21-Inc Tubos de Torpedo

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21-Inch Submerged Torpedo Tubes


21-Inch Submerged Torpedo Tubes, Ordnance Pamphlet 1085, is one of a series

of submarine training manuals that was completed just after WW II. The series
describes the peak of WW II US submarine technology.

In this online version of the manual we have attempted to keep some flavor of the
original layout while taking advantage of the Web's universal accessibility.
Different browsers and fonts will cause the text to move, but the text will remain
roughly where it is in the original manual. O.P. 1085 is typeset in a more complex
way than the other manuals of this series. This has lead to many more
compromises between retaining that original flavor and remaining comprehensible
on in the web version. In addition to errors we have attempted to preserve from
the original (for example, it was H.L. Hunley, not CS Huntley), this text was
captured by optical character recognition. This process creates errors that are
compounded while encoding for the Web. Please report any typos, or particularly
annoying layout issues for correction.

Our thanks to IKON Office Solutions for scanning services.

For information about the development of U.S. Navy Torpedoes, see: A Brief
History of U.S. Navy Torpedo Development, by E.W. Jolie

Richard Pekelney

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N. Ord. 6






1. Ordnance Pamphlet 1085 is issued for the guidance of the Naval Service in the
operation and maintenance of the subject tubes.

2. The instructions are specific as to operation and maintenance, and supplement

the instructions contained in the Bureau of Ordnance Manual.

3. This publication supersedes that portion of Ordnance Pamphlet 586 (1st

Revision) pertaining to 21" Submerged Torpedo Tubes Mark 32 to 39 inclusive.

4. This publication is RESTRICTED and should be handled in accordance with

Article 76, U. S. Navy Regulations, 1920.


Record of Changes ii CHAPTER 4. INTERLOCKING 37
Promulgating Letter 3 MECHANISM'S
Preface 6 Breech and Muzzle Door Interlock 38
Plate 1 Opposite 23 Tube Drain Valve and Muzzle Door 42
Plate 2 Opposite 37 Interlocking Mechanism
Opposite 46 Firing Interlocking Mechanism 44
Plate 3
145 Interlock Disconnect 46
General Description 48
PART 1-The Torpedo Tube Is a 10
Gun The Solenoid 50
PART 2-How a Torpedo Tube 12 The Stop Cylinder Valve 51
Works The Torpedo Stop Cylinder 52
CHAPTER 2. THE BARREL 15 The Pilot Valve 52
The Building of a Torpedo Tube 16 The Stop Valve 55
Begins with the Barrel The Firing Valve 56
The Mechanisms which Convert 19 The Check Valve 58
the Barrel into a Torpedo Tube The Interlocking Mechanism 60
CHAPTER 3. THE BREECH 23 Schematic Diagram of Tube Firing 144
The Breech Door-the Loading End 24 CHAPTER 6. THE POPPET 61
of the Torpedo Tube VALVE SYSTEM
The Torpedo Tail Stop 27 General Description 62
Breech Door Operation 28 The Poppet Valve 64
The Muzzle Door and Its 29 The Operating Unit 66
The Roller Crank 67
Manual Operation 30
Operation of the Poppet Valve 68
Power Operation 32

The Poppet Valve Drain 68 9. Impulse Pressures and Firing 131

The Poppet Valve Controls 70 Valve Setting
CHAPTER 7. THE 75 Test Procedures 132
MECHANISMS B. Firing Tests 133
The Depth Setting Mechanisms 76 C. Bore Gaging 133
The Gyro Setting Mechanism 83 D. Use of the Barrel Center Line 134
The Speed Setting Mechanisms 91 Gage
CHAPTER 8. THE TRIPPING 105 E. Bore Sighting 134
The Tripping Latch Mechanism 106 INSTRUCTIONS AND
CHAPTER 9. THE TUBE 115 1. General 136
FLOOD AND DRAIN 2. Lubrication 136
SYSTEM 3. Wear or Deformation 136
General 116 4. Adjustments 136
Flooding the Tube 118 5. Stuffing Boxes 136
Draining the Tube 119 6. Pressure Gages 137
Roller Bracket Drains 120 7. Gaskets 137
CHAPTER 10. THE 121- 8. Valves 138
ELECTRIC FIRING AND 122 9. Automatic Drain Valve 138
10. Solenoid Actuated Firing 138
11. The Pilot Valve 138
Operating Procedures 124
12. Barrel Rollers 139
1. Torpedoes (U.S.) 124
13. Tail Stop 140
2. Torpedoes (British) 126
14. Firing Valve 140
3. Firing Procedure, Live 126
Torpedoes 15. Drain Grids 141
4. Firing Procedure, Mines 128 16. Breech Door Locking Ring 141
5. Firing Procedure, Dummy 128 17. Muzzle Door Gasket 141
Torpedoes 18. Springs 141
6. Firing Procedure, Water Slugs 129 19. Electrical Interlock 141
7. Firing Procedure, Air Charge, 130 20. Electrical Circuits 141
Inboard 21. Drainage System 142
8. Notes Pertaining to Mark 15 130 22. Torpedo Stop Mechanism 142
Torpedoes 23. Setting Spindles 143
24. Power-Operated Muzzle Doors 143
Distribution 145
Notes 146-



THE PURPORSE of this publication is to describe,

illustrate, and explain the basic construction and operation of
submerged torpedo tubes in submarines of the latest classes.
In other words, this is a submarine torpedo tube PRIMER.

Torpedo tubes in all U. S. submarines numbered SS170 et

seq. are fundamentally similar, but few installations are
exactly alike. Submarines vary in general design according to
where they are constructed, and also according to changes
and improvements that may be made in individual vessels
between the laying of their keels and their commissioning.
Some change may be ordered in a mechanism and included
in all vessels then under construction or on order. If
experience should prove that the change was unnecessary, or
that no important operating advantages were gained through
its installation, it might be discontinued. In the meantime,
however, the change would have been included in several
vessels which were under construction at the time the change
was recommended. In any case, it is obviously impossible to
cover all variations from basic torpedo tube design in a single
publication, hence this pamphlet, in its text and illustrations,
confines itself to the torpedo tube installations existing in
SS198 and up. The general principles which are discussed in
Chapter 1 apply to all U. S. NAVY submarines. Most of the
mechanisms pictured and described herein are identical with,
or are evolved from, those as far back as SS170, and
considerable similarity exists also to the installations in
SS167, 168 and 169. For descriptions applying specifically to
those older submarines, however, see O.P. 281 for the tubes
in SS167, 168 and 169, and O.P. 586 for the tubes in SS 170
and up.

Study of this pamphlet will equip submarine personnel with full general
understanding of what a submarine torpedo tube is, what it does, and how and
why it does it. But knowledge of individual differences between the torpedo tube
installations in one vessel as against another must wait upon experience with the
one or the other, as well as upon access to the construction drawings applicable to
a particular submarine. Each submarine is provided with copies of the drawings,
and these show any changes from basic design which have been made in its
operating mechanism, or in any other feature of its construction.

Generally speaking, anyone with a reasonable degree of mechanical knack, after

thorough study of this pamphlet, should find such variations in torpedo tube
construction and operation as he may encounter relatively easy to understand.
There is, in fact, nothing very difficult to grasp about any part of a submarine
torpedo tube, if those who study them do not attempt to understand them all at

This pamphlet, as has been said, is a torpedo tube primer, and not an engineering
treatise; it includes nothing "over the head" of the beginning student of submarine
torpedo tubes.

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PART 1 - The Torpedo Tube Is a Gun 10

PART 2 - How a Torpedo Tube Works 12




A submarine torpedo tube bears fairly

close resemblance to a large naval gun.
Its shape is somewhat similar. It has a
barrel with breech and muzzle. As the
gun fires a shell, the submerged torpedo operating mechanism, in fact, is located at
tube fires a torpedo, using compressed and operated from the breech end, the
air rather than an explosive for the same as with a gun. These mechanisms,
purpose. One marked difference between which will be described in following
the torpedo tube and a gun, however, is pages of this pamphlet, are interrelated
that the torpedo tube's projectile (the and interlocking.
torpedo) is self-propelling; the tube
supplies only the initial impetus or With the muzzle door closed, the breech
"start" for the torpedo. door is opened, and the torpedo is loaded
into the tube. Before opening the breech
At each end of the torpedo tube, or door, however, the tube must be drained
barrel, is a door-the breech door at the of all water that entered the tube during
inboard end, the loading or operating the preceding firing of a torpedo. For this
end, inside the submarine; the muzzle purpose, there is a system of drains and
door at the outboard end, the firing or valves, all operated from the breech end.

The firing mechanism, which sends the

torpedo out of the barrel and on its way to
the target, includes an impulse tank
charged from the submarine's high
pressure air system, also a system of
ejecting end, opening out into the water. valves, gages, etc.
These doors are operated, respectively,
by the breech door operating SS204 and 205 have four bow tubes and
mechanism, and the muzzle door two stern tubes. All other submarines
operating mechanism, both of which are numbered SS198 or higher have six bow
located at the breech end of the tube tubes (two vertical rows of
inside the submarine. All

Figure 2 - The submarine torpedo tube's

projectile is a torpedo.


Figure 1-By means of compressed air the torpedo tube fires a self-propelling
torpedo, giving it the initial impetus or start.

three each) and four stern tubes

(two vertical rows of two each).

Each of the integral parts of the

torpedo tube, and their operation,
will be illustrated and described, in
non-technical language so far as is
possible, in the following chapters.
Each torpedo is described in a
separate pamphlet.

The chapters in this pamphlet

should be studied very carefully, so
as to become familiar with all parts
and their relation one to another,
and to the ultimate purpose of the
torpedo tube. There should be no
hesitancy about asking questions of
those in authority. When the time
comes for going into action against
an enemy, there is no time to
wonder or to question about this or
that part, or about what should be
done first and what next. Operation
must be, practically speaking, Figure 3-The breech end of a bow nest of 6
automatic. Orders must be obeyed torpedo tubes.
instantly. Therefore, assiduous
application to the study of this
pamphlet is essential.



HOW A TORPEDO TUBE WORKS In the simplest form possible, a torpedo

Shown on these pages is a diagramatic tube would need to consist of no more
explanation of how a submarine than a barrel to receive the torpedo, and
torpedo tube works. The process is the means of providing the force
greatly simplified here, and only necessary to discharge the torpedo from
basically resembles the actual the barrel. In this ease, the force is
operation. It is possible that a simple supplied by a tank of compressed air
torpedo tube might be constructed which may be released into the barrel by
along these lines that would actually opening a valve.
fire a torpedo. All that is intended in
these diagrams and the accompanying The breech of the barrel is fitted with a
description is to reduce the theory of door which serves the dual purpose of
the torpedo tube to its barest providing an opening into the tube, and
fundamentals. With these fully blocking the escape of the compressed
grasped, the refinements which cause air from the barrel by any other means
the modern torpedo tube to function as
it does will be more easily understood.
Figure 4


than forcing the torpedo ahead of it and then closed and the muzzle door may be
out of the muzzle. Since the muzzle is opened. It must be remembered,
submerged in sea water, it must also be however, that at any
fitted with a door to shut

Figure 5
Figure 7
out the sea while the breech door is
opened to allow the torpedo to be considerable depth below the sea's
loaded into the tube. In this respect, the surface, there will be water pressure
tube with its interlocked doors acts as against the muzzle door which may be
an air-lock (like an escape hatch). too great to be overcome by whatever
force is applied toward opening it.
A cardinal principle of submarine
torpedo tube construction is that one or To offset this external pressure on the
the other of the tube's two doors must muzzle door, an equal pressure is built
always be closed, to prevent the up within the tube by admitting water
entrance of the sea into the submarine's from a tank (simultaneously venting the
interior. As will be shown in following
pages of this pamphlet, interlocking displaced air into the ship) and then
devices are fitted to submarine tubes to
prevent the simultaneous opening of
both breech and muzzle doors. It
scarcely seems necessary to

Figure 8
opening a valve which communicates
with the sea. With this done, no more
force is required to open the muzzle door
Figure 6 than would be needed if the tube and
door were not submerged at all.
point out the suicidal folly of any
attempt to defeat the purpose of these With the torpedo tube flooded with sea
interlocking devices. water at the same pressure as that outside
With the muzzle door closed to prevent the muzzle door, the door is opened and
the tube is ready to fire the torpedo. In
entrance of the sea into the tube, its
actual practice, the tube is flooded from
breech door is opened and a torpedo
loaded into it. The breech door is


tanks within the submarine rather than

from the sea itself; this avoids
disturbing the trim or balance of the
vessel through increasing the weight of
water it carries.

Figure 10

The torpedo tube having filled with

water, the muzzle door is closed, shutting
out the sea. It is now possible to open a
valve leading to a drain tank, and empty
Figure 9 the tube, at the same time blowing in air

The tube now being ready to fire, a

valve between the compressed air
supply and the tube is opened. It is
obvious that the air pressure must
exceed the sea pressure by sufficient
margin to force the torpedo out of the
tube. Here again, in actual practice, the
air charge is not permitted to
completely fill the tube and escape into
the sea, but is vented off so as to avoid Figure 11
causing a bubble of air to rise to the
surface and thereby betraying the to replace the water, and to force it out
submarine's location. faster. Thus the weight of the water taken
aboard to offset the lost weight of the
The torpedo having left the tube, the fired torpedo is retained in approximately
compressed air is shut off, and the tube the same locality. The breech door may,
fills with sea water. This tends to offset after all the water is drained out of the
the lost weight of the torpedo, keeping tube, be opened for reloading.
the submarine in trim. In effect, this
follows actual practice. A submarine is
held submerged on level keel at any
given depth by taking on or discharging
carefully calculated amounts of water
ballast. Failure to compensate for the
weight of a heavy torpedo can badly
upset the vessel's equilibrium.


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The Building of a Torpedo Tube Begins with the Barrel 16

The Mechanisms which Convert the Barrel into a Torpedo


The Building of a Torpedo Tube begins with the BARREL





A Acme thread to engage breech door J Speed setting housing pad.
locking ring. K Torpedo stop pads (stop bolt
B Interlocking mechanism breech assembly is interchangeable from
bracket pad. one to the other, according to Mark
C Stop cylinder and pilot valve pad. torpedo used).
D Poppet valve pad. L Vent pad (forward vent on bow
tubes; after vent on stern tubes).
E Gyro spindle retraction mechanism
pad. M Locking ring for breech door.
F Vent pad (after vent on bow tubes; N Gyro setting mechanism pad.
forward vent on stern tubes). O Joints.
G Tripping latch pad. P Bulkhead rings.
H Depth setting mechanism pad. Q Muzzle door hinge bracket.
I Speed setting pedestal pad.


Torpedo tube barrels are constructed

out of three sections, which are bronze
castings, and known as the breech,
middle, and muzzle sections, these
three sections being joined together to
Figure 12 TOP OF TUBE BARREL form a continuous cylinder. In joining,
the three sections are forced together,
cold riveted, and sealed with solder.

In some tubes in earlier submarines,

the barrel is of the same thickness
throughout, except where bosses and
pads are cast on to receive various
Figure 13 INBOARD SIDE OF TUBE fittings or parts of the operating
BARREL mechanism. In submarine torpedo
tubes of current construction, however,
the interior finish is maintained on
only four surfaces or "lands" (top,
bottom, and both sides), the rest being
recessed. In all cases, however, the
finished in side diameter of the tube is
Figure 14 BOTTOM OF TUBE BARREL 21.125 inches.

The bosses and pads cast on the barrel

to receive the various fittings or parts
of the operating mechanism, are shown
in the keyed illustrations at the left
(Figures 12, 13, 14, and 15). These

Figure 15 OUTBOARD SIDE OF TUBE four views show the barrel for a lower
BARREL port bow tube. In the first three, the
barrel has been turned over to show,
first, the top, then the inboard side,
R Roller bracket pads.
then the bottom. In the lower view,
S Drain pad (after drain on bow tubes; Figure 15, the barrel has been turned
forward drain on stern tubes). around, end for end, to show the
T Stanchion pad. outboard side.
U Drain pad (forward drain on bow
tubes; after drain on stern tubes). The pads and bosses include the
following: Breech door hinge bracket
V Roller trip, or roller crank, pads
pad; firing valve pad; poppet valve
(only one used).
operating mechanism pad; roller trip
W Poppet valve operating unit pad. pads (only one of these being used, the
X Firing valve pad. Mark of torpedo to be fired from the
Y Breech door hinge bracket pad. tube determining which one) vent pad
(as shown, the forward vent on bow
tube, after vent on stern tube); torpedo
stop pads (the stop bolt being
interchangeable from one to the other,
according to the Mark of torpedo
loaded) speed setting mechanism pad;
depth setting mechanism pad; tripping
latch pad; vent pad; stop cylinder and
valve pad; interlocking mechanism
breech bracket pad; poppet valve pad;
acme thread, which

Figure 16-Interior of Barrel
engages a similar thread in the breech ring for breech door.
door locking ring; roller bracket pads;
drain pad (as shown, forward vent on The significance of each of these bosses
bow tube, after vent on stern tube); and pads, and their relation to the
stanchion pad; drain pad (as shown, torpedo tube as a whole, as well as to its
after drain on bow tube, forward drain operation, will be more fully explained
on stern tube) muzzle door hinge in their proper order on the following
bracket pad; joints; bulkhead rings; pages of this pamphlet.
gyro setting mechanism pad; and
locking Figure 16 shows a view of the interior of


barrel as it is finished with the four the barrel, also to insure matching
raised positions known as lands. This between the depth setting, speed setting,
construction lightens the weight of the and gyro setting mechanisms on the tube
tube, and reduces the amount of and the sockets for the corresponding
machining necessary to finish the tube mechanisms in the torpedo.
to the diameter of 21.125 inches.
Obviously, the four points of contact Along the bottom of the barrel are four
provided by the lands are sufficient to rollers, mounted in brackets bolted to the
hold a torpedo in proper position. bottom of the barrel. These rollers
However, the torpedo does not rest support the torpedo, and facilitate its
upon the bottom land, but upon the movement while being loaded into and
four rollers along the bottom of the ejected from the barrel. In other words,
tube. the torpedo rides on these rollers during
its movement through the barrel. Each
Current torpedo tubes are of two roller bracket has a drain connection to
lengths, bow tubes being 252 inches, prevent retention of water.
stern tubes 276 inches, over all length,
not including doors. The effective In some earlier torpedo tubes, a relief
length (the greatest length of the valve was fitted near the muzzle end of
torpedoes that can be loaded into the the barrel to vent the barrel whenever its
barrel) for a barrel 252 inches over-all pressure exceeded the pressure of the sea
would be 250.81 inches; for a barrel by more than ten pounds per square inch,
276 inches over-all, the effective length and thereby prevent injury to the hinge
would be 274.81 inches. of the muzzle door. It has been found,
however, that under such pressure
Running through the top inside differentials the tube will vent through
surface, or land, is a guide slot, 1 3/16 the muzzle door without injury to any
inches in width (as shown in Figure part, so such valves are no longer fitted
16) which engages the guide stud on on tubes.
top of a torpedo to prevent it rotating
while being ejected from

Which Convert the Barrel into a

Obviously there must be something set the speed setting, the depth setting,
more than merely the barrel to make a and the gyro setting mechanisms in the
torpedo tube an effective weapon for torpedo; admit the charge of compressed
firing torpedoes. Various mechanisms, air which fires the torpedo out of the
each of which has a specific function tube; vent the air off before it has a
to perform yet is closely interrelated to chance to escape into the sea and
all the others, must be added to the disclose the position of the submarine to
barrel in order to convert it into a the enemy; drain the water from the tube
torpedo tube. after a torpedo has been fired, and
perform other necessary functions.
These mechanisms, some of which
have been briefly referred to in the The position or location of these various
foregoing pages showing the pads and mechanisms on the tube are shown, not
bosses on the barrel, control the necessarily in their proper order or
opening and closing of the breech and relationship, in the keyed
muzzle doors;


Figure 17 TOP OF TUBE




A Tripping latch arm. M Hand firing key.
B Firing valve. N Gyro setting mechanism.
C Poppet valve. O Depth setting mechanism crank.
D Interlocking mechanism breech P Speed setting wheel.
bracket. Q Torpedo stops (also see K in
E Firing mechanism stop cylinder, pilot Figure 20).
valve, and shutter bar. R Roller brackets.
F Electric firing solenoid. S Muzzle door operating shaft.
G Poppet valve indicator. T Muzzle door hinge bracket.
H Gyro setting mechanism. U Housing for muzzle door
I Depth setting mechanism. operating gears.
J Speed setting mechanism. V Roller brackets (also see R in
K Interlocking mechanism breech Figure 18).
bracket. W Torpedo tube drain pipes fasten
L Interlocking mechanism levers. here.
X Torpedo stops (also see Q in
Figure 18).


illustrations, Figures 17, 18, 19, and

20, at the left. They include the

A-Tripping latch arm, connects from

cam on breech door hinge to operating
Figure 17 TOP OF TUBE
shaft, and raises or lowers the tripping
latch which trips the starting lever on
the torpedo as it leaves the tube.
B-Firing valve, releases charge of
compressed air into the tube to shoot
the torpedo out of the tube.
C-Poppet valve, which draws off the
charge of compressed air that shoots
the torpedo out of the tube before the
air can escape into the sea and create
a disturbance on the surface of the
water which would disclose the
Figure 19 BOTTOM OF TUBE location of the submarine.

D-Interlocking mechanism breech

bracket, the central point of the
interlocking mechanisms which
prevent improper operation of the

E-Firing mechanism stop cylinder and

pilot valve, into which air is admitted
by the stop cylinder valve to set off
the firing valve; with the interlock
Y Roller trip, or roller crank, housing.
shutter bar which locks or releases the
Z Poppet valve operating mechanism. piston rod of the torpedo stop
AA Tripping latch shaft. cylinder.
BB Flange for poppet valve drain pipe.
F-Electric firing solenoid, an
CC Flange for impulse air pipe.
electrical plunger magnet which opens
DD Check valve. the stop cylinder valve when the firing
EE Breech door bracket. mechanism is operated.
FF Firing valve.
G-Poppet valve indicator, which
GG Electric firing solenoid.
shows whether the poppet valve is
HH Poppet valve. open or closed.
II Depth setting mechanism.
H-Gyro setting mechanism, which sets
the angle at which the torpedo travels.

I-Depth setting mechanism, sets

mechanism controlling depth under
water at which torpedo travels.

J-Speed setting mechanism, which,

when its spindle is set in its socket in
the torpedo, sets the speed at which
the torpedo travels.

K-Breech bracket, same as (D).


L-Interlocking mechanism levers. Z-Poppet valve operating mechanism,

which controls the operation of the
M-Hand firing key, used for firing the poppet valve (C).
torpedo when electric circuit is not
operating. AA-Tripping latch shaft, connects
with (A) at the breech door end of the
N-Gyro setting mechanism, same as (H). barrel, and with the tripping latch,
which trips the starting lever on the
O-Depth setting mechanism crank, for torpedo as it is leaving the tube. The
operating depth setting mechanism (I). tripping latch is raised as the breech
door opens to permit loading the
P-Speed setting wheel, for operating torpedo without interference, and it is
speed setting mechanism (J). A crank is lowered as the breech door is closed.
used instead of a wheel in later
installations. BB-Flange for the poppet valve drain
pipe, for disposing of the poppet valve
Q-Torpedo stop, which engages the guide discharge, and which, in more recent
stud on the torpedo and holds the torpedo submarines, runs to an open tank
in its proper place in the tube so the beneath the working floor.
spindles for the depth setting mechanism,
the speed setting mechanism, and the CC-Flange for impulse air pipe,
gyro setting mechanism will engage their which connects the impulse tank with
proper sockets in the torpedo. the firing mechanism, so that, as the
firing mechanism is set in operation
R-Roller brackets, four in number, on the by pressing the firing key, a charge of
under side of the tube, and in which are compressed air is released into the
mounted the rollers on which the torpedo tube behind the torpedo to eject the
rides while going through the tube. torpedo from the tube.
S-Muzzle door operating shaft, which DD-Check valve, which prevents
connects with the gearing for opening and water from entering the firing system
closing muzzle door. when the tube is flooded.
T-Muzzle door hinge bracket. U-Housing EE-Breech door bracket, bolted on
for muzzle door gearing, connected with the outboard side of the tube, and to
operating shaft (S), for opening and which the breech door is hinged.
closing the muzzle door. (Not installed on
tubes designed for power operation of FF-Firing valve, same as (B).
muzzle doors.)
GG-Electric firing solenoid, same as
V-Roller brackets, same as (R). (F).
W-Openings for torpedo tube drain pipes, HH- Poppet valve, same as (C).
fore and aft, for draining the water from
the tube after the torpedo has been ejected II-Depth setting mechanism, same as
and the muzzle door is locked closed, also (I).
for flooding the tube.
These mechanisms and parts, and
X-Torpedo stops, same as (Q), only one their operation, will be fully described
of these being used, depending on the in succeeding chapters of this
Mark torpedo being used. pamphlet. The keyed illustrations
shown here, however, should be
Y-Roller trip bracket, for the roller trip, studied carefully, as an aid in locating
or roller crank, which contacts the side of the different mechanisms while
the torpedo until the sloping body of the studying the following pages.
torpedo allows it to move to set the
poppet valve operating mechanism in


Plate 1. The Torpedo Tube and Its Operating Mechanisms.

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The Breech Door 24

The Torpedo Tail Stop 27
Breech Door Operation 28
The Muzzle Door 29
Manual Operation 30
Power Operation 32



... the Loading End of the Torpedo Tube

Figure 21 The breech door
A Tripping latch arm, operated by H Squared extension on pinion gear for
cam engaged by key in upper attaching operating handle.
arm of breech door. I Pinion gear which engages gear segment
B Hinge arm. on locking ring.
C Locking ring. J Hinge arm.
D Lug on locking ring engaging K Ring for attaching pulley for loading
lug on breech door. torpedo.
E Reflex water gage. L Adjusting hand wheel for torpedo tail
F Ring for attaching pulley for stop.
loading torpedo. M Reflex water gage.
G Lug on locking ring engaging N Pressure gage.
lug on breech door. O Hand grip.


The breech door is at the inboard

or loading end of the torpedo tube.
It is a bronze casting, bowl shaped,
having eight lugs fitting
corresponding lugs on the inner
surface of the locking ring. On the
outer surface (see Figure 21) are
two hinge arms which extend and
are pivoted to the hinge bracket at
the side of the barrel, the free ends
of the hinge arms bearing against
the bracket and limiting the
outward swing of the door. Also,
there is a pressure gage; a reflex
crater gage in two sections; a hand Figure 22 Breech door open
grip for opening the door; and a (A) Annular groove for rubber gasket; (B)
hand wheel in the center for Torpedo tail stop plate; (C) Bead on breach

operating the torpedo tail stop. face of barrel which fits against rubber
On the inner surface of the breech
door (Figure 22) is an annular or the barrel. On its inner surface are eight
ringlike groove in which is set a lugs, corresponding to the eight lugs on the
rubber gasket which, when the outer surface of the door. In closing the
door is closed and locked, presses door, the lugs on the door pass through the
against a bead on the end of the open spaces between the lugs on the locking
barrel, making the door water tight. ring; the locking ring is then rotated,
bringing the eight lugs on the locking ring to
The breech door is held against the bear against the eight lugs on the door,
barrel by a locking ring (see Figure thereby pressing
23), an annular or ring shaped
casting, having acme threads on its
inner surface which engage similar
threads on the end of

Figure 23 Breech door and locking ring disassembled

showing (A) The breech door; (B) The ring for locking and unlocking the
locking ring, with the acme threads breech door; (C) The breech end of the
which engage similar threads on the barrel, showing the hinge bracket, also
end of the barrel, also the gear the acme threads which engage the
segment which is engaged by the breech door locking ring.
pinion gear to turn the

the rubber gasket on the inside of the
door firmly against the bead on the end
of the barrel and insuring a water-tight

A hinge bracket, bolted to the outboard

side of the barrel at the breech end,
carries the door, also the pinion gearing
(Figure 24) which rotates the locking
ring. The pinion shaft (Figure 25) has a
squared extension to which is attached
the operating handle. As the handle is
turned, the action of the pinion on the
gear segment attached to the side of
the locking ring causes the locking ring
to rotate (see Figures 26, 27, 28, 29).
Figure 26 Door closed - left
Figure 27 One-half open - right
(A) Tripping latch cam; (B) Key which is
engaged by upper arm of breech door to
rotate tripping latch cam; (C) Pinion and
gear segment; (D) Gear segment on
locking ring, pinion gear (shown in
Figure 25) removed, door in open

Figures 24 Figure 24 (left) - Gearing

which rotates breech door locking ring.
Callouts show the Pinion Gear, Figure 30 (A) Tripping latch cam; (B)
Squared extension for handle and Gear Key on upper arm of breech door
segment on locking ring. engaging cam.
Figure 25 (right) Pinion gear segment
without interference. Closing the door
on locking ring.
lowers the latch into position to strike the
The locking ring carries a lug which starting lever of the torpedo when it has
engages an interlocking bolt connected moved about three-fourths of an inch
with the interlocking mechanism forward from its normal loaded position.
described in a later chapter. When this
interlocking bolt is raised it clears the A reflex water gage, in two sections, is
lug and permits rotation of the locking mounted on the breech door, also a
pressure gage to indicate tube pressures.
ring for opening the breech door.
The pressure gage piping is provided
When the bolt is lowered, it prevents
with a check valve (against the gage), the
rotation of the locking ring.
purpose of which is to retain the
Mounted in the upper arm of the indication of the maximum pressure,
breech door is a key (see Figure 30) attained when firing, long enough to be
which causes the tripping latch cam to read. In earlier vessels, the passages from
rotate when the door is being opened the inside of the tube to the chambers of
or closed. This cam actuates a lever the reflex gage were cored to an area of
connected with the operating shaft about one-half square inch. Since this
which leads to the tripping latch. The area was considered
tripping latch, as explained in a later
chapter, trips the starting lever on the
torpedo as it is leaving the barrel.
Opening the breech door raises the trip
ping latch to permit loading a torpedo
into the tube


The torpedo tail Stop, fitted in the

center of the breech door (see Figure 31),
holds the torpedo against the torpedo
stop bolt so it will be in proper position
to allow the spindles for the depth,
speed, and gyro setting mechanisms to
drop into their slots in the torpedo. This
tail stop consists of a hand wheel which,
when turned as shown in Figure 32,
forces a non-rotating stop plate against
the propeller nut of the torpedo, holding
the torpedo against the stop bolt.

