Growth of The Yeast Kluyveromyces Marxianus CBS 6556 On Different Sugar Combinations As Sole Carbon and en

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

DOI 10.1007/s00253-013-4748-6


Growth of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS 6556

on different sugar combinations as sole carbon and energy
Gustavo Graciano Fonseca &
Nuno Miguel Barbosa de Carvalho &
Andreas Karoly Gombert

Received: 9 October 2012 / Revised: 31 January 2013 / Accepted: 31 January 2013 / Published online: 23 February 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract The yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus has been investigated (glucose and lactose, glucose and galactose,
pointed out as a promising microorganism for a variety of lactose and galactose, glucose and fructose, galactose and
industrial bioprocesses. Although genetic tools have been fructose, fructose and lactose), and the observations were in
developed for this yeast and different potential applications agreement with previously published data on the sugar
have been investigated, quantitative physiological studies transport systems in K. marxianus. We conclude that K.
have rarely been reported. Here, we report and discuss the marxianus CBS 6556 does not present any special nutrition-
growth, substrate consumption, metabolite formation, and al requirements; grows well in the range of 30 to 37 C on
respiratory parameters of K. marxianus CBS 6556 during different sugars; is capable of growing on sugar mixtures in
aerobic batch bioreactor cultivations, using a defined medi- a shorter period of time than Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
um with different sugars as sole carbon and energy source, which is interesting from an industrial point of view; and
at 30 and 37 C. Cultivations were carried out both on single deviates tiny amounts of carbon towards metabolite forma-
sugars and on binary sugar mixtures. Carbon balances tion, as long as full aerobiosis is maintained.
closed within 95 to 101 % in all experiments. Biomass and
CO2 were the main products of cell metabolism, whereas Keywords Kluyveromyces marxianus . Yeast physiology .
by-products were always present in very low proportion Nonconventional yeasts . Crabtree effect . Diauxic growth .
(<3 % of the carbon consumed), as long as full aerobiosis Sugar transport
was guaranteed. On all sugars tested as sole carbon and
energy source (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, and ga-
lactose), the maximum specific growth rate remained be- Introduction
tween 0.39 and 0.49 h1, except for galactose at 37 C,
which only supported growth at 0.31 h1. Different growth The yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus is a GRAS organism
behaviors were observed on the binary sugar mixtures (Caballero et al. 1995) which converts sugar substrates into
biomass with high yields (Bellaver et al. 2004). It has various
potential industrial applications (Fonseca et al. 2008), ranging
G. G. Fonseca : N. M. B. de Carvalho : A. K. Gombert (*) from the production of oligosaccharides, oligopeptides, ribo-
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of So Paulo,
nucleotides, enzymes (Hensing et al. 1994; Cruz-Guerrero et
PO Box 61548,
CEP 05424-970, So Paulo, SP, Brazil al. 1995), aroma compounds (Fabre et al. 1998; Wittmann et
e-mail: [email protected] al. 2002), and heterologous proteins (Berkamp et al. 1993;
Hensing et al. 1995; Cai et al. 2005; Rocha et al. 2010, 2011),
Present Address:
to its use as an anticholesterolemic agent (Yoshida et al. 2004,
G. G. Fonseca
Laboratory of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, 2005) and in the removal of heavy metals (Yazgan et al. 1993;
Federal University of Grande Dourados, Dourados, MS, Brazil Yazgan and Ozcengiz 1994). A prerequisite for this yeast to be
5056 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

