
College seeks to foster their professional and personal suc- turn with their newfound skills. While this enables grad- pursue a career in law enforcement, he said. As a high
cess. uates to meet labor market demands, it also empowers school student, I enrolled in a criminal justice class and
The college offers 20 CTE associate degrees, 35 cer- them to use their skills to give back to their communi- found the material so interesting that I knew I wanted to
tificates of achievement and 22 skill awards. Coursework ties. learn more. Prior to that, I hadnt given much thought to
is structured to connect with labor market demands, and In several of Citrus Colleges CTE programs, a strong a particular career path.
provides extensive hands-on experience using industry- emphasis is placed on service learning. Students in pro- As a member of the Citrus Community College Dis-
standard tools and equipment. grams such as cosmetology and dental assisting are en- trict Board of Trustees, I am proud of the fact that Cit-
This detailed approach was behind the creation of Cit- couraged to volunteer their services within the commu- rus College is highly ranked among the states 113 com-
rus Colleges biotechnology program. Introduced during nity, allowing them to practice their skills while helping munity colleges for CTE certificate and degree comple-
the fall 2015 semester, the program began as a 20-unit others. For many, this becomes a lifelong passion. tion.
career pathway, leading to a certificate of achievement Captain Aaron Fate of the Claremont Police Depart- Preparing students to enter the workforce is something
in bio manufacturing. ment (CPD) is a prime example of a successful CTE stu- the college does incredibly well. The fact that Citrus Col-
Upon completion of biotechnology coursework, stu- dent with a passion to serve others. After completing Cit- lege also prepares students to live meaningful and re-
dents are prepared for employment as biological tech- rus Colleges administration of justice program, Captain warding lives is something that warms my heart.
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 14

CALENDAR Mick Rhodes covers the calendar, arts and enter-

Your week in 9 days

To have an event listed, tainment. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday,
email Mick Rhodes at one week before publication. Please include date,
[email protected]. time, address, phone, web address, email address
and cover charge (if applicable).

