United States of America v. Vadim Mikerin - Original Indictment 11/12/14

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Case 8:14-cr-00529-TDC Document 11 Filed 11/12/14 Page----FILED

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20lJROQ.I02 NOV 12 2014


v. * CRIMINAL NO. /1)C }L( )
C.- ( 5~ CJ
* (Conspiracy to Interfere with Interstate
VADIM E. MIKERIN, * Commerce by Extortion, 18 U.S.c.
* ~ 1951(a); Forfeiture, 18 U.S.C.
Defendant * ~ 981(a)(I)(C), 28 U.S.c. ~ 2461(c


(Conspiracy to Interfere with Interstate Commerce by Extortion)

The Grand Jury for the District of Maryland charges that:


At all times relevant to this Indictment:

I. The United States Department of Energy ("DOE"), a department within the

executive branch of the United States government, was the executive agent for an agreement,

executed on or about August 31, 1992, between the United States and the Russian Federation (the

"20. Year Agreement" or "HEU Agreement") which outlined operations for the systematic

"downblending," or conversion, of highly. enriched uranium ("HEU") from Russian nuclear

warheads into low.enriched uranium ("LEU") for civilian nuclear power generation. The

20. Year Agreement further stipulated the transportation of this "converted" LEU from Russia to

the United States for use in United States civilian nuclear reactors. This initiative was given the

name "Megatons to Megawatts" or "M2M" by DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration

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2. The Russian executive agent for the HEU A/,'feement was the Ministry for Atomic

Energy ("MINATOM"), which in 2007 became the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation

("ROSATOM"), a wholly Russian state-owned enterprise.

3. The commercial agent for the United States was the United States Enrichment

Corporation ("USEC"), based in Bethesda, Maryland.

4. The Russian commercial agent was JSC Techsnabexport ("TENEX"), a subsidiary


5. On or about January 14,2014, USEC and TENEX executed a contract ("the

Agreement"), which provided that the HEU would be converted to LEU in Russian nuclear

facilities, and then sold to USEC for transport to the United States. The first shipment of LEU

occurred in May 1995. Through 2013, a total of 475 metric tons of Russian warhead /,'fade HEU,

equivalent to 19,000 nuclear warheads, was converted in Russia to LEU and sold in the United

States for use as fuel. As much as ten percent of electricity produced in the United States was

generated from fuel obtained through the Agreement. The final shipment of LEU from Russia

under the Agreement was in December 2013.

6. TENEX and USEC maintained an additional contract, the Return Feed Program,

executed in 2001, wherein USEC shipped spent LEU back to Russia for re-enrichment.

7. In or about 20 I0, TENEX opened TENAM, a fully-owned subsidiary, which was

located in Bethesda, Maryland. TENAM served as TENEX's official representative office in the

United States, and directly contracted with companies in the United States nuclear power industry

for the shipment of the LEU to power plants in the United States. As such, TENAM and TENEX

conducted business in and affecting interstate and international commerce in that the contracts

involved the shipment of LEU from Russia to, by, and through vendors in the United States.

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8. Defendant VADIM E. MIKERIN ("l\IIKERIN") was a citizen of the Russian

Federation, working in Maryland on a L1 Visa issued by the United States.

9. Beginning in or about 2001, MIKERIN was the Pan-American Director for

TENEX, overseeing TENEX's operations under the Agreement in the United States.

10. Beginning in or about 2010, MIKERIN became the executive director ofTENAM.

Among his duties, l\1IKERIN was responsible for managing the contracting activities between

United States based companies and TENEX, and facilitated the contractual negotiations between

the entities, and thereby engaged in interstate and foreign commerce.

11. Coconspirator One was a United States citizen and associate of MIKERIN's who

worked in the nuclear fuel transportation industry.

12. Corporation A was a "shell" corporation with a physical address in the United

Kingdom. Corporation A principally banked with a financial institution, Aizkraukles Banka, in

Latvia, and was principally owned and controlled by a Russian national, Coconspirator Two.