In loading a torpedo into the tube, the tail

stop is retracted by turning the tail stop
handle to the left two full turns, thereby
Figure 28 Door open - left preventing interference with the torpedo
Figure 29 Gear segment - right or jamming it against the stop bolt when
(A) Tripping latch cam; (B) Key which closing the breech door. After the breech
is engaged by upper arm of breech door is closed, the tail stop handle is
door to rotate tripping latch cam; (C) turned to the right so the tail stop is tight
Pinion and gear segment; (D) Gear against the propeller nut on the torpedo.
segment on locking ring, pinion gear Then, unless the tail stop is fitted with a
(shown in Figure 25) removed, door in rubber disc to bear against the torpedo
open position. propeller nut, the tail stop is backed off
by turning the handle to the left about
unnecessarily large, the size of these
one-tenth of a turn to prevent binding the
holes has been reduced to one-fourth
torpedo against the stop bolt.
inch diameter, by the use of bushings,
to reduce the amount of water that When a torpedo tube test set is used, it is
might enter the submarine if a reflex secured by the pipe tap in the outer end
gage glass were to break. of the tail stop spindle. If a rubber
buffing disc is fitted on the tail stop, its
retaining stud and nuts must first be
Figure 31 (left) Tail Stop in center of breech door, turned as shown in Figure 32 at right.


Breech Door Operation the indicator. The breech door operating

handle is then attached and turned as shown
All operating parts and mechanisms of in Figures 33 and 34. The handle operates
the torpedo tube are controlled by an the pinion engaging the gearing and rotates
interlocking system, described later in the locking ring, bringing the lugs on the
this pamphlet. Hence, opening and locking ring in line with the open spaces
closing the breech door also operates between the lugs on the door, removing the
mechanisms connected with the muzzle pressure on the door so it can be swung open
door operation. when pulled by the hand grip.

To open the breech door, it must first be A word of caution: The door must be held by
made certain that the muzzle door is hand until it is fully open and bears against
closed, and that all water which entered the stops on the bracket. Jerking the door
the tube during the previous firing is open and allowing it to swing under its own
drained off. With this positively assured, momentum to an abrupt stop may damage
the breech and muzzle door interlocking the mechanism and prevent water tightness
lever, located at the side and just over the when the door is closed.
breech end of the barrel, is moved to
Breech Door Unlocked position on

Figure 34 Breech door locking ring turned,

door unlocked, lugs on door disengaged,
door ready to open.

Figure 33 Turning breech door locking

ring; A Operating handle turning locking
ring; B Pinion gear engaging gear
segment on locking ring; C Lugs on
locking ring engaging lugs on breech




Muzzle doors were designed for manual

operation only on all torpedo tubes in: SS
198-242, 247-251, 253-274, 281 and 282,
and on stern tubes in SS 243, 246 and
252. The text which follows, down to the
heading "Power Operation" on page 32,
describes this manually operated
mechanism. The balance of this chapter
deals with the mechanisms designed
primarily for power operation, with
manual operation retained only for
emergency use, which are installed on all
other torpedo tubes in submarines
subsequent to SS198.

The Muzzle Door Mechanism consists of

the door itself (Figure 35); a bracket; a
door arm; a worm and worm segment
(Figures 36 and 37); a breech bracket,
located over the breech end of the tube;
an operating shaft (see Figures 42, 43,
44); a muzzle door indicator (see Figure Figure 35 Muzzle door, open at 45 degrees.
44), and interlocking features which are (A) Annular groove containing rubber
described in Chapter 4.
gaskets; (B) V-shaped beading around end
of barrel; (C) Rubbing strip; (D)
The muzzle door, like the breech door, is Connections for shutter door arms; (E)
a bowl shaped bronze casting. In a Operating shaft connection (this being for
groove around the inner surface of the power operated muzzle door).
door is set a rubber gasket, the same as on
the breech door, which, when the muzzle
door is closed and locked, is pressed
against a V-shaped beading around the
end of the barrel (Figure 35), forming a
water tight seal.

Figure 37 Showing worm and worm segment

in muzzle door open position.
Figure 36 Gearing for opening and
closing manually operated muzzle door,
barrel rolled on side to show gearing. (A)
Operating shaft; (B) Worm segment; (C)
Worm which operates worm segment to
open or close door.


Manual Operation

Muzzle doors and their operating

mechanisms for stern tubes are similar in
general design and operation to those for
bow tubes. Differences arise, principally,
from the omission of shutters in some
vessels. Where this is done, it sometimes
has been possible to obtain operating
advantages by hinging the doors on other
than vertical axes. Reference must be
made to the plans or drawings known to Figure 38 Opening muzzle door by hand
be applicable to a particular vessel or (action to left).
class of vessels. Every submarine carries
a set of the drawings or blueprints which
apply specifically to it.

The muzzle door and shutter are opened

and closed by means of the operating
shaft, which extends from the muzzle
door to the breech bracket at the breech
end of the tube, this shaft being fitted
with appropriate stuffing boxes,
couplings, and universal joints as
necessary. Figure 39 Closing muzzle door by hand
(action to right).
All operating mechanism and controls for
the muzzle door are located at the breech and closed, a shutter arm being connected to
end of the tube and, as stated in previous the door arm on the muzzle door (see D in
references to the breech door, both the Figure 35). The closing of the shutters when
breech door and the muzzle door are the torpedo tube is not in action eliminates
linked together by the interlocking the resistance that would be created by water
mechanism so that one can not be opened entering the chambers
until the other is closed and locked.

The muzzle doors of bow tubes open out

into chambers at either side of the
submarine, and these chambers are
equipped with shutters (see Figures 40
and 41 for the type installed in
submarines under construction as this
pamphlet is issued) which are opened and
closed as the muzzle door is opened
Figure 41 Outboard view showing shutters
for muzzle doors closed.
Figure 40 Outboard view showing muzzle
door with shutters open.


were the shutters left open, so that the

speed of the submarine is not affected.

The forward ends of the shutters shown

by Figures 40 and 41 are fitted with
vertical pins upon which rollers are Figures 42 and 43 Cylinder slide on muzzle
mounted. Grooves for these rollers are door operating shaft, showing (left) interlock
provided in the horizontal plating above bolt engaged in breech door unlocked
and below each shutter, so that as the rear position, (right) muzzle door unlocked
of the shutter is thrown in or out by the position.
shutter arm of the door mechanism (to
open or close the shutter as the muzzle The interlocking mechanism which controls
door is opened or closed) the forward end the opening and closing of both the breech
of the shutter slides to the front or rear, and the muzzle doors is fully described in
sliding behind the hull plating forward as the following chapter of this pamphlet.
the shutter is opened. Briefly, however, the operation of this
mechanism as it applies to the muzzle door
In certain submarines other types of is as follows:
shutters will be found. For instance:
Located on the breech bracket at the breech
(1) A type similar in all respects to that end of the tube is a system of levers and
pictured by Figures 40 and 41 except for indicators, as shown in Figure 44. As the
being curved around a horizontal axis, breech and muzzle door interlock lever is
and moved from one position to the other, it
engages or disengages bolts in the cylinder
(2) A type which is hinged at the front slide which moves in the breech bracket (see
end instead of having the front end slide Figures 42 and 43), thereby locking or
on rollers. On this type, the pin at the end releasing the muzzle door operating shaft. To
of the shutter arm engages a slot in the open the muzzle door, the breech and
shutter-frame instead of a hole. Due to muzzle door interlocking lever is moved to
the lost motion which develops with this the "Muzzle Door Unlocked" position on the
type of linkage, such shutters have a indicator plate. This can not be done,
special locking mechanism to hold them however, until the breech door has been
open, so that they will not foul a torpedo. closed and
Figure 44 Breech bracket and interlocking levers which control opening and
closing of the breach and muzzle doors.
(A) Indicator showing movement of handle is attached for opening and
muzzle door as it opens and closes; (B) closing muzzle door; (D) and (E) Breech
Breech bracket for cylinder slide and muzzle door interlock indicator and
connected with muzzle door operating lever; (F) Drain valve and muzzle door
shaft; (C) End of muzzle door interlock lever and indicator; (G) Muzzle
operating shaft to which door unlocked and tube ready to fire
interlock lever and indicator.


locked, as a lug on the breech door door ready for the operation of the firing
locking ring engages a bolt which mechanism. As the muzzle door opens,
prevents moving the lever until it is in its movement is shown on the muzzle
the right position. The drain valve and door indicator, which is shown at (A) in
muzzle door interlock lever is then Figure 44.
placed on the "Drain Valve Locked"
position of the indicator plate. The To close the muzzle door, the sequence
firing interlock lever is placed at of operation is reversed. The firing
"Muzzle Door Unlocked" position on interlock lever is moved to the "Muzzle
its indicator plate. The muzzle door Door Unlocked" position, opening the
operating handle is then attached to the
interlock switch and unlocking the door.
squared extension on the end of the The muzzle door operating handle may
muzzle door operating shaft and turnednow be rotated in a clockwise direction
counter-clockwise (to the left), as (to the right) as shown in Figure 39,
shown in Figure 38. closing the door. When the muzzle door
indicator pointer is at 0 degrees the door
This counter-clockwise turning of the is closed, and the breech door locking
muzzle door operating handle operates bolt may be thrown, unlocking the
the worm and worm wheel in the locking ring on the breech door.
muzzle door bracket and opens the

Power Operation

The power operating mechanism for The power cylinder is connected by

muzzle doors is shown in Figure 45 tubing with the control valve, located
(refer also to Plate One, on which the just over the torpedo tube and connected
bottom view shows the same tube with the vessel's hydraulic manifold. The
more completely). The muzzle door control valve is operated by means of a
operating shaft is operated by a thrust rod which moves through the
hydraulic power cylinder, and is interlock sleeve connected with the
located below and to the inboard side cylinder slide in the breech bracket.
of the tube.

Figure 45 Breech end of tube, showing parts for power operation of muzzle door.
(A) Hand grip attached to thrust rod operating shaft; (F) Jacknut gear which
for operating control valve; (B) connects with spur gear on shaft for
Interlock sleeve, through which thrust operating by hand; (G) Interlock chain;
rod operates; (C) Control valve; (D) (H) Connecting rods from interlock
Power cylinder; (E) Muzzle door levers to lock or release muzzle door
operating shaft; (I) Shaft for operating
by hand.


The control valve handle (Figure 46)

which operates the thrust rod has
recesses on the under side which lock it
in position, being released by a trigger,
so the handle is locked when set for
muzzle door open (Figure 46), muzzle
door closed (Figure 47), or for hand
Figure 46 Control valve operating operation (Figure 48). The thrust rod
handle for power operation of muzzle parts are shown in Figures 49, 50, 51.
door handle in door open position.
The cylinder slide has slots which
engage the interlock bolts for the breech
and muzzle door and drain valve and
muzzle door interlocks, the same as with
manual operation, so the thrust rod
cannot be operated unless these interlock
bolts are in correct position.
Figure 47 Handle in muzzle door
closed position -left. The muzzleward end of the thrust rod is
Figure 48 Handle set for opening door connected to the control valve by an arm
by hand - right. (Figure 52). When the control valve
handle is in closed position, the arm is
toward the muzzle door (Figure 52);
when in open position, the arm is toward
the breech door (Figure 53); when in
neutral for hand operation, the arm is in
the center (Figure 54).
Figure 49 Control valve operating handle disassembled.
(A) Thrust rod and handle; (B) Slot for operating shaft engaged by gear on
interlock bolt; (C) Cylinder slide which interlock chain to move operating shaft
moves in breech bracket; (D) Teeth on and cylinder slide to show opening and
interlock sleeve closing of muzzle door on indicator.

Figure 50 Breech end of thrust rod, Figure 51 Muzzleward end of thrust

showing cylindrical slide and slots for rod, with parts.
engaging interlock bolts.


Figure 55 left - Figure 56 right

Figure 55 Control valve opened to
show interior (view taken from back
of valve as shown in Figures 52, 53,
and 54), with piston in position for
Figure 52 Control valve for operating muzzle door closed. Position for
muzzle door by power, showing arm muzzle door open shown in Figure
connected to thrust rod in muzzle door 56; neutral position for operating
closed position. Position for muzzle door by hand in Figure 57; interior with
open shown in Figure 53, below. Figure 54 piston removed in Figure 58.
shows the control valve in neutral position
for opening and closing the muzzle door by

Figure 57 left - Figure 58 right

Cut-away views of the valve are
Figure 53 left - Figure 54 right shown, Figure 55 being with the
piston in muzzle door closed
position (hydraulic pressure being
on the muzzleward end of the
operating cylinder); Figure 56,
muzzle door open (hydraulic
pressure being on the breechward
end of the operating cylinder);
Figure 57, neutral for hand
operation (hydraulic pressure being
blanked off from both ends of the

Figure 59 The control valve parts disassembled.

(A) Connector nut; (B) Tailpiece; (C) Gasket; (D) Flange; (E) Gasket; (F) Valve
body; (G) Connection to supply from manifold; (H) Connector nut; (I) Piston; (J)
Pin; (K) Pin; (L) Link; (M) Gasket; (N) Bracket; (O) Arm; (P) Shaft; (Q) Stuffing
box; (R) Follower ring; (S) Gland; (T) Nuts and pins for attaching flange and
bracket to valve body; (U) Washers and cotter pins for piston and link; (V) Bolts
for bracket.


Figure 60 Power cylinder parts disassembled. (A) Gland Nut; (B) Gland; (C)
Packing; (D) Cylinder head; (E) Cylinder body; (F) Cylinder head; (E) Cylinder
body; (F) Cylinder head; (G) Packing; (H) Gland; (I) Gland nut; (J) Nuts for
fastening cylinder heads to body.
cylinder, which are cross-connected the muzzle door is being opened or
through a passage in the valve piston closed by hand); Figure 58 with piston
so that oil may pass freely from one removed. Figure 59 shows the parts of
end of the operating cylinder to the the valve disassembled.
other while

Figure 61 Operating rod and packing Figure 62 Breech end of muzzle door
for power cylinder. (A) Shaft; (B) operating shaft. (A) Threads on shaft
Retaining ring; (C) Piston cup which engage gear (B) for operating
(leather); (D) Piston; (E) Piston cup interlock chain; (C) lack nut gear
(leather), (F) Retaining ring; (G) engaged by long spur gear on hand
Machine screws for fastening retaining operating shaft; (D) Threads on
rings to piston. operating shaft engaged by jack nut
gear; (E) Gear; (F) Sprockets.

Figure 63 Showing the interlock chain in muzzle door open, tube ready to fire position.
(A) Connection with operating shaft; (B) Interlock chain; (C) Gearing connecting
with interlock sleeve operating shaft; (D) Shaft for hand operation.


Figure 64 Opening power operated muzzle door by hand.

(A) Handle attached for hand operation; (B) Jack nut gear engaged long spur
gear under; (C) Gear indicator and guard; (D) projections on guard with which
jack nut gear must be lined up when changing from hand to power operation.
The hydraulic power cylinder (see muzzle door is opened or closed by
Figure 45) is operated by oil under power, this jack nut, being kept from
pressure from the vessel's hydraulic rotating by its engagement with the long
manifold leading through the control gear on the hand operating shaft rides
valve. Views of the power cylinder along with the door operating shaft
disassembled are shown in Figures 60 between the two extensions of the
and 61. bracket, without touching either (since
such contact would prevent the full
As the operating shaft is moved by the movement of the door). When rotated by
power cylinder, teeth on the breech end the long gear on the hand shaft, the jack
of the shaft engage gearing (Figure 62) nut first moves along the threads of the
operating the interlock chain, which is operating shaft (since this takes less
connected at the top with gearing force than to move the door) until it
engaging teeth on the under side of the comes against one of the two extensions
interlock sleeve operating shaft. As the of the bracket, and then, since it can
muzzle door opens or closes, the move no further along the operating
interlock sleeve operating shaft and the shaft, moves the shaft, thus operating the
cylinder slide move, rotating the door.
pointer on the muzzle door indicator.
The hand operating shaft is acted upon
Provision also is made for opening and by special interlocking mechanism so as
closing the power operated muzzle to obtain the same results as in power
door by hand should it become operation. This mechanism consists of
necessary. A hand operating shaft is rods extending down from the interlock
provided (Figures 63 and 64). At the levers (Figure 45) to, dogs which
end of this shaft is a long spur gear appropriately engage or release a gear on
which engages a jack nut on the the hand operating shaft (in Figures 65,
muzzle door operating shaft (Figure 66 and 67).
64), the jack nut having teeth parallel
with the shaft on its outer surface and For further information, consult section
a screw thread on its inner surface to 24 of Chapter 12.
engage the thread on the power shaft.
When the

Figure 65 Hand shaft Figure 66 Hand shaft Figure 67 Hand shaft

interlock, in position when interlock, position for interlock, position for
muzzle door is locked muzzle door open, tube opening muzzle door by
closed. ready to fire. hand.


Plate 2 - The Interlocking Mechanism

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Breech and Muzzle Door Interlock 38

Tube Drain Valve and Muzzle Door Interlocking Mechanism 42
Firing Interlocking Mechanism 44
Interlock Disconnect 46



FOREWORD: Plate Two, which Figure 70, or F in Figure 72) is operated
shows diagrammatically the complete by hand, independently of other gear. In
interlock system for a torpedo tube the power-operated mechanism, the
having a manually-operated muzzle breech and muzzle door interlock lever is
door mechanism, and Plate Three, linked to the drain valve and muzzle door
which similarly pictures one for a tube interlock lever by a connecting rod (A in
having a power-operated muzzle door Figures 74 and 77) so that the two
mechanism, should be referred to in operate together.
connection with the more detailed
figures and text of this chapter. In (3) In general, the interlocking bolts
general, the differences between the operate with the interlock slide in the
interlock systems are: same manner, regardless of whether the
muzzle door operating mechanism is of
(1) The interlock slide, which is the manual- or power-operated type.
moved fore-and aft by threads on the However, in order to properly control the
muzzle door operating shaft in the operation of the control valve in the
manually-operated mechanism, is power-operated type, the interlock bolts
driven by gears, sprockets and a chain engage the thrust rod or attached parts as
from the operating shaft of the power- well as the interlock sleeve. Also, in the
operated gear. power operated type, these bolts do not
prevent the operation of the emergency
(2) In the manually-operated hand drive, so additional
mechanism the breech and muzzle
door interlock lever (A in

Figure 68 The breech bracket and showing position of muzzle door while
interlocking levers, showing their opening and closing; (D) Breech and
position with relation to the breech muzzle door interlock lever; (E) Breech
door. (A) Firing mechanism interlock bracket, in which the cylindrical slide
lever; (B) Tube drain valve and muzzle moves as the muzzle door operating shaft
door interlock lever; (C) Indicator is turned.


linkages are provided from the breech depth and speed spindles are retracted
and muzzle door interlock lever and from their sockets in the torpedo, (4) the
from the firing interlock lever to the firing stop valves are locked open, (5)
hand operating shaft, each linkage the drain valve is locked closed.
consisting of a long connecting rod
and a bellcrank lever which has a tip The interlocking mechanism consists of
shaped like a gear-tooth so that it will three sections: The Breech and Muzzle
engage a gear which is keyed on to the Door Interlock; the Tube Drain Valve
hand operating shaft. These linkages and Muzzle Door Interlock; and the
perform the same functions with Firing Mechanism Interlock. The levers
respect to the emergency hand shaft and indicators for these interlocks are
that the interlock bolts perform with shown in Figure 68.
respect to the power-operated gear.
In general, the interlocking mechanism is
In this chapter, Figures 68 to 73, 77, mechanical throughout and centers about
79, 80 to the muzzle door operating shaft, which
extends (in the manual

Figure 69 Cylinder slide and breech end of muzzle door operating shaft, showing
(A) Acme thread on breech end of muzzle door operating shaft; (B) Slot for
breech and muzzle door interlock bolt; (C) Bolt disengaged from and in line with
slot in slide, in muzzle door unlocked position.
83, and 85, strictly apply only where
muzzle door operating mechanisms are
of the manual type. Figures 74 and 75
apply where the power type is
installed. Figures 76, 78 and 84 may be
considered illustrative for either type.

The interlocking mechanism actually is

protection against improper operation
of the tube. It prevents (a) opening the
breech door when the muzzle door is Figure 70 Breech bracket, showing
open, and opening the muzzle door breech and muzzle door interlock lever
when the breech door is open; also, it (A) at muzzle door unlocked position.
prevents (b) opening the drain valve
when the muzzle door is open, and
opening the muzzle door when the
drain valve is open. It prevents (c)
firing of the tube except when (1) the
muzzle door is locked open, (2) the
breech door is locked closed, (3) the


Figure 71 Cylindrical slide, showing (A) interlocking bolt raised into slot,
preventing movement of slide and locking muzzle door operating shaft.

type) from the gearing at the muzzle

door to the breech bracket over the
breech end of the tube.

The Breech and Muzzle Door Interlock

controls the opening and closing of the
breech and muzzle doors. It is so
arranged that when one door is open the
other door is closed and locked tight.

In the "manually operated" type of

muzzle door operating mechanism, a
cylindrical slide engages an acme thread
on the breech door end of the muzzle
door operating shaft (Figure 69) and
slides in the breech bracket (Figure 70).
This cylindrical slide moves away from
the operator when closing the muzzle
door, and toward the operator when
opening the muzzle door. The distance
this slide travels between the extreme
positions is 4.858 inches. By means of
slots, this cylindrical slide engages bolts
in the breech and muzzle door
interlocking system (see Figures 69 and
Figure 73 Cylindrical slide
71), also in the drain valve and the firing
disassembled, showing (A) Muzzle
interlocking systems.
door indicator; (B) Ring with pointer
and tooth in (C) Helical groove in The breech and muzzle door interlocking
cylindrical slide; (D) Slot for head of bolt (Figures 69 and 71) is actuated by a
drain valve interlock rod; (E) Slot for breech and muzzle door interlock lever
breech and muzzle door interlock bolt; (Figures 70 and 72). When the muzzle
(F) Acme thread on (G) Breech end of door is fully closed, the slot in the slide
muzzle door operating shaft. is in line with the interlocking bolt
(Figure 69) and the interlock lever can
be moved to "Breech Door Unlocked"
position (Figure 72). In this position, the
interlock bolt is raised into the slot of the
slide (Figure 71), clearing the lug on the
breech door locking ring, and allowing
the locking ring to be rotated so the
breech door can be opened. The lug on
the locking ring prevents the bolt from
being lowered while the breech door is
unlocked. When the breech door is
closed and locked, the interlock lever can
be moved to "Muzzle Door Unlocked"
position, as in Figure 70, and the bolt
goes to its lower position where it is
clear of the slot in the slide, as in Figure

As the muzzle door opens or closes, its


Figure 72 Breech bracket, showing breech and muzzle door interlock lever at
breech door unlocked position. (A) Cylindrical slide; (B) Indicator showing
position of muzzle door when opening or closing. (C) Breech bracket; (D) End of
muzzle door operating shaft for attaching handle; (E) Indicator, showing (F)
Breech and muzzle door interlock lever at breech door unlocked position, ready
for unlocking and opening the breech door.

is shown on the Muzzle Door Indicator operated by a control valve, the control
(see Figure 73, also C in Figure 68). valve being set in action by a thrust rod
This indicator consists of a ring with a which moves through the interlock sleeve
pointer on its outer surface or and the breech bracket. This control
circumference, and, a tooth valve cannot be set in action unless the
immediately below it on the inner interlocks are in proper position.
surface of the ring. The tooth engages
a helical groove in the slide, so that as Rods extend down from the breech and
the slide moves backward or forward muzzle door interlock lever and from the
the indicator moves, showing the drain valve and muzzle door interlock
position of the muzzle door on the lever, and connect with gearing which
scale. locks or unlocks the emergency hand
operating shaft (H in Figure 45, page
With the power-operated mechanism, 32). The interlock slide is moved
the shaft for opening and closing the backward or forward by an interlock
muzzle door is operated by a hydraulic chain.
cylinder which, in turn, is

Figure 74 New connecting rod (A) Linking the breech and muzzle door interlock
lever with the drain valve and muzzle door interlock lever so the two operate
together. Levers as shown are at muzzle door locked, and breech door unlocked,
positions. At right, Figure 75, levers are shown at muzzle door unlocked, and
drain valve locked, positions.




The interlocking mechanism also

provides an interlock between the tube
drain valve and the muzzle door, so that
the muzzle door can not be opened
unless the tube drain valve is closed.

The tube drain valve, located just under

the breech end of the tube, is operated by
a lever attached to a shaft, at one end of
which is a collar (B in Figure 76). This
Figure 76 Drain valve interlock, collar is locked or unlocked by moving
showing (A) Rod extending up to the drain valve and muzzle door
interlock lever and cylindrical slide; interlock lever (A in Figure 77). The
(B) Collar on drain valve shaft interlock lever has a pinion gear which
disengaged, valve unlocked. engages a rack gear (B in Figure 77)
attached to a rod (A in Figure 76) which
extends down to a lever which operates
an interlock bolt which operates on the
collar on the drain valve stem (B in
Figure 76). This rod also extends up to
the cylindrical slide, as shown at C in
Figure 77.

Figure 77 Drain valve and muzzle door interlock, showing (A) Lever at muzzle
door closed position; (B) Pinion gear and rack with (C) Head of rod in upper
position, engaging slot in cylindrical slide.


When the interlock lever is at "Muzzle

Door Closed" position, the head of the
rod engages the slot in the cylindrical
slide (C in Figure 77) so the muzzle
door operating shaft can not be moved.
The collar on the drain valve stem is
disengaged, as shown at B in Figure
76, and the drain valve lever may be
moved to open the drain valve.

The collar on the drain valve shaft is

locked, as shown at B in Figure 78, Figure 78 Drain valve shaft, showing (A)
when the interlock lever is moved to Rod in lower position, engaging (B)
"Drain Valve Locked" position, thus Collar on drain valve shaft and locking
preventing movement of the drain valve.
valve lever, and the head of the rod
disengages the cylindrical slide, as
shown in Figure 79, permitting
movement of the muzzle door
operating shaft so as to open the
muzzle door.

This interlock acts in the same manner

on tubes which have power-operated
muzzle door mechanism.

Figure 79 Drain valve interlock, showing (A) Interlock lever at drain valve locked
position, with (B) Head of rod disengaged from slot in slide, releasing muzzle
door operating shaft.

Figure 80 Firing interlock disassembled, showing (A) Lever in muzzle door
unlocked position; (B) and (C) Gearing drive for firing interlock bolt through
idler mounted on muzzle door operating shaft; (D) Firing interlock bolt, shown
turned out of the way of interlock slide. (Compare with Figure 82.)


Firing Interlocking Mechanism the spindles of the setting mechanisms

prevents firing the tube until other have been disengaged from the torpedo,
interlocks are correctly set. the tube firing system is released ready
for firing.
The firing interlock lever rotates the
interlock sleeve (Figure 80). When the Raising the firing interlock lever from
lever is at "Muzzle Door Unlocked" "Muzzle Door Unlocked" to "Tube
(Figure 81) the interlocks on the depth Ready to Fire" also rotates the sleeve
and speed setting mechanisms are head which moves the shutter bar so the
released so the spindles can be moved opening in the shutter bar is lined up to
in to engage the mechanisms in the allow the piston of the torpedo stop
torpedo. When the depth and speed cylinder to pass through it and set the
setting mechanisms are engaged with firing mechanism in
the torpedo, hubs on the interlock
sleeve prevent rotation of the interlock
sleeve head by the firing interlock

When the firing interlock lever is

moved to "Tube Ready to Fire"
(Figures 82 and 83), after

Figure 81 Firing interlocking mechanism, showing (A) Lever in muzzle door

unlocked position, and (B) Pinion and gear attached to interlock sleeve through
which muzzle door operating shaft passes; (C) Position of cylindrical slide. (Also
see Figures 80, 82 and 83.)