the object of metabolic engineering strategies, with the aim of in shake-flask culture on 100 ml YPD medium (yeast extract,
improving different bioprocesses, is to increase the knowledge 10 gl1; peptone, 20 gl1; glucose, 20 gl1) until late expo-
on its physiology, which includes the central metabolic func- nential phase, glycerol was added to a final concentration of
tions, such as carbon metabolism. 15 % (v v1), and 1 ml aliquots of this culture were stocked
The consumption of sugars by yeasts has been the aim of frozen at 80 C. Pre-cultures were prepared by transferring a
several studies, especially to verify the restraining of some frozen stock vial to 50 ml of liquid YPD medium held in a
cellular functions by their presence (Johnston 1999). In 500-ml baffled Erlenmeyer flask. After 8 h of growth in an
some species, high initial sugar concentrations cause catab- orbital shaker (200 rpm) at 30 or 37 C (depending on the
olite repression phenomena and trigger alcoholic fermenta- temperature of the subsequent cultivation, which was the
tion even when oxygen is present (Hensing et al. 1995). same), cells were centrifuged, washed twice with 5 ml of a
However, it is not yet well known how strong is catabolite 0.9-M NaCl solution, and resuspended in the synthetic medi-
repression by sugars in K. marxianus and which cellular um described below.
functions are affected by this mechanism. Moreover, many
gaps still need to be filled in the direction of examining the Synthetic medium for pre-cultures and bioreactor
behavior of K. marxianus in terms of the consumption of cultivations
different sugars. What is known in general is that the kinet-
ics of growth and sugar consumption depend qualitatively The mineral medium contained per liter of distilled water:
and quantitatively on the yeast species, type and concentra- (NH4)2SO4, 5.0 g; KH2PO4, 3.0 g; MgSO47H2O, 0.5 g; trace
tion of the sugar, oxygen availability, and other environmen- elements (EDTA, 15 mg; ZnSO 4 7H 2 O, 4.5 mg;
tal parameters, which include temperature, pH, medium MnCl22H2O, 0.84 mg; CoCl26H2O, 0.3 mg; CuSO45H2O,
composition, and presence of uncoupling metabolites 0.3 mg; Na2MoO42H2O, 0.4 mg; CaCl22H2O, 4.5 mg;
(Postma and van der Broek 1990; Verduyn 1991; van FeSO47H2O, 3.0 mg; H3BO3, 1.0 mg; KI, 0.1 mg); and
Djiken et al. 1993). silicone antifoam, 0.05 ml (Verduyn et al. 1992). After auto-
Microorganisms are frequently exposed to more than claving (121 C, 20 min), the medium was cooled to room
one carbon source, in both natural and industrial environ- temperature and a filter-sterilized solution of vitamins pre-
ments. Nevertheless, the utilization of mixed substrates pared in demineralized water was added, to a final concentra-
by yeasts has received little attention. Some exceptions tion per liter of D-biotin, 0.05 mg; calcium pantothenate,
are the study of ethanol production on sugar mixtures 1.0 mg; nicotinic acid, 1.0 mg; myo-inositol, 25 mg; thiamine
(glucose/xylose) by Pachysolen tannophilus (Kruse and HCl, 1.0 mg; pyridoxine HCl, 1.0 mg; and para-aminobenzoic
Schugerl 1996), the consumption of xylose in a complex acid, 0.20 mg (Verduyn et al. 1992). The different sugars
mixture of sugars by several Saccharomyces cerevisiae (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, galactose, xylose, or cel-
strains (van Zyl et al. 1989), and the utilization and lobiose) were sterilized separately and added to a final con-
transport of hexoses and pentoses in Debaryomyces han- centration of 10 gl1 (as the unique carbon source) or to a final
senii (Nobre et al. 1999). concentration of 20 gl1 (10 gl1 for each of sugar, in a binary
This work aimed at characterizing the physiology of the combination). Glucose was also studied at 20 gl1. The con-
yeast K. marxianus during exponential growth, more spe- centration of all medium components was also doubled with
cifically in terms of the maximum specific growth rate the carbon source (except when explicitly indicated).
(max), the specific rate of substrate consumption (S), and
the biomass yield on substrate (YX/S). A synthetic medium Bioreactor cultivations
was employed with different sugars as single carbon sources
or with binary sugar mixtures. Cells were grown in a biore- Cultivations were performed in batch mode in a Biostat
actor, which enabled monitoring of dissolved oxygen con- B bioreactor (Braun Biotech International, Germany) and
centration and pH control. started by adding a certain volume of the washed 8-
h grown pre-culture, so that the initial cell concentration
in the bioreactor was 0.001 absorbance units at 600 nm
Materials and methods (Abs600). Cultivation conditions were 30 or 37 C and
4 l working volume with pH monitored by an electrode
Strain, maintenance, and pre-cultures and controlled at 5.0 by automatic addition of 1 M
KOH. The culture was sparged with air at a flow rate
K. marxianus CBS 6556 (= ATCC 26548, NCYC 2597, of 4 l min1 and stirred at 700 rpm. The dissolved
NRRLy 7571) was kindly provided by Prof. Marcos Morais oxygen concentration was continuously monitored with
Jr., Departamento de Gentica, Universidade Federal de an oxygen probe (Mettler-Toledo) and was never less
Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil. After growth at 30 C than 60 % of saturation with air (except when explicitly
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067 5057

indicated). Eventually, the stirring speed was increased where max = maximum specific growth rate (per hour);
via an automatic system up to 1,100 rpm, in order to S = specific rate of substrate consumption during the EGP
keep the dissolved oxygen concentration above 60 % of (grams per gram DW per hour); YX/S = biomass yield on
saturation with air. With the aim of minimizing loss of substrate during the EGP (grams DW per gram); DW = dry
ethanol, a mixture of ethanol/water at 8 C was circu- cell weight.
lated through the outlet gas condenser.