urday, October 14 from 10 a.m. to 6 gis, at Shelton Park; and bluegrass from the Klein and Madeline Lablaing will provide
13 p.m., and Sunday, October 15 from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. For more information call (909)
Honeybuckets at city hall. Friday Nights
Live runs from 6 to 9 p.m. through Octo-
ber 27. More info, including future lineups,
musical entertainment. Admission at the
door is $15 (cash only), which includes ap-
petizers and refreshments. The event is
THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE is at open to persons age 50 and over. For reser-
beat for Scripps Colleges free Friday GARDEN Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gar- MINGLE, MUNCH Claremont senior vations, which are required by noon
Noon Concert Series is 12:15 p.m. at den, at 1500 N. College Ave., Claremont, social group Mingle and Munch will cel- Wednesday, October 11, call (909) 399-
Balch Auditorium, 1030 Columbia Ave., hosts Things That Go Bump in the Night ebrate Oktoberfest from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at 5488 or visit
Claremont. This weeks concert features from 5:30 to 9 p.m. The cost is $10 for adult The Garner House at Memorial Park, 840
Bachs Partita for Solo Violin in B minor, non-members ($7 for members), $6 for N. Indian Hill Blvd. Musicians Stephen NINE DAY/continues on the next page
BWV 1002 and Sonata for Solo Violin non-member students, seniors and children
in C Major, BWV 1005. The weekly con- over three ($5 for members), and free for
certs are a joint production of the Scripps kids under three. Experience the garden
and Pomona College music departments. at night and unravel the myths and mys-
Doors open at noon. Food is not permit- teries surrounding the nocturnal world, a
ted in the auditorium. More info is at press release stated. Experience live owls or (909) 607- and enjoy food trucks both nights. Live
3266. wolves will come on Friday night! More
MATERIAL GIRLS RETURN Artists info is at or (909) 625-8767.
Helen Feller and Jan Wheatcroft, aka FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE: THE FAM-
The Material Girls, are hosting a free ILY EDITION This weeks Friday Nights
opening reception today for their 10th an- Live includes local treasures Squeekin
nual exhibit of tapestry weavings, quilts, Wheels, with the sublime sibling har-
collages, handmade dolls, decorative box- monies of Marguerite Millard and her
es and other items from 4 to 8 p.m. at the brother Dave, at Laemmle plaza; Slinker
Ginger Elliott Exhibition Center at Me- at the chamber of commerce; Soulshine, led
morial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd., by guitarist/singer Stacey Rosen Sturgis and
Claremont. The show will continue Sat- her husband, drummer/singer Steve Stur-
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 15
Valley Genealogical Society hosts popu-
lar local historian Joe Blackstock, speak-
Claremont Chorale is throwing a fundrais-
er and party to celebrate the launch of its
50th season. The choirs anniversary din-
tonight. Tickets are $15 and are available
by phone at (909) 596-1266 or email
[email protected]. Mr. York is a former
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 ing on The History of Pomona Valley at ner and silent auction, which is open to the member of Rock n Roll Hall of Famers
N. College Ave., Claremont, hosts What 2 p.m. at Pomona City Library, 625 S. public, will take place from 5 to 8:30 p.m. the Byrds, as well as the Sir Douglas Quin-
to plant? What to plant? What to plant? Garey Ave., Pomona. The meeting is free at Taylor Hall, 1775 N. Indian Hill Blvd., tet and The Mamas and the Papas touring
from 10 a.m. to noon. The workshop is $15 and open to the public. Mr. Blackstock is Claremont. The event includes a buffet din- band. More info is at gelencserhousecon-
for the general public or $10 for members. the co-author of Witness to a Century, ner, a cash bar, a host of recordings of no-
Registration is limited to 20 people. As published in 1999, and writes a weekly lo- table past performances, a commemorative
we approach our pleasant fall planting sea- cal history column for The Daily Bulletin. program and a sing-along for seasoned vo-
son, do you find yourself thinking What
should I plant? a press release asked.
Would you like to attract humming-
Mr. Blackstock received his masters de-
gree in American studies at California State
University, Los Angeles. Hes worked in
calists and amateurs alike. The apex of the
evening will be 87-year-old Stuart Oskamp
sharing his unique narrative to a presenta-
birds and butterflies? Does your garden the newspaper industry for many years, re- tion of photos from the Chorales begin- long-running vintage car party known as
have clay soils or a large oak tree under tiring in 2015 as assistant city editor of The nings as the Lincoln Twenty in 1968 the Pomona Swap Meet and Classic Car
which plant after plant seems to wither Bulletin. He was also president of the board through today. Mr. Oskamp has been with Show gets going at 5 a.m., offering a one-
away? Meet with RSABG nursery and hor- of directors for the Pomona Valley chap- the Chorale since 1969. Tickets are $60 and of-a-kind experience for fans of American
ticulture staff at the Lenz Classroom for this ter of Habitat for Humanity. More info is are available at The steel and muscle. The fun happens at the
two-hour workshop. The workshop is at Chorales next performance is Christmas Pomona Fairplex, 1101 W. McKinley
scheduled one week before the launch of POMONA CHIEF INAUGURATED With the Chorale on December 2 at 7:30 Ave. Admission is $10, and kids 12 and un-
RSABGs Grow Native Nursery season The Inauguration of G. Gabrielle Starr as p.m. and December 3 at 3 p.m. at Clare- der are free. Parking will set you back $10
(October through May) so that gardeners the 10th president of Pomona College will mont United Church of Christ, 233 Harri- as well. Its a Sunday morning well spent.
will have time to allow the information to be held at 3 p.m. at Bridges Auditorium, son Ave. More info is at clare- MEDICINAL PLANT WALK Rancho
percolate before arriving the following Sat- 450 N. College Way, Claremont. The fes- Santa Ana Botanic Garden 1500 N College
urday with a list of California native tivities are free and open to the public, but SONGS OF A NEVADA YOUTH Ave, Claremont, offers a California Me-
plants to search to fit your unique garden tickets are required. To print tickets, view Singer-songwriter Jim Manley will pres- dicinal Plan Walk from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
and gardening vision. To register go to the live stream, or for more info go to ent a free 7 p.m. concert, Circle of the Sky, Join experienced herbalist William Broen or visit the Garden at More info is at Songs and Stories of a Nevada Youth, at for an interactive garden walk and pres-
1500 N. College Ave., Claremont. (909) 607-1139. Pilgrim Places Decker Hall, 660 Avery Rd., entation featuring medicinal and edible
Claremont. The Pilgrim Pickers will back plants native to California. Participants will
Mr. Manleys tunes about his experiences, learn traditional and modern plant uses and
wonders and problems of his life and the the folklore of approximately 30 species.
world around him. More info is available The cost is $25 for the general public and
via email [email protected]. $20 for members. Registration is limited
BYRD LANDS AT HOUSE CON- to 20 participants. More info is at
CERT Veteran local guitarist and song- or (909) 625-8767.
writer John York will perform in his year- NINE DAY/continues on the next page
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 16
NINE-DAY/from the previous page sical style influenced a generation of com- ing will follow the talk. More information Wilshire in Los Angeles, there is a muse-
posers. He wrote the Second Symphony in is available via email at brussat@spiritu- um boom, a press release read. How do
FREE WORKSHOP FOR YOUNG the summer of 1877. More info is available new or expanded museums reflect the
POETS Claremont Public Library, at 208 at or (909) 596-5979. broader role of museums in the 21st cen-
N. Harvard Ave., offers Unleash Your Sto- POETRY READING Claremont Village tury? Kathleen Stewart Howe will discuss
ry, a free poetry workshop for Teen Read
Week at 2 p.m. The workshop will help po-
ets learn more approaches for creating their
Green hosts its free monthly open poetry
reading from 5 to 7 p.m. at its community
building, 630 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont.
16 the present and future state of the museum.
Ms. Howe is the Sarah Rempel and Her-
bert S. Rempel Director of the Pomona Col-
own poetry and offer a chance to share their Participants are invited to come early and you stage Shakespeare outdoors? Come lege Museum of Art and professor of art his-
work with others. Poet and fiction writer sign up to read their poetry or other creative learn tricks of the directing trade with Beat- tory. She teaches courses on the history of
Guadalupe Robles, a University of La Verne work, or just listen. All types of poetry and rice Casagran, co-founder of Ophelias museums and the current critical dis-
graduate, will moderate and provide sup- prose are welcome. For information, email Jump Productions, who will share in- course around museums. She has curated
port. For more information call (909) [email protected]. sights from the theater companys recent more than 100 exhibitions, including at
621-4902 or go to FREE LATIN SOUL CONCERT The Midsummer Shakespeare Festival per- Pomona College, the Getty Villa, Santa Bar-
CSO OPENS SEASON The Claremont University of La Vernes Sundays at the formances, Hamlet and Much Ado About bara Museum of Art and the University of
Symphony Orchestra launches its 65th sea- Morgan presents the Scott Martin Latin Nothing, at the Shakespeare Clubs 2 New Mexico. More information is avail-
son at 3:30 p.m. with a free concert at Soul Band in a free 6 p.m. concert at Mor- p.m. meeting at the Joslyn Center, 660 N. able at
Pomona Colleges Bridges Hall of Music, gan Auditorium, Founders Hall. Mr. Mar- Mountain Ave., Claremont. The free lec- HOW THE STATE PERPETUATES
150 E. Fourth St. Directed by CSO Music tin is a Grammy Award-winning artist, best ture promises to be a fascinating behind- RACISM University of La Vernes Acad-
Director Robert Sage, the evening will known for his 14-plus years with the Pon- the-scenes revelation about how one com- emy Lecture Series presents The Other
showcase Robert Schumanns cello con- cho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band. He has per- pany encounters the bard, according to a Made Black: How State Actors Perpetuate
certo and one of Brahms symphonies. Not- formed internationally, including for the press release. Light refreshments will be Racist Institutions in America, a free
ed Polish cellist Marek Szpakiewicz will king of Thailand. More information is avail- served. For more information call (909) lecture starting at noon with professor of
perform the Schumann Cello Concerto in able by phone at (909) 448-4408 or email 717-1109 or email [email protected]. public administration Matthew Witt. The
A minor. Mr. Szpakiewicz is currently di- at [email protected]. open talk takes place in the universitys
rector of string studies and chamber mu- THOMAS MOORE ON AGING Presidents Dining Room. More info is at
sic at Azusa Pacific University. Yo Yo Ma
has described him as an artist whose en-
ergy, motivation, earnestness, and gen-
WITH SOUL Bestselling author Thomas
Moore will discuss his new book, Ageless
Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward
17 (909) 448-4161 or via email at aclark@lav-
erosity of spirit are evident throughout his Meaning and Joy in a free and open to the University Club of Claremont hosts an open Claremont Senior Computer Club meets
work. Schumann, who was a major in- public talk at 7 p.m. at Pilgrim Places to the public luncheon and discussion of every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Hughes
fluence in the Romantic era, wrote the piece Decker Hall, 665 Avery Rd., Claremont. The Art Museum Today and in the Fu- Community Center, 1700 Danbury Rd. The
in 1850. Johannes Brahms, one of the gi- Mr. Moore is a pioneer of the art of soul- ture, with guest speaker Kathleen Stew- long-running group meets weekly to dis-
ants of the Romantic era, produced four ful living. Since publishing Care of the art Howe, Director of the Pomona College cuss general information about computers,
symphonies in addition to his many other Soul in 1992, he has explored the soul of Museum of Art and professor of art histo- tablets and smart phones. Each meeting pro-
works for piano, chamber ensembles, relationships, everyday life, sex, religion, ry. The event starts at 11:30 a.m. at Hugh- vides an opportunity for questions to the
soloists, organ, voice and chorus. Al- ordeals, work and medicine. Now in his es Community Center, 1700 Danbury groups club experts. More information is
though born in Germany, he spent much of 70s, he explores the souls role in the Rd., Claremont. A $15 meeting fee includes at
his life in Vienna where his innovative mu- process of aging. A Q&A and book sign- a buffet lunch. From Claremont to mid- NINE DAY/continues on the next page
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 17
effort to find a solution to the dysfunctional or (909) 621-8237. mitted in the auditorium. More info is at
18 US healthcare system. FILM, PERFORMANCE Artist Naomi
Rincn-Gallardo will present a free musi-
cal performance and screening of her or (909) 607-
POLYHEDRA The Marian Miner Cook
Athenaeum at Claremont McKenna Col-
lege, 385 E. Eighth St., hosts a free 5:30
19 newest film The Formaldehyde Trip
from 7 to 9 p.m. at Pomona Colleges Stu-
dio Art Lecture Hall, 370 Columbia Ave.,
Claremont Meals on Wheels is having a
fundraising and volunteer appreciation
dinner from 4 to 10 p.m. at El Ranchero
p.m. lecture, Symmetric Polyhedra: From mont Chapter of Green Drinks International Claremont. Ms. Rincn-Gallardos films are Restaurant, 984 Foothill Blvd. Claremont.
Platon to Modern Computational Mathe- gets together for its monthly meeting from laden with psychedelic imagery, a sense of Mention the charity to your server and it
matics, with guest speaker Achill Schr- 6 to 8 p.m. at Claremont Craft Ales, 1401 conviviality and mythological symbol- will receive 25 percent of sales from take
mann. Mr. Schrmann will discuss how N. Claremont Blvd. This months theme is ism. Vocalists Danishta Rivero and San Cha out or dine in orders.
polyhedrasbeautiful geometric con- bicycles. New attendees receive a com- will also perform. Graphic content is part FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE Friday Nights
structions pondered since ancient times by plimentary beverage. All are welcome. of this event. More info is at Live features Swing Shift at Laemmle
both mathematicians and philosophers More info is at or (909) 621-8283. plaza; the Amazing Tone Benders at the
have turned over time into powerful com- NOVELIST READING Harvey Mudd GOLD LINE, METROLINK Active chamber of commerce; beloved local b-side
putational tools for the digital age. More in- Colleges Reading Series continues with Claremonts free and public monthly meet- cover masters The Dogs at Shelton Park;
formation is at Charles Yu, writer and Westworld story ed- ing takes place at 7 p.m. in the Hughes Cen- and Mikes Guitar World at city hall. Fri-
events, (909) 621-8244 or via email at itor from 6 to 8 p.m. at Drinkward Recital ters Santa Fe Room, 1700 Danbury Rd., day Nights Live runs from 6 to 9 p.m.
[email protected]. Hall, 320 E. Foothill Blvd., Claremont. Mr. Claremont. Guests Lisa Levy Buch, chief through October 27. More info, including
FIXING HEALTHCARE Southland Yu is the author of three books, including communications officer for Los Angeles future lineups, is at
Healthcare Action Group, in partnership the 2010 novel How to Live Safely in a Metro Rails Gold Line, and Colin Tudor,
with the Claremont Graduate Universitys Science Fictional Universe, which was Claremonts assistant city manager, will
School of Community and Global Health
and Organizing for Action and Southland
Healthcare Action Group, will host a
named one of the best books of the year by
Time Magazine. More info is at (909) 621-
present information on the Gold Line and
Metrolink projects. More information is
available by calling (909) 373-7907.
screening of the documentary film, Fix It: HUMANE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS mission to Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gar-
Healthcare at the Tipping Point, from 7 Scripps Colleges Humanities Institute den, 1500 N. College Ave., Claremont, is
to 9 p.m. tonight. A panel discussion fol-
lows with Bill Honigman, MD, Kaiser Per-
manente; Paula Palmer, CGU School of
presents The World at Our Doorsteps: Hu-
mane Immigrant Rights in Los Angeles,
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Garrison Theatre, 241
20 free today, and kicking things off is a fam-
ily bird walk from 8 to 9 a.m. Join Chris
Verma of Claremonts Wild Birds Unlim-
Community and Global Health; and Shana E. 10th St., Claremont. This free, open to leges free Friday Noon Concert Series gets ited for this family friendly walk along Gar-
Charles, Cal State Fullerton Department of the public talk features the executive di- started at 12:15 p.m. at Balch Auditorium, den trails. Wear comfortable walking
Health Science. Fix It was produced by rector of the Coalition for Humane Immi- 1030 Columbia Ave., Claremont. This shoes, and bring bird guides and binocu-
Richard Master, the founder and owner of grant Rights Los Angeles (CHIRLA), An- weeks concert is Pheminoise performs mu- lars if you have them. Its free, but reser-
MCS Industries, a world leader in the pic- gelica Salas, who will cover the groups on- sic by Liu and Martin with Rachel V. vations are required at
ture frame and decorative mirror business. going efforts in working toward humane Huang (Scripps faculty), violin; Cynthia R. walks, (909) 625-8767, or via email at
Mr. Masters film offers an in-depth analy- immigrant rights and policies. This program Fogg (Pomona faculty), viola; Tatiana [email protected]. Also on tap today is the
sis of rising healthcare costs from a busi- is presented in partnership with Scripps Col- Thibodeaux (Scripps staff accompanist), pi-
ness owners perspective and chronicles his NINE DAY/continues on the next page
lege Humanities Core. More info is at ano. Doors open at noon. Food is not per-
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 18
NINE-DAY/from the previous page 8:30 a.m., followed by the group garden- or at Crossroads of-
ing event. For information or to RSVP,
Gardens Fall Planting Festival, which takes email [email protected]
place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Its planting or call (909) 625-8767, extension 238.
time for California native plants and were CROSSROADS FUNDRAISER Clare-
fices, 250 W. First St., Suite 254, Claremont.
More info is at
ORCHESTRA The Claremont Concert
Orchestra is playing a free 8 p.m. show at LAEMMLES CLAREMONT 5
celebrating! a Garden press release read. mont-based charity Crossroads Women Garrison Theatre, 241 E. 10th St. Conductor THEATRE: 450 W. Second St., Clare-
Free lectures will be offered including Eth- hosts its fall fundraiser at The Claremont David Cubek will present Brahms, Aca- mont. Info: or (909) 621-
nobotanical uses of the Native Plants of Cal- School of Theologys Mudd Theater, 1339 demic Festival Overture; Ruth Crawford 5500. General admission $11; students
ifornia, with Nicholas Hummingbird N. College Ave., from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Speak- Seeger, Andante for Strings and Rissolty, with ID $8.50; children under 12 $8;
from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and How to ing at the event is Jelani Cobb, a scholar of Rossolty; and Schubert, Symphony No. 3. seniors 62+ $8; bargain price $8 on
Water Your Plants for Drought-Tolerant Es- African American history, mass incarcer- More info is at Monday through Friday for all shows
tablishment, with Carlos Ruiz from 1 to ation, race and politics. Mr. Cobb is a pro- or (909) 607-3267. prior to 6 p.m. and Saturday, Sunday
2:30 p.m. Lectures will be held in the Lenz fessor at Columbia University, and has been CELEBRATING THE MEXICAN and holidays prior to 2 p.m.
classroom. More info is at or a contributor to The New Yorker since 2012. PLAYERS The Claremont Public Li- Now playing: Blade Runner 2049;
(909) 625-8767. He was recently featured in Ava DuVer- brary and Claremont Heritage host a free The Mountain Between Us; Profes-
GREEN CREW AT CHAPARRAL nays documentary, 13th, which high- public panel discussion celebrating the lega- sor Marston and the Wonder
Sustainable Claremont hosts another free lighted the intersections of race, class and cy of the Padua Hills Theatre and the Mex- Woman; Surviving Peace; Victoria
Green Crew tree planting event from 8:30 gender in relation to mass incarceration. ican Players from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at and Abdul.
a.m. to noon at Chaparral Park, 1869 N. General admission tickets are $35; students the library, 208 N. Harvard Ave. The dis-
Mills Ave., Claremont. A short presentation and formerly incarcerated persons are Saturday morning: Die Zauberflote
cussion will feature former Mexican Play- [subtitled]; Chavela [subtitled].
and tree-planting demonstration begins at $20. Tickets are available at crossroad- ers and Padua Hills Theatre historians trac- Sunday morning: Chavela [subti-
ing the history of the theatre, the personal tled].
experiences of the performers, and the its
Monday night: Tokyo Ghoul [subti-
influence on the local community and the
greater Pomona Valley. For information call tled]; Yerma [subtitled].
(909) 621-4902 or go to Tuesday night: Haze [one day only].
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 19