Figure 82 Firing interlock disassembled, showing (A) Lever in tube ready to fire
position; (B) and (C) Gearing drive for firing interlock bolt through idler mounted
on muzzle door operating shaft; (D) Firing interlock bolt, shown turned so as to
prevent interlock slide from moving toward muzzle.

operation after the firing key is of the leakage of air under pressure into
pressed. The shutter bar (J in Figure 96 the stop cylinder. In such case, the end
or N in Figure 99, on pages 52 and 53), of the stop piston extension locks the
in addition to the hole intended for the shutter bar, so the firing interlock cannot
passage of the stop piston extension, be thrown to "Tube Ready to Fire"
has a recess which registers with the position. (If it could be so thrown while
end of the stop piston extension when there was pressure in the stop cylinder,
the firing interlock is set for "Muzzle the tube would fire immediately.) At the
Door Unlocked." The purpose of this same time, the electric interlock switch
recess is to engage the end of the stop (not adequately shown on any
piston extension if it should be forced illustration, but actuated by movement of
breechward as by reason the shutter bar) is closed, lighting
interlock indicator lights.

At the same time, the firing interlock bolt

has been rotated downward, engaging the
muzzle door end of the interlock slide
(Figure 83), thereby locking the muzzle
door in its open position.

Figure 83 Firing interlocking mechanism, showing (A) Lever in tube ready to fire
position; (B) Pinion and gear attached to the interlock sleeve; (C) Cylindrical
slide locked to prevent movement of muzzle door operating shaft. (Compare with
Figure 81.)



Provision is made for disconnecting the the interlock signal arm is raised to
firing interlocking mechanism in order vertical position, showing the "Danger,
to permit of testing the operation of the Interlock Disconnected" warning flag
firing mechanism. This test consists of (see B in Figure 85), also disengaging
firing what is called an "inboard slug," the firing interlock clutch shaft (see A in
or a charge of air, while the breech Figure 85) and permitting the stop and
door is open. firing mechanism to function, regardless
of the position of the breech door or the
To make this test, the lock on the drain valve interlock levers, for the
interlock disconnect (see Figure 84) is purpose of testing the firing mechanism.
unlocked and removed,

Figure 84 Firing interlock disconnect, showing (A) Clutch shaft engaged; (B)
Lock which must be removed to disconnect interlocking mechanism; (C) Interlock
signal arm. Compare with Figure 85, below, showing the cylindrical slide
disassembled, with (A) Clutch shaft disengaged, and (B) Interlock signal arm
raised to show warning flag.


Plate 3 - Interlocking Mechanism for Power Operated Doors

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The Firing Mechanism--General Description 48

The Solenoid 50
The Stop Cylinder Valve 51
The Torpedo Stop Cylinder 52
The Pilot Valve 52
The Stop Valve 55
The Firing Valve 56
The Check Valve 58
The Interlocking Mechanism 60




In its most simple form, the operation Were these spindles not entirely retracted
of firing a torpedo tube may be said to from the tube, they would interfere with
consist of releasing a charge of the ejection of the torpedo and cause it to
compressed air into the torpedo tube jam in the tube.
behind the torpedo. This charge of air
starts the torpedo on its way out of the Hence, the firing mechanism is so
tube, after which it travels through the planned and arranged that it can not be
water under its own power. set in operation until, first, the
interlocking mechanism described in the
Actually, however, the operation is not preceding chapter has been properly set;
quite so simple as that. There are other and second, until the depth and speed
factors which must be taken into setting mechanism spindles have been
consideration. The spindles which set retracted from the torpedo and are clear
the gyro, speed, and depth mechanisms of the tube. The gyro setting mechanism
must be removed from engagement spindle is retracted by the stop rod at the
with the torpedo and retracted from the same time the torpedo stop bolt is raised,
tube, and the stop bolt which holds the the stop rod being attached to the piston
torpedo in position in the tube must be of the torpedo stop cylinder.

Figure 86 Outboard side of tube, showing position of firing mechanism in relation

to other operating mechanisms on the tube. (A) Firing and check valve housing;
(B) Firing valve filling funnel; (C) Connection for stop valve, or to impulse air
line; (D) Electric solenoid.


Briefly, the sequence of operation of is a view taken from above, looking down
the firing mechanism may be on the tube. Figure 88 is a view of the
described as follows: When the inboard side of the tube showing the
various interlocks have been position of the hand firing key, the
properly set so that the tube is ready solenoid, and the firing valve filling
for firing and the command to fire is funnel, though the other parts of the firing
given, a key in the electric circuit is mechanism are obscured in this view.
pressed down, sending the electric
current to the solenoid, which is an There are eight entirely distinct but related
electrical magnet. The solenoid units which comprise the complete firing
raises the firing lever, opening the mechanism, each unit having its own
stop cylinder valve (F in Figure 96) particular function. Taking these units in
so as to allow air from the ship's their sequence of operation, though it must
be understood that the operation is
service line (200 pound) to flow to
the stop cylinder. A hand key also is simultaneous, they are as follows:
attached to the firing lever for use in
the event the electric circuit should
be out of commission or for testing
the firing mechanism.

The air going into the stop cylinder

through the stop cylinder valve
moves the stop piston which raises
the torpedo stop bolt and retracts the
gyro setting spindle. The stop piston
extension then moves through its
Figure 87 Top of tube, showing position of
matching hole in the firing interlock
firing mechanism in relation to other
shutter bar (J and K in Figure 96),
operating mechanisms. (A) Firing valve
contacts the pilot valve stem and
filling funnel; (B) Firing and check valve
opens the pilot valve, releasing the
bonnet; (C) Connection to stop valve, or to
air pressure above the firing valve,
impulse air line; (D) Interlock shutter bar;
thereby releasing the charge of air
(E) Stop cylinder and pilot valve body; (F)
into the torpedo tube and launching
Electric solenoid.
the torpedo.

The complete firing system includes,

in addition to the firing mechanism,
an impulse tank which is arranged
for charging from the submarine's
high pressure air system through a
reducing valve and manifold; piping
to connect the impulse tank to the
firing valve; and electrical firing and
indicating circuits.
Figure 88 Inboard side of tube, showing
The impulse tanks are mounted position of firing mechanism in relation to
inside the pressure hull in some other operating mechanisms. (A) Firing
submarines, and outside the pressure valve filling funnel; (B) Firing valve body;
hull in some others, while in other (C) Electric solenoid; (D) Stop cylinder
submarines the forward tanks are and pilot valve body; (E) Hand key for
mounted outside and the aft tanks operating firing lever; (F) Stop rod spring.
inside the pressure hull. Each
impulse tank carries seven cubic feet
of compressed air, and each tank
serves one torpedo tube.

The firing mechanism, in its relation

to the torpedo tube and the other
operating mechanisms, is shown in
Figure 86, this being a view from the
outboard side of the tube, and in
Figure 87, which



The solenoid, Figures 89, 90, and 91 is drawn upward. As the armature is drawn
(also see Plate One and Figures 86, upward the hook raises the firing lever,
87 and 88), is an electrical plunger thereby tripping the stop cylinder valve.
magnet. It is mounted on a bracket
secured to the stop cylinder casting, Should the electric circuit get out of order
and is wired in series with the firing so the solenoid can not be operated, a hand
circuit. In the lower part of the key is attached to the firing lever so the
solenoid (see Figure 89) is a stop cylinder valve can be
movable iron core

Figure 89 (at left) Electric solenoid, interior, showing (A) Housing; (B) Magnet
wire; (C) Armature; (D) Firing lever hook; (E) Wiring to electric circuit; (F)
Gland nut; (G) Cap; (H) Armature stop; (I) Armature key. Figure 90 shows the
solenoid, exterior view, with the firing lever hook down, and Figure 91 shows the
firing lever hook up.
or armature, to which is attached a tripped by hand (see Figure 92). In order
firing lever hook. Under the influence to prevent this lever from being struck
of the magnetic field caused by the accidentally, a guard is fitted around it
electric current passing through the (see Figure 93) in an effort to avoid
solenoid winding, this movable iron unintentional firing.
core or armature


Figure 92 Firing by hand (guard over Figure 93 Guard over hand firing lever
hand firing lever not installed). to prevent accidental operation of the
firing mechanism.


The stop cylinder valve-piston, when key is pressed, permits the passage of air
lifted by the firing lever through the from the submarine's 200-pound air

operation of the solenoid (see Figure service line to pass into the torpedo stop
94 and 95), or when the hand firing cylinder.

Figure 94 Complete assembly of solenoid, firing lever, and stop cylinder, showing
(A) Solenoid; (B) top cylinder valve body; (C) Connection for air pressure
supply; (D) Stop cylinder valve stem (valve closed); (E) Firing lever; (F) Hand
firing key; (G) Stop rod spring and connection with stop rod. At right, Figure 95,
firing handle is depressed, stop cylinder valve stem lifted to open valve.



The muzzleward end of the stop piston the interlocking shutter bar must be in
rod is joined to the gyro setting spindle the correct position to permit the piston
retraction slide, which in turn is rod to pass through the opening in the
coupled to the torpedo stop connecting shutter bar, as it will when the firing
rod which operates the stop bolt. As interlocking mechanism has been
the pressure of air enters the torpedo properly set, otherwise the firing
stop cylinder through the stop cylinder mechanism can not be put into operation.
valve, it forces the piston rod toward
the breech, and through the opening in As the stop cylinder piston moves to the
the interlock shutter bar, retracting the rear, through the opening in the interlock
gyro setting spindle and raising the shutter bar, it comes in contact with and
torpedo stop bolt. pushes the pilot valve stem, thereby
tripping the pilot valve and allowing the
As explained in the preceding chapter, firing valve to be opened (see Figure 96).
in the section dealing with the firing
interlock mechanism,


When tripped by the stop cylinder cylinder valve body being bolted to the
valve piston rod, the pilot valve opens upper part of it (see Figures 97 and 98),
and releases the banked up air pressure the whole being mounted on the torpedo
from above the firing valve, thereby tube as shown in Figures 87 and 88 on
allowing the firing valve to be forced page 49. A view of the interior of the
open by the pressure of air from the body is shown in Figure 96 and the parts
impulse tank. disassembled are shown in Figure 99.
The stop cylinder body and the pilot The muzzleward end of the stop cylinder
valve are in one housing, as shown in and
Figure 96, the stop

Figure 99 Parts of the stop cylinder valve, stop cylinder, and pilot valve
A Adjusting nut for stop cylinder N Interlock shutter bar
piston rod O Stop cylinder and pilot valve body
B Sleeve for stop rod P Pilot valve piston
C Stop rod spring Q Pilot valve spring
D Spring seat R Gasket for pilot valve plug
E Stop cylinder head S Pilot valve plug
F Stop cylinder piston rod T Opening in housing for interlock
G Firing lever shutter bar
H Taper pin for firing lever U Gasket
I Stop valve body V Bolts for attaching stop cylinder
J Plug for stop cylinder valve valve body to stop cylinder body
K Washer for stop cylinder valve W Locating pins for attaching body to
guide tube
L Stop cylinder valve spring X Bolts for solenoid clamp
M Stop cylinder valve Y Bolts for attaching vent line
Z Bolts for attaching body to tube

Figure 96 Interior view of torpedo stop cylinder, pilot valve, and stop cylinder
valve. (A) Connection with stop rod; (B) Stop rod spring; (C) Solenoid; (D) Stop
cylinder valve; (E) Air, pressure supply to stop cylinder valve; (F) Stop cylinder
valve; (G) Firing lever; (H) Firing lever handle; (I) Torpedo stop cylinder; (J)
Interlock shutter bar, removed; (K) Interlock shutter bar in place; (L) Air
exhaust; (M) Opening for releasing banked up air from firing valve head; (N)
Pilot valve; (O) Pilot valve plug.

Figure 97 Torpedo stop cylinder and Figure 98 Torpedo stop cylinder and
pilot valve, side view. pilot valve, top view.


pilot valve body is bored for the piston, which is open to atmospheric pressure.
and threaded to take the cylinder head, This recess has a slot, through which the
which is bored for the torpedo stop shutter bar of the interlocking system
piston rod. A spring holds the piston in slides. When all the related mechanisms
its extreme position toward the muzzle of the interlocking system have been
until it is acted upon by the air properly set and the tube is ready for
pressure. A passage leads to the stop firing, the hole in the shutter bar is lined
cylinder valve chamber, into which the up with the torpedo stop piston rod,
200-pound air service line is thereby allowing the torpedo stop piston
connected. The upper part of this rod to pass through the hole and strike
chamber is threaded for the valve the pilot valve stem, as shown in Figure
guide, which houses the spring, while 96.
the lower part is drilled to permit the
valve stem to project below, in The muzzle end of the stop piston rod is
position to be lifted by the firing lever fitted with an extension which is secured
when the tube is fired either to the gyro setting spindle retraction
electrically or by hand. The valve slide, and this slide is, in turn, secured to
spring normally keeps the stop cylinder the torpedo stop operating rod, so that
valve closed. the stop piston rod, the gyro retraction
slide, and the torpedo stop operating rod
The breech end of the torpedo stop act essentially as one part.
piston rod projects through the stop
cylinder into a recess

Figure 101 Stop valve
body, showing (A) Key,
one of two which
Figure 100 Stop valve, firing, and check valve bodies,
engage valve disc; (B)
showing position on outboard side of tube. (A) Stop
Valve seat.
valve body, (B) Pipe leading from impulse tank; (C)
Stop valve elbow; (D) Firing and check valve body; (E)
Check valve cover.

Figure 102 Stop valve disassembled.

A Valve disc F Bracket for interlock shutter bar
B Slots which engage keys in valve G Valve stem collar which engages
body interlock bolt
C Annular ring for rubber gasket H Valve stem
D Connection to valve disc I Hand wheel
E Valve bonnet


Figure 103
Figure 104
The firing and check valve body, as it appears on the tube at left, and interior
view at right. (A) Filling funnel; (B) Filling valve; (C) Firing valve cover; (D)
Opening for connection to pilot valve; (E) Overflow valve; (F) Firing valve body;
(G) Check valve opening and flange for attaching to barrel; (H) Automatic drain
valve; (I) firing valve head; (J) Firing valve spring; (K) Orifice disc; (L) Skirt on
firing valve head; (M) Piston rings; (N) Firing valve cup; (O) Check valve disc;
(P) Check valve spring; (Q) Rubber buffer.


The purpose of the stop valve as (Figure 101) is bolted a bonnet (Figure
originally included in the firing 102), bored and threaded for the valve
mechanism was to provide a closure stem and stuffing box. To the bonnet is
between the firing valve and the impulse bolted a bracket for the shutter bar and
tank so (1) to prevent accidental firing; the stop valve interlock bolt.
(2) to the lifting of the firing valve
during the operation of charging the The valve stem (see Figure 102), which
impulse tank; (3) to prevent the loss of is threaded to the bonnet, projects
air due to a leaky firing valve; and (4) to through the bonnet and its packing nut.
permit access to the firing valve without To the outer end of the stem are
"blowing, down" the impulse tank. fastened a hand wheel and a collar
which engages the interlock bolt.
The stop valve, bolted to a pipe from the Rotatably mounted on the inner end of
impulse tank and to the firing valve, the valve stem is a valve disc, which is
consists of a stop valve body (Figure prevented from turning by engaging
100) with a seat for the valve and a two keys formed in the valve body
connection to the firing valve. To the (Figure 101). A rubber gasket makes a
valve body pressure-tight seal.



The firing valve is housed in the same

body with the check valve as shown in
Figure 103 (also see Figure 100). A
break-away view, showing the interior
of the firing and check valves, is shown
in Figure 104. Figure 105 shows the
firing valve disassembled.

The firing and check valve body is

connected at one end to a pad on the
barrel. The other end is connected by a
flange to the stop valve body, where the
stop valve is installed; where the stop
valve is not installed, this end is
connected to the impulse air line.

The firing valve, which occupies the

upper part of the housing, as shown in
Figure 104, is of the differential piston
type, held in position by the firing valve
head and the firing valve spring. The
firing valve cup, and a skirt on the firing
valve head, each have a groove in which
is inserted a piston ring. A firing valve
orifice disc is secured to the firing valve
cup by a dowel pin and bolt with a
locking screw.

When clean, fresh water is poured in the

filling funnel on the head, and the filling
and overflow valves are opened, the Figure 105 Firing valve disassembled,
water level is built up around the firing showing parts.
valve cup and head to the level of the
overflow valve. The firing valve orifice A Firing valve head ring
disc in conjunction with the skirt of the B Nuts for attaching cover to body
firing valve head forms a throttling
C Firing valve cup ring
orifice to control the rate of opening of
the firing valve and, therefore, the air D Filling funnel
pressure in the tube when the chamber E Filling valve
above the valve is vented. The size of F Firing valve head
this orifice determines the rate of G Piston ring
opening of the firing valve, and
therefore the maximum tube pressure H Firing valve spring
and the ejection velocity. One I Bolt for attaching firing valve cup
manufacturer of this type of valve has and orifice disc
stated that a diametral increase of .001 J Orifice disc
inch in the size of this orifice above the K Firing valve cup
nominal figure will result in an increase
of maximum tube pressure of ten pounds
per square inch.

The operation of the firing valve is as

follows Starting with no air pressure
tending to open the firing valve, which
will then be held seated by spring
pressure and gravity, clean, fresh water
is put


Assuming that the tube is ready for

firing, the stop valve, if installed, is
opened, and pressure in the impulse
tank is built up. Air leaks by the cup
ring and builds up pressure within the
cup and head through the two
equalizing holes at the water level and
the seven five-sixteenth inch diameter
equalizing holes in the upper portion of
the head.
Figure 106 Removing valve from firing
valve body with lifter provided in the The forces which now tend to keep the
tool kit. This lifter may also be used for valve closed are (1) the impulse tank
exercising the valve or testing its pressure built up above the cup; (2)
operation, as explained in the spring pressure; and (3) the weight of
accompanying text. the cup. The spring pressure and the
weight of the cup are relatively
in through the filling funnel (see Figure negligible as compared with the
107) with both the filling valve and the impulse tank pressure built up about the
overflow valve open, until the water cup.
comes out of the overflow valve,
showing that the water level in the firing The only force tending to open the
valve is correct. The water must flow, firing valve cup is the impulse tank
not merely drip, out of the overflow pressure against the 45 degree beveled
valve. After the water stops flowing, edge of the cup next to the seat. When
both the filling valve and the overflow the air pressure which holds the firing
valve should be closed. valve cup seated is vented through the
exhaust pipe (as explained in the
The water goes down into the space description of the pilot valve on page
inside the firing valve cup, around the 52 of this chapter), the impulse tank
spring, through the two lower five- pressure against the beveled edge of the
sixteenth inch diameter equalizing holes cup lifts the cup, allowing air to go to
in the cylindrical projection of the firing the tube.
valve head and outside skirt of the firing
valve head, to the overflow level As an alternative to opening the stop
determined by the overflow globe valve. valve (if one. is installed) at the point
indicated in the foregoing, it may be
left closed up to the time when
preparing to fire. However, if this is
done, the stop valve should not be
opened to the full extent rapidly. It
should first be "cracked" to allow
pressure to build up above the cup by
leakage past the cup ring to equalize
that pressure on the 45 degree beveled
edge of the cup which tends to lift the

Opening either the filling valve or the

Figure 107 Filling the firing valve drain or overflow valve of the firing
through the filling funnel. Only clean, valve after impulse air pressure is on
fresh water should be used, and it the firing valve may fire the tube. To
requires about one and one half pints to prevent this being done, accidentally or
fill the valve. unintentionally, the replacement of the
hand wheels originally fitted on these
two valves, using small square knobs in
their place, has been authorized. This
has been done for the purpose of
making it necessary to use a wrench or
pliers to open these two valves.

Also, there is no way of knowing

exactly how many shots one priming of
the firing valve is good for. Very little,
if any, of the priming water should be
lost, either by firing or by evaporation.
However, the possible excessive tube
pressures due to firing


with too little water in the throttling orifice in inverse proportion, thus
chamber are considered sufficient to making it unnecessary to adjust the
warrant the extra trouble of filling the "firing valve clearance" with any thing
throttling chamber frequently, especially like the degree of accuracy hitherto
when firing is anticipated. necessary in order to insure proper
The firing valve may be exercised by
hand, as it should be frequently to test The inner bearing for the firing valve
its operation, by removing the filling cup has been divorced from the skirt of
funnel and inserting the firing valve the firing valve housing cover, so that
lifter, which is a rod threaded at the end even if this cover is bolted down more
to fit into the tapped hole in the head of tightly on one side than on the other,
the bolt which secures the orifice disc to the firing valve cup will not thereby be
the firing valve cup. Figure 106 shows jammed as may be the case in the
the firing valve lifter being used to original design.
remove the valve from the firing valve
body. The differences between the original
valves and the modification will be
As this pamphlet goes to press, a apparent from the line sketch which is
modification is being effected in firing reproduced below.
valves with the object of making their
operation less critical, more uniform,
and less subject to variation under actual
operating conditions. The modification is
not supposed to change the operating
principle of the valve in any particular.
The basic features of the modification

The throttling diameter is reduced from

2".50 to ".75, which increases the width
of the throttling


The purpose of the check valve is to there would be no air cushion, and the
keep the sea water out of the firing full impulse tank pressure would be
system when the torpedo tube is flooded. transmitted to the torpedo's afterbody
If the space between the check valve when the firing valve first opened.
disc and the firing valve cup should fill Also, after firing, water would tend to
with water pass the firing valve

Figure 108 The check valve seat, Figure 109 The check valve as it
showing check valve in place. (A) Firing appears looking into the tube through
valve body; (B) Connection for stop the breech door. Its purpose is to keep
valve; (C) Check valve disc; (D) sea water out of the firing system when
Retaining ring for, check valve seat; (E) the torpedo tube is flooded, closing by
Flange for connecting to barrel. spring pressure after firing.


Figure 110 The check valve seat, showing parts disassembled.

A Check valve cover flange F Spring washer
B Check valve seat G Rubber buffer
C Flange for connecting to barrel H Check valve spring
D Cotter pin for (E) R Spring seat
E Nut for valve disc stem I Check valve disc

Figure 111 Check valve parts, housing end. (A) Check valve cover; (B) Nuts for
attaching cover to body; (C) Gasket; (D) Cotter pin for (E) Nut for valve disc
stem; (F) Washer for valve spring; (G) Valve spring; (H) Rubber buffer; (I)
Spring seat.

Figure 112 Check valve parts, barrel end. (A) Gasket for attaching to barrel; (B)
Rubber check valve seat; (C) Retaining ring for rubber check valve seat; (D)
Machine screws for attaching retaining ring; (E) Check valve disc.


and back up in the impulse air line. to open more than it should so that the
disc may strike the outboard rudder
The check valve is located, as already bearing on the tail vanes of a torpedo. On
described, in the lower part of the same the other hand, should the rubber buffer
housing with the firing valve (see be too long it would prevent the check
Figures 103 and 104), at the point valve from opening completely, and
where the firing valve body opens into throttling of the impulse pressure might
the torpedo tube, as shown in Figure then occur at the check valve rather than
108. The valve disc as seen from the at the firing valve cup.
inside of the barrel is shown in Figure
109. Disassembled views showing the An automatic drain valve is provided, as
parts of the check valve are given in shown in Figure 104, this being located
Figures 110, 111, and 112. just behind the check valve. This drain
valve remains open by spring pressure
Normally, the check valve is held by a (see Figure 113), thereby allowing any
spring against a rubber seat (see Figure water which leaks into this section of the
104). It opens under a slight air firing valve body to drain out. The drain
pressure, the spring washer taking up valve closes when air pressure enters the
against a rubber buffer. firing system.
The rubber buffer must be very It is essential that this automatic drain
carefully inspected when the tube is valve be kept tight, in order to prevent
being overhauled. This is important. loss of impulse air with resulting lower
Wear and aging reduce the length of tube pressure.
the rubber buffer, which will cause the
check valve

Figure 113 Automatic drain valve parts. (A) Valve body; (B) Valve spring; (C)
Valve disc and stem; (D) Valve connection.


As described in Chapter 4, the firing moved to "Tube Ready to Fire." This

mechanism can not be set in operation rotates the interlock sleeve to lock the
until the firing interlock lever is set at other mechanisms, and also brings the
"Tube Ready to Fire" as shown in firing interlock bolt down, as shown at C
Figure 83 on page 45. Before this in Figure 83 on page 45, thereby
interlock lever can be, moved to that preventing movement of the muzzle door
position, however, the breech and operating shaft and locking the muzzle
muzzle door interlock lever must be set door open.
at "Muzzle Door Unlocked" position,
and the drain valve and muzzle door At the same time, moving the firing
interlock lever must be set at "Drain interlock lever to "Tube Ready to Fire"
Valve Locked" position, as shown in position moves the firing interlock
Figure 79 on page 43. The depth and shutter bar to lock the impulse stop valve
speed setting spindles also must be open, and also brings the opening in the
retracted. shutter bar into line with the piston
extension of the torpedo stop cylinder so
With these interlocks set, and the that, when the firing key is pressed, that
spindles retracted, the muzzle door extension may pass through the opening
operating shaft is released so the in the shutter bar to trip the pilot valve
muzzle door can be opened. After the piston, thereby setting the firing valve in
muzzle door is opened, the firing action.
interlock lever can be


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The Poppet Valve System-General Description 62

The Poppet Valve 64
The Operating Unit 66
The Roller Crank 67
Operation of the Poppet Valve 68
The Poppet Valve Drain 68
The Poppet Valve Controls 70




As shown in the foregoing chapter on the one-fifth second after firing), and
firing system, the torpedo is ejected from the allowing the air charge to vent
barrel by means of a charge of compressed within the hull, then closing the
air. As much of that air as possible must be vent before an unduly large
removed from the barrel immediately after amount of water has been
firing, before it has "a chance to escape admitted.
through the muzzle door and out into the
water. Otherwise, it would cause bubbles to Closing the vent, which is a
rise and manual operation, requires
accurate timing. Experience in
actual operation has demonstrated
that, at periscope depth, and

Figure 114 The poppet valve, detached from tube, showing (A) Flange for
connecting to barrel; (B) Access opening, with cover plate attached; (C) Access
opening, with cover plate attached; (D) Flange for connecting to drain pipe; (E)
Gag nut, for "gagging" valve; (F) Connection for rod link to poppet valve

create an excessive disturbance on the with an impulse tank pressure of 300

surface of the sea and disclose the pounds per square inch, the poppet valve
location of the submarine. must be closed three to five seconds after
the tube fires in order to secure
The poppet valve (see Figures 114 and satisfactory operation. From this it can
115) is designed to perform that readily be seen that the operation of the
function of removing the impulse air poppet valve system is very closely
before it escapes into the sea. This is related to the operation of the firing
accomplished by automatically opening mechanism, in fact, the operation of the
an inboard vent from the tube two is practically simultaneous.
immediately after the torpedo has
received a sufficient launching impulse


There are two types of poppet valve the torpedo in the tube. In vessels
systems, one known as the basic, the already in commission, however, this
other as the variant. The basic system location was at such a place in the ship's
is sometimes referred to as the structure that it was impracticable to
Portsmouth system, and the variant is install roller trip units there. Hence these
sometimes called the Mare Island units were installed as far toward the
system. muzzle as practicable (about seven feet
from the breech), and a throttling valve
In the basic system, the instant at was fitted in the actuating air line to
which the inboard vent opens is introduce a time delay. In connection
determined by the travel of the torpedo with this variant of the basic system, if
in the tube. The poppet valve operating ejection of the torpedo tended to be
unit, when set to operate, is put under sluggish due to improper operation of the
air pressure and will open the poppet firing
valve when triggered by

Figure 115 Poppet valve in position on tube. (A) Poppet valve housing; (B) Lead
to drain; (C) Airline to poppet valve; (D) Poppet valve operating unit; (E)
Connection from air supply line; (F) Casing through which pull rod from
operating unit connects with roller crank.

the roller trip unit. This latter unit, valve, this tendency would be aggravated
however, is kept from moving so as to by the opening of the poppet valve after
let the operating unit open the poppet a constant time delay instead of at a
valve by the presence of a torpedo in constant point in the travel of the torpedo
the tube. SS 198 and up, and in some in the tube.
earlier vessels in which poppet valves
were also installed before their In either the basic or the variant system,
launching, the roller trip units, are the poppet valve, or inboard vent, must
located about 11 1/2 feet from the be closed by manual operation, as will be
breech, so that the poppet valve will be described in later pages of this chapter.
opened at the proper point of the travel



The poppet valve, assembled but disassembled, also the parts of the valve
removed from the barrel, is shown in which are put in place through the access
Figure 114, while in Figure 115 it is opening. In Figures 118 and 119, looking
shown in place on the barrel with the into the interior of the housing through
operating unit assembled. Figure 116 the connection to the drain, the valve is

shows the parts of the valve shown both open and closed. An interior
disassembled, while Figure 117 shows view of the poppet valve, with the outer
the poppet valve housing with the casing broken away, is shown in Figure
access plates, or the access opening 120.
covers, and gaskets
Figure 116 Parts of poppet valve disassembled
A Valve stem, with cotter pins G Gasket
B Rubber cushion H Plug
C Piston I Poppet valve spring
D Piston nut J Gag collar, with pin and chain
E Cylinder head K Valve stem stud
F Air inlet L Gag collar, with taper pin
M Shoulder stud for link to poppet
valve indicator

Figure 117 The poppet valve, showing access opening cover plates removed and
also attached, also the parts of the valve assembled through the large access
A Nuts for attaching large cover J flange for connection to drain pipe
B Large access opening cover plate K Flange for connection to barrel
C Nuts for attaching small cover L Gasket for connection to drain
D Gasket for large cover M Gasket for connection to barrel
E Small access opening cover plate N Valve stem
F Gasket for small cover O Screws for attaching retaining ring
G Large access opening, cover plate to valve disc
attached P Retaining ring
H Small access opening Q Rubber gasket
I Connection for air from operating R Vent valve disc


Figure 118 (above left) Interior of

poppet valve, looking through lead to
drain, valve open.

