DIGEST John Hay Peoples Alternative Coalition Vs Lim Digest

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G. R. No. 119775, October 24, 2003

R.A. No. 7227 otherwise known as the "Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992," which was
enacted setting out the policy of the government to accelerate the sound and balanced conversion into
alternative productive uses of the former military bases under the 1947 Philippines-United States of
America Military Bases Agreement, namely, the Clark and Subic military reservations as well as their
extensions including the Camp John Hay Station in the City of Baguio. It created public respondent Bases
Conversion and Development Authority2 (BCDA), and the Subic Special Economic [and Free Port] Zone
(Subic SEZ). Also the said law granted the Subic SEZ incentives ranging from tax and duty-free
importations, exemption of businesses therein from local and national taxes.

On August 16, 1993, BCDA entered into a Memorandum of Agreement and Escrow Agreement with
private respondents Tuntex (B.V.I.) Co., Ltd (TUNTEX) and Asiaworld Internationale Group, Inc.
(ASIAWORLD), preparatory to the formation of a joint venture for the development of Poro Point in La
Union and Camp John Hay as premier tourist destinations and recreation centers. Four months later,
BCDA, TUNTEX and ASIAWORD executed a Joint Venture Agreement whereby they bound themselves
to put up a joint venture company known as the Baguio International Development and Management

Meanwhile, the Baguio City government passed a number of resolutions in response to the actions taken
by BCDA in their MOA and as owner and administrator of Camp John Hay. One of which is Resolution
No. 255, seeking and supporting the issuance by then President Ramos of a presidential proclamation
declaring an area of 288.1 hectares of the camp as a SEZ in accordance with the provisions of R.A. No.

On July 5, 1994 then President Ramos issued Proclamation No. 420 which established a SEZ on a
portion of Camp John Hay, and in effect, granted tax exemptions pursuant to R.A. No. 7227 to Subic SEZ
extends to other SEZs.

The petitioners now allege that nowhere in R. A. No. 7227 is there a grant of tax exemption to SEZs yet to
be established in base areas, unlike the grant under Section 12 thereof of tax exemption and investment
incentives to the therein established Subic SEZ. The grant of tax exemption to the John Hay SEZ,
petitioners conclude, thus contravenes Article VI, Section 28 (4) of the Constitution which provides that
"No law granting any tax exemption shall be passed without the concurrence of a majority of all the
members of Congress."

On the other hand, respondents contend that by extending to the John Hay SEZ economic incentives
similar to those enjoyed by the Subic SEZ which was established under R.A. No. 7227, the proclamation
is merely implementing the legislative intent of said law to turn the US military bases into hubs of business
activity or investment. They underscore the point that the government's policy of bases conversion can
not be achieved without extending the same tax exemptions granted by R.A. No. 7227 to Subic SEZ to
other SEZs.

Whether or not Proclamation No. 420 (particularly Sec. 3) is unconstitutional since it provides for national
and local tax exemption and grants other economic incentives to the John Hay SEZ

Yes. The SC ruled in favor of the Petitioners.

It is clear that under Section 12 of R.A. No. 7227 it is only the Subic SEZ which was granted by Congress
with tax exemption, investment incentives and the like. There is no express extension of the aforesaid
benefits to other SEZs still to be created at the time via presidential proclamation.
While the grant of economic incentives may be essential to the creation and success of SEZs, free trade
zones and the like, the grant thereof to the John Hay SEZ cannot be sustained. The incentives under R.A.
No. 7227 are exclusive only to the Subic SEZ, hence, the extension of the same to the John Hay SEZ
finds no support therein. Neither does the same grant of privileges to the John Hay SEZ find support in
the other laws specified under Section 3 of Proclamation No. 420, which laws were already extant before
the issuance of the proclamation or the enactment of R.A. No. 7227.

More importantly, the nature of most of the assailed privileges is one of tax exemption. It is the legislature,
unless limited by a provision of the state constitution, that has full power to exempt any person or
corporation or class of property from taxation, its power to exempt being as broad as its power to tax.
Other than Congress, the Constitution may itself provide for specific tax exemptions, or local governments
may pass ordinances on exemption only from local taxes.

The challenged grant of tax exemption would circumvent the Constitution's imposition that a law granting
any tax exemption must have the concurrence of a majority of all the members of Congress. In the same
vein, the other kinds of privileges extended to the John Hay SEZ are by tradition and usage for Congress
to legislate upon. If it were the intent of the legislature to grant to the John Hay SEZ the same tax
exemption and incentives given to the Subic SEZ, it would have so expressly provided in the R.A. No.

Thus, the second sentence of Section 3 of Proclamation No. 420 is hereby declared NULL AND VOID
and is accordingly declared of no legal force and effect.

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