13. Corporation B was a "shell" company with a physical address in the Republic of

Seychelles. Corporation B principally banked with a financial institution, Alfa Bank, in Cyprus,

and was principally owned and controlled by a Russian national, Coconspirator Three.

14. Corporation C was a "shell" company with a physical address in Switzerland.

Corporation C principally banked with a financial institution, Hyposwiss Private Bank Limited, in


15. Victim One was a Florida-based lobbyist and consultant that had active business

dealings with TENEX from 2010 through 2012.

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The Conspiracv to Commit Extortion

16. Between in or about 2009 through at least in or about January 2012, in the District

of Maryland and elsewhere, the defendant,


did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with other persons,

known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to obstruct, delay, and affect commerce and the

movement of an article and commodity in commerce by extortion, as thattenn is defined in Title

18, United States Code, Section 1951(b)( I), by the unlawful taking of money and other things of

value from Victim One with Victim One's consent induced by the wrongful use of force,

violence, and fear, including the fear of economic loss, involving commercial businesses that

were engaged in interstate and foreign commerce, in violation of Title 18, United States Code,

Section 1951(a).

Manner and Mellns of the Conspiracv to Commit Extortion

17. It was part of the conspiracy thatMIKERIN and his co-conspirators planned to and

did extort money and other things of value from Victim One.

18. It was further part of the conspiracy thatMIKERIN and his co-conspirators

threatened Victim One with the cessation of his contracts with TENEX ifhe failed to pay money

and other things of value to the MIKERIN and his co-conspirators.

19. It was further part of the conspiracy that MIKERIN and his co-conspirators

communicated with each other via e-mail as part of planning and organizing the extortion.

20. It was further part of the conspiracy that the I\IIKERIN and his co-conspirators

would enrich themselves and share the proceeds from the extortion conspiracy.

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21. lt was further part of the conspiracy that MIKERIN and his co-conspirators would

direct Victim One to send money and other things of value for the benefit of MIKERIN and his

co-conspirators to various overseas financial bank accounts in Latvia, Cyprus, and Switzerland

held in the name of sham corporations.

Overt Acts

22. During the course of and in furtherance of the conspiracy, and to effect the objects

thereof, MIKERIN and others committed or caused to be committed the following acts, among

others, in the District of Maryland and elsewhere:

a. In or about 2009, MIKERIN executed a contract between Victim One and

TENEX to provide TENEX with "lobbying and consulting services," and further provided that

Victim One was to receive $150,000 for this contract over a period of three months.

b. In or about November 2009, MIKERIN demanded that Victim One

transfer one third of the contract payment (550,000) to Corporation B in order to maintain the

contract with TENEX.

c. On or about November 27, 2009, Victim One transferred $35,000 to

Corporation B at MIKERIN's direction.

d. In or about late 2009, MIKERIN arranged for Victim One to enter into a

second contract with TENEX, under which Victim One was to receive 5550,000 over eleven


e. In or about late 2009, MIKERIN demanded that Victim One pay

MIKERIN roughly one half of the contract payments on the $550,000 contract by providing

l\IIKERIN a $50,000 kickback every other month via a wire transfer to Corporation B.

f. On about May 6, 20 I0, Victim One transferred $50,000 to Corporation B at

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MlKERIN's direction.

g. On or about May 17,2010, Victim One transferred $50,000 to Corporation

Bat I\IIKERIN's direction.

h. In or about 2011, Victim One entered into a third contract with TENEX,

again directed by MIKERIN, for an additional eleven months. MIKERIN again demanded that

Victim One pay kickback payments in order to maintain the contract with TENEX.

In or about late 2011, MIKERIN directed Victim One to make the

payments to Corporation A.

