Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles: A Comparative Analysis

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Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles: A Comparative Analysis

David Stifler1

1. Introduction

1.1 What are particles?

The word “particle” is frequently used to describe various kinds of morphemes in

numerous languages. It often appears as a catch-all term serving to label any class of morpheme

that does not seem to fit into what are traditionally understood to be the major categories—noun,

verb, adjective, and so on. (Dobson 1974:4)2 Many interjections (among other classes) in

English could be considered particles, such as the sentence-final Canadian eh or American huh,

the word now or well at the beginning of a declarative sentence (usually followed by a comma in

written transcriptions), or the so-called “filler” like. One would be hard-pressed to come up with

a satisfactory gloss for the first word in the sentence Now, I think you’ve got the wrong idea, or

the final word in the sentence Wife on your case again, eh?, but no speaker (at least, no native

1* I wish to thank my numerous professors, including those of Chinese (Jiang Laoshi, Li Laoshi, Kong Laoshi, Shi
Laoshi, Zhou Laoshi and all of my Beijing instructors) and Greek (William Turpin, Rosaria Munson, Deborah Beck,
John Bauschatz, and Grace Ledbetter) and Linguistics (especially my advisor, Jason Kandybowicz). I also owe a lot
to the moral support of my friends, especially Sally O’Brien and Lauren Rile Smith, as well as the productive
discourse I have had with many of them, especially James “Kit” Digges La Touche, Katie Bates, and Dan “Venger”
Jamison. Moreover, I am indebted to my peer reviewers, including the aforementioned Kit as well as Jessica Webster
of Bryn Mawr.
2 “any word...which is functioning other than as a substantive (noun or attribute) or verb.”

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

speaker) would deny that without the particle present, although the truth conditions do not

change, the pragmatic meaning of the sentence does.

Particles can, strange though it may seem, consist of more than one “word,” which in the

case of the particle is more likely to be heard as simply another syllable. Good examples of this

type include the sentence-initial hey now, or the British sentence-final innit (isn’t it)3. Especially

in the case of the second, it is clear that “particle” is not really the name for a morphological

category, since (somewhat) more complex expressions can be used as particles. Rather, it

describes a class of words which do not have immediately transparent glosses yet which

contribute meaning, albeit often in a subtle or nuanced fashion.

Particles convey such diverse kinds of pragmatic information as the speaker’s emotional

state, the speaker’s assumptions about the addressee’s emotional state, the speaker’s expectations

about the addressee’s likelihood of listening to him, whether the statement is assumed by the

speaker to be true or false, the urgency (or lack thereof) with which the speaker is talking, and

any number of other important considerations in any conversation. Some of these effects can

also be indicated by variations in rhythm, stress, and pitch; however, in standard written English

these features cannot generally be expressed. Instead, the writer will use particles such as well or

so to lend the proper tone to his writing.

So significant is the role that these particles play that the writer, or speaker, will often not

have to think consciously about using a specific particle; the particle appropriate to the point of

3 The form does not change regardless of the number of the subject of the sentence, indicating that the meaning of
innit is other than an actual verb phrase. In fact, it is used in sentences that have an animate subject, suggesting that
the it is non-referential.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

discourse will likely come to mind without any need to search for it, though when there is a need

to create a certain tone, especially if it is one different from that which the writer or speaker is

feeling at the moment, the appropriate particle must be selected. Some particles are

inappropriate, or take on markedly different meanings, when used in a position better suited to

another particle. Eh is a good example of this phenomenon: at the end of the sentence, usually

with a higher pitch than the words preceding it, this particle creates a biased yes/no question,

which may be rhetorical, with a somewhat friendly tone—perhaps the speaker expects the

addressee to agree with him. At the beginning of a sentence, however, it generally signifies

boredom or impatience, possibly condescension. Though particles in many languages often have

more than one meaning or interpretation, for the sake of expository expediency only one usage

will be considered, but the inherent flexibility of these particles must also be kept in mind.

1.2 Particles in Other Languages

Particles, as described above, are certainly not unique to English. Given how common

they are across numerous languages, it is likely that there are many languages in which such

particles function in a very similar fashion. Particles in Greek and Chinese will be the focus of

this work, and their usage and meaning will be compared and contrasted with the goal of

demonstrating this conjecture. English glosses for particles in Greek or Chinese will in most

cases not be given; rather, as in 1.1, their meanings will be explained in prose, in such a way as

to (with any luck) simulate the kind of knowledge that a speaker of the language would have

about the particles being used. If one assumes that a given language has the same range of

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

expressability as any other, then it is logical also to expect that the layers of meaning added by

particles in English are available in other languages. It will be shown that many of these same

layers of meaning are conveyed by particles in Greek and Chinese as well.

1.3 Languages Examined

Ancient Greek

Despite their marked differences in spelling, vocabulary, and in some cases syntax—

though how much of this is due to style or poetic license is uncertain—the dialects of Greek are

all obeisant to the same general grammatical rules, both morphological and syntactic. Greek is a

highly synthetic inflected language, in which a word’s grammatical function (GF) is indicated as

much by its morphology as by its position in a sentence, if not more so. Nouns in Greek are

marked for case and number (as are the adjectives and determiners that correspond to them),

while verbs agree with their subject in person, number, tense, aspect, voice and mood. In both

cases, the Greek word consists of a stem or root phonologically connected to one or more

prefixes and/or suffixes, which can be prepositions, as in:

(1)a. ek-bainô 4

out go

4 A note on transcriptions: I am using a conventional Romanization for my transcriptions of Greek, in which some
letters (such as theta or chi) are transliterated as two, th and kh, respecively. For Chinese, I use the current
standard, Pinyin, but since tones are not an issue here, I have left them unmarked.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

“to leave”


beside belt


These affixes are for the most part bound morphemes that provide the relevant inflection,

or, in the case of these prepositional affixes, provide relational information to the other elements

of the sentence. In some tenses or aspects, the bound morpheme is null, while in others the

bound morphemes are polysyllabic, resulting in words such as

(2) e- pe- paideu- k- esan

Pluperfect augment perfect augment “teach” perfect infix 3pl marker

“They had taught”

This is a verb in the pluperfect tense that exhibits a reduplicative prefix (here the root-

initial unvoiced labial stop) as one of its several morphemes.

Due to this high morpheme-to-word ratio, making for a high prevalence of inflection,

Greek word order is relatively free. Consider the following sentences:

(3)a. alla o Dikaiopolis ouk en tais Athenais oikei

but D. not in A. live:3-sg-pres-act-ind

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

b. all’ ouk en tais Athenais oikei o Dikaiopolis

but not in A. live:3-sg-pres-act-ind D.

Both sentences mean the same thing—“but Dicaeopolis does not live in Athens.” They differ

subtly with respect to information structure or emphasis (the former makes clear that it is not in

Athens that Dicaeopolis lives, while the second might be contrasting Dicaeopolis with a

previously mentioned man who does live in Athens) but not with respect to their truth conditions.