Robert Smith is
designing and
THE BLACK WATCH PUB: 497 N. overseeing a mu-
Central Ave., #B, Upland. Live music at ral, an Art in the
9 p.m. Friday, Saturday and occasional Park project pre-
Sundays. No cover. Info: theblackwatch- sented by the city or (909) 981-6069. of Claremont and
Friday, October 13: Rock Circus Re- the Claremont
vival, Interpretation Disorder. Public Art Com-
Saturday, October 14: Torpedo mittee, in partner-
Coffins. ship with Clare-
Sunday, October 15: DJ Formalde- mont Museum of
heidis Open Jam, 7 p.m. Art (CMA) and
THE FOLK MUSIC CENTER: 220 the Claremont
Yale Ave., Claremont. Info: folkmusic- Unified School or (909) 624-2928. District.
Open mic night, last Sunday of every The public is
month. Sign-up at 6 p.m., performances invited to the mu-
6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. $2. ral dedication,
FLAPPERS COMEDY: 540 W. First St., which will in-
Claremont. 18 and over. Info: flapper- clude a perform- or (818) 845-9721. ance by the
Friday, October 13: John Wynn, 8 and Claremont Com-
10 p.m., $20. munity School of
Saturday, October 14: John Wynn, 7 Music and re-
and 9 p.m., $20. marks from city
Sunday, October 15: Two Milk Mini- officials, at
mum (childrens show), 4:30 p.m., $10; Wheeler Park on
L.J. Brown, 7 p.m., $20. Saturday, Octo-
Thursday, October 19: Claremont Photo by Catherine McIntosh ber 14 at 9 a.m.
Comedy Contest, 8 p.m., $20; Audi- ARTstARTer Christa Sanden works with Vista Del Valle students on a mural in Wheeler Park.
tion/open mic show, 10 p.m., free.
FOX THEATER POMONA: 301 S. Bobby B, Mirk Beniah, Young Link, THE PRESS RESTAURANT: 129 Har- Thursday, October 19: Baldy Moun-
Garey Ave., Pomona. Info: fox- Quinneth, Blake Alexander, KRIS- vard Ave., Claremont. Live music Thurs- tain Jazz Band, 8:30 p.m.; DJ Ghandy, or (909) 784-3677. MING, Jaketrill, 7 p.m., all ages, $20. day through Saturday, no cover. Info: the- 11 p.m.
Saturday, October 14: Father John Tuesday, October 17: Jr. Jr., Hembree, or (909) 625-4808. Friday, October 20: Chola Orange,
Misty, Weyes Blood, 8 p.m., all ages, 8 p.m., all ages, $18-$20. Friday, October 13: Sleep Club, 10 FeatherWolf, Umbra Vita, 10 p.m.
$45. Thursday, October 19: Snakehips, p.m. TUTTI MANGIA: 102 Harvard Ave.,
GELENCSER HOUSE CONCERTS: STWO, Yahtzel, 8 p.m., all ages, $25. Saturday, October 14: Thors Storm, Claremont. Late-night happy hour Friday
Directions given upon reservation. Info: HOTEL CASA 425: 425 W. First St., 10 p.m. and Saturday, 9 to 11 p.m. Bar menu un-
(909) 596-1266, gelencserhousecon- Claremont. Live music Wednesdays 6 to Sunday, October 15: Sunday piano til 10:30 p.m. with $2 oyster shooters and or email [email protected] 8:30 p.m., Saturdays 7 to 10 p.m. Info: with Cougar Estrada, 6 p.m.; Mutant DJ $3 caprese sliders. Info:
Saturday, October 14: John York, 7:30 or (909) 624-2272. and Videe with DJMT, 9:30 p.m. or (909) 625-4669.
p.m., all ages, $15 donation. LEWIS FAMILY PLAYHOUSE: 12505 Monday, October 16: Mixtape Mon- WALTERS RESTAURANT: 310 Yale
THE GLASS HOUSE: 200 W. Second Cultural Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga. days with DJ Rydell, 9 p.m. Ave., Claremont. Info: waltersrestau-
St., Pomona. Info: or (909) Info: or (909) Tuesday, October 17: Trivia Night, or (909) 767-2255.
865-3802. 477-2752. 9:30 p.m. Thursdays: Michael Ryan, Ken Soder-
Friday, October 13: The Father Figga Saturday, November 4: Fortunate Son: Wednesday, October 18: Joe Atman, lund, Hai Muradian.
Tour: Trinidad James with Scotty ATL, Tribute to CCR, 7 p.m., all ages, $27-$34. 9:30 p.m.
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 20
Longtime Claremont resident The Kiwanis Club of Claremont invites local resi-
honored for work at LA zoo
Longtime Claremont resident Coralie Corki Szijj
recently received a certificate of appreciation from the
the Hughes Center Padua Room, 1700 Danbury Rd.
dents who are interested in serving their community
to visit weekly meetings held every Thursday at noon
at St. Ambrose Church Fellowship Hall, 830 W.
Bonita Ave., Claremont.
Los Angeles Zoo from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. A second meeting is scheduled For additional information contact membership
and Botanical for Thursday, October 19 at the Blaisdell Center, 440 chairman Jess Swick at (909) 621-2996 or by email at
Garden for more S. College Ave. from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Both [email protected].
than 30 years of meetings are open to the public.
volunteer work. Fall information fair, flu shot
The city of Los
Angeles presented Claremont Kiwanis installs new clinic at Taylor Hall
the distinction to officers, directors Get healthy at the fall information fair and flu shot
Ms. Szijj for her The Kiwanis Club of Claremont celebrated their clinic. This event will feature a wide variety of infor-
30 years of serv- 94th installation of officers and directors earlier this mation booths, service providers and health screen-
ing as a docent at month at an awards dinner. ings. Free flu shots will also be offered in partnership
the zoo. She was Leading the club this year as president will be Ful- with the Los Angeles County Department of Public
co-chairman of ton Eaglin. Serving as officers will be Jim Wylie, sec- Health.
youth workshops, retary; Mike Rodriguez, treasurer; president-elect The fair and flu shot clinic is open to the public and
and helped to Penny Myrdal; first vice president Raul Rodriguez; there is no charge for admission. It will be held at
launch the zoos and immediate past president Sue Keith. Taylor Hall (1775 N. Indian Hill Blvd.) on Wednes-
sunset safaris and Elected as directors were Tom Andersen, Mike day, October 18 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more infor-
sleep overs. Conley, Jennifer Field, Tressa Kentner, Pat Lee, Bar- mation, call (909) 399-5488.
As a volunteer zoo keeper, Ms. Szijj worked in the bara Rugeley and John Thompson. Kiwanis Club
elephant barn when Billy, the zoos star elephant, first Member of the Year Awards were presented to Pat
arrived as a four-year-old. She also worked in the Lee and John Thompson.
zoos research department, and was very involved in
chimpanzee research, as well as implementing an in-
tegrated pest management program for yellow jack-
ets, which are a constant problem at zoos.
I have loved my time at the zoo, and will continue
to volunteer as long as I can, Ms. Szijj said.

CHS choir invites locals to

uplifting music revue
The Claremont High School Choir Department an-
nounces their upcoming Choral Pop show, Dance to
the Music. Listen to all four Claremont High School
choirs sing and dance to popular hits from all differ-
ent time periods.
Come to this uplifting, entertaining event at Clare-
mont High School on October 19 at 7 p.m., October
20 at 7 p.m. and October 21 at 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
For more information, contact Joel Wilson at (909)
624-9053 ext. 30462 or visit the website at for tickets and information.

Humane Society launch door-

to-door pet license check
Employees from the Inland Valley Humane Society
(IVHS) will begin conducting neighborhood can-
vasses in the next two weeks, according to the Clare-
mont Police Department.
The employees, who will have an identification
badge and IVHS paperwork, will be insuring compli-
ance with the citys dog licensing requirements. Less
than one percent of the animals that are rescued from
the streets and temporarily placed into IVHS animal
shelters have some form of ID on them. The Humane
Society can look up license information in the com-
puter and determine contact information for the
owner including address, phone number and whether
the dog has a current rabies vaccination. Licensing
pets is mandatory by law for all dogs over four
months in the state of California.
More information can be obtained at the IVHS

Community presentation offers

plans, feedback on proposed
new police station
To see the design of the proposed new police sta-
tion and offer feedback on funding and future plans,
residents may attend two community presentations
with the Claremont Police Department.
The first is scheduled for Monday, October 16 at
Claremont COURIER/Friday, October 13, 2017 21

CANDLELIGHT PAVILION: 455 W. Foothill Blvd.,
Claremont. Info: or (909)
Through Saturday, October 14: My Way: A Musi-
cal Tribute to Frank Sinatra. Admission (including
Call Rachel at (909) 621-4761 to place your ad. dinner) is $58-$73.
Friday, October 20: 9 to 5. Admission (including
dinner) is $58-$73. A $25 show only preview takes
place Friday, October 20.
1601 N. Indian Hill Blvd.. Info: chstheatre.cusd.clare- or (909) 624-9053, ext. 30463.
Friday, October 27: Comedysportz, 7:02 p.m.
Friday, November 3: Comedysportz, 7:02 p.m.
Tuesday, November 14: F.O.O.T. Auction, featur-
ing selections from A Chorus Line, 7 p.m. Repeats
Wednesday, November 15.
Candlelight Pavilion, 455 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont.
Info: or (909) 859-4878.
Wednesday, October 25: Steel Magnolias, 7:30 p.m.,
$27. Repeats at various times through November 8.
Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga. Info: lewisfamily- or (909) 477-2752.
Saturday, October 14: Roald Dahls The Witches,
4 p.m., all ages, $16-$18. Through Sunday, October
OPHELIAS JUMP: 2114 Porterfield Way, Upland.
Saturday, October 21: The Blankety Blank presents
Paranormal High, 8 p.m.

COURIER CROSSWORD Puzzle 440 by Myles Mellor

Across 68. Former White House inits.
1. __ for Silence (Grafton book) 69. In an unfeeling way
4. ___ ... I Said (Neil Diamond) 70. Uh-uh
7. Timber source 71. Now I see!
14. Compass point
15. Government security agency, abbr. Down
16. Epicure 1. Rebuffs rudely
17. Wire service (abbr.) 2. Opinion
18. Synonyn collections 3. View from the Latin Quarter
20. Novel by Bradley Rosen, set in 4. With correct rhythm
Claremont, 2 words 5. Tennis great, Arthur
22. Water vapor 6. Conductors
23. Quite a load 7. Con
24. Benchmark, abbr. 8. Music category
26. Traverse once more 9. Projects
29. Biped mountain legend 10. Reliable
32. Energy output units 11. Classified abbr.
35. Imply 12. Wide foot size
37. Soup container 13. Venusians, e.g.
38. Chaste 19. Eating utensil
40. Inside 21. Limestone terrain
42. Parisian water 25. Rot
43. Infatuated with 27. Boys Dont Cry actress Sevigny
47. Dermic and chondria preceder 46. Provenal
28. Peter, Paul or Mary 49. Tom Cruises classic movie
48. Roasting rod 30. Cover
50. Magnetic or lyte 51. Carpenters tool
31. Prefix with China 53. Pop musics ___ Vanilli
52. Suris father 32. Times to call, in classifieds
54. Footballs flight 56. Buckwheat groats
33. Take in 57. Money in electronic form
55. Teed off 34. Astronauts wear
59. Senior community in Claremont 58. River feature
36. Nashvilles state 60. Recline
62. Cavemen 39. Top grades
65. Erie Canal mule 61. Plateau
41. Fingerprint pattern 62. Trademarks, abbr.
66. Lower or hindmost part of the 44. June celebration
brain 63. Like Gen. Powell
45. Towel material 64. Deep Space Nine role
67. Smart - whip connector Answers to last weeks puzzle #439
LEGAL TENDER [email protected] 909.621.4761 Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Friday, October 13, 2017 22
T.S. No.: 2014-06514-CA A.P.N.:5011-003-001 Prop- PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLARE- file written objections with the court before the hearing.
erty Address: 4021 Kenway Avenue, Los Angeles, CA THE SUMMARY OF INFORMATION RE- MONT, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFI- Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT TO 7.0 claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal rep-

resentative appointed by the court within the later of ei-
ther (1) four months from the date of first issuance of
letters to a general personal representative, as defined in
section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60
days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to

TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE TACT A LAWYER. Trustor: Derick P Williams, A Mar- WITH STATE LAW sult with an attorney knowledgeable in California
SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EX- ried Man As His Sole And Separate Property Duly Ap- The proposed ordinance makes the following changes to law.
PLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO- pointed Trustee: Western Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust the Claremont Municipal Code: YOU MAY EXAMINE THE FILE KEPT BY THE
CEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- Recorded 07/28/2006 as Instrument No. 06 1677035 in Amends the Official Zoning Map of the City of Clare- COURT. If you are a person interested in the estate, you
TACT A LAWYER. Trustor: CURTIS SIMPSON, A book ---, page--- and of Official Records in the office of mont to apply the High Density Residential (HDR) may file with the court a Request for Special Notice
WIDOWER Duly Appointed Trustee: Western Pro- the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Overlay District to 7.0 acres of the property located at (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal
gressive, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded 03/31/2005 as In- Sale: 11/09/2017 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND 1550 North Indian Hill Boulevard for the implemen- of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided
strument No. 05 0739762 in book ---, page--- and of Of- THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER tation of the 2014-2021 Housing Element; in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special
ficial Records in the office of the Recorder of Los An- PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, Amends Title 16 of the Claremont Municipal Code to Notice form is available from the court clerk.
geles County, California, Date of Sale: 11/13/2017 at 11:00 CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance, rea- adopt permitted uses in the Institutional Zoning Dis- Attorney for Petitioner:
We can post your
L.A. County legal
Call Vickie 621- 4761

AM Place of Sale: BEHIND THE FOUNTAIN LO- sonably estimated costs and other charges: $ 906,803.95 trict; and Damian G. Garcia SBN: 244864
CATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 400 CIVIC NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE THE TRUSTEE Amends the definitions for Transitional Housing and Banks, Garcia and Janis, Attorneys,
CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, CA 91766 Estimated WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Supportive Housing to be compliant with State law. 10788 Civic Center Drive,
amount of unpaid balance, reasonably estimated costs and BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIERS CHECK DRAWN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730,
other charges: $ 1,002,911.50 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S ON A STATE OR NATIONAL BANK, A CHECK COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ss. Ph.# 909-980-0677,
AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR I, Shelley Desautels, City Clerk of the City of Claremont,
TIONAL BANK, A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR SAVINGS ASSOCIATION OR SAVINGS BANK tify that the foregoing Ordinance No 2017-07 was in- (Division 6 of the Commercial Code)
FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5102 OF THE FINANCIAL troduced at a regular meeting of said council held on the Escrow No. 35521-MW
BY A STATE OR FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN CODE AND AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN 26th day of September 2017, that it was regularly (1) Notice is hereby given to creditors of the within
ASSOCIATION, A SAVINGS ASSOCIATION OR THIS STATE: All right, title, and interest conveyed to and passed and adopted by said city council, signed by the may- named Seller(s) that a bulk sale is about to be made
SAVINGS BANK SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5102 OF now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described prop- or, and attested by the city clerk of said city, all at a reg- on personal property hereinafter described
THE FINANCIAL CODE AND AUTHORIZED TO DO erty under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described as: ular meeting of said council held on the 10th day of Oc- (2) The name and business addresses of the seller
BUSINESS IN THIS STATE: All right, title, and inter- More fully described in said Deed of Trust. Street Address tober, 2017, and that the same was passed and adopted are: SENG SIM, 408 S. MYRTLE AVE, MON-
est conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the here- or other common designation of real property: 1419 South by the following vote: ROVIA, CA 91016
inafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed Curson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019 A.P.N.: 5069- AYES: Councilmembers: Calaycay, Lyons, Nasiali, (3) The location in California of the chief executive
of Trust described as: More fully described in said Deed 019-006 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liabili- Pedroza, Schroeder office of the Seller is: 993 MALAKOFF ROAD,
of Trust. Street Address or other common designation of ty for any incorrectness of the street address or other com- NOES: Councilmembers: None SAN DIMAS, CA 91773
real property: 4021 Kenway Avenue, Los Angeles, CA mon designation, if any, shown above. The sale will be ABSENT: Councilmembers: None (4) The names and business address of the Buyer(s)
90008 A.P.N.: 5011-003-001 The undersigned Trustee dis- made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or im- ABSTAINED: Councilmembers: None are: BALAJI RAMASAMY AND USHA DEVI
claims any liability for any incorrectness of the street ad- plied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay
dress or other common designation, if any, shown the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the
above. The sale will be made, but without covenant or war- Deed of Trust with interest thereon, as provided in said
(5) The location and general description of the as-
ranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, __________________________________ sets to be sold are: FURNITURE, FIXTURES AND
or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts City Clerk of the City of Claremont EQUIPMENT of that certain business located at:
the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with interest there- created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the un- PUBLISH: October 13, 2017 408 S. MYRTLE AVE, MONROVIA, CA 91016
on, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms paid balance of the obligation secured by the property to
(6) The business name used by the seller(s) at said
of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and ad-
vances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME location is: COLD STONE CREAMERY #22514
Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust.
of Sale is: $ 906,803.95. Note: Because the Beneficiary File No. 2017271665 AKA: SENG SIM COLD STONE CREAMERY
The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation
reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it The following person(s) is (are) doing business as (7) The anticipated date of the bulk sale is OCTO-
secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated
costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial pub- is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may SCRAP THE CRAP, 785 Occidental Drive, Clare- BER 31, 2017 at the office of: ADVANTAGE ONE
lication of the Notice of Sale is: $ 1,002,911.50. Note: Be- be less than the total debt. If the Trustee is unable to con- mont, CA 91711. Registrant(s): Benjamin Cello, 785 ESCROW, 7777 CENTER AVE #350 HUNTING-
cause the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than vey title for any reason, the successful bidders sole and Occidental Drive, Claremont, CA 91711. TON BEACH, CA 92647, Escrow No. 35521-MW,
the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant Escrow Officer: MARILYN WESTMORELAND
sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt. If the to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no has not yet commenced to transact business under the (8) Claims may be filed with: ADVANTAGE ONE
Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the suc- further recourse. The beneficiary of the Deed of Trust fictitious business name or names listed herein. I declare ESCROW, 7777 CENTER AVE #350 HUNTING-
cessful bidders sole and exclusive remedy shall be the has executed and delivered to the undersigned a written that all information in this statement is true and correct. TON BEACH, CA 92647, Escrow No. 35521-MW,
/s/ Benjamin Cello Title: Owner Escrow Officer: MARILYN WESTMORELAND

return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful request to commence foreclosure, and the undersigned
bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary caused a Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be record- This statement was filed with the Registrar- (9) The last day for filing claims is: OCTOBER 30,
of the Deed of Trust has executed and delivered to the un- ed in the county where the real property is located. NO- Recorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 2017.
dersigned a written request to commence foreclosure, and TICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE TO PO- 09/21/17. NOTICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) (10) This Bulk Sale is subject to California Uniform
the undersigned caused a Notice of Default and Election TENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding of section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally Commercial Code Section 6106.2.
to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real prop- on this property lien, you should understand that there are expires at the end of five (5) years from the date on (11) As listed by the Seller, all other business names
erty is located. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NO- risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, ex- and addresses used by the Seller within three years
TICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are con- bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the cept, as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, before the date such list was sent or delivered to the
sidering bidding on this property lien, you should un- highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically en- where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set Buyer are: NONE.
derstand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee title you to free and clear ownership of the property. You forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other Dated: OCTOBER 6, 2017
auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the prop- should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may than a change in the residence address of a registered SELLER: SENG SIM
erty itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auc- owner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must BUYER: BALAJI RAMASAMY AND USHA
not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership tion, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens be filed before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, DEVI NATARAJAN
of the property. You should also be aware that the lien be- senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can re- the Fictitious Business Name Statement must be ac- LA1898365-C CLAREMONT COURIER 10/13/17
ing auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the high- ceive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to in- companied by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing
est bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible vestigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned liens that may exist on this property by contacting the coun- this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of CHANGE OF NAME
off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You ty recorders office or a title insurance company, either the rights of another under federal, state, or common law CASE NUMBER: KS021026
are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property consult either of these resources, you should be aware that Code). PUBLISH: October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, Petitioner: LINDA JACQUELINE ZYCH on behalf
by contacting the county recorders office or a title in- the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed 2017 of JACK ADAM ZYCH
surance company, either of which may charge you a fee of trust on this property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names
for this information. If you consult either of these resources, OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may
you should be aware that the same lender may hold more be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, ben- ESTATE OF ANITA ESPINOZA Present name:
than one mortgage or deed of trust on this property. NO- eficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of CASE NO. 17STPB08766 JACK ADAM ZYCH

TICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date the California Civil Code. The law requires that information
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, to Proposed name:
shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more about trustee sale postponements be made available to you
and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will JACK ADAM KATANA
times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the
or estate, or both, of ANITA ESPINOZA: THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this
pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated be-
The law requires that information about trustee sale post- postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and
DAVID R. ESPINOZA in the Superior Court of Cali- low to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of
ponements be made available to you and to the public, date for the sale of this property, you may call (866)-960-
fornia, County of Los Angeles. name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the
as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish 8299 or visit this Internet Web site http://www.alti-
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that DAVID name changes described above must file a written objec-
to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and,
R. ESPINOZA be appointed as personal representative tion that includes the reasons for the objection at least two
if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale eServices.aspx using the file number assigned to this case
to administer the estate of the decedent. court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
of this property, you may call (866)-960-8299 or visit this 2017-01262-CA. Information about postponements that
THE PETITION requests the decedents will and codi- must appear at the hearing to show cause why the peti-
Internet Web site are very short in duration or that occur close in time to
cils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any cod- tion should not be granted. If no written objection is time-
Services/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx us- the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in
icils are available for examination in the file kept by the ly filed, the court may grant the petition without a hear-
ing the file number assigned to this case 2014-06514-CA. the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The
court. ing.
Information about postponements that are very short in best way to verify postponement information is to attend
The PETITION requests authority to administer the es- NOTICE OF HEARING
duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale the scheduled sale. Western Progressive, LLC, as
tate under the Independent Administration of Estates Date: November 7, 2017 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: J
may not immediately be reflected in the telephone in- Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Palma Drive, Suite
Act. (This authority will allow the personal representa- Room: Floor
formation or on the Internet Web site. The best way to ver- 237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale Information Line: (866)
tive to take many actions without obtaining court ap- Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles,
ify postponement information is to attend the scheduled 960-8299
proval. Before taking certain very important actions, 400 Civic Center Plaza,
sale. Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee for ben- vices/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx Date:
however, the personal representative will be required to Pomona, CA 91766,
eficiary C/o 1500 Palma Drive, Suite 237 Ventura, CA September 27, 2017 give notice to interested persons unless they have waived Branch: Pomona
93003 Sale Information Line: (866) 960-8299 ___________________________________ notice or consented to the proposed action.) The inde- A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published Trustee Sale Assistant pendent administration authority will be granted unless at least once each week for four successive weeks prior
Management/TrusteeServices.aspx Date: September 28, WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACT- an interested person files an objection to the petition and to the date set for hearing on the petition in the follow-
2017 ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO shows good cause why the court should not grant the ing newspaper of general circulation, printed in this coun-
___________________________________ COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB- authority. ty:
WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACT- PUBLISH: October 13, 20, and 27, 2017 IN THIS COURT AS FOLLOWS: 114 Olive Street,
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO Date: October 30, 2017 Time: 8:30 A.M. in Dept. 99 Claremont, CA 91711
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB- SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2017-07 Room: located at: /s/ Dan T. Oki Dated: September 13, 2017
TAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. INTRODUCED AT THE REGULAR CITY Superior Court Of California, Judge of the Superior Court
PUBLISH: October 13, 20, and 27, 2017 COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2017 County Of Los Angeles, Petitioner:
AND ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR CITY 111 North Hill Street, Linda Jacqueline Zych on behalf of Jack Adam Zych,
T.S. No.: 2017-01262-CA A.P.N.:5069-019-006 Prop- COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 10, 2017 Los Angeles, CA 90012, 615 Remuda Dr.,
erty Address: 1419 South Curson Avenue, Los Ange- (Full texts of these ordinances are Stanley Mosk Courthouse Glendora, CA 91740,
les, CA 90019 on file in the office of the City Clerk) IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you Ph.# (626) 377-7443
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE SUMMARY OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF should appear at the hearing and state your objections or PUBLISH: September 29, October 6, 13 and 20, 2017
LEGAL TENDER [email protected] 909.621.4761 Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Friday, October 13, 2017 23
T.S. No.: 2015-04941-CA A.P.N.:8317-031-018 Property Address: 830 E La Verne Ave, Pomona, the Deed of Trust has executed and delivered to the undersigned a written request to commence TION REFERRED TO BELOW IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE RECORDED COPY
CA 91767 foreclosure, and the undersigned caused a Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be record- OF THIS DOCUMENT BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE
TION REFERRED TO BELOW IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE RECORDED COPY should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bid- DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 05/14/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE AC-
ding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not au-
NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT- tomatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware thatNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,
the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you
UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/27/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before MOISELLE, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS Duly Appointed Trustee:
TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EX- you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, pri-Western Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded 05/22/2007 as Instrument No.
PLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD 20071239212 in book ---, page--- and further modified by that certain Loan Modification
ority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorders
CONTACT A LAWYER. Trustor: Guillermo Casas, A SINGLE MAN Duly Appointed Trustee: office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. Agreement recorded on 05/20/2011 as Instrument Number 20110713980 of Official Records
Western Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded 12/04/2006 as Instrument No. 20062679559 If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale: 11/09/2017 at
in book ---, page--- and of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles Coun- than one mortgage or deed of trust on this property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER
ty, California, Date of Sale: 11/09/2017 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND THE FOUN- sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid
TAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law balance, reasonably estimated costs and other charges: $ 1,115,565.83 NOTICE OF
POMONA, CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance, reasonably estimated costs and oth- requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the TRUSTEE'S SALE THE TRUSTEE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST
public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date
PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIERS CHECK DRAWN has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this prop- BANK, A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, OR A CHECK
CREDIT UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL SAVINGS AND gageServices/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx using the file number assigned to this INGS ASSOCIATION OR SAVINGS BANK SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5102 OF THE FI-
LOAN ASSOCIATION, A SAVINGS ASSOCIATION OR SAVINGS BANK SPECIFIED IN case 2016-03855-CA. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that NANCIAL CODE AND AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN THIS STATE: All right, title,
SECTION 5102 OF THE FINANCIAL CODE AND AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone in- and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under
THIS STATE: All right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the here- formation or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described as: More fully described in said Deed of Trust. Street
inafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described as: More fully de- attend the scheduled sale. Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Address or other common designation of real property: 4454 Park Arroyo 71, Calabasas, CA
scribed in said Deed of Trust. Street Address or other common designation of real property: 830 Palma Drive, Suite 237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale Information Line: (866) 960-8299 91302 A.P.N.: 2068-029-083 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incor-
E La Verne Ave, Pomona, CA 91767 A.P.N.: 8317-031-018 The undersigned Trustee disclaims Date: rectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. The sale will
any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown September 26, 2017 be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or
above. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regard- ___________________________________ encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust
ing title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured Trustee Sale Assistant with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of
by the Deed of Trust with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust.
of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and
Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the proper- FOR THAT PURPOSE. PUBLISH: October 13, 20, and 27, 2017 reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the
ty to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial pub- Notice of Sale is: $ 1,115,565.83. Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less
lication of the Notice of Sale is: $ 309,928.27. Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right T.S. No.: 2016-00525-CA A.P.N.:6015-012-018 Property Address: 1715 West 66th Street, Los than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less
to bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may Angeles, CA 90047 than the total debt. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bid-
be less than the total debt. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ders sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the
bidders sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), THE SUMMARY OF INFORMA- successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary of the Deed of Trust has
the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary of the Deed of Trust TION REFERRED TO BELOW IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE RECORDED COPY executed and delivered to the undersigned a written request to commence foreclosure, and the
has executed and delivered to the undersigned a written request to commence foreclosure, and OF THIS DOCUMENT BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR. undersigned caused a Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where
the undersigned caused a Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT- the real property is located. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE TO POTENTIAL
the real property is located. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE TO POTENTIAL TACHED IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that
BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 10/19/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the
are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the prop- TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EX- property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to
erty itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free PLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned
and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off CONTACT A LAWYER. Trustor: Roosevelt S. White and Wilma White, husband and wife off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be respon-
may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible as Joint Tenants Duly Appointed Trustee: Western Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust Record- sible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear
for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title ed 10/30/2006 as Instrument No. 06 2395514 in book ---, page--- and of Official Records in the title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of out-
to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstand- office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale: 11/09/2017 at 11:00 AM standing liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorders office or a
ing liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorders office or a title in- Place of Sale: BEHIND THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 400 title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you con-
surance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult ei- CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance, rea- sult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one
ther of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mort- sonably estimated costs and other charges: $ 454,520.94 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE mortgage or deed of trust on this property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date
gage or deed of trust on this property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown THE TRUSTEE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, benefici-
on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, CASHIERS CHECK DRAWN ON A STATE OR NATIONAL BANK, A CHECK DRAWN ary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires
or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that infor- BY A STATE OR FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public,
mation about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a cour- FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A SAVINGS ASSOCIATION OR SAV- as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been
tesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been post- INGS BANK SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5102 OF THE FINANCIAL CODE AND AU- postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may
poned, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may THORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN THIS STATE: All right, title, and interest conveyed to and call (866)-960-8299 or visit this Internet Web site
call (866)-960-8299 or visit this Internet Web site now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of vices/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx using the file number assigned to this case
vices/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx using the file number assigned to this case 2015- Trust described as: More fully described in said Deed of Trust. Street Address or other common 2014-06293-CA. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur
04941-CA. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close designation of real property: 1715 West 66th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047 A.P.N.: 6015-012- close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone informa-
in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or 018 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address tion or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend
on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the sched- or other common designation, if any, shown above. The sale will be made, but without covenant the scheduled sale. Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Palma
uled sale. Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Palma Drive, Suite or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the re- Drive, Suite 237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale Information Line: (866) 960-8299
237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale Information Line: (866) 960-8299 maining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with interest thereon, as pro- Date: September
gageServices/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx Date: September 26, 2017 vided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses 25, 2017
___________________________________ of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid ___________________________________
Trustee Sale Assistant balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, ex- Trustee Sale Assistant
WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- penses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $ 454,520.94. WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is pos- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED
FOR THAT PURPOSE. PUBLISH: October 13, 20, and 27, 2017 sible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt. If the Trustee FOR THAT PURPOSE. PUBLISH: October 13, 20, and 27, 2017
is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidders sole and exclusive remedy
T.S. No.: 2016-03855-CA A.P.N.:2257-020-190 Property Address: 5460 White Oak Avenue shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no
C-319, ENCINO, CA 91316 further recourse. The beneficiary of the Deed of Trust has executed and delivered to the un-
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE dersigned a written request to commence foreclosure, and the undersigned caused a Notice of
PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), THE SUMMARY OF INFORMA- Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NO-
OF THIS DOCUMENT BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR. ering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bid-
NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT- ding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the high-
TACHED IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT est bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the
UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 02/03/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you
TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EX- are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens sen-
PLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD ior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are en-
CONTACT A LAWYER. Trustor: Andrea Lyn Lahti, A Single Woman Duly Appointed Trustee: couraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this
Western Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded 02/15/2006 as Instrument No. 06 0346878 property by contacting the county recorders office or a title insurance company, either of which
in book ---, page--- and of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles Coun- may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should
ty, California, Date of Sale: 11/08/2017 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND THE FOUN- be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on this prop-
TAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, erty. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be
POMONA, CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance, reasonably estimated costs and oth- postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Sec-
er charges: $ 173,728.32 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE THE TRUSTEE WILL SELL AT tion 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale post-
PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIERS CHECK DRAWN ponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the
ON A STATE OR NATIONAL BANK, A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the resched-
CREDIT UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL SAVINGS AND uled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (866)-960-8299 or visit this Inter-
SECTION 5102 OF THE FINANCIAL CODE AND AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN vices.aspx using the file number assigned to this case 2016-00525-CA. Information about post-
THIS STATE: All right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the here- ponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may
inafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described as: More fully de- not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best
scribed in said Deed of Trust. Street Address or other common designation of real property: 5460 way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Western Progressive,
White Oak Avenue C-319, ENCINO, CA 91316 A.P.N.: 2257-020-190 The undersigned Trustee LLC, as Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Palma Drive, Suite 237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale
disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, Information Line: (866) 960-8299
if any, shown above. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or im- Management/TrusteeServices.aspx Date: September 25, 2017
plied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the ___________________________________
note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, Trustee Sale Assistant
under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED
by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of FOR THAT PURPOSE. PUBLISH: October 13, 20, and 27, 2017
the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $ 173,728.32. Note: Because the Beneficiary re-
serves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the T.S. No.: 2014-06293-CA A.P.N.:2068-029-083 Property Address: 4454 Park Arroyo 71,
opening bid may be less than the total debt. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any rea- Calabasas, CA 91302
son, the successful bidders sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE
to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary of PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), THE SUMMARY OF INFORMA-
LEGAL TENDER [email protected] 909.621.4761 Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Friday, October 13, 2017 24
records of the Office of the Assessor (Assessor) pertain- DRO HERNANDEZ, WIFE AND HUSBAND AS suant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The NATION RECORDED 11/04/1953 NO. 2463 IN THE
County of Los Angeles ing to improvement of the property. JOINT TENANTS Duly Appointed Trustee: Western law requires that information about trustee sale post- OFFICE OF SAID LOS ANGELES CO. CA. APN 8669-
Department of the Treasurer Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded 08/16/2007 ponements be made available to you and to the public, as 011-007 and 8669-011-008. The street address and oth-
and Tax Collector If the TTC sells a property, parties of interest, as defined as Instrument No. 20071921810 in book ---, page--- and a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to er common designation, if any, of the real property de-
by R&TC Section 4675, have a right to file a claim with further modified by that certain Loan Modification learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if scribed above is purported to be: 620 East Baseline Road,
Notice of Divided Publication the County for any proceeds from the sale, which are in Agreement recorded on 03/15/2013 as Instrument applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of Claremont, CA 91711. The undersigned Trustee disclaims
excess of the liens and costs required to be paid from the Number 20130392931 of Official Records in the office this property, you may call (866)-960-8299 or visit this In-any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and
Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) Sec- proceeds. If there are any excess proceeds after the ap- of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date ternet Web site other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale
tions 3702, 3381, and 3382, the Los Angeles County plication of the minimum bid, the TTC will send notice of Sale: 10/25/2017 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND Services/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx using will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed
Treasurer and Tax Collector is publishing in divided dis- to all parties of interest, pursuant to law. THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER the file number assigned to this case 2014-01098-CA. In- or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances,
tribution, the Notice of Sale of Tax-Defaulted Property PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, formation about postponements that are very short in du- to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured
Subject to the Tax Collector's Power to Sell in and for the Please direct requests for information concerning re- CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance, reason- ration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale mayby said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provid-
County of Los Angeles, State of California, to various demption of tax-defaulted property to Joseph Kelly, ably estimated costs and other charges: $ 758,696.72 NO- not immediately be reflected in the telephone information ed in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of said
newspapers of general circulation published in the Treasurer and Tax Collector, at 225 North Hill Street, TICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE THE TRUSTEE WILL or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify post- Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee
County. A portion of the list appears in each of such Room 130, Los Angeles, California 90012. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER ponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. West- and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total
newspapers. FOR CASH, CASHIERS CHECK DRAWN ON A ern Progressive, LLC, as Trustee for beneficiary C/o amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured
The Assessor's Identification Number (AIN) in this pub- STATE OR NATIONAL BANK, A CHECK DRAWN 1500 Palma Drive, Suite 237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs,
Notice of Public Auction lication refers to the Assessor's Map Book, the Map BY A STATE OR FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, OR A Information Line: (866) 960-8299 http://www.alti- expenses and advances at the time of the initial publica-
of Tax-Defaulted Property Subject to the Page, and the individual Parcel Number on the Map CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL SAV- tion of the Notice of Sale is: $460,996.01. If the Trustee
Tax Collector's Power to Sell (Sale No. 2017A) Page. If a change in the AIN occurred, the publication INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A SAVINGS AS- eServices.aspx Date: September 14, 2017 is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bid-
will show both prior and current AINs. An explanation SOCIATION OR SAVINGS BANK SPECIFIED IN ___________________________________ der's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of
Whereas, on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, the Board of of the parcel numbering system and the referenced maps SECTION 5102 OF THE FINANCIAL CODE AND AU- Trustee Sale Assistant monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall
Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, State of are available at the Office of the Assessor located at 500 THORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN THIS STATE: All WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACT- have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed
California, directed me, JOSEPH KELLY, Treasurer West Temple Street, Room 225, Los Angeles, California right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the under-
and Tax Collector, to sell at public auction certain tax- 90012. trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pur- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB- signed a written Declaration of Default and Demand for
defaulted properties. suant to a Deed of Trust described as: More fully described TAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Sale, and written Notice of Default and Election to Sell.
Should you require a copy of the list explaining the ab- in said Deed of Trust. Street Address or other common des- PUBLISH: September 29 and October 6 and 13, 2017 The undersigned caused a Notice of Default and Election
I hereby give public notice, that unless said properties breviations used in this publication, please visit the TTC, ignation of real property: 1664 Fruitvale Avenue, South to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real prop-
are redeemed, prior to the close of business on the last at 225 North Hill Street, Room 130, Los Angeles, Cali- El Monte, CA 91733 A.P.N.: 8113-007-009 The under-
business day prior to the first day of the public auction, fornia 90012, or call 1(213) 974-2045. signed Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustee Sale No. erty is located. Dated: 9/11/2017 THE MORTGAGE
or Friday, October 20, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), of the street address or other common designation, if any, 124570 Title No. 150295855 NOTE: THERE IS A SUM- LAW FIRM, PLC Adriana Durham/Authorized Signa-
I will offer for sale and sell said properties on Monday, I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is shown above. The sale will be made, but without MARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCU- ture 41689 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NORTH, STE. 228,
October 23, 2017, beginning at 9:00 a.m. (Pacific Time), true and correct. Executed at Los Angeles, California, on covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding ti- MENT ATTACHED. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER TEMECULA, CA 92590 (619) 465-8200. FOR
to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check in law- September 15, 2017. tle, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining prin- A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 09/22/2006. UNLESS TRUSTEE'S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL
ful money of the United States, for not less than the min- cipal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP- (800) 280-2832. The Mortgage Law Firm, PLC. may be
imum bid, at the Fairplex, Los Angeles County interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, un- ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained may
Fairgrounds, 1101 West McKinley Avenue, Building 6, der the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and ex- YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE be used for that purpose. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BID-
Pomona, California. I will re-offer any properties that penses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU DERS: If you are considering bidding on this property
did not sell, for a reduced minimum bid, on Tuesday, of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the ob- SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 10/26/2017 at lien, you should understand that there are risks involved
October 24, 2017. JOSEPH KELLY ligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable 9:00 AM, The Mortgage Law Firm, PLC, as duly ap- in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a
Treasurer and Tax Collector estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the pointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust record- lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at
The minimum bid for each parcel is the total amount County of Los Angeles initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $ 758,696.72. ed 10/02/2006, as Instrument No. 06 2187746, in book a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free
necessary to redeem, plus costs, as required by R&TC State of California Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less xx, page xx, of Official Records in the office of the Coun- and clear ownership of the property. You should also be
Section 3698.5. than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of ty Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior
The real property that is subject to this notice is situated the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt. executed by Dina M. Kessler, A Married Woman as Her lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are
If a property does not sell at the public auction, the right in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, Sole and Separate Property, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the
of redemption will revive and remain until Friday, De- described as follows: the successful bidders sole and exclusive remedy shall AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear ti-
cember 1, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time). be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the suc- CASHIER'S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other tle to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the
PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX-DE- cessful bidder shall have no further recourse. The ben- form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may
Beginning Saturday, December 2, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. FAULTED PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE POWER eficiary of the Deed of Trust has executed and delivered of sale in lawful money of the United States), Doubletree exist on this property by contacting the county recorder's
(Pacific Time), through Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at OF SALE (SALE NO. 2017A) to the undersigned a written request to commence fore- Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 Sycamore Drive, Nor- office or a title insurance company, either of which may
10:00 a.m. (Pacific Time), I will re-offer for sale any 3381 AIN 8381-003-022 RICKARDS,SUZANNE J closure, and the undersigned caused a Notice of Default walk, CA 90650 - Vineyard Ballroom. All right, title and charge you a fee for this information. If you consult ei-
unimproved properties that did not sell or were not re- LOCATION COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed ther of these resources, you should be aware that the same
deemed prior to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), on Friday, De- $52,991.00 real property is located. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S of Trust in the property situated in said County and State, lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust
cember 1, 2017, at online auction at www.bid4assests CN941706 515 Sep 29, Oct 6,13, 2017 SALE NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you described as: PARCEL 1: LOT 22 AND 23 OF TRACT on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The
.com/losangeles. are considering bidding on this property lien, you should NO. 1671, IN THE CITY OF CLAREMONT, COUN- sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed
T.S. No.: 2014-01098-CA A.P.N.:8113-007-009 Proper- understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a TY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIAAS one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee,
Prospective bidders should obtain detailed information ty Address: 1664 Fruitvale Avenue, South El Monte, CA trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 21, PAGES 182 or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civ-
of this sale from the County of Los Angeles Treasurer 91733 property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction AND 183 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE il Code. The law requires that information about trustee
and Tax Collector (TTC) at Bid- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE does not automatically entitle you to free and clear own- COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY.EX- sale postponements be made available to you and to the
ders are required to pre-register at 225 North Hill Street, PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), ership of the property. You should also be aware that the CEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you
Room 130, Los Angeles, California and submit a re- THE SUMMARY OF INFORMATION REFERRED lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are LAND, AS SHOWN IN FINAL JUDGMENT wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed,
fundable $5,000 deposit in the form of cash, cashier's TO BELOW IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be re- RECORDED, 6/18/1953 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the
check or bank-issued money order at the time of regis- RECORDED COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT BUT sponsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being NO.3359,AND IN FINAL ORDER OF CONDEM- sale of this property, you may call (800) 280-2832 for in-
tration. The TTC will not accept personal checks, two- ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the prop- NATION RECORDED 11/04/1953 NO. 2463 IN THE formation regarding the trustee's sale or visit this Inter-
party checks or business checks for the registration TRUSTOR. NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE erty. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, pri- OFFICE OF SAID LOS ANGELES CO. CA. PARCEL net Web site for information regarding
deposit. The TTC will apply the registration deposit to- INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED ority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this 2: LOT 24 OF TRACT NO. 1671, IN THE COUNTY the sale of this property, using the file number assigned
wards the minimum bid. Registration will begin on IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: property by contacting the county recorders office or a OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS to this case: 124570. Information about postponements
Monday, September 18, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. and end on YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST title insurance company, either of which may charge you PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 21, PAGES 182 that are very short in duration or that occur close in time
Friday, October 6, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time). DATED 08/08/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO a fee for this information. If you consult either of these re- AND 183 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected
PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT sources, you should be aware that the same lender may COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY.EX- in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site.
Pursuant to R&TC Section 3692.3, the TTC sells all A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on this prop- CEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID The best way to verify postponement information is to
property ``as is`` and the County and its employees are OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST erty. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date LAND, AS SHOWN IN FINAL JUDGMENT attend the scheduled sale. A-4632972 09/29/2017,
not liable for any known or unknown conditions of the YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Trustor: shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more RECORDED, 6/18/1953 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 10/06/2017, 10/13/2017
property, including, but not limited to, errors in the GUADALUPE GRISELDA INDA AND ALEJAN- times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pur- NO.3359, AND IN FINAL ORDER OF CONDEM-