J. On or about January 12, 2011, MIKERIN emailed Victim One from a new

email account pretending to be someone MIKERIN referred to only as a "Friend." l\lIKERIN

wrote, "We have been informed you are ready to proceed with 50k... please use the same way as

the 'window' is opened for you till Monday, January 17... It was also coordinate internally and

in your favour (50K) is on the way (following our best knowleges [sic] will
Final Transfer 20 lOin

arrive next Tuesday-Wednesday) and that is why we would like to request you to arrange 25K in 5

yellow envelopes (you should be aware) the next week to finalize all outstanding balances."

k. On or about January 17,2011, 1\1IKERIN emailed Coconspirator One,

stating, "As promised my people suggest this channel only for your cakes. May be we will

coordinate to cook a small one when you are prepared, but it's better to try asap." Attached to this

email was a document that provided bank account and routing information for Corporation A.

I. On or about January 18,2011, Victim One transferred $50,000 to

Corporation B at MIKERIN's direction, for what Victim One understood to be a necessary

transaction to maintain a contract with TENEX.

m. On or about January 25,2011, Victim One paid 1\1IKERIN $25,000 in

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United States currency, separated into five separate payments of$5,000 each and packaged in

small yellow envelopes.

n. On or about February 2,2011, l\lIKERIN emailed Victim One, again

pretending to be someone else, directing that Victim One not refer to the payments bearing any

relation to the nuclear industry, stating, "Please pay your personal attention to our STRICT

REGULATIONS that NO ONE doc should refer to any nuclearlhazardlflame/military products

and connected service & trading or transportation of such a products [sic]. Hope you should

understand this absolute demand of the System and accept safety conditions for our clients. Any

other services like consulting, trading, facilitation, teaching, project & calculation etc. with

general or industrial products are welcomed as a matter of the agreement with [Corporation B]."

o. On or about February 28,2011, Victim One transferred $50,000 to

Corporation B at MIKERIN's direction.

p. On or about April 25, 20 II, Victim One transferred $50,000 to Corporation

Bat MIKERIN's direction.

q. On or about September 2,2011, Victim One transferred $50,000 to

Corporation A at MIKERIN's direction.

r. On or about October 25,2011, Victim One emailed l\lIKERIN, stating,

"Please note yesterday we informed your associate that we are sending one half of the payment

(25,000) today and will be giving him the other half 011 Friday per your request."

s. On or about October 25, 20 II, Victim One transferred $25,000 to

Corporation A at l\IIKERIN's direction.

t. On or about October 28,2011, Victim One paid MIKERIN $25,000 in

United States currency.

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u. On or about January 23,2012, Victim One paid l\IIKERIN S50,000 in

United States currency.

18 U.S.C. S 1951(a)
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The Grand Jury for the District of Maryland further finds that:

I. Pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2 notice is hereby given to the defendant that the

United States will seek forfeiture as part of any sentence in accordance with Title 18, United States

Code, Sections 981(a)(I)(C) and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461 (c), in the event of the

defendant's conviction under Count One of this Indictment.

2. As a result of the offense alleged in Count One of this Indictment, the defendant,


shall forfeit to the United States, pursuant to 18 U.S.c. S 98I(a)(l)(C) and 28 U.S.C. S 2461(c),
all property constituting, or derived from, proceeds obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of

such violation. The property to be forfeited includes, but is not limited to, S585,000, and all

interest and proceeds traceable thereto, in that such sum in aggregate is proceeds obtained,

directly or indirectly, as a result of such violation.

3. lfany of the property described above as being subject to forfeiture, as a result of

any act or omission of the defendant:

a. cannot be located upon the exercisc of due diligence;

b. has been transfcrred or sold to, or deposited with, a third person;

c. has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the Court;

d. has been substantially diminished in value; or,

has been commingled with other property which cannot be divided

without difficulty;

it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 2461(c) and 21 U.S.c. S 853(p), to
seek forfeiture of any other property of said defendant up to the value of the forfeitable property,

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that is, $585,000.

18 U.S.C. ~ 981(a)(l)(C)
28 U.S.C. ~ 2461 (c)

Rod J. Ros#stein
United States Attorney


ForepersorlJ Date


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