This is in contrast to less-inflected languages such as English and, as we shall see, Chinese.


Mandarin Chinese, which along with Greek is the focus of this work, is a highly analytic

and minimally inflected language, with essentially a one-to-one morpheme-to-word ratio. With a

few context-specific (and perhaps idiomatic) exceptions, no distinction is made between singular

and plural nouns or verbs, with person and tense often remaining unmarked as well. For

example, “I am,” “you are,” and “he is” all use the same (and only) form of the verb “be”—shi.

In the case of nouns, several objects are differentiated from a single object by the usage of

classifiers such as “three of” or “a few,” rather than any bound plural-marking inflection. Verb

tenses are usually derived from the context in which they appear; a verb in the stated timeframe

of “tomorrow” (mingtian) is understood as referring to some future time, whereas if the

timeframe refers to “today” (jintian) then the tense is present. Other complexities of tense,

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

voice, or mood, as is typical of analytic languages, are expressed via combinations of words, as

in this sentence:

(4) wo yao qu

1sg desire/intend go

“I’ll go.” / “I want to go.”

It can be translated with the future-modal “I’ll go,” but it is more accurately translated

with “I want to go,” which references a future event via the verbal operator “want” rather than

the modal “will.”5 Similarly, the word “finish” is (among the possible translations) zuowan,

consisting of zuo “do” and wan “complete;” the second verb is understood semantically as the

result of the eventuality denoted by the first verb; that is, it expresses aspect. Passive

constructions likewise consist of more words than active constructions, since they include a

passive auxiliary. Unlike English, however, the passive does not have the theme in subject


Because of the relatively inflection-free nature of Chinese, the old-fashioned view among

Sinologists is that Chinese does not have “words” in the way that other languages do, and that

instead, Chinese simply has characters which fall into place in a highly idiomatic fashion to form

sentences.6 Modern linguistic descriptions of Chinese have, however, largely rejected this view
5 Though it should be noted that “will” originally served the purpose, as a verbal operator, that “want” now does.
6 Hoosain 1992: This is the conclusion reached by Hoosain in a relatively recent work, which is dismissed early on
in Packard 2000. Sinology, up until fairly late in the 20th century, as a field tended to value the study of language
(almost always Classical Chinese) as a means to an end, namely, the study of philology, and thus generally did not
include anything resembling a modern understanding of linguistics.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

and instead advanced the idea that Chinese has monosyllabic words consisting of one lexical

morpheme. Additionally, certain characters, many of which can function as free morphemes and

have their own separate denotations, function as bound morphemes in certain situations in order

to form polysyllabic words.7 The character/word sheng by itself means “(give) birth,” but

follows the character yi “medicine” to form yisheng, “doctor.” Most words in modern Chinese

are such a two-syllable variety (i.e. compounds), with many longer words as well. This

development likely indicates a shift towards a more synthetic language in the future, as

compared to the largely single-character words of Classical Chinese. This is also borne out in

the case of aspect-marking words such as le, which was originally the verb liao “complete,” but

has undergone a phonetic and semantic “bleaching” process to more closely resemble a tense- or

aspect-marking morpheme,8 which can have the meanings exhibited in the following examples:

(5)a. Perfective aspect:

Wo chi bao le

1sg eat (be)full (le)

“I’ve eaten my fill”

b. Change in state:

Xianzai shi wo de le

Now be 1sg of (le)

7 Packard uses this premise as the basis for The Morphology of Chinese. Since this work is directed at unbound free
particles, there will not be space to discuss his (excellent) X-bar theoretic account of Chinese word formation.
8 Interestingly enough, liao still exists in Mandarin Chinese, used in different situations entirely.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

“It’s mine now (and was not previously)”

This and other similar words are called “particles,” since although they are not strictly speaking

bound morphemes, they are also often not words in and of themselves—that is, they do not have

lexical meaning without syntactic reference to other words, and they do not have their own tone;

they are best described as enclitics. In fact, le and other particles have been shown to function as

a type of agglutinative morphology, as in:

(6) ta zuotian xie-wan-le yifeng xin

he yesterday write-COMPL-PERF a letter

‘He wrote a letter yesterday (he finished it)’(from Cinque 1999:55)9

At the same time, it is ungrammatical to re-arrange the sentence to read

(6)a ta xie-wan zuotian-le yifeng xin


(6)b ta xie-le-wan yifeng xin

This fact suggests that le has glommed on (i.e. cliticized) onto the verb wan, itself apparently a

clitic of zuo. In this view, the particles wan and le serve in a role somewhat analogous to the

9. ‘PERF’ refers to the Perfective Suffix, while ‘COMPL’ refers to the Completive Suffix. The former indicates
“termination” while the second indicates “completion,” a contrast that is not necessarily observed when wan or the
full liao form of le are used by themselves.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

various morphemes illustrated above in Greek, with the difference that one of the particles (wan)

can serve as a verb in its own right, meaning simply “finish.” These particles, in the above

sentence, are clearly part of the verb10—they do not modify its syntactic role in the sentence, nor

do they change its inherent meaning. The “utterance” particles with which this work concerns

itself are of a different character from these “grammatical” particles.11 They cannot be construed

as having a fixed morphological role in the way that the grammatical particles do.

1.4 What are Particles?

As illustrated above, the verbal syntax of Chinese often involves aspect-marking

grammatical particles that function as part of the verb phrase, in what might be considered an

agglutinative morphology. The corresponding Greek construction, however, does not employ

such morphological particles, the roles being instead played by a wide array of bound

morphemes that take the form of affixes. Therefore, the problem of differentiation amongst the

various kinds of particles is not the same in one language as in the other.

In Chinese, the distinction can be made fairly simply. In order to illustrate the brief

definition given at the end of 1.3, this section will use as an example the particle ma, which is

perhaps the most commonly-used of these utterance particles. When one studies Chinese, ma is

10 As opposed to the verb phrase.

11 Packard (2000) uses the term “grammatical affix” to refer to the particle le; perhaps this would be an even better
term than “grammatical particle” as it distinguishes this class of word even further. He does not, however, address
particles as a separate subject (since his work is concerned primarily with the morphology of nouns and verbs, not
particles) and as such, I feel that referring to both classes of word as “particles” is acceptable for my purposes, since it
is a term common to Greek and Chinese.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

often the first particle learned; it is present in the expression Ni hao ma? “How are you?” which

is a common greeting learned by many students of Chinese.12 This is an idiomatic expression,

but the ma particle is performing the same role here that it does in other cases, acting as a

question-marking particle to make the preceding statement into a yes/no question, as in this


(7)a. Naben shu hen zhongyao

that book very important

“That book is important.”

b. Naben shu hen zhongyao ma (?)

that book very important PRT-ma

“Is that book important?”13

At first, this particle might be likened to aspect-marker le; in the following example, they appear

to occupy the same place in the sentence with analogous effect:

(8)a. Nimen renshi-le

2pl recognize/know-PERF

“You recognized/got to know (something/someone).”