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Claremont COURIER Classifieds 25
Friday 10-13-2017

CLASSIFIEDS 114 Olive Street Claremont, California 91711

909.621.4761 [email protected]
Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. / Fri 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Apartment for rent

TWO bedroom, one bath,
kitchen with built-ins and re-
frigerator. Hardwood floors in
living room, dining room,
kitchen. No pets. $1,700
monthly. Call 909-938-5080
for appointment. Ask for
employment......25 Shirley.

Condo for rent

CLAREMONT Village Walk.
Prime end-unit. Three bed-
open houses.....28 rooms, three bathrooms.
Community pool and spa.
$2,850 monthly. Nicholas
Neece at 909-447-7706,
Employment [email protected] or
Geoff Hamill at 909-621-0500,
[email protected]
Help wanted SIR.

PART time bathing position For lease

available, must be able to
work weekends, please apply VILLAGE Walk, three-bed-
in person. Michelles Dog room, three-bath, 1,658 sq. ft.,
Grooming, 909-398-1778. community pool, spa, BBQ.
Walk to shops, restaurants,
House sitting Claremont Village and
MetroLink. No pets. $2,595.
FREE pet and house sitting, 909-626-1261. Curtis-
possible light housekeeping,
in exchange for rent and utili-
ties. Experienced with excel- Office space for rent
lent references. Contact
[email protected]. Therapists office for rent or
share in the Claremont Vil-
Position available lage. 909-896-3137.