Figure 119 (above right) Interior of

poppet valve, looking through lead to
drain, valve closed.

Figure 120 Interior view of poppet

valve, showing, (A) Shoulder stud for
link to poppet valve indicator; (B) Gag
collar; (C) Gag nut; (D) Valve stem
spring; (E) Valve stem; (F) Piston; (G)
Rubber cushion; (H) Vent valve disc.



The poppet valve proper is actuated by releases the valve as the torpedo moves
the operating unit, which is shown forward in the tube. Figure 123 shows
removed from the tube in Figure 121. the position of the pull rod after the
Figure 122, the reverse side, shows the torpedo has left the tube and the valve
interior of the operating unit, also the is opened. The parts of the unit
action of the pull rod which connects disassembled are shown in Figure 124.
with the roller crank and

Figure 121 Poppet valve

operating unit as it appears
mounted on the tube

Figure 122 Showing interior mechanism of poppet

valve operating unit, from reverse side, position of
pull rod being for torpedo in tube, vent valve closed.
(A) Lead from vent closing valve; (B) Valve spring;
(C) Air line to poppet valve; (D) Piston; (E) Piston
fork; (F) Lead from air supply line; (G) Pull rod
fork; (H) Pull rod.

Figure 124 Parts of poppet halve operating unit disassembled. (A) Cap; (B)
Washer; (C) Collar; (D) Piston; (E) Packing; (F) Piston ring; (G) Piston; (H)
Collar and pin; (I) Housing; (J) Housing cap, with pin; (K) Pull rod guard and
set screw; (L) Valve; (M) Valve spring; (N) Washer; (O) Cap; (P) Plug; (Q)
Gland nut, washer, and packing ring; (R) Piston fork; (S) Pull rod fork; (T) Pull
rod head; (U) Pull rod pin; (V) Cap; (W) Washer; (X) Shaft; (Y) Bolts and
locating pins; (Z) Gasket.



Figure 126 shows the roller trip unit, ships, minor changes have been made so
"A" being the rod which connects the that one roller can be used for both. The
roller crank and the poppet valve relative positions of the two units are
operating unit. Figure 127 shows the shown in Figure 125, the connecting rod,
roller trip unit disassembled. This or pull rod, passing through the casing
figure shows two rollers, one for seen on the side of the tube.
torpedoes and one for mines. In later

Figure 123 Reverse side of operating Figure 125 Showing position of and
unit, showing position for vent valve connection between poppet valve
open. operating unit and the roller trip unit. (A)
Operating unit; (B) Casing through which
the pull rod passes; (C) Roller trip

Figure 126 Interior view of the roller trip, unit. (A) Pull rod; (B) Roller crank;
(C) Roller.

Figure 127 Parts of the roller trip unit, disassembled. (A) Pull rod; (B) Pull rod
head; (C) Pull rod pin; (D) Cotter pin; (E) Roller crank; (F) Roller used with
mines; (G) Roller used for firing torpedoes; (H) Roller pin and cotter pin; (I)
Roller crank bracket; (J) Roller crank bracket pin; (K) Taper pin; (L) Bracket tap
bolts; (M) Gasket; (N) Roller crank housing; (O) Location pins for attaching
housing; (P) Tap bolts.



Tracing the operation of the poppet of the torpedo's afterbody, releasing the
valve in so far as that operation relates restraint on the piston of the operating
to these three units, we find the cylinder, and allowing it to move toward
following: Air is admitted to the piston the breech end of the tube.
cylinder and to the valve chamber of
the operating unit by placing the As the piston moves, its stem contacts
setting lever of the vent closing valve the stem end of a valve in the
(which is described on page 71) in the breechward end of the cylinder housing,
"On" position, and tends to force the driving the valve open and allowing the
piston toward the breech. The piston is air pressure to pass through to the piston
restrained, however, by the piston fork, chamber or cylinder of the poppet or
which is linked to the roller crank in vent valve, opening that valve against the
the roller trip unit. As the fired torpedo pressure of air from the tube. This causes
moves toward the muzzle, the trip the impulse air in the tube to vent
roller rides down the slope through the poppet valve.


All of the air charge can not be vented a spring, its own weight and, when the
without some water also passing. The main vent valve was open, by whatever
arrangements for disposing of the air or water pressure existed in the tube.
water which enters through the poppet It opened by admitting air pressure from
valve vary somewhat in different the ship's 200 pound air service line to
submarines. the inlet side of the valve-operating
piston by placing the hand setting lever
In earlier vessels, various forms of of the vent-closing valve in its "on"
ducts and hoods were installed to position. It closed by the return of the
conduct the water into the bilges with hand setting lever to its "off" position,
the least practicable spray or splashing. which closed off the 200 pound air
In later vessels, there is a drain line supply and vented the space behind the
leading from each poppet valve to an piston.
open tank beneath the working
platform in the torpedo room. In some A drain valve was connected by piping to
other vessels, all poppet valves on each the bottom of the valve-operating piston
side of each torpedo room open into a cylinder, and could be used in an
common drain, in which swig checks emergency to close the automatic stop
(non-return valves having a swinging valve in case the 200 pound air supply
flap with a hinge on one edge, which was not shut off and vented with
closes against an inclined seat) are sufficient rapidity by the operation of the
installed. vent-closing valve hand setting lever.

One form of lead to the drain is shown In poppet valve systems of later design,
in Figure 115 on page 63. Another the automatic stop valves are replaced by
more recent form is shown in Figure manually operated stop valves, as shown
128. In the lower part of the lead to the in Figure 128, and the installation of this
drain is the poppet system discharge form of stop valve has been largely
angle valve, or the emergency stop completed in those vessels which had the
valve (C in Figure 128). As originally earlier installations.
installed in earlier vessels, this was an
automatic stop valve, "backing up" the
main vent valve. The automatic stop
valve closed by means of


Figure 128 Lead from puppet valve to drain, with emergency stop valve and
linkage to hand wheel. A Flange for connection to drain; B Lead to drain; C
Emergency stop valve; D Poppet valve housing; E Emergency stop valve
operating handle

The operating parts of the emergency

stop valve, disassembled, are shown in
Figures 129 and 130, Figure 129
showing the valve housing, the casting
being the form shown in Figure 115 on
page 63, and Figure 130 showing the
valve bonnet and the other operating

When preparing the tube for firing, the Figure 129 One form of emergency stop
manually operated stop valve must be valve housing (fits type shown in Figure
opened so the drain line is clear. If the 115, page 63).
poppet valve discharges into a

Figure 130 parts of emergency stop valve disassembled. (A) Pin for (B) Valve
stem collar; (C) Valve bonnet; (D) Valve disc nut; (E) Pin for (F) Valve stem; (G)
Cotter pin for (H) Valve disc; (I) Pin for valve stem; (J) Valve stem head; (K)
Grease fitting; (L) Nuts for fastening (M) Gland; (N) Packing.


bilge or open tank which already of water through the poppet valve, when
contains water, some of the water will firing at periscope depth. At greater
be blown up into the torpedo room depths the increased sea pressure causes
when the impulse air is vented from the tube to flood in less time.
the tube, giving the impression that
water is entering through the poppet An interval of about three seconds has
valve before such is actually the case. been observed between firing and the
An interval of at least five seconds is entrance of solid water through the
to be expected between firing and the poppet valve drain at a depth of 120 feet.
entrance of any large quantity


The controls of the poppet valve vent-closing valve. These are shown,
system are located in the torpedo room, assembled, in Figures 132 and 133.
above the breech end of the tubes, as
shown in Figure 131. These controls The poppet valve must be set for each
consist of a vent-closing valve, a shot. This is done by setting the lever of
quick-opening vent valve in the blow the vent-closing valve in the "on"
and vent manifold, and an emergency position, as shown in Figure 134.

Figure 131 The vent manifold valves, showing poppet valve controls. (A) Quick-
opening vent valve; (B) Vent-closing valve; (C) Emergency vent-closing valve
(quick-as-a-wink valve).


Figure 132 Blow and vent manifold, Figure 133 Quick-opening vent in shut
with quick-opening vent in open position.
A Quick-opening vent in open position.
B Link connecting quick-opening vent and vent-closing valve.
C Latch release button.
D Vent-closing valve, cover plate removed to show interior.
E Setting lever.
F Emergency vent closing valve (quick as-a-wink valve).
G Quick-opening vent, in shut position.

Figure 135 shows the lever in the "off" poppet valve must be closed, in one of
position, the cover plate of the housing the following ways:
being removed to show the interior.
Figure 136 shows the lever in the "off" (1) By placing the lever of the tube vent
position, with the cover plate in place valve (A in Figure 132) in the open
on the housing. The parts of the vent- position.
closing valve, dissembled, including
the setting lever and the valve parts, (2) By placing the setting lever of the
are shown in Figure 137. Figure 138 vent-closing valve (Figures 134, 135, or
shows the vent-closing valve with 136) in the off position, after pressing its
thumb on the latch release button. release button (see Figure 138).

About 3 to 5 seconds after the tube has (3) By moving the handle of the
fired, the emergency vent-closing valve (see
Figures 139 and 140) to the open

Figure 134 Vent-closing valve, Figure 135 Vent-closing Figure 136 Vent-
with setting lever in on position, valve, with setting lever closing valve, setting
in off position. lever in off position,
cover plate moved to show
cover plate attached.


Considering that adequate safety is

afforded by other means, the Bureau of
Ships has authorized the omission of the
emergency vent closing valves in new

The poppet valve should be gagged

closed by means of the gag nut (E in
Figure 114), except when it is intended
to function in connection with the firing
of a torpedo or dummy.

The operation described under paragraph

(1) above moves the lever of the vent
closing valve to the "off" position by
means of the link (B in Figure 132). This
causes the vent (Poppet) valve to close
while the tube vent valve remains open
to allow the escape of any air which
might still be in the tube. The tube vent
valve is closed directly by the operator
when venting is observed to be
completed. The closing of this valve has
no effect upon the Poppet Valve system,

The vent closing valve body contains two

small valves of poppet type, both of
which are operated

Figure 137
(A) Cover plate for top of housing,
with screws; (B) Washer; (C) Latch
pivot stud and pin; (D) hand lever
latch; (E) Cover plate for side of Figure 138 Vent-closing valve with
housing; (F) Latch spring; (G) Guide thumb on latch release button.
pin; (H) Washer; (I) Setting lever; (J)
Pivot stud; (K) Plunger; (L) Lever
pivot stud and pin; (M) Gland, with
bolts and packing; (N) Housing for
setting lever and valve; (O) Vent valve;
(P) Supply valve; (Q) Vent valve
spring; (R) Supply valve spring; (S)
Washers; (T) Valve adapters.


by setting lever. One of these valves is

a shut-off and supply valve for the
ships' service air to the Poppet Valve
system. The other valve serves to vent
the air line to the Poppet Valve when
the setting lever moved to the "off"
position thus relieving the pressure in
the air cylinder of the vent valve and
allowing the vent valve to close

The hand lever latch (D in Figure 137),

when engaged insures that the two
valves in the vent closing valve will
remain in position to allow operation
of the Poppet System until released
intentionally and the lever returned to (A) Emergency vent-closing valve
the "off" position by the operator. (quick-as-a-wink valve) in place on vent-
closing valve; (B) Normal position; (C)
The latch release button is furnished
Open position.
solely for releasing the latch.
Continued thumb pressure on this
button will move the setting lever some
distance, but to insure that both valves
in the vent closing valve are fully in
the "off" position the setting lever
should be pushed to the limit of its

Quick-as-wink valve, detached, in normal position at left, in open position in

center, parts disassembled at right.
A Valve body; B Stem; C Valve; D Sleeve; E Pipe adapter; F Handle; G Fork;
H, I Nut, with cotter pin


Figure 144 Poppet valve indicator (A)

in shut position; (B) and (C) Linkage Figure 145 Poppet valve indicator (A) in
to (D) Stud on poppet valve. open position; note changed position of
stud (B) on poppet valve.
A "gagging" device (E in Figure 114)
is provided for the purpose of gagging gagging device. An indicator is also
the poppet valve when its use is not installed to show whether the poppet
desired. Also, after firing a torpedo, valve is open or closed. This indicator is
and when the firing operation has shown, in "shut" position, in Figure 144,
ended, the main vent valve, located in and in "open" position in Figure 145.
the poppet valve body, should be Figure 146 shows the linkage from the
locked closed by means of this poppet valve to the indicator.

Figure 146 Linkage from poppet valve to indicator. (A) Connection with shoulder
stud on poppet valve; (B) Poppet valve indicator; (C) Linkage connected with
shoulder stud on poppet valve.


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The Depth Setting Mechanisms 76

The Gyro Setting Mechanism 83
The Gyro Setting Spindle Mechanism 86
The Speed Setting Mechanisms 91




The depth setting mechanism on the socket is disengaged or in the out
torpedo tube sets the mechanism in the position, as shown by the arrow, the
afterbody of the torpedo for the depth lever being down. The interlock bolt is
under water at which it is determined engaging the lug on the interlock sleeve,
the torpedo is to travel while on its and the setting lever is released so it may
course to its target. The mechanism in be moved to spindle in position, as
the torpedo is so designed that, once shown in Figure 149. In this position, a
the depth has been determined and the lug on the engaging lever locks the
mechanism set, the torpedo will interlocking bolt and prevents the firing
maintain that depth. Should the torpedo interlocking lever on the tube
incline upward or downward from its interlocking system from being moved to
set depth, a pendulum arrangement, "Tube Ready to Fire" position.
with a hydrostatic valve and a steering
engine, offsets the inclination up or Figure 150 shows the engaging lever
down and brings the torpedo back to moved to spindle out position, releasing
its horizontal course at the the interlocking bolt and also the lug on
predetermined set depth. the collar of the interlocking sleeve.

Set in the afterbody of the torpedo is a The closely interrelated operation of the
socket in which is a spindle with a interlocking mechanism described in
square male shank for setting the depth Chapter 4 is emphasized here when it is
mechanism. This spindle in the torpedo understood that the depth setting
is engaged by a spindle which has a mechanism has its own individual
squared socket wrench at its lower end, connection with the interlocking
this socket being suspended flexibly, in mechanism, as has every other unit of the
pendulum fashion, and passing down operating mechanism, to prevent
into the tube from the depth setting improper or unintentional firing of the
mechanism attached on the outer side tube. That is the function of this
of the barrel. The socket is moved interlock bolt shown in the three
down into the tube to engage the illustrations, Figures 148, 149, and 150.
spindle in the torpedo, and raised or The interlocking bolt is also shown in the
retracted, by means of the engaging other views which follow.
lever. When the socket has engaged the
spindle in the torpedo, the depth The depth setting mechanism, assembled,
mechanism is set by means of the but detached from the barrel, is shown in
depth setting crank which can be Figure 151. Here the interlock bolt is
turned only when the spindle is shown in locked position, the engaging
engaged in the socket. One revolution lever is in spindle out position, and the
of the depth setting crank equals two hand crank is locked by the detent
feet of depth setting. plunger which passes through the
extension of the housing between the
The position of the depth setting setting lever and the hand crank, and is
mechanism in relation to the other engaged by a lug on the setting lever
operating mechanisms is shown in when the lever is in spindle out position.
Figure 147, a view of the inboard When the setting lever is moved to
breech end of the torpedo tube. A close spindle in position, the lug on the lever
up view of the engaging lever and the disengages the detent plunger so it is
hand crank for operating the depth released from the slot in the detent wheel
setting mechanism as attached on the on the hand crank, as
tube is shown in Figure 148. In this
view, the depth setting

Figure 147 Inboard side of tube, showing position of torpedo setting mechanism.
(A) Gyro setting mechanism; (B) Interlock sleeve; (C) Hand crank for rotating
depth setting spindle; (D) Depth index dial; (E) Lever for engaging and
disengaging depth setting spindle; (F) Operating wheel for speed setting
mechanism; (G) Lever for engaging and disengaging speed spindle.

The depth setting controls. (A) Arrow showing the "Spindle Out" position of
engaging and disengage lever; (B) Interlock bolt engaged by lug on (C) collar of
interlock sleeve; (D) Lever for engaging and disengaging spindle; (E) Hand crank
for rotating spindle; (F) Engaging and disengaging lever in "Spindle In" position;
(G) Interlock bolt engaging lug on collar of interlock sleeve; (H) Interlock bolt
releasing lug on collar of interlock sleeve and engaging (I) Lug to lock (J) Lever
in "Spindle Out" position.

Figure 151 Depth setting mechanism Figure 152 Turning hand crank after (A)
assembled, but detached from barrel. Slot in detent wheel on (B) Hand crank
(A) Index dial; (B) Interlock bolt; (C) has been released by (C) Detent plunger
Decent plunger engaging decent wheel when (D) Lug on engaging and
to lock hand crank; (D) Engaging and disengaging lever engages interlock bolt
disengaging lever; (E) Hand crank for as (E) Lever is moved to "Spindle In"
rotating spindle to set depth. position.

shown in Figure 152, thereby thereby locking the interlocking

unlocking the hand crank for operating mechanism until the bolt is released by
the depth setting mechanism. moving the setting lever back to spindle
out position.
Another view, from the side, showing
the setting lever in spindle out position, Figure 156 gives a worm's eye view of
and the interlock bolt in locked the depth setting mechanism, looking up
position to prevent moving the setting into the housing from below, to show the
lever after the spindle has been engaging socket on the spindle in the
disengaged from the socket in the down position, as it would be when
torpedo and retracted from the tube, is engaging the spindle in the torpedo to set
shown in Figure 153. It will be noticed the depth mechanism.
that the bolt has been moved back so
In Figure 157, also a worm's eye view,
the lug on the setting lever can not
the engaging socket is shown up, in the
enter the opening in the interlock bolt,
position in which it would be when
and the detent plunger is engaging the
retracted from the tube after setting the
detent wheel on the hand crank.
depth mechanism in the torpedo.
Figure 154 shows the interlock bolt
Figure 158 is a break-away view
moved forward to disengage the setting
showing the interior of the housing,
lever, and Figure 155 shows the setting
giving a better idea of the action of the
lever moved to spindle in position, the
lug engaging the opening in the
interlock bolt,

The interlock bolt (A) locking engaging
and disengaging lever in "Spindle Out"
position, and causing detent plunger to
engage detent wheel (B) on hand crank,
preventing hand crank from being
Figure 153 moved.

Interlock bolt (A) moved forward to

release engaging and disengaging lever
so it can be moved to "Spindle In"
position. Detent plunger (B) still
Figure 154 engaging detent wheel on hand crank.

Engaging and disengaging lever moved

to "Spindle In" position, lug on lever
engaging interlock bolt (A), decent
plunger releasing detent wheel (B) on
hand crank so spindle can be rotated to
Figure 155 set depth.


Figure 156 Worm's eye view of depth Figure 157 Same as Figure 156, but
setting mechanism showing spindle showing spindle up, or in retracted
with socket down in position to engage position.
socket in torpedo.
setting lever operates a fork (see Figures
The parts of the depth setting 156 and 157) which raises or lowers the
sleeve in which the engaging socket is
mechanism, disassembled, are shown
in Figures 159 and 160, Figure 159 secured by means of a rivet pin. The
showing the parts that are assembled in socket lies in a vertical plane through the
the housing horizontally, and Figure tube axis within a tolerance of 0.015 of
160 those parts that are assembled in an inch to permit self-alignment with the
the housing vertically. depth setting spindle in the torpedo.
Engagement of the socket with the
As the engaging lever is moved to spindle
spindle out or to spindle in position,
the shaft attached to the

Figure 158 View of the interior of the depth setting mechanism, showing operation
of raising and lowering the spindle, as well as rotating it. (A) Bevel gear operated
by pinion gear; (B) Socket fork, which raises or lowers (C) Spindle and socket;
(D) Sleeve for spindle and socket; (E) Pinion gear.


in the torpedo is facilitated by an Rotating the hand crank when the socket
allowed lost motion between the is not fully engaged with the depth
spindle to which the socket is attached setting spindle in the torpedo is
and the socket sleeve. prevented by means of the detent
plunger, which engages the detent wheel
Rotation of the depth setting socket is on the hand crank, as shown in Figures
accomplished by means of the hand 151 and 152. When the engaging and
crank attached to the shaft, which turns disengaging lever is in the in position as
the sleeve by means of the bevel gears shown by the arrow (see Figure 152), a
keyed to the sleeve and the bevel lug on the setting lever is withdrawn
pinion attached to the shaft. This is from behind the detent plunger, which is
shown in Figure 158. then free to move under the impulse of
its spring, disengaging the detent wheel
An index dial (see Figure 151) on the hand crank (see A and C in Figure
graduated in feet from 0 to 50, is 152), allowing the hand crank to rotate
driven from the depth setting shaft, the setting shaft. At the same time, the
operated by the hand crank. Two forms lug on the setting lever engages and
of index dials are used, one, as shown locks the interlock bolt (see D in Figure
in Figure 151, having the graduations
on the flat top surface so as to be read
from above looking down. This form When the engaging and disengaging
of dial is used for middle and lower lever is in the out position, the lug on the
bow tubes and for lower stern tubes. setting lever blocks the detent plunger,
The other form of dial, used for upper preventing it from moving out of the slot
bow and stern tubes, has the in the detent wheel on the hand crank,
graduations on the outer circumference thereby locking the hand crank.
of the dial so as to be read from the
side instead of from the top of the dial.

Figure 159 Parts of depth setting (21) Collar for detent plunger; (22)
mechanism to be assembled in the Screws for attaching (23) Cover plate;
housing horizontally. (1) Latch and (2) (24) Interlock bolt; (25) Gasket; (26).
Latch spring for (3) Engaging and (27), (28) Gland, washer, and leather
disengaging lever; (4) Shaft for raising packing for engaging and disengaging
and lowering spindle and socket; (5) shaft; (29) Housing; (30) Opening for
Nut and cotter pin for attaching lever detent plunger; (31) Opening for parts
to shaft; (6) Washer for shaft; (7) operating index dial; (32), (33), (34)
Latch plunger; (8) Screw for latch and Gland, washer, and leather packing for
lever; (9) Handle screw; (10) Handle; operating shaft; (35) Location pins and
(11) Special nut for operating shaft; (36) Bolts for attaching housing to
(12) Crank; (13) Pin and (14) Bushing barrel; (37) Pinion gear for operating
for (15) Operating shaft; (16) Key for shaft; (38) Socket fork; (39) Dowel
fastening operating shaft to bevel screw; (40) Set screw for pinion gear;
pinion gear; (17) Detent plunger and (41) Bevel gear.
(18) Spring; (19) Set screw for
attaching (20) Clip;


If the index dial is not on a foot mark, As previously mentioned, the firing
a tooth space will not be in line with interlocking lever, a part of the tube
the plunger, and the engaging and interlocking mechanism, can not be
disengaging lever can not be moved to moved to "Tube Ready to Fire" position
spindle out position. Two tooth spaces when the engaging and disengaging lever
are cut in the detent wheel on the hand is in the spindle in position. This is due
crank so that the depth setting can be to the fact that a lug on the collar
made to the nearest foot, one attached to the interlock sleeve engages a
revolution of the hand crank moving slot in the sliding interlock bolt, which in
the index dial two graduations, or the turn engages a lug on the engaging and
equivalent of two feet in depth. The disengaging lever, as shown in Figures
teeth on the detent wheel are cut wide 148, 149, and 150.
enough to allow a little movement
either side of the graduation to help in When the engaging and disengaging
engaging the socket on the spindle of lever is in the spindle out position, the
the torpedo. lug on the lever is clear of the sliding
bolt, thereby releasing the lug on the
Before loading a torpedo into the tube, collar of the interlocking sleeve, and
the depth index dials, on both the permitting the firing interlocking lever to
torpedo and the depth setting be moved to "Tube Ready to Fire"
mechanism on the tube, should be set position. In this position, the body of the
at the 10-foot setting. sliding interlock bolt is in the way of the
lug on the engaging and disengaging
lever, preventing it from being moved to
the spindle in position.

Figure 160 (left)

A Spindle and socket.
B Socket sleeve.
C Keys for attaching bevel gear to
socket sleeve.
D Bevel gear for socket sleeve.
E Housing.
F Access opening.
G Special nut and set screw for bevel
H Washer.
I Plug for access opening.
J Screws for attaching cover plate.
K Cover plate for access opening under
index dial.
L Special nut and cotter pin for end of
dial shaft.
M Key for attaching worm wheel to dial
N Worm wheel for rotating index dial.
O Opening for detent plunger.
P Index dial housing.
Q Dial shaft for rotating index dial.
Figure 160 Parts of depth setting R Index dial.
mechanism to be assembled in the S Dowel pin and screws for attaching
housing vertically. dial to shaft.



In the opening chapter of this manual, be fired, especially so when in action

the torpedo tube was likened to a naval where seconds count. Hence, in the
gun or a rifle, in that its purpose is to afterbody of the torpedo, along with the
fire a projectile at a target. There are other mechanisms which control the
decided differences, of course, and one depth under water and the speed at
of those differences is the manner of which the torpedo shall travel, and so on,
sending the projectile, the weapon is there is what is known as the gyro
aimed directly at, or in the direction of, mechanism, which controls the direction,
the target. This is not so, however, or rather the angle of travel, the torpedo
with the torpedo tube. shall take after it has left the tube.

It is easily seen that it would be an The gyro mechanism in the torpedo, in

impossibility to turn the submarine so combination with the vertical steering
the tubes would be aimed directly at engine through the vertical rudders, will
the target each time a torpedo was to bring the torpedo around to whatever
angle has been determined it should take

Figure 162 Operating engaging

lever and release button.

Figure 161
Spindle retracting gear and tube unit (Note: I Indicator showing spindle in
The housing "N" with dials "M" and or out.
handcrank "O" are not part of a ship J Clutch fork shaft.
K Indicator switch housing.
A Interlock sleeve.
L Spindle housing.
B Disengaging ratchet, chain, and sprocket.
M Indicator dials.
C Disengaging lever.
N Housing for mechanism to
D Engaging lever. rotate spindle.
E Latch, or handle lock release. O Hand crank for setting gyro
F Lever, locked. angle.
G Release button.
H Mating toe on retracting lever.


from the direction in which it has been submarines, together with the
launched, and will keep the torpedo from associated apparatus and the
deviating one way or the other, to starboard torpedo control equipment, is
or to port, from its predetermined course. designed for the purpose of giving
the submarine a freedom of action
The gyro mechanism in the torpedo must be in the operation of firing the tubes
set for each shot, and the setting must be that will com pare with the
done in the last moments before firing. For freedom of action obtained in
that purpose, the gyro setting mechanism is surface vessels due to the fact that
included as one of the operating units on the they are able to point torpedo
outside of the barrel, with a spindle projecting tubes in train.
through into the barrel and engaging a socket
connected with the gyro mechanism in the There are variations in the
afterbody of the torpedo. arrangements of the gyro setting
mechanisms in different
The gyro setting mechanism, as installed in submarines, The system described
here is strictly applicable to the
installations in SS198 and up,
only. For other installations, refer
to O.P. 586 (SS170 and up) or
O.P. 281 (SS167-169).