12 This expression is, however, considered unnatural by native speakers, for reasons that will become clear later.
13 Note that the intensifier hen is not translated; it is redundant to translate it as “very,” since it is ungrammatical to
say simply *Naben shu zhongyao. In other instances it would be explicitly rendered into English, however.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

b. Nimen renshi ma?

2pl recognize/know PRT-ma

“Do you recognize/know (him/her/it)?”

Notice that the particles in question occur in what seems like the same environment, namely,

after the verb in an SV sentence. They also appear to have the same type of effect: le puts the

sentence into the perfect aspect, while ma indicates that the sentence is a question. Based purely

on this sample size, one14 might jump to the conclusion that le and ma operate in the same

manner in the same environments. This interpretation, however, is incorrect, as the following

expanded paradigm shows:

(9)a. Name nimen renshi-le wo-de jiejie

so 2pl know/recognize-PERF 1sg-possessive (older) sister

“So, you met/recognized my sister.”

b. Name nimen renshi wo-de jiejie ma ?

so 2pl know/recognize 1sg-possessive (older) sister PRT-ma

“So, do you know my sister?”

14 Such as this writer, during the early days of his Chinese study.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

c. *Name, nimen renshi wo-de jiejie le.

d. *Name, nimen renshi ma wo-de jiejie.

The particles appears to have the same effect on the meaning when translated into English,

however, their markedly different positions in the sentences given above indicate strongly that

they do not play the same syntactic role at all.

Perhaps more importantly, the particles le and ma can co-occur without difficulty, as in

the sentence

(10) Chi-bao-le ma?

eat-full-PERF PRT-ma

“Have you eaten well?” (a traditional greeting)

Clearly, the two particles are not in complementary distribution. Ma appears to be hierarchically

higher since it occurs finally, suggesting that it attaches to the highest phrasal level (the Tense

Phrase), while le attaches to a head. Ma does not, therefore, occupy the same position as le, and

in fact, despite coincidental appearances to the contrary, it never does. From these examples, it is

not difficult to see that le gloms onto the verb and functions as a grammatical affix not unlike

bound Greek verb morphemes, as noted in 1.3; the particle ma does not.

At this point, the Chinese utterance particle has been defined in terms of what it is not—

but its actual role needs to be further examined. This will be the focus of section 2.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

1.5 Towards a Comparison of Greek and Chinese Particles

Separated by nearly five thousand miles and half as many years, what could Attic Greek

and Mandarin Chinese have in common? Beyond the generic similarities common to natural

languages, Greek and Chinese use utterance particles in nearly the same way. Polysyllabic and

morphologically complex, speech in Greek would seem to bear little relation to the short and

uninflected words of Chinese.

Indeed, any comparison between the two would seem a linguistic cul-de-sac because of

the gross dissimilarities present. However, despite irreconcilable syntactic, phonetic, and

semantic differences between the national language of the PRC and the tongue of the Hellenes, a

perhaps unexpected but nonetheless significant common feature is present in both languages: the

use of utterance particles to express meaning in a fashion unrelated to affixation or modification.

The Greek particle has been called “a word expressing a mode of thought” (Denniston

1959:xxxviii) as well as indicating “moods of emotion, nuances.” (Denniston 1959:xxxviii)

Particles of Chinese “are integral in conveying emotive and epistemic nuances on the part of the

speaker.” (Wu 2004:25) For example, while Chinese hao and Greek eu both mean “well” or

“good,” when used as responses to a previously-made statement they are often followed by a

particle, creating the commonly-heard hao a in Chinese, and the eu ge response so frequently

seen in Plato. There is no comparable English equivalent for either of these particles, thus

making them difficult to translate; each one, however, carries an emphatic or affirmative

meaning, and perhaps a limitative meaning as well, intensifying the force of the speech act and

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

making the complete phrase take on a pragmatic shade different from the simple adjective or


1.5 Hypothesis

Utterance particles in Greek and Chinese are often classified into categories such as

“interrogative,” “conjunctive,” or “adversative.” The similarities in the naming conventions for

the two languages are more than simple coincidences. While I do not propose a “Sino-Hellenic”

language family as an explanation for these similarities, the fact remains that Chinese and Greek

utterance particles exhibit essentially the same behavior in many instances, as will be shown

below. Given the shared characteristics of Greek and Chinese that will be demonstrated, one

could argue that the English particles I touched on earlier also tend to fit the same pattern,

although in order to do so would likely require a great deal of re-classification of a number of

words. It is my contention that, if such fundamentally different languages as Greek and Chinese

show the same utterance particle behavior, then it is likely the case that all languages have some

version of the same kind of particles.

1.6 Scope and Method

A comprehensive description of the particle system of Greek or Chinese, let alone both,

lies well beyond the scope of this work. Indeed, the most thorough dissertations on the subject

attempt to tackle few more than half a dozen from either language. My approach is similar. The

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

basic understanding of what is and is not a particle has, I hope, already been established; by now,

the reader will know all of the required fundamentals, including the distinction between

“particles” as grammatical affixes and “particles” as they are discussed in this paper. Rather than

taking a broad brush to the subject and attempting to create a generalized understanding of “how

particles work,” this work focuses on pairs of what I perceive to be analogous (or at least roughly

analogous) Chinese and Greek particles, demonstrating their use within their respective

language. From these specific examples, I demonstrate the similarities and differences between

one pair and another, and by examining each in turn I derive a model for discussing the

fundamental similarities between Greek and Chinese particles.

1.7 Existing Literature

The primary resource for each language is the literature previously written on the subject.

In order to explore the subject and test my hypothesis, I look at the analyses of individual

particles in the various works discussing Greek and Chinese particles. Often, the analysis and

discussion of a Greek particle takes the same form as that of a Chinese particle. The real test,

though, lies in the application of one writer’s description of a particle in one language to that of a

particle in the other language. This is impeded somewhat by the fact that there is, as far as I have

been able to find, no pre-existing writing that explores particles from a comparative perspective.

Perhaps this thesis shall serve to establish a precedent in this area.

The Chinese work is much more accessible than the Greek, largely because most of it is

relatively recent and therefore written for an audience of modern linguists. The discussions of

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Greek particles, such as there are, tend to be geared more towards an audience of philologists,

and the cornerstone work (Denniston 1959), while undeniably thorough and not exactly what one

could call out of date, is written entirely without consideration for theoretical linguistics as

understood today.15 Moreover, the Greek material available for study is, more often than not, of

a very “polished” character, much of it formalized (such as epic poetry or moral treatise). The

writing on the subject, therefore, is designed to address these formal corpora. This makes it

difficult to synthesize the work on each language into a comprehensible whole; however, the

material on each is thorough enough that, at least in the case of Greek, much of what is said can

be re-phrased in terms more amenable to such a synthesis. My task in this work is, therefore, to

identify those instances in which the semantic analyses for a given Greek particle and Chinese

particle are mutatis mutandis the same, and then explain how, despite the vast differences in the

languages, these particles are shown by the authors, and by the data, to behave on a par

pragmatically despite inherent syntactic differences.