Gas analysis Results

The inlet gas flow rate was adjusted using the bioreactors Physiology of K. marxianus on different individual sugars
rotameter. The molar fractions of CO2 and O2 in the outlet gas and temperatures
were analyzed via an infrared detector (Fuji Electric) and a
paramagnetic detector (Beckman Industrial, Model 755), re- Growth rate, substrate consumption, and biomass yield
spectively. Detectors were calibrated 24 h before the cultiva-
tions started using synthetic air containing a defined The physiological parameters obtained during exponential
concentration of carbon dioxide. The oxygen uptake rate and growth of the yeast K. marxianus CBS 6556 are presented in
the CO2 evolution rate were calculated from the O2 and CO2 Table 1. All results were obtained on the same defined
contents in the inlet and exhaust gases, respectively. The outlet medium (Verduyn et al. 1992), with different sugars as
gas flow rate was calculated from the inlet gas flow rate, single carbon sources and at either 30 or 37 C. Figure 1
applying a mass balance for N2 (Heinzle and Dunn 1991). shows the kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and
consumption of sugars. K. marxianus CBS 6556 was not
Determination of extracellular metabolites and biomass capable of growing on mineral medium supplemented with
concentration vitamins and either xylose or cellobiose as the sole carbon
source at 30 C. Consumption of these sugars was not tested
Sugars, ethanol, acetic acid, and glycerol were separated by further at 37 C.
HPLC using a Bio-Rad HPX-87H column (Hercules, CA, The cultivation on glucose at 30 C was performed in
USA). Samples taken from the bioreactor were immediately duplicate, with the aim of verifying how reproducible the
filtered with positive pressure and injected into the HPLC, experiments are and also to compare the results with those
with the aim of minimizing loss of ethanol. The column was previously carried out by Bellaver et al. (2004). Considering
eluted at 65 C, with 0.0075 M H2SO4 at a flow rate of the maximum specific growth rate (max), specific rate of
0.6 ml min1. These compounds were detected by means of substrate consumption (S), and the biomass yield on glu-
a Waters 410 differential refractometer coupled to a data cose (YX/S) obtained for this cultivation (Table 1), we ob-
module (Milford, MA, USA). Detection limits were 0.01 g served no significant difference between the two replicates,
l1 for the sugars and 0.025 gl1 for ethanol, glycerol, and which led us to carry out the subsequent cultivations in
acetate. The dry cell weight of 10 ml culture samples was single runs. Comparing our data with the results obtained
determined using 0.45 m membrane filters and a micro- by our group previously (Bellaver et al. 2004; Fonseca et al.
wave oven (180 W, 15 min) (Olsson and Nielsen 1997). 2007), it is possible to observe that they are not identical to
neither of the two works. As already discussed in the work
Determination of parameters during the exponential growth of Fonseca et al. (2007), these differences are probably a
phase (EGP) consequence of the different forms in which the cells were
received, propagated, and preserved in the three works.
The EGP was identified as the linear region on an ln(X) Since there is a high degree of genetic polymorphism within
versus time plot, where X is the cell concentration in terms the K. marxianus species (Belloch et al. 2002), it could be
of dry cell weight per volume. The maximum specific that this yeast is particularly rapid in evolving during the
growth rate (max) was determined as the slope of this linear propagation steps involved during stock generation.
region. The biomass yield on substrate (YX/S) was deter- Nevertheless, the data presented here and those presented
mined as the slope of the line on an X versus S plot, in the previous works mentioned above indicate that, once a
exclusively including points belonging to the EGP, where stock is generated and frozen at 80 C, cultivations become
S is the substrate (sugar) concentration. The specific rate of reproducible and thus different experiments carried out from
substrate consumption (S) was calculated according to the the same stock can be compared to each other.
following equation: Comparing all experiments performed (Table 1), it is
  possible to observe that, at 30 C, max was the highest for
S max YX =S growth on glucose (0.49 h1), whereas this parameter
5058 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

Fig. 1 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consumption

presented values around 0.41 h1 for growth on the remain- during cultivations with a glucose/30 C, b glucose/37 C, c fructose/
ing sugars. The behavior at 37 C is somewhat different. 30 C, d fructose/37 C, e sucrose/30 C, f sucrose/37 C, g lactose/30 C,
Again, growth on glucose occurred at the highest specific h lactose/37 C, i galactose/30 C, j galactose/37 C. Filled square, X
rate (0.45 h1), with intermediary rate values for growth on (biomass, gram per liter); filled circle, GLC (glucose, gram per liter);
filled diamond, FRU (fructose, gram per liter); empty circle, SAC (su-
fructose, lactose, and sucrose (around 0.41 h1). Growth on crose, gram per liter); filled triangle, LAC (lactose, gram per liter); empty
galactose at 37 C was the slowest, when compared to the diamond, GAL (galactose, gram per liter); empty square, ETH (ethanol,
other sugars investigated. This suggests that galactose up- gram per liter); empty triangle, GLY (glycerol, gram per liter); asterisk,
take is less efficient than the uptake of other sugars in K. ACE (acetate, gram per liter); times symbol, PYR (pyruvate, gram per
liter); minus sign, SUCC (succinate, gram per liter); plus sign, pO2
marxianus CBS 6556. This behavior has been reported for (dissolved oxygen concentration, milligram per liter)
S. cerevisiae (Ostergaard et al. 2000).
In general, growth on a sugar seems to be more rapid at compared to 30 C. Together with the low max value
30 C than at 37 C. The biggest difference in the max value observed for growth under this condition, it seems that
was observed for galactose, when the two temperatures are galactose consumption at 37 C is severely hindered in K.
compared. Bajpai and Margaritis (1987) reported that in K. marxianus CBS 6556.
marxianus UCD (FST) 5582, the specific growth rate Comparing the substrate consumption rates at 30 and 37 C,
remained almost constant over the range 30 to 35 C and it is interesting to note that there seems to be an increase in the
dropped sharply at temperatures either higher than 35 C or values of these parameters with increasing temperature, when
lower than 30 C and at pH values higher or lower than 5.0. cells are grown on the disaccharides sucrose and lactose. For
The specific rate of substrate consumption (S) presented the monosaccharide fructose, the values do not change much
similar values for growth on glucose, fructose, and galactose when the two temperatures are compared, whereas a decrease
(only at 30 C), whereas these values were somewhat in the S value with increasing temperature is observed for
smaller for growth on the disaccharides sucrose and lactose. growth on glucose and galactose.
This is probably a consequence of the fact that cells need to These values of max and S supply indications that the
perform a hydrolysis step before disaccharides can enter the cell activities of growth and substrate consumption are de-
glycolytic pathway, which might decrease the rate with pendent on both the type of sugar and the temperature. It is
which the substrate is metabolized. Galactose presented a difficult to identify a trend when inspecting the YX/S values,
much slower specific consumption rate at 37 C, when except for the fact that there seems to be a slight decrease in

Table 1 Physiological parameters during exponential growth of K. marxianus CBS 6556 on different sugars and temperatures

C- S0 T DT max S YX/S Xmax qmetabolites qO2 qCO2 RQ Carbon Reference

source (g l1) (C) (h) (h1) (g g (g DW g1) (g DW l1) (mmol g1 h1) (mmol g1 h1) (mmol g1 h1) recovered
DW1 h1) (%)