Figure 163 Gyro setting spindle and

retracting mechanism, complete assembly,
detached from tube. (A) Engaging lever; (B)
Release button; (C) Retraction lever; (D)
Indicator for showing spindle in or out; (E)
Spindle housing; (F) Indicator switch Figure 164 The reverse side of the
housing; (G) Drive shaft which operates gyro setting mechanism, showing
gears to rotate spindle for setting gyro angle. the flange which attaches to the
barrel. (A) Setting lever and latch;
(B) Retraction lever, connected by
ratchet, chain, and sprocket to the
stop rod for retracting the spindle
automatically when the firing
mechanism is set in action; (C)
Spindle, in the in or engaged


Figure 161 shows the gyro setting mechanism assembled, are shown in Figures
as it is attached on the barrel, the levers for 167 and 168.
engaging and disengaging the spindle being
in line with the top of the barrel, the shaft The gyro setting mechanism,
(clutch fork shaft) extending down to the while directly connected as one
spindle housing below. The housing, "N" in unit, in reality consists of two
Figure 161, with the dials "M" and the distinct units, one for moving the
handcrank "O," is part of a shop test spindle into or out of the socket
installation and is not installed in any ship. (for engaging or disengaging the
spindle), the other unit for rotating
Figure 162 shows the engaging and the spindle to set the mechanism
disengaging lever, one hand pressing the in the torpedo after the spindle has
release button, the other hand moving the been engaged in the socket on the
lever, having pressed the latch in the upper torpedo.
part of the lever to unlock it.
The spindle is engaged in the
Figure 163 is a close-up view of the engaging socket of the torpedo by means of
and the engaging lever (D in Figure
161, this being connected to the
clutch fork shaft which extends
down to the spindle housing. In
the spindle housing, attached to
the lower end of the

Figure 165 Close-up view of the gyro setting

spindle housing, reverse side, showing the
spindle in the in or engaged position.

disengaging lever and the spindle housing,

detached from the barrel. Figure 164 is a view Figure 166 (at right) Close-up
from the other side, the side which attaches to view of gyro setting spindle in the
the barrel, showing the spindle which projects out or retracted position.
into the tube to engage the socket in the
torpedo, also the retraction lever which is shaft is a clutch fork the arms of
attached by gearing to the stop rod which which engage the spindle sleeve,
raises the stop bolt, so that the gyro setting to which the spindle is attached
spindle is automatically retracted at the same with a certain degree of looseness
time as the stop bolt, after the firing key has to allow flexibility for engaging
been pressed and the firing mechanism is set the socket in the torpedo.
in operation, as explained in Chapter 5 on the
firing mechanism. As the engaging lever is moved to
engage or to retract the spindle,
A close-up view of the spindle in the in or the position in or out is shown by
engaged position is shown in Figure 165, and means of an indicator plate
one showing the spindle in the out or attached to the shaft, and an arrow
retracted position is shown in Figure 166. on a pointer plate (see I in Figure
161, also D in Figure 163).
The parts of the gyro setting mechanism,
disassembled, and arranged as nearly as The gyro setting spindle has a
possible in the order and the position in square shank at the end which
which they would be engages the socket in the torpedo
for setting the gyro mechanism.
This squared shank of the spindle
must line up with the socket in the
torpedo-that is, the sides of the
squares on both the spindle shank
and the socket must be parallel.
The spindle, as previously stated,
is mounted in the sleeve with a
slight looseness, and is centered in
the sleeve by means of a spring,
which facilitates engaging the



Figure 168 Indicator switch, clutch fork, etc., which assemble into the spindle
housing (25) and the switch housing (26) of Figure 167. (A) Bolts and washers;
(B) Plug; (C) Cover plate; (D) Push button switch; (E) Washer; (F) Indicator
switch housing; (G) and (H) Connections for wiring to switch; (I) Pin for lever;
(J) Bolts and washers for attaching indicator housing; (K) Cotter pin; (L) Lever;
(M) Clutch fork; (N) Taper pin; (O) Pins for clutch fork arms; (P) Spindle
housing (same as 25 in Figure 167).

Figure 167 (below and next page) The parts of the gyro setting spindle
mechanism, disassembled, are shown on these two facing pages as nearly as
possible in the position in which they would be assembled in the housing.

1 Cover. 33 Lock washer.
2 Packing. 34 Gland nut,
3 Screws for cover. 35 Access cover plate.
4 Bearing retainer. 36 Screws for cover plate.
5 Gasket. 37 Oil shield.
6 Bolts and washers for bearing 38 Worm drive shaft.
retainer. 39 Bearing,
7 Bearing nut. 40 Lock washer.
8 Lock washer. 41 Bearing nuts.
9 Bearing. 42 Gasket.
10 Gland, 43 Bearing retainer.
11 Rivet pins. 44 Washers and bolts forbearing
12 Gland springs. retainer.
13 Gland washer. 45 Packing.
14 Adapter ring. 46 cover.
15 Packing. 47 Screws for cover.
16 Packing. 48 Gasket, with bolts, washers, nuts,
17 Packing. and pins, for attaching spindle
housing to spindle drive housing.
18 Rubber gasket.
49 Nut, with cotter pin, for clutch fork
19 Spindle drive housing.
20 Oil filling plug.
50 Indicator collar.
21 Ball bearing spacer.
51 Retracting lever.
22 Bearing.
52 Pointer plate, with screws.
23 Worm wheel.
53 Key for shaft.
24 Bearing.
54 Clutch fork shaft.
25 Housing for spindle (flange
55 Latch;
attaches to (19) spindle drive
housing). 56 Latch spring.
26 Indicator switch housing. 57 Rivet pin.
27 Spindle sleeve. 58 Latch release.
28 Spindle spring. 59 Pivot pin.
29 Spindle. 60 Engaging lever.
30 Plug. 61 Latch, grip.
31 Key stud. 62 Latch spring.
32 Key. 63 Latch.
64 Top bracket.
65 Washer.
66 Nut, with cotter pin, for top of shaft.


spindle in the socket and allows for it in and out.

any slight misalignment.
A stuffing box drain is provided in the
When a torpedo is loaded into the tube, housing base to drain off small quantities
both the torpedo gyro and the setting of water which may leak past the stuffing
spindle should be set at zero to insure box before it can do any damage. This
lining up of the spindle and the socket. drain must not be obstructed in any way;
(This applies except when it is desired otherwise any leakage past the stuffing
to check the actual setting on the box will back up into the tube unit
torpedo at some other angle than zero, housing, and will corrode the working
and a torpedo is withdrawn from the parts.
tube for that purpose.) At the zero
setting on both the spindle and the When engaging the spindle, the
socket, the sides of the squares on both operating handle is grasped, as shown in
the spindle and the socket are Figure 162, and the latch or handle lock
horizontal and vertical. release, which is mounted in the top of
the handle, is pressed down to unlatch
If it is found hard to enter a spindle the handle from the handle lever bracket.
into the socket of the torpedo, the Pressing the latch or handle lock release
spindle may be rotated slightly in acts to pull down the handle lock bolt.
either direction by means of the hand The handle is then turned to the in
drive of the gyro setting indicator position shown on the indicator plate (D
regulator. in Figure 163). When the handle has
been moved to this position, the shaft
The spindle sleeve passes through a bolt release button (G in Figure 161) is
stuffing box to enter the tube. The pressed to disengage the handle shaft bolt
spring pressure on the chevron-type from the handle, and to engage it with
sealing rings in this stuffing box (parts the mating toe on the retracting lever (H
15, 16 and 17 of Figure 167) is not in Figure 161). Holding the shaft bolt
adjustable, and has been held to the release button in, the operating handle is
minimum so as not to bind the spindle returned to its latched position, as shown
sleeve. Split sealing rings should not at F in Figure 161.
be used. Before new rings are installed,
they should be soaked in hot neats-foot The foregoing process is reversed to
oil. After new rings are installed they retract or disengage the spindle
should be exercised by rotating the manually. The operating handle
setting spindle sleeve for 20 minutes,
occasionally also working

Figure 169 Gyro spindle retracting lever, with retracting chain and slide. (A)
Chain and sprocket connected with stop rod for retracting the spindle
automatically; (B) Intermediary multiplying lever, carrying slide block which
engages (C) Spindle retracting lever.


The connection between the retracting

lever and the stop rod is shown in Figure
169. This connection can also be seen in
Figures 161 and 162. A slide block
engages the retraction lever, the slide
block being carried on a pin which is
secured in the end of the in multiplying
lever. A sprocket, is fixed to the axle of
the intermediary multiplying lever, and a
chain which engages this sprocket has
both ends fastened to the retraction slide,
so that motion of the stop rod and
retraction slide toward the breech rotates
the intermediary multiplying lever, which
in turn rotates the, retracting lever and
the clutch fork shaft so as to retract the
gyro setting spindle.
Figure 170 Gyro setting indicator-
regulator by which the gyro angles of When the tube has, been fired, the stop
all torpedoes in one nest of torpedo rod and the gyro spindle retraction slide
tubes are set. are returned to their original positions by
the stop rod spring, carrying with them
or lever is unlatched from its latched the intermediary multiplying lever and
position and rotated until the handle the retracting lever. The wide upper slot
shaft bolt snaps into engagement with in the clutch cam permits this to be done
it while releasing itself from the without throwing the gyro setting spindle
retracting lever. The operating handle to its in or engaged position,
is their returned to its latched position,
carrying with it the handle shaft,
setting spindle, and all connecting

For retracting the spindle

automatically, the disengaging or
retracting lever is connected, by means
of a sprocket and chain, to the stop rod
which also retracts the torpedo stop
bolt. The stop rod is connected to the
piston of the stop cylinder as described
in Chapter 5 on the firing mechanism.
As the firing key is pressed, admitting
air from the ship's service line through
the stop cylinder valve to the stop
cylinder, the piston of the stop
cylinder, to which the stop rod is
connected, moves to contact the piston
of the pilot valve which releases the air Figure 171 Operator at gyro setting
to open the firing valve. As the piston indicator-regulator.
of the stop cylinder moves, it draws the
stop rod with it, thus retracting, first,
the gyro, setting, spindle and, next, the
stop bolt, before venting the fixing


The gyro setting spindle may be

removed from the housing, for
inspection or replacement, without
removing or disturbing the spindle
sleeve. To-do this, the cap (35 in
Figure 167) covering the access
opening in the spindle housing is
removed. The ears on the locking
washer, which are intended to prevent
the threaded and socketed plug from
backing out, are then bent down, and
the plug is removed, being eased out so
that the pressure of the spindle spring Figure 172 Adapter for gyro setting
will not eject it violently. Following spindle socket, used when torpedoes
this, the spindle rotating plug, together other than the Mark 14 and
with its key and locking washer, also Modifications are used in tubes
the spindle and its spring, are removed. described in this pamphlet.
As some of these parts are quite small,
set the gyro mechanism in the torpedo.
care must be taken not to lose any of
them. The removal of the spindle may This is due to the fact that in earlier
be facilitated by pushing it out from submarines the gyro setting mechanisms
within the tube. were on the outboard side of the tube,
and the stroke of the gyro setting spindle
To reassemble, the foregoing process is
(upon which there was no particular
reversed. It will be noticed that there
reason for imposing any limitation) was
are four .04 inch chamfered sections,
established as about 3.30 inches. For
each .25 inch long, at the horizontal
greater convenience of operation, the
and vertical center lines on the inner
gyro setting mechanisms were later
circumference or periphery of the
placed on the inboard side of the tube,
threaded collar upon which the cap
and the restricted space between the port
screws. The spindle sleeve should be
and the starboard tubes made it necessary
entered with its keyways lined up with
to decrease projections inboard of the
either pair of these chamfered sections.
tubes. Hence the stroke of the gyro
In this way, the spindle will be squared
setting spindles was reduced to 2.20
up so as to enter the setting socket of a
torpedo with the gyro set at 0 degrees
or any multiple of 1 1/4 degrees, since The adapter (shown in Figure 172) is
one turn of the spindle equals 5 installed in the gyro setting socket of the
degrees of gyro setting. torpedo by means of a square locking
plate. The sides of this locking plate are
An indicator switch ("micro" type), D
in alignment with the sides of the square
in Figure 168, is mounted in a housing,
end of the adapter body when the adapter
F in Figure 168, which in turn is bolted
is inserted in the gyro setting socket of
to the setting spindle housing. The
the torpedo, and are held in this position
switch is of the "normally open" type
by the engagement of a key on the
and is closed to light an indicating
locking plate with a keyway on the end
lamp by the action of a cam on the
of the adapter body, the parts being held
clutch fork, M in Figure 168, and the
in engagement by the pressure of a
lever, L in the same figure, when the
spring under the head of the locking
setting spindle is thrown to the "In"
screw, to which the locking plate is
rigidly secured.
Basic and spread gyro angles are set by
After the adapter is completely inserted
the operation of the gyro setting
in the gyro setting socket, the
indicator-regulator. See NAVORD.
engagement between the key
O.D. 2585.

The tubes described throughout this

manual were designed principally for
the use of the Mark 14 and
Modifications torpedoes. Other types
of torpedoes are also used in these
tubes, and in some of these it is
necessary to use a gyro setting socket
adapter in the gyro setting socket in
order to permit the setting spindle of
the tube unit to engage the socket to


on the locking plate and the diagonal issue of this pamphlet, the following
keyway on the end of the adapter body measures ate being taken to minimize the
is released by the pressure of a screw noise produced by gyro setting
driver applied to the slot in the head of mechanisms, and to reduce its
the locking screw, and the locking transmission to the hull plating (from
plate turned until the key is, brought whence it is "broadcast" through the
into alignment with a second keyway water):
in the end of the adapter body at an
angle of 45 degrees to the first keyway. (1) Certain gears are made of phenolic
com pound.
Upon the release of the pressure on the
head of the locking screw, the spring (2) Parts of similar material are
pressure will cause the locking plate to introduced in shaft couplings.
become engaged with the adapter body
in the new position, and the adapter (3) Housings in which noise is apt to
originate are mounted on material which
will be securely held in the gyro
setting socket by the engagement of the does not readily transmit sound.
corners of the locking plate with the
undercut in the bottom of the gyro The materials so used are not as strong
setting socket. as metal, and are apt to wear quicker.
They should, therefore, be given
In submarines of latest construction at particular attention whenever they show
the date of signs of weakness or excessive wear.


Certain torpedoes used in submarine Also, like the depth and gyro setting
torpedo tubes contain mechanisms for mechanisms, a spindle operates in a
controlling the speed, high or low, at housing on the outer side of the tube,
which the torpedo will travel after it is projecting through and into the tube to
discharged from the tube. The rate of engage a socket in the torpedo.
speed determines not only the speed
with which the torpedo travels to its When loading a torpedo into the tube, the
objective, but also its range or the mechanism on the torpedo is set at low, if
distance it will travel before its power a two-speed torpedo, or to intermediate if
becomes exhausted. three-speed. Likewise, the setting
mechanism on the tube must be set at
A torpedo set for low speed, for low.
instance, may travel at a rate of 32
knots, and its range will be Briefly stated, a speed setting mechanism
approximately 9,000 yards. Set for consists of a spindle having a three-
high speed, the torpedo may make 47 lobed head which is specially formed so
knots, and its range will be about 4,500 that it will engage the socket in the
yards. torpedo only in one position, with a
crank, shafting and gearing for turning
The speed, low or high, is determined the spindle, a handle with associated
in accordance with other factors which lever for engaging and withdrawing the
pertain at the time of preparing to fire, spindle, and interlock details which
the same as with the depth setting and engage the interlock sleeve so that the
the gyro angle. Hence the speed setting tube can not be fired with the spindle
mechanism on the torpedo tube is so engaged, so that the spindle can not be
arranged that the speed can be set up to engaged when the tube is ready to fire,
the time when the firing mechanism and so that the spindle can not be turned
interlock lever (A of Figure 68) is except when all the way in nor retracted
thrown from "Muzzle Door Unlocked" unless fully thrown to either of its two
to "Tube Ready to Fire," the same as positions.
the depth setting mechanism.

Figure 173 Simple type of speed setting mechanism, mounted on tube. (A)
Interlock sleeve; (B) Hand crank for rotating spindle; (C) Lever for engaging and
disengaging spindle; (D) Spindle housing.

There are two types of speed setting form of speed setting mechanism, as
mechanisms, the simple and the cross shown in Figures 173, 175, 176, 182,
over. Both are the same in operating 183, 193, 194,195 and 196, is used on
principle, the difference being due to these tubes. It will be noticed that the
whether the mechanism is attached to a spindle housing and the operating handle
port or star board tube. On a port bow and lever are together, side by side, on
tube or a starboard stern tube, the the inboard side of the tube.
socket in the torpedo which is engaged
by the spindle is on the inboard side of On starboard bow or port stern tubes, the
the tube, the side nearest the center line socket in the torpedo is on the outboard
of the vessel, when the, torpedo is side of the tube, the side farthest away
placed in the tube. Hence, the simple from the center line of the vessel, hence
the cross over type of speed setting

Figure 174 Cross over type of speed setting mechanism. (A) Indicator plate; (B)
Hand crank for rotating spindle (engaging and disengaging lever concealed); (C)
Shafts extending over tube to intermediate pedestal and connecting with (D)
Spindle housing.

Figure 175 Simple type of speed setting mechanism, dismounted from tube. (A)
Hand crank in low speed position; (B) Indicator plate; (C) interlock bolt; (D)
Engaging and disengaging lever; (E) Index collar and shaft; (F) Coupling; (G)
Socket shaft; (H) Spindle housing.

Figure 176 Simple type of speed setting mechanism. (A) Pointer shown at high
speed on indicator plate; (B) Index collar locked in high speed position; (C) Slot
for locking index collar in low speed position; (D) Lug on base engaging index
collar; (E) Indicator showing spindle out or in, lever being at spindle out

Figure 177 Cross over type of speed setting mechanism. (A) Engaging and
disengaging shaft; (B) Interlock bolt, spindle out position; (C) Speed setting shaft;
(D) Pointer showing low speed on (E) Indicator plate; (F) Lug on collar of
interlock sleeve locking interlock bolt in spindle out position; (G) Engaging and,
disengaging lever; (H) Speed setting hand crank.


Figure 179 Indicator plate removed to
Figure 178 Showing lug (A) on collar show (A) Pointer, at low speed position,
of interlock sleeve releasing interlock also (B) Interlock bolt in spindle in
bolt to permit movement of engaging position, engaging lug on interlock
and disengaging lever to spindle in sleeve.

Figure 181 Showing interlock bolt moved

Figure 180 Showing pointer moved to to release lug on collar of interlock
high speed position as hand crank is sleeve as engaging and disengaging
moved up, interlock bolt still engaging lever is moved to spindle out position,
lug on collar of interlock sleeve. torpedo having been set for low speed.


mechanism, as shown in Figures 174,

177 to 181, and 184 to 192, is used on
these tubes. In this cross over type, the
operating handle and lever are on the
inboard side of the tube, but the spindle
housing is on the outboard side.

The simple type of speed setting

mechanism is shown, detached from the
tube, in Figure 175. Here the right hand
is holding the lever for engaging and
disengaging the spindle, the palm of the
hand pressing the latch which locks or
unlocks the lever so it can be moved
from one position to the other. In this Figure 182 Back view of speed setting
case the lever is in the spindle in or mechanism (showing setting wheel now
engaged position. The left hand is being replaced by hand crank). (A) Index
holding the crank for rotating the collar and (B) Lug on base which
spindle to set the speed, the position engages index collar to lock speed
shown being for low speed, as shown setting wheel or hand crank; (C) Fork on
by the pointer on the indicator plate. engaging and disengaging lever which
Note that the index collar (E) in Figure moves operating shaft horizontally to
175, which will be described more fully engage or disengage spindle; (D)
later, is released from the lug on the Interlock bolt connected by lug on fork
base, unlocking the hand crank so it can attached to engaging and disengaging
be rotated. lever; (E) End of interlock bolt engaging
lug on interlock sleeve.
Figure 176 shows the engaging and
disengaging lever in spindle out
position, and the speed setting hand
crank in high speed position, as shown
by the pointer on the indicator plate.
Note, also, that the index collar is
engaged by the lug, locking the hand
crank in the high speed position so it
can not be rotated while the spindle is
disengaged from the socket in the

The cross over type of speed setting

mechanism, as already stated, operates
on the same basic principle as the Figure 183 Back of speed setting
simple type, the difference being that mechanism, showing (A) Index collar
the two shafts (the engaging shaft engaged by lug on base; (B) Interlock
connected with the engaging and bolt in spindle out position, releasing (C)
disengaging lever, and the worm and Lug on interlock sleeve.
shaft connected with the speed setting
handle) extend across the tube to an
intermediate pedestal on the outboard
side, this pedestal carrying the fork and
gear which moves and rotates the
operating shaft leading to the spindle
housing, as shown in Figure 174. This
is shown again in Figure 177, which
also shows the location of the speed
setting controls with relation to the
depth setting mechanism.

The speed setting mechanism, like all

the other operating mechanisms, is
linked up with the tube interlocking
system. Referring to Figure 177, (F)
shows the lug on the collar of the
interlock sleeve


engaging the interlock bolt (B) to prevent

moving the engaging and disengaging
lever. In the position shown, the firing
interlock lever (A in Figure 83) would be
in the "Tube Ready to Fire" position, the
speed setting spindle would be out, or
disengaged from the socket in the

In Figure 178, the lug on the collar of the

interlock sleeve has moved to release the
interlock bolt so the engaging and
Figure 184 disengaging lever can be moved to
spindle in position, as shown in Figure
179. Here, in Figure 179, the indicator
plate has been removed to show the
pointer which moves back ward and
forward to show low or high speed as the
speed setting handle is rotated. Also, this
shows the full view of the interlock bolt
which is thrown by the rotation of the
spindle engaging cross shaft in such a
way that the interlock sleeve, when the
firing interlock lever is in the "Muzzle
Door Unlocked" position, can not be
rotated until the spindle is retracted, and
conversely, so that, when the spindle is
out, it can not be re-engaged so long as
Figure 185
the firing interlock lever is in the "Tube
Ready to Fire" position.

Figure 180 shows the pointer moved

over to high speed position as the speed
setting hand crank is turned upward, the
interlock bolt still engaging the lug on
the interlock sleeve.

In Figure 181, the engaging and


Figure 186
Figure 187


Figures 184, 185, 186, 187, 188 The

speed setting mechanism index collar,
engaged and unlocked, in high and low
speed positions. (A) Slot in index collar
engaged by lug in high speed position;
(B) Slot which is engaged when in low
speed position; (C) Slot engaged in low
speed position; (D) Index collar
unlocked, high speed position; (E) Index
collar unlocked, low speed position; (F)
Index collar, unlocked, halfway between
high and low speed positions.

Figure 188

Figure 189 Cross over type of speed setting mechanism, dismounted from the
tube, showing (A) Spindle in in or engaged position; (B) Engaging and
disengaging lever in engaged position; (C) Pointer and indicator plate, showing
high speed, (D) Hand crank in high speed position.
Figure 190 Spindle (A) out or disengaged; (B) Lever moved to out position; (C)
Pointer and indicator plate, showing low speed; (D) Hand crank in low speed


Figure 191 Cross over connections for speed setting mechanism, disassembled at
left, assembled at right. (A) Coupling for spindle operating shaft (index collar and
shaft); (B) Spindle operating shaft; (C) Index collar; (D) Fork attached to lever
for moving shaft horizontally; (E) Gear, and (F) Pinion attached to speed setting
shaft for rotating spindle operating shaft; (G) Cap for pedestal; (H) Lug on
pedestal for engaging index collar; (I) Pedestal; (J) Shaft collar; (K) Engaging
and disengaging shaft; (L) Speed setting shaft; (M) Shaft collar; (N) Indicator
plate; (O) Where indicator plate is attached; (P) Body; (Q) Body cap; (R) Lever
hub; (S) Plate on base showing spindle out or in; (T) Pointer which moves to
show high or low speed on indicator plate; (U) Worm on setting shaft engaging
gear on index shaft to rotate pointer; (V) Index shaft for rotating pointer; (W)
Engaging and disengaging lever; (X) Speed setting crank; (Y) Parts assembled.


lever has been moved to spindle out disengaging lever is in the spindle out or
position, moving the interlock bolt disengaged position, the index collar on
back to disengage the lug on the the operating shaft being engaged by the
interlock sleeve collar, thereby lug, thereby serving to prevent
releasing the interlock sleeve so that movement of the hand crank once the
the firing interlock lever may be speed has been set. Also, as better shown
thrown to the "Tube Ready to Fire" in Figures 184 to 188, the index collar is
position. formed so that abutting surfaces engage
the lug on the base of the housing, even
A close up view of the interlock bolt though the spindle is fully engaged,
from the rear of the housing is shown when the mechanism is properly set at
in Figure 182 (this showing the hand
high or low speed. This feature acts as a
wheel which was originally fitted but pair of stops to prevent forcing the
is being replaced by the hand crank for mechanism in the torpedo past the
rotating the spindle). Here the designed limits. However, the forces
engaging and disengaging lever is in afloat reported that speed setting shafts
the spindle in position, the interlock (A in Figure 193 and L in Figure 191)
bolt being moved over to engage the had been bent and twisted by the
lug on the interlock sleeve. application of force to the setting crank
after the index collar had come against
Figure 183, the same view as Figure the lug in the base of the housing.
182, shows the interlock bolt moved Accordingly, the Bureau requested that
back as the lever is moved to positive stops acting upon the setting
disengage the spindle, the end of the crank be installed in new construction,
bolt clearing the lug on the interlock and, although not shown by any
sleeve. Both Figures 182 and 183 illustration hereon, such stops are
illustrate the simple speed setting installed in a number of vessels. These
mechanism. stops consist of an elongated hub upon
the crank shaft, upon which there is
Note that the interlocking system acts mounted, free to turn, a stop collar
to lock the speed setting mechanism having a projecting portion which is
after the speed has been sot and the engaged by two pins, one fixed in the
spindle removed or retracted from the crank and one fixed in the housing. The
socket in the torpedo. And conversely, width of the projecting portion of the
the interlock halt on the speed setting stop collar is such that the setting crank
mechanism locks the interlocking is stopped from turning more than 480
system and thereby prevents improper degrees.
operation of other mechanisms while
the speed setting spindle is engaged in In the cross over type of mechanism, the
the socket of the torpedo for setting the operation is essentially the same as in the
speed. simple type. The index collar has two
slots, as shown in the close up view in
Still referring to the simple Figure 184. Here one slot in the index
mechanism: As the interlock bolt acts collar is engaged by the lug after the
to lock or release the engaging and mechanism has been set for high speed
disengaging lever, so also does the and the spindle has been retracted.
index collar on the operating shaft act Figure 185 shows the second slot in the
to lock or release the speed setting index collar engaged by the lug after the
hand crank. This index collar is shown mechanism has been set for low speed.
in Figures 175 and 176, also in Figures The index collar unlocked, and in high
182 and 183. As shown in Figure 182, speed position, is shown in Figure 186.
the operating shaft is moved Figure 187 shows the index collar
horizontally, backward or forward, by unlocked and in low speed position, and
the fork attached to the engaging and Figure 188 shows the collar half way
disengaging lever. When the spindle is between the high and low speed
disengaged from the socket in the positions.
torpedo, one of two slots in the index
collar is engaged by a lug on the base When studying these views of the index
of the housing, as shown in Figure 183. collar it is well to recall that, as
In Figure 182 the index collar is shown previously stated, the operating shaft is
released from the lug so the operating moved horizontally by the engaging and
shaft can be rotated to set the speed. disengaging lever to engage or disengage
The speed setting hand crank can not
be turned to rotate the operating shaft
while the engaging and

spindle in the socket of the torpedo. Figure 190 shows the spindle in the out
For setting the speed after the spindle or disengaged position, the lever being in
is engaged, the operating shaft is that position as shown by the arrow on
rotated by the speed setting wheel or the part of the housing over which the
hand crank. Thus the horizontal lever moves. It will be noted here that a
movement of the operating shaft when plunger engages one of the two holes in
moved by the fork attached to the the projection on the base of the housing,
engaging and disengaging lever causes locking the engaging and disengaging
the index collar to slide onto the lug on lever when it is in the out or in position,
the base of the housing when the slot this plunger being released by pressure
in the collar is in the proper position. on the latch which forms a part of the
hand grip on the lever.
Figure 189 shows the cross over type
of speed setting mechanism detached Figure 191 shows the parts of the cross
from the barrel. The spindle is shown over attachment, disassembled at the left,
in the in or engaged position, the and assembled at the right, while Figure
engaging and disengaging lever being 192 shows the parts which assemble into
in that position. The hand crank is the intermediate pedestal. Tracing the
shown in high speed position, the operation of this part of the mechanism
pointer being at high on the indicator from the parts as shown in these
plate. illustrations, it will be

Figure 192 Parts for intermediate pedestal on cross over type of speed setting
mechanism. (A) Pinion and socket for speed setting shaft; (B) Gear; (C) Ring nut
for gear; (D) Pedestal, showing pinion and gear in place; (E) Index collar and
shaft; (F) Fork attached for engaging and disengaging lever; (G) Coupling; (H)
Machine screws for coupling.

Figure 193 Operating shaft and connecting parts for simple type of speed setting
mechanism. (A) Pinion and worm; (B) Gear; (C) Ring nut for gear; (D) Index
collar and shaft; (E) Pivot screw; (F) Interlock bolt; (G) Lever fork; (H) Screw
pin; (I) Latch; (J) Latch spring; (K) Latch plunger; (L) Lever handle; (M) Speed
setting crank; (N) Special nut; (O) Index shaft; (P) Pointer.

noticed that the engaging lever is speed after the spindle is engaged in the
connected to the engaging shaft which, socket of the torpedo.
at the lever end, is connected with the
lever hub on the top of which is a lug Figure 193 shows the operating shaft and
which moves the interlock bolt connecting parts (disassembled) for the
backward or forward. At the far end simple type of speed setting mechanism.
the engaging shaft is attached to a fork Figure 194 shows the operating shaft,
which moves the spindle operating levers, and connecting parts as
shaft to engage or disengage the assembled in the housing, with the upper
spindle. The speed setting hand crank part of the housing removed to show the
is connected with the speed setting position of the different parts. Figure 195
shaft, a worm at the handle end shows the position of the operating shaft
engaging a gear on the index shaft to and the speed setting shaft as assembled
rotate the pointer to show low or high in the housing. Figure 196 shows the
speed on the indicator plate. The far housing and assembled parts from the
end of the speed setting shaft is back, indicating more clearly the action
attached to a pinion which meshes of the gear and fork on the operating
with the gear on the end of the spindle shaft.
operating shaft to rotate the shaft for
setting the

Figure 194 Operating shaft, lever, hand crank, pointer, interlock bolt, and
connecting parts assembled in housing, with (A) Indicator plate; (B) Body; (C)
Location of indicator plate; (D) Body cap.