2. Analysis and Comparison

2.1 Overview

This section contains the most significant part of the work. It will address pairs of

utterance particles cross-linguistically based on their usage and the commentary that has been

15 It has come to my attention, but not until very recently, that the Netherlands is the centre of modern theoretical
study of Classical linguistics, and that several Dutch philologists are currently addressing this issue, with at least one
having the goal of replacing Denniston with a modern, theoretical work on the same subject.. Unfortunately, the
latest book on the subject has not been made available to me yet, and as such I was not able to use it as a source in
this work. A future expansion of this thesis may, however, be able to employ such resources.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

written about them. For this subsection (2.2), the analysis will be semantic or pragmatic,

because the semantic or pragmatic conditions change based on context, and, moreover, semantic

or pragmatic descriptions of the particles in question tend to be more fully-developed than

syntactic descriptions. In the next subsection (2.3) a possible syntactic description will be

proposed, attempting to illustrate and explain the argument for similarity from a different


2.2 Utterance Particle Comparisons

2.2.1 Interrogative: Greek âra and Chinese ma

These two particles are a logical jumping-off point for comparison. Both maintain

consistent positions in their sentence structure, and moreover, both can be added to a sentence

that is already well-formed, without any change to the pre-existing syntactic relationships, thus

making them easy to isolate.

The particle ma has been examined above. As shown above, it can be attached at the end

of a declarative sentence to form a yes/no question. Here is the example from 1.3:

(11)a. Naben shu hen zhongyao

that book (is)very important

“That book is important.”

b. Naben shu hen zhongyao ma (?)

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

that book (is)very important PRT-ma

“Is that book important?”

This particle, as described earlier, forms a question. But it is, in fact, more pragmatically

complicated than a simple yes/no question. In Mandarin, there exists an alternative formulation

for yes/no questions, namely the so-called “A-not-A” construction, which works thus:

(12) Qing wen, ni shi bu shi women-de laoshi

Please ask 2sg be not be 1pl-possessive teacher

“Pardon me, are you (or are you not) our teacher?”

Chao (1968:800) and Li and Thompson (1981:550) maintain that this is the “neutral” way of

forming a question. That is, the A-not-A question does not suggest that the asker expects to hear

either a “yes” or a “no,” nor that he has any other expectation as to the addressee’s response.

The authors maintain that the particle ma exists in a “nonneutral context” and “implies either a

slight or a considerable doubt about an affirmative answer” (Li and Thompson 1981 and Chao

1968, respectively). Therefore, the A-not-A, perhaps because of the presence of both the

affirmative and negative forms of the proposition A, is the true interrogative, and the ma particle

therefore indicates a presumption as well as a question.

The following example illustrates that ma is a non-neutral particle that gives rise to

questions expecting negative responses. Lu (2005:27) offers the following the example in which

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

a teacher has given a test expected to take over an hour to complete, and is surprised by a student

who turns the test in after only 30 minutes. The teacher asks the student:

(13) (ni) xie-wan-le ma?

(2sg-implicit) write-COMP-PERF PRT-ma

“(You are) completely done?” “Are you really done?”

In this situation, the teacher “clearly has a presumption about the truth value of the statement

preceding the particle,” specifically, he or she does not believe it to be true. Because of this bias,

ma also appears in rhetorical questions, generally in contexts where the Gricean Cooperative

Principle and the Maxim of Quality would predict that both conversational participants know

that the addressee would respond in the negative, and therefore the purpose of the question is not

a request for information but rather emphasis. (Lu 2005:31) An example is this sentence,

occurring in a conversation about a coworker, in which the speaker has been referring to an

earlier conversation with that coworker at which the addressee was not present (from Lu


(14) Ni zhidao ta zenme shuo ma?

2sg know 3sg how speak PRT-ma

“Do you know what he said?”

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

This is followed immediately (i.e., without pause for a reply) by further elaboration of the

conversation in question. The proposition “you know what he said” is assumed to be false in this

context because the addressee was not present at the earlier conversation, and therefore, though

he or she may have an expectation, it is not the same as actually knowing the answer. In this

case, the rhetorical question has as its implication the denial of the proposition preceding the


In Ancient Greek, we find a similar particle generally defined as “interrogative,” the

particle âra. This particle, much like ma, is added to a declarative sentence to form a yes/no

question; unlike ma, it is generally sentence- or utterance-initial. This, despite being a drastic

difference in word order, does not necessarily bespeak any great difference in meaning or usage.

Consider the following sentence:

(15) âra katagelasasthe mou os methuontos?

PRT-ara ridicule.2pl.future me thus inebriated

“You would laugh at me because I am drunk?” (Plato, Symposium 212e)

The sentence katagelasasthe mou os methuontos is grammatical in Greek (in this case, Attic

Greek); the addition of the particle at the beginning does not require any alteration of the rest of

the sentence.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Assuming that this particle does indeed correspond roughly to the Chinese ma, then it

would follow that âra implies the same negative assumption as ma. Denniston agrees tentatively

with this hypothesis:

“Strictly speaking, a)$ra does not imply any expectation of a positive or of a negative answer.
Practically, however, in Greek as in English, the mere putting of a proposition in an interrogative
form implies, in certain contexts, a doubt of its truth, and a)$ra, by itself, often has a sceptical
tone.” (Denniston 1959:46)

Notably, like Lu, Chao, and Li & Thompson, Denniston also asserts that the negative expression

âr’ ou, “more definitely and more frequently expects a positive answer.” He, however, is not as

committed to âra by itself being a necessary indicator of the negative assumption as the Chinese

crowd, and divides the representative uses he finds into those “leaving the question open” and

those “expecting a negative answer,” with a third, less definite category “expecting a positive

answer.”(Denniston 1959:47)

Denniston’s categorization, however, appears not to take context into account—perhaps

because he is not operating with the Gricean Cooperative Principle and Maxim of Quality as Lu

is—and thus, when his separate categories are examined for context, they appear more in line

with Lu’s assessment of ma. Analysis of these on the same terms as the Chinese sentences is

complicated because, as mentioned previously, the Greek texts come from philosophical treatises

and dramas, but they nonetheless are intended to represent speech. Denniston categorizes the

following as “leaving the question open”(Denniston 1959:46):

(16)a. âr’ estin? âr’ ouk estin? ê gnomê planâ?

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

PRT-âra be.3sg.pres PRT-ara not be.3sg.pres or judgment err

“Is it she? Is it not? Am I mistaken?”(Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus, 316)

b. ô philtat’ , âra zontos ê tethnêkotos?