GLC 10 30 1.39 0.495 0.908 0.5450.005 5.400.04 0.0250.005 11.80.7 12.70.4 1.08 98.80.1 This work
0.005 0.001 0.03
GLC 10 37 1.54 0.45 0.85 0.53 5.32 0.03 11.5 12.1 1.06 96.8 This work
FRU 10 30 1.65 0.42 0.86 0.49 5.05 0.06 11.8 12.0 1.02 98.4 This work
FRU 10 37 1.69 0.41 0.87 0.47 5.28 0.01 11.8 11.8 1.00 99.4 This work
SUC 10 30 1.61 0.43 0.68 0.63 5.73 0.03 9.9 10.1 1.02 95.7 This work
SUC 10 37 1.65 0.42 0.75 0.56 5.73 0.05 10.6 10.8 1.02 95.4 This work
LAC 10 30 1.73 0.40 0.71 0.55 5.00 0.03 10.1 10.6 1.05 101.3 This work
LAC 10 37 1.77 0.39 0.75 0.52 5.00 0.04 10.7 11.1 1.04 96.1 This work
GAL 10 30 1.69 0.41 0.84 0.49 5.04 0.05 11.6 11.8 1.01 96.3 This work
GAL 10 37 2.24 0.31 0.66 0.47 4.80 0.03 9.7 9.7 1.00 95.3 This work
GLCa 20 30 1.41 0.49 0.92 0.53 9.36 0.11 9.9 10.7 1.09 96.1 This work
GLC 10 30 1.24 0.56 1.095 0.510.02 5.05 111 12.10.6 1.09 96.4 Fonseca et
0.02 0.005 al. (2007)
GLC 10 30 1.58 0.44 0.90 0.49 5.16 13.5 Bellaver et
al. (2004)
LAC 10 30 1.58 0.44 0.98 0.45 5.66 Bellaver et
al. (2004)

Cells of K. marxianus CBS 6556 were grown as described in Materials and methods
GLC glucose, FRU fructose, SUC sucrose, LAC lactose, GAL galactose, S0 initial substrate concentration, T temperature, DT doubling time, max
maximum specific growth rate, S specific substrate consumption rate, Xmax maximum biomass concentration, YX/S biomass yield on substrate
All other nutrients were also doubled. The kinetics of this experiment are shown in Fig. 2b
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067 5059

a b

c d

e f

g h

i j
5060 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

this parameter with increasing temperature. In some culti- should lead to higher carbon dioxide production and oxygen
vations, e.g., on sucrose at 30 C, high biomass yields on consumption rates (Fiechter et al. 1981). The respiratory quo-
substrate were obtained (0.63 g DW g1, Table 1). This tient was always between 1.00 and 1.11, indicating that the
parameter was calculated from the slope of an X (biomass metabolism of K. marxianus was purely respiratory.
concentration) versus S (substrate concentration) plot, only
including data points belonging to the exponential growth Metabolite production and carbon balances
phase. In all other situations investigated, a clear straight
line was obtained. However, for the particular case of su- The formation of extracellular metabolites was very low in
crose (both at 30 and 37 C), the data points did not align as all cultivations performed and never exceeded the sum of 34
perfectly (data not shown). This means that YX/S is not C-mmol of products per C-mol of sugar (Table 2).
constant during the exponential growth phase in this partic- Considering that the biomass yield reached values around
ular situation (growth on sucrose). Interestingly, during 0.53 0.05 g g1 (average standard deviation) for all
growth on lactose, which is also a disaccharide, YX/S was experiments performed with an initial carbon source con-
clearly constant during the exponential growth phase (data centration of 10 gl1, these data confirm the strong tendency
not shown). This difference could be attributed to the fact of K. marxianus to generate energy via respiration and to
that sucrose metabolism starts extracellularly via inulinase convert sugar substrates into biomass with high yields. Our
activity (which also hydrolyzes sucrose; Rouwenhorst et al. results are in agreement with those published in a detailed
1990), whereas lactose is first transported into the cells and study on nutrient limitation with the K. marxianus DSM
subsequently hydrolyzed in the cytoplasm (Bacci Jnior et 5422 strain (Urit et al. 2012). Although this is not the same
al. 1996). strain as the one utilized in our work, the mentioned study
Rech et al. (1999) suggested that K. marxianus strains clearly shows that metabolite formation in this yeast species
CBS 712 and CBS 6556 are thermostable, contrasting with is almost absent, as long as the culture medium does not
Furlan et al. (1995), who reported maximum growth rate at contain any trace element limitation.
30 C for the same strains, concluding that an increase in It can also be observed that there is no difference in
temperature slows cell growth. Rech et al. (1999) also terms of ethanol formation at 30 and 37 C for the
demonstrated that the strains showed no significant differ- different carbon sources studied, once this compound
ence in terms of growth and biomass formation, when was not detected at any of the two temperatures, except
cultivated at 30 or 37 C. On the other hand, at 30 C, the for growth on glucose (Fig. 1a, b) or in single samples
consumption of sugars was faster than at 37 C. In our study, for the other sugars, mainly during the exponential
however, we observed that K. marxianus CBS 6556 metab- growth phase (Fig. 1c, f, g). In this particular case, the
olism is temperature dependent, with higher growth rates at concentration of ethanol at 37 C was a bit higher than at
30 C than at 37 C and different specific rates of substrate 30 C. The most abundant metabolite in all cultivations
consumption at 30 and 37 C, depending on the sugar. Thus, was glycerol, with a tendency to present higher concen-
the influence of temperature on growth in general is sugar trations at 37 C than at 30 C. Known to have a
dependent. protective function for the cells, it might be that this
It should be noted that it was necessary to activate control stronger formation of glycerol at 37 C is a consequence
of the dissolved oxygen concentration, in order to keep it of some stress response. Finally, acetate and pyruvate
above 60 % of saturation with air, during some cultivations were also observed in some cultivations, in agreement
carried out at 30 C (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, with the data presented by Hensing et al. (1994).
galactose) (results not shown). This reflects the more active The appearance of ethanol in single samples during some
aerobic metabolism at this temperature, than at 37 C, in cultivations might be related to the growth rate, i.e., ethanol
which it was not necessary to increase the stirring speed. formation would set in for specific growth rates above 0.4
0.45 h1. At values above this interval, ethanol formation
Carbon dioxide evolution, oxygen utilization, and respiratory was more evident, e.g., during all growth on glucose; below
quotient this interval, it was absent (growth on galactose).
In Crabtree-positive yeasts, such as S. cerevisiae, under the
The specific rates of CO2 production (qCO2) and O2 con- same conditions employed in this study, the formation of
sumption (qO2) oscillated around 1011 mmolg1 h1 for the ethanol is expected because of a repression of the respiratory
different sugars and temperatures studied (Table 1). genes by glucose (catabolite repression) and also due to an
Comparison of the specific growth rates, substrate uptake overflow of the carbon flux at the pyruvate level (Sonnleitner
rates, and oxygen consumption rates was previously demon- and Kappeli 1986; Castrillo and Ugalde 1993). This can easily
strated to be directly proportional to each other (Schulze and be observed by the typical biomass yield on substrate for S.
Lipe 1964). Typically, an increase in the specific growth rate cerevisiae (YX/S =0.11 g DW g1) during a batch cultivation on
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067 5061