Figure 195 Operating and speed setting shafts assembled in housing.


Figure 196 Housing and assembled parts shown from the back.

Figure 197 Interior of spindle housing, showing operation of raising and lowering
the spindle, also rotating it to set speed.


Figure 197 is a view of the spindle pinion which engages a gear attached to
housing with the outer casing broken the spindle sleeve, so that as the speed
away to show the operation of raising setting handle is turned, rotating the
and lowering the spindle, and also shaft, the pinion and gear act to rotate
rotating it. Figure 198 shows the the spindle sleeve and with it the spindle
spindle housing parts disassembled. for setting the mechanism in the torpedo.
Tracing the operation of this part of the
mechanism while referring to Figures The socket shaft (F in Figure 198) enters
197 and 198, the socket shaft of the the spindle housing through a stuffing
spindle housing is coupled to the index box, as shown at the left in Figure 197,
collar and shaft operated by the the parts being shown at F, G, H, I, and J
engaging lever and the setting hand in Figure 198. This stuffing box, like all
crank. In the spindle housing, the other stuffing boxes on the torpedo tube,
socket shaft engages a bell crank fork, should be kept tightened just enough to
which in turn engages the spindle prevent leakage of water that enters the
sleeve in which the spindle is attached. spindle housing. It should not, however,
The horizontal movement of the socket be tightened to the extent that it
shaft as the engaging lever is moved interferes with the movement of the
operates the bell crank fork to lower or socket shaft and prevents proper
raise the spindle sleeve. operation of the speed setting
The end of the socket shaft also
connects with a
Figure 198 Parts for speed setting spindle housing.
A Plug. L Retaining ring.
B Gasket. M Adjusting ring.
C Pinion. N Sleeve cap and keys.
D Housing. O Spindle retainer.
E Retaining ring. P Spindle sleeve.
F Socket shaft. Q Spindle.
G Bearing. R Bell crank fork.
H Leather packing. S Pivot screw and washer.
I Gasket. T Gasket.
J Plug. U Bolts studs, and nuts for attaching
K Gear. housing to barrel.


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The Tripping Latch Mechanism 106

The Torpedo Stop Bolt 109




The tripping latch is the device which, free movement of the torpedo as it is
when the torpedo starts out of the tube, moved forward into place in the tube.
engages and trips the starting lever (a
trigger-like projection from the However, the mechanism is so designed
torpedo) to start the torpedo's engine. that the tripping latch is raised out of the
tube as the breech door is being opened,
The tripping latch is a hammer-shaped and it is lowered back into position as
lever, about six inches long and five- the breech door is being closed. This is
eighths of an inch thick. It is so done by means of a cam attached to the
arranged and placed that it engages the upper hinge pin of the breech door, a key
torpedo starting lever when the torpedo on the cam being engaged by the end of
has moved forward three-fourths of an the upper arm of the breech door as it is
inch after the firing charge has started being opened, thereby rotating the cam,
it out of the tube. as illustrated and described in Chapter 3
(see especially Figures 24 to 30, on pages
When a torpedo is being loaded into 26 and 27). The cam is also shown here
the tube, the tripping latch must be in Figure 199.
raised, or retracted, from the barrel, so
there will be no interference with the Figure 200 shows the linkage between
the cam on the breech door, the operating
shaft, and the tripping latch housing, in
the position when the breech door is
closed. Figure 201 shows the linkage in
the position when the breech door is
open. Another view of the tripping latch
housing and the linkage with the breech
door is shown in Figure 202, this
illustrating the position of the tripping
latch housing with relation to the poppet
valve and other operating units.

An interior view of the tripping latch

housing is shown in Figure 203,
illustrating the latch lowered into the
Figure 199 The breech door hinge barrel to contact and trip the torpedo
bracket, showing the tripping latch am. starting lever.
(A) Tripping latch arm, which connects
with operating shaft as shown in The curvature of the cam, shown in
Figures 200 and 201; (B) Roller; (C) Figure 199, is such that the tripping latch
Tripping latch cam; (D) Key which is in the extreme down position before
rotates cam when engaged by (E) Free the breech door is entirely closed. Hence,
end of upper arm of breech door. this position of the tripping latch can be
verified by sighting into the barrel before
fully closing the breech door. During the
opening of the breech door, the tripping
latch cam remains in neutral position for
the first 45 degrees of the opening of the
door, so that the latch can also be
observed by sighting down the barrel as
the door is being


Figure 200 Linkage between cam on breech door hinge, operating shaft, and
tripping latch housing, in breech door closed position. (A) Cam and roller; (B)
Latch arm; (C) Operating shaft; (D) Tripping latch housing.

Figure 201 Tripping latch linkage in breech door open position.


opened. It is considered good operating in the up direction, and, at the same time,
policy to observe carefully the position not project within the bore when up but
of the tripping latch both on opening with all the lost motion taken out in the
and on closing the breech door when down direction.
loading a torpedo.
This last condition has no effect in
The starting lever on the torpedo, connection with torpedoes, as the slope
which is engaged by the tripping latch of a war or exercise head on a torpedo
to open the torpedo starting valve and will push the latch up out of the way. It
set the operating mechanism in the is likely to cause interference, however,
torpedo in action, is shown in Figure when mines are being loaded into the
204. Here, the operator is removing a tube.
safety stick from the starting lever
preparatory to loading the torpedo into In some installations, therefore, a crank
the tube. This safety stick is inserted to arm, having provision for adjusting its
protect the starting lever, and to length, will be found substituted for one
prevent it from being tripped of the crank arms of the earlier design. In
unintentionally or accidentally while some other installations, especially those
the torpedo is being handled up to the of later construction, the throw of the
time of loading into a torpedo tube. tripping latch has been increased by
changing the relative lengths of crank
There are certain differences between arms, without altering the operating cam,
the tripping latch as installed on some so as to allow for the development of a
of the earlier submarines and those on considerable amount of lost motion due
vessels of more recent construction. to manufacturing tolerances and service
This is due to the fact that the wear, without resulting in any
somewhat limited movement of the objectionable projection of the tripping
tripping latch in the original design latch within the bore when up.
was found, after moderate wear, to be
insufficient to insure proper adjustment It will be noticed, particularly in Figures
by means of the turnbuckle 202 and 203, that a turnbuckle
arrangement provided, so as to permit attachment is connected in the link
the latch to project the required amount leading directly from the tripping latch
within the bore when down but with all housing to the operating shaft. This
lost motion taken out turnbuckle attachment is provided for the
purpose of adjusting
Figure 202 Showing position of tripping latch housing, operating shaft, and
linkage, in position on barrel and its relation to other mechanisms. (A) Operating
shaft and linkage; (B) Tripping latch housing.


The projection of the tripping latch

within the bore is best tested by the use
of the barrel center line gauge, which is
specially fitted to indicate whether this
projection (as well as the projections of
the stop bolt, and depth, speed and gyro
setting spindles) is accurate. Do not close
the breech door with the barrel centerline
gauge in place to test the projection of
Figure 203 The tripping latch housing, the tripping latch, since the tripping latch
interior view, showing tripping latch is forced down by the closing of the
extending down info the tube in breech door, and the tripping latch
position to trip starting lever on linkage will be de formed if the tripping
torpedo. Dotted lines show position of latch is then prevented by the barrel
latch when raised. centerline gauge from taking its "down"
the tripping latch as required.

Tripping latch linkages should be

examined carefully at regular intervals
to make certain that there is no
deformation of any of the parts, also
that there is no lost motion in
operation. These linkages should also
be tested carefully for correspondence
between actuation and response, to
make certain, for example, that when
the tripping latch is raised by the
opening of the breech door it does not Figure 204 The starting lever on the
project within the 21.125 inch bore of torpedo, operator removing safety stick
the tube, in which case it would which protects the starting lever and
interfere with the loading of a mine, as prevents it from being tripped
previously stated; also, that when the accidentally up to the time the torpedo is
tripping latch is lowered by the closing loaded into the tube.
of the breech door, it projects into the
tube the required amount as shown by
the drawings which apply specifically
to the particular installation in the


The purpose of the torpedo stop bolt is lever with relation to the tripping latch.
to fix the position of the torpedo in the
tube so the depth, gyro, and speed On the top of the torpedo is a guide stud
setting sockets in the torpedo will be in which slides in the guide slot in the top
the proper location with reference to land of the interior of the barrel, keeping
the setting mechanisms, so that the the torpedo in its proper position and
spindles of the setting mechanisms will preventing it from rotating in the tube.
engage the sockets in the torpedo The torpedo stop bolt engages this guide
readily. It also fixes the position of the stud as the torpedo is being slid into the
starting tube.


There are two housings for torpedo

stop bolts, attached on the top of the
middle section of the barrel, as shown
in Figure 18 on page 20, also in the
large fold-out chart between pages 22
and 23. Only one of these housings is
used, however, depending upon the
type of torpedo being used. For
torpedoes such as the Mark 14, or
others having a distance of 141.44
inches from the tail to the front of the
guide stud, the housing nearest the Figure 205 The torpedo stop bolt
muzzle end of the tube will be used. housing.
For torpedoes such as the Mark 10,
Modification 3, or others having a
distance of 109.0 inches from the tail
to the front of the guide stud, the
housing nearest the breech end of the
tube is used.

The stop bolt housing, detached from

the tube, is shown in Figure 205, a side
view being shown in Figure 206. In
Figure 207, a view of the under side of
the housing, the stop bolt is shown in
the down position, while in Figure 208
the stop bolt is shown in the up
position. Figure 209, in which the
housing has been broken away, shows
the interior mechanism and its Figure 207 Torpedo stop bolt housing as
operation. Figure 210 is a view of the seen from underneath, showing (A)
parts disassembled. Lever to which stop rod is attached; (B)
Stop bolt, in down position; (C) Stop bolt
Each of the two housings includes the gib; (D) Gib screw; (E) Stop shaft; (F)
stop bolt lever, the stop shaft, and the Stop bolt lever.
lever attached to the stop rod which
lifts or retracts the stop bolt at the
time-of-firing. Only one stop bolt, stop
bolt gib, and stop spring are installed,
however, these parts being
interchangeable from one housing to
the other.

Referring to Figure 207, the stop bolt,

as well as the stop bolt gib, and the
stop spring, can easily be removed
from the stop bolt lever and the
housing by simply removing the gib
screw. Care should be taken to observe
the position of these pieces as they are
removed, so they can be placed in the
other housing in the same order and
without difficulty, the procedure for
assembling these parts, or for putting
them in the housing, being the reverse
of that for removing them.

The stop bolt is lifted or retracted from

the tube by means of the stop rod,
which is connected with the lever (A in
Figure 207). The stop rod extends,
through a stuffing box, to the retraction
slide (by means of which the stop
piston retracts the gyro setting spindle)
which in turn is connected to the piston
of the torpedo stop cylinder (as in
Figure 211, which forms a part of the


mechanism, as described in Chapter 5

(see pages 52 and 53). As the firing lever
is pressed, opening the stop cylinder
valve and admitting air into the torpedo
stop cylinder, the piston of the torpedo
stop cylinder is forced toward the breech
end of the tube, drawing the stop rod
with it, thereby (after first taking up the
Figure 206 Side view of torpedo stop designed lost motion between the lever A
bolt housing. of Figure 207 and the stop shaft E of
Figure 207) lifting or retracting the stop
bolt and disengaging the gyro setting
spindle in the same operation.

As the stop rod is drawn toward the

breech end of the tube it pulls the lever
(A in Figure 207), which is attached to
the stop shaft (N in Figure 210). This
stop shaft enters the stop bolt housing
through a stuffing box, which must be
kept tight to prevent leakage, yet not so
tight that it will prevent rotation of the
shaft and thereby interfere with the
proper operation of the stop bolt.
Figure 208 Showing stop bolt in up
Figure 209, which shows the interior of
the housing, gives a better idea of the
operation of the stop bolt. Studying this
with Figure 210, which shows the parts
disassembled, the following steps should
be noted: The stop shaft connects with
the stop bolt lever (Q in Figure 210), the
rounded projection at the end of this
lever engaging a slot in the stop bolt (V
in Figure 210).

The action of the stop bolt lever, as the

stop rod is pulled by the piston of the
torpedo stop cylinder, raises the stop bolt
vertically, the stop bolt gib (S in Figure
210) and the shape of the housing acting
as a guide for the vertical movement of
the stop bolt. A lug on the stop bolt gib
determines the position of the bolt when
it is down.

The length of the slot in the stop bolt

which is engaged by the rounded end of
the stop bolt lever permits a slight
overtravel of the top rod. This feature is
carried over from the tube design as it
existed before the adoption of automatic
gyro setting spindle retraction. The
overtravel was originally provided so as
to allow the stop rod to make a portion
of its stroke without lifting the stop bolt,
in case air pressure should, by leakage or
malfunction, come on the stop cylinder
while the firing interlock shutter bar is in
position to block the stop

Figure 209 Interior view of torpedo stop bolt housing.

Figure 211 The torpedo stop cylinder, a unit of the firing mechanism, showing (A)
Threads for connection to gyro setting spindle retraction slide; (B) Stop rod
spring; (C) Electric firing solenoid; (D) Stop cylinder valve; (E) Firing handle;
(F) Stop cylinder; (G) Pilot valve.


Figure 210 Torpedo stop bolt housing and parts disassembled. (A) Cotter pin; (B)
Nut for shaft; (C) Washer; (D) Castellated nuts with cotter pins; (E) Lever plate;
(F) Lever; (G) Actuating block; (H) Lever plate; (I) Bolts; (J) Nuts; (K) Gland;
(L) Stud bolts; (M) Housing;, (N) Stop shaft; (O) Washer; (P) Plug; (Q) Stop bolt
lever; (R) Gib screw; (S) Stop bolt gib; (T) Spring seat; (U) Stop spring; (V) Stop
bolt; (W) Tap bolts; (X) Taper dowels; (Y) Gasket.

rod. (In such a case, the end of the stop After a torpedo has been fired, and the
rod will engage in a recess in the air pressure on the piston of the torpedo
shutter bar, as explained in Chapter 4, stop cylinder is released, the spring on
under "Firing Interlocking the stop rod where it connects with the
Mechanism.") When automatic gyro piston of the torpedo stop cylinder (See
spindle retraction was adopted, Figure 211) forces the stop rod back
additional overtravel of the stop piston toward the muzzle end of the tube, and
extension was considered necessary in this action of the stop rod combined with
order that the engaging end of the the stop bolt spring (U in
spindle should be clear of the socket in
the torpedo before the stop bolt started
to lift. This additional overtravel is
provided by the clearance between
parts F and G in Figure 210.


Figure 210) allows the stop bolt to at the end of the stop rod proper, where
drop back into place to engage the the stop rod connects with the slide that
guide stud of the next torpedo to be retracts the gyro setting spindle, as
loaded into the tube. shown in Figure 212. The adjustment
should be made so that when the stop
The stop bolt has three grooves, two of bolt is all the way down, in which
which extend the entire length of the position its end should be 10.563 inches,
bolt. The purpose of these grooves is to plus or minus .015 inch, from the center
allow free passage of air and water line of the barrel, it should not be
from the barrel, and thereby prevent possible to push the stop bolt up more
any obstruction to the upward than .045 inch before it contacts the stop
movement of the stop bolt which might bolt lever.
be caused by air and water be coming

trapped in the upper part of the When loading a torpedo into the tube,
housing. extreme care should be taken to ease the
torpedo gently against the stop bolt to
It is important that the connections avoid bending the stop bolt or binding
between the stop rod and the lever any of the parts of the stop bolt
which operates the stop shaft to raise assembly. Should the stop bolt become
the stop bolt be carefully inspected bent, or in any way mutilated so it does
regularly, and that it be maintained in not function properly, it should be
proper adjustment at all times. An immediately replaced.
adjustment spacer is provided for
adjusting the stop bolt lever, this spacer
being located

Figure 212 Showing (A) connection on stop rod for adjusting stop bolt lever.

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The Tube Flood and Drain System-General 116

Flooding the Tube 118
Draining the Tube 119
Roller Bracket Drains 120


The Tube Flood and Drain System


As explained in the opening chapter of Variations will be found in the tube flood
this pamphlet, when a torpedo has and drain systems on different
been loaded into the tube and the submarines, and for detailed information
breech door is closed and-locked, the pertaining to the installation in any
tube is flooded with water to equalize particular vessel, reference should be
the pressure inside the tube with the made to the plans as well as to the
pressure from outside, so the muzzle General Information book supplied to
door and shutter may be opened each vessel. The purpose here is to give
against the resistance of the sea water
outside. The tube is flooded from tanks
within the submarine. As the tube is
being flooded, the air from the tube is
vented through the forward and after
vents. After the torpedo has been
launched from the tube, the muzzle
door and shutter are closed, and the
water which has entered the tube is
drained off. As the water is being
drained off, air is blown into the tube
through the vents, forcing the water out
by filling the tube with air. Figure 214 The tube drain valve with
operating lever in valve open position.
The tube flood and drain system
provides the means for this flooding,
venting, and draining of the tube,
before and after firing a torpedo.

Figure 213 The tube drain valve, with operating lever in valve closed position. (A)
Operating lever; (B) Valve; (C) Lead to drain.


the basic principles of operation of the one toward the breech end, the other
system. Once thoroughly familiar with toward the muzzle end, these leading to
the fundamentals, the student of an individual vent and blow manifold.
submarine operation should readily The manifolds have a three-way plug
recognize any changes he may cock to the blow and vent line from each
encounter on submarines to which he tube, a three-way plug cock to the blow
may be assigned. and vent line from the W.R.T. tank, and
a stop valve to the 200-pound air service
A typical tube flood and drain system line.
consists of drain, vent, and blow
valves, these being arranged in Each tube is vented inboard by means of
manifolds; also piping, and the related the three-way plug cock connection to
interlocking mechanism, the latter the blow and vent line from the tube.
having already been described in detail When this connection is in the blow
in Chapter 4, in the section dealing position it permits blowing the tube from
with the Tube Flood and Drain the 200-pound air service line. When it is
Interlocking Mechanism, on page 42 of in the vent position it permits venting the
this pamphlet. tube through another three-way plug
cock valve, which permits venting
There are two drain lines for each tube, inboard through a two-inch line, or
forward and aft, these leading to the outboard through a one-inch line which
drain and flood manifold. The manifold is clear of the bow buoyancy tank. The
controls flooding and draining tubes tube is vented outboard only when it is
from or to the trim line, trim tank, believed that noxious gasses or vapors
torpedo compensating tank, or W.R.T. are present in the tube.
(water round tube) tank.

Each tube has two vent and blow


Figure 215 The drain valve, view from the side opposite to that shown in Figures
213 and 214, showing (A) Valve operating lever, in valve open position; (B) Rod
extending down from the interlock lever to interlock collar; (C) Connection for
pipe to drain roller bracket (one of four); (D) Valve; (E) Interlock collar on stem
of valve operating lever; (F) Connection to drain.



The procedure for flooding the barrel, Chapter 4, see Figure 77 on page 42.
preparatory to opening the muzzle door
after a torpedo has been loaded into the (d) The W.R.T. tank and barrel drain
tube, is as follows: valves are opened.

(a) The breech door must be closed (e) Blow the W.R.T. tank until the tube
and locked, as described in Chapter 3, is flooded.
see Figure 33, page 28.
(f) Close the W.R.T. tank, barrel drain,
(b) The tube is then vented, either and tube vent valves, and vent the
inboard or outboard as determined W.R.T. tank until the gage shows
necessary. atmospheric pressure.

(c) The drain valve interlock lever is To flood a tube from the trim tank, the
moved to "Muzzle Door Closed" trim
position, as described in
Figure 216 The W.R.T. (water round tube) tank vent lever, the one at the left,
shown in open position.

Figure 217 The W.R.T. tank vent lever, shown in closed position.



tank blow and vent valves are used

instead of the W.R.T. tank valves.
To flood a tube from the sea, the
trim pump, trim line valve, and the
tube vents are used.

For draining the barrel after a

torpedo has been launched, the
procedure is as follows:

(a) The firing interlock lever is

moved to the "Muzzle Door Figure 218 Venting the tube (first vent to
Unlocked" position, as described in right).
Chapter 4, see Figure 81 on page

(b) Close the impulse stop valve, if

one is installed on the tube.

(c) Close the muzzle door.

(d) The drain valve interlock lever

is moved to "Muzzle Door Closed"
position, as shown in Chapter 4, see
Figure 77 on page 42.
Figure 219 Venting the W.R.T. tank.
(e) Open the barrel drain valve.

(f) Open the W.R.T. tank valve in

the drain manifold.

(g) Vent the W.R.T. tank.

(h) Blow the barrel until free of


(i) Close the tank vent.

(j) Vent the tube until the gage Figure 220 Flooding the tube from the
shows atmospheric pressure in the W.R.T. tank.

Note-In submarines of the

Portsmouth design, to drain a tube
to the trim tank, the trim tank drain
and vent valves are used instead of
the W.R.T. tank valves. To drain to
the sea, the trim pump, trim line
valve, and the tube vents are used.

In submarines of the Electric Boat

Company design, a W.R.T. tank
overflow valve to the trim tank is
provided for the purpose of blowing
the tubes to the trim tank when the
W.R.T. tank is full. An interlock to
close a quick operating valve in the
W.R.T. tank blow line when the
overflow valve is open, prevents
accidental blowing of the W.R.T.
tank to the trim tank. A loop around
the quick operating valve is
provided with a check valve for
venting purposes. When the
overflow valve is closed, normal
blowing and venting of the W.R.T.
tank is accomplished, and, when the
overflow valve is open, water from
the tube is transferred to the trim
tank by way of the W.R.T. tank.



The roller brackets, of which there galvanic action, with resulting pitting and
are four on the under side of the corrosion of the torpedo. In order to prevent
tube-these brackets containing the this, the installation of phenolic compound
rollers on which the torpedo rides rollers in late vessels has been authorized, to
as it passes through the tube-are facilitate extensive service test. If successful,
drained by three-eighths inch I.P.S. such rollers will be issued to all submarines.
lines to the tube drain line (see C in
Figure 215, page 117) entering that Where bronze rollers are installed, pieces of
line above the drain valve, i.e., zinc may be placed in the roller brackets to
between the tube and the drain minimize electrolytic corrosion. As the zinc
valve. is electro-positive to both steel and bronze,

it should be attacked by the sea water
These drain lines from the roller- instead of the steel or bronze. These pieces
brackets must be kept free of any of zinc should be inspected regularly and
obstructions. This is important renewed whenever necessary.
inasmuch as the shell of the torpedo
is steel, and the tube barrel rollers
with their associated parts are
principally bronze, hence the
presence of sea water in the roller
bracket pockets may cause

Figure 221 The No. 1 tube blow valve-watching water level gage preparatory to
closing the tube blow valve.


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The Electric Firing and Indicating System 122





The electrical systems connected with battle order transmitters, and by the
the operation of submarine torpedo firing interlock switches at each torpedo
tubes in reality present a separate study tube.
by themselves. While there naturally is
similarity in these systems on different 3. The Torpedo Battle Order and Ready
vessels, variations will be found. Light Circuit (Circuit 6R), which is the
Hence, in order to secure accurate system that transmits the battle orders
detailed information applicable to the from the control room or the conning
electrical system in any particular tower to the tubes, and indicates at those
submarine, it is necessary to refer to stations the state of readiness of the
the plans, the General Information tubes. Gyro setting spindle retraction
book, or to the Record of Electrical indicating switches, although an integral
Auxiliaries, Volume 1, which are part of this system, have so far been
supplied to each vessel by the Bureau supplied by the Bureau of Ordnance, by
of Ships. reason of their close association,
physically and functionally, with the
There are three electrical circuits gyro setting tube units which are
directly related to the operation of the supplied by that Bureau.
torpedo tube, with which it will be
necessary for the student to become The ready lights are supposed to indicate
familiar when assigned to a submarine. that the tube is ready to fire, and they
These are the following: should light when:

1. The Torpedo Control Circuit (a) The muzzle door is fully open.
(Circuit GA), which comprises the
power and synchro circuits to the gyro (b) The depth and speed setting spindles
setting indicator regulators, and to the are fully retracted from the sockets in the
depth setting indicators when these are torpedo.
installed. Torpedo data computers and
gyro setting indicator regulators, (c) The drains and vents are closed.
including control units, are supplied by
(d) The impulse stop valve is open.
the Bureau of Ordnance.
(e) The interlock lever is set at "Tube
2. The Torpedo Firing Circuit (Circuit
Ready to Fire."
6PA), which comprises the means by
which the firing solenoids, mounted at In some submarines there is no torpedo
the tubes, are energized selectively firing station in the control room, and,
from the firing stations in the control therefore, no connection to the torpedo
room or conning tower. Firing circuits firing circuit (Circuit 6PA). or to the
are interrupted by switches on the torpedo battle order and ready light
circuit (Circuit 6R).


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Operating Procedures 124

Test Procedures 132




1. TORPEDOES (U.S.) length of this torpedo has been increased
to 246.0 inches, but this increase in
All U. S. Navy torpedoes have the length does not in any way affect the
starting lever, the side setting gyro operation of the torpedo tube.
setting sockets, the-depth setting
sockets, and the speed setting sockets These tubes were designed also to
(when fitted) in the same locations accommodate the Mark 10 Modification
relative to the center line of the torpedo 3 torpedoes, which have the front of the
and to its tail. Torpedoes are divided guide stud 109.0 inches from the tail, by
into three groups according to the changing the stop bolt to the rear
location of the guide stud, the distances
housing, described in Chapter S, page
from the tail to the front of the guide 109 of this pamphlet. With this torpedo,
stud being 109.0 inches, 141.44 inches, however, as with all others except the
or 150.44 inches, depending upon the Mark 14 and Modifications, it is
length of the torpedo. necessary to use the gyro setting socket
adapter described in Chapter 7, in the
The torpedo tubes described in this section on the Gyro setting mechanism,
pamphlet were designed primarily for and specifically on page 90. This adapter
the Mark 14 torpedo, which has the is required if gyro angles are to be set
front of the guide stud 141.44 inches while this torpedo is loaded in the tube.
from the end of the tail, hence they Mark 10 Modification 3 torpedoes are
will accommodate such torpedoes originally issued with a guide stud which
without any adjustment or alteration of is Tee shaped in
either the tube or the torpedo. The

Figure 222 Loading the torpedo first step. A tail piece having one end shaped to
fit into the propeller shaft, and with a pulley at the other end, is inserted in the
propeller shaft, and the cable is led around the end of the pulley. Illustrations on
the following pages show the succeeding steps.


cross section, and which is too high to being used (although, from the foregoing
suit the guide slot in torpedo tubes information, an equivalent scale may be
such as those described in this readily prepared).
pamphlet. The flat, low guide stud used
on the Mark 14 torpedoes is to be used. In Chapter 2, describing the barrel,
This guide stud has holes for four reference is made, briefly, to the overall
bolts, whereas the Mark 10 lengths and the effective lengths of bow
Modification 3 torpedo air flask is and stern tubes, the effective length
tapped for only three bolts. Therefore, referring to the length of torpedoes that
when attaching the guide stud on the can be accommodated in the tubes.
torpedo, the vacant hole in the guide Experience on any submarine will soon
stud should be placed toward the tail ofmake it possible to determine at a glance
the torpedo. whether any given torpedo of a known
length can be fitted into either the bow or
The foregoing also applies to torpedoes the stern tubes of the particular vessel.
Mark 9 and Modifications. In addition, There are certain torpedoes, principally
on older Modifications of Mark 9 the Marks 11, 12, and 15 torpedoes, of
torpedoes, the depth index runs to only the original length of 271.0 inches, which
25 feet instead of to 50 feet as on can be fired from the stern tubes of some
modern torpedoes, and the scale index submarines. These torpedoes, however,
is 51 degrees of dial to five feet of have the front of the standard guide stud
depth instead of 20 degrees to five feet, 150.44 inches from
so that the scale on the depth setting
mechanism on the tube may not be
read directly when these torpedoes are

Figure 223 Loading the torpedo, second step. The block and tackle is attached to
the two eyes on the breech door locking ring.


the tail, therefore a special guide stud (1) Open the filling valve on the firing
(see O.P. 586) must be used for these- valve head, also the drain valve on the
torpedoes, and the lower end of the firing valve body.
stop bolt must be shaped to fit the
special guide stud. The stop bolts now (2) Fill with clean, fresh water through
issued are so shaped, these being the filling funnel until the water flows,
shown in all applicable illustrations in not merely drips, from the drain valve.
this pamphlet.
(3) After the water stops flowing from
2. TORPEDOES (BRITISH) the drain valve, close both valves.