HELP needed for cleaning

with Shirley's House Cleaning. Animal Shelters
$10 hourly, 30 hours weekly.
Call Shirley, 909-730-8564. The Orphanage
Priceless Pets Rescue
Inland Valley
Humane Society
Estate Sale 909-623-9777
FRIDAY and Saturday, 8 a.m. Upland
to 3 p.m., 462 Harrison Av- Animal Shelter
enue, Claremont. Oak furni- 909-931-4185
ture, 5 ft. Tansu, saddles, tack,
H.O.P.E Upland
hand and electric tools, art
supplies, books, records,
drafting table, easels, desk, West End
antique trunk, much house- Animal Shelter
hold miscellaneous. 909-947-3517


1-16 words, each additional word $1.25
(Display ads are $10 per column/inch, 6-inch minimum)
Call Rachel at 909.621.4761 to place your ad today!
Claremont COURIER Classifieds 26
Friday 10-13-17

SERVICES 114 Olive Street Claremont, California 91711

909.621.4761 [email protected]
Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. / Fri 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Acoustical Concrete Drywall Fences & Gates House Cleaning Landscaping

QUALITY Interiors. Acousti- ADVANCED ADVANCED Jeanette's Cleaning GREENWOOD
cal contractor, specializing DON DAVIES DON DAVIES Service LANDSCAPING CO.
in acoustic removal, texture, Veteran, Mt. Sac, Cal Poly Veteran Established, detailed, Landscaping contractor for
painting, acoustic re-spray Stamped, broom, New, repairs. upbeat, licensed house complete landscaping,
and drywall repairs. Lic. color finishes. ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! keeping service. Organic irrigation, drainage,
602916. 909-624-8177. Slate, flagstone, planters, THOR McAndrew Con- 909-599-9530 cleaning supplies used designing and gardening.
walls and walkways. struction. Drywall repair and Cell: 626-428-1691 upon request. 28 years Lic.520496
AC/Heating Call 909-599-9530 now installation. Interior plaster of experience. 909-621-7770
Cell 626-428-1691 repair. Free estimates. CA 909-224-1180 DANS GARDENING
STEVES HEATING Claremont area Lic.742776. Please call 909- Gardening 909-803-0074 SERVICE
& AIR CONDITIONING 30 years! 816-8467. Sprinklers/drip
CAROUSEL Quality Clean-
Serving your area for over Lic.323243 Garden Maintenance installed, repaired.
ing. Family owned for 26
25 years. Repairs all Educational Consulting Hand-pull weeding, Lawn removal.
years. Licensed, insured.
makes/models. Free Contractor mowing, trimming, sprinkler Cleanup, hauling.
Senior rates. Professional
service call with repair. work, monthly service, Drought landscapes,
services including: Airbnb
Free estimate on new units. THE Wood Dr. Specializing cleanups and junk removal. planting, sod, lighting,
cleaning, windows, senior
MC/Visa. 100 percent in termite and dry-rot repairs. drainage. Insured.
Free estimates. care, fire damage, move References. Since 1977.
financing. Senior discounts. Fascia boards, eves, patios, David, 909-374-1583 in/out. 10 percent discount to Lic.508671.
Lic.744873 decks. 909-262-8649.
Got questions Claremont College faculty. Please call 909-989-1515.
909-985-5254 Girl Friday
WENGER Construction. 25 about College? Check us out on Angies List.
years experience. Handy- Call for a free 1 hour Robyn, 909-418-4388.
Bathroom Remodeling I'M here to help! Housekeep-
man services. Cabinetry, meet and greet
doors, electrical, drywall, Find the Right Fit ing, shopping, errands. Sen- Irrigation
A Bath-Brite ior, pet, house sitting. Jenny
crown molding. Lic.707381. Located in the Sustainable Landscape
authorized dealer. Jones, 909-626-0027, any- Haydens Services Inc.
951-640-6616. Claremont Village & Design
Bathtubs and sinks. 909-973-4148 time! Since 1978 Zero emission
Showers, tile, countertops. ADVANCED RandlesEducationalCon- Bonded Insured maintenance
Refinish - Reglaze DON DAVIES Handyman No job too big or small! QWEL-Certified personal
Restore Veteran 24-hour emergency specialized drip irrigation
Porcelain, ceramic, New and repairs. A-HANDYMAN service.
Electrician Native plant specialists
909-599-9530 New and Repairs 909-982-8910 Artistic hardscapes
Quick and affordable. Serving Claremont Inside, outside, small, * Senior discount *
MOR ELECTRIC & Award-winning
Please call 909-945-7775. for 30 years! large, home, garage, yard. Lic.359145 landscapes HANDYMAN SERVICES
Lic.323243 Free estimates ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! 909-621-7770 From the creators of the
REX ROMANO and senior discounts. 909-599-9530 ADVANCED Pomona College
Cabinetry Cell: 626-428-1691 DON DAVIES
BUILDERS 909-989-3454 Organic Farm
KEVIN'S Excellence in building 909-767-0062 Lic.323243 Veteran, Mt. Sac, Cal Poly 909-398-1235
WOODSHOP and customer satisfaction. Residential Industrial 30 years experience! New, repairs. Professional.
Kitchen Bath Office Kitchen and bath. Commercial. We do it all. Claremont area. All sprinkler repairs. Lic. 919825
Closet Garage Remodel. No job too big or small! CLAREMONT Call 909-599-9530 Now
Entertainment Centers Best of Houzz 24/7 emergency services. HANDYMAN SERVICE Cell: 626-428-1691 ADVANCED DON DAVIES
Mantles Crown Molding 2015 and 2016. Reasonable and reliable. Odd jobs welcome, Mt. Sac, Cal Poly
Expert Repairs New, refurbish or repair.
Can Lights Lic.763385 Lic.400-990 free consultations!
909-626-3019 Retrofit Experts Design, drainage,
909-560-0956 30 years experience. Carpentry, doors, locks, Ask us how to save water.
Lic.#787647 KOGEMAN small painting projects. Allen Cantrall Landscape concrete, slate, flagstone,
SPARKS ELECTRIC 909-224-3327 lighting, irrigation,
CONSTRUCTION Local electrician for all your Repairs.
Carpentry OVER 30 YEARS 909-921-6334 Lic.861685 decomposed granite.
EXPERIENCE electrician needs! Serving the area 909-599-9530
SEMI-RETIRED rough to fin- New Home Construction. 909-946-8887 HOME Repair by Ken. Elec- since 1983. Cell: 626-428-1691
ish remodeler. Kitchens, Room additions. Lic.922000 trical, plumbing, lighting, irri- Claremont area 30 years!
porches, doors, decks, Kitchen/bath remodeling. gation, tankless mainte- Lic.323243
fences, painting. Lots more! Custom cabinets. nance. Local and experi-
Paul, 909-919-3315. Residential/commercial. enced. 12 years. 909-374-
909-946-8664 0373.
Carpet Service Lic.B710309 Serving Claremont
Visit us on Facebook! Hauling
ANDERSON Carpet Serv- Since 1995. Residential, Sunset Gardens
PPS General Contractor. Commercial.
ice. Claremont resident serv- Kitchen and bathroom re- ADVANCED Weekly service, mow,
ing Claremont since 1985. Recessed lighting and DON DAVIES edge, weed control,
modeling. Flooring, win- design, breaker pruning, fertilization,
Powerful truck-mounted dows, electrical and plumb- Same Day
cleaning units. Expert carpet replacement, service panel One call does it all! clean-up, haul-away.
ing. Serving Claremont for upgrades, ceiling fans, Sprinkler Repair.
repairs and stretching. Sen- 25 years. Lic.846995. 951- Garage, yard, home,
ior discounts. 24-hour emer- troubleshooting, landscape moving! John Cook
237-1547. lighting, rewires 909-599-9530
Landscaping 909-231-8305
gency water damage service.
Please call 909-621-1182. and LED lighting. G-27Lic.#373833
Crocheting Free estimates. 24-hours DLS Landscaping and
House Cleaning Design. Claremont native
Chimney Sweep emergency service.
References. Shirley's Cleaning Service specializing in drought toler-
Gash Chimney Sweep 909-900-8930 28 years in business. ant landscaping, drip sys- Notable Quotables
909-626-2242 Office/residential. tems and lighting. Artistic
Dust free chimney
The secret
Lic.806149 No job too small. solutions for the future. Over
cleaning. Repairs, chimney 35 years experience. Call:
covers, dryer vent cleaning, Free estimates.
Haydens Services Inc.
masonry and dampers. Since 1978
We do spring cleaning!
5965. Lic. 585007.
909-982- of life is
BBB accredited. DESIGNS BY KER
Please call Handmade Crochet Items
Bonded Insured
No job too big or small! ROSIE'S Drought tolerant and
honesty and
909-467-9212. and Artistic Services Spic Span Cleaning Service. fair dealing.
Old home rewiring California native design.
Blankets, Dolls, Baby Sets Residential, commercial,
specialist. Water conserving irrigation.
Computers & Accessories for
vacant homes,
Lighting and maintenance.
If you can
Humans and their Pets! apartments, offices.
No job to large or small,
emergency service. Free estimate. Allen Cantrall Landscape fake that,
Computer Helper 909-982-8910 Licensed. 909-224-3327
Basic Troubleshooting Flexible on color choices!
909-767-0062 you've got it
Christina Garcia 909-277-4215. Lic.861685
Software Install/Update * Senior Discount * Serving the area
Email/Social Media Setup Lic.359145
909-643-3387 since 1983.
Call for Appointment Groucho Marx
909-238-2405 [email protected]
Friday 10-13-17 Claremont COURIER Classifieds 27
Learn Japanese Painting Plumbing Tree Care
Older couple painting, 24-hour service Low cost! General cleanup. Lawn
40 years experience! Free estimates. maintenance, bush trimming,
Competitive rates. All plumbing repairs. general maintenance, tree
Small repairs. Complete drain cleaning, trimming and removal. Low
TAUGHT by Sumi Ohtani at No job too small. leak detection, prices and free estimates.
the Claremont Forum in the References available. water heaters.Your local Please call 909-239-3979.
Packing House. Monday, We work our own jobs. plumber for over 25 years.
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Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Friday, October 13, 2017 29