Table 2 Maximum metabolite

formation (C-millimole C-mole C-source S0 (g l1) T (C) Pyruvate Succinate Acetate Glycerol Ethanol Total Kinetic (h)
per substrate) from different aero-
bic batch cultivations on different GLC 10 30 0.00 0.00 13.3 7.79 11.4 32.6 20
sugars and temperatures with K. GLC 10 37 0.00 0.00 8.68 9.03 16.3 34.0 21
marxianus CBS 6556
FRU 10 30 1.90 0.00 0.00 2.37 4.92 9.20 22.5
FRU 10 37 0.00 0.00 2.25 2.00 0.00 4.25 17.5
Cells of K. marxianus CBS 6556 SUC 10 30 0.00 0.00 2.08 1.39 0.00 3.47 20
were grown as described in
SUC 10 37 1.47 0.00 0.00 2.62 4.32 8.40 20.5
Materials and methods
LAC 10 30 0.59 0.00 1.81 1.72 0.00 4.12 21
GLC glucose, FRU fructose,
SUC sucrose, LAC lactose, GAL LAC 10 37 1.51 0.41 0.00 2.76 0.00 4.68 23.5
galactose, T temperature GAL 10 30 0.81 0.00 0.00 2.27 0.00 3.08 18.5
All other nutrients were also GAL 10 37 1.89 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.00 2.94 26.5
doubled. The kinetics of this ex- GLCa 20 30 1.63 0.00 11.1 2.34 3.97 19.0 21
periment are shown in Fig. 2b

glucose (van Dijken et al. 2000), which is much lower than the specific growth rate value (max =0.36 h1) and in the biomass
values around 0.5 g DW g1 obtained for K. marxianus yield on substrate (YX/S =0.39 g DW g1) were observed, when
(Table 1). The maximum specific growth rate (max) of S. compared to cultivations without oxygen limitation (Table 1).
cerevisiae (around 0.4 h-1, van Dijken et al. 2000), grown As can be observed in Fig. 2a, ethanol was detected
under similar cultivation conditions to those applied in the already when the dissolved oxygen concentration reached
present work, is also smaller than the values obtained here for values around 80 % of saturation with air. This was quite
K. marxianus (Table 1), at least considering glucose as the unexpected and it could be that the oxidative metabolism
sole carbon source. started suffering a certain degree of catabolite repression at
glucose concentration values between 10 and 20 gl1.
Influence of the initial sugar concentration and of other To confirm whether the low dissolved oxygen concentra-
nutrients on growth tion (<40 % of saturation with air) was indeed responsible
for the increased ethanol formation after 21 h of cultivation
To investigate a possible growth limitation by nicotinic acid, in the experiment described above, a similar cultivation was
as verified by Kiers et al. (1998) for Kluyveromyces lactis carried out, under exactly the same conditions, except for the
during batch growth on the same synthetic medium used fact that the dissolved oxygen concentration was controlled
here, we performed an experiment under the same condi- above 60 % of saturation with air (Fig. 2b). As can be observed
tions as those reported above (10 gl1 initial glucose, 30 C, by comparing the two experimental data sets (Fig. 2a, b), even
pH 5.0, pO2 >60 %), except for the nicotinic acid concen- under full aerobiosis, ethanol formation occurred, as well as
tration, which was increased fivefold (5 mg l 1 ). We excretion of organic acids and glycerol (Fig. 2b: ETHmax =
obtained very similar kinetic profiles for all variables mea- 0.33 gl1, GLYmax =0.1 gl1, ACETmax =0.11 gl1, PYRmax =
sured under this condition, when compared to an initial 0.11 gl1). However, we can also conclude that the additional
nicotinic acid concentration of 1 mgl1, which indicates that ethanol production observed in Fig. 2a, starting at 21.5 h of
nicotinic acid was not limiting the growth of K. marxianus cultivation (reaching ETHmax =1.09 gl1 at 23 h), was due to a
CBS 6556 under the latter condition (data not shown). limitation in oxygen supply. It can also be observed that during
To investigate whether catabolite (glucose) repression this cultivation carried out with 20 gl1 initial glucose and
could set in during batch cultivations of K. marxianus CBS under full aerobiosis, the calculated max and YX/S values
6556, we performed one cultivation with an increased initial during the EGP were very similar to those obtained in experi-
glucose concentration (20 gl1). Accordingly, the concentra- ments with 10 gl1 initial glucose (Table 1).
tions of all other nutrients were also doubled, with the aim of With the aim of verifying whether nutrient limitation
avoiding an eventual limitation of growth by any of these could play a role in the formation of ethanol during the
nutrients, before the carbon source was exhausted. In a first experiments carried out in this work, we decided to perform
experiment, the dissolved oxygen concentration was not con- a cultivation with 20 gl1 initial glucose, without doubling
trolled, which led to values below 40 % of saturation with air the concentrations of all other nutrients accordingly
after 21 h of cultivation, reaching severe oxygen limitation (Fig. 2c). The kinetic profiles observed for this experiment
later on (Fig. 2a). This drop in the pO2 provoked a sudden were very similar to the experiment carried out with all
increase in ethanol concentration, which had not been ob- nutrients doubled (Fig. 2b, c). The maximum concentration
served during the other experiments, in which pO2 was con- of ethanol was very similar in both experiments (Fig. 2b:
trolled above 60 % of saturation with air. Decreases in the ETHmax =0.33 gl1; Fig. 2c: ETHmax =0.34 gl1). Thus, we
5062 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