Certain British torpedoes are of (4) Exercise the firing valve by hand, or
suitable length for firing from the tubes by firing air charges inboard, as
described in this pamphlet by using the described later in this chapter.
special guide stud, although none of
the operating or setting mechanisms on (5) Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
the tube will line up properly with the
torpedo. The "air lever," which Note-Opening either the filling valve or
corresponds with the starting lever on the drain valve on the firing valve after
USN torpedoes, is farther forward, and the impulse pressure is on the firing
is to port of the torpedo center line valve may fire the tube. The hand wheels
instead of to starboard. Furthermore, as originally fitted on these valves are now
the air lever swings to the rear to start being replaced by small square knobs so
the torpedo, its tip rises above the that a wrench or a pair of pliers will be
21.125 inches inside diameter of the required for opening or closing the
tube. Hence, should it be found valves. Also, there is no positive way of
necessary to attempt to use these knowing exactly how many shots one
British torpedoes, it will be necessary "priming" is good for. Very little, if any,
to improvise means, such as a lanyard, of the priming water should be lost,
for starting the torpedo, also to cut off either by firing or by evaporation.
the tip of the air lever so that it will not However, the possible excessive tube
dig into the wall of the tube when the pressures due to firing with too little
lanyard is pulled. water in the throttling chamber are
considered sufficient to warrant the extra
3. FIRING PROCEDURE, trouble of filling the throttling chamber
LIVE TORPEDO frequently, especially so when firing is
The following are the steps necessary
in firing a torpedo, though it is not The firing valve may be exercised by
necessary that they be executed in the hand by removing the filling valve and
exact sequence given here: inserting the firing valve lifter in the
tapped hole in the head of the bolt which
(a) Ready the torpedo: Set the speed secures the orifice disc to the firing valve
setting socket in the torpedo to cup, as described in Chapter 5, see page
"Intermediate" on three speed 56.
torpedoes, or to "Low" on two-speed
torpedoes; that is, with the flat side of (c) Inspect the bore, with the breech door
the socket parallel to the center line of open, and using a flashlight or a portable
the torpedo. The mechanism on the lamp, to make certain there is no foreign
tube must also be set to "Low." Set the object in the tube, also that the stop bolt
depth setting socket on the torpedo, is down, the tripping latch is up, and that
also on the tube mechanism, to "10 the spindles of the depth setting, the
feet." Set the torpedo gyro to "0," the speed setting, and the gyro setting
corresponding setting for the tube mechanisms are in the out or retracted
mechanism being "0" for a bow tube position.
and "180" for a stern tube.
(d) Open the vents inboard.
(b) Prime the firing valve in
accordance with the following steps, (e) Load the torpedo, easing it forward,
there being no charge in the impulse gently, against the torpedo stop bolt in
tank, or the impulse stop valve, if order to avoid dam age which might
fitted, being closed: prevent the stop bolt from with drawing
properly when the tube is fired, or which
might cause it to lift prematurely.

As the torpedo is being loaded into the

tube, make


Figure 224 Loading the torpedo, third step. With the block and tackle attached,
the torpedo is eased along the runways until it enters the tube, making certain
that the guide stud on top of the torpedo enters the guide slot in the top of the
certain that its stop valve is open, that (f) Remove the propeller lock.
the starting gear is set to run, and that
the starting lever safety stick, lock or (g) Charge Impulse Tank-The impulse
wedge has been removed. stop valves at the firing valves may be
either open or closed while charging the
When loading Mark 11, 12, or 15 impulse tank. In either case, the tightness
torpedoes or Modifications, which of the firing valve should be observed
require the special guide stud during the charging operation if
previously referred to in this chapter, it practicable. This may be done quite
is necessary to engage the stop bolt in readily if the breech doors are open. A
the slot near the end of the guide stud small leak of air through the firing valve
instead of against its front face. To do will reduce the impulse tank pressure,
this, load normally until the front face possibly to a dangerous degree. Also, if
of the guide stud is against the stop the muzzle doors are open, it will cause a
bolt. Then raise the stop bolt by bubble trail, or, if the muzzle doors are
"firing" as when firing an air charge closed, it may build up a sufficient
inboard, but without pressure in the pressure in the tube to crack open the
impulse tank, or with the impulse stop muzzle door, in which case whatever
valve closed. Hold the firing key tube pressure exists in the after portion
closed, or the firing lever down, and of the tube will act to force the torpedo
load the torpedo in a few inches against the stop bolt, which is not
further, but not more than 8 1/2 inches. designed to effectively resist such
Release the firing key or lever and ease pressure.
the torpedo home.
The firing valve is supposed to be held
With the Mark 11, 12, or 15 torpedoes closed by the impulse tank pressure in
or Modifications, it is even more the chamber above the valve until the
important to engage the stop gently, instant of firing. The air which enters
and without a jar, than with other this chamber to build up and maintain
torpedoes, since the special guide stud the pressure does so by "leaking" past
is necessarily weaker than the standard the outer cylindrical wall of the valve
guide stud. Make certain that the through small grooves in the piston rings
interlocking mechanism is properly re- on the valve. These openings must be
engaged, the same as after firing an air very
charge inboard.


small in order that sufficient air will (m) Open the muzzle door, when
not pass through them to impede the ordered, making certain that the
opening of the valve by preventing the operating shaft is turned through its full
sudden drop of pressure in the movement, until stopped.
chamber above the valve which should
be caused by venting it when firing. On (n) Throw interlocking lever to "Tube
the other hand, if these openings are Ready to Fire" position, and report tube
clogged, as by heavy grease, corrosion ready to fire.
products, or other foreign matter, the
valve will fly open if pressure is put on (o) When firing, be sure to hold the
it too rapidly, as by suddenly opening electrical firing key closed, or the firing
the stop valve to admit full impulse lever in the "firing" position if firing
pressure, or, conceivably in extreme manually, for at least two seconds,
cases, by too sudden a rise of impulse preferably four. Otherwise, the firing
tank pressure while charging with the valve may close before the torpedo
impulse stop valve open. After receives a full impulse.
charging the impulse tank, close the
charging valve. Do not let the tank (p) Close the muzzle door.
"ride" upon the line.
(q) Close poppet valve (as described in
(h) With tail stop retracted, close the Chapter 6, on page 71) after the tube has
breech door, and take up tightly on the vented the impulse air through the poppet
tail stop, to make certain that the valve, but before an excessively large
forward face of the torpedo guide stud quantity of water has entered. If the
is against the stop bolt. Then, if the tail poppet valve discharges into a bilge or
stop plate is not fitted with a rubber an open tank which already contains
disc to bear against the torpedo water, some of this water will be blown
propeller nut, back off the tail stop up into the torpedo room, giving the
about one-tenth of a turn to prevent impression that water is entering through
binding the stop bolt. the poppet valve before such is actually
the case. According to the best
(i) Enter setting spindles, the gyro, information available, an interval of at
depth, and speed, first ascertaining that least five seconds is to be expected
all readings on the setting dials between firing and any large rush of
correspond with the known settings on water through the poppet valve.
the torpedo. It is considered that the
most practical way of insuring that the (r) Close muzzle door.
settings correspond is to make a
(s) "Blow down" the tube, when ordered.
practice of maintaining both the tube
Immediately after a war shot in the
units and the sockets in the torpedoes
vicinity of enemy surface vessels, this
set as follows, except when torpedoes
may not be desirable. When all water is
are loaded and initial settings have
out of the tube, close the drains and vent
been made:
the blowing air from the tube.
Gyro-Set at 0 degrees. If spread setting
(t) Do not attempt to open the breech
mechanisms are fitted, set these at 0
door until all water is out of the tube,
degrees also.
and the pressure in the tube has
Depth-Set at 10 feet. equalized with that in the ship.

Speed-Set tube units to "low." The 4. FIRING PROCEDURE, MINES

sockets in the torpedoes have
Reference to the Ordnance Pamphlet
previously been set to "low" in two-
covering the specific mine issued for use
speed torpedoes, and to "Intermediate"
is necessary in order to secure the correct
in three speed torpedoes, in accordance
instructions regarding the operation of
with the instructions given in step (a)
torpedo tubes when they are being used
of this section.
to launch mines.
(j) Poppet Valves-Check the, poppet
valves to make certain that the gag nuts
are backed off, and that manually
operated stop valves in the poppet It is intended that dummy torpedoes be
valve drain lines are open. fired, generally speaking, for one of two
purposes: (a)
(k) Flood Tube, when ordered.

(l) Set gyro, depth, and speed, when

ordered, and withdraw the depth and
speed setting spindles.


For training personnel; (b) to test the 6. FIRING PROCEDURE, WATER

operation of a tube, or the shutter SLUGS
clearances, or other features connected
with the operation of the tube. In eitherGenerally speaking, water slugs are fired
case, the dummy torpedo is used for for the purpose of (a) training personnel;
the purpose of simulating as nearly as (b) exercising tube mechanisms; (c)
practicable the firing of an actual establishing or checking firing valve
torpedo without hazarding the loss of a clearances. If the last, the results are not
valuable mechanism. It is suggested, to be regarded as conclusive, but only as
therefore, that the routine of firing be indicative of what may be expected from
carried out, or simulated, so far as actual firings. In this connection, it is
circumstances permit, when firing understood to be the practice of one
dummy torpedoes as well as when builder of submarine torpedo tubes to
firing live torpedoes. An exception establish firing valve clearances such
would be the firing of dummy that, when on the surface, a maximum
torpedoes with the poppet valves tube pressure of 59 to 65 pounds per
inoperative for the purpose of square inch will be attained when firing
progressively acquainting new water slugs with an impulse tank

personnel with the operation of torpedo pressure of 400 pounds per square inch.
tubes. It appears to be the result of this builder's
experience that, when such pressures are
From a digest of the Bureau's records, attained, the desired pressures and
it appears that, with a given impulse velocities are apt to follow at all depths
pressure, and at a given depth, the when firing torpedoes with the
maximum tube pressure may be prescribed impulse tank pressures. See,
expected to be from four to six pounds however, Section 9 of this same chapter.
per square inch lower, and the ejection
velocity possibly three feet per second Do not have the poppet valve "on" when
higher, with a dummy torpedo than firing water slugs. This is important,
with a live torpedo. Such effects might since without a torpedo, mine, or dummy
be expected from the fact that a in the tube it will open
dummy torpedo, being proportioned to
float, is several hundred pounds lighter
than the live torpedo which it

Figure 225 Loading the torpedo, fourth step. When the torpedo is part way in the
barrel, the safety guard is removed from the starting lever, and the index dials on
the depth, gyro, and speed mechanisms in the torpedo are checked to make
certain they are properly set, also that the torpedo stop valve is open, and that the
starting gear is set to run.

immediately when the service line and permits the stop and firing
pressure is applied to the operating mechanisms to function regardless of the
cylinder. The safest procedure is to gag position of the breech door or the drain
the poppet valves when firing water valve interlock lever, as explained in
slugs. Arrangements have been devised Chapter 4 (see page 46).
from time to time to permit the poppet
valve to function in connection with (e) Open the firing impulse stop valve, if
the firing of a water slug, but since the one is installed on the tube.
operation does not exactly duplicate, in
timing, the results obtained when firing (f) Charge the impulse tank to not over
a dummy or a live torpedo, and since 100 pounds.
the use of such arrangements is
attended by the hazard of lodging some (g) Throw the firing interlock lever to
foreign material in the way of the "Tube Ready to Fire," and report tube
muzzle door, or in the poppet valve, ready to fire air charge inboard.
the use of such arrangements is not
(h) When ordered, "fire" the tube.
(i) Throw the firing interlock lever to
"Muzzle Door Unlocked" position, lower
the firing interlock signal arm, engaging
Air charges, in general, are fired the interlock bolt with the clutch shaft,
inboard for the purpose of (a) then engage and lock the padlock.
instructing personnel, or (b) exercising
(j) Place the tube in original condition, or
certain operating mechanisms of the
in other condition, as ordered.
tube, such as the firing mechanism,
stop mechanism, and the gyro setting 8. NOTES PERTAINING TO MARK
spindle retracting mechanism. The 15 TORPEDOES
procedure for firing an air charge
inboard is as follows: The following notes concern the handling
of Mark 15 or Modifications torpedoes in
(a) Open the breech door. The breech the after torpedo rooms of vessels in
door is to remain open until the which the after tubes are long enough to
interlocking mechanism has been take these torpedoes. They also apply to
reconnected and locked. other torpedoes of comparable length (22
feet 7 inches), such as Marks 11 and 12.
(b) Withdraw depth and speed setting
These notes are taken from service
experience, hence they should be
(c) If a torpedo is in the tube, and it is carefully observed.
desired to make certain that it does not
To load these torpedoes into the torpedo
slide forward past the stop bolt while
room, first remove the wooden loading
that bolt is raised at the firing of the air
chock, or skid, just inside the loading
charge, withdraw the gyro setting
hatch, to give room for lowering the tail.
spindle, pull the torpedo back a few
The cradle, instead of being secured and
inches and lash it there. This will also
pivoted at its lower end on the deck, is
prevent the breech door from being
entirely suspended by chain falls. The
closed during the exercise.
same chain hoists may be used as when
Note-This precaution of pulling the handling the cradle normally; that is, two
torpedo back and lashing it in place is forward, at the sides, and one in the
important. On at least one occasion a center, aft.
torpedo has slid forward past the stop
Lower the torpedo in the normal manner
bolt while a tube was being exercised,
until its nose joint about touches the
and the muzzle door was damaged to
deck. Then lower the tail, raising the
such an extent that it could not be
nose end of the cradle slightly if
remedied without dry docking.
necessary, to allow the torpedo to be slid
(d) Unlock and remove the padlock down a little more in order that the tail
from the firing interlock signal arm will clear. As the nose of the torpedo
(the interlock warning "flag"), and slides between the sling lines to
raise that arm to the vertical position.
This disengages the firing interlock
bolt from the clutch shaft (as shown in
Figure 85 on page 46),


the after, or lower, chain hoists, those were accepted in order to obtain the
lines may be chafed severely. This can advantage of a uniform impulse tank
be remedied by the use of a strong- pressure.
back or yoke having the chain hoist
hook applied at the center, and short Subsequent to the adoption of poppet
lifting lines running from the ends to valves, and principally to favor their
the sides of the cradle. successful operation, the variation of
impulse tank pressures with depth was
9. IMPULSE PRESSURES AMP authorized. From surface down to
FIRING VALVE SETTING periscope depth, the authorized impulse
tank pressure became 300 p.s.i., from
It was originally intended that a single periscope depth to 120 feet to keel 400,
impulse tank pressure of 400 p.s.i. and from 120 to 180 feet to keel 525
should be used with this type of tube at p.s.i. The valve clearance was established
all depths from surface down to 120 as before. No variation of impulse tank
feet to keel, with any type of torpedo, pressure was authorized for different
and in both bow and stern tubes. The torpedoes, for different ship speeds, or
firing valve was adjusted so that, at
between bow and stern tubes.
120 feet to keel, a torpedo launching
velocity of 30 to 40 feet per second Extensive experimental firings have
was attained with a maximum tube recently been completed. These firings
pressure of 60 to 70 p.s.i. more than were conducted with the idea of
the "static head" (depth, in feet, from determining impulse tank pressures
surface to the centerline of the tube, which would:
multiplied by 0.44, giving p.s.i.). This
setting was obtained by calibration (1) Eliminate the launching bubble to the
firings of water slugs while on the greatest practicable degree.
surface, the valve clearance being
established to give a maximum tube (2) Favor the run of the torpedo to the
pressure of about 60 p.s.i. The higher greatest possible extent, that is, launch it
launching velocities attained at lesser in such a way that it would have the
depths minimum tendency either to broach or to
take an initial dive. The following data
and conclusions proceed from these
Figure 226 Loading the torpedo, fifth step. The torpedo is eased further into the
tube, riding on the tube rollers, the block and tackle is detached, then the torpedo
is eased gently info place against the stop bolt, care being taken to avoid
damaging the stop bolt by forcing the Torpedo against it.


FOR TORPEDOES MARK 23 this should not be used unless the

impulse tanks, piping and firing valve
Best bodies are known to have been
Keel Ship's Impulse successfully subjected to hydrostatic test
Depth Speed Tank in accordance with the requirements of
(Feet) (Knots) Tubes p.s.i. the Bureau of Ships (150 per cent of
working pressure).
Surface 5-18 Bow 250
Surface 5-18 Stern 400 For best performance with the pressures
40-90 2-3 All 350 set forth above, the firing valve clearance
should be established to give a maximum
90-120 2-3 All 400 tube pressure of about 60 p.s.i. when a
120- water slug is fired on the surface, with an
2-3 All 500
160 impulse tank pressure of 300 p.s.i.
2-3 All 600 No torpedoes other than Marks 18 and 23
were fired during these tests. If other
torpedoes must be fired before more
FOR TORPEDOES MARK 18 complete information is published,
proceed in accordance with relative
Best speeds. For example, a torpedo Mark 14
Keel Ship's Impulse or Modification should, if set for high
Depth Speed Tank speed, be fired with the impulse tank
(Feet) (Knots) Tubes p.s.i. pressure established for the torpedo Mark
Surface 5-12* Bow 150 23. If set for low speed, the impulse tank
Surface 5-18 Stern 350 pressure for a mark 18 should be used.
40-65 2-3 All 250 Poppet valves should be used at all
65-90 2-3 All 350 depths.
90-120 2-3 All 400 Poppet valves should be timed, with a
120- stop watch, as follows, in order to
2-3 All 500
160 eliminate the bubble effectively:
2-3 All 600
200 Keel depth Valve open
30-90 ft. 5 sec.
*Above 12 knots Mark 18 torpedoes 90-120 ft. 3 1/2 to 4 sec.
may be expected to broach and run 120-209 ft. 2 to 2 1/2 sec.
erratic when fired from bow tubes.

Since the originally intended maximum

impulse tank pressure was 400 p.s.i.,
higher pressures than


A. GENERAL rapidly, and therefore will reach an

excessive maximum. In this connection,
It is the purpose, in this section, to the short-time after body test pressures
outline the basic information necessary of certain torpedoes, in pounds per
in order that the testing of torpedo square inch, are as follows:
tubes may be approached intelligently.
The successful launching of torpedoes Mark 8 Mod. 3 C or D 75 p.s.i.
is dependent upon obtaining a
sufficient impulse to get the torpedo Mark 8 Mod. 4, 5, 8 150
entirely clear of the tube, and of the p.s.i.
ship's structure, without mechanical Mark 9 Mod. and Mods. 75 p.s.i.
except 1A
interference. At the same time, if an
excessive charge is used, the launching Mark 9 Mod. 1A 85 p.s.i.
bubble will be large.
Mark 10 Mod. 3 85 p.s.i.
Also, if the hydraulic brake in the Marks 11, 12, 15 or Mods 150
firing valve does not function as p.s.i.
intended to slow the opening of the Mark 14 or Mods 150
valve, the tube pressure will build up p.s.i.
All later 150


The foregoing are the pressures which cup, or the firing valve orifice disc, in
the after bodies are supposed to order to make certain that the operation
withstand for short periods without of the tube is correct. It is also
leakage. The actual collapsing considered highly desirable that such test
pressures of the various after bodies data be taken at other times in order to
are considerably higher, so that the get an occasional operating check and to
firing of torpedoes in war, when it is acquaint personnel with the
known that the afterbody test pressures circumstances attendant upon torpedo
will be exceeded by the maximum tube launchings known to be in accordance
pressures, is justified since, even if with the requirements as to pressures and
slight leaks are opened in soldered velocities, or otherwise.
joints, the chances are in favor of the
completion of the run. These tests are made by using the
Torpedo Tube Test Set, which should be
When the recovery of a torpedo is an found available on tenders and at yards
object, the afterbody test pressures and bases customarily working with
should not be exceeded. submarines and destroyers. The complete
description of the test set, with
In general, torpedoes should be instructions for its use, is given in
launched with at least 30 feet per NAVORD. O.D. No. 717.
second velocity. This should insure
clearing the tube and hull. C. BORE GAGING

B. FIRING TESTS During each period in drydock a bore

gage should be run through every tube.
Taking actual test data as to tube The standard bore gage is 21.08 inches in
pressures and torpedo velocities is diameter, as against 21.0 inches without
considered necessary at the original air charge for a torpedo, and 21.06 inches
commissioning of a vessel, and after for a dummy, and it is longer than the
all firing valve overhauls involving the cylindrical
replacement or repair of the firing
valve body, the firing valve head, or its
throttling insert if fitted, the firing

Figure 227 Loading the torpedo, sixth step. When the torpedo is in place against
the stop bolt in the tube, the propeller lock is removed, and the breech door is
closed and locked, the tube being further readied for firing as explained in the
preceding pages of this pamphlet.


portion of a torpedo. Therefore, if certain that, first, each spindle has the
tubes are bore gaged occasionally, the degree of flexibility necessary so that it
sticking of torpedoes in tubes should will engage its mating socket in a
be minimized. Since the bore gage is torpedo even though not directly in line
larger in diameter than a torpedo, the with it, which may be the case due to
roller height which best suits a bore necessary manufacturing tolerances or to
gage may not be the best for a torpedo. slightly incorrect roller adjustments; and,
Hence, if roller settings are changed to second, that each spindle centering
permit the passage of a bore gage, they spring has sufficient force to return the
should be checked carefully afterwards spindle to its centered position when
with a torpedo while the vessel is released after being pushed out of line.
water borne. Do not close the breech door when a
barrel center line gage is in position to
D. USE OF THE BARREL check the tripping latch, since the
CENTER LINE GAGE tripping latch linkage will thereby be
broken or at least bent so that the
This gage should be used at intervals, tripping latch will no longer engage the
and when ever there is reason to starting lever of a torpedo properly.
suspect any projection within the tube,
whether it be the tripping latch, the E. BORE SIGHTING
stop bolt, or one of the setting
mechanism spindles, which is a This constitutes the process of
departure from the standard due to establishing the mean point of impact of
wear or deformation. These barrel the tubes so as to properly align
center line gages should be found on periscopes. It is described fully in
tenders and at yards and bases Chapter V, Section B, paragraph 35, of
customarily working with submarines. Ordnance Pamphlet No. 762, entitled
"Alignment of Ordnance Installations on
At the time of gaging, the registry of Board Ship."
all spindles with dial readings should
be checked, and each spindle should
be forced sideways in several
directions to make

Figure 228 Removing the Torpedo from the tube. Should it be necessary, for any
reason, to remove a torpedo from the tube once if has been loaded, the block and
tackle is attached to the propeller shaft, making certain that the spindles of the
setting mechanisms are disengaged or refracted from the sockets in the torpedo.
The torpedo is then pulled gently out of the tube and onto the runways.


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Maintenance Instructions 136

Notes 144




1. GENERAL renewing the application, since some
oils, in the presence of salt and moisture,
Maintaining, in good working order, tend to thicken and harden, turning dark-
mechanisms such as those described in colored in the process, and definitely
this pamphlet, depends entirely upon losing their lubricating properties.
the skill and zeal of the operating
personnel, and upon their detailed and 3. WEAR OR DEFORMATION
thorough understanding of the
construction and function of each unit All working parts should be scrutinized
in the mechanism. In view of the at every opportunity, to detect and
number of parts involved, it is remedy any incipient causes of failure.
considered impracticable to foresee For example: Tripping latch linkages,
and instruct against every malfunction stop rods, and interlocks should be
or casualty which will be encountered examined for deformation and lost
in service. Also, in view of the varying motion, and for correspondence between
conditions which will be met with in actuation and response, to make certain,
service, it is considered impracticable for instance, that when the tripping latch
to establish lubrication or maintenance is raised by opening the breech door, it
routines. In general, circumstances does not project within the 21.125 inch
permitting, each working part of a bore of the tube, which would cause the
submarine torpedo tube should be tripping latch to interfere with the
exercised daily, under war conditions, loading of a mine; also that when it is
and lubrication and other maintenance lowered, with all lost motion taken out in
performed as the necessity is indicated the up direction, it projects within the
by the exercising. bore by only the required amount as
shown on the drawings which are
The purpose in this chapter is to applicable to the specific vessel. The
present certain principles that are gage supplied in the tool kit (M in Figure
generally applicable, and to direct 229) may be used for this purpose.
attention to a few specific cases where
trouble may be anticipated, based Also, when a stop bolt is down, and with
wholly upon service experience up to all lost motion taken out in the up
this time. direction, its lower face should be at the
height prescribed by the applicable
2. LUBRICATION drawings and as checked, if practicable,
by the barrel center line gage.
All working parts should be
maintained in a clean and oily 4. ADJUSTMENTS
condition. Lubrication charts are
included in the General Information Before undertaking to adjust any
Books supplied each vessel by the mechanism on a torpedo tube, reference
Bureau of Ships, and these should be should be made to the applicable
referred to for complete information drawings. The chances are that if one
regarding the lubrication on each mechanism is adjusted differently than
particular vessel. In the absence of shown on the drawings, possibly in an
other instructions, the inside of the effort to improve its operation, it will be
barrel should be dried occasionally, found that it is rendered unsafe in some
and coated with a heavy mineral oil, other respect, or that the operation of
such as 60O W (or Navy symbol some other related mechanism has been
6135). impaired. Where this appears to be
definitely not so, the Bureau of
Caution: Oil electrical parts sparingly, Ordnance should be notified at the
if at all, using a very light mineral oil. earliest practicable date to facilitate
Also, care must be exercised in the appropriate decision and action.
choice of general lubricants, since
some commercial lubricants which are 5. STUFFING BOXES
reasonably satisfactory for steel will
corrode bronze, especially in the The stuffing boxes should not be
presence of salt and moisture. Old tightened more than just enough to
lubricant should be wiped off as much prevent leakage. From the
as practicable before


operating standpoint, it is even shock. They should be calibrated

sometimes better to accept a slight leak regularly at reasonable intervals, and
until the box can be properly repacked, whenever their accuracy is in question
than to take up on the stuffing box so for any reason, or after being subjected
much that it will bind a working part. to unusually strenuous treatment. Under
This is particularly true with respect to conditions of active service, it is
the stop rod, since the result of a considered that they should, if
sluggish firing movement, which could practicable, be calibrated after each war
be caused by improper action of the patrol. It is usually practicable to check a
stop rod, will, under some conditions gage by comparing its reading with that
of adjustment, be an excessive tube of another gage in the same line. Where
pressure. It is considered good practice this is so, such comparison should be
to keep the stuffing box friction upon made during all drill or exercise periods.
the stop rod down so that the rod will
move freely with the ship's service air 7. GASKETS
at one-half of its normal pressure.
Gaskets tend to deteriorate when held
6. PRESSURE GAGES under pressure, and also when subjected
to excessive temperature changes, or
Pressure gages are particularly subject when exposed to moisture or oil,
to derangement, especially when especially so if they contain natural
subjected to vibration or rubber or some

Figure 229 Torpedo tube tools.

A Grease gun, for use on all fittings G Spanner for speed setting and depth
B Spanner for muzzle door setting mechanisms
mechanism coupling, and interlock H Spanner for packing nut on depth
mechanism setting mechanism
C Firing valve lifter I Spanner for speed setting mechanism
D Spanner for gyro spindle retracting J Spanner for gyro setting mechanism
mechanism K Mine stowage adapter
E Spanner for depth setting and speed L Gage for mine stowage
setting mechanism M Gage for testing projection of
F Spanner for use with depth setting tripping latch inside of tube
mechanism and poppet valve
operating mechanism


of the usual substitutes. The gaskets

should be replaced whenever they
appear to have become permanently
deformed, checked, hardened, or


Valves should be exercised,

particularly those not used in normal Figure 230 One type of barrel roller
operations. This applies with particular bracket. (A) Heating cable stuffing box;
force to the manually operated valves (B) and (C) pipe plugs in openings for
which close off the poppet valve drains.
discharge. Although no occasion may
arise for the use of this valve during permitting the firing valve to open so as
the life of a particular vessel, it is the to fire a torpedo. If properly seated, the
ultimate safety feature in the operation pilot valve is best left alone, except
of poppet valves, and should be during overhauls. Leakage of this valve
maintained accordingly. may cause the firing valve to flutter on
its seat, or possibly even to open
9. AUTOMATIC DRAIN VALVE entirely. If any water used to prime the
firing valve is blown over by firing, that
This valve, which will be found at the fact should be evident, after firing, by an
bottom of the firing and check valve examination of the pocket in the stop
body, as described on page 60, in piston housing into which this pilot valve
Chapter 5, on the firing mechanism, vents.
should be exercised occasionally by
hand to make certain that it is not



The stop cylinder valve, described in
Chapter 5, on page 51, should be
exercised occasionally by hand,
making certain that the interlock bar is
not in the ready to fire position. At the
same time, the cleanliness and
operating condition of the solenoid and Figure 233 Roller parts disassembled.
the firing lever should be observed, (A) Bracket; (B) Roller; (C) Shims; (D)
particularly since the operation of Roller pin; (E) Screws for roller pin.
poppet valves greatly increases the
likelihood of corrosion of all parts of
the tube nests.

Make certain, also, that the vent holes

in the stop cylinder, and in the stop
cylinder head, are clear. If the former
are obstructed, the firing action will be
sluggish. If the latter are not clear, and
the solenoid actuated valve leaks, air
pressure will build up in the stop
cylinder, causing the end of the stop
rod to engage with the interlocking bar
so that it can not be moved to the
ready to fire position.