O dearest PRT-ara alive or dead

“O best of friends, is he alive or is he dead?”(Euripides, Electra 229)

In the first example, the rapid succession of questions16 (which emphasizes the confusion

or distress felt by the speaker, Antigone) causes the ara utterance to be juxtaposed with the ar’

ouk utterance. It is impossible to evaluate one without consideration of the other, and whatever

negative assumption the ara utterance carries is neutralized by the opposite assumption in the

following utterance. Conversely, in the second example there is only one utterance, but the

particle ara has scope over two antithetical propositions, “he is alive” and “he is dead.” In both

instances, then, the perceived neutrality is due to the presence of both positive and negative

propositions. As for example 15, when one looks at the work, one can see that the speaker goes

on to declare ego de, umeis gelate, omos eu oid’ oti alethe lego, “What do I care, go on and laugh

—I know full well that I am speaking the truth.”(Plato, Symposium 213e) The command (gelate

is the imperative equivalent to gelasasthe) for the other Symposiacs to do what he was

wondering if they would do suggests that he, at least rhetorically, was suggesting that they

wouldn’t have the courage to laugh at him normally. The supposed neutrality, therefore—if it

can in fact be construed, which is dubious—comes from the imperative in the next sentence,

16 Repetition of a word in this fashion is called anaphora and is a common stylistic technique in Greek and Latin
poetry and oratory.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

combining with the preceding question, much as in the other examples above. The speaker is

also acknowledged to be inebriated, lending credence to the assumption of a particularly defiant

tone here.

As another example, Denniston cites the following as an example of a question expecting

a negative response:

(17) êdê dei me douleuein ... âra moi kalos ekhei?

now must.3sg.pres me serve PRT-ara me well have.3sg.pres

“Now I must live as a slave ... is my lot in life good? (Euripides, Electra 816)

The negative assumption is supported, as in (15), by the context, which is familiar to both the

speaker and the addressee: Electra is now forced to serve those who murdered her father, and she

is addressing her dead brother Orestes, who is (or was) a sharer in her suffering. Orestes knows

that Electra is not, in fact, happy, and she knows that he knows; as a result, the answer to this

question, rhetorical by necessity because of the prior death of the addressee, is assumed to be


2.2.2 Emphatic: Greek dê and Chinese de17

As the title suggests, each of these two particles is used to assert a proposition strongly,

more strongly than a simple declaration. Denniston considers dê to indicate a speaker’s belief

17 The transcriptions are similar, but the pronunciations are very different;

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

“that a thing really and truly is so” and that it has something of the meaning of

“verily,”(Denniston 1959:203-4). Lu provides a perhaps more lucid characterization of the

Chinese particle de, stating “The use of the particle de indicates that the speaker is confident of

the truth of the statement preceding the particle.” (Lu 2005:131) Lu’s examples show a contrast

between sentences with de and those without, such as:

(18)a. bu hui hen tong

not will very painful

“It won’t hurt very much.”

b. bu hui hen tong de

not will very painful PRT-de

“It really won’t hurt very much.”(Lu 2005:132)

Her claim is that, without the de, the speaker would not be making the claim with conviction,

which, in the context she uses of a nurse about to administer a shot, would be an important

characteristic with which to impart one’s speech. Similarly, in Greek, it has the effect of

stressing the most significant statement in the sentence, as in

(19) okumoros dê moi tekos esseai

swift-dying PRT-dê 1sg.dat child be-2sg.fut.ind

“Doomed then to a speedy death shalt thou be, my child” (Homer, Iliad 18.95)

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

One cannot have a native speaker’s intuition about the sense of a sentence lacking the dê,

however, one can surmise that, were the adjective okumoros not emphasized, the pathos of the

sentence would be greatly diminished as a result. Stylistic concerns aside, without the emphasis,

the focus of the speech is less clear, and thus, from a pragmatic standpoint, a significant amount

of information may go un-communicated. Note also that the dê does not appear at the end of the

sentence, but follows the predicate. In the examples below, the predicate is sentence-final, and

thus so is the particle, but this does not mean it functions the same as the Chinese particle.

To examine further the similarities and differences between these particles requires an

investigation into the environments in which they occur. Syntactic discussion will be reserved

for the next subsection, but the usage conditions for these particles will inform heavily upon a

discussion of their semantic commonalities. In Chinese, de is sentence-final (as with the other

Chinese particles under discussion) and follows a verb or an adjective—which, as previously

noted, are very nearly the same in Mandarin, and should thus be considered together under the

category of “predicate.” This is true in (18), as well as in the following examples:

(20)a. Gaosu-le ta ta hui shengqi de

tell-PERF 3sg 3sg will upset PRT-de

“If you tell him he will get mad for sure?” (Lu 2005:133)

b. zhe dongxi san-bai-kuai-qian mai-bu-lai de

this thing 300 dollars buy-NEG-result PRT-de

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

“Three hundred dollars definitely cannot buy this thing.”(Lu 2005:132)

c. Q: Shi ma? A: Shi de.

be PRT-ma be PRT-de

Q: “Is that so?” A: “Indeed it is.”

Greek is more flexible than Chinese, both in word order and in words that can be emphasized

with dê, and as a result the particle dê can appear with several parts of speech. But, like Chinese,

situations in which it follows the predicate are by far the most common18, and when the particle

is used in this way, it tends to follow the same pattern as in Chinese, such as

(21)a. ego d’ emauton poll’ eloidorêsadê

1sg.nom and myself.acc much rebuke.1sg.past PRT-dê

“And I did rebuke myself many times indeed.” (Euripides, Helen:1171)

b. legô ... katoikêsai...kai paida tonde tôn ap’ Aiakou monon leleimmenon dê

say.1sg.pres settle.inf also child which of those by Aeacus only left (past part.) PRT-dê

“I say...that..he must also go live there, the child who is the very last of the line of

Aeacus.” (Euripides, Andromache:1247)

Note here that the Greek particles are predicate-final, but like the sentence-final Chinese

examples, they follow a verb or adjective that is emphasized by the presence of the particle.

18 Denniston finds more uses with verbs than with any other part of speech, and more uses with adjectives than
with other non-verbs.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Word order aside, it is not necessary that the particle only emphasize the word directly preceding

it; in the case of Chinese, the particle most likely has scope over the entire predicate, such as

(20a) hui shengqi, which applies to the subject ta. In Greek, such as in example (21a), both the

action of rebuking and the frequency are emphasized, and of the Greek examples, Denniston says

that “dê normally emphasizes the word it immediately follows” but also that it is not always so

rigid, and in some cases “the freedom with which dê is used makes it difficult to determine the

precise reference of the particle in all cases.”(Denniston 1959:227)19

It is worth noting that Lu (2005:133-34) advances a hypothesis stating that the particle

can be used in contexts in which the speaker is attempting to convince his or her interlocutor of

something, example (18) demonstrating this principle. It is unclear whether this is present in

Greek, however, in the lines above from Euripides, it is at least plausible. In example (21b) from

Andromache, the nymph Thetis is telling Peleus, the father of her son (Achilles) to take their

grandchild away to settle in a distant land, and the emphasis placed on monon leleimmenon lends

urgency to the command. This may not constitute the same level of “persuasion,” but the context

does suggest that a “persuasive” understanding of the lines would be valid.