a formation was increased, max was 0.42 h1, and YX/S was
0.39 g DW g1 (calculated from Fig. 2a). Under both nutri-
ent and oxygen limitations, the decrease in biomass yield
was probably due to the increased relative contribution of
the maintenance energy requirement to the overall energy
budget (van Hoek et al. 1998) and carbon deviation for
metabolite formation (Fonseca et al. 2007), respectively.
Even though we observed some ethanol, glycerol, and
organic acid formation during fully aerobic batch cultiva-
tions of K. marxianus CBS 6556, which could eventually be
b caused by some degree of catabolite repression, as discussed
above, K. marxianus still deviates less carbon towards for-
mation of these excretion products, when compared not only
to a Crabtree-positive yeast, such as S. cerevisiae, but also to
known Crabtree-negative species, such as Saccharomyces
kluyveri. Under similar conditions to those employed here,
and starting with 20 gl1 initial glucose in fully aerobic
batch cultivations, Mller et al. (2002a) measured a maxi-
mum ethanol concentration of 1.4 gl1 and a biomass yield
on substrate of 0.29 g DW g1 for S. kluyveri, whereas in
this work the corresponding values were 0.33 gl1 and
c 0.52 g DW g1 (Fig. 2b, Table 1).

Physiology of K. marxianus on binary sugar mixtures

Glucose plus lactose

In the mixture of sugars GLC + LAC, the presence of

organic acids, glycerol, and ethanol was detected during
the cultivation (Fig. 3). We could also observe the existence
of two independent growth phases, in accordance with two
Fig. 2 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consumption substrate consumption phases, corresponding to the two
during cultivations of K. marxianus CBS 6556 on the following media (at utilized sugars. Initially, a first growth phase on glucose
30 C): a glucose (at initial 20 gl1) and all other nutrients doubled, pO2 occurred, until 20 h of cultivation, followed by a growth
not always >60 % (4.5 mgl1); b glucose (at initial 20 gl1) and all other
nutrients doubled, pO2 always >60 % (4.5 mgl1); c glucose (at initial phase on lactose (from 20 until 23.5 h). The transition was
20 gl1) and all other nutrients at the same level used in the previous accompanied by a deceleration in respiration, corresponding
cultivations (Fig. 1), pO2 always >60 % (4.5 mgl1). Symbols are the to the increase of pO2 (from 19.5 until 20 h). When the
same as in Fig. 1 microorganism started the new growth phase on lactose,
these values decreased again, indicating that yeast returned
cannot associate ethanol formation in the cultivations car-
ried out at 10 gl1 initial sugar with nutrient limitation.
However, the max and YX/S values in these two experiments
were different (Fig. 2b, c). In the cultivation with 20 gl1
initial glucose and all other nutrients doubled, max was
0.49 h1 (Table 1), whereas in the cultivation with the same
initial glucose concentration, but without doubling all other
nutrients accordingly, max was 0.39 h1. Also, in the former
case, YX/S was 0.53 g DW g1 (Table 1), whereas in the
latter, YX/S was 0.41 g DW g1 (calculated from Fig. 2c).
Thus, although nutrient limitation did not cause increased
Fig. 3 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consumption
ethanol formation, it limited growth, which is both reflected
during cultivations with K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a binary mixture of
in the growth rate and in the biomass yield on substrate. On glucose and lactose (at initial 10 gl1 each sugar and 30 C). Symbols are
the other hand, when oxygen supply was limited, ethanol the same as in Fig. 1
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067 5063

recovered (%)
to respiratory activity. In spite of this lag phase of about
30 min, diauxic growth in a stringent sense (Monod 1942) is