The pilot valve, which is at the end of

the stop cylinder, as described in
Chapter 5, on page 52, vents the air
chamber above the firing valve,


Figure 232 Barrel roller, assembled in

bracket, showing (A) Bracket, flange for
attaching to barrel; (B) and (D) Screws
Figure 231 View of barrel roller for roller pins; (C) Roller; (E) Heating
assembled in bracket. cable stuffing box; (F) Pipe plug in
12. BARREL ROLLERS opening for drain.
this position, the torpedo should be
There are four rollers fitted on the
approximately centered in the tube, there
under side of the tube, these rollers
should be no binding or scraping during
supporting the torpedo while it is in the
the loading, of a torpedo, and the depth,
tube. These rollers facilitate the
gyro, and speed setting spindles should
movement of the torpedo as it passes
engage and disengage in the sockets of
through the tube, and case the effort of
the torpedo readily.
loading. In addition, they furnish a
means whereby the position of the Adjustment of the rollers is obtained by
torpedo in the tube may be adjusted shimming under the ends of the roller
very slightly. In general, they should axle pin in each roller bracket. When
be set to project about .03 inch within removing any roller, note should be
the tube. When the rollers are in made of the thickness of the shims under
each end

Figure 234 Parts of heat adapter for roller bracket, disassembled. (A) Bolts; (B)
Stuffing Box; (C) Gasket; (D) Heater Cable; (E) Rubber packing; (F) Roller

of its axle pin, and this should not be case, after using the test set, return all
changed except after experiment with parts to their original position. If, for any
an actual torpedo while the vessel is reason, the torpedo cannot be normally
water borne. During each over haul clamped between the stop bolt and the
period, and between such periods when tail stop while the testing set is installed,
the desirability is indicated by do not engage depth, speed or gyro
inspection, each roller should be setting spindles, since if the torpedo
removed and its bore and axle pin moves more than a few hundredths of an
cleaned. inch, it will bend the spindles, if
The roller pocket nearest the breech of
each tube is fitted for the entry of an 14. FIRING VALVE
electrical heating cable. Several
different types of such fittings have Proper ejection of a torpedo is dependent
been installed. The type now regarded upon the attainment of a proper tube
as standard is shown on Figure 234. An pressure, which should be neither too
earlier type is indicated on Figures 230, high nor too low, and this, in turn,
231 and 232. depends entirely upon the automatic
operation of the firing valve. The rate of
13. TAIL STOP opening of the firing valve is regulated
by the throttled flow of a definite
The tail stop provides a means for quantity of water, the quantity of water
holding the torpedo against the stop which is contained within the cupped
bolt in order to prevent any motion of portion of the valve below the skirt of
the torpedo that might otherwise occur the upper head the throttling orifice
due to inclinations, sudden shock, and being the small circumferential clearance
so on. If the stop plate has been fitted between the outside diameter of the
with a rubber pad or gasket to beat valve plate and the inside diameter of the
against the propeller nut of a torpedo, skirt of the upper head (see Figure 104,
the tail stop should be screwed home page 55). The following conditions
quite firmly, since one purpose of the would cause the valve to fail to lift so as
rubber gasket is to minimize the to properly regulate the tube pressure:
surging of water into and out of the tail
cone of a torpedo such as may occur in (a) Improper diameter of the outside of
an upper tube while running on the the valve plate or the inside of the upper
surface with muzzle doors open. head skirt. If the throttling area is too
small, the valve will lift sluggishly and
If the stop plate has not been fitted the tube pressure will be too low for
with the rubber pad or gasket, the tail proper ejection of the torpedo. If it is too
stop should be screwed up hard and large, the valve will lift too quickly and
then backed off about one-eighth of a the maximum tube pressure will be too
turn, as described on page 27 (see high.
Figures 31 and 32), so as to avoid
putting a load on the stop bolt which The clearance between the outside
might cause sluggish action. diameter of the valve plate and the inside
diameter of the upper head skirt is very
In order to use a torpedo tube testing critical. At the most, it amounts to only a
set, as described in the preceding few thousandths of an inch. Once
chapter, in the section covering test established, it should not be altered.
procedures, it is necessary, if a rubber When it is necessary to remove corrosion
pad is installed on the stop plate, to from either part, it should, preferably, be
remove all metal parts which secure chucked in a lathe, rotated at slow speed,
the pad, that is, referring to Figure 31, and a very fine abrasive applied
the long securing stud with its outer cautiously, as by a polishing cloth. It
nut (standard form) and its inner nut should be remembered that, although a
(conical) and the brass washer under slow and painstaking procedure is
the conical nut. If the rubber pad onerous, if this clearance once becomes
adheres tightly to the stop plate where too great the only remedy lies in
it has been cemented, it may be left in replacing one or both of the parts,
place. If not, remove it. If no rubber followed by a complete calibration check
pad is fitted, the three-eighths inch iron by the trial firing of torpedoes or
pipe size plug which in that case closes dummies.
the hole in the hollow stop spindle
must be removed. In either An operating check of the valve may be


by noting the maximum tube pressure 17. MUZZLE DOOR GASKET

on the gage fitted for that purpose at
the breech. From its location, the muzzle door
section "of the tube is one of the most
(b) By the use of a gasket between the inaccessible parts for inspection.
valve body and the upper head which Therefore, advantage should be taken of
is not of uniform thickness or hardness, every drydocking to inspect the gaskets,
or by failing to screw down the upper and they should be replaced on the
head bolts uniformly, the upper head grounds of less deterioration than that
can be "cocked" so as to bind the valve necessary to warrant the replacement of
and prevent it from opening properly, other similar, but more accessible, parts.
resulting in a tube pressure that is too
low. 18. SPRINGS

(c) The presence of an air bubble in the All springs are subject to deterioration in
space within the valve and below the service. Steel springs are likely to
upper head skirt, which is supposed to corrode, in spite of any plating or other
be filled with water, will cause the preventive measures, and a small or local
valve to start opening too rapidly, and decrease in diameter will considerably
this will result in the tube pressure reduce the load carrying capacity at a
building up suddenly to a pressure given length, since the deflection under a
greater than desirable. If the valve has given load varies inversely as the fourth
been properly primed, such a bubble power of the wire diameter. On the other
could not exist except by reason of the hand, springs made of most nonferrous
failure of some of the air initially metals have a tendency to take a
present under the skirt of the upper permanent set when under load, as most
head, within the valve, to rise out of springs are. In consequence, springs
that chamber at the time of filling. Due should be calibrated during overhauls
to the narrowness of the opening, this whenever facilities permit, particularly if
could be caused by the presence of they are corroded, to see if the
grease or other foreign matter around requirements as to loads and deflections
the edge of the valve plate. The proper shown on the detail drawings in each
method of exercising a firing valve so case are being met, and, if badly
as to insure the absence of an air corroded or evidently incapable of
bubble, and so as to detect any binding accomplishing their intended purpose,
which might exist, is described in the they should be replaced without waiting
special note following paragraph 3 (b) for a calibration. If springs are replaced,
(5) of the section on Operating and they should be retained and calibrated
Test Procedures, Chapter 11, on page later, if practicable, so that they may be
126. available as spares if still serviceable.


Drain grids should be kept clear. If The electrical interlock consists of a snap
zincs are fitted in any of the drain switch in series with the firing key. It is
pockets, they should be renewed closed by the throwing of the interlock
immediately as they become expended. lever to the "Tube Ready to Fire"
position, and is allowed to open, under
16. BREECH DOOR LOCKING the impulse of a spring, when the lever is
RING moved from that position. It should be
exercised occasionally in order to make
The breech door locking ring should certain that it is not sticking in the
turn freely upon its threads on the "closed" position.
breech door flange at the breech end of
the barrel. These threads should be 20. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS
kept clean and oily. The use of
abrasives should be avoided, if Keep electrical circuits clean, dry, and
possible, and if used it should be made free from oil, except that metallic moving
certain that no abrasive particles are parts may be lubricated sparingly on
allowed to remain on the parts. Before other than contact surfaces. Oil,
disassembling the locking ring from
the flange, a mark should be made on
the ring and the flange at the point
where they disengage, since the threads
are triple and will go together in three
different positions.


grease, gasoline, and similar materials, housing, as described in Chapter 8 (see

cause rubber to deteriorate rapidly, and page 109). The adjustment of the stop
although not so harmful to synthetic bolt, the stop rod, and the connecting
rubbers or rubber substitutes, they are levers, should be such that when the stop
best kept clear of electrical insulation bolt is in the fully down position, and the
and similar parts. All contact surfaces stop piston and stop rod are at the
should be kept bright, unless silver extreme limit of travel toward the
coated. The normal corrosion products muzzle end of the tube, the clearance
of silver are good electrical conductors. between the rounded end of the stop bolt
lever and the bottom of the slot in the
21. DRAINAGE SYSTEM stop bolt will be approximately 0.025
inch. This clearance should not be
Metal to metal valve seats in the allowed to exceed 0.06 inch.
drainage system require only ordinary
care beyond an occasional lapping, The clearance between the rounded end
should leaks develop. Where valves of the stop bolt lever and the top of the
seat on rubber gaskets, these should be slot in the stop bolt should be
inspected at each overhaul, and the approximately five-sixteenths of an inch.
gaskets should be replaced when This comparatively large clearance is
marred or deteriorated. provided in order to prevent accidental
release of the torpedo by lifting of the
The stuffing boxes on the drain and stop bolt if an attempt is made to fire the
vent valves should be tight, and the tube, or if pressure should leak from the
packing in them should be replaced as ship's service line and build up in the
necessary, using the packing specified stop cylinder, while the interlocking
on the applicable drawings, or that shutter is in the "safe" position, blocking
called for by the instructions of the the travel of the stop rod, the amount of
Bureau of Ships. travel permitted the stop rod under these
conditions being insufficient to take up
The tube drain valve, which leads the clearance mentioned.
directly to the drain in the barrel, has
on its stem an interlocking collar so Before loading a torpedo into the tube,
placed so that when the muzzle door is sight through the barrel to see that the
unlocked the valve can not be opened stop bolt projects into the guide slot of
(see Figures 76 and 78 on pages 42 and the tube the full distance. When fully
43). Certain mechanical clearances are down, the lower end of the stop bolt
necessary, however, and these, should be flush with the bore of the tube.
cumulatively, plus the effect of wear, Failure of the stop bolt to occupy its
make it necessary that the drain valve proper position when the torpedo is
operating lever be always given a full loaded will permit the torpedo to move
throw in each direction. Also, when too far forward in the tube, tripping the
necessitated by wear or deformation, starting lever, and probably striking and
parts should be readjusted or replaced damaging the muzzle door.
to make certain that the interlock
engages and disengages at the proper A threaded adjustment is provided
points. between the gyro setting retraction slide
and the stop connecting rod (see Figure
22. TORPEDO STOP 212, page 114). By means of this
MECHANISM adjustment, the "free lift" of the stop bolt
may be held within the limit of 0.06 inch
Avoid any bending of the stop bolt and specified above. It sometimes happens
consequent binding of the parts of the that the stuffing box gland is taken up so
torpedo stop mechanism. Careless tightly as to prevent the stop rod from
loading of the torpedo into the barrel is making its stroke properly. Look for this
the usual cause, and particular care after tests of compartments. The stop rod
should be taken to bring the torpedo should make its stroke with a pressure of
against the stop bolt gently. A bent or 100 pounds per square inch on the ship's
otherwise mutilated stop bolt should be service line, the normal pressure being
replaced promptly. The stop rod spring, 200 pounds per square inch.
and the stop bolt spring mounted in the
recess in the top of the stop bolt,
should exert the designed pressure on
the stop rod and the stop bolt,
respectively, and the stop bolt should
slide freely in its


23. SETTING SPINDLES closed or is open as wide as it will go,

DOOR of the tube without first making (2) Rotate the hand crank until the jack
sure that the depth, speed and gyro nut matches with the proper one of the
setting spindles are withdrawn. These two projections D on Figure 64, that is,
spindles are designed to take only the with the breech ward projection if the
torque which is necessary to make the door is closed or with the muzzleward
settings in the torpedo. In addition, projection if the door is open.
they are mounted so as to have a
certain amount of freedom in all As this pamphlet goes to press, there has
directions, so that they will engage the been authorized an additional interlock
sockets of a torpedo even though these (for new construction) consisting of a
sockets do not line up exactly with the bolt which is thrown by a linkage from
tube units. Hence the spindles cannot the firing interlock lever (see Plate 3).
be relied upon to retain a torpedo in This bolt, when the door is fully open,
place in a torpedo tube, and if they are will pass to the rear of the muzzle door
engaged while the breech door is open operating shaft (permitting the firing
and the torpedo is given any interlock lever to be placed in the tube
perceptible impulse to the rear, they ready to fire position). When so placed,
will only be bent, without noticeably the bolt will (up to the limit of its
preventing movement of the torpedo." strength) prevent the closing of the
muzzle door.
MUZZLE DOORS Where this last interlock has not been
installed, there is a possibility that the
It will be observed that operating the muzzle door will not remain fully open
door by hand is certain to put the jack in the event of the failure of hydraulic
nut "out of step" for power operation, power after the door has been opened by
and that it is necessary, after operating power. To prevent such partial closing of
the muzzle door by hand and before the door, it is only necessary to go
reverting to power operation to: through the motions of opening the door
by hand. This will bring the jack nut on
(1) Make certain that the door is either the operating shaft against the after
tightly projection of the operating shaft bracket,
where it will act as a stop collar.


Torpedo tube firing schematics. The three schematic diagrams above explain the
operation of the tube firing system, described on pages 48 to 60 (see, especially,
page 49).



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The five views on this chart show the torpedo tube in practically all its phases,
from the standpoint of the operating mechanisms. At the upper left is a bird's-eye
view looking down on the breech end of the tube. Immediately below is a view of
the outboard side of the tube. At the right is a view showing the breech door and
the mechanisms centering around it. Below is a view of the breech end of the
inboard side. Across the bottom is a full length view of the tube, showing the
more recent change to power operation of the muzzle door.

This chart is so arranged that it will prove a source of ready reference for locating
any of the mechanisms by checking the key numbers with the list of parts and
mechanisms at the lower right. The chart can be allowed to remain opened out
while studying any of the pages in this manual. A careful study of this chart, and
constant reference to it while studying the following pages, should enable the
student of torpedo tube operation to familiarize himself with the various parts and
mechanisms as well as their relative positions on the tube.
Above is a birds-eye view, looking at the breech end of the torpedo tube, and
showing the operating mechanisms as they would appear looking down from
Outboard side of the tube.

The breech door is the loading end of the Torpedo tube. Here it is shown with its
related mechanisms, and the other operating mechanisms surrounding it


The view at the right shows the breech end of the inboard side of the torpedo
tube, the section of the tube around which the operating mechanisms are centered.
Here are seen the interlocking levers, the hand firing key, also the levers for
operating the three torpedo setting mechanisms, with other parts of the operating


While the other views on this chart show the manual operation of the muzzle
door, the view below shows the recent changes for mechanical operation of the
muzzle door. The parts keyed in this view are those directly related to power
operation; other parts or mechanisms will readily be recognized from the other

1 Lead to stop valve from impulse 48 Indicator showing opening and

tank. closing of muzzle door.
2 Poppet valve body. 49 Breech door interlock bolt.
3 Firing valve filling funnel. 50 Breech and muzzle door interlock
4 Impulse stop valve body. lever.
5 Stop valve hand wheel. 51 Pinion gear and shaft for rotating
6 Muzzle door operating handle. breech door locking ring.
52 Tail stop adjusting wheel.
7 Drain valve interlock lever.
53 Plug for testing tube.
8 Electric firing solenoid.
54 Eye for attaching pulley.
9 Interlock sleeve.
55 Water gage, lower section.
10 Stop rod spring.
56 Pressure gage.
11 Breech blow and vent pipe.
57 Breech door.
12 Depth setting indicator.
58 Torpedo tail stop.
13 Speed setting indicator.
59 Breech bracket.
14 Gyro setting tube unit.
60 Breech and muzzle door interlock
15 Tripping latch housing.
16 Muzzle blow and vent pipe.
61 Drain valve interlock lever.
17 Depth setting housing.
61 Firing interlock lever.
18 Stop valve hand wheel.
63 Electric firing solenoid.
19 Breech door locking ring.
64 Interlock sleeve.
20 Breech door hinge bracket.
65 Poppet valve indicator.
21 Firing valve.
66 Gyro setting spindle levers.
22 Stop valve.
67 Poppet valve.
23 Lead from impulse air flask to stop
68 Depth setting levers.
69 Speed setting wheel.
24 Poppet valve.
70 Speed setting spindle housing.
25 Poppet valve operating unit.
71 Roller bracket (one of four).
26 Speed setting spindle housing.
72 Stop cylinder and pilot valve.
27 Stop bolt housing.
73 Hand firing key.
28 Stop bolt housing.
74 Stop rod spring.
29 Muzzle door operating shaft.
75 Gyro spindle indicator switch.
30 Muzzle blow and vent pipe.
76 Gyro setting spindle housing.
31 Breech door locking ring operating
handle. 77 Control handle for hydraulic
operation of muzzle door.
32 Drain valve lever.
78 Guard over hand firing key.
33 Drain valve.
79 Control valve for hydraulic operation
34 Breech drain.
of muzzle door.
35 Emergency stop valve.
80 Interlock sleeve.
36 Tripping latch adjusting link.
81 Bulkhead mounting ring.
37 Poppet valve discharge piping.
82 Stop rod.
38 Roller trip housing.
83 Bulkhead mounting ring.
39 Muzzle drain.
84 Bulkhead mounting ring.
40 Muzzle vent.
85 Shaft extension for opening and
41 Tripping latch cam. closing muzzle door by hand.
42 Tripping latch arm. 86 Lower bracket for interlock sleeve
43 Firing valve filling funnel. operating gear.
44 Breech door locking ring. 87 Interlock chain and adjusters.
45 Water gage, upper section. 88 Spur gear which operates jack nut
46 Eye on locking ring for attaching gear to move shaft for opening and
pulley to load torpedo. closing power operated muzzle door
47 Muzzle door operating shaft. by hand.
89 Power cylinder.
90 Muzzle door operating shaft.
91 Muzzle door operating shaft guide
92 Muzzle door connecting rod.
93 Muzzle door hinge bracket.
94 Muzzle door operating crank.
95 Muzzle door arm.
96 Connection for shutter arm.
97 Connection for shutter arm.

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The two diagramatic views shown on this chart illustrate the operation of the
interlocking mechanism, and give a general picture of the different parts or
sections, as well as the relation of each part to the others. The interlocking
mechanism provides a control over the other operating mechanisms on the torpedo
tube, and is a guard against improper operation of the tube, preventing accidental
or unintentional firing. Each related part of the interlocking mechanism must be in
its proper position before the other mechanisms can be set in operation.

These two diagrams and the descriptive matter herewith should be studied in
connection with Chapter 4, which describes and illustrates the interlocking
mechanisms and their operation more comprehensively.

The functions of the different parts of the interlocking mechanism may be

described, briefly, as follows:

1. The threads on the muzzle door operating shaft (J) give the cylinder slide (E),
which operates in the breech bracket, a forward and backward motion when the
shaft is rotated to open or close the muzzle door. Therefore, in order to open the
muzzle door, the breech and muzzle door interlock handle (O) must be in the
"Muzzle Door Unlocked" position. This removes the breech and muzzle doors
interlock bolt (Q) from the slot in the cylinder slide (E), and places it in front of
the shoulder or lug on the breech door locking ring (K), thereby locking the
breech door closed.

The drain valve interlock lever (L) must also be-in "Drain Valve Locked"
position, which removes the drain valve interlock head (F) from the slot in the
cylinder slide (E), and places the interlock bolt (U) in front of the latch (T) on the
drain valve interlocking shaft. The drain valve must be fully closed in order to do

The cylinder slide (E) is now free to move on the muzzle door operating shaft (J),
so the muzzle door may be opened.

With the muzzle door opened, the cylinder slide (E) prevents the breech door
from being unlocked and opened, and also prevents the drain valve from being

2. With the cylinder slide (E) in "Muzzle Door Opened" position, as shown in the
upper diagram, the shoulder on the firing interlock bolt (H) is free to rotate down
when the firing interlock lever (F) is moved to the "Tube Ready to Fire" position.
If the muzzle door is closed, the shoulder on the firing interlock bolt (H) is
prevented from rotating own, and the firing interlock lever (F) can not be moved
to the "Tube Ready to Fire" position.

When the firing interlock lever (F) is in "Tube Ready to Fire" position, the
shoulder on the bolt (H) prevents any motion of the cylinder slide (E), and the
muzzle door can not be closed.

3. To place the firing interlock lever (F) in the "Tube Ready to Fire" position, the
impulse stop valve must be open so that the interlock bolt (B) on the impulse stop
valve stem (A) is removed from the path of the shutter bar (C), as shown in the
upper diagram.

4. With the firing interlock lever (F) in "Tube Ready to Fire" position, as shown in
the upper diagram, the shutter bar (C) prevents the closing of the impulse stop
valve, and the hole in the shutter bar (C) is lined up with the piston rod (D). This
allows the piston rod (D) to pass through the hole, the shutter bar and open the
pilot valve, thereby venting the upper part of the firing valve and firing the tube.

If an attempt is made to fire the tube when the shutter bar (C) is not in the correct
position, the piston rod (D) lodges in a recess in the shutter bar (C), this recess
being sufficiently deep to prevent any motion of the shutter bar until the air
pressure has been released from the torpedo stop cylinder, thereby allowing the
stop piston to return to its original position. This eliminates the possibility of
attempting to fire the tube with the shutter bar out of position, and then moving
the shutter bar to the correct position and allowing the piston rod to go through
the hole and open the pilot valve.

When the spindles on the depth setting mechanism (M) and the speed setting
mechanism (N) are all in the "Spindle Out" position, as shown in the upper
diagram, the interlock sleeve (G) is free to rotate, and the firing interlock lever (F)
may be moved to the "Tube Ready to Fire" position.

To engage these spindles in their respective slots in the torpedo, the firing
interlock lever (F) must be in the "Muzzle Door Unlocked" position, as shown in
the lower diagram. This rotates the interlock sleeve (G), and brings the slot in the
bar of the depth setting interlock (M) into position so the depth setting lever may
be moved to the "Spindle In" position.

The shoulder on the interlock sleeve (G) will rotate out of the way of the bar on
the speed setting lever (N), and the lever may be moved to the "Spindle In"


The two diagramatic view's on this chart show the interlocking mechanisms as
they apply to torpedo tubes having manually operated muzzle door mechanisms.
The interlocking mechanisms which are applicable to torpedo tubes equipped with
power operated muzzle door mechanisms are shown on Plate Three.
A Impulse stop valve stem Valve locked, open
B Impulse stop valve interlock bolt
C Shutter bar
D Piston rod of Firing Mechanism Torpedo Stop cylinder
E Slide in muzzle door open position,
F Firing interlock lever in Tube Ready to Fire Position
G Interlock sleeve
H Firing interlock bolt
J Muzzle door operating shaft
K Breech door locking ring
L Drain-valve interlock lever in Drain Valve Locked Position
MDepth setting mechanism Spindle Locked Out
N Speed setting mechanism Spindle Locked Out
O Breech and Muzzle Door interlock Handle in Breech Door Locked Position
P Drain valve interlock head
Q Breech and Muzzle Door Interlock Bolt Disengaged from slide and engaging
lug on locking ring
R Rod extending down to drain valve interlock bolt
S Lever connecting drain valve interlock rod and Drain valve Interlock Bolt
T Latch on drain valve operating shaft, Drain valve Locked closed
U Drain valve interlock bolt
V Drain valve operating lever

A Impulse stop valve stem Valve Closed

B Impulse stop valve interlock bolt
C Shutter bar
D Piston rod of Firing Mechanism Torpedo stop cylinder
E Slide in Muzzle door closed position
F Firing interlock lever in Muzzle Door Unlocked Position
G Interlock Sleeve
H Firing Interlock Bolt.
J Muzzle Door Operating Shaft
K Breech Door Locking Ring
L Drain valve interlock lever in Muzzle Door Closed Position
MDepth Setting Mechanism Spindle Unlocked
N Speed Setting Mechanism Spindle Unlocked
O Breech and Muzzle Door Interlock Handle in Breech Door Unlocked Position
P Drain valve interlock head Engaging Slot in Slide
Q Breech and Muzzle Door Interlock Bolt Engaging slide and releasing lug on
Locking Ring
R Rod extending down to drain valve interlock bolt
S Lever connecting drain valve interlock rod and drain valve interlock bolt
T Latch on drain valve operating shaft, Drain valve open
U Drain valve interlock bolt
V Drain valve operating lever

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The two diagrammatic views shown on this chart illustrate the operation of the
interlocking mechanism on submarine torpedo tubes equipped with power
operated muzzle door mechanism.

1. The interlocks proper are comprised essentially of pieces B, C, E, F, I, N, O, P,

Q, R, R1 , T, W, and Y.

2. Interlocks B, E, R, and Y prevent the opening of the muzzle and breech doors
at the same time. When the muzzle door is open, the interlock sleeve (B)
precludes raising the breech and muzzle door interlock bolt (E) to free the breech
door locking ring (D). With the breech door unlocked, a lug on the locking ring
(D) obviates lowering the breech and muzzle door interlock bolt (E) to release the
slide (Y) on the control valve operating handle. The hand shaft interlock (R1 ) is
also held engaged with the muzzle door hand shaft (U).

3. Interlocks B, F, R1 , T and X prevent the opening of the muzzle door and the
drain valve at the same time. When the muzzle door is open, the interlock sleeve
(B) precludes raising the drain valve interlock head (F) to unlock the drain valve
through the interlock latch (T). If the drain valve is open, the interlock latch (T)
prevents lowering the drain valve interlock head (F) to release the interlock (X) on
the control valve operating handle. This restraint of the drain valve interlock head
(F) also holds the hand shaft interlock (R1 ) engaged with the muzzle door hand
operating shaft (U).

4. Interlocks B, C, I, N, P, Q, R and W prevent damaging the torpedo tube by

firing when the mechanisms are not properly set. To make the tube ready to fire,
the rotating sleeve (N) must be turned to align the hole in the shutter bar (I) with
the piston rod of the firing mechanism torpedo stop cylinder (J). With the muzzle
door closed, the interlock sleeve (B) obviates this alignment of the hole in the
shutter bar and the piston of the torpedo stop cylinder by checking the firing
interlock bolt (C), which in turn restrains the rotating sleeve (N). When the depth
setting spindle is engaged, the interlock bolt (t) of the depth setting mechanism
prevents rotation of the rotating sleeve (N). When the speed setting spindle is
engaged, the speed setting mechanism interlock bolt (Q) prevents rotation of the
rotating sleeve (N).

If the tube is ready to fire, the firing interlock bolt (C) engages and locks the
finger (W) on the control valve operating handle. The hand shaft interlock (R)
prevents rotation of the muzzle door hand operating shaft. The depth setting
mechanism interlock bolt (P) checks engagement of the depth setting spindle, and
the speed setting mechanism interlock bolt (Q) checks engagement of the speed
setting spindle.



(A) Outer Slide Muzzle Door open Position

A Control valve operating handle Muzzle door open position
B Interlock sleeve Muzzle door open position
C Firing interlock bolt
D Breech door locking ring
E Breech and muzzle door interlock bolt Breech door locked position
F Drain valve interlock head
G Drain valve interlock lever in Drain valve locked position
H Firing interlock lever in Ready to Fire position
I Shutter bar
J Piston rod
K Interlock sleeve operating shaft
L Control valve operating finger
M Control valve Muzzle door open position
N Rotating sleeve
O Interlock drive and adjustment chain
P Depth setting mechanism Spindle locked out
Q Speed setting mechanism Spindle locked out
R R1 Hand shaft interlocks
S Interlock sleeve drive gear
T Interlock latch Drain valve locked closed
U Muzzle door hand shaft
V Muzzle door power shaft
W Finger on control valve operating handle
X Interlock on control valve operating handle
Y Slide on control valve operating handle
Z Clutch


(A) Outer Slide Muzzle Door Closed Position
A Control valve operating, handle Muzzle door closed position
B Interlock sleeve Muzzle door closed position
C Firing interlock bolt
D Breech door locking ring
E Breech and muzzle door interlock bolt Muzzle door locked position
F Drain valve interlock head
G Drain valve interlock lever in Muzzle door closed position
H Firing interlock lever in Muzzle door unlocked position
I Shutter bar
J Piston rod
K Interlock sleeve operating shaft
L Control valve operating finger
M Control valve Muzzle door closed position
N Rotating sleeve
O Interlock drive and adjustment chain
P Depth setting mechanism Spindle unlocked
Q Speed setting mechanism Spindle unlocked
R R1 Hand shaft interlocks
S Interlock sleeve drive gear
T Interlock latch Drain valve unlocked, open
U Muzzle door hand shaft
V Muzzle door power shaft
W Finger on control valve operating handle
X Interlock on control valve operating handle
Y Slide on control valve operating handle
Z Clutch

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