19 Myths and Misconceptions About FP - 0

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TOPIC: Myths and misconceptions about family planning


Nurse Mildred
Nurse Betty

Objectives of the programme:

To dispel myths and misconceptions about family planning.
Address the specific fears and concerns among couples regarding family
planning methods
To create a positive (and desired) image of people who use modern family
planning methods.
To encourage listeners to seek more information about family planning.

Questions for the interviewer:

1. Nurse Mildred, is it true that family planning is only for women?
2. Why is it important for couples to discuss family planning?
3. Does family planning make a woman infertile?
4. Is it true that family planning methods cause cancer?
5. Is it true that family planning methods reduce a womans sexual desire?
6. How can side effects of family planning methods be handled?
7. Nurse Mildred, I often hear people say that when you use family planning
methods, you give birth to a child with defects like no eyes, ears etc. Is
this true?
8. What are the benefits of family planning?
9. How can listeners ask about the family planning services to get more
information? (What should they ask? To whom? Where? When? Why
should they ask give reasons to motivate seeking more information)

Key Points Myths and misconceptions about family planning

Family planning methods can be used by both men and women. The
methods are even more effective when both partners are involved and
supportive of each other.
Using family planning methods does not reduce a mans or womans
sexual desire.
Family planning methods do not cause infertility. Fertility usually returns
when a woman ceases to use the method.
Male condoms cannot get lost in a woman's vagina or uterus and cannot
travel through a woman's body.

Some family planning methods may cause side effects but these are
manageable and usually disappear with time. Clients should visit a health
facility if the side effects if they continue to be bothered by the side effects.
Condoms are an appropriate contraceptive method
for anyone, regardless of marital status or sexual behavior. While many
partners rely on condoms for STI protection, married couples all over the
world use condoms for pregnancy protection too.

* These are questions related to the many prevalent myths related to myths and
misconceptions. If you are asked one of these questions, you should make a
clear concise response, and then if appropriate refer them to a medical provider.

Frequently Asked Questions about myths and misconceptions.

Q What are some of the side effects of using family planning methods
and how can they be handled?
A Some women may experience headaches, irregular bleeding, mild
abdominal pain, weight change among others. These can all be managed
and disappear with time but if they get worse, then you should visit the
health facility/health worker.

Q Do family planning methods such as the pill cause birth defects??

A No, evidence shows that pills will not cause birth defects and will not harm
the fetus if a woman becomes pregnant while taking the pills or
accidentally takes the pills when she is already pregnant.

Q Does the pill cause cancer?

A The Pill actually provides a protective effect from cancer of the ovaries
and cancer of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus).

Q Do some family planning methods such as the pill make a woman

A When a woman goes off the family planning method, it may take a few
months for cycles to return to normal or for her to get pregnant. It could
be argued that being on the some family planning methods such as the pill
actually contributes to the preservation of women's fertility as it reduces
the incidence of a number of conditions which impact on fertility (eg.
ectopic pregnancies, and fibroids).

Q Does vasectomy make a man lose his sexual ability? Does it make
him weak or fat?
A No. After vasectomy, a man will look and feel the same as before. He can
have sex the same as before. His erections will be as hard and last as
long as before, and ejaculations of semen will be the same. He can work
as hard as before, and he will not gain weight because of vasectomy.

Q Will a woman loose her sexual desire after getting her
tubes tied?
A Tubal ligation will not make the woman to lose sexual desire.
Infact, she may enjoy sex more without the fear of pregnancy.

Q Where can I get more information about family planning for family
A From a health facility with the sign of the rainbow over the yellow flower or
call the national hotline on at 0312 500 600 or 0800 200 600. Or send her
an SMS at: Type FP (leave Space) Write comments or questions and
send to 8198.

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