GLC glucose, FRU fructose, LAC lactose, GAL galactose, DT doubling time, max maximum specific growth rate, S specific substrate consumption rate, YX/S biomass yield on substrate
not the case here, since lactose consumption started before

1.01 1.00 94.7

1.00 1.00 96.8


0.99 1.01 94.9

glucose was exhausted from the medium, indicating that the
genes required for lactose metabolism were already
expressed before glucose was depleted. There was no lac-




qCO2 (mmol g-1 h1) RQ
tose consumption while glucose concentration remained
above 6 gl1.
Considering that two distinct growth phases were ob-

served, kinetic parameters such as the maximum specific

growth rate (max), the specific rate of substrate consump-
tion (S), and the biomass yield on substrate (YX/S) were




calculated for each phase. It could be verified that the yeast
grows with a higher growth rate on glucose than on lactose,

(g g DW h ) (g DW g ) (mmol g h )
as expected (max GLC = 0.43 h1, max LAC = 0.30 h1)

1 1


(Table 3).

Table 3 Kinetic and respiratory parameters from K. marxianus CBS 6556 during aerobic batch cultivations on different sugar mixtures




Glucose plus galactose

0.45 0.99
0.48 0.49

0.48 0.49
0.54 (0.63/

0.48 (0.37/

0.47 (0.47/
The mixture of sugars GLC + GAL provokes a very similar



growth profile, when compared to GLC + LAC. As on the

latter sugar combination, glucose was the preferred sub-
strate. However, specific growth rate values on glucose 1 1


and galactose were identical (max GLC =0.37 h1, max
=0.37 h1). The shift in the growth curve is not as clear 0.43 0.30 1.61 2.31 0.96
0.37 0.37 1.87 1.87 0.77



0.37 0.37 1.87 1.87 0.77

as the one on the mixture GLC + LAC; however, a short lag

phase can also be observed (between 18 and 18.5 h) (Fig. 4).

It seems that glucose exerts a stronger regulation on
Lag phase Adaptation max (h1) DT (h)

galactose metabolism than on lactose metabolism, since




galactose consumption only started when glucose concen-
tration reached 2 gl1. In the case of growth on GLC + LAC,

Concentration of sugar below which the consumption of the second sugar started
this value was 6 gl1, as discussed above.



Lactose plus galactose
time (min)

Considering that lactose and galactose were only con-



sumed after glucose in the previous experiments, we

thought it would be interesting to investigate the growth
behavior of K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a mixture of

Total repression Yes




LAC + GAL (Fig. 5). In contrast to what was verified in

the previous cultivations, in which glucose was one of

GAL + FRU Simultaneous No repression
levela (g l1)

the carbon sources, no ethanol was detected throughout


the whole cultivation. Another observation related to the

excreted metabolites is that only acetate and pyruvate
were detected. In terms of growth curve, a unique growth

phase was observed, in contrast to the two previous

First sugar

situations. Therefore, the kinetic parameters max, S,

and YX/S were calculated considering the mixture of sug-



ars as the carbon source (Table 3). Interestingly, even

though a diauxic behavior was not observed for growth,

both sugars were not consumed completely in parallel.

Lactose was preferred by K. marxianus CBS 6556 over


galactose. The latter sugar started being consumed when

5064 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

Fig. 4 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consump- Fig. 6 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consump-
tion during cultivations with K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a binary tion during cultivations with K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a binary
mixture of glucose and galactose (at initial 10 gl1 each sugar and mixture of glucose and fructose (at initial 10 gl1 each sugar and
30 C). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1 30 C). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1

the lactose concentration reached 4 gl1 (Fig. 5). This Galactose plus fructose
result is in agreement with our previous observation that
glucose is more repressive towards galactose than lactose During growth of K. marxianus CBS 6556 on the mix-
metabolism. ture GAL + FRU (Fig. 7), organic acids, glycerol, and
ethanol were detected, although in lower concentrations,
Glucose plus fructose when compared to the other cultivations (except for the
one on the mixture LAC + GAL, Fig. 5). Once again, a
During growth on GLC + FRU, the presence of organic single growth phase was observed. Different from what
acids, glycerol, and ethanol was detected in similar was observed for the other cultivations on two sugars,
concentrations to the ones observed during the other simultaneous consumption of galactose and fructose oc-
cultivations employing glucose (GLC + LAC, GLC + curred, indicating that no regulatory mechanisms are
GAL) (Fig. 6). However, in contrast to the latter experi- triggered by galactose or fructose on the consumption
ments, no diauxic shift was observed on growth behav- of the other sugar. The kinetic parameters max, S, and
ior. Furthermore, glucose was only a slightly preferred YX/S were calculated considering the mixture of GAL +
sugar over fructose. There was almost no fructose con- FRU as a sole carbon source, with a unique growth
sumption while the glucose concentration was above phase (Table 3).
8 gl1. From this point onwards, the concentration of
both sugars decreased in parallel, and fructose consump- Fructose plus lactose
tion was accelerated, since there was only a small time
interval between the complete exhaustion of glucose and During growth of K. marxianus CBS 6556 on the mixture
fructose (around 45 min, between 20.75 and 21.5 h, of sugars FRU + LAC (Fig. 8), organic acids, glycerol,
Fig. 6). The kinetic parameters max, S, and YX/S were and ethanol were detected in the culture supernatant, in
calculated considering both sugars as the carbon source, concentrations comparable to what was observed during
similar to what was performed with the data from the growth on the mixture GAL + FRU (Fig. 7). Fructose
cultivation on LAC + GAL (Table 3). exerted total repression on the consumption of lactose,