Notice also that the particle dê does not consistently appear in one position in the

sentence, unlike âra and the Chinese particles. This, combined with the fact that âra does not

emphasize the predicate while dê (and de) do, suggests that these utterance particles do not

belong to the same class. This will be addressed in section 2.3.

19 This is further evidence that this particle is not a bound morpheme at all.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

2.2.3 Response: Greek ge and Chinese a

This section addresses these two particles when they are used in responses to a question.

Each of these particles, however, exhibits a number of variations in usage and syntactic position

(Denniston 1959:114ff; Chao 1968:803-806) and, in fact, a at least seems to be, two different

particles that are orthographically identical but semantically and phonetically different (Wu

2003:128).20 I want to concentrate on the use of these particles as confined to responses to

questions; needless to say there would be other issues involved were one to expand the scope out

to the other uses of these particles, but there is not sufficient space to address this here.

The use of ge in answers is “extremely common” (Denniston 1959:130) and, apparently,

is related to the use of ge for emphasis; this in turn is connected with ge as a device for indicating

Exclamatory illocutionary force. It can be used for affirmative or negative answers, as shown


(22)a. Q: ê pou stenazei toisid' Admetos kakois...?

(indicates yes/no question) grieve.3sg.pres these Admetus misfortunes

“Doesn't he bewail these misfortunes...?”

A: klaiei ge [...]

cry.3sg.pres PRT-ge

“Yes, he weeps....” (Euripides, Alcestis 201-202) (Affirmative)

20 I should mention also that a has several other allophones, including ya and na, onset assimilations that result
from the preceding word's ending in a high front vowel or a coronal nasal consonant, respectively. Each of these
allophones is written with a different character, but this is likely a recent innovation.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

b. Q: mê ti neôteron angelleis?

not some new announce.2sg.pres

“Don't you have some news to announce?”

A: ouden g[e]... ei mê agatha ge

nothing PRT-ge if not good PRT-ge

“Nothing at all [...] except good news indeed.” (Plato, Protagoras 310b) (Negative)

While the second case is called “negative,” it is in fact the same as the previous case, that is, the

ge serves to confirm the supposition in the previous sentence. This supposition is expressed in

(a) with the expression ê pou, which is sometimes translated (imprecisely) as “I suppose,” and in

(b) with the negativizer mê. In both instances, the speaker uses ge to emphasize his response, a

response that is a confirmation of the question.

Turning to Chinese, the use of a in responses seems to play the same role in confirming a

supposition that ge does in Greek. Consider this exchange:

(23) Q: ni zhende juede jiu hao he ou?

2sg really believe wine good drink PRT-ou (another question particle, different from

“You really think this wine is good to drink?”

A1: man hao he a

enough good drink PRT-a

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

“Yeah, it's pretty good.”

A2: wo juede ye man hao he a

1sg believe also enough good drink PRT-a

“I also think it's pretty good.” (Wu 2003:196-197)

Like the Greek example, the Chinese exchange here includes two answers (really the same

answer, but coming from two different speakers one after the other) both confirming a

previously-understood supposition, namely, that some of those present like the wine. The use of

zhende, “really,” implies that someone has previously stated or implied that the wine is good, and

the person asking the question is seeking confirmation. Similarly, the questions in the Greek

example indicate that there was some previous understanding of wailing or news-bringing,

dependant upon both speakers' knowledge of the context (in the first case, that Admetus' beloved

wife has died, and in the second, that Socrates would only be awoken at that time if someone had

a message for him) and thus the answers confirm a supposition based on mutual knowledge of

the context.

Also note that the Greek ge is neither sentence-final nor sentence-initial, much like dê in

some of the examples above. This lends further credence to the idea that not all utterance

particles are of a kind.

2.3 Syntactic Analysis

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Considering the apparent deficit of syntactic analyses of Greek or Chinese particles21 in

the literature, it is not surprising that the analysis in this work has by necessity been confined to

semantic or pragmatic discussion, for which there exists a comparatively greater field from

which to pick sources. However, though the syntactic angle has had to be downplayed, there is

still much that can be said about the syntax of particles. As previously mentioned, a

comprehensive description of the particle system in either language lies outside the scope of this

paper; nevertheless, using the examples discussed above, some progress can be made towards a

syntactic analysis that can be applied broadly to either language. A definite analysis will not be

reached here, but some possibilities will be put forth with the goal of broadly describing both


In contrast to analyses that propose a high-level-VP structure, this work assumes a low-

level-VP. That is to say, the focus of this paper is the clausal architecture above the TP. This

refers to the Illocutionary Force of the statement, which in the examples above could be said to

be Interrogative or Emphatic,22 and which is part of the complementizer system. The

complementizer system itself is described as “the interface between a propositional content

(expressed by the IP) and the superordinate structure.” (Rizzi 1997:283) This appears to

adequately describe the manner in which the particles, as shown above, effect changes in the

meaning of the sentences in which they appear.

This is a tree diagram for the Force phrase:

21 With the notable exception of Ann Law, in the case of Chinese.

22 Although “Emphatic” is not a standard type of illocutionary force; this indicates that the particles may not, in
fact, play the same role.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008


The tree is adapted from Rizzi 1997:297 “TopP” refers to “Topic Phrase” and “FinP” to “Finite

Phrase,” which are not at issue here. As can be seen, this is a head-initial structure. In the

original source (Rizzi 1997) there is no discussion of particles as they are understood in this

paper, and thus little evidence to relate them to this structure. However, an article by Ann Law

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

(2002) posits a very convincing model whereby Cantonese particles are shown to head the force

phrase. Cantonese and Mandarin are different in many respects (see Appendix for a little more

on Chinese dialects and languages) but they have many underlying similarities, and for this

reason a synthesis can be attempted. This is Ann Law’s diagram of the structure of the

Cantonese CP domain, adapted from Law 2002:381:


As she argues, the Cantonese sentence-final particles she discusses can be understood as the head

in a head-final ForceP, with the result that the particle defines the illocutionary force of a

statement. This is very much in line with the interpretation that has arisen above from the

semantic and pragmatic analyses.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

These two structures are essentially the same, being based in the same assumptions about

the role of complementizers, and Law's, in fact, is built off of Rizzi's, the only difference being

headedness, which will determine which of the two structures is likely correct for the utterance

particles addressed in this paper. The head-final structures posited by Law is eminently

appropriate to the sentence-final utterance particle as it occurs in Chinese (Mandarin or

otherwise), since it places the particle at the end of a sentence. The Greek particles, on the other

hand, are quite different in their word order. They tend to gravitate towards the beginning of

sentences (Denniston 1959:lviii), whether appearing clause- or sentence-initially, as in some of

the âra cases shown above, or, as is more likely with some particles, as the second word in a

sentence. (Blomqvist 1969:108) However, numerous types of “postponement” of these particles

are possible23, indicating that the position of a Greek particle, despite having a “normal” or

“default” setting, can vary. Dê, as shown in (21), can even appear sentence-finally. This

difference between the positions in Greek and Chinese particles needs to be accounted for.