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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). PUB- tion 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a publication of the Notice of Sale is: $ 453,710.35. Note:
File No. 2017269297 LISH: September 29, October 6, 13 and 20, 2017 PUBLISH: September 22, 29, October 6 and 13, 2017 Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of an- Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as other under federal, state, or common law (see Section than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of
DASH DEVELOPMENT, LLC, 101 Cornell Avenue, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). PUB- the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt.
Claremont, CA 91711. Registrant(s): DASH DEVEL- File No. 2017263315 File No. 2017283894 LISH: October 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2017 If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason,
OPMENT, LLC, 101 Cornell Avenue, Claremont, CA The following person(s) is (are) doing business as The following person(s) is (are) doing business as the successful bidders sole and exclusive remedy
91711. DELICIOSO FOODS, 1529 W Rosecrans Ave, Gar- LOOMIS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, 333 Forest- T.S. No.: 2016-01250-CA A.P.N.:6021-006-006 Prop- shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and
This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Com- dena, CA 90249. Registrant(s): TIPICO FOODS INC, dale Ave, Glendora, CA 91741. Registrant(s): Evan erty Address: 1442 76th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90001 the successful bidder shall have no further recourse.
pany. Registrant commenced to transact business under 1529 W Rosecrans Ave, Gardena, CA 90249. David Loomis, 333 Forestdale Ave, Glendora, CA NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The beneficiary of the Deed of Trust has executed and
the fictitious name or names listed above on 05/2017. I This business is conducted by a Corporation. Registrant 91741. PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE 2923.3(a) and (d), delivered to the undersigned a written request to com-
declare that all information in this statement is true and has not yet commenced to transact business under the This business is conducted by an Individual. THE SUMMARY OF INFORMATION RE- mence foreclosure, and the undersigned caused a No-
correct. fictitious business name or names listed herein. I declare Registrant commenced to transact business under the FERRED TO BELOW IS NOT ATTACHED TO tice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the
/s/ Kellysue M. Kaplan Title: Managing Member that all information in this statement is true and correct. fictitious name or names listed above on 10/2017. I de- THE RECORDED COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT county where the real property is located. NOTICE OF
This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder /s/ Herbert Rivera Title: President clare that all information in this statement is true and cor-BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE TO POTENTIAL
/County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/20/17. NO- This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder/ rect. THE TRUSTOR. NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this prop-
TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/14/17. NO- /s/ Evan David Loomis Title: Owner OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT- erty lien, you should understand that there are risks in-
17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at TACHED IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY volved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be
TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder/
the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the
17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 10/03/17. NO-
filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro- DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/27/2006. UNLESS highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically
the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section
vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex- YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP- entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property.
filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro- 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at
pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned
vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex- the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was
the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at
pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro-
change in the residence address of a registered owner. A OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying
new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex-
change in the residence address of a registered owner. A pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Trustor: Catarino off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before
before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic- Velasquez A SINGLE MAN Duly Appointed Trustee: you can receive clear title to the property. You are en-
titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a
before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic- change in the residence address of a registered owner. A Western Progressive, LLC Deed of Trust Recorded couraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size
by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this state- 12/08/2006 as Instrument No. 06 2727568 in book ---, of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed
page--- and of Official Records in the office of the contacting the county recorders office or a title insur-
Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of an- by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this state- before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic-
Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of ance company, either of which may charge you a fee for
other under federal, state, or common law (see Section ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied
Sale: 11/02/2017 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND this information. If you consult either of these resources,
14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). PUB- Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of an- by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this state-
THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER you should be aware that the same lender may hold more
LISH: September 29, October 6, 13 and 20, 2017 other under federal, state, or common law (see Section ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a
PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, than one mortgage or deed of trust on this property. NO-
14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). PUB- Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of an-
CA 91766 Estimated amount of unpaid balance, rea- TICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date
LISH: September 29, October 6, 13 and 20, 2017 other under federal, state, or common law (see Section
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME sonably estimated costs and other charges: $ 453,710.35 shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or
14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). PUB-
File No. 2017260565 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE THE TRUSTEE more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LISH: October 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2017
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1.) WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil
KRELLWITZ KURIMOTO & ASSOCIATES, 2.) File No. 2017233242 BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIERS CHECK DRAWN Code. The law requires that information about trustee
K2 FINANCIAL PARTNERS, 3.) K2 TAX PREP, The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ON A STATE OR NATIONAL BANK, A CHECK sale postponements be made available to you and to the
150 W. Bonita Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773. Regis- NOVA CO, 549 E. Pasadena St, Pomona, CA 91767. File No. 2017278345 DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL CREDIT public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If
trant(s): KRELLWITZ FINANCIAL INC., 150 W. Registrant(s): Jose M. Juarez Alcantar, 549 E. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR you wish to learn whether your sale date has been post-
Bonita Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773. Pasadena St, Pomona, CA 91767. TOUCH OF REMEMBRANCE, 4607 Lakeview FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, poned, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date
This business is conducted by a Corporation. Registrant This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant Canyon Road, Suite #469, Westlake Village, CA 91361. A SAVINGS ASSOCIATION OR SAVINGS BANK for the sale of this property, you may call (866)-960-
has not yet commenced to transact business under the commenced to transact business under the fictitious Registrant(s): Leon P. Woods, 4524 Belham Court, SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5102 OF THE FINANCIAL 8299 or visit this Internet Web site http://www.altisource.
fictitious business name or names listed herein. I declare name or names listed above on 08/2017. I declare that Westlake Village, CA 91361. CODE AND AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN com/MortgageServices/DefaultManagement/TrusteeSer
that all information in this statement is true and correct. all information in this statement is true and correct. This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant THIS STATE: All right, title, and interest conveyed to vices.aspx using the file number assigned to this case
/s/ Jonathan Krellwitz Title: CEO /s/ Jose M. Juarez Alcantar Title: Owner has not yet commenced to transact business under the and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described 2016-01250-CA. Information about postponements that
This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder/ This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder/ fictitious business name or names listed herein. I declare property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described are very short in duration or that occur close in time to
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/13/17. NO- County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/23/17. NO- that all information in this statement is true and correct. as: More fully described in said Deed of Trust. Street the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in
TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section /s/ Leon P. Woods Title: Owner Address or other common designation of real property: the telephone information or on the Internet Web site.
17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder/ 1442 76th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90001 A.P.N.: 6021- The best way to verify postponement information is to
the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was at the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/27/17. NO- 006-006 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liabil- attend the scheduled sale. Western Progressive, LLC,
filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro- filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro- TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section ity for any incorrectness of the street address or other as Trustee for beneficiary C/o 1500 Palma Drive,
vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex- vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex- 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at common designation, if any, shown above. The sale will Suite 237 Ventura, CA 93003 Sale Information Line:
pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed (866) 960-8299
the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro- or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, Services/DefaultManagement/TrusteeServices.aspx
change in the residence address of a registered owner. A in the residence address of a registered owner. A new vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex- to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured Date: September 18, 2017
new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed be- pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in by the Deed of Trust with interest thereon, as provided ___________________________________
before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic- fore the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic- the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed Trustee Sale Assistant
titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied change in the residence address of a registered owner. A of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and WESTERN PROGRESSIVE, LLC MAY BE ACT-
by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this state- by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO
ment does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic- amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB-
Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of an- of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated TAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
other under federal, state, or common law (see Section of another under federal, state, or common law (see Sec- by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this state- costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial PUBLISH: October 6, 13 and 20, 2017
Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Friday, October 13, 2017 30


If you are already advertising a property, your listing is FREE!
Otherwise, the cost per listing is only $25. Call RACHEL at 621-4761


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A.P.N.: 8307-025-044 Trustee Sale No.: 2017-1515 assessment lien. The street address and other common clear title to the property. You are encouraged to inves- LIEN SERVICES, 31194 La Baya Drive, Suite 106, Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
Title Order No: 170030945 Reference No: CSC753 designation, if any of the real property described above tigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding Westlake Village, California, 91362. By: Annissa PUBLISH: October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 2017
NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE UNDER A NO- is purported to be: 753 Lander Circle, Claremont, CA liens that may exist on this property by contacting the Young, Trustee Sale Officer (10/13/17, 10/20/17,
TICE OF A NOTICE OF DELINQUENT AS- 91711. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability county recorder's office or a title insurance company, 10/27/17 | TS#2017-1515 SDI-7795) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
SESSMENT AND CLAIM OF LIEN. YOU ARE for any incorrectness of the street address and other either of which may charge you a fee for this informa- File No. 2017288701
IN DEFAULT UNDER A NOTICE OF DELIN- common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale tion. If you consult either of these resources, you should FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s) is (are) doing business as REN-
QUENT ASSESSMENT DATED 03/16/2017. UN- will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express be aware that the same lender may hold more than one File No. 2017289306 OVARE CREATIONS, 649 W Winthrop Ave, Clare-
LESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT or implied, regarding title, possession, or encum- mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE The following person(s) is (are) doing business as mont, CA 91711. Registrant(s): Susan F. Matz, 649 W
YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A brances, to pay the remaining principal sum due under TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on NOTEWORTHY NANNY, 2159 3rd St., La Verne, Winthrop Ave, Claremont, CA 91711.
PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANA- said Notice of Delinquent Assessment, with interest this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times CA 91750. Registrant(s): 1.) Alisha Christine Cooper This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant
TION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEED- thereon, as provided in said notice, advances, if any, es- by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pur- Walker, 2159 3rd St., La Verne, CA 91750. 2.) John commenced to transact business under the fictitious name
ING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT timated fees, charges, and expenses of the Trustee, to suant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. Radcliffe, 2159 3rd St., La Verne, CA 91750. or names listed above on 10/2017. I declare that all in-
A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that on wit: $7,771.68 accrued interest and additional advances, The law requires that information about trustee sale This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Reg- formation in this statement is true and correct.
11/03/2017 at 11:00 AM, S.B.S. Lien Services, As the if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The postponements be made available to you and to the pub- istrant commenced to transact business under the ficti- /s/ Susan F. Matz Title: Owner
duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Notice of claimant: Claremont Stone Creek Community Asso- lic, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you tious name or names listed above on 01/2017. I declare This statement was filed with the Registrar-
Delinquent Assessment, recorded on 03/21/2017, as ciation aka Claremont Stonecreek HOA under said wish to learn whether your sale date has been post- that all information in this statement is true and correct. Recorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County on
Document No. 20170314907, Book , Page , of Official Notice of Delinquent Assessment heretofore executed poned, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date /s/ Alisha Christine Cooper Walker Title: Owner 10/05/17. NOTICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a)
Records in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration for the sale of this property, you may call FOR SALE This statement was filed with the Registrar-Recorder/ ofsection 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement general-
County, California, The original owner: Sumiko M. of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (855)986-9342, County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 10/05/17. NO- ly expires at the end of five (5) years from the date on
Liddell The purported new owner: Sumiko M. Lid- of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused or visit this Internet Web site TICE- In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, ex-
dell, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be using the file number assigned to this case 2017-1515. 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at cept, as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920,
HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, (payable at time of recorded in the county where the real property is located Information about postponements that are very short in the end of five (5) years from the date on which it was where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set
sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a and more than three months have elapsed since such duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as pro- forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than
cashiers check drawn by a State or national bank, a recordation. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: may not immediately be reflected in the telephone in- vided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it ex- a change in the residence address of a registered own-
check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you formation or on the Internet Web site. The best way to pires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the er. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be
check drawn by state or federal savings and loan asso- should understand that there are risks involved in bid- verify postponement information is to attend the sched- statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change filed before the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the
ciation, savings association, or a savings bank specified ding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, uled sale. THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD SUB- in the residence address of a registered owner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be accompa-
in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a JECT TO THE NINETY DAY RIGHT OF Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed be- nied by the Affidavit Of Identity Form.
do business in this state.): BEHIND THE FOUN- trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free REDEMPTION CONTAINED IN CIVIL CODE fore the expiration. Effective January 1, 2014, the Fic- The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize
TAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, and clear ownership of the property. You should also be SECTION 5715(b). PLEASE NOTE THAT WE titious Business Name Statement must be accompanied the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in vi-
400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, CA aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior ARE A DEBT COLLECTOR AND ARE AT- by the Affidavit Of Identity Form. The filing of this olation of the rights of another under federal, state, or com-
91766 All right, title and interest under said Notice of lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state mon law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Pro-
Delinquent Assessment in the property situated in said or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights fessions Code). PUBLISH: October 13, 20, 27 and No-
County, as more fully described on the above referenced the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: 09/27/2017. S.B.S of another under federal, state, or common law (see vember 3, 2017

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