Fig. 5 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consump- Fig. 7 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consump-
tion during cultivations with K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a binary tion during cultivations with K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a binary
mixture of galactose and lactose (at initial 10 gl1 each sugar and mixture of galactose and fructose (at initial 10 gl1 each sugar and
30 C). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1 30 C). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067 5065

reaches ca. 6 gl1, the high affinity system probably sets

in, relieving repression over lactose transport, allowing for
the co-consumption of both sugars. From the growth data on
the mixture GLC + GAL, it could well be that the higher
repression exerted by glucose on the consumption of galac-
tose, when compared to lactose, is due to the fact that there
is no specific transport system for galactose, as opposed to
lactose (de Bruijne et al. 1988). Thus, galactose competes
with glucose for the same transporter, which usually
Fig. 8 Kinetics of growth, metabolite formation, and sugar consumption presents a lower affinity for the former, when compared to
during cultivations with K. marxianus CBS 6556 on a binary mixture of the latter. This is also corroborated by the slower growth
lactose and fructose (at initial 10 gl1 each sugar and 30 C). Symbols are rates of K. marxianus on galactose as the sole carbon source,
the same as in Fig. 1
when compared to growth on glucose (Table 1).
Interestingly, although galactose seems to share one of the
since the consumption of the latter sugar only started after transport systems used by glucose (the high affinity system),
fructose had been exhausted from the medium. This was when growing on a mixture of lactose and galactose, the
somewhat surprising, since neither glucose exerted such a latter was not the preferred carbon source of K. marxianus,
strong repression on the consumption of lactose, nor fructose indicating that the repression effect caused by glucose over
affected the consumption of galactose in such a dramatic lactose (and other sugars) consumption is indeed related to
manner. Two independent growth phases were observed, with glucose consumption via the low affinity system or via
a diauxic shift between them (from 20 to 20.5 h of cultivation). signals originating specifically from glucose.
The pO2 increase in the time interval from 20 to 20.75 h The fact that growth of K. marxianus on the mixtures
indicates a deceleration of the respiration due to the transition GLC + FRU and FRU + GAL occurred with the (almost)
in sugar metabolism. The kinetic parameters max, S, and parallel utilization of the two sugars in each mixture also
YX/S were calculated separately for each one of the two growth fits with the results presented by de Bruijne et al. (1988),
phases. The max values calculated for each growth phase i.e., although glucose and fructose share a common low
were identical (max FRU =0.37 h1, max LAC =0.37 h1) affinity system, there is a high affinity proton symporter
(Table 3). specific for fructose, which allows for the consumption of
this monosaccharide, in parallel to glucose consumption.
In this case, the repression exerted by glucose on fructose
Discussion consumption is certainly weaker than the repression
exerted by glucose over lactose consumption. Also, since
Sugar transport is the first step in the metabolism of carbohy- fructose and galactose are transported by different systems
drates (except when there is sugar hydrolysis outside the cell). (galactose being transported by the same high affinity
In yeasts, this can proceed via a number of different mecha- system used for glucose transport), they exert no repres-
nisms. Some mechanisms involved in sugar transport were sion over the consumption of the other sugar, resulting in
described for K. marxianus (Gasnier 1987; de Bruijne et al. simultaneous consumption. Finally, the results obtained
1988; Postma and van der Broek 1990). Gasnier (1987) con- for growth of K. marxianus on the mixture FRU + LAC
cluded that glucose can enter K. marxianus cells through two also corroborate the findings of de Bruijne et al. (1988),
distinct transporters: a high affinity glucose transporter which i.e., fructose being transported by the low affinity system
is a protonsugar symporter and a low affinity transporter with (also employed by glucose, when present in the medium)
activity not associated with proton movement. de Bruijne et al. represses the transport of lactose, which seems to be the
(1988) described four possible transport systems in K. marx- less preferred sugar, among the ones studied here. This
ianus. One system is specific for glucose and fructose, appar- could be due to the fact that lactose is a disaccharide,
ently showing phosphotransferase activity (Postma and van which requires an additional metabolic step for its utiliza-
der Broek 1990). The other mechanisms utilize a proton tion, in this case intracellular hydrolysis. Thus, cells might
symport system specific for fructose, lactose, and glucose/ga- have developed regulatory mechanisms that favor mono-
lactose (de Bruijne et al. 1988). saccharide over disaccharide utilization.
The data shown here on the growth of K. marxianus on Finally, it should be mentioned that galactose is known to
GLC + LAC indicate that glucose transport occurs using the be a slow fermenting sugar in the yeast S. cerevisiae. In
low affinity system, whereas the glucose concentration in contrast to glucose and fructose, which are directly incor-
the medium is high (e.g., above 6 gl1), provoking repres- porated into glycolysis, galactose needs some additional
sion of lactose transport. Once glucose concentration metabolic steps, before it can be channeled into glycolysis
5066 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:50555067

(also known as the Leloir pathway). Nevertheless, the rea- cerevisiae, it has a very low tendency to direct the carbon
son for slow galactose consumption in S. cerevisiae is flux towards the formation of by-products. Besides this, it
probably related to the transport step (carried out by the does not require a nutritionally more complex medium,
Gal2 protein), since the same enzymatic steps are present in when compared to S. cerevisiae.
Kluyveromyces yeasts, which, as shown here, consume ga-
lactose faster than S. cerevisiae. Acknowledgments This work was financed by Fundao de Amparo
Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP, So Paulo, Brazil). We would
In K. lactis, which is a closer relative of K. marxianus, also like to thank Prof. Marcos Morais Jr for providing us the strain used
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