If, as this paper has assumed, Mandarin sentence-final utterance particles play analogous

roles to Greek particles, then it should be concluded that the particles in both languages occupy

the same syntactic position as the Force head. This in turn requires some way to account for the

marked difference in word order. For example, if the Law model is used for sentence (13) above

(ni xiewan le ma?) then it looks like this:

23 Blomqvist 1969:109-126 addresses this subject, finding 75 different ways in which the particle can be offset from
its supposedly default position. Unfortunately, the particles he describes are not those used as examples in this

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008


This produces the word order expected from the example sentence. However, with the Greek

sentence from (17) (âra moi kalos ekhei?) this head-final construction does not work, since it

does not produce the correct word order:

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008


To obtain the correct word order here would require a rule moving the particle to the

(Spec)ForceP position, but this is extremely counter-intuitive: it does not make sense to move a

head to its own (Spec) position, and it is in fact illegal—only phrases can move into (Spec), and

a head is not a phrase. This suggests that the head-final model is not appropriate to both

languages, especially considering that neither language is in fact head-final.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Rather than adopt the head-final model, it seems better to adopt the head-initial model as

originally shown by Rizzi, since this would produce the correct order in Greek, as here:


This produces the correct word order for the Greek sentence, but it would not produce a

grammatical Chinese sentence because the particle position given here is not sentence-final. In

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

fact, at this point it might appear that the two systems are irreconcilable due to their difference in

particle position. However, the difference in particle position can be explained by claiming the

force head bears an EPP feature. In English, the EPP is defined as the requirement that every

sentence have an explicit subject, which results in the presence of expletive subjects such as “it”

in “It is likely that Bill likes chocolate.” (Carnie 2002:175) If applied to the hypothetical class of

utterance particles, the EPP would state that the particle, essentially, needs to have phonological

material in its specifier. If the EPP is assumed for all of the Chinese utterance particles, then the

following would take place:


Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

(The complement moves from its original position upwards to the (Spec)ForceP position.)


In the surface structure, the IP is present in (Spec)ForceP, while the utterance particle ma now

occupies the salient sentence-final position. Conversely, it can be posited that the EPP property

is not born by the particle âra.

While the head-final model proposed by Law is convincing for Chinese, it does not

support the semantic similarity obtained by the comparisons in 2.2. Any rule for raising in that

model, moreover, would result in the movement of a Force head to its own (Spec) position,

unless different types of underlying structure are posited for Chinese and Greek—an unlikely

solution. A head-initial model with consideration for EPP, therefore, seems the most likely

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

model for the semantic effect of the particles in Greek and Chinese, and the most likely

explanation for the differences in sentence particle word order between the languages and the

variances that occur within them. Further, though Chinese appears to possess sentence particles

as force heads, their equivalents in Greek may be sentence-level, as in the case of âra, or

predicate-level, as in the case of dê.

Because the EPP is lexical in nature, not all particles have the same form of it. This

becomes especially notable in the case of the Greek particles dê and ge, which do not appear at

the beginning or the end of a sentence, but it may also apply to Chinese a and even de as well. In

the case of dê, for example, it appears that, for the Euripides lines of (21), the EPP only has the

effect of putting the predicate in front of the particle, since the dê appears predicate-finally. In

this case, the effect of the particle is apparently to raise the entire complement to (Spec)ForceP.

In the example (19), however, only the predicate okumoros is raised, which bears some

resemblance to a clefting process. In fact, in both cases the predicate is what is being put in front

of the particle, however, because the predicate in Greek can appear at the end of a sentence as

well as near or at the beginning, dê can appear to behave like de, and exhibit some of the same

characteristics, but its apparent flexibility results from its not being the same. Thus, dê is similar

to but not the same as âra, ma, and de.

The particle ge also appears not at the end of a sentence, per se, but rather after the

predicate. In example 22(a) above, the particle does appear at the sentence, but this is only

because the phonological sentence consists of only one word, klaiei, which is the predicate in

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

and of itself.24 Anything following the predicate would, therefore, appear at the end of the

sentence by default. In example 22(b) however, ge clearly does not appear at the end of the

sentence (at least not in its first use) but rather near the beginning. This suggests that âra is not

the same type of particle as either of the other two Greek particles.

Given the difference in word order, the utterance particles that have been discussed here

can be divided into two types, sentence particles and predicate particles. Sentence particles have

scope over the whole sentence, while predicate particles, as the name suggests, only apply to the

predicate. Sentence particles, therefore, must appear at the beginning or the end of a sentence,

and this is consistent with the tree diagrams above, while a predicate particle, not being sentence-

final or sentence-initial, could not appear as the force head. The predicate particles seem to

follow the predicate, at least in Greek. Chinese is a more difficult question.

The three Chinese particles that have been examined thus far do not have the kind of

difference in word order that the Greek particles do, in that they all appear at the end of the

sentence. This would make it seem that all three Chinese particles are the same kind of utterance

particle, unlike the different Greek particles. However, all three of them could also be

considered to follow the predicate, because they all do. Since Chinese word order is restricted in

ways Greek is not, the predicate has to appear later in the sentence than the subject. The major

implication of this fact is that there is no quick way to tell, simply from the utterance, which type

one of the Chinese particles is, a sentence particle or a predicate particle.

24 Greek verbs do not exhibit the Extended Projection Principle, and often have implied/elliptical subjects.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Considering the assumption that certain particles convey illocutionary force, and the fact

that âra, a confirmed sentence particle, conveys an Interrogative force, it is safe to consider ma a

sentence particle as well, since it too conveys Interrogative force; it also fits with the tree

diagrams given. The other two Greek particles, however, do not change the illocutionary force

of the sentences in which they appear; “emphatic” is not a kind of illocutionary Force25 and thus

those particles which have been described in this paper as carrying that effect could, therefore,

considered not to be sentence particles and thus predicate particles.

3. Conclusions and Further Issues

Clearly, the roles of utterance particles in Ancient Greek and Mandarin are similar. Some

of these particles convey illocutionary Force and occupy prominent positions in a sentence, while

others emphasize a particular word or phrase in the predicate. This appears to be true despite the

notable syntactic and morphological differences between the two languages; even though the

utterance particles do not tend to appear in the same positions cross-linguistically, their semantic

relationships to the sentence’s proposition, as an assertion or a question of its truth-value (among

numerous other potential roles), have been shown to be remarkably similar. This suggests that,

irrespective of languages’ syntactic properties, they can not only have the same expressability

(something of an axiom) but can employ similar kinds of discrete, non-bound-morpheme

“markers” to effect a better understanding of the speaker’s relationship to an utterance.

25 Although it should be noted that the emphatic use of ge may be related to an “exclamatory” use (Denniston
1959:116), and Exclamatory is an illocutionary force. A paper dedicated to this particle (and there many already)
would have to concern itself with this connection, but there is not enough space here.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

The implication of this conclusion is that there might exist a class of words that are

similar across a number of languages, more so than such relatively broad categories of

“preposition” or “verb,” two categories which are very different in Greek, but in Chinese can

sometimes be the same thing. Such a cross-linguistic class of “utterance particles” would be an

excellent and explicit demonstration of the kind of Force CP structure that Luigi Rizzi and Ann

Law discuss, since it would allow one to point to a specific phonetically realized element of a

sentence and identify it as the Force head. However, with the discussion in this work limited to

only two languages, even such disparate languages as ancient Attic Greek and modern Mandarin

Chinese, it is too soon to make such a definitive and sweeping conclusion.

While the syntactic structure proposed above, incorporating the EPP, offers a sufficient

explanation for the variances in particle position, it is not comprehensive, and the EPP is a

comparatively high-level, lexical or semantic property, rather than a fundamental syntactic

property, meaning that, while it certainly appears to make the theory fit the data, it is

nevertheless open to interpretation and far from definitive. In particular, the inconsistency (as in

the case of dê, for example) of some particles' position prevents the syntactic analsysis from

having the desired “firmness.” This so-called postponement of particles in Greek (although dê is

addressed somewhat) is a topic that could occupy an entire paper the length of this one, but

which cannot be included in this work due to limitations of space and resources.

It is hoped that the discussion of Greek particles, more in-depth than in other works, will

help to make possible a future, even more detailed examination. The comparison between

relatively well-studied Chinese utterance particles and well-known but perhaps not as well-

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

studied Greek ones has helped to reach a point at which this will likely be easier than before.

The application of more contemporary and comparative methods of scrutiny to Greek particles26

could not doubt shed much light on many other areas of Greek syntax, which is an exceptionally

rich area given the long history of Greek literature and the tradition of interpretation.27

26 This field of study, analytical linguistic approaches to philology, is still quite new and as a result, no works on it
were available at the time of this writing.
27 Naturally, there are many avenues for future research here, even if only to refute some of the claims I have made.

One significant line of inquiry that would prove valuable to a more thorough investigation of Ancient Greek would
be a better classification of the parts of speech. In Greek, the term “particle” encompasses far more words than can
realistically be said to fall into one category; it seems to be catch-all for words that now have better technical
categorizations. A few examples—words translated as exclamations are called particles, words translated as various
negativizers are called particles, and, more to the point, many particles (as currently defined) co-occur in a number
of different combinations, which suggests that they should not be considered in the same category. Given sufficient
time and/or resources, these particles could be arranged into a hierarchy of interest as described in Cinque 1999, but
in order to accomplish this, a far deeper and more thorough investigation than that allowed by time constraints
would be required.

Another, perhaps more focused topic to address would be the similarity of Greek particles to other etymologically
related Indo-European words, such as the apparent link between ge and Sanskrit (g)ha or Gothic -k. This is, of
course, but one small subdivision of the Indo-European field, but it could prove of great value in exploring the
presence or absence of particles in other IE languages. Related to this is the notion of derivation of particles from
words that may have originally belonged to other parts of speech. The so-called particle alla in Greek, translated as
“but,” appears to come from the word allos, meaning “other,” and it is paralleled by the Latin ceterum, related to
Greek heteros meaning “other” as well.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

4. Appendix

Language Background

Ancient Greek

Ancient Greek, as studied in most Western educational traditions, was the language

written, read, and spoken in both Greece proper and Asia (Western Turkey) as well as the islands

of the Aegean between the 9th and 4th centuries B.C., which comprise the Archaic and Classical

eras in the chronology of Western Ancient History. Preceded in its development by proto-Greek

and Mycenaean (the latter represented in the writing systems of Linear A and B, neither of them

related to that in use from the Classical period to the present day), by the time of its development

into a recognizable form—usually held to be the 9th or 8th century, in which time the works of

Hesiod and Homer are believed to have been recorded—the Ancient Greek language consisted of

a number of closely-related (and largely mutually intelligible) dialects such as Ionian, the

language of southern Asia; Attic, the language of Athens and northern Greece; Doric, the

language of Southern and Western Greece; and Aeolic, the language of the northern parts of


When Greek is studied as part of a Classical curriculum, these dialects are generally not

taught separately; Attic Greek, or some normalized variant of it, is generally held to be the

“standard” variety of the Greek language in academic settings, with other forms, such as the

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

Aeolic of Sappho or the Ionian/Aeolic/Arcado-Cypriot of Homer, being introduced as variants

from this supposed norm. This is due in part to the fact that the Koiné (“Common”) Greek

spoken during the later Hellenistic and Roman eras (and which is the language of the New

Testament) derives heavily from Attic Greek, owing to the commercial and political importance

of Athens in the Roman Mediterranean. This paper has focused primarily on Attic Greek,

especially that of the tragedians.

Mandarin Chinese

The term “Chinese” to denote the language known variously as Hanyu (“language of the

Hans”), Putonghua (“common tongue”), Guoyu (“national language”) or Mandarin (a term

roughly equivalent to “Oxford English”)28 is somewhat misleading, as the People’s Republic of

China is home to a vast array of languages, many of them with as valid a claim to the name

“Chinese” as that of the nation’s official language. Cantonese, Hakka, Shanghainese, and Min

are but a few of the tongues derived from Classical Chinese, along with Mandarin. Standard

Mandarin is itself a variant on Mandarin, the indigenous language of Han-ethnicity Chinese in

the northern part of China, including Beijing and the provinces of Hebei and Shandong, among

others. Within the 850+ million-speaker speech community of Mandarin, there exist numerous

variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, and usage, although in their written form they are all,

generally, mutually intelligible. In fact, all of the Sino-Tibetan languages written using Chinese
28 “Mandarin” derives from the Portuguese word, mandarim “minister, councilor”, that was used to describe holders
of a number of bureaucratic positions in the Ming, and later, Qing Empire; the Chinese names for Mandarin Chinese
are unrelated to the names for these administrative officials, but the formal (i.e. standardized in vocabulary and
pronunciation) version of the language spoken in and around Beijing was that used in communication between these
officials, and thus the term has been used in the West to describe this language ever since the 16th century.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

characters29—a complex array of several thousand picto-, ideo-, phono- and logographic

symbolic elements and sub-elements—are mutually intelligible to varying degrees.30 This

parallels the similarities between Greek dialects of the Classical era, though the differences

between the spoken forms of Mandarin and (for example) Cantonese are more akin to those

between Italian and French than Sicilian and Neapolitan.

29 As well as some Korean and Japanese writings, themselves originally written in a variety of Classical Chinese.
30 This is not accounting for differences between traditional and simplified characters, which are minor in some
cases but drastic in others.

Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

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Greek and Mandarin Utterance Particles David Stifler 2007